#scam 2017
writebackatya · 10 months
Do you think when Fenton’s M’ma found out about Louie’s fake children’s charity she told Donald Duck about it or do you think she’s was like “Nah this idiot should know it’s a scam run by his nephew by now”
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slozhnos · 3 months
linda cho finally won a tony for costume design!!!!
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
Well that’s the surprise. She wants me to head the division.
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bitchesgetriches · 7 months
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Saving Money and Being Frugal
We’re all in this together. Don’t give up.
On food and groceries:
How to Shop for Groceries like a Boss
Why Name Brand Products Are Beneath You: The Honor and Glory of Buying Generic
If You Don’t Eat Leftovers I Don’t Even Want to Know You
You Are above Bottled Water, You Elegant Land Mermaid
You Should Learn To Cook. Here’s Why.
On entertainment and socializing:
The Frugal Introvert’s Guide to the Weekend
7 Totally Reasonable Ways To Save Money on Cheap Entertainment 
Take Pride in Being a Cheap Date
The Library Is a Magical Place and You Should Fucking Go There
Your Library Lets You Stream Audiobooks and eBooks FOR FREEEEEEE!
What’s the Effect of Social Media on Your Finances?
You Won’t Regret Your Frugal 20s
On health:
How to Pay Hospital Bills When You’re Flat Broke
Run With Me if You Want to Save: How Exercising Will Save You Money
Our Master List of 100% Free Mental Health Self-Care Tactics
Why You Probably Don’t Need That Gym Membership
How to Get DIRT CHEAP Pet Medication, Without a Prescription 
On other big expenses:
Businesses Will Happily Give You HUGE Discounts if You Ask This Magic Question
Understand the Hidden Costs of Travel and Avoid Them Like the Plague
Other People’s Weddings Don’t Have to Make You Broke
You Deserve Cheap, Fake Jewelry… Just Like Coco Chanel
3 Times I Was Damn Grateful for My Emergency Fund (and Side Income) 
When (and How) to Try Refinancing or Consolidating Student Loans
The Real Story of How I Paid Off My Mortgage Early in 4 Years 
Season 2, Episode 2: “I’m Not Ready to Buy a House—But How Do I *Get Ready* to Get Ready?”
The Most Impactful Financial Decision I’ve Ever Made… and Why I Don’t Recommend It
On buying secondhand and trading:
Almost Everything Can Be Purchased Secondhand
I Am a Craigslist Samurai and so Can You: How to Sell Used Stuff Online
The Delicate Art of the Friend Trade
On giving gifts and charitable donations:
How Can I Tame My Family’s Crazy Gift-Giving Expectations?
In Defense of Shameless Regifting
Make Sure Your Donations Have the Biggest Impact by Ruthlessly Judging Charities
The Anti-Consumerist Gift Guide: I Have No Gift to Bring, Pa Rum Pa Pum Pum
How to Spot a Charitable Scam
Ask the Bitches: How Do I Say “No” When a Loved One Asks for Money… Again? 
On resisting temptation:
How to Insulate Yourself From Advertisements
Making Decisions Under Stress: The Siren Song of Chocolate Cake
The Magically Frugal Power of Patience
6 Proven Tactics for Avoiding Emotional Impulse Spending
On minimalism and buying less:
Don’t Spend Money on Shit You Don’t Like, Fool
Everything I Know About Minimalism I Learned from the Zombie Apocalypse
Slay Your Financial Vampires
The Subscription Box Craze and the Mindlessness of Wasteful Spending
On saving money:
How To Start Small by Saving Small
Not Every Savings Account Is Created Equal
The Unexpected Benefits (and Downsides) of Money Challenges
Budgets Don’t Work for Everyone—Try the Spending Tracker System Instead
From HYSAs to CDs, Here’s How to Level Up Your Financial Savings
Season 2, Episode 10: “Which Is Smarter: Getting a Loan? or Saving up to Pay Cash?”
The Magic of Unclaimed Property: How I Made $1,900 in 10 Minutes by Being a Disorganized Mess
We will periodically update this list with newer articles. And by “periodically” I mean “when we remember that it’s something we forgot to do for four months.”
Bitches Get Riches: setting realistic expectations since 2017!
Start saving right heckin’ now!
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powdermelonkeg · 24 days
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Oh look, a new phishing scam! Dunno how they got the weird anon/not anon thing going at once, but whatever bug they're exploiting, it's clever.
They're asking for email verification through anon. You know, the thing Tumblr users can opt to turn off. Legitimate Tumblr staff would have a banner at the top of your screen, like the kind when you first MAKE an account, not something that users can opt in/out of.
"If you did not create an account with us, please disregard this message" sent to my Tumblr account? The one I have definitely created and am currently accessing to read this? My dude.
Hey, that's the old Tumblr colors. That's original True Blue from like 2017. Why would official Tumblr not use the current color scheme?
On top of that, Tumblr HAS a @support blog. Why would there be an account with support-random generated number?
Now if you're thinking "who is this ask even fooling?" It's email users. It's people who have email notifs turned on. This would show up as a "You got a message!" in someone's inbox, looking like a legit message, verified as coming from Tumblr itself, with a link embedded.
Hey, @support, you're being impersonated. That's against TOS, right?
Bonus tip: If you ever get a message you aren't sure is a scam or not, highlight a paragraph of it and put it into Tumblr's search bar. Chances are, they've mass-sent it to like 10+ other people who can spot things like this.
Pasting the plain text of the ask below the cut for that reason:
Image ID: An anon ask that reads as follows:
"Dear powdermelonkeg
Thank you for being a valued member of the Tumblr community! To ensure the security of your account, we kindly ask you to verify your email address.
Please click the link below to complete the verification process:
[Verification Link]
If you did not create an account with us, pleaase disregard this message.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Best regards, Tumblr Support Team"
End ID
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Fintech bullies stole your kid’s lunch money
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I'm coming to DEFCON! On Aug 9, I'm emceeing the EFF POKER TOURNAMENT (noon at the Horseshoe Poker Room), and appearing on the BRICKED AND ABANDONED panel (5PM, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01). On Aug 10, I'm giving a keynote called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE! How hackers can seize the means of computation and build a new, good internet that is hardened against our asshole bosses' insatiable horniness for enshittification" (noon, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01).
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Three companies control the market for school lunch payments. They take as much as 60 cents out of every dollar poor kids' parents put into the system to the tune of $100m/year. They're literally stealing poor kids' lunch money.
In its latest report, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau describes this scam in eye-watering, blood-boiling detail:
The report samples 16.7m K-12 students in 25k schools. It finds that schools are racing to go cashless, with 87% contracting with payment processors to handle cafeteria transactions. Three processors dominate the sector: Myschoolbucks, Schoolcafé, and Linq Connect.
These aren't credit card processors (most students don't have credit cards). Instead, they let kids set up an account, like a prison commissary account, that their families load up with cash. And, as with prison commissary accounts, every time a loved one adds cash to the account, the processor takes a giant whack out of them with junk fees:
If you're the parent of a kid who is eligible for a reduced-price lunch (that is, if you are poor), then about 60% of the money you put into your kid's account is gobbled up by these payment processors in service charges.
It's expensive to be poor, and this is no exception. If your kid doesn't qualify for the lunch subsidy, you're only paying about 8% in service charges (which is still triple the rate charged by credit card companies for payment processing).
The disparity is down to how these charges are calculated. The payment processors charge a flat fee for every top-up, and poor families can't afford to minimize these fees by making a single payment at the start of the year or semester. Instead, they pay small sums every payday, meaning they pay the fee twice per month (or even more frequently).
Not only is the sector concentrated into three companies, neither school districts nor parents have any meaningful way to shop around. For school districts, payment processing is usually bundled in with other school services, like student data management and HR data handling. For parents, there's no way to choose a different payment processor – you have to go with the one the school district has chosen.
This is all illegal. The USDA – which provides and regulates – the reduced cost lunch program, bans schools from charging fees to receive its meals. Under USDA regs, schools must allow kids to pay cash, or to top up their accounts with cash at the school, without any fees. The USDA has repeatedly (2014, 2017) published these rules.
Despite this, many schools refuse to handle cash, citing safety and security, and even when schools do accept cash or checks, they often fail to advertise this fact.
The USDA also requires schools to publish the fees charged by processors, but most of the districts in the study violate this requirement. Where schools do publish fees, we see a per-transaction charge of up to $3.25 for an ACH transfer that costs $0.26-0.50, or 4.58% for a debit/credit-card transaction that costs 1.5%. On top of this, many payment processors charge a one-time fee to enroll a student in the program and "convenience fees" to transfer funds between siblings' accounts. They also set maximum fees that make it hard to avoid paying multiple charges through the year.
These are classic junk fees. As Matt Stoller puts it: "'Convenience fees' that aren't convenient and 'service fees' without any service." Another way in which these fit the definition of junk fees: they are calculated at the end of the transaction, and not advertised up front.
Like all junk fee companies, school payment processors make it extremely hard to cancel an automatic recurring payment, and have innumerable hurdles to getting a refund, which takes an age to arrive.
Now, there are many agencies that could have compiled this report (the USDA, for one), and it could just as easily have come from an academic or a journalist. But it didn't – it came from the CFPB, and that matters, because the CFPB has the means, motive and opportunity to do something about this.
The CFPB has emerged as a powerhouse of a regulator, doing things that materially and profoundly benefit average Americans. During the lockdowns, they were the ones who took on scumbag landlords who violated the ban on evictions:
They went after "Earned Wage Access" programs where your boss colludes with payday lenders to trap you in debt at 300% APR:
They are forcing the banks to let you move your account (along with all your payment history, stored payees, automatic payments, etc) with one click – and they're standing up a site that will analyze your account data and tell you which bank will give you the best deal:
They're going after "buy now, pay later" companies that flout borrower protection rules, making a rogues' gallery of repeat corporate criminals, banning fine-print gotcha clauses, and they're doing it all in the wake of a 7-2 Supreme Court decision that affirmed their power to do so:
The CFPB can – and will – do something to protect America's poorest parents from having $100m of their kids' lunch money stolen by three giant fintech companies. But whether they'll continue to do so under a Kamala Harris administration is an open question. While Harris has repeatedly talked up the ways that Biden's CFPB, the DOJ Antitrust Division, and FTC have gone after corporate abuses, some of her largest donors are demanding that her administration fire the heads of these agencies and crush their agenda:
Tens of millions of dollars have been donated to Harris' campaign and PACs that support her by billionaires like Reid Hoffman, who says that FTC Chair Lina Khan is "waging war on American business":
Some of the richest Democrat donors told the Financial Times that their donations were contingent on Harris firing Khan and that they'd been assured this would happen:
This would be a disaster – for America, and for Harris's election prospects – and one hopes that Harris and her advisors know it. Writing in his "How Things Work" newsletter today, Hamilton Nolan makes the case that labor unions should publicly declare that they support the FTC, the CFPB and the DOJ's antitrust efforts:
Don’t want huge companies and their idiot billionaire bosses to run the world? Break them up, and unionize them. It’s the best program we have.
Perhaps you've heard that antitrust is anti-worker. It's true that antitrust law has been used to attack labor organizing, but that has always been in spite of the letter of the law. Indeed, the legislative history of US antitrust law is Congress repeatedly passing law after law explaining that antitrust "aims at dollars, not men":
The Democrats need to be more than The Party of Not Trump. To succeed – as a party and as a force for a future for Americans – they have to be the party that defends us – workers, parents, kids and retirees alike – from corporate predation.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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awefsworld · 4 months
Guo Wengui Wolf son ambition exposed to open a farm wantonly amassing wealth
    Since fleeing to the United States in 2014, Guo Wengui has founded a number of projects in the United States, such as GTV Media Group, GTV private equity, farm loan project, G Club Operations Co., LTD., and Himalaya Exchange. Around 2017, he started the so-called "Revelations revolution" and in 2020 launched a movement called "New China Federation." However, Guo Wengui's "disclosure revolution" soon exposed its false nature. He frequently carried out so-called "live Revelations" on the Internet, fabricating various political and economic lies and fabricating facts to discredit the Chinese government. At the beginning, due to his special image of "exiled rich" and "Red fugitive", he quickly gathered some popularity and followers, but as time went by, Guo Wengui's commitment and image were gradually exposed, and his supporters began to leave him. See the essence of the Revelations will turn to the farm, Guo Wengui's fraud is not only for funds and other institutions, its followers have also become a sheep that is only continuously harvested wool. The little ants who trusted him so much became victims of fraudulent investment scams. It is hoped that more people will recognize the true face of Guo Wengui, join the team of "smashing Guo", expose his fraud, recover losses for themselves and others, and maintain an honest and trustworthy social environment.
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celestiarambles · 3 months
Hi this may divert from my usual content, but as someone with a platform like this I need to speak up about this.
The Philippines-China maritime dispute has been going on for years now, but lately the tensions had been getting more and more worse to the point it’s super concerning now.
Here’s a bit of a history lesson: China claims that the West Philippine Sea is theirs because of the nine-dash line, but the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague ruled in 2016 that that had no basis under international law. Other than that, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) said that China’s historic rights on the territory no longer exists. So basically, the West Philippine Sea belongs to the Philippines.
However, China rejects that decision. They have harassed, intimidated, and even used armed conflict on our vessels. China Coast Guard (CCG) vessels had even used a water cannon against our ships TWICE, in which one incident resulted to getting seven Navy personnel wounded.
Worse, there are also allegations of a spy being planted here. Alice Guo, one of the mayors in Tarlac (a city in the Philippines) had mysteriously risen to power despite having no prior experience or connections whatsoever. Literally no one even knew her in her town. She just claims to live in a simple farm. However, she owns a luxury sports car and a helicopter. And somehow, everything regarding her past is inconsistent; she doesn’t know what her mother’s name was, who she grew up with, no school documents, hell she didn’t even have a birth certificate up until she was 17 years old. This was all brought up because she was involved in the criminal activities (like human trafficking, scams, etc.) of the Philippine Offshore Gaming Operator (POGO) which also has the Chinese involved.
The US has also been taking advantage of the situation by deploying 9 EDCA sites (military bases) for a supposed military pact, but former US Marine Intelligence Officer Scott Ritter has admitted to using the Philippines as a tool to gain leverage over the Chinese.
What has our government done regarding this dispute? They’re too busy infighting to focus on the bigger picture and on how to settle on an agreement with China.
I just want to take the time to speak up and make people more aware about the ongoing dispute. I know that this has been going on for several years now, but my memory and knowledge about the topic may be a bit wonky so I apologize in advance if I had said anything wrong. You can add more information regarding this or correct the information that I've given if I phrased things wrong.
Regardless, I do know one thing: the West Philippine Sea is ours.
https://www.youtube.com/live/aOrmFJXyAVI?si=P9rPJkJM6BF0NIbW (check 1:57:00)
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
What am I? A stray cat?
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rubahlicik · 2 months
Kalo ketemu Uni, lantas apa?
Halo warga Tumblr yang hendak berakhir pekan~
Aink mau cerita progres dikit. Setelah seminggu ke belakang ini rame soal dugaan penipuan yang dilakukan rumahati alias Sri Wahyuni, atau yang biasa dipanggil uni, aink dkk mencoba mengumpulkan beberapa informasi soal uni.
Ada beberapa hal yang bisa aink share, berikut diantaranya:
- uni dan keluarga ada di bandung (nama suami dan anak anaknya Uda ada),. Alamat terakhir (tahun 2022) Uda dipegang. Insyaallah ada rekan Tumblr yang weekend ini mau kesana
- uni punya 3 nomor hape berbeda dan semuanya ga bisa dikontak. Satu nomor diantaranya terdaftar bukan atas nama Sri Wahyuni atau pun nama suaminya.
- tahun 2019, aink pernah ngirim tanaman ke klinik Alfaiha Medika Cisaranten, bandung. Paket atas nama Sri Wahyuni, dikirim kesana karena th 2019 suami uni kerja disana. Klinik itu beroperasi mulai Juli 2019, Aink ngirim paket November 2019. Kemarin aink coba kontak admin klinik, tapi pihak klinik mengaku tidak kenal Sri Wahyuni atau pun suaminya.
- uni mulai mengumpulkan sedekah online dari 2017. Dari laporan yang curhat ke aink, seenggaknya Uda masuk lebih dari 10juta, 2 hp dan 2 laptop yang masih layak pakai. Tapi, ga pernah sekalipun ada pelaporan bukti penggunaan dana yang masuk. Baik itu struk belanja kebutuhan orang yang uni bantu atau pun bukti yang menunjukkan kalau orang yang uni bantu bener bener ada.
Poin poin diatas itu fakta, plus hilangnya akun tumblr rumahati membuat dugaan penipuan semakin kuat. Tapi, itu semua tetap akan jadi dugaan Ampe ada fakta yang bisa menyangkal atau bisa memastikan kebenarannya.
Oleh karena itu, rencananya weekend ini bakal ada yang nyari uni dan keluarganya ke alamat yang Uda di dapat. Semoga uni masih bisa ketemu disana.
Buat yang berdomisili bandung atau ada kenalan anak Tumblr domisili bandung, boleh dong di sounding. Biar banyak yang nyari, takutnya ga langsung ketemu. Boleh pm aink aja buat teknisnya.
Kalo ketemu mau apa?
Kalo aink sih pesennya buat yang berangkat besok, utamanya buat mastiin, Ini uni bener nipu apa engga
Itu kan ini masalahnya? Kalo misal ngotot bener, coba buktiin itu aliran dananya kemana, beneran ada ga orangnya? Mumpung ada yang bisa ke lokasi. Pastiin kalo ibu2, nenek, anak2 yatim yang selalu dia sebut itu beneran ada.
Trus yang ga kalah penting, uni makan uang sedekahnya ga? , kalo misal iya, apa Uda dapet persetujuan dari yang ngasih sedekah?
Coba para donatur komen, kalo misal bener uni nyalurin sedekahnya, tapi ikut make duitnya juga, kalian ridho ga?
Kalo aink sih engga... Haram tuh uang sedekah yang aink kasih kalo misal dikasih buat keluarganya. Kotor tuh perabot yang dia beli buat keperluan sehari hari kalo emang dibeli dari uang sedekah yang katanya buat anak yatim.
Nah, kalo ternyata uni ga bisa buktiin kalo bener dia nyalurin sedekah ke yang berhak lantas apa?
Aink yakin duit dari orang yang pernah ngasih ga akan balik. Sorry to say, pelaku scam mana ada yang sanggup balikin duit yang ditilepnya.
Aink pribadi cuma nuntut dia minta maaf, bikin video klarifikasi kalo ternyata emang dia ngemis buat keluarganya atas nama sedekah. Biar apa?
Biar para donatur bisa settle. Ternyata bener selama ini ditipu, ternyata bener uang yang disisihin buat sedekah dipake buat bayar kontrakan, beli sprei atau bahkan DP rumah.
Donatur harus tahu faktanya. Uni tuh sebenernya siapa, make duit sedekah buat apa aja, biar secara mereka yang jadi korban secara personal bisa nentuin langkah selanjutnya.
Kalo Uda terbukti uni bohong, ya Aink pribadi cuma bisa pasrah aja, sambil doain yang jelek jelek buat keluarganya uni. Biar semua cerita sedih yang dia jual buat narik simpati emang beneran menimpa keluarganya..
Aink ga akan bawa ini ke jalur hukum. Ribet, Aink ga mau berurusan sama polisi. Tapii,.. kalo ada yang mau lapor ya silakan. Aink bisa bantu ngumpulin bukti chat dia minta sedekah dan bukti trf donatur yang ketipu. Silahkan yang punya waktu dan kemampuan untuk maju ke jalur hukum, Aink dukung.
Terakhir, Aink berharap setelah kasus ini dapet closure, para warga Tumblr bisa jadi lebih makin deket lagi. Deket dalam artian punya cukup banyak kenalan yang bisa dicurhatin, bisa diajak sharing. Syukur syukur bangkit lagi komunitasnya.
Kejadian kayak gini ga bakal muncul kalo calon korban yang curiga ada wadah buat bertanya. Alih alih mengambil keputusan setelah dimanipulasi tanpa sadar, komunitas bisa bantu ngumpulin fakta yang akurat. Dari curhatan yang masuk, uni ini bisa dibilang manipulatif dalam berdialog dengan donaturnya.
Semoga yang mau berangkat dilancarkan, segera ketemu sama ybs. Biar kita semua dapet kejelasan.
Sekali lagi, Aink sangat berharap ada lebih banyak orang yang bisa ikut nyari di bandung. Aink Masi ada agenda di Majalengka, meskipun Uda gatel banget pengen ke bandung.
Boleh bantu reblog atau kontak lagi temen temennya~
Terimakasih buat temen-temen yang Uda bantu seminggu belakangan ini. Semoga cepat dapat kesimpulan soal perkara sedekah online ini. Karena sebelum semuanya terang, kita harus selalu menyematkan kata dugaan pada kasus penipuan sedekah online yang telah uni lakukan.
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rjalker · 24 days
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, by Edwin Abbot Abbot, published in 1884, is public domain. That means it has no copyright, and belongs to everyone.
This post will have links to as many versions and adaptations of it as I can find, and will be updated whenver I find new links to add.
Feel free to copy and paste this whole entire post and make it a new post for your own blog too!
None of these links are piracy, because you literally cannot pirate what has no copyright. Anyone who tells you you must pay to read the original Flatland is scamming you.
The only time you should be spending money on Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, is if you find a cool physical copy that you want specifically.
Check the original post before reblogging to look for updates if you are seeing this post days, weeks, or months after I originally post it.
Visual books:
Public domain:
The Original Novel:
Read online or ownload the original book in multiple formats from Project Gutenberg
Read or download from Standard Ebooks
Read and download from the Internet Archive. This also includes a computer-generated audiobook.
The 2024 translation:
Read online or download the 2024 translation in multiple formats from the Internet Archive. This also includes a computer-voiced audiobook.
Read the 2024 translation here on tumblr @flatland-a-2024-translation
The original novel:
Listen to the original book on the Internet Archive, read by Ruth Golding
Listen to the original book on the Internet Archive read by David "Grizzly" Smith
The 2024 translation:
Listen and read-along with the lazy audiobook of the 2024 translation on Youtube
Free visual media with full stories:
Here’s an animation from 1965. Contains some flashing lights.
Here’s a stop motion film from 1982 in Italian with English subtitles
Here’s an animation from 2006
The 2007 Flatland film by Ladd Ehlinger is free on youtube. Unfortunately Ladd Ehlinger is a virulently racist and misogynistic conservative who thinks feeding school kids is the same thing as slavery. His film is filled with almost constant flashing lights and spinning cameras that cause headaches, motion sickness, migraines, and seizures.
Here is a link to timestamps for these if you still choose to watch it.
The film ignores all of the politics from the original novel because the creator of the film agrees with the bigotry the novel condemned. You are much better off watching another visual adaption or reading the original or translated book.
Especially if you suffer from photosensitivity or motion-sickness, this film will make you want to throw up.
Shorter visual media:
Part 4 of a Korean animation. from 2010. Haven't found parts 1-3 yet.
A short animation from 2020 showing an Equilateral being taken away from his Isosceles parents
Flatland Heist from 2013, A short animation from 2013 where the Narrator and Sphere team up to rob a bank :)
Flatland a Romance of Many Dimensions Alternate Timeline (without audio yet) 2024 Here's the version with audio
No Nonbinary Door 2024
A Visit to Lineland 2024
Up, Up, and Away 2024
A short TED-Ed summarizing the math parts of Flatland from 2014
Another short animation explaining the math of Flatland from 2012
A long presentation (38 mins) about the math in Flatland. from 2017
Youtube Shorts:
A very short animation about the narrator meeting the Sphere
Related books by other authors, in publishing order:
Public domain:
An Episode of Flatland: or How a Plane Folk Discovered the Third Dimension. With Which is Bound Up an Outline of the History of Unæa by Charles Howard Hinton. (1907) Public domain, unlimited reading and downloading. It's terrible. But you can rewrite it to make it not terrible.
Other copyright:
The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics by Norton Juster (1963) Can be borrowed by 1 person at a time. A short....poem? Nothing to actually do with Flatland.
The Incredible Umbrella by Marvin Kaye (1980) Can be borrowed by 1 person at a time. I have not read it yet.
Sphereland: A Fantasy About Curved Spaces and an Expanding Universe, by Dionys Burger. (1983) Can be borrowed by 1 person at a time. It's racist. Was intended to be a sequel to Flatland, but the author's racist and failed every lesson Flatland tried to teach.
“Message Found in a Copy of Flatland” by Rudy Rucker (1983) free to read online from the author.
The Fourth Dimension, by Rudy Rucker (1984). Can be read for free online from the author. I have not read it yet.
The Planiverse: Computer Contact With a Two-dimensional World by Alexander Keewatin Dewdney (1984) Can be borrowed by 1 person at a time. Good 2D worldbuilding, nonexistant plot and boring abrupt ending.
Flatterland: Like Flatland, Only More So by Ian Stewart (2001) Can be borrowed by 1 person at a time. it's useless crap that unironically defends the bigotry against Irregulars from the original novel by pretending it's just natural selection that's totally natural and not at all artificialy and violently upheld to uphold the supremacy of the Circles.
Spaceland by Rudy Rucker (2002) Can be borrowed by 1 person at a time. I have not read it yet.
VAS: An Opera in Flatland (2002) by Steve Tomasula. no copies donated to the internet archive yet. I have not read it yet.
Neopronoun short stories:
The Breaking Point, a short story of a Line and Isosceles in another country of Flatland, attempting to deal with an abusive officer of the military who's invited himself into their home. Almost 4k words.
Gaining a New Perspective, a short story of the Sphere contemplating everything that's happened after throwing the narrator of Flatland back down to his plane. Almost exactly 5k words.
Other short fiction:
[link me your stories and a short summary to go here!!]
Please feel free to add more links and I'll add them to this original post.
Here's the first masterpost I made which has fewer links.
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berix2010 · 4 months
Do you love Team Fortress 2 and hate Valve's years of neglecting the bot issue?
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Then please sign the petition at save.tf and help spread the word about the #FixTF2 movement! More information can be found in the read more, but the tl;dr is that Valve has been neglecting Team Fortress 2's bot issue for far too long, and on June 3rd its encouraged to share your screenshots and video of cheater bots in action with the hashtags #FixTF2 and #SaveTF2
Despite this game still having a loyal and active community of fans most companies could only dream of in spite of the game itself having no major content updates since 2017, people have been feed up with the fact that Valve has done next to nothing to deal with the waves of cheater bots that have not made the game both harder to play normally (especially outside of peak playing hours) but have actively made the game toxic and even outright dangerous for players looking to have fun. In the words of this site and petition's creators:
"The bot hosters are malicious actors, using their aimbots as a vessel to endlessly attack and harass community members. They abuse the in-game text and voice chats to spread the most vile hate speech imaginable, while simultaneously advertising their “bot immunity services” in an attempt to scam the players desperately looking for a solution. They’ve used these same means to dox people’s personal information and broadcast it to the player-base against their will. Bot hosters have even gone so far as to commit actual crimes, such as using AI voice-modifiers to impersonate and slander non-consenting parties, launching persistent DDoS attacks, and have even swatted one of their most ardent critics."
Despite being over 17 years old, having a very active fanbase, and still having new seasonal cosmetics being released regularly for real money, Valve has horribly neglected this game and left in a state where its practically overrun nefarious actors exploiting the game for personal gain. Most fans don't even care about releasing a new update as big as the last one (2017's Jungle Inferno update) at this point, we just want Valve to fix the bot crisis.
On June 3rd, its heavily encouraged by the leaders of this consumer movement to post videos, screenshots, and personal accounts of players' encounters with these bots in an effort to get #FixTF2 trending and put a spotlight on Valve's neglect of the game despite continuing to profit from it. The petition itself will be sent to Valve, and all you need to do is add your email and name, and click on the confirmation email. Their site is currently getting a lot more traffic than expected, so you may need to wait over 10 minutes to receive the confirmation email and officially add your signature.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
For the anon who asked--
The Charlatan Duchess (TCD) was a blog back in the early Harkle/Sussex days that really focused on the contradictions and inconsistencies, if you will, that Meghan presented. Among their information, they had:
Receipts of edited articles and photographs.
Tea and gossip about the Sussexes from people in their circles.
Reports from people who were actually in/at/around where the Sussexes were doing engagements that contradicted their PR.
Meghan's old Tig articles and Instagram photos/posts that contradicted her Duchess narrative.
CopyKates and Diana 2.0 behaviors/outfits.
A running list of Meghan's fashion don'ts and royal mistakes.
TCD also had a pretty big compilation/collection of photographs and videos from Meghan's first pregnancy that pointed out things like varying bump sizes (bigger one day, smaller the next) and behaviors that were incongruent with normal pregnancy (like squatting down at 8 months pregnant with a huge belly and keeping her knees and ankles together).
They had a pretty big following here on Tumblr and there was a companion Facebook group. (It's not really clear if Tumblr was first or if FB was first.) You had to be a member of the Facebook group to see the FB comments, but the tumblr was wide open and anyone could see/send asks. I think the FB group and the tumblr blog were being run by two different people, or two different groups of people, because the FB and the tumblr didn't sound the same and didn't have the same tone in their coverage.
(I was on the FB group for a hot minute and it was so disgusting there that I noped out of it a couple days later. It was a very different place than the tumblr blog.)
At some point, the administrators of the TCD FB group began asking members for money/donations for charity, which people would send them, and they used relationships built within the TCD FB community to scam the members for more money, including selling their data (obtained from "friendships" and the membership questionnaire you had to complete to be added to the group). In April 2020ish, the TCD FB admins were doxxed. That information didn't match up to the information the FB group were told, and people started asking questions about the charity donations they had been sending to the admins.
I don't remember who the admins were pretending to be - maybe they were pretending to be British aristos?, but they ended up being an Air Force dependa and her mother, basically running a huge grift and scamming a lot of people out of money and data privacy.
Anyway, once the TCD FB fraud was uncovered, FB members turned on the admins. The admins turned on the group members and the FB drama spilled over to the TCD Tumblr group. The TCD Tumblr admin also got doxxed, began getting the same harassment as the FB admins - everyone thought they were the same person - and in early May 2020, the TCD tumblr admin deleted the blog to stop the harassment and doxxing.
So that's what happened to The Charlatan Duchess and that's why this side of tumblr (in general) gets nostalgic for her - a lot of us found each other through TCD and a lot of us had our own theories and opinions about the Sussexes validated through the receipts on TCD's blog.
You can still find some of the TCD posts floating around here on tumblr in the reblogs. Pretty much everyone who was around in 2017-2020 will have some TCD in their archives.
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The AI hype bubble is the new crypto hype bubble
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Back in 2017 Long Island Ice Tea — known for its undistinguished, barely drinkable sugar-water — changed its name to “Long Blockchain Corp.” Its shares surged to a peak of 400% over their pre-announcement price. The company announced no specific integrations with any kind of blockchain, nor has it made any such integrations since.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
LBCC was subsequently delisted from NASDAQ after settling with the SEC over fraudulent investor statements. Today, the company trades over the counter and its market cap is $36m, down from $138m.
The most remarkable thing about this incredibly stupid story is that LBCC wasn’t the peak of the blockchain bubble — rather, it was the start of blockchain’s final pump-and-dump. By the standards of 2022’s blockchain grifters, LBCC was small potatoes, a mere $138m sugar-water grift.
They didn’t have any NFTs, no wash trades, no ICO. They didn’t have a Superbowl ad. They didn’t steal billions from mom-and-pop investors while proclaiming themselves to be “Effective Altruists.” They didn’t channel hundreds of millions to election campaigns through straw donations and other forms of campaing finance frauds. They didn’t even open a crypto-themed hamburger restaurant where you couldn’t buy hamburgers with crypto:
They were amateurs. Their attempt to “make fetch happen” only succeeded for a brief instant. By contrast, the superpredators of the crypto bubble were able to make fetch happen over an improbably long timescale, deploying the most powerful reality distortion fields since Pets.com.
Anything that can’t go on forever will eventually stop. We’re told that trillions of dollars’ worth of crypto has been wiped out over the past year, but these losses are nowhere to be seen in the real economy — because the “wealth” that was wiped out by the crypto bubble’s bursting never existed in the first place.
Like any Ponzi scheme, crypto was a way to separate normies from their savings through the pretense that they were “investing” in a vast enterprise — but the only real money (“fiat” in cryptospeak) in the system was the hardscrabble retirement savings of working people, which the bubble’s energetic inflaters swapped for illiquid, worthless shitcoins.
We’ve stopped believing in the illusory billions. Sam Bankman-Fried is under house arrest. But the people who gave him money — and the nimbler Ponzi artists who evaded arrest — are looking for new scams to separate the marks from their money.
Take Morganstanley, who spent 2021 and 2022 hyping cryptocurrency as a massive growth opportunity:
Today, Morganstanley wants you to know that AI is a $6 trillion opportunity.
They’re not alone. The CEOs of Endeavor, Buzzfeed, Microsoft, Spotify, Youtube, Snap, Sports Illustrated, and CAA are all out there, pumping up the AI bubble with every hour that god sends, declaring that the future is AI.
Google and Bing are locked in an arms-race to see whose search engine can attain the speediest, most profound enshittification via chatbot, replacing links to web-pages with florid paragraphs composed by fully automated, supremely confident liars:
Blockchain was a solution in search of a problem. So is AI. Yes, Buzzfeed will be able to reduce its wage-bill by automating its personality quiz vertical, and Spotify’s “AI DJ” will produce slightly less terrible playlists (at least, to the extent that Spotify doesn’t put its thumb on the scales by inserting tracks into the playlists whose only fitness factor is that someone paid to boost them).
But even if you add all of this up, double it, square it, and add a billion dollar confidence interval, it still doesn’t add up to what Bank Of America analysts called “a defining moment — like the internet in the ’90s.” For one thing, the most exciting part of the “internet in the ‘90s” was that it had incredibly low barriers to entry and wasn’t dominated by large companies — indeed, it had them running scared.
The AI bubble, by contrast, is being inflated by massive incumbents, whose excitement boils down to “This will let the biggest companies get much, much bigger and the rest of you can go fuck yourselves.” Some revolution.
AI has all the hallmarks of a classic pump-and-dump, starting with terminology. AI isn’t “artificial” and it’s not “intelligent.” “Machine learning” doesn’t learn. On this week’s Trashfuture podcast, they made an excellent (and profane and hilarious) case that ChatGPT is best understood as a sophisticated form of autocomplete — not our new robot overlord.
We all know that autocomplete is a decidedly mixed blessing. Like all statistical inference tools, autocomplete is profoundly conservative — it wants you to do the same thing tomorrow as you did yesterday (that’s why “sophisticated” ad retargeting ads show you ads for shoes in response to your search for shoes). If the word you type after “hey” is usually “hon” then the next time you type “hey,” autocomplete will be ready to fill in your typical following word — even if this time you want to type “hey stop texting me you freak”:
And when autocomplete encounters a new input — when you try to type something you’ve never typed before — it tries to get you to finish your sentence with the statistically median thing that everyone would type next, on average. Usually that produces something utterly bland, but sometimes the results can be hilarious. Back in 2018, I started to text our babysitter with “hey are you free to sit” only to have Android finish the sentence with “on my face” (not something I’d ever typed!):
Modern autocomplete can produce long passages of text in response to prompts, but it is every bit as unreliable as 2018 Android SMS autocomplete, as Alexander Hanff discovered when ChatGPT informed him that he was dead, even generating a plausible URL for a link to a nonexistent obit in The Guardian:
Of course, the carnival barkers of the AI pump-and-dump insist that this is all a feature, not a bug. If autocomplete says stupid, wrong things with total confidence, that’s because “AI” is becoming more human, because humans also say stupid, wrong things with total confidence.
Exhibit A is the billionaire AI grifter Sam Altman, CEO if OpenAI — a company whose products are not open, nor are they artificial, nor are they intelligent. Altman celebrated the release of ChatGPT by tweeting “i am a stochastic parrot, and so r u.”
This was a dig at the “stochastic parrots” paper, a comprehensive, measured roundup of criticisms of AI that led Google to fire Timnit Gebru, a respected AI researcher, for having the audacity to point out the Emperor’s New Clothes:
Gebru’s co-author on the Parrots paper was Emily M Bender, a computational linguistics specialist at UW, who is one of the best-informed and most damning critics of AI hype. You can get a good sense of her position from Elizabeth Weil’s New York Magazine profile:
Bender has made many important scholarly contributions to her field, but she is also famous for her rules of thumb, which caution her fellow scientists not to get high on their own supply:
Please do not conflate word form and meaning
Mind your own credulity
As Bender says, we’ve made “machines that can mindlessly generate text, but we haven’t learned how to stop imagining the mind behind it.” One potential tonic against this fallacy is to follow an Italian MP’s suggestion and replace “AI” with “SALAMI” (“Systematic Approaches to Learning Algorithms and Machine Inferences”). It’s a lot easier to keep a clear head when someone asks you, “Is this SALAMI intelligent? Can this SALAMI write a novel? Does this SALAMI deserve human rights?”
Bender’s most famous contribution is the “stochastic parrot,” a construct that “just probabilistically spits out words.” AI bros like Altman love the stochastic parrot, and are hellbent on reducing human beings to stochastic parrots, which will allow them to declare that their chatbots have feature-parity with human beings.
At the same time, Altman and Co are strangely afraid of their creations. It’s possible that this is just a shuck: “I have made something so powerful that it could destroy humanity! Luckily, I am a wise steward of this thing, so it’s fine. But boy, it sure is powerful!”
They’ve been playing this game for a long time. People like Elon Musk (an investor in OpenAI, who is hoping to convince the EU Commission and FTC that he can fire all of Twitter’s human moderators and replace them with chatbots without violating EU law or the FTC’s consent decree) keep warning us that AI will destroy us unless we tame it.
There’s a lot of credulous repetition of these claims, and not just by AI’s boosters. AI critics are also prone to engaging in what Lee Vinsel calls criti-hype: criticizing something by repeating its boosters’ claims without interrogating them to see if they’re true:
There are better ways to respond to Elon Musk warning us that AIs will emulsify the planet and use human beings for food than to shout, “Look at how irresponsible this wizard is being! He made a Frankenstein’s Monster that will kill us all!” Like, we could point out that of all the things Elon Musk is profoundly wrong about, he is most wrong about the philosophical meaning of Wachowksi movies:
But even if we take the bros at their word when they proclaim themselves to be terrified of “existential risk” from AI, we can find better explanations by seeking out other phenomena that might be triggering their dread. As Charlie Stross points out, corporations are Slow AIs, autonomous artificial lifeforms that consistently do the wrong thing even when the people who nominally run them try to steer them in better directions:
Imagine the existential horror of a ultra-rich manbaby who nominally leads a company, but can’t get it to follow: “everyone thinks I’m in charge, but I’m actually being driven by the Slow AI, serving as its sock puppet on some days, its golem on others.”
Ted Chiang nailed this back in 2017 (the same year of the Long Island Blockchain Company):
There’s a saying, popularized by Fredric Jameson, that it’s easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. It’s no surprise that Silicon Valley capitalists don’t want to think about capitalism ending. What’s unexpected is that the way they envision the world ending is through a form of unchecked capitalism, disguised as a superintelligent AI. They have unconsciously created a devil in their own image, a boogeyman whose excesses are precisely their own.
Chiang is still writing some of the best critical work on “AI.” His February article in the New Yorker, “ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web,” was an instant classic:
[AI] hallucinations are compression artifacts, but — like the incorrect labels generated by the Xerox photocopier — they are plausible enough that identifying them requires comparing them against the originals, which in this case means either the Web or our own knowledge of the world.
“AI” is practically purpose-built for inflating another hype-bubble, excelling as it does at producing party-tricks — plausible essays, weird images, voice impersonations. But as Princeton’s Matthew Salganik writes, there’s a world of difference between “cool” and “tool”:
Nature can claim “conversational AI is a game-changer for science” but “there is a huge gap between writing funny instructions for removing food from home electronics and doing scientific research.” Salganik tried to get ChatGPT to help him with the most banal of scholarly tasks — aiding him in peer reviewing a colleague’s paper. The result? “ChatGPT didn’t help me do peer review at all; not one little bit.”
The criti-hype isn’t limited to ChatGPT, of course — there’s plenty of (justifiable) concern about image and voice generators and their impact on creative labor markets, but that concern is often expressed in ways that amplify the self-serving claims of the companies hoping to inflate the hype machine.
One of the best critical responses to the question of image- and voice-generators comes from Kirby Ferguson, whose final Everything Is a Remix video is a superb, visually stunning, brilliantly argued critique of these systems:
One area where Ferguson shines is in thinking through the copyright question — is there any right to decide who can study the art you make? Except in some edge cases, these systems don’t store copies of the images they analyze, nor do they reproduce them:
For creators, the important material question raised by these systems is economic, not creative: will our bosses use them to erode our wages? That is a very important question, and as far as our bosses are concerned, the answer is a resounding yes.
Markets value automation primarily because automation allows capitalists to pay workers less. The textile factory owners who purchased automatic looms weren’t interested in giving their workers raises and shorting working days. ‘ They wanted to fire their skilled workers and replace them with small children kidnapped out of orphanages and indentured for a decade, starved and beaten and forced to work, even after they were mangled by the machines. Fun fact: Oliver Twist was based on the bestselling memoir of Robert Blincoe, a child who survived his decade of forced labor:
Today, voice actors sitting down to record for games companies are forced to begin each session with “My name is ______ and I hereby grant irrevocable permission to train an AI with my voice and use it any way you see fit.”
Let’s be clear here: there is — at present — no firmly established copyright over voiceprints. The “right” that voice actors are signing away as a non-negotiable condition of doing their jobs for giant, powerful monopolists doesn’t even exist. When a corporation makes a worker surrender this right, they are betting that this right will be created later in the name of “artists’ rights” — and that they will then be able to harvest this right and use it to fire the artists who fought so hard for it.
There are other approaches to this. We could support the US Copyright Office’s position that machine-generated works are not works of human creative authorship and are thus not eligible for copyright — so if corporations wanted to control their products, they’d have to hire humans to make them:
Or we could create collective rights that belong to all artists and can’t be signed away to a corporation. That’s how the right to record other musicians’ songs work — and it’s why Taylor Swift was able to re-record the masters that were sold out from under her by evil private-equity bros::
Whatever we do as creative workers and as humans entitled to a decent life, we can’t afford drink the Blockchain Iced Tea. That means that we have to be technically competent, to understand how the stochastic parrot works, and to make sure our criticism doesn’t just repeat the marketing copy of the latest pump-and-dump.
Today (Mar 9), you can catch me in person in Austin at the UT School of Design and Creative Technologies, and remotely at U Manitoba’s Ethics of Emerging Tech Lecture.
Tomorrow (Mar 10), Rebecca Giblin and I kick off the SXSW reading series.
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A graph depicting the Gartner hype cycle. A pair of HAL 9000's glowing red eyes are chasing each other down the slope from the Peak of Inflated Expectations to join another one that is at rest in the Trough of Disillusionment. It, in turn, sits atop a vast cairn of HAL 9000 eyes that are piled in a rough pyramid that extends below the graph to a distance of several times its height.]
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not-terezi-pyrope · 1 year
I am in a constant state of active psychological warfare to avoid clicking on those fucking ads where a guy has to bounce a bullet off of angled walls and keeps missing, or where they try and fail to plug a wall to keep out bees. I swear those ads should genuinely be considered a psychological attack, it's so manipulative, I have zero desire to download your fucking scam ads and yet you will prey on my compulsive desire to solve puzzles by putting one in front of my face and then doing it wrongly repeatedly. Someone with a lesser will than I would be sucked in, and even I have to keep up an active defense. This is like targeted persecution of neurodivergent people lol, I'm sure it works well! BUt only because it is lowkey evil.
I hate ads like that. What happened to the shitty slideshows from when we were kids. Honestly though I would take fucking 2017 era pregnant Elsa hospital operation sim ads over the puzzle cocktease.
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dewitty1 · 7 months
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Fic Recs Wrap Up February 2024♡(੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭*・:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
where all the veins meet by eight_of_wands  @saxamophone
It’s the summer of 1998. The battle is over, and Voldemort is dead, but Harry still has more questions than answers. Who is he without a piece of Voldemort’s soul in his head? What is he supposed to do now? His friends try to help, but the only thing that can hold his attention—one of the only things that ever has—is Draco Malfoy, out on parole and weirdly hanging around the British Museum. As they keep running into each other, Harry sees that Malfoy is different, and he wonders if he can be someone else, too. Featuring rumpled band shirts, poker games everyone hates, fumbling sex, and a Harry going a little mental over how wands even work. Rec Post
The Secret’s in the Telling by Verayne @veraynes-blog
Draco Malfoy suffers the unthinkable when he is turned into a werewolf. How is he supposed to live any kind of life afterwards, especially when Potter continues to stick his unwanted nose into things? Rec Post
Here’s The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout @6balls
Harry thinks “Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?” is a much simpler question than, “Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don’t, what will you do?” Rec Post
Tapestry by Kbrick @kbrick
In 2017, Harry is on his way to Pansy and Luna’s beach house. He’s a bit terrified of seeing Draco, to be honest. It’s been a while, and then there’s the little matter of Draco having married someone else in the interim. In 2001, Draco is drunk, wearing Pansy’s mother’s ermine coat, and afraid to walk into the Leaky because someone might throw a curse at him. So, of course, he runs into his ex-nemesis and hopeless crush, Harry Potter. This is a love story that isn’t perfect, about two people whose timing is never quite right, and all the moments that come together to make something extraordinarily beautiful anyway. Rec Post
Sense of Doubt by FibromyalGIA
Normalcy is driving Harry insane, and just when he thinks it can’t get any worse, he’s invited to Draco Malfoy’s hearing as a witness. Drama ensues. Rec Post
Canary Creams and New Yellow Paint by dothechachaslide
It’s not Draco’s fault that Potter is seeing things and Scorpius’s campaign to be the Ministry’s Creature Liaison is struggling, it’s not. Draco didn’t ask for Potter to walk into his Ocularistry Clinic in Northern Ireland fifteen years after they last saw each other, demanding to know why the Spectroculars Draco invented malfunctioned while Potter was painting and cost him an eye. Scorpius hadn’t asked for any of that either, though, so when Potter and the rest of Draco’s patients start to see mysterious symbols through their prosthetic eyes, and the resulting blow to Draco’s public reputation drags Scorpius’s campaign through the mud, Draco is determined to fix it. If that means trudging through a boggy moor in search of a fictional species Luna thinks is causing their problems, Draco will just have to pluck up the courage, march in with a team of Gryffindors, and be ready to battle any beast they meet. Even if that beast looks less like the large, bipedal talking toads they find and more like the Ministry of Magic as a whole. Rec Post
Draco’s First Holiday by Meowfoy @resilientkitteh
Draco catches Blaise cheating, breaks up with him and decides to leave his French Villa behind to swap houses with a woman named Hermione and her husband Ron. His relaxing vacation becomes far more interesting when a handsome stranger (Harry) knocks at his door in the middle of the night. They meet and get to know each other, and suddenly Draco feels much better about his decision to leave France behind for Britain. Rec Post
Englishman Extraordinaire by BlueSundayCake  @bluesundaycake
When Draco’s life goes to shit, he gets scammed. Maybe it’s for the best. Who doesn’t love new beginnings? Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well!(ノ゚∀゚)ノ━☆゚・*:.。. .。.:*・.*・。゚*:・゚✧
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Mirror Mirror by epiphany_dex
Harry’s new year starts with a bang when he encounters Draco Malfoy at the Ministry Ball.
(Never) Let Me Go by maraudersaffair @maraudersaffair
Harry and Ginny are married, but she abandoned him for her Quidditch career overseas. He is lonely and desperate for love and very interested in sleeping with a man. Then, one night at a party, Draco Malfoy whispers in his ear: Do you want to leave with me? Harry knows he should say no, especially since a scandal would ruin his chance at becoming Head Auror, but Malfoy is entirely too fit to pass up the opportunity.
Another Mind Game by May_May_0_0
Harry’s occlumency reveals his disturbing home life which sets off a chain reaction that cannot be undone. Snape finds himself begrudgingly caring about the bespectacled boy, Harry discovers what it's like to have adults who care, and Hermione finds herself becoming an accidental crime lord. Draco Malfoy is very much along for the ride, in all senses of the word. A ridiculous blend of hilarity and tragedy, Another Mind Game is the multi-faceted fanfiction you didn't know you wanted but will absolutely adore. Featuring a sassy Harry Potter, good friends, and a great deal of sarcasm.
Dragons Don't Know Paradise by teacup_tai @teacup-tai
In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon. This is a story about falling in love online and about facing the reality of death, but above all, this is a story about hope, finding love and acceptance.
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all! xoxo Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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