#saw the ears and tail mods and knew what i had to do...
coldshrugs · 8 days
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s a l i a n c e
loud. brash. has never met a stranger. sal wants to know what's wrong and how they can make it better, preferably with some tasty street food from their solution 9 stall! can they tell you how they invented pizza rolls? please let them tell you.
they're learning what wanderlust feels like now that there's a world beyond this lightning dome. and they have no shortage of bravery; when they're not on the clock, they're helping oblivion try to smuggle folks with roots in etheirys out of alexandria and back to their homeland.
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Database, as much as they didn't like to, knew of everyone and everything in the world that had been created so long ago. Every Program, every Virus, every Mod, every Admin, anything that was code-born, they knew of it. Their name, their personality, their life.
A blessing and a curse, really.
That was why they were so surprised to see a singular piece of code somehow found its way into their home, which overflowed with powerful code. Not even the strongest codes would ever be able to get into their home, much less a command line.
So as they scoop it up and bring it to their eyes, they muse gently.
"Ah. You. We thought you had been destroyed." Database tilts their head, looking down at what was the final piece of the Code Manifestation, Singularity.
It was a simple command line now. All it wanted? Maximum efficiency.
Their eyes slant from weariness and confusion. "We could have sworn Little Coding had managed to get rid of you.. perhaps the overload didn't get rid of all your code, hm?"
There's no response, of course, but it still left Database wondering. Their thoughts drift back to Welony, the little child that had recently popped up. She was a new version of her old self, wasn't she? Atoning for the mistakes of the past.
Database purses their lips as they think. Who was to say they couldn't do something similar with Singularity? Or, well, what was left of it.
So they got to work. The four of them chimed in, adding what they thought necessary before finally they saw what they had created.
They smile, seeing a small, polygonal cat in their palms.
The legs, tail, and head were attached to the body, unlike Singularity's old model where everything floated. While this new Manifestation had a blue outline, their 'fur' was black, with red 1s and 0s running through it. The only floating parts were its two triangle ears, which were white instead of black. Its head was white as well, with no 1s or 0s, and there were only two 0s on its eyes. One red, one blue.
The Manifestation curiously looks up at Database.
Database pauses before sighing softly. Peering to see events was always a headache, one that the Four would share, but it still hurt.
They have to remove the efficiency command, or else this new Code Manifestation would become Singularity once more.
"This won't hurt, we promise." They assure the Code before gently plucking out the command. They stare at it before crushing it.
"Goodbye, Singularity." They watch the small particles fall. "We hope you finally rest."
Turning their attention back to the Code Manifestation, they ponder. "What shall we name you, hm? What name will we give?"
They think and think before similing.
"We shall keep it simple. You'll be Plurality. A little corny, a little cheesy, but is that not what life is about? To have a bit of fun?" They smile, and they see Pluarlity smile a tad too.
They fit their hands and place the new Code Manifestation on a platform. A bit of digging, and the ties were cut. There was no way anyone would ever find out about Plurality once being Singularity unless Database themselves spoke of it.
At least, they hoped.
"You will be our eyes and ears. You will travel to places we can not see and can not hear, and you will record. You will learn, you will inhabit, and you will return." Database tells Plurality. "But you never tell anyone of who you are."
"I understand." Plurality finally speaks, and Databae smiles. A voice similar to Little Coding's but not so much.
"And most importantly.." They gently push a fingertip against Plurality's chest. "Find yourself. Discover who you are."
A chat box and few other items appear before being dropped into a satchel relative to Plurality's size. The satchel then attaches itself to the Code Manifestation's body before the Code if gently pushed through a portal.
"Make us proud, Plurality."
Pluarlity looks behind to where the portal once was before looking out beyond. An ear twitches.
"Discover myself, huh..? I.. I can do this."
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diamond-draws · 2 years
Hey fellow FNAF SB fans.
We love Foxy right? And we very much love the idea of what Glamrock foxy would be like right? I’ve seen many different models made for the guy, some good, some not so much... Anyhow, I plan to at some point make my own SB AU animation or comic via 3d models (whichever comes first) and I’ve been struggling to pick which Glamrock Foxy I want to use, sooo I’m coming to the professionals; YOU! Here are 3 of my favorite Glamock Foxys I’ve searched for and exactly what I think about each one. (you’re more than free to reblog this and give your thoughts on them too)
Here’s Version 1!
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This is the first version of GR Foxy I’ve seen both as a 3d model and period, I first saw it used in a SFM video done by TwoDev-Sensei on YouTube. But it really made it’s debut in the form of a Security Breach mod made by DAZassassin100s and replaced Roxanne Wolf (but you most likely knew that already). Now what I think of the design; It’s pretty good, when I first thought about a GR Foxy Foxy model I figured he would bare some similarities to Roxy (muzzle and ears and all that) and he’d definitely have that sort of torso since every other variation of Foxy has had a different torso compared to the Freddys & Bonnies it’s pretty much a requirement for him to stand out like he’s meant to. My only issue with it is a really small one; the color. Don’t get me wrong the teal looks good on him I loved it at first but later on I felt that purple (like Pirate’s Cove’s curtain) fits him better. All and all it’s not too bad and it’s in SFM, blender (i think) and GMod.
Onward to Version 2!
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As you can tell this one is of another Security Breach mod replacing Roxy, made by EnderBuilder sorry that he’s far off this was the ‘best’ image I could find which adds to my claim that this version is criminally underrated! His build is unique as it should be and he even has a pirate’s hat. Also remember what I said about V1′s vest color? Well this guy is wearing purple for his pants and it looks really good on him. Albeit I sorta wanted the pants to stay the same brown but still some purple to hhim in some way I think is good. Bonus points for the scar across his eyepatch too, haven’t seen anyone think of that. There’s only one major flaw to me though, he has NO tail. Sadly I’m also unsure if this model is in any sort of animation software for use...
And last but not least, the most popular one Version 3!
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I can’t even count how many animations or artwork I’ve seen using this guy and for good reason too. A lot of effort is clearly put into it. The star eyepatch is nice, his tail AND hair is on point, gold hook, he just looks like an official Glamrock animatronic. Again back on color topic, still would’ve preferred purple but as I think about it maybe that best for either background or perhaps there could be a tiny flash of purple for this one, like maybe on the shoulder pads? Also the torso, not a major complaint but like I said before, I like the idea of GR Foxy having his torso built differently compared to the other males. But other than that there are no major flaws. And as for accessibility, as I said he’s found everywhere! SFM, Gmod, Blender, even VR Chat! I definitely won’t be having an issue obtaining this model to use. 
Well that’s my opinion on these models, what do YOU guys think? Please reblog to tell me.
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
Excuse me! it’s just me, this blog’s stalker because your works amazing. I kinda am in love with your demon’s nature series. I if I could request something. Could you possible do MC seeing the brothers do something that is “demonic”. Similar to what happens in the series. Thank you!!!!
Hello!! Haha, thank you -- we’re so glad you like our content! ;u;
And I’m glad that you enjoy the Demon’s Nature series! It’s been a lot of fun to write.
Sorry this took a bit! I wasn’t sure if you wanted this to be something with one of the brothers or all of them, so I ended up doing little short blurbs for each of the brothers and MC accidentally catching them doing something demonic/violent. Tried to keep them all pretty short, which was hard.
[Mod Cosmos]
MC accidentally catching the Demon Brothers being Demonic/Violent
content warning: blood/gore, body horror (especially in Beel’s), and general violence
Note: This is through the perspective of an MC that knows that the demons do their thing, but perhaps doesn't want to see it happening in front of them.
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You were supposed to go shopping together after meetings for the day were finished, and he had told you to just wait an additional thirty minutes so that he could finish up some business. Thirty minutes passed, but there was still no word from him, so you decide you’ll go and see what was holding that workaholic up. You soon realize that was a mistake.
You hear muffled cries, and a familiar deep voice. Cautiously, you approach the source of these sounds -- a room located off a dark corridor. You didn’t think there were any classrooms here, and your curiosity got the better of you -- so you approach the door, peeking through the crack. You recognize the intimidating silhouette and --- there’s blood. There was another figure in the room, their body limp on the ground in a puddle of red, the mighty first-born’s claws tearing through flesh. A loss of balance in your surprise results in you tumbling into the room, earning a sharp turn from Lucifer, whose crimson eyes were wide in surprise. His wings spread out to try and shield the unsavory scene from you.
“MC, you were supposed to wait for me.” His voice is stern, but there’s a gentleness to it. He sees the queasy look on your face, and decides he can put this torment to an end. With a swift motion, he fully blocks your line of sight before slitting the lesser demon’s throat. He then turns back to you, lightly embracing your body with black feathers. His voice is soft as he did not want to frighten you. “I’m sorry, you weren’t supposed to see that. Let’s get you home, shall we? I’ll make you some tea.”
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It had just been a scratch. A low-level demon had taken a swipe at you in passing, but hadn’t been able to cut too deep. Mammon insisted he was just running off to get a bandaid after you insisted he didn’t need to go after the other demon. He said that he’d be right back--”I’m just gettin’ a bandage, I swear!”-- and told you not to move an inch. But this bandage quest was taking longer than it should have, so you go after him, pressing a loose cloth against your wound. And there he was, having cornered the offending demon. He seems to be staking the demon in the arm with a sharp metal object, speaking in a tongue you couldn’t understand.
You hadn’t even realized you had dropped the Majolish bag from your hand, not until it hit the ground with a thud and Mammon whipped around to see you there. A flash of guilt appears on his features, his eyes going between you and the lowly demon. He drops them, though he can’t resist one more swift kick to their chest before running back to you.
“I told ya I’d be right back!” He’s about to cup your face in his hands, but retracts them as he realizes they’re covered in blood. “Uh, okay, let’s go get that,” he motions to your injury, “...taken care of, yeah?” He mumbles a sorry as he picks up the bag you dropped before ushering you away from the scene, promising he’d do whatever he needed to do to make up for having to witness it.
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You’re browsing games at a shop, having tagged along with Leviathan who had been raving about a new release. At one point, however, Leviathan had vanished from your side. You now realize it’s been … quite some time, actually. You wander about the store, unable to find him anywhere. Did he step outside? You decide to check, missing the anxious glance from the clerk behind the counter.
You hear some sounds from the alley by the shop. Is that … someone choking? Worried, you round the corner to make sure whoever it was is okay -- only to see the one doing the strangling was Leviathan himself. He had his tail tightly wrapped around the other demon’s throat, and … what, what was that inky substance leaking from their eyes? Leviathan caught your shadow against the alley wall, turning to you with a slightly panicked look.
“M-MC!” His tail quickly slithered off and away from the demon’s throat, leaving them to collapse to the ground. He’s suddenly at your side, hands on your shoulders as he turns you around and makes you walk out of the alley with him, murmuring something about how the venom will take care of the rest. “S-sorry about that, MC. You look a little sick … let’s get that game and go home and play, okay?”
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You had been ambling through an aisle in the grand Royal Library, wondering what random book you should pick up next to flip through idly. Satan had wanted to spend a quiet day reading and studying together, to which you readily obliged. But it was easy to forget just how large the Royal Library was -- what floor were you on again? -- and you wonder if you should head back to where the two of you had set up. Then you suddenly hear a distant crash. It seemed to be coming from one of the meeting rooms at the back, and you couldn’t help but want to take a peek to see what had happened.
“Fuck you!” You knew that voice, and you knew that anger. There was a muffled yell, and what sounded like shattering glass. Then there’s a chilling, mocking laughter, and you can feel the goosebumps starting to cover your skin. You nervously approach the slightly ajar door, and there he is, his tail impaling another demon with its sharp ridges. Oh, there is fury burning in those eyes -- ones that shift to land on you, and that glowing fury is replaced with exasperation.
“MC!” Your name comes out as a hiss, but he quickly tosses the other demon, slamming them into the wall. “You…” He’s unsure what to say, his wrath calming at the sight of you, especially with that look on your face. “I … I’m sorry, I just had to take care of something. Please, let’s go. We can talk about this later.”
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The music is loud, the drinks are pouring, and you’re having an absolutely wonderful night out clubbing with Asmodeus. You were returning from the bar with two drinks in hand for the both of you, thanking one of the security guards on your way for managing the crowd of fans that had now dispersed, only to find that Asmodeus was not to be found at your table. He had left a note-- “BRB! ♡”--with lipstick on a napkin. You waited, sipping your drink as you demon watched from your seat. Some time passes, and you realize you’ve finished your drink a bit more quickly than intended. There’s still no sign of him, so you might as well go get another.
On the way to the bar, however, you pass by what you assumed was the hall to the restrooms, and you hear a desperate “I’m sorry!” cutting through the heavy bass. Should you be concerned? Well, you decide to at least be nosy, so you slip into the hall to see what was going on -- and are met with the sight of Asmodeus holding a heart he had carved out of some poor demon’s chest. In your shock, your empty glass slips through your fingers and crashes to the floor, earning your demon’s attention.
“Oh, MC!” Despite his surprise to see you, he gives you a smile -- one that gives you chills as you see blood spattered on his face. “Ah, what a mess…” He lets the lesser demon slide to the floor, debating on what to do with the organ in hand, but hides it behind his back for now, coming over to place a quick kiss on your cheek. “Sorry about that, darling. I’m just going to go clean up, so wait for me at the table, ‘kay?”
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You had agreed to go with him to Madame Scream’s after finishing up classes for the day, but he was running late. He’s not picking up any calls, either, so you decide to go to where his last class would have been -- maybe they were just running way over, and he hadn’t realized the time? The hall is quiet, and you end up reaching an empty classroom. Walking back out, you decide to try calling him again. Ring, ring. After a moment, you realize you can hear Beelzebub’s ringtone in the distance, and you follow your ears to where his D.D.D. and ultimately he himself must be.
You weren’t prepared for what you saw next. A head of bright orange hair buried in a lesser demon’s abdomen, the sound of squelching and slurping from his feasting sounding so much more insidious than usual.
“Beel!” You can’t help but cry out his name in shock, which causes him to jolt upright -- with intestines still hanging from his mouth. Oh, you were going to be sick …
“MC … sorry, Lucifer always says I need to work on my table manners … “ He gulps down what was left hanging, but his eyes widen when it registers just who caught him in the act. “Oh, uh, guess that’s not the point, huh … “ He sheepishly wipes at his mouth with some torn cloth that you can only assume came from his victim, standing up and walking around to block your view of the mangled body. “I’ll clean this up, and then … well, we can do whatever you want to do. Sorry, MC …”
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You’re looking around for where Belphegor could possibly be napping. Beelzebub had to go to Fangol practice and asked that you make sure his twin got home, as he had seemed even more tired today than usual. He’s not in the Western Courtyard, so you head to the Southern Courtyard next. You think you remember him saying that was one of his favorite spots…
You perk up as you spot the ever-familiar cow patterned pillow, but you fail to see the demon that was usually attached to it. Peering around the area, worry starts to set in -- and then you hear a scream. It certainly didn’t belong to Belphegor, but the gears in your mind start turning and you run to where the scream came from. Of course, no one else was around here -- it wasn’t the busiest area on campus in the first place. Turning a corner, you see just what you feared -- Belphegor had his claws at another demon’s throat, his barbed tail wrapped around their body and squeezing them tight. You feel weak, the scenario a bit too close for comfort as you recall what he had done to you in the past.
“MC?” Belphegor turned to see you, his eyes wide. He must have sensed your presence at some point, or maybe your heart was pounding much louder than you realized. He drops the other demon, growling something you can’t make out to them, and then slowly approaches you. He sees you tense up, causing him to stop in his tracks. He averts his gaze, not wanting to meet your eyes as he tries to figure out what to say. “I just … had to deal with something. You … you can head on home first, if you want. I understand.”
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Hello, I have clawed my way out of the abyss to speak to you. So this is a weird one here; a headcanon of Izuku, Mina, Jirou, Mineta, and Bakugo with an s/o who has a Quirk that gives them the abilities of Lunaticks; an Ultraman Ace monster. It gives them the appearance of a white rabbit with red ears and eyes and they move around by hopping around. Their Quirk allows them to launch their eyeballs as explosives, and even though it looks painful, they instantly regrow them. Their s/o tends to have an energetic and bouncy personality. Thank you for your time and I will see you next time when I find my way out of abyss.
Tbh I find it funny that I'm more surprised about Mineta being requested than I am about the shooting your eyes out quirk.
Izuku, Mina, Jiro, Mineta and Bakugo with S/O who has a quirk that allows them to launch their eyes
Reader here is gender neutral and has bunny features
Izuku Midoriya
He asks a lot of questions about your quirk. How do you shoot your eyes? How fast they can grow? Are there limits? Can you make explosions weaker or stronger? If so how? Where do your new eyes come from? When do you stop seeing things?
He thought it was just interesting. And he often tries to connect your bunny features to it.
Does it have a purpose? Or is that mutation just in there for no reason?
He just never can get enough of learning more about you. Perhaps your bouncy personality drives his attention to you so much but his love for you definitely plays part in it too.
Mina Ashido
She knew it didn't hurt you, but she still never stopped being every so slightly worried.
She loves your eyes so seeing you blast them off does send her a bit off.
But hey that means she'll have a fresh pair of eyes to get lost in.
Sorry if it bothers you but she just can't stop touching your bunny ears and gushing over how cute your tail is whenever she gets to see it.
Jiro Kyoka
She was surprised to see your quirk in action... It was a little bit gross after all.
It looked quite painful but she trusted you when you said it didn't hurt. It just made her a little bit too aware of her eyes.
She doesn't ask you any questions about it in the end. She doesn't even know what she'd ask, but she has some questions...
Your hyper personality is close to be the opposite of her so your dynamic sure is interesting.
Minoru Mineta
When he first saw it he freaked out. But when you told him that everything was fine he calmed down slightly.
To calm himself he usually tells himself that your quirks aren't that different. He takes a part of himself and throws it too right?
It's a bit gross to him even after he got used to it. But he doesn't say that out loud.
He just is overjoyed to date someone as cool as you, so of course he won't focus on what he doesn't like.
He loves your bunny features. Definitely the tail is his favorite. It's right above your cute butt after all.
Bakugo Katsuki
When he first saw it he didn't question it. After all you had it for quite a while so if your eyes falling out was a bad thing you'd probably be the one freaking out.
He doesn't care much about your quirk. It's just explosions with extra steps at the end of the day.
Your hyper and bouncy personality annoyed him greatly when you first met but now he's used to it.
He may not admit it but your bunny features are adorable... But it also gives an opportunity for nicknames. So don't think you can avoid it dust bunny.
~Mod Tsuyu
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skellebonez · 3 years
You wanted more Macaque and Mei bonding, so here you go! With prompts 74 and 45! And you get to choose which AU! Cursed AU, Swap AU, the new Parents and Kiddos AU. Heck, even one of your own! For once, let's just not hurt them
Did I expect to become invested in Mei and Macaque in AUs with a mentor-student/parental bond? Nope! Do I jump at the chance to read and/or write any more of it given even half a chance now? HELL YES. Had I not already had a short and cute idea for Swap AU set after Mac's return that worked perfectly with 45 I would have jumped on Parents and Kiddos (I’ll get to you soon new AU just you wait).
It’s only just a little bit illegal./You may technically be an adult, but you’re still my child.
“What in the world are you doing?” Macaque questioned as he watched Mei fiddle with her phone at a table, tiny little screwdrivers and bits of phone pieces scattered around her. And something smelled of melting and burning metal... He lifted the tea cup he had brought along with him to his lips, hoping that the scent was enough to overpower the other (it wasn’t).
“Modding my phone so it’s less garbage,” Mei replied, sticking her tongue out as she carefully aligned something inside the phone’s casing before picking up the thing that smelled like burning and doing something that made the metal meld together. Mac thought that was called a soldering iron, but that wasn’t exactly his area of expertise. “I’ve been watching a ton of tutorials, this should give me way more battery and signal and everything else I need!”
“Couldn’t you just buy a new one instead?” Macaque asked with a chuckle, remembering that her parents weren’t exactly hard for cash.
“Hey now! I may be a kid to demons, but to humans I am an adult and I can make my own bad decisions thank you very much!” Mei said without a drop of real anger or annoyance in her voice, instead the tones of sarcasm and amusement lifting it through the air. “Besides, this is way more fun. And it’s only just a little bit illegal!”
“Heh,” Macaque couldn’t stop himself from continuing to chuckle, shaking his head and smiling down at the sitting young woman fondly. “Watch that you don’t get caught with that, then, or else it’ll be my responsibility to deal with the aftermath. You may technically be an adult, Little Flower, but you’re still my child.”
It took them both a couple seconds to realize exactly what Macaque had said, but once they did they both froze. Not stone still, just. Stopped what they were doing. Looked at each other for a moment. Macaque watched her face for any indication of a reaction, his own face a mix of shock and embarrassment for that slipping out unbidden, while her own remained a mask of pure surprise.
Macaque had never really... outwardly voiced what he considered Mei and his relationship to be now. Hell, they’d barely discussed her strained relationship with her actual parents, let alone their shifting dynamic before this moment. Even when teased by Iron Fan before he had vehemently denied that she was “his kid” in any capacity. But now... They’d been through so much, as mentor and student and (reluctant as he may have initially been to admit it) then as pseudo-parental figure in her life, that Macaque couldn’t deny he’d started to think of her as... well. Not just a kid he took under his wing to train. But as his kid, full stop. His child.
And in the context in which he had let this slip it was clear to anyone who heard him that was almost certainly what he had meant.
When Mei finally broke the silence, it was with a chuckle of her own and a smile on a slightly sheepish expression. Something rare for her.
“Course I am,” she said, smile growing wider and chuckling more as she put down the tools and her phone. “I mean... I guess I started to think that too. After I thought you... you know, it didn’t feel like I lost a teacher. It felt like I lost...”
He knew what she meant, though she trailed off he knew. Macaque breathed a small sigh of relief, though it was peppered with pain and regret remembering his time spent locked away with Wukong and the fake clone he had made to trick him into believing he had captured Mei.
He took a seat across from her, ears pulled back a bit at the memory. “I think that made most of us realize a lot of things. Things we should probably actually start to talk about.”
“Yeah...” Mei said softly as Macaque lifted his cooling tea to take another sip, a small but shaky smirk forming on her lips. Mac knew this expression well, knew it well enough that he was more than ready for the snarky quip she was probably going to throw in to lighten the mood. “So... does that mean I should call you dad now? Or is pops or old man preferable?”
The smirk vanished with a yelp of concern when Macaque proceeded to choke on the tea he inhaled in response.
He wasn’t nearly as ready as he thought he was.
(Later in the day, the others who saw Macaque around Fiery Cloud cave would notice that his usual grin was a bit wider and more earnest than it had been since his return. His eyes a bit brighter and more alive. Ears held higher as his tail swayed excitedly behind him.)
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
Woo fic 3 of 3! This was really hard to write ahh I just struggled a lot because I had the proper idea it was just rough executing it ahh I hope you all enjoy it! There’s not a lot of dialogue so ahh anyways enjoy!
Punz had come up with a new mod that was meant to add new mobs to the game but little did everyone know they were a very special kind of new mob… To be specific they were tickle mobs! They basically replaced all the violent mobs with mobs that would simply tickle you instead of hurt you! There was one where it was very feathery all over and it’s finger nails were replaced with feathers. One with a very fluffy tail and wings, it’s finger nails were claws not overly sharp but still pointed enough to tickle like crazy! Another which had pockets on its body filled with all kinds of tools and so many others but these are the main three!
Punz was very excited to have people try out his new mod! He just knew it was going to be so fun to watch everyone’s reactions as they realize just what the new mobs do! He bounced on his heels a bit as he waited for everyone to show up suddenly he saw George approaching in the distance! He waved trying to hold back his excitement and seem more like his casual laid back self “hi George!”
George waved back excitedly “hi punz!” He quickly gave the taller a small hug “so what’s this new mod?” Punz smiled softly as he hugged him back “oh you’ll find out once the others get here and once night time hits” and just as he said that up walks karl smiling happily as he waves at the two
“Hi guys!” They both wave back as they tell him hello, he engulfs each of them in a hug that should not feel as bone crushing as it is given his small size either way though they are very happy and grateful each and every time they get a Karl hug, Karl bounced up and down very slightly as he asks “so what’s the new mod do?” George shrugs “Punz said we’ll see once everyone else gets here and once it’s night time!” Karl nods understandingly as he says “okay! How long til everyone else shows up?” Punz now shrugs as he says “I’m not sure probably not much longer we’re just waiting on Eret”
Just as he says that up walks eret, smiling softly as she waves to everyone “hi guys!” Everyone smiles back as a chorus of hi’s break out, “So what’s the new mod?” Punz holds back a smirk “Well everyone’s here now but we just have to wait a little longer for it to turn to night time and then you’ll all see what it is” Eret nodded “Alright sounds cool so what are we gonna do until then?” Punz shrugs “uh I don’t know truth or dare?” Karl nods “Yea sounds good to me” George also shrugs “Yea sure” And so in no time at all it seems it’s already night!
Punz stands up clapping excitedly “Okay guys it’s officially night time! That means the mod should start working anytime now!” Karl tilts his head “But punz you still haven’t even told us what the mod is!” George nods “Yea how are we supposed to be prepared if you don’t tell us anything” Punz smirks a bit “Well that’s part of the fun is keeping you guys off guard! Don’t worry I can tell you guys it’s nothing that will hurt you or make you cry or anything-“ he paused and corrected himself “Well I take back the not making you cry because you might cry from laughter”
Suddenly there was a loud rustling in the trees behind them all, everyone turns towards them looking curiously waiting to see what might come out suddenly out comes the creature with feathers for finger nails, a fluffy tail and wings! The guys eyes widen as they turn towards punz, Karl quickly asks “Punz what the honk is that thing?!” Punz laughs softly “Oh you’ll find out soon enough” suddenly the creature has flew right behind Karl it’s tiny feathers begin wiggling on his neck making him squeak before falling into giggles as he twists his head around “EEKK NO hehehehhahahahHHEHEHhahhahaha wwwwwhhhyyyy ihihihisss IHIHITTT dohohihihinnggg tthhihihisss!”
Punz grins excitedly seeing the mob functioning properly “Because Karl that’s what it was made to do, the mod I made replaced all hostile mobs with tickle mobs!” Eret and George both nervously shout “WHAT?!” George shakes his head “Is that the only one or is there more?” Punz shakes his head “Theres more but most are rare so there’s probably only two others you guys will get to see for right now, oh look there comes one now!” Eret and George turn suddenly seeing a creature with many pockets surrounding its body and they couldn’t see inside the pockets due to being so far away but inside the pockets were plenty of tickle tools! George quickly pushed Eret towards the creature causing for Eret to yelp and stumble right in front of it!
George wasn’t getting out of anything though… because a final monster emerged from the shadows! One with a fluffy tail and wings, and claws instead of nails which we’re sure to be extra tickly!
And so with that the real fun began! Karl was laid on the ground the monster sitting beside him as it’s feather tips danced in his armpits making him giggle squeakily as he squirmed around! Eret wasn’t much different the monster sitting beside him as well as this one fingers danced along his ribs, at times rubbing in between the bones making him squeal through his laughter! George’s monster also opted to sit beside him! One hand held both of George’s above his head as the monster curiously was swirling a claw around George’s tum button making him shriek as he fell into loud cackles!
Punz sat idly by enjoying his creations and seeing them work so well, suddenly he felt a tiny feathery sensation on his neck! He quickly covered his mouth in an attempt to hide his blush and giggles but it was no use as the sensation seemed to multiply causing for more giggles to slip out as little snorts escaped when the sensation migrated to his ears and cheeks! He forgot about the tiny nearly unvisible feathery bee like creatures! That must be what’s currently attacking him! Never the less he sat there not actually minding the sensation too much…
On Karl’s side his monster switched to now curiously squeezing his sides making him squeal and jump as he fell into soft laughter! Eret’s monster had grabbed two electric toothbrushes and held them in Eret’s armpits! Eret shrieked with laughter as his arms were involuntarily locked to his sides as he rolled back and forth! George’s monster now had switched to blowing raspberries on the poor boys neck while also vibrating into his armpits! George was a mess of snorts and squeals as he babbled out protests!
Punz monsters monsters had begun to move to the back of his neck making his giggles die down slightly as he wiggled non stop at the ticklish feeling! His giggles didn’t stay quiet for long though…. Karl’s monster sensed him reaching his breaking point and began to slow to a stop, as it did it realized it was still hungry! It looked around and noticed punz not giggling much and decided to go after him! Karl gratefully took in air as he giggled residually before sitting up, did he see the monster going straight for punz? Yes, was he going to warn him? No, not because Karl is cruel but because he wanted to see Punz’s reaction! Okay so maybe he’s a tiny bit cruel…
Punz’s eyes widened as he looked up and suddenly saw the monster previously on Karl was now directly in front of him! The monster smiled at him as without a single sound it reached out and took punz into a gentle backwards hug! The small bee line creatures moved in front of punz, the bigger monster smiled at them as he lifted Punz’s shirt! Punz immediately began wiggling and babbling protests as he giggled in anticipation but it was no use! The small be like creatures swarmed his stomach! A couple even dipping into his tum button making him squeal before falling into laughter!
As if that wasn’t enough suddenly Eret snd George’s monsters sensed them reaching their limits and they too were still hungry so they each slowed to a stop leaving George and Eret all giggly like Karl was earlier! Eret’s monster looked through its pouches looking for just the right tool and it found it! I feather tipped pen! It grinned as it began writing on Punz’s cheeks making squeaks join in with his loud laughter! The monster wrote “ticklish cheeks” on both sides of his face! George’s monster took place at Punz’s legs! One hand began squeezing his thigh while the other scribbled at the back of his knee!
Punz let out a small screech before falling into silent laughter and that was the monsters cue to stop! Looking at the sky it was nearly day time! And seemingly as quickly as they came they were gone! Karl,Eret and George all surrounded a curled up giggling punz smiling happily and brightly flushed faces and all! Soon enough his giggles finally stop and he uncurled himself, suddenly Karl broke into giggles “ahhahaha” Punz turned to look at him “what? What’s so funny?” George and Eret then noticed as well and began giggling their ownselves! Eret through their giggles pulled out a small mirror and handed it to punz, punz quickly took it and looked at his face… his cheeks flushed a bright red as he grumbled and handed Eret back their mirror
Karl couldn’t help himself as he noticed a stray feather on the ground, he curiously ran it along Punz’s left cheek making him squeak and giggle “eek! Kahhahrrrll!” “Hehe sohohorryyy punzie I just had to see if what the monster wrote was true” he dropped the feather a few moments later and Punz’s giggles stopped once more and he rolled his eyes fondly “So did you guys enjoy the mod?” They all blushed embarrassedly as they nodded and shyly mumbled a chorus of yes, punz smiled nodding “I guess I did too…” They all awed and karl quickly pulled all of them into a group hug! George smirked a bit an idea coming to mind “You know we should have dream, sapnap and Quackity come try this mod soon..”
Eret nodded in agreement “We should! What about tomorrow night?” Punz nodded “sounds good to me if you all can get them rounded up I’m down” George nodded “alright it’s settled then tomorrow night it is!”
And so they all went their separate ways excitedly thinking about what was to come
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Of Forts and Fairy Lights
Summary: Still the aftermath of the reveal, Marinette goes to Alya's house for a sleepover and to clear her head. But this sleepover is about to have an unexpected guest.
Hello! This fic was written for @kittylovezine - the second volume, where it was illustrated by the amazing @kaleidoscoperain. I've been sitting on it for almost a year now and I'm thrilled that I've gotten the go-ahead from the mods to share it with you all!
Read on Ao3
“Girl, I’ve got so much planned for tonight!”
As Alya began excitedly listing off all the sleepover games, Marinette let her mind wander.
The last two weeks had been… interesting. She and Adrien were still trying to navigate where they stood with each other now that there were no secrets left between them. This meant that they could barely speak to each other, and merely being in the same room had them blushing. Their best solution so far had been to tiptoe around the subject and avoid each other as much as possible.
Naturally, Alya had picked up on Marinette’s sudden silence on her crush. But what could she say? That things were a little weird between them now that they knew each other’s secret identities? No. So when Alya asked her what was going on...
Was it any wonder she blurted out that she had a crush on Chat Noir?
Marinette vainly hoped that would be the end of it.
Until she realized that Alya was looking through the window.
“Um, see something interesting out there, Alya?” Marinette pulled the curtain aside, trying to follow Alya’s eyes. She wasn’t familiar with the area Alya lived in, so nothing looked out of the ordinary.
“You bet I do, girl,” Alya said with a predatory grin on her face. Opening the window to step out onto her balcony, she let in a cold breeze that sent a shiver down Marinette’s spine. “Hey! Chat Noir! You got a sec?”
The past two weeks had been nerve wracking for Chat Noir.
Between his excitement at learning Ladybug’s identity, and his absolute joy that it was Marinette, he had so many emotions that he was almost nauseous. He’d been pacing in his room enough that Plagg, of all people, suggested that he go out for a run. He eagerly latched onto the idea, and soon found himself leaping from rooftop to rooftop, his mind empty of everything but the path ahead of him.
At least until he stopped to catch his breath, and the thoughts he’d been outrunning caught up with him. Underneath all the jubilation was the nagging worry that everything was going to end in disaster.
He didn’t have long to dwell on it however, when he heard Alya calling out to him.
“Hey! Chat Noir! You got a sec?”
While he loved chatting with people while on patrol, he wasn’t  in the mood for entertaining today. Before he could decline, he saw a familiar pair of blue eyes watching him at Alya’s side. Without even thinking he rushed over to Alya’s balcony.
“I suppose I have a few moments to spare for my favorite blogger,” he said. “What do you need, citizen?”
Alya snorted. “Just come in already, it’s cold outside.”
“You don’t need to tell me that,” Chat said with a shiver. He slipped past Alya and into the warmth of her apartment. With his hands on his hips, he let his eyes roam around the cozy looking space.
His heart skipped a beat when he finally got to Marinette, who was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt, and pajama pants covered in lime green paw prints. Her face turned red even as a playful grin spread across his face.
He leaned down to her level and spoke in a smug voice, “I didn’t know you were such a big fan, Marinette.”
Their eye contact was broken when Alya shoved a hoodie into his hands. “Here - we’ve got a cozy aesthetic to keep up here and your leather catsuit doesn’t cover it.”
“Hey, that’s mine!” Marinette protested.
“C’mon, girl, it’ll only be for tonight. You don’t want the cat to go cold, do you?”
Marinette huffed, but didn’t argue further. Chat Noir smiled to himself, slipping the hoodie on. After standing awkwardly for a few moments, Alya motioned him onto the couch where he sat a respectful distance from Marinette.
“So anyway, me and Marinette were going to do some sleepover games.” Alya smirked and raised an eyebrow at Chat Noir. “You in?”
“Sure!” His enthusiasm wavered for a moment. “Um… what sort of games are they? I’ve never done a sleepover before.”
Chat caught a momentary look of sadness on Marinette’s face before Alya gasped, scandalized.
“Well, we’d better stick to the basics then. That’ll make sure you get the premier sleepover experience. And that means we’ll be starting with...” she rubbed her hands together eagerly, “Truth or dare!”
Chat Noir and Marinette scooted closer together under Alya’s maniacal grin. It was going to be a looong night.
“...And that’s where I’m going to back out,” Marinette said.
“Aw, come on, it’s only one kiss!” Alya complained, dropping her phone that she had stealthily pulled out. “Look at how disappointed Chat is!”
Marinette faced her partner. Stiff tail, flushed cheeks, panicked eyes - he was looking every bit as flustered as she felt. Disappointed? Maybe, but there was relief there as well.
“...Somehow, I think he’ll live.” Marinette shook her head and clutched her pillow tight. “So, what’re we doing next?”
“Well, if you don’t want to play any more games, then how about some movies?”
“Sounds good to me. What do you want to watch-” Marinette turned to Chat Noir, realizing how close they’d gotten in trying to get away from Alya. The same thought seemed to have crossed his mind too. They both froze.
“Hold on just a second there,” Alya said, pushing up her glasses. “If we’re going to be doing this the right way, then we need to go all the way.” She got to her feet. “I’m going to go make some snacks. Can you two make a pillow fort while I’m gone?”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I think we can handle that.”
“Great. Don’t have too much fun while I’m gone.” Alya winked at Marinette and ducked out the door as Marinette sent a pillow flying at her.
“So…” Chat said, breaking the ensuing silence. “How do we make a pillow fort?”
“Oh, chaton…” She said softly, patting the spot between his cat ears. “Come on, I’ll teach you.”
She focused on setting up a makeshift mattress of pillows and blankets on the ground while Chat followed her instructions. Even now and again she’d catch him looking at her out of the corner of her eyes, as if he couldn’t help himself. It was a look she was used to getting from Chat, but never out of her spots. Not until tonight.
“I think that should do it, right?” Chat admired his handiwork. “Anything else?”
“Take a seat. I’ll just put up some fairy lights to complete the look.” Marinette smiled. “It’ll make everything feel that much cozier.”
“And we’ve got an aesthetic to keep up?”
“You better believe it, chaton.”
They glanced at each other and fell into a giggling fit. Still smiling, Marinette hung the lights,  feeling Chat Noir’s eyes on her the whole time. Their pillow fort complete, she laid next to him, but not nearly as close as she wanted to be.
“This is nice,” Marinette said.
“Mhm. I just wish we’d gotten to do this more over the years.”
“There were dangers. You know we couldn’t.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed. It was all she could say as an apology. Neither of them had liked the secrecy, but Chat only went along with it for her sake.
“There was always going to be danger.” He brought her hand up to his lips. “But I’m more than happy we’ll be facing them together going forward.”
Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as she watched him press a kiss to the back of her hand, like he’d done so many times before.
Swallowing heavily, she said, “Y-you know, we never completed Alya’s last dare…”
His forehead scrunched in confusion for a moment before the realization struck. If it weren’t for her nerves she would’ve laughed out loud - he always did wear his emotions on his sleeve. Especially when he was Chat Noir.
“Well… we can’t have people saying the heroes of Paris back down from a challenge, can we?”
Then he was scooting towards her, his face taking up her entire field of view. Their first kiss - the first one that both of them would remember, at least - was soft and tentative, but full of love barely held back.
Blushing furiously, they pulled back before they slouched against each other and returned to the relative safety of idle conversation. There would be time later to work out their feelings and figure things out. For now, they were content in each other’s company.
Before long, sleep came for both of them.
Alya poked her head into the room, smiling to herself when she saw Marinette and Chat Noir sleeping against each other. Reaching inside, she turned out the lights to let them rest in darkness.
She wasn’t sure what exactly had changed between those two, but if he made Marinette happy… who was she to argue?
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twisted-imagines · 4 years
Octavinelle with a mer-shark!MC who's anxious about showing her true appearance.
Hi there! 👋 I'm mod Mel, this is a new writing blog dedicated to Twisted Wonderland by Disney. I'm it's sole moderator and this is my first work on here. It's only Floyd for now, but more boys are sure to come.Please enjoy yourself!❤
Floyd Leech🦈
It should have been just a simple excursion to the Coral Sea, which Floyd unbeknownst to you proclaimed a 'date', but clearly something went very wrong. The first time you came here, more like was thrown right into it, you weren't able to observe and enjoy the brilliance of the underwater world, more so had to flee from human-turned-mermen Leech brothers. Even after Octavinelle boys invited you all to the sea again, you thought, sadly, that it would be the last time you visited it. But apparently Floyd had other ideas, spontaneously dragging you to the teleport and handling you a "breath-in-water" potion along the way. With you barely registering what he was attempting to do, you two were already submerged, the boy beside you swiftly changing his appearance to his "usual" one. Looking at that face, him all giddy and eager to show you around his homeland, you couldn't get angry with him, vice versa you were really happy at the possibility to spend time with him. Maybe your first meeting was quite disastrous, and you clashed a few times after that, resulting in his friend's overblot, but your relationships have improved a lot afterwards. It seemed Floyd got really interested in the new magicless student from the other realm and you in turn... Well, in rare moments at night, when you couldn't fall asleep plagued by your thoughts, you sometimes quietly admitted to yourself, that maybe you had a tiniest crush on the ever smiling, carefree, ambiguous eel twin. You too, were very interested in him, since the day you saw him appear with his brother in all their glory to get in your way. You remember like it was just yesterday, how you didn't want to leave and just gaze at his beautiful form. You were not prepared to see something so familiar in this new world, somebody who had brought your thoughts back home so sweetly and yet so painfully close.
Oh how you wanted to tell him that, to share your own stories and see his face lit up, but you couldn't. The nagging fear of rejection, of what he would think of you didn't allow you to do. Times and times again you told yourself that he of all people would understand and accept you, but every time you tried to start the conversation you ended up closing and opening your mouth like a fish, unable to say anything. And so you kept silent.
With Floyd being so enthusiastic, basically telling your ears off, he didn't require much of your own input at the moment. You were listening attentively, picturing in your mind two young eels and a cecaelia merkids exploring the sea together, their hands entwined. This relaxing, tranquil, as much as it was possible with Floyd, dive was bringing a peace to your mind and body. You felt every sway of water, every little wave that tiny fishes caused swimming past you. The smallest thing, you could feel it reverberate within you.
It was abrupt, a state of total harmony suddenly crushed, disturbing noises filled your ears. It was obvious that Floyd felt it too, for he took a defensive stance right away, moving closer to you. One would say it was already too late, when you saw them - several orca mermaids quickly approaching you two. You were concerned, mostly because of how Floyd had reacted: he looked genuinely distressed.
"Hey, koebi-chan, it's better for you not to leave my side."
He sounded totally serious, unlike his usual cheery self. And so you obeyed, the anxiety in you growing with every second.
One of the newcomers approached you, from what you could judge she was the eldest female of them all. She looked smug and confident, leisurely briefing you about how this was their territory, how unwelcomed you were there, offering you a "deal" since they were so generous today and would gladly let you get away with your "trespassing".While Floyd was fuming with rage he still patiently listened to them. He understood, that was he alone it would not be a big deal to get away, but he could not allow you to be harmed, not on his watch, not his precious koebi-chan. He couldn't make a more displeased face while speaking with them.
"Fine~ What a pain in the ass... What's your conditions?"
Their answer made his blood boil, you could see how agitated he was, in the way he glared daggers at them, the way his fists clenched. Truth to be told, you started to feel angry yourself, their demands being just ridiculous, smirks irritating you to the core. The little skirmish was quickly escalating to a full-blown clash, even though both sides perfectly understood who had the upper hand. And maybe some of them got just a tad bit arrogant because of it.
A younger orca surged at Floyd, being confident that his sheer strength would be enough for the moray eel to cave in. You easily gauged his mistake,and your body acted on it's own.
"Don't touch Floyd, you scum!"
The last thing the orca heard was your chilling growl, before his hand was swiftly chewed off. "No mercy for foes and food", - if any motto deserved the attention of an apex predator it would be this one.
Your changing appearance took by surprise every present creature. You could feel the strain, muscles not accustomed to the process of transformation after a long period of not changing, but you tried not to mind it, the only thought in your mind being protecting the person precious to you.
When the bloody mist from fallen orca finally subdued they could take in your full image. Strong tail, just like their, but much bigger; sharp claws, just like their, but more deadly. In the reflection of their eyes you knew how you looked. Intimidating.
Even the eldest orca gave up her position and shifted back. You could clearly see the gears in her head turning: was it worth sacrificing younglings just for the chance of overpowering you. Since you too were a very "kind" person, rivaled only by your very "generous" opponents, you decided to give her a time out to think her actions over, and hopefully reflect on them.
Knowing that her choices weren't numerous, the leader orca suddenly stirred back to life, giving the group a barking command and hastily retreating with them, hoping that her luck wouldn't let her down, that you wouldn't chase her.
Which you indeed was about to do, when you remembered about your companion, who was still behind you. You felt confidence slowly leaving you, you wanted to turn around before it evaporated into nothing, but you were given no time to spare. Floyd was suddenly before you, pure delight on his face. He had this toothy smile while he was fully taking in your appearance.
"Who would have thought that koebi-chan was actually a same-chan, ahaha!~ Hey hey, how did you manage to hide it, you were so tiny just a moment before! It's super cool, that jerk definitely didn't understand what hit him!"
He definitely was enjoying himself, being very upfront with you, all in your personally space, grabbing you and giggling excitedly. You were happy one moment and totally bawling your eyes out next. You didn't even know you could cry in this gigantic, powerful and terrifying form. Floyd somehow moved even closer to you, taking your face into his hands, caressing your cheeks and fins, tracing marks and lips. Unable to piece together a coherent speech, you just clinged to him.
"Y-you are... not afraid of me, right? Floyd?"
The merman just squeezed you tighter, a light laugh escaped him.
"It's quite easy with sharks. If they want to gobble you up, they do it. Not only I'm in one piece, you actually protected me. And you know, same-chan, when you're like this you're not scary at all."
At this point, you weren't sure if he was mocking or cheering you up with this smug smirk of his. You were just glad that your worst fears happened to be nothing but fears, the Floyd's embrace melting the remains of them.
You were suddenly well aware of your position. Even attempting to pull back would be futile, the clutch of merman's tail around yours was hard.
"Oh, going somewhere, same-chan? I don't think so, you didn't tell me everything, did you? And I'm not in the mood for guessing games right now."
A wicked note entered his voice, was he toying with you?
"Same-chan, do you like me that much to willingly blow up your cover, ahaha?~"
The question he voiced was a crushing force that presses on your gills. You were stunned. You didn't know what to answer, how could you if you never allowed yourself to dwell on it for too long in fear of a very obvious answer being formed. But right now, your mind was freed from your worries, from fear, from intrusive thoughts. A crystal clear answer echoed in it.
You tentatively reached with your hands, hugging the small of boy's back, nestling further in his chest, mumbling those words earnest words more to yourself than to him.
"I do. I do like you, Floyd."
Only silence surrounded you for a moment, before your companion forcefully made you look at him. Were your imagination playing trick on you, or it really was a deep green blush on his face? Merman's heterochromatic eyes were fixated on your face looking for a hint of a joke or a lie, but neither the crease of your brows, nor the tight line of your lips told him anything except for how serious you were.
"A-are you like for real? Ahaha~Ahahahaha! Same-chan, so cute!♡ I like you too~"
You don't see him so happy very often, and mighty sea, was he beautiful. You couldn't help but join his joyous laughing. No matter, what happened prior to this, this day you will remember as the of your happiest ones. Overwhelmed with excitement, Floyd squeezed you even harder, and you were grateful to be in this form, since your chances of surviving this embrace would be close to zero in your human body.
But the feeling of his lithe body against yours, boy's cheery voice feeling your ears and undeniable warmth spreading though you from the realization of the mutual nature of your feelings, all of this was priceless.
"Nee~[Name]-chan? I don't want you to keep silent about your thoughts and feelings from now on, 'kay? They're so entertaining, and you're so impressive, I want to aaalways know you're thinking about. I won't let you leave me now, I want you to stay with me forever! But you feel the same way, right?♡“
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• He's definitely telling about it to Jade and Azul!!! Boy is so excited, even if you beg him, he won't be able to contain himself so his twin will definitely know this sooner or later.
• But there's nothing to fear, while initially suspicious, Octavinelle boys are generally positive of this revelation. Somehow, you feel much more comfortable with them now.
• The news about apex predator in their school definitely gets the spotlight when Floyd drags you to his dormitory, and it's not until the later, when Jade questions Floyd's rather strong grip on your hand, that you two remember how much the status of your relationships has changed. Cue you two looking quite embarrassed and Jade with Azul just instantly understanding what is what.
• Jade is definitely supportive of his twin. "Yes, Azul, they can probably swallow the three of us at once, but they didn't." He knows how much their ability to make friends is impaired but their intimidating appearance, he's not the one to hold it against you. Jade is the one that notes, how you hadn't transformed to fight them when they were interfering with your task, but risked it to protect his brother. For that he's very grateful.
• Azul is more apprehensive of you and it's definitely not because he's frightened by the mighty "apex predator" title you have!!! Not a-at all! All it takes is just Jade reasoning with him for a bit for him to start feel ashamed of his initial reaction. It hurts very much when people judge you for your appearance and prejudices they have against you, isn't it so?
• You four are definitely going to Coral Sea together, Floyd really wants them to see your shark form. More likely than not, it was the first time any of them saw a mershark up-close and not trying to eat them. They appreciate a possibility of staying alive after such an encounter, Azul even trying to touch your fins out of sheer curiosity and Floyd quickly swatting away his hand with the most fake, passive-aggressive smile ever.
• Yes, no matter your size, race, actual strength or anything else Floyd will still stay possessive of you. You're his, and his only significant other. All will probably soon figure out that the two of you are dating now, with how much he throws himself at you and hugs you close. The smiles he gifts you are too, nothing alike of those others see.
• Since you are a powerful specie, standing in the food chain much higher than himself, he will relinquish in this, forgetting quite often to control his strength, biting and scratching much more often, and looking so happy while doing it. You'll probably need to have a chat with him about that~
• He actually can't get used to the thought that you're actually way scarier than him. Your demure looks just don't channel it at all, and he still tries to scare or intimidate you from time to time. It doesn't work. Pikachu meme but make it eel boy.
• He would LOVE to learn about your homeland, he's starry-eyed when you tell stories about you world to him. It's so interesting to him, he can't help but wonder how he managed to find such an interesting person, mermaid, fall in love with them and actually date them. He only heard about such stories in his childhood and never thought something like that was possible in reality.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Leave No One Behind
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Ch4- Not So Little Problem Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Episode Summary: Ari deals with the aftermath of his conversation with Hannah the previous night, and the resort has some unwelcome visitors
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words.
Episode Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
Leave No One Behind Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 3
“I’ll be there to comfort you, build my world of dreams around you, I’m so glad that I found you.”  I’ll Be There by the Jackson 5
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19th March 1971
“Oh Mama!” Hannah beamed at her mother as the large chocolate cake was set in front of her, complete with candles “Did you make this?”
“Of course I did!” her mother smiled “I’ve made you every birthday cake you’ve had, naturally I would make your 21st one!” “It stops here Han!” Sammy grinned, leaning back in his chair. “Mama ain’t made me a cake for the last 7 years.” “You’ll get one on your 30th.” Mama Navon narrowed her eyes “That is if you cut your hair. What on Earth makes you think it looks good?”
Ari let out a snort at that point and Sammy gave him a punch on the arm. “It’s a mullet, Ma, it’s fashion”
“Fashion, really?” Ari asked.
“You’ve no room to talk…you had that dodgy mop top for years.” Ari shook his head laughing, running his hand through his newly shorn hair, careful so as not to disturb the side parting he’d spent ages ensuring was pristine.
“Yeah, you’ve gone from George Harrison to George Lazenby.” Hannah winked at him and Ari grinned back.
“Whatever, get those candles blown out, I want some cake.” Sammy grumbled.
“Yeah, Han, make a wish!” Hannah’s friend, Amira instructed. The rest of the table began to join in, and with a grin she leaned forward, pulling her long bouffant pony tail back out of the way. She glanced over the table, looked at Ari before closing her eyes and blowing her candles out.
“Speaking of Bond…” Sammy spoke as their Mother began to slice the cake up. “The new film is due next month.”
“Connery returns, thank fuck!” Hannah nodded “Because Lazenby is shit.”
“Yeah, hear that, shit…” Sammy nudged Ari who shrugged.
“Hey, the fact that Firefly think’s I’m like James Bond is good enough for me.”
“Well you are an agent so… “ she shrugged, before she grinned wickedly “Although I’m not sure he would wear white skinny Levi's...” she gestured to his pants and he looked at her, his eyebrow raising.
“Erm, I’ll have you know that these are Sta-Prest and happen to be the height of mod fashion” he scoffed.
“Whatever.” she shrugged, before she smirked again “At least you don’t look like Rod Stewart. Mama’s right, that mullet needs sorting Sammy.”
“Can everyone stop taking the piss out of my hair?” Sammy glowered.
Once the cake was eaten, they all had another drink each before the meal came to a natural close. At this point Hannah’s mother wished them all goodbye and headed off home, the rest of them heading to the club across the road.
They headed straight to the bar and then Sammy vanished to go and find a couple of American Green Berets who were on a secondment into Mossad for 6 months, pending a potential formal recruitment following a successful mission a few weeks back.
They all placed their orders, and Ari took a quick check over his shoulder before he moved behind Hannah, bending over to speak into her ear.
“You know, you should be careful what you wish for, it might come true”
Hannah took a breath before letting it out slowly, and turning her head to look at him “What are you talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about Firefly…” he arched an eyebrow at her.
“So you think you know what my wish was, Levinson?” she asked, coyly, looking up at him.
“I think I know, yes” his voice was loaded.
“And are you gonna make it come true Lobo?”  her eyes were suggestive as she bit her lip and Ari smirked a little. He wasn’t an idiot, he hadn’t missed the signs Hannah had been giving him for the past 3 years since her 18th. He’d been trying to ignore it, due to the 7 year age gap but in the 4 years he had known her he had watched her turn into the amazing, gorgeous young woman stood in front of him, and now, well, it was getting increasingly hard to come up with reasons as to why he should be ignoring her, especially now she was 21.
Before he could respond, Sammy returned interrupting their little moment, slapping Ari’s back.
“Let me introduce you to my little sister, this is Hannah, Hannah meet Andy and Max.”
Ari didn’t miss the way Andy’s eyes travelled up and down Hannah’s form and felt himself bristle a little as the man took in her outfit. He couldn’t blame them though, she did look good in her blue and purple paisley print mini dress and knee high white boots.
“Nice to meet you guys!” Hannah smiled at them both.
“Pleasure is all mine” Andy grinned.
“Sammy say’s it’s your 21st” Max looked at her “Happy birthday” he grinned, kissing her hand.
“Thank you” she smiled
“Yeah, congratulations.” Andy grinned, bending over to kiss her cheek. .
Ari shifted on the spot, reaching for the scotch that the bar tender had set in front of him. He took Hannah’s Campari and Soda, handing it over to her, her fingers brushing his slightly as she took it and he saw that adorable pink tinge appear on her cheeks.
“So if it’s your birthday why you hanging bout with these 2 morons?” Max asked, jerking his thumb in Sammy’s direction.
“I’m not, they’re hanging with me.” Hannah shrugged, taking a sip of her drink through the straw.
All of them laughed, and Max looked at Sammy, then Ari, then back to Sammy again. “I like this girl.”
“That’s my sister for you.” Sammy shrugged, turning to the bar tender to place his order.
“Yeah, be careful, she looks like a Firefly but can bite like a mosquito.” Ari looked at Max before he glanced at Hannah.
She winked at him and then turned to Andy and Max. “Well, seeing as you guys are in town for a while, come with me and I’ll introduce you to a few of my friends”
Ari watched as she led them over the light up dance floor, tapping Amira on the shoulder. She started to talk to the rest of the her group of University friends, and he saw one of them, a red head, Abigail, lock eyes with him and he smiled politely before looking away.
“She giving you the eye again?” Sammy smirked, nodding to Abi and Ari shrugged.
“Got my eye on someone else.” he said simply. For once Sammy didn’t pry.
15 minutes or so later, the band was in full swing running through a number of hits from the 60s through to the present day. Hannah seemed to be having a good time, and as the opening bars to Sweet Caroline struck up she grinned over at Ari and Sammy. Ari, done with observing from a far, downed what remained of his drink and jerked his head towards them. Sammy nodded and followed him over to the group where they joined in the dancing and singing and laughing as they all chanted along, When that finished it morphed into another song, then another, then another… they were dancing for a good half an hour to hit after hit, and then Twist and Shout by the Beatles started. Hannah gave a cheer at this point before her and the girls launched into some kind of dance routine, twisting on the balls of their feet, dipping to the floor, laughing as they did so.
It was the perfect opportunity for Ari who moved behind Hannah, giving her a hug from behind. No one paid them the slightest bit of attention as they were too busy dancing themselves so he took it upon himself to pull her back closer into him, his hands falling to her hips as he swayed with her to the music, grinding up against her, his face resting against her neck, the short whiskers of his beard scratching at her skin. Taking her hand in his he spun her out, then back to face him, his spare arm curling around her, hand splaying on her back.
She glanced up at him as the music faded into “I’ll Be There” by the Jackson 5. The song was slow enough but not too slow, so he could keep her in that hold and it looked perfectly innocent. Just two friends enjoying a dance, even if the electricity between them was crackling…and then she leaned up to whisper into his ear.
“What were you saying about making my dreams come true?” she purred, her eyes locked onto his, a sultry look on her face as she blinked slowly.
Ari swallowed and glanced at Sammy, who was fooling about with Max, Andy and a few of Hannah’s friends and he felt himself hesitate. Was he doing the right thing? Was this really appropriate? It was an unwritten rule that you didn’t touch your best friends little sister, especially when she is 7 years your junior. And then there was the whole thing about was he good enough? She was a bright, young, clever woman...with a huge career as a doctor ahead of her which was almost unheard of for a female... Fuck! He had been so sure before but now it actually came down to it, he was plagued with doubts. Subconsciously he loosened his hold slightly and Hannah, as perceptive as ever noticed.
“Are you backing off, Levinson?” she looked at him, reading his face as always.
“Hannah, you look amazing, you are amazing but..”
At that point she rolled her eyes and pulled back slightly “Oh just don’t…”
“Firefly…” he began to protest but she stepped away, shaking her head.
“I need the bathroom”
And with that she headed off over the dancefloor.
Ari watched her leave, groaning as he ran a hand through his hair, grappling with himself once more. He wanted her, like he had never wanted anyone before, and he knew that there was something there on her side too. But was it right? But then again, how could something that felt this good be anything but?  
With a last glance at the group, he strode after her. Positioning himself outside the women’s bathroom he leaned against the wall, trying not to look like too much of a pervert. It took her a little while but when she emerged he reached out, grabbing her hand.
“Ari?” she asked but he didn’t say anything, simply laced his fingers between hers and dragged her outside.
Once there he spun round, backing her against the wall to the left of the door, placing his hands lat against the concrete either side of her head, looking down at her
“You’re driving me crazy.” he looked down at her as she bit her lip, her eyes wide, suddenly her demeanour was all coy. He chuckled and shook his head, “Don’t play innocent with me now, Han. You want me as much as I want you.”
“Well, sometimes we don’t always get what we want do we, mi Lobo hambriento?”
Fuck that nickname! It did things to him, inappropriate things and he gave a little groan as he looked down at her.
“You can have what you want Firefly.” Ari’s voice was low as he looked at her “I’m all yours, but I think you already know that…”
Her breathing became deep and Ari could tell she was turned on but he wasn’t going to do anything until she had given him a sign. He was ensuring she had the power, that this was her decision. Her eyes bounced across each of his, as if she was searching for something, making sure he was absolutely telling the truth. Which he was. He had come clean about his feelings it was up to her now. As he watched, her gaze flickered down to his lips and then back up again and she took a deep breath that was almost a gasp.
“Ari it’s almost midnight…” her voice was soft, almost a whisper. “And I’m pretty sure birthday wishes are supposed to be granted on the actual day…”
Ari grinned, arching his eyebrow slightly “Better not keep my girl waiting.”
His hands moved to her face, cupping her cheeks gently before he leaned down and kissed her. It was soft at first but quickly became heated as her hands slid up to his chest, clutching fistfuls of his black sweater. He kissed the life out of her. It was raw and heated as they both poured out 4 years of fucking frustration in one another.
Eventually Ari broke the kiss, more to breathe properly than anything, pressing his forehead to hers, both of them breathless.
“Were you serious?” Hannah asked.
“About what?” he frowned, and he watched as she bit her lip and looked down before she glanced back up at him.
“About me being your girl…”
“I thought I just made myself perfectly clear…” he said, his eyes boring into hers.
She looked at him, a smile playing on her lips before she shrugged, her hands sliding up round his neck, pulling his face back down to her.
“Hmm, maybe you better show me again…”
Ari woke up when the first rays of sun seeped through the latticed window above his bed. When he opened his eyes he was hugging his pillow for dear life and it took him a couple of seconds to adjust to reality, the memories of that night slowly retreating to the back of his mind where they had been kept for nearly 9 years now. He yawned and stretched and pulling his bed sheets away, he sat up on the edge of his bed and rubbed his eyes.  
He groaned when he looked down and his eyes focused on his erection. Fuck, he thought. He tried to remember when the last time he had had a wet dream was but couldn't even recall it. Being around Hannah and stirring old feelings and painful memories was surely having an effect on him. An effect he had to sort immediately if he wanted to impersonate his role as the owner of this God forsaken hotel in front of the group of Germans that had unexpectedly arrived the previous evening. 
Once he had got rid of his, not so little, problem in the shower of the small bathroom attached to his hut and after pulling on a pair of black shorts he headed out in the scorching Sudanese sun.  
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He went round the side of the building and he met Max leading some kind of class to a group of tourists, apparently Tai Chi. He saw Max turn to him standing on one leg and give him a wave, and so did the tourists mimicking Max movements. Ari waved back, an astonished smile on his face. He was surprised Max knew Tai Chi, a trained assassin and sniper giving an ancient soothing martial art class clad in what looked like a pair of pyjama pants. And to make it more surprising he had stopped eating to do so, seeing as he, for once, didn't have food in his hands. 
Ari watched him for a second before looking down and giving a huff of a laugh. He decided then to head towards the main building with the intention of getting a cup of coffee. He stopped again as he saw Rachel walking from one of the jeeps, carrying a load of what looked like new bed linen, followed by a member of the staff carrying a box of groceries. Ari wondered where the fuck had they got all that, but then concluded they must have gone shopping as he spotted a load more boxes and baskets in the back of the open trunk of one of the jeeps.
And just as he turned towards the doors of the main building he saw Sammy walking from an outhouse with a basket of laundry and a blatantly grumpy expression on his face. He didn't stop, but gave Ari a stare instead of a good morning greeting.  What was wrong with him? Ari wondered if he would still be pissed at him for the incident during the mission the previous night. Whatever. He shrugged and headed inside the main building.
He entered the kitchen and grabbed a mug. The kitchen and the reception area were deserted at this time of the morning. As he poured some coffee he noticed there was still no sign of Hannah, or Jake for that matter, and he thought it was probably for the best given the way things had gone last night and his damned dream and issue that morning when he woke up. Moreover, he wasn't quite sure how he should handle himself around her. She would probably be upset at him if not mad. Or maybe she simply wouldn’t give a damn, which would be worse because that would mean she didn't care anymore about their.... past. But then again it had seemed like she cared last night. A lot if you asked him, she had even admitted she had been in love with him back then.
Sighing slightly he grabbed his coffee mug and headed out to the seafront part of the building only to find Jake led on a sun-lounger in a very tight pair of red speedos. And, Damn it!, he spotted Hannah next to him in another lounger. She was lay on her stomach, her chin resting on her folded arms, and her head turned towards Jake who was explaining something to her, probably some of his exotic diving adventures.
Ari then noticed she was wearing a red bathing suit which had cut out panels on each side of her waist. She hadn't worn it before, Ari thought he would definitely remember if she had. Her hair was piled on her head in a messy bun and her eyes were covered by her Aviators. Ari couldn't help but check out those damned legs and curves, and that ass and he was suddenly glad he had jerked off in the shower that morning, though he still felt something stirring in the pit of his stomach.
He hesitated but he then decided to approach, watching as Hannah turned half her body to Jake and resting on her right elbow, her head  on her hand just a moment before the two of them burst out with laugher. With the green eyed monster in the pit of his stomach groaning, Ari walked over to them and saw Jake had matches between his fingers and thought that would give him the perfect opportunity to engage in conversation and see where that would lead.
"What's with the matches?" he asked Jake.
Hannah lifted her head to face him. Ari couldn't see her eyes, hidden as they were by her shades but her demeanour didn't appear angry or stiff…just passive which was what he feared the most. Had someone asked him how to handle her, the answer would have been no fucking idea.
Jake looked up and then at the matches, which fell out at the motion of his hand moving his shades up his face, before answering which gave Ari the perfect opportunity to steal another glance at Hannah. A very appreciative one, now that he could take in the curve of her breasts and her cleavage.
 “It's the only way to spread the tan evenly.” Jake answered.
 "That's the stupidest thing I ever heard." Ari replied.
Hannah snorted at Ari's comment and Jake looked at her slyly before saying “You won’t be laughing at the tan lines you'll get from that thing.”
She frowned and looked down at her body. As did Ari, and Jake.  Ari looked at Jake a second later and caught him checking her out. Not that he could blame him. He himself had been doing the same thing since he had spotted them both, but for some reason it pissed him. Then Hannah spoke bringing him back from his thoughts.
“Not like anyone’s gonna see em Loop.”
Ari swallowed hard and brought his coffee mug to his lips to conceal his raising uneasiness. Ok, so now we are on pet name terms. Fuck my life.
“You never know Red…” Jake winked.
Hannah laughed before retorting “I should be so fucking lucky…”
What in the name... 
Ari tried to divert the attention and looked around him before asking Jake "What's going on here?"
"Well, your brochure mentioned the daily relaxing Tai Chi class. Irving" he said nodding at Max. "Liam is doing laundry because he lost a bet." he continued.
Ari looked down back at Jake, a dumbfounded expression on his face.
"He bet Rachel that Max didn’t know how to do Tai Chi…stupid bastard, not like he ain't known Max for 9 years or anything…" Hannah explained rather harshly.
“Are you mad at your brother?” Jake asked turning to look at her.
“Damned right I am.” Hannah snorted. Jake looked at her, raising an eyebrow but she said no more so he looked at Ari who shrugged. It was clear to him that he was not getting a reason why.
Ari shifted position and put his left fisted hand inside his shorts' pocket as he knew all too well what the reason for her bitterness against her brother was. He suddenly felt uncomfortable and looked behind them both, seemingly interested in the Tai Chi class while Jake continued his report of the chores assignment at the resort.
“Angela went shopping after giving a massage to a hairy Nazi. And now I'm giving a diving tour…”  and at that he looked at his diving watch as he stood “which starts in exactly 12 minutes…” Jake informed, giving Ari a look “as per your fucking brochure.” But before leaving he glanced down at Hannah.
 “You coming sweetheart?”
“Hell yeah…” she replied taking the hand Jake was offering her to help her up, but she then stopped.
"You promise I'm not gonna get eaten by a shark?" Hannah asked.
"Don't worry, I'll look after you." he chuckled. "Come on."
They both started to walk off without any more explanation before Jake turned to Ari. “Care to join?”
Ari looked at them for a moment but didn’t answer, he simply scoffed and drank his coffee. He was taken by surprised. He hadn't expected Jake and Hannah to hit it off and become so close in such few days. The green eyed monster now stopped groaning and started growling. He decided to shut it up by finishing his coffee and going to call Ethan and Isaacs to debrief the previous night successful mission in the privacy of his the outhouse where they kept the diving equipment.
***** Ari got back to the main building after the call to Tel Aviv and sorting a misunderstanding with a German couple who had been assigned separate rooms by mistake. Ethan and Isaacs had been giving him a hard time about the radio failure issue, Ari was willing to bet Ethan hadn't believed any of the excuses he had improvised. And seeing the turn the conversation with Isaacs had taken, he wouldn't like to be in Ethan's shoes and having to deal with Isaacs in person.
By the time he entered the main dining room Hannah and Jake had already come back from their diving tour and Hannah was gushing about the marine life, and how Jake had been amazing on the tour, showing everyone where to go and what to see. Max, Sam and Rachel listened carefully to her colourful account of Jake's expertise in the matter while Jake leaned back casually on one chair smoking and brushing off Hannah's flattering comments.
Honestly all Ari wanted to listen to was the sound of Jake's jaw breaking from his punch.  But he faked interest as he sat on one of the free chairs and lit a cigarette after brushing his hand over his hair, an equally fake smile on his face. Rachel then suggested it would be nice if they all took a trip that afternoon after lunch seeing as they would be dismissed from their chores by then. 
So for the second tour of the day, the entire team bar Sammy, who allegedly had a phobia of fish no one knew anything about and so offered to stay in the boat as spotter, decided to take a dive.
Later that day, when all the equipment had been checked and the tourist taking part in the diving tour were all settled in the boat on the way out, Sam sat next to Hannah who shifted in her seat. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he whispered. “You’ve been avoiding me all morning and now you’re looking at me like I murdered someone…”
“Not someone…” she replied without even bothering to look at him and shrugging. 
If Ari could have turned himself invisible he would have, but seeing as that was impossible he was seriously considering throwing himself overboard and getting eaten by a shark instead. But chances were there wouldn't be sharks in the Red Sea, given his luck lately.
"What do you mean?" Sammy asked a bit taken aback.
Hannah shrugged again not looking at him. She still was undecided about how to confront her brother about his big fuck up many years ago, but it surely wasn't gonna happen in a boat in the middle of the sea with a group of chubby sunburnt tourists and Ari fucking Levinson nonetheless.
"What have you done to her, man?" Max chuckled.
"The fuck I know." Sammy groaned, looking at him
"Time of the month cracker?" Max asked Hannah, grinning.
 “Seriously?” Rachel groaned.
"Like, that’s the one thing I never understand, why men assume when a woman is a little moody that they’re on their period?" she huffed.
"The one thing I never understand is why lesbians use dildos or strap-ons. I mean they either like cock or not." Jake thought out loud.
Ok, I might as well give a chance to the sharks, Ari thought.
"Maybe they like cock but just can’t be arsed dealing with the 6ft useless ball sack attached to it…" she offered before cursing in Spanish "Maldito cabrón." (Fucking asshole) Ari noticed Sammy rolling his eyes, clearly understanding whatever curse she had just spoke. Then a middle-aged German woman laughed and said something to Hannah in Spanish.
"Con quién estás más enfadada?" (Which one are you most angry at?)
Hannah laughed and glanced at Ari, Sammy, Max and lastly Jake.
"Ahora mismo, con todos." (Right now, all of them)
Sammy turned at her giving her a questioning look, but he couldn’t blow cover in front of the tourists so he bit back the urge to ask her what the fuck was going on.
Ari rubbed his face. Suddenly this boat trip was taking too long for his liking and his wetsuit felt far too tight.
Everyone remained silent, lost in their own thoughts. Silence only broken by sound of the waves and the lively chatter of a pair of overexcited German youths.  Once they had reached the diving spot, Jake helped Hannah as she tumbled backwards into the sea before helping the tourists to do the same. Then it was Rachel and Max. Ari was the last to go. 
"When did those two become so close? Is Jake hitting on my sister or am I imagining things?" Sam asked Ari, who merely shrugged before he tumbled backwards into the sea effectively determined to have his date with destiny... and sharks. Thanks, Sam.
God. Hannah had been right. The bottom of the sea at that spot was gorgeous. Being there, underwater, diving through the crystal-clear waters among all that rich variety of fish was simply overwhelming. Ari could recognise butterflyfish and clownfish along with sea turtles and some eels, and then a school of an unknown to him species of fish came swimming off a breath-taking  coral reef when the group approached it. And just when he thought he couldn't be more amazed, Jake led them to a rather ghostly ship wreck. 
The experience was as amazing as Hannah had described it, yes. But it would have been even better if Ari hadn't had to put up with her and Jake diving close together the whole time and him guiding her instead of the tourists. He would be lying if he said he wasn't low key pissed at them, had he a reason or the right to be or not. And he might or might not have not voluntarily kicked a school of fish with one of his fins. And to make things worse, that tight short legged wet suit she was wearing was doing nothing to help.
Just when he had decided to dive a bit more inside the ship wreck in order to keep his mind and his eyesight away from the pair, he felt a tug on his line. He swam up a bit and saw it was Sammy pulling so he heading up to the surface. He bobbed at the side of the boat gripping the boat side handle with his right hand and pulling his mask off with the left one.
"What's up?" he asked Sammy catching his breath.
Sammy just nodded towards the shore and said "Turn around."
Ari turned around and saw a bunch of armed guards all stood along the beach.
"Shit" he cursed. "Ok, I’ll go down get the others."
A few minutes later he had warned Jake and they all had gotten the tourists back in the boat and headed back to shore. Ari trying to keep calm so as not to scare the tourists and to reassure his team at the same time. Everyone more or less succeeding in keeping up appearances till they got to the beach. 
When they descended the boat, Ari saw a man in an army uniform, with his hat on his head and a pair sunglasses covering his eyes. He quickly guessed it must be Colonel Ahmed of the local force, the one Kabede had warned him about.
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"Hello." Ari greeted walking towards him, followed by his team.
"How can I help you?" he asked reaching his hand out to the Colonel, who looked back at him seriously as they shook hands.
"There's been an incident last night, and we wanted to make sure that all of you in the hotel are safe." Ahmed informed in his thick accent.
Ari looked back at his team, trying to buy some time, before turning back to the man.
"What kinda incident?" he asked faking a curious expression.
"Smugglers."  Ahmed replied as he turned and walked back towards the hotel, all of them following.  "They drove through one of our roadblocks last night. Nearly killed two of my soldiers." 
The team exchanged glances as the soldiers began flanking them as they walk, guns held in their hands.
 "I heard there's a smuggling problem up and down the coast, I hope no one was hurt." Ari offered casually.
Ahmed stopped in his tracks and turned to look at him. He inspected Ari's expression carefully before smiling an ample white toothed grin. He then nodded and continued walking, heading straight for the trucks parked at the left front side of the main building.
Ari had to put his quick thinking skills to the test before Ahmed started suspecting he didn't want his trucks inspected. He stopped as Ahmed walked to the trucks and leaned against the bonnet. He removed his glasses and gave Ari that inspecting look again before speaking.
"My soldiers shot the trucks. So the trucks from last night should have bullet holes in them."
Ari kept his face passive. Behind him Max and Jake both move nearer to Hannah and Rachel in a protective mode as the soldiers started circling the group. Tension was rising fast.
Ahmed resumed his walk round the side of the trucks towards the rear of them "There's no reason why your trucks should have bullet holes, Mister..."
"Thomas. Guy Thomas" Ari offered, walking after him.  "And no. No reason."  he admitted laughing a little with the last two words, as if he found it all ridiculous.
Ahmed didn't spare him a glance and proceeded to check the trucks, pushing at the wooden panels. Ari stood there watching. Then he looked at Ahmed whose face had fallen as he hadn't found the bullet holes he was sure he would find. 
Overtaken by frustration Ahmed then barked something to his soldiers in Arabic. A second later a soldier ran up, saying something back as he nodded and Ahmed looked at him, before looking at Ari and returned to check the truck again. 
Ahmed comes back a few seconds later and said something to his soldier, his voice steely, before beginning to make his way back down the side of the truck to his troop. Ari lowered his head with relief and in a bold move, encouraged by the rush of adrenaline, he chimed
 "I hope you come visit us again real soon." 
Hannah looked at Max and hissed "Seriously?" once the armed men had jumped back in their trucks. “I hope you come visit us again?” she looked at Ari, “You’re such a dick…”
Ari frowned as she turned away and with a shake of her head waked back down the sand and took a right towards the boat that they had occupied little over 10 minutes ago which were now moored by the launching ramp near the diving centre part of the resort. Max looked at Ari, gave him a shrug and then shouted after Hannah.
“Cracker, wait up…”
She stopped and turned, allowing him to catch her and Ari stood with his hands on his hips as Max tossed an arm round her, gave her a squeeze and they fell into step with one another walking down the soft sand.
“Come on, let’s get the gear away and we can talk.” Ari said, tearing his eyes way from Hannah’s back and nodding to Jake. Between them they all grabbed various bits of equipment and began hauling it up the beach to outhouses. It was hot work, the boys all undoing the tops of their wetsuits in an attempt to keep reasonably cool, but as Ari felt the sweat dripping down his back he could think of nothing better than getting out of the damned thing.
Once the last oxygen tank was placed on the floor by Jake, he let out a loud breath and wiped at his brow then his chest with a towel. Ari saw Hannah look at Jake and smile and that damned green eyed monster stirred in his gut again.
“Like what you see Red?” Jake teased with a wink and a smirk as he gave a little twirl.
“Well, there’s not much left that I ain’t seen, Loop, thanks to those fucking speedos.” she shot back and he gave a laugh, as she unzipped the front of her wet suit before she paused and then stopped when Max broke the silence.
“Smugglers huh…”
“Well they weren’t wrong.” Hannah mused “Just not smuggling the types of things they expect…”
“I almost shat in my wet suit.” Jake said, with a chuckle.
“Yeah, if that soldier hadn't been too scared to admit he'd missed, we'd all be locked up right now.” Sammy spoke, shaking his head.
Hannah’s attention flicked to Ari who wasn’t listening. Instead he was leaning against the wall, looking out of the window at the guests on the beach, one arm folded across his bare abdomen, the other playing with his beard and she could tell from the look on his face that an idea was forming in his head.
“Come here.” he spoke to the group as he pointed out of the window, his hands falling to his slim hips “What do you see?”
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With that he turned and looked into the hut. Hannah, who was stood closest to him stepped up beside him, following his gaze to the tourists who were sat out on the sand, a few of them drinking beer from a cool box. Sammy moved to stand next to her and raised an eyebrow.
“Unsuspecting collateral damage?” he huffed a sarcastic laugh.
Hannah rolled her eyes and give him a filthy look as she shook her head, her hands falling to her hips. She shared a glance with Rachel who smiled at her, clearly they were both on Ari’s wave length.
“Best cover we could ask for.” Hannah said. Ari turned to look at her, smiling as she met his eyes her face almost smiling back.
“Imagine if the Germans hadn't been here when Ahmed arrived.”  Ari looked at Sammy before he turned back to the window, folding his arms again.
There was a moment’s pause as the group stood looking out of the window for before they glanced round at one another, Max, Rachel, Hannah, Jake and Ari all grinning. Ari turned his attention back to the tourists, the idea was genius. Operate as a fully functioning hotel! They had the staff, and it was the perfect damned cover should anyone come sniffing around. Granted it might slow things down, they’d need a good few months to get it fully operational, and then there was the task of getting Ethan and Isaacs on board but he was confident he could sell it, especially with all the team’s support.
Well, almost all the team that is.
“You're kidding, right?” Sammy deadpanned.
“Yeah, coz this is one big fucking hilarious joke Sammy.” Hannah snarked and Ari turned round everyone’s attention focussed on her “Ari has a point…”
“What a surprise, you’re backing him up, again!” Sammy rolled his eyes.
Ari gave a sigh and stepped forward a little “Hey, hey come on…” he placated but Hannah ignored him completely and glared at her brother.
“Oh fucking grow up Sammy!” she shook her head, before she barged past him, shoving into him with her shoulder before she stormed out of the group.
“Oh fuck this…” Sammy grumbled, following her out.
Hannah stormed down to the sea front, Sammy hot on her heels.
“Hannah! Hannah, STOP!” he yelled, “What the fuck is your problem?”
“You really wanna know?” she rounded on him, her eyes blazing.
“Well I’d appreciate it if you told me instead of the snidey, bitchy comments and looks!”
“Would you appreciate it if I came round to your apartment one morning and punched you in the jaw…sound familiar?”
Sammy’s eyes grew wide and Hannah shook her head at him as the realisation spread across his face.
“How did you…” he started to ask but Hannah cut him off.
“Fuck you Sammy, how could you? You had no right to interfere in my life!”
“Hannah, you were my little sister…”
“I was 21 years old….a fucking adult.” she shook her head.
“I just…” Sammy sighed, and shrugged “I was trying to protect you.”
“From what? From Ari?” she shook her head “He’s your best friend Sammy, I mean how bad do you really think he is?”
“I know what he’s like Hannah.”  Sammy shook his head “He’s a great guy but he’s reckless and arrogant and selfish…” “He wasn’t…” Hannah swallowed “He wasn’t like that with me.” “Look at what happened with Sarah.” Sammy sighed “That would have been you.” “Well, funnily enough neither of us has a husband now do we?” she shot back.
“Don’t say that.” Sammy looked at her.
“Why not?” she shrugged. “It’s true.” “You were 21…he was 28…”
“And?” “You had all your training to do.” “You had NO RIGHT!” she screamed at him “You had not right to decide what was best for me…I fucking loved him Sammy!”
At that Sammy’s face fell, and he looked down, shaking his head. “Hannah, I-“ “I loved him…and you took him away from me.” she sniffed “Why you would do something that you knew would hurt me so much?”
“I was trying to stop you getting hurt.” Sammy shook his head
“I mean, was it jealousy, is that it?”
“Don’t be ridiculous Han.” Sammy scoffed.
“You were scared I was gonna take your best friend or something?” she looked at him
“I didn’t know how serious it was.” Sammy looked at her “I didn’t know you’d been together for any amount of time…” “Hang on…” Hannah frowned “You didn’t know, so what? You just saw us at the party and then decided you’d punch him in the face?”
“I…I never saw you together.” Sammy looked down.
Hannah stopped dead and looked at her brother as he raised his eyes to hers “What? Then how did you-“ “I never saw you Han.” he repeated “Someone else did and they told me.”
“Hannah, does it matter?”
She snorted, remembering how Ari had said the exact same words to her the night before and let out a sarcastic laugh.
“I’m getting sick and tired of people telling me what does and doesn’t matter. I want to know. WHO told you?” “Hannah, don’t do that to yourself.”
“What the fuck does that even mean?” she said loudly “I have the right to know, tell me Sammy who told-“ “It was Andy!” Sammy yelled back “Ok, you happy now?” At his words Hannah visibly recoiled, stepping backwards on the sand. It felt like someone had just slapped her round the face.
“Andy?” she whispered.
“Yeah…” Sammy sighed
Hannah looked at her brother again, before she took a deep breath and turned and headed back up the sand towards her hut, the tears stinging her eyes. Her husband had been the one that had caused Ari to leave her. She didn’t want to believe it, but she knew her brother wasn’t lying. It felt like a double betrayal, from both of them, and it hurt. It physically hurt.
“Cracker?” Max stepped into her path, his voice gentle as he gently laid his hands on her shoulder
“Just...leave me Max, please…” she said, the tears pouring down her cheeks.
“I can’t leave you like this….” he said softly “What’s wrong? What are you and Sammy fighting about?”
“Hannah?” Ari asked softly as he appeared and Hannah groaned inwardly. She really didn’t need this. All she wanted to do was go and lie on her bed, curly up and cry. “Firefly, what happened?”
It didn’t take a genius to work out what the siblings had been arguing about. Ari watched her as her chest heaved with sobs, debating whether or not to hug her but he stopped himself, not sure exactly how well it would be received.
“He…” she started to talk and shook her head, taking a deep breath before she turned her beautiful blue eyes onto his, they were shining with tears “It was Andy.” Ari felt like the rug had been pulled from his feet, he knew instantly what she was referring to but couldn’t quite believe it.
“Andy?” he repeated, looking at her and she nodded.
“Andy saw us that night, and he was the one that told Sammy…” “Aah, shit…” Max sighed, and both Ari and Hannah turned to look at him. “That isn’t exactly what happened”
“How do you…how do you know what we’re talking about?” Hannah frowned.
“Because it was me. I saw you.” “What? Hannah whispered as Ari let out a groan and turned away for a moment to gain some composure.
“I saw you and Ari outside Cracker, and I made a joke to Andy because he liked you….and we knew Ari had some secret girlfriend he was refusing to tell us about and…”
“God, Max!” Ari spun round to look at him, shaking his head.
“I didn’t know he was gonna tell Sammy, or that he did…I swear.” Max finished, apologetically “I’m so sorry.” Hannah looked around at Max, lost for words.
“Cracker…” he said but she simply shook her head.
At that point Sammy approached and that was it, she’d had enough.
“You….” she pointed at Sammy “Had no goddamned right to interfere…” she turned to Max “You should have kept your mouth shut…and you…” she looked at Ari, wanting to scream and shout and rail at him for walking away and not fighting for her, but as his eyes locked onto hers, she saw the sadness behind them and even now, with the anger and hurt coursing through her veins, she just couldn’t bring herself to do it.
Instead, she simply turned and stormed into her hut, slamming the door behind her.
**** Chapter 5
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twitchesandstitches · 3 years
emergency digestion
(Commission for @heimkoheimkofan of my OC Odina getting vored by thier OC Sariel and my Tia to actually help her out!)
A beach was a fine change of pace from the dangerous places Odina usually saw, but she wasn’t in much of a mood to appreciate it properly.
A beach sprawled about into the distance, as far as the eye could see. There was no horizon, just a faint curve of dim light that grew darker and then brighter in something like an alien imitation of a solar cycle. The sea went on, and subtle awareness of the geometries suggested that it just went on forever, a serene expanse of ocean and tides.
Probably, there were sea creatures there. She thought she’d seen a few of her friends, or teammates, bringing some back from a hunt, on the basis that a beach vacation demanded barbeque. She was in too much pain to notice.
Odina and the rest of the eccentric people she’d gotten stuck with had seen a lot of strange places over the past few years. She’d met a lot of strange people, and some of them were… friends, she supposed. A few were more intimate than that suggested, and she wasn’t comfortable enough with her feelings to acknowledge that directly. She’d been to many places, too, some of them were weird. Others were things she’d remember in twisting nightmares, brief memories scarred into her soul that reminded her of how small and brief she was.
A beach was a pretty nice change of pace. Even if they’d gotten there through a doorway and it had opened into a plane of existence that was a single continuous beachfront. Seemingly going on forever, as far as they could tell. Odina had been to many weird places, that defied all common sense and rationality; a perpetual beach, complete with days and nights despite there being no such thing as stars or a sun here, was a lot less awful than some other places she’d seen.
Odina sat huddled on the beach, looking as terrible as she felt, her squat body curled up like she was trying to compress herself into a living ball. She was a human woman of Algonquinian descent; her features were broad, her skin a deep brown, and her thick hair an earthy tone offset by a streak of red dye. Glasses covered her eyes, dipping slightly as she stared down. her toes wiggling into the sand. Her face twisted with pain, and a subtle sense that there was something horribly wrong with her.
She was not a large woman… at least as far as height was concerned. She was one of those humans whose ancestors had been mutated and bred true. She was one of those known as dwarves; a human’s full mass compressed into a squat form about half the size. She was barely four feet tall, but she was nearly six feet wide, particularly at her massive hips. She was a buxom woman, her huge breasts spilling all over her massive thighs, though her butt was probably the most impressive aspect of herself.
Magical energy, the availability of transformatives across most known worlds, and shape-changing abilities all meant that body types tended to get pretty extreme in the modern day. Odina’s body emphasized hips broad enough to wreck most doorways, her thighs wider across than most men’s whole bodies, but her butt in particular was incredibly huge. It squashed beneath her, apparently as big around as she was, and so soft, yet strong, that it was propping her several feet off the ground, a living couch she carried with her. If she stood up, the top of it would be level with her shoulders, her legs mostly swallowed up in its bulk; as it was, she was sandwiched by it as the two fatty masses swelled around her.
It was also glowing faintly, pulsing with random flows of magic. Each pulse made it grow visibly larger, both cheeks wobbling violently; so much that it was visibly hurting her. She winced, looking more ill as it kept growing.
She hugged herself. A modest top, emblazoned with her favorite crafting/sandbox game’s title, did its best to support breasts swelled to torso-obscuring size by her own particular magical abilities. Odina had the power to nullify magic in all its forms by directly absorbing it into her body, mainly her backside, and grew bigger by turning it into physical mass until she processed that energy.
She was so charged up, so full, that even her breasts were growing. Odina thought, in a bleak and intensely worried way, that his was an extremely bad sign.
Around the beach, others from her group had spread out to have fun or set up a small settlement. There were slime girls and robots, humans and beast-morphs, nagas and centaurs, fauns and angelic entities, and stranger creatures; all of them knew Odina, if only as the short human who yelled at them to focus and stay on task. She didn’t want any of them to see her, and she was a lot better at going unnoticed than might be expected.
Her discomfort and distress had not gone entirely unnoticed, though. There were two people watching her from a distance, debating about the matter.
“She’s sick! I’m sure of it!” This first speaker had a soft, gentle voice with a faint accent that was hard to place, but suggested an islander origin. The speaker was also abundantly female, and a testament to the power of what modding (or self-shaping powers) could accomplish.
Her name was Tiashar; her friends, including Odina, usually called her Tia. No one was quite sure what she was, Tia included. Many of the others around the island now were big people, ranging from human sized to larger; special powers, the luck of genetics, their species, or simply deliberate magical or biological modification allowed them to be as huge as they wanted. Tia was even larger than the biggest of them, freely changing her size as seemed warranted, and she didn’t just tower over her friend here: she would have towered over trucks and cars. Even now, her power deliberately reigned in and her body significantly downsized, she could have been mistaken for a hill, and crouched and almost laying on her enormous breasts, she was at least thirteen feet high.
She gleamed faintly, her thick skin a lustrous shade of pitch black and lubricated, like her body oiled itself up. She was vaguely humanoid in form, but she wasn’t human in the slightest; her skin was like a mix of a frog and a whale’s, and she crouched on two digitigrade legs, with broad three-toed feet like some primordial beast. Behind her, a massive tail curled and lashed about anxiously, various flapping bits smacking heavily against herself. Generally, she looked like some amphibious creature that was, bit by bit, adding in various other traits to herself.
Sensory organs running down her back her to her tail, nubby and resembling a kaiju dinosaur’s dorsal spikes, wobbled as she picked up on mysterious signals. Her neck was very long, almost serpentine, and bent slightly as she slowly raised up her solemn-looking face towards Odina. Massive flaps like huge bunny ears (though covered with the same sensory nubs) fell over her shoulders, and around her head a massive mane of pink tentacles swished about, rather like living hair.
Massive breasts spilled out before her; they were bigger than queen size beds, and likely made up a lot of her body mass; nearly as much as her butt, which rose behind her like a pair of matching hills about the base of her tail. It was an interesting dichotomy; she was definitely inhuman in appearance, but she was spectacularly curvaceous, even matronly.
“I mean, I suppose it makes sense,” said the other speaker. This one was even less human-like than Tia, and that was saying a lot. Her voice was musical; not just in the sense of having a pleasing voice, but with a reverb as though the sounds were made by ethereal instruments all playing in tune together. It also did not appear to be spoken; her voice welled up from around her, and her mouth did not move in any way. She simply willed the worlds in, or sung them in a deeper way.
Her body, coiled in a tense cone with her torso at the center, was vaguely serpentine. She had no legs, but a long curling trunk and tail, gently tapering to a tip, all a faintly luminous substance that appeared to be bluish-purple, shimmering like fire made into something solid. She rested on this, rising up so she was roughly the height of a human, but where it should have met her torso, the rest of her body simply detached from this tail. There was a green sphere, glowing like a small star, and above that, there was something like a human woman’s torso, made of the same substance. Two large breasts (roughly the size of her head; not so grand as Tia’s, or even Odina’s) hung suspended under their own power, and four arms branched off from her shoulders, claw-like digits anxiously wiggling together.
This being’s name was Sariel. She was not… from around there. She called herself an angel, and she certainly looked the part.
Six purple wings, similar to a dragonfly’s but fleshy, hung morosely down her back. And finally her head floated just above her shoulders, detached from her body and with no signs that it was meant to attach, a cloud of something like hair above several pairs of eyes and a human-like mouth.
The two of them watched Odina sadly. They knew she was sick; that she’d gotten sick.
They didn’t even know her powers could do that to her. Odina didn’t like talking about herself much; now both of them were very worried that they didn’t know what was wrong with her, exactly.
They did have theories, though.
“Do you remember that fiend berserker who came out of nowhere?” Sariel asked.
“Yeah,” Tia said, thinking about the size of a massive horned brute charging and screaming bloodthirsty war cries, just as Odina dropped on it’s head.
Everyone, in the magical transformations the mortal universe had experienced, had their own unique abilities. Odina was unexpectedly gifted with a singularly potent ability: she could drain magical energy. It was a simple sounding technique, but as everything was made of magic on some level, it translated into an ‘I win!’ skill if she’d bothered to work at it. As it was, she was well within her power to short-circuit spells, nullify magic-powered attacks sent her way, and in the case of purely mystical entities, absorb them entirely.
Case in point: the berserker had dwindled away, until he was dissipated. Nothing but essence on her butt, to respawn later on.
And she’d started looking queasy around them, Sariel thought.
She added, thoughtfully, “And then those… ghost things that tried to ambush us.”
Tia winced, remembering the wave of howling, grotesque things, bundles of raw emotion and the lust to kill, bound into an undead framework of bones and muscle. Odina had simply extended her absorbing field, and their frameworks had collapsed on the spot, the ghosts sucked right into her backside.
That was how they’d found the portal to the beach; the ghosts had been eying it, perhaps to build a nasty trap there. And then, with the rush to explore somewhere fun for once, Odina had been allowed to quietly suffer in silence.
“...She processes magic, doesn’t she?” Tia asked, giving Sariel a sidelong look. “Like… she gets all stacked for a while, but it dies away eventually. Like a short-term power boost.”
“I think so?” Sariel’s wings flapped like someone making an awkward gesture. “I’ve never seen her have problems, uh. ‘Digesting’, I think?”
“But… I guess it’s not a problem with most forms of magic, but she absorbed a big, strong demon and ghosts,” Tia pointed out.
Sariel’s color faded. Horror drew her face into something crumbled and ill. “And they’re made of evil and, and death, and she just took that into herself!”
Tia blinked. “Ohhh, that makes sense. No wonder she’s feeling ill!”
Sariel flapped around. “We have to do something! We have to get her to a doctor or, or something! We need to rip that bad stuff out of her! Ohhh, please don’t just sit there, we have to do something!”
Tia grabbed her with one massive, flipper-like hand. “Sari! This isn’t the time to panic!”
“This is exactly the time to panic!” Sariel wailed. “Our Odina is in danger!”
Tia gently pushed her face into the sand, muffling her. Briefly, she had considered pile driving her on the basis of it being totally awesome, but decided at the last second that it wasn’t the time for that. “Yelling and running around isn’t going to help! Helping will help! And I have an idea!”
Sariel made a vaguely interrogative mumble. Tia leaned down and whispered to her.
Odina was still clutching herself, whimpering faintly in pain, when she felt the sand shake, and a familiar ethereal presence wash over her. It honestly made her feel a little better, a thought so sappy she was instantly revolted at herself for it.
She glanced up, a shadow falling over her. Sariel hovered before her, her four hands grasped in a very prim way that Odina instantly knew was Sariel trying very hard to pretend she was composed. Behind her, so big that she practically was her own crowd, Tiashar loomed. Mostly Odina saw a pair of massive black breasts extending over the immediate skyview like a platform, wobbling faintly even though she was standing still, a sign of her exotic internal structure; she was built like a big mass of jelly, honestly. Curiously, though, she didn’t seem particularly sexual in a way that would normally make Odina uncomfortable or irritable.
Her outfit helped the part. Tia had a tendency to dress either like a mom-type figure with a punky flair, or she wore so little that she technically qualified as nude; she had a poor grasp on social norms, rather than being some kind of exhibitionist. The funny thing was that either way, she didn’t feel particularly sexual. Today, she was fairly primly dressed, with a massive white t-shirt and beach shorts that looked quite sensible. They were rather tight and the neckline was so low it nearly reach her belly, so much cleavage visible that the bottoms of her breasts were nearly on display, but that was down to her body sorely testing any confinements she found.
Tia leaned over. A thick mass of belly pushed over her waistline, while her tail looped overhead, making a sort of perimeter that made the whole scene feel a bit more private, or perhaps intimate. “Hey, hun,” she said, now so low that her massive breasts were pushed into the sand, but she appeared not to notice. “You’re not doing so great.”
Odina glanced above the massive valley of cleavage, unfazed. “I’m fine,” she said, and immediately rolled back into her own swollen backside. Dark flesh rolled around her, swelling and pulsing erratically with light; sharp pain struck out with each pulse, and in its wake, there was a nauseous bile, and a raw feeling like she’d been slashed with hooks, and something was leaking through the wounds.
She groaned, miserably.
Sariel eyed her, wings fluttering in distress. “You are not fine!”
Odina tried to speak, but groaned again, twisting with clear pain and holding onto her body. She flinched as her breasts visibly swelled larger, trying and failing to hold in a pained gasp.
Any kind of physical reaction from Odina was notable. And that kind of growth being painful? Tiashar and Sariel shared another worried look. That wasn’t normal at all.
The mechanics of the way bodies got bigger through power absorbing or the many ways superpowered digestion could empower you, they were not well understood. But it was almost always a pleasant thing; sometimes addictive. But it was never painful. It didn’t make people sound like their guts were being filled with acid.
Sariel fluttered down, her serpentine lower body curling gently around Odina. Though ODina was normally adverse to even friendly touches, needing to be leaned into it, now she leaned desperately against Sariel’s length. Her butt, improbably, was stiff to the touch, as if filled with sharp edges instead of fat.
Something very much like a hand pressed out, as if from somewhere else. Tia recoiled in horror and sudden awareness, and Sariel had to remain very still to repress the urge to pull away from the sudden surge of malice and inhuman ferocity welling up from… well, Odina’s hindquarters.
Her butt was full of evil. It’d be silly if Odina wasn’t whimpering in agony, and the presence of so much nasty energy enough to make her feel nauseous. Tia’s tentacles writhed and slapped against each other anxiously, and from the way her heavy legs shifted, Sariel got the impression that Tia was fighting the urge to simply lash out at what every instinct knew to be a threat.
Tia’s massive, floppy ear-like structures shifted. She’d grown those a while back, apparently just for the aesthetics, without them actually doing anything. Currently she’d adapted them into something like a cat’s whiskers, or the barbels of some fish; organs to form a new sense out of, sampling the etheric energies around her for total sensory awareness. Right now, they curled back as she flinched away, and the little nubs on them glowing erratically as her sensory powers went active… and then dimmed.
“Odina?” Tia said carefully. “Um. Not trying to be an alarmist buuuut…”
“Just say it, fuck!” Odina howled the last word out, a fresh stab of pain making it too hard to bother with the niceties.
“The energies you absorbed are still independent of you, but they’re interfering with your body! They’re spreading their bad energy through you, and it’s poisoning you!”
“Yeah, kinda figured,” Odina groused.
Tia nodded miserably. She was not a very serious person; she tended to speak in random, whimsical nonsense, and she preferred to not take things seriously if at all possible, and so it was a very bad sign when she spoke in a grim tone. “Odina, this is bad, this is really bad. Do you, um. Get it?”
“I think something I ate is disagreeing with me,” Odina managed, with a hint of her usual sarcasm. The skin on her backside, quite visibly with her very small swim trunks, again stretched from inside. There was no actual hand there; nothing there but fat. All the same, something there, a malign intelligence, was imposing itself and magically lashing out, and so her form was distorting around the… infection. “Oh, hey. A literal metaphor. Neat.”
“This isn’t funny!” Sariel yelled, wings flapping about and her hands struck out, finding Odina’s soft shoulders and squeezing. “You absorbed them but you can’t process that kind of magic!”
“They’re… dead, right?” Odina said hopelessly.
“I mena, kind of?” Tia said. She loomed above them both, and her presence was calming. “As dead as they could be. But their essence is still packed full of everything about who they were, and they were almost literally made of evil! I don’t think your body can just dissolve that kind of thing! Sariel and I can do it, but I really don’t think your body is adjusted for just… purifying the evil from demonic or these kinds of undead things!”
Odina’s eyes went wide. Her glasses dropped off. She didn’t even notice. “Oh no… oh noo…”
Sariel swallowed. “We can help.” Odina’s head tilted up sharply. “We can digest things like that. Easy! But… we can let you ‘borrow’ that sort of thing from us. No, I mean. We can digest them for you.”
Odina squirmed, looking uncomfortable and in pain at the same time. “Oh… ohhh…” She knew full well how their abilities worked. “That means you’re gonna have to… to…” She stopped, shutting her eyes tight, face twisting up in an expression best described as like a pear shoved through a grate. It was certainly an embarrassed look.
“Swallow you,” Tia said bluntly. “Yeah.”
Sariel nodded, holding her gently. “We won’t digest you. Just… be close enough so we can use our powers on you, dissolve that stuff right out of you. I can do it for you!”
Tia’s eyes widened behind her glasses. “Uh, hey! That’s not entirely true, this is a team effort-”
Unfortunately, at that moment, Odina’s distress gave her unwanted guests an opening. Her mind had to firm to keep them contained, and she was too worried and upset to do that properly; her body was a prison for what was left of their shattered essences and impulse to damage things, but in that moment, there was enough for one of them to lash out.
Power coiled around her. To the naked eye, it manifested as a faint discoloration of air, as if of the air freezing over and curdling at the same time, with a profoundly unpleasant aura around her, but to the magically perceptive, they might have seen the energy pulsing from her and concentrate into a large spike-like mass. It manifested in real-space, sand pulling around it and condensing into that pointed shape, transmuting into bone and metal as the magic poured their energy to it, and it did so violently, launching right into Tia like a cannon blasting off; it hit and then-
She was gone, flying away over the sea.
“Oh holy shit!” Odina shouted, throwing herself back into her butt, the twin masses around her writhing like a bundle of monsters. She pulled Sariel down, in a tangle of wings and arms. The tension keeping the spike held back by Odina’s will let go and fired; she wasn’t strong enough to keep it back.
Tia was mildly put out as the missile was deflected from her body in mid-air, though. It had rocketed off into Tia’s breast, with so much force that she was sent flying like she’d been punched by artillery. The missile did not damage her, though, sinking a little into her breast and then bouncing off, into the water. But Tia kept flying into the distance, skidding along the surface of the water. Her body twisted and morphed, her powers instinctively trying to find a configuration of the many traits she’d absorbed to something that would get her out of this mess.
By this point, she was already out of sight, and as far as they knew, had just had a giant spike launched into her; they did not get to be so lucky as to see her deflect it with her extreme bustiness. “Tia!” Sariel yelled, unfurling upwards, briefly forgetting about Odina’s own situation. She was reminded as Odina actively howled in pain, and Sariel turned back to her, freezing up as Odina’s backside turned knobbly and hard, dozens of gruesome shapes pushing against its insides.
“I, I don’t know how long I can hold them back!” Odina cried out, into the sand. “Whatever you’re going to do, do it now!”
Sariel hesitated. “I don’t know if I can! We need Tia here!”
“Do it now!” Odina screamed.
Sariel made her decision. Odina needed her unique help right here, and right now.
She held Odina’s hands, another pair of hands finding what remained of her hips beneath the swelling butt mass, and she leaned in. Her wings enfolded around her and Odina’s smaller body (at least the bit of it not swelled to the size of a full couch), and then her lips met Odina’s.
The kiss was soft, and those who did not know Odina well would have been shocked at the passion from her as she sank gratefully into it.
Sariel’s jaws widened. Her face shifted form as her mouth opened wide, her throat expanding to fit anything she might gulp down. Slowly, her lips spread over ODina’s face. First the whole of her mouth slipped into Sariel’s own, and her jaws opened more impossibly wide, the kiss going deeper. Odina’s entire face pressed into those lips, and then sank into her mouth, against her tongue.
Gently, Sariel leaned forward, pushing Odina’s head into her mouth, sliding her down into her throat and tongue. She felt Odina’s hair tickle the insides of her throat as Odina’s head, from the top all the way down to her chin, slid into her body.
(About a mile away, Tia poked her head out of the water like a very lost softshell turtle. The water churned with her tendrils, and water foamed into a geyser as her massive tail raised up and then smashed down with so much force that it propelled her towards the shore.
Racing like a living speedboat, she REALLY hoped that Sariel wasn’t about to panic, or go off the plan!)
Back on the shore, Sariel felt Odina’s body trembling. Waves of pain flowed through Odina to Sariel, and though it hurt to feel, Sariel forced herself to just let that pain pass through her. Without comment, or visible reaction.
Sariel had no throat; at least one in a conventional sense. She had no neck, her head simply floated at a fixed distance from the rest of her body. She formed one now, her head bobbing down and then back up, a slim neck connecting head to body.
Now Odina’s head moved down that throat; the passage was slick and glowing faintly, and where there was light, it was very easy for her to move downwards. It should have been uncomfortable; Odina’s hair was already drenched with saliva, the muscles of Sariel’s throat squeezed so hard on her that Odina’s feet left the ground, and Odina hated personal contact to begin with.
But some people have at least one exception to their ‘never touch me’ rules. Odina visibly relaxed, letting the soft warmth slide down her ears and hair. The sense of wrongness invading her body seemed distant, somehow. The remnants of the monsters she had absorbed snarled their wordless cries of mindless, in the back of her mind, but they were stifled.
Sariel gently lowered herself, pushing downwards. Odina’s head sunk further into her body, her shoulders sliding into her mouth. Odina wiggled, letting Sariel do her work and even grabbed her breasts, compressing them. It wouldn’t work much to make it easier on Sariel, who felt how large they were, pressing against her own stomach. They were bigger than Odina was.
Nevertheless, she did her best. Her jaws gaped even larger, the tops of Odina’s breasts bulging around Sariel’s lips. More spilled down, smacking into the sand, all the way to where Sariel’s serpentine body curled on the ground. Sariel’s lips had a very good grip on Odina’s body, though, and she smooched, or perhaps slurped, very hard, with a magical potency strong enough to overcome physical limits. Reality warped to accommodate her desire, like clay bending beneath a sculptor’s fingers.
Odina’s back slipped entirely into Sariel’s mouth, and her breasts dragged off the ground. Despite their sheer size, or the wriggling as the captive essences fought to make her body fight on her behalf, they were pulled in, Sariel’s mouth too powerful to be defied. Her throat bulged, swelling out with a massive pair of twin spheres that slid down as Odina traveled into her belly, and Sariel sighed with pleasure as Odina’s head settled into her belly, the comforting fullness growing more as her engorged breasts joined her, and then her back falling into position.
Odina was very short, as befit a dwarf-type human, and so her belly and waist were swallowed up all at once. Her hips and butt, though, loomed above Sariel, a daunting and terrible sight. Briefly, doubt crept across her mind: how was she supposed to engulf something as big as that?!
One cheek was close to her mouth, Odina leaning at a slight angle. All Sariel could see was a massive sphere of an enticing dark brown, contours that she knew intimately well… though the rigidity of them was an offense to her, and she felt the hateful attention of the monsters that were concentrated there, and she forced herself to think of Odina’s good. She had to do this.
Sariel inhaled. Odina’s waist slipped down into her, and Sariel’s mouth gaped into a massive ring as that butt came down.
It should have hurt, she thought distantly as the upper curve of them went into her. It was so big; each buttcheek more than twelve feet across and far higher than that, dwarfing her so imposingly. Yet, magic flowed into her body, giving her greater flexibility, and so her body simply expanded around it, growing wider to accommodate it.
Odina’s butt came down. Slowly, grindingly, with horrible slowness, but it was the kind of slowness that was also an inevitability. Soon the brown flesh was passing by her lips, and then a massive distortion in her throat. Sariel wobbled with the weight of it, wavering in place, her Odina-stuffed belly shaking in place, and then she gave one massive gulp-
And then it slipped down, and her belly filled, so violently that it knocked her over, and a huge swell of faint blue filled her vision. Odina’s legs and feet came with the butt, so comparatively tiny that Sariel honestly didn’t notice.
Her stomach squirmed. Odina moved around inside her, getting comfortable as divine fluids washed over her, and at once, Sariel felt the pain retreat from Odina. The demonic essence plaguing her recoiled form it at once, weakened by her digestive powers.
Sariel sighed in relief, and blinked up as a shadow loomed over her.
“Sariel! This wasn’t the plan!”
Sariel’s wings flapped weakly as she tried to shift her position, but it was too hard to move now; she’d expended a lot of power to swallow all of Odina, and just propping herself upright proved difficult. She managed it all the same, and tilted her head upwards to look at Tia, who was panting heavily. The green-feathered gills of Tia’s neck flapped in exhaustion, and she was almost walking on all fours from how tired she was. Her hair tentacles flopped down somewhere around her waist, one or two of them growing crude mouths just to wheeze pathetically.
Tia loomed over her now, even so; her massive breasts wobbled indignantly upon a chubby belly that Sariel was nearly eye-level with. Her legs could support her well enough, but her arms were drooping, almost jointless, and her tail flopped out behind her. “Whoo. Gimme a second…”
Sariel did so. “I, um. Already got Odina.”
Tia gave her belly an indignant hand wave. “I, uh! I noticed!.” She held up a wobbly tentacle; it extended a tiny pseudopod, as if to say ‘give me one second’. She panted and huffed for a while longer. Sariel obliged her.
Finally, Tia got back up, having recovered. “We were supposed to fuse and combine our powers! That’s the best way to fix Odina and pull those nasty monster essences out of her!”
Sariel coughed. “Um. I might have panicked a little bit?”
Tia gestured at her belly, full of Odina. It was an amazingly expressive gesture that conveyed ‘you call THIS just panicking?’
“She was crying! I had to do something! I thought they were about to take over! OR something even worse!”
Tia rolled a shoulder, half-shrugging. “Okay, okay, I understand. But it still takes two of us.” Sariel gave her a dubious look. “You can handle the demon-y guys! You’re an angel, I know. But what about the undead? I got my body adapted to digest them real good and prevent them from poisoning you with their soul-gunk. Do you?”
“Um. That can happen?!”
“Yeah! Their kind of undead is all about spreading rotting essence to poison the physical world! It is literally their thing!”
Tia patted her on the head. “Not to worry. I did have a back up plan!”
Sariel smiled faintly. “Oh. That’s… good. Are you going to merge with me?”
Tia waved a hand. “Ehhh. From a certain point of view, I guess you could call it that?”
“You’re not going to swallow me, are you?”
Tia looked speculative at this. She put a stubby finger to her mouth and frowned, apparently mulling something over. “Uh. The answer there’s kinda complex, but I’m leaning towards ‘not technically’?”
And with that, Tia took a step forward. Without an explanation, or the slightest hint of propriety, she grabbed her shorts and pulled them down to her knees, completely exposing herself from the waist down.
Sariel squeaked and turned away sharply, blushing terribly. Her imagination reminded her of brief sights that involved very puffy, ample flesh, and little tendrils wiggling coyly.
“Right, this will take a bit!” Tia lowered herself, and it was a physical presence, her immense size growing closer to Sariel. It was not particularly threatening; someone of her size, particularly such a potent predator with a digestion so powerful, should have been fearsome, but being afraid of Tia would have been like being afraid of a plush toy. She was just too soft and pleasant.
She was also… well. Sariel had definitely harbored some kind of feelings for the monster heroine for a while, and this was brushing up against some intense emotions. From the stirrings in her, she suspected Odina had the same feelings.
Though she didn’t look, and thought that would be rather rude, she heard the gentle noises of Tia’s body transforming, the noise of thick fleshy lengths extending themselves.
The air above her went black; Tia’s legs lowered themselves around Sariel. Soft, damp coolness engulfed her, Tia’s thighs easily more than several feet across and big enough to cradle her whole body, and doing that very thing right now.
And, though she couldn’t see it, she felt several long tendrils extend from Tia’s sex; multi-colored and faintly glowing, and they curled around Sariel’s whole body.
“Um. There we go.” Tia murmured to herself as her tendrils went around Sariel’s arms and dipped down, to the base of her Odina-stuffed belly and her snakey lower body, wrapping around and securing her very tightly. The tendrils clasped on, and lifted her, all at once.
“Oh!” Sariel said, realizing what Tia meant to do, and blushed furiously.
Tia hummed softly to her, sing-song, perhaps trying to ease her. She was a good singer; her voice soothed Sariel, the lilting melody a sweet lullaby. Her tendrils were thick and muscular, and very soft despite their considerable strength. Sugary fluids dripped heavily off them, coating Sariel’s body in tingly raindrops that made her feel a bit lightheaded.
Up Sariel, and by extension Odina too, went. Many feet above the ground, past Tia’s knees, over her enormous bed-sized thighs… and then, Sariel felt her head slide into something soft, and now very slick. With a meek cry, she felt powerful muscles take hold of her as the tendrils pulled her into Tia’s body, and then all she saw was darkness.
Sariel’s shoulders were pulled into Tia next, the plump flesh of her sex locked around her and slowly sucking her in, very gently and taking care to not hurt her in any way. Glowing muscles, very much like a throat (given Tia’s mutant body, it was an apt comparison), pulled her up, towards Tia’s core. Sariel’s breasts came next, and then she felt those tendrils pulling her tail up ahead of her belly, and then that too was sucked into her.
Tia adjusted herself, an enormous and heavily distended gut hanging out from between her legs. She panted and made faint keening noises, pleasure pulsing throughout her lower body. Oh… this felt so good. She longed for this sense of fullness, and the sense of another inside her, her massive body protecting them, nourishing them…
Her body swelled, a big distension appearing there. It wasn’t exactly a massive belly, but it looked similar. It was where Sariel’s belly and Odina were pushing against her own body, and it was traveling upwards.
She moaned, face wrinkling in a very silly expression; there was little pride in the face of such pleasure, and a massive tongue drooped out of one side of her mouth as the belly was pulled into her too.
Slowly. Her hips widened, her body adjusted around its guest. Eventually, she gaped to a point that she thought sufficient. Her tendrils retracted, and her inner muscles pulled gently, but firmly.
The belly slid up her legs, and into her. Slowly, the whole massive bulk slipped inside her, wobbling all over with the bulky masses inside it. Tia softly cried out; waves of pleasure crashed hard in her, but she mastered the impulse to be loud. She was trying to be a courteous host! (At least that’s how she thought of this sort of thing.
And her entrance closed, as all of Sariel and Odina were pulled into her.
Tia trilled with happiness. She sat down, and her internal muscles pulled at Sariel, moving her upwards. Tia’s own body was a bit fluid or elastic even normally, and she was used to reshaping it to suit her needs. Or the needs of others, as in the here and now. Currently Sariel was in a sort of internal cavity; a storage section. But that was pushing her upwards, deeper into Tia’s body.
Tia’s belly twitched and swelled faintly. She formed a nice organic room for them inside herself; it was pretty much a womb.
And Sariel saw the inviting darkness around her, with its pulses of neon lights, give way to a sudden open space that she was squeezed to. There was more light there, blues and pinks mainly, and she was pushed into it. From head to toe, and belly too, she and Odina slid up, until they were pushed into it and their entrance there sealing itself.
Sariel felt fluid all about; warm and flush with magical energies, pulsing around them, and with each pulse, raw nutrition and healing energies were infused into her body. It went deeper; into her belly, and into Odina, and she felt something happening there, just as she felt Odina getting even calmer. The pain was gone from her.
Sariel relaxed, and allowed herself to recline in the womb Tia had made, just for them.
Tia’s belly swelled out; she looked pregnant, her belly slung out and with a distinctive projection to her belly too. It didn’t stand out that much, though, thanks to her sheer size. She lay on the ground for a while longer, eyes closed and mouth smiling faintly. She felt so occupied, so full with happy friends that needed her.
The moments went on, and they pulsed with a very particular happiness for her.
Inside her, Sariel curled up peacefully. Her wings framed her body, her arms cradled her belly (which was as close as she could get to holding Odina with more than just her guts), and her tail coiled around her. Tia’s body embraced her, and she slept in restorative fluids.
And the magic of those fluids seeped into her, magnified with both Tia’s own powers and now Sariel’s too. Their combined energy flowed into Odina, bolstering her body’s magical resistance, digestive powers all pooling against the remnants of the things she had absorbed.
Fiends and specters alike were corrosive and an existential terror to someone like Odina; alone, her body couldn’t process energy so based in pure malicious antagonism towards mortal life. They were anathema to her; no wonder she wasn’t able to absorb them fully into her. But Sariel and Tia were adapted to deal with them.
And so, they withered away, these shades and echoes. Their power waned; any influence they had left over Odina was sharply burned away, cornering them and leaving them to their doom. What little remaining of their willpower dissolved over the next few hours, and those hours stretched out into days.
For the moment, though, Tia simply reclined on the beach. Her body trembled with the movements of her passengers.
All three slept in the sunlight. There were no more thoughts of pain, now.
It would take a long time before Odina was fully recovered though. And all three of them thought that staying together, like this, was a very pleasant thought.
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kinstincts · 4 years
hello! I'm interested to hear about your experiences/goals with body modification! I'm otherkin so I was curious to hear how body mod relates to that to you?
In the grand scheme of things, I’m still pretty young and relatively new to body modification so I haven’t gotten much done yet. I have had my tongue bifurcated for a little over a year now, and I couldn’t be happier. Pretty much everyone I told about it, save for a few, were against it. 
When I was younger, I always felt otherworldly or that I belonged elsewhere. Those feelings really drew me towards things that were different and bizarre. My first exposure to body modification, that I can remember, was through Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!. I had probably seen the television show first, but I had also gone to the museum when I was very young as well; and there is where I saw The Lizard Man for the first time. 
About since then, I’ve always said, “If I’m ever going to do something extreme, I’ll probably get my tongue cut in half.”
And, so, when I realized, “Oh wow, I’m an adult with a job....I have money....I could do that if I wanted...” I finally started researching costs, the procedure, risks, etc., and within the month I had an appointment booked with the best of the best in the business. 
Now, something like that is a pretty big decision, and I was very nervous about it because even though it IS technically reversible, your tongue likely wouldn’t be as it was before the split if you got it sewn back together. I’ve never even gotten wisdom teeth removed before so I was pretty nervous about the entire thing. There were two instances where it seemed like my appointment was going to get cancelled or postponed, and I felt absolutely terrible. And that’s when I knew, this was really something that I needed. The idea of not having this modification as soon as I could really felt terrible. 
Being rather in the closet about feeling nonhuman (I’ve had quite a few Tumblr blogs over the....decade....but nothing ever really stuck, and all have been very private) it was extremely exciting to finally get something that made me feel and look inhuman, even if it was just inside my mouth. Something that could startle somebody who wasn’t expecting it lol (I have been harassed relentlessly on bus stops and at the mall by evangelicals, so it’s a nice “just in case” backup plan. ;b) My goals are still somewhat hazy, as I’ve never quite had a solid sense of what I should look like (partially the reason why I haven’t gotten any tattoos yet and very few piercings.)  Right now ear shaping is my biggest goal because the artist I plan to go to makes it look absolutely natural and realistic. Frankly, I think I could claim I was born with them that way, lol. So that is another mod that is rather “subtle”, so to speak. But sometime in the future I would also love to get horns, which are much LESS subtle and less easy to pass. (I don’t think my coworkers and boss ever noticed my split tongue, but I’m sure they would notice those lol) So that, while on my list, may have to wait until I have more steady employment.  I would also really love to get some sort of tattoos and scarification that give a different...texture? Or symbols. Something that seems occult-ish or reminds one of something out of a Guillermo del Toro film. Design is not my strong suit so this is on hold until I come up with something very concrete that I know I’ll love. 
I also have some feelings that, and I’m going to try to convey this idea the best I can though I’m not sure if I’ll be able to word it properly, but that if I get say, tattoos along my back of faery wings, that they will be easier to manifest in the astral. That’s getting a little into the pagan aspect of my alterhumanism though. I feel as though certain body parts should be there (horns, wings...a tail, although that is not possible to add on lol) and being able to modify and tattoo my body is a sort of way to bring those feelings into the physical realm, in a way. 
Sorry this got a bit rambly! I hope I was able to answer your questions. Feel free to send in more asks! Thank you! 
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monomonomagines · 5 years
Part Two of V3 Monster Girls with a Human S/o
Hey guys! I know these took a while but I wanted to try to flesh these ones out more because Mod Kokichi and I had a ball talking them out. I can’t do more monsters sadly since I do have a handful of requests left but at the rate, I’m going they won’t take long at all so maybe I can do some more for you all at a later time. Regardless, I do hope that you guys enjoy these ones. I know I loved writing them.
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(Part 1 here)
Miu (Imp)
Today had started as an average day.
You had gone to grab an item or two that you had missed the day before.
It was on your way home though that this soon changed.
On the corner was a demon girl acting like it was the red light district or something as she heckled all the passerbys, offering a "Night they'd surely remember."
You were planning on passing her by but apparently, your gaze rested on her for a few moments too long since now she had begun to stride towards you.
"You! I noticed how your eyes couldn't leave my smoking hot bod. I'll come home with you!" She announces immediately grabbing your arm and clinging to it, pressing it against her breasts.
"Hold on, I wasn't looking at you." You try to explain when she begins to get angry.
"What you think I can't satisfy you!? Then I'll just prove yah wrong! I'll bang you so hard that you'll be sent to a whole new world!"
You definitely aren't getting out of this, you could tell, so you could only do one thing. You'd make the most of it.
You sigh, reluctantly agreeing, causing her angry expression to quickly turn back to her previous confident one.
"Booyah! No one can resist the most beautiful succubus, Miu Iruma! Ahahaha!" She cheers far too loudly, as you drag her back to your place.
You immediately put aside your bag of groceries on the table when she pounced on you.
She pressed you up against the closest wall already beginning to kiss you. She seemed like she knew what she was doing which wasn't surprising for a succubus but something felt odd as soon as you got your shirt off.
Miu had immediately frozen, seeming unsure of what to do.
"Are you ok?" You ask not sure why she was stopping.
"W-well.....what do I do now?" She asks twirling her hair nervously around a finger.
"What do you mean what do you do now!? Aren't you a succubus?" You were confused as all hell and that only continued when her expression turned from a meek one to an angry one again.
"Well not yet! I just...I have to get promoted ok!? But it's fine because I was totally a succubus in my past life!"
What was she even going on about? There was no way any of that was true so you weren't going through with this. "I'm not doing this then. There's no reason to."
"B-but...I need this." She says turning meek at your firm tone before doing a total one-eighty. "Fine if you won't fuck me now then I'll just stay here until you will!"
And that is how you had begun your life stuck with Miu. She wasn't as bad as you had thought her to be and had come to actually enjoy her company.
However, there wasn't a day that she didn't make some sexual pass at you. It was tiring most of the time but you didn't mind how she'd surprise you at times.
It was another night that she was full of surprises for you when instead of whispering the usual naughty things she did in your ear she told you, "I love you, S/o. Even if you won't fuck me, your never getting rid of me!"
 Himiko (Witch)
It was Halloween night when you had gotten lost in the woods.
You had picked out an easy albeit lazy outfit strewn together. Just a simple pair of wolf ears and a tail.
However, despite your fake ears and tail, you were still hopelessly lost with no sight of civilization in miles.
As you continued to walk through the night you eventually encountered an old house, laying dormant.
It didn't look abandoned thankfully and with night encroaching you decided it couldn't hurt to ask for some directions and maybe a place to stay for the night.
When you knocked on the door though, you were met with a small girl in a witch costume.
Even weirder though was how a smile began to stretch across her tired-looking face as soon as she caught sight of you. "Nyeh! The spell worked!"
Was this a prank of some sort? You were confused by all means as she pulled you into the house without another word, closing the door behind the two of you.
"Uhm so what's going on?" You try to ask when she shushes you.
"I'm thinking of what to do." She retorts pouting childishly as she assesses you. "As my familiar, I command you to sleep next to me tonight!"
What? "There's no way I can do that!" You tell her but she doesn't seem to listen.
Instead, she gets grumpier than when she was thinking, telling you, "As your master, you'll cuddle me! No excuses!"
There probably wasn't any getting through to her so you decide you may as well oblige. You lay yourself down on the bed in the room as she happily hops in next to you wrapping her arms around you.
She seemed so happy just to have someone here that you really couldn't resist giving her what she wanted, holding her small frame with your own larger one.
It would've just continued to be peaceful like that if not for what happened right after.
Moving to wrap her arms around you better she accidentally knocks off your ears causing her to look on in horror.
"You....you tricked me! You only pretended to be my familiar!" She whines, nearly tearing up.
"Well I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen." You retort, feeling guilty for not correcting her more.
"I....that means you'll just leave like everyone else!" She yells back, tears beginning to streak down her cheeks.
You felt awful. She was just a lonely little girl that needed someone. Maybe you weren't a familiar but you could tell what she wanted.
"Even if I'm not a familiar, I won't leave." You start pulling her into you. "So don't cry, ok? I'm not going anywhere."
"You won't leave?" She asks sniffling between words.
"I won't, I promise." You tell her smiling gently.
She wipes away a few tears, using her hand albeit uncomfortably as you held her, smiling lightly again. "Then you aren't allowed to ever leave me!"
"I said I wouldn't, didn't I?"
She smiles again, wide and bright as she squeezes you in her own embrace. "Nyeeeh! I love you! You never get to leave me again!"
Tsumugi (Shapeshifter)
It had been months since you first met your girlfriend Tsumugi.
The day you met started out as rather ordinary. You were planning on just going to the arcade to kill some time when you had laid eyes on her.
She was exactly your type of girl. Her hair, her eyes, her skin, everything was perfect. That's why there was no way she'd talk to you.
However, as though to prove you wrong she did exactly that.
Soon enough, the two of you were playing games together and talking the whole day away. You even got her number by the end of it.
Luck seemed to be on your side you thought, so although it was rather bold you had asked her out.
Just like before, you really didn't expect things to go your way but they surprisingly did.
Now it was just date after date between the two of you and things were looking better than ever.
You knew she was the one for you and so you wanted to do everything with her, even just the mundane things. Just as long as she was there you were happy.
It was just another date night for the two of you when you decided why not go on a hike. The two of you could make your trek up the hills nearby and get a great view of the sunset.
You were two were just making your trek, talking and laughing all along the way.
That's when finally, your good luck had to come to an end. As the two of you were walking, you had stepped on some uneven ground, causing you to fall back into the wooden rails along the path.
You expected them to brace you possibly but as luck would have it, instead toppled over with you over the edge of the hill.
You could hear Tsumugi let out a yell as you toppled but as you landed you were greeted by a sickening crack of bone as well.
You couldn't move at all and from the sounds you made, Tsumugi knew something was amiss.
"Hold on S/o! I'm coming!" She calls out to you, taking her own time to carefully scale the hillside to get to you.
"Tsumugi, I don't think I can get up." You admit, still pained from your fall.
"You can't but I don't think I can carry you unless I."
Unless she what? You could barely listen to her, after that fall disorienting you so much but you knew you made no mistake when you saw, your normally gorgeous girlfriend turn into an entirely different being.
Instead of Tsumugi was a strange shadowy figure. You didn't know how to react, too confused to even scream.
"I'm sorry, S/o. I didn't want you to see this but I have to be able to carry you so that your leg doesn't get worse." She admits sounding as though she were tearing up.
As confused as you were, at least she was carrying you to safety.
You didn't care at that moment and simply allowed her to carry you back to the vicinity of your home so that you two could then go to the doctors with some help from family that actually could lift you.
And by the next day, it all felt like a dream. It felt as though Tsumugi never changed into some shadow being before your eyes but you knew you had to ask.
You had her over like usual and she seemed nervous already. "Tsumugi, you know what I want to ask right?"
She nods shakily responding, "I do, and I'll explain everything but please don't be mad."
You sighed, "I don't think you've ever been malicious or anything so I won't be mad. Just tell me so that I can understand."
"I'm....a shapeshifter and when met, I transformed to look like your ideal girl. I normally have a default form that I go with but I only have strength in the one you saw."
She explains everything to you but you did need to know, why she wanted to be your ideal of all people? You were average, you weren't extraordinary at anything either, you were just a normal person.
"The reason I wanted to be your ideal is because you were always so kind to me whenever I went with my default form. I was so plain and uninteresting but you always were so kind to me and I...I just fell for you before I could even help it."
She began to tear up as she gazed at you, holding your hands with your own in what felt like sheer desperation.
"Please don't hate me S/o. I knew you couldn't love a plain girl like me so I just wanted to make you happy."
"Tsumugi," you start, "I am happy when I'm with you. I love you for who you are not what you look like, and if the form you're most comfortable with is a plain girl or a shadow figure thing then so be it."
"S/o! I'm so glad I fell in love with you. I'll never keep anything from you again!"
Maki (Basilisk)
Maki never failed a mission. When she has orders she fulfills them.
That's why when she got an order to spy on you and assassinate you, playing as your harmless neighbor she had no choice but to oblige.
She had talked to you on numerous occasions as the job went on, gathering as much as intel as she could but something was always off.
You never suspected that she'd try to kill you at all, even when you had found out she was a Basilisk.
You just continued to be kind to her, unlike anyone else in her life.
You trusted. her and soon called her a friend but that just caused her to feel more guilty than she ever had.
She couldn't place why anyone would want to assassinate you but she couldn't disobey orders.
No matter how often you came to visit or invited her to meals it didn't change the fact that she would have to kill you with her own two hands.
It was another day she was visiting you when she had realized why she always felt so guilty having to kill you.
You made her favorite food and put on some movies, treating her like a real friend. You cared about her and she fell in love because of that.
She wanted you to care for her and to treat her like she belonged here but the sad truth was she didn't. She was only here to kill you and she couldn't put it off any longer.
She was always prepared for when it'd have to come to this and even as you watched a movie, situated right next to her on the couch, you didn't bat an eye as she moved.
She reached for the nearest thing being a pillow, not caring at all if she had to kill her feelings along with the person she loved.
She had to do this, if not she'd suffer, she'd be the one being hunted.
As she crept closer to your unsuspecting form, you turned to her surprisingly enough with a smile. "Hey Maki, can I tell you something?"
She tries to grips the pillow harder in her grasp, her claws nearly shredding the fabric as she nods.
You knew, didn't you? She'd have to still kill you and you'd know she used you.
"Even though it hasn't been that long since you moved here, I realized that I like you a lot. What I mean is, I love you, Maki. Would you go out with me?"
Tears began to well up in her eyes as she threw the pillow aside and held you close.
What was she trying to do even? She normally kills with her venom or her gaze and she was going to try to smother you!?
You messed with her head and as much as she was scared of what would happen to the two of you she couldn't help but to tell you her own feelings.
"I love you too but we can’t stay here if I come with you.” She admits, pulling away.
“What? Why?” You were shocked. What was wrong with where you two were?
“I.....look. I’m an assassin and I was supposed to kill you. I couldn’t do it though, because I’ve felt the same way for a while.” 
She sighs looking over at your still shocked expression. “I know, that you still care about me even with what I said but, even if I go with you we can’t stay here. If we do, they’ll hunt us down and kill us both.”
You couldn’t believe your ears but you knew you had a choice to make. “I’ll go with you, wherever, you end up Maki. I love you.”
She sighs again but with a bit of a smile tugging up at her lips this time. “That’s why you’re an idiot but....I love you too.”
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murfeelee · 5 years
TS4 Werewolves - Rant Alert
I got this one comment that sent me off on a whole tangent, so I decided to reply to it separately.
slade-the-neko replied to your photoset “The Wolves:This world is slowing down How can I fight it? How can I?...”
Dang Murf, that's very impressive! Really makes me wish Sims 4 had werewolves. I'll definitely try porting the Skyrim model to TS4 if they ever add them.                    
Y’all know TS4 is my trigger -- wtF is EA even doing over there? That Tiny Living Stuff Pack was a JOKE, like....seriously? o_O For as much money as they’re swindling y’all for TS4, EA’s Sims team is creatively BANKRUPT. ZERO innovation, intuition or inspiration.
EA just takes popular concepts/crazes like the Tiny House Movement, Baby Yoda, and Harry Potter, and waters it down to the barest of minimums: tiny homes with huge AF Murphy beds instead of bunk beds or convertible futons/sofa-beds; a decorative Baby Yoda you can’t even interact with; no school of magic sims can go to (and no magic for kids YET). I’m so tired of them!
People keep comparing RoM to TS1′s Makin Magic, and I keep going WHERE? I said in my initial trailer reaction for RoM that it made zero frikkin sense for the RoM magic land to have that perma-nighttime full moon, without even bothering to have werewolves in the so-called realm of magic.
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RoM would’ve been the PERFECT chance to add werewolves. What better way to have a magical pack than to also introduce werewolves as the local denizens of Glimmerbrook’s forests. Missed opportunity, EA. (-‸ლ) 
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They could’ve added a werewolf household living in the woods, that your sim either befriends or gets bitten by, so your sim goes to the Magical Realm to either find a cure for lycanthropy (for the werewolves or for THEMSELVES if they’re bitten and are gonna turn in a couple days), or wolfsbane poisoning if one of the wolves is made sick by the brand new harvestable Wolfsbane *cough cough!* (Wolfsbane comes in the Vampires GP, but they could‘ve totally made more types of Wild Wolfsbane, Yellow Aconite, Purple Monkshood, etc.).
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Either one would give your sim a REAL impetus and incentive to go learn magic and talk to the RoM residents and mess with potions & alchermy. Which is another reason I said (I’ve BEEN saying) I wanted HEDGE WITCHES, who could do HERBOLOGY. U_U
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The RoM Game Pack NEEDED to be its own Expansion -- it wasn’t a realm at all; it was a Diagon Alley ripoff and everybody knew it. HELLO, EA! Part of worldbuilding is creating a EFFING STORY that gives your game a FRIKKIN PURPOSE. EA didn’t go the distance at all; they did the mere basics of adding magic to TS4, with a lot of style but not much substance. But ironically they did the same with the mermaids, which did get their own EP, and everyone agrees that TS4′s Island Living was worse than TS3′s Island Paradise, so wtf. (-‸ლ) 
But I doubt werewolves would get their own Game Pack like the Vampires & Spellcasters -- EA would do Faeries/Elves before wolves, I suspect, cuz faeries are in a sense easier. Wings, mushrooms & flowers, glittery magic, LOTR-esque art nouveau inspired furniture, etc -- everyone knows the standard faery.
But if TS4 werewolves got a pack all to themselves it would force EA to effing give a crap about lycan culture & lore, and the complexities of things like pack dynamics (alphas, betas, omegas, etc), moon cycles, transformations, lupine physiology & locomotion; diet & hunting (adding new flora & fauna), etc.
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While heavy in gameplay expansion, with werewolf-specific abilities, interactions & animations, what other stuff could you stuff into a werewolf stuff pack? Y'all saw how in TS3 the Supernatural EP didn’t give wolves a single bloody thing other than their CAS stuff -- for build/buy mode wolves got ZILCH. We didn’t get busted furniture or shattered windows or blood splatters or more fur patterns -- NOTHING. Everything in build/buy mode was for witches & faeries--all wolves could do was tear the crap up with their claws.
And even their CAS stuff was lackluster - no hairy skins, makeup or tails, but we got body hair & face sliders, claws, fangs, etc.
I like TS1's werewolf design from Makin Magic the most, since their heads/skins looked like wolves.
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TS2′s was the biggest downgrade in terms of the LOOK of werewolves, in that it was just a skin.
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If EA does do wolves for TS4, I’d hope they make it so the werewolves look like effing WOLVES. At least let them turn into animals, like the ones in TS2 PETS. (WHY TF was TS2 the only time Sims had ACTUAL magical pets!? >_< TS3 has dogs! TS4 has dogs! DO IT ALREADY.)
Considering the cartoony PG13 angle EA insists on keeping TS4, I don’t imagine they’d EVER make wolves look like @camkitty2​’s amazing werewolf mod at MTS:
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And certainly not the scary Skyrim werewolves that I converted.
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Or even the ones from EA’s other property, Dragon Age (which are effing ugly, IMO).
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(The ugly anthropomorphic bipedal version, btw, not the more wolf-like version.)
TBH, If TS4 did werewolves at all I BET YOU MONOPOLY MONEY the template EA’d use would be a lot like Bigby Wolf’s design from the Wolf Among Us video game:
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Bigby goes through 4 phases, from man to gradually being an actual wolf in his 4th phase/Final Form. His 3rd phase has a face that not really wolf-like so much as Jekyll/Hyde; beastly enough that you pretty much know Oh that’s a werewolf they’re doing, without it actually looking like any animal.
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It’s big and scary with muscles & claws & hair, but cartoony enough that it’s not drastically different from a regular sim. EA’s wack enough to pull something like that, rather than going the extra mile to give us the kind of Skyrim-esque werewolves many simmers want.
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Or the full-shift magical WOLF that I personally want.
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Don’t get me wrong; Bigby has a great design for Wolf Among Us, made by AA developers Telltale (who do The Walking Dead video games). But Electronic fArts is a AAA developer, with billion dollar budgets, massive teams & bookoo resources. But by god EA’s the laziest AAA company around; just the kind of twats to do AA level work with AAA finances, as we’ve seen in TS4 and TS3.
Bigby’s 2nd phase is basically what TS3 did for werewolves, with the scrunched up brow/nose, pointed ears, hairier face, etc.
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This kind of werewolf design is fine, but it leaves A LOT to be desired, especially if it’s the only form you see in certain werewolf franchises. It reminds me too much of how Teen Wolf makes werewolves -- basically as hairier vampires from Buffy (which makes sense). But come on EA, go the distance; go FULL WOLF SHIFT or go home.
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In Eastern Europe werewolves ARE vampires/witches -- they’re connected to nature magic, druids & wicca, neopaganism, etc: magic runes & symbols, stones & metals, scyring, bonfire festivals (having Celtic holidays would be so cool!), enchanted woods & nemetons & ley lines, the effect of moonlight on water #TuckEverlasting style, shamanistic sacred animal totemic power and such. Tap into that tribalistic Slavic, Norse & Celtic lore on werewolves, EA, you effing COWards!
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In TS1′s Makin Magic and TS3′s Supernatural, witches and werewolves came in the same pack, and had gameplay elements tied to each other -- in TS1 it’s the Beauty & the Beast charm that magical sims can use, and in TS3 werewolves can be used as witches’ assistants to Gather harvestables/collectables used in alchemy potions. So for TS4, having werewolves in RoM would’ve made SO MUCH sense. Hell, they could’ve fit into the Vampire GP, too -- why was wolfsbane even IN that pack? o_O
So if TS4 adds werewolves, I hope they add something NEW to the lifestate, and do more research into other portrayals & iterations of werewolves.
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Everyone knows about Norse Berserkers (were-bears), but less attention is given to the Wolves of Odin, the Ulfhednar/Ulfhedinn (werewolves). A lot of Nordic neopagans are into them nowadays.
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A werewolf GP would make it so EA would have to flesh out werewolves -- if they live in the woods, give them woodland build/buy mode CC. Let them live OFF THE GRID as technophobic naturists, cuz electronics like tvs, PCs & radios hurt their sensitive eyes & ears. They could be more modern, sure, but it would be so much cooler to have sims who only use well water and hot springs and compost toilets and woodfire ovens.
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Bring back hobbies/skills like bone/woodcarving, gem cutting, basket weaving & looms, soap/candle-making, pottery, horticulture, tree-cutting/tree-hugging, animal husbandry (could you imagine werewolf shepherds? XD), sparring, (arm) wrestling, boxing, hunting, bird watching and more. Basically: fullblown medieval-rustic hunting lodge aesthetics: animal pelts, antlers, mounted taxidermy, COME ON, EA, stop being boring!
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Oooo can I get some v3 guys with kitsune!s/on please?
Ahh sorry for being inactive! Alsoooo sorry if it will be bad and if some seem unfinished.
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V3 boys with kitsune! S/O
Ryoma Hoshi
From your first meeting he pretty much knew what you were but he kept cool since it just whould be rude to judge you by your species.
Since in reality you were actually really fun to talk to but he rathers listening to you.
He doesn't mind what you look like really. When you two got closer he finally had enough courage to... Ask if he could pet you.
Most of the time when you were in your fox form or where you were human but just left the tails he felt like he needed to touch your fur since it looked super soft.
Oh yeah also he confessed to you sometime later. He didn't thought of the possibility of you feeling the same way but he just didn't wanted to hide his emotions.
Gonta Gokuhara
You saw him for the first time in the forest. You were just observing him and not taking any action.
He was examining bugs that were in the forest. You followed him for a while and saw his behaviors.
Gonta didn't notice you but it was becouse you were well hidden.
But after some time he noticed you and oh boy you weren't expecting it. You were in your true form and Gonta actually never saw or heard of kitsune so he was surprised to see multiple tails.
He didn't wanted to scare you so he didn't move. If you wanted to approach him fine but he didn't try to do so himself.
So you hesitantly walked closer to him and he ended up being super nice.
You wanted to know more about him but you whouldn't get too far as a fox so next time you saw him you decided to start a conversation as a human.
And all this 'get to know him better' ended up with dating him. He also introduced you to his friends wich was nice.
He learned a lot about you and your powers. It was amazing what you could do! But he never asked you to do anything and just was amazed whenever you used your powers.
When he first saw you he was really friendly and introduced himself to you. You thought it was just some kind of joke or just a robot who is programmed to act friendly.
So you decided to do something useless wich was scaring him by using your shape shifting ability.
He was genuinely scared and stepped back. He couldn't move further.
You felt a bit guilty since it wasn't same kind of fear others had.
So you apologized and told you why you did that. He felt a bit offended but didn't say anything on this matter. Normally he whould say something but it all was becouse he approached you.
It was all a bit awkward but both of you wanted to make up for it to one another. Keebo for disturbing you and you for scaring him so much.
It all ended up with you spending a lot of time together making it a habit and falling for each other.
He really loved what you could do but your fox fire was the best. It looked so pretty. He knew it was dangerous and he always kept safe discance.
Another thing he loved was your fluffy tails. Okay maybe he just loved everything about you.
It was funny to him how the two of you met. But he was glad it all happened and he got to get to know you.
Kaito Momota
He was alone during the night and watching the stars. You approached him and messed with him for a bit by 'stealing' his stuff in your fox form.
He chased you down and oh boy you enjoyed his attention. You quickly turned into human after you had a hiding opportunity and talked to him.
Then you showed him where his stolen goods were and came up with an excuse but not to say why you did it but to say that the fox ran away leaving the stuff.
He thanked you for showing where it was took what was his and went back where he was earlier.
It pretty much disappointed you that he didn't wanted to stay with you.
You ended up often meeting up with him on accident. And you actually ended up becoming friends.
It all seems like fate is trying to bring you together since even if you didn't plan to meet up you still saw each other. And thus you actually fell in love with each other.
He was allways curious about your powers. So far you told him about everything but mind control.
It wasn't anyhow bad but you didn't find this ability too useful so you just decided to not say anything about it.
Since you were extremely attractive in your human form he whould sometimes get jealous when people whould look at you but in you-know-what way.
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi was always cautious around kitsunes but it was becouse he knew what they could do. Still he tried to be nice to them.
You were no exception. But it doesn't mean that he didn't try to finish your interaction.
Even though he enjoyed talking to you (he was a bit nervous too) he just tried to not get too attached to you.
You ended up bugging him more often since you got to see him regularly. He was really interesting looking at the fact that he tried to push you away.
And he was the one to give up but it wasn't bad thing really since he really liked you.
He didn't knew why he even tried to not spend time with you. You were amazing!
Your relationship moved slowly but surely. And of course it ended up with you dating.
Rantaro Amami
When you first met you were quite upset he couldn't help but approach you. You thought he was just like any other person and whould just hit on you but Rantaro didn't do it.
Even though he was a stranger to you he tried to cheer you up. It was pretty nice.
He told you how cool you were since he knew that you were kitsune. Not like you tried to hide it.
You kept in touch and to be honest you always looked up to seeing him again.
And your often meetings made you fall for one another. You often used your illusion ability around him but it wasn't for bad use.
Kokichi Ouma
You really loved to mess with humans and one day you met with Kokichi. He was the most interesting person you had ever met.
So you actually became friends quite fast and with time you became a couple.
You both often messed with people and were true definition of tricksters.
Your shape-shifting was amazing and he was curious if it had any limits. So he whould often out of blue ask if you could change into something.
Your powers in general were amazing. He often jokingly was complaining that he doesn't have any powers like you do.
Korekiyo Shinguji
He had huge knowledge about kitsunes but he never thought he was going to encounter one with realizing that it was happening. Since you weren't in your full disguise.
Sure you had human form but your fangs and ears and tails remained. He was curious about the fact that you didn't hid your identity fully.
To be honest you were most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Maybe it's becouse you made him think that or it's his real thought who knows.
You two did talk and it was quite often. He was really fascinated by you.
He didn't notice when he fell for you. But he realized it after some time. You also felt something for him but you didn't say anything.
So both of you hid your feelings for very long time.
But in the end you were the one to tell him and he couldn't be more surprised and happy.
~Mod Chiaki
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Hey!! Good luck with the blog! Could I get the drv3 boys + nagito and Chiaki (everybody loves them you can’t blame me) getting surprised with a pet for some special occasion by the s/o? (I’ll probably rq from here a lot btw) thank you!
Furry surprise!
Thank you so much!! You're so sweet!
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I'm sorry this took so long, I wanted everyone to get a different pet and occasion for it not to be repetitive! I think it's a little big again :c
I worked hard on it, please enjoy!
~Mod Dia
Chiaki Nanami
It was March 14th, Chiaki’s birthday.
She was really excited because you had made plans to take her out to eat at a restaurant that was near her favorite arcade, so you two could play after dinner.
When you started dating she had told you that she had always wanted a pet, but that she was afraid of being a bad owner because it was too much work.
Last year you gave her a game for her game girl, so for this year you decided to pick a pet bird for her!
You were waiting for her to get ready, sitting on your bed with a cardboard box on your lap, with an adorable blue-crowned conure inside.
After some minutes she opened the door to your room, dropping her purse and letting out a little squeal when she noticed the birdie.
“It’s so cute.” She said as she crouched near the bed to see it better. “Is it for me?”
“Yeah!” You gently picked up the parakeet and put it on Chiaki’s hands. “Do you like it?”
“I love it! Thank you, S/O.” She gave you a sweet smile.
You could tell she was delighted, and the rest of the night she seemed a bit more energetic than usual.
When the conure grew up it turned out to require a little more effort to take care of than you had initially thought. Because it was so dear to Chiaki, and also because you had grown quite attached to the bird yourself, you helped her take care of it most of the time.
Nagito Komaeda
“Merry Christmas, Nagito!” You said as you gave him his present.
“Thank you, S/O.” He accepted the gift with a smile. “I still can’t believe I’m with someone as amazing as you… You didn’t need to, really.”
“I would feel really bad if I didn’t.” You plopped down next to him on the couch. “Especially since I’m staying at your house, it would be rude.”
Before he could reply you continued: “And I got it for you because I wanted to, and because you deserve it!”
He let out a small chuckle and muttered something under his breath that you didn’t get to hear.
“So it’s okay if I open it, right?”
“Of course!”
As he took the lid off the box, he was surprised by a cute fuzzy bunny that popped out of it onto him. “Oh, hello there.”
Nagito had the cutest look on his face as he let the small animal smell his hand and petted it.
“Do you like it?” You nervously asked “I was originally going to get a dog, but then I saw this cute little white bunny and he reminded me of you and I had to get it.”
“I like it very much, thank you S/O.” He kissed your cheek making you turn a little red at the unexpected act of affection. “Eh.. so cute."
Shuichi Saihara
For your first date anniversary you and Shuichi went to the hot springs.
He had been working himself off and you both decided it would be a good way to relax and spend some quality time together.
When you were done, you two took the train home and you asked him to set the table while you would get dinner for both of you.
Imagine his surprise when you came home with a yappy corgi puppy!
“..S/O?!” He exclaimed as the dog run excitedly to him.
“I’ve been wanting to give you something because you’ve been under so much stress lately.” You explained. “I think you could really benefit from having this little guy. Also, he’s really cute!”
“…You’re not wrong about that.” Shuichi petted the doggie. “S/o?”
“Thank you..” He was blushing as he took a step closer to you. “Can I-?”
“Of course!” You smiled as he cupped your cheek with his hand and gave you a soft peck on the lips.
“Also, S/O?”
“Where’s dinner?”
Kaito Momota
It had been around 5 years since you and Kaito started dating, the two of you decided to buy a house together!
You were on the process of moving out. You had already packed your things and were at Kaito’s helping him.
“Babe, can you come here help me take this to the truck?” You asked your boyfriend.
“Coming!” He walked up to you noticing the big box you were talking about. “Damn, this is huge, S/O! What on earth did you put in here?”
“Check it for yourself.” You told him containing your laugh.
“It better not be a prank, I swear to g-” He was interrupted by the sound of faint barking. “What the..?”
A beautiful German shepherd jumped out of it, spooking the poor guy beyond belief and leading him to let out a not so manly scream.
“He’s adorable right?” You laughed patting the dog’s head.
“Y-yeah, really cute S/O.”
Now you two wouldn’t feel lonely in your new big house!
Kaito treats the dog like he’s his son, it’s very endearing to watch.
Ryoma Hoshi
“Hey, love...” You put your hand on Ryoma’s shoulder. “I’ve got something for you, come with me.”
His dear pet cat had passed away recently and you could see it had taken a toll on him. He didn’t leave the house and passed most of the time sleeping, and when you pleaded with him to take care of himself he asked you to leave him alone.
It hurt you terribly to see Ryoma like this so you knew you had to do something.
He nodded at your request and followed you silently to the living room.
A shy kitten slowly approached him and sniffed his leg, letting out a soft meow.
At first, he didn’t know exactly what to do but then he took your hand and looked at you. “…I don’t deserve you.”
You shook your head. “Of course you do. I love you very much, you know?”
Ryoma wrapped his arms around you, embracing your figure tightly.
“Do you like him?” You asked returning the embrace.
“He’s perfect” He hugged you a little closer. “…I love you so much S/O.”
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro had just returned from a big trip!
“Welcome home!” You threw your arms around him. “I’ve missed you so much!”
He chuckled and hugged you for a bit before kissing your forehead. “I’ve missed you too.”
It was almost noon so you started heating something up for you to eat while Rantaro told you everything about his adventure.
“There’s someone I’d like you to meet.” You said after a spoonful of soup. “He’s been keeping me company since you were not here.”
“I see…” He stopped eating his pasta and looked at you. “Should I be jealous?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.” You laughed. “Donut, come here boy!”
You watched Rantaro’s puzzled look as a small beagle appeared running into your kitchen and sat right next to you, waiting for a treat.
“Isn’t he the cutest?” You asked giving the pup a doggie biscuit. “I wanted him to be trained when you arrived so I got him a couple of weeks before.”
“You named him Donut?” He looked amused. “That’s adorable, S/O.”
“Well, I think it fits him.” You explained.
The beagle walked to Rantaro and licked his hand while waging his tail in a playful manner. “It’s not fair, he already loves you!”
Gonta Gokuhara
How could you be so careless? You had accidently stepped on one of Gonta’s bugs, instantly killing the poor insect.
He said it was alright, since you didn’t do it on purpose but it was still obvious that he was sad about it.
You decided that you would buy another bug for Gonta, to show him that you really regretted not being more careful!
You went to your local pet store but they didn’t have any insects for sale or adoption so you somehow found yourself returning home with no bugs but with a cute black chinchilla.
“I arrived.”
“Welcome home, S/O!” You were greeted by your boyfriend. “What is that?”
“I thought about giving you something to compensate for the bug accident.” You said handing him the cage you were carrying. “I hope you like it!”
“S/O don’t need to compensate. Just S/O is enough!” Gonta gave you a big smile. “But Gonta happy for the gift.”
He observed the little animal inside the cage. “What kind of animal is this?”
“It’s a chinchilla.” You explained.
“Fascinating!” Gonta seemed to like it. “Thank you, S/O! Gonta will take care of it!”
And he kept his promise.
Kokichi Ouma
It was Valentines’ day.
For the past 3 years you had been giving him chocolate and cake so this time you settled for something slightly different.
You were setting the enclosure for the rosy boa you had picked when Ouma burst through the door demanding affection.
“S/O-chan~…” He hugged you from behind. “Weren’t you supposed to be pampering me all day? I had to search for you, were you hiding from me?”
“No, Kokichi, I wasn’t.” You rolled your eyes. “Now go away, you’ll ruin the surprise.”
“Oh what’s that?” He noticed the enclosure. “Oh my gosh S/O, you’re going to give me an aquarium?”
He got closer to take a better look. “You’re the best! How did you know I’ve always wanted an empty fish tank?”
“Yeah, that’s your gift, now leave.”
“Oh, come on. Can’t you tell me what it is at least?” He asked. “I promise I won’t be disappointed even if it’s just a lame goldfish or something.”
“… Is that a lie?”
“Who knows?” He said mischievously. “Just tell me, pretty please?”
“Just look on that box over there.”
“Nishishi, I knew you’d give in…” He said as he was opening the box. “OH- Oh my god! This is actually pretty cool!”
Guess who bragged for weeks that he got a pet snake from his s/o?
Korekiyo Shinguji
You had a blast at the graduation party with Korekiyo and all your friends last night.
You woke up and tried to get up but two arms closed around your waist pulling you back down.
“Kiyo…” You attempted to free yourself from his embrace.
He whispered his sweet nothings into your ear hoping you’d just go back to sleep, an option you had seriously considered at this point but ultimately decided against, kissing him in the cheek and getting up.
Today the axolotls you bought were supposed to arrive!
Still groggy, you walked to the kitchen and got yourself a bowl of cereal.
You managed to eat and do the dishes without making much noise and by the time you were done your new pets had arrived.
They seemed to like the beautifully decorated habitat you had discreetly set up the night before, and you were excited to show it to Kiyo.
When you got to your shared bedroom, your boyfriend was up already.
“Hey, Kiyo” You called. “I have something to show you.”
“Okay.” He followed you to the kitchen. “Oh my, this truly is beautiful.”
“I see you like them. What do you want to call them?” You giggled.
You two discussed what you should name your axolotls while Kiyo got his breakfast.
Despite being quite busy himself, Keebo had helped you out a lot with your studies the whole school year so you wanted to thank him!
You decided to adopt two little Sun parakeets and bought a decent sized cage for them, which you would place in your living room.
Keebo arrived home latter that day and greeted you with a smile, before noticing the birdies.
“What do you think of them?” You asked. “I wanted to thank you for always helping me out.”
“I think they’re very beautiful, thank you, S/O.” He said. “However, I don’t know much about birds… Will you help me take care of them?”
“Of course!” You hugged him. “It’s the least I could do.”
You two were really excited about the new addiction to your family! You had fun deciding their names and they quickly became a big part of your daily life.
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