#azia gposes
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coldshrugs · 1 day ago
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forgiven rumination
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scionshtola · 9 days ago
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moon prism power, make up!
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iron-sparrow · 15 days ago
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oc kiss week day 7
you fill my lungs with sweetness and you fill my head with you ♪ shall i write it in a letter? shall i try to get it down? ♪
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ft. @coldshrugs' Io Laithe
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lavampira · 5 months ago
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all saints wake challenge — couple's cosplay
look at her. I would die for her. I would kill for her. either way, what bliss. (gomez & morticia, the addams family 1991)
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hythlodaes · 1 year ago
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then again, you wrapped your arm around my torso and there was no one else. and there was nothing else. x.
azia @coldshrugs made these stunning shots of emile and estinien and my whole heart is full! tysm <3
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ahollowgrave · 5 months ago
Hello, I just realized Kitsis lets you upload a reference image over your game. (Thanks Azia for telling us to look at settings!) Settings -> References - Click the + to add a new reference image - Click the paper icon to browse for the image - For me, it appears super tiny in the upper left corner. - Make sure you have "Hide Window Decorations" UNchecked so you can resize it. Feel free to hide them again later! - There is a transparency slider, as well !! Here is a quick and messy screenshot to show what I mean:
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In case no one has told you: You can 1000% use references for your Gposing! Just like digital and traditional artists have done for forever!! Sometimes the vision in your mind needs help.
If you don't use Kitsis you can still use references! I'm not sure Anamnesis has this function since it sits outside the game. I also don't use Brio for posing. But you can do the tried and true method of having the reference up and alt+tabbing or using a second monitor to check your work!
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oschonseleven · 2 months ago
then vs. now: utha ofanwytawyn
ty @coldshrugs for the tag!! idk who else hasn't been tagged yet but feel free to @ me if you wanna go :)
June 2020 B.G. (Before Glam)
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absolute baby hours, probably only been playing for a couple weeks atp?
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Dec 2024 A.G. (After Gil)
I'm a console player so aside from the graphics update, nothing* has fundamentally changed about oofa's look beyond new hair and highlights over the years and the scar on her nose (which I think I added after...either Titan or Prae, can't remember- in canon, it's Prae tho hehe)
but she does have a much more defined sense of style and, even if only to me, matured a lot over the years I've been playing :) (learning how to get the most out of gpose to convey her character has also helped a lot!!)
*the wonderful Azia uses some mods on her at my request for Forbidden Magics but I'm still tweaking them before I make anything Official, y'know? Plus, given that I can only play vanilla on my own time, that's what's more important to me for now.
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the-rogue-mockingjay · 2 years ago
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'Tis never easy to lose the ones we love.
A scene from a fic I haven't been able to write yet, in which the gang gets together to discuss Krile and Y'shtola's warnings about the risks of even attempting to save a Nidhogg-possessed Estinien and the likelihood that one way or another, Estinien will die. It gets...a little heated when Emrys reminds everyone what Estinien would wish.
A lil breakdown of who's who:
Emrys of the Darkened Steel is the Viera gunbreaker;
Félicienne Greystone is the woman in white drachen armor;
Ysera Rowan is the Viera dragoon;
Asha Alaqa Sagahl is the Xaela warrior;
Rian Ashbrooke is the hyur paladin;
Merethe de Sofinoy is the elezen black mage standing beside Rian;
Aurélien de Sofinoy is the machinist leaning on the railing;
and Marielle de Dzemael is the reaper perched on the railing.
Their opinions re: can Estinien be saved are below the cut :>
(Big thank you to Azia, whose gpose tips + knowledge helped make this possible! ❤️)
Alphinaud and O'ravi, of course, will stop at nothing to save their friend, no matter the risks or how slim the odds of success; there's been too much loss lately, too many lives sacrificed for the cause. Moenbryda, Haurchefant, Ysayle, Minfilia- they've had enough of it. No more. They'll save Estinien or die trying.
But many of the others have reservations. Not knowing when or where Nidhogg will strike next, and with no way to know how much longer Estinien's soul will survive- the fact that his soul has survived at all was a surprise to Krile and Y'shtola, and they don't seem to believe that there's any way to save him. But the whole thing is uncharted territory. Ascian possession is a pretty well-known phenomenon, but I daresay this is the first time a dead member of the First Brood has possessed anyone! Merethe is lost in thought pondering how it works and what the differences are between Ascian possession and great wyrm possession.
Emrys and Rian want to try to save him, at least, but they're afraid of what could go wrong, especially since the city is a horrible battleground with the potential for astronomical collateral damage. How much are they willing to risk or sacrifice for just a chance at saving one man? Is the possible survival of one man worth the deaths of a dozen others? Two dozen, more? That is what Rian struggles with. He wants nothing more than to draw the line in the sand, as O'ravi and Alphinaud did - no more loss, no more sacrifice, to hells with the cause and to hells with duty - but...he cannot, in good conscience, do so. Not when there's no guarantee that Alphinaud's plan to tear off the Eyes will even work.
Aurélien, too, has been counting the cost. He's seen the destruction wrought by the Horde firsthand, he's lost track of how many times he's run to whatever part of the city got the worst of it to help the survivors. And while he doesn't want Estinien dead, he believes that the price of his possible salvation will be too high. No, he believes to even attempt to save him would be unwise.
Aymeric has already proven his willingness to kill Estinien if it comes down to it. His oath to protect Ishgard comes before all else: his life, or the life of his dearest friend included. He doesn't dare to hope for Estinien's salvation. Neither does Marielle. The odds of success are so low, she believes they should simply kill Estinien and be done with it. She won't admit how something in her heart breaks at the thought, however.
Félicienne is among the cynics. She's known Estinien for a long time, but she is a dragoon as well, and she will not hesitate to deal the killing blow if the situation gets out of control. And unlike Aymeric, she could live with that (though she would go to her grave wishing it hadn't been necessary).
Ysera is also a dragoon, she even shared the title of Azure Dragoon with Estinien for a time, but...if it comes down to it, can she kill him? Is she prepared to kill him to fulfill the promise she made to defend Ishgard? Knowing it's what he'd want her to do doesn't change the facts, which are: the answer is likely no.
Asha isn't certain what to make of all this. There's too much they don't know, too many variables and factors at play. Quite frankly, she'd prefer to hunt Nidhogg down and confront him much like they did the first time, but he's proven to be more elusive than anticipated. And if they did set out to hunt him together, it would mean leaving Aymeric and the Temple Knights to defend the city unaided should Nidhogg or his Horde attack while they were away. The lack of an easy answer frustrates her. Additionally, she's monitoring everyone's emotional states and trying to prevent the tension in the air from escalating. Many of the group are hiding their true feelings, and this has not escaped her notice.
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coldshrugs · 3 months ago
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almost feels like love 🌅
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coldshrugs · 4 months ago
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glamtober #21 - another world
boldly going! this one was particularly fun to style and make! i wasn't planning to include the scions but it felt so right, especially having the chance to include pants and skirts, plus the different uniform colors. tataru is hard to see, but she's in yellow too!
items used:
body: thanvnairian wool autumn shirt legs: glade slops, eastern lady errant's skirt feet: glade boots, high summoner's boots colors: dalamud red/othard blue/millicorn yellow, jet black for pants and boots
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coldshrugs · 19 days ago
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if you could be my open skies then i could be your wildflower
oc kiss week 2025 - featuring @hythlodaes's emile jenidaut
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coldshrugs · 22 days ago
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hotter than a june kiss i'm blushing a shade of licorice
oc kiss week 2025 - featuring @scionshtola's corisande ymir
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coldshrugs · 7 months ago
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i don't like to sit up in the saddle, boy i got it, just relax, i got this
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coldshrugs · 21 days ago
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keep all my sugar where i know you like it best i am a loud bark, deep bite
ockiss week 2025 - featuring @oschonseleven's utha ofanwytawyn
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coldshrugs · 16 days ago
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you can handle me, put your hands on me
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coldshrugs · 1 month ago
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i see them bow down when you sing i heard the wind run
io, inspired by storm #5
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