#savior of all tomatoness
tomorrowsgardennc · 2 months
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someone please talk me out of making this the artwork for the red robin dwarf tomato seed packet plz and thnk u.
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astarionapologist · 3 months
Negan x Reader
Unlikely Sanctuary
Setting: beginning of season 10 when Alexandria deals with the small waves of walkers.
Prompt: After dealing with the countless waves of Walkers stumbling upon Alexandria’s doorsteps. Getting supplies to and from Hilltop has been more difficult. A missing shipment of Medical supplies to Alexandria results with you and Negan setting out to go and find it. That is until things go completely wrong.
Warnings: N/A mainly fluff a bit angsty and relationship building/slow burn
I was also in the middle of writing this when I got a request that kinda perfectly fit with this so whoever asked… please enjoy!
Request: would you write some negan x reader?? angsty platonic negan being caring abt u. u get hurt maybe including "cmon look at me. open your eyes darlin" (I switched darlin for hon in this fic… I KNOW IM SORRY SHOOT ME. I just thought it fit a little better this time around 😢)
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The numbing pain in your cheeks from the biting cold was all you could feel. Your body moved sluggishly as you worked tirelessly for the fifth consecutive night to protect Alexandria’s walls from the relentless waves of Walkers. Whether the Whisperers were behind this assault or not, your mind was too clouded with the struggle to stay awake to focus on that. You paused for a moment, pinching the space between your eyes with your head hung low, when a gentle hand settled on your shoulder. Turning, you saw Michonne, a look of worry etched on her face.
“Y/N I have a job for you.”
“What is it? Anything new news with the Whispers or-?”
“Possibly… we’re missing a shipment that was due yesterday. And with these ongoing herds I’m worried there’s a chance something happened…”
“I need you to rest for tonight and save your energy for tomorrow morning. I want you to look for the shipment and help deliver it here. Please…. I wish I could send you out there with someone but… we’re short-handed . If you’re unsure I don’t mind going instead. I just need you to take over while I’m gone.”
“That would be unnecessary, I have someone to accompany Y/N. Someone who’s in dire need of a job.”
Gabriel says a bit tense as he looks over to motion over at Negan who was currently on clean up duty discarding any piled up walkers.
“You can’t be serious….” Michonne mumbled under her breath.
“I can assure you I am. He is perfectly able to go out and work. Keeping him here to shovel up the dead when he’s more useful outside is just foolish.” Gabriel sighs heavily
"Listen up, Padre. I get that you're putting yourself on the line to get me in with your little mystery crew. But honestly? I'd rather be out here picking tomatoes and burying corpses. So, if it's all the same to you, I'll stick to that." He says in heavy breaths as he wipes the sweat off his brows.
“Tsk he’d be more of a pain then an actual use.” Michonne says under her breath.
“You can fight! And Y/N can’t go alone it’s too dangerous!” Gabriel begins to shout
“Peanut butter meet Jelly!….” He says motioning his hands to both you and Negan.
“He’s going end of discussion” Gabriel ends the conversation while storming off to another issue that needs his attention.
“Well shit…” You quietly heard Negan.
“Look Michonne don’t worry about me okay? I think I can manage with Negan it’s not so big of a deal” You say calmly. You've heard the tales of how ruthless Negan was when he led the Saviors, a cold-blooded force on the battlefield who didn't believe in mercy. Yet, mercy was exactly what he received from Rick Grimes. Despite all the stories, you remained unfazed. You were not someone to be controlled by cautionary tales, nor one to believe blindly in them. Even so you weren’t exactly excited to go on this run with Negan but at least him coming along meant the risk of making it back was a lot higher.
The next morning, you stood beside Negan, waiting for the gate to open. It was time to set off and discover what had happened to the missing delivery. The journey itself was quiet for a while, of course until Negan started getting a bit talkative….
"Hey, you ever think about what you'd be doing if all this hadn't happened?" Negan asks, glancing sideways at you.
You keep your eyes on the road ahead, but decide to answer. "I try not to. Seems like a waste of energy, you know? Thinking about what could've been."
Negan nods, seeming to appreciate your honesty. "Yeah, I get that. But sometimes I can't help it. Before all this, I was a high school gym teacher. Can you believe that?"
“Honestly kinda? Pegged you for the type who probably peaked in high school.”
“Ouch… maybe you’re not wrong but shit man! Did ya have to be so blunt?” He chuckles
“Besides what did you even do before the world when to shit?”
You hesitate, then decide to share. "I worked in an office. Not very exciting, but it paid the bills."
“Wasting away in an old office huh? What a snore, but hey! Excitement isn't everything. Stability's got its perks."
“Yeah I guess so-” and awkward chuckle escapes your lips as you wonder why he suddenly started pointless idle chatter.
"So," you say, trying to kill the short awkward silence "you ever miss it? Teaching, I mean."
Negan's expression softens. "Sometimes.”
“Miss the kids, mostly. They were a good bunch. But you can't dwell on the past too much, right? Gotta keep moving forward."
“Right… forwards” Something about him talking about moving forwards kind of ticked you off. He’s the reason why so many of the people you care about are stuck in the past and for some reason he’s allowed to just move forward?
Negan looks at you, his gaze more serious now. "Listen, I know you've heard things about me. About what I did. And I don't expect you to forget that. But I'm trying to be different now. Trying to make up for some of it." He sighs distantly looking forward onto the trail ahead.
You nod slowly.
"I get it," Negan says. "Trust is earned, not given. But for what it's worth, I'm glad we're out here together. Feels nice stepping out a bit and talking to someone who doesn’t immediately want to cut my head off.”
“For what it’s worth… I‘ve always been one to believe actions speak louder than words”
“Yeah? Well thanks… it means a lot.” A smile forms on his lips as he lets out a small yet warm laugh
The conversation fades into a more comfortable silence, and as you continue on your way, you find that the initial awkwardness is slowly being replaced by a tentative sense of camaraderie.
The day quickly fades, and you soon realize you need to find a place to set up camp. Fortunately, you passed an old cabin a couple of miles back. If you hurry, you might be able to make it there before the sun sets.
"Hey, it's getting late. We should head back to the cabin we found earlier. It's not too far, and if we leave now, we can probably make it before dark."
Negan pauses and looks up at the dwindling light in the sky above him. “Hm, yeah, you’re right. Good call. Better than being alone in the forest, easy prey for these deadheads, right?"
About half an hour later, you're halfway to the cabin when you notice a Walker roaming closer to you in the woods. You find it strange how quiet these woods have been. This is the first walker you've encountered during your run. The woods have been unnervingly lifeless and still, with little to no animals in sight. You’re far enough from the masses of herds that stumbled into Alexandria, so they shouldn't have disturbed the wildlife here. Yet, you stand on edge with a chill up your spine, as if you can feel many unwanted eyes staring at you.
“I got this one” You say pulling out your hatchet
The Walker staggered closer, its guttural moans breaking the eerie silence of the woods. With a swift, practiced motion, you drew your hatchet, its blade gleaming in the fading light. The hatchet whistled through the air, embedding itself with a sickening thud into the walker's skull. For a moment, there was silence, the hatchet was pulled free, the only sound left was a faint rustle.
As soon as the first walker appeared, another followed close behind. Then two more, then three. Before long, a small herd had formed, lazily shuffling side to side like a mindless group of cattle.
“Stay on guard… we’re not alone.” Negan said drawing out his crowbar stained with the blood of the dead.
“They’re here…”
“There’s too many of them… we have to act fast, make a run for it if we have to.” You stand at a ready position ready to either commit to fighting or flighting.
“I hear ya, but we don’t know the difference between the Walkers and the Whispers yet…” he pauses slightly at the end and exhales deeply “Stay close you hear?”
You nod at Negan, shifting a bit closer to him. "You're right," you say, eyes darting around the shadowy woods. "But we can't afford to stay here. Let's move."
With that, you both take off through the underbrush, the walkers' moans growing louder behind you. The forest floor is uneven, roots and rocks hidden beneath a blanket of leaves. Your breath comes in quick gasps, and your heart pounds in your chest. The adrenaline pushes you forward, but a misplaced step sends you crashing down. A sharp pain shoots through your ankle
“Fuck- shit shit shit” a small whimper escapes your mouth
“Negan!”you cry out, clutching your leg.
Negan skids to a halt and rushes back to your side. "Dammit," he mutters, glancing at the rapidly approaching walkers. "Shhh you’re okay don’t worry just hang on." He hefts you up, throwing your arm over his shoulder
Despite the searing pain, you try to keep moving. Negan's strong grip and determination push you both forward, but the walkers are relentless. He swings his crowbar, bashing in heads and keeping the undead at bay. One walker lunges, and he shoves it back its skull cracking under the force of his blow.
“I don’t know how long I can’t keep going” a deep and shaky inhale leaving your breath
“Just a bit further hold on. Just say with me”
Negan spots a narrow ravine up ahead, partially hidden by dense undergrowth."There," he says, pointing. "We'll lose them in there."
“A choke point… smart we’ll lose them all hopefully Walkers and Whispers alike.
He helps you hobble toward the ravine, the ground becoming steeper and more treacherous. As you descend into the shadows, the moans of the walkers grow fainter. The dense foliage and uneven terrain slow them down, giving you both a chance to catch your breath.
"We need to keep moving," Negan urges, his voice low and urgent. "They'll figure out a way around eventually."
You try and stand, a sharp pain consumes your ankle as you stumble on forward, fortunately enough Negan catches you before you completely fall.
“Shit- hey settle down okay? I’ll carry you the rest of the way. We’re only about a mile or two away we’ll make it”
“N-no I’m fine I can do this, I don’t need help” You stand up again this time you stumble forwards and fall into your hands and knees”
“Jesus Christ do not fucking do this right now”
“Whatever this is? Pride, embarrassment, Fear? I need you to fucking swallow it and let me help you.” He’s agitated but nonetheless somewhat patient.
“No… just-“
“Just what Y/N? If you think I’ll just happily fuck off and leave you hanging you’re wrong”
“Just think… I can’t keep walking, we make it to the cabin then what? What if they find us how… long until I just drag you down and end up taking you down with me?” You respond in a low shaky voice looking down at the floor
He shakes his head and sighs “cmon… look at me.” He notices how tightly you have your eyes shut as you silently shake with fear.
“Open your eyes hon….” he says, squatting down to meet your gaze. His hand gently rests on your knee, offering a steady, reassuring presence.
“I’m sure as hell ain’t leaving you behind… besides if I did I’m sure they’d hang me back home” he chuckles a bit then shakes his head at his own stupidity
Negan looks at you, a serious expression crossing his face. "I ain't leaving you, alright? You're something rare in this shitshow of a world. You've got hope in people. Even in people like me. Hell, I thought you'd rather take your chances alone than with some shit-faced old man who's done a lot of crappy things. But you... you’re putting me first, and that’s something beautiful in a world like this one. You’re a good person, Y/N. You don’t deserve to die cruelly or horribly. And definitely not alone. So if you're staying, you best fucking believe I'm staying too."
“W-what?” You look up in shock of what he just said
"You can't stay here! You have to leave, please," you plead, your voice trembling. "I'll only slow you down." Desperation and fear lace every word.
“Hmmm think I am gonna stay right here” a coy smile displayed on his lips
“Unless… I don’t know” He taps on his chin “ I carry you the rest of the way to the cabin?”
“I’m being serious here you can’t-”
“Oh so am I. What is it going to be hon? Are we stayin’ or??”
“Fine- shit fuck okay…” you put your arms in your hands embarrassed at how full circle this scenario just became.
“Good answer!!” He chuckles squaring done so you can easily climb on his back.
With renewed determination, you both push forward. The forest is still eerily quiet, but the sense of being watched has diminished. As the sun dips lower in the sky, you finally spot the outline of the cabin through the trees.
"There!" you whisper, pointing at the small rundown cabin.
Negan helps you into to the cabin quickly setting you on a sofa not to far from the entrance. The small, rustic interior feels like a sanctuary compared to the dangers outside.
Negan collapses against the wall, breathing heavily. "That was too close," he says, wiping sweat and blood from his brow. He looks over at you, concern in his eyes. "How's that ankle?"
“Shit” you say inspecting the injury “But thankfully not too shitty, I just glad we made it okay”
He nods, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
"Yeah, we did." He stands, offering you a hand. "Let's see if we can find something to patch you up. We're not out of this yet."
The night finally settles in, the oppressive darkness of the forest pressing against the cabin walls. Despite your best efforts, you couldn't find anything useful for your ankle. Negan managed to rig up a crate as a makeshift stool to elevate it, offering some small relief. He strides to the fireplace and swiftly gets to work, expertly bring a fire to life without wasting a moment.
"Rest up, okay? I'll take the first watch," Negan says, his voice softer than usual, a protective edge to it.
You nod, exhaustion pulling at your eyelids. The adrenaline has worn off, leaving you bone-tired and achingly aware of your injury. As you lie back, the faint crackle of the fire and the steady rhythm of Negan's breathing become a comforting backdrop. You close your eyes, trusting him to keep you safe, and slowly drift off to sleep.
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Omg I haven’t wrote anything in forever but I’m so glad I did! Again srry for any spelling mistakes! I also plan on maybe making a part two for this so keep an eye out for that one! Let me know what you think and feel free to request! Thanks you bye<3
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dilfhouse · 1 year
Fresh Delivery |Negan S. X Fem!Reader | PT. ONE
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Warnings: mentions of blood, explicit language, guns, kinks, cursing, negan being smug, mentions of iprisonment.
Story: Negan discovers a suspicious crate of fresh fruit. In order to keep anyone from dying Rick has to give up the secret about your farm. At first you can't stand Negan, but in the short time you've known him, he leaves a lasting sort of impression.
“Well." Negan drawls, turning his back to his men as they work to gather the last of the supplies. Every bullet, can of food, and hope snatched from the good people of Alexandria.
"Everything seems to be in order, Rick." He gives the officer a harsh pat on the shoulder, before he reached down to pry Lucille from his grasp. "You're band of heroes are doing a bang up job of gathering all this shit." He gestures to the items with the end of Lucille as Rick stood in silence giving Negan that famous ‘stink eye’, as he liked to call it. He was going to correct him for it, but as soon as he thought to chastise him one of the soldiers had a little slip up.
They had let one of the cases of fruit tip over. Fresh tomatoes, apples, and other delights tumble out onto the concrete. Leaving brusies behind on the skin as they thumped and rolled to a stop at the two men's feet. This said fruit was currently being looked over by Negan, who had not seen a single sign of a garden since taking over. His eyes narrowed and his grin returned. The air grows cold and tense as he bends down to pick up one of the apples. Rick’s whole body is frozen in place as Negan examines the fruit then slowly turns to face him.
“Rick?" The brunnette casts his gaze down before looking up at him. He holds up the ruined fruit, “Do you have any idea where these little delights came from?"
Surely the truth was just as dangerous as a lie. Either way someone would get hurt. Rick would only hope he'd just punish him by taking more supplies, but that wasn't how things worked. So a lie it was. “We found trees-“
“Bull-fucking-Shit.” He hisses, tossing the apple aside and pressing Lucille to his chest, tapping it ever so lightly, not even bothering to let Rick finish the lie. Negan wasn't dumb. He didn’t like it when people tried to make him look that way, sure he believed in a little fun but he got the shit done.
Apparently nobody learned anything from a few days ago, after he beat the crap out of two of the most important people in Rick’s original gang. Not a single thing. “Did you not learn your lesson the first time?” He snarls, hazel eyes narrowing dangerously as he eyes the dumbfounded expressions on Rick's face. Oh he caught him alright. “So, quit feeding me shit and tell me where the fucking fruit came from!”
Rich shakes his head a huffs in defeat. Sweat dripping from his brow as he locked eyes with Negan and gave in. “It’s a small farm.” He finally gives in. “She gives us fruit, in exchange for very little-"
“Oh, she?” His interest is piqued at the mention of a woman. “You let a little lady fend for herself, Rick. That’s cold!” He lets out a rolling chuckle, and smiles. It was odd that anyone would choose to be on their own versus living in a nice community. However, he knew that being on a farm was also a smart choice.
“Well lets go pay her a visit!” He waves his hand, and the other Saviors work quickly to pick up the fruit that fell. The other members stood in a small crowd watching their every move. Negan throws his hands up in the air. “We’ll give her the good ol��welcome wagon!” He hands off Lucille to Dwight, who lowers his weapon to take the bat. The leader turns and grabs Rick by the collar of his shirt, dragging him off like he was some dog towards one of the trucks, “Arat! We’ll be back. Keep an eye on the Brady bunch, will yah!”
It had been at least a week since Rick had come to see you. The Alexandrians had become close friends of yours after discovering your lovely little farm, which had been lucky enough to outlast the horrible world that surrounded the small walls of the land. Most farmers didn’t build walls like the ones you’d been graced with but it was necessary way before the biters walked the earth. From deer, to boars, and other such rodentia it prevented unnecessary destruction to the fresh garden and small patch of crops blessing your land. When Rick and his gang first came across the farm you were dry adamant about privacy, but grew to enjoy the company, and decided to pass on small crates of fresh foods on occasion since it was only you left standing to defend the farm.
However as you had been careful as to keep track of their visits, you’d notice it’s been a few days almost bordering on five since seeing Rick last. It was odd. Maybe they were busy with the herd. You knew that they had been planning for the worst, but you weren’t exactly sure. So you decided to make the decision to make the delivery yourself, you’d an abundance of fruit, veggies, and bread this season and you surely weren’t going to use it all before it was going to spoil.
As you gather the last of the fruit into one of the wooden crates, there was an unusual loud rumble from outside your gate. It sounded like a car, maybe two. Maybe it was Rick or maybe anyone from Alexandria, you drop the basket of tangerines and rush out to undo the wooden bar locking the metal gate in place. The walls were just high enough to provide coverage from the outside. So you missed the large truck and were in such a rush to make sure you’re friend was safe. So when the doors swung open to reveal Rick but not just him your face fell. He stood next to a much taller man stood behind him, his left arm hung around his broad shoulders. A large truck sat off to the side, one guy inside, and another tall, skinny, dirty blonde hair had a gun aimed on you and Rick.
The more animated one sported a huge grin and cocked his brow. "Ding-dong. Sorry I didnt ring the bell, darlin'."
You stood frozen watching between the two before you were able to say something, “Who?” You gasp, “What’s going on?” You are shocked by the situation. Had he turned on you?
“Listen, I’m so-”
“Ah, none of that Rick.” The older man speaks, swinging his right hand, handling the bat laced with barbwire up in his direction. You stumble back and he chuckles, “Dwight keep an eye on that will yah?” He shoves Rick towards the man he addressed, the guy in the truck sat unmoving watching. Rick shot this man a glare, but it was cut short by Dwight knocking him down on his knees. You lunged forward in order to help Rick, but your kept at bay by the quick movement of the stranger swinging out his bat towards your chest.
“Ah, not so fast darlin’. Rick deserved that one, he kept this little slice of heaven a secret then lied about it.” He was kind to inform you, “See Rick and his community are now under new management, but he still seems to forget the rules.” He chuckles, shoulders shrugging as he glanced back at Rick.
“Negan.” Rick hisses, “Leave her out of this. She’s on her own.” The bat at your chest lowers but does nothing to help steady the increasing beat of your heartbeat, the rise and fall of your chest comes in rapid movements.
“Ho-ly Shit!” Negan speaks out suddenly, “It’s just you out here?” He asks. As if he didn't figure that out back at the community.
You open your mouth to answer by are cut short by him once more, “Fancy livin’ you got there sweetheart. A little garden, some fresh crops, maybe a cow or two in the barn.” He tosses the weapon in his hands back and forth as he swaggers closer towards you. “So where is mama and pop-pop. I wanna meet the Mr. and the Missus."
With everything that happened in the moment, all of your adrenaline and confusion, you reached out and smacked him. Rick, despite his position, knew how Negan would react to such an action, and he wanted to help you, but the barrel that dug into his temple kept him still. "Not an inch." Dwight reminded him.
The man in the truck moved to aim his own weapon towards you. Negan holds him off with a wave of his hand. He chuckles, throaty and heartfelt, almost if he had enjoyed it.
“Day-yumn!” He nearly shouted, “You got quite a hand on yah, sweetheart.” He laughs as you clench your hands at your sides. He waits for a response or some kind of sass, but you say nothing. He leans down to be eye to eye, “Why don’t you give me a tour huh?” At this proximity you can smell the bitterness of beer and brisk scent of pine. When he didn’t get the reaction he wanted, he reached his gloved hand under your chin, finger digging into the flesh of your cheeks, “I said give me a fucking tour, princess. Don’t make me ask again.” He growled, your eyes trailing up his face.
Now you could really take in his features this close. The well trimmed peppered heart, perfect lips, hazel eyes you could lose yourself in. Sure he may have insulted your intelligence, but it felt good to have a man put you in your place. “Yes, Sir.” You reply without a beat. His lips pull into a smirk and he chuckles.
“See, Rick! We’re gettin’ along just peachy.” He finally releases your face and the dull ache in your jaw is only an afterthought as he kindly places a hand on your lower back and ushers you further towards the garden. “B-R-B.” He sings leaving his men to watch over Rick.
The gravel crunches beneath the weight of your steps as you and Negan approached the garden abundant with many fresh goodies. He swings his bat as he walks, "So what's your name, sweet cheeks?"
"Y/N, and that's all you're going to get out of me."
"Oh we'll see about that darlin'." Negan chimes in.
((So I had this all planned out and I think it'll do better in multiple parts. So keep checking back for more! Thank you for reading 📚))
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rainbows-r-nice05 · 9 months
Frozen Camera
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I watched Rise of the Guardians and fell in love with Jack Frost because he is my baby. Anyway here is something I just whipped up and I know it's bad but I needed to so it to ease my mind.
I hate studying, I really do. My mind tries to focus but it drifts into dreamland. Dreaming of the impossible. Fighting dragons, ruling a kingdom….....finding true love. But enough about that. To relax a little, I decided to go read a book outside. Since it was Christmas time, I picked up the story about all the different kinds of Christmas characters. It was night time so I made sure to bring some blankets out. As I stepped outside on my back porch, coldness engulfed me. My porch was spacious with lawn chairs and a brick pillar on the side that leads into the grass. Oh, how beautiful it was. Christmas lights dance around my neighbors backyards across the lake connecting them. Lights from blue and white to red and green. The fountain was still going as the wind danced through it. I sat down in order to enjoy reading a bit into my novel. This section was about the famous Jack Frost to whom I believed in when I was a little kid. But not anymore since I am a junior in high school.   About 10 mins into my book, I absentmindedly start singing a famous Christmas Carol.  
God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
I heard distant barking of dogs nearby which was normal. And the rustle of plants that were caused by the wind.  
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joyI
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
All of a sudden, my ears perk up at this crinkle or a sound of frost covering something. Like a tingling sound of some sort. I looked around and saw one of my security cameras had frost covering the lens. 
“That's weird,” I muttered to myself as I stood up, set my book down and walked toward the camera. Over the lens it looked blueish with little snowflakes covering it. My curiosity got the best of me so I decided to go inside and get a ladder. (The camera was on the ceiling). I got the ladder from the garage and walked back outside. I opened it and climbed all the way to the top. I looked closely at the camera and scratched the frost off of it. Somehow, the frost just would not come off. 
“OH GOS-,” suddenly I lost my balance and was headed toward the ground. 
“Gotcha,” I was caught by someone who was levitating off of the ground and wrapped my arms around this persons neck. It seemed to be a boy around my age who had piercing blue eyes and platinum blond hair. His skin was pale white and freezing for that matter. His dazzling white teeth showed as he smiled lovingly at me. My goodness was he handsome.  
“Woah…” I was too starstruck to even comprehend what was happening. 
“Lost your balance, there sweetheart,” the mysterious man said.
“Jack Frost is the name,” he said as he lowered me to the ground. 
“Oh my goodness.. It's really you,”
“Of course it's me, alive and in person.” His smile…. Is so…..loving. I finally got a good look at him and he was wearing a blue hoodie with some light brown pants. He was indeed barefoot as he was Jack Frost.  
Oh my gosh.  OH MY GOSH The Jack Frost in front of ME!!!
“And what might your name be pretty girl,” 
Pretty girl…. I flushed deeply at that. I smiled sheepishly as I introduced myself. 
“(Y/N) (L/N) at your service,” as I extended my hand out for him to shake. 
He shook it softly and his hands were beyond freezing. 
“Wait, what are you doing here?” I was so puzzled as to why he was here. It was December right, but it does not even snow over here. 
“Oh.. Well…” he walked around with his staff tapping the bird bath with it and it froze solid. 
“I got quite bored while I was patrolling so I decided to fly across a random area where I found a beautiful singing voice in this very backyard.”
As if I could ever be more redder, my face would be a tomato. 
“What were you doing out here,” he said as he pointed his staff at me. 
I gently pushed his staff out of my face and raised an eyebrow. 
“Well, It is my backyard” I started to walk around him. 
“But if you want to know, I was reading a book.”
“Oh… interesting” 
“Y’know, you have a very nice backyard,” he stated as he walked around and faced the lake. 
“And a very nice show you get to watch.” 
I giggled lightly at that. 
“Oh yes, Christmas is the best time of the year when I get to sit outside in the cold and light a fire. I see all the Christmas lights in their glory.” I smiled at last night's occurrence which was just like how I described. 
“Well, isn’t that nice,” he said as he gazed at me. 
All of a sudden I hear this ringing noise that sounds jolly. Jack takes a small device out of his hand and looks very disappointed. He verbally groans. 
“Wish I could stay, but Santa needs me.”
“You mean North,” I say out of the blue
“Wait how do you-” 
“Jack,” I giggle a little, 
“Might want to go see him” I say as I step in front of him pointing at the device smiling. 
He smiles as he is about to fly away. 
“Wait!” I put a hand up signaling him to not go yet. 
“Will I ever see you again?” 
“I’ll make sure I will see you again, snowflake.” He says as he takes my hand and kisses it with his cold yet soft lips. 
I smile and yet again, I flush at the nickname. 
He then flies away and I am left alone outside. I walk back to the camera and see that the frost has disappeared. I smile as I walk back inside. I gaze back out across the lake where I think of the many events that Jack Frost will show me. 
thinking on a part two maybe or a milti series thing idk yet lol
I have to get back to studying though
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Your Savior (Part 2)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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You take a Deep Breath, trying to calm down, knowing he couldn't get you now. At least for some time. You knew he wouldn't stop there, he'd try to find you again and terrorize you until you gave in and come crawling back to him.
You take a look in the mirror outside and see him screaming and raging."Hey, are you okay? What happened out there?" the dark haired woman on the driver's side asked. You wince slightly, as you were so caught up in your thoughts, you completely forgot she was still there. "Hey hey, I didn't mean to scare you" she says, trying to sound somewhat comforting. "N-no.. it's okay.. I'm fine.." you say, your voice barely loud enough for her to hear.
"Who was that" the Woman asked again. You shook your head, not wanting to talk about it, everything was just too much. "Not now, sorry, it's just all too overwhelming right now. Thanks though for stopping, I don't even wanna imagine what would have happened if he got me." You give her a weak smile, and she just nods her head and continues driving.
About 20 minutes later you're still driving, the silence that surronded you during that time wasn't that unpleasant after all. The radio was playing quiet musik and all in all you were just glad you finally got some rest. "Where are we headed?" you decided to break the silence. "home" she replies. "I just came back from a buisness trip and the airport it quite far away from where i live." You nodded, silence filling the car once more.
Some minutes later you decide to finally ask her who she was, she seemed so oddly familiar to you. "Can I ask you one more question?" "sure, as many as you'd like" she said. "Who are you and do we know each other by any chance? You seem so familiar"
She chuckled, "Well, you might know me under my ringname, Rhea Ripley, but you can just call me Demi". And that's when it hit you. Rhea. Ripley. The woman you always admired. for her strength and confidence. You just sit there, stunned at what had just happened. "You okay?" Demi asks with a chuckle. "Yeah, yes I- uh I just didn't expect that" you say. She laughs at your response.
"I- I'm y/n btw" you say, a smile tugging a the corner of your lips. How lucky could you be? The Rhea Ripley was the one so save you. "Nice to meet you y/n" Rhea grins. "Do you have anywhere to stay for now?". You shake your head "No, I don't have any friends around here and my parents live quite far away" you explain.
"Okay, you'll just come with me then, also good cause I know you're protected and don't need to blame myself in case anything happens to you tonight" Rhea says, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
You arrive at her place a few minutes later and you both exit the car. Rhea grabs her suitcase from the trunk before opening the door to her apartment. She puts her suitcase next to a small shelf in the hallway before taking off her shoes. You notice just now that you don't have any shoes so you open your backpack to search for a new pair of socks as yours were dirty from running outside.
You quickly change them and follow Rhea inside. "Are you hungry? Do you want anything to drink?"she asks, as you step into the kitchen. "Some water would be good thanks" you say. She hands you a glass of water and Begins to rummage around the kitchen to gather some supplies for cooking.
"Can I help you with anything?" you ask, putting the now empty glass aside. "You can chop some onions and Tomatoes for the Sauce if you want. I'm gonna make Pasta for dinner." Demi says, handing you a cutting board and a knive. Both of you Standing next to each other, you cutting the veggies and her preparing the noodles.
"Mind telling me what happened?" Rhea asks in a comforting voice. You stop cutting mid way, putting the knive away, and start fidgeting with your hands. You turn around so you were leanig against the counter with your back. You take a deep Breath and exhale slowly before starting to speak.
This is part 2 on my Heal my Wounds series, hope you enjoy. I've already got plans for future parts but I still appreciate every comment on wishes or hopes etc :)
Taglist: @thatonepansexual2000
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majachee · 28 days
I can die happy now with mmpr x td yuri/hj
giggling and kicking my feet rn, you have no idea how happy this makes me :3
also I had a funny idea where when alejandro (as the green ranger) is first introduced to the others, he gets all ‘holy savior’ and says “do not worry dear rangers, for I have arrived, the green ranger-“ and heather is like “booooooooo tomato tomato tomato, kill yourself im rating you one star on yelp” I think it would be funny if heather and alejandro had beef with one another, both as power rangers and regularly, but they just argue and fight like stupid idiot cats
-mmpr anon
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Instead of a love triangle, this group just has a bunch of beef triangles. Ohhh my GOD they are INSUFFERABLE /aff
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candywife333 · 10 months
Our Lord and Savior.........Garlic
Pairing: 1000 year old arrogant vampire Jin x chubby reader (who is obsessed with garlic and Italian food)
Warning: explicit words used
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I crept into the mortal's room. She was a horribly chubby little being that resembled an overstufffed turkey, currently snoozing away wrapped in her duvet. I tilted my head to take a better look at her, she really did look like she was a piglet in a blanket. Though I really hated the fat humans (due to what I considered to be their inferior taste) , this one really did intrigue me.
She smelled of peaches, vanilla, and rum. Strange combination that became slowly addictive to my senses. At least that's what my vampiric nose told me anyway. She was a prude. Completely covered in a long white cotton nightgown, and then again concealed by a comfy looking (but very inconvenient) blanket.
How the hell was I supposed to navigate this situation? I had dealt with extracting blood from modest humans in the past. But that was something like 200 odd years ago. I didn't particularly remember how I did it then, the technique was lost to me. The modern age had lent itself to the discovery of shorter night clothes leading to convenience for sucking blood.
The girl was surely not making my life any easier. Was it too much to ask for scantily clothed prey who I could slurp blood away from by the gallon?
As I got closer to her bed, trying to ascertain what angle to pierce her neck at, I heard sniffling and then a set of wide eyes sleepily fixing on my form.
Oh no!!! I was violating all the codes!! I could not under any circumstance be seen by a mortal. How did this mortal even open her eyes when I had bestowed upon her a sleep incantation?
I heard a squeal beneath me and saw the human scurry away from me, scared , as red as a tomato. She bellowing out , "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU VAMPIRE!!! BE GONE FROM MY CASTLE YOU IMPUDENT SCUM OF THE EARTH!! HEATHEN!! INFIDEL"!!
Why the hell was this girl acting like she was in the 18th century? What was this behavior? And this language was way too anachronistic, even for a vampire as old as me. Before I could respond to her accusations, she continued shrieking, " I SHALL CASTRATE YOU IF YOU COME ANY CLOSER"!
Ok, that for sure was a new and bold threat. Hadn't heard that one ever. She got points for creativity. She waved around a cross that was around her neck strapped to a thin gold chain. Well this was more typical of most religious victims I came across.
Then the girl proceeded to do something so unholy---even by my standards. Yes people, even I have standards as unlikely as it may seem.
So decrepit.
So unexpected.
She must be insane, that was the only explanation.
Even an immortal of my age had never seen this tactic before. She whipped up her night gown in a flurry, exposing her.....wet pussy to my eyes. For a second, I was confused by the exquisitely provocative sight.... till I caught the scent. The toxic scent of ..............garlic.
But the scent was emanating from her pussy?!!!! What type of sorcery was this?!!!
She hysterically cackled out, "GOT YOU, YOU DEMON! I ate so much garlic today from Olive Garden that you will rue your life, if you come too close to me. GARLIC BREATH AND GARLIC PUSSY SHALL BE THE END OF YOU, YOU EVIL CREATURE"!!!
I stood there confused. She was right about the garlic for sure. It definitely wasn't a preference of mine, along with ginger. But desperate times call for desperate measures. And I had never been one to turn down a meal. Clearly she had miscalculated.
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dixonlvr-online · 2 years
Birthday surprise
Pairings: Daryl Dixon x Reader, Aaron x Reader (Platonic), Carol Peletier x Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Swear words
Genre: Fluff
Challenge: Hair's breadth from death / Thick as Thieves / "That was not my intention." @fictober-event fanfiction - The Walking Dead
A/N: Whomp, this one has not been edited but IT'S MY BIRTHDAY so I don't care I wanted to write it!
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“Hey Y/N,” you heard Laura call from across the garden, “a little birdie told me it was your birthday.”
You sent her a tight smile, hoping not many people heard her exclamation. It wasn’t a secret or anything, you just didn’t like to be the center of attention, and birthdays were a sure-fire way to get every eye on you and a conversation around every corner.
“Yeah, it is,” you responded. Laura grinned.
“Well, happy birthday. Hope Dixon got you something nice,” she said. You rolled your eyes, turning away from the ex-Savior. You resumed your position of kneeling in front of a garden bed, planting tomatoes in the Alexandria garden. Directly in front of you was Aaron, who sent you a questioning look.
“It’s your birthday? Sorry, I had no idea,” he said. You shrugged.
“I don’t like to make a big deal out of it,” you confided. Aaron tilted his head in confusion, but chose not to ask.
“Happy birthday. How old are you turning?” he asked instead. You laughed, shooting him a faux offended look.
“A lady never reveals her age,” you joked.
“Come on, you don’t look a day over twenty,” he said, matching your teasing smile. 
“Shut up,” you snorted, hearing him laugh at your response. You got back to planting, reaching back for a tomato plant when a familiar pair of boots appeared.
“Hey,” Daryl said, offering you a hand. You took it, letting him pull you up to greet him. He sweetly kissed you on the cheek before raising a hand to Aaron in greeting.
“Hi,” you said when he met your eyes. The corner of his lip quirked as you smiled at each other, him gently rubbing a hand up and down your arm.
“Hey Daryl,” Aaron said, drawing his attention. “It’s Y/N’s birthday!”
“Yeah, I know,” Daryl scoffed. Aaron chuckled.
“Got any plans?” he asked. At this, you raised a curious eyebrow at Daryl, who was suddenly refusing to meet your eyes.
“Not that we can discuss in present company,” Daryl said, releasing you from his grasp. You studied his face for any indication of his meaning, wondering what this man, notoriously averse to extravagance, could be planning for today.
It was not lost on you that birthday celebrations had become more popular in the time since Negan’s All Out War had ended, but still, you hadn’t expected to participate in one, let alone be on the receiving end of one.
Daryl turned to you once more, planting a soft kiss on your lips before bidding you both goodbye and walking away. You stood there for a moment, wondering what just happened, when Aaron’s grunt brought you back to your position.
“Tomatoes now, big birthday party later, right?” Aaron said. You smiled, shaking your head in disbelief once more before returning to the ground. The rest of the day, your hands were busy planting, but your mind was on the surprise plans later.
“Happy birthday, Y/N!” Carol exclaimed as soon as you entered the house. She stood in the kitchen, adding finishing touches to a cake she’d made earlier in the day. It was covered in chocolate frosting, your favorite, and had the words ‘Happy Birthday!’ written on top in looped green lettering. You shot out a laugh in shock.
“Wow, Carol, you didn’t have to do this, really!” you said, but hugged the woman in gratitude anyway. 
You felt your eyes begin to tear up at the sight of this gift, knowing it must have taken her time and effort to just find the frosting, let alone bake and decorate a cake. You were incredibly lucky to have found such a beautiful, caring family in the apocalypse, full of people you loved and who loved you.
Speaking of, you began to wonder where the man you loved most was off to. He was usually home to greet you when you arrived, having finished his runs and meetings for the day long before you finished tending the gardens and walls.
But now, he was nowhere to be found. You sent Carol a questioning look, knowing she’d understand what you were wondering. She sent you a mischievous smile in return, reaching for the cake cover on the counter.
“Get showered and dressed,” she said. “We have somewhere to be.”
Thirty minutes later, Carol was leading you down the street, cake in hand. You had quickly washed the grime of the day off, but ran into a problem when deciding what to wear. Was the secret event a dressy one or casual? Indoors or outdoors? What if Daryl planned to take you camping for the night? You finally settled for a nicer top and jeans, slipping your usual boots on.
You had a feeling tonight was about you, so whatever you wore probably wouldn’t be scrutinized too much. You felt nervous as you walked with Carol, tuning out her chatter about the day as you wondered what this could possibly be. You had told Daryl you weren’t a big birthday person, so it would’ve been surprising if he’d planned a big party. Maybe this wasn’t about you at all, you were tempted to believe, except Carol was still clutching that cake.
She stopped suddenly, turning to face your destination: Aaron’s house. You furrowed your brows, noticing the lights were on but there was no movement inside. Carol gestured for you to go ahead of her. You took the steps slowly, reaching for the door handle, and when you stepped inside, you let out a gasp.
“Happy birthday!” You found yourself overwhelmed at the sight of your friends and family standing there, arms raised, smiles wide. Aaron, Gabriel, Rosita, and Eugene stood off to one side, Rick, Michonne, Judith, and RJ beside them. In the center was Daryl, watching your reaction with a nervous smile.
You grinned at all of them, covering your face in embarrassment. In no time they were swarming you, pulling you in for hugs and birthday wishes. You felt your eyes swelling with tears, once again reminded of the beautiful people still in your life, despite having lost so many others. The willingness to celebrate each other even in a world like this.
Once the greetings settled and everyone started to make their way into the kitchen for cake, you met Daryl’s eyes. He’d hung back in the corner, letting the others have their moment with you. Now you only had eyes for him.
He stepped forward, pulling you into a hug. You buried your head into his shoulder, squeezing him tightly, gratitude pouring out of you. Finally, you pulled back to face him.
“You’re amazing. This is amazing. Thank you,” you said. Daryl bit his lip, shrugging off your compliment, but you could tell he was thrilled by your response.
“‘s nothing,” he grunted. You shook your head, smiling at the wonderful man.
“It’s not nothing,” you said. “You make me feel so special. I’ve never had anything like this before.”
“Ya deserve it. An’ I knew ya didn’t want some big party or nothin’ so I just invited yer friends. Hope that was the right call,” he rambled. You smiled endearingly at him.
“Wise man, you are,” you said. Daryl scoffed.
“Ya callin’ me old, woman?” he teased. You grinned, leaning in to press your foreheads together.
“That was not my intention. Besides, we’re getting old together. Never thought that would happen for me, but I guess today’s the proof,” you said. Daryl held your eyes, heating your face with his intense look.
“It’s happenin’ for us. I’m here for ya, no matter what. Always gonna be there to throw ya parties and shit, I promise,” he said. You couldn’t help it, you pulled him in for a kiss. It was a kiss that burned your love for each other into each other’s skin. You held each other close, refusing to let go until you needed air.
“We should probably get in there,” you breathed out, noticing the way Daryl’s pupils had dilated. He hummed in agreement, reaching for your hand to slowly lead the two of you into the kitchen.
“Imma make your birthday plans every year, but the cake part is up to Carol. Ya don’t want me baking yer birthday cake, I promise ya that,” Daryl joked. You giggled, squeezing his hand. Birthdays in the apocalypse were different, for sure, but the sentiment of celebrating life with the people you love was unwavering.
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darylbae · 4 months
depends how angsty ya wanna go buuut
a touch starved daughter!reader & a loving mother carol. at the kingdom, after the war w the saviours. carol notices that she’s distancing herself from ezekiel and henry. confronts reader. maybe reader snaps ? maybe she’s just sad/trying to ignore emotion but carol just reassuring.
problem solver — carol peletier
carol x daughter!reader
in which you, carol's daughter, just can't adjust to all the changes
note: my first carol fic! i hope it's good enough for u anon
Life before the outbreak wasn't important to you. It was about life now. It was about surviving, doing what you can for the people you cared about. You'd bonded with Carol when she'd arrived at the Kingdom, and you'd already been good friends with Henry and his older brother, and had a nice friendship with the King. They were your family. But when you'd lost Henry's older brother, that's when it all started going downhill. There was unrest with the saviors, a war commencing, of which you'd be taking part in. And it was all getting too much. So when the war was over, you'd made the choice to keep yourself to yourself.
It had been a while of loneliness, solitude you'd chosen for yourself. You still went to dinner, but ate alone and quickly, so you could hole yourself up again, you still did you duties for the Kingdom, but avoided everyone you could at all costs. You'd gone so long without a family before the Kingdom, so you could do it again. You don't remember the sound of your family's voices, the way a hug from your mom felt, it was a painfully distant memory. Carol had noticed she'd seen a lot less of you after the war was over. She'd catch a glimpse of you around, try to give you a smile, but you'd just turn the other way. Were you avoiding her? Carol was a realist. She was stern, but caring. Yet always had a sweet spot for you. You reminded her so much of her own daughter, she'd taken you under her wing, until you'd chosen to fly away from her entirely. She'd grown sick of it. Seeing you choose to be alone, when she knows there's something bouncing around in that head of yours. So she'd taken to getting it dealt with. Knocking on your door, Carol waited silently until she could hear the creak of the door opening. She'd put her boot in the door frame, and you'd quickly admitted defeat. "Tell me what's going on." You sighed deeply, sitting back on your bed with your book on your lap. "Nothing." "Liar." Her smile was sweet, but you knew her game. She was going to get you to crack. "I don't want to talk about it." You added. Carol sat on your bed beside you, looking at the book in your hand. Something she'd never heard of before, no doubt a sappy romance. She knew you loved those. "That's okay. I'll sit here until you're ready." "I won't be." "You will be." "Fine!" You exclaimed, standing up and throwing the book back onto the desk where you were collecting them. "You wanna know what my problem is? It's this. All of this. I can't just go back to being happy families, this isn't normal. This world is not normal anymore! We've just fought and killed a bunch of people, and now you want me to go back to picking tomatoes and hunting for dinner?" You'd snapped. Carol knew this wasn't directed at her, so she didn't feel offense, instead she just shifted over to where you were crying on the floor, and joined you. "It's okay to feel like that," she soothed, her arms around you and smoothing your hair, "you're right, this world is not normal. But family and community is important. You don't want to be alone in this world, I don't want you to be alone. So to have a family here, it's good. You can cry to me, to Ezekiel, and we'll make it better for you. I promise." That was one thing you could remember about your mom, how she was a problem solver. So you were glad to have Carol, to do your problem solving.
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november-rising · 1 year
The Bear: Season One, Episode Six - Ceres (opening scene)
Last Train Home continues to play on repeat in my mind. It's worth it as it's led me to an episode I didn't pay much attention to outside of this opening scene.
It all begins with Mikey, Ritchie, Nat, and Carm cooking. Mikey is executing the Berzatto Sunday recipe with such ease. It's lovely watching the Berzattos (+ one Jerimovich) packed together, calm, listening and taking time to be with one another.
Mikey is telling such a tale that winds and weaves. With all of my observations. With all of my notes and what I will share. No matter what- it should be noted that his ability to story tell is captivating.
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I remember watching this the first time and being enthralled. There's no other term for it. As he speaks, I thought that he can remind anyone that there are simpler times all the while coloring life just enough for it to seem fanciful if you just try - just reach a little more for it. Mikey is providing amusement, entertainment and fun. Mickey knows how to tell without saying anything.
Michael Berzatto was the bond that made the family stay together.
He is doing his thing, talking, laughing, engaging everyone. And he brings up the Ceres statue. The mythos of Ceres is briefly recapped by Mikey. Who Ceres was isn’t important. What’s key is Mikey sharing a moment in his life that is without strife and hardship (Yes, I know he was high but it sounds like a "happy" high story as opposed to some horrors I'm sure the family doesn't mention ever again). He's connecting the history of their hometown with his life. Truly, that in and of itself, is otherworldly.
I believe that anything his shares tends to be cherished with these folks. I say this because, even though everyone knows he uses, Mikey holds many secrets. He probably doesn’t show too much of himself for a plethora of reasons which I could write about endlessly for days. (And I may one day...)
So, during this Sunday dinner prep, Mickey is being Mickey. He’s attentive and as bright as they know him to be before addiction took hold of him. Everyone is savoring this moment. Because, who knows when he’ll be this lucid or sober again?
*Side note: It’s interesting that Mickey knows the bars “traders” (Wall Street traders I assume) frequent. I wonder how that played out in his life. The company created and connected to the tomato cans, perhaps...?*
Someone who tends to be pushed to the side is Nat. I noticed her, particularly when she responds to Mikey with:
“You and your fucking stories."
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She sees. She knows. She also feels left out.
She’s stuck at the sink while the older men are reminiscing about some bullshit and Carmy is drinking it all in.
Mickey taunts Nat, saying she could have come with (Mikey and Richie to wherever) to which she says she wouldn’t. I believe her. She’s been the one to keep Donna at bay. She’s been the caretaker. She is the quintessential parentified child. Sugar knows better than to spend time with Mikey and Richie. 
This is the family:
Mikey setting up adventures.
Ritchie co-signing, hanging out on the sidelines.
Sugar cleaning the mess everyone is making.
And Carmy, looking in awe at his big brother - his savior. Carmen is shown waiting to be utilized and jumps that the chance when told. 
Michael: "Hey Carmy, do some parm."
Carmen: "Yeah, I got you. I got you."
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To bring this back to the Ceres statue story, it's about something built in the name of being the pinnacle of design based in the classics. That statue was commissioned to be a landmark and a wonderment. But, as time marches on, life evolves and grows. The city around it grew and achieved taller architectural designs/building.
Ceres is stone carved with no face. It has no lasting identity other than history. Same as Ceres. She’s history. 
Same as Mikey.
Everyone around him grew. His façade was exposed to be blank, nothing, masking such history, pain, strife and togetherness just like Ceres.
Mikey only has the past.
And then there's the final puzzle piece from a different box that is Richie. The overall understanding within me, as I watch Richie share that his outgoing VM message as Goddess of Agriculture, is that he’s the historian of the family/friend group. That was his purpose before it all went to hell with Bear on that bridge.
All-in-all, we see Natalie and Carmen smiling, making the kitchen home. Michael and Richard providing the accents and anecdotal purpose. 
An absolutely beautiful moment.
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acacia-may · 1 year
Not All Heroes (OMORI Fanfiction)
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Description: Kel was the type of person who tended to wear his heart on his sleeve, but even if he wasn't, his older brother, Hero, would still be able to tell something was definitely bothering him. After all, he's been silently trying to fix their broken toaster for who knows how long... Little does he know that what's troubling Kel is far above his pay grade.
Hero tries his best to be a supportive older brother and help Kel process some unexpected news.
[A Post-Bad Ending AU That Takes Place (Nearly) 6 Years After the Bad Ending of OMORI]
Relationships: Hero & Kel's Brotherly Bond and Kelbrey (Romantic Kel/Aubrey) [A/N: Kelbrey is more angsty & dysfunctional here than I like to imagine them, sorry. Blame the game's bad ending.]. Some Hero & Kel & Aubrey friendship. Mentions of Hero & Kel & Aubrey & Sunny & Basil & Mari friendship and References to Past HeroMari (Romantic Hero/Mari).
Characters: Hero (POV Character), Kel, and Aubrey. Sunny, Mari, & Basil are mentioned. Hero & Kel's parents and Sally briefly appear.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Slice of Life, Brotherly Love, Family Feels, Angst With A Hopeful Ending, Aged-Up Characters/Future Fic, Some Romance (Kelbrey), Heart To Heart Chats, Unplanned Pregnancy, Hero: The Savior of Kelbrey, Father's Day, Angsty Kel, Toasters, It Actually Has a Happy/Hopeful Ending (I Promise)
Word Count: 6945
Rating: T for some language and heavy themes and thematic elements (i.e. grief & healing from grief and trauma) and some more suggestive thematic elements/implied suggestive thematic elements due to referenced pregnancy (Note: There is nothing explicit in this fic whatsoever).
Warnings: Major Spoilers for OMORI Bad Ending! Heavy themes and thematic elements (i.e. grief & healing from grief and trauma). Some language, including one (1) somewhat vulgar insult. More suggestive thematic elements/implied suggestive thematic elements due to referenced pregnancy. Implied/Referenced unplanned pregnancy. Implied/Referenced Past Character Deaths. Implied/Referenced Mental Health Issues (i.e. depression, suicide ect.). Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms. Mentioned (of age) drinking. [Disclaimer: I am not advocating for any of the kinds of dysfunction and unhealthy coping skills referenced in this fic. Please don't try this at home, kids]. More tags on AO3.
Link to original post on AO3. Please do not repost to another website.
A/N: I am clearly entering my OMORI era and also my Kel Angst era maybe? I don't know. I prefer happy Kel so I don't know why I keep writing about him being so sad, but I just couldn't get this idea out of my head. I really just wanted to write in a "Post-Bad Ending" AU, I guess. Will I ever write a story in which Kel gets to be happy? This has yet to be seen. Sorry Kel.
Story below the cut. Thank you for reading! 💕
“Hey, Kel. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. They were still out of tomato soup, but I got some potato soup that was on sale in the deli section.” Hero paused—waiting for Kel to make some obligatory joke about tomatoes and potatoes, but Kel didn’t say anything. In fact, he didn’t even look up from whatever he was working on over in the living room of their apartment as Hero set the grocery bags on the counter. Maybe he didn’t hear him?
“Kel?” No answer. “Kel?” he repeated a little louder to still, no answer. “Earth to Kel…” he teased, hoping that would get his attention. When Kel didn’t respond, Hero’s brow furrowed. Usually, his brother couldn’t wait to talk his ear off as soon as he got home, but today he was strangely quiet. It was more than a little concerning. “You okay, Kel?”  
“Huh?” Kel startled nearly dropping the screwdriver he had in his hands. Hero could have sworn his face flushed for just a split second before he hurriedly replied, “Oh sorry, Hero. I didn’t hear you come in.”
That was…odd, but Hero shrugged it off. “No worries. What are you working on?”
“Oh, just taking a look at the toaster. I think there’s a problem with the electrical circuit.”  
Hero sighed. Their toaster had been on the fritz for a couple of days now, and even though Hero had suggested that they could just buy a new one, Kel had gotten into his mind that he should be able to fix it. This in and of itself wasn’t anything new. Kel could certainly be stubborn when he wanted to be, but he was usually a total chatterbox when he was working, not so engrossed in his projects that he turned uncharacteristically silent.
“Seriously, Kel. We can just buy a new one. It’s no big deal.”  
“But what if we need the money for something else?”
“Like what?” Hero’s brow furrowed as a strange look passed over Kel’s eyes.
“I dunno,” he muttered quietly, turning back to the broken toaster. Hero took a deep breath. Something was wrong—call it brother’s intuition, but he knew it.
“Hey, Kel, is…is everything okay?” he asked with a slight tilt of his head. Kel swallowed hard and fidgeted, but he didn’t answer. “Is there something going on at work?” Hero’s mind was racing. Maybe Kel’s plant was downsizing or he had made a big mistake and was in trouble or there was something going on within the company that was making him fear for his job security and his ability to afford toasters…?
“Nah. It’s not that,” answered Kel with a shrug. He looked almost relieved, and his smile returned though it wasn’t nearly as bright as usual. “I think I’m squared away there. Mr. Talbot says I’m a great welder so I can keep working for him as long as I want, and I’ve been making lots of money working third shift.” 
A smile tugged at Hero’s mouth, and he sighed with relief. He was glad Kel’s job was secure and that he seemed to be doing so well for himself now. Hero had been so worried about him after Sunny and Basil had died, but his brother had somehow found his way—thriving in trade school and finding a job he loved in manufacturing. In fact, Hero doubted he knew anyone who loved their job nearly as much as Kel. Almost every morning, whenever Hero was getting ready to head off to one of his med school classes or his clinical work at the hospital, Kel was getting back to the apartment they shared after his late shift, smiling and excitedly prattling away about mechanical things Hero couldn’t begin to understand. He wished Kel would smile now—but he looked so defeated. Something was definitely wrong. 
Hero took a deep breath. He didn’t want to press the issue, but he knew Kel was the type of person who let his worries about burdening others prevent him from opening up sometimes. Over the years, Hero had learned that his brother sometimes needed some gentle encouragement that it was okay to share whatever was on his mind, even if it wasn’t his usual brand of upbeat positivity. “Kel…are you sure everything’s okay?” 
Kel paused but didn’t look up from his toaster project. “I─I just…I’ve got a lot on my mind I guess, but I’m sure it’ll work out.” 
“If you want to talk about it, you can tell me…” Hero reassured him, but when Kel just shrugged again, he sighed. He hoped that Kel knew he could always talk to him about anything, and he just chose not to. Hero had never really known why that was—though he hoped that it wasn’t because of something he had done, that the time he had lashed out at him after Mari’s death hadn’t scarred Kel in a way that made him scared of ever opening up to him again. In the best case scenario, Hero liked to think that whatever troubled Kel was awkward for him to share with his brother and so he was just more comfortable talking to someone else about it—usually Aubrey, if Hero had to guess. 
Aubrey and Kel were thick as thieves, especially since they had lost Basil and Sunny, and Kel had told him once that they could talk about things with each other that they could never say to anyone else. Hero had never been entirely sure what they talked about, and he respectfully stayed out of it for the most part, not wanting to pry into their business. He was just grateful Kel had someone to talk to about whatever was troubling him, and it was nice to have Aubrey around their apartment all the time for meals or to watch tv or to play cards or board games. Even if he hadn’t seen much of her lately seeing as he was so busy with med school and his clinical work, he could always tell when she had been around because the place was much tidier than if he had just left Kel to his own devices. But as nice as it was to come home to the dishes done or the kitchen floor swept up or to the silly sticky-notes she’d leave on their refrigerator, Hero missed actually getting to visit with Aubrey and wished they hadn’t had alternating schedules. 
Like Kel, Aubrey also worked a late shift as a nurse at a local psychiatric hospital. She didn’t like to talk about her job much—and probably couldn’t due to HIPPA and privacy concerns—but Hero couldn’t help but wonder if she chose that line of work to try to prevent another Sunny or Basil from… He swallowed hard and pushed the thought away. They had only discussed it once, very briefly when she first started working in a juvenile psych ward, but he would never forget what she said: “I just kept thinking that someday I’ll finally understand why—what could have possibly led them to think that was the only…”—her voice had hitched—“But I don’t think I’ll ever really know, you know, Hero?”
He had known, and, if he was being honest, he was still trying to make sense of it all himself even all these years later. He was proud of Aubrey for taking that on and trying her best to make a difference to people who were suffering in that way, especially since he knew he would never have the strength for it himself. He avoided psychological topics like the plague, and there was nothing in the world that could make him take a psychiatry residency after he graduated medical school—it just hit too close to home. Even sitting here and trying to help Kel with whatever was troubling him would probably keep him up all night with worry. Aubrey was much stronger—much better at this kind of thing than him. That’s probably why Kel felt like he could talk to her about anything. Maybe they could invite her over for pizza and a game of Jenga and she could help Kel through whatever he was going through. 
“Or maybe you could call Aubrey?” Hero suggested when Kel didn’t respond. Kel flinched—something sad passing over his eyes, and Hero’s insides twisted. Had he said something wrong? 
“Aubrey…” Kel fidgeted, before beginning to tinker with the toaster again. “Aubrey hasn’t been talking to me. She said she needed some space, and I’ve been trying to respect that, it’s just been hard.” 
“Did you two have a fight?” Hero’s brow furrowed. Sure, they still bickered with each other, teased and bantered with each other sometimes, but as far as he knew they hadn’t had a real, actual fight with each other in years. 
“Not really, but…” Kel swallowed. “I think I really messed up this time.” With a sigh, he set the broken toaster and his tools down on the coffee table, and he ran a hand through his unruly hair.
“Aubrey’s your friend,” reassured Hero. “I’m sure she will forgive you eventually. Have you tried apologizing?” 
“Well yeah, of course, I did, but like I said she won’t really talk to me…” He paused and swallowed hard. “Except for today. She called and said she wanted to meet up this morning. I was going to tell her how sorry I was for everything and maybe ask her to get some dinner with me or something but then—then she…” Kel stopped. He fumbled around for something in his pocket before pulling out a small square of paper. “She gave me this.” 
Hero’s eyes widened as he stared at the paper in Kel’s hand. The picture was blurry in grainy black and white, but it was unmistakable to Hero. After all, he must have looked through hundreds of similar ultrasounds during his unit on obstetrics. Still, he couldn’t even begin to wrap his head around it. He choked on his words though he wasn’t even sure what he was trying to say.   
“It’s a sonogram.” Kel paused pointing at the grainy picture. “See, that’s the head, and there’s an arm. Aubrey said the technician laughed because it looked like he was waving at them.” 
“Aubrey’s…uh…that is…she’s…um…is she…?” Hero’s face flushed, and he stopped abruptly. He couldn’t say it. It made it too real.
Kel, however, must have caught on well enough to his rambled half-sentences, and he hummed and nodded in agreement though a sheepish smile twitched in the corners of his mouth. “Yeah… she’s—uh—having a baby. She says she’s due near Mari’s birthday, in March.” 
“I…I didn’t even know she was in a relationship…” 
“I don’t think she is”—Kel cleared his throat and shrugged his shoulders slightly—“ Or maybe she is. I don’t know. She hasn’t really talked to me in a while.” 
“Is…is the father…?” Hero stammered, halfway hoping Kel would cut him off. It seemed like too personal a question and probably none of his business, but the words slipped out before he could stop them. 
Kel bit his lip and stared off at the wall as he rubbed his hand across the nape of his neck. “Oh—uh, so…funny story about that…” His cheeks flushed, and Hero could feel his own face begin to burn. He swallowed hard. No. There was no way… 
“Kel─” he barely managed to choke out, blinking at him in disbelief. 
“Uh, yeah so…” Kel sort of shrugged his shoulders before he chuckled lightly, awkwardly. “This is my kid. I’m gonna be a dad—pretty wild, huh?” he said with far more nonchalance than the situation warranted. Kel sighed down at the sonogram before holding out the paper to Hero. “And I guess that means this is your nephew or niece, right? It’s a little unbelievable honestly, and I’m kind of freaking out to tell you the truth.” 
Hero could only blink at him in disbelief before he pressed his palm to his forehead, trying to remind himself to take deep, shaky breaths. “Kel…I…What? How?” he tripped hurriedly over his words. 
“You’re really close to being a doctor, Hero. You really expect me to believe you don’t know where babies come from?” 
Hero choked—blushing a beet red. “No, uh, that’s not what I meant!” he frantically replied. He paused, trying his best to clear his parched throat. “I just meant that you and…and Aubrey…” His face flushed an even deeper red. Aubrey was a very private person about everything, especially her personal life, but Hero didn’t think she had ever had a serious relationship. Up until this moment, he would have sworn that Kel certainly hadn’t, and, as far as he knew, he wasn’t out there hooking up with a bunch of girls either. Then again, what did he know? He was just his older brother. Kel could be a real ladies’ man or maybe he had been secretly in a relationship with Aubrey this entire time and hadn’t told anyone for some reason or…? Hero’s head whirled. He didn’t know what to think. He supposed it was really none of his business, but the words tumbled out in his desperate attempts to make sense of what he was hearing. “Are you two…um…dating?” 
“I don’t think so. I wish she’d let me take her on a date, but she’s just been avoiding me ever since we…uh, well, you know…” Kel scratched the back of his neck and let out a long, heavy sigh before he shook his head. He cleared his throat and something almost helpless and genuinely remorseful passed over his eyes. “Listen, I─I really, really messed up, Hero. I don’t even know what I was thinking—I probably wasn’t thinking anything, and now…now this is just such a mess and I─I don’t know what to do…” 
“Do you…uh…want to talk about it?” He tripped over his words, sheepish and awkward. He was sure it wasn’t his place and truthfully didn’t really want to know, but he could tell Kel desperately needed to get it all off his chest and if the last decade had taught them anything, it was that carrying a burden alone, crumbling under the weight of it, could destroy a person. He had already lost Mari, Sunny, and Basil in this way—he didn’t want to lose Kel too, didn’t want him to suffer alone. “I’m here. If you ever…” His voice trailed, but Kel tilted his head with a conceding sigh. 
“It was a couple months ago,” he began. There was a certain relief that passed over his face when he started talking as if he had been desperately wanting to tell someone this story for a long, long time, and knowing Kel as well as he did, Hero could only imagine how hard it was for him to keep it a secret for months. “She was really, really sad since the anniversary was coming up. It’s been 5 years since Basil…” He stopped. “And 6 years since Sunny…and 10 since Mari…” His voice trailed. “It’s just a lot, you know? So she came over and we sat and talked about it for a long time, and she was really, really broken up. I probably should’ve stopped her from drinking with me, I just…I hate it when she cries, and she thought it would make her feel better. But I think it just made us stupid.”
He sighed and shook his head. “It was getting really late. You were still at the hospital or school or somewhere…and I was just listening to her and sometimes talking too—the details are all kind of fuzzy but eventually she started saying something about how she doesn’t have anybody—Mari and Basil and Sunny and her dad, they all just left her and now she’s all alone. And I just wanted her to feel better. I told her that she has me, you know? But I know that probably doesn’t mean a lot coming from me—nobody really needs me…” He shrugged his shoulders and tried to laugh it off, but Hero could see the pain in his eyes before he sighed again. “I know, I know it was a sucky thing for me to do, but when she said she needed me, I─I just…I don’t know…I just…kissed her and—she kissed me back. And then I kissed her back and…I don’t know if it was the alcohol or that we were sad or just both things, everything, but well… one thing led to another…” 
Kel cleared his throat, and Hero sighed with relief that his brother had cut himself off there. He didn’t want to interrupt Kel or make him feel like he couldn’t share, but he couldn’t shake the feeling he was somehow invading his and Aubrey’s privacy. There were certain things brothers just shouldn’t ever know about each other. 
“It was huge mistake, and I felt so guilty about it the next day, like I took advantage of how broken up she was. She said it was what she wanted, but I just don’t think she would have wanted me if she was completely sober and wasn’t so upset, you know?” He let out a long and heavy sigh. “I tried to apologize to her, but she said she’d rather just forget about it—chalk it up to stupid drunk mistakes and unhealthy coping or whatever and just never talk about it again. I said that was okay, but I just kept thinking about it—not in a weird way, just in an ‘I really wished I could do things over and take her out on a real date’ kind of way. Seriously, the very next day I was planning to ask if she’d let me buy her breakfast or something, but she had totally disappeared when I woke up and like I said, she wouldn’t really talk to me after so…” 
Kel sighed and ran a hand through his hair, cursing under his breath. “I’m such an idiot and now…now she’s…” He shook his head in disbelief. “I almost didn’t believe it when she told me, but she had this picture and everything…” He gripped the sonogram until his knuckles began to turn white. “She had this video too—on her phone.” As Kel paused, his face began to soften, and a smile twitched in the corners of his mouth—”It was actually kinda cool. The baby was really wiggling around and stuff. I thought that maybe…maybe he’d be kinda athletic like me—or she would, if it’s a girl.” He somehow managed a shaky chuckle. “You could hear the heartbeat too—sounded really strong…” Kel’s voice trailed as he ran a hand through his hair and took several shallow, shaky breaths. “Shit, Hero. What am I gonna do?”
Kel buried his face in his hands, and Hero’s chest ached. He scrambled to try to think of something to say to comfort Kel, but all he could think about was whether he had ever seen his brother so scared before. He couldn’t even imagine what he was feeling right now—the complicated emotions—the disbelief, the fears, the uncertainty, the guilt and the helplessness that must have been eating away at him since he had found out about the baby. 
“I feel terrible—like I’ve ruined her life and probably ruined the kid’s life or at least I’m gonna ruin it eventually because I don’t have any idea what I’m doing. I don’t know anything about being a parent—I can barely take care of myself.” 
“I’m sure Mom and Dad could give you some advice…”
Kel interrupted him with a groan, muttering a string of curses under his breath before throwing up his hands. “I didn’t even think about them. They’re gonna kill me.”
“I’m sure they’re not going to…um…” Hero stopped. “Listen, Mom and Dad care about you. They’re probably going to be surprised, but I think they’ll be supportive and helpful.” Hero tried to muster a reassuring smile. “I mean…Sally was a surprise to them, right?”
“They had Sally after being married for almost 20 years, Hero. I haven’t even taken Aubrey on a real date. These are not the same things.” Kel huffed but shook his head waving his hands around in frustration. Hero could tell by the look in his eyes that he was spiraling. “Oh, Sally… I wasn’t thinking about her either. She’s gonna be more like a sister than an aunt, and what are Mom and Dad even going to tell her? Like ‘Hey, Sally, guess what, your big brother’s a manwhore. He’s a baby daddy now.’”
“K—Kel!” spluttered a red-faced Hero. “They’re not going to say that, especially not to Sally.”
“What if they take it out on Aubrey?” Kel cut him off, gesturing wildly with his hands, clearly spiraling too much to listen to him. “What are people gonna say about her? What are they gonna think? Especially the church ladies—they’re gonna whisper and gossip about her and think terrible, awful things, and it’s all my fault.”
“Listen, Kel, you can’t control what other people think, okay?” Hero tried to reassure him, politely failing to mention that Kel had much more important things to worry about than the church ladies. “And…”
“And Aubrey said her mom told her not to bother coming home if she ever got pregnant,” The words raced out of Kel’s mouth, faster than Hero thought he could even think them. “And—and Kim…oh shit, Hero, she wants to cut off—”
“Calm down,” interjected Hero placing both hands squarely on Kel’s shoulders until he was looking at him with wide, frightened eyes. Hero took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down too. It wouldn’t do Kel any good if he also started spiraling into a tornado of worries. “Okay? It’s going to be okay. Take a couple of deep breaths. The most important thing right now is Aubrey—how is Aubrey?” Hero paused, but Kel only blinked at him so he prompted,  “I’m sure she’s…she’s scared too, right? Has she been sick?”
“She’s not sick, Hero. She’s pregnant.”
He buried his face in his hand—willing himself not to roll his eyes. “Yes, Kel…” he said with a heavy sigh. “I know that. I just…meant…has she been feeling sick because she’s pregnant?”
“Oh.” With a thoughtful tilt of his head, Kel’s brow furrowed. “I don’t know. I didn’t think to ask that.” He pressed his palm to his forehead and shook his head. “I’m so bad at this.”
“It’s—it’s okay, Kel…” Hero reached out his hand to pat his brother’s shoulder, but Kel jerked away from him.
“No, it isn’t.” His face fell, and he sighed despondently. “This whole thing is just terrible—I feel like such a screw up. If I was just more careful or a better person, I wouldn’t have messed up and gotten her pregnant in the first place. If I really cared about her, I would’ve just called her a ride or something. I bet that’s what you would have done—you’d have been a gentleman, made sure she got home safe. You’d probably never even be in this situation, with anyone…” 
“Well…uh…,” Hero stumbled unsure of how exactly to respond to that. He didn’t really want to be involved, and he certainly didn’t think that comparison to him was warranted. He couldn’t even imagine wanting to be in a relationship with anyone—not anymore, not since Mari… He stopped—swallowing hard and ignoring that pang in his chest. He couldn’t even imagine kissing another woman. Let alone… He cleared his throat and awkwardly fidgeted with his hands. He supposed Kel was right. He probably would have never been in this situation—he was way above his pay grade here. 
“Listen, Kel…” he began, hoping he would think of something comforting to say if he just started fumbling his way through his words. “Don’t beat yourself up. I know it’s really scary, but it’s going to be okay. What’s important now is that you need to do right by Aubrey and the baby. You need to take responsibility and care of them.” 
“I know, and I want to—really. I just…I don’t know what I should do…,” Kel continued, a certain helplessness creeping into his voice. “I asked Aubrey if she thought we should get married or something…” He paused. “She said she’d think about it…” As Kel bit his lip, his face fell, and he fidgeted with his hands. He looked defeated—almost wounded. Even so, he managed an awkward chuckle as he scratched the nape of his neck. “I completely understand if she doesn’t want to marry me though. She can probably do a lot better. I just—I didn’t know what else to do…” 
“I’m sure it’s not about you personally, Kel. She probably just doesn’t want a shotgun wedding, you know?” 
“Yeah, you’re right,” Kel sighed. “But I don’t think it would be just a shotgun wedding, you know?” 
“Would you have wanted to marry her even if she wasn’t─?” His voice cracked. He was still struggling to say it. 
“Maybe…someday—probably farther in the future after we actually went out, you know? We haven’t even been on a real date before.” He sighed and pressed his hand wearily to his forehead again. “I feel like I need to buy her some noodles or a piece of cake or something before we have a kid. She deserves a real date and a real relationship and stuff…Probably a real proposal too. I didn’t even have a ring or anything. I just kind of panicked.” 
“Kel…uh…” Hero stopped himself before he stammered ‘slow down.’ “Are you…? Uh…Do you love Aubrey?” 
“I dunno—maybe. Probably.” He sighed. “I just never really thought about it, you know? I just didn’t think she was ever gonna be into me, so I figured it would be best not to even consider it. But…I dunno… she’s pretty amazing.” His mouth curved into a smile, and there was something almost wistful in his eyes. “She’s honest and funny and kinda spunky—and her nose gets all wrinkly when she laughs”—he chuckled, then sighed—“Ever since Sunny and Basil died, she’s been the closest person in the world to me besides you. I’ve told her stuff I could never tell anyone else—all kinds of stuff about me and how I feel, even the bad stuff—and she still talks to me after. And—I dunno—it’s kind of like she sees something in me that nobody else does. I can’t stop thinking about her, and I want to be with her all the time and…I just want to make her happy—” Kel stopped and took a deep breath, shaking his head as if he had finally realized what Hero had figured out about five sentences ago. “Damn…I’m a moron.”
Hero stifled a chuckle before he ruffled his little brother’s hair with a gentle smile. “You’re just in love.”
Kel blushed. “You really think so?”
Hero shrugged his shoulders and nodded—the understatement of the century seeing as he never even realized Kel could look so besotted or lovesick, especially not about Aubrey of all people. Sure, he teased them a little from time to time, as older siblings tend to do, but he probably would have never treated it like such a joke if he had the slightest inkling Kel was harboring real, genuine feelings for her. To see how his face lit up just now when talked about her, Hero, honestly, felt pretty stupid for not having realized it before.
Kel’s smile had all but faded, and he buried his face in his hands, cursing under his breath again. “I have really, really messed this up…” he mumbled. “I’ll be lucky if she’ll even talk to me again.”
“She’s going to have to talk to you, Kel. You’re having a kid together…” Hero froze. The words felt so heavy—so real. Kel and Aubrey were having a baby. They were going to be the parents of a real, actual child. It was hard to believe.
“That poor, kid…” Kel sighed, then stumbled hurriedly. “I mean, Aubrey’s great—she’ll be an awesome mom, but the baby’s gonna be stuck with me for a dad. I’m probably gonna mess him up or something.”  
“Hey, don’t say that,” interrupted Hero. “You are both going to be great parents. This might not be the best situation, but that kid is going to be so lucky to have you and I know you’re going to be an amazing dad.”
“I dunno…”
“You are,” Hero insisted as he wrapped his arm around Kel’s shoulders. Kel rolled his eyes, but Hero’s mouth curved into a kind, gentle smile as he continued, “I can just see it, Kel. No one will be able to get your kid to laugh like you do—you’ll put party hats over your eyes or smash cake in your face just to see him smile. You’ll have splash fights for hours at the beach or push her so high on the swings that she’ll swear she can reach the moon. If your kid ever wants to try a sport like you, you’ll cheer louder and more enthusiastically than all the other parents at every single game. You’ll tell the best bedtime stories and come up with the most fun games to play. You’ll teach her how to throw a baseball and how to always win at cards. You’ll sit with him and listen when he’s sad, and you’d stop the world to make him happy again.”
Hero gave his brother a reassuring pat on the back before he sighed, “I know that this is a really tough situation and that it’s not always going to be easy. I don’t know how things are all going to work out, but there is no doubt in my mind that you are going to love that kid no matter what.” He gently pushed the sonogram back towards Kel. “I can tell you already do.”  
“You…you really think so?” asked Kel, a blush filling his cheeks as he fidgeted with the sonogram in his hands.
“I know it,” said Hero, nodding several times for good measure.
Kel’s mouth twitched into a slight smile as he stared down at the sonogram. “You know, in the middle of all this freaking out I’ve been doing, I…I was thinking about all the cool things we could do together—me and the kid. I could teach him how to play basketball or baseball. We could eat watermelon in the summertime or build sandcastles. Maybe I could build a treehouse someday, and she could play in it with her friends.” Something panged in Hero’s chest, and from the look in Kel’s eyes, he knew he was thinking the same thing—remembering those bittersweet moments from their own childhoods back when all of their friends were still together. “Wouldn’t it be kind of great if someday we could take the kid to all our favorite places from when we were kids? Maybe we can bury him in the sand at the beach like we did with Sunny, or teach her how to make flower crowns like Mari taught us, or take silly Polaroids together like Basil, or have picnics”—his voice hitched before it grew soft, quiet—“I wish they were here...”
Hero pulled his brother closer to him and leaned his head on his shoulder as he took long, shaky breaths. There were some kinds of pain that never really left a person—the loss of a friend was one of them. Even after all these years, his heart ached thinking about Sunny, Basil, and Mari. “I know…” he said. “Me too.”
“Aubrey says they know. She told them first. She said she was so upset and confused when she took the test that she just got in her car and started driving—she didn’t know where she was going until she was at the church. She went to visit them, at the cemetery and told them everything, though she was sure they probably already knew.” He paused, a light chuckle reverberating in his chest. “She said she felt so much better afterwards—knew she wanted to raise the baby and bring him or her back there someday, even if she had to do it without me.” Kel swallowed hard. His breath hitched, and Hero could feel his shoulders begin to shake as his voice grew quiet. “I don’t want her to have to do that alone. I want to be there—to be a dad. To take care of the baby and take care of her…”   
Hero’s expression softened as he comfortingly patted Kel’s shoulder. “That’s what’s great about you, Kel. You want to fix things. You want to take care of people and make them happy—to do the right thing.”
Kel sniffled wiping his nose on his shirt sleeve, but a lopsided, bittersweet smile twitched in the corners of his mouth. “I just wish I knew what ‘the right thing’ was…” He sighed with a somewhat helpless shrug of his shoulders. “What do you think I should do, Hero?”
“Well…” Hero sighed. “I really think you should be honest with Aubrey about how you’re feeling—the good and the bad stuff. She’s probably really scared too, so you should encourage her that you’re not going to go anywhere and promise that you’ll be there for her and for your kid so she won’t have to do this alone. Then, the two of you are going to have to sort out the rest together, but I think it’ll be easier to do that after you’ve had an honest conversation.” Kel nodded, and Hero shrugged his shoulders. “And eventually you’ll have to tell Mom and Dad because they will figure it out…But that’s good for a start, right?”
Kel blinked at him—words of gratitude that he couldn’t say glistening in his eyes as he nodded. “Yeah, that’s good.” His smile brightened as he immediately stood up from the sofa and rushed over to his car keys hanging by the front door.
“Hey…uh…what are…?”
“I’m going to go talk to her—right now,” he exclaimed with a certain determination.
“Well…I didn’t mean you had to go over right now,” stumbled Hero. “Maybe you should text her first and ask if it’s a good time…”
“That’s okay. I’ll call her on the way,” Kel chuckled before he paused. “Oh I almost forgot.” He fumbled around with the sonogram in his hands before proudly hanging it on the refrigerator with a magnet. Kel beamed at it before turning back to Hero and pulling him into a tight hug. “You’re gonna be the best uncle, you know?”
“I’ll try my best,” quipped Hero as he wrapped his arms around his brother.
“Thank you…” Kel’s voice was so quiet, Hero almost couldn’t hear him. “For everything.”
“You’re welcome,” he whispered before Kel pat him on the back and took off through the doorway.
Once Kel had gone, Hero stared at his phone for a long, long time debating whether or not he should text Aubrey and give her a heads up that Kel was on his way over, especially since this may or may not have been because he misinterpreted his advice. Eventually, he decided it was probably not his place to meddle, and he decided to fix himself some food instead. As he walked over to the refrigerator, he stared at the sonogram Kel had hung up, and he smiled.
One day that refrigerator would be covered in pictures. Another sonogram—several actually, of increasingly better quality. A photo of Hero stifling his laughter at an unamused and heavily pregnant Aubrey’s shirt that said, “Don’t Eat Watermelon Seeds” which Kel was so proud to have found himself. One of Kel, happier than he had ever been in his life, as he held his son for his first time. Of Aubrey practically beaming with the baby during a picnic they all took together in the park. Of Hero dressing his nephew up in a onesie that looked like a dinosaur or holding his tiny hands as he crooned to old records turned lullabies or taking him for a walk in the rain under an umbrella. Snapshots of the life of a little boy who Aubrey playfully teased was far too adorable for someone who looked so much like Kel, and who Kel would be the first to tell anyone was his whole world—the best thing that ever could’ve happened to him. The most loved little boy in all of Faraway Town who showed his Uncle Hero—who showed all of them that they could be happy again.
Hero’s phone dinged. It was a message from Aubrey. It read: “You know don’t you?”
He chuckled sheepishly to himself as he picked up his phone to respond and watched the bouncing ellipses of her typing a follow up text, but as he read it, he couldn’t help but smile.
“Thank you.”
One Year Later…
“I want to hold him! I want to hold him!” exclaimed Sally excitedly, practically doting on her new nephew as he was rocked to sleep by an equally doting grandma. Kel smiled but shushed her gently.
“Gentle, Sally. He’s trying to sleep—we have to appreciate those opportunities when we’ve got ‘em,” he teased with a wink in Aubrey’s general direction. There was a certain affection to the way she rolled her eyes that made Hero stifle a chuckle. By this point, he was fairly convinced he was never not going to find her and Kel’s banter with each other cute, even or perhaps especially if it continued to annoy them. Despite his best efforts to hide it, however, he knew Aubrey saw the way his mouth had twitched into a smile, and she quirked an eyebrow at him before cutting another piece of the cake they had brought over to his parents’ house for Father’s Day.
“You want another piece of cake, Hero?” she asked, that gold band in the shape of an infinity symbol clanging against the ceramic plate as she held it out to him.
“No thanks,” he replied politely. “I’ve already had one, and I’m already stuffed from dinner. Looks like Dad is too.” He laughed as he glanced over at his father who was dozing off in his new recliner—the perfect gift, all thanks to Aubrey.
Aubrey chuckled but sighed. “He’s definitely got the right idea. I wish that was me.”
“Really? I feel great,” interjected Kel excitedly. “We got six hours of sleep in a row last night! I may have actually cried a little when I woke up this morning.”
“Dork,” teased Aubrey with a playful roll of her eyes, but her mouth twitched up in the corners.
“Your dork,” Kel corrected. “Forever.” He laughed, smugly wiggling the fingers of his left hand to her. He even pointed at his ring a couple of times for good measure, but when she just blinked at him unamused, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.
“Kel…” she huffed, then turned to glare at Hero who could no longer stifle his laughter. “You’re making Hero uncomfortable.”
“Are you kidding? This is adorable. I wish I had a camera,” Hero teased in his dry way. Aubrey sighed, but, seemingly, decided to change the subject.
“We have something for you,” she said, disentangling herself from Kel’s hug. “Don’t we, Kel…”
“Oh yeah, that’s right!” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded greeting card envelope. Aubrey pressed her palm to her forehead and shook her head.
“I thought you said you were going to take care of it.”
“I did,” Kel insisted. “It’s right here.”
Aubrey let out a long and heavy sigh as Kel unfolded the greeting card and handed it to Hero.
“Thank you,” he said as he took it with a kindhearted smile. “I’m sure it’s great. But I don’t understand why you’re giving me…”
“It’s Father’s Day,” Kel cut him off with an emphatic nod as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Hero’s brow furrowed. “Happy Father’s Day or uh—Uncle’s Day…or uh—Godfather’s Day…That works, right?” Kel looked to Aubrey for reassurance, but she was mid-facepalm muttering about how she really needed that nap. “Well, whatever it’s your first one as an Uncle-Godfather, so it’s special.”
“We also wanted to thank you,” added Aubrey with a gentle smile as she glanced over at her sleeping son who was currently being handed to a very excited Aunt Sally. “For everything.”
Hero smiled at Aubrey and Kel, before carefully opening the greeting card. It took him all of 5 seconds to realize Kel had probably picked it out given the bright colors and the joke about uncles being like superheroes. Inside were the punchline and the words “Happy Father’s Day,” as well as a gift card to his favorite coffee shop.
Smiling, he looked up to offer his gratitude and thanks, when he caught sight of a personalized message scrawled at the bottom of the card. His smile widened, and he could feel a tear prickling in the corner of his eye as he read the words: “Not All Heroes Wear Capes.”
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cutiedwaekki · 1 year
maybe art nerd!hyunjin in highschool always had a crush on jock!changbin but he never gave him a chance—then fastforward to college, hyunjin is a painting major and sees changbin has transferred to his college, but that hes gained weight/is an ex-jock now trying to pursue music. suddenly changbin is seeing what he missed out on, and hyunjin’s highschool crush has blossomed (in more ways than one 👀)
btw thank you for it i really enjoy writing it and i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i did :D
Contain : weight gain , tiny bit of angst , kind of smut at the end but still SFW since it does not mentionned , me being a simp
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He looked like a fool watching him from afar, but he didn't know what else to do. Hyunjin was afraid, afraid to talk to his crush, who was none other than THE high school soccer player, Seo Changbin.
Yet they knew each other from afar; Seungmin was close to one of Changbin's friends, who was none other than Minho, so they'd sometimes exchanged a few banalities, although it never really went beyond greetings or things like "how are your classes going?" or "how's life treating you?
See, the reason they weren't close was that Hyunhin couldn't string two words together without blushing, such a cliché thing. What was even more of a cliché was that Hyunjin wasn't very popular, although behind his thick glasses and acne was a handsome man who didn't give a damn about his looks and devoted his life to just two things: art and Seo Changbin.
It all began when two idiots found it amusing to take hyunjin's glasses and throw them between them so that he couldn't get them back. The poor guy was crying and begging them to stop. Unfortunately, his crying only worsened the situation. But that was without the help of the brunette who, in an authoritative voice, came between them and told them in a tone of voice that would make you shiver. He lectured them at length and made them swear not to do it again. (although he knew that wasn't going to stop them) Hyunjin stood up and picked up his glasses to admire his savior. He could have sworn he blushed the moment he saw him, not knowing what to say without turning as red as a tomato.
Some liked Changbin for his athleticism, others for his muscular physique, but Hyunjin loved him for his personality (although the rest was also unanimous). He liked how, despite his popularity, he kept it simple, how he helped students with math problems, fought student bullies. He was a real superhero that he fell in love with.
And yet it was all one-sided...
He was well aware of this, and liked the relationship just the way it was, allowing him to devote himself to his two passions, ending up with two notebooks full of drawings or drafts of Changbin in various situations. It could be just the brunette at a match, or in a classroom looking out the window. But he imagined things too, like the two of them holding hands, sitting on a bench with a little heart between them, symbolizing their love.
So imagine his reaction when Mr Park decided that Changbin should help him in maths after his result in the last test... Of course, he couldn't have imagined anything better! He was finally going to have a moment alone with his crush! Just the two of them revisiting a subject. Not that he imagined it would end in romance, but let's let the 16-year-old dream...
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He had prepared well for this day, dressed in his best clothes, wore his hair in a different style from his usual bang and even put on a little make-up to make his skin more beautiful. He was only going for a coffee and studying, but he loved the feeling that he could be desirable and that Changbin could find him handsome.
But once at the café, the atmosphere was far less romantic than he'd expected... Their table was already a mixture of large algebra and trigonometry manuals, while the rest of the space was taken up by empty plates piled high, showing that Changbin had already been there a while and had definitely eaten well in his absence.
"Oh, you're here already! Good, then we can get started!" he said with a slight smile as Hyunjin, perplexed, placed his bag on the back of her chair, disappointed that the brunette hadn't paid him any attention for a moment. All he did was give him exercises to do and correct him if need be, while he in the meantime was enjoying an extra slice of triple chocolate cake.
Come to think of it, Changbin really was a big eater. He always saw him nibbling on something or drinking a sweet drink, but that was probably because of all the energy he expended playing soccer or working! And then, when the brunette wasn't paying attention, Hyunjin looked at him out of the corner of his eye. He wished he was that cake, or at least that he looked at it the way he looked at that slice of cake. It must have been his third or fourth slice, judging by the plates on the table and the fact of imagining he'd eaten so much, Hyunjin felt a little tingling in his crotch, which he hastily hid with a shy hand. In the end, he was grateful that Changbin wasn't really paying attention to him.
In the end, after about twenty exercises and nothing morr, Changbin received a call from his coach asking him to come back urgently. Except he'd left in such a hurry that he forgot to settle the bill .... Fortunately, Hyunjin loved him dearly, for although love was priceless, his wallet had its limits...
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- "And he let you pay like that? What an asshole, I knew he was a real asshole!" cried the tallest's best friend. Seungmin was the exact opposite of Hyunjin. He was very open and spoke his mind without a problem, which made everyone hate him but also fear him and his sarcastic remarks that had a way of stinging where it hurt.
-"Shut up" Hyunjin then placed his hand over his mouth to prevent Seungmin from uttering any more words, leaving the puppy like to shout incomprehensible things for Hyunjin to release him. Then he came to bite him gently on the hand, causing the oldest to scream dramatically and hold his hand in pain while his best friend laughed his head off. "Don't shout so loudly he can hear you", he said, earning a nudge from his friend before they both noticed a troop gathering in the distance. Curiosity may have killed a cat, but what were they going to lose by listening to some gossip?
If only Seungmin had known beforehand, he would have saved Hyunjin a lot of trouble .... You see, it wasn't gossip but a sad truth that touched many students. The school jock Seo Changbin, a student loved and admired by all, had received a scholarship to study in the United States, leaving a great void in the school, which seemed to live thanks to him.
Of course, some people didn't care, like Seungmin, who seemed to appreciate him, but all his fans and even friends seemed surprised by the news. The worst was Hyunjin, who didn't know what to say. He wasn't going to be happy about his first one-sided love, was he? His first platonic love? His first love? His first love ....
Oh yes, he cried for him, sad that he'd missed his chance, sad that they could have gotten to know each other better, but especially sad that he'd never see him again...
... At least that's what he thinks ...
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
By the way, what had become of Changbin? The former sportsman who had gone to live in the United States on a scholarship? Well, without knowing it, things had taken a different turn for him.
The poor man had accepted a poisoned gift, thinking that everything would be just fine over there, that sport would be his number one passion and that nothing would stop him.
However, within the first week he realized a major problem he hadn't thought of: the language barrier. Sure, he'd had English lessons in middle school and high school, but was that enough for him to face an English-speaking country on his own? Unfortunately, in his new school he was regarded more as a curious beast than a student. After the first week he soon felt lonely, and discovered that his old friends from Korea were really only there for his popularity. Poor Changbin didn't know what else to do with his free time.
But remember what I said earlier, Changbin has a big appetite, and what better thing to do in a country like the USA than try out all the different foods and fast-food outlets that weren't available in Korea? After all, he was also practicing his English by ordering, so he justified ordering half of the dishes offered simply to improve his pronunciation. Well, the conclusion after a year there was clear and unambiguous. When he set foot in Incheon airport, his parents were surprised to see how much the USA had changed their son.
For one thing, he had now given up soccer to devote himself to his new passion: music. He confided in them that for several months he had been talking to two music students in Korea and that they were planning to form a three-man crew where they would write and produce music. Admittedly, it's not the most prolific career, especially if it's underground, but Changbin's parents only wanted him to be happy, and the fact that it's all he talks about day and night by message or phone call could only put a smile on their faces to see that their son had rediscovered the joy of living after his bad start abroad.
And the second surprising element was much more visible. A year earlier when he leave them, he'd been wearing a baggy black T-shirt and skinny jeans that highlighted his muscular frame, but now the T-shirt barely covered his midsection, and although he was wearing sweatpants, it was easy to see that those old skinny jeans no longer went over his thighs, which were now even thicker than before!
So conclusion: in one year he'd given up his dream of becoming a pro soccer player to become a music producer and had put on weight, a lot of weight... but hey, he felt much better this way, so what were his parents going to say? Nothing, of course, they were used to him being a big eater, it just didn't show in the daily exercise he did. Now that his only physical activity was going to the nearest grocery store to buy his favorite snacks, no wonder he'd become so chubby.
Moreover, when he met Chan and Jisung for the first time, both of them had adopted him as their new friend/member of their crew and for the first time in years, he felt loved but above all in tune with what he was doing. Now all he needed was to be transferred to a college where he could take courses and officially become a producer. He'd chosen a college on the spur of the moment, taking the same one as his friends so they wouldn't be separated, otherwise it wouldn't be as much fun.
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
But back to the present moment. Hyunjin finished painting his canvas, it was six fifteen and he was starting to get hungry after painting non-stop for over two hours and his stomach kept begging him for ramyeon from the local seven eleven so for once he listened, took off his apron, grabbed his keys and headed out of his apartment straight for the corner supermarket. Once there, he headed for the aisle where all the local ramyeon were laid out, and just as he reached for one of the spicy beef-flavoured boxes, another hand on the other side grabbed the same box, and they both turned to look at each other before Hyunjin almost jumped when he recognized that familiar, they both changed thier faces.
That triangular jaw, now round like an animal pecking at food, that big nose, those small, tiny eyes, that curly hair hidden under a cap. Yes, it was him, his first love.
-"Wow! Hyunjin, it's been ages! Do you remember me? We were in high school together" exclaimed the brunette with the same playful air that animated the youngest's memories. Even after all these years, seeing him like this again made his heart leap out of his chest. But he was no longer that shy high-school kid who blush every time he talked to his crush! He wanted to show that he had changed too! "Yes, I remember! Seo Changbin, the high school jock! "he exclaimed, smiling, before finally detailing the brunette from top to bottom, almost choking on his saliva.
Let's just say that seeing how fat the high-school jock had become and didn't seem to hide it made Hyunjin blush and think he'd done something wrong, but Changbin didn't seem to mind, after all he was too busy staring at the young man in front of him. After all, he was also surprised to see how the shy, bespectacled, acne-faced high-schooler had changed. He was handsome, effortlessly elegant and the brunette's heart almost missed a beat.
-"We've got so much to talk about! Come on, I'll buy you something to eat" declared Hyunjin as he grabbed his Ramyeon, followed by the brunette who did the same, not forgetting to take some other snacks to satisfy his "little" hunger.
They then sat down in a corner to prepare their bowl of ramyeon and enjoy their meal with a view over the campus as the sun began to set. Of course, in high school they hadn't been close and hadn't talked much, but now, five years later, they were reminiscing about the good old days and telling each other what they'd become. "So you study here too? No way, we'll be seeing a lot of each other then," said the tallest, nudging the oldest, who chuckled. Who knows how long they'd been talking... 2 hours? Maybe 3? But in the end, it was as if they were old friends ! Hyunjin had even ended up saying "See you tomorrow, handsome boy", with Changbin retorting "See you later pretty boy", followed by a wink. By the time they got home, both were blushing as they realized how strange their last sentence sounded, but that didn't stop the flirtation between them from taking root.
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
-Hyung, are you coming? There's an art show."
- "Binnie hyung are you coming to eat? I saw a restaurant nearby that you absolutely must try".
- "Hyung let me draw you!"
- "Hyung eat this you're all pale"
This was the kind of phrase Changbin heard from Hyunjun on a daily basis and didn't want it to stop for anything.
-Hyunjin wait for me! You're taking too big a step".
- "Not so fast Jinnie, I've only just finished eating and I'm too full to walk!
- "Paint me like one of your French girls Jinnieee ~"
- "Jinnie look what I've done!"
- "I wrote this, can I sing it to you?"
These were the words Hyunjin heard from Changbin. These simple words sometimes destabilized him, but the more the days went by, the more he realized that his crush on Changbin had intensified with time, and that now he could say it frankly: he was in love with him. He loved everything about him, his way of being, his laugh, his smile, his curly hair, his humor. But what he also loved more than he let on was his body, every curve of which made him shudder. His wide hips that stood out no matter what he wore, his fat, thick legs that took up all the space when he sat down, his plump belly that peeked out of his tops and rested on his thighs, his breasts that recently resembled those of a woman.
He didn't know what turned him on so much, the fact that he'd put on so much weight since high school, was it that he was eating so much in front of him or that he was unselfconsciously pushing Changbin to eat more and more? The fact was that he was very attracted to him and, given the numerous sketches he'd made of his plump body in any position, it wasn't going to stop.
But what did Changbin think of all this? Well, in high school he knew that Hyunjin was in love with him, and it was obvious enough that everyone at school knew about it. But he blamed himself, he blamed himself for not having given a chance to that nerd in high school with whom he now spent his days, but on the other hand he was happy that he could now make up for that time. He loved the connection between them, the way they acted like a coupke without actually being one. The way Hyunjin put a lock of hair back behind his ear when he complimented him. His petillant eyes showed her one of his paints, his dramatic side. Let's face it, he was in love with him too.
At this point, nothing was going to separate these two souls, so when were they going to confess? One day. Or rather one night, one night when Hyunjin was behind on his homework because he'd run out of inspiration, one night when Changbin came at his home with snacks to spend time with him.
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
-This is the first time I've seen you lack inspiration! What do you have to paint?" Asked the brunette slumped on the sofa with her mouth covered in icing.
Hyunjin then began to blush before looking away, shy of saying aloud the subject her class was dealing with. "Well ... um ... it's rather embarrassing to say but ... I have to draw a body ... naked" he said, ticking off his fingers as Changbin almost choked on his own saliva.
-I understand better why there are so many art students" joked the brunette, lightening the mood, before a soudian idea popped into his head: "If you need a model, I can volunteer. That is, if you want me to.
Hyunjin raised his head and locked eyes with the brunette, surprised by what he'd just said. Was he really proposing to pose nude for him? How could he keep quiet? He was both excited and embarrassed by the idea, but barely had time to accept when Changbin returned a few minutes later wearing one of his bathrobes that he couldn't even close, anyway it was only for a short while since the important thing was that he was completely naked.
-W-When you're ready, let me know" declared the youngest, his head turned away to give Changbin as much privacy as possible until he was comfortable.
-I-I am! Replied the brunette before dropping the bathrobe to the floor and positioning herself a few feet away from Hyunjin, waiting for him to order her to do something.
So the youngest slowly turned his head before detailing the brunette in order to think of the best pose he could do that would highlight his curves. In theory, at least, that's what he was doing, because in reality, he was just ogling him and realizing how fat the oldest was, so fat that his belly hung lightly over his thighs, hiding part of her intimacy. He then saw that his pale body was covered with pink stretch marks, accentuating his gain and further arousing the painter.
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So for the next few minutes, Hyunjin gave some poses that Changbin had to do, but nothing came of it, according to the painter, who, after taking a good look at the brunette from top to bottom, asked him to strike a new pose.
-Hey, I'm posing so you can paint, not to ogle me" declared Changbin after catching the youngest in the act of admiring his ass. "I-I don't know what you're talking about! denounced the painter, wearing a false look of shock. "If i'm that much exciting, say it it'll be quicker for both of us".
- "Faster for what?" he asked intrusively.
- "You want to play it that way? Isn't that explicit enough?"
-No, I really don't see it.
- "Two men obviously very attracted to each other, one naked and the other ogling ... is that explicit enough?!"
Suddnely Hyunjin's heart missed another beat, he thought he'd heard wrong.
- "W-What... are you attracted to me?" he said in shock
-More than that, I love you, but that's not the point," changbin confided, cheeks flushed as he crossed his arms to look away.
- "If that's what it's all about" declared Hyunjin in turn, before rising from his seat and walking towards the oldest without even bothering that he was naked.
He approached until only a few centimeters remained between them, their faces close together, Hyunjin felt changbin's soft breath against his neck before adding "I've been dreaming of this for years" before taking the brunette's face before anchoring his gaze in hers "so what are you waiting for? I'm getting cold" Changbin begged, before the tallest took action and lifted her between them for a gentle kiss. And then followed another tender kiss. And then another heated one. Then another more passionate. Then Changbin was not the only one without clothes...
It would be better not to describe what happened next, that was reserved only for them, that memorable souvenir of their love, of their bodies straddling each other. Now they were united and nothing was going to separate them.
Just goes to show, even the most clichéd stories have a happy ending.
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- "You should display this painting in your home"
- "Me too but I prefer to keep the model with me it is even better
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feverdemon · 8 months
His mother knelt every morning at the altar in the wood-paneled living room. The tabletop held a ceramic nativity even when the humidity beaded the windows in August. She pinned tracts and hung memorial flowers on the wall, but the centerpiece was a solemn painting of Christ rendered in velvet oils. Whenever Sam stood before the altar and stared at the painting, something shifted beneath his ribcage, a longing for which he had no name. The picture disarmed him with its imploring eyes. His hair swayed in soft waves, and white lilies fell around His robed shoulders. The painted sheen of light against his cheeks captured the infinite gentleness that Sam felt running through every word printed in red on the translucent paper. He stared into the luminous face until he heard footsteps. He couldn’t bear to look into the eyes of the painting when anyone stood near him, chastened by a curiosity that threatened to lay him bare. During worship, he had to be careful not to fix his gaze on the plaster cross that hung at the apex of the chapel, otherwise the same feeling would return. Its vulnerability embarrassed him, defenseless against the piercing  eyes of all who loved and hated Him alike. He only permitted the gentle grimace to return to his mind when he was alone. When he imagined the prostrate body blighted with red slits, penetrated by arrows ready to slip out and spill the savior’s blood upon the dirt, his chest felt thick and heavy. He longed to wipe away the sweat on his brow and wrap bandages around the bleeding places. He wondered if everyone else in the chapel felt this same devotion and never spoke it aloud. 
As he fell asleep, the visions came to him as they always did, of beguiling brown eyes and hands as gentle in supplication as when wrought with nails. These dreams carried him past midnight, scraps of psalms drifting across his eyelids, until he woke to the whisper of his name. He heard the thump of fluttering wings and turned, feeling a breeze on his bare shoulders. A gleaming tunnel of light shone through his window. He rose and reached out his hand, feeling the sunbeam warmth pull him in, drawing him unblinking into its path, passing through the glass as though he were another figment of light. He was standing outside in the garden now, surrounded by fruitless tomato stalks overgrowing their wire spindles. He looked to the source of the light, the beam diffusing around a long-haired figure. Christ stood barefoot in the grass before him, arms outstretched, emitting an incandescent glow beneath his skin that no painting could capture. As he felt the benevolent gaze, his awe gave way to shame, knees trembling under the weight of all he had yet to repent for. He fell to the ground at His feet, hands clasped and begging. But the Lord raised him from the dew without a word, raising his chin with His fingertips before letting them fall away. Sam drew close until he collapsed against the white robes, forehead resting against His chest. He felt the heart within beating in rhythm with his own. Peace, be still sounded through his body like a bell. He was replete, his broken pieces held together by the hand on his back, never lonely again. 
Tarry ye here, for my soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death. The voice surpassed his ears and thrummed inside his chest. He looked up and the familiar brown eyes were closed, forehead furrowed in pain. Sam reached out fearfully to take the face of his Lord in his hands. He longed to whisper I will take this cup from you but his throat was thick. Through the haze of golden light, he remembered the dirt beneath his feet and how cold it was pressed against his face on the bad days, when the clinking of a dinner plate echoed like artillery and he was the only thing left to punish. As he opened his mouth, the words fell from his mouth like tears. The world hath not known thee, but I have known thee. The warmth that wrapped around him was infinite. He was no longer doomed to wander, for the love brimming in his chest would always bring him home. I in you, and thou in me. 
He woke still feeling a heartbeat through the pillow. When the sun rose through the curtains, the purple glow brought no comfort. He wept hot tears, yearning for nothing else but to be the one God chose to die so his beloved might be spared. Breakfast was silent, school was dull, lying alone in his bed waiting for sleep was barely tolerable. Only in dreams did he allow himself to hold on as deeply as he longed to be held, and only in dreams was he able to believe he deserved it.
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Fairy Forest Chap. 1-A Winter Fairy
Hello all!! Welcome to my newest fanfiction!!
So I had Fairy Forest Au in my backlog of AHIT AU’S and after a few months, I started to come up with ideas for this fic and now was the time for me to share this.
This specific fanfic isn’t gonna be so story-focused, except for the first couple of chapters, and would just focus on the Prince and his fairy friends having cute, angst, and just whatever topic moments.
BIG THANKS to @gigilefache for beta reading! You're the best!!
It was a blissful summer day, warm sun rays beaming down as an 8-year-old boy was running up to his favorite spot in the woods to read some books. This was his summer routine since school ended.
Once getting to his favorite spot, Luka put his bag down and grabbed the book he was reading from his bag. Just seconds as he started reading Luka heard a rustle in the bushes. Luka dropped his book and waited quietly.
However, to Luka’s surprise, it wasn’t a monster or some wild animal, but a tiny fairy.
She had long blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and blue and green fairy wings. She wore a mint green dress with a light blue ribbon tied to the back, white stockings, and dark green shoes.
“A fairy!” Luka whispered. He slowly crawled closer to the fairy and saw the fairy wasn’t in the best of shape. She looked injured, tired, and a bit dehydrated. Quickly, Luka scooped the fairy into his hands and took her to a nearby river to get something to drink.
Using a nearby leaf, Luka was able to get a small scoop of water and handed it to the fairy. Weakly, the fairy opened her eyes and saw the water on the leaf. Slowly she grabbed it and took little sips of water, letting out a happy sigh.
“Thank you.” She beamed to the human.
“You’re welcome!” Luka replied. The fairy blinked and was able to flutter her wings to get a closer look at her savior. Luka was confused as the fairy scanned him from top to bottom.
“You’re a human, aren't you?” The fairy asked. Luka nodded in reply. “You do look small for a human.”
Luka chuckled. “Well, I’m only 8. Still a kid.” He explained.
“Oh!” The fairy exclaimed. “You’re a kid like me!”
Luka smiled. “I’m Luka by the way.”
“My name is Vanessa. I’m a winter fairy.” She replied, introducing herself.
“What’s a winter fairy?” Luka asked.
“Glad you asked!” Vanessa cleared her throat . “A winter fairy brings the cold and snow during winter. We’re the ones that bring the clouds and create the snowflakes. We can stay in seasons that are not winter, but not for long.”
That made sense as to why Vanessa was found weak and tired. “So why are you here? It’s the middle of summer, one of the hottest seasons.” Luka asked.
Vanessa chuckled. “Well, I wanted to leave Fairy Woods and explore what’s out there. My mother never lets me leave the forest, so I snuck out.” She explained. “However, it was horrible. I got chased by birds, and squirrels, and got caught in some branches!” Vanessa crossed her arms and gave a pout.
“So that’s why she looks all messed up.” Luka thought. He then saw Vanessa’s pouty face and tried to hold in his laugh.
Vanessa glared hearing the chuckle. “What’s so funny?” She asked.
“Your face puffs up when you pout.” Luka chuckled.
Vanessa was confused until she saw her reflection in the river and her face turned red as a tomato which made Luka laugh even harder. Vanessa glared and flew over to Luka, punching him, but it felt like being poked in the stomach making him laugh harder.
“Stop laughing at me! You meanie!” Vanessa whined, which made Luka continue to laugh.
Soon Luka started to calm down and took a couple of deep breaths. “Sorry.” He apologized.
Vanessa sighed and crossed her arms, turning away from the human child. “My mother was right, humans are mean.” She mumbled.
“Huh?” Luka asked, confused. 
“Humans are mean and dangerous,” Vanessa said a bit louder.
“Not all humans. Most are really nice and caring.” Luka explained. Vanessa glanced at him before turning away. “I-I’m sorry I laughed at you. I wasn’t being mean.”
“Well, you were! You laughed at me!” Vanessa yelled.
“Only because when you pout you look cute!” Luka replied but covered his mouth calling the winter fairy cute.
Vanessa gasped, blushing again as she was called cute. “Um…Thank you.”
Luka slowly removed his hand from his mouth and started to blush too. “You’re welcome.” The two stood there wondering what they should say to each other next.
Vanessa looked around to see what she should talk about next. She then spotted Luka’s book and her brain formed an idea. “So what were you doing in the woods?” She asked.
“Reading, actually. It’s my vacation and I figured I'd catch up.”  Luka replied.
“What were you reading?”
“A story about this pegasus looking for her family,” Luka explained. Vanessa’s eyes lit up hearing the story. Luka looked into it and smiled, “If you’d like to read alongside me?”
Vanessa’s wings fluttered repeatedly as she danced in the air. “Sure!” She sang. Luka chuckled and went back to his spot as he reopened the book. Before he read he caught Vanessa up to speed on the story, where the unicorn came from and how she’s traveling with a princess to help her find her friends and family. Vanessa’s eyes widened hearing about the story as she sat on Luka’s shoulder and watched him read.
A few hours into the book, Luka almost didn't notice that the sun started to set. Vanessa let out a yawn as she tiredly floated away from Luka. The latter also saw it started to get late and closed his book and grabbed his bag. “That was fun,” Vanessa said, tiredly.
“Yep! Will I see you again tomorrow?” Luka asked.
Vanessa smiled and nodded. “I promise to show up as early as possible!” She replied.
Luka smiled. “Alright, see you tomorrow.” The two started to go the opposite directions walking home. Once they were near their homes, they both smiled knowing they made a new friend.
“I’m friends with a human.” Vanessa thought.
“I’m friends with a fairy.” Luka thought.
Throughout the rest of the summer, Luka and Vanessa spent time together in the forest. Some days they’ll be sitting under the tree as Luka reads a book he got from home and tells Vanessa everything about the story as the fairy listens.
There were times when Vanessa and Luka went on hikes in the woods. Vanessa picked flowers and handed them to Luka, which made him smile. “Thanks.” He said as Vanessa put a flower in his hair.
“You’re welcome!” Vanessa beamed.
Those days were fun, but every night after hanging out with his new fairy friend the days till school started were coming closer and closer. Luka knew he had to tell his new friend the truth soon.
By morning Luka was sitting at his favorite tree waiting for Vanessa to show up. Once he heard a giggle and the sound of bells he knew Vanessa was near, just hiding.
Vanessa smiled and landed on Luka’s head. “Found you!” She giggled.
Luka giggled. “Hey, Vanessa!”
“Ready to have fun again?” Vanessa asked.
Luka nodded. “However, before we play. I do need to tell you something.”
Vanessa saw the frown on Luka’s face. “Is it bad?” She asked.
“Well, I have to go back to school next week, and I won’t be able to play with you for a while,” Luka explained.
Vanessa looked heartbroken and sad seeing her friend was about to leave her. No, she wasn’t going to lose hope. Luka was bound to come back. Right? “B-but you’ll come back, right?” She asked.
Luka sighed. “I don’t know.” He replied. “I go to a boarding school far from here. I won’t be back till the holidays.” Vanessa frowned as she started to flutter down to the ground upset. Luka frowned and crouched down, “Hey I’m not gonna leave forever.”
“But you're leaving me,” Vanessa replied.
“Not for long! Just a couple of months!” Luka exclaimed. “I was hoping we could have the best fun day before I go back. Please.”
Vanessa glanced at Luka who looked upset and was begging for Vanessa to understand. Vanessa sighed and fluttered up to face him. “Promise me you’ll come back, okay?” She begged.
“I will. Okay!” Luka exclaimed. He then saw a yellow dandelion and picked it from the ground before handing it to Vanessa. The winter fairy looked down at the dandelion and back at Luka. She put the dandelion in her hair and smiled.
Throughout the day, the two made the most of their time together. Luka barely did any reading and just had fun exploring the forest with Vanessa. By the end of the day, Vanessa and Luka said their final goodbyes at the tree where they first met.
“Luka,” Vanessa spoke up. Luka looked up at his fairy friend. “Thank you for everything this summer.”
“No problem,” Luka replied.
Vanessa blushed nervously for a while. She wanted to say something to Luka, but she felt too nervous to tell him. Luka saw the fairy acting all nervous and felt concerned. “You okay Vanessa?” He asked.
Without thinking Vanessa flew and kissed Luka on the cheek. Luka’s face turned red as a tomato shocked that a fairy had kissed him. Embarrassment rushed through Vanessa’s mind as she flew away. “S-Sorry! Why did I do that? Why? Why!” She cried.
Luka stood there shocked as he slowly walked home holding his cheek. He wasn’t disgusted that Vanessa kissed him, but felt grateful someone liked him.
A couple of months had passed since their last meeting. At times Vanessa would fly back thinking Luka was back from school, but never saw the young boy return. She got worried he broke his promise and would fly back home in sadness.
However, she didn’t lose hope. She knew Luka would come back. Even if she had to wait months, even years or even if she found him herself; she would wait for him.
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gardenerian · 2 years
hi mel i just wanted to say ily and hope you have an amazing night 🧡
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oh my goodness 🥺 lizzie my sweet love! ty for thinking of me! i had a big dumb day at work today but i’ve had a very relaxing evening! it always cheers me up to pop in here and see all you beautiful people sharing and chatting and creating. and if our lord and savior tomato ian has taught us anything, it’s that tomorrow is another day! and i’ll always take more time with yall 🥰 you are so thoughtful lizzie, it always always always makes my day to hear from you. hope you have a nice weekend ahead of you dearest one!
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teenagegoldrush · 2 years
The Cross
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words: 9,213
A/N: I do not claim to, nor do I own Outer Banks; the concept, characters, plot, etc
The next morning, Andy awoke to an empty bed. She was extremely disoriented, compared to her usual state of disoriented-ness. She was wearing only her underwear and a random sweatshirt, which due to the fit, she assumed, was Kie’s, and the door was wide-open.
She took a moment to remind herself what happened the night before: Bonfire, borderline-blackout drunk, fighting club, camp fire, almost die, sleep with JJ….Right.
She could hear her friends usual raucous from down the hall, but before joining them, she decided she should shower. So she did.
Andy examined her face in the foggy mirror, wiping a spot for herself.
Her bottom lip was split, thanks to Yvonne, and her knuckles on both hands were split open. The only other “injuries” she had, were that her knees were bruised up, but they were always bruised.
She brushed her teeth, fixed her hair up a bit, got dressed, and sleepily shuffled down the hall, and out to the sun room, where her friends were.
John B was slouched on one of the arm chairs, sunglasses covering his eyes, Kie was laid up on a couch, her beanie over her eyes, Pope was sat in one of the wicker chairs, wrapped in a blanket.
JJ was leaning against the wall, a foam basketball in his hand.
“And she rises!” John B said, peering at her over his glasses.
She shrugged, sitting down beside Kie’s feet. “With the sun.”
Pope laughed, mockingly. “Sun came up like two hours ago.”
“Tomato, tomat-o.” Andy narrowed her eyes at him. “What have I missed?”
“Just discussing last night’s unfortunate events.” Kie replied, her voice muffled by her arm as she had it over her head.
“What kinda injuries you got?” John B nodded at her.
She held her hands up, showing her knuckles. “Busted my hands open, bruised my knees.” She patted her lip. “Split lip too, but I’ll live.”
JJ shrugged, toying with the ball in his hands. “Could always be worse- Hey.”
His eyes trailed to the door, across the room, where Sarah was entering. “Well hello Princess.”
“What’s up?” Kie groaned, pulling the beanie off her eyes.
“Shouldn’t you be on Figure 8 with your little group of polo players?” John B asked, sitting up. “Or did you break up with Topper?”
Sarah grinned at him, narrowing her eyes. “We’re just friends.”
“You seem to have a lot of friends Sarah Cameron…” John B’s eyes followed her.
“Yeah and it seems you have some of your own too.” Sarah snapped back.
“Alright, what are you doing here?” He asked, growing tired of the childish argument.
Sarah sat down in a chair next to Pope. “I’m here for Pope.”
Pope’s eyes widened in surprise. “I think I found the island room.”
Pope sat upright, throwing the blanket off of him. “What? What are you talking about?”
Sarah nodded. “The Island Room. It’s at Tannyhill.”
Pope’s eyes never got smaller as he looked around the room at everyone.
“Well shit, let’s load up ya’ll. We gotta go!” JJ made the first move, clapping his hands so that everyone would get a move on.
They all got up, going their separate ways to find their shoes and then meeting up at the van, where John B drove them towards Tannyhill.
“Okay, listen to this.” Pope announced, reading from his copy of Tanny’s diary. “The diary says the cross holds the most holy relic in all of Christendom, the Garment of the Savior.”
“So there’s a holy garment, inside a holy artifact?” Andy questioned.
“Yes.” Pope nodded. “It says the garment is capable of healing the sick from any malady-“
“”If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.”” JJ recited, looking over Pope’s shoulder.
Pope whipped around to look at him.
“What! I went to Sunday school.” JJ shrugged.
“Well that explains why Limbrey wants the cross so bad.” Kie said. “She thinks it can heal her. What else does it say?”
“”Many feel that we have sinned, to steal such a sacred thing. And God will strike his vengeance on us.”” Pope replied.
“That’s the thing.” Andy shook her head.
“God did have his vengeance.” Kie agreed.
“He sent a hurricane to sink the ship.” Pope sighed. “Only Denmark survived.”
Heavy vibes settled over the group again, making the rest of the ride a silent one.
When they arrived at Tannyhill, Sarah let them in, Kie following closely by her, then Pope, and Andy, JJ and John B last.
The house was silent. Assumedly, Wheezie was at school, Rafe was god-knows-where, and Rose was at the Cameron offices.
“This place still freaks me out.” John B mumbled.
“Yeah, same.” JJ agreed, as they walked through the labyrinth of hallways in the mansion.
Sarah lead them to a room at the end of a hallway. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Pope practically gasped when he stepped inside.
“Yep, I know, right? It’s the island room.” Sarah shrugged, as the others entered the room. “It’s been here this whole time.”
The room seemed to be a dining room. The table was set for a party, and a china cabinet was stocked with plates, bowls and cutlery.
“This definitely means something.” JJ did a double-take of the room.
Each of them went to a different part of the mural, examining and trying to decipher the images.
Andy came across Rixton’s Cove, and looked across the room, to where the old church was on the wall. “This is a map of the island.” She said, speaking for the first time in awhile.
“Yeah, D, you’re right.” JJ nodded, walking over to her. “Rixton’s here. Then the lighthouse.” JJ pointed at the wall in front of her.
“Guys look. Parcel 9 and the well.” Kie ran her hand along her wall.
“So if that’s Parcel 9, and this is Rixton’s-“ Andy turned to look at the far wall. “That’s the surf break at Mase.”
Two houses on a hill, surrounded by water.
JJ and John B followed her, John B, holding the copies of Tanny’s diary.
“Pope, c’mere.” JJ said, concentrating. “This is Denmark’s handwriting, for sure.”
Pope joined them as JJ snatched the drawing out of John B’s hand and held it up for comparison. The drawings were almost identical.
“Denmark, you genius!” Pope cheered. “These are all his drawings, he painted the whole room.”
“The question is why.” Kie said, still looking at her wall. “What’s he trying to tell us?”
“It’s gotta have something to do with the key, right?” JJ asked, rhetorically.
“How did you know to uncover this?” John B asked, turning to Sarah.
“I didn’t.” She replied, a confused look on her face. “It was like this when I got home.”
Andy’s heart dropped. Somebody beat them to it.
“Okay, then who did it?” Kie asked.
“I don’t know!” Sarah shrugged.
“The freaks.” Wheezie said, appearing out of nowhere and scaring them all.
“Jesus Christ!” JJ clutched his chest.
“Wheeze? Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” Sarah asked, walking over to her.
“Wait, what freaks are we talking about Wheezie?” JJ asked.
“That sick lady and her attack dogs.” Wheezie nodded. “They showed up last night and wanted to talk to Rafe.”
Rafe. Great.
Rafe’s potential involvement just made the game a thousand times more dangerous and unpredictable. Especially after his stunt with Sarah at the boat lot.
“Pale blond lady? With crutches?” JJ asked.
Wheezie nodded to both statements.
“It’s gotta be Limbrey.” John B said. “What happened?”
“Well they searched the whole house looking for something. Then Rafe told me to go upstairs. But I didn’t wanna miss out so I listened through the grate.”
“Where was Rose?” Sarah asked.
“Around here somewhere. You know how she is. Quiet as a mouse.” Wheezie replied. “And they were talking about getting across the sand flamingo.”
“That’s code for something.” JJ nodded.
“The cross?” Andy asked. “The Cross of Santo Domingo.”
Wheezie nodded. “Yes, yep. That’s it. They were talking about angels. A lot of angel talk.”
“Angels?” John B asked.
“Denmark’s famous last words.” Pope said, eyes wide again. “He buried the real treasure at the foot of the angel. They’re looking for an angel. We need to find an angel in the room!”
He immediately began to search through the paintings for an angel.
Everyone else followed his lead, examining the walls, inch by inch and looking for an angel. They were all speaking out loud, the room becoming more and more chaotic the longer they looked.
“What’s going on? Are you guys gonna tell me?” Wheezie asked, as she watched them all.
They ignored her.
“Hey, yo, I found something!” JJ shouted, making them all go silent.
“This humongous tree is still on Goat Island.” He placed his palm against the painting of a huge knotted oak tree.
“Oh yeah.” Andy nodded, approaching him. “That’s where we used to go when we didn’t want Big John to bust us smoking weed.”
“It’s called Angel Oak.” JJ replied. “And look right there, it’s a key hole.” He pointed to a keyhole painted at the center of the tree.
“That means the cross is buried at the foot of the angel.” Pope recited. “That must be where he put it. That must be where they are right now, we have to go!”
“I think I’m Sherlock Holmes, right?” JJ grinned, proud of his discovery. “You’re welcome, by the way.”
“‘Kay, hurry up Sherlock.” Andy shook her head, pulling him out the door as everyone else bolted towards the van.
John B drove once again, back towards the Cut to get to Goat Island
“Freedman’s church.” Pope said as they passed the oldest church on the island. “The church Denmark built for all the slaves he freed.”
As they came across the land-bridge, they could see the oak in the distance, towering over the crops.
“Oh shit. Tide’s coming in.” John B groaned, slamming to a stop.
Andy leaned up between him and JJ, seeing that the road was a muddy mess, and the water would start slowly rising soon.
“They already came through here.” Pope pointed at the road. “Those have to be Limbrey’s tire tracks.”
“Mmm, what do you think chief?” JJ ignored him, looking over at John B.
“Lookin’ a little dicey.” John B shrugged.
“Yeah, I’m gonna have to agree with that statement.” JJ nodded.
“Twinkie can take it.” Andy said, patting the dashboard.
“Why are ya’ll acting like you’re not gonna do it anyway?” Sarah asked, trying not to laugh. “Like when have ya’ll ever done the safe thing?
John B looked at JJ, then at Andy. “She’s got a point.”
“Speed is your friend here.” JJ sat upright, bracing himself. “Put her in second and hammer down, bro.”
“Stick to the ground in the middle.” Pope reminded them.
John B let off the brake, shifting into second, and flooring it. “You’re not gonna make it. You’re not going fast enough!” JJ shouted.
Andy crouched on the floor, one hand on each headrest as she watched through the cracked windshield, the mud pit grow closer.
They fishtailed a bit, and Pope was muttering complaints as they barely made it through the mud.
“That’s my girl!” John B cheered, smacking the steering wheel.
“Twinkie’s nothing if not reliable.” Andy nodded as they finally made a stop.
“Angel Oak, right through here.” JJ climbed out of the van, motioning to a small path cut through the trees. “And word to the wise: there’s definitely gator nests out here, so keep your eyes peeled, right?”
“Gators have nests…?” Kie asked, questioning JJ’s credibility.
“Yeah?” JJ said, matter-of-factly. “You don’t wanna be a Pat Womack. Got her calf chewed off by an alligator.”
“That’s actually not true?” Kie corrected him. “Pat Womack was injured in a car accident, but I hear you.”
“Okay, just live in ignorance.” JJ shrugged, grabbing a big stick as they were walking. “But she had half her calf chewed off by a mama gator and that’s just a fact. They like the brackish water.”
JJ stopped, standing over the ledge of a patch of water. “Hang on, I see something.”
Andy sighed, knowing exactly what he was doing. He was playing a scare-tactic with Kie and Sarah, just something to liven up the energy.
JJ crouched down, the stick slung over his shoulder. Without a word, he smacked the stick into the water twice.
“Right. Wake them up. How smart.” Sarah shook her head.
JJ shrugged, standing upright. “I was just making sure it wasn’t a gator. That’s all.”
He dropped the stick, throwing his arm around Andy’s shoulders, and they began to follow Pope through the brush towards the tree.
The closer they got, the louder the island became.
They crouched down behind some bushes, watching as Limbrey, her “assistant”, Rafe, and a whole excavation team dug up the ground around the tree.
Limbrey was sat, in an old beach chair, supervising as the team lifted a casket out of one of the holes in the ground.
“They got the cross?” JJ nudged Andy. “What do we do?”
“Just shush and watch!” She nudged him back.
Rafe pried the casket open, and Andy could see Limbrey’s shoulders drop. It wasn’t the cross.
“We’re going back! We’re going back, it’s not over!” She shouted, announcing to her employees.
The workers listened, loading up their equipment and tools, and driving their vehicles out of the swamp.
The Pogues ducked behind the bush, waiting until there was complete silence to stand back up.
Pope went first, stomping his way over to the casket that was left above ground.
Andy quickly chased after him, the rest of them following. “Cecelia Tanny, Denmark’s wife.” Pope said, crouched over the open casket.
Andy frowned, staring at the remains of Cecelia. Just a skull, and some dirt. “So they unearthed her and left her here… To the elements.”
Pope stood up, turning to look at her with solemn eyes, then turning back to the tree. “He wasn’t talking about the cross. He buried her at the foot of the angel.”
Andy sighed, understanding what Pope was saying. To Denmark Tanny, his wife was his treasure. The true treasure. Buried at the foot of the angel.
“The true treasure.” She said, peering up at the tree.
Pope turned back around, teary-eyed, and sat down beside the coffin. “Denmark was hung for burying his wife. And now they defiled her grave.”
Andy sat down beside him, leaning her head on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.
The rest of their friends sat down around the casket, and Sarah reached inside, pulling out a small gold ring.
“This must’ve been her wedding ring.” She and John B shared a look.
“We can’t leave her like this.” Pope said.
Andy lifted her head from his shoulder. “No. Of course not.” She nodded to JJ and John B.
They all stood, the boys lifting the lid back onto the casket. Pope and Sarah went searching for some flowers while JJ and John B hammered the lid.
Pope returned with a bundle of wild flowers, placing them on top of the box.
Everyone stepped back to give him some space, then the three boys carefully maneuvered the casket back into the hole, and JJ and Andy began shoveling dirt on top of it again.
In the mean-time, Kie and John B went back to the van, bringing it inland to where they were. Sarah sat at the base of the tree, listening as Pope paced back and forth and expressed his grievances to them.
“I still don’t get it. You guys saw the map!”
“He hides his gold so nobody finds it for one-hundred and seventy years. And then he sends a message to his son Robert, to come to his mother’s grave. But-“
“The message never makes it.” Sarah nods, knowing the story.
Andy bushed the dirt off of her jeans, handing her shovel to JJ and he put them in the back of the van.
Shoutout to the excavation crew for leaving them, conveniently.
“Denmark wanted him to find the cross. It was his legacy, I know we’re in the right spot. It just feels like-“
“Like we missed something?” JJ asked, staring up at the tree.
Andy turned, confused as to what he was looking at. “What’s up?” She asked, walking over to him.
He ignored her, climbing up to the roof of the van. Albeit confused, Andy followed him, climbing up to stand beside him on the roof.
He nudged her with his elbow, staring at the center of the tree, where a hole, exactly like the keyhole in the painting was.
“Bullseye.” JJ grinned, tapping the tree bark.
“It’s the keyhole.” Andy said, looking down at the others. “From the painting at Tannyhill.”
She looked back at JJ. “It’s worth a shot, right?” She shrugged as he stepped aside. “Go for it.”
Andy scoffed. “No chance, slick. You’re the one who discovered it, you stick your hand in.” JJ wouldn’t move. “If I recall correctly, I did almost drown in the storm drain so…”
Below them Kie nodded. “She did almost drown. It’s totally your turn.”
JJ sighed. “Yeah, no I’m gonna do it.” He pulled his sleeve back. “It’s just-“
“He’s scared?” Andy suggested, watching over JJ’s shoulder.
“I am not scared dude.” He scoffed, peering back at her.
“You seem scared.” Andy grinned.
JJ shook his head, wiggling his hand around to find a suitable position for it to fit inside the tree, and then sticking it in. All the way up to his shoulder.
“There’s something in here.” He said, focusing on whatever his hand was feeling. “Wait-“
“Shit!” JJ shouted, his arm being tugged inside the tree. He screamed, scaring the shit out of Andy.
She grabbed his shoulder, using all her strength to pull him back, and his arm out of the tree.
JJ stopped suddenly, pulling his arm out of the tree, and laughing. Andy’s mouth opened in shock as she let go of his body.
“Oh, you asshole!” Pope scoffed from below them.
“I got all of you on that one.” JJ laughed, absolutely tickled pink with his prank. “Even you, babe-“ He turned to Andy.
“Move!” Andy snapped, stepping in front of him. Shaking her head, she stuck her arm inside the hole, feeling around for literally anything.
“Is there really something?” Kie asked.
Andy’s hand wrapped around something cold and cylindrical. Almost like a soda can, but too long. “Yeah, hold on.” She pulled at it, slowly maneuvering it out of the hole.
In her hand was a capsule. Big enough to hold with both of her hands. She handed it down to Pope, who had his hand held up to her.
John B held his arm out, and she grabbed it, jumping down from the roof of the van.
JJ followed her, and Pope handed the capsule back to her. “H.M.S Royal Merchant.” She read, dusting the engravement off with her finger.
JJ snatched it from her hands. “Give it to the captain!” He grinned, stepping away from her and extending it. “It’s a spyglass.”
“No, there’s something on the end!” Andy scoffed, noticing more inscriptions.
She grabbed it back from him, holding it so she and Pope could look at it.
“”You’ve come this far, do not falter. The cross is on the Freedman’s alter.”” Pope read from the spyglass.
“Freedman’s alter.” Andy repeated. “The cross is at the church.”
Pope smiled, taking the spyglass from her and closing it up.
“What are we doing here guys, we gotta goooo!” JJ shook his head, confused as to why they were all still standing around.
That was all it took for them to jump back into action, piling back into the van and heading back across the island.
They made it fairly far, before they came back to the patch of water they encountered before, except this now if had transformed into a pond.
“Shit. The tide.” Pope groaned.
“How deep d’ya think?” Andy asked, leaning back up in the front.
John B shrugged. “Can’t tell. The road’s gone.”
He slammed the van to a stop, the six of them staring at the water. “The tide rose a little faster than I thought…” JJ said.
“So how high are the spark plugs?” Andy asked.
“Uh… they’re good? We’re fine. We’ll be fine.” John B replied, clutching the wheel.
“That’s very convincing.” She nodded. “How high are they?” She repeated.
He winced, turning and poking his head out the window. “Just above the tail light.”
“So… three feet?”
JJ nodded. “Three feet.”
“There’s no way that water is three feet deep.” Kie said.
JJ smiled. “So then there’s no problem. We’re good, she’ll make it.”
Andy raised her eyebrows at his blind faith in the Twinkie’s capabilities. She was a van, not a submarine.
“Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts and or hold onto something. We’re going into hyperdrive.” John B announced.
Andy braced herself, gripping both the seats as she squatted between him and JJ. John B shifted into second again, and hit the gas.
“And, splash!” She said as the front tires plowed through the water.
They were actually moving pretty decently, and making good time. Until the mud beneath them got the better of the tires and suddenly they were wedged between two trees.
Twinkie’s engine sputtered, crying for help. “I think we miscalculated.” Andy mumbled, sitting back on her feet.
“I knew I should’ve driven.” JJ shrugged.
A few moments of silence passed, and they all decided to climb out the back.
Andy winced as she stepped into the murky water, it rose just below her knees, water seeping into her socks.
“Maybe we can walk from here?” Pope suggested, leaning against the van.
“What, and leave the Twinkie? The tide’s coming in, she’ll be gone.” John B replied.
“So then what are we supposed to do?” Sarah asked.
“Not stay here.” JJ said, growing fidgety.
“I can take my dad’s truck.” Kie suggested. “I just gotta get home and get the keys.”
Kie still had time to change things with her mom and dad. Running away from home wasn’t the absolute worst thing she could do. It was fixable.
Stealing your dad’s truck however, didn’t seem like something Kie could come back from.
Andy longed for a decent relationship with her parental figures, but unfortunately for her, every single parent she’d ever had, ended up leaving her. Or just not caring.
Kie was lucky. She could come back from her stint as an orphan.
And Andy was done being selfish. She’d done enough self-reflecting and alone time in the past few weeks, to know that her friends were the only ones that were there for her. No matter what, they were always there, even if they had some rocky moments.
She would take the fall for Kie.
Andy’s head whipped around. “No, Kie.” She shook her head. “I’ll do it. I’ll take your dad’s truck.”
“Um, what?” Kie scoffed. “You wanna steal my dad’s truck.”
“Shit might be rocky with your parents right now but your relationship with them is still repairable. If you steal the truck, it’s endgame for you.
Me on the other hand, I got nothing to lose. No relationship with your parents, no fear of authority.
I already have a criminal record, so if I were to be caught, it wouldn’t be any worse than anything that’s already happened to me. Just let me do it.”
Kie didn’t say anything for a moment. “Shockingly, you have a point.” She sighed. “It’s a suicide mission, but-“
“Don’t try and talk me out of it.” Andy waved her off. “You’ve still got a future. Don’t worry about me.”
“I’m coming with you.” JJ said, stepping forward. “Well need something to pull her out with and I know there’s a winch at the Chateau. That’s like two miles.”
“Okay, if you’re gonna do it, let’s go?” John B shrugged. “Tide’s coming in, and Twinkie’s going for a swim.”
“Right.” Andy nodded.
“Okay, D, the keys should be right inside the foyer. On the table by the steps. Get in, get out, make sure nobody knows you were there, understood?” Kie explained.
Andy nodded, absorbing all the information. “Just be careful, alright?”
Andy nodded, turning to follow JJ through the water. They trudged through the muck, making it to land.
“How long do you think you can run for?” JJ asked.
Andy shrugged. “Well I’m not drunk, and I did track in middle school, so probably most of the way?”
JJ nodded. “Right, then let’s go.”
The pair ran as much as they could, knowing time was important.
By the time they reached Kie’s house, their clothes had dried, although there was mud and grass caked on the bottom of her boots, which she managed to stomp off on the sidewalk outside.
She could tell JJ was nervous. “You sure you wanna do this? Grand theft auto’s a hell of a charge.”
Andy shook her head. “Possession is worse. Go wait by the truck. I’ll only be a minute.”
She opened the latch on the gate, crouching beside the house and quietly heading to the front door. She inhaled nervously, turning the handle on the door and going inside, tip-toeing into the foyer.
She could hear Kie’s parents in the kitchen, laughing about something.
Andy sighed, searching for the keys. She hoped that Kie could repair her relationship with her parents. Something that Andy could never do herself.
Andy finally saw the keys, in a basket. She grabbed them, turning on her heel and quietly leaving the house.
She sprinted back outside, out the gate and to the truck, where JJ was waiting. In a sickening way, JJ had a smile on his face, proud of what they were about to accomplish.
Although, Andy felt tremendous guilt, for continually screwing over the Carerras, she was glad she volunteered to do it instead of Kie.
She jumped in the driver’s seat, JJ beside her. “You sure you can handle this thing?” He asked.
Andy scoffed, starting the truck. “I was born for the big rigs baby.”
She floored it, getting away from the house as fast as she could, and out of Figure 8, and heading towards the Chateau.
“This’ll only take a sec. I think it’s in the bungalow. I’ll be right back.”
No sooner did Andy put the truck in park, than did JJ jump out, running towards the bungalow.
He took a few steps, then attempted to jump over a pile of brush from the fire the night before, but fell flat on his face.
Andy couldn’t help but laugh, covering her hand with her mouth as JJ stood back up and continued to the bungalow, as if nothing had happened.
She waited, patiently. But it seemed to take longer than he said. He just had to grab the winch and come back, it wasn’t a five-minute operation, so what was taking so long?
She honked the horn. “JJ?”
“One sec babe!” JJ replied, not in sight. “Still looking for it!”
Andy sighed, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel. If she got out, she could find the winch in like five seconds- No shit.
Her eyes widened, when out from behind a wall in the bungalow stepped Luke Maybank, followed closely by JJ.
“Oh hell no. Immediately no.” She scoffed, opening the door and getting out of the truck.
JJ had his arms full of the winch as he rushed towards the truck. “Ah, just get in the truck.”
“Excuse me?” Andy shook her head as JJ passed her, tossing the winch into the bed of the truck.
“Not talking to you!” JJ snapped as he watched his dad climb into the back seat.
“The Twinkie’s drowning right now. Our friends are stuck in high-tide on Goat Island and your dad’s here? I thought he was in prison? What happened, what’s going on-“
JJ clenched his jaw, grabbing her shoulders and pushing her into the truck. “Just listen to me! Shut your damn mouth and listen to me, one time!”
Andy’s initial reaction to the physical contact was to shove him off, punch him in the face, and tell him and his dirtbag dad to have a nice life; but her secondary reaction was the opposite.
Stand still, don’t speak, let him explain.
JJ was sensitive when it came to his father.
“Do you think your dad would help get my dad out of the country?”
Andy shook her head. “Boat’s out of commission, remember? He’s land-bound for the foreseeable future.”
JJ groaned. “Then I need to get into the marina at the Island Club. There’s a boat he can take. The sticker’s on the truck, we just need like twenty extra minutes.”
He released her arms, walking back around to the passenger side of the truck. “The Twinkie will be a submarine in twenty minutes, JJ.”
“I know D.” JJ sighed.
“Leave his ass!” She snapped back. “We can come back later?”
“The cops are after him!” JJ shouted, smacking the hood of the truck. “If I do this now, maybe I’ll never have to do it again.”
“You don’t have to keep doing this JJ.” She sighed, staring at him. “You can’t keep helping him.”
“I don’t really have a choice, do I?” JJ replied, refusing to look at her. “Just get in the truck.”
Without another word, he got back into the truck.
Taking another moment to think it through, Andy got in too.
JJ would risk everything for his dad, clearly. And she knew he would risk everything for her too. So the least she could do was help him, help his shitty dad, hopefully one last time.
Then it was back to the others.
Andy reversed out of the yard and floored it down the driveway, nobody speaking the entire time.
A few minutes into the drive, Father-of-the-Century finally spoke. “Pull up to Home Foods here, I’m gonna need some provisions.”
“What does this look like, an Uber? I don’t take directions from you-“
“Just do it.” JJ shook his head. “Please.”
Andy internally screamed, begrudgingly pulling into the dirt parking lot of the grocery stand.
“Crackers and baked beans, and tuna, alright? And some salt and pepper. Five days worth.” Luke nodded at JJ as he climbed out of the truck and headed inside.
A few moments of silence passed. Then Luke began drumming on the back of Andy’s seat.
She clenched her jaw, holding it in for as long as possible, until she couldn’t anymore.
“Do you mind!” She snapped, whipping her head around to look at him.
Luke looked pleased with his agitating her, but stopped. “You’re a terrible father, do you know that?”
Luke laughed, nodding. “Preach it to me. Set me straight.”
Andy turned back around, and fought every urge to physically lash out at him, and instead opted for the mental game.
“Do you have any idea who your son is? How special he is? How bright and loving and selfless he is? He would do anything for his friends, for the people he loves. He would lay his life down for me in a heartbeat. Do you see what he’s doing for you right now?”
“He’s a thief, is what he is.” Luke replied.
“I’m a thief!” Andy snapped. “You think this is my truck? You know where I come from, this doesn’t belong to me!
And you’re no better. You’re just a wasted local salt, who never amounted to shit. In and out of jail, shitty father, can’t keep a job. Nothing to gloat about.”
Luke laughed at Andy’s insults. “You sound just like your mama.”
She whipped back around to him. “I don’t know who my mom even is.” She snapped.
Luke raised his eyebrows at him. “She sounded just like you. Always thought she was better than everyone else. Kook princess… Then again, them Camerons always did.”
Andy clenched her jaw, not understanding what he was saying.
“I see you’re actually a lot like your mama.” Luke leaned towards her. “Slumming with the bad boys, hanging around on the Cut.”
“I don’t know who you think I am, but I am not a Cameron. I’m a Kane. Born and raised to live and die on the Cut. I’m not a Kook, and I never will be.”
“You’re telling me, your daddy never told you about your mama? The real story?”
Andy narrowed her eyes at Luke. “He told me my mom was a Kook, and couldn’t hack it on the Cut, so she abandoned me. Simple as that.”
“Ain’t nothing simple about it.” Luke shook his head. “Your mom was an ungrateful shit, and you seem to be just like her-“
Andy didn’t let Luke say another word, as she clocked him right in the face with her fist.
“Shut the fuck up.” She snapped, turning back to the front, where JJ was walking towards them, his arms full of grocery bags.
Andy didn’t hit Luke hard enough to draw blood, just enough to scare him into finally being quiet.
JJ hopped back in the truck, looking at both of them, confused. “Everything alright?”
Andy clutched the steering wheel, her busted knuckles almost white. “Peachy. Let’s get going.” She put the truck into drive, and they were on their way.
They made it through the club gates without issue, due to the membership sticker on Mr. Carrera’s windshield.
Andy parked, sitting silently as JJ got out, rounding the back of the truck to grab his dad’s supplies.
“Think. About what I said.” Luke said. “Maybe go ask your papa a few questions… and tell him I said I’ll see him down below.”
Andy turned back to him, her jaw clenched. “Shut up!” JJ snapped, before she could retaliate, grabbing him by his shoulder.
Andy grabbed the steering wheel again, to keep her hands from shaking. Out of anger? Maybe fear?
"Make it quick.” She snapped.
JJ nodded, pulling his dad behind him, and out of sight.
Andy’s head was reeling. Her face was fuzzy and she was dying hot, even though she was only in a tank top and jeans.
She blinked a few times, trying to calm herself down.
What did Luke mean, her mother was a Cameron?
It was Luke Maybank for fucks sake, he lied like it was his full-time job. There was no way her mom was a Cameron.
Yes, her dad did tell her she was a Kook. But a Cameron?
He must’ve had her mistaken with Sarah.
And what did he mean, he’d see her dad "down below?"
Hopefully he meant in hell, which was for-sure where they were both ending up. But Andy had a sick feeling he meant somewhere in this world.
The walls of the truck felt like they were closing in. The air was growing blistering, and Andy swore she could feel her heart start to beat out of her chest.
She needed to get out.
She jumped out of the truck, following in the direction that JJ had went minutes before.
As she rounded the corner, she could see the boat at the end of the dock. And as she got closer, she could see JJ and his dad, engaging in a seemingly heart-felt conversation.
When she reached the end of the dock, JJ was hugging his dad. And her heart dropped.
She knew it was goodbye.
But as soon as JJ saw her, he released his dad, stepping back and out of the boat. “Hey, you good?” He asked, concerned.
Andy swallowed her tears, nodding. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay. Just came to check on you.”
JJ nodded too. “Help me let him loose?”
Andy nodded again, grabbing the rope to the front of the boat and untying it from the dock.
She waited for JJ, watching him intently as he held the rope in his hand, taking a moment to think about everything. And when he tossed the rope into the boat, so did she.
They watched his father float away.
She walked up behind him, wrapping her arms around his middle. JJ stood, watching as his dad faded further and further into the ocean.
He sniffled, holding back big tears as he shrugged Andy off, taking two pill bottles in his hand and emptying them into the ocean, leaving the empty bottles on the dock.
Andy bit her lip, giving him his moment. And when he was finished, he stopped, staring at her with teary eyes. “I’m sorry.” She whispered as he grabbed her, pulling her into him.
JJ shook his head, not saying anything for a moment. “You ready to go?”
“Yeah. You can drive though.” She nodded as he let go of her, opting to hold her hand instead, as they walked back to the truck.
“You sure you’re okay? He didn’t get into your head or anything, did he?” JJ asked as they exited the country club.
Andy nodded, lying, once again. “It’s all good. It just pisses me off, that you have to keep going through that.”
JJ shook his head. “Don’t worry about me. It’s better that he’s gone.”
Andy nodded. That was a courageous, and very non-JJ thing to say. But it was the truth.
JJ Maybank was better off without his dad.
When they got back to Goat Island, the other four were on top of the van.
“Where the hell have you been?” Pope shouted, clearly frustrated.
Andy sighed, getting out of the truck. “Paternal complications…. His, not mine.”
JJ also got out, digging through the truck bed for the winch. “Luke was at the Chateau.”
“Great!” Pope scoffed. “While you were having family time, John B got bit by a gator!”
“Like for real?” JJ asked.
Andy squinted, trying to see them clearly.
“Does it look like we’re joking?” Kie asked, motioning to the blood smeared on the roof.
“Well what the hell happened?” Andy asked.
“What happened?” John B repeated. “I got bit by a gator!”
“He got bit by a gator!” Pope yelled at the same time.
Andy’s mouth opened in shock. “I dunno why I’m being yelled at? I put my ass on the line for all of you!”
“You volunteered to steal the truck!” Kie yelled back.
“You’re being yelled at because it was a twenty-minute operation that took two hours!” Pope yelled too.
“We got here as fast as we could-“ Andy defended herself.
“Shut up!” JJ screamed, making everyone finally stop yelling. “Seriously, I can’t take it anymore! All we ever do is argue!” He sighed, leaning his back against a tree near him.
“Look, I just helped my dad leave the island for good. Like he’s not ever coming back. He’s straight-up, like the Spanish, “bon-voyage”.”
Despite the severity of the situation, Andy couldn’t help but crack a smile.
“That’s not the right language…” She heard Sarah whisper.
“All we got, is each other.” JJ said. “I know for a fact, you guys are all I got. Okay? You’re it.” He paused, looking over at Andy, who nodded at him.
“And I’ve come too close to losing all of you! I mean, shit you and Kie almost drowned.” He pointed at Andy.
“Pope, you were kidnapped. Sarah, you were shot. John B, you were almost dinner for an alligator. So this blaming each other, is some Kook-ass bullshit. It needs to stop. We don’t do that, we’re Pogues.” JJ took another moment.
“Sorry, that was a lot right now.”
Nobody said anything for a moment, until John B and Pope began clapping. Kie, Sarah, and Andy followed their lead, giving a round of applause for JJ’s speech.
Andy shook her head. “No need to apologize for speaking your truth.”
“I gotta be honest, that was the best freaking speech you’ve ever given.” John B smiled at him. “But also, you should think about Rosetta Stone, because your Spanish and French are flip-flopped.”
JJ shook his head, flipping them all off with both of his hands.
“How about we bon-voyage outta here?” Sarah suggested, considering they were still stuck in the rising tide.
“Right!” JJ clapped his hands together, jumping back into action. “Let’s get this damn Twinkie outta here.”
JJ and Pope attached the winch and cable from the truck to the van, Kie got behind the Twinkie’s wheel and Andy behind the truck, and shockingly, as a group, they managed to free the Twinkie from the marsh.
After a few minutes of celebration, they were off to their next location: Freedman’s church.
The church was creepy. It was old, dirty, and seemed to be not structurally-sound. Vines grew up the walls, cracks ran across the ceiling, and there were holes all over the floor.
“So you’re telling me Denmark Tanny decided to hide the cross here?” JJ asked, looking around.
Pope ignored him. “Everybody just spread out.” Kie said.
“Well if I was a cross and wanted to be hidden in an old church, where would I be…” John B thought out-loud.
Nobody really did any progressive looking, save for Pope. He was on his hands and knees, searching the floors and under the pews.
“Are you sure he really hid the cross here, Pope?” JJ asked. “Like, are we at the right church?”
“It’s gotta be here somewhere guys.” Pope shrugged, standing up.
“The spyglass said Freedman’s church.” Andy shook her head, looking up at the walls.
“What if we have to push a secret button, or like play a certain chord?” JJ wondered aloud, walking over to the old piano. “And all of the sudden, the ground beneath us reveals the catacombs or something.”
“How about we try to find the obvious clues?” John B suggested. “Where would you hide a seven-foot tall cross, made of gold?”
Andy searched the ceiling, looking for any sign of a secret hiding spot. Different-colored paint, or a loose board- Her eyes stopped on the support beams.
They were assembled in the shape of crosses. Three of them.
“Pope?” Andy said, startling them all from their search.
“What?” He asked, walking over to her. She said nothing, but simply pointed at the ceiling. “You don’t think-“
She looked at him, nodding. “Going up?”
“You’re coming with.” He replied.
The pair, went over to the wall, examining it. There seemed to be enough gaps and holes in the concrete to provide foot-holds for them to scale it.
Pope went first.
“Hey, yo, what are you doing?” JJ asked, watching Pope begin to climb.
“What, are you Spiderman suddenly? What are ya’ll doing?” Kie also asked.
They both ignored them, as Andy followed Pope carefully up to the top of the wall.
“This church is old, you really shouldn’t be doing that-“ John B said, peering up at them.
Pope reached the end of the beam, rushing to sit himself on top of it so that Andy could get up there too.
“Let me just be real, neither of ya’ll are the most coordinated people on the planet. Do you hear me?” JJ scolded them.
Pope ignored them, as Andy maneuvered herself to the other side of the first cross.
He pounded the side of his fist on the wood. “This one’s solid wood.”
Andy nodded, turning carefully and crawling to the middle cross. She sat down, leaning her back against the wood behind her and kicking at it with her boot. “Solid too.” She shook her head.
Pope crawled to meet her. “Go to the next one.”
She nodded, carefully standing up and walking to the edge of the beam. “Yo, watch out for that wasp’s next right above you!” JJ said from below them.
Andy looked up, and sure enough, there was a monster nest just above the cross. She could hear the bees buzzing, and a few of them were flying around. Fuck.
Pope slowly met up with her, holding onto the last cross for support. “This one’s all you.” She shook her head, squatting down beside the cross.
Pope tapped it with his foot, a knocking sound emitting from the wood. “It’s hollow.” He whispered. “Go get me a crowbar!” He commanded.
Sarah shook her head, turning and running out of the church, only to return, with a crowbar.
“Here Pope!” She tossed it into the air, and to everyone’s surprise, Pope caught it.
“Pope, forget ye not about the bees? ‘Kay?” Andy raised her eyebrows. “Just don’t get us killed.”
Pope nodded, taking his first hit to the wood. Then another, and another, until he smashed a hole into it.
He used the curved end of the crowbar to pull a chunk out of the wood, and in the sunlight Andy could see a small glimpse of gold.
Pope set the crowbar down, and he and Andy used their hands to rip the rest of the wood off of the beam. Andy couldn’t help but smile, her face emitting the cheesiest grin she could, as they revealed a giant gold cross.
Across from her Pope was silent, his eyes wide in shock. He did it.
Below them, their friends cheered, laughing and hugging each other in celebration. Another mystery solved, another treasure found.
“We did it.” Pope laughed, in disbelief. “We did it!”
Andy nodded, feeling a prick on her neck. “Ouch, damnit.” She winced, smacking her neck. The body of a dead wasp was on her hand, when she pulled it back.
Another one, on the top of her hand, and then another on her neck.
Across from her, the wasps were swarming Pope, he swatted and swung the crowbar in an attempt to stop the attack, but it was no use.
“Guys, they’re stinging now!” He shouted, alerting their friends. “D, you gotta get down!”
“Pope?” Andy scoffed, swatting another wasp away from her. “What about you?”
“You go first! If we jump at the same time, the cross might come down with us, and then the whole church. Just go!”
Andy shook her head, smacking another wasp off of her arm. “JJ?” She yelled, looking down at them.
“I got you!” He nodded, holding his arms up.
Andy didn’t wait for a countdown, she simply jumped, pushing her fear to the back burner and hoping that JJ would catch her.
Which he did.
The force of her jumping from so high up, sent the both of them on their asses, but it was better than the entire church collapsing on them. “You okay?” JJ asked, out of breath.
“I’ll be fine.” Andy shook her head, standing back up.
Above them, Pope had stood up, but the wood was now weak, and he slipped, hanging from the edge of the beam. “We gotta get cushions. Pope’s gonna fall!”
Everyone sprung into action, Kie and Sarah pushing pews out of the way, and Andy, JJ and John B grabbing cushions from the benches and piling them beneath Pope.
No sooner did they set the cushions in a pile, than did Pope lose his grip, falling to the ground. Everyone collectively let out a sigh of relief as he hit the ground, and Kie and Sarah helped him sit up.
Everyone was asking him questions; if he was okay, hurt, anything broken, feeling alright, etc. But Pope didn’t answer. He just stared up at the ceiling, looking at the cross.
Suddenly his eyes grew wide, and he rolled to the side, taking Andy with him. Everyone else took that as a sign, and dove out of the way, in just enough time for the cross to come flying out of it’s place, and onto the cushions below.
Andy sat back up, Pope still laying down beside her. “Pope… are you okay?” She asked, slightly out of breath.
Pope nodded softly. “I’m good. I’m alive. Just give me like one second to catch my breath?”
Andy let out another sigh of relief, trying to regulate her breathing as she stared at the giant golden cross. Pope did it.
Everyone else stood back up, checking themselves for injuries.
JJ and John B examined the cross, smiles on their faces. Sarah watched in awe, and Kie did too.
“Pope, she’s beautiful.” JJ nodded.
“I’ve never seen anything like it. The detail’s insane.” Sarah agreed.
“If we melted her old bones down, how much you think it’s worth? Like high billions, is what I’m thinking.”
“No, JJ. No. It belongs in a museum.” John B shook his head.
“A museum? Where nobody can see her?”
“In a museum where everyone can see her!” John B replied.
Pope finally sat up, breathing heavily still. “Hey! It’s my ancestor’s cross. This is bigger than money. And the world’s gotta know the truth.”
“Yes, and if we don’t get this shit outta here before Limbrey finds it, nobody’s gonna know. So saddle up-“ John B said.
Andy shook her head, as all six of them gathered around the cross, beginning to lift it. It was heavy as shit, and compared to the cross, they were simply too weak. Just six scrawny children.
They managed to get it off the ground, before Pope groaned. “Okay guys. I can’t- I can’t!” He dropped his part, almost taking Andy out with it, as the weight dropped to the floor.
When she collapsed, so did everyone else, dropping their portion of the cross onto the floor.
Pope laid himself out on the nearest pew, still breathing heavily. Andy frowned, noticing Pope’s deteriorating condition. “Pope…” She walked over to him, grabbing his hand.
“I’m not okay.” He gasped between breaths. “I’m. Not. Okay.”
Andy’s eyes widened, watching as Pope gasped for breath. His face was swollen, as was his hand. He was struggling to breath, and his skin was blazing to touch.
“He’s having an allergic reaction.” Andy said, but everyone else was still arguing, so nobody heard her.
“Hey!” She shouted, grabbing their attention. “Pope’s allergic to bees!”
On the bench, Pope was wheezing, his breaths becoming shorter. “I can’t breathe!” He cried out, clutching Andy’s hand.
The others gathered around them. “We have to go!” Andy yelled, pulling Pope upright.
“Right!” John B nodded. “JJ, Sarah, hide the cross. D, come on, we gotta come back later!”
She held Pope’s one arm, and John B held the other. Kie walked ahead of them to open the doors, as Sarah and JJ haphazardly covered the cross with the cushions from the church pews.
They dragged Pope to the truck, John B trying his best to settle Pope on the back seats comfortably.
“He needs adrenaline!” Andy frowned, watching as Pope fought to breathe. “An EpiPen. Do you not have one with you?”
Pope lazily shook his head no.
She whipped her head around to look at the other. “What are we supposed to do?!”
“I know where to go!” JJ announced. “Give me the keys.” Andy placed them in his palm as JJ jumped into the driver’s seat.
Andy climbed into the truck beside Pope, who was now sat up, his head out the window. “Is it better for you to breathe this way? Sitting up? Pope-“
Pope didn’t answer, but simply reached out, grabbing tightly at Andy’s sleeve. She stared intently at him, trying to hope for the best.
“What’s going on, it’s real quiet back there!” JJ shouted as he sped through the woods.
Andy’s breath hitched in her throat, trying to play it cool. “Thinking it’s better to be as calm as possible for Pope.” She replied softly. “But he’s still kicking.”
Her eye’s didn’t leave Pope’s, not until JJ haphazardly pulled up outside of his cousin Ricky’s, honking the horn to alert his of their arrival.
JJ jumped out of the truck, running up to the front door. “Ricky! Bro, hey! Ricky!” He pounded his fist on the door.
“Just stay here. I’ll be right back.” Andy said to Pope, and quickly followed JJ.
John B and Kie helped Pope out of the truck.
“Hey! I got a problem bro!” JJ rattled the door handle, trying to yank it open. “I know you’re mad at me-“
“Remember that time you stole my ambulance?” Ricky glared at JJ from behind the glass.
Andy bounded up the sidewalk, rushing beside JJ as Ricky slammed the door. Furious, she pushed JJ aside, banging her fists on the glass.
"Ricky! Ricky, come on!” She pounded on the door. “Pope is allergic to bees, and if we don’t get your help, he’s going to die!”
JJ left the doorstep, going to the window that looked into the livingroom. “He can’t breathe Ricky, please!”
Suddenly, beneath her fists, the door opened, Ricky standing before her. “Who can’t breathe?”
Andy, chest heaving from anger, turned around, pointing to Pope, who was being dragged towards the house.
She looked back at Ricky, who solemnly nodded, opening the door wider, for the six kids to enter through.
Andy pushed past him, Sarah close behind, and they cleared off the dining room table to lay Pope on.
“What’s wrong with him?” Ricky asked, feeling for Pope’s pulse as he laid down on the table.
“Wasps.” Sarah gasped.
“Wasps?” Ricky asked.
“He’s allergic!”
“Shit.” Ricky shook his head. At the end of the table, John B and JJ raised Pope’s legs up, while Kie and Sarah stood by, watching. “Hang tight, I gotta get my kit.” Ricky headed towards the garage.
“JJ go help him!” John B commanded.
Sarah took JJ’s place, holding up Pope’s leg, Andy stood by his head, watching as Pope wheezed below her.
“Pope, just keep breathing. I know it’s hard, but keep it up-“ Kie stepped beside her, holding Pope’s face.
After some shouting from JJ and Ricky, they returned, kit in-hand. “So what do we do now?” JJ asked.
Ricky laid his kit out on the table, rooting through it to look for the epinephrine. “You don’t do anything, cause you’re not a paramedic.”
Ricky began to situate the proper dosage of medicine to administer to Pope, pulling a needle, syringe, and vial of liquid out of the kit.
“Hey Pope, how you doing?” Ricky uncapped the syringe.
“You look like shit.” Ricky filled the syringe with the meds. “This is a pediatric dose of epinephrine.”
“And?” Andy snapped, clenching her jaw. She couldn’t understand the lack of urgency.
“It’s ten times the normal dose of epinephrine!” Ricky snapped back. “So if it doesn’t stop his heart, it’ll help him… But I have to use the whole thing or it won’t work. And I’m not going down if he dies.”
“What-“ Kie asked, shocked and disgusted, that Pope could potentially be dead within a matter of minutes.
“Whatever!” Andy cut her off. “Just do it!”
The room grew eerily silent as Ricky injected Pope’s arm with the adrenaline.
His breathing slowed, from erratic gasps, to almost silent. And Pope still didn’t move.
“You killed him.” Kie said quietly. “What did you do to him?” She looked up at Ricky, tears pooling in her eyes.
“I didn’t do shit.” Ricky shook his head. “I did exactly what you asked me to do.”
Andy’s eyes widened, the sick feeling sinking in.
Pope was dead.
@chaoticavery @secretwilliams @writingjjfics @sunsumonner
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