#saving little girls might be his occupation
elliespuns · 3 months
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*shoots the mf again* WHEERE?!!!!
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terrestrialnoob · 1 month
Harley crawled into the apartment. It was organized, but it looked like the occupant didn't have a lot of time for cleaning. She walked softly through it, taking it in. There were photos of her target and what had to be her family, but no friends or romantic partners. Some had a pair of older adults, matching traits meant bio-parents. More of the photos were of the target and a younger boy - a little brother, the highest likelihood of becoming another target if things go bad.
Harley continued forward, following the light to where her target was. She stood in the doorway, looking in.
Dr. Jasmine Fenton, Arkham Asylum's newest psychologist, just got her degree and everything. She did what most newbies do, actually thinking she could get through to the Joker. Harley didn't want to say it was impossible, but everyone who tried ended up in a new job or dead. Harley would try and make sure it was the former and not the later.
Harley watched as the redhead read over a file as she ate from a takeout box. She didn't want to scare the girl, yet. The scaring her away from Joker came later. So, she had to wait for the perfect moment to-
"I know you're there." Jasmine didn't look up from her file, but held out the last box of Chinese food in Harley's direction. "There's plenty if you want some."
"Awe, you ruined the surprise." Harley walked out of the shadows of the hallway into the girl's home office. She snatched the offered box of food and took a few bites as she jumped to sit on the desk.
"I'm hard to sneak up on." Jasmine said, closing her file and finally looking at Harley. "So, Dr. Quinzel, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit this evening?"
"Oh, call me Harley!" She laughed, she wasn't called Dr. all that often any more. She tapped her chop sticks on the file Jasmine just closed. "I thought you'd like a consult on your new patient, Dr. Fenton. I've got a lot of experience with him."
"I prefer to go by Jazz." She said with a smile, "While I appreciate the offer, I'd like to see how far I can get on my own. And, sorry, but I'm pretty sure your license was revoked."
Harley nodded as she swallowed to get the noodles out of her mouth. "I get it! You're new, fresh outta school, gotta prove yourself. But Joker ain't the guy to do that with. He eats people like us for breakfast, and in all the years he's been in Arkham, no one's been able to get anywhere with him."
Jazz sighed, "I don't like to believe people are lost causes. There's always something we can do to help."
"You can't help everyone, especially when they don't want it. And it's not just a question if whether or not he can be saved or whatever." Harley set down the now empty box, Jazz pointed to another one that still had food in it, but Harley declined. "If you keep it up, he'll think you're worth his time to torment. There's no telling what he'll do when he inevitably gets himself out again."
"I'll be fine." Jazz said, but Harley had to cut her off before she said something stupid.
"It's not just you! You've got family out there he can target, your parents. Your Brother! Anyone you date will become a target! He'll do everything in his power to make your life miserable!"
Jazz chuckled. "If he wants to target my family, his funeral. My parents are - were supervillains. They've really only become less- well, hyper-focused on eradicating an entire race of being- in the past few years. And my brother - I'm pretty sure he's conditionally immortal. So that's nothing to worry about."
"If it's conditional, Joker will find a way around it." Harley said, but she had to admit, this might have been an unnecessary trip. "You sure y'ain't got nothing to worry about? What about you? How conditional is your mortality?"
Jazz smiled. Her mouth seemed too wide and with too many teeth. "Oh, I am nowhere near immortal. But..."
She stood up and the room was suddenly a black void. Toxic green eyes and mouths filled with glowing white teeth opened around them. "I doubt anyone could get close enough to test it."
The room was suddenly back to normal, but whatever that thing was was still there. Harley could see its eyes watching her with amusement from inside Jazz's oversized cardigan.
"Well, I guess this really was a wasted trip. You've clearly got it covered."
"Not entirely." Jazz said, her hand wend up to her neck to rub nervously, "Well, you see... I don't really have a lot of friends. People tend to get - uh, creeped out, you know? Or chased off by my parents or brother or whatever..."
"You wanna be friends?" Harley laughed so hard she almost fell over.
Jazz's face turned bright red and the shadow eyes looked way less amused. "Yeah, stupid question. You've clearly got your own things going on."
"No! No, no." Harley had to take several deep breaths before she could look Jazz in the face again. "I 100% wanna hang out with you!"
"Oh yeah." She took another deep breath, "I mean, I really should have made a support system before trying to take on the Joker back when I worked for Arkham. This" she pointed between them "can only end well."
Jazz's face turned brighter than the sun. "Oh my gosh! This is amazing! We should - I have Thursday's and weekends off - What - what kind of things should we-"
Oh man, Jazz was like an excited kid. She must have had a really lonely childhood... they can psychoanalyze each other later. "Come over for girl's night next week. I'll tell my gf and bff to expect an extra person... Does the-" she motioned to the cardigan creature "-go everywhere you go? Does it need food?"
"Oh, don't worry about Jet, they only eat who I tell them to."
Harley barked out more laughter. "You're going to fit right in!"
Now featuring a Part 2
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johnwickb1tsch · 1 month
Sympathy for the Devil ~ Part 7
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A Donaka Mark x housekeeper!Reader fic, based on @discoscoob 's concept & bot! Warnings: Donaka Mark is a bad man with a soft spot for you. dark romance, possessive behavior, nonconsensual voyeurism, red flag red flag girl!🔺, psychological games, power imbalance, eventual dubcon/nsfw.
one. two. three. four. five. six.
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Seven. 柒
The next day you are going about the house doing your duties, cleaning, vacuuming, dusting. Every day you do a deep clean on a room. Today is the theater room, the den with all the dark monitors that you find so creepy. It almost feels like a lair to you, and you spend as little time as possible in there.
You are caught by surprise to see Mr. Mark is in the center of the long couch. Usually, he's not home at this hour. He's seated with his arms up on the back, watching martial arts tournaments, it looks like. He turns his head to look at you when you pause in the open door, clearly wondering if he noticed you, and if you can run away. 
"Excuse me, sir, I didn't realize you were home." You turn to go, praying, but he calls you back.
The satisfaction he feels for catching you off guard again is so very sweet. He flashes you a predatory curl of lips, calling out to you before you can escape in a commanding tone. “Wait.”
Slowly you approach, clutching your cordless vacuum like it might save you from this imposing man.
Donaka feels a dark gratification as you slowly approach. He almost chuckles in his throat like a Bond villain, the way he can feel your intimidation. He pats the empty spot on the couch beside him, gesturing for you to sit. “Come here,” he repeats, his voice low and authoritative.
"Sir, I'm on duty, and I already had my break..."
Your resistance irritates him, as though your true occupation is not obeying his every whim in this house. 
“I don’t care,” he says firmly. “Come. Sit.”
With a small sigh you do as you’re told, perching on the edge of the black leather seat like a bird ready to take flight at any moment. It is comfortable...and it does feel good to sit down.
Donaka enjoys a small sense of satisfaction as you finally do as you’re told. His eyes roam over your tired features–he’s sure you’re exhausted from your day before. A part of him delights in how adventurous you are, even if it just makes him want to clip your wings all the more. 
“You look tired. You overdid it yesterday.” 
You frown, open your mouth to deliver a sassy reply–then think better of it. “Maybe. My feet hurt,” you admit. 
“When you make use of a driver, you don’t have to walk so much,” he quips. 
However, you wouldn’t have changed a thing about the way your birthday went…except maybe that little midnight ambush in the garden. You’d had a field day writing that up in your journal into the wee hours of the morning–perhaps the real reason you were tired that day. 
You just narrow your eyes at him, and somehow this seems to delight your employer, counting your cowed silence as a point for his side.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he admonishes, holding out his hand. “Give it here.” 
Puzzled, you tilt your head at him. 
“Your foot,” he clarifies in a tone that brooks no argument. “Give it here.”
You are horrified. If this man gets those big strong mitts on your aching feet–you’re done for. You will melt for him.
He has the urge to simply drag you over into his lap. 
“Do I always have to tell you twice? Give. Me. Your. Foot.” He beckons with those long fingers, snapping and pointing like you are a naughty dog. His annoyance is palpable; his hunger, undeniable. At last you give in with a sigh, slipping out of your sandal to reluctantly offer up the appendage in question. 
Your foot looks tiny in his hands, as he wraps his fingers around you, squeezing. His thumb runs down your plantar fascia, and you think you see god, a small sound escaping you.
His lips curl in a triumphant smile. “Not so bad, is it?”
“No, only slightly mortifying,” you sigh, closing your eyes. It feels too good.
He’s semi hard just watching your reaction to his touch, even if it is just your feet.
“Why? You have such pretty feet.”
You wish the couch would just swallow you whole. 
You just shake your head, unable to engage with him while he works this magic on you. His gaze trails up your legs, and he imagines how he would like to caress the sweep of your calf, the sensitive skin behind your knee, and keep going until the curve of your ass is in his hand. He could just…pin your body down with his weight and his mouth on yours. You might even welcome it, opening to him like the soft petals of a lotus flower after he's sweetened you up. He wants to take you, but he also wants you to want him. That is something…unexpected.
A squeak of pain escapes you as he squeezes your foot too hard, his handsome features pulled in a frown of consternation as he glares down at your leg. Your protest brings him back from somewhere–when his blazing dark eyes meet yours, you think this man could burn down the world. You have trouble distinguishing, as ever, if the rollicking adrenaline his hungry look inspires is due to fear, or desire.
Donaka’s eyes suddenly re-focus on your face as you sit up straight. He could have pushed you over with a feather, when his touch softens, his big hands just holding your foot, and a single soft word leaves his mouth: “Sorry.”
You can hardly believe what you heard.
"You're...very strong." You try not to sigh like you're in some stupid bosom buster bully romance book. Never mind the fact that you know later you’re going to write all about this in your ongoing fantasy epic, and it will not be G rated.
Just like that, the moment shatters, when a smirk pulls his lips again. He gestures for your other foot, and this time you obey without protest. Might as well, or you’ll be walking in circles…
The satisfaction Donaka feels for your submission spreads through him like warm poison. It was just a matter of time. He had to remember to be patient with you.
It would make his victory all the sweeter.
When he’s done with your foot he sets it aside with a light final caress of your arch. “There now. Get back to work, tou zai yee.”
You don't know what that means, but you take your opening to escape without questioning his sudden generosity.
Deep down, you know he’s just biding his time.
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You know what I've decided that Lucius was dirt fucking poor like the rest of them and then he became a marginally successful hooker and used that money to pay for a tutor or go to a university or whatever. It gives his little "Do we look like prostitutes" "Not terribly successful ones" line new depth, it explains why he's working for Stede (he ran out of money but now he has qualifications to dabble in other occupations, ones that might allow him to travel), and it explains why his go to ways to get out of any given problem are sex and blackmail. I'll bet it's why he's so good at relationships. We like to project relationship councilor onto him, but a relationship councilor would never yell at a client like that. But you know who does yell at clients like that. Prostitutes dealing with entitled Johns. Also that boy has saved multiple Johns' failing marriages through pillow talk. When somebody is paying you to fuck them and then you finish fucking early but he's still got 30 minutes, you might get a guy's life story and he might ask you for some advice, just saying.
He's hooker coded you guys. My third eye just opened. Like he can't be rich because he was "a bit of a pickpocket back in the day" i.e. stealing for an occupation, but he had to get his hands on books somehow to learn to read and that's how. Lucius isn't middle class he's a prostitute. I'm betting that the progression of Lucius's life goes like this:
under 18 - pickpocket street urchin
18- 29 - hooker
29+ - pirate but in a way where he doesn't have to get his hands too dirty.
Also hot take but it might explain why he's not intimidated by Ed. Like the culture of piracy is to respect the captain or get hit, and to look up to these very successful pirates, but that's definitely not the culture of sex work. There was that high profile madam bust in hollywood where Charlie Sheen testified and I can't remember exactly what it was he said but basically it boiled down to "I'm famous. I'm not paying the girls to have sex with me I'm paying them to leave me alone after we have sex." And Ed is rock star coded. What I'm saying is that if Lucius was hooking in the Caribbean he knows at least somebody who has fucked a very famous pirate captain and he knows exactly what embarrassing shit that famous pirate captain asked them to do. He knows about Calico Jack's piss kink and he knows that Charles Vane has a foot fetish, and he has it on very good authority that Captain Kidd likes getting pegged. Blackbeard wouldn't come off so hot if you had all that information in your back pocket is what I'm saying. Like the other guys are looking at Ed like "Oh wow it's pirate Beyonce. he's like a god he's the top of his game he's everything I could ever hope to be." and Lucius is looking at him like "I bet your into pain play, aren't you" And he's right.
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kstewdeux · 3 months
@inukag-week | InuKag Week 2024 - July 2 | Moonlight
Also on Ao3
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“Once upon a time, there was a serene village nestled among rolling hills and ancient forests. I say ancient, yes ancient, as hidden deep within the forest, stood the Well of Ages—a mystical well capable of traversing the fabric of time. The well was a relic of a forgotten era. It’s origins shrouded in mystery.”
”That sounds like our well,” a tiny little voice whispered excitedly and her sister giggled in response. Miroku smiled at the two girls balancing atop his wife’s lap before clearing his throat and continuing his story.
”Over the centuries, the true nature of the Well of Ages was forgotten. All that was known was whatever was dropped into its depths vanished before one’s very eyes,” he barely repressed his snicker when one of his daughters gasped, “The villagers had a healthy respect for it. No one dared crawl inside lest they too disappear from this realm.”
Violet eyes flicked up to the four other occupants of their humble abode. His infant son was cradled in his aun’t arms, a less onery than usual uncle, and a grandmotherly figure busying herself with their dinner.
”Then one day came-“
Inuyasha cleared his throat and sent the monk a pointed look like he genuinely thought his friend might call him a monster for the sake of the story. How on earth was he still so misunderstood after all this time?
”A soldier who carried a mighty sword,” Miroku continued with a theatrical motion and Inuyasha settled with a satisfied nod, “Who swore to protect the well and all it contained. One day, when the solider was taking a rest, a beautiful maiden appeared and woke him asking how did she come to be in this strange place.”
Kagome snickered softly.
“I am the sworn protector of the well and all its contents, said the solider. The girl produced a small glowing orb. This came from the well, she said. Then I will protect it, said the solider,” Miroku hummed to his three children who were hanging on his every word. He made a face and continued with a dark, dramatic gasp. A hand flew to his chest, “But alas! Evil had lay in wait for the moment the well began to offer up its treasure. They stole the poor girl and the well’s treasure. The solider followed and saved her from their evil clutches but more evil came,” he leaned forward and swept his hand over the dirt floor, “They ran.”
”This is boring. I want the spider story,”Kin'u‘s tiny voice complained with a far too dramatic whine, “Or the one about the ugly girl.”
“Oh, there’s a story about an ugly girl?” Sango asked as her eyes flashed, “I don’t think I’ve heard that one monk.”
Miroku laughed nervously and pulled at his collar.
”I assure you dearest that the story of the ugly girl is completely appropriate,” he protested nervously.
”She was captured by a fish,” Kin'u chirped enthusiastically. Sango choked and gave Miroku her most disapproving glare.
”Oh really?”
Miroku’s strained smile faltered before he shook himself and cleared his throat.
”The solider and the maiden ran,” he continued a little louder than he intended, “Far, far away from the magical well. They sought out a beautiful woman whose reputation had spread far and wide. Known for her exceptional skills in combat and her fierce determination. A symbol of strength, courage, and unwavering loyalty. Her people revered her not just for her prowess in battle, but also for her wisdom and compassion.”
Inuyasha muttered a faint ‘kiss ass’ while Sango rolled her eyes but didn’t comment.
”Along the way to find her, the solider and maiden encountered a, um, poet whose weapon was his word,” Miroku offered before shooting a heated smirk at his wife, “Said to slay many with his tongue.”
Sango flushed scarlet.
”And story time is over,” she huffed as she lightly patted her daughter‘s bottoms to signal it was time to get up. As the two girls protested, Inuyasha shook with silent laughter and Kagome flushed scarlet.
”I want to know what happened,” one of the twins whined before turning puppy dog eyes at her father, “Please?”
Sango set her jaw and glared at her husband who had on his most innocent face.
”Only if your father skips to the end,” she ground out - her voice disapproving but her eyes soft enough to undercut the unspoken threat to keep the rest of the story suitable for children. Miroku swallowed and pulled at his collar again.
”Right. The solider, the maiden, the poet and the beautiful warrior fought many battles against evil in all its forms. Together they kept the well’s orb safe and away from evil hands,” Miroku continued, “Until one day, they vanquished the last of the evil. Much to the dismay of her comrades, the orb and the maiden disappeared back into the well from whence they came.”
Two sets of tiny eyes widened.
”She was just gone?” Kin'u whispered in disbelief.
”So it would seem,” Miroku hummed sadly as he raised his eyes to the couple who inspired this portion of the story, “The solider who had grown to love the maiden was absolutely bereft. Seasons changed, years passed, and though others might have lost hope, the solider’s faith in his love's return never wavered. The solider spent his time keeping vigil at the well and walking through the village, reminiscing about their adventures and his hope of a future together. The village people, moved by his unwavering dedication, came to admire his steadfastness.”
Miroku inhaled deeply.
”One fine day, as the sun set in a blaze of color, a soft breeze carrying the scent of the maiden filled the village. The solider rushed to the Well of Ages where the air shimmered. Lo and behold there appeared the maiden. I have come to stay in this realm, she told the solider who loved her so, if you will have me,” he continued before shooting his friend a playful smirk, “He proclaimed her an idiot for thinking he would have it any other way.”
Miroku turned his attention back to his children.
“Their reunion was a testament to enduring love and the power of hope. Proving that true love can withstand any trial. The end.”
“But what happened to the poet and the beautiful woman?” Hisui asked in an almost distraught tone. Miroku’s grin softened.
”Perhaps tomorrow night,” he offered, “Come now. It’s off to bed.”
One of the twins chewed her little lip before narrowing her eyes.
”Is this you guys’ story?” she asked in a knowing tone.
”Very observant Gyokuto. Yes, it is. More or less,” Miroku chuckled.
”I’m gunna tell Shippo you forgot about him,” she humphed pettily as she got to her feet and brushed the dust off her bottom, “He’s gunna be so mad at you.”
”The story was cut short. I would have introduced him,” Miroku protested as everyone who lived with him began preparing for bed and the stragglers started making their exit, “It was simply due to a lack of-“
”I don’t know. I think you really did forget him. You did leave him out when you started introducing us,” Kagome teased playfully. Miroku scoffed.
”I did not forget Shippo. He played an integral part in our victory,” Miroku countered, “I was simply rushed.”
“It’s okay Daddy. Sometimes I forget things too,” the observant twin offered as she placed a tiny hand on her father’s shoulder and nodded with all the wise understanding her tiny brain could muster, “It is part of the human spears and ants.”
Miroku sighed and scratched at the nape of his neck.
”Yes, yes, I suppose it is.”
The little girl abruptly made a face.
”I don’t like ants.”
”Ah, no. It’s the human ex-“
”Human ants sound like the scariest demons ever.”
”No, no no, it’s not-“
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chapter 2
Word Count: 4k
rating: T for now
genre: romance| fluff | hurt/comfort
tags: idolverse | btsxreader | ot7xreader | hybrid!reader
A/N: slight warnings for chapter: there is reference to past forced unhealthy eating habits/and mentions of selling someone into prostitution
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With her sensitive ears pricked for any sound, Xiǎo Biānfú waited patiently for all the occupants of the house to retire for the night. Once they had, she set to work climbing out of the box they had left her in. It was a good thing they hadn’t thought to trap her in any way. It was probably the assumption that she was too weak to move.
It wasn’t much of an act when she had been soaked to the bone, battered and exhausted from her long journey. Fleeing the country with only meager funds she had secretly saved for years, a few changes of clothes, a map and some snacks was probably less thought out than it sounded.
 Gao was sure to be looking for her, scouring every inch of the country to find his prized songbird. When he knew for sure she wasn’t there, he would be furious, trying to reach trusted connections across the globe and have her returned like the property she was…had been, she reminded herself. This was not that chapter anymore.
She may have known very little of the outside world, due to her deliberately sheltered upbringing as the gem that made Kǒngquè very rich and exclusive, but she was determined to learn. Kǒngquè translated into Peacock in English, Gao told her once. Because he was a proud man, and thanks to her talent, he had plenty to be proud of.
 Even before he had her, he had ego. He was confident his business would be the greatest lounge in China. And he had been right, because she was sold to him at hardly six years old, and trained extensively to use her voice in a way that would make him very wealthy. 
People came from all over the globe, traveling far and wide, just to catch one of her performances. Often they were sold out months in advance, sometimes into the next calendar year. 
She sang three times a week, the mysterious lounge singer with the alluring vocals. Gao had decided before her very first performance as a young girl that she needed a gimmick. She was, after all, a hybrid. Something had to make up for that…deficit. People might lose interest quickly if they paid too much attention to that, he explained, even with her beautiful voice.
The solution? Xiǎo Biānfú wore a mask on stage. It covered three-fourths of her face, so no one ever saw much besides the pouty, painted lips and her chin. Gao taught her how to hold her wings squeezed into her sides, and only stand at certain angles. Not that they saw much besides her silhouette in the slinky dresses with the dimmed lights.
 In all her years under the ownership of her former master, no one had ever seen what was beneath her mask, and no one, to her knowledge…had ever figured out she was truly a hybrid. 
That last one only applied to patrons, though. Other employees knew, though she never unfolded her wings around them, so all they knew was that she had them. There was only one exception to this. One person besides Gao who knew everything about her.
The other singers at the lounge who were her opening acts would gossip, and they told her the exorbitant sums some patrons offered for a peek at her face. Not even any of the other employees at Kǒngquè were allowed to see it.
She had questioned why in the beginning, but learned to stop asking quickly when Gao lost his temper and raised his voice at her. The man was so calm and calculating that it crackled through her like thunder, and she let it go. It became another aspect of her life she had to accept.
Except…over time it grew lonely, realizing there would always be that wall between her and others.
 It didn’t stop imaginations from running wild. Her persona was adored, just like Gao planned. The visitors were already more than half in love with her the first time she sang for them. It wasn’t hard to make them want more. A look at her face…or beneath her clothes.
 Gao turned them down, and when she was younger, she had deluded herself into believing that perhaps he cared. Not as a boss or an owner, but as family…
She brought him money, yes, but he had given her the name Xiǎo Biānfú, his Little Bat. It was unoriginal, but her young mind had believed it was from affection for a time. Especially because he insisted she be called that instead of the name her parents had given her. The name she had eventually forgotten.
However, as she grew older, she came to understand there was no protectiveness motivating that decision to keep her dignity intact. Gao didn’t want her getting distracted. 
One of the nicer singers who had always been friendly towards her joked that he was also afraid she would meet some attractive patron that could give her the world and she’d be whisked away. 
Xiǎo Biānfú took it as a joke, but becoming more aware of Gao’s possessiveness of her over the years made her realize maybe it wasn’t. He would do anything to keep his golden goose close.
Yet, after months of careful planning, help and encouragement from the one person who knew her plan all along, and some bravery, she had slipped away in spite of his close eye.
 He probably never imagined that the way he had made her live would be beneficial to her leaving him. She was possibly the most famous lounge singer in Asia, or maybe even the world, and she was so unknown off the stage, she disappeared like a ghost anyway.
All to end up here, deep in the woods of another country, in a very nice house, with some very interesting young men. They underestimated her, thinking the pathetic condition they found her in was going to stop her.
 She’d come too far and risked too much for that. When morning came, she would already be gone. There was no way she was allowing them to send her to a…a rescue. No matter how well intentioned they might have been. Fluttering her wings and making it up the side of the box, she perched briefly there after the house had grown still.
Since she had been separated from her few belongings, she would need to stealthily collect some of theirs before she set out again. It wasn’t ideal when they had shown her kindness—even if some seemed reluctant to do so—but she needed supplies, and they looked well off enough not to miss a few things here and there. She wouldn’t go overboard. She wasn’t greedy. Gao had made her despite such individuals. 
Although Xiǎo Biānfú did feel some guilt as she flew out, transforming right there in the empty kitchen and immediately stretching out her sore arms, checking her wings. 
They were bruised, and the tear was still present, but the one with the phone had been right. Bat wings were resilient. They were thin but healed on their own over time when ripped. And the rips didn’t prevent them from flying, usually. She would be fine. As long as no more high winds knocked her into anymore sharp tree branches.
‘First things first…’ she thought. 
A sound came up, a low roar in the dark. It almost startled her, until she placed a hand on the bare skin of her stomach. The constant, dull ache of hunger had been so common. 
And somehow, in the midst of her busy life, always preparing for the next performance, Xiǎo Biānfú had learned to tune it out. She had to. Now, it was as if it was making up for all the times it had been ignored.
“Ssh…” she told it instinctively, creeping over to the fridge. She knew it was full, stocked with nothing but shelves of food awaiting consumption. In fact, she had never had access to so much variety. Gao was controlling in all things, and that included dictating her meals strictly. 
He wanted her to grow slender, keep a sexy figure. It wouldn’t do to allow her to develop a large appetite. Though, bats were big eaters. Even small ones who didn’t look like much such as herself. 
They ate their body weight in food at every meal as animals, and she didn’t remember much about family meals when she was with her parents, but she was sure portions had not been small. 
She hardly remembered a time when hunger was not persistent, but if she thought hard, it had started when she was sold to Gao. She needed protein, which he provided to her in thick, chalky shakes. The rest of the time she was permitted some cheap fruits or a salad. 
She had heard and read about all the exquisite foods in the world. The pictures taunted her. And Xiǎo Biānfú had made up her mind that when she was afforded the opportunity, she would try a variety of things. As much variety as possible. This…was that opportunity. She had to be careful, but at last there was nothing and no one to stop her. 
She stood in the dark with wide eyes taking in everything in the fridge, chilled air wafting from their open doors and brushing over her naked body. There were so many things there she had only really read about, and several she couldn’t say she recognized.
 Her hand hovered indecisively over a pudding cup, then switched to touching a container of something she had seen the men eating for dinner. They didn’t hold themselves back, enjoying their meal with relish.
 She wanted to be like that, eat uninhibited by the fear of disappointing Gao. But even thousands of miles apart from him, a little obedience lingered. 
Fighting it down took effort, but when at last she seized the container of leftovers and pulled off the lid, even the muted smell of the cold food had her mouth watering. Holding back some drool, Xiǎo Biānfú leaned her face in closer and took a deep sniff.
 Her senses were far keener than a human being’s naturally, and that savory, spicy aroma she caught made her want to devour a large quantity of whatever it was she was holding. She knew it was meant to be eaten hot, as it had been when it was served, but that felt too risky.
Human ears weren’t as sharp as hers were, but what if by some chance they heard the microwave or smelled the cooking food? But…she frowned slightly. She couldn’t just not taste some.
 Glancing around, as if she expected Gao to pop up from the shadows and snatch it away, she set the container down on a countertop and went in search of clean chopsticks. 
Careful to avoid making noise as she searched for them, she returned triumphant, chopsticks in hand and ready to taste her first meal of…whatever kind of meat this was. Chicken? Pork? It didn’t matter. 
Bending her head in close, she seized some up and brought it to her mouth. One more little sniff and it was passing her lips, the flavors settling on her tongue. 
Xiǎo Biānfú had never tasted such a complex medley of flavors. Something that both hurt a little but felt so good to eat. It was nothing like the goop in a cup that normally provided her protein, and despite her mentally promising herself she’d have one more bite and put the rest back, every bite seemed to warrant “just one more”, until she was staring at the bottom of an empty container, realizing in horror she had eaten it all.
Unsure what to do with the evidence of her crime, she opened the fridge and stashed it far in the back, behind other items that hopefully would keep them from noticing the missing leftovers. 
Her guilt grew a fraction, but she realized so had her hunger. Having finally tasted something worthy, her stomach cried out for more, and she splayed a hand over her bare belly, thinking what else could be consumed without anyone noticing. She still had to take things for her trip, too. Who knew how long it would be or where it would take her. 
“Here…I think everything you need should be in there.”
She stared at the backpack in awe, finally accepting it when the strong hand holding the strap shook the bag slightly. 
“Lu this is…”
“Just…take it.” he insisted. “You deserve to have a life too. So go out there and find one. Don’t stop until you get somewhere that feels like home.”
Xiǎo Biānfú absently found and began eating some grapes as she thought about the person who had risked everything just to help her gain freedom. She dearly hoped her friend was fine, that he meant what he said when he told her he was confident he could cover his tracks. If he was just lying for her sake and Gao found a way to tie her disappearance back to him, then…
The sound was so faint, she wouldn’t have caught it if she wasn’t a bat. The soft click of a door opening and closing from somewhere else in the house. Panicking, she stuffed the last grape she was eating into her mouth, changing back into her animal form and flying frantically around, searching for somewhere to hide.
It wasn’t ideal, but she settled for hanging from the underside of the cabinet above the stove. It came naturally, and she had no doubts she could remain like that, perfectly still, for hours on end. But hopefully she wouldn’t have to.
Someone entered the kitchen, their footsteps alone sounding weary. She could hear low grumbles, and then the fridge opening as someone shuffled to it. Taking a chance, she peeked, finding a broad back hunched down in the massive fridge, the light coming from inside illuminating his blue pajamas. 
He had messy hair, indicating he’d just rolled out of bed, and when he pulled back, all he had was a bottle of water.
Xiǎo Biānfú hung there, willing him not to turn around and search too hard in the dark, even though he hadn’t turned the light on and probably wouldn’t notice her. Bless her tiny size. It didn’t occur to her until her eyes fell on her abandoned makeshift ‘home’, the box they left her in, that she could have flown back into it and pretended she’d never left.
Too late now, she guessed.
Clutching a grape about the same size as her head between her front claws, the hybrid noticed it was the fussy man who had come for a drink. The one who complained about her probably carrying diseases. If she were an ordinary bat, maybe he wouldn’t be wrong.
 But Gao would never allow her to stay in his establishment or the small space above the lounge he provided to her as living accomodations, if he wasn’t sure she was disease free. She got a very thorough checkup every year, so Xiǎo Biānfú felt justified in still being a little offended about this man’s comments. 
She watched him drink his water and listened to him mutter under his breath, able to pick up most of what he was saying. Something about not being able to sleep restfully with Jungkook hogging most of the space. 
Grumbling about why he was even having to share a bed when everyone had their own, and cold feet touching him. He took a deep swig of water, scratched his back, made one more half-awake declaration about how his beauty sleep was being disturbed, before leaving the kitchen, none the wiser.
Xiǎo Biānfú gave a soft exhale of relief, deciding to finish her grape then and there, munching upside down until it was all gone and then flying out of the kitchen. It paid to be a bat at times. Not often, but it had its moments. 
She couldn’t remember the last time she was allowed a true chance to stretch out her wings, and it felt amazing. Slipping through the dark was literally what she was designed for, so while humans, and maybe even less adept hybrids would have stubbed their toes, she was in her element, able to maneuver around any obstacles with ease. She just had to find some clothes, and…
There was a door left open down a long hallway. It wasn’t much, but more than enough space for her to squeeze through. A strong scent immediately enveloped her, making her nose tingle. But it wasn’t bad at all. The opposite of bad! 
Very masculine and pleasant. It seemed that the room belonged to one of the many men who lived in this house. The one the room belonged to was fast asleep, deep even breathing coming from him and the sheets draped over his form falling and rising with his slumber. 
Maybe he had some clothes she could…borrow?
There was a big chance they would drown her, seeing as most things that weren’t tailored for her body did. As the name of her species implied, little brown bats didn’t exactly compare to the jumbo size of the world’s biggest bat types.
 Sometimes she stared at them in books and envied them. What if she was that big? Would the world look different? But sneaking around like she was doing now would be much harder if she was a larger bat.
Landing on the floor, Xiǎo Biānfú changed back. She would have to be very very careful, but rummaging for clothes as a bat was going to be impossible, so she didn’t have much choice. 
She crawled on her hands and knees, happy to spot a variety of bags piled into a corner. They looked perfect for traveling. Would it be so bad if she took one too? How else would she get what she couldn’t carry out with her, right?
Xiǎo Biānfú scanned the contents of the first duffle she unzipped, noticing it really was a travel bag, packed full of clothes and other useful things. Had they arrived to this house recently? 
It was a good thing he didn’t put his things away yet. Since she didn’t have time to be choosy, Biānfú selected a shirt, ignoring the urge to smell it. It wasn’t often she found human scents that nice, or really even paid attention to them unless they hurt her nose. But this man had a good one.
Rooting around to see what else she might be able to take with her was interrupted by the sound of movement out in the hall. Clutching the shirt, she crawled awkwardly across the floor, trying to hide in the dark. 
In her haste, she hit her shoulder against the chair leg at the desk, yelping before she could help herself when it startled her. Instantly, she threw a hand over her mouth, cursing herself silently. The man in the bed stirred, groaning as he sat up.
She crouched down low, keeping a hand placed over her mouth, heart thudding in her throat. 
“Whozzat?” he asked, clearly mostly asleep. As the sheets tumbled down, she could tell he was shirtless. His hair was even more of a mess than the man in the kitchen’s had been.
Biānfú didn’t dare answer, but it didn’t matter. Squinting in the darkness, his eyes happened to lock on her exact location, and she couldn’t believe her terrible luck. Some humans could just…sense presences accurately. Not nearly as accurate as a hybrid, but it was impressive.
 Was he one of those people? If so, she was screwed, as Lu would say. …It was a good thing he couldn’t see her fully. There was no way to avoid being found out if he happened to notice her wings…or her nudity.
“What’re you doin’?” He yawned, blinking. “Is that…Jimin? Yoongi-hyung?”
Oh! So he assumed she was someone else. Biānfú intended to take full advantage of that. There was no point in denying being there, since he had spotted her, but she decided to play it off. Her freedom hinged on this man not waking up enough to discover who she really was.  “Go back to sleep, it’s okay.” she said sweetly.
“What about you?” he mumbled, though he was already lying back down. “Why are you down there?”
Biānfú fumbled for an excuse, and, unable to find one, she did the only thing she could think of. She hummed gently, the same tune from long ago. It was just her luck that she’d mess up so badly she would have to so soon after trying to start a new life. After all, she’d promised herself that she wouldn’t sing anymore around anyone ever again. It had only caused her problems, not to mention, people may not know her face, but they certainly knew her voice. But this was a desperate situation, and it was just some humming, so it’d be okay, right?
He was still staring over at her, even though he was laying down, but her strong ears heard his heartbeat relaxing and his breaths evening. He was falling back asleep. By the time he woke up again, she’d be long gone and he’d assume it was a dream. Or, she hoped so. “…Nice…” he whispered to himself. “It sounds nice…cozy.”
Biānfú kept it up until she was entirely sure he was completely asleep again, careful not to let her skittishness cause her to hit anything else. For a while, she just lay on her stomach there on the floor, head buried in her arms, thinking about how that had been too close for her liking. 
Rattled, she stuffed the shirt she took under the bed, changed into a bat and hid there with it. Creeping around the rest of the house felt like it was just asking to get caught. There were too many light sleepers. She would wait and hope they left the house in the morning. 
“Good morning~!” A familiar voice sang, “It’s time to get up, it’s time to get up.” Namjoon slowly cracked one eye open, meeting the bright face of Hoseok. He was already dressed and ready for the day. People drank two cups of coffee to do what Hobi could on one cup of his normal energy.
Rolling over, he sighed, running a hand down his face. He’d had the strangest, most vivid dream. There was someone on the floor telling him to go back to sleep, and they hummed the sweetest melody to him…
“You okay?” Hoseok smiled down at him in confusion, head titled as he stood over the bed and waited for him to get himself together. “Filming for the day’s about to start. They’ll probably be all set up by the time you finish showering.”
Oh yeah. They were filming this new show in PyeongChang, and that meant every part of their day would be documented.
“Uh, okay…” Namjoon clumsily fought his way out of the sheets. “I’m up…”
“You don’t look ‘up’.” Hoseok giggled, “But you will be after a shower. Go, go!”
With his hyung’s cheering, Namjoon found the conveniently located en suite bathroom, about to begin getting ready, until he realized he hadn’t brought his clothes in. 
Wiping at his eyes, he wandered back into his room, finding Hoseok had already moved on to the next stop. If it was Yoongi or the maknaes, best of luck to him. The leader crouched, opening one of his travel bags to collect what he was going to need. He should probably consider putting the clothes he brought along in the closet. If Jin came in and saw them still out he’d never hear the end of it.
Though he wasn’t fully awake even now, there was still something…strange. Namjoon couldn’t find one of the shirts he’d packed anywhere, but it wouldn’t be that unusual if he’d actually left it at home and only imagined he brought it. “I swear I did though…” A little bemused, he grabbed the next best shirt, deciding to make do.
What a weird morning…
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sailorshadzter · 1 year
a fairytale all our own
When Jon finally takes to the stairs that will take him up to his chamber, he’s beyond exhausted. 
It has been a long, trying day of meetings and arguing. There was a land dispute between two of the Lords and it had come to blows the day before between them, leaving one with one less ear than he’d started the fight with. Jon sighs, thankful that the day was over and thankful that they had finally come to a resolution, even if it had taken all day. 
As he approaches the door to his room, he pauses before he reaches for the knob for from inside he hears a softly speaking voice. Quietly as he can, so he can’t disturb the occupants, he pushes open the door a crack simply so he might peek inside. And there in the grand bed, with three children snuggled around her, Sansa sits propped up against the pillows, a book open in her hands. “And then…” She’s reading, her voice lyrical as she tells the story from the pages, the story one he remembers her reading often when she was a small girl. “The princess gasped as the prince rode through on his beautiful white stallion, sword in hand, all so he could save her from the evil king!” At her left elbow, even Robb listens carefully, though he had only just a few days before declared himself far too old for such nonsense, despite being but six years old. Then there’s little Lyanna, tucked between her mother and Ned, while her big, Stark colored eyes blinking sleepily as she surely tries to stay awake to hear the ending. And then, Ned is at her other elbow, reading ahead over his sister’s head, for he’s giggling at something there on the page his mother has yet to even read aloud. 
Jon can’t help but stay there a moment longer, listening in on his family, something so precious to him, something so dear, that he can’t even put it to words. But he knows the story is coming to a close, so as Sansa reads the final page, he pushes open the door and slips inside, quietly as he can so as to not disturb them. But of course, Sansa’s eyes are upon him at once, knowing her she knew he was there all along. “Papa!” Lyanna’s sleepy vocals bring a smile to his face as he sinks into the available space at the foot of the bed.
“Father!” His boys cry in unison, scrambling over their mother’s legs to reach for him, and Jon finds himself laughing as they climb him like a tree. “Tell us about the fight Lord Royhe had!” Robb exclaims, having heard snippets of the conversation brought to Sansa and Jon early that morning.
“Your father is tired and it is well past your bedtime,” Sansa cuts in and both boys sigh dramatically, though they’re slipping off the bed without much hassle. Sansa follows after them, Lyanna in her arms, though the small girl leans over so she might kiss her father, earning one back in response and a little tug on one of her dark braids. Sansa’s eyes say it all as she casts a quick glance his way before she’s shuffling the boys from the room, only after they’ve both called out a good night to their father. 
When the room is quiet and empty, Jon kicks off his boots and strips off his doublet, before climbing into the space Sansa and their children once occupied. He glances left and sees there on her side of the bed, the book she’d been reading from, so he reaches for it, unable to help but to run his hand across the well worn cover. Once glossy letters have gone matte with age and there’s a small tear at the bottom corner. Jon imagines Sansa as she had once been, a small girl tucked into the bed Lyanna now sleeps in, reading this very same book, dreaming of a prince she would hope to meet and love with all of her heart. He chuckles, recalling how he and Robb would laugh over such a dream, but even they had once sat up in bed listening to Catelyn reading to them from a book of tales, though it had been of the Dragonknight and his many fights for the realm. 
The door opens again and in comes his wife, a smile on her lips. “Do they sleep?” He asks as she sinks down beside him, her body offering warmth and comfort as she shifts a little closer. 
“They do,” she says with a laugh, thinking of Lyanna’s quiet snores before they had even reached her room. The boys had climbed into their beds without trouble, certainly asleep before their door had even swung closed behind her. She looks down at the book in his hands and chuckles, reaching for it, her hand running across the cover just as his had done a few minutes ago. “It feels like a lifetime ago when mother and father gave me this book,” she had been Robb’s age, a gift for her nameday that year, one of the only things she still has from those days so very long ago. To think that book she once read as she drifted off to sleep each night, she now reads to her own children… It was unlike any feeling she’d ever felt before. The fairytale life she had once wished for, hoped for, was certainly hers now, even if it had taken time to become hers. Once she had dreamed of a golden prince, but in truth, she had found no happiness at all in that prince. Rather, it had only been misery. Slow as it was, time brought her to who she was meant to be with, that gentle, brave knight who her father had promised to her. “I love you,” she murmurs as she leans her head in, placing it against his shoulder, her hand sliding over his atop the furs. 
“I love you,” he whispers back, his chest tightening, the warmth he feels threatening to overflow. 
This was their fairytale.
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Reading time 📖
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It's not often I share my hobbies outside of writing but, since it's fairly quiet as I work on multiple fics simultaneously, I might as well.
As you see, I've bought myself two works - the controversial "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov in English and "Maus" by Art Spiegelman, which is the more controversial text. I'll explain why shortly.
Let's start with "Lolita" since it's easier to talk about. I bought this book after listening to the video analysis by the creator Horses (link to the video here) to develop my own opinion about it. The book is both a memoir and statement for the judge written by the protagonist, convicted of abducting and assaulting a twelve year old girl - the titular "lolita". It has been misinterpreted as praise or glorification of pedophilic tendencies, but it is - just as "Crime And Punishment" by Fiodor Dostojewski but without the retribution - an analysis of a criminal's mind.
I'm looking forward to the lecture of Humbert Humbert's attempt to justify his behaviour to the world, the opposite of what I feel towards "Maus".
My payment of the 80 zł ( around 20$, 19€ or 16£) I spent on this collection of comics was a reluctant one. The premise is harmless enough (for lack of a better term). This set of comics describes the life and experiences of the author's father during the Holocaust, with a twist - here, the characters are portrayed as animals based on their ethnicity. The Jews are mice, and the Germans - cats. Simple idea of predator and prey, of the murder and the victim. But there are also other nationalities. Americans are noble dogs, the Swedes are reindeer, the Gypsies are moths, the British are fish (though I'm not sure why) and their southern neighbours are - as comedic tradition dictates - frogs.
What about the Poles then? They are swine.
What's more, the book's antipolonism shows time and time again. Poles are portrayed as antisemitic, cooperative towards the German occupants, impulsive, violent and cruel. There is little positive mention of them, and Spiegelman himself admitted that his father had little good to say about his countrymen and did nothing to give the nation justice. The incidents of wartime and post-war antisemitism are not portrayed as single crimes punishable by law, but as ordinary and acceptable occurrences.
Normally I enjoy delving into the annals of the second world war's horrific history, but unlike the other books I've read so far, this one seems to be written with a political intent, debatable as it is. Maus seems to share the same contemptible niche in Polish culture as Neighbours and Golden Harvest, alongside all of the other detestable excuses of historical journalism by Jan T. Gross. What these works share is their - subliminal or not - distrust and borderline disgust towards Poles as a nation. I am planning to review both books when I'm done with them here on the blog (regardless of whether there is any interest in it), so I will save my "ammunition", as they say, for then. I will however mention that the nation is, in terms of Righteous Amongst The Nations awards, the leader with exactly 7177 awards granted, the Netherlands second in with 5910. This is telling just by itself, doesn't it? Regardless, every experience is valuable, even if the author's intentions are questionable.
Again, I know this is far more serious than my usual content, consisting of silly x reader fics, but I find them interesting enough to mention. I hope you don't mind!
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atmilliways · 1 year
Wrong On The Money (29)
part 29 of ?? | 1108 words | Teen+
Blackmail fic on Ao3 | on tumblr
It takes five seconds of the door closing behind Eddie as he’s wheeled off for his last round of tests before being released from the hospital. Steve counts.  “Soooo,” Robin prods. “You’re moving in with the Munsons. How . . . did that happen?”
It takes five seconds of the door closing behind Eddie as he’s wheeled off for his last round of tests before being released from the hospital. Steve counts. 
“Soooo,” Robin prods. “You’re moving in with the Munsons. How . . . did that happen?”
He runs a hand through his hair—which feels horrible because hospital shampoo leaves a lot to be desired. (And he’s not even allowed to shower because of the bandages, he has to wash out of a glorified bucket.) “Oh, you know. I saved Eddie’s life, and my parents suck, so. . . . And Wayne’s cool with it.”
“That’s good.” She cocks her head thoughtfully to one side. “So you and Eddie are getting along? I was a little worried you two would be at each other’s throats in here, but I stand pleasantly surprised.”
“Yeah, well. . . .” Steve sighs. Might as well broach the subject of his recent self-discoveries now. “I like him,” he admits. 
Robin snorts. “I wouldn’t go that far. You know I would never assume—”
“No, I mean I like him Robs.” He runs his hand through his hair again, fuck the texture. “He’s got this ‘fuck what people think I’m going to be whoever I want to be’ attitude, and he’s good with the kids—He protects the kids. I’m pretty sure all his walking on tables shit at school is stuff he plays up to draw attention away from kids like Dustin and Mike. His uncle got sick at the end of last year and he . . . did everything he could think of to take care of him, just like he stood his ground to protect Dustin from those bat things. He’s loyal, and he’s funny, and intense, and . . . okay, he’s a huge nerd, but he’s. . . . I don’t know. I like him.”
It’s rare that he surprises Robin into complete silence, but he’s done it now. She sits back in her chair, opening and closing her mouth a few times as though chewing on whatever it is she’s considering saying. . . . Wow, Steve thinks, he’s inspired her to think before she speaks. New record.
Finally she says, “Just to be clear, is this a—” she looks around the room, but it’s still empty aside from them and the door is still closed “—bathroom floor conversation?”
“Uh, only if you mean that not literally. I don’t feel like getting up. Unless you count the cath—”
“Stop.” She shoves a hand against his face, doubly interrupting him. 
“They took it out after the fever broke—”
“No part of that sentence made me want to learn more, dingus!”
They bicker back and forth for a while, and it’s comforting. Normal. Enough to get his mind off the itch of his healing wounds and the room’s other occupant for a little while, until inevitably . . . well, circling back to talk about the room’s other occupant. 
It’s a relief to be able to talk about it. Steve isn’t used to being so in his head about a crush. With a girl, he would be flirting up a storm by now (“Maybe it’s better that you’re not,” Robin comments with a snort, and Steve knows she’s thinking of the You Suck tally at Scoops), laying the groundwork for asking her out. With Eddie, though. . . .
“He’s obviously not a girl,” Robin agrees, “but that doesn’t mean you can’t flirt. Well—try to flirt. It’s not like your penis stopped him from calling you Big Boy in front of god and the entire party.”
Steve groans. “Please don’t say penis.”
“If you get to say boobies, Steve, I. . . .” She stops, wrinkling her nose. “You know what, I don’t need to say it more than necessary. The point is, I’ve made my point.”
Outside the room there’s a clang of metal, as though someone nearby has dropped a bedpan. Steve’s eyes dart to the small window on the door; shapes move on the other side of the glass, a child that’s either laughing or crying carried past by a parent.
“No,” he sighs, turning his attention back to his best friend. “The point is, there is no point. Sure, I like him, but . . . nothing’s going to happen.”
And Robin doesn’t get it. He knows she doesn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t—not without the full context, and he doesn’t feel up to that yet. Coming out to his platonic soulmate was easy, but that? Steve doesn’t think he can take her screeching at him right now. And it is definitely screech worthy, he knows that, but. . . . 
There are some things even Robin doesn’t get. 
Like being a reformed asshole, and needing to make up for it. She’s always trying to tell him that he has made up for it—by wanting to change and actually doing it, by protecting the kids, by being her best friend even though she’d been sure she was unlikable in a lot of ways for a long time before Starcourt, take your goddamn pick, Steve. But he’s pretty sure there’s a difference between correcting the behavior going forward and paying penance for his actions in the past. 
Eddie had been desperate to save his uncle. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been working himself to the bone trying to scrape together the funds every other available way; teenage parties had been cranked up to eleven all over Hawkins for months with how hard he was pushing, and Steve had noticed the grime under his fingernails from some part-time manual labor job somewhere. So the blackmail, in Steve’s book (even if this is all the concussion-related brain damage talking), is excusable. 
Steve’s excuse for being a douchebag had been . . . what? His parents didn’t care about him very much? He never had a good role model, never had to work too hard for anything he had? He’d picked shitty friends and a shitty crowd to hang out with, and let popularity get to his head and make him a selfish jerk? That’s all bullshit. 
Robin argues with him of course, because that’s kind of their shtick. She lays out a case for Eddie clearly being into him too. Points out that with Eddie he wouldn’t have to make up explanations for the scars and the nightmares and the nail bat in his trunk. And the kids, of course—the kids all loved Eddie, that whole D&D nerd thing had charmed them long before Steve (as far as she knew) had even met the guy, and who knew that was Steve’s taste in guys but hey, she's surprised, not judging.
“Nothing’s going to happen,” he repeats, unmoved. 
He doesn’t voice the thought that even if he could have Eddie (which he doubts), he wouldn’t deserve him. Not like that. 
Being friends is fine.
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27dragons · 10 months
New Year Countdown: Dec 13
Today's fic is a hospital AU featuring established Winteriron and many medical inaccuracies!
Dec 13 - Winteriron - Hospital AU - Blanket
Most of the year, Bucky loved his job. He loved helping people. People came to him hurting and in despair and he did everything in his power to make them feel better. Whole again, or at least closer to it than before.
It was never easy to see people who’d lost limbs in a terrible accident or because of an infection. But when they saw his own prosthetic arm, when they heard his story, they knew that he understood, at least a little, what they were going through. They let him convince them that life was still worth living, that it could still be beautiful, and he loved that. He loved the moment when his patients realized they could use their new prosthetics to do things that they’d had to work around, before.
And he especially loved working with Tony. His husband’s genius not only provided limbs that were nearly as functional as living ones, but also ensured that each prosthetic exactly matched the personalities and desires of the patient, from the girl who wanted a sparkling pink unicorn princess arm to the emo teenager who demanded a gothic black leg that ended in a spike rather than a foot to the older woman whose new hand was a perfect match her china pattern.
He loved seeing Tony throughout the day, sneaking kisses between rounds, and he especially loved going home with Tony at night.
All in all, Bucky’s life was just about perfect.
But this time of year, during the holidays, the hard parts were especially hard. People who should have been comfortably nestled with their families were confined to sterile hospital beds. They should have been drinking cocoa and wrapping gifts and lighting candles, but were instead doing occupational therapy. Money that might have been spent on presents and feasting was torn away for medical bills. Vacations that should have relaxed and soothed their stress were replaced with the shock and horror and despair of trying to adjust to a life that would never again be exactly the same.
And the icy, extra-crowded streets just made accidents all the more likely.
“I hate this job,” he announced when he came through the door. Usually he and Tony left the hospital together, but an ambulance had screamed through the emergency entrance just as they were packing up for the night, and Bucky had volunteered to stick around in case he was needed.
Tony stuck his head out of the kitchen door and gave Bucky a small, lopsided smile. “No, you don’t,” he said.
“I hate it tonight,” Bucky grumbled. He unwound his scarf and unbuttoned his coat and kicked off his shoes. 
“That’s fair, I suppose,” Tony admitted.
“I had to tell a woman we couldn’t save her arm. And her husband is probably going to have scars that will limit his mobility for the rest of his life. They were on their way to spend the holidays with his family. It’s their first Christmas since they got married, and they’re going to spend it in the hospital. Not even in the same room.” Bucky hung up his coat and threw himself on the couch, dropping his arm over his face.
Tony came the rest of the way out of the kitchen carrying a tray with two mugs of hot chocolate. He was wearing pajamas. “I know,” he said. “Nat called right after you left.” He set the tray on the coffee table and sat next to Bucky, close enough for the heat of his body to leach through their clothes into Bucky’s skin. Tony pulled Bucky’s favorite blanket off the back of the couch, soft grey and decorated with stars, and spread it over their laps.
Bucky let himself be pulled into Tony’s embrace, taking the mug to wrap his hands around its heat and resting his head on Tony’s shoulder, even if he had to scrunch down a bit to make it work. “I’m not sleeping tonight,” he warned Tony.
“That’s okay, snowflake,” Tony murmured. “We can put on a stupid movie and stay here for as long as you want.”
“I hate my job,” Bucky said again, softer. Not really meaning it.
“I know,” Tony agreed gently. “That’s fine, tonight.”
Bucky relaxed into the feel of Tony’s fingers combing through his hair. Maybe he didn’t always love his job.
But he always, always loved Tony.
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only-lonely-stars · 5 months
An Emergency Visit
Oneshot – (FFN) (AO3)
On an ordinary day, an urgent letter sends Cole rushing to Shintaro to take care of Queen Vania, who's lacking sleep. Exhaustion can make a girl say things she might not normally, but it's not like Cole isn't going to listen.
A bright and sunny day dawned over Ninjago, in the height of the summer and all its splendor. Life was good for every Ninjagian, with lovely weather being found all across its spacious reaches. The day touched even the highest heights of the mountains, where the Monastery of Spinjitzu was situated, and its inhabitants were happy. Each was enjoying the weather, whether as a passing bit of joy or as the day's full occupation, save for one ninja.
Cole Brookstone was that one ninja. He alone found he could not be happy, and should anyone ask, they would find he had a perfectly good reason. It was simple, yet worrisome. The night before that gorgeous day, Cole received an urgent letter from Hailmar, Vania's closest advisor. It had told him little, yet all he needed to know, and branded itself upon his heart.
"Twenty-four hours previous to the sending of this letter, there was an attempt on the life of Her Majesty, Queen Vania of Shintaro. We urgently request the presence of Cole Brookstone, Master of Earth, for her protection."
The first time he read it, each word felt like a worse nightmare than the one previous. The thought of Vania being hurt was painful. Despite not seeing her recently, he felt no less attached to her, and thought of her often. Even after having the night to react and prepare for his trip to the ivory city, the words still struck dread into Cole's heart, rousing the same questions every time he thought of them. When had the letter been sent? It wasn't dated, or even signed, but he knew it was from Hailmar due to the formal writing. It seemed recent, but he wasn't sure, and it made him uneasy at best. All his questions only made him more concerned.
After Cole received the letter, he immediately got up, prepared, and left for Shintaro, taking one of the Ninja's jet planes as soon as morning came. The other Ninja had offered to come along to help as well, but without an explicit invitation, they were not really allowed. No, only Cole was truly allowed to go in and out of the ivory city, due to his close connection to the Shintaran queen. He was sure that Vania would not mind them being there, but didn't want to push the courtesy of the Shintarans. Besides, while he could logically take them, they all had their own business. He'd told them it would be fine, deciding to go alone, and he had left as quickly as he could in the jet.
The trip to the ivory city was stressful, and Cole found himself unable to relax, pushing the jet to its limits as he flew. Within a few hours, he was in Shintaro, where he immediately rushed to the palace. Before he could enter, however, he was stopped at the gates by several guards. From their appearance, it was obvious that security had been tightened since the attempt, as he was not let in until Hailmar personally came to check the validity of his claim.
When Hailmar saw Cole, he immediately waved him in, seemingly frustrated with his guards for stopping Cole. He let Cole go to the throne room, as that was where Vania was currently busy, but could not escort him due to other pressing concerns. Cole had nodded and thanked him, and immediately began traversing the path he remembered from their last visit. The curdled dread in the pit of his stomach remained, but slowly lessened; even so, it still burned.
As he reached it, Cole threw open the doors to the throne room, not even bothering to knock before doing so. Inside, Vania was looking at an enormous map that was unfurled upon a table, standing in front of a tall chair that had been pushed back at some prior time. At his entry, she glanced up, and smiled brightly as recognition dawned. "Oh, Cole! What's going on? I didn't expect to see you again for a while yet!"
He approached her, coming to a stop right in front of the table. Idly, he noticed that there was no one else in the room but guards; she was effectively alone. "Vania, I came as soon as I got that last letter. What happened?"
Understanding flitted across her features. "Oh, yeah. That stuff. Never mind it. Just another attempt, nothing to worry about." She waved her hand dismissively, looking back at her map. "What's going on with you?"
Cole gaped, staring at her in disbelief. "Nothing to worry about? Vania!"
She looked back at him like a deer in the headlights, and he realized she had dark circles under her eyes, which hadn't been clear before. "What?"
Cole leaned on one arm on the tabletop, effectively blocking Vania into her chair. "What do you mean, 'what?' You just had an attempt on your life and you're asking about what I've been doing! Shouldn't it be a cause for concern at least?"
She shrugged off his words. "Cole, it's fine. I'm fine." As she said this, she fiddled with what looked to be a loose end of a bandage, which was wrapped around her forearm and wrist, the edge fraying and coming unwoven already. "After the third time it gets a little repetitive."
Cole looked her up and down in disbelief. She was dishevelled, with wrinkled clothes and somewhat untidy hair, unlike any way he'd seen her before. It was obvious that she hadn't slept well, despite how well she hid her exhaustion, and nothing was a better indicator of that than the circles under her eyes, which seemed darker every time he noticed them. "It gets repetitive after the third time?"
She crossed her arms. "That's what I said, Cole."
"You've had three assassination attempts," he clarified again.
"Uh… yes? I just said that. Why do you keep repeating me?"
"Because- I didn't know that you've had three attempts, and I care about you!" He sighed. "You didn't even tell me."
"Of course I didn't! I knew this would happen." She waved her hand at him, dismissive again. "Honestly, this one was better than the last one anyway. He barely even touched me. I'm fine."
Cole sighed heavily. "You're not making it sound any better, Queenie. You know that, right?"
For a second, she didn't respond, but then she blushed in realization. "Okay, well, now I do."
He stopped and took a moment to clear his thoughts, closing his eyes briefly as he took deep breaths. He centered himself, trying to block out his emotions. When he was sure he had them under control, he looked at her again, the alarm and hurt having disappeared and given way to concern. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I just got a bit scraped up."
"Define 'scraped up.'" He reached out to touch her arm where it was bandaged, but stopped short and took her hand instead.
She shrugged, lacing their fingers together. His callouses caught on her skin a little bit, but she didn't seem to care. "Scraped up, as in, a scrape. I got a rug burn on my arm, and it bled a bit. That's what the bandage is for."
"Okay, if that's all then that's good." He sighed, holding her hand gently. It felt like he would break it if he held it any tighter, but she didn't seem to mind that either. "Next question: are you okay mentally?"
She shrugged again, breaking eye contact to glance at the map and play with the edge with her free hand. "I don't know. I'll be fine eventually; this is just one of the things that comes with being the queen. After a few days I'll stop being on edge."
Cole's heart dropped. "How many days has it been?"
She grimaced and looked down at the floor. "...Two days."
"Let me guess; you haven't slept since?"
"Not really."
"Vania, come on. What are you really thinking?"
She finally looked back at him, clearly unhappy. "If I'm completely honest, I just want to go to sleep right now. I'm exhausted."
The look on her face tore at him. She was so tired, yet unable to stop moving. As soon as she did, she would crash, and that time was coming soon. A second wind wouldn't be coming for a while; she needed rest.
Cole let go of her hand and took hold of her shoulders, gently turning her to face toward him. "Vania, do you need a hug?"
She nodded, at last giving way. She looked like the picture of exhaustion and misery, almost ready to cry. He smiled sympathetically and put his arms around her, holding her close to himself, always careful not to hurt her even as he dwarfed her. She did the same, but her exhaustion made it such that she couldn't hold on very tightly. Her arms barely rested on his back, and a moment later, Vania buried her face in his chest, taking a deep breath of his comforting scent of tea and soil. "I'm so glad you're here, Cole," she whispered.
"I'm sorry I wasn't faster." He rubbed her back comfortingly, as if the action could release the tension her shoulders carried. "I came as soon as I got the letter."
"Hailmar asked you to come?"
Cole nodded. "Yeah, and I came as soon as I could. The postage was slow."
"That's okay. It doesn't matter." She smiled. "You're here now, aren't you?"
"Yeah, I am." He smiled too, not that either could see the other's face. "I'll protect you for now, okay?"
She laughed lightly into his chest. "That sounds wonderful. I just want to sleep forever."
"Hey, you can do whatever you want. You're the queen."
"Tell that to my brain." Her face fell. "The nightmares keep me up."
Cole smiled at that. "Think I can protect you from those too?"
She laughed again. "Maybe. We'll see about that."
"Come on, you gotta trust me here." He chuckled and rested his head on top of hers, nestling his nose in her sweet-smelling hair. "Let's get you to bed. You're never gonna heal if you don't sleep."
"I'm not even going to argue, I can barely think." She separated herself from him, but only as much as she had to in order to see her face. "For the record, though, I'm healing just fine."
"Sure you are." He smiled. "Are you awake enough to walk?"
She paused for a minute, looking like she was buffering internally. "I'm… not sure. I'd probably trip and fall."
He smiled. "Okay." He reached down, and before she had time to react he lifted her up in his arms, one under her back and one under her knees. From there, he pulled her close to his chest. "I'll just carry you then."
A blush overtook her features. "You don't have to do that," she protested.
He shook his head. "Nope. Can't have you falling. You're already hurt enough."
"I won't fall!"
"You just said you would!"
"I–" She faltered. "Dang it, I did say that."
He grinned. "See? Just take the get-out-of-walking-free card and let me take care of you, okay?"
She sighed. "Fine." She put her arms around his neck and leaned her head against his shoulder, hiding a smile. "Since you're so insistent."
"I knew you'd come around." He held her close and began the walk to her bedroom. It was short, but the extra weight of carrying her slowed his walk, and it was a few minutes before they reached it. When they did, she had let her eyes fall closed. He was loath to disturb her, but he carefully shook her awake and set her down on her feet. "Hey, Vania. We're here."
Vania yawned. "So we are." She leaned on him briefly as she regained her balance, but then smiled. "No promises that I'll actually take a nap, though."
Cole shook his head. "Uh-uh, nope. No way. You're taking a nap for at least an hour."
"I won't be able to sleep!"
"You're falling asleep right now." He nudged her, and she blinked a few times. "Try again."
She sighed. "Okay, fine, but I have way too much to do to sleep a whole hour."
"I doubt that."
"It's true!"
He crossed his arms. "Okay, here's a question. Would you rather do your work now, mess it up, get frustrated, and have to re-do it later, or sleep now and do it right the first time?"
She tried to find a response, but failed, being interrupted by a wide yawn that brought tears to her eyes. "Well… the second one, but… what if he comes back?" As little as she hated to show it, it was clear to him that she was scared– not terribly, but enough to make his heart break the tiniest bit.
Cole put a hand on her shoulder again. "Okay, I tell you what. I'll be right here guarding your door. If it makes you feel safer than that, I can sit with you in your room. I'll keep and eye out and make sure nobody comes to bother you."
"I don't know what everyone would think of that second one," she responded with a smile. "That's not very proper behavior for a queen."
He rolled his eyes. "More excuses. I'll tell Hailmar and it'll be fine. Besides, do you think people will really care more about modesty than your safety?"
She made as if to respond, but instead yawned again. "I… guess not. You win; sit inside. I'm not able to argue right now."
He smiled. "There you go. You go get dressed for bed and I'll find Hailmar, okay? I'll only be a minute."
She nodded, opening the door. "Okay." She smiled at him and then disappeared inside, closing the door quietly. Once the door was shut tightly, he turned and sought out Hailmar to speak to him about his plan to watch over Vania.
Several minutes later and after clearing the plan with Hailmar, Cole came back to Vania's door. It had made Hailmar slightly uncomfortable, but given the circumstances, he allowed it willingly. While he cared about Vania's modesty and privacy, he cared more about her safety, and Cole shared his priorities. Cole had let him know that it was just because Vania needed to sleep, and now that he was back at her door, he knocked gently. "Vania? Are you decent?"
She laughed from inside. "You can come in, Cole."
He opened the door and slipped in. Vania sat on the edge of her bed, dressed in a nightgown and a silvery robe that tied at the waist. Her hair was still braided, but she was unpinning it from its updo, such that it was falling out. She smiled at him as she took out the last pin, letting her braid fall to her back. "Hey. What did Hailmar say?"
Cole smiled. "He was fine with it." He watched as she put away the pin. "What are you doing?"
"I'm taking down my hair." She sighed. "Usually it's fine, but it's such a pain to undo when I'm tired."
He came up to the edge of the bed, speaking before he had time to think. "Do you want help?"
She blushed faintly at the domesticism so obvious in his offer, but smiled. "Sure, I'd love help. Come sit."
He did as he was told, sitting on the edge of the bed behind her. Once he did, she handed him a golden comb, and he began to unbraid her hair. As it was unwound, it fell in waves, shaped by the tight braid, yet they were already straightening out under his ministrations. Her hair was as soft as feather down, and he found himself running his hands through it more than the comb. A few times, he caught a tangle, and he separated them with his fingers as gently as he could, trying not to tug on her hair. "I hope I'm not hurting you," he murmured.
She smiled, her eyes closed. "No, not at all... That feels really nice." She leaned her head back. "Keep going."
"If you say so." He took the comb and began running it through her golden tresses. He let its teeth separate her hair into even smoother sections that gleamed in the light, enjoying how it fell and brushed against his hands. Within only a couple minutes, it was completely smooth and straight, with no tangles at all, and he draped it over her shoulder. "There, all done."
She yawned. "Mhm. All done..."
He smiled. "Okay, now it's bedtime for you, Queenie." He grabbed the comb and put it on her nightstand. She moved to lie down, snuggling under the covers like a cat, and he sat in a chair next to her bed. He smiled as she pulled the covers up to her shoulders, curling up on her side so she could see him.
"Thank you," she whispered. "For helping me."
"Always is a pretty long time."
"Seems fitting. I don't see us not being friends any time soon." He smiled, getting comfortable in the chair. "Sleep well, Vania."
She nodded, closing her eyes with a slight smile. Now she laid as if all the tension was slowly being released, like the weight of the world was taken off her shoulders. He smiled at the sight. She needed a rest, and it was clearly something she hadn't gotten recently. Whoever had come to hurt her had been stopped, but that didn't mean he didn't do anything. There was no way Cole was waking her up after only an hour; Vania could sleep as long as she needed.
Cole rummaged in one of his pockets and pulled out a notebook and a pen. After all, he might as well doodle while she slept, seeing as he'd be sitting in that chair for a while; in fact, if he had his way, at least two hours. He clicked the pen and opened the book, but just as he was about to start, he heard Vania murmuring something.
"What was that?" he asked, turning to look at her again.
Vania didn't respond, eyes closed. It looked like she was already asleep. The lack of response made him smile. He'd always known exhaustion made people talk in their sleep, but doing it so quickly after falling asleep was a new one. Either it was the tiredness or her habit, but one way or the other it was just another one of her quirks. She was always so sweet, even while sleeping– it was adorable.
As his thoughts came to a close, he looked back at the tools in his hands. He put the top of the pen to the paper and began to sketch the outline of a person as his mind wandered. The drawing slowly came together under his watchful eye, not really becoming much of anything, but he stopped before he had gotten too far into it because Vania was talking again.
"Mmmn…" She sighed in her half-sleep. "Cole…?"
He smiled and looked up at her, away from his half-finished doodle. "Yeah, Vania?"
She smiled back, eyes still closed. "I love you."
His heart caught in his chest. "What?"
She hummed noncommittally. "Yeah."
Cole laughed quietly, barely more than a huff. What was that supposed to mean? What was he supposed to say in return to that? Did she even mean it? Was she even awake at all?
Eventually, he smiled again. Despite being asleep (or at least half so), she looked as if she were almost waiting for an answer– something, anything, just to know he'd heard her. He reached over and brushed a little of her hair out of her face, gentle as always as he tucked it behind her ear. Where was the harm in indulging a little fantasy of what could be, he wondered? It wasn't like she'd really remember when she awoke..
He examined her sleeping face. She was so sweet, and he couldn't bear to leave her hanging. It was only a few words.
"I love you too," he murmured. He had never really been one to tell people he cared with words, but for the first time in who knows how many years, Cole found he completely meant it this time. Yes, he truly did love her. She smiled at the sound, and did not speak again. He smiled back, settling in for the long wait, a rare happiness filling him.
Hours later, when Vania awoke to see Cole still sitting in the chair with a notebook filled with pointless doodles and human figures, she did not remember. He didn't tell her, but he smiled at the memory as he thought about it. She might have said it, but it was his secret, and he was going to keep it forever. Vania loved him in some way, shape, or form, and he would protect that, just as closely as he would protect her. Assassin or not, Vania would be safe on his watch.
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knightyoomyoui · 2 years
The 1% Of Chances | TWICE Jeongyeon x M Reader Fanfic : CHAPTER 2
A/N: This chapter might be very sensitive to some readers there and I'm very sorry already for putting this topic here. I mean no hate for Jeongyeon 'cuz ofc she's my bias and I love her plus I just want to express it so much here in this one.
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You couldn't react any other else but to express your utter shock.
Standing in front of you was THE Yoo Jeongyeon herself.
A K-Pop idol.
Member of one of the most successful girl groups in the history of K-Pop industry known as TWICE.
Your ultimate bias.
That wasn't the only part that left you too stunned to speak, let's add also the fact of what you just heard from Sadness who was beside you declaring something you never thought that this fate would arrive in your life.
You want to ask to yourself whether you heard it wrong, dreaming or hallucinating... but it doesn't seem like all of it anyways, because you and her silence and serious stare through each other got interrupted by Sadness doing a fake cough thrice.
"Uhh anyways, yeah hello too Jeongyeon.", Sadness said after clearing her throat after those streak of coughs. Both you and Jeongyeon snapped out of trance as senses were quickly reactivated by Sadness' voice.
Yup, Jeongyeon halted too when her pair of precious brown eyes landed at your towering figure looking very presentable and innocent standing in front of the door.
"You can now have your turn, YN.", Sadness nudged you in the shoulder causing you to look at her first before returning your gaze back shyly at Jeongyeon.
"H-hi... M-Ms. Yoo. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm LN/YN, your newly employed worker of JYPE and member of the management team under your group and also assigned as your new personal manager. H-hope we can get along p-pretty well.", you gulped hard out of your batch of stutters due to the intense shyness and nervousness you're feeling.
I mean, you're freaking talking personally in front of your bias you never thought would finally happen once in a blue moon in your entire life. Who wouldn't feel the same way in your situation?
"H-hello too, YN-oppa. Pleasure to meet you too, please take care of me well manager-nim.", Jeongyeon bowed in reply to your greetings.
She lend you her free hand leaving it hanging into the gap between you and her. Your eyes widen and body shook a little as you felt the tensiness curse through your blood.
You slowly accepted it and felt her firm grip around your hand while both were shaking their hands in acknowledgement.
You blew some little air to atleast freshen up yourself and try not to panic out from your bias' touch. After seconds of handshake, both released each hands and exchanged smiles through one another; although yours was mixed with a bit of awkwardness as what you're thinking of how your appearance is to her so far.
Sadness noticed all your uncomfiness while talking to Jeongyeon. Since she knew what caused you to act like that, she chuckled before helping you to loosen up your nervousness by grabbing your shoulder and shook it gently.
"You can do it.",  she whispered to your ear which made you flustered and blush slightly knowing what she meant about that. Jeongyeon was also starting to find how hilarious you look right now, as she probably guessed it that you were being teased by Sadness because of the possibility that you seem to be a fan of their group... especially to her.
"The girls are there inside?", Sadness asked Jeongyeon, pointing towards the space beside Jeongyeon as she refers to the other occupants living with her in the dorm.
"Yes, noona. They're at the living room.", Jeongyeon said, looking sideways to get a quick peek at the two other members behind her.
"Can we enter for a while? YN can introduce himself already also to them then let's save the rest for later.", Sadness suggested. Jeongyeon followed right away as she stepped aside more to provide more space for you and Sadness to walk and enter the dorm.
You followed Sadness behind while you're still stiffened as you can sense Jeongyeon's presence behind you.
Reaching the living room, all three of you stood aligned at each other as you observed together with them these two girls sitting in the couch. One was watching a K-Drama on the TV while the other was building a what it seems to be a Harry Potter LEGO set.
Jeongyeon called the attention of her two busy friends respectfully. "Girls, Sadness noona and my new manager is here."
They twirled their head right away, pointing their sight at Jeongyeon but it was replaced instead through you which garnered their curiosity.
"Hey, girls. How's the day doing so far?", Sadness asked.
"Kinda bored but thankfully the series was making me attached more on my seat."
"Doing fine, noona."
"Alright, so you heard Jeongyeon mentioning who's with us today.", Sadness pointed her hand at you as if she's presenting you to them. You took it as the cue to repeat again your introduction which you did minutes ago to Jeongyeon.
"A pleasant morning to both of you, Ms. P-Park and Ms. Myoui, I am LN/YN your new manager in D-division 3 Management Team under TWICE settled more as a personal one for Ms. Y-Yoo here. I hope we can get along well.", you bowed and cleared up your throat once again as you composed yourself to get rid of the unnerving feeling that's distracting you.
Jihyo and Mina both noticed how uncomfortable you look in your position and being the leader who gets to always speak first to let know the rest if there's any concerns or troubles, she unhesistantly figured something based from her observation on your movements.
"YN oppa are you okay? You look kind of very flushed and uncontrollably moving your body.", Jihyo concerningly asked you whilst keeping her laughter at the same time at how she finds it kinda funny seeing you like this.
Luckily, she and Mina were two birds in one stone. "You're a fan aren't you?", Mina teasingly asked you. Jihyo nodded and smirked as they waited for your answer.
Jeongyeon looked at you with a smile and you sweared that you're forcing yourself not to look at her direction cause if you do, you'll melt in an instant at her tender expression.
Sadness, Jeongyeon, Mina and Jihyo. All four are now looking at you as you sighed first before cackling a bit at how noticeable you are when you're being like this.
"Y-yes I am, Mina sunbaenim.", you shyly answered.
"Aha! Knew it.", Jeongyeon snapped her fingers in victory. You blinked rapidly as you heard from her that she can observe it from you since earlier and she was keeping it to herself.
You became even more embarassed at how weird you looked near at your bias. "So we got a ONCE also in our place. Great! We'll definitely get along very easily.", Jihyo enthusiastically remarked. Mina nodded and giggled at the fact.
"Nice to meet you by the way, YN.", Mina  respectfully bowed her head for you which you did the same and to Jihyo who returned to you the favor.
"Don't be shy to interact with us okay? We are family here and ofcourse you're now part with us, everyone should build strong connections to each other, right?", Jihyo reminded.
"You look very fascinating also that you can be such good friend too, oppa. So yeah, I agree with Jihyo unnie here. We are always open for you to talk with.", Mina followed.
You smiled warmly at them. Their great personality didn't shocked you anymore. They are like this anyways whether they are in front of the cameras or away from it. Since the beginning they are just being real to themselves and that's one of the reason why you stanned them.
You can relate to every single one of the members but there's one of them who turned out more as your ideal woman.
Jeongyeon looked at you and gestured a nod of assurance as she also believed to what Mina and Jihyo said. You smiled back in appreciation too for her.
"Oh, the schedule is less than an hour left.", Sadness looked up to her phone. "You can continue talking soon but for now we have some duty to do. YN and Jeongyeon, we have to go now for a while okay?"
"Got it." "Alright, unnie."
Sadness went first exiting the dorm after saying goodbye and receiving take care messages from Mina and Jihyo which both sent the same for you and Jeongyeon.
Now reaching the parking lot where the driver was vibing through his playlist inside the van while waiting for the three of you, he went his focus back on the steering wheel when Sadness alarmed him by opening the slide door whereas Jeongyeon got prioritized first on entering.
Now in the middle of the ride, you are sitting beside Sadness while Jeongyeon was using her phone. You can't help but to take a peek many times at Jeongyeon's side profile. It returned you back to disbelief again that you do have a job now and what's even more better is that it made got stuck beside with your bias throughout important times.
Too clouded with your thoughts as you watched the surroundings around the streets of Seoul being passed by the van you're sitting in currently, you didn't even picked up right away Jeongyeon's signal to you as she poked your thigh for the 3rd time.
You looked to her and "hmm"-ed in curiousity as to why she's calling your attention. Jeongyeon pointed at the vacant seat beside her where her bag was neatly placed atop, requesting you to sit beside her which you cautiously accepted.
Now sitting altogether from your own sides, Jeongyeon dropped her phone in her lap and looked at you who's getting quiet and awkward again in this situation.
"I'm bored, so... can we talk instead?", Jeongyeon said. Great, now you have to participate in a 1 on 1 conversation with your celebrity crush.
"Go ahead, Jeongyeon sunba-"
"Enough with the honorifics, just call me Jeongyeon normally because I want us to be friends okay?"
"Okay, so hmmm... lemme think of questions first.  Wait, you confirmed that you are a ONCE right?"
"How long have you been stanning us?"
"Since SIXTEEN.", Jeongyeon got amazed at your loyality and determination to stay with them throughout these years of being an idol.
"Woah. That's impressive. Thank you for supporting us since from the beginning, YN. I really meant it a lot amd for sure so do the others too."
"No problem, you guys were the reason why I got interested in K-Pop genre after all, so I can't just leave the one who introduced me into this whole new world of music."
"Makes sense. Okay, well you're a longtime ONCE I see... now can I ask, who's your bias then?", Jeongyeon crossed her arms in anticipation while wearing that snigger as if she's teasing you on your expose.
You gulped heavily as the day has finally come to reveal it.
"I-It's you, Jeongyeon.", you admitted. You quickly leaned away from looking at her gorgeous face which the latter blushed hardly at the mention of her name being your main pick.
To be honest, she kinda know it already where back from the door of the dorm and after she fist saw you along with Sadness, Jeongyeon can tell that something is troubling you whenever your eye contacts within her.
"Woah, really?!", she acted. "I'm honored to be your bias then.", she laughed wihich urged you to go the flow of her mood too.
"You chose the right member properly. I won't have you get disappointed on me.", she joked.
"Well, you never did Jeong.", Jeongyeon was touched at your serious response to her supposed to be a humorous statement.
"How about you, want to ask me some couple of questions?", Jeongyeon urged.
"Oh o-okay...", you went silent for a moment before switching your vision back from the ceiling of the van to her as you ended your thinking process.
"Well... how are you doing these days? Is there a problem that's been bothering you that affects your daily routine like example... during work, at home, something?", you asked to her. Jeongyeon was astounded. Out of all the questions you had to ask, she didn't expected that the first thing you would chose is to check up on her.
"I'm doing well these days. I feel like I've gotten stronger, more happier and confident around with my members and with our ONCEs too."
"That's great to hear then. I mean... I- I don't know, when you got into your anxiety and i just 2 years ago I became very worried about your health state at that time. And as a fan, all ever wanted was for you to get your recovery smoothly. It did, and I was very happy to see you appeared surprisingly in the 2021 SMA if i'm not mistaken.", Jeongyeon listened to you more focusedly as you continue to speak.
I know you suffered and went through a lot during your recovery phase and I felt bad for you so much that you keep on apologizing to us ONCEs just because you have to take a break after attempting to pour your whole hardwork just to catch up with after after not being in the ICSM promotions. You didn't have to do that, Jeong. No one was here to be blamed.
And we didn't care about it. I... I just wanted you to be okay, Jeongyeon.", you finished your words as Jeongyeon stared at you, completely speechless at everything you just said. But that wasn't the only thing that made her tongue stuck on the back of her throat.
You didn't even realized you had a teardrop fell in your eye at the last words you said.
Jeongyeon smiled wholeheartedly and grabbed your hand laying on top of your lap. She leaned in front of you which took you aback.
Pursing her hand near at your face, you felt the tip of her finger and her knuckles swiped the teardrop and the wet stain across your cheek.
"I-i'm sorry... I didn't know I c-"
"Shhh. It's fine. I get it. Emotions took you a lot. You were being very sincere at your concern towards me after everything I went through during my hiatus.", Jeongyeon smiled.
"Thank you very much for your kind words, I truly felt overwhelmed. And with that, you just earned my motivation to get to know you more and much better... I want to have a friend with someone like you, YN.", Jeongyeon maintained her adorable smile looking straight at you as she offered to you an invitation regarding her available friendship you can have with her.
"I would be very happy to be your friend too, Jeongyeon."
"Nice!", Jeongyeon exclaimed. "I assure you that you'll get the same treatment as what you do to me, YN. I can't be the only one especially when you're being kind to me."
"Sure. I don't mind at all anyway, all I got to do is to fulfill my responsibility being your manager and a friend at the same time. When it comes to you, only you is more than enough, Jeongyeon."
Jeongyeon grinned widely after hearing that. "Let's talk more while the ride is still on, cmon... wanna hear my Spotify playlist. Maybe you have some artists here that you like."
"Oh, sure. I'll show you mine too after."
Meanwhile, Sadness was secretly watching the two of you finally starting to build up closeness to one another especially with the reason you just spilled to Jeongyeon for immediately prioritizing her well-being first made it very understandable and glad for her that they did picked an amazing manager already for Jeongyeon.
10 minutes of discussing your preferred genres and artists with Jeongyeon as both presented each other's Spotify playlist to entertain each other while waiting, the van finally made its stop in front of a building.
You assisted Jeongyeon on hopping down the van before you and Sadness placed her in between while walking through the entranceway.
Meeting and greeting all the production team including the director for today's photoshoot which you figured out right away after seeing the cameras and the set, the three of you entered the make-up room.
Sadness started to supervise your actions as you began to help as much as you can for the stylists to prepare Jeongyeon before sitting at the couch too as you think that they can manage it already by theirselves.
While using your phone, you can't help but to catch a glimpse of Jeongyeon's face reflected in the mirror. She looks so freaking more beautiful if you see in with your own eyes than in the screen, you thought.
Standing outside the room, Jeongyeon emerged with her first outfit which perfectly suits her so much. It made you jaw-dropped at her accentuating etheral beauty not only with her look but also by the sculpture of her body being traced and supported by the outline of her dress.
She may not be the same as what she looked in 2020 but the truth of her being attractably beautiful never changed withing your perspective.
"Do I look good, YN?", Jeongyeon asked fof your opinion as she stood beside you.
"When did you weren't?", you simply answered. Jeongyeon threw a playful cruch on her face as she slapped you softly at your arm before heading to the set.
During the photoshoot, you watched how Jeongyeon easily followed everything what the director was suggesting her to do on the poses and she would ended up slaying all of it.
She changed through different attires too throughout the filming which were all made from the same brand and you are running out of words to compliment her already because she's already the personification of every words that is synonym to the word "glamorous".
Taking one last shot, the director proclaimed the end of the shooting as it  finally wrapped up successfully. Everyone including you clapped at Jeongyeon's hardwork which the humble idol returned the same.
Changing back through her casual Taylor Swift Reputation album designed black T-Shirt and sweatpants, she went beside you who's checking out some hot topic in Twitter.
"Psst, join me for a dinner tonight."
"E-eh... only us?"
"Yup, because I will head my way out now you two. I still have some more tasks to complete for tonight.", Sadness spoke as she overheard your conversation which she knew already it already because Jeongyeon and her talked about her being unable to join them tonight on the way home.
You and Jeongyeon bid goodbye to Sadness before leaving both of you alone again. "What do you say? My treat."
"Yours? J-jeongyeon, you don't have to. I can pay-"
"Just leave it to me, I can spend anytime and how many I want only with the help of this black card here with me. And you don't have to pay me back. Treat this as a way to... you know, celebrate our friendship?"
You sighed as you already can tell that you have no match for this woman here. "Okay. I'm in."
"There you go! Cmon, let's go to the van now. I have this recommended restaurant gave to me by Momo that I want to try."
You and her did ate at this Japanese restaurant for dinner and proceeded with a very energizing conversation about every random topic both can relate with. It's as if with the way both of you speak through one another was very comfortable and with full freedom to do so.
The mood kinda shifted when Jeongyeon brought what happened earlier during the shooting as she asked you something about it again.
"YN, what you said earlier when I asked you how do I look at my outfit. Was that true?"
"Ofcourse it is. You nailed it as usual when it comes for photoshoots. That's why everyone thinks you could be very successful if you enter the modeling industry."
"Is that so? Well... I... I thought...", you noticed that Jeongyeon lowered her head after halting in her words as she kept on spinning the chopstick in her sushi on the plate.
"What is it, Jeongyeon?"
"I just have these thoughts that I won't do well anymore at these sort of things.", that caught your attention. "I still have these doubts with myself and confusion as to why was I got picked to be the endorser for this brand knowing that I don't look as beautiful anymore compared before when I got placed into hiatus. My entire body changed.
I was aware of the hate i'm getting in the social medias after the press revealed my newer look through the photos ever since I returned back in active. Even some ONCEs probably doesn't like how I look today I guess and it's my-"
"NO.Jeongyeon. NO.  We are not going through that again. Please.", your voice became stern and sharp as you had enough of the negativity coming out from her mouth.
"Jeongyeon, you don't have to overthink about it. Those are just haters being nonsensical, ruthless, toxic and even worse, being a bunch of bodyshamers. Who the hell cares if you gained more weight than before?
Everybody knows including most of the ONCEs and me know you didn't wanted it to happen but you have to do it for the sake of providing the recovery you're taking into for your health.
If you only know how much of us were very amazed and proud of you that you could manage to fight through all of the hardship and rebuild yourself even better than before by looking healthier.
Jeongyeon, you don't need to lower down the way you see yourself. You are still beautiful to my eyes. To everyone's eyes. That's why the brand chose you. Through this, you could even change the standards when it comes to beauty in K-Pop industry. Even better, you can inspire other too behind the story of what led you into this.
So please, don't tell yourself that you lost that charm you once have before just because your figure changed. IT NEVER LEFT YOU, Jeongyeon. Until now, you're bringing it with you because you were born with it already. If only they could just leave you alone and learn to accept who you are.
Don't let those negative feedbacks bring you down. Always remember that ONCEs including me always believe and support you no matter what happens. WE love you with just the way you are. Your happiness will always be our happiness too."
Jeongyeon just listened and watched you pour out the frustration with teary eyes. It's been only your first day and yet she can see at how obvious you are as such a down to earth person.
"Thank you... thank you so much, YN. That meant a lot to me", she smiled gratefully to you.
You stood from your seat and walked near at her. "May I?" She nodded and you began to comfort her with some gentle pats on her head and a side hug that she found very relaxing and motivating.
Now reaching the dorm as the driver sent you two home safely, thanking him for that too; you halted when Jeongyeon finally stood in front of the door.
"Thank you so much, YN. What a way to start our friendship, right? I really had a lot of fun today."
"Me too, Jeongyeon, and I agree with what you said too."
"I gotta enter now, goodnight and bye YN!"
"Bye Jeongyeon. Goodnight!", she gave you a high-five as she giggled before she finally entered her sweet abode.
After seeing the door got closed in front of you, you heaved a huge huff of air at how unbelievable this first day you had in your new job.
You walked back to your dorm while rewinding all the moments you had with Jeongyeon today that puts a huge smile on your face thinking about it.
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I’ve got some Whole Man questions and I hope it’s okay because it’s a story I truly enjoy but I lack history knowledge and I’m not as smart as you.
1. (Not a historical question) I imagine Rosey maybe having a baby face despite what she’s been through, like maybe when she smiles people are reminded how young she is. Any accuracy to how you envision her?
2. Does the Captain have an STD of sorts for real or is he wrongly diagnosed under Colonel’s orders?
3. And if he does carry an STD, is Rosey okay with it being passed to her? The latest chapter when she asks him if he is refusing to sleep with her in fear of getting her sick how exactly did all that work back then? Is he sick like Aida?
4. What exactly is the Captain ill from?
5. Is Rosey saving him money now that she’s running his books or is she still trying to figure out exactly what stretches his money so thin?
I’m sure I’ve got more that are currently escaping my mind so I might pop back in later with them if that’s alright! Like I said I love this story I just get a bit lost sometimes! Not because of your writing but because of my lack in knowledge!
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I am soooo glad to be asked these sorts of questions, I could talk your ears off about this particular story and as it’s rather complex and uh, vague??? i do sometimes wonder what confusion I may have sewn at times with the unfolding and it’s nice to have a check as to wether those confusions are being unsnarled properly. Also, I am a history nerd, everyone has their areas of passion and study and excellence, I’m just so glad this series caught your affection anyway.
1. The baby faced softness: oh yes, very accurate to how I imagine her, a rather stern and unconventionally pretty resting face that belongs to a woman who has been through hell and deprivation rather than the young fresh girl she ought to be. But then her smile can wrought a complete metamorphosis in softening her face, I like to think her teasing little looks she sends Captain Presley the more confident she becomes around him have a similar effect of making her look younger and arch. I never wanted to give her an full faceclaim as in my mind she’s very much original. I also wanted y’all to feel free to imagine as you like, it did start as a reader insert, after all. But here are a few gals from ye olden days that resonate with my vision of her. mainly the third, I see her AS rosey.
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2. Mm, ok yeah so, it’s rather likely he had one? At some point? But the entire fuss made over it and the credit it’s given for ALL his ailments is entirely fabricated. And not out of poor doctoring but an intentional (by the colonel) misdiagnoses to keep him both in thrall to the drugs and shamed regarding the very cause of his current misery. I have always intended he have something like malaria or the like, which is borne by biting insects and can cause damage to vital organs permanently in those who survive the initial illness and often flares as a chronic fevered illness, effecting the liver and blood and mind. There were treatments already available for it back then but chiefly belonged to indigenous people and the brilliant minds of the medical system at that time had no desire to learn from “primitive” people who actually lived and survived amongst the most afflicted areas -shocker. 🙄 I guess I sorta answered your fourth question here lo
3. Yeah so this will be interesting to tackle, as I fully believe he is concerned with passing anything to her although his genuine reasoning is in regards to waiting for marriage. As for Rosey? I think she already doubts that’s his full trouble but then she is not very educated on any of these conjugal things or the side effects of prostitution. The captain has watched, with Aida and others, the slow or rapid decline of so many succumbing to his erstwhile occupation -in fact, his chief tolerance for Aida and providing for her is a guilty sort of attempt at charity with the hopes that if he is kind to her and merciful, the same mercy might be granted him when he declines similarly. A bit of a bargain with God. So Rosey is perhaps not as concerned as she should be, but that may work in their favor if he’s misdiagnosed. Also, back then -and this is criminally tragic- plenty of women caught and died from stds given them by their philandering husbands, men who weren’t “disreputable” in any polite sense but did indulge in prostitutes and came back to their unsuspecting (or worse suspecting but helpless) wives and infected them. This even resulted in congenital infection, many babies died from their fuckwit father’s spreading this to their wives. All of this is an impolite history Rosey would be unaware of but Captain Presley would be keenly cognizant of.
3. Rosey is trying. 😂 Boy is she trying to save and to play detective but honestly? I think we already know where the money is going just as we know where the real Elvis’ money chiefly went -to Parker. While Elvis is left with his half share that must also pay for the boat, the coal, the wages, much of the bribes, multiple dependents off the boat and of course, his occasional bouts of outrageous generosity and indulgence in fine things.
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scribblestatic · 1 year
Been feelin kinda shit, so here's a stalker deku snippet.
All Might ends up catching up with Izuku and telling him he can be a hero and wants to train him. And, of course, Izuku would never give up on the chance to spend time with his most favorite hero ever.
So, Izuku starts going to the beach and working out, just like All Might says. He doesn't say a single thing about what he can and cannot do, because if All Might sees the potential in him, surely he can do what he's asking of him and more! All Might may not be perfect, but he's still his idol! He'll do everything he can to meet his expectations!
But also, being in close proximity to All Might allows Izuku to learn more about him than ever before.
And All Might just slightly notices something a little off about the boy the longer he's around him.
For example, one day, Izuku just randomly brings him his favorite soup--something easy on his stomach that he can eat completely. "It's good for your health to eat, All Might!" Izuku insists, giving him that wobbly smile of his.
That's fine and all, but it starts getting a bit weird when Izuku just so happens to always have soup ready for him on days he forgot to eat the night before. What interesting timing.
And then, there's the way Izuku can immediately recite information about a person if All Might asks about them.
All Might considers teaching Izuku about how to combat villains by figuring out quick weaknesses and exploiting them. And Izuku, of course, agrees with his assertion immediately. All Might opens his mouth, starting to talk about an old villain he fought--
And Izuku, eagerly, begins to say every pertinent detail about that villain.
How interesting! What a fanboy!
Once was quite interesting!
Twice, amazing! Three times, wow!
Five times!
Seven...! Nine... Twelve...
The names, both real and villainous, ages, former occupations, quirks, immediate family members, criminal attachments, legal proceedings if any--
He knows it all off the top of his head with a single mention.
"I study these things a lot, All Might! I'm sure I can put it to good use!"
"...You know, you really could be quite the police officer!" All Might tries to joke, laughing off his discomfort.
"Oh, I wouldn't say that..."
"No, no, my boy, you really would--"
"Someone like Officer Kijiwaru and I would really not get along at all."
Kijiwaru Kensuke. 52 years old. District captain and senior officer. Cheating on his wife of 20 years for the last 12. Three daughters and one son. Used police connections to brush the fact his son assaulted a girl in one of his college classes under the rug. Embezzling money from business connections he's made to fund his family's lifestyle.
Izuku hates people like that, and despite the smile on his face, it shows just a bit in his eyes.
Though, to All Might, no regular 14-year-old would really pay attention to who the district captain is. And he's not a fool. He sees the sliver of shadow in the young boy's eyes.
Immediately, All Might stops ignoring the nagging feeling at the back of his mind and realizes that Izuku is not normal.
Even so, Izuku has not done anything wrong.
He's a good boy with good grades. He's kind to people and protective of those he loves. And he makes a damn good soup.
But after a few weeks at his side, All Might can tell that Izuku has potential for villainy.
He's very sweet to people in general, but Izuku still stares at the heroes who scolded him after saving his classmate with blank eyes and burning resentment. All Might's had to stop him from working so hard at cleaning the beach when he didn't slow down even after his hands started bleeding. Sometimes, Izuku knows too much about him, too, like how the boy somehow knew he'd forgotten his gloves one winter morning. He also knew he forgot them because he ran after some villains in the morning. And he knew the names of the villains he ran after.
All Might looks down at Izuku, who sits on a bench beside him, the lightly blushing boy twiddling his thumbs.
"...You know I'm not normal, right, All Might?"
"Well... I wouldn't say that."
"You know I know too much."
"Haha, perhaps a bit much for your age, yes."
They go quiet for a moment. Then, All Might opens his mouth, prepared to say something--
--but it dies in his throat.
He's never once told the young boy his name.
Izuku peers up at him then, his gaze calculating and focused, wide-eyed, cheeks still ruddy from the cold and his own embarrassment. He chews on the skin of his bottom lip anxiously.
"I don't think I can change this about myself."
All Might... Yagi Toshinori gazes down at the boy.
"Is it... Do you still think I could become a hero?"
It's a request, Yagi realizes. A request for him to be as real with Izuku as when he told him he likely couldn't be a hero at first. He's asking him to reevaluate him now that he has more of an inkling of what kind of child Izuku is. Of the potential he has. Because it seems that Izuku knows it himself.
He could become a fantastic, fearsome villain. And if Yagi was to give him One For All--
Yagi's gaze briefly sharpens, staring hard at the boy.
...He couldn't know, could he? That his quirk...
He couldn't know he's been planning on giving Izuku his quirk, could he? It's a secret he's kept amongst a very, very select few of people, even fewer than those who know he can only be active for a few hours a day. He can count the amount of people who know on his hands, and all of them are extremely tight-lipped.
So unless the boy somehow worked it out himself, he couldn't have learned it. But if he did somehow work it out himself, that would make him all the more fearsome.
Yagi reaches over, and Izuku closes his eyes tightly.
And Yagi's hands cup the boy's cheeks, causing him to blink his eyes back open, startled.
Instead of sneering at him in disgust or looking frustrated, Yagi has a kind smile on his face. It fascinates Izuku to the point his eyes sparkle.
"Everyone has the potential for good and evil, Young Midoriya. Even I do. However, I'm the kind of person who simply doesn't want to do evil things. And while you know a lot and perhaps don't get your information the most ethical ways...though I don't know how you get it... Well, you've used it for good so far. After all, these gloves on my hands now are from your kindness, aren't they?"
Izuku is speechless. He stays still as Yagi lets him go, though his hands quickly grab his before they can fall completely.
Aaah, Yagi realizes, This is something he's needed to hear.
Izuku has likely wondered how good he can actually be. He's a smart boy, perhaps too smart for his own good. And he's likely thought about his habits, his way of showing emotion, his differences from others.
Perhaps he's agonized over it more than anyone realizes.
"Some heroes have their oddities, their bad habits or tendencies. Despite them, or sometimes because of them, they strive to be the best person they can be. Even with your differences, I believe you can still be a hero."
They stare at each other for a moment.
Then, without warning, tears immediately start pouring from Izuku's eyes. It's so sudden, it actually startles Yagi, who quickly finds a handkerchief for him to use.
But eventually, they both start laughing at how ridiculous they're being.
As they laugh, Izuku can't help but feel like he's floating. He's so full of love at the moment, it's like he's sitting on clouds.
Yagi-sensei, he thinks.
Thank you for telling us both such a beautiful lie.
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nordleuchten · 2 years
btw I dom't know if I'm misremembering these things so 1. I've read somewhere that lafayette died holding that necklace of Adrienne, but I can't find it anymore, is that true? and 2. I don't know if I read here or not, but did lafayette used to they stories to the girls in Olmütz? and in another notez do we have records on what they did in Olmütz to like, pass some time and stuff?
Thank you <3
Dear @msrandonstuff,
let us tackle your questions one by one, shall we? :-)
First, yes, that is true. La Fayette’s physician and family friend Jules Cloquet Germain for example wrote in his book:
One day during his last illness, I surprised him kissing her portrait, which he always wore suspended to his neck in a small gold medallion. Around the portrait were the words, “Je suis à vous” and on the back was engraved this short and touching inscription, “Je vous fus donc une douce compagne: eh bien! benissez moi.” I have since been informed that regularly every morning Lafayette ordered Bastien to leave the room, in which he shut himself up, and taking the portrait in both hands, looked at it earnestly pressed, it to his lips, and remained silently contemplating it for about a quarter of an hour. Nothing was more disagreeable to him than to be disturbed during this daily homage to the memory of his virtuous partner.
Jules Germain Cloquet, Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette, Baldwin and Cradock, London, 1835, p. 35.
Second, again, yes, La Fayette used to read to his daughters in the afternoons during their shared imprisonment. Virginie described their life in her book the following:
This explains how save in the beginning of the illness we found pleasure in our quiet life My sister supplied the place of outdoor workmen she even made shoes for my father But her principal occupation was to write under his dictation on the margins of a book My mother attended to my education and used to read with me but the margins of a book the tooth picks and the bit of Indian ink were things too precious for my use In the evening my father used to read aloud to us I still remember the pleasure of those moments.
Mme de Lasteyrie, Life of Madame de Lafayette, L. Techener, London, 1872, p. 359-360.
Virginie mentions that they were not allowed to celebrate mass but mass was celebrated in a little church right by the prison and I think they were able to hear at least a little bit of that. Letter writing was generally permitted but only a few letters, written under supervision, to a selected of people. Adrienne busied herself with writing her mother biography in the margin of a book, letter writing (as far as it was permitted) and lobbying for the prisoners, overseeing the education of her daughters and practicing her religion. Anastasie and Virginie were crafty, made and mended cloths, were educated, both of them practiced their religion and Anastasie “painted” with what little they had available. La Fayette was only allowed to see his wife and children for a few hours in the evening and probably did nothing “more” with them than reading and talking. He himself had otherwise no company and even less to do, especially since privileges like letter writing, books and the likes were continuously granted to him and then again taken away from him.
When you look into their time in Olmütz (and La Fayette’s time in prison before that), you can not help but admire their inner strength and resilience. This is also true for Georges, he might have not been imprisoned, but the situation was not necessarily easier for him!
I hope this helps and I hope you have/had a great day!
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zombiebcit · 6 months
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norman reedus. 50. cis man. he / him. ― i see you meet WILLIAM "WILL" GRIMES, huh? they are around for… well, it will be 1 AND A HALF YEAR, now. time flies when you are busy and as part of THE MILITIA, they are. if you want to meet them, they live in B1A2A, i think. people say they are ADAPTABLE + PROTECTIVE, but don’t piss them off, okay? because they can be also UNTRUSTING + UNREPENTANT, so be safe.
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⸻ FULL NAME: William Daniel Grimes
⸻ AGE: 50
⸻ GENDER: cis man
⸻ PRONOUNS: he / him
⸻ SCARS / TATTOOS: many scars & tattos along whole body ;
⸻ OCCUPATION: before: many things ; now: militia ;
⸻ FAMILY: tba grimes ( child, wc ) ;
⸻ PLAYLIST: apologize by grandson ; i come with knives by iamx ; f.w.t.b by yonaka ( grandson remix ) ; 20 precent cooler by ken ashcorp ; devil by shinedown ; play dirty by kevin mcallister + [sebell] ; kill our way to heaven by michl ; devil's backbone by the civil wars ; follow you by bring me the horizon ; no one but you by every avenue ; ;
⸻ INSPO: carol peletier ( the walking dead ) , michonne ( the walking dead ) , ada wong ( resident evil ) , chris redfield ( resident evil ) , tess servopoulos ( the last of us ) , morrigan ( dragon age ) , flemeth ( dragon age ) , zaeed massani ( mass effect 2 ) , urdnot wrex  ( mass effect ) ;
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STORY tw: child neglect, drugs, alcohol, discussion of abortion, mention of starvation, allusions to prostitution ;
will's parents didn't cared where he is or what he is doing at all. thye might not have raise their hands, but they didn't loved him either ;
it wasn't a surprise when will got caught up in the wrong crowd and everything that follows one - wild parties with poping whatever was there to just shut his mind off ;
and then, it happened. barely out of the magical line of finally legal age, will's one-night stand, a nice girl from good family who just wanted to have a go at the bad boy came to him with a positive pregnancy test ;
the easy way, the ' right ' way for them would be to go and end it. damn, will even said that to her face and sadi he will pay for it & drive her there.
and he did, but siting there, waiting and see her flinching at every little sound... looking at her stomach and thinking ' there could my kid grow ' made him feel weird.
so will blur out quick ' wait, just wait ' and they had a long and heavy talk about this all ;
she didn't wanted to get rid of kid, but didn't want to be a mother too, having to care about child when she just "started" her life and will... will wanted it now ;
so for the next months, he did everything to get clean, to get better, to find job, any job, and save a little for his kid ;
and then he hold his child in his arms for the first time and that was it. he was a parent.
it wasn't easy, even with the money the girl shoved in his hands few days after brith, with a quick ' just tell them i died. ' ;
he did his best to be a good father, remember what his own father did and did the opposite - care about his kid, telling them he loves them often, showing interest in any littlie thing they showed him ;
he was jumping from job to job, going hungry more often than not just to make sure his kid wasn't, that they had anything they needed ;
working as bartender, he began getting offerts and at some point, he started to accept them. a quick bj there and there was enough to put the food at the table and while he wasn't proud of it, he wasn't ashamed either ;
and then will meet him ;
will know the name man give him was false, he was too clean, tooo charming to be honest ;
but the job offer was too good to pass on, the money could get them out of the shoebox apartament and put his kid in college if will would be smart about spending ;
so he took it and then it was 'take this packcage there', ' keep this person save for evening ' , ' make this person talk ' ;
will did thing, clean out whatever was on his hands - blood more often than not - and go back to being loving father ;
he never told his kid what he did, now or before, just made sure they are as happy as they could ;
he was so proud of them, watching them groing into young adult and starting their own adventure in life ;
and then, the fucking apocalypse happened. at the start, he tried to call, desperate to get in contact with his kid, then he traveled to them just to find them gone ;
rationally, he knows they might be dead, but refuse to acknowledge it ;
it was hard for will to get used to safety of the domus spei, still is. but anytime he is out there, he is still looking ;
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child. ( main wc ) open. will had them very young, a result of one-night stand when he was 18-20yo, and he raised them alone. at the time when apocalypse happened, they were separated & will spend years looking for them without success. i would say they had pretty good relation but i am open to suggestions. this muse would be here for max 1-2 weeks.
⸻ more tba.
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