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ປ່ຽນແປງຄວາມຄິດຖືກສະຖິດ: ແພລດຟອມຈອງທີ່ພັກຂອງ cheQin.ai ທີ່ໃຊ້ AI
ສະບາຍດີກັບ cheQin.ai — ແພລດຟອມປະຕິວັດທີ່ກຳລັງປ່ຽນແປງກົດກະດຽງໃນການຈອງໂຮງແຮມ. ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ແມ່ນພຽງແອັບທຳມະດາອີກແອັບໜຶ່ງ; ພວກເຮົາມາເພື່ອທຳໃຫ້ຊີວິດງ່າຍຂຶ້ນທັງສຳລັບນັກເດີນທາງແລະເຈົ້າຂອງໂຮງແຮມ. ວິທີການຈອງແບບດັ້ງເດີມອາດຈະຊັບຊ້ອນ, ແພງ, ແລະໃຊ້ເວລາຫຼາຍ, ແຕ່ພວກເຮົາມີຄຳຕອບທ��່ເຂົ້າກັນກັບທຸກຄົນ.
ທຳໄມຕ້ອງຍອມຮັບລາຄາທີ່ຖືກກຳນົດໄວ້ ໃນເມື່ອທ່ານສາມາດຕໍ່ລອງໄດ້? ຟີຈເຈີ “ຕໍ່ລອງດຽວນີ້” ຂອງ cheQin.ai ມອບອຳນາດໃຫ້ນັກເດີນທາງຂອງເຮົາສາມາດຄວ້າຂໍ້ສະເຫນີທີ່ດີທີ່ສຸດໄດ້ຢ່າງງ່າຍດາຍ. ວິທີທີ່ຟີຈເຈີນີ້ເຮັດວຽກ:
ໂພສງົດປະມານ, ຄວາມຕ້ອງການ, ແລະສິ່ງອຳນວຍຄວາມສະດວກທີ່ຂາດບໍ່ໄດ້.
AI ສຸດອັດສະລິຍະຂອງພວກເຮົາຈະເລີ່ມການປະມູນສົດໃນທີ່ທ່ານສູ້ລາຄາລະຫວ່າງໂຮງແຮມໃກ້ໆ.
ຮັບຂໍ້ສະເຫນີ 5 ອັນທີ່ລາຄາຕໍ່ຳທີ່ສຸດທີ່ປັບໃຫ້ເຫມາະສົມສຳລັບທ່ານ.
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ສຳລັບເຈົ້າຂອງໂຮງແຮມ: ລາຍໄດ້ເພີ່ມຂຶ້ນ, ບໍ່ມີຄ່ານາຍຫຼ້ຽມ
ເຈົ້າຂອງໂຮງແຮມ, ພວກເຮົາໄດ້ຍິນຄວາມຕ້ອງການຂອງທ່ານຊັດເຈນແລ້ວ. ຂໍລາເລີກຄ່ານາຍທີ່ສູງເກີນໄປທີ່ເຮັດໃຫ້ກຳໄລຂອງທ່ານຫົດລົງ. ດ້ວຍ cheQin.ai, ທ່ານສາມາດຮັບລາຍໄດ້ເຕັມ 100% ຂອງທ່ານ ພ້ອມທັງມອບລາຄາທີ່ແຂ່ງຂັນໃຫ້ກັບນັກເດີນທາງ. ນອກນັ້ນ, ເຄື່ອງມື AI ຂອງພວກເຮົາຈະຊ່ວຍໃຫ້ທ່ານປັບລາຄາໄດ້ໃນເວລາຈິງຕາມກະແສຕະຫຼາດ, ຮັບປະກັນວ່າທ່ານຈະມີຂໍ້ໄດ້ປຽບເສັຽທີ່ສຸດເທົ່າເທີມ.
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ເພື່ອທຳໄມຄວນເລືອກ cheQin.ai?
ຕົວເລືອກທີ່ຍືດຫຍຸ່ນ: ຈອງການໃຊ້ວັນຫຼືພັກສັ້ນໆເພື່ອເຂົ້າກັບຕາຕະລາງຂອງທ່ານ.
ລາຄາແຈ້ງຊັດເຈນ: ບໍ່ມີຄ່າແຝງສຳລັບນັກເດີນທາງ ແລະບໍ່ມີຄ່ານາຍສຳລັບໂຮງແຮມ.
ເຂົ້າໃຈໃນເວລາຈິງ: ຮັບຂໍ້ມູນອັດສະລິຍະກ່ຽວກັບກະແສລາຄາເພື່ອປັບປຸງລາຍໄດ້ຂອງທ່ານ.
ເຂົ້າສູ່ໂລກທີ່ສົດໃສ: ດ້ວຍຄຸນສົມບັດທີ່ຄອບຄຸມຫຼາຍກວ່າ 100,000 ທີ່ພັກ ທົ່ວສິງຄະໂປ, ອິນເດຍ, UAE, ແລະຫຼາຍປະເທດອື່ນໆ, cheQin.ai ຊ່ອຍເຊື່ອມໂຍງທ່ານກັບໂອກາດໃນທົ່ວໂລກ.
cheQin.ai ກຳລັງປະຕິວັດປະສົບການຈອງໂຮງແຮມສຳລັບທັງນັກເດີນທາງ ແລະເຈົ້າຂອງໂຮງແຮມ. ດ້ວຍການຜະສານຄວາມແຈ້ງຊັດ, ຄວາມຍຸດຕິທຳ, ແລະເທັກໂນໂລຊີ AI ທີ່ທັນສະໄໝ, ພວກເຮົາໄດ້ສ້າງແພລດຟອມທີ່ສົມປະໂຫຍດສຳລັບທຸກຄົນ. ບໍ່ວ່າທ່ານຈະຄົ້ນຫາຂໍ້ສະເຫນີທີ່ດີທີ່ສຸດ ຫຼືຫມາຍມຸ່ງສູງສຸດລາຍໄດ້ຂອງທ່ານ, CheQin.ai ຄືຄູ່ຮ່ວມທາງທີ່ດີທີ່ສຸດຂອງທ່ານ. ລົງທະບຽນວັນນີ້ ແລະຂັບເຄື່ອນຂັ້ນຕອນທຳອິດຂອງການຈອງທີ່ສະດວກ ແລະສະຫມາດກວ່າເກົ່າ!
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Minutes before the 2004 tsunami hit Thailand, a 10-year-old girl warned her parents it was coming. While they were on the beach, she recognized the warning signs of a tsunami, having learned about them in her geography class just two weeks earlier. Her quick thinking is credited with saving the lives of hundreds of tourists.
source 1, 2
Tilly Smith had learned about tsunamis in her geography class. Tilly was equipped with that knowledge when the Smith family decided to walk along the beach for a morning walk. Suddenly, "I saw this bubbling on the water, right on the edge, and foam sizzling just like in a frying pan," she remembered. "The water was coming in, but it wasn't going out again. It was coming in, and then in, and then in, towards the hotel." She recognized it as an indication that earthquake-driven waves were only minutes away.
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Bad Buddy 12
My thoughts on Ep 1 | Ep 2 | Ep 3 | Ep 4 | Ep 5 | Ep 6 | Ep 7 | Ep 8 | Ep 9 | Ep 10 | Ep 11
Me, at the end of this episode:
Oh, we have a 4-year time skip!! Interesting.
Pat, where is the Nong Nao doll? I don't see it on your bed. I need answers right now.
I like the transition from Pat putting down his toothbrush to Pran picking up his own. Very clever.
Pran, quick question: WHERE ARE YOU? I see the view in the background, and that's one of Singapore's most iconic buildings, if I'm not wrong, which is definitely not in Thailand. So, boy, what's your ass doing in Singapore?
At least he's still wearing The Watch, so I have hope. Pran's a yearner through and through, so I expected nothing less from him.
We all agree that Max is hitting on Pran, right? Pran's not having any of it, though.
Poor Pat, he doesn't look too happy when Korn and Wai mention revisiting the old days.
Not the fucking elevator flashback 😭😭. Oh no, the curry Pran made for him after he confessed that he liked him. Man, this shit hurts!!
I, for one, am not at all surprised that Pat joined his father's business after graduation. I could've told you that on the day we first met him.
Sidenote, but why are these 22/23-year-olds lamenting about getting old?
Guys, Pa graduated from university and is making a movie!! My baby's all grown up now!! *wipes tears*
Ok, Wai and Korn each have girlfriends. How about instead of saving for individual dowries, you both just ditch the girls and marry each other? Just food for thought.
But why aren't they bringing up Pat's love life? Is it still a touchy topic? I mean, it's been 4 years, and we don't know what reason they gave their friends for the breakup, though, so we shall see.
What do you mean someone else moved into Pran's room? It should've been preserved as a heritage site. Contacting the people at UNESCO ASAP.
Ink and Pa are on my screen together. My boys might be miserable right now, but at least my girls are thriving.
A high school reunion, you say? If I'm not wrong, Pat, Pran, and Ink went to the same high school. Are they going to MEET at the reunion????!
Wow, Ink misses her high school classmates. Definitely can't relate to that sentiment, bestie.
Pat, sir, is that a smile on your face at the possibility of running into Pran at the reunion?
Not Pat looking solemnly at the memory wall.😭😭
THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Pran is here at the reunion!!!
Okay, so just looking longingly at each other is all I'm going to get for now.
"But some things can never change." Pat, bestie, change is the only constant in life. Fuck everything else and go get your man!!
Are you really playing a game at your reunion if the prize up for grabs isn't something like an accommodation voucher for a night at a mid-budget hotel??
Not the trip down memory lane😭. Y'all are in the same room; talk to each other and put yourselves (& me) out of this misery.
A live performance, you say? And PRAN IS SINGING. Now, don't tell me it's the song he wrote to soft launch his feelings to Pat in high school.
Yes, he is. Pat, are you listening? I know you're hearing it, but are you LISTENING to it?
EXCUSE ME! What was that sweet smile you guys just exchanged? I need an explanation!! NOW!!!
A group photo with them being pushed towards each other, which could be a metaphor for the string of fate always bringing them back together. Love to see it.
Pat, let me introduce you to something called a cab. It's really effective in taking your friend's drunk ass home, especially when your ex is giving you THE LOOK!!
Okay, Pat's on the phone with Pa (probably?) and is complaining about being hungry. You know what you should do, Pat? Go to your favorite noodle shop and wait for your ex to show up so that you can talk things through.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S PRAN ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR AND ON THE PHONE??!!! My brain is malfunctioning right now.
"You said you'd sleep at your house." What in the hell is happening right now?
Crisis averted, the Nong Nao doll makes an appearance on the bed.
Okay, Pran, I see you wearing your 'happy hour' shirt while complaining to your boyfriend (?) about Singapore's air pollution.
One thing about them: they are going to use the fucking sponsored makeup remover on the other. It's quite endearing, actually.
BB Product placement stays superior till the end.
I need an explanation, stat!! Are you still mad I didn't pick you up at the airport? What is that boyfriend-ass statement, Pat?
Pran just referred to Pat as his boyfriend. "We've been together for too long."
WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY NEVER BROKE UP IN THE FIRST PLACE??!!! I need a minute to process this.
My reaction till now, everyone, is the fucking Kuleshov effect in action, with me thinking that both of them are sad because of their 4-year-long separation, when in reality, they are just boyfriends missing each other.
Aww, a memory wall in their home.
Finally, THE GUITAR PICK that Pat made for Pran all those years ago makes an appearance!
So, according to the photos on THE WALL, Pat actually visited Pran in Singapore.
I do hope we get a home tour at some point; I'm really interested in seeing how Pran's OCD self blended his life with Pat's messy ass.
Unknowingly, from two people who couldn't be friends, we became two people who were more than friends.
So, they lied to everyone by saying that they broke up and began Secret relationship 2.0
Not them holding their fucking pinkies together when they pass by in the hallway ASFDGHF—
Time and space are just a construct when it comes to me and my blorbos because remember what I said when they were dating in secrecy the first time? I told them that they should have at least one person they are both familiar with to be in the know about their relationship to maintain a successful secret relationship. And Pran IRREFUTABLY heard me because Wai, Korn, Pa, and Ink knew about them this time around. I bet Einstein didn't foresee this coming.
Aww, they even visited Uncle Tong and Junior after they graduated.
I love that the parents aren't still getting along, because in such cases where the rivalry dates back decades, it feels abnormal to not continue doing so. It's almost like sunk cost fallacy but make it about rivalry.
However, I do love the little detail of Ming having to back off during their car face-off because Ming was the one who stabbed Dissaya in the back, figuratively speaking, all those years ago.
Not Pran rubbing the shirt all over his body to ensure that his scent lasts for a while💀 My boy is an actual menace.
Pat, sir, what are you thinking sending thirst pics to your boyfriend AT WORK?
They even held their pinkies together in their high school reunion photo.
Oh, I'm a happy camper because all my ships are sailing smoothly. The irony of Wai and Korn running the bar (where they used to fight with each other on a regular basis) together is just 😂 😂
Wai and Korn are soft launching their relationship, and no one can tell me otherwise. See, Pat is also a KornWai truther.
Pa, sweetheart, Ink was pining for you since she was in high school. I don't think you need to worry about her straying.
Keep up with shoving your couple photos down everyone's throats, though, just because y'all are hella cute together.
Korn does look like a middle-aged Asian uncle when he is complaining about the rival faculties breaking tables. Oh, how the tables have turned.
Yes, Wai, it's your penance for all the mess you guys used to cause all those years ago.
"Guys, I don't mind if you want to fight, but you must get a lover out of the fight, just like me." STAHP IT
Pran went from ordering three wontons to four—that's how you know he's in a long-term relationship, accommodating your partner without any prodding from their side.
Pran's "I brought your dad a bottle of liquor" is a solid strategy. There is nothing Asian dads love more than receiving imported liquor, even if they don't drink. A sure way to win some brownie points.
Kissing in front of the trashcans!!!! Oh, how far they've come.
Ming once again being the most Asian dad to ever exist by just randomly flipping through the newspaper just to appear busy.
As much as I love to hate on his quintessential Asian dad quirks, he is the most relatable of bl dads for me. Is he perfect? No, but I don't think anyone can say that he doesn't love his son.
Ink is accepted by Pa's parents, which doesn't surprise me one bit because she's perfect. PERIOD.
The dinner scene at Pat's house is a callback to the dinner scene in the initial episodes, when the dad was telling Pat to not let the neighboring boy win at any cost. Oh, how the tables have turned! Now, Pat is trying to curry favor with his dad for the said neighboring boy.
MING TOOK A SIP. Told ya, Asian dads just can't resist imported liquor.
The question of Pran's guitar. Did Pat keep it with him this time around too??!!
Ming crossed the LINE to deliver the mail, and Dissaya saw it.
Awww, his mom put it on his bed, which goes in line with my theory about parallels between Dissaya accepting Pran playing the guitar and him loving Pat. So, I'll be taking this as silent acceptance from her regarding their relationship.
I think both of them are ready to bury the hatchet, TO AN EXTENT, for the sake of their kids happiness.
Going off on a tangent for a bit, but bear with me. Let me take a moment to thank @respectthepetty for training me into thinking of love whenever I see the color pink because, what was the paint color the fathers used to draw the boundary between their houses all those years ago? Yes, it was fucking pink. It means that the answer was love all along. They were MEANT to fall in love to bridge the rift between their families. Talk about 'born to be together,' which was the exact sentiment Pran wanted to convey through The Song in high school.
Now, Pat coming into Pran's room through the window is a clear callback to the time Pat did the same to return the watch after Pran saved Pa. However, then he did it to tell Pran to not act friendly towards him in front of others, and now it's to spend some time with him without hiding from anyone, even their parents.
"If not you, I won't allow anyone else to use it. Pran, when I catch you—
Not Pran, my resident menace, trying to wake up the green-eyed monster by mentioning that Wai may have used it before💀😂
Pran's dad providing the meta commentary with his "This show is just so good." comment.
Ah, forehead kisses, my beloved!!!
Man, the flashbacks to when they were kids overlapping with them right now are just the cutest.
Everyone gather around because I just had a very big-brained thought. Remember, in Ep 8, on the rooftop, Pat wanted to share their relationship with the entire world while Pran asked what's wrong with just wanting to keep it for themselves. What if, whatever happened with their relationship after that, was just exploring both their paths? They clearly tried Pat's way first because Pran cared about him, despite his worry, and it resulted in the Ep 11 ending. After that, they took Pran's way and we all saw how it panned out for them. It might've taken them four years, but their parents are kinda onboard with their relationship.
Now that we're on this subject, let me try to provide some context to Wai pulling down the curtain on their relationship. Not defending his actions, but me thinks it was very intentional that Wai heard Pran say that although he's worried about others finding out about their (Pat & Pran's) relationship, he's willing to take the risk because he cares about Pat more. Wai's vindictive ass heard that and went through his montage of Pran lying to me about his relationship with Pat moments in his head and decided to put Pran's words about caring about Pat more to the test.
We get a post-credit scene? Truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Of course it had to be on a rooftop! Wait a second. Pat's birthday is on 23rd April, and the first time Pat slept over in Pran's room is on 24th April. The psychological implications of it all (for me) can't be overstated!!
Pran, my menace-in-residence, was really showing his horny ass by saying, 'The winner can do anything to the loser.' Never change, bestie!!
Well, I got the house tour I asked for earlier. Fucking Architectural Digest could never.
They shut the door in my face, and I said thank you!!
Honestly, I don't think I've even processed the finale yet. It was very pleasing to my lizard brain, that's for sure. I need to sit with it for a few days, and I'll probably write something about my whole experience liveblogging this BB watch and my thoughts on some of the CHOICES made in the whole series. A sneak peek of few things that are marinating in my head are—
Pat associating Pran with home because he feels lost (I was only half-joking when I compared him to a lost puppy following Pran around).
The air of sadness around Pat that just goes unacknowledged for the most part.
Pran associating Pat with freedom because he feels burdened.
Pran feeling undeserving of Pat's love.
Like I said, I'll be thinking about them a WHOLE LOT.
Quick question: Were there any talks of a season 2? Because there are some easter eggs peppered throughout the series that deserve further exploration, and they definitely have issues they need to address and work through as a couple. This ending will only count as an HFN (happy for now) in my book. I'm putting this ending on par with the To My Star ending, and I adored To My Star 2, so there's that. Still waiting for To My Star 3, though that's a discussion for another day.
One thing I can say for sure is that I'm extremely grateful for the fandom that has welcomed me with open arms and engaged with all my ramblings each episode, because let's be honest, it was just a stream of consciousness.
I wouldn't have had nearly as much fun watching the series without you guys. I'll be camping out on the rooftop for so long that I'll be claiming squatters rights for sure!!!
Tagging the usual suspects: @shortpplfedup, @incandescentflower, @starryalpacasstuff, @7nessasaryevils, @greenteadumplings, @grapejuicegay, @madworld-bbs, @usodeshou, @tao-moonb, @fanatic-freakshow @desi-yearning.
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All in a days work - Alexander Albon x Lifestyle/Travel Vlogger! Reader
Plot: Y/N vlogging her travels with Alex and how she see's so much of the places that they travel too with the Grand Prix
"Hey guys, this week Y/N Adventures moves to Belgium. We just had an extremely short summer break but it was so fun! Alex and I went to Thailand for 10 days and then stayed in London with family for the rest! The vlogs already out so you can go check that out" you grin before you stop to one side in the airport you and Alex are currently navigating through.
"We're leaving a little earlier compared to most driver's. We have to be in Spa, and checked into the Hotel Red Bull provide for the race weekend by Thursday the 29th. It's currently the 25th of August 2019 and we are going to Brussels for 4 nights" you say excitedly before you look over to your boyfriend confused.
He was the typical 'airport dad' boyfriend when you both travelled, and you always wanted to catch it on camera because everyone who watched you found it hilarious.
Currently he was looking down at the bulk of paper, checking through the bag meticulously making sure passports and all other essentials were there.
He'd had too many close calls where you guys had forgotten travel adaptors and were travelling with dead phones or times when you'd gotten flight times mixed up by an hour and had to run to the gate.
He turns to look at you, seeing the camera making him groan before turning away with a light blush. You laugh to yourself swinging the camera back round to yourself before looking around.
"We are currently in London Gatwick, and we are going to go find the Red Lion, Spoons so i can tell you guys about the itinerary of this week" you grinned before cutting the camera and taking your on-board suitcase and Alex's hand walking towards the pub.
"Okay, so Alex is at the bar ordering us drinks right now and I'm going to talk you through the itinerary. So we get into Brussels at 11.30 and can check into our hotel straight away. Then tomorrow we'll be going to Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert and looking at the amazing art, and then in the afternoon we are meeting with a friend from Belgium whose going to give us a walking tour of the city centre. Tuesday Alex and I have a spa booked and we'll do some shopping! And then Wednesday is our free day where we going to meet some locals and get a real feel for the culture" you say before spotting Alex coming back with your lemonade that you gladly took from him with a thank you and a massive gulp.
"What have you told them so far, sweetheart!" he asks taking a sip of his beer.
"The itinerary for before the race!" you smile at him.
"Hmmm, you've not told them about the fun day trip after?" he offers making you gasp forgetting that you had major things planned for the Monday and Tuesday before Italy.
"Yes guys we are going to drive over to Germany to Cologne so we can spend time in the theme park there!" you exclaim excited.
"Mmm she wanted to go to Ferrari Land but we are saving that for when we go to Abu Dhabi!" he interjects.
"Then we'll be going straight to Italy! Italy is one of Y/N's fav places guys!" Alex chuckles, you guys had met in Italy 2 years prior while he was in F2.
"Yes I'm excited to see you there!"
*Skip to Sunday!*
"So this is actually Alex's first race in Red Bull, he's starting from 17th today as qualifying wasn't what we were hoping for yesterday, was it hunny" you pan to Alex zipping up the outer part of his race suit. He pulls his headphones out and tilts his head to the side, a cute puppy dog expression resting on it.
"Qualifying, your first in Red Bull wasn't what you were hoping for? But it's today that matters!" you smile kindly at him to which he nods, knowing that yesterday he was still trying to get used to the car. It wasn't like the Toro Rosso he had driven since the start of the year, it was more aggressive, something that was a Max Verstappen driving style. But today is what would count, he agreed with you.
"Yeah. I mean it's a hard car to drive and even with the practice sessions it's still hard to get used to! Spa is also a difficult track, so yeah its just about getting used to it!" he smiles, pulling you in by your waist to his side before kissing you and running of somewhere into the garage.
"It's looking like an interesting season though guys. Lewis is strong, Ferrari is strong, we've got 3 new promising rookies one of them being my boyfriend! So yeah I'm excited for today!"
Max DNFed early on not even completing his first lap, whereas Alex stormed through the grid all the way from P17 to P5 gaining valuable points for Red Bull.
"You did amazing Alex! I'm so so proud of you!" you compliment hugging him as you were stood with the rest of the Red Bull Team! It was a really sweet moment. All of the team cheering for Alex as he pulled into the pits. Christian had congratulated him on an amazing first race and the rest of the team pulled him into hugs that you filmed.
The chaos in the garage was something you loved!
"Charles! Charles" you'd shouted over to him as you saw him walking to the cool down room preparing for him P1 podium!
"Oh Y/N! Hello!" he grins looking down at you.
"Well done on P1 it was an amazing race from you today!" you grin, pulling him into a side hug. You both chat for a little while before Seb comes out heckling him inside.
"Well guys, Belgium has been a blast! I'm going to edit these videos on the plane to Cologne and Italy!" you grin before ending up the vlog.
"Ah you all finished up for Belgium baby?" Alex asks peering over you shoulder wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.
"Yeah! I'm excited for Cologne! Did you say Lando and George were coming with us?" you ask, tilting your head to the side unsure if Alex's rookie friends were accompanying you on your two day theme park trip.
"Yeah, they don't need to go home, so they said it would be easier travelling with us!" Alex smiles swaying you side to side.
"This will be lots and lots of fun!" you exclaim.
Before you knew it you and Lando look it in turns driving the four of you across the Belgium border into Germany and to the Theme Park you guys would spend time in. You got there late Monday morning all of you being tired and not wanting to get up at the ass crack of dawn. You guys all enjoyed a hotel breakfast together.
All the other drivers were confused about the four all in very chipper moods and all animatedly discussing something.
They had of course asked where you were off to and after explaining you were going to a theme park. Charles, Pierre, Carlos and Daniel all agreed to join you guys which left them in a car behind you following you to the park.
Some people, like Lando, Carlos and George didn't want to go on some of the bigger rides. So it was left to the rest of you, you all changed seats making sure no-one was left alone the whole time. You guys went to all the little food stands, making sure to get Lando waffles and get Charles chocolate covered strawberries.
It was probably one of the best days out, and you knew that people especially the F1 fans would enjoy the vlog around the park. There was funny moments between Lando, Carlos and Daniel. Chares and Pierre had ended up on a kiddie ride just the two of them. You and George had been sat on the mine train together and were talking to each other in what you could only describe as a Texan Drawl.
"So how are you all feeling about Italy, home of Tifosi you've got a lot of pressure Charles" you smile over at him. You guys were all sat in a Chinese themed restaurant around a big circular table, talking about the season so far and what lies ahead.
"I mean, I felt good in Belgium the car had the pace. I feel like I can do the same in Italy" Charles admits.
"How about you babe, you think you can keep Golden Boy Max behind you?" you grin teasing your boyfriend who said he was stressing about Max and how he wont always DNF in a race.
"Yeah, I mean that car is literally built for Max. Pierre I'm sure would agree with me that its a hard car to drive because of that but I feel like I'm getting there" he offers.
And that's exactly how that weekend went. Alex placed ahead of Max, who did stay in the race while Charles won his second race of the season. It was an amazing race weekend followed by lots of shopping in Milan where you treated Alex to a gift congratulating him for his amazing races.
After Italy there was a big break before Singapore, rather than keeping on the road travelling you guys decided to go home and see both of your families in London. You were always travelling and coming home always felt like you were on some kind of reality TV show, where you were sat down before being unloaded with all the current family drama.
You and Alex would share look with each other, making gasps every now and then and interjecting where necessary. But it was always fun telling them about the stories from your own travels. The stories were more dramatic and chaotic from your days of solo travelling before you'd met Alex but you still had funny moments to report back to them.
And Alex's family always loved to hear what you and Alex and all your friends had been up too!
So coming home for this break was very needed!
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416
#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#formula 1 x you#formula 1#formula one#formula one fanfiction#charles leclerc#lando norris#alexander albon#alex albon x reader#alex albon#alex albon imagine#alexander albon x reader#alex albon fluff
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Top 10 of 2024
All right! It's time to count down my favorite Asian media things I watched in 2024 -- and sure, most of them came out way earlier than 2024, but whatever, I'm slow. Longer rec posts linked where applicable. If you wind up watching one of these on my say-so, let me know! I'm always happy to know I've been an Influencer (ha ha).
Honorable Mention: Heaven and Hell: Soul Exchange
This was originally going to be on the actual list, but a last-minute contender hopped in and bumped it off. Still, I loved this weird genderfucky body-swap murder mystery romp enough that I couldn't leave it out entirely. This baby sits right at the Hump of Compelling Mediocrity, where when it's good, it's good, and when it's bad, you can't stop thinking about how you'd fix it. I want an American remake of this so Bryan Fuller can rub his butt all over it. [full rec post here]
10. Hotel Del Luna
Did we watch this for Yeo Jingoo? You know it. And yet, we wound up falling for all the characters in this show about a bunch of dead (and one living!) people sending other dead people off to their afterlives. Meandering at times, it falls into a lot of K-drama tropes, but it still manages to pull of something special and occasionally profound.
9. 3 Will Be Free
Ah, here's the last-minute spoiler from Thailand! We showed up expecting something dumb, fun, and horny. What we got was something way smarter than it has any right to be -- but still fun and horny! A bisexual trio of incredibly sexy people (and some fascinating side characters) fall in love while semi-haplessly on the run from a whole bunch of people with guns.
8. Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko!
This goofy tale of dumb lesbians was wacky and fun from start to finish. How long can you keep up a gag about two co-workers each convinced that the other one isn't into her? Exactly the length of this tiny, funny comedy. And as a bonus, there's the manga, which is equally short and sweet. [full rec post here]
7. Story of Yanxi Palace
At 70 episodes, this (rather speculative) historical drama is not for those with short attention spans. Even so, it's a treat for anyone who likes period pieces, lavish costuming, and high-quality acting. Watch as a completely insane young woman leverages her insanity to become the most powerful pretty pretty princess in the Qing Dynasty! [full rec post here]
6. The Rebel
And speaking of well-acted period pieces! At the risk of quoting myself: Do you feel like watching a beautiful man have a terrible day for 43 episodes straight? Then this Republican-Era spy drama is for you. Zhu Yilong bounces off some gorgeous costars in a gripping tale of brave Communist misery. [full rec post here]
5. Legend of Fei
A great example of how a boilerplate YA story about a bunch of teens who save the world from eeeeevil adults can be elevated by leaning in to its inherent sweet, melodramatic goofiness. I wouldn't call it a comedy, but it's a very funny drama held up by delightful characters and charming romances. I have no idea what the plot was, nor do I care. I was too busy watching Yibo smile. [full rec post here]
4 Otoko Meshi
This show is silly. It has a completely preposterous setup: an injured yakuza boss moves in with an unemployed twentysomething, cooks him dinner, and teaches him life lessons. It has all the subtlety of a piano dropped from a great height. All the acting is completely over the top. And yet, it manages to be sincerely heartwarming? This ten-episode food-based comedy is entirely worth the effort you may have to go through to find a way to watch it. [full rec post here]
3. The Spirealm
Yeah, this one grabbed my ass good enough that I've made a whole meta-and-shitpost sideblog (@thirteenthdoor) for it. I will say, though, that the show wouldn't have done it alone -- my love for it is compounded by how I fell even harder for the book it was adapted from. Both of them together tell a gay-ass horror story about love and loss through several terrifying, deadly worlds. [full rec post for the show here; full rec post for the book here]
2. The On1y One
Just ... damn, man. What a piece of art. I was not expecting much out of a Taiwanese BL about two high-school boys falling in love, much less a beautiful, well-written, amazingly affecting tale of complicated family dynamics and gay feelings. It had better get a second season that concludes the story, is all I'm saying. [full rec post here]
1. Kinou Nani Tabeta?
I have now watched significant portions of this ... four times? Because I keep showing it to other people, because it keeps being that good. The slow, cozy, food-centric tale of the daily lives of two aging Japanese gay men makes you feel happy -- but when it rips your heart out, it rips it right out. I get that it's a little Too Real for a lot of people, but oh, it was just what I needed. [full rec post here]
What will 2025 bring? Who can say! I hope it's gay, though.
#rec post#i made this#heaven and hell: soul exchange#hotel del luna#3 will be free#ayaka is in love with hiroko#story of yanxi palace#the rebel#legend of fei#otoko meshi#the spirealm#the on1y one#kinou nani tabeta?
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Just Because I Called You (Carlos Sainz) - part i
Well, sometimes the muse outruns your earlier plans. I wasn't going to write a Carlos fic, but here we are :) This one is fully written and only has four parts, hope to update every 5 days!
pairing: carlos sainz jr x fem!reader
summary: y/n knows there's a reason for his contact details to be saved under 'do not interact', but one call does not mean you miss him.
genre: 1.6k words, written au, brief 18+ content, angst
note: this is RPF and is obviously in no way, shape, or form reflective of real persons
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Maybe it’s the alcohol, or maybe it’s just the sheer exhaustion that’s keeping you from finding your house keys after a night out with your friends.
You curse out loud, digging your hand back into your purse, even though you know it’ll be another futile attempt.
It’s not there.
Dread settles in, as you consider your options. You’d been the last one in the Uber, so all your friends have undoubtedly already crashed out. You could book a hotel, but that seems very excessive, expensive, and also just incredibly inopportune. Everything you need, your contact solution, your glasses, your pyjamas – it’s all just on the other side of the door.
With a sigh, you lean your clammy forehead against the front door.
“Fuck,” you whisper, as realisation sets in. You’re going to need a spare key. And it just so happens there’s only two other people who might have one, of which one is currently on holiday in Thailand.
Which leaves you with the worst option of all. With a sigh, you grab your phone and scroll through your contacts. “x do not interact x ”
“Needs must,” you mutter to yourself, then press the green call button. It’s well past midnight, and you feel bad about calling – but you also know that if anyone’s going to answer, it’s him.
The line rings once, twice, three times, before it comes to life with a little crackle.
“Hello?” You close your eyes almost on instinct, as his rough voice washes over you. It doesn’t hurt as much as it once did, but the ache still lingers.
“I know it’s late, and I know we’re not supposed to talk, but I’m drunk and dumb, and I can’t find my key,” you rush out all at once.
There’s faint rustling on the other end of the line, but then he comes back. “I got it. Just eh – wait? I’ll be there in 10.”
For seven minutes, you pace up and down the hallway in your apartment building – desperately convincing yourself of the fact that this won’t end badly.
You’re broken up. Have been broken up for a month. It’s the sole reason why your friends took you out, to celebrate that it’d been a month of going no contact with your ex.
Because you deserved better. You deserved someone who’d say “I love you” back, who’d buy you flowers, who’d take you out on dates that weren’t just sponsor events, and holidays that were just the two of you.
You deserve to be someone’s priority. So you’d told him it was over, and it had somehow made you even more mad that he’d just accepted it.
“Hi,” a voice says softly, and you immediately feel tears burn behind your eyes.
“Hi Carlos,” you reply meekly, waiting and watching as he approaches slowly. He’s wearing soft grey sweatpants, and a hoodie you once bought him in your favourite colour.
It’s uncomfortable and weird, the way in which neither of you really knows how to greet each other beyond that. Initiating any type of bodily contact seems like a bad decision, not when you know it's never going to satisfy the itch. It'd only make you crave his touch more, in ways you can't have it. Not anymore.
He awkwardly lifts his hand and shows you the spare key you’d once given him. The one he hadn’t given back yet. Your stomach lurches as you catch sight of the tiny sparkly chilli keychain dangling in the air.
“Shall I?” He asks, motioning at the door that you’d unconsciously been blocking with your body.
“Right, sorry,” you mutter, and quickly take a step back to give him some room.
Belatedly, you realise you should’ve just taken the key from him altogether right then and there.
But he's here now.
So instead, you thank him for coming out to you at 3AM in the morning. “Do you want to come in? Have something to drink before you leave again?”
You regret it the moment the words come out your mouth, as you can see Carlos visibly flinch. “I didn’t mean – no, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I think you did, though. And you’d be right. I was pretty good at leaving, wasn’t I?” He rubs his face with his hand, your eyes following the movement.
It drops back down, then pushes the door open a little further. Your eyes trail up his arm, lingering briefly on his neck. It’s lost some of its thickness, signalling the off-season. He’s handsome either way, but it just makes you hurt over lost time and moments together.
Your need to catalogue all the ways in which his appearance has changed is distracting, and you’ve inched closer to him – closer than strictly necessary, before you realise.
You shuffle past him, carefully knocking into his arm just so. You kick off your heels, and hang your bag on the coatrack.
You look back over your shoulder, then point at the basket neatly situated on the side table in your hallway. “Look. Keys are right there.”
“Cariño,” he warns, but against what, you’re not entirely sure.
He should probably leave, you think. He could have left. If he’d wanted to.
“You could just drop those keys off there as well,” you add, coaxing him to make a choice.
To finally step foot inside your apartment for the first time in 6 weeks. Or to never see it again.
He exhales, dark brown eyes zeroing in on yours as he makes his way in. He doesn’t drop the keys in the basket, but instead closes the door behind him, then takes off his shoes. Clearly he remembers how much you hate dirty shoes inside. “Don’t you think tonight proves it’s probably good if I held onto these?”
“I think it proves I need someone to have spare keys. It doesn’t need to be you,” you counter, then turn around and walk to the kitchen. He follows wordlessly, gaze never straying from you as you pour the two of you a glass of wine.
“Where are you staying, anyways? Ten minutes isn’t far off,” you ask, softly this time.
“Alex’ place,” he explains. “Our – the apartment flooded.” He’s quiet for a second, then takes the glass of wine as you hand it to him. “This keychain is a chilli. It’s mine.”
You study him across the top of your wine glass, follow the way he takes a sip and lets the red wine slide down his throat. It makes your cheeks flush, although you’re fairly certain you can hide behind the alcohol you’d already consumed earlier this evening.
“Mi favorito,” Carlos murmurs appreciatively. You know he’s talking about the wine, but for a millisecond, you deliberately let yourself misunderstand. Let yourself forget and fantasise.
Silence wraps around the two of you as you offer him a piece of leftover tiramisu that you pull from the fridge. He grabs the spoon from you, and takes a bite. It shouldn’t look as sinful as it does. But it’s Carlos, and it’s you. Habits die hard.
Sure, maybe it is the alcohol, maybe it is your exhaustion, you reason with yourself. Or maybe it’s the charged air that surrounds you two – even now you’re no longer together.
“Why’d you answer when I called?” You blurt out, the alcohol making you a little bolder than you’d normally be.
His hand stills from where it had been swirling the glass. He looks up at you again, and you feel your knees go weak. There’s a devastating vulnerability in those eyes, one that’s hard to ignore. “Tu sabes. Do you wish I hadn’t answered?”
You set your wineglass down again, now empty, then lean over the countertop. Close enough to count his eyelashes, and the tiny freckles he’s acquired from being out in the sun with his family. It hurts not having seen them develop in real time.
“I wish a lot of things, Carlos.”
His eyes rove your face, then linger on your lips for a second longer. “Me, too.”
Your gaze drops, too. And even though your heart is smashed to smithereens in your chest, your memories are telling you not to do it, and you know your friends will crucify you before picking up the pieces - it’s the lust and love-addled part of your brain that handles purely on emotion that wins out.
On reflex, you’ll justify later, you find yourself kissing Carlos in your kitchen at 3AM in the morning.
On reflex, you don’t even register how your own fingers roam around his body, and peel off the hoodie you’d gotten him.
On reflex, he hauls you into your bedroom, and teases you with his tongue while his lashes flutter against the apex of your thighs.
It’s not on reflex, when he asks if he needs to use a condom. It breaks the lust-fuelled haze, and instead it’s got you on the brink of crying in the blink of an eye. But you’re so close now, can almost taste the way in which this is going to both ruin and complete you at the same time.
You know this is exactly why you shouldn’t have called him, but it’s also exactly why you’re not going to stop this now. Even when you know you should.
So instead, you let the anger course through your body, scratching his back with perhaps a bit more force than necessary. “You tell me,” you pant in his neck, before sucking a bruise into his skin. You can feel his jaw tick, but he refrains from grabbing a condom nonetheless.
It shouldn’t make you feel the things it does.
Then again, Carlos shouldn’t be in your bed, buried balls deep inside of you, making you come three times in a row either.
Not when you’d been doing so well at the no contact rule.
You guess, then, that you deserve the feeling of hot shame and embarrassment rushing over you the next morning. It’s your punishment for being foolish, as you realise you shouldn’t have been surprised at the fact that he’s no longer next to you.
The only evidence he was ever there, is the stupid fucking hoodie left on your bedroom floor, and the sticky feeling between your legs.
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Let me know what you think <3 Likes, comments, reblogs, asks are all appreciated.
UPDATE: Read part ii here.
#carlos sainz jr x reader#f1 x reader#carlos sainz fic#cs55 fic#cs55 x reader#cs55 x y/n#carlos sainz jr imagine#carlos sainz jr fanfic#carlos sainz jr x you
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Happy birthday to I-D-91
After serving almost an entire decade at Azkaban due to his mission of genocide against muggles and their helpers, the now late middle aged dark Wizard Gellert Grindelwald found it uncomfortable being in his office working or sitting inside his mansion.
Might as well still be in prison. Grindelwald had bad memories of being bored and idle in a filthy cell.
So… he decided to do some traveling. He went to almost all European vacation spots. Since he has magic, he doesn't need the train or plane to waste time. He was teleported anywhere he liked and saved some time.
Now, he is bored. His best friend Dumbledore recently came back from his own vacation in Thailand.
Grindelwald was not only racist but he stereotyped countries unjustly and admitted he never went to Asian countries. Albus admonished his childlike nonsense and racism to anyone that doesn't look like his best friend.
To avoid the lecture…Grindelwald went to Thailand anyway. He admitted it was beautiful but no one heard him. He would travel alone if Dumbledore had work.
Sighing, Grindelwald was sitting in his hotel room in Thailand smoking a cigarette and then he heard it. His cell phone. He admitted that muggles make good technology and they are only good for manual labor and not leaders or rulers. Like peasant slaves.
It was from Albus!
Happy Birthday, best friend.
Gellert blinked. Oh, yeah. It was his birthday. He hasn't celebrated it for a long time because of his mother's death and how he was sent to prison. He doesn't really care for his birthday. He hates aging now. And not to mention he is lonely. Albus was his friend and never enough.
After texting back and thanking Albus. The said man told him of a historical museum close to his hotel room that he should check out.
Admitting defeat again to stop Albus’ nagging, Gellert went to the museum. Maybe he will buy a birthday present for himself to cheer up.
Oh, look, a beautiful young lady was there.
Thus your nightmare began.
#mads mikkelsen#gellert grindelwald#harry potter#fantastic beasts#albus dumbledore#yandere#imagine#magic
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Modern AU Sanuso in a semi-real world? Sign me up :)
[AU RAMBLES DOWN BELOW! Not proof-read in the slightest :D]
They're married and live together with their three dogs. Sanji started his restaurant at 24, living in a small apartment with his then boyfriend Usopp. The other had been doing jobs on and off before he started working on a passion project with saved money. They were pretty broke, up until an ad-campaign Usopp animated for the All Blue restaurant blew up with teenagers and young adults, leading to great growth and success for both the restaurant and Usopp's online store.
The All Blue restaurant expanded, but Sanji didn't open any new locations. From just a restaurant it turned into a hotel, still focused on its food with other services holding up well. The interior had been designed by Usopp, as well as the exterior, according to Sanji's wishes. On the location's 20-year anniversary Usopp and Sanji hosted an event where they told the humble beginnings of the restaurant, bringing in Sanji's adoptive father Zeff to give gratitude to the man who inspired it all. Day and night alike the event was wonderful. Once the married couple reached their comfortable home Sanji allowed his emotions to flow as he fell asleep in Usopp's arms, crying tears of gratitude and giddily joyful disbelief as Onion, Pepper and Carrot (their dogs) cuddled up with them.
Whenever Sanji takes days off and leaves the restaurant in charge of his trusty right hand woman, Pudding, he makes sure to rest himself body to mind. Usopp doesn't have that priviledge, as their home is his working place.
It was only in their thirties that Sanji really realised how much Usopp did around the house, being a stay-at-home worker and all. Every corner was always clean, clothes were washed, fridge and freezer were stocked with ingredients and necessities, dogs were fed, happy, walked and bathed, everything was always in order no matter how it seemed before. It was a norm, but one day as Sanji returned home the house was a little more unkept than usual. This was because Usopp, hard as he tried, could not get out of bed for the first time since teenagehood. From that day on Sanji, who got used to their perfect house, started truly appreciating who made it perfect for them all. He tried to pull Usopp to relax with him whenever he took his days off, realising quite fast the artist couldn't lay back no matter what. Always stiff, aware and awake.
Some time after that realisation Sanji took off a month, something he did a lot of arrangements and work for to make it happen. He convinced Usopp to take that month off as well, after almost a day of debating he finally gave up as they fell asleep on their bed together. Half of that month they traveled to France, to Sanji's hometown to stay at Zeff's. The other half they spent in Thailand, trying out new things and enjoying their time. They were supposed to go visit Usopp's hometown in his home country, but he really didn't want that so instead they visited a destination recommended by a friend and frequent traveler, Nami. After this vacation they returned home, and next time Sanji was talking Usopp into taking a day off with him it didn't take long for a short cuddle-session to start.
Usopp takes commissions every now and then, but mostly he animates shorts and passion projects. He sells his creations, artwork and tailored fashion online, he is also an author as a simple hobby with some published books. He is very often stressed, even though he works for himself he doesn't take kindly to free-time. Whenever he manages to relax, if ever, he prefers a plate of Karelian pies with some egg-butter on top to be by his side as he binges a show. Chugging water and pear juice, he thinks about fresh stories and new projects even while he's supposed to be laying back. The only things that can truly make him rest his mind are Carrot, Pepper and Onion spending time with him and Sanji being his silly Sanji self (which Usopp finds unbearably sexy in a non-sexual way for some reason).
Even though they've been married for 23 years (Sanji at 50 and Usopp at 48) the only thing that's changed is majority of their priority list. It's no longer "I want to spend all my time with you", rather "I want to savor and love you for each moment I have you". They have their own lives, own groups, own events, own plans, but the smallest things will make them get all lovey-dovey with each other.
"Starboy, did you vaccuum the mats?" Sanji would ask, and the moment Usopp replies; "Yeah, I found some spare time.", the older will be with his arms lovingly placed around the younger, drowning him in light cheek-kisses and sweet whispered nothings.
"Loverboy, did you buy this potted plant?" Usopp would inquire, and the moment Sanji replies; "Yes, I thought it could fill the place of the former one.", he is already watching as the artist cares for the plant before giving the cook a long kiss of gratitude.
They met at a vocational school in Finland, where Usopp was a second-yearer at 17/18 and Sanji a first-yearer at 19/20. Sanji studied at the Restaurant-Catering side, while Usopp was forwarding Art studies. Sanji graduated in two and a half years while Usopp had to stay up until four. It was at the end of Sanji's second year that he confessed to Usopp, he wanted to seem cool and romantic but instead stumbled on his words while they were spending time at a mall. They had both moved into Usopp's own apartment at around Sanji's first year, but now as they both returned it was different. Their dumb nicknames weren't so dumb anymore, but seeing one another naked was still as awkward (and uncomfortable for Usopp) as ever. Even so they felt comfortable enough to sleep next to each other that night (in the literal sense, nothing more 👽).
Sanji is in contact with his siblings, who were also adopted by Zeff, to this day. Usopp sometimes looks at old videos of his biological father's, Yasopp's, Olympic Records and other sports performances. Though he keeps a picture of both an archery and sharp-shooting record Yasopp still holds the gleam in his eyes isn't exactly happy whenever that unfamiliar face enters his vision.
I love these two very dearly :) almost as dearly as they love each other 💕✌️👽✨️
#I AM SO FUCKING TOUCH STARVED OH MY GOSH#art#my art#artists on tumblr#one piece#god usopp#black leg sanji#op usopp#usopp one piece#one piece usopp#sanji one piece#one piece sanji#op sanji#sanuso#usosan#modern au#one piece rambles#rambles#long post#long text#shipping#ship art#ship rambling
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Did you ever feel an itch so bad, you scratched yourself bloody to make it go away? If not, consider yourself lucky. Consider yourself damned lucky!
I don’t know when or where I exactly got it from, but I’m sure it was during this shitshow of a vacation in Thailand. My best friend and I had saved up part of our measly earnings from our student job, and decided it was time for a little break. In early January, before university kicked back in, we treated ourselves to a brief vacation. I left the booking to him. I don’t know how he did it, but he always found those insider tips, as he called them. The trip he’d booked promised an exclusive hotel on a beach in Thailand, surrounded by beautiful, unclaimed nature.
What we ended up with was nothing but a cheap room in the middle of nowhere in an area as underdeveloped as our hotel. Still, we made the best of it, and enjoyed the few days we spent there the best we could.
Once I stepped back into my cramped student apartment, winter raging outside, I had to admit I missed Thailand.
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#horror#horror literature#fiction#horror story#short story#horror fiction#reblog#author#creepy#creepy story
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Home Away From Home by @lilyvandersteen
This story was written for the Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang, and is dedicated to @justgleekout, who made art for this prompt, and to my faithful beta @hkvoyage. Thank you so much!
Cooper buys a hotel sight unseen and asks Blaine to run it for him over the summer. Only, the hotel is a health and safety hazard and Inspectors Hummel and Abrams are hell-bent on closing it down. Can Blaine spruce the hotel up in time and save Cooper's investment?
Rated M. Warning for the use of a rape drug in the story. No actual rape, though, I assure you.
You can also read this story on AO3.
Blaine woke with a start as he fell out of bed.
“Oops!” said his roommate, wincing sympathetically. “Didn’t mean to push you that hard, but you just wouldn’t wake up.”
Blaine groaned and rubbed his sore bottom as he got up, squinting at his alarm clock. “Tina! It’s three o’clock in the morning! Why would you wake me up at this hour?”
“So you could answer your phone. Or silence it. It’s been blaring off and on for at least ten minutes. You’re lucky I haven’t smashed it to bits yet!”
Right on cue, Blaine’s phone went off again. He grabbed it and tapped the Answer button.
“Hey squirt!” Cooper boomed.
“Don’t call me… Coop, why on EARTH are you waking me up in the middle of the night?”
“What? It’s not… Oh, hang on, time difference. Right. Didn’t think of that, squirt, sorry.”
Blaine sighed. “Don’t call me squirt. And okay, I guess you’re filming somewhere at the other side of the world again?”
“Yes, we’re working on that fantasy series for Netflix that I told you about. I’m in Thailand right now. Flying to New Zealand tomorrow. I’m having a total blast.”
“That’s great. Now tell me, what was so important you had to tell me right this minute?”
“Oh! Oh, just you wait, you’re going to LOVE this!”
“Uh-oh,” Blaine mumbled between gritted teeth. “What now?”
Cooper either didn’t hear him, or pretended not to.
“You know how you’re always telling me to stop spending my money on stuff like cars and tech, right?”
Blaine huffed. “And with good reason. You spend an obscene amount on gadgets. And that Bugatti is SO over the top.”
“Exactly!” said Cooper. “Well, now I’ve made a ‘sound investment’, as you call it. Real estate, as you advised.”
Blaine’s heart leapt. “Really? You bought a place in New York? And you’re calling me to ask me if I will move in with you? The answer’s yes!”
Tina put her hands on her hips and glared at him.
“Nah… No. Not exactly.”
Blaine’s sense of misgiving tingled.
“I didn’t buy a house. I bought a hotel. It was a steal, I’m telling you. I couldn’t pass it up!”
“A hotel? Where? Why?”
“Well, I won’t be this pretty forever, you know,” Cooper explained. “And then I might not get booked as an actor anymore. So I needed to find a back-up plan for when I stop being in demand. Talked about it with the guys here over lunch, and Sebastian Smythe, who plays my younger brother in the series we’re filming, said he had a hotel he could sell me. I kind of like the thought of offering people a nice vacation, you know. A home away from home. Maybe I could do a one-man show after dinner. Like they do on cruises. Doesn’t that sound amazing?”
“Yes, yes, that’s all very well, but you’re still filming now. So who’s going to run the hotel?”
“Well, that’s where you come in,” Cooper announced cheerfully. “You’re done with your exams, right? And now you’ve got several months off. So you can go check out the hotel for me. See if the staff that’s in place is okay or needs to be replaced.”
“Coop, are you insane?”
“Think of it as a free vacation, squirt. I’m sure the staff will pamper you once they find out you’re the brother of the new owner!”
Blaine shook his head slowly in disbelief. “Have you even SEEN the place before you bought it?”
“On the website, yes. It looks great!”
“Ugh, Coop! So you saw a couple of pretty pictures on a website and shelled out a fortune sight unseen? How can you be sure the place even exists?”
Cooper chuckled. “Well, of course it exists! The previous owner sent me an Excel spreadsheet with the bookings. It’s booked solid for the rest of the year already! Just think what a fortune I’m going to make!”
Blaine tugged at his curls in frustration, repressing an ungodly urge to strangle his brother. “UN-BE-LIEVE-A-BLE. You are unbelievable! Okay, not everyone has a head for business, but I can’t believe you are THIS much of an idiot! Are you sure you’re actually my brother and George Anderson’s son? Our father would have a conniption if he found out about this!”
“I thought you’d be happy I’d followed your advice.”
Blaine could almost hear his brother’s pout.
He sighed, raking a hand through his hair again.
“I know you meant well. But… Buying a place without even visiting it first is not a good idea, and that’s putting it mildly. There could be all sorts of things wrong with it. If you say you didn’t pay much, that’s quite likely, in fact. This ‘investment’ of yours may be just as useless as that Nintendo Wii Supreme you just had to have.”
“Hey! It’s not useless! I’ve used it a lot!” Cooper protested. “And I’m sure it’s all on the up and up. As I said, the pics on the website look fantastic!”
Blaine pinched the bridge of his nose and suppressed another sigh. Talking to Cooper was very much like talking to a toddler, sometimes.
“Coop … Anyone can copy-paste a couple of nice pictures onto a website. That doesn’t prove anything. Did the realtor give you a virtual tour?”
“Uhm… No.”
“Did you pay someone to do a thorough inspection of the property before you bought it?”
“Please tell me that the offer you made had a home inspection contingency, at least?”
“Uhm… No idea.”
Blaine’s voice rose an octave. “A title contingency, to make sure no-one else can claim the property?”
“I don’t know.”
“Did you even so much as look the hotel up on TripAdvisor to see if it had good reviews?”
“Nope, didn’t think of that.”
“Oh, Coop…” Blaine groaned. “What a mess! You need to go there, stat, and check the property from top to bottom. You actually bought it already, right? It’s not just an offer you can withdraw?”
“It’s mine, yes. I signed a contract. But you know I can’t go check the property right now. I’m heading to New Zealand tomorrow, and I’m needed there for at least six more weeks.”
Blaine let his head down, overwhelmed. “Ugh… I’m not awake enough for this. Coop, send me all the info, and the contract, by e-mail. I’ll look it over and see what our options are.”
“I knew I could count on you, squirt. Thanks a lot. I’ll send you everything. And now I’ll let you sleep. Sorry again for waking you up, and talk to you later!”
Cooper rang off, and Blaine was left staring at the phone in his hands in bewilderment.
Tina cocked her head to the side. “So… Your brother bought a hotel? Just like that?”
Blaine nodded. “Just like that. And then recruited me to sort everything out for him. Oh, this is going to be a disaster!”
“Why are you in such a panic about this, Blainey Days? Surely, your brother wouldn’t let himself be duped?”
Blaine groaned. “Oh, yes, he would!”
He patted Tina on the arm. “But that’s my problem, not yours. You can go back to bed, and I’m sorry my idiot brother woke you up like that. I’ll make you pancakes in the morning to make up for it, okay?”
“Okay. G’night.”
Blaine wearily shuffled back to his bed, and was out like a light.
By six a.m., though, he was awake again, worrying.
After half an hour of tossing and turning, he got up quietly and started up his computer.
Cooper had sent the files, as requested.
The contract did not have a home inspection contingency nor a title contingency, as Blaine had feared.
The hotel wasn’t in a nice touristy location. It was in the middle of nowhere. A place called Lima, Ohio.
Also, the hotel had certainly not been a “steal”. Cooper must have sunk a lot of capital into it.
The photos on the website did look good, yes, but as soon as Blaine checked the reviews about the hotel on TripAdvisor, he knew they had to be fake.
All of the reviews were negative. And it was bad. Worse even than Blaine had feared.
The mildest complaint was one about the lack of free Wi-Fi. It went steadily downhill from there.
Guests complained about the hotel being overbooked. About dirty and stinky rooms. About a faulty outlet that fried their shaver. About bed bugs and cockroaches. About leaking taps that kept them up all night. About wanting a nice hot shower and only getting freezing cold water. About noisy neighbours that kept them up all night because the walls were so flimsy you could hear everything through them. About beds that creaked with every move they made and mattresses so old and thin their back was in knots. About sweltering heat in summer and bone-deep cold in winter, because the air conditioning units didn’t work. About the stale bread and lukewarm coffee they got for breakfast. About seeing mice in the restaurant. About rude staff that would come into their room without even knocking or that were accused of stealing money and a phone charger. About the lack of elevators and ramps for wheelchairs. And a blind person complained about their assistance dog not being let in.
When he’d read all of the scathing reviews, Blaine let out his breath in a big woosh.
Oh, Cooper, what have you done now?
Blaine felt like banging his head on the table in frustration, but refrained, choosing to get started on the pancakes instead.
When Tina emerged from her bedroom and saw how unhappy her roommate looked, she steered him towards a kitchen chair to give him a shoulder massage, saying, “Tell me all about it, Bee.”
So Blaine told her everything.
She whistled low. “I know the place. I grew up in Lima. And that hotel was where I lost my virginity after prom.”
Blaine shuddered. “TMI!”
Tina laughed. “Oh please! That’s something everyone does in high school. Get over yourself!”
Blaine wouldn’t meet her eyes, thinking of the only school dance he’d ever been to and how that had ended.
“Not everyone,” he mumbled.
“Well, anyway,” said Tina, “the place was a dump even then. I’d say sell it again immediately. But who’s going to want it? And even if someone does, they’ll pay a lot less than your brother did, so he’ll lose a lot of money.”
“Can he afford to lose that much money?”
Tina clacked her tongue. “Then we’ll have to do what we can to save the situation.”
Tina put her hands on her hips. “Yes, well, unlike SOME people, I believe in roommate solidarity. Don’t think I didn’t hear you, telling Cooper you’d move in with him!”
“I meant for you to come with me, of course,” Blaine tried weakly, but Tina wasn’t having it, sending him a fierce glare.
Blaine looked down and swallowed, remembering how happy he’d been for a moment before Cooper had dashed his hopes. “Sorry. I just… I saw myself living in one of those pretty brownstones, and I jumped the gun. Sorry. As it happens, you don’t need to be scared I’ll leave you in the lurch. If I want a brownstone, I’ll have to buy one with my own money one day. Cooper’s proved once again that I shouldn’t count on him. And I was a fool to think I could, even for a split second. He’s an idiot, and all he ever does is make my life difficult. I should know that by now. He’s proved it so many times.”
“Aww, don’t be so hard on him.”
Blaine put a pancake on his plate and drowned it in syrup. Then he started shovelling big bites into his mouth, chewing with vigour and determinedly not looking at Tina.
“Blaine, don’t be like that. He made a mistake. We all do that, don’t we?”
Blaine swallowed a piece of pancake and retorted, “Our mistakes don’t cost millions of dollars. That’s the difference.”
“Well, he’ll make more millions, won’t he? How much does he get for that acting job he’s doing now?”
Blaine shrugged. “Dunno. But it had better be a lot, if we’re to renovate the hotel he bought. Let me first check with Monique if we can get that contract voided, though. I don’t think we’ll be that lucky, but it won’t hurt to check.”
“Who’s Monique?”
“She works for my father,” Blaine clarified. “Has done so for years. She’s like part of the family. I’ve known her since I was very little. Played with her daughter in my father’s office.”
“Hmm, so how could she help you? And why would she?”
“Monique has a soft spot for me,” Blaine smiled, thinking of all the scrapes with his father she’d gotten him out of. “And she knows this stuff like the back of her hand. She does everything that’s to do with real estate for my father. Buying, selling, finding contractors for renovation works, buying furniture for buildings, you name it, she does it.”
Tina cocked her head to the side. “Why didn’t Cooper contact her then, if he wanted to buy a hotel?”
“Coop’s more of a split-second decision kind of guy,” Blaine told her. “Never looks before he leaps. And then he looks to me to solve the problems he’s created. It’s exhausting.”
“You’d think he were the younger brother,” Tina giggled.
“Yep. He’s almost forty, but he still has the impulse control of a four-year-old.”
After breakfast and doing the dishes, Blaine called Monique and explained the situation, sending her all the documents. She confirmed what he thought – there was no backing out of the contract anymore.
“Could you check if the place is Cooper’s outright, please?” Blaine asked. “Seeing as there’s no title contingency, there’s no knowing who else might have a claim on it.”
“I’ll look into it,” Monique said, “but I don’t think you need to worry about that.”
“Oh, and please don’t tell our father about this, Monique, okay?” Blaine implored her. “He’d go ballistic, and even though Coop is a moron, I don’t want him dead.”
Monique laughed and promised not to breathe a word about it to Mr. Anderson. “And if you need any help fixing the place up, you know who to call. Glad to help, whatever you need!”
“Well, the first thing we’re going to need is pest control. So if you know a good pest control firm over there in Ohio?”
Monique hummed and click-clacked on her keyboard for a minute or two. Then she said, “We’ve worked with Orkin, based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Did the job well. I’ll e-mail you their contact information. What else?”
“An HAVC specialist, a handyman and an electrician to fix all sorts of stuff, and a reliable plumber. Oh, and another thing… You buy loads of office furniture and supplies cheap in auctions, right? When companies go bust and their assets are sold to pay the debts?”
“That’s right. Want me to look for hotel stuff for you?”
“Yes, please. Furniture, mattresses, quality linens, you name it, we’re going to need it. Thanks, Monique!”
Monique chuckled. “It’s your brother who should say thank you. The things we do for that boy, right?”
“Right,” Blaine sighed. “Looks like I’m heading to Ohio for the summer. I’ll keep you posted, Monique, and thanks again!”
#klaine fanfiction#klaine prompt reverse bang#justgleekout#enemies to lovers#though enemies is too strong a term#happy reading!
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What did BOC do?
assuming you are in good faith, anon, here’s a non-exhaustive list:
they allowed the KP novelists (poi and yok) unfettered access to the set, where they were filmed sexually harassing numerous members of the cast, including a minor they coerced into giving them massages
they failed to take action against the actors’ stalkers who doxed their hotels and flights and followed them on vacation, nearly drove their cars off the road, and broke into the BOC offices
ignoring poi’s accusations of plagiarism against sammon for the original 4 minutes script (prior to its retooling as whatever the fuck garbage it is now) and failing to apologize
continuing to side with poi after she falsely accused one of their actors, build jakapan, of plagiarism, abuse, theft, and a forced abortion, as well as setting up a months-long harassment campaign with leaks of private messages and photos, leading him to nearly commit suicide after his resignation and more or less blackballing him from the thai television industry. actors were also forbidden to mention him in any way.
in a major double standard move, forced build into an extended hiatus near the end of KP's airtime after twitter dug up decade-old problematic tweets and blew them up into a scandal, while ignoring 2024 allegations and receipts against bible for old, still undeleted social media posts that are in the same vein that got build canceled originally
pond, BOC’s CEO, continues to blame build indirectly in interviews over 18 months after the initial scandal (obliquely referring to him as though all of BOC’s past and present problems are laid at build’s feet), even though poi admitted in a settlement that the claims were false and build has entirely distanced himself from anything to do with BOC since his resignation
chose to announce jeff satur’s departure from BOC during a live event that was also streamed worldwide without informing nearly everyone in the cast prior, including bible (who’d just lost his scene partner, build, not long beforehand) and barcode (jeff’s scene partner, the minor who’d been harassed by yok and poi), causing a devastated barcode to burst into tears in front of the audience
held a reality show that included telling a teenager to get a nose job to ‘look less chinese’ and required the largely-teenage candidates to undergo an exercise in humiliating exorcism where they had to spill the skeletons in their closet in a public guilt and shaming circle
have been exposed numerous times stealing artwork for promotional materials
discarding the majority of their cast after KP finished airing, leaving actors signed to the studio but providing them no acting, sponsorship, or live opportunities, only to then hire several waves of new cast members for other projects, leaving the existing talent high and dry
failed to budget properly for their aborted ‘world tour,’ then blamed the actors
despite KP being a massive success, they claimed to be above BL for their next project, man suang (which pond trumpeted as the saving grace of new thai cinema and was partially funded by the thai ministry of culture), which failed to do anywhere near the gangbusters numbers expected of it, leading pond to walk back his claims and announce a man suang AU tv show, recently postponed from its original 2024 release date to 2025, which is supposed to be more of a light and fluffy BL romcom, rather than the serious historical piece man suang was originally advertised as. this was also apo's passion project and had almost zero promotion.
mile, who was the inspiration for the KP novel, coaxed apo back from new york (where he’d gone after a disastrous experience in lakorns in thailand) to star in KP by promising him BOC wouldn’t be similar to other studios, only to promptly turn around and have the guy who’d faced horrific amounts of colorism appear in ads for whitening products
have repeatedly insulted international fans (both in southeast asia and globally), including a canceled event in vietnam being blamed on bigoted stereotypes of vietnam being crime-ridden and unsafe, and using offensive/outdated content in their promotional materials
ultimately, whether you choose to support BOC or not is your decision and my judgment means nothing. for me, KP was a very good time for a few months and then a life-ruining time for three times as long as it was good, and i quite frankly would prefer never to have watched the show because BOC and its attack dogs caused so much pain to a huge number of people i care about, with none of the people either at the company or in the fandom ever bothering to take the slightest shred of accountability for their noxious behavior. i hope every day is a fucking misery for pond and i wish him all the luck and success he deserves, which is fucking none. when BOC burns down, let me know so i can reserve the time off to dance on its grave.
#if i saw that man on fire across the street the only way you'd get me to cross would be to ask me to hand you more gasoline#not even touching on bas' new teenage partner because it makes me feel like the FBI will knock on my door but#maybe if you want to have your actors in sex scenes make sure they look like adults#anyway if you're a bootlicker and want to try starting shit just do me a favor and hit the block button#i really don't give a fuck what your opinion is any longer#i've said my piece and i'm not in the mood to sit and debate with people because they want to watch their softcore slop guilt-free#BOC has been garbage since its inception and it will continue to be garbage for as long as it exists#fuck 'em
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What is your favorite breakfast food? Fried rice with eggs and hotdogs, or tapsilog :) Such comfort breakfast food. I like Eggs Benedict and Monte Cristo too, but let's be real I never have either for breakfast and only get them at restaurants when I feel like having breakfast food on a non-breakfast hour.
Who do you (romantically) love? Nobody.
Have you ever considered yourself dirty? In a few aspects, sometimes. Like how I have a bad habit of putting trash in my handbag, and end up having a pile of papers and wrappers after a few days.
What do you do to relax? Playing with the dogs eases my worries more than anything, but I also like turning to YouTube.
Do you enjoy kissing? Sure, but I haven't done that in a couple of years. That's okay with me though, I'm not a very sexual person in general.
What about making out? ^ Eh, just about the same.
Where are you most ticklish? My tummy and waist. I don't like even getting hit in that area, no matter how lightly, cause I'll end up squirming hahaha.
Have you ever been to an arena concert? Yes, most of the concerts I've attended have been in arenas. The only exceptions were One Direction (which was held in outdoor concert grounds) and Se So Neon (happened in a large indoor tent).
Where was the last place you kissed someone? It may have been outside my house, right by my car. Memory's hazy.
Do you know anyone who is expecting? I know someone who was due in like a couple of weeks when I first met her, so she has likely given birth by now. As for currently expecting, I don't think so.
What does your third text message say in your inbox? Just my bank telling me there was a recent transaction on my card.
Do you use speed dial? I never used that.
If so who is number 5?
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yes.
Where do you want to get married? I've always wanted a hotel wedding just so everything - or at least most things - can be set for us lol. They have the ambiance, they've got catering, the sound system, some hotels already have their roster of hosts...considering how all over the place I can get, that much would be a big help.
Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? If I ever get married, of course.
If you could visit one person right now, who would it be? No one, I like being alone right now.
Do you like school? The social part of it was really great; some of the best years of my life. I liked learning too but only to an extent, as there were some subjects I found to be a waste of time + some teachers didn't have the best attitude.
What is your all time favorite subject that you have ever taken in school? History. < Mine too :)
Do you have a current teacher who you wish taught all of your classes? Not current, but I wish my high school music teacher had been my teacher for everything.
What has been your favorite part of this calendar year so far? Being able to save as much as I have.
Are you going on vacation any time soon? No plans currently. My parents are planning this huge party for my grandparents in June so that will 100% kill off any vacation plans; Reena just came back from a trip to Thailand so I'm sure she'd want to save for the next few months; Angela's super busy with boards review. In any case I plan on going to Seoul next year for when BTS are back, so it'll be smart for me to not book anything for now.
Do you catch yourself staring at inappropriate times? Sometimes.
How many times have you been fall-down drunk? Less than 10 times.
Has a friend ever really hurt you and you never told them? Sure.
Where would your most romantic getaway spot be? Somewhere remote in either Palawan or Baguio.
Have you ever stayed on a ride at a theme park to ride it again? I'm sure I did this during the school fairs. I was in the rides committee so I had a few perks lol.
Have you ever used your sexuality to get you something you wanted? I'm sure I have, but only with a partner.
What do you count as too spoiled? Anyone who overreacts/makes a fuss over the smallest things. It can be very telling of how they've always had everything handed to them that they're incapable of handling the most minor of inconveniences.
When you don’t feel good, where do you want to be? Just my room, or the café we have in the village. It's never crowded and is fairly hidden, so it's a nice quaint little place to escape to.
Have you ever set an alarm on your phone to remind you to do something? Sure.
Where do you want to raise your children? The city. The stimulation and sensations would be good for them, I feel.
What is your favorite Crayola scented crayon? Idk I was never around them much.
What is your favorite childhood TV show? Hi-5!
Do you ever look at yourself and not believe it’s you? Eh, sometimes. I try not to get existential like that often.
What’s your favorite hideaway place? That café I mentioned. Not a lot of people in my circle know about it or would travel to get there + the signal in that area just so happens to be weak, so it's literally a place you can 'escape' to.
Do you have a secret you have kept from your family? Sure.
Have you ever slow danced to a song you didn’t know? I'm sure I have.
Where do you study? I don't anymore.
Do you study at all? Nope.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I wanted to be a journalist, but I've since gone a little west of that – I'm currently a PR practitioner.
Has someone ever dedicated a song to you? I don't think so?
How many people have you kissed this month? None.
Do you like do have your hair pulled? Sure.
Are you close with your parents? We're on much better terms now but I still prefer to keep some kind of wall up.
How much do you wish/ hope for something before you give up? I can be very passionate and will fight for things/people, but if I feel like I'm not getting the same energy back I slowly let go.
Have you ever hung out with a complete stranger? Sure!
Do you work any holidays? No.
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Day Twenty-Four, Part One: A Day in Chiang Rai
Today was devoted to a full-day trip from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai. Now, if those names seem confusing, it’s actually quite simple. Chiang simply means city. Rai or Mangrai was the first king of Lana, the predecessor to Siam/Thailand. And mai simply means big, as in the Wat Mai in Luang Prabang. So, Chiang Mai = The Big City, and Chiang Rai = Rai’s city.
Our first stop, about an hour outside of Chiang Mai, was a hot spring.
When we returned to the city late in the day, the geiser was even more active. Apparently, that tends to occur in the afternoon.
The water of the hot spring is so Hotel that people actually boil eggs in it: seven minutes for chicken eggs; two minutes for quail eggs.
A busload of Chinese tourists was also enjoying the hot springs by soaking their feet in the water.
I decided that I’d pass on that treat.
About two hours later, we reached Wat Rong Khun, also known as the White Temple. Now, I’d been really looking forward to this temple since yesterday, when we were walking down the steps from the mountain temple. I overheard one person tell another that he absolutely HAD to go to the White Temple because it was the single best temple anywhere, even more impressive than the mountain temple.
Well, everyone has their own taste, I suppose, but the White Temple just wasn’t my cup of tea. Nor was it what I thought it would be. First, despite incorporating the ruins of an ancient temple, the buildings I saw were no earlier than the twenty-first century. Seriously. They’re the work of an artist by the name of Chalermchai Kositpipat who comes across as having the personality of Elon Musk and the taste of Donald Trump. Nothing that can be done to make the temple gaudy, tacky, and “over the top” has been overlooked.
That’s the second point about why I was disappointed. The outside of the temple is made of concrete painted with bright white paint and inlaid with bits of mirror to make it glitter like something Elvis Presley might have worn.
Third, the comparison to Elvis Presley is not an exaggeration. The symbolism at the temple is, at times, downright weird. In addition to traditional Hindu gods, the figures that are depicted in the main temple as saving mankind include Superman, Batman, Spider Man, and … um … Michael Jackson.
Note that the photo above had to be dowloaded off of the Internet. A sign said that we couldn't take photos inside this section of the temple, and as a rule-follower …
The decor of the White Temple was so over-the-top that I refrained from calling this place “Wat Disney" … aloud, at least, but I thought it often enough.
The temple complex is nominally Buddhist, but with strong Hindu influence. It’s supposed to be a microcosm of the universe. A moat surrounding the buildings represents the ocean. The lowest zone depicts people suffering in hell.
The main temple depicts the battle of good (Michael Jackson et al.) against evil (Osama bin Laden and other terrorists). The paradise section cannot be entered, and the nirvana section is not yet complete.
Almost as a relief afterward, we stopped at the Opium Museum, which traces the rise, development, and eventual eradication of the opium trade in the area. This was actually my favorite part of the day. On display is an assortment of “pillows” that opium users would recline on while smoking the drug,
and a large array of opium pipes.
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Trip to Phuket, Thailand.
We recently visited Phuket in Thailand. We were a bit skeptical to be visiting Thailand in August since it is the rainy season here but fortunately for the duration of our trip which was 4 days it rained only on 1 day.
Our flight was delayed by an hour and we arrived in Phuket in the afternoon. Thailand has a visa-on-arrival policy and for many nationalities especially Western countries, the visa is free. However, for us (Indian passport holders) we need to pay 2200 baht per person. Luckily for us, we also had our photos with us which were needed for visa application.
We stayed at Rawai Beach, the view from the hotel was spectacular but it was too far from the airport around 40kms and it took as more than an hour to reach the hotel.
Everything was available nearby. Local supermarket, Laundry services, bike rental, currency exchange, nice restaurants, massage parlors. Whatever you need was at walking distance from our place.
Upon arrival, we freshened up a bit and decided to explore the surroundings. It was already evening and the sun was about to set. We got some groceries and went to Jetty Point. This is the place where usually boats arrived after island hopping. The weather was nice so we clicked a few pictures and went to the market nearby.
The market was full of live crabs, fish, and whatnot. This was not of interest to us as we are vegetarians. But from what we gathered, people buy these animals from these shops according to their choice and bring them to the nearby restaurant that cooks and serves them. There were many shops that sold the live animals and there were many restaurants that cooked them. Apart from that, there were other small shops as well selling the usual stuff - souvenirs, ladies' bags, earrings, and something similar.
We then went to a dinner place nearby called "The Vibe", it was right outside our hotel. Nice place with live music. Although, the music was loud and my wife got irritated at the end as we had to shout loud at each other to talk with each other :P Also, later we enquired about a bike rental service for tomorrow as that would be the most economical option for us to travel. Taxis and ride-hailing services like Grab are very expensive. They told us 3000 baht would be the deposit amount and there were bikes of different ranges costing 250/280/360 baht per day.
The next day, morning at 9.30 am we rented the bike and the first location we went to was The Big Buddha. Just to give a comparison, grab taxi from our hotel to Buddha Statue was 350 baht one way and we were paying 250 baht for the bike for the entire day. So completely worth it. The Big Buddha as the name suggests is a big Buddha statue and it is situated at the top of the mountain which gives a good view of the city as well.
It is very peaceful and serene at the top of the mountain. There are monks staying there as well. Also, one more important thing is especially for ladies need to dress appropriately to enter the place. By appropriately, I mean the shoulders and knees should be covered. Otherwise, you need to buy some kind of sarong there. While coming back, we had coconut water and pineapple juice from a place that had an amazing view as well.
It was afternoon and at night we had decided to go to the weekend night market. We had some time in the middle and we had the option to go back to the hotel, rest and come back or go somewhere else. It was very hot outside as well. We decided to visit the central mall. We had seen it while on our way from the airport to the hotel. Additionally, it was enclosed with air conditioning so that would save us from heat as well. The mall was very big and although we didn't plan but still we did some shopping from there. You know how it works. ;-)
From there we went to Kata beach which is quite famous as well.
There were a lot of tourists like us there enjoying the sunset. Some black stuff got stuck in my leg there and I didn't know what it was. Initially, I thought it was some dead animal, then I thought it was some oil coming out of the bike but then it was seen at multiple places. That night I searched online and found out that this has occurred recently in Phuket where someone illegally dumped some kind of oil in the sea which is coming back to the shore and getting stuck to our bodies from the water.
While going to the night market from the beach we stopped at a nice decent coffee place called Tang Toh Restaurant and Cafe. The coffee there was 70 baht. The night market was very vibrant and it sold everything. It had food, lots of varieties of food (mostly non-vegetarian obviously) , clothes, dresses, unique decorative pieces, and so on.
We did good shopping there as well. We spent there around 2-3 hours and it rained heavily sometimes when we were there. Luckily, the whole place was covered so the rain did not impact us at all and it went away in 15-20 mins.
Me and my wife are both coffee lovers and we like to visit cafes. Before coming to Phuket itself, we had bookmarked this lotus cafe which is very photogenic and looked unique. The next day, we first went to this cafe which is called Ma Doo Bua Cafe. They have big lotus leaves there and the food/cafe is also good. Obviously, it is more expensive than a normal coffee place but it would be worth it if you like clicking photos. They also provided personalized photo services with a professional photographer along with drones with prices starting from 500 baht for a single person and 800 for 2 people. We reached there around 12pm and the next appointment available was at 4.30 pm for that photoshoot. We didn't opt for that service.
From there we also went to another coffee shop called riverside coffee and had some snacks there. That place was okayish and there was no one there except us. Next, we decided to go to Freedom Beach as it was close by. The road to the beach was broken and this was the first time we experienced this kind of road since we had arrived. We were driving up on the hill and not many people were passing by which was very unusual for the beach. After 10 mins or so we came to a stop where a lady was selling something and told us to park the bike there and trek the rest of the road. She told us that it is a 10 mins hike. Well, it was much more than 10 mins. Also, it was a very steep slope and difficult to get down with no clear path. We both started thinking if we did a mistake coming here. While getting down I was thinking how are we going to come up from this place again. After 30 mins or so we reached to the beach and it was beautiful.
There were very limited people on that beach (obviously, who was going to come this far). The water was very deep and the waves were high as well. I was sweating heavily because of the hike and was very annoyed already because I didn't expect the hike. Nonetheless, we went in the water and soon I was fine. We spent around 1-1 and half hours there before heading back. While heading back we chose a different route, the traditional one which was steep as well but it took only 10 mins to complete it. I don't know why the lady told us to park our bike earlier where the route was difficult.
Next, we went to Bangla Road and Patong Beach. Bangla Road is famous for its nightlife, bars, loud music, and "other" stuff. Although, me and my wife are not drinkers but still had to visit this place to know what all the fuss was about. Bangla road was really very noisy with loud music and everyone trying to call you in their restaurant to have beers, food, drinks, etc. This is how it looks, although this video is not from me.
There are a lot of restaurants and eateries around this area and it was the most crowded area in our entire trip. The atmosphere was electric and the calming beach on the opposite side made it a perfect contrast.
On the last day, we were going to go beach hopping. They charged us 1300 baht/person whereas their pamphlet said 3600. Definitely, they'll be charging that amount during peak season. The package included pickup and dropoff from/to the hotel. Plus it included lunch, unlimited tea/coffee, and snacks all the time on the boat. They also prepared a special vegetarian lunch for only 2 of us. It was a big boat that we were going to use and there were in total 39 of us. This boat was also equipped with a washroom. It was a big relief since going to the washroom is a big issue during such beach hopping and most of the time you just have to go out in nature.
It had rained very heavily the night before and there were no signs of sun in the morning as well when we were leaving. It was going to be rainy today as well. I was kind of hoping that it would not rain today so that we would enjoy this trip fully but life is not about what you want, it's about what you do of what you get.
In the first two places we went inside the cave using kayak. Caves had limestone in it. It was very dark and quite inside the cave. It was raining continuously and while kayaking we were completely drenched. We then waited at one spot in middle of the ocean for swimming and kayaking. We were there for 40 odd minutes and then we had lunch. Finally, we went to James bond island. On this island, there was a James Bond movie shot in 1974. It was a very small island but still scenic.
The host was entertaining and he kept us all engaged throughout the trip. The trip ended at around 4pm and after coming back to hotel we took a nice dinner at nearby place with live music.
Finally, to mark the end of the trip we both did a full body massage for 500 baht/person. The message parlours were full even at 10 pm.
In hindsight, renting a bike was a good decision. It saved us lot of money, time and hassle. Going in August was also a good decision, it was off season so we got few things cheaper. There were tourists but it wasn't over crowded. Luckily for us, rain did not play a spoilsport. Staying at Rawai beach was something that we would avoid next time because it is completely at one end of Phuket and for everything we had to travel a lot. All the spots were at least 25km far from our place so it involved a lot of travelling.
Few interesting observations - Weed is legal in Thailand and it is available everywhere. There are dedicated shops selling only weed. There are far too many currency exchanges. You will see them everywhere. Wherever you are, there is always a currency exchange near to you. Since most of the people in Phuket are tourist they want them to spend as much money as possible by providing these exchanges they just reduce the friction. Smart move!
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I really wish this ask goes off anon crossing my fingers on this one. The asks game is so nice i feel like Im huddled in a blanket with all you girlies (gn ofc) as we share stories-
I got a few story times, buckle in girlies I am gonna start rambling-
4 years ago I went to bali and there was this boy from New Zealand who had little freckles and ginger hair and a cutie pookie face. I met him at the hotel pool where we talked for quite long and then we said goodbyes and he had the prettiest smile ever and I never saw him again cause I left bali the very next day. If u see this I had a small instant crush on you and I still think of you occasionally lolz. (rizzing up a hi heheh)
also as I went to Thailand just a few days ago, I had a tour guide in Pattaya who was literally a kenjiro tsuda (nanami's va) lookalike, idek do you call that falling in love but I was shamelessly watching him drive cause that was attractive WHAT and he was waiting for us, wearing sunglasses and was smoking when we returned from the tour place to go home and I felt the butterflies MY GOD. Then I got to know he has a son and I felt like a homewrecker thank goodness I didn't see him ever again cause I was so ashamed lmaooo.
I am talking so much but this one is spooky special- Just a week or two ago, I had this dream of a zombie apocalypse and it was so scary. usually these movies don't really scare me much but in the dream I was like living through it and it was pretty vivid like blowing up doors to fight zombies, and there were even like sensors that would go off if a zombie was nearby and my sister was there in my dream too and I was saving her from this bloody zombie and then i woke up sweating and it was probably dawn so when I woke up I heard footsteps in the dining room and I froze and got the biggest scare in years. turns out it was my mom who came for a glass of water and prayers. Like girlie you scared the sleep out of me hello? the way i still remember parts of this dream. shit was spooky but it spices my life lmaoo
soo yeah these are at the top of my head i got a fair few but Imma keep it short with these 3 luv yall cant wait to hear from so many of yall too
hi sami!! welcome to the sleepover ✨
join the sleepover! send in an ask sharing/asking anything you want!
omg the way you still remember the boy from 4 years ago ajsnsjsnsjsh 😭 he does sound cute tho!
and thailand!! how was that for you?? & finding a kenjiro lookalike omg 😭 but i completely get u when u feel embarrassed cos… yeah 😭
and ur dream omg!! i’d surprised too if i woke up to noise while that was happening omg 😭 sometimes i get rlly vivid dreams too 😭 but my dreams are a bit more weird i think? than outright spooky! scary dreams for me are when they feel so true to life that i find myself thinking within the dream if i’m actually dreaming? (idk if that makes sense! almost like i’m looking for markers within the dream to let me know that i’m dreaming 😭)
thanks for dropping by to share sami!!! 🫶🏻
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