#save me meme format
shatterthefragments · 6 months
Save me salted butter eggs (or won’t but at least I’ll have eaten something)
Save me the fact that I have amazing pottery coming
Save me …actually I probably shouldn’t loop blood sport today I am a bit too. It applies to loving anyone right now especially myself and my family (but I don’t get a choice)
Save me shaving my sides down again hopefully (it doesn’t have to be perfect it just needs to be Off My Neck and Ears)
Save me nice hot shower with a vibrator unless mum needs me available
Save me stirring (I don’t know what I’ll make yet but. It Will Involve stirring. Or maybe I’ll just do broth and put on kill for tomorrow)
Save me being clueless and refusing to learn about what it is unless you’re willing to tell me what’s wrong.
Save me tea latte (or I just. Have my one caffeine free day idk)
Save me will to live and learn and play and create and read and PUFFINS
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undead-knick-knack · 2 months
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Y'all had to have known this was coming 😁 🖤💜🖤
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redstringraven · 2 months
11 and 12
*crawls back over here after work week* >:J!!! thank you!!
(also, please excuse that this ask is visually a bit more of a mess. apparently i wrote too much for tumblr to be chill with my usual formatting. apologies. e-e;;; maybe it'll let me format it after the fact. it did not)
TMNT's 40th anniversary ask game!
11.) which version of raphael is your favorite?
like i said in the tags for the meme, it's obvious/a given that my favorite version for all the turtles is gonna be the 2003 one. but since i also said i won't stop/discourage y'all from asking anyway AND said i don't have a favorite out of the boys, i'll use this as an excuse to babble incoherently about some of the reasons i love them. it's not uncommon that i enjoy hot-headed characters. this could partly be because enneagram-wise i'm a 9, and we're the 'odd one out' when it comes to the anger/gut triad (i kind of touched on this concept in my enneagram series; apologies). so, while i often smother my own temper, i still feel it under the surface. i get being angry. anger is also often a secondary emotion--it's an emotion that comes up because you're attempting to disguise something else; "anger is easier" as some quotes may say. i find it interesting to squint and find out why we're 'angry'. what's actually going on? when it comes to '03 raph, i don't think his anger stems from any ONE thing, i think it's more a bundle and that's part of the reason it's so easily set off. a significant piece of it is probably due to things i discussed in his enneagram post: learning to recognize the world is cruel/uncaring and trying to find ways for him--and the few people he cares about--to survive. raph is also a very intense person. anger is an intense emotion. it makes sense that he'd find comfort turning to it when he otherwise can't identify or articulate what he's really feeling. and this isn't to say he's not emotionally intelligent (far from it), i just think he struggles to slow his head and heart down to put names and words to everything flooding him--and WHEN he struggles, he gets frustrated and impatient with himself, which just makes him struggle more. and i appreciate the handful of examples we get that in-series where he can't quite verbalize it, but you can still feel and see it. i think raph likes to take care of people. his brothers, master splinter, april, casey, tyler, mrs. morrison, angel--whether they're someone who he loves, or someone who can't fend for themselves, or both, he just seems to instinctually take people beneath his wing. he's still learning that vulnerability doesn't equate to weakness (you can't show weakness in a world that rejects you), and he's also still learning to harness and manage all those emotions when they turn to anger--steer them to something more productive and beneficial instead. because anger, itself, isn't inherently bad. it's what you do with it. this is something he struggles with at the beginning of the series but seems to get a better grasp of as the seasons pass. i love raph as a hot-headed character who's a marshmallow inside not because of the trope itself, but because it feels very real to me given the circumstances he grew up under, lives under, and how he views the world and how intensely he loves. he's not just there to be "the angry one" so we have that archetype on the team, there're reasons. it's both a strength and a weakness of his. one he's aware of and carries shame for. my man also has an excellent sense of humor; right up my alley. i love him very much but i've already talked a lot and should probably stop here. … also, he hates bugs and got fucking swallowed by one and proceeded to chest-burster his way out of it, like. we love to see a short-king winning and getting to reference a movie he probably loved in the process. talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same; yee-frickin'-haw indeed, sir.
12.) which version of donatello is your favorite?
copy/paste that first paragraph from the above answer here.
hilariously, like how i seem to have a pattern of enjoying hot-headed characters, i also feel like i have a pattern of loving the more quiet and compassionate ones. this also probably plays into my 9 on the enneagram, since 9s tend to be peacemakers and our place in the web allows us to better see the perspectives of others. i, also, understand the struggle that comes with not wanting to 'rock the boat' and kind of keep those i'm surrounded by happy and chill and secure. but don's also SMART. and i've been a nancy drew reading/game playing bitch since i could read. puzzle-solving… mysteries… cleverness… GIMMIE THAT SHIT.
don was my favorite as a kid, and i think that came both from the fact he was 'the purple one' (joking that was a bias was half of a joke; shut up i was like thirteen) and because he was resourceful, clever, and observant. i loved his kindness, i loved how when things seemed dire he'd usually be the one with an idea, and i probably saw a lot of myself in him whether it be in playing mediator between my siblings, or in knowing a lot of seemingly Random Shit™ about a lot of Useless Things™, or in the simple fact that he often wanted to be left alone to do the thing(s) he was really passionate about. i got a lot of flack for all the time i spent on the computer as a kid. didn't matter if i was writing or drawing or reading about topics i wanted to learn more about--you know, productive/creative/thoughtful activities--i was constantly badgered that i was addicted to it and didn't spend enough time with my family. i guess any moment that don having a weird interest in something "paid off" was validating to me in a way? as well as him not being the strongest fighter, but still being valuable in the team unit (i'm an artist who grew up in a family of athletes). i also appreciated and admired that despite his kindness, he wasn't a doormat. definitely a do-no-harm-but-take-no-shit kind of guy, and lord knows teen!hannah needed to learn to stand up for herself better. so, yeah. i think as a kid i saw a lot of myself in don. i appreciated him for existing in that way.
all that obviously still stands as an adult, the 'favoritism' has just faded away as i've grown to understand and adore the other three more.
don's pretty outstanding, man. while he's usually the route of the pacifist, it's evident that he has a clear line in the sand, and once you've crossed that line… you're gonna realize that when you fuck around, you find out. and you're gonna find out very quickly.
he'll take what little he has around him to scrap together a breathing apparatus for a lost and brain-damaged triceraton (even though the triceraton was previously an enemy), he'll spend months trying to find a cure for a bunch of strangers he barely knows, he's able to empathize with a bunch of child-like nanobots… but at the same time, he'll also blast you with your own arm-canon, drill you into a pile of mulch, trick you into going to a hornet dimension, and verbally assassinate your dignity for all that it's worth.
i love that so much of him IS grounded in creation. making things. learning and understanding. and that kindness is often one of his main driving points. i just wanna take his shoulders and shake him sometimes. in the most loving, motherly and enthusiastic of ways.
…i also firmly maintain that he's physically the strongest out of the brothers. that detail, combined with him being the least competitive out of the four, really amuses me. because i like to think that when it comes to arm wrestling, someone might challenge don because they think nerd = weak. and don's initially not interested in humoring the challenge, but his brothers are behind him like ":)))c no. no, donnie you should do it. it'll be fun!" because they all know. and don's finally just like
… e_e … fine.
and proceeds to slam the other person's arm down before they even know they've lost. his brothers stand there with gremlin smirks, impish grins, snickering, mischievous boyish giggling, and don wanders off unceremoniously to get back to a project. he's got a lot to do today but this was a nice break.
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warningsine · 4 months
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ladyriot · 8 months
every time i consume new-to-me media, i'm like where's the rizzles au?
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rpfisfine · 9 months
such a huge fan of how strongly and rapidly the 'save me (blank) save me' sentence format has permeated the vocabulary of all my online friends
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sneaky-ramen · 4 days
rip travis bickle you would have loved pornhub
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callixton · 9 months
this little world save me….. this little world….. save me this little world
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doodleduck · 1 year
@transbeeduo (I hope you don’t mind me tagging you)
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bunnyinatree · 11 months
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I was checking my Near and Mikami folder to remind myself which drawings I still want to finish, and I found this gem, which I used to pitch the idea for this fic to a couple of friends! C:
[image ID: an edited version of the presentation meme from Despicable Me. Gru is labeled "Near," and the presentation reads as follows: "I write Mikami's name in the Death Note and use him to produce concrete evidence that Light is Kira; I add a bunch of extra clauses for shits and giggles on the off-chance that the 23-Day Rule is fake; We end up happily married to one another (and we're both aroace)." This last step, of course, causes Near/Gru to do a double take. End image ID.]
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cecelianonymous22 · 3 months
"are you okay?" She was walking around with a loaded shotgun???? Ready to fire me a hot one??? She went bang?? Bang??? Bang???? Straight through my heart????
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atthebell · 9 months
block this post save me save me block this post
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alpinelogy · 6 months
Hiiii....just stopping by to say your lolex fic had me in chokehold. So yeah that... also hypotethically, do they talk it out the morning(?) after?? You don't have to answer (pls do) oh no..
Thank you sm for the lolex sargebon pieces out there, loved your previous lolex christmas one✨️
Hi sorry for taking so long to answer I wanted to respond to this after asks from a fic ask game from two weeks ago but well… to the people who sent in asks, those are cooking I promise adfsdgfh
First of all, thank you so much for reading!! I was nervous to post it because this is slightly too close to smut for what I usually write but I am so happy people like it so much 🥺
Second of all, I left the ending purposefully vague BUT I refuse to write/accept a sad ending so in my heart they do in fact talk it out the morning after and reach an agreement they are both happy with. What that is I have no idea but I believe in them!!
I hope to write more sargebon soon!! I have been sort of dry on ideas over the winter but I trust that team torque will in fact bring back inspiration and vibes for something shorter (and maybe something longer as well) once I get around to watching it :3c
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livesinthebalance · 2 years
Her hair was so pretty in the almost neon glow of the city....
— soft too. His fingers run between the blonde strands like needles through silk, pulling out any tangles and ridding of any evidence of their earlier activities as she laid across his chest and drifted off into her usual light sleep. Though here lately, Jesse had started to realize that it didn't quite matter the time of day, the lighting, or the occasion — he'd ADMIRED her all the same. All of her — beyond her hair.
It was her smile — that LAUGH, and her sense of humor...the way she held him when no one else would. And how she cared for him, in a way no one else could. He'd never understand why it took him so long to see it, how this wasn't anywhere near his typical fling. The most distinguishing factor being the fact that he somehow kept ending up back here, together — with her, in the quaint little apartment on the sixth floor that she called home.
It BOTHERED him quite a bit, actually — how he couldn't shake these feelings as he typically would in these scenarios. It made him feel VULNERABLE — opening up another weak spot to be taken advantage of; by her, or anyone, really...it's why his hand swiftly separates from her, why any semblance of CONTENT suddenly vanishes from his features and his gaze averts across the room, eventually settling on his uniform that clung to the back of a chair in a dark corner.
This was dangerous, STUPID even — and, if he did care for her in the way he so desperately tried to convince himself he didn't, he wouldn't do this to her. It's why he'll be up and dressed before she wakes in some hours, no evidence he was even here. Able to avoid the guilt another day. But as much as he'd like to convince himself that he won't be back — he'll be seeing her again, real soon. And in the back of his mind he KNOWS it — he'd totally and completely fallen for her and this was the point of no return.
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1-800-busy-signal · 1 year
im going to go ballistic. tumblr is now encoding a lot of images as .webp files...
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itsaventingmachine · 1 year
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Pride and Prejudice vol 1 in a nutshell.
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