#save a prairie
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tinyurbanwilderness · 8 months ago
Here we go again with another Illinois “Prairie State” prairie about to be lost. Don’t let what happened to Bell Bowl Prairie happen here. Please help!
“A prairie in Monroe County, Illinois, is about to be lost forever.
Less than 1% of Illinois’ prairies are left in our beautiful prairie state – and only 600 acres of hill prairies (i.e., prairies on bluffs like this one) remain. That’s smaller than New York’s Central Park.”
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wicketcityart · 6 days ago
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zip-toonz · 9 months ago
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Watching the Nick Jr. Series altered my brain chemistry. Here's my take on Prairie!
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pathological-runaway · 16 days ago
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hi guys is this anything
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theaftersundown · 26 days ago
With everything going on, especially in the USA, I can't help but feel like this clip from Little House on the Prairie is as relevant as ever. It might not be the exact same issues or even on a massive scale but I think we can all understand what he means. His anger, his passion for his community and home. We need this energy now.
"Why waste your time being honest when you could make so much more money being dishonest?"
the quote of the century. hits even closer to home that he is a farmer and they are damn near being eradicated even today... just a thought. protect the farmers, we would have nothing without them.
Season 4, Episode 2 titled "Times of Change"
please, don't spread hate because of this video or my opinion. if you don't agree that is fine but don't be hateful, thank you.
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savethegrishaverse · 6 months ago
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For our next twitter party, we want to talk about a relationship that feels #LikeAPrairieFire, between Jesper and Wylan! Come prepared with your best tweets, questions, comments, gifs, memes, and more. Let's make some noise! 🗣️
#SaveShadowAndBone and #SixOfCrowsSpinoff TWEETING PARTY 9/4 at 12PM! Come check it out here!
Remember to:
Only use three hashtags.
Enjoy and be engaging with your tweets! Keep sharing! Timezones under read more.
If you cannot attend, you can always schedule tweets ahead of time on desktop in order to help out still!
ALL TIMEZONES: Wednesday, Sep 4: 9am PST 10am MST 11am CST 12pm EST 2pm -03 5pm GMT 6pm CET 8pm MSK 9pm +04 10:30pm IST
Thursday, Sep 5: 1am CST 2am JST 4am AEST 6am NZST
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
It's not where you live, but what you do with where you live.
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cherishednymph · 10 months ago
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i fear they don’t make men like this anymore ❤️‍🩹
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Started Anne with an E tonight and I think I have to add the Anne of Green Gables series to my TBR. I'm pretty sure I read at least one book as a child, and I remember having a boxed set of all of them, but I think it was destroyed in one of the floods.*
I also had a little Anne doll that I'm pretty sure came from McDonalds (or a similar cheap children's toy thing) back when McDonalds toys were actually legit (god I had SO MANY cool ones that I'm sad I don't have anymore...I remember begging my mom to get me happy meals when they had Atlantis toys cause I wanted the light-up crystal necklace so bad lol). Not sure what happened to her, it's possible she got sent to a thrift store or something.
Anyway, this series has me back in childhood nostalgia haha.
*I think it ended up in one of the boxes of childhood mementoes, which was either destroyed when our basement flooded due to a burst pipe when I was a teen or when my parents' apartment's basement storage was destroyed in the Great Flood of 2013, which is also when my now-super-valuable Disney princess dolls were lost (the ones with the original dress designs!! I could've sold them for so much!!).
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sdmsims · 7 months ago
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ihate video games
strangerville is so big and hard to fill in a Normal Way this is going to be the death of me. can i go back to cluttered cyberpunk hell please
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wicketcityart · 2 months ago
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The OA
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monkee-mobile · 2 years ago
(get ready for a Mike Nesmith dump)
still seething we never got a recording of him doing the daddy’s song dance even though it’s rumored he learned it.
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it would add so much to my little tie-along with Head and 33 1/3. Just some crazy meta-canon whatever-fucking Monkees jazz. I hold it true in my mind that it’s his song, even though Davy did it very well, because stylistically it suited him, and I do love his version. But I know why Mike was so enthusiastic to do that song, just as a personal thing.
I just want to see him hopping around in frilly monochromatic suits.
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victorluvsalice · 7 months ago
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-->Okay, that’s enough Build/Buy shenanigans – time to actually get the trio DOING stuff! Smiler got sent to the new barn basement to put away their nectar, clean the maker, then squash up some more grapes, while I told Alice to lick herself clean and finish up her delicate bracelet and Victor to clean up the pet poop on the back porch and then head upstairs to bed. XD After taking a moment to check the calendar (and to cancel the pop-up holiday “Neighborhood Brawl” as it just isn’t my scene), I checked in on Alice – she not only finished her bracelet at “excellent” quality, she also developed a Like for Gemology in the process! Right after pinching her finger working the wire, so you know she was serious. :p I got her a Crystal Charging Grid and put her new bracelet out there to charge (it has the crystal that reduces negative moodlets faster, so we want it charged up), then had her go and stop Shock from eating chicken feed. Fortunately, one scolding is all it took for Shock to finally learn that she shouldn’t eat trash, and she and Alice had an adorable bonding moment right afterward. Awwww~ It’s nice when the pets actually behave!
Anyway – after opening up the MySim capsule she picked up a couple of sessions ago (just another Chef Gino; I promptly sold it), I had Alice scavenge (she found a couple of common upgrade parts) then head to bed to top up her energy. Smiler, meanwhile, after finishing up their nectar, got put on “make mechanisms” duty for a bit because I’m still working toward that Servo, damn it. Once they were done with that, they fed Toothy the cowplant, repaired a broken water collector, recycled the resultant trash pile (plus some more wraith wax) and played with Shadow…
--->And then 5 AM rolled around, and the farm chores could begin in earnest! I woke Victor up to tend to his greenhouse – only to discover he had spoiled food in his inventory and instead sent him to take care of that (and clean out the fridge too while he was at it). Smiler, as usual, got put on chicken duty, spreading a little feed and cleaning the coop, while Alice got sent to harvest the prairie grass in Moory’s pen (finding a hematite crystal – the kind that makes your Sim functionally immortal when charged – and a bottle of energy nectar in the process; the latter went into the aging racks downstairs). Victor rewarded himself for a good clean-up job with a Minty Mocha cupcake breakfast, then I had him get in his “gardening” outfit and sent him into the greenhouse to plant some fresh oversized crops and tend the garden. Alice moved on from taking care of the prairie grass to taking care of Moory (the cow needed a thorough clean today), while Smiler did a quick sort of the trash (gotta get those recyclables) before heading back to the chickens to chat with them and gather the eggs (three normal ones, two hatchable ones – the latter got sold as I’m not interested in more chickens at the moment). I then had Smiler join Victor in the greenhouse to apply some super vitality fertilizer to the new oversized crops, while Alice cleaned out Moory’s shed –
-->And then, out by the recycle machine, transformed into a werewolf! Because it had been a little while since she hung out in Beast form, and I figured it was about time she did some werewolf stuff. Like marking her territory in the front yard. XD I was THEN going to have her do some more scavenging and the like –
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beardedmrbean · 2 years ago
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malwarechips · 4 months ago
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chris-4 · 1 year ago
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Risebruary day 6- DIGG
Idk why but they were kinda hard to draw, I liked drawing ground hog the best.
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