#satellite analysis
rachthepoet · 4 months
Satellite Analysis
There's always one song from an artist's release that their following chooses to adopt as their own, and Satellite quickly became the said embraced, and it's not hard to puzzle together why that is. Musically, it's atmospheric and pleasing to the ears, and the shifts in intensity offer stompin' dance breaks. It's impossible to not shimmy your shoulders when listening — believe me, I've tried. Distinct from the danceability, though, is a tenderness so dear that it flies under the radar. And maybe not so separated, as the production and music even aid it when listened closely.
As a song, it delves into the complexities of a relationship where communication and connection seem to be drifting apart. Painting a picture of someone trying to reach out to another, for they're no longer in each others' lives. It's a longing for dialogue and reconnection as the emotional distance is ever highlighted through extended metaphor. It takes the simplistic human desire and nature for companionship and dips it into an intoxicating otherworldly basis.
Here's a deep dive into Harry Styles' Satellite, from a poet.
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Satellite, A Metaphor 🛰️
Felt like Augustus Waters typing that just now. Anywho. The song orbits around an extended metaphor, with a symbol strong enough to stand alone at the heart. The Satellite. And understanding it all thoroughly is the key to understanding this piece in all its wonder.
First, let's talk about the symbol itself. A satellite is, by dictionary definition, an artificial body placed in orbit around the earth, moon, or another planet to collect information or for communication. In this scenario, the satellite is an extension of the speaker as the speaker has become much like the satellite itself. Got it? And I feel like it's relevant to mention how the relationship between a satellite and the object it is orbiting is often a give-and-take dynamic. The satellite will send signals to the object and the object keeps the satellite connected. And, when there's a disconnection — a break in the two's casual communication — there's a need for recalibration — seeking that connection with the other person again.
Now, time for the grandiose metaphor at play. The feeling being portrayed is one of being stuck in perpetual orbit — close yet distant, constantly revolving around the person they care about without being able to connect. A distinct emotional distance carries on through the whole song, and there's not a clear resolution — which is something I actually prefer, for that's not how things truly are. Sometimes one is just stuck in perpetual orbit. He utilizes the celestial to explore themes of longing, unrequited dynamics, and the struggle to maintain connection when life pulls people in different directions. But, even in this melancholia, there's a balance with an added sense of hopefulness, for he remains present and waiting.
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Lyric Pull Apart
[VERSE 1] You got a new life Am I bothering you? Do you wanna talk? We share the last line Then we drink the wall 'til we wanna talk
In the very first line, You got a new life, which straight away addresses that a significant shift has taken place. The receiver's day-to-day schedule differs from what it used to be, and, as I find he likes to do within his writing, this can be taken literally and metaphorically. In the literal sense, they are busier, have more activities or responsibilities than previously, etcetera. Yet, metaphorically, the receiver's perspective on things has changed significantly since the last time the two were close (emotionally, physically, or both).
Then, from the second line onward, he's already tip-toeing around the desire to start a conversation, spark a connection, and initiate this recalibration. Yet, due to his insecurities, there's an underlying fear of being a bother to them — unsure if they share the same desire for rectification — but still asks if they can speak.
Issues in communication are present consistently in his catalog of pieces, whether in relationship to the self or within relationships. I find this essential to explore, the patterns in someone's work and the evolution. Each time it has been referenced in the past, the representation surfaced in two ways: (i) a general resistance to communicate/refusing to take the blame for issues sprawled in front of him; (ii) waiting for a conversation to begin without doing anything himself to initiate it. But, things are different now. And this is a common theme across the "Harry's House" album, where lots of his old themes are present but have evolved to something more reflective and mature. Now, he's initiating, inviting the person to connect with him after time estranged. Stepping over that fear and continuing to try. Do you wanna talk? Because I really want to! I do!
The last two lines, We share the last line / Then we drink the wall 'til we wanna talk, are where, admittedly, I got a bit muddled at first. I concluded that we're in the midst of another literal and metaphorical situation, where it can be taken both ways with upheld substance, much like the nature of the first line. Literally, also known as prominent drug/alcohol references, it would make sense. There's this pre-determined need to not be sober when reopening communication, perhaps to be more honest and open to the more difficult things that could come. They need to remove some of the tension built up. In this case, drinking the wall leads to a wine rack. The other option is spinning yourself into the more abstract, with Then we drink the wall 'til we wanna talk being another variation on breaking down the walls. Walls and tension have been built up, and they need to evaporate it sip by sip.
Also, an additional sentiment is that We share the last line could be referring to the line preceding inside this very song. The line that comes before that ending couplet is: Am I bothering you? Do you wanna talk? And I love the idea of referencing a song inside said song. Feels like a lite version of a matryoshka doll. Anyway. Since "we" is used here, there can be an assumed sense of mutuality where both wish to communicate (another difference and progression from themes in previous albums, interesting to note). So, they share the last line, Do you wanna talk?, as that's the initiation for said communication.
[PRE-CHORUS] I go 'round and 'round Satellite
This is where that grandiose metaphor comes in. The speaker compares himself to a satellite going around and around a planet, which in turn is someone he considers his world or a big center of gravity to his life, even after their connection has broken. The purpose of the artificial satellite is communication, but it's kept at a perfect distance from the body around which it orbits — the receiver needs their space, so he's quite literally giving them space. Even in the metaphors residing in space, you have to smile at wordplay.
Additionally, the phrasing I go 'round and 'round represents the satellite's orbit pattern, but I theorize there's a second connotation alluding to repetitiveness. He spins 'round and 'round over and over, letting himself be known, but the other person won't open the door. And it wouldn't be the first time in "Harry's House" that there was a cyclical ideation, soon to be seen in the song Boyfriends that follows directly after.
[CHORUS] Spinnin' out, waitin' for ya to pull me in I can see you're lonely down there Don't you know that I am right here? Spinnin' out, waitin' for ya to pull me in I can see you're lonely down there Don't you know that I am right here?
He's spinning out in orbit and waits, Waitin' for ya to pull me in, and that's all he can do. All that can be done is to circle around the person and quietly observe them. And one of these observations that he makes is that the person is lonely, I can see you're lonely down there. There are many conclusions one can come to to fathom the reasoning behind this, but, to remain within the context of the song -- he believes they're lonely in terms of them being left alone to think about their thoughts, thoughts they previously shared with him in moments of emotional intimacy. The said emotional intimacy he's orbiting around, trying to recalibrate and bring back connection. He desperately wants to be a part of these conversations again. Even deeper, the isolated down there phrasing could be a play on the common saying of someone feeling down, which can contribute to an emotional shutout, which then, further, contributes to the disconnection.
Don't you know that I am right here? is the core question of the piece. The speaker has made it clear that this orbiting is done with his own will, but there's also frustration, wondering how long he can go on in this cyclical desperation to reconnect. There's melancholy and desperation as he observes the other meticulously, and sees they're lonely. But he's always been there, and they either don't realize or refuse to. Therefore, it leads him to a moment of pondering, wondering: Don't you know that I'm here for you? To communicate and help you through? I can see you're lonely down there, but I'm here with open arms, so you don't have to be anymore. I'm waiting for your green light to eliminate this tense space between us.
And that leads perfectly to the double meaning of Spinnin' out: the more colloquial meaning is another way to express that someone is panicking, which could be an emotion surfaced because of this distance and space between. Then, if one wants to dive deeper, you bring in the following Waitin' for ya to pull me in, which can have an accompanying meaning of gravity to tie in with the celestial theme — he's waiting for them to take him by the hand, both metaphorically and literally, and show reciprocation in the desire for reconnection.
[VERSE 2] I'm in a L.A. mood I don't wanna talk to you She said, "Give me a day or two"
The second verse and the first are opposites, and that's interesting. And, in my guesses, there are two separate readings possible, and depends on perspective. Whether you read it from the speaker's mouth or the receiver's.
Starting with the latter, this second verse is a response. And it shouldn't be lost how the length is shorter and more brief. When considering this being from the receiver to the speaker, it comes off as dismissive. A shutdown of the hand of the speaker's reaching out, as the receiver quickly asks for more space and time, Give me a day or two, with a brief explanation, I'm in a L.A. mood, while sneaking in the real intention in this stalling, I don't wanna talk to you. Though he's constantly open to reconnection, the other is not.
Now, if there's no perspective change, the speaker's reverting back to old habits in reaction to frustration. A prime example of the reaction to the action, or in this case nonaction, is how he regresses back to his struggle with communication and says in the most obvious manner: I don't wanna talk to you. It's a bit jarring after the song thus far shows a desire, almost desperation, for communication. But there's some more reasoning, and it lies in the line before, I'm in a L.A. mood. He's using the phrase to embody the professional and work mood and mindset, and how one usually compartmentalizes work and private life. I'm shoving it into the back of my mind for now, which could also provoke a bad mood as well. Followed then with She said, "Give me a day or two", maybe either bringing in the other perspective briefly or just an encouragement to keep himself focused for another day or two. A bit of a sloppy interpretation, but one nonetheless, and I hope it all made sense as I tried to verbalize it.
[BRIDGE] Right here, right here Spinnin' out, waitin' for ya I'm here, right here Wishin' I could be there for ya Be there for ya Be there for ya, for ya For ya Be there for ya
The beloved bridge, and very much well-loved by myself, as well. What began as an easy, swaying, otherworldly melody has now built up to an explosion of emotions expressed. The frustration amplifies, as he keeps being turned away again and again. As the speaker waits for them to see him and listen, the receiver doesn't seem to be able to reciprocate. Though his care for them remains genuine and prominent, the impatience courses vigorously. All his frustration builds up from the first verse and progresses through the piece, leading up to right now, the bridge we all love, as he lets it all out. He yells. He cries louder. He's right there.
This is the visual I get in my hand. A ghostly figure of the speaker in front of the receiver, with his hand on their shoulders, but they're unable to feel his touch. But he's trying to shake them, and trying to make them see again and again that he's right here. I'm here, right here sounds comforting, like he's trying to give solace to his other. I'm here. You're not alone, you don't need to be lonely. Then, he continues on to say Wishin' I could be there for ya which illustrates the emotional distance and physical distance simultaneously, as he cries out that extra mile about how he just wishes so deeply he could be there for them.
Satellite is grounding your partner while floating in their gravity, waiting for them to pull you in and let you be there for them. It makes me think of long nights, at the end of summer, when you lay outside on a picnic blanket and finally bear your soul out to someone under the stars to the soundtracks of the season. The music makes you feel like you’re floating into another place and time. It’s like a cacophony, the musicality of the song reflecting Harry’s exasperation. Whirring guitars, sun-dappled synths, and even cymbals bloom all over the song, and it all sticks with you for a long time.
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dedicated to this anon and this anon <3
Thank you for reading, you’re absolutely incredible! If there are any songs you’d like me to make an analysis of, please send your request to my inbox! along with any questions or insights you might have yourself!
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strawglicks · 7 months
huge fan of the idea that flint cant handle what he dishes out.
they are too shy to be confrontational so as a result they let ppl walk all over them which i imagine results in pent up anger that they release thru talking shit behind ppls back .
and i get this impression from this exchange right here:
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flint talking poorly of the satellites, followed by "oh no i shouldnt have said that" implies he KNOWS he shouldnt be saying it and will get confronted for it, further implying hes done it before. cosmo's rant also implies this is a common occurrence that, tbh, he is rightfully angry for. and most of the things he points out abt flint in said rant arent wrong at all.
flint can talk big all they want, but never to someone's face bc they cant handle the confrontation that comes with it. it's cowardly, there's no self-respect to be had there. its just flints attempt to feel confident/better abt themselves. and i really hope to see more of this aspect of his character, ESPECIALLY in canon since, apparently, this 1.3 blogpost isnt explicitly canon (which saddens me every time i think about it.)
btw i feel the need to add on that i dont think flint's wrong or lying abt the satellites. What I'm condemning them for is the fact they're talking shit but then cant handle the consequences. If ur gonna talk behind peoples backs and stir the pot, you should be able to say the same shit to their face as well. Cosmo certainly doesnt appreciate how flint views his boys, but i feel like even HE would have a little more respect if flint just had enough courage to say it to his face.
But they dont, because they look up to Cosmo and dont want to be on his bad side, making it even more difficult for Flint to be confrontational . he has no desire to start problems with cosmo HIMSELF, just the satellites. (ppl forget this and treat it like flint has issues with cosmo, but thats not true . flint admires cosmo, likely due to his confidence and leadership skills since its smth flint craves having for himself, and erasing that aspect is a HUGE injustice to a really fun and interesting dynamic !)
i feel like the detail that flint likes drama ALSO plays a part in all this. enjoys drama, probably watches it from afar, but the moment it involves him, hes a total coward lmao
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi Shaz! Im feeling so down today, i had been stressed out for the whole week as I have 2 audits and 2 assessment for this month, I dis not pass one of my assessment today. Pls give me some Jikook content to lift my spirit up 😘 I know reading ur blogs will make me feel good, that’s why I run here after hahahah
I got u my lovely. There is never shortage of Jikook content! I didn't do it when u asked me but better late than never, no?
To start us off, how soft is this image?
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No seriously, how soft is that?
(Which reminds me, @youaremy-parkfilter I haven't 4go10 your ask. I just haven't had time to rewatch the episode but I will, I promise)
It's a subconscious act too, that's what I love about it. Their size difference though! Gets me everytime
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I love them sm 😩😩😩😩😫😫😫😫
Okay, okay. Let's get it together. Too fluffy..too much fluff. I know just the thing to get me back on track. 😏 see this photo of JK where he looks like a professional wrecker?
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No, but he really do be looking like he does indeed wreck Jimin seven days a week 🥵 Anyway, remember how he adjusts the Jungkonda during this clip? Isn't it funny who he's talking about while he does that? 🤭🤭🤭
😂🤣😂 Look, this isn't what you would call a typical Jikook moment. It's just one of those things someone with a brain like mine would notice, alright? It's JK adjusting himself, of course I noticed. But it was JK adjusting himself while talking about Jimin. 🤭🤭🤭
Moving onnnnnnn.... what do you reckon Jikook have been saying to eo all these years?
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And why do they have to be that close? Its that lack of personal space thing they've always had going on 🤭
Anyway, let's do a tiny analysis because we can. I was watching this because it doesn't matter how long you've been around there is always BTS content to catch up on, and I noticed something that really tickled me.
So Jimin was asked to pretend he's preventing his gf from breaking up with him. V wanted to pretend to be the gf but JK quickly beats him to it.
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He stands up incredibly fast and stops infront of Jimin 😂😂 JK did not want another member to play this role. He really wanted to be Jimin's pretend girlfriend 🤭🤭🤭
The best part though, is when Jimin still names his girlfriend Jeon Jungkook. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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I'm sorry but that was too funny to me. Jimin and his girlfriend Jungkook 🤭🤭 Not RM finding it cringy 😂😂😂 RM's reactions never fail y'all.
Then, Jimin was asked to pick an actress he would love to work with.
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And so he did.
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Then an outraged JK was like, what about me???
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Umm... okay? You're not even on the list bro, maybe chill? 🤭😂
It's the little things guys. It's the little things. And of course satellite Jikook are sitting next to eo. 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
Next I'm gonna share this extremely soft Jikook moment. Like, he didn't even hurt him. That punch was so soft and yet here Jimin is just hugging on JK and apologising for the clearly painless punch. But its the tight hug at the end for me 🥺
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Alrighty! Back to another BV analysis. So remember when they went to that tourist place with all the dinosaur carcasses and Jimin was soooooooo excited? As soon as he spotted it he told us about how he loves dinosaurs
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He couldn't wait to get off the ATV and ran towards it.
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And there he goes telling RM all about it. Super super excited he is.
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As soon as he was given the go ahead he got inside one of them.
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Now, JK could you please tell us your favourite animal just one more time?
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Thank you JK ☺☺☺
Out of the million things Jikook have in common, quickly add dinosaurs to the list if you haven't. 🥰🥰
While we are on BV there is this one moment that I didn't understand. Like Jimin was just there... he wasn't even talking it was RM and someone else talking. But JK was just.... staring at Mimi
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Like for no reason. And as soon as Jimin turned back to his food JK quickly looks away.
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This JK habit absolutely fascinates me. Like fr fr. What is it? What goes on? Like Mr. Jeon can you speak your thoughts outloud? That's your man, you've known him for years, why do you look at him like you've never seen him before? It's just... I don't understand... but I know it ain't normal. Like, friends don't just stare at their other friends for no reason.
Okay so I just thought this was cute
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And this will always be very eyebrow raising for me. Why u blushing for your bandmate Jimin?
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And why does JK always look so cocky when that happens? 🤔 Guess we'll never know 🤷🏽‍♀️
Satellite Jeon my favourite! Look at him be subtle!
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Oh what's that? V showing Jimin his phone?
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Oops, JK must know what Jimin is looking at. On time, like clockwork. Peekaboo!
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This one i clicked on by accident but I'm not mad at it. For me, It's how deep Jimin's fingers are digging into an erogenous part of JK's body 😏
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Sorry I'm late my dear. But hope this post finds you well 💚💚💚
In conclusion:
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twopoppies · 1 year
Satellite is one of my favorite songs on Harry’s House and I loved this creator’s take on it.
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just-spectating · 8 months
The Bulb and Space Probe Death: A Brief Essay
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Something that I don’t recall being addressed in 17776 is the fact that the space probes are not immortal. The humans are on Earth where the nanobots and their mysterious longevity prevent them from dying, but Nine, Ten and Juice are in space.
The only thing protecting them from system failure and natural wear and tear is presumably that they are capable of self-repair. If they ever experienced a damage too great for them to fix themselves, Juice is the only one close enough to Earth to have any hope of being reached in time.
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I think that the reason the death of the Bulb was so deeply sad and disturbing to the probes is it reminded them that like the Bulb, they are ultimately objects that can be damaged and destroyed. Like the football that obliterated the Bulb, Nine, Ten, and Juice could be hit by an asteroid or any other space debris and die (particularly if they were distracted or asleep and didn’t see it coming).
They could flicker out of existence at any moment. It’s a slim possibility, but the possibility of that football hitting the Bulb was also nearly nonexistent.
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This also means that Nine and Ten could, in theory, commit suicide by piloting into a star or planetary body intentionally (that is, if they ever got close enough to one) or that a human could do the same by going to space or somewhere else without nanobots (assuming that the nanos don’t cling too or cloud around humans too closely for that to be possible). 
I also find the role reversal in 17776 quite interesting. Once, objects outlived their creators, they were what remained after they were gone and preserved their memory. Objects, naturally, are meant to last longer than people. But in 17776, the opposite is true. Footballs can burn to ash in car accidents, light bulbs can shatter, and, possibly, sentient space probes can die.
This was meant for my 17776 blog (@we-perpetually-hang-out) but is posted here instead due to tag issues.
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dougielombax · 1 year
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sh3nlong-promakh0s · 5 months
sleeping satellite is actually such a well written and deep song
I blame you for the moonlit sky And the dream that died With the eagles flight I blame you for the moonlit nights When I wonder why Are the seas still dry? Don't blame this sleeping satellite
Did we fly to the moon too soon? Did we squander the chance? In the rush of the race The reason we chase is lost in romance
And still we try To justify the waste For a taste of man's greatest adventure
I blame you for the moonlit sky And the dream that died With the eagles flight I blame you for the moonlit nights When I wonder why Are the seas still dry? Don't blame this sleeping satellite
Have we lost what it takes to advance? Have we peaked too soon? If the world is so green Then why does it scream under a blue moon? We wonder why If the earth's sacrificed For the price of it's greatest treasure
I blame you for the moonlit sky And the dream that died With the eagles flight I blame you for the moonlit nights When I wonder why Are the seas still dry? Don't blame this sleeping satellite
And when we shoot for stars What a giant step Have we got what it takes To carry the weight of this concept? Or pass it by like a shot in the dark Miss the mark with a sense of adventure
I blame you for the moonlit sky And the dream that died With the eagles flight I blame you for the moonlit nights When I wonder why Are the seas still dry? Don't blame this sleeping satellite
this is basically the uk version of whitey on the moon holy shit
ok so i've been obsessed with this song for a few weeks now and have been listening to it on repeat, and like at first listen you'd think it's a catchy little ditty but nothing special... but nooooo tasmin archer is a genius singer songwriter like... idk her vocals alone are so masterful, so intentional and so well controlled!
anyway read the lyrics! they are not just about the moon landing and like blindly going along with the glorious american nationalist narrative that's spun around it, or like a lot of cold war propaganda... nah she's questioning the worth of the whole expedition by asking 'and still we try to justify the waste for a taste of man's greatest adventure' and 'Have we lost what it takes to advance?, Have we peaked too soon? if the world is so green, then why does it scream under a blue moon,,, we wonder why, if the earth's sacrificed for the price of it's greatest treasure'
so clearly she's saying the moon landings were NOT WORTH THE COST, implying that humanity (read: america) could have spent taxpayer dollars on actually improving the majority of human lives, like gil scot heron's poem:
A rat done bit my sister Nell. (with Whitey on the Moon) Her face and arms began to swell. (and Whitey's on the Moon) I can't pay no doctor bill. (but Whitey's on the Moon) Ten years from now I'll be paying still. (while Whitey's on the Moon)
tasmin archer may not be as explicit with her politics but i reckon the message is subtly there, i was so genuinely impressed with relistening to this after like not hearing it since i was a kid
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spacenutspod · 6 months
**Episode Summary:** Join Charlie on a cosmic voyage with today's episode of Astronomy Daily - The Podcast, as we delve into the latest space sector upheavals and triumphs. We'll celebrate the Angara A-5 rocket's ascent on its third attempt, a testament to Russia's tenacity in space. We'll unpack the sudden suspension of NASA's TESS satellite and its implications for exoplanet discovery. Our journey also navigates the innovative solutions to the looming threat of orbital debris and the fascinating crater analysis research that's rewriting the histories of moons in our solar system. Plus, we'll offer a glimpse into ESA's meticulous preparations for the JUICE mission's future encounter with Jupiter's moon Callisto. Fasten your seatbelts for an episode that takes you from the Russian Far East to the outer reaches of our celestial neighborhood. --- **Featured Topics:** 1. **Angara A-5's Triumphant Third Launch:** Witness the determination of Russia's space program as the Angara A-5 successfully launches, signaling a new chapter in the country's space endeavors. 2. **NASA's TESS Satellite Setback:** Explore the temporary halt of NASA's planet-hunting TESS and what it means for our search for Earth-like exoplanets. 3. **Combatting Orbital Debris:** Learn about the cutting-edge methods being developed to ensure the safe reentry of satellites and the preservation of our planet's orbital environment. 4. **Crater Analysis and Moon Dating:** Delve into the research that uses crater counting to determine the age of moons and uncover the dynamic history of our solar system. 5. **ESA's JUICE Mission Prepares for Callisto:** Get a sneak peek at how ESA's mission control is gearing up for the JUICE spacecraft's future flyby of Jupiter's intriguing moon, Callisto. --- **Additional Information:** For an uninterrupted cosmic experience, visit astronomydaily.io to explore our extensive library of episodes and sign up for our free newsletter. Stay connected with the Astronomy Daily community by following us on X (formerly known as Twitter) @AstroDailyPod. This episode is brought to you with the support of NordPass - the password manager you need in your life. We use it every day and can't recommend it highly enough. Plus by using our special deal it won't cost very much money... details at www.bitesz.com/nordpass --- **Closing Remarks:** As we conclude this stellar journey, we thank you for your company on Astronomy Daily - The Podcast. May your curiosity continue to be fueled by the stars and the endless wonders of the universe. This is Charlie, your guide to the cosmic wonders, signing off. Until our next celestial rendezvous, remember to keep looking up. --- **Host Sign-off:** Charlie: "Thank you for joining us on this interstellar exploration. Until the next episode, this is Charlie, signing off. Keep the cosmos in your thoughts and the spirit of discovery in your heart. Clear skies and Godspeed!" For more visit www.astronomydaily.io Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/astronomy-daily-the-podcast--5648921/support. Show notes created by https://headliner.app --- Episode Chapters (00:00) Astronomy Daily podcast features the latest in space exploration and technology (01:19) Russia's Angara a five rocket successfully launched on its third attempt (03:32) NASA's transiting Exoplanet survey satellite temporarily paused operations (05:48) New methods being put into practice to curb space debris concerns (08:21) The dating of moons within our solar system is an intricate puzzle (10:56) European Space Agency's juice mission aims to explore Jupiter's moon Callisto (13:17) Thank you for listening to Astronomy daily podcast
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finexbright · 2 years
do you know what my favourite thing about satellite is? it's not the big music crescendo that gets picked up in the song, instead it's the very soft way it ends. yes, there's still musical chaos happening, but the very last "don't you know that i'm right here?" is sung with this soft resignation and acceptance. satellite is about telling the person you love that 'hey i know you're going through things and i do respect you needing your space and time, but i am right here' and it takes on a frustrating edge because it's also realising that 'yes i am here but what could i even do when you won't tell me what's going on? i wish i knew so desperately so i could fix this for you, so i could help you' and it's a helpless plea and so the song picks up on that feeling musically by starting out slow and silent and then all the instruments coming in. but despite the fast pacedness of the music, which basically is him shouting at the walls with this extreme frustration, despite that, not once does that bleed through in his vocals, his words are still measured and gentle and soft. but in the end, with the music going off in the background, he sings the last "i am right here" in such a tender way that you can almost see the fight going off within him, that very last part is him saying 'all i can do for you is tell you that i'm right here and i think that's what you need right now, that's what you want right now, this knowledge that i'm not going anywhere. and i don't need to know everything, i don't need to be the one to fix this for you, i just need to be here for you and that's okay.'
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septembersghost · 2 years
not to intrude on your conversation but I definitely think Satellite and Grapejuice are about different situations or relationships than LNT/Cinema too. not sure what but- you got a new life and there's never been someone who's so perfect for me/but I got over it both sound like the past not a new romance, right?
exactly what i mean! the hesitancy of, "am i bothering you, do you want to talk?," as though it's someone who's moved past you, but you're hoping to reconnect and you want to make sure everything is okay. plus the imagery of trying your best and gravitating around someone, but they don't fully realize you're there waiting and shining for them. it's just very yearning for something that's slipped by (in my head, anyway). that's why it hits so hard when it goes from the gentle, sweet lullaby feeling, to the beat drop, to the instrumental breakdown, because it's feeling that rollercoaster of emotion. tenderness and trepidation, picking up speed and euphoria, crashing back again. the way the vocal layering is done is very specific too, echoes of the gentle beginning are still under the percussion. wishing i could be there for ya. don't you know that i am right here? waiting to be pulled in. it gives me this feeling of distance and a little loneliness, and love that exists so reassuringly, but spins around in an unrequited way.
and then with grapejuice, the entire song sounds like reminiscing on the past and desperately missing something you once had, the connection and times and places you shared. they're always with you, but they're not there, and that's what's hard to get through. you get over it, but you still pay for it (which has double meaning, the increased effect of the wine, and the memory), and you're talking to yourself a bit. you're so over whites and pinks because that first blush is gone, you're into the deep reds, the bruised blues. it doesn't conclude together, but apart - there's just no getting through the grapejuice blues.
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trendingreportz · 16 hours
Satellite Manufacturing Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Satellite Manufacturing Market Overview
The Global Satellite Manufacturing Market is estimated to reach $24.0 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 3.2% during 2021-2026. Satellite are launched into the space to provide various services such as telemetry, remote sensing satellite, automatic identification system, surveillance, communication and others. Major drivers for satellite manufacturing market growth are surge in utilization of satellites for military surveillance and other defense applications. There is a requirement of more data bandwidth and reliable communication infrastructure to the military for meeting the growing demand from UAVs and modern equipment. Surge in satellite based telemetry and geostationary  applications, development of all-electric propulsion systems for use in sun-synchronous orbit satellites along with the growth in R&D space activities are driving the growth of the market.
Report Coverage
The report: “Satellite Manufacturing Market – Forecast (2021-2026)”, by Industry ARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Satellite Manufacturing Market. 
By Type– Communication Satellite, Remote Sensing Satellite, Navigation Satellite, Geocentric Orbit type satellites, Global Positioning System, Geostationary Satellites, Drone Satellite, Ground Satellite, Polar Satellite, Nano Satellites, CubeSats, SmallSats
By Size– Large, Medium, Mini, Micro, Nano, Pico, Femto
By Orbit Location– LEO Satellites, Sun-Synchronous Orbit Satellites, GEO Satellites
By Application- Military & Government, Commercial
By Geography - North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others), Europe(Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, SK, Australia and Others), and RoW (Middle east and Africa)
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Key Takeaways
The rise in adoption of satellites in Military and Space applications along with increased R&D activities are driving the growth of the market.
Military sector is witnessing a significant growth of the market owing to the requirement of advanced communication systems for completing their missions and tracking the exact position and movement of their solders.
North America is witnessing a significant growth of the market owing to the presence of one of the biggest space research organization “NASA” in which R&D activities are majorly performed along with the new policies organized by the government related to the satellites in the Military and Defense sector. 
Satellite Manufacturing Market Segment Analysis - By Type 
By Type the market is segmented into Communication Satellite, Remote Sensing Satellite, Navigation Satellite, Geocentric Orbit type satellites, Global Positioning System, Geostationary Satellites, Drone Satellite, Ground Satellite, Polar Satellite, Nano Satellites, CubeSats, SmallSats. Communication satellite are dominating the market at 24.5% in 2020 owing to its large use in television, telephone, radio, internet and military applications. Communication satellite uses radio frequencies and microwave frequencies to allow communication between separated geographical points on the Earth. Communication satellites are used in variety of applications such as long-distance telephone transmission, gathering intelligence in military, navigation of ships and aircrafts, weather forecasting and others owing to which it has a demand in the market. These factors have boosted the market growth.
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Satellite Manufacturing Market Segment Analysis - By Application
By Application the market is segmented into Military & Government, Commercial. Military & Government is witnessing a significant growth in the market. Military and Government sector is witnessing a significant growth in the market at 3.9% CAGR through 2026. In Military and government the satellites are used for intelligence gathering, military communications, and navigation purposes. The private and commercial satellites have become a significant provider of satellite services in the military applications. A continuous picture of location and movements of the solders are provided to the commanders through the combination of GPS –derived positioned data and advanced communication along with variety of space and airborne sensors. These factors are driving the growth of the market.
Satellite Manufacturing Market Segment Analysis - By Geography
By Geography the Satellite Manufacturing Market is dominated by North America with a market share 42.6% in 2020. Presence of robust framework for designing and manufacturing of satellites is one of the predominant factors driving the market in this region. The presence of the major key players and most advanced technological developments in this region is also boosting the growth of the market. On December 2919, National Defense Authorization acts was signed by President Trump. This act created a Space Force and is responsible for organizing, training, and equipping space forces command for the U.S military. The presence of one of the biggest space research organization “NASA” has also propelled the manufacturing of satellites with advanced technology which are involved in the R&D activities. These factors are driving the market in North America.
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Satellite Manufacturing Market Drivers
Surge in use of satellites in Military applications:
Surge of satellites in military applications have resulted in the development of small bodyguard satellite and space based laser defenses to protect important space assets. Many of the countries are purchasing satellites to support their own strategic Military activities. In APAC region China is the fastest growing country in civil, military and commercial capabilities. China is planning to launch two BeiDou Satellites into geostationary orbit in 2020. China plans to follow up this mission in late 2020 with Chang’e-5, a mission that aims to return samples from the Moon back to Earth for further study. U.S and other countries are also involved in the planning and launch of the satellites aiming to strengthen their military activities and communication within their armed forces. These factors are driving the market growth.
Technological advancements and growth in internet:
The rising use of internet applications have resulted in the manufacturing of more advanced satellite for communication purposes. The satellite are connected to the ground stations through which they are controlled. The antennas on satellites and ground stations, the landlines that connect ground stations to terrestrial networks, and the user terminals that connect to satellites are all potential intrusion points for cyber-attacks. Cyber-attacks can be used to monitor data traffic patterns. A cyber- attack on space systems can result in data loss, widespread disruptions, and even permanent loss of a satellite. To control all these situations the major key players are manufacturing the satellites with advanced capabilities. Rising internet penetration is propelling the growth of satellites used for communication purposes. These factors are fueling the growth of the market.
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Satellite Manufacturing Market Challenges
Complex Programming and Design related Risks:
Although the satellite are used in communications and many space missions but most of the space related missions fails due the complexity related to the designing and programming of the satellites. The designers relay on numerical modelling of vehicle aerodynamics rather than actual wind tunnel tests. These factors are causing major restrain in the market growth.
Satellite Manufacturing Market Landscape
Satellite Manufacturing Market is dominated by major companies such as Airbus Defense and Space, OHB SE, Boeing Defense, Space and Security, JSC Information Satellite Systems, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Space Systems, Thales Alenia Space, Capella Space, Ursa Space Systems among others.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches
In January 2020, Capella Space evolved its satellite design “testbed satellite”. It enables on –demand observation from anywhere on Earth. This design is anticipated to deliver the most flexible and frequent high quality images in the market.
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Satellite Internet Industry 2030 Outlook, Regions, Size Estimation and Upcoming Trend
The global satellite internet market size was valued at USD 8,231.47 million in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.6% from 2023 to 2030. Satellite internet is a wireless network that covers satellite dishes in space and on Earth. It connects people in remote locations worldwide and provides access to up-to-date information. Satellite internet is accessed…
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maryyclark · 11 days
Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) Industry Report: Global Market Manufacturers, Outlook and Growth till forecast
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Leading Forces in the Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) Market: Forecasts and Key Player Insights Through 2032
This Global Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) research report offers a comprehensive overview of the market, combining both qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative analysis explores market dynamics such as growth drivers, challenges, and constraints, providing deep insights into the market's present and future potential. Meanwhile, the quantitative analysis presents historical and forecast data for key market segments, offering detailed statistical insights.
According to Straits Research, the global Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) market size was valued at USD 18.27 Billion in 2021. It is projected to reach from USD XX Billion in 2022 to USD 27.32 Billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 4.57% during the forecast period (2022–2030).
Who are the leading companies (Marketing heads, regional heads) in the Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) 
Eutelsat Communications S.A
Nigerian Communications Satellite Limited
Telesat Holdings
Intelsat S.A
Thaicom Public Company Limited
Arab Satellite Communications Organization
SKY Perfect JSAT Group
Telenor Satellite AS
Singapore Telecommunications Limited.
We offer revenue share insights for the Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) Market, covering both publicly listed and privately held companies.
The report integrates comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analyses, offering a complete overview of the Fixed Satellite Services (FSS). It spans from a macro-level examination of overall market size, industry chain, and market dynamics, to detailed micro-level insights into segment markets by type, application, and region. This approach provides a holistic view and deep understanding of the market, covering all critical aspects. Regarding the competitive landscape, the report highlights industry players, including market share, concentration ratios, and detailed profiles of leading companies. This enables readers to better understand their competitors and gain deeper insights into the competitive environment. Additionally, the report addresses key factors such as mergers and acquisitions, emerging market trends, the impact of COVID-19, and regional conflicts. In summary, this report is essential reading for industry players, investors, researchers, consultants, business strategists, and anyone with a stake or interest in entering the market.
Get Free Request Sample Report @ https://straitsresearch.com/report/fixed-satellite-services-market/request-sample
The report integrates comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analyses, offering a complete overview of the Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) markets. It spans from a macro-level examination of overall market size, industry chain, and market dynamics, to detailed micro-level insights into segment markets by type, application, and region. This approach provides a holistic view and deep understanding of the market, covering all critical aspects. Regarding the competitive landscape, the report highlights industry players, including market share, concentration ratios, and detailed profiles of leading companies. This enables readers to better understand their competitors and gain deeper insights into the competitive environment. Additionally, the report addresses key factors such as mergers and acquisitions, emerging market trends, the impact of COVID-19, and regional conflicts. In summary, this report is essential reading for industry players, investors, researchers, consultants, business strategists, and anyone with a stake or interest in entering the market.
Global Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) Market: Segmentation
By Service Type
Broadband and Enterprise Network
Channel Broadcast
Backhaul Services
Managed Services
By Organization Size
Small and Medium Businesses
Small and Home Offices
Large Enterprises
By Industry Vertical
Aerospace and Defence
Oil and Gas
Telecom and IT.
Media and Entertainment
Explore detailed Segmentation from here: @ https://straitsresearch.com/report/fixed-satellite-services-market/segmentation
The report forecasts revenue growth at all geographic levels and provides an in-depth analysis of the latest industry trends and development patterns from 2022 to 2030 in each of the segments and sub-segments. Some of the major geographies included in the market are given below:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico)
Middle East & Africa
This Report is available for purchase on Buy Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) Market Report
Key Highlights
To explain Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) the following: introduction, product type and application, market overview, market analysis by countries, market opportunities, market risk, and market driving forces
The purpose of this study is to examine the manufacturers of Fixed Satellite Services (FSS), including profile, primary business, news, sales and price, revenue, and market share.
To provide an overview of the competitive landscape among the leading manufacturers in the world, including sales, revenue, and market share of Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) percent
To illustrate the market subdivided by kind and application, complete with sales, price, revenue, market share, and growth rate broken down by type and application
To conduct an analysis of the main regions by manufacturers, categories, and applications, covering regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and South America, with sales, revenue, and market share segmented by manufacturers, types, and applications.
To investigate the production costs, essential raw materials, production method, etc.
Buy Now @ https://straitsresearch.com/buy-now/fixed-satellite-services-market
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hey I’m new to bts and I love Jikook although I don’t believe they’re a couple yet because. My friend advised me to watch the original bts content before watching the shipper videos because they’re misleading. I’ve been watching all vlives, bang tan bombs, award shows, Bon voyage, and ITS. When I watched all those, I noticed that Jimin gives Tae more attention than any other member, I noticed that Jk gives Jin, and Tae more attention, V gives Jimin and Jhope more attention. I also noticed that the way Jikook communicate is normal and nothing suspicious about it. I then decided to watch Jikook videos because I accidentally watched one when I was searching for Jimin’s song serendipity and came across the Jikook serendipity analysis. I’m now in the rabbit hole. I came across your page and you talked about “the news article that was ready to out Jkk’s relationship back in 2018”. I just wanted to know where you heard that and if there is any proof because I’m a person who doesn’t dwell on conspiracies but rather proof. Another thing, did they really get married because most of the videos mentioned how they got married during their trip to Tokyo. Another thing, are there any pictures of them hangout and living together. Thank you.
You watched BV and noticed Jimin gives V more attention? You watched original content and noticed that JK gives V and Jin more attention?
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I am so confused as to what you're talking about. I would bite if u said JK giving Jin more attention but V? What exactly are u watching? Are you sure its not that shipper content that you say you're avoiding? Specifically tkk content? Which ftr you will rarely find Jikook manipulated content. I'm not saying it doesn't exist but its rare. We don't need to manipulate. They give us everything on a silver platter.
I shared the dispatch thing not long before this scroll lower u will see it. No, Jikook are not married. They can't be married. And even if they did it wouldn't be recognised in SK. And at the time of them going to Tokyo, Japan hadn't recognised gay marriage yet. Jikook married as far as I know its something Jikookers like to say coz they act like a married couple. But they have been spotted with matching rings on more than one occasion which is a reason for suspicion.
I already don't like u from your V comment but sure let's look at a few things.
I always bring this up because no one ever talks about it but I honestly love it so much and it really tickled me.
BV season 5 episode 6. Vmin sleep on the bed
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JK makes the bed the next morning. Because Jimin is one spoilt boyfriend, alright? But when Vmon slept on that same bed, JK told them
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JK definitely favoured Jimin over V there anon.
Run BTS episode 71 JK makes a big pancake for Jimin because he had a penalty to do
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The kicker is though, anon. That Jin too was doing the same penalty.
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Why didn't JK make him a pancake too? Doesn't that seem like JK played favourites with Jimin and not Jin? 🤔
In the Soop season 1 episode 6. We found out V asked JK to speak casually with him
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But JK refused because;
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Meanwhile we have him going Jiminah! Jimin! Jiminssi! Everywhere all the time. So again anon, JK refused V one thing but has no issue doing it with Jimin.
Bon voyage season 3 episode 4 after Tkk did laundry they went upstairs and JK only checked on Jimin.
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He did not check on Jin behind him.
At this point I'm just offended that you haven't picked up on my favourite thing about Jikook and that's satellite Jeon/Jikook. You don't even need compilations to see this. Anything you watch. Anything at all. They are always next to eo. Always.
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They're literally always together. And JK always chooses Jimin. Not V and not Jin. Not anyone else. No matter what you watch.
Me thinks you need to rewatch what you already did because you missed everything.
Like Mizgator said, you're blind if you don't see it
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twopoppies · 1 year
ooh… the satellite analysis made my brain so happy! a musical “trope” harry used throughout harry’s house is a contrast between his vocal style and the music/production, and it worked so well for an introspective work.
when I first heard as it was, I was grabbed by how different harry’s vocal style was. very soft and short, like he’s unaffected, or like he’s trying to keep his emotions in check. but the instrumentation is fast paced, surging past him. at the end of each chorus, quietly in the background, is crashing cymbals— a great auditory signal, as if there are alarm bells ringing in the back of your head that you’re ignoring. the tension between his unaffected vocal approach and the anxious lyrics+music reaches a peak at the bridge, and finally resolves with the bursting final chorus. brilliant!
keep driving is another one where the music adds a LOT. you first get the inkling something’s off in the chorus; the “small concern with how the engine sounds” is punctuated with a dissonant chord, shocking you out of the laidback groove. then the infamous bridge— as the lyrics move from sunglasses and breakfast into political turmoil and drug use, harry’s vocal style remains unchanged, but a guitar “revs up” and the background synths build and build, like you’re headed towards disaster while harry ignores it all and “keeps driving”. (harry’s love of conflict avoidance… at least he’s self aware?)
finally, satellite! the most extreme use of this trope. one of my favorite details is that the lofty, detached vocals of chorus remain even as the song “spins out” into a supernova towards the end, but the background vocals are him belting as hard as he can. it’s the perfect tension of a person saying “don’t worry! just waiting for you! take your time!” while his internal voice is screaming for somebody to just DO something.
all this to say, Harry’s House has very well thought out production, musical, and lyrical choices, and makes the album so much greater than the sum of its part. So glad award shows are now taking note of harry’s musicianship!
Yes yes yes!!! I love all of this so much. His songs are wildly layered and so interesting and every time I listen I get some new tidbit I hadn't noticed before. Thank you so much for this.
in reference to this
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seosanskritiias · 26 days
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