#sasuhinamonth prompts
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sasuhinamonth · 11 months ago
SASUHINA MONTH 2024 Prompts and Artist of the Year!!!
It's time!
Welcome to 2024! In June, we'll be hosting SHMonth2024! Thanks all for following along with us during our journey! Your patience and enthusiasm keeps us going, and we appreciate all of you!
As always, let's start with our Artist of the Year for 2024!
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Mods of the SasuHina Month Event work hard to not only keep up to date with the happenings of our little part of the fandom, but we also carefully consider all our beautiful SasuHina creators! This year's Artist of the Year is always creating beauty with their works, and we want to shine a light on that!
Everyone, please congratulate Pongalia for her hard work and for being this year's SasuHina Artist of the Year!
Our dear artist always brings awe to everyone who sees her art! As you can see above, she makes the most beautiful, capturing art! Her talent is inspiring, and she's known across the fandom for her beautiful shading!
Please visit her X/Twitter to show her some love! She deserves it for all her hard work and passion!!!!
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Now . . .
The time has come.
As a quick reminder, this years theme is Opposites Attract (very fitting for these two, if you ask us). SasuHina Month 2024 is happening in June, so (hopefully) you all will have some time to think and plan!
Thanks all for joining us!
We present to you: The Prompts of SHMonth2024!
Day 1
Beginnings & Ends | Inicios y Finales
New & Old | Nuevo y Viejo
Day 2
Silly & Serious | Bobo y Serio
Fail & Succeed | Fallo y Éxito
Day 3
Shy & Bold | Tímido y Audaz
Few & Many | Poco y Mucho
Day 4
Summer & Winter | Verano e Invierno
Humble & Proud | Humilde y Orgulloso
Day 5
Create & Destroy | Creación y Destrucción
Crying & Laughter | Llanto y Risas
Day 6
Friend & Enemy | Amigo y Enemigo
Empty & Full | Lleno y Vacío
Day 7
Pearl & Onyx | Perla y Ónix
Dawn & Dusk | Amanecer y Atardecer
Day 8
Hidden & Seen | Oculto y Visto
Loud & Quiet | Ruidoso y Callado
Day 9
Kind & Cruel | Amable y Cruel
Past & Future | Pasado y Futuro
Day 10
Angel & Demon | Inicios y Finales
Rain & Shine | Lluvia y Brillo
Day 11
Lost & Found | Perdido y Hallado
Color & Grayscale | Color y Escala de grises
Day 12
Cat & Dog | Perro y Gato
Tea & Coffee | Té y Café
Day 13
Glass & Stone | Vidrio y Piedra
Yin & Yang | Yin y Yang
Day 14
Early & Late | Temprano y Tarde
Far & Near | Lejano y Cerca
Day 15
Sweet & Bitter | Dulce y Amargo
Bright & Dim | Brillante y Opaco
Day 16
Apart & Together | Separados y Juntos
Deep & Shallow | Profundo y Poco profundo
Day 17
Smooth & Rough | Suave y Áspero
Admit & Deny | Admitir y Negar
Day 18
Freeze & Melt | Congelado y Derretido
Water & Fire | Agua y Fuego
Day 19
Love & Hate | Amor y Odio
Fast & Slow | Rápido y Lento
Day 20
Give & Take | Dar y Recibir
Adult & Child | Adulto y Niño
Day 21
Innocent & Guilty | Inocente y Culpable
Doubt & Trust | Dudar y Confiar
Day 22
War & Peace | Guerra y Paz
Yes & No | Sí y No
Day 23
Neat & Messy | Ordenado y Desordenado
Capture & Release | Capturar y Liberar
Day 24
Flowers & Weapons | Flores y Armas
Oblivious & Observant | Inadvertido y Observador
Day 25
Hot & Cold | Caliente y Frío
Rise & Fall | Ascenso y Caída
Day 26
Tall & Short | Alto y Bajo
Single & Married | Soltero y Casado
Day 27
Thoughtful & Selfish | Considerado y Egoísta
Forget & Remember | Olvidar y Recordar
Day 28
Magical & Ordinary | M��gico y Ordinario
Absence & Present | Ausente y Presente
Day 29
Attack & Protect | Atacar y Proteger
Always & Never | Siempre y Nunca
Day 30
Before & After | Antes y Después
Departure and Arrival | Partida y Llegada
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lavender-long-stories · 9 months ago
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🌸 Beginnings & Ends 🌸
Spoilers for Better Late | Rated T
SasuHina Month Multi-Chapter Original
They were so in love once. How did it turn out like this? Looking across a crowded ballroom with the wounds on their hearts still feeling as fresh as the day they were made.
Tags: Romance | Fluff and Angst | Modern AU | Happy Ending
“Wait.” A female voice called after him. He ignored it until it was followed by the sound of rapidly approaching shoes. He braced for pain, but it didn’t come. What did was two hands held up to tell him to stop. Hinata held her hand palms out from a good distance in front of him until she was sure he was stopped, then disappeared down.
“What are you…?” Sasuke’s voice trailed as she started tying his shoes. He couldn’t with one hand, and he wasn’t going to ask anyone. He had just tucked the strings into his shoes, but they must have come out for her to notice.
“There.” Hinata finished, pulling herself back up. “Sorry.” She dipped her head before she went back to her friend, who handed her her bag.
She was wasting her time going out of her way. They were going to be untied tomorrow, too.
Full Story on AO3
🌸 SasuHina Month 2024 - Day 1 🌸
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Image by kellysikkema
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sasuhinasno1fan · 8 months ago
Glowing around you - Sasuhina Month Day 22
So I got the idea from seeing the prompt. Oddly, despite this show being one of my absolute favourites, it never accured to me to do a CCS SasuHina AU. I thought about it when I first started watching it, but not much ever came of it. But here we are. To make the ages a bit more clear, Sasuke, Hinata, Ino, Temari, Gaara and Naruto (last 3 are in here for like 1/4 of the story) are in middle school, specifically their last year. Kakashi and Iruka are in their first year of college. There is still age difference but a lot less weird if they were their standard ages. Kakashi's father adopted Hinata when she was a child, which is kinda mentioned but not fully dived into. Who knows, maybe I'll do another fic for this au. Enjoy. Neat & Messy | Ordenado y Desordenado
Capture & Release | Capturar y Liberar
The sounds of a sword cutting through the air was mainly heard when you walked through the door of the Uchiha apartment. Sasuke was sure anyone else would be very concerned at the sight of him practising with his sword in the middle of the living room but thankfully Itachi was more than used to it. his brother dropped the bags he held onto the kitchen island before grabbing the water pitcher from the fridge. Sasuke let the sword switch back into its sealed form when his brother handed him a glass of water.
“I’m telling you now, I’m not cooking.” Itachi said after his own sip. “It’s too hot to do anything.”
Summer was almost near an end and the second semester would start soon for the middle school students, including Sasuke. Not that he felt like he got that much of a break. Summer homework took what felt like ages to finish, not to mention all the Namikaze Cards.
Months ago, Sasuke moved from his home in Shanghai to Konoha, Japan for one reason. Powerful cards, filled with personalized magic created by the most powerful wizard of all time had been scattered all over Konoha by a seemingly normal girl. One who had no magic but managed to unlock the book keeping the cards contained and summon a card with no issue whatsoever. Sasuke was here to try and get the rest of the cards that were created by Namikaze Minato and become the new master. But he had competition, the seemingly normal girl. Hyuuga Hinata.
Sasuke didn’t care for the story of how the book came to be in her family’s possession, just that she got the affection of the guardian of the cards Kurama – the same one who fell asleep on the job which caused Hinata to accidently scatter them – who gave her the means to capture the cards. She could do what he couldn’t, return the card’s physical form back into a card and she was proving to be just as stubborn as he was in being the one the card choose to follow. But even competing against each other, Hinata went out of her way to be nice to him and as much as he wanted to ignore it, she was making increasingly hard. Most of the time he was helping her rather than trying to get ahead of her.
“Mm, before I forget,” Itachi said, putting his glass down and flopping on the couch, “there was a flyer for a festival at the Tsukimine Shrine. You should go. Also, put the groceries away.” He ordered.
Rolling his eyes, Sasuke did as he was ordered while complaining. “Why would I go to a festival?”
“Because you rarely ever do anything? If it’s not school or involving the Namikaze Cards, you’re at home training, studying or reading. Just, be a normal 15-year-old for once and go have fun. Who knows, maybe the delightful Hinata will be there.”
After an incident involving the Move Card, Hinata came to his house to get dry clothes and met his brother, who was completely taken with her. He thought her delightful and a breath of fresh air. Sasuke was sure his eyes had never rolled so much in one afternoon. Not to mention, Itachi kept trying to poke at him, telling him to be nicer and how good it was that he wasn’t being such a bully to her anymore and oh, how their mother would love her. Not to mention asking about certain things, like what Sasuke thought of Hinata, did she suit whatever costume she was given by her friend and partner in crime Ino gave her, how was she? He had zero clue what his brother was trying to pull, though, that feeling was most of the time.
“If you don’t go,” Itachi warned when Sasuke still scoffed at the idea, “I’m going to tell mom.”
Their mother might be the one related to Namikaze and the reason her children knew magic but she was also the one who wanted them to have a normal childhood.
So, he went. he was only planning on it for an hour to make his brother happy enough for him to not call their mother but he got sucked into a shooting game and was winning, a lot, when Hinata found him.
“Uchiha-kun!” Hinata waved at him from where she was with her friends and their classmates, including Ino with her ever-present camera. Her yukata was lavender with pink and yellow flowers on it, a wicker purse hanging off her wrist. “You’re here too?”
“Woah, nice haul.” Temari noted, looking at all the prizes he’d won, mainly food and a few small plushes. Her younger brother Gaara wouldn’t take his eyes off the raccoon plushes he managed to get.
“That’s very impressive.” Sasuke felt everything still at that voice. Turning, he spotted Iruka smiling down at him. Sasuke didn’t even think, he just grabbed some of the food he managed to win and handed it over. “Is it ok if I have it?” Sasuke didn’t speak, so much as nod in answer. “Thank you very much. You’re pretty amazing Uchiha.”
When Itachi came out as gay, in childlike curiosity, Sasuke thought he might be too but quickly dismissed it. he thought his mother was the most perfect woman in the world and wanted to marry her when he got older. After he was usually too focused on studying and practising magic to focus on girls, but he was still pretty sure of his sexuality, at least until he came to Konoha. His first meeting with Hinata had involved his attempt at stealing the cards back only for Hinata’s brother to spot him. He was ready to fight a college student when Iruka found his best friend and hopped the fence. He hadn’t read the room, gushing about the amount of steamed buns he’d gotten. Sasuke took one look and he was pretty sure he was bi. No one had ever flustered him that much, to the point of running away.
Hinata and Sasuke weren’t only fighting for the Cards, they were fighting for Iruka’s attention. If Hinata having a guardian and the ability to seal the cards didn’t frustrate him, it was her luck that Iruka’s best friend was her older brother Kakashi. It felt even worse when she wouldn’t lord these achievements over his head. oddly enough, even though Sasuke had mentioned Iruka to his brother constantly, he was always more interested in Hinata and what she would do whenever they’d compete for attention.
“Oh, Hinata, look!” Ino said, distracting them from Hinata trying to wave away her water yoyo Iruka won for her. The blonde photographer pointed at a bunny plush wearing overalls. “Isn’t he cute? You like bunnies right?”
Hinata’s face lit up. “Yeah. He’s adorable!”
“He looks very soft. That fox plush you have, maybe he wants a friend?” Iruka said, opening one of the food packages and tilting it towards Kakashi.
He hadn’t been focusing on Kurama, just that Iruka noticed something about it. he had to get it for him. He wasn’t sure why Kakashi followed him but they glared at each other as they slammed their money down for the ring toss. By the time the stall attendant took pity on them and gave them both a plush, Ino was standing there by herself filming them. Temari and Gaara were also still there, the younger boy stealing the raccoon items he’d won.
“Where’s Hinata?” Kakashi asked.
“She and Iruka went to go explore.” Ino explained.
Sasuke took off at that, Kakashi after him. They found the two near the back of the shrine, far away from the festival. While Kakashi embarrassingly handed his plush to his sister, Sasuke silently handed the one he got to Iruka.
“I can have this too?” Sasuke nodded. “Thank you.”
“We were gonna grab snow cones. Did you wanna come with or are we splitting up again?” Temari asked.
“Do you want one?” how was Sasuke supposed to answer? He nodded regardless but was stopped when Hinata grabbed his arm. “Are you guys coming?”
“We’ll be right there.” Hinata promised, letting the others walk ahead.
Ino turned to them, eyebrow raised. “Ok, what’s going on?”
Sasuke asked the same as he pulled his arm away. When Hinata shushed him, he was ready to snap when glowing green orbs started to fall out of a tree. Sasuke looked up, taking in the lights as they floated down like snowflakes.
“I can’t even sense it.” Sasuke noted.
“I can’t either, but I had a dream about this. Kurama scolded me for not remembering it but when it started falling, that’s when I knew.”
Hinata was staring at the lights as well as Sasuke stared at her. She was constantly surprising him, reminding him how strong she actually was, even with no training. Cards were constantly coming to her because they knew about her and most had decided they liked her. It was easy to compete with her for Cards and Iruka’s attention, to be slightly jealous how easy this seemed to be for her, but it was hard to ignore how kind and friendly she was. It didn’t matter they were opponents, to her, he was a friend and someone she could trust. It was starting to be hard to see her as just an opponent.
“Release!” Hinata called, unlocking her Sealing Staff from its key form. “Return to the guise you once held, Namikaze Card!” the glowing lights all converged to her staff until it took the shape of a card and it floated into Hinata’s hand. “GLOW. That’s what it’s called. I wonder if Minato created it like he did FLOWER, just wanting to bring a smile to people’s face.”
The bright one on her face made the answer very clear. It was no surprise the Cards liked her.
Hinata felt her body wake up as she opened her eyes and stared at the dim sunlight shinning in through the window. She could hear Kurama snoring on the pillow behind her and when she got up, he was hiding behind his tails, all curled up. She started to flatten her hair, the curls that came from sleeping getting a mind of its own when she looked at the handkerchief sitting on her desk.
Had that only been a week ago?
Hinata thought her life was crazy, being an adopted girl of a single father and his son and having magic, enough to unlock a book of powerful cards and use them. she thought that’s all it was, just her hiding what she could do, even when Ino found her out after a day and when Sasuke came into her life. Except her brother had powers, his ability to see ghosts and maybe more – she knew MIRROR definitely knew something was up with her brother. These powers he’d recently handed over to his best friend, Hinata’s crush for the longest time and the hidden vessel of the other Guardian of the Cards, Toneri. The name Hinata knew him by, Umino Iruka. Iruka’s whole disguise had been supported by Namikaze Minato’s magic, mainly from the cards under Toneri’s rule. Hinata had enough magic to support Kurama’s hidden vessel but not enough for both. Iruka was going to fade away and depending on how bad it got, Toneri would have disappeared as well. So Kakashi gave his magic to him, had been trying since Hinata started changing the Cards into Hinata Cards. Hinata felt guilty that she wasn’t strong enough, that her brother had to put himself in harm’s way to save her, again. Like she said, MIRROR definitely knew her brother beyond keeping him busy.
After she found out her brother knew, about Iruka and no doubt about her, and she realized how close she’d been to losing Iruka, she knew she had to tell him how she felt. She did, still feeling guilty for almost losing him. She knew, she wasn’t stupid, that her feelings wouldn’t be returned. But as foolishly as she used to hope that her birth father would come back for her, she hoped he’d say yes to the little middle school girl who’d loved him since the first day she met him. He let her down so gently and it clicked for her when he told her he had feelings for someone else. It was Kakashi, Kakashi was the one Iruka loved. She was happy for them, really, but she felt her heart breaking that someone wanted her sibling more than her. She had it happen with her birth family, having it happen with the family who took her in and loved and cared for her made her heart break more.
Sasuke was walking her home when she burst into tears. She talked about how her birth father blamed her for her mother’s death and gave her away, how she thought she wasn’t worth his love no matter how much she begged and how even though Iruka knew she’d find love someday, she was sure it would never happen.
“It will.” Sasuke said, handing her the same handkerchief she held now. “Iruka does love you, not in the way you wanted, but he does. So does your brother and your dad, not to mention Ino. Your birth father didn’t know the type of person he was turning his back on but not once have you let that stop how much love you give. The person who earns your heart, they’re going to be incredibly lucky.”
Sasuke was awkward with words, normally scolding her for not thinking things through but he was so soft and kind, she felt safe and comforted. He was right, her feelings might not have been returned but she still had so much in return. Letting go of her feelings for Iruka was, easy, once she remembered she wouldn’t lose him and that he wouldn’t stop caring for her. He’d been someone other than her family who liked her and she was sure it was possible that she’d latched onto that tighter than necessary. Sasuke’s words helped bring her back to earth and ground her, much like he helped do so many times in her quest to change the Namikaze Cards and figure out what was causing the odd situations where she’d sense his magic. She wanted to do something to thank him.
She got the idea when she left for school. There was a flyer for the winter festival at Tsukimine Shrine. Sasuke seemed to enjoy the other festivals they’d done, clearing out the game stalls like it was no big deal. But she knew from when they got the FREEZE Card, he wasn’t a fan of the cold. And that’s when it hit her. She started planning as she rushed to school and found Sasuke in the classroom doing morning chores.
Wrapping the old flowers in tissue paper, Sasuke looked up, his cheeks dusting red. It was slightly cold in the classroom. “Morning.”
“What are you doing this Sunday?”
Looking confused, Sasuke answered, “Nothing? Unless Itachi decides I’m slacking on magic studies and demands I study more.”
They both knew his brother insisted he get out of the house more, away from studying.
“There’s a festival at the shrine. Come with me.” She stilled for a moment, noting how rude it sounded to demand he go with her but he nodded regardless.
“Sure. what time?”
“6 pm. We’ll meet at the shrine?” when Sasuke agreed, she felt her smile get larger. her plan might actually work. “Here, I’ll go throw the flowers out. you can hand me the vase too.”
Sasuke slid the closed package of dying flowers to Hinata and turned to take the vase off where they kept their winter jackets. “Hinata? I’m glad you’re smiling again.”
Hinata felt herself get slightly red. “I’m fine, really. But thank you. I’ll be right back.”
She greeted Naruto as she passed him out the door, thinking of how to ask Ino to help. It was a slightly ambitious plan, but she wanted to do it, wanted it to be perfect as her way of saying thank you. the relationship she had with Sasuke could have easily never changed from rivals or he could have headed back to Shanghai after she became the new master. She couldn’t be more grateful he was still here. She just hoped he understood that with her gift.
Her father was a godsend, giving her an easy pattern to follow and Ino was able to answer questions she had. Poor Sasuke though, he sat behind her and he worried over her looking more and more tired as Sunday got closer. It was on Saturday, on their half day, that he finally snapped.
“What is going on? you told me you don’t even feel tired anymore whenever you change cards so unless you’re changing them in massive batches again, you shouldn’t look so exhausted.” He demanded to know when they were finally let go. Hinata was still trying to wake up as Sasuke stood over her, begging for an answer.
“It’s fine.”
“Stop saying that!” it had been her answer whenever people mentioned she seemed happier.
“but I am. really.”
“Sorry,” Ino interrupted, “but I’m stealing her. We’re supposed to go shopping. I’ll see you tomorrow Uchiha.”
“6 pm, don’t forget.” Hinata reminded as Ino collected both their jackets and led them to the door. Once they were a good deal away and Sasuke didn’t seem to be following, Hinata let out a sigh. “Thank you Ino.”
“Of course.” Ino said nonchalantly. “do you think you’ll finish in time? He wasn’t wrong, you’ve stayed up so much trying to finish it.”
“I think if I stay up tonight I can get it done. Kakashi caught up with all the chores since dad has been calling him out of school to recover from transferring her powers, so I’ll also be free before 6 pm. Do you think he’ll like it?”
Ino gave him this smile, one that said she knew more than Hinata did. “Trust me, he’ll love it.”
She held onto that, using it to help her finish. Flopping back and listening to Kurama talk about how happy it was over, Hinata took a deep breath and slipped her thumbs into the holes on her turtle necked shirt. She checked the time; glad she was still set for time when the doorbell rang. Assuming it might have been Ino decided to be nice, she was surprised to see Sasuke on the other side of the door.
“What are you doing here?”
Sasuke looked embarrassed, digging his hands deeper into the bomber jacket he wore. “You were so exhausted yesterday that…”
“You came to check on me?” Hinata asked, smiling softly when Sasuke nodded. “Thank you. we can walk over to the shrine together, let me just go get my things.”
She locked the door behind her and followed him as they started walking to the shrine that had so many ties to the Cards and Minato.
“Kurama isn’t coming?” Sasuke asked.
“No, he’s been staying up with me. I’ve been instructed to bring back modern-yaki, rice crackers and at least one sweet item. Itachi ask you to bring anything back?”
“A smile.” Sasuke answered seriously. He kept glancing at the bag she brought, more of a gift bag than any of her standard ones.
“I have something for you.” she said when she clipped the top button on her jacket together. she moved to stand in front of him and pulled out the muffler she’d been working on plus the handkerchief she’d washed. “It’s a thank you, for listening to me that day. And for what you said.” Sasuke stared at it before looking at her and she started to feel self-conscious. “Unless you don’t want it?”
“No!” he yelled, swiping the items from her hand, wrapping the scarf around his neck before turning to her, this incredibly soft smile on his face. It wasn’t the same one he’d given her at the park, but it was close. “Thank you.”
“I should be thanking you, but I know if I start, we’ll go in a circle over and over.” she wasn’t wrong. “Ino said she’d meet us at the shrine,” she said instead, continuing to walk to the shrine. “I also invited Kakashi and Iruka, but I haven’t seen Iruka since that day so who knows if he’ll be there.”
“Don’t you think it’s possible he’s avoided meeting you because he’s scared of how you’ll feel. You feel bad for not noticing his power was vanishing and he feels bad for rejecting you for your brother.”
“But I’m not mad at him! Really I’m not.”
“Hinata, I don’t know if you realise just how much people don’t want to hurt you, even if it’s just a little.”
Sasuke sounded so sure of the fact that Hinata didn’t know how to respond. Iruka did arrive with her brother, looking awkward and out of place and she grabbed his hand to drag him with her. Normally she would have waited for him to do that to her but she realised it was better to treat him like she did Kakashi. Obviously she was nicer to him and made her actual brother pay for everything. She realised when she wasn’t pressured to try and impress him or stare at him through love hazed glasses, it was easy to hang out with him.
She sent Kakashi off to get them juice, Iruka following to help him carry everything and what was supposed to be a quiet break where she showed Ino and Sasuke the Moon Mirror Pond, turned into another fight with a creature reeking of Minato’s magical signature. Thanks to Sasuke’s attempt at stopping it, she got the idea to use the Pond and the THUNDER Card to fully electrocute the creature. It worked, but with a downside. Electrical wires had been pulled off during the fight, leaving the whole Shrine in darkness.
“They might have to cancel the whole thing.” Iruka said out loud when he and Kakashi rushed over to see if they were ok. “It’s not like they have a way to light the place up again.”
She and Sasuke shared a look. The Shrine staff didn’t, but she did.
“I’ll be right back!” she said, grabbing Sasuke’s arm and dragging him with her, Ino following.
“Where are you guys going?” Kakashi yelled after them.
With her Star Wand out again, Hinata pulled the GLOW Card from one of the pockets inside her jacket, tossing it out in front of her. “Shed your old form and become anew, under our contract, I beseech you. GLOW!”
the yellow and blue Card turned into the pale lavender of the Hinata Cards as GLOW was released and the little fairy flew up into the sky and released the lights. Just like when she caught the card, the sky was full of the glowing lights gently falling like snow. Hinata held her hands out to catch the lights, her Staff tucked into her arm. She gently blew the lights out of her hands, giggling as they swirled in circles before floated down. she noticed Sasuke was staring at her, his own small handful of lights in hand. She barely noticed Ino taking pictures of them both.
“Nothing. I’m…I’m just really glad you’re happy again.”
Ino texted her pictures later that night. they were of them all at the festival, including the action pictures from during the fight of Sasuke using his thunder and wind talismans, jumping on the tree, defending Hinata while she changed the WOOD and THUNDER Cards and when they were within GLOW’s lights. There was also another picture within the batch, an older one. It was one where she’d caught GLOW originally, but it was just before then, when she’d been staring up at the falling lights. The picture was of behind them, Sasuke staring at her as she stared at the lights. There was a similar picture from today, plus one of the two of them looking at each other.
It's crazy how things can change and yet be so similar. Sometimes, things are feeling the same, but a person just doesn’t know it yet.
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fallen-in-dreams · 2 years ago
Wide Awake At 3 A.M.
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Also on AO3. Pairing: Sasuke/Hinata. Summary: Sasuke didn't believe in fate but serendipity seemed to be working overtime when she walked back into his life. Written for SasuHinaMonth 2023 on tumblr. Prompt: Day 27 | "I’ve loved you for a thousand years, I’ll love you for a thousand more.” Rated: T. Words: 9,245. Status: Complete. Author note: I love SasuHina. I don't love writing Sasuke's POV. I think I write SasuHina better from Hinata's perspective. But this had to be Sasuke's perspective so please bare with me. I did my best to make him IC/relatable, even though it's AU. Let me know if I succeeded. :) Also: The italic sections are flashbacks. But don't worry, they're not long sections. For the record: Yotsuya Uemura is a real restaurant but I've only seen it on Google so I don't know if it 100% matches how I describe it here so just pretend it does, okay? Enjoy. ^_^ Tags on AO3: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Coffee Shop AU, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Light Romance, Romance, POV Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke-centric, Pining, Pining Uchiha Sasuke, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Sasuke has it bad, Past Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
It's late but before the cut-off time,  for SasuHinaMonth 2023. Thank-you to @sasuhinamonth for the amazing fest and the chance to write for it. :) .
It was a dreary November morning when Sasuke Uchiha had realised that he was in love with Hinata Hyuuga.
The red-crowned cranes were enjoying the winter in the nearby marshes, visible to the hundreds of students at Konoha High School, the beautiful display of their black and white plumage blending in with the falling snow. The setting was perfect. It was beautiful. Sasuke liked winter best, despite being born in summer. And maybe in spite of it.  It was a dreary reminder of the angsty, emo boy within. It was also the only thing worth paying attention to at the school.
Until he started paying attention to her.
She was his best friend’s girlfriend. Hinata had stalked Naruto for years, hiding behind poles and doors and teacher’s desks to avoid being seen; and everyone except for the dobe saw knew she was doing it. All throughout elementary school she was a ghost to the blond idiot; the shadow he saw in the corner of his eye that disappeared the moment he turned around. The sound of a thump, indicating she’d fainted was the only evidence she’d been there because he was too stupid to investigate further.
The three years of middle school went very much the same except Hinata didn’t hide so well anymore. Naruto finally noticed her. She would “eep” and faint again and he just chalked it up to her being the weird kid he’d never understand. He thought she was new to their school so he cut her a break. Having been Naruto’s friend since neither of them could walk, Sasuke could only roll his eyes at his obliviousness.
Then came high school and everything changed. Something had happened during the holidays because, come April, she had grown a spine. She still looked light-headed in Naruto’s presence but didn’t faint. She started talking; responding with small, stuttering sentences when he turned his bright, obnoxious personality on her. She was a person to him now. More than just weird.
Sasuke however, was content to just keep seeing her as the annoying girl who liked the even more annoying boy. Until the annoying people started dating and Naruto began including Hinata in their everyday activities, whether it had anything to do with her or not. He hated it at first but like an extra slice of tomato on his fried egg breakfast, she grew on him. She was a person and had likes and dislikes and hobbies and things that made her laugh or cry. He began to enjoy her voice and found himself looking forward to school. And like the red-crowned cranes that grazed in the freshwater marshes next door to their high school, Hinata became a thing of beauty in Sasuke’s eyes. By virtue of existing in an area that he couldn’t ignore.
And he both loved and hated her for it. Strong feelings were never a good thing, in any direction. Itachi had long since told him that their family had a history of letting emotions rule their lives. It was best to keep them away from the world - Sasuke's words, not his brother's. But there was only so much he could contain and control when it came to her.
And he was the selfish bastard who let it ruin everything.
Sasuke Uchiha was having multiple problems.
First problem: the hole-in-the-wall cafe he normally frequented at this time of night had closed down without warning for the foreseeable future. It had been the perfect place to hole up in for a few hours while he worked on his laptop, earphones in and fingers dancing over the keyboard. Quiet, no-one staring at him, and with waiters who respected his personal space. Company policy allowed him to stay and work as long as he made it worth their time. Now, he wasn't so sure about this new place.
Second problem: it had taken him the better part of two hours to find this newer restaurant his good-for-nothing friends had recommended to him over WhatsApp after he'd ranted calmly about the predicament, in true Uchiha style. He officially hated that app. His night was wasted walking up alleyways and hopping on buses, with the presumption of a second coming of the holy hole-in-the-wall cafe. Wasted.
Third problem: this new cafe was less hole-in-the-wall and cosy, and more ostentatious with fake wholesomeness. The promise had been for a quiet, out-of-the-way, old-fashioned service. The reality was anything but, at first glance. It was definitely off the beaten path, but he wouldn’t describe it as peaceful or discreet in any way. It made his eye twitch.
Fourth problem: he had nowhere else to go at such short notice and lots of work to catch up on.
The neon signs above the restaurant leered down at him and he did not want to go in there. He wanted to go home, put his feet up, drink his instant coffee and procrastinate as a form of protest. But the sensible side of him had Sasuke moving forward slowly, reminding himself that he couldn't keep putting this particular project. It needed to get done. So what if this restaurant wasn’t the cute little traditional Japanese hole-in-the-wall (or even a sushi or ramen stall) in the middle of bustling Tokyo that he had been promised? He told himself it didn't matter that it was high-end and in the middle of bustling Tokyo. He tried in vain to ignore that it was mocking him; lights blinked at him and he scowled at the ugly sight and he couldn't look more out of place in his casual, everyday clothes. He was surprised a butler-like person hadn't run out to shoo him away.
But this place was the last food establishment along the palisades of this busy Tokyo area that was still seating patrons (the rest were packed to the rafters), and if he went home now it would take over an hour. By the time he got home, Sasuke would be too exhausted to work. It would be annoying. Even more than actually stepping into this poor excuse for a hideaway. Sasuke debated the pros and cons over and over again for a moment before allowing himself to be carried by the line of people waiting to be seated. Decision reluctantly made, Sasuke hugged his four thousand yen Vaio laptop to his chest, waiting his turn to be seated. It looked like the kind of place that required an appointment and a line of lawyers to get in, but a sign to the left distinctly said otherwise. He guessed they would reach their occupancy limit soon and he’d be turned away.
Please turn me away.
It would remove any responsibility on himself to make the decision on whether or not to keep walking forward. He checked his wristwatch as the line moved forward again. It was just after midnight. He sighed, swallowing his anxiety as the hostess bowed to the middle-aged couple in front of him and then extended her arm to them to take their seats. 
Last chance to make a break for it.
He really was being a drama queen, but Sasuke couldn't help it. He forced himself to calm down and accidentally caught the stare of the hostess. Her soft but excited voice called over to him a moment later and he stepped forward once more.
The restaurant hostess bowed respectfully before looking at him properly. Her double-take, which she covered up with a light cough and a fake smile, made Sasuke’s eye twitch. Again.
Don’t tell me…
“Mr Uchiha?”
Don’t they teach manners in this place?
The woman's face looked flushed with excitement. She’d recognised him. Even without an entourage or sign above his head, Sasuke Uchiha was easily identifiable as such. It was why he preferred quieter places and dark corners. There it was; it was either a stomach ache or an ulcer. It churned inside of him and he winced. The Mr Uchiha title always made him think of his father. He loathed being recognised for his family. He was no longer the idiotic teenager who got off on it. Nursing heartbreak and lashing out had turned him into an arsehole who flaunted his superiority. But not anymore. The way the hostess was raking his body with her eyes was both unprofessional and unwelcome.
Someone behind Sasuke cleared their throat. He was holding up the line. Or rather, she was. Sasuke still had two choices: neither or which would have a happy ending.
What would Itachi do?
He’d be polite and suffer for a few hours to make others feel better.
Sasuke sighed deeply, nodded to the hostess, and grimaced at her juvenile reaction. “Table for one, please. Work table, out of the way.”
Hopefully, she got the hint he’d pay extra for it if necessary. Seemingly gathering herself and remembering she was on the clock, the hostess nodded and bowed again, extending her arm the way she’d done for the couple before him. She took the lead this time, however, making him cringe outwardly again. The table she chose was everything he’d wanted it to be and he offered her a small smile in gratitude. Thankfully, she didn’t make a big deal of it this time, giving him a much shorter once-over before politely leaving him alone.
His table was almost like a cubicle which suited him just fine. From ramen restaurants to Yakitori and Kare Raisu, he’d tried all the ones that Tokyo had to offer. All the good ones anyway. No matter the setup, privacy was always his top priority. He settled down, placing his laptop on the table and his bag on the chair next to him, leaving space for food and a drink. Already his mind was going over the project he had to finish tonight; Sasuke had a few hours before the final bus of the night would be running through these parts. But if he had any trouble, an Uber wouldn't be a problem. Not preferable, but not really a problem.
But first things first.
There were waitresses taking orders as well as a front counter but Sasuke didn't want to deal with either one of them and instead chose to use the QR code on the table to order on his phone. The first time he’d heard of this method of ordering it had kind of freaked him out initially, but since it would help him avoid having to interact with a potential fangirl masquerading as a professional waitress (for longer than necessary, anyway) or stand behind people or in front of someone with no respect for his personal space he would do it. It cut out the middleman, so to speak, and allowed him to get down to the important business of the night.
As he waited, Sasuke woke up his laptop and opened Atom. After about five minutes, and as expected, his drink came first. Sasuke always wondered about this; was the drink delivered first to keep the customer from leaving during the extended wait time for the food or so that when he did finally eat, he would feel compelled to order another drink to wash it down with? Or some combination of both?
The sounds of the restaurant blurred into the background and became white noise as Sasuke worked, glasses on and eyes glued to the CSS Script. He only knew it only took forty-five minutes for his meal to be delivered because he checked the time before and after. When the Okonomiyaki was finally placed in front of him and the aroma invaded his senses his stomach growled. Sasuke nodded to the waitress as she bowed to him, a slight tinge of pink on her cheeks before leaving with a Cheshire grin on her face. He just rolled his eyes. Sasuke had just finished cutting up his Okonomiyaki, preparing to eat it with chopsticks in one hand so he could continue working when something familiar caught his eye.
He didn't believe in fate but serendipity seemed to be working overtime tonight.
His heart was racing, belied by the calm on his face as he almost choked on his saliva. Sasuke coughed a few times before reaching to down the last of his ice water. He cleared his throat and looked back over at Hinata Hyuuga. Even after the passage of all these years, he would recognize that long dark hair of hers anywhere (even tied back in the mandatory style for workers of this restaurant). This entire time, in the corner of his eye, and in another seated area, had been an achingly familiar form; those slim but not stick-skinny hips with legs that rested with knees turned slightly inward, and breasts that screamed for attention without being obnoxiously in his face. Yes, he remembered the curves and the tones of the body that came with being from a martial arts enthusiastic family.
The one he'd fantasised about like a love-sick puppy when his hormones still ruled his life.
He inhaled deeply, absentmindedly stabbing his Okonomiyaki with the end of a chopstick, then let his breath out in a shuddering sigh. The sweet, innocent face that had haunted his dreams until he'd succeeded in forcing his school memories into a mental box labelled "do not open, even in the event of an apocalypse" was turned to a customer but he could still clearly spot the trademark lavender-white Hyuuga eyes. They lit up with her smile.
Sasuke didn't care that it was unbecoming of him and continued to stare as he inattentively picked at the Okonomiyaki before grabbing a bite-sized portion of the now-diced savoury dish and shoving it in his mouth. The cursor at the end of the last line of code he typed blinked at him. He ignored it. And he paid no attention to the fact that his glasses had slid down his nose an inch; they were for reading on a computer screen and had made the near-distant objects fuzzy, which he blamed for not having noticed her sooner.
Her presence begged more questions than he was willing to ask himself. But at the very least, what the fuck was the oldest daughter of Hiashi Hyuuga doing working in the service industry? It was beneath the uptight clan. He knew Hinata was not stuck up like her father but surely there were more Hyuuga-like jobs she could do? He remembered a girl who was determined to follow her own path but constantly worried about disappointing her father. Sasuke had presumed she'd find something that filled both desires. Not that there was anything wrong with the retail and hospitality industries. He'd had his own stint in them, so he knew they weren't the jobs of losers like his own father had kept saying years ago.
I'm just very confused how she got here.
This was not a future she'd contemplated and he'd know: she'd once spent an afternoon indulging Naruto in the topic when the blond idiot was whining about having failed the standardised test to get into the university of his choice. She's humoured him with all the alternative career paths, and this wasn't one they'd decided on. But that was life, he guessed, even though it made him painfully curious as to why she wasn't working as one of the many father-approved ideas she'd mentioned as she'd apparently planned.
Sasuke’s stomach churned and did somersaults as he watched her, unable to look away.
What is she doing here?
Sasuke cleared his throat and shook his head, forcing himself to look away; though she was still there in his peripherals and his traitorous eyes desperately soaked her in, from afar. He tried to focus on his work, finishing off the black coffee he'd ordered, to wash down the Okonomiyaki he'd consumed without realising during his staring spell.
I'm as bad as those fangirls.
He tried, he really did. But nothing was working. Sasuke couldn't stop wondering about her. He hadn’t thought of Hinata in a long while. Years. No, not in a long time. He’d successfully purged her from his thoughts. From his wants. From his needs. Buried her down in his mind, underneath the childhood trauma and repressed heartbreak. It had been almost like a breakup; Sasuke had gone through a period of emotional upheaval and consumed hobbies and alcohol in order to forget her. He’d moped and sulked and all those cliche things, in his own way.  She was behind him, and not in the way he wanted her to be.
Sasuke had been on the road to recovery and was able to put that part of his life into a locked box in his head.
Until now.
Maybe she didn’t remember him. Maybe he could finish his work and she’d never even seen him. One could only hope it would be that easy. But no. He couldn’t risk it. He had to leave. Sasuke almost packed up his stuff and left right then and there. He had no desire to play catch-up after all this time. To hear about how good things had been since she'd lived her life with the dobe. Jealousy burned in his gut and he grabbed the carry bag for his laptop by the straps, clenching his fist over it tightly. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to force the old but familiar feelings away. He'd done such a good job at ignoring them for so long. How could he possibly have predicted this strong of a reaction after all these years? Weren't high school love interests meant to dwindle over the years? Why the fuck did he still feel this way?
His self-flagellation was interrupted by an angelic sound. Her laughter. The melodic sound drifted over to his table and he paused. His heart was racing once more and his hands were clammy. Even now, five years later, he was still such a sucker for her. Where was the dobe? Had they married? Did he even want to know? There was a reason he didn't know. He remembered Hinata as a stuttering but determined, beautiful mess. But now, looking at her confidently interacting with strangers like she was born to it, he felt a warmth spread through his body. It wasn’t the coffee working its way through his system. This was different.
And it doesn't even matter. She wouldn't care.
Resigning himself to the inevitable, Sasuke packed up his laptop and left the restaurant without looking back. Except for that moment when he could've sworn she was looking around as if just realising she'd forgotten something. She didn't see him pause and gaze at her one last time. But those distinctive eyes seemingly searched for him anyway. In his dreams.
He hadn’t seen her since high school. He was never supposed to see her ever again.
Nobody ever accused Sasuke Uchiha of being magnanimous, sweet, or kind-hearted in any way. They didn’t confuse him for his brother no matter how much they might look alike. While Itachi was off helping the local homeless center and being the perfect Uchiha heir, Sasuke was smoking pot - or whatever had been shoved under his nose this week - and availing himself of his fangirls. Everyone came to assume he was the troubled child who acted out because he didn't get the attention from his parents that he wanted. Nobody ever accused him of being fair and altruistic to others.
Except her.
She got in his head. Hinata Hyuuga thought that because he was Naruto’s best friend that he should be hers as well. She was adamant but gentle in her attempts to woo him into her good graces. As though friendship was the most wonderful thing in the world. He wasn't an arsehole, not really. Sasuke had a heart. He just kept it hidden away. As far as he was concerned, getting emotional was embarrassing. It was for children . So pushing her away wasn't just about avoiding spending time with the girlfriend of his best friend, who he happened to be in love with, but also to keep himself from doing anything stupid.
He thought he could do it. It only took him a year to fall in love. They had two more years of high school left together. He had to do it. His father would never understand why he had to switch schools so suddenly. He wouldn't care. It would be unthinkable. Rumours, lies, or truth, would follow him and make Fugaku look bad. He was not an understanding nor forgiving man. Sasuke had to pretend: for his own sanity. Hinata was his new best friend.
So he let her greet him at the bus stop after school. He let her hug him "hello" her breasts pressing up against him every time. And on the rainy days when he was feeling particularly friend-like about the whole thing he let her borrow his second, backup umbrella. He'd started bringing a spare one because she seemed to have no idea how to check for the weather. She'd thanked him and then started humming.
"What are you doing out here, in the rain?" He'd ask her every time.
“Waiting on Naruto-kun,” she would say, and he'd go quiet to avoid hearing her gushing about the dobe in question.
That was their routine in the rainy season, which he'd grown to love almost as much as her. Except for the one time he forgot, it seemed the gods had answered his unasked question on how to change up this habit and Sasuke genuinely forgot both umbrellas. And she remembered. She'd remembered. And it kind of killed him inside. She offered to him and he was tempted to ignore her. To start off this change with abruptness and see if he could break her into going along with it. But he couldn't.
He sighed and took the umbrella gently from her hand, making sure to avoid brushing against her hand. When she shifted her hold on it, their skin grazed and she blushed at him. He dared not look her in the eye after that. Those soft, curious eyes were boring into him and he knew what she was thinking. The poor rich boy that she wanted to be okay with her relationship with his friend; why was he so rude? What did she have to do to help him be okay with her?
He didn’t know why it mattered to her.
Sasuke didn’t bother saying, “thank-you” as he stepped out into the rain and walked away with her umbrella without looking back.
He couldn’t do this anymore. He had to run away. And she let him go.
That weak, love-sick part of him was back with a vengeance.
Sasuke was determined to return his life to the humdrum existence it had been before she’d walked back into it, unknowingly throwing him into emotional chaos. He couldn't go back to his usual hole-in-the-wall but there were others out there. Others he'd walked past that night due to laws involving occupancy limitations; and a festival at the time, he'd realised in hindsight, which explained a lot. There were a number of small hidey-holes he could disappear into. They matched his aesthetics better and really, it was for the best. He'd avoided her for five years, never googling either of them, and never interacting with anyone who used to know anyone he'd gone to school with. He could move on to another cafe restaurant. He tried them all.
But none of them felt right anymore.
So, Sasuke gave up, just staying at home to work and doing his best to recreate the coffee shop ambiance in his kitchen. He threw open windows and let the noise of his neighbourhood blast into his home to simulate the busy Tokyo Yotsuya Arakicho district. His favourite pastime was walking. He normally walked for miles every day. He decided to double that and start earlier. It woke him up better than coffee some days. It envigorated him in a way that sex hadn't for a while. And it gave him time to think about his day while also distracting him enough to not let his mind wander too far.
But it wasn’t the same. There was something missing. He knew what it was and now that he'd gotten a sneak peek the idea wouldn't leave him alone. It left a gaping hole in his psyche. Therefore, his resolve to avoid Yotsuya Uemura Restaurant and the serendipitous siren only lasted a week. He couldn’t help himself. Like an idiot teenager in love and doped up on hormones, he lay in bed at night remembering her smile, her laugh, and replaying every moment of his up-to-date memory of her in vivid detail. Sasuke could distract himself for a while. With both his imagination and the cold comfort of his hand. But ultimately, his own fixation was his undoing.
He couldn't go on like this without closer. There was no avoiding her now. He was going back.
She was looking at him.
I should’ve known that would eventually happen.
So why wasn't he more prepared for it? His heart skipped a beat and if he didn't have such good equilibrium he might've stumbled. The hostess was leading him to his table - which turned out to be the same one as before - and he'd searched the busy restaurant with his eyes, hoping to spot her sooner this time. He hadn't expected for their eyes to lock on one another, and especially not this early into his night. He also hadn't expected the initial shock on her face to drop into a soft smile.
He forced himself to look away as the hostess drew his attention to his table, but the weight of Hinata's stare remained. He unpacked his laptop as he'd done last time, trying very hard not to look over and give the impression he was desperately seeking her attention. He forgot to pull out his phone to make his order via the QR code and instead just slowly got comfortable; or as comfortable as he could, knowing she was still watching him. But eventually, he couldn't help himself and Sasuke looked up. She turned away immediately, clearly embarrassed at having been caught looking at him. He allowed himself a small smile at that.
And the weight of her stare left him.
He swallowed heavily as he mentally berated himself. He glanced over at her again just as she looked back for a few moments seeming to remember she had a job to do.
As do I.
One of the waitresses for his section walked by and without thinking, Sasuke raised a hand to grab her attention. “Sumimasen.”
The woman bowed to him. Hyperaware of the Hyuuga still visible from across the confines of the restaurant, he raised an eyebrow at the silent waitress who was staring at him, thoroughly nonplussed. She bowed again, said, “shou shou omachi kudasai,” and then rushed off, leaving him feeling childish.
She hadn't taken his order.
It only occurred to him once he was alone again what he'd just done. He spared an unimpressed glare at the back of Hinata's head as she happily took the order of a small family. She was throwing him off. Next thing he'd know, Sasuke would be singing and dancing out his love confessions. He snorted at himself. At least now he could use the QR code instead. Maybe. He didn't make a move to grab his phone, instead frowning after the waitress who'd disappeared into the back. This was more nerve-wracking than he'd anticipated and Sasuke debated just packing up his things and walking out. He looked over and noticed Hinata had disappeared as well. He breathed a sigh of relief, despite himself. He just needed a few moments to get his act together before deciding what to do next. He opened Atom on his laptop and began the arduous process of inline coding, occasionally glancing to the side without moving his head, to see if she'd come back out onto the floor. She was still in the back, it seemed. As he typed in a few line breaks, his mind drifted to Hinata's reactions to him. Perhaps she was as curious as he was. Maybe his arrival had stirred something in her too.
He stops working when he notices her move onto the floor, now weaving her way between tables. His breath hitches when it becomes obvious she's headed directly for his table. He almost gasps out loud when she stops right in front of him. Hinata blinked a few times before addressing him.
“S-Sas–” She cut herself off and cleared her throat and then bowed slightly; not too low and not too high. “Have you decided what you w-want to order?”
Do I make you nervous?
Somehow that possibility gives him courage. Maybe it's because that's the part of his personality he likes best: making others uncomfortable. Even Hinata. He likes that he has an effect on her. How insignificant would he be if she was apathetic to his presence? Sasuke cleared his throat and ordered a black coffee and onigiri with a side of kimchi salad, tells HInata, “I don’t like beans” and silently bemoans his inability to not look like some kind of an idiot in front of her. She just smiles, all professional despite the twitch of her fingers that told him she ached to grab something. She hesitated for a moment, her eyes raking in his form and Sasuke stiffened at the perusal.
Why is she doing that?
And then it was all over and Hinata Hyuuga was moving away from his table, presumably heading out the back to pass on his order. She didn't stop or slow down.
There were so many questions in his head and he'd heard them all before. He can’t concentrate on his work. Sasuke stares at the screen as he waits for his food, his fingers poised over the keyboard and his eyes unmoving. He lived in a surreal world. Everything was happening so fast. But unlike the last time he came here, he had it coming. He'd hoped to get some answers but it felt too weird to try to talk to her, not just because she was actually working and it would be unprofessional of her. Sasuke blinked heavily, checked the time, and then his notes and references before returning his fingers to the letters on his keyboard. Letters, brackets, parentheses, and integers. He pursed his lips, trying to focus. He managed to get some work done in the time it took for Hinata to come back. He wasn't sure why she was serving in this section, but his brain refused to care to figure that out.
She stood in front of him, clearly unsure about how to talk to him, but she carried on nonetheless.
Sasuke . raised an eyebrow at her when she looked stunned that he'd replied. He supposed it was strange to hear him being polite. As Hinata bowed again, hesitated for a moment (again), and turned to leave, Sasuke inhaled deeply, just watching her go. He sat back and looked down at his hands, which had started shaking slightly. He fisted his trousers to stop them. This had been a mistake but there was nothing else to do right now but just eat his food. He ate his onigiri like a crazy person; with a fork. He waited for the rice and seaweed to stick better so it wasn’t messy but instead of picking it up with his hands, as it was designed to be eaten, he jammed the fork into it and dumped it on his kimchi salad. Sasuke forced himself to return to focusing on his work, digging holes in the onigiri and salad every few minutes, taking a few sips of his coffee, and scowling.
All awhile he was very aware of the lavender-white eyes watching him from the other side of Yotsuya Uemura Restaurant.
Sasuke returned to the restaurant but Hinata never came to get his order again. And for that, he was grateful. He could continue to ignore her, do his work until the late hours, reorder something to eat or drink every now and then (using the damn damned QR-code instead to avoid any more awkward moments), and pretend he was still in that hole-in-the-wall, that had started this mess by closing down in the first place. Two hours of peace. And then 3 A.M. would roll around and he’d start packing up slowly, languidly, as though his life didn't depend on leaving before she clocked out and got it into her head to come to say "hello" again. And despite his bladder kicking him from the inside because of all the coffee he'd avoid the restroom and call an Uber because Tokyo bus lines had stopped by then.
And he’d still be wide awake.
He got into this habit and it served him well for four weeks. A month of the now strangely alluring atmosphere of Yotsuya Uemura Restaurant. It still felt weird that this was the best place to go to where his brain would actually focus on work, even with her there. But he got complacent with their unspoken rule of ignoring each other. At least he presumed they had an agreement. It would be typical of her to break that non-agreement right when he'd let his guard down.
Sasuke spotted her heading toward him after his final cup of black coffee of the night. He licked his lips and put the cup down, watching her with an almost detached fascination. It was a strange but welcomed feeling. And suddenly she was standing in front of him with only the table and his belongings between them. She didn't speak immediately, licking her lips in a similar manner to what he'd just done. She started twiddling her thumbs and a rose-coloured flush spread across her cheeks as he continued to stare silently back at her.
Why is she here?
Her shift had clearly ended; she held a bento bag over her shoulder while the standard apron uniform and her name tag were notably absent. She had to be on her way out.
So why is she here?
Maybe she thought... no, he couldn't think of a reason. Well, perhaps the kind girl he used to know actually had unfinished business with him. Whatever that might be. He debated leaving early; his eyes went to the time on his laptop, noting it was only ten minutes before 3 A.M. so it wouldn't be completely out of character. As much as he enjoyed the view, he was not enjoying the anticipation. But when she smiled at him, in that warm, soft way he remembered, Sasuke couldn’t bring himself to leave.
Her voice was melodic and he found himself leaning forward to rest his chin on his hands, entranced. And no suffix? Interesting. He remembered Hinata as one who’d been a stickler for politeness. How times had changed.
He nodded shortly to her. “Hinata.”
As though that had been permission, she slid into the chair opposite him. But the bento bag remained on her shoulder. “So you do remember m-me?”
Sasuke could only nod, his confusion masked by feigned indifference.
“I wanted to come over to say ‘hi’ s-sooner,” she said, her smile now more timid as she laced her fingers together. “The timing just never seemed r-right.”
Sasuke leaned back in his chair, forcing himself to calm down. He could do this (just this once). It was like riding a bicycle. Except he'd never actually learned to do that.
I’m definitely going to have to find another coffee restaurant now.
He had no idea what possessed him to continue coming here. This was just a recipe for disaster. It was far too awkward and he had work to do. No, wait, work was over. Or just about. Now he had to go home. Still, he didn’t have time to hash things out with old friends or crushes from high school. Memories belonged in the past. But he couldn’t help himself; a part of Sasuke still needed to know. He had to know. He had to. Or so he kept telling himself. There was only pain and heartache in memories of watching Hinata being happy with Naruto. There was no ring on her finger but not every married couple did that. Or she could’ve removed a ring while working to avoid losing it. There were a million different reasons she looked single.
How does one look single, really?
“How’s the dobe?”
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Other than the obvious.
Fighting an internal battle on whether or not to slap himself, Sasuke tried to focus on pretending he wasn't fighting with himself. He didn’t really want to know how Hinata's life with Naruto was. His mouth just seemed to have a mind of its own. Sasuke could imagine all kinds of things she might say and how he might be doing. He didn't need confirmation. As she squirmed in her seat, he blinked slowly. A hard swallow was the only sign that this conversation was making him uncomfortable.
Her smile was sad. “I wouldn’t know.”
Sasuke’s eyes widened. Why wouldn’t she know? Why wouldn't she... And then suddenly his stupid mind clicked all the pieces into place. “You’re not with him anymore?”
She shook her head.
“I thought you were looking forward to the 2.5 kids with him.”
Hinata sighed and stopped fiddling with her hands. “I’ve grown up.”
He gave her a quick appraisal, without lingering on any part of her body. Hopefully, it didn’t come off as invasive or creepy. But his mind was whirring. He nodded absentmindedly, but his heart was pounding against his rib cage. Dare he ask if she’d found someone else? Dare he poke the sleeping dragon?
“Are you–”
“I’m… s-single.”
Was she blushing? Sasuke couldn’t stop the smirk from gracing his face if he tried. The muscles responsible for twisting the side of his mouth into a smirk felt stiff though. He suddenly felt like a weight had been lifted from his soul. His body was lighter and his cluttered mind cleared. He sighed in contentment. At least for that part of her revelation.
A different kind of anxiety now slammed his heart against his chest.
They sat in awkward silence as Sasuke ordered a new, different drink. The doors would be closing soon so he had to do this quickly. When the milkshake came, he took a sip and then pushed it lightly, in her direction. If he drank any more coffee there would be no going to sleep tonight but this was too sweet for his tastes, normally. He already desperately needed to use the toilets. Unfortunately, it wasn’t socially acceptable to ask complete strangers or staff to watch his stuff while he used the facilities, so Sasuke would usually be gone by now, on his way home, and to that sweet porcelain of relief.
He eyed Hinata tentatively. “You seem different from the shy girl who always followed Naruto around.”
She reached out and ran a delicate finger along the condensation on the glass tumbler that held the liquid temptation. “I’ve grown up.”
Yes. And no stuttering this time. But some things clearly still stayed the same: she still loved strawberry milkshakes. (And this one had a cinnamon stick in it to boot.) She was eyeing off his drink in a slightly ravenous way but the nervous habits he remembered from high school were also still present; she was twiddling her thumbs and clearly too polite to just take his drink. These were parts of the reason he’d fallen so heavily for her in the first place. She was adorable in her weird mix of social graces and anxiety. He knew a little about social anxiety himself. He’d never cared much for how others perceived him, but adulthood had taught him some hard-learned lessons on why it would never get him anywhere in life to carry on as though nobody else mattered.
Yet so much about Sasuke had not changed at all.
Still a selfish bastard.
He wanted and he got. At least where it was possible.
Sasuke raised his eyebrows at Hinata in what he hoped was a challenging look. She sat up straighter and licked her lips before her eyes dropped to his drink in understanding. He remembered from his few years in this industry just how ragged one could feel at the end of a long shift. He hadn't had to worry about the nine-to-five bullshit for so long but some things were just unforgettable. This drink was an offer more than a challenge: was she thirsty enough to take him up on it? How much had she really changed? She'd never have taken his drink back in school. Now she had an open but silent invitation.
Hinata pulled the drink toward herself, stopping it in the middle of the table before leaning over it to take the rim of the glass between her lips. He watched in erotic fascination as she lifted the glass and pursed her lips against it. He fixated on her mouth as she gulped it down. His eyes were drawn to every distinct and enthralling move she made. Not to mention how when she’d leaned over it was too bad her uniform wasn’t more revealing but it did give his inner pervert ideas.
"Watch my stuff?" He asked and she distractedly nodded, continuing to enjoy her drink.
He decided the strawberry milkshake was a fair price to pay in return for her watching his belongings. It was her fault he wasn’t on his way home yet, after all. Sasuke didn’t like public toilets but with the very single and beautiful Hyuuga sitting in front of him, smacking her lips together after a long guzzle of her favourite drink, and her eyes fluttering closed in pleasure, he found he didn’t care about that. He was just glad he hadn't run away every chance he got, since the first time he entered Yotsuya Uemura Restaurant.
When he returned she was still sitting in her chair but had angled her body to peak at what he had on his screen, her delicate eyebrows raised; she was either surprised or impressed.
Yes, he was very glad indeed that they were both still here.
It became a habit. Sasuke would arrive around midnight, take his usual spot in the darkest corner of the brightly lit restaurant, order using the QR code, and then unpack his laptop. He would spend the first forty-five minutes sipping on his water (or black tea; either of which would later be replaced by black coffee anyway) and working on his project design and immersing himself in every edit. When the food came he would pick at it while still working and occasionally peeking over the top of his laptop as Hinata worked in the distance. The way her fringe bobbed as she smiled brightly at a customer, even if they were monopolising her time with their order. He found a new appreciation in just gazing at her.
And as was a habit, Sasuke would be finished with his food within the hour, ordering the first black coffee of the night. If he was still hungry, he’d grab a side salad or Spicy Ahi Poke around two o’clock, when his battery would start to wind him down, even with the coffee. Web coding was a far slower and more tedious skill set than most people realised. Depending on the job, it could take him months to finish, and these weren’t the cheap, easy pages of online website builders that anyone from his grandmother and borderline illiterate next-door neighbour could use to create their own site. He tested his static preview several times before deciding to stop and stretch out his tired muscles.
Then the cherry on the top: Hinata would clock off at 3 A.M. and join him at his table. A new strawberry milkshake bribe and she would heroically protect his belongings as he used the toilets and when he returned, she would regale him with stories about her family and friends while asking him questions about his own. He knew the shy, bumbling Hinata of his youth was not completely gone when he asked her more personal questions and she flushed; a lovely shade of pink he had never thought to cherish until now. Sasuke did not ask about past relationships because he was enjoying pretending she hadn’t been with anyone since Naruto. She did hint to it a few times but he shut that down quickly, not wanting to hear about her dating other men.
And in kind, it would be hypocritical of him to talk about his own sex life. Not that she would care about that.
It wasn’t the healthiest take on relationships, but it was what he had to offer.
After a week of this habit, Sasuke was disappointed to see the weekend painfully arrive. It meant her days off and he couldn’t bring himself to go to the restaurant knowing she wouldn’t be there. He almost asked her if they could meet up on the weekend but didn’t want it to feel like he was being needy. Or coming across too strong. The weekend dragged on with familial obligations and friends who were determined to get him drunk or laid. Or both. He ignored them all. Then Monday came again and Sasuke spent the day the way he spent every weekday since Hinata came back into his life; anticipating the night time.
What a boring life I lead.
He’d sunk low. Sasuke had spent years being content with his romantic isolation. No-one, no matter how many times he dated, could ever compare to the first person he’d fallen in love with. But he’d been fine with that. Until now. Now he was looking forward to being close to a beautiful woman who didn't annoy him. The very person he could never completely move on from.
Though he was scared at the thought of asking her if he was the only one feeling anything.
The second week of this habit changed everything. He was waking up with a smile on his face. He was going to bed content and peaceful. It wasn’t like Sasuke had never looked forward to things; he anticipated the weekend, the end of the night after another one of his mother’s forced family get together’s, the change in the balance of his bank account after finishing a project for a client. Even the occasional date or romp in the sheets (he used to indulge in) allowed him to release the stress of the week even though they were always temporary fixes. And of course, running. Sitting at a computer for hours didn’t do his body any good and he had gotten into the habit of jogging for over an hour every early in the mornings.
But it was time for this new one to break. Because he hadn’t done much other than jog or work since remeeting Hinata. He needed more from her, not just the moments so late in the night that it would be inappropriate to invite her back to his apartment. And he needed to know that this was okay with her. He’d lost out years ago but there was no Naruto-dobe to get in the way this time. He wasn’t the hot-blooded and assertive type. He didn't get riled up and led on. But that was another habit he was intent on breaking - for this instance, at least.
He “hn’d” his way through his first night of the week with her before becoming more obvious. He didn't have much experience flirting anyway. When he passed the milkshake to her his fingers lingered and he stared into her eyes, delighting in the way her breath hitched and her lips parted. She would place a shaky hand on the glass tumbler, wrapping her hand around it delicately and waiting for him to let go. his fingers would deliberately brush against hers and she swallowed heavily. The dynamic had changed. She would drink with less vigour but still finish every last drop.
They shared his side of hot potato chips, which were always too much for him anyway, and he was reminded of those cartoon dogs who shared pasta. The urge to kiss Hinata would resurface whenever his mind drifted and he had to push that down. For now.
“I think it's time to leave,” she said, blushing slightly. "They're closing up now."
They were indeed moving furniture and changing signs.
Hinata was bold when it mattered; she reached over with a napkin and wiped at the side of his mouth. Her shy smile grew wider when he didn’t move away and he couldn't tear his eyes away from her. His lips parted and his eyes dropped to her mouth when she licked her lips. Was the air dry for her too? He felt like a sudden heat wave had set on them both. But when she was done wiping at the sauce on his mouth the moment was over. She pulled back and averted her eyes nervously.
Maybe she’d been expecting me to kiss her?
He had no idea. But it couldn't hurt to find out. Sasuke started the habit of packing up his belongings as Hinata sighed in resignation and slowly stood.
Once upon a time, when he didn't have a choice - when his life wasn’t his to dictate - Sasuke had bemoaned his future. Now he realised he was regaining something inside himself that he’d never known was actually possible.
A future with her.
The final nail in this coffin was a wake-up call.
His friendship with Naruto was ruined. When she touched the idiot, Sasuke imagined she was touching him. When she kissed the dobe, Sasuke imagined those were his lips she worshipped. Her hands were on his, her body pressed against him; her moans, his groans, and their pleasure. Sasuke was plagued with images and what-ifs. Naruto had his future with Hinata figured out. Sasuke's life was over. It didn't matter that he loved them both, even though in different ways. It only mattered that every smile was killing him. Sasuke didn't believe in real souls, not really. But if he did have one, the other half of it was being torn away from him.
Naruto asked Hinata to marry him in the middle of the high school graduation ceremony, disrupting the flow like the baka he was. And while the principal yelled at him, the blond made a public menace of himself as the school graduates rallied to his romantic gesture.
Everyone but Sasuke. And nobody noticed.
He couldn’t handle it, seeing them together all lovey-dovey and declaring they were meant to be. The whole school cheering. The lights glared down and closed in on him as his vision blurred. It was too much, even for him, Mr. Ice-box anal arsehole with a reputation for not giving a shit. He should’ve seen it coming but until Hinata said, “yes” and let Naruto sweep her into the most affectionate and disgusting kiss that Sasuke had ever seen, he hadn’t thought it would happen. It couldn’t happen. She was better than this. The fates were kinder than this. Naruto was notoriously slow on the uptake. Surely he would be too lazy or unreliable to think of such a permanent change in his life.
But apparently not anymore. He was serious. They were engaged. They would be getting married.
And all Sasuke wanted to do was scream in frustration and rage. He was done putting up with this! It felt selfish to do but he had to. There was no emotional outburst - that would come later, in the privacy of his own home - no. He was a picture of calm as he started to back away from his cheering graduation class.  He took one last look at the chaotic scene Naruto had caused, snatched up his own diploma, and turned away. He was soon to be enrolled at Tohoku University. He was moving away from this backwater town. Far away from everyone he knew. To Tokyo.
Sasuke left all of his friends behind and cut off all contact, ignoring their attempts to find him. And hers.
And he never saw his best friend again.
She tasted like strawberries and lavender.
Sasuke finally broke his habit three weeks after their fated reunion. (Now that he was contemplating that maybe fate was a thing.) Packing his laptop away, he’d reached for a second bag that had been sitting on the chair next to him. He’d known it was likely to rain so Sasuke brought two compact umbrellas with him with plans for them both to get used. He’d contemplated just bringing one large, oversized umbrella but didn’t want to make Hinata awkward with the presumptuous closeness. She seemed skittish with surprises. So now she stood with him under the awning that decorated the front of the restaurant and he was suddenly very grateful for bad yet predictable weather.
He looked down at the woman in his arms. Gone was the facade that this was anything other than a blossoming relationship. He'd taken her hand and stood proud as a peacock when she squeezed his hand in return. She let him pull her closer, their umbrellas overlapping above their heads as they stared into each other's eyes. She'd let him lean in closer and duck his head under her umbrella to breathe in her sudden intake of air. She was anticipating this too, he knew. This situation was familiar, though he was determined to have it play out differently. Maybe she didn’t remember that day in the rain, so long ago when he'd wanted to kiss her after she'd let him use her umbrella. She’d never tracked him down to get it back and he'd never offered it back. Or maybe he’d intimidated her too much for her to retrieve it.
“Hinata…” His free hand cupped her face and he took in every inch of her face, his eyes memorising every detail. The flush of her skin, the plumpness of her lips, the way she tilted toward him instinctively. “I want to kiss you.”
What was it his father had once said? Never ask for permission. Sasuke knew Fugaku’s approach to women was toxic. His mother’s issues were proof of that. But there was a little part of himself that had wanted to just take those succulent-looking lips between his teeth before she had the chance to pull away. However, he respected her too much for that. He needed to know she wanted this too.
Hinata smiled and nodded. “Okay. I want to kiss you, too.”
(No more stuttering.)
And that was his permission. When he lowered his mouth to hers he was already slanting his head in anticipation for the tilt of their faces as they embraced each other. Full-mouthed, energetic, uncompromising; he grasped her almost too tightly as her parted lips allowed him entry. Sasuke devoured her mouth. Their eyes closed, his body pressed so intimately against hers; the pouring rain faded into the background. There was only her. Only them. And when she moaned and returned his vigour, he finally felt like he'd come home.
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tams-writeblr · 2 years ago
SasuHina month 2023
Not much of a drawing mood this year, but I'm kind of into a writing mood, so I decided to write little drabbles for each of the prompts. They all play in the Universe of my FanFiction Bloodlines (I promise to continue the actual fic too it's just... life??)
For Today I have the first three Drabbles. Some might be a bit cheaty for the word-count but it's okay imo. Read them under the cut!
Waiting for you
Sasuke reminded himself to stop watching at the clock. You never knew when exactly someone returned from a mission, yet he always felt the urge to wait for her arrival. His eyes crossed the clock again, already past one. No need to get nervous, he would just read another chapter. Tic – toc – the clock echoed in his ears. Has this book always been this boring? Click – clack – the sound of the front door let him spurt to his feet, the book fell to the floor, unnoticed. Sasuke walked towards the front door where he finally spot her pure, lavender eyes.
Home is where you are
So to say, Hinata fled from her father's house. They had had one of their usual arguments over clan affairs that Hiashi told her not to bother about anymore. He always made it clear, “You don't belong with us anymore.” With tears brimming in her eyes, she hurried through the streets of Konoha, back to her house. When the front door fell to the lock with a noticeable sound, she leaned at the door, trying to sooth her racing heart. A familiar flock of black hair peaked out from the kitchen. Hinata smiled at Sasuke's confused face. “Finally back home!”
A glance that reveals everything
Hanabi held back a grin as she watched her sister and her brother-in-law bicker over a little incident in the kitchen. They were married for over a year now, but already felt like an old couple. “I'll buy a new one”, Sasuke finally huffed. He side-eyed Hinata, who held shards of a vase in her hands. He touched her back, gently, and she looked back at him. “I know it won't be the same but I'll get an equally pretty one.” His eyes were soft, Hanabi had never seen him like this before. Glances like this were reserved for Hinata.
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crystaltrinket · 1 year ago
how i love to see you smile - Naruto - Uchiha Sasuke/Hyuuga Hinata - drabble series for SasuHina Month 2022
[Rating: G | Prompt: Mono no aware - the pathos of things; the gentle wistfulness at the transience of things, and the awareness of the sadness of existence | Word Count: 500 | Warnings: None] @sasuhinamonth
Author's Note: Wow! Not me updating more than 1 year later... in any case, this has been sitting in my drafts for while. I intend to finish this even though 2022 is long over. I hope you don't mind.
[Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7]
[Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14]
[Part 15 |
Sasuke thought it was weird when he saw the usual hawk eyes on him with less killing intent behind him. 
‘What was his name again?’ he thought as his family passed the stoic man and entered the onsen-ji. 
His mother oohed and ahhed as they stepped into the foyer. His father looked around the entrance hall with a meticulous eye. The Hyuuga kept the onsen-ji traditional in a sense that one would think they never advanced past the Meiji era. Sasuke watched him warily, almost ready to jump to defend Hinata if unfavorable judgment passed his lips.
“It is quite beautiful inside,” he father remarked. 
"Isn't it? Oh, I'm so glad I picked it. We'll have a wonderful time!" his mother gushed. 
“Uchiha-san, welcome,” the stoic man they passed earlier greeted them. “I am Ko, at your service.” 
‘Ah, that’s it. Ko. The other bodyguard.’ Sasuke stared at him while Ko regarded him with a small nod. 
“Hinata-sama sends her well-wishes. She is acting in her father’s stead at a conference and won’t be able to see you during your stay, Mikoto-san.” 
A small pout formed on his mother’s face. “It is quite alright, Ko-san. Please send Hinata my regards.” 
Sasuke studied the expression on his mother’s face as she spoke amicably with Hinata’s bodyguard about the onsen-ji’s interior and architecture. His father hummed every so often as they carried their conversation away from the foyer. She was upset, understandably. She saw Hinata as a daughter-figure and had hoped to see her during their visit. 
He knew Hinata wouldn’t be at the onsen-ji during his family’s vacation. She apologized profusely the day she found out she had to attend the conference. 
‘Father wants me to go. He thinks it’ll help me have a better understanding of marketing and management for the future of the onsen-ji.’ 
The corners of his lips slightly dipped at the thought of the Hyuuga clan head. Sasuke inwardly scoffed. ‘Of course, he would.’ The shift in Sasuke’s demeanor was minute but it was enough for his brother to nudge him as Ko led his family to their suite. 
“Chin up, little brother,” Itachi smirked. “The conference will be over before you know it.” 
Sasuke swiftly turned his head, refusing to let his brother see the growing blush on his face. “Tch. I know.” 
The weekend spent at the onsen-ji seemed to pass by slowly. From the moment he opened his eyes in the morning til the moment they closed at night, everything reminded him of the lack of Hinata's presence. And try as Ko and the older aunts might, they couldn't replace her. 
Without fail, the older aunts of the onsen-ji offered him onigiri whenever he passed by and even Ko brought out a few tomatoes from Hinata's personal garden. He was touched that Hinata thought of him, even when she was busy herself. 
Sasuke fell back on his bed. His mind raced back to their families' impromptu meeting.
'How can I initiate a merger?'
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dianauchihahyuga · 4 years ago
SH month!!!
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Day 3: Addicted to your touch
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xjojonolax · 3 years ago
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Day 15: Metanoia
"A journey that changes the heart, the mind, the self, or the way of life."
The first thing that came to mind with this prompt was pregnancy/parenthood because it literally changes everything for people!
You can follow me on Instagram at jojo_nolalikesdrawing and on fanfiction.net at Jojo Nola!
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a-sleeping-garden · 3 years ago
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Genderbend SasuHina :3 this was initially an entry for last year’s SasuHinaMonth, but i had misread the prompt hehe; a mutual recently messaged me asking about it and i took that as a sign to finish it!
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sasuhinamonth · 2 years ago
Well, well, well.
Looks like we're finally here! After weeks of preparation and formatting and planning, we are FINALLY ready to make two announcements today!
Let's start with Artist of the Year, as congratulations are very much due!
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Perhaps you recognize this beautiful art style! The MOD team took attentive care to go through the many fabulous artists we have in the SasuHina fandom, and we found one artist in particular whose dreamy style and beautiful color schemes fit our theme perfectly!
We'd like to congratulate @daifukumochiin for being SasuHinaMonth2023's ARTIST OF THE YEAR!
Mochi is such an amazing artist that keeps pumping out beautiful pieces, and we were so happy to see the amazing pieces she made for our banner and icon for 2023! Everyone, please send your love and joy to DaifukuMochiin. She deserves it!
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Now, we think it's about we get into the meat of this post!
For anyone who needs a reminder, SHMonth2023's Theme is A SIGN OF AFFECTION. The MOD team has been working on the many prompts correlating with this theme, and right now, we're happy to share these prompts with you all! We've also translated the prompts in Spanish for all our hispanohablante friends :)
SHMonth2023 Prompts
Day 1 | Día 1
“Love at first sight” | “Amor a primera vista”
“Waiting for you” | “Esperándote”
Day 2 | Día 2
“Knowing me, knowing you” | “Conociéndome, conociéndote”
“Home is where you are” | “Mi hogar es donde estás tú”
Day 3 | Día 3
“A glance that reveals everything” | “Una mirada que revela todo”
“Doing chores without being asked” | “Hacer los quehaceres sin que lo pidan”
Day 4 | Día 4
“Knowing their favorite drink” | “Conocer su bebida favorita”
“First touch” | “Primer roce”
Day 5 | Día 5
“Forehead touches” | “Frentes unidas”
“Lips against fingertips” | “Labios contra sus dedos”
Day 6 | Día 6
“If you fall, I will catch you” | “Si caes, yo te atraparé”
“A warm embrace” | “Un cálido abrazo”
Day 7 | Día 7
“Noticing subtleties” | “Notando sutilezas”
“Tying ties” | “Uniendo lazos”
Day 8 | Día 8
“Playing with hair” | “Jugando con el cabello”
“Talk to me.” | “Háblame”
Day 9 | Día 9
“You can find something truly important in an ordinary minute.” | “Puedes descubrir algo realmente importante en un minuto”
“Cooking together” | “Cocinando juntos”
Day 10 | Día 10
“Kissing in the rain” | “Beso bajo la lluvia”
“Finding beauty in the ugly and broken” | “Encontrar belleza en lo feo y roto”
Day 11 | Día 11
“I love you” | “Te amo”
“Nicknames” | “Apodos”
Day 12 | Día 12
“Stay a little longer.” | “Quédate un poco más”
"A collection of kisses" | “Una colección de besos”
Day 13 | Día 13
“A love that cannot simply be expressed with words” | “Un amor que simplemente no puede ser expresado en palabras”
"Secret rendezvous" | “Encuentro secreto”
Day 14 | Día 14
“Bouquets” | “Ramo de flores”
“Enjoying a story together” | “Disfrutando de una historia juntos”
Day 15 | Día 15
“Take my hand, take my whole life too.” | “Toma mi mano, también toma toda mi vida”
“Love notes/letters” | “Cartas/Notas de amor”
Day 16 | Día 16
"The name you yell after a nightmare" | “El nombre que gritas después de una pesadilla”
"I missed you." | “Te extrañé.”
Day 17 | Día 17
“Sharing a meal” | “Comer juntos”
"Watching the sunrise together" | “Ver el amanecer juntos”
Day 18 | Día 18
“Unyielding encouragement” | “Apoyo inquebrantable”
“Daily routine” | “Rutina”
Day 19 | Día 19
“To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love” | “Ser aficionado (a) al baile era un paso seguro para enamorarse”
"Even shame can turn into love" | “Incluso la vergüenza puede convertirse en amor”
Day 20 | Día 20
“A shared bed” | “Una cama compartida”
“Sudden confession” | “Confesión repentina”
Day 21 | Día 21
“A hint of jealousy” | “Un toque de celos”
“You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how.” | “Deberías ser besado (a), constantemente y por alguien que sepa cómo”
Day 22 | Día 22
“Talking through problems” | “Hablando a través de los problemas”
“Vacation time spent together” | “Vacaciones juntos”
Day 23 | Día 23
"Poetry spoken by a simple man" | “Poesía escrita por un simple hombre”
"Courage found in a shy woman" | “Valentía encontrada en una mujer tímida”
Day 24 | Día 24
"Finding the middle ground" | “Encontrar el punto medio”
"If there was a rose every time I thought about you, there would be only one, because you never left my mind." | “Si existiese una rosa cada vez que pienso en ti, solo habría una porque nunca dejaste mi mente”
Day 25 | Día 25
"Shared hobbies" | “Pasatiempos compartidos”
"I trust you" | “Confío en ti”
Day 26 | Día 26
"A quiet relationship" |  “Una relación privada”
"Following you" |  “Siguiéndote”
Day 27 | Día 27
I’ve loved you for a thousand years, I’ll love you for a thousand more.” | “Te he amado por mil años, te amaré por mil más”
"Tears and touches" |  “Lágrimas y roces”
Day 28 | Día 28
"Calling late at night" |  “Una llamada tarde en la noche”
"I would do anything to call you mine." | “Haría lo que fuera para llamarte mía (o)”
Day 29 | Día 29
"If God made it a Sin to love you, I would be beyond saving" | “Si Dios hizo que amarte fuera un pecado, entonces no tengo salvación”
"An excuse to pull you closer" | “Una excusa para acercarte a mí”
Day 30 | Día 30
"Sharing a secret." | “Compartiendo un secreto”
"Warmth of a body on a cold night." | “La calidez del cuerpo en una noche fría”
Day 31 | Día 31
“There’s nothing I wouldn't do to make you feel my love.” | “No hay nada que no haría para demostrarte mi amor”
“Will you marry me?” | “¿Te casarías conmigo?”
We're excited for July to come to see all the creativity bloom from our little fandom! Just a reminder: we WILL be making weekly prompt cards for SHMonth, so keep an eye out for those as July creeps closer.
Thank you all for your patience and enthusiasm!
The MOD Team
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lavender-long-stories · 9 months ago
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🌸 Hidden & Seen 🌸
Spoilers for Gullible | Rated G
SasuHina Month Original
How did Itachi know that his little brother was going to take what he said so seriously?
Tags: Romance | One Shot | Fluff | Childhood Crush | Happy Ending
“No, I am hiding here. Find somewhere else.” Sasuke snapped in a loud whisper. It sounded like he was in the laundry room.
“I don't want to hide alone.” Hinata's little voice whimpered.
Full Story on AO3
Based on a request from @daifukumochiin for childhood friends
🌸 SasuHina Month 2024 - Day 8 🌸
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Image by note thanun
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jetto-kaiba · 4 years ago
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day 10: obon festival/genderbend situations
I don't think I understood the task 😅 but I tried to mix both prompts
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dianapana · 4 years ago
SH Day 9 – Never Have I Ever
Rated T, Modern AU, OOC
Oof , for this one ideas just wouldn't come to me, so once again I looked through older stories I never finished and found this one which I thought fit to a certain degree. I didn’t really wanna go the normal route of the game itself, so I just interpreted the prompt as a new experience. I hope you enjoy, ~Love, Dia
It wasn’t uncommon for people to randomly sit down at his table, especially if those people were girls. They’d stumble onto the seat and act like it was all an accident, like they didn’t see him and thought the table was empty, or that they tripped and ‘landed’ on the seat. Other times they’d ask if they could sit because there were no free tables anymore, granted this last excuse happened to be true once or twice, but usually, it was just a lie and the two would sit in awkward silence for a few moments staring at each other with a number of empty seats all around.
However, the person sitting across from him was a girl he saw around the diner quite often, urgency written all over her face. Sasuke raised an eyebrow at her, but the situation didn’t faze him at all, thus he continued eating, putting 2 French fries in his mouth and slowly chewing, waiting for her to state her reason and purpose.
“I need you to pretend we’re here together” Sasuke narrowed his eyes at her. “My ex just walked in and I’m not in the mood to deal with him. If I’m here with someone, in this case you, he’ll either leave me alone or he’ll at least leave sooner.” His eyes moved to a guy that was just walking to the counter still obvious to his ex-girlfriend. “Please…” her eyes were begging him to help.
Sasuke sighed and pushed his milkshake her way. “It’d be strange if we were here together and I was the only one that had ordered something” Her pale eyes lit up like Christmas trees.
“Thank you so much. I’m Hinata by the way” She gave him a genuine smile. He nodded her way.
“Sasuke. I’d shake your hand but that would look strange since we’re supposed to be here together.”
For a second, silence fell over their table but Hinata started giggling at what he just said, her laugh could have also been intertwined with nervous laughter for it was a little too loud for Sasuke’s own liking, either way, he couldn’t help but smirk her. Naruto would freak if he saw Sasuke talking to a stranger, a girl no less, and not only that, but he was actually putting in the effort to help her and maintain a conversation. He had never willingly had a conversation with a stranger before.
Sadly Hinata’ sudden laughing fit turned the attention of a white-haired guy, also known in Sasuke’s head as the girl’s ex, to them. The said guy looked their way, moment in which Sasuke noticed the myriad of feelings showing onto his expression, he seemed to go from hopeful to confused to slightly irritated and then settle for putting on a fake smile and strolling their way.
“Hinata, long time no see, how are you?” The ex-boyfriend looked at her and gave Sasuke a not-so-subtle glare. He took in their table before raising an eyebrow and immediately asking another question, essentially cutting Hinata off before she could answer his first question. “Matcha milkshake? I thought you hated those”
“Oh, I used to yea, but I think they changed the receipt here. I tasted one sip from when Sasuke ordered one last time and it was pretty good, so today I wanted to see for myself” She said smoothly and took a big sip of her, well…his milkshake. “And I’ve been pretty good. How about yourself?” She smiled way too sweetly at him.
“Uh…can’t complain” He took another second to examine them again. “Well, I was actually thinking maybe we can get together and have dinner sometime next week?”
“Dude, you don’t ask out a girl when she’s already out with another guy, that’s just fucking messed up” Sasuke said, without actually meaning to his voice got deeper and he glared at the ‘ex-boyfriend’. He didn’t care that he and Hinata weren’t there together for real, it’s a universal rule you don’t ask out a girl if she’s there with a date, that’s just a douchey move.
Hinata was grinning at him from behind her hand, her eyes glittering with amusement. Sasuke had to admit something to himself, the strange girl was pretty, but she was even more beautiful while she smiled.
“Chill dude. I didn’t think this was a date” he said raising his hands as if trying to say he meant no harm. “I mean who the fuck brings a date at this shitty diner” He whispered under his breath, but both Hinata and Sasuke heard him and their moods turned pretty dark. Sasuke’s instinct was the punch the guy’s lights out, another new feeling he hadn’t experienced, at least not because of a girl. He is usually in control of his emotions and rarely loses his cool.
“Sasuke wanted to go have a sweet picnic in the park near my house, which was so thoughtful and sweet, but sadly the weather didn’t agree with him because it started raining. That’s when I remembered how I wanted to taste the milkshake, so I proposed we came here to wait for the rain to stop.” Sasuke had to admit, her lying skills were top-notch, her story had a natural flow to it, she composed a strong and believable narrative with pretty much no holes, her delivery too added to its credibility, fot she spoke with such ease. Hinata reached for his hand that was on the table and squeezed it while spreading her web of lies. Sasuke noticed the ex-boyf rolling his eyes, and a part of him felt utter satisfaction from the jerk’s annoyance.
“Whatever. I gotta bounce anyway. See you around” He turned and started walking out the diner without waiting for a reply. Sasuke snorted when he noticed that the ex didn’t even purchase anything. He was lost in his own world of trash-talking the guy but was got distracted by the petite girl in front of him that whispered not so quietly “I fucking hope not.”
“Well, that was fun.” He smirked at her. “Let me guess, bad break-up?” Hinata sighed and ran both hands over her face.
“The worst. It was a set up and we went on a few dates which were fine I guess, but I just didn’t really want a relationship at the time, or at least not with him. Either way, the break-up itself took like 3 hours cuz he just wouldn’t accept it.” She took another sip of his milkshake and gaged. “Oh god, I forgot how awful this tasted.” She said more to herself, it didn’t take her a full second to turn beet-red.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry this is yours. I d-didn’t mean to drink from it, it just happened. Let me buy you a new one” She got onto her feet but Sasuke grabbed her wrist and forced her to sit back down.
“Don’t worry about it. You barely drank any”
Had he been in his right mind he’d tell the girl to buy him extra fries too for the trouble and then he’d tell her to scramble. But for some reason or another, he didn’t want her to leave just yet. He pulled the glass back to him and drank from it just to prove to her everything was fine.
“I don’t understand how you can drink that. It’s not even sweet” Her nose wrinkled in disgust, Sasuke didn’t throw the world ‘cute’ around easily but she looked adorable.
“I hate sweets. So, this is perfect” Her jaw dropped, she looked like he had just said he hated puppies and his mother. Hinata blinked a few times, closed her mouth and opened it to say something, closed it back again. She looked genuinely confused, like someone that hated sweets wasn’t meant to exist.
“I-I don’t understand. How can you hate sweets? T-They make the world a better place. Don’t tell me that after a shitty day you don’t go home to eat a gallon of ice cream with a dozen of cookies because I will not believe you”
Now it was his turn to gag just thinking about the amount of sugar in the ‘snack’ she described. His reaction repulsed her.
“Oh wow. I’m perplexed. I had no idea people like you existed”
The fact that she said it with straight face made him believe she honestly didn’t think that what he said could be true, which for some reason he found extremely funny.
“Huh, you learn something every day.” She said with a smile, it seemed she had gotten over her confusion and found the whole conversation quite as amusing as he did.
A waitress came over to take Sasuke’s now empty milkshake glass.
“Would you like anything else?”
“Could you please bring me a veggie burger and a blueberry lemonade? And some fries too” She ordered and it relieved him that she did, he hadn’t had a lunch companion besides Naruto in a while.
“I’d also like some fries and another matcha milkshake”
“I’ll be right back,” The older woman said and left right away. When he turned back to the girl before him, she was staring at him with a small smile on her lips so he raised an eyebrow at her.
“I was sure you’d tell me to leave, or tell the waiter you’d like the bill and left yourself.” She put both of her hands on the table and played with her bracelet. “I’ve seen you around the diner. You’re not the…most welcoming face here and I’ve also saw you get up and leave on multiple occasions when someone sat at your table”
Her cheeks were a shade or two darker and she didn’t look at him but rather looked at her fidgeting hands. She was embarrassed for admitting she noticed him way before this encounter, she was nervous that she had crossed a line. What she said was true, he knew he wasn’t the nicest person but he did genuinely enjoy her presence, also he’d been in a number of situations where he would have liked someone to pretend to be there with him so he’d escape an acquaintance or a fangirl. Plus, the very same day Naruto told him he should do an act of ‘kindness’ a day or his karma would turn bad. He didn’t believe in the nonsense his blonde friend talked about, but when she sat down she looked in so much distress even he didn’t have the heart to tell her to leave.
“You’re right, But, you looked frightened, I’m not heartless,” He said in a neutral voice and Hinata blushed even redder. His lips twitched upward. Where did her confidence and acting skills go?
“I-I-I didn’t mean you are heartless…just…umm, uh” she was at a loss of words.
“It’s fine. You didn’t offend me” Hinata looked up at him relived.
“I didn’t? Oh, that’s really good, because I didn’t mean anything rude by what I said” her shoulders relaxed and her blush faded, not completely she was still a bit flushed but not quite as red as before.
“Since you knew there was a chance, I’d leave why did you sit here?”
Her smile softened a little. “Have you ever seen a person and had the urge to talk to them? For them to be your friend? I don’t mean to sound creepy, but every time I saw you here, I always wanted to talk to you, I just never had the courage. I guess the situation gave me the opportunity to do so. And I’m quite glad because, I don’t know about you, but I’m having a pretty good time talking to you” her cheeks flared even redder with each confession, for some reason admitting her thoughts in front of him was embarrassing. “Oh, just so you know, I’ve never done this before. I just had a pretty bad day and didn’t want it to get worse by having to be in his company for long.”
Their talk continued for a while longer until finally, their food arrived. The older waitress placed their orders on the table.
“There you go. Enjoy your food”
“Thank you” Hinata nodded at the waitress with a smile.
“I have one more question.” Sasuke said as Hinata took a sip of her lemonade, but gestured with her hand for him to go on. “What happened? When he was here you were a very smooth talker, but when you thought you offended me you seemed to be drowning in your own words”
Her blush came back and Sasuke decided he quite liked how she looked with it. She played with the tips of her hair, rolling it onto her finger. “W-when I was little, I was extremely shy, I couldn’t even look at strangers, my parents entered me in acting classes in hopes that I’d get over it. It didn’t really go as planned. I’m a lot better now, obviously but I still get anxious easily. Even so the acting classes did help me, when I’m in a crisis I seem to calm down and I’m able to collect my thoughts” She looked a bit over his shoulder in deep thought. “It’s like a defence mechanism but it doesn’t always work. Case in point when I o-offended you, which I’m sorry about again”
“I see…also you didn’t offend me, I told you this before. You only stated your opinion, which was true by the way”
She smiled at him once more and they started eating, it wasn’t complete silence, they made small talk asked about normal things, hobbies, friends, school and all that. Once they were finished and Sasuke asked for the bill since it was getting pretty dark and the rain finally stopped, he noticed her playing with the bracelet again.
“Something wrong?”
“Huh?” she looked up at him confused.
“You were fidgeting your hands like you did before when you were nervous. Is something bothering you?”
Hinata opened her mouth. They had spent about 2 or 3 hours together and he was able to pick up some of her habits already. He did seem like the type of person that paid attention, he was quiet but observing. Without meaning to she associated him with one of those old people from the park that sit on a bench and watch everyone pass by, like they don’t belong to this world, they just witness it, they are watchers that see the smallest details.
He didn’t know what she was thinking about, but her smile was beautifully tragic, she seemed sad, or at least contemplative.
“I was just thinking how much I enjoyed our…lunch? Dinner? And was wondering how awkward it would be to…a-ask for your number m-maybe?”
He also liked when she stuttered a little. “I don’t see why not. I enjoyed myself as well”
If only Naruto saw him give his number to a girl, the blonde would never let this slide, which was also why he’d never tell his blonde best friend about the petite blue-haired girl that made his ordinary day a little bit extraordinary, she proved that sometimes doing things you’ve never done can have a good end result, in this case talking to a stranger and pretending to date led to a pleasant evening and hopefully a friend and maybe more.
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crystaltrinket · 3 years ago
how i love to see you smile - Naruto - Uchiha Sasuke/Hyuuga Hinata - drabble series for SasuHina Month 2022
Summary: Sasuke likes Hinata and she's oblivious. Modern AU, High school.
[Rating: G | Prompt: Aienkien - a mysterious attraction that unites two people | Word Count: 500 | Warnings: None]
Author's Note: Hi!! Excited for @sasuhinamonth 2022. Hopefully, this will go well. I've got three pieces pre-written and have yet to write everything else. Wish me luck!
All pieces will be inter-related, but they don't directly follow each other. Everything will be 500 words because I like to torture myself challenge myself. Enjoy!
Part 1
Sasuke stood outside of a heavily wooded area facing a modest temple, just outside of the property line. A backpack was slung over one shoulder and a jacket was being held in one hand. A pair of sharp eyes were fixated on him as he patiently waited. He’s learned now there’s no use in staring back at the pale eyes trained on him. If this was any other person, Sasuke would have glared back and intimidated the other away from him. But he wasn’t waiting for just anyone. 
He focused his attention on a hawk resting on a tree branch above them. ‘He’s gonna have to leave soon,’ Sasuke thought to himself as a slight breeze came through. ‘I hope she brought a jacket.’ A gong resounded throughout the air signaling the beginning of the morning ceremony. 
From his view, he could count the monks making their rounds and chanting in prayer around the temple. And then, her. 
'Ah, she woke up late again,' he inwardly smiled to himself, seeing her perform her morning duties in her school uniform. Another monk trailed behind her with enough incense to coat the air around them. The second gong rang, and Sasuke watched as they went around the temple a second time. 
Coming here every morning became tradition for him, watching and waiting. He knows exactly what brought him to the temple, though he wasn't ready to let her know. He doesn't know if she joins him on their walk to school because they've known each other for so long or if she does it because she reciprocates her feelings, but it doesn't matter to him. He resorted to telling himself he's content with the way things are right now. 
It was well after the third temple gong when the scent of incense wafted towards him. Sasuke positioned himself so that he was easily noticeable from his waiting spot. He could see her worried face, with a soft blush forming on her cheeks, come into view.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, Sasuke-kun," she panted. "The head monk got on a tangent." 
Sasuke looked down at her with a slight smile on his face. "Hn. Are you ready to go, Hinata?" 
"Yes," Hinata turned to face the man monitoring Sasuke. "Ko-san, you can take your l-leave." 
Ko spared one last glance at Sasuke before bowing towards Hinata. "Have a good day at school, Hinata-sama." 
Sasuke waited until Ko was well out of sight before stepping closer to Hinata. "Are you cold? Do you need my jacket?" 
"Please," Hinata nodded. "I-"
"Woke up late again?" Sasuke smirked, handing her his jacket.
Hinata giggled as she put it on and warmed herself up. "You seem to know me too well, Sasuke-kun." 
They started walking, with Hinata animatedly recounting her late morning while Sasuke nodded as she spoke. Sasuke watched her from the corner of his eyes, memorizing how her eyes lit up as she looked at him.
Sasuke softly smiled at her. He would be content.
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tsu-toko · 5 years ago
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“I miss you...”
@sasuhinamonth​ 2020 Day 2: Your Voice Lingered in these Empty Halls
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tamtam-go92 · 3 years ago
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Since September is coming to an end soon too, I thought it was time to share what I did for @sasuhinamonth. Did these while I was on vacation in my vacation diary. I only had a pen, a pencil and a rubber with me so they aren't really spectacular but I really like some of those and so I really wanted to share them!
Prompts were:
Day 2. A birthmark that binds us
Day 4. Spring hanami: the flowers of the season
Day 5. Heirs of a clan
Day 6. Marriage arrangements: 'til our contract do us part
Day 9. A second look
Day 11. Lord Uchiha
I also did one for day 12 but it sucks xD
They basically all are part of a fanfiction I'm writing about SasuHina called Bloodlines. It's post The Last and revolves around an old marriage agreement Hiashi Hyuuga and Fugaku Uchiha signed when their kids were still little and that Hiashi insists on sticking to after his daughter started dating Naruto Uzumaki. Before you ask, their future kids don't have names yet but I always like Hitomi and Itachi for Sasuke's kids. Most of the pictures were heavyly referenced, that's the only reason they look half decent. Hope you enjoy them!
A NSFW one for day 3 addicted to your touch is behind a cut:
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