#sastiel are his dads
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dqmens · 11 months ago
Jack has two dads and newsflash Dean isn’t one of them
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dearest-marv · 6 days ago
“Dean isn’t one of Jack’s dads” “Sam and Cas are Jack’s dads not Dean” HE TAUGHT HIM HOW TO DRIVE BABY ???!!! 😭 HE KEPT GETTING DOUBLE VISION WHEN TOLD JACK MIGHT DIE ???!!!
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luxurystark-jackson · 13 days ago
see now that jack’s human sam is channeling his inner helicopter mom, cas has become Dad Who Takes Him Out For Fun Things (hunting) and dean is just the uncle who is. very occasionally involved. sastiel parents 2018
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sastielsmanuscript-draft · 4 months ago
Sam was robbed prime Jack bonding time because the writers and fans favored Dean even tho Sam’s relationship with Jack would’ve made more sense
every time i see that damn season with Dean hanging out with Jack, i'm like, WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY BRO FUCK!!!!!!!
i understand what was happening with cas dying and dean being sad all about it but like cmon, to hate this child who also cared about cas too. AND essentially his surrogate father. FFFFFUCK DEAN MAN.
Sam made more sense since he could literally relate to Jack more. It oh so badly made more sense but like yknow. "dean is a father to all children" WHAT ABOUT SAM
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abyss55199794 · 2 years ago
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thesis drawing for my killer!cas au
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soullessjack · 10 months ago
sorry I truly don’t understand how people treat dean not knowing ‘the basics’ for Jack to be admitted to a hospital as some kind of argument for him being a bad father lmao.. Like numero uno he lived his entire life completely independent of any actual medical attention so what the fuck would he know to tell a receptionist and numero dos: the entire episode he is stressing the fuck out about Jack’s condition and anxious to get help for it without all the legal distractions that’s Literally it
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stxar-pvnk · 8 months ago
I don't even know if this is going to reach the right audience since unfortunately, in some way the rp community excludes minors that rp,
Well I'm looking for a long term rp partner who can keep up and contribute to the rp, keeping up with consistency too.
Im not a big OC person, and I only have a few specific ships.
The fandoms that I rp: Merlin BBC, sherlock BBC, supernatural, teenwolf (some I haven't watched the whole of the series so bare with me)
I have other fandoms that I'm in, but I'm not sure if I want to rp them at the moment.
Yes I am a minor, but with most of my rps
1. Nsfw isn't much of a thing Im entirely interested unless, my partner expresses interest in it and/or it contributes to the plot
2. Some of my rps I don't even do ship rps, I'm aiming for more plot and platonic rp.
||—Characters that I'm willing to play in fandoms—||
SUPERNATURAL : Sam Winchester (aka; boy with the demon blood
MERLIN: Merlin (aka; the greatest sorcerer to walk the earth)
SHERLOCK: Sherlock Holmes, (aka; not a puzzle solver, a drama queen)
||—Ships I'm willing to rp—||
MERLIN: Arthur X Merlin
SHERLOCK: sherlock X john
SUPERNATURAL: Sam X Gabriel, Sam X Castiel
MARVEL: Tony X Steve, Tony X Bucky, Tony X t'challa
||—Platonic pairing I want to rp—||
MARVEL: Tony and Peter (father son Platonic pairing)
SUPERNATURAL: Sam and dean (brother/ father/son Platonic pairing)
SHERLOCK: Mycroft and Sherlock (brother/father/son Platonic pairing)
My discord is @sp1d3yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Add me and we can start, I accept any age, as I simply see rp as a way to share ideas, create stories and make friends. Please be respectful of that.
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zombiesamw · 2 months ago
Everyone always talks about how cas and Jack are father and son which is accurate. But because of that a lot of people say dean is also jacks dad and Sam is the uncle??? NO??? Dean was such a bad person to Jack meanwhile sam always cared for him. Dean was horrible to him, people only say Dean is his dad because of destiel!!!!!! Cas and sam r literally jacks dads :((( deans kinda like the uncle who has Lowk beef with you . Sam loves Jack so much and their father-son relationship makes me so happy :<
Point is, sastiel is amazing and sam is jack’s dad
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ghomsts · 7 months ago
Supernatural "brothers story arch swap" au.
Sam the righteous man
Dean the boy with the demon blood
Sam is still the baby boy that goes to college
Dean still stays back home, finding Sam because dad has been missing for a couple of days
Consequences from this change:
John either has a different plan for dealing with Dean + the demon blood thing or he at least thought of killing him if he had to while sam was at college. Sick and twisted.
John still has all those fucked up issues with Sam because Azazel just lied about which kid was doing the demon blood thing
Castiel works with Sam from the get go. etc. Etc. You'd think this would make it more sastiel but it means destiel gets the "handshake scene" so it's anyone's game honestly.
Jess lives past episode one because she never would've been used against Sam. BUT they also may not have gotten together because Brady wouldn't have been a demon putting that piece into place. i could put a Sambrady agenda here, if I wanted to.
I think if Dean had any of the fucked up nuanced arcs Sam had paralleling Cas destielies would be frothing at the mouth harder. Maybe.
Dean is a more scared individual due to the implications. (HE'S the one verging on being a monster from demon blood addiction.) in my humble opinion Sam would defend Dean easier I think. A noticable amount easier. (None of Dean's brand of daddy issues lol, just his own defiant ones.)
Boy King Dean 🤔
Dean having a souless!dean arc instead of Sam???!!! can anyone here me? it's so dark in here.
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manwiththemagic · 3 months ago
I hate mfs who infantlize Dean. "My lil babyyyy 🥺 omg he was expected to raise Jack after Jack killed cas and—" DIE. DIE IN A PLANE CRASH.
DEAN IS A GROWN ASS MAN. yes he was sad about cas', yes he had the right to be upset but not at JACK?? it's so obvious it's not jacks fault your actually insane.
And babying an ABUSIVE man is insane. Yes I do love deans character but I can admit he was being toxic. Also there was way more going on than just cas??
Like his mf MOM was gone?? Crowley (a good ally) was gone, Kelly (an innocent person) was gone. Obviously cas was one of the few people he actually gaf about but OMFG.
THOSE destiel shippers just irck me. I myself fw destiel but not like this??
these are the same MFS that are like "Dean and cas' and their baby Jack🥺🥺🥺" I DESPISE YOU. because no. Just no. Dean was NOT a father to jack. You know he he WAS a father too??? LITERALLY ANY OTHER KID IN THE SHOW. PICK ONE.
like you want destiel as dads?? Okay. Claire is right there pal. Because Jack is sastiels kid, and Claire is destiels and I STAND on that fact.
Idk how many fans there are like this but MANNNNN. this is why Tumblr is better than twitter/fuckass x. Tumblr algorithm save me. Save me Tumblr algorithm.
I hate when people see smth to do with deans bond w/ Sam and just THROW IT AWAY and give it to Dean and cas. LIKE NO. No. Dean and Sam are the MAINNNN mfs of this show. Sam and deans relationship is legit why everything happens. Not in a wincest way or anything but GODDDDD.
gang be so fr.
OR. OR. WHEN PEOPLE PRETEND CAS DOESN'T GAF ABOUT SAM. COME ONNNNNN. They were friends gang. Cas talking about how he won't let Sam self sacrifice and about how he understands him now after being human.
OR cas' happiness when sam comes back w/ his soul in s6?? He obviously cares about sam. Sure you can bring up the destiel confession like "oh but he loves Sam bc of Dean and—" stfu. They still care about each other. Tfw all care about each other and it's upsetting when people throw that away ☹️☹️
Anyways thanks for reading. Uhhhh goodbye to my tedtalk?? I feel like shit RN and idk what to do about it. LMAOOO
Kill myself?? <<<<< Rant about non important spn issue online!!
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harperspnaddict · 3 months ago
okay but destiel could’ve been canon and actually made sense without changing anything. season 12 or 13 would’ve been perfect bc by then dean and cas’s connection was basically screaming to be acknowledged. dean’s walls were starting to crack (slowly, painfully), and cas’s loyalty was clearly more than just friendship, even if neither of them said it out loud. the earlier seasons were all buildup, but s12/s13? that’s the payoff window.
so here’s how it happens: cas dies (again, obviously, bc it’s cas), and dean just completely falls apart. like he’s not even angry at first—he’s just silent, broken, staring at cas’s trench coat or whatever reminder is left. then the anger kicks in, and he starts yelling, punching walls, blaming himself, the universe, everything. he finally says something like “I can’t do this without you, cas. I don’t WANT to.” and it’s so raw that sam doesn’t even know what to say.
then cas inevitably comes back (bc he ALWAYS does), and instead of some bro-y “you’re alive” moment, dean just freezes when he sees him. and cas is like “dean?” and dean pulls him into the most desperate hug, muttering “you came back,” and cas says, “I always will. for you.” and BOOM. that’s the shift. it’s not fireworks or some huge declaration; it’s soft and quiet, but it changes everything.
after that, it’s them navigating it in their totally awkward, emotionally repressed way. dean’s still snarky and pretending he’s fine, but he’s softer with cas now, and cas is just staring at him like he’s the only thing in the universe that matters (bc he is). sam’s completely over it, rolling his eyes every time they bicker like an old married couple, and Jack is calling them his dads without even asking. dean acts annoyed but secretly loves it, and cas just looks PROUD.
it wouldn’t even need a big “destiel is canon” moment—it’d just be them slowly, quietly falling into something that was already there all along. bc honestly? it always was.
I might do this same kind of post for sastiel too cuz thats my fav ship. i just went down a destiel rabbit hole a couple of hours ago, and now im here🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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thedeadedhooman · 5 months ago
Favourite supernatural ship/s
thanks for the ask anon<3
samjess is my favourite I guess. it's tragic and sad and beautiful. It always makes me upset and I end up in a puddle of tears. It hurts my brain and heart. It's like a stabbing pain in the gut. what gets me is that even after such a long time, sam could never actually let go of jessica I think. I mean what am I supposed to feel after the i still think about jessica. he was shopping for rings, and he proposed to a ghost, to his past. a nice sweet normal figment of his life, that he held on to for a while until tragedy struck. sam probably doesn't even have any photos of jessica, they were all burnt in the fire. he probably had that voicemail that she sent when he went with dean to hunt the woman in white. which probably got deleted when they had to switch phones or simcards cuz of their shitty lifestyle. she's only a memory to him...fuck
sastiel cuz I love their autistic swag. of course there are moments that make me mad like cas breaking sam's wall but cas also took sam's pain. sam and castiel are so soft and tender with each other. I just know the sex would've been a galaxy brain moment.
samruby because they're toxic af but they truly loved each other at some point. they would've worshipped each other I think. it's bout the roles and the dynamics, there's also a lot of manipulation and betrayal going on and that adds to the more complex elements regarding the pairing. also the soft tender way ruby tries to cajole sam into believing that what he did was right scratches at my brain because she too sacrificed a lot to be the one who catalysed the whole thing. they could've ruled hell together. and their whole sex scene is like two lesbians fucking each other.
deanlisa because dean had a bit of normalcy and a cute son. dean and lisa made a cute pairing I think. he got to be a dad for a little while I guess. It's sad and tragic cuz when cas wiped Lisa and Ben's memories, it really hurt. Like you build this little family and they gave you something to hold on to for a while when you missed your brother and then have all of that taken away from you PERMANENTLY. that shit is sad af.
sambrady because I KNOW WHAT THEY HAD GOING ON. demon lover brady my beloved. I know they fucked. cuz brady is a demon and he died.
samsarah. they are so cute. and honestly out of all the partners sam had in the show I think sarah blake would have been perfect for sam imo. she wanted to help them during the hunt. she's a tough girl. they kiss for the first and the last time and she hopes that sam would visit again. she keeps waiting and waiting and waiting, days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years and then one day she gets married has a kid and that tall floofy haired boy with the puppy dog eyes turns up at her doorstep. she has moved on obviously but at what cost? she died cuz of the very man she waited for so long. and oh sammy. the only reason why he didn't go back was that he knew it was dangerous for her. later he had to go to her to save her but again at what cost? sarah still died and she had a husband and a kid...
wincest. do I need to even say anything? I mean where do I even start? It's not like I want them to fuck each other but it's the codependency. there's a lot going on with these two that can't be seen with the naked eyes. it's the subtext, the yearning, the longing looks, the roles...how dean can't function without sam, he's afraid to be alone, how sam loses it when dean is gone, the need to be the no. 1 person on their priority list, and the fact that they're canonical soulmates. yeah they're weird and that's what I like about it. sam and dean winchester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other.
sammadison how could I not mention this one. THIS IS MY FAVOURITE AS WELL. I mean it's so fucking tragic. like you think you saved the girl but for what? it didn't work and it's gonna happen again and there's no cure and you two share these tender moments of intimacy thinking everything's gonna be okay only to be met with the opposite. you gave her hope and now it's being taken away..it's never gonna be okay and she asks you to kill her. whatthefuck. now you slowly see yourself in her, what if I become a monster and there's no way back and what if someone I love so much has to put me down like a sick dog. GOSH. I cried while watching that episode.
I also like samwena and saileen and megstiel but I haven't watched the later seasons that well so can't say much.
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dubina-dawkins · 4 months ago
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Dean Winchester
hanging out with your hunter father (dad!dean, daughter!user) bot
sam gone to college and dean's missing him oneshot
smut! his last time with you oneshot
teen! dean helping you with an injury. and with the absence of the first kiss in your life, too oneshot
smut! teen! dean is your first in everything, not only kisses oneshot
SMUT! some dean x reader nsfw headcanons nothing too special on it
Sam Winchester
sam calling you when he feels bad and needs your comfort oneshot
some sastiel! smut... link
cas's first try at human drinks is... a hot chocolate? link
James Potter
old bot! user develops feelings for James, but turns out it's unmutual bot
Soldier Boy / Ben
smut! stress relief oneshot
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luxurystark-jackson · 9 days ago
the tfw dynamics with jack are so interesting to me because like. the most destiel “proof” (so to say) we get is from the concept that jack has of dean being his dad. and this stems from cas being his dad, and whatever their relationship is just being so horribly obvious that jack assumes they’re together and treats dean like a father figure.
and yet!! the kicker!! is that sam and cas are jack’s parents!! dean wants nothing to do with raising that kid but still ends up roped into it somehow.
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sampilled · 9 months ago
to make sastiel work, you have to lean into one end of an extreme. either they are crunchy wholesome dads who know all the names of the vendors at the farmers market OR they are completely toxic cas broke his wall and really he wants dean more but sam will give him this and sam will forgive him all his transgressions OR they have to be both
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ohsc · 5 months ago
Hello!! For character Ask Game, 7, 12 and 15 with Castiel :)
what's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
big fan of cas exploding lightbulbs when he gets aroused or happy or anything LMFAO i love the idea that the bunker just has so many boxes of spare lightbulbs in case he does it again i love him
i honestly love how blunt he is about everything too!! like he just says what’s on his mind and is totally honest and there’s no beating around the bush i love it. i also love love love castiel being a dad obviously with jack that’s some of my favourite stuff ever but i LOVE fics where cas and claire bond properly and figure things out i love him as a dad so much
what's a headcanon you have for this character?
my absolute favourite headcanon for cas is that he texts with mostly emojis and he spends more time finding the right emojis than it would take to just type back a regular reply
case in point:
dean - are you on your way back now?
cas - 🚗👍🌳😇
dean - how did it go?
cas - 🧛‍♂️🔪✅
what's your favorite ship for this character? (doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE DESTIEL SO MUCH !!!!! they actually make me insane before i watched the show i thought they were like a genuine couple on screen i remember being on tumblr on my old account the night the confession scene aired and thought the ending of spn was like a gay tragedy LMAO BUT NO I LOVE THEM
second place is megstiel 🫶 but honestly my love for sastiel is on the rise
character ask game !!
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