#sassy wendy
delightfuldevin · 1 year
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therealladylucifer · 11 months
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headlines that make me wanna be sick
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spoookiepie · 2 years
Y’all will continue to be be duped by corporations over and over and over until y’all learn that them putting on a “I’m just a silly widdle guy. Just funny little goober” act is just that: an act, meant to artificially create a sense of affection for a business.
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bumpscosity · 23 days
there's no way i'm gonna be as old as soos gravity falls next month. that's simply not possible
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veryblushyswitch · 2 months
💔 A Better Way to Fight 💔
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Summary: A sarcastic comment makes Robbie wanna pound Dipper into dust. However, when Wendy rides up on her bike, Robbie needs to figure out another way to take out his anger. 💔
Lee: Dipper
Lers: Robbie & Wendy
Author’s Note: I had an idea and I ran with it. I don’t know why ler Robbie was so intriguing, but here we are. Hope you enjoy! 💔
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The sky was a beautiful blue and the pine trees glowed varying shades of green in the sunlight. It seemed like there was a rainbow of colors in Gravity Falls today. Yes the colors were always there, but I guess something about today felt different. Special almost.
Dipper Pines stepped outside of his Great Uncle’s Mystery Shack. A nice deep breath of fresh air filled his lungs. Nothing was going to ruin today. Dipper and Wendy had planned a movie night at her house. Nothing new for the two, but ever since Robbie and Wendy started dating, Dipper and Wendy haven’t been able to hang out one on one as much. So let’s just say Dipper couldn’t stop smiling whenever he thought about today’s plans. That was until he heard that agitating voice.
“Wendy!! Yo, Wendy where are you? You haven’t answered any of my calls!” Robbie was cupping his hands around his mouth shouting. Dipper rolled his eyes. Of course Robbie interrupts this perfect morning. He sighed and walked over to the still yelling teen. Robbie visibly cringed when he saw the kid.
“Oh, it’s you. Any idea where Wendy is? Learned some new chords on my guitar and wanted to show them off.” Robbie bragged, knowing how jealous Dipper must’ve been. Unfortunately, he was right.
“Dude, she was out on a trip with her family all weekend. She’s coming back sometime this afternoon.” Dipper kicked a stone out of frustration. What did Wendy see in this guy?
“If you’d listen to her maybe you’d remember some of that stuff. Isn’t that what a boyfriend is supposed to do?” Dipper’s sassy tone cut through Robbie like daggers. This twelve year old kid with a sweating problem was trying to tell him how to be a good boyfriend. Oh, he was gonna get it-
“That is it you little squirt!” Robbie yelled as he lunged for Dipper. Dipper almost got out of the way in time before he was pulled up by the hem of his shirt.
“No one tells me how to be a good boyfriend!” Robbie took one hand and poked at Dipper’s collarbone. “Especially some twerp who wears the same shorts everyday.” Robbie noticed Dipper seeming to try not to smile with each poke. That’s a weird reaction. Did he think this was funny?!
“Put me down!” Dipper pulled at his shirt still in Robbie’s grasp. Robbie was about to tell him off when they heard the sound of a bell ring. The two turned their heads to see none other than the topic of their discussion. Wendy Corduroy, the cool redhead herself, was riding her bike up to the Mystery Shack.
Robbie gasped. She couldn’t see him and the kid fighting again. She’d break up with him for sure. After reaching the gate, Wendy rested her bike against the fence and walked over to where they were standing. Now able to make out the position the two were in, she scowled.
“Hey! Are you two fighting again? C’mon you guys, you know how I feel about dudes fighting.” Wendy crossed her arms with a stern look. Robbie quickly adjusted the hold he had on the pre-teen. Taking Dipper into one arm in a sort of half bear hug against his chest. Dipper was annoyed, but put on a fake smile for Wendy. Robbie matched the same expression.
“Whaaat? Noooo. I was just… just uh-” Robbie was racking his brain on what to say. He couldn’t say they were fighting, but he couldn’t just make up something outlandish either. Wendy wouldn’t believe him if he said the two of them completely made up. That’s when he remembered Dipper’s reaction to the pokes from earlier. Of course! It was so obvious now. The kid was ticklish. Incredibly so it seemed. Robbie could work with that.
“We were just messing around. Kid got a little sassy with me and I had to teach him a lesson. Isn’t that right?” Robbie asked, bringing his other hand over and starting to poke at Dipper’s side. Dipper jerked at the touch causing Robbie to tighten his hold. He tried his hardest not to smile. No way was this happening- Not in front of Wendy!
“Lehehet goho!” Dipper choked out with a giggle. This was so embarrassing! Robbie chuckled and made the speed of the pokes more random. Even moving up and down his ribs where Dipper’s arm wasn’t pinned against his side. Dipper’s giggles couldn’t be hidden any longer. They escaped his lips as a small hint of pink flushed his cheeks. Wendy smiled at the sight.
“Aww, it’s really nice to see my two boys getting along finally. And Robbie I didn’t know you could be so playful. It’s nice to see.” She walked up so she was right in front of the pair.
“Yeah yeah totally. I’m sooo playful. Especially with this little guy right here.” Robbie switched from poking to scribbling at Dipper’s stomach. Electricity suddenly filled Dipper’s body and his light giggles turned into laughter.
“Nahahahaha! Rohohobbie! Stahahahap!” Dipper squealed, much to his dismay, and kicked his legs. Wendy giggled along with him. His laughter was too contagious not to. If Robbie couldn’t beat him up, this was the next best thing. He was even making Wendy think he was just being playful with the little guy. Win win.
“Not until you take back what you said earlier.” Robbie ‘threatened’ as he added more pressure to his fingers. Dipper shrieked and his squirming became a bit more desperate.
“Nehehehever! It’s truhue! Ahahaha! Wehehendy hehehelp!” Dipper reached his hands out as far as he could. Surly Wendy would help him. After all, Wendy knew just how ticklish Dipper was from all the times she’d seen him get tickled by Mabel. She had even gotten him a few times during their movie nights. Speaking of which, she couldn’t help herself and felt the need to join in on the fun.
“Sure I’ll help. Robbie, his armpits are a hotspot.” Wendy let out a laugh at the shocked face Dipper gave her before he fell back into laughter. Robbie looked at Dipper with the most devilish grin Dipper had seen. He was having way too much fun with this.
“You don’t say?” Robbie stopped his attack for a moment to adjust his hold. He quickly grabbed Dipper under his arms and held him out in front of him. His fingers still, but the mere presence of them on his worst spot already had Dipper giggling out pleads and kicking his legs.
“Wehehehendy- GAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO!” Robbie’s fingers suddenly sprung to life scribbling and kneading all around this underarms. Dipper pushed at Robbie’s arms, but the tickling had made his arm go weak. Only being able to grip Robbie’s wrists as gravity prevented any sort of leeway to push or pull away.
“STAHAHAHAP! PLEHEHEASE! NAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHERE!” Dipper pleaded. Wendy giggled and even snapped a picture or two. If Dipper wasn’t blushing already- Dipper sometimes forgot the fact that Wendy had three younger brothers. Her older sister side was coming out and he was unfortunately the victim.
“You gonna take it back now? Or am I gonna have to ask Wendy for more tips?“ Robbie glanced at Wendy and gave her a wink. Wendy gladly accepted his invitation. Walking closer and grabbing both of Dipper’s knees in a claw-like shape. Dipper’s legs kicked out at her on instinct. Missing her, however, since she stood to the side.
“NONONONOHOHOHO! DOHOHOHON’T!” Wendy hadn’t even began and he was already feeling the phantom sensations. She nodded to Robbie and started squeezing at his kneecaps. Dipper’s laughter went up an octave as a high-pitched squeal echoed through the woods.
“Wohoah. Didn’t know someone could be this ticklish.” Robbie laughed as Dipper groaned through his laughter. Maybe this kid wasn’t so bad after all. Especially if he could take him down with a few knee squeezes.
“Oho yeah. I’ve gotten him a good few times. He deserves it almost everytime though.” Wendy’s fingers moved to behind his knees and that’s when Dipper was about ready to throw in the towel. His struggling was futile. Robbie had a good grip and he knew he wasn’t going to stop until he said what he wanted. And if he didn’t give in now he was gonna die laughing.
“OKAHAY! OKAHAHAHAY! IHI TAHAHAHA- I TAHAHAKE IT BAHAHAHACK!” Dipper managed to say through his cackles. The two finally halted their fingers. Robbie almost just let Dipper fall to the ground before remembering Wendy was there and instead set him down gently. His knees almost buckled from them still tingling. He wrapped his arms around himself and graciously took deep breaths. Man, those two could be ruthless.
“Thahat was soho mehean.” Dipper giggled out. Robbie chuckled and Wendy laughed. The kid could be really adorable when he wasn’t so uptight and hard on himself. She bent down and pulled him into a side hug.
“Oh please, I’ve seen Mabel get you way worse, buddy. Plus, you should really laugh like that more. It’s reheally contagious.“ She punctuated her sentence with a poke to his side causing him to giggle. She stood up and ruffled his hat. Dipper smiled. Still embarrassed about the whole situation, but it reminded him that Wendy doesn’t think he’s uncool.
“Hehe. Thahanks. I guess.” Dipper giggled, putting his hands in his pockets and kicking at the dirt. Wendy grabbed Robbie’s arm and dragged him over to her to hold him against her side.
“You find out he’s ticklish too yet?” Wendy jabbed at Robbie. Both in the literal and metaphorical sense when she poked Robbie’s rib after asking the question. Robbie yelped and slammed his arm down against his side. Now he was the one blushing. Dipper smirked at that. Guess Robbie was just as ticklish as him. Well maybe not as ticklish, but he was ticklish and seemed to also be embarrassed about it.
“I had no idea. But I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Dipper answered Wendy before looking over to Robbie. He smiled and gave Robbie the smuggest little face he could muster. Robbie understood what that meant. He was not going to let him live that down, but he knew Robbie wasn’t going to let him without consequence. And honestly, being tickled was way better than being beaten up. Even if it was in front of Wendy.
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mikasa-stan · 15 days
Block me if you want but I just wanna say how much I hate wend!p. I'm sorry, I just don't find the appeal of it. Dipper is at his worst when he's with Wendy. He's not the usual smart, sassy guy I'm seeing. But with Pacifica, he's basically like himself. He's confident and stands on his ground and that's what makes Dipcifica attractive. There's potential to it unlike wend!p where Dipper is being a simp and Wendy is not reciprocating his feelings, it's just a wishful ship from a 12-year-old boy's fantasy.
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Hopscotch Headache
Description: Gemma invites everyone around for dinner to celebrate a 24year old Jax getting engaged to Wendy, Katherine would be about 10. Katherine is bored grown ups are boring.
Warnings: mentions of blood, injury, swearing and general SOA Warnings
Word Count: 4,782
Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz
Just comment or message me if you want to be added to my SOA taglist or if you want to be removed 😊
♥︎ MainMasterlist ♥︎
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Gemma is cooking as usual, the smell of one of her home cooked meals filling the house. Meanwhile, Jax, Clay, Opie, Chibs and Tig are talking in the living room, but Tig is feeling slightly restless.
With a huff, he looks around at the others who are so focused on their conversation. His gaze moves towards the hall and spots a bored looking Katherine sitting on a chair swinging her legs.
A small smirk forms on his face when he sees her. He then excuses himself for a bit, walking over to where she is sitting. When he gets to her, he sits beside her with a quiet sigh.
"Bored, princess?"
Katherine nods looking down "Mommy says dinner won't be done for ages, and you guys are just talking about boring bike stuff" she groans throwing her head back.
Tig chuckles at her dramatics which remind him of her mother. He looks over at the other guys talking about "bike stuff" and then back at her, not knowing how to entertain a bored ten year old.
"Well, what do you want to talk about, darling?"
"Anything but boring bike stuff"
He can't help but chuckle again at her sassy reply, finding her expression quite adorable, especially when she rolls her eyes. He leans back in the chair, crossing his arms.
"Oh really? And what's so boring about talking about motorcycles, hm?"
He pretends to look offended, faking a hurt expression and scoffing. He quickly changes back to his usual smirk when he notices her pout.
"How on Earth do you think motorcycles are boring anyway? Have you SEEN my Harley?" Tig jokingly asks.
He smiles as she giggles at his little performance. He has definitely mastered the art of making people laugh, which is a bonus during moments like these. He watches as her tiny fingers grip the edge of the seat, her legs once again swinging slightly.
"Well, we can't have the MC princess being bored," he says, slapping his knee.
"What do you wanna do hmm?" He adds poking her side gently.
She lets out another laugh and squirms away from his finger poking her side. She hums in thought for a moment, trying to think of something to do. Her eyes then light up when she thinks of an idea.
"Can you play a game with me, please?" she asks sweetly, giving him a pleading look with her big brown eyes that she no doubt got from her mother.
He can't help but melt a bit when he sees her looking up at him with those big, innocent and hopeful eyes. Who could say no to a face like that? He hums, pretending to think it over.
"I don't know...is it gonna be a fun game?" he asks, resting his chin in his hand and tilting his head, eyeing her curiously.
Katherine nods excitedly, practically jumping up and down on her chair. She puts her hands together and gives him an even more pleading look. It makes her look all the more innocent and adorable, but he knows better than that.
"Please? It won't be that long, I promise," she begs, pouting a bit.
He couldn't resist her anymore. With a heavy sigh, he pretends to be annoyed but can't hold back the smile that's spreading across his face.
"Fine, princess..." he says, rolling his eyes jokingly.
"What game do you want to play, hm?"
"HOPSCOTCH!!! I drew one this morning in the garden all by myself but Jaxie wouldn't play with me said it was boring....but you will right?"
Tig has to try hard not to laugh at this. Of course she wanted to play hopscotch, of all the things she could have picked. He nods and grins.
"Of course, doll. We can play hopscotch."
She squeals happily, clapping her hands together and jumping up off her chair. She grabs his hand in her small ones and all but drags him through the house towards the back door.
"C'mon, c'mon! Let's go, let's go!"
The others look on amused as Tig is dragged through the living room by the much smaller Katherine holding back some chuckles. Jax watches the scene with a raised eyebrow but Tig shoots him a look that just says "Don't even think about it." He continues to allow her to drag him outside while he can still hear the laughs from the other guys behind them.
They make their way outside to the garden, where Tig looks down and notices a makeshift hopscotch grid drawn on the concrete in colorful chalk surrounded by doodles of flowers and smiley faces. He looks back at her, raising an eyebrow.
"You made this by yourself, doll?" he asks as they approach the hopscotch grid
Katherine nods, looking proud of herself, as she should. For a ten-year old to make that all by herself is pretty impressive.
"Yep! I made it all by myself!" She grins, letting go of his hand, and steps up to start playing. She looks back at him expectantly.
"C'mon! you can go first!" She hands him a pebble at closer inspection the pebble had a small drawing of a pink daisy on it.He couldn't help but smirk as he took the pebble from her with a small chuckle. She is quite the creative kid.
Taking his place behind the starting line, he holds the pebble in between two of his fingers and throws it, his pebble lands on the number 8.
"Watch and learn, princess."
He says jokingly as he skips down the hopscotch, trying his best to keep his face straight and not start laughing while he does it.
Katherine giggles at him as he makes his way through the hopscotch successfully. She covers her mouth trying to keep her laughs in, thinking that Tig looks silly doing it. When he reaches the end, she claps her hands together and smiles up at him happily.
"That was great!" she exclaims. "Now it's my turn!"
Tig bows and motions to the hopscotch with a smirk. "Be my guest" he says with a chuckle. He stands back and watches as she steps up to her mark, her tongue sticking out cutely in concentration.
Her pebble lands on 10 "Ha! ten is bigger than 8 I can beat you!"
Tig gasps in mock surprise, holding his hand dramatically over his heart.
"Oh, no, how will I ever survive this? Being beat by a ten year old, the sheer humiliation of it all!" he says dramatically, grinning widely, but secretly wanting her to win.
Katherine giggles and hops through the rest of the hopscotch, managing to win the game. "Haha! I beat you!"
She sticks her tongue out triumphantly, doing a little dance and a proud smile on her face.
Tig places a hand on his hip and sighs dramatically, pretending to pout again.
"Well, would ya look at that. Beat by a little girl!" He looks over at her, his pout turning into a smirk. "Good job, princess, but don't get too ahead of yourself Im calling for a rematch."
She crosses her arms with a cocky grin on her face, still feeling pretty proud of herself.
"Well go on then, I want to see you try to beat me!" she says with confidence.
He chuckles at her confidence, shaking his head in amusement. He steps up to the starting line once again, taking another pebble from her hand and holding it.
"Alright, doll. You're on." He says with a smirk before tossing the pebble onto the hopscotch, landing on number 8 once more.
He begins to hop through the rows, keeping a straight face to try and not look too ridiculous. He makes it to the end and looks over at her, crossing his arms and grinning.
"Still think ya can beat me, princess? he teases.
Katherine grins at the challenge, determined to come out on top. She takes a deep breath and steps up to her mark once again, her focus completely on the game. She throws her pebble with confidence and watches as it lands on number 9 this time.
"I will win again!" she declares, feeling a mix of determination and competitiveness. she starts hopping and skipping but when she goes to hop over nine she misjudged her landing and her right foot ends up on the pebble causing her foot to slide forward, she falls backwards hitting her head on the hard concrete.
Tig's playful demeanor immediately turns to concern when he notices her misstep, causing her to fall, he lunges forward to catch her but he was to slow. He rushes over and kneels down beside her, his heart racing with worry.
"Katherine! Are you okay, doll?" he asks urgently, carefully lifting her head and inspecting it for any injuries or bumps.
Katherine winces a little bit, rubbing her head gently with her hand."Ouch..my head hurts..."
She pouts, tears welling up in her eyes as she looks up at him, her initial determination now replaced by a mixture of pain and disappointment.
"It's okay your okay I'm just gonna look at your head alright" He touches the back of her head feeling something wet on his hand.
"shit, shit, shit Gemmas gonna kill me for this" He whispers under his breath when he looks at the blood on his hand.
"What's wrong tiggy?" Katherine asks not liking what she was hearing.
"Nothing! nothing is wrong, princess, everything is okay" he says trying to calm her "does your head hurt at all sweetie, do you feel dizzy or like you are going to be sick? It very important that you tell me if you do okay?" Tig says in a soft but serious voice looking her straight in the eyes.
Her eyes widen at his panicked state, her confusion turning to worry.
"My head hurts a little...but I dont feel sick or anything."
She moves to stand up, but he gently holds her shoulders down, his eyes searching her face for any signs of discomfort or impairment.
His grip on her shoulders tightens as he scans her face, relieved that she doesn't appear too dizzy or uncomfortable. He sighs heavily, his anxiety slightly easing.
"Okay, doll, I need you to stay still for a moment, alright."
He glances at her head, noticing a rather large shallow cut, causing his heart to sink a bit, knowing it's gonna cause some problems as she almost definitely needs stitches.
She nods and obeys, staying still as he has asked. She can see that he's still quite worried, and it makes her uneasy.
"Why are you looking at me like that? Is it bad?" she asks quietly, looking up at him with concern etched on her face.
Tigs main focus right now was to keep her calm and not let her see the blood. He takes a deep breath, trying to keep his own worry under control.
"No, no, it's nothing to worry about. Just having another look, that's all."
He tries to sound reassuring, but there's a hint of tension in his voice. He gently reaches to touch her head, trying to assess the extent of the injury.
Katherine winces a little bit as his fingers gently touch the cut area, causing a slight sting.
"Ow..." she says softly, her eyes starting to tear up a bit.
"I want Jaxie" she whimpers
Tigs heart sinks even further, his expression growing even more worried as he sees her starting to cry. He had hoped to keep her calm, but it was becoming clear that she needed her brother's comfort at that moment.
"Easy, doll, easy..." he says softly, trying to soothe her while still checking the cut on her head trying to figure out what to do now.
"Okay I'm going to pick you up and take you inside, but I want you to keep your head as still as you can, okay?"
Katherine nods her head gently, agreeing to his request to keep her head still.
"Okay..." she replies quietly, her voice slightly shaky. She trusts Tig, knowing he's here to help her and take care of her, so she doesn't resist as he picks her up carefully her head on his shoulder and ome arm under her, the other cradling the back of her head to hold it steady.
He holds her close, his arms wrapped securely around her as he carries her back inside the house. He tries to keep his steps as smooth as possible to avoid jarring her head more than necessary.
His expression is serious as he carries her back into the living room, the others still continuing their conversation without noticing the situation. But as soon as they see the blood on his hand, everything changes.
Their eyes widen in alarm, and they immediately stop their discussion, their attention focused solely on Tig and the injured Katherine in his arms.
Tigs eyes are wide he shakes his head looking at Clay. "I'm so sorry man, we were just playing then she slipped on a rock or something I think shes fine but her head has a cut".
Clay's expression immediately turns into concern as he sees the injured Katherine. He steps closer, his eyes scanning her head for the wound.
"What the hell happened, Tig?" he asks, his voice carrying a mix of worry and disbelief.
Tig looks down at Clay, guilt evident on his face. He knew he should have been paying closer attention, but it all happened so quickly. Now he's feeling the full weight of responsibility for the situation.
"I'm sorry, Clay. I was watching her, but she slipped on a rock and hit her head before I could react." he says, his voice filled with regret.
Clay sighs and runs a hand over his face, the situation weighing heavily on him. He turns to Tig, his expression stern but not angry. "I want you to explain fully what happened, Tig. I need to know how this happened under your watch."
Tig nods, swallowing hard as he takes a deep breath to gather his thoughts.
"We were playing hopscotch, and she was doing great. I was watching her closely, but she landed a little awkwardly and her foot slipped on a rock, causing her to fall backwards and hit her head on the concrete.
He looks down at Katherine, guilt still etched on his face.
"I tried to catch her, but it all happened so fast."
"Alright, Chibs, how's she looking?" Clay turns to Chibbs hoping it's nothing too serious. Chibbs carefully examines the wound on Katherine’s head, his expression serious. He gently probes around the area, checking for any signs of further damage or swelling.
"She's got a pretty decent cut, it's fairly deep. It needs stitches for sure."Chibbs says, his tone matter-of-fact.
She flinched at one of his touches. "Sorry love you are doing so well" Chibs trys to sooth her as he directs Tig to turn around so he can see her face.
"there ye are I'm going to need you to follow my finger with your eyes do not move your head alright can ye do tha for me hun?"
Katherine nods as best as she can without causing any further pain. She follows Chibs' finger with her eyes, doing her best to keep her head still as instructed. Her eyes water a bit, but she remains focused and cooperative.
Chibs nods, appreciating her cooperation.
"Good girl." He continues to assess her pupils, looking for any signs of dilation or any other potential issues in her vision.
Clay stands nearby, his eyes flickering between Tig, Katherine, and Chibs, his worry evident.
Jax is standing behind chibs's shoulder watching too. Chibs continues to examine Katherine, checking her pupils one last time before finally speaking up.
"Her eyes seem fine, pupils are reacting normally. Nothing to worry about in that regard," he says, relief evident in his voice.
"Jaxie I want Mommy, Where's Mommy?" Katherine whines her head hurting and not liking all the attention she is getting*
Everyone froze at the mention of Gemma, they forgot about Gemma. Jax exchanged a worried look with the other men, knowing that dealing with an upset Gemma was going to be a difficult task.
Tig looked down at Katherine, feeling the weight of the situation even more heavily on his shoulders.
Clay glanced at Tig, a mixture of worry and irritation in his eyes. He knew that Gemma was likely going to be furious with them for not keeping a closer eye on Katherine.
"We could go around the side of the house pop to the nearest ER and come back she doesn't need to know" Tig thinks out loud.
"Oh yeah and when she comes back with stitches in her head what are we gonna say huh? Idiot" Jax says slapping Tig upside his head.
Tig looks at Jax, his expression growing more frustrated. "You got a better idea, genius? She's gonna find out either way, and I'd rather avoid having her rip my balls off my body for not watching her better."
Clay steps in, his voice low and stern.
"Enough. This isn't helping."
He turns to Tig and Jax, his expression serious. "We're not hiding anything from Gemma. This is our daughter, and she's going to find out if we like it or not. Besides, she needs stitches, and we can't just patch her up ourselves."
Tig sighs, knowing that Clay is right. Gemma will find out regardless, and trying to hide it will only make the situation worse.
"Fine. But let's at least get the stitches done before we tell her. Maybe she'll be less pissed if it's already taken care of."
"Guys, dinner is almost ready if you wanna help set the table and....what going on" Gemma walks into the room pausing when she sees them all crowded around something
They all freeze not sure on what to do or say
"Mommy?" Kathrine calls out
Everyone who isn't Tig takes a big step back, not wanting to be in her way when she sees the blood, Tig looks like he's seen a ghost.
Clay takes a deep breath, knowing this is not going to be an easy situation to handle. He slowly starts to explain the situation, his voice carrying a hint of hesitation.
"Gem, there's been a little accident..."
As the words leave his mouth, Gemma's eyes immediately dart to Katherine, taking in her injured state. Her expression shifts from confusion to worry and then to anger as she steps closer.
"What the hell happened?" she demands, her voice sharp and authoritative, her gaze fixating on Tig.
Tig swallows hard, feeling the full weight of Gemma's anger fall on him. He knows he's the one responsible for what happened and steels himself for the inevitable barrage of fury, taking a deep breath before replying.
"We were playing hopscotch outside, and she fell. Hit her head on the concrete. I was watching her, but it all happened so fast, Gem. I'm so sorry."
"Mommy, my head hurts" Katherine pipes up her lip quivering.
Gemma's expression softens slightly as she looks at her injured daughter, her anger momentarily eclipsed by concern. She gently steps forward, carefully running her fingers over her daughter's head, assessing the injury.
"Shh, baby, it's okay. Mommy's here."
She shoots a glare in Tig's direction, her anger returning.
"Ill deal with you later"
She turns to her husband "bring my car round the front we need to get her to the ER" Clay nods and quickly heads outside to get Gemma's car ready without argument. The others stand quietly, sensing the tension in the room, knowing better than to interfere.
Tig stands off to the side, guilt weighing heavily on him as he watches Gemma take charge. He knows that he's in for a world of hurt once she turns her attention back to him.
Katherine reaches out her arms wanting comfort from her mom. Gemma picks her up off of Tig carefully, a mixture of anger and worry etched on her face as she holds her daughter closely.
"It's alright, sweetheart. We're gonna go somewhere where they will make you feel better, okay?"
She places a gentle kiss on her daughter's head before turning her gaze back to Tig, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger and blame. But she says nothing and takes Katherine to the car
The others decide dinner can wait and get on there bikes to follow Clay driving Gemmas car, taking the lead the rest giving her a escort of sorts, they want to show their support and be there for Katherine.
Clay drives while Gemma sits in the backseat, cradling Katherine carefully to make sure she's comfortable. The others follow closely on their bikes, creating a tight-knit group around the car as they make their way to the ER.
In the backseat, Katherine rests her head on her mother's shoulder, still a bit shaken and in pain. Gemma holds her hand tightly, offering her comfort and reassurance, while also throwing occasional glares towards the window where Tig is visible, he wanted to stay close to Katherine he felt responsible.
"Please, don't be mad at Tiggy Mommy he helped me, no one wanted to play with me but he did, it was my fault I fell, but he made sure I was okay and took me inside" Katherine says looking pleadingly at her mom. Gemma listens to her daughter's words, her expression softening slightly.
Katherine has always been kind and selfless, and it's clear that he was trying to do the right thing in her eyes. But Gemma's anger is still there, lingering like a storm ready to blow over.
"I know he was trying to help, baby. But he should have been watching you more closely."
"But he was watching...it was an accident"
"Okay baby...I'm not mad I'm just upset you got hurt is all"
"so....you aren't gonna yell at him?"
Gemma sighs, a mixture of frustration and understanding in her eyes. She pauses for a moment before replying, her voice softer than before. "No, baby, I won't yell at him. But he needs to understand that what happened was a result of his lack of supervision."
She casts a sidelong glance at Tig through the window, her expression still stern and disapproving but lacking the intense anger from before.
time skip
all the men are in the ER waiting room while Gemma is with Katherine while she is getting stitches, Clay was with them but got asked to wait outside after threatening the nurse who gave her a needle "more aggressive than necessary" because Katherine winced.
Tig is nervous his leg bouncing Clay, sitting next to him, notices Tig's nervousness and gives him a disapproving look.
"Calm down, man. You're not the one in there gettin' stitched up."
Tig looks over at Clay, his eyes filled with guilt.
"I know, I just... I feel terrible. She was having fun, and then she got hurt, and it's my fault we should have played a different game like snakes and ladders or some shit then she wouldn't have got hurt."
Jax shakes his head, his voice firm but empathetic. "I get it, man, but you can't change what happened. Beating yourself up about it won't help her, or you. Just learn from it and make sure this doesn't happen again."
Chibs chimes in, his tone serious yet understanding. "Jax is right. Dwelling on the what-ifs won't fix anything. She's gonna be alright, and that's what matters. Focus on being more careful next time lad."
Tig nods, taking in their words of advice. He knows they're right, but it doesn't ease the guilt that's eating away at him. He runs a hand through his hair, his mind still replaying the incident over and over again thinking about what he should have done differently.
The men continue to sit in silence for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts.
Katherine comes running in from one of the doors "Jaxie, look! look! they gave me stickers"
Jax' face lights up at the sound of his sister's voice, his gaze shifting to her as she approaches with a handful of colorful stickers jumping into his lap.
"Hey, that's awesome, Kitty. Let's see what you got there."
Gemma walks through the doors next paperwork in hand. "They gave her 4 stitches we need to come back to get them taken out but other than that she's fine" she says to all of them in a motherly tone.
The tension in the air eases a bit as the good news is shared. Clay lets out a sigh of relief, glad that his little girl is alright.
"That's good to hear. She's a tough kid."
He say looking over at Katherine.
Tig's expression mirrors everyone's relief, but he still looks slightly guilty. He stands wanting to apologise again but Gemma raises her hand to stop him from talking. She slowly walks upto him a stern look on her face. Everyone stares in anticipation waiting to see what she does.
(apart from Katherine who is still admiring her new stickers)
Tig braces himself ready to be yelled at or hit but nothing happens for awhile until he feels her arms wrap around his neck in a hug.
"Thankyou Tiggy for being there for her and making sure she was okay....i dont know what i would have done if no one was around when she got hurt"
She pulls back noticing the shocked look on his and everyone's faces
"what? She's a kid they get hurt but they bounce back no child grows up without some sort of cut or bump along the way its just what they do"
Everyone stares in surprise, speechless at Gemma's display of gratitude and understanding. Tig, in particular, looks stunned, his eyes wide with disbelief. He had expected anger, or at least some form of punishment, but this...
Opie breaks the surprised silence, his voice filled with astonishment. "I think we all thought you were gonna rip his balls off"
"Language!!" Gemma says automatically she has been trying to get the club to be more considerate of their words around Katherine. Opie chuckles nervously, quickly apologizing to Gemma.
Jax shoots a cheeky smile at Tig, still trying to process what just happened.
"Damn, Tig, seems like you got a free pass this time."
Chibs grins, joining in on the playful banter towards Tig.
"Yeah, mate. I guess all it takes to get away with something is our little Kat."
"Yeah, I i'll keep her around more often"
*Gemma swats at tig after his comment laughing*
"Tiggy look I got some Winnie the pooh ones and this ones called Tigger that's like your name....you should have it ...Oh I know let's stick it on your bike ...that would make it less boring" she says trying to drag him but he's not budging
"My bike?"
Tig looks pleadingly at his fellow brothers, silently begging for help, but they all just nod their heads and chuckle, clearly enjoying his discomfort. Even Clay can't help but smirk.
Jax leans back in his chair, a smug expression on his face.
"Sounds like a good idea to me. Why not personalize your bike a bit, Tiggy?"
"Yeah!, and Jaxie you can have the Eeyore one, Chibs can have the Roo one, I got lots enough for everyone....and don't worry Daddy when we get home you have have this big Pooh bear one for your bike" she leans forward whispering "he's the most important one"
*their grins drop and they all look to Gemma for help she shrugs her sholder and turn to Katherine
"That's a wonderful idea sweetheart, don't you guys agree? How thoughtful she is that she'd give her special doctor's stickers to you all" she emphasises the word doctor to guilt them a lttle.
The men exchange glances, unable to argue with Gemma's logic. They know they can't say no to her offering them such a genuine and sweet gesture.
Jax sighs in fake resignation.
"Oh man, I guess I have to take the Eeyore sticker. But don't expect me to act all depressed like him, alright?"
Chibs grins, playing along.
"Aye, I'll gladly take the Roo sticker. It's a bit more exciting than Eeyore anyway."
"Yay! Come on ill help you all stick them on in a good spot, come on Tiggy you first then Jaxie"
Tig sighs in defeat, realizing there's no way out of this. He lets Katherine lead him towards the bikes, the others following behind, each man sporting a resigned expression, yet secretly enjoying the girl's enthusiasm.
"Alright, let's get this over with," Tig mutters, trying to feign indifference.
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ticklishthoughts1 · 3 months
This goofball. That’s the main thought in my brain whenever I’m talking to you. You’re so silly, and of course I have to match your silly, and I love it. I know you like it too, which is good. At least, from the way you laugh. Problem is, your laugh could substitute for Ambrosia, and the Greek gods wouldn’t even notice. It makes me so ler, I don’t know what to do with myself. So of course, I go with the most blunt way possible:
“Can I tickle you?”. I don’t respect the swift response, and it makes my eyes widen slightly. That’s-different. Not an ounce of hesitation. Cute, but flustering. I start with a poke or two or ten to the sides, and-there it is. That giggle. I grin, and the apprehensiveness melts. Somehow, I end up pinning you, straddling your waist, and tickling your tummy with ferocity, my fingers dancing over the middle area like they had practiced the motions for years-and perhaps they had. While the swift digits work their ticklish magic, I lock eyes, and mutter a tease of some sort, grinning wider still as you try to retort throughout the laughter. Still playful. It’s all a game, after all. A game I adore playing with you. Puns fly, even though you seem to consider yourself better than me at them, which you simply can’t be, considering I toy with your hips every time you approach a punch line, completely ruining it. The banter is glorious, and sometimes I slow down enough for you to talk just to hear it. “WAHAHAHAIT NOHO” “I’m not a waiter, I’m a cashier, this is a Wendy’s sir” “NOHO IHITS A MCDOHONAHAHALDS” “explains why you’re loving this” “SHUHUT UHUHUHUP” “BUT I HAVENT TAKEN YOUR ORDER”. You make some particularly sassy remark, and I up the speed, making it so you can’t continue it. Of course, you take this as a challenge, and end up sputtering a response anyway, which is adorable of you. We end up joking around like this for a while, until I decide you’re too cute not to, and my hands go from your belly to your wrists. I can tell you look confused, and I shrug, smirking evilly. “Feeling a bit peckish.” My smile grows at the lee panic in your voice, as I bend down and begin to lightly nip and nom at your tummy, making ‘tickle monster sounds’ as I go, because they’re silly and I know you love them. “OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!” Deciding to be even sillier, I adopt a Cookie Monster voice, except instead of Cookies I say giggles, and keep going. At this point, I must have been tickling you for at least half an hour. I look up at your face. Bright red, but also….happy. Relaxed. Playful. I let you catch your breath, running my fingers over your sides and ribs ever so gently, and make sure you’re okay. Once I make sure you are…..I get right back to tickling. Your squeal of sUpRiSe-or is that excitement? Only makes me want to keep going. I begin to adopt a VERY teasy voice, going “it tickles? Yeah? Oh that’s my bad, cutie, I am so very sorry that it tickles, if only you didn’t like it so much!” And mimicking your laugh, then laughing myself, a small slightly sadistic chuckle. I start absolutely tickling the fuck out of you, no mercy, and this time I’m silent. Just grinning at you, watching you squirm and laugh under me. My adorable little lee. Sometimes, you make me cherry red, even when I’m the one tickling, so it feels nice to have the ability to turn the tables so absolutely. More than that though, I feel a bit proud. I’M the one making you explode into laughter and movement right now. It’s MY fingers teasing your spots in all the right ways. I’m making you happy, and I couldn’t be happier about it. You’re so fucking cute.
Some hours later, because there’s no way I could tickle you for less unless you asked me to stop, My fingers finally slow to a stop, massaging instead. Your tummy is quite literally trembling, and I giggle a bit. Mayyyybe a little much on my end, but you liked it. The hands that were 5 minutes ago devilish little teases, are now insanely gentle, wiping away the tears of mirth, massaging everywhere, grabbing your shoulders to pull you into a hug. I press your head into a my chest, rocking side to side slightly, and mutter, a hint of playful amusement still in my voice:
“love ya, dork”
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batterygarden · 2 years
even more bf Denji hcs
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Part 3; F!reader, suggestive moment MDNI, college age, very miscellaneous
m.list , part 1, part 2
One time you were complaining about your lower back aching all day and Denji was sick of it. “I could just crack your back right now and ya wouldn’t have to be hurting.” “Denji you’re not a chiropractor, it’s fine.” “A what? Here, just turn around.” You hesitantly faced the other way and Denji swiftly karate chopped your spine so hard it knocked the wind out of you. Then somehow your back did feel kinda better.
Animals absolutely love this man. Kids too. It kinda hurts your feelings that they seem to forget you’re there the second Denji walks in a room, but there’s just something about his energy that has them gravitating. Even your own kin!! Your own little cousins and family members. Like you’ll show up to a dinner without him and when they see you’re alone it’s all frowns and “Where’s Denji? Why didn’t he come?” 
Sometimes Denji’s openness with strangers leads to the wrong idea, and, occasionally, Denji will get hit on despite having a girlfriend. If no one else is there to notice, he honestly just gives a polite yet firm “I have a girlfriend.” in response. But on one occasion it happened while you were standing next to him, and, not wanting you to feel jealous, Denji crossed his arms and scowled. “Can’t ya see my lover standing right here?? Get lost, champ! I’d never be interested in you or anyone but her! >:-(“ 
The person promptly apologized and left. “Denji.. I’m glad you’re loyal but you didn’t have to do all that.” 
Denji has to mumble sorry in between kisses when he accidentally bites you. “No it’s okay, I like a little biting!” “Oh yeah?” He smirks then deliberately chomps hard on your lower lip. ”Ow! Not like that.” “sorry.” 
He is a talented sleeper! Before he met you, you could have named any location and Denji would have claimed to be able to nap there. Now that you’re in the picture though, Denji’s gotten a little more high maintenance. He still thinks he could fall asleep anywhere—but now it’s only if you’re there too. Denji feels your absence, he can’t relax the same way he used to be able to without you. So he has to be really tired and in a comfy bed to fall asleep somewhere you’re not. 
Speaking of sleep, napping together is one of Denji’s love languages. You have to be cuddling though, or at the very least holding hands, or else it isn’t the same. Denji’s favorite napping position is one where his head’s on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. He’s always happy spooning too. 
“Y’smell kinda nice.” Oh yeah? Only kinda? “No no very nice. Like, you smell like uhh.. that freezuh stuff you use.” My freesia perfume?? Thanks.
He’s a sassy texter for certain :(
You text him you won’t be home for another 30 minutes and he thumbs down the message and sends back “ugh! 😒” 
“If there was a zombie apocalypse I’d so die cause of you.” “Huh!” “I just know we’d be fucking scavenging in some old supermarket and I’d be getting us food and weapons and you’d be riskin’ it all to try and stock up on your see-rah vay face wash or somethin’” “You mean my Cera Ve cleanser??” 
He’d rent one of those electric scooters to ride around town and then immediately crash it. You have to make him wear a helmet next time. 
He narrates random things he’s doing. He did it all the time growing up with Pochita, and old habits die hard. You find it endearing! Sometimes it’s just mumbling “okay now I’m gonna get dish soap and put some on the plate… and now we gotta scrub it clean..” 
He’s careful as hell when trying out new kinks with you. He doesn’t want to hurt you and he cares so much that you’re comfortable!! Like if you’re asking for some bdsm he’s down to try! He is kinky too! But like… constant check-ins at first. And a safe word for sure. 
He will EAT UP some deez nuts jokes 😞. The day you were craving a Wendy’s frosty around him was the day you lost peace.
A mall trip with Denji… oh my god he’d have a ball. Getting Cinnabon and trying on a million pairs of shoes—there’s so much to do! Then you start tugging his hand towards the Victoria’s Secret and his cheeks almost burn off. He pretends like he’s been in there before and it’s no big deal but his brain is on red alert Where am I supposed to look??? 
Like he’s touched underwear before! While doing laundry and while looking for things in your dresser and most importantly while you were wearing it, but he can’t help but feel like a perv doing it in public. So when you ask him to “feel how soft this bra is,” he has to triple check no one is paying attention to him first.
This man is a board game CHEATER. And he’s never ever as sneaky about it as he thinks he is. He’ll ask you to leave the room to get something for him at the most convenient times and you’ll come back to missing chess pieces or your hand of cards laying in a different position. If Power is there she’s an automatic co-conspirator; you may as well give up and admit defeat the easy way. 
He’s convinced you have magic kisses—and maybe it’s a placebo situation but your lips do seem to carry healing properties for him. His headaches will go away. His sinuses will clear. He’ll get a boost of energy. You can always motivate him with them. If he was stuck in the desert for thirty days he’d take a kiss from you before taking water. 
kinda short but im thinkin im going to try and post csm stuff at least every csm tuesday! also sorry i've been slow on requests--I appreciate them and am working on them just slow bc im busy! I updated info ab those in masterlist <3
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ok gang where do i fucking start
the oversexualization of women of color (yara shahidi is black, choctaw and iranian)
how a blasian-indigenous woman existing (she is in only 2-3 shots of the trailer, all of which she is just sitting there or standing and smiling, not doing anything) is more sexual than the 50s white tinkerbell having an entire scene dedicated to her staring at her own ass
yara shahidi turned twenty-three this month, and filming took place from march-august 2021, with reshoots in february 2-8 2022, right before her 22nd birthday, so she was TWENTY-ONE while filming. a lot of people on twt rn are bringing up the 2003 peter pan as a comparison– which is fair, it slaps– but their (white) tinkerbell was ~twenty-four. once upon a time’s (white) tinker bell was also ~twenty-four when her first season aired. the original plans for a live-action peter pan would have contracted reese witherspoon to play tink, who is in her late forties.
there are other things to complain about without being racist, you know. bitch about how they, once again, need to turn on a fucking light so we can see shit. how they should saturate literally anything. but for the love of god, disney’s tink* being a woc is not the end of the world
*there are ofc obvious concerns with the original book and film’s Tink being the “sassy, jealous, impulsive one”, but from the trailer it seems that they are leaning more towards her late 2000s-early 2010s more sanitized characterization. We see that the bit of her tricking the Lost Boys into shooting Wendy down has been replaced by the pirates hitting Wendy instead, so likely her jealousy will be severely downplayed if not removed completely.
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Gravity Falls Headcanon: Emo Big Bro
So, ya know how Wendy is like the cool big sis to Dipper, especially after he gets over his crush towards her?
Well, I like to think its something similar with Robbie and Mabel, where they have a big brother/little sister type of dynamic. Robbie would even ask her which nail polish looks great on him or how his eyeliner looks when he's experimenting with his looks and, in turn, watches horror flicks with Mabel, even movies meant for kids. (They both like Coraline)
Any future romantic partner for Mabel should not only watchout for a twin who isn't afraid to punch their lights out for Mabel, a grunkle who would do the same while making shitty jokes, another grunkle who knows over 50 different torture methods and some of them aren't from their dimension, a sassy daughter of a lumberjack with an ax...
They should also worry about the son of two morticians.
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💸 here's some cash can we have sassy Wendy quotes
Gajeel: Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Wendy: That doesn't narrow it down.
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bumpscosity · 1 year
In and out is like five guys’s weird conservative cousin
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Dude, My Babysitter Is A Ghost AU
AKA the Gravity Falls Danny Phantom crossover, and why it should have more content because IMAGINE the HIJINKS:
First, the sheer fucking Horror of Vlad and Gideon meeting, can you EVEN imagine?!?
But then also imagine the stupidest triangle in the world with; Stan trying to scam Vlad out of his money, Vlad trying to scam Ford out of his ideas, and Ford helping Mable matchmake his brother the con with the other scammer.
Why? well - "They'll kill each other or they'll kiss, maybe both." "Sounds romantic!" "Sounds disgusting, actually. But at least they'll leave me alone so, let's do it." "That's the spirit, sorta! Great to have you on board Grunkle Ford!"
Then you have Sam interacting with the teen squad and she fucking hates Robbie for being such a poser and a jerk, she barely gets along with any of them tbh except obviously Wendy and, perhaps less obviously, Thompson.
It's nor like Danny and Tucker don't hang out with the teen squad, but they've got their own things going on.
Danny has his hands full with the twins and their friends, not to mention the mystery shack as a whole.
Tucker took an apprenticeship with McGucket and now they are so ahead of the curve it's wild.
Jazz bonds with Wendy over being older sisters and with Dipper and Ford over science, but real goal is to help the town.
After the "never mind all that" act was repelled, people have been able to talk about their weirdmageddon experiences.
However, talking about it brought back unpleasant memories, and with the blind eye society gone those memories were there to stay.
That meant having to deal with supernatural trauma, for the first time in the case of many people in gravity falls, and luckily as a resident of Amity Park and a student of psychology, she wants to offer her support in any way she can.
Her help is not professional but it's very useful and she's about the only expert on the subject, able to help both the human townies who have dealt with the supernatural, and the supernatural residents witn their own complex issues.
Pacifica takes ass kicking lessons from Valerie and learns how to go from rich bitch who bosses people around to do her dirty work for her, to bad bitch who takes charge of her own life, can handle situations and gets 👏🏻 shit 👏🏻 done👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.
She also recognizes Sam as Fellow old money with mommy and daddy issues and a crush on a nerdy loser dork who's too cute and smart and sassy for their soft hearts, despite their rough exterior, so they have an ✨️understanding✨️
There's so much more I can say, but I'll leave it here for now.
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swoosbadfuture · 6 months
ian mckinley (FD3) is autistic here's why
i orginally wrote this for twitter for autism awareness day but my friend said to post it on tumblr so . throws this to the masses no particular order im kinda just rambling . i have autism myself a lot of this will be relating to My personal exprience being autistic and why Ian sticks out to me and is a character I feel seen by :) -- Ian seems to have low empathy for others. Not that he doesn't care - he very much does and I will get to that too - but rather he struggles to relate to people on an emotional level prefering to use logic instead of emotion. Hell his first line in the movie is he alongside Erin trying to reassure Wendy that she'll be fine on the rollercoaster.
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Though unlike Jason, their approach is more logic and reason based. Using facts and logic to communicate their point > saying something like "hey, it's okay to feel scared, but you'll be fine". And like many autistic people including myself who do this it's kinda regarded as him being rude/a smartass by those around him. When his intentions were entirely the opposite and he was actually just trying to be helpful.
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Something personally I relate to a lot. I've been told countless times that I "don't need to be a smartass" when just trying to use logic to deflate a problem because, to me, it makes more sense than being emotional about it.
Ian trying to find logic in things is shown again in the scene where Wendy and Kevin come to warn he and Erin about death's design. Ian is completely opposed to the idea that death could possibly be a thinking or feeling entity. Again he isn't trying to be a smartass or be sassy about it, just trying to work out what the fuck Wendy and Kevin are on about because to him? It makes no logical sense.
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He's very rooted in his beliefs and even when he choses to humour Wendy and Kevin he still takes a logical approach and tries to make sense of it in a way that makes sense to him. Even coming up with a solution that would seem most logical.
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And yet again, he's treated like a bit of an asshole for it. It's not like he grabbed Wendy and shook her and told her to die no he just accepts this. He might have low empathy but he's still understanding.
Ian actually seems to care a lot about people. Especially Erin, who he's closest to in the movie, but this care extends even to Ashley and Ashlyn. Who he very likely wasn't friends with judging by how he and Erin laugh at them when they try to invite Wendy to the tanning salon.
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But he cares, still, and has a very strong sense of justice. His interruption at the funeral is a prime example of this. You can see him dwelling on it for a moment before he speaks. He's not speaking up because he wants the attention, he's not trying to cause drama, he's just upset. Because to him, even as people who he wasn't close with, Ashley and Ashlyn's deaths were unfair and the fact that someone is trying to suggest otherwise just set him off.
If he was doing it for attention or to cause drama he would've put up more of a fight when Kevin and Lewis got him to leave. But he doesn't. He's probably pretty aware that what he did was wrong but the need to speak up outweighed that in the moment. Something again that I can relate to heavily. If something is unfair you will know about it. And people with autism often have strong senses of justice.
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Ian also has very few people he's close with. Erin being his closest friend possibly even Only. Hence why her death impacted him as much as he did. He may not have been Wendy's best friend or anything but he did trust her and get along with her. So when Erin dies - a death that only occurs because Wendy interrupted his death causing it to skip to Erin - it feels like a betrayal. An injustice against someone he cared deeply about.
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And that feeling of betrayal coupled with the fact Erin died so awfully is what drives him to act so irrationally.
His whole thing at the tricentennial was almost like a meltdown or at the very least an all-reason-out-the-window moment and god as someone who's autistic and frequently misunderstood by people / misunderstanding people leading to moments of severe anger and lashing out... i get it man i get you Ian.
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Think. Erin died horribly less than 24 hours ago. It's fresh in his mind. He's focused so so heavily on Wendy being there, thinking about how unfair it is. Wondering "Why could Wendy save me but not Erin?". He's acting irrationally, he isn't thinking. Hell he sounds like he's on the verge of crying. And again I get it I GET that. When I feel something wrong has been done to me / someone I love I tend to fixate on that person and place blame onto them and act very irrationally about it.
Lastly I'm also 99% sure Ian never makes direct eye contact with anyone in this movie for longer than 5 seconds. So.
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He's just a bit silly and him being autistic means a lot 2 me. end of thread . god hes just like me for real.
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realcube · 2 months
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✦ for @4unnyr0se
✦ tw: i have no clue what i'm talking about
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BAKUGO KATSUKI — my hero academia
✦ hmm i imagine his love language starts out as quality time but when you guys get more comfortable together (and he gets busier with pro hero work) it'll become physical touch
✦ and you're gift giving love language makes you so compatible with him because he's accept the gift like 'thanks.. i guess??' but inside his heart is racing and he'd keep all the trinkets you give him in a small box in his cupboard that he secretly cherishes but (unlike physical touch or words of affirmation etc) it means he gets to keep his 'tough guy' look in front of you
✦ also something i noticed is the nicknames you give lmao
✦ 'pookie princess' I'M DEAD imagining you call bakugo that 😭
✦ he'd be so angry yet so flustered
✦ also the fact you are a sarcastic is good but you're going to need that wit to combat bakugo's mouthiness lol
✦ omg and when something annoying happens, like a fast food place getting your order wrong or the delivery driver dropping it off at the wrong address, bakugo would be immediately pissed and you'd be like a voice of reason trying to calm him down but as soon as those workers try to get sassy with you two, chaos ensues lol
✦ like everyone else would know you are a couple not to be messed with
✦ so competitive and would try to out-spice you all the time and lose 💔
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OSAMU DAZAI — bungo stray dogs
✦ i literally have not watched bsd in so long
✦ but i do think this man fits the majority of your criteria
✦ bc in terms of personality, you are kinda similar to kunikida (smart but scary at times)
✦ but with qualities that would help you and dazai get on a lot better than how he does with kunikida (like you're sarcastic and he would find that so charming. and a lot less serious, for example, how you'd rather do a casual house date than a formal one)
✦ dazai is shocked when you invite him to your house bc thats probably his first ever date that's not in a bar LOL
✦ but good idea to keep him in your house and away from other woman.. with the way that man behaves
✦ but what shocks him even more is home much he enjoys himself like??
✦ so lowkey yet so romantic and intimate, and you're so much fun to talk to so he doesn't get bored for even a second
✦ he's a changed man 😌 (kinda)
✦ the only thing is that you said you didn't want to date clown and unfortunately dazai is the ultimate clown..
✦ but you can change him!! you did it once, after all
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TŌRU OIKAWA — haikyuu!!
✦ ok maybe i'm on drugs but HERE ME OUTTT
✦ you said you give good advice and TRUST this man needs it
✦ you are like the whole reason he hasn't taken a selfie with his middle finger up and tagged the whole swedish adlers team (#i'm so done with you nerds #kawa-chan out!)
✦ omg and we've seen how he is with iwa
✦ so when you get angry on his behalf (after he tells you about the audacity of first year tobio kageyama, or the whole 'should've come to shiratorizawa' thing) and you start angrily tweeting, he's like 'yes! let them have it!'
✦ you're his little demon angel
✦ that he sends off to beef with people for him
✦ and yes ofc he will listen to you bitch and complain!! literally what he was made for and he hangs on every single word
✦ i can imagine y'all doing a spa day bc you've had a shitty week , so you're complaining about it while he is applying some sort of paste mask to your face (while he's got one on too), and he's nodding along and agreeing with every single thing you say
✦ and if you have beef with a person in particular , like a specific co-worker that's annoying or a particularly terrible teacher, he automatically hates them too
✦ EVEN if you don't hate them
✦ 'and then wendy said—'
✦ 'UGH wendy. i hate that bitch. such a moron. and a loser for what she said to you.'
✦ 'haha it's okay, tōru. i'm kinda over it.'
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MORISUKE YAKU — haikyuu!!
✦ the husband of all husbands. you're favourite blorbo's favourite blorbo.
✦ can't talk about this man for too long before i start foaming at the mouth so this is brief
✦ BUT i think it's funny how he's kinda the opposite of you in a sense that he's very easy to piss off , however he isn't very intimidating when he's mad
✦ meanwhile you're not as quickly ticked off , however when you do get mad, you're super scary
✦ that would make for power couple vibes
✦ also the tiny trinkets you give him will be kept in his jersey while he plays for good luck <333
✦ (but he doesn't need a good luck charm as long as you are there to support him at his games!!)
✦ his love language his probably mainly quality time or acts of service
✦but once he gets russian super league money , he will most definitely become a gift giver too
✦ he will get you one of those really expensive drawing tablets
✦ and all the cooking supplies you could ever need
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KAORU HITACHIIN — ouran highschool host club
✦ of the two twins he's definitely more mature and (argubly) smart which would suit you
✦ also less psychology troubled of the two ....
✦ he's not used to girls being 'smartasses' and sarcastic but most girls at the club were very doting and not like that at all
✦ so he's charmed by how different you are
✦ he likes that you get him gifts, he thinks its cute and he treasures them
✦ and he likes to get you "lil trinkets" too except he's obscenely rich so the trinkets in question are like... swarovski crystals and antique pendants that probably cost for than a house
✦ has never been on a casual, stay-at-home takeaway date
✦ is shocked amazed by all of it , every aspect
✦ 'so you .. order the food from your phone? how does that work? does it summon a waiter to your door who will take our order?'
✦ 'the food is on it's way?? how?? it's only been twenty minutes since we placed our order.. they couldn't have made it that fast.'
✦ 'why is the sauce yellow??? is it supposed to be that colour??' he asks while dubiously prodding the chip with a fork
✦ would choke down takeaway food for your sake so you don't think he's fussy, but still prefers your cooking ;)
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KAIDOU SHUN — the disastrous life of saiki k
✦ would listen to you complain about all your problems but would unlimately blame it all on dark reunion
✦ in awe of absolutely anything and everything you draw
✦ BEGS you on his hands and knees to draw him a cool pose and/or teach him how to draw as good as you
✦ and handle the heat of your cooking but would never admit it because he wants you to think he's all badass and can take anything
✦ so when he's eating your food , he's like visibly bright red and sweating but when you ask him how it is, he'll just nod and go '😁👍'
✦ bc you know him so you secretly lower the spice of the meals by a little bit , every time you cook for him
✦ so he thinks he's quickly getting used to the spice levels, but really you're just making it less spicy lol
✦ it makes him feel manly tho !!
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CHOSO — jjk
✦ i've never seen jjk so this is based off of vibes + trin the weirdo skits haha
✦ so pls tell me if i'm spreading misinformation
✦ but this guys seems chill asf
✦ would appreciate a calm, takeaway and pjs date
✦ not interested in anything you're interested in but he's not interested in very many things so don't take it personally
✦ doesn't seem funny either but he's funny looking so close enough
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for @4unnyr0se: so sorry i haven't seen aot, jjk or black clover (#fake anime fan 😔) so there are probably some from shows you've never seen before lol , but hopefully i introduced you to some new faves?? anyway this was fun eeee
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