mikasa-stan · 10 hours
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The sweater duo bonding time!
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mikasa-stan · 10 hours
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Reblog for sample size and also tell me why in the tags. I want violence. I want discourse. I want bloodshed
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mikasa-stan · 10 hours
There are two types of people
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mikasa-stan · 10 hours
What if Stan lost his memories and would only regain them for years for who knows how long he lives? Now it's Ford's turn of losing a brother with an uncertainty of when he's coming back. What if when Stan regains his memories but that was his final day and Ford can never fully reconcile his relationship with him.
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mikasa-stan · 12 hours
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mikasa-stan · 14 hours
I hate this ship bc it gets in the way of my ship.
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mikasa-stan · 15 hours
Need to reblog again. This comic is so cute 🥺💖
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stanley pines deserved to be a dad, it's not even fair 😭
based off this dialogue in the 3ds game
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mikasa-stan · 15 hours
Hi! This is my first time asking something, but i had to know
You know that line Stan says in the game about being there when the twins were born?
We're Bill and Ford of your au there by any chance too? Or they didn't get to until later?
Yeah ford and Stan are there , Bill can't, because of that Weirdness barrier. He can't get out of gravity falls (that's quite upset him but if the barrier destroy all the supernatural stuff will spread ) he knew he will meet them someday so missed their birth day is not a big deal maybe
Just kidding both Stan twins stick a small triangle drawing of him on their chest so he can see them 😭
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mikasa-stan · 15 hours
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I got this idea at 3am.
No, I won't elaborate further
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mikasa-stan · 16 hours
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they are so cute
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mikasa-stan · 17 hours
This has to be an AU already right? I’ve never seen it. I’m doing it. My city now
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The angst potential alone haunts me. How long do you think he waited for Ford?? When did it start to sink in that nobody was coming to save him, that nobody would miss him? Would anybody even want him back? How long did it take for his anger, his heartbreak, his grief to turn into acceptance and a belief that this was divine retribution? How long did he work, how many jobs did he take, how much wealth did he accrue, how many brushes with death did he have until he believed he’d “earned” the right to go home and see his brother?? Many such questions. I need to go deeper
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mikasa-stan · 17 hours
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More au stuff lol, ft ford and bill
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mikasa-stan · 1 day
What's funny about antis is they'll question, "ohmygod, you ship this?! How dare you?!" Like it's the most jarring thing ever. Like, can we just mind our own business? It's just funny to me how bothered they are to question my shippings, as if it's a fucking crime. "Oh but it's illegal" idgaf and they're fictional.
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mikasa-stan · 1 day
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stanley pines deserved to be a dad, it's not even fair 😭
based off this dialogue in the 3ds game
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mikasa-stan · 1 day
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Childhood times 🐚
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mikasa-stan · 1 day
Gravity Falls is a coming of age series at is core about growing up but also mainly about how we grow up.
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This is represented through the Pines twins protagonist duo: Dipper and Mabel. These two characters have what could be consider almost opposite approaches when it comes to realizing that they are getting older and their problems and world are changing as well.
For Dipper, we constanly see him trying to rush to adulthood. He usually tries to hide things that could be considered childish or foolish to enjoy such as it is the case of disco girl or going trick and treat with his own sister. ( "Dipper vs. Manliness" and "Summerween"). He often tries to pretend to be older and lie about his age to get the approval of older teenagers, like trying to go to teen parties. ("The Inconveniencing"-"Summerween").
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Dipper thinks that he is as mature as a young adult, and in some ways he is, but in other ways this line of thinking makes do very foolish, reckless and even dangerous things- the opposite of being immature. This mainly shows when it comes to his crush on Wendy, someone who is clearly older than him and out of his league. A good part of his arc in Season 1 is about how he tries to impress Wendy without still fully understanding that he is still a kid and he is too young for her.
From what has been touched on the ¨Book of Bill¨, this behaviour may come from Dipper seeing an ugly argument from his parents that he wasn't supposed to listen to and this left a clear impact on him to the point he often has nightmares about it at night. Maybe he came to the conclusion that he has to ¨mature¨ and be more independent since he know there is something bad going on between his parents. However, it takes him time to understand that he can't become an adult overnight and is something is going to take him some years before doing so.
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On the other side of the spectrum we have Mabel. In contrast to her brother Dipper, Mabel mostly has her mind occupied with things that have to do more of her age: Reading magazines and books, boy bands, playing with animals like it is the case with Waddles, ect. She isn't in a rush to be a grown up and chooses to live more in the present.
That's not to say that she doesn't have her own moments of insecurities like feeling she isn't as intelligent as Dipper ("Little Dipper") or trying to pretend to be an adult ("Boss Mabel"). Still, she doesn't seem she has this same necessity to hang out with the older teenagers or hide her interests as much as Dipper does. She is has less issus with acting silly or ¨childish¨ in front of others.
Mabel's main problem would be she wants to avoid growing up or remain in this more childhood state. While it doesn't get the same exploration as Dipper- at least not more until later in the show- Mabel is afraid of growing up and the problems that can come with it. In "Summerween" is where we see parts of this idea of wishing to be a child longer, explaining to Dipper that that was the main reason she wanted for the two of them to go treat and trick together.
What really hits Mabel is when she gets this really bad impression of what is like to be a teenager in "Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future". She gets very scared of growing up and what could happen to her. She wants things to remain the same and for the summer to last longer. This desire- along with other factors that made her feel like her world was crashing down around her- she got tricked by Bill possessing Blendin and telling her that he was going to ¨grant¨ her wish in exchange of Stanford's interdimensional rift device.
This makes her being trapped in fantasy world where she ¨never has to grow up¨. Everything is cute and smiles, bad things don't happen and she doesn't have to worry about any serious changes... But she realizes that this world is fake and that at some point she has to grow up and that things can't always stay the same.
Part of me wonders, that in spite of not having seen that terrible argument that Dipper did, Mabel is aware that something is going on with her parents and tries her best to ignore it. I think she may be scared things changing in her family after the summer ends- maybe more fights or one of her parents leaving- this gives some hindsight to some of her issues in the show.
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By the end of the show and Dipper and Mabel's character arcs we have two important lessons about growing up: One is that things are constanly changing and growing older is inevitable but we don't have to rush it and maturity comes with time and learning about new things in live. It is important to live in the present while also realizing that there are going to be changes from time to time, from good to bad, but that doesn't mean it will be the end of the world if it happens. That is just part of life.
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mikasa-stan · 1 day
Funniest thing about modern gravity falls fans is probably the fact they're seeing so much scientist yaoi recently and they'll come into the show completely spoiled. however, 2012 gravity falls fans did not have the luxury of knowing they would draw gay fanart of this thing
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