gawayne · 7 months
hey anyone else feel like a fair portion of popular book reviewers on youtube actually do not. review books
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sophymayphotography · 6 months
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April 2nd
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sinnersweets · 7 months
DogDay x Reader part 12
<-----part 11, part 13----->
A/N: Woo new part!!
The last three months have been busy for me. First with Christmas and New Years, then applying to Playtime to adopt, which got approved thankfully. So then I needed to attend an agency sponsored orientation session and once that finished, I needed to get ready for the home interview.  
It was the weekend and DogDay said I could take a few days off to get everything ready for the social worker. I had moved out of my apartment and bought a house. New year new home you know? I asked Sarah if she could help me unpack and she said yes. I was currently unboxing some stuff when my phone started ringing. 
“Unknown number?” Is what I saw on my phone. I answered the phone and said, “Hello?” “Hi Angel!” DogDay?! Where the hell did he get a phone from? “DogDay?” “The one and only Angel.” I smiled and said, “This is a surprise, when did you get a phone?” DogDay laughed on the phone. “Oh no I don’t have one, but you just got one in your office!” “Oh? I didn’t know I was getting a phone.” I went over to the living room and sat down on the one chair I brought with me.  
“Mhm which now means we can talk when you’re not here Angel! Isn’t that great?” “It is!” “So what is my lovely Angel up to now?” I playfully rolled my eyes and said, “I’m just unpacking some stuff that I brought over. I’m waiting for the moving company to bring over the rest of the stuff and the new stuff that I bought. Sarah is gonna come over and help later.” “I still can’t believe you’re gonna adopt Damian Angel.” “Haha what do you mean? You’re the one who told me to remember?” It sounded like DogDay was moving around my office. “I remember Angel. Hey! You didn’t tell me you had my letter laminated.”  
I thought for a moment before remembering what letter it was.  “Oh yeah, haha. I really loved it.” I looked over to my wall and the only picture I had hanging now was the one DogDay gave me for Valentine's Day. The original one was also laminated but it was here with me. The one in my office was a copy I made. “You should sing me my letter some time.” “Oh yeah? Well Angel, my voice isn’t as good as yours, but I’ll do my best. I’ll sing it to you when you come back.”  
The sound of the doorbell spooked me a little. I got up from the chair and looked the peep whole and saw that it was the movers. “I’ll hold you too that love. Hey the movers are here so I’ll call you back later.” “Poo. Alright Angel, I love you~” “I love you too~ mwah! Bye bye.” “Bye bye.” I unlocked the door and put my phone in my pocket. “Hi, sorry I was on the phone.” “Not a problem at all ma’am. If you can tell me which rooms are which so that we can put the boxes in the right room for you.” I nodded and stepped out of the way to let- I looked at his nametag quickly before he walked past me- Adam. That was his name. I moved so that Adam could come in.  
He looked around and I led him to the first room but my picture on the wall caught his attention. “Oh hey, what was his name again? Day-Day? No um DoggyDay? Oh! DogDay! My kids love him. He your husband?” I think my neck popped with how fast I turned to look at him. “Huh?! N-no he’s just my boyfriend.” Adam nodded and said, “Oh, apologize. I thought he was since people these days can now marry almost anything now.” I had forgotten about that law. It just started this year that anyone can marry anything, be it robots, or other characters from different stuff. I don’t think me and DogDay could get married though. He’s owned by Playtime. Just then an idea popped in my head.  
Once I showed Adam around, he and his team brought in everything and placed them in the rooms that they were meant to go in. Not long after Sarah came by and helped unboxing some stuff. After a few hours we decided to go have lunch. It was a nice day outside, so we had lunch outside the restaurant.  
“Thank you again for helping me Sarah.” I said before sipping on my tea. “No prob. Not like I had anything else to do.” I couldn’t tell if she was serious or not. “You seem a little down, what’s wrong?” Sarah just chewed on her salad for a good two minutes before swallowing and said, “It’s my kid. She like has asthma and her inhaler ran out yesterday but like I can’t get her a new one because my stupid insurance doesn’t want to like cover for it and just for one inhaler is like $600!”  
I was shocked. I had no idea that Sarah had a kid. “How old is she if you don’t mind me asking.” Another long pause from Sarah. She put her head down while saying, “She’s four years old, almost five.” Damn. I felt bad for Sarah. I was going to say something to her, but she spoke out first. “And don’t like ask me if my parents will like help me because they won’t. They cut ties with me once they like found out that their little fifteen-year-old was pregnant.” I saw tears stroll down her cheek. I handed her a napkin and she took it and wiped her eyes.   
We didn’t say anything else after. Once we finished, I told her I needed to run into the gas station quickly to get something and she said she’d wait outside for me. In a few minutes I came back out and handed her an envelope. “Here.” Sarah stared at it before taking it and opening it up. Her eyes widened and before she said anything I put a hand up and said, “Take it. There’s a little extra in there in case you need anything else.” She had tears in her eyes and without a warning she hugged me. “Thank you, Y/N. You really are an angel.”  
It was now naptime at Playcare which meant there would be no interruptions between me and DogDay. We were both laying down on his bed. My back was to his chest and his arms were wrapped around my waist. “Ready for your song Angel?” “Mhm.” DogDay pulled me in closer to his chest. “It’s just like heaven; being here with you. You’re like an Angel; too good to be true. But after all, I love you, I do. Angel baby. My Angel baby~ When you are near me; my heart skips a beat. I can hardly stand on my own two feet. Because I love you, I love you, I do. Angel baby. My Angel baby~ Wooo who, I love you. Whoo, I do. No one could love you. Like, I do.”  
As he sang out the rest of the letter, I closed my eyes and pictured what life would look like if DogDay and I were together outside of here. I then felt DogDay take off my headband and place a kiss on top of my head. “Did you enjoy my singing Angel?” I wiggled around and turned towards DogDay. “I loved it. You have quite the singing voice.” I leaned in and kissed him, and he returned the kiss back, pulling me closer to him.  
My phone started ringing killing the moment. I pulled away and looked at my phone and immediately groaned. “Let me guess, it’s your mom, right?” “Yep.” DogDay sighed and said, “She always ruins everything.” I laughed at how he said that. I answered the phone. “Hey m-” “Young lady how dare you not tell me that I’d get a call from a social worker asking me questions about you!” DogDay held back a laugh as I made a face. “Mom, I told you that- ah!” I was caught off guard as DogDay moved me onto his torso. My face felt a little flushed as I was now on top of him sitting up. DogDay had this look in his eyes, like he was about to do something. “Hello? Y/N?” “Sorry mom I uh, tripped.” My mom sighed and said, “This is why you’re always hurting yourself, you’re so clumsy. How are you going to raise a child?” Rude. “Listen mom if they didn’t think I could raise Damian then they wouldn’t have made me go through everything that I’ve done already. I have to home inspection coming up and-”  
I stopped talking as DogDay grabbed onto my waist and with his fingers he raised up my shirt a little bit. My heart started beating faster, and I knew by now I was blushing. DogDay had a grin on his face. “As I was saying mom, I um have the home um thing soon and I know that umm..wait nonono hahaha!” DogDay started tickling me. “Hahaha wait no waiit hahahah” “Y/N? What on earth is wrong with you?” “Hahaha stop please! Mom I- haha have to call you b-back haha!” As I hanged up the phone DogDay said, “You’re not escaping me Angel~”  
Five minutes he tickled me. Only five minutes and it felt like an eternity. DogDay moved his paws away and leaned up against the wall. I laid against his chest, trying to catch my breath from all the laughing I did. “My my Angel. I’d thought I’d have you breathing like that from another activity~.” He winked at me and I almost choked on my spit. “Wha huh??!!” “Just kidding.” 
A/N: Be honest, you thought something else was going to happen >:p
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sitkowski · 2 months
sweet surrender (nick folio x oc)
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pairing: nick folio x harper (oc)
cw: 18+ MDNI ⚠️ fake dating, kinda crappy parents, vaginal fingering. doing things on a motorcycle that probably aren't realistically possible.
word count: 3.8k
author's note: this one wasn't originally started with the intention of being posted around the birthday boy's day, but here we are. i've seen enough rom-coms and hallmark movies to know anything is possible. title comes from the song by sarah mclachlan 🫶🏻 dividers by @saradika-graphics
⇉ masterpost || taglist signups
Harper’s flip flops smack noisily against the asphalt as she hurries across the parking lot. She’s already seventeen minutes late, and her mother doesn’t like to be kept waiting. The second her hand is on the handle to the restaurant door, her phone pings loudly in her purse for the fourth time since she left work. She didn’t even think of trying to go home and change, knowing that it would only delay the inevitable more.
Inside the quaint little bar and grill, Harper’s mother sits in the back at a small table, disappointment evident on her face as she approaches the table. There were many things that she considered hell, and lunch with her mother was one of them. But she knew if she didn’t go, she’d just keep bugging her until her sister’s wedding. And somewhere between work and arriving at the restaurant, Harper came up with a possibly insane plan.
“Hi mom,” she sinks down in the chair across from her and grabs a menu. “Sorry I’m late. I had to wait for someone to relieve me at the bar—”
“I already ordered you a sweet tea. I know it’s your favorite.”
Harper tries her very best not to seem shocked at that, because she knows there’s probably an ulterior motive behind it. “Um, thanks.”
“Look, I know I’m a broken record here,” her mother begins, and there it is. “But I wish you weren’t coming to this wedding alone. You’re the last of my children without a partner, don’t you feel like the odd person out?”
It takes everything Harper has not to get up and leave right then and there. She tells herself that her mom is only looking out for her, that she just wants her to be happy. But somehow, she’s always equated happiness with finding someone, having a boyfriend. Being the youngest of four, and right now the only single child, she’s heard it all so much over the years, and it’s one of the reasons why she’s kept any relationships she’s had to herself until they got serious. Which, of course, hadn’t happened in a long time.
“I have a date for the wedding.” she blurts out instead. Harper is a liar. She has nothing remotely close to a date, but she sees the way her mother’s eyes light up, and she raises her hand before she can immediately start drilling her with questions about this nonexistent date. “It’s still very new, but he’s nice. And I’ll let you meet him before the wedding, at the final rehearsal. But for now, can we just keep this between us?”
“Oh absolutely, of course!” her mom says. But Harper knows, her mom is a liar too, and the entire family will know before the end of the day. “I’m just happy you found someone, I know you’ve got to be lonely in that house all by yourself.”
Harper opens her mouth to say something else, but the waitress arrives with their drinks and to take their orders. She’s never been so grateful for the distraction. Her mother even changes the subject before their food arrives. But now all Harper can think about is the fact that she has to convince her neighbor to be her plus one to a wedding.
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It’s either a coincidence or a twisted act of fate that Harper’s neighbor is outside working on his bike when she pulls into her driveway. She and Nick aren’t exactly close friends; they’re friendly with one another, she grabs any mail that comes while he’s on tour for him and makes sure his three plants don’t die. He asks her about her day if they catch each other outside at the same time, and once they shared a few beers on his porch after she accidentally locked herself out. She baked him cookies.
And now she’s got to ask him this huge favor.
She knows she could get out of this with her mom, admit she lied or say this mystery guy broke up with her. But as she gets out of her car and looks over at Nick in his driveway, wearing a fitted black tank top and his hands stained with grease, she realizes she wants to prove a point. Her shutting the car door seems to grab his attention, and he turns to wave at her. She lifts her hand in return before taking a deep breath and walking across the section of grass that separates their houses.
“Is something wrong with your bike?” she asks by way of greeting.
Nick shakes his head, wiping his hands off on a rag from his back pocket. “Nah, I just like doing everything on it myself. I’ve got the free time right now.”
“No big tours coming up?”
“Not for a few weeks,” he shoves the rag back into his pocket and pushes his hair back out of his face. “It’s hot out, you want a drink?”
“As long as it’s alcoholic, please.”
She follows him up to his porch and he disappears inside. Harper sits in on the porch swing, picking nervously at her chipped nail polish. The worst that can happen is he can say no, that’s what she tells herself. She waits for Nick to come back, holding out a glass to her. Her eyebrows raise because instead of beer, he brings her whiskey.
“You look like you could use it,” he admits, before sitting beside her. The last time they did this, it was just two beers sitting on the porch steps so she could keep an eye out for the locksmith. It’s not lost on her that this is the closest she’s been to him before. “Everything okay?”
“Just…lunch with my mom. My sister’s wedding is coming up and she’s being extra…extra.”
“She’s stressing you out?”
“More like she won’t stop asking me who I’m bringing to the wedding as a plus one,” Harper takes a sip of the whiskey and rubs her forehead. “I kind of…told her I had a date, when I didn't.”
Nick winces sympathetically, “Ouch.”
She nods in agreement before taking a deep breath and looking over at him. “So I have this stupidly huge favor to ask, and I know you’re probably busy with your band even though you said you have a break, or maybe you just wanna be left alone in which case I will finish this drink and go, but do you maybe wanna pretend to be my date to this wedding?”
She knows that she’s babbling, and she sees the way his eyes widen a little at her question. He’s quiet though, for a lot longer than she thought he’d be, and she fully expects him to let her down gently when he speaks.
“Yeah, sure.”
“I totally get it, we don’t even know each other all that well so if you don’t want to I’ll find someone who—”
“Harper, stop!” he laughs a little, reaching over to put a hand on her knee to cut off her second round of anxious speaking. She blinks and looks down at his hand and then back at his face. “I said I would. I’ll be your fake boyfriend.”
She doesn’t mean to let out a little squeak and throw her arms around his neck, but she can’t help it. She lets go quickly, her face on fire. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, but thank you—”
“Hey it’s no problem, she’s obviously driving you a little insane and I don’t mind helping. I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ve got a few weeks off.”
“It’s seriously just two days, the final rehearsal dinner and then the wedding and reception,” she explains and he nods along. “Do you…do you own a suit?”
She doesn’t mean it in an insulting way, but she’s only ever seen him in t-shirts and jeans, and his riding leathers. That was a distracting enough image, and she quickly banishes it from her mind.
Nick doesn’t seem offended. “I can clean up when I need to. Unless you want to traumatize your mother in which case I am fully prepared to take you to this thing on my bike and make myself her worst nightmare. I’m flexible.”
Harper downs the rest of her whiskey, letting it burn all the way down her throat so that the flush that comes across her cheeks can be blamed on something else.
“Just a nice dress shirt will work,” she pauses and thinks about it. “And yeah, maybe your bike.”
She imagines her mother’s face when she shows up to the rehearsal on the back of Nick’s bike. It wouldn’t be so much the motorcycle itself, but Harper on the back of it in a dress. If this is going to be the way that she’s going to get her off of her back about dating, so be it.
“So, if we’re pretending to date, should I have a cover story?” Nick asks.
Harper hadn’t thought about that. Her mom was nosy, she was going to want every little detail of how she and Nick met, how long they’d been together, what their plans for the future would be. Even if it was just two days, she has to have some kind of details besides him having a motorcycle and being in a band. 
I mean,” he seems to be able to tell that she’s struggling with what to say. “We kind of already have our story, don’t we?”
“We do?” she doesn’t let herself get stuck on how that sounds. Our story.
“We’re neighbors who became friends, you came over and had a few beers when you got locked out of your place and it just…took off from there?”
It sounds so easy, and it’s not even a lie. She nods. “Yeah, that works.”
“So when is this thing? That way I’ve got time to get my bike nice and shiny.”
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The day of the final rehearsal approaches quickly. Harper spends most of the morning out with her sisters, getting pampered for the day. They ask her questions about her mystery guy, and she gives them vague but believable answers. When Nick agreed to do this for her, he also gave her a little bit of a rundown on himself in case of situations just like this. She almost wondered if he’d had to be a fake boyfriend before.
When she goes home, she puts on the green floral dress she bought for the day, and even though she knows it’s not exactly practical for the back of a motorcycle, she likes how it looks. She’s doing the finishing touches on her makeup when there’s a knock on the front door. Feeling oddly nervous, Harper goes to answer it. 
Nick wasn’t lying when he said he could clean up when he needed to and he took her words to heart; the black dress shirt he’s wearing beneath his leather jacket looks really good on him. They’re kind of just standing there, staring at each other for a few minutes.
“You look gorgeous,” Nick says, and Harper blushes. His eyes drift down, and the corner of his mouth tilts up. “And while those shoes are very pretty, they’re not safe for the bike. Do you have any flats you can wear?”
Harper slips back into the house and grabs a pair from her hall closet, switching them out and putting her heels into a bag to bring with her. When she comes back out, she follows Nick down to his bike. He hands her a helmet, one that isn’t a full face like his.
“Figured you didn’t wanna sweat off your makeup on the ride.” he says, and she thinks he’s teasing her. “Have you ever been on a motorcycle before?”
She’d been on the back of a friend’s bike in high school, but it had been another style and she knew there was a difference between the two. “Nope.”
“Don’t worry, it’s the safest thing you’ll ever have between your legs.”
Harper’s mouth opens and closes again in surprise, before her eyes narrow. “Did you…did you just quote Girls Just Wanna Have Fun to me?”
Smiling proudly, Nick takes the helmet out of her hands, putting it on her. She holds her breath as he buckles it for her, before pulling on a pair of black leather gloves. He grabs his own helmet and puts it on. With his help, she gets on the bike behind him. She’s able to tuck the skirt of her dress enough so it won’t blow when they’re on the open road. This part she knows enough about, and she puts her hands on his sides. Nick reaches down, wrapping his hand around her wrist and pulling until she gets the message, wrapping her arms tightly around his torso. Harper presses her cheek between his shoulder, clenching her fingers in his jacket.
There was nothing more exhilarating than being on the back of Nick’s bike. It’s not that far from their houses to the venue where the final rehearsal and wedding is being held, but she enjoys every minute of the ride. The parking lot is littered with familiar cars, and Nick parks his bike, cutting the engine. It takes Harper a minute to be able to loosen her grip on his jacket, and she can still feel the rumble from beneath her in her thighs. She lets out a shaky breath, undoing the strap of the helmet and taking it off. In front of her, Nick holds out his hand so she can lift herself off of the seat. When her feet touch the ground, her legs are still shaking.
She can see her mom and her sister Reece watching her from the alcove by the entrance, and it’s hard to miss the smirk on Reece’s face and the look of concern on her mother’s. Harper takes off her flats and slips her heels back on before fluffing out her hair. She watches Nick get off the bike, and he takes off his helmet, gloves and jacket. He’s got the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled to his elbows, and it shouldn’t be nearly as distracting as it is.
“Ready to do this?” he asks, holding out his hand to her. 
Harper nods, lacing her fingers through his. He pulls her closer and she swallows hard, unable to avoid the smile that comes to her face. “Yeah.”
Making the introductions almost seems like the easy part. Within minutes of meeting, all of her sisters are enamored with Nick, including the bride to be. Her mother is a different story, but Harper already knew that it would happen like this. She hears the words drummer and motorcycle club and puts on the most believable fake smile she can. But Harper genuinely wants them to like Nick, even if it is pretend. And for the most part, they do.
“And your band…it does well?” her mother asks sometime between the final rehearsal and dinner, and Harper feels the evening going downhill. 
“They’re viral on Tik Tok,” her grandmother says. Nick smiles that wide smile again and her grandmother winks at him. “Leave them alone, dear. They seem very happy together.”
It eases the tension for Harper, just a little. Beside her, Nick puts his hand on her thigh in a comforting gesture, and she relaxes back in the seat.
The rest of the dinner goes okay, until her mother asks to speak to her privately. She leads her off to the hallway of the floor they’re on away from everyone else. Most of the day has been a blur but Nick’s been there with her the whole time, and she’s thought that they were pretty convincing.
“I know what you’re doing,” her mom says, and Harper frowns. “How could you hide something like this from us?”
“Mom, what—”
“The way that boy looks at you, there is no way that this is new. How long have the two of you been together that you couldn’t tell me, or any of us?”
She almost lets out a sigh of relief, but her mom’s words register with her. She thinks that they’ve been together for longer than she’s said, because of the way that Nick looks at her? From what she’s been able to tell, he’s looking at her the same way he has since they met. Sure, he’s touching her a little bit more, but that was all part of the plan. Wasn’t it?
“You just met him today, and you think he looks at me like, what?”
Her mom’s look turns wistful. “Like your dad used to look at me.”
The words are a punch to the gut, and not in an entirely bad way. Her parents were deeply in love once upon a time. But she doesn’t think that she and Nick know each other well enough for that to be true. Still, her mom wouldn’t have dragged her out here and said something like this unless she saw something that Harper apparently didn’t.
“Mom, there’s something—”
“Babe,” Nick appears in the hallway, and it’s obvious that he might have overheard something that was said, because he comes over, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Jolly wants me to stop by before we head home, would it be okay if we headed out now? I know things are wrapping up for the night.”
“You two go on, we’ll see you in the morning.” Harper’s mom says, answering for her.
She hugs Harper and gives Nick a polite smile before walking back into the banquet hall. It’s not until they’re in the elevator that Harper finally asks. “Who’s Jolly?”
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Nick doesn’t take her home right away, turning the bike the opposite direction that they came. Harper doesn’t question it, she just burrows against him comfortably and lets him take her wherever he wants. She’d been grateful for the rescue while dealing with her mom, but she wonders what’s going to happen after the wedding tomorrow. She assumes that things will just go back to how they were before, the two of them being neighbors. It’s something, at least.
It’s dusk by the time Nick stops the bike, in a secluded little spot overlooking mountains and trees. Harper’s pretty sure she came to this spot with a boy when she was in high school. Nick drops the kickstand and takes off his helmet, and Harper takes hers off too. But he doesn’t get off the bike, and she stays leaning into him, enjoying the quiet and the view.
“I know you heard what my mom said,” she whispers into his jacket, and she feels him tense a little before he relaxes. “I thought it was all pretend.”
“And if I said that I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to ask you out for months and thought this was going to be the best way to do it?”
Harper sits up and pulls herself off the bike, and it’s just like he knows what she’s planning to do because he slides back on the seat, making room for her. He hauls her into his lap, her thighs spread over his as she sits facing him.
“I like you, Nick Folio,” she murmurs, draping her arms over his shoulders.  “I mean, you’re viral on Tik Tok after all.”
He throws his head back and laughs. “I like your grandma.”
“And what about me?”
“Oh, I really like you,” he says, before wrapping one gloved hand around the side of her neck and kissing her. 
Harper kisses him back, fisting her hands in the sides of his jacket, trying to get him closer. But she’s worried that too much motion is going to overturn the bike. It’s probably a miracle that it’s staying upright anyway. She slides her hands beneath his jacket, pulling at the buttons on his shirt. Her eyes widen at the sight of the tattoo on his chest, and she files that away for another time when she can drag this out and trace it with her tongue.
Nick pulls back, long enough to tug off his gloves and shove them in his jacket pocket before shrugging out of the leather and letting it fall behind him. Keeping his eyes on Harper’s face, his hands slide up beneath the skirt of her dress. Her breath hitches in her chest at the feeling of his hot hands on her inner thighs, skimming upwards until they touch the edge of her panties.
It’s not lost on her that they’re out here in the open where anyone could come by and see them. That doesn’t really matter to her though, not when Nick’s scraping his teeth over the column of her throat and pulling her underwear to the side.
“Is this okay?” he asks, voice low.
Harper nods quickly, reaching down to wrap her hand around his wrist and guide his hand where she wants it. His fingers slide between her folds, thumb teasing over her clit. She moans, head falling back and his free hand tugs at the top of her dress, pulling it and the cup of her bra down so he can get one of her nipples between his teeth.
A sharp cry escapes her when he eases first one, then a second finger inside of her, and when his fingers curl upward, she finds herself trying to lean back into the handlebars behind her. Nick’s fingers tangle in her hair and he pulls her mouth back to his. Harper nibbles on his bottom lip, tongue sliding over his as she grinds down against his hand.
Whimpering, she buries her hands in his hair, yanking at the longer strands. She’s already on edge, and she’d be surprised that Nick’s able to work her up so quickly, but she can’t think about anything else but this. His forehead presses into hers, eyes locked on the space between them, watching his fingers rock in and out of her. He moves them faster, adding in a third, and Harper’s lost beneath the orgasm crashing into her. The cry she lets out echoes in the air around them, bouncing off of the trees.
Nick pulls his fingers out slowly, bringing them up to his mouth to lick them clean. The sight and the aftershocks of her orgasm leave her dizzy. She starts to reach for his belt, but Nick catches her wrist, pulling her hand up and kissing her palm.
“Later, I promise. I kinda wanna get you home and into my bed.”
Harper can’t argue with that. They fix their clothes and she moves back behind him. As she’s putting her helmet back on, a thought occurs to her. “What happened to this being the safest thing I’ll ever have between my legs?”
“Honey, you haven’t seen anything yet.” he murmurs before putting on his helmet and starting the bike.
She grabs onto him, unable to keep the smile off of her face as he points the bike in the direction of home.
⇉ taglist:
@circle-with-me @deathblacksmoke @malice-ov-mercy @baddestomens
@ladyveronikawrites @dominuslunae @collapsedglasshouses @collidewiththesavannah
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genericpuff · 11 months
On this week's episode of "Webtoon Controversies That Could Have Been Avoided If Only They Had Some Damn Quality Control"-
Oh boy, prepare yourselves, there's some TEA on this one.
Quantum Entanglement, a new Webtoon Originals series from creator Arts Angel (aka Sarah Ellerton) is uh... a teeny weeny painfully obvious that it was made with AI.
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AI is getting better, but when it comes to comics, there are still a lot of "tells" you can pick up on once you know where to look. Hands are certainly one of them.
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Not knowing how to draw hands efficiently and consistently is definitely an Artist Problem(tm) but it becomes a lot more obvious it was made by AI when you get weird little off-putting mistakes like a fingernail being just a little too long or missing joints (hot dog fingers, eyo) or the distinction between fingers not being clear.
But there's also hair and other detailed parts that are often lost in the translation process between prompt to final piece. Jewelry, text on a screen, phones, that sort of thing. The insinuation of a 'thing' is there, but it's like looking at it through a fishbowl.
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And ultimately, a lot of AI art tends to just be a little too 'perfect'. Everything is just a little too smooth for it to look like it was naturally made by a person. Faces end up veering into the uncanny valley territory and there are inconsistencies between the eyes and the rest of the body. Backgrounds become lost in what I like to call "AI goop", becoming nothing more than weird blurred/filtered out insinuations of what's supposed to be behind the character.
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Basically, at this point, it's undeniably clear that AI is being used to create this comic. While there are also plenty of signs in the handiwork that show a human was involved in some parts, there are other places that are undeniably filled in with the use of AI. So it's not necessarily a 100% made-by-AI comic, but it's absolutely AI assisted.
But what's REALLY absurd about this whole situation? The creator denies it. To the point of including a disclaimer in the first episode trying to "get ahead" of people who are assuming it's AI by saying, "No, it's not made with AI, here's the proof! Don't look at the blood on my hands or the body in the trunk of my car!"
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Now, first off, the absolute absurdity of making yourself look guiltier by trying to prove your innocence before people have even started to suspect you... I'd like to think that this was edited into the first episode after the initial accusations started rolling in but considering it's an Originals series, it's hard to know if it was, as creators typically don't get as much control over just editing their episodes on the fly like Canvas creators do. Typically it's their editors who do that sort of thing for them. And even if it was edited in afterwards, it's still there for people who have no idea going into the comic blind and might not automatically assume it was made with AI, so it just looks like you're bringing up the potential of AI being used completely unprovoked. By planting the idea in your audience's brain that AI is even a question, you're making them suspect everything.
It's kind of like when Dream was suspected of cheating in a way-too-lucky-to-be-real speedrun of Minecraft a couple years back, so he went to all these painstaking efforts of hiring a quantum physicist to "prove" his innocence with a straight up THESIS documenting all of the reasons he couldn't have cheated through math and figures and jargon. Ironically, this just made Dream look guiltier, and sure enough, he eventually admitted he had cheated.
That said, did you notice something in that "art process" pic?
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That finished panel isn't even what showed up in the final comic.
So the absurdity of this all, again, just makes Arts Angel look a lot more guilty of actually using AI, especially when it's basically undeniable in so many of those panels above. People don't paint like that.
But that brings us to talking about Sarah Ellerton, aka "Arts Angel", the creator. Many long-time readers of her work are defending this, claiming that she has, in fact, "always drawn like this".
What's insane? She actually is who she says she is. This isn't like some kid who came out of the woodwork with AI and claiming that they had 20 years of experience, Sarah Ellerton's main site, The Seraph-Inn, has been live and crawled by Wayback Machine as far back as 2005.
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And you can see the art evolution over the years, starting with Inverloch-
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-into Phoenix-
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-and all the way to Immaterial-
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But here's the thing about that last comic. The main protagonist is, apparently, the same girl from Quantum Entanglement, the newest installment in this series where it becomes abundantly clear the creator has started using AI.
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You can see the effects of this being parsed through AI, because she's gone from being a unique character with two-toned hair and darker skin, to being turned into a generic Instagram anime girl. And lemme tell you, AI used in comics has NOT gotten better at depicting darker-skinned characters (I actually tested an AI-coloring tool WT was planning on putting out a year or two ago, it was uh... not great.)
But the most damning thing about Sarah?
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She works in IT.
That on its own wouldn't be so telling if it weren't for the 20 years she clearly spent actually honing her craft, only to suddenly switch to using AI as a crutch.
Quantum Entanglement was picked up for Originals in July 2023. It launched two days ago, with four free to read episodes and 6 more under the FastPass paywall. Three months after it got picked up. That turnaround speed is insane for an Originals series. Now, I'm more inclined to believe that maybe she's using the exact same pages she used in the Canvas version (there's unfortunately no way of checking through Wayback, it never crawled the Canvas version, so unless someone has backups of the Canvas pages they're willing to share, we'll never know) but that short turnaround time is insane for a comic that's this insanely detailed. It likely means they didn't need much pre-production time to get a strong buffer going, and that it doesn't take them as long to produce these episodes on a weekly basis so they could be under way less crunch than creators who do this by hand.
By comparison, the winners of the Call to Action contest from last year are STILL working on their pre-production. Many other greenlit Canvas series are known for getting picked up and stuck in pre-production for several months and even a year or more simply due to how the company operates with when it chooses to launch these series and how much pre-production is necessary. Some creators have literally said that their pre-production was done, but WT still kept them waiting to launch. So three months for a freshly greenlit Canvas series to launch is NOT the norm.
All that said, I feel for the people who are trying to defend her. But it's so undeniably AI with the creator herself providing fake proof that it makes it really sad to think that this person was honing their craft for 20 years just to wind up utilizing AI. Being a good artist does not make you immune to the temptation of using cheap methods or developing bad habits. Going through "the struggle" does not make you immune to taking shortcuts that wind up cheapening your work or taking advantage of the work of others.
Now, maybe Sarah trained AI around her art. If this didn't play out the way it did, I'd be willing to give her benefit of the doubt and assume that. Training AI off your own work, while still up for debate as to how ethical that is, at least doesn't hurt other artists, because it's your own work the AI is "stealing". There are definitely ways AI could be used to make life easier for artists without replacing the art process entirely, the same way artists have learned to use 3D assets and digital art filters to make their process more efficient and boost the quality of their art up to the next level.
But the fact that she's being so cagey over it, claiming she's not using AI period when she very clearly is, providing "proof" that actually proves she definitely used AI, while operating under a penname that's strangely similar to a name Grimes - former tech wife of Elon Musk and staunch supporter of AI - used for one of her studio albums-
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- that's what makes it a lot more clear she's using it maliciously.
The AI is very likely trained off another artist's work. Maybe someone whose art style is similar enough to hers that she could integrate it into her own and pass it off as legitimate. Someone whose art style is cartoonish but still modern, like if Disney made anime. Someone who's so prolific and consistent in their stylization that training an AI off it would seem like a no brainer to those who want to replicate that style quickly and easily.
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Damn. What a disappointment. Do better, Sarah.
And for god's sakes, Webtoons, pay more fucking attention. I've been steadily picking away at moving the entirety of my comics over to other platforms on a weekly schedule, but at this point I kinda just wanna dump the last 30 or so chapters onto ComicFury all at once so I can ditch this platform for good, especially if it turns out AI comics getting greenlit is a feature, not a bug. The ratings for Quantum Entanglement have dropped significantly overnight, now sitting around 5.09 and still dropping, but is Webtoons going to do anything about it? That remains to be seen.
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merrybloomwrites · 8 months
I Hear Them Calling (Chapter 2)
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Story Summary: Alpha Harry Styles and omega Y/N Y/L/N meet under less than ideal circumstances. Overtime their paths will cross and they will be drawn to one another in ways they never expected.
Chapter Summary: Y/N & Harry separately reflect on the event that brought them together and cope with the feelings it raised.
AN: It's a bit of a shorter chapter than I originally planned, guess I'm still getting back in the swing of writing after a very crazy week. This chapter is very introspective I would say. Less action than I normally include, but I thought all this was important to set up future chapters, if that makes sense.
Previous Chapters: Prologue ; Chapter 1
CW: Mentions of a previous attempted assault
Word Count: 3.2k
On Sunday morning you wake up in a cold sweat. You certainly hadn’t had a peaceful night of sleep. You’d been plagued with nightmares of the alpha and what he had done.
It’s early, the sun is just starting to rise, but you give up on sleep. You know that if you close your eyes, you’re just going to keep seeing that man and the paralyzing fear will come back. Distractions are the way to go.
As always, you make yourself a cup of tea to start the day. But it doesn’t sooth you the way it normally does. In fact, you’re feeling even more anxious. You’re confused why a scent you now associate with Sarah, one of the nicest alphas you’ve ever met, is causing such a negative reaction in your body.
You start to run through everything that happened the night before. It all comes back in vivid detail. Up until one point when it suddenly went dark, and your memories become fuzzy and confusing.
What the hell had even happened there? Because it wasn’t a drop. You had dropped twice before, and this was different. You’re completely unaware during a drop and have no memories after. Instead, you’re just left feeling dizzy, and so, so alone.
But this time wasn’t like that. It was hazy, sure, but you were still somewhat aware of your surroundings. You were aware that even after you practically lost consciousness, he still moved closer to your neck and tried to forcibly scent you. You remember falling, knowing you wouldn’t be able to catch yourself. But someone was there to break your fall and help you sit.
That’s when you were surrounded by the tea scent. At the time you had no idea it belonged to such a kind and gentle person. You just knew there was still an alpha touching you, and you had no clue what their intentions might be. But then you became aware of the calming pheromones they were releasing. This immediately helped you relax and made you start to trust this unknown alpha.
You had picked up on the presence of another alpha nearby. One who was releasing a bitter, angry scent before quickly switching to a calming one as well. Now you know that it was Harry, though his scent at the time was nothing like the wonderful one that permeated his dressing room.
The next memories are quite embarrassing to remember. You’re happy that Rachel had taught you about Harry’s band before the show. Because at least you could identify that the man who’s lap you were in was his guitarist, Mitch.
And then you think about how wonderful they all were. How they took care of you and made sure you were okay. Especially Harry.
You still can’t figure out what that was about. He was so protective, so worried. That alone had your omega trying to stake claim on the man. Never before had someone cared that much about you and your wellbeing. And then his scent. God, it was amazing. You’re eternally grateful you didn’t see him again after the show. You know you would have said or done something stupid. His smell would probably be more prominent after a show, sweat washing off the extra scent blockers he obviously wore in public.
Your mind starts to wander thinking about how delicious his scent probably is when it’s direct and unmasked. It’s a good thing your phone dings, pulling you back to the present before your thoughts can turn into inappropriate territory.
It’s Jada, sending you the videos she took the night before and informing you that Harry will set aside up to 6 tickets for whichever day you choose. You thank her for the videos and let her know you’ll get back to her after talking to your friends.
You’re not ready yet to talk about what happened at the show, so you hold off texting your friends for the moment. You know you’ll need to explain what happened, since you don’t want to lie about why you’re getting these tickets, but it can wait a few days.
Getting back to your distractions you spend the day deep cleaning your apartment and running errands. Anything to keep your mind busy.
You send the videos to Rachel and make plans for her to come over for lunch Saturday. You’ll tell her the truth about the concert then. Violet reaches out in the group chat, checking that you and Ameila will still be coming over for your usual Friday night hangout that week. That somehow leads to a discussion about favorite types of soup and by the time you’re all done debating broccoli cheddar versus tomato basil, it’s time for bed.
You’re exhausted from the sleepless night prior and you hope that you’re so tired you won’t have any dreams. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. Of course not. No, you once again have nightmares of the alpha. Unlike the night before, when it had just been repeats of what happened, now it was what could have happened. All the worst-case scenarios.
Monday morning rolls around, and you might actually be more tired than you were before bed. You go to make your cup of tea and see hot chocolate mix on the shelf. For a moment you hesitate and then grab the container, making a mug of cocoa. It’s a bit of an odd choice, since it has zero caffeine and it’s August, but it feels like the right thing to do.
The smell of the chocolate immediately settles you, and you feel more at ease than you have in days. You have a theory why, but you try not to think too deeply about it as you continue your morning routine.
You sit at your desk to begin working for the day. You normally love that you have a completely remote job as a data analyst. But it’s a rough morning for you. You’re restless, completely unable to sit still, like there’s ants crawling under your skin.
Nothing gets done, so when it hits 1PM and you still haven’t crossed a single thing off your to-do list you decide to leave the apartment to get lunch. You pack up your laptop, thinking maybe your afternoon will be more productive with a change of scenery.
You grab a sandwich from the local deli and walk to the nearby park. You sit at a table next to some rose bushes. Their fragrance is strong, and it settles you. You sit for hours, completing all the work you wanted to accomplish that day.
It’s obvious why the roses helped you feel better. For the same reason the chocolate smell calmed you that morning. You’re embarrassed that Harry’s scent, even just reminders of it, has such an effect on you, but you lean into it.
There’s a boutique by the park that you know sells candles and other scented things, so you go in with one goal in mind. After smelling way more candles than is probably socially acceptable you find one that you think will work. It’s woodsy, and just a little floral. It’s missing the chocolate component, but you figure it’s as close to Harry’s scent as you’ll get. It also comes as a reed diffuser and a room spray, so you purchase all three.
That night before bed you set up the diffuser and have another cup of hot chocolate. You finally sleep peacefully through the night and wake up refreshed.
You follow this routine all week, switching your normal tea to hot chocolate, working outside by the rose bushes, and ensuring your home smells like Harry.
On Friday night you head over to Violet’s house.  The night starts off as usual, take out and a movie that you barely watch as you catch up and talk about your weeks.
“So, how was the concert?” Amelia asks.
For a second you nearly lie. Almost say, oh it was great and show the videos Jada took for you. But they’re your best friends, the people you can tell anything. You take a deep breath and say, “He definitely puts on a good show. But unfortunately, I didn’t really see it.”
“What do you mean?” Violet asks.
“There was this alpha in the audience,” you begin, and your friends immediately tense up, knowing where the story is likely to go.
“I noticed him the second I got there and moved to blend in with the crowd. I thought I had lost him, but I went with some girls to the bathroom and apparently he’d followed me and waited outside. When I walked out of the bathroom he used his alpha voice and made me follow him to a secluded area.”
“What a bastard!” Amelia interjects and Violet nods her head in agreement.
They see the tears welling in your eyes and move closer, each wrapping an arm around you before you continue.
“Once he got me alone he used his alpha voice again. I couldn’t move or say anything. He tried to scent me, and honestly was probably going to do a lot worse things. But I went into a half-drop or something.” You pause, taking a deep breath and they hold you even tighter to comfort you.
After calming down again you say, “And then things got weird.”
“I’m sorry, they weren’t weird already?” Amelia asks.
“Honestly, no. They were awful, but as an omega, not unexpected. What was weird, was waking up literally sitting in Mitch Rowlands lap with Sarah Jones and Harry Styles watching me from across the hall.”
“Harry Styles?” Violet says incredulously.
“Yes,” you reply.
“The Harry Styles?” Ameila adds.
“Yes, guys. The real Harry Styles.”
“Why was he there? Wouldn’t security be taking care of the situation? Not the performer?”
You realize Amelia makes a good point. Why did Harry and his band members respond to this incident? Wouldn’t it make more sense that they stay far away from potentially dangerous situations?
After thinking for a moment, you say, “He and Sarah are alphas. They probably sensed something was wrong and came to help. I wasn’t able to say anything, but I was able to send out some distress signals, so I guess they responded to that.”
“And this all happened before the show?” Violet asks.
“It was while the opener was on. And then they took me to Harry’s dressing room to talk to a police officer and have a medic check that I was ok. I was planning to go back to the crowd once they finished but Harry wouldn’t let me.”
“Wouldn’t let you? Sounds like another controlling alpha,” Violet says.
“No, no, that was bad wording. I mean, yea, he didn’t want me going back to the crowd again but not in a controlling way. He wanted to protect me. He said his alpha was still worried about me and he wouldn’t be able to perform if he didn’t know that I was safe.”
“Wow, that’s kind of intense,” Amelia says. “Are you okay?”
“I’m okay. Mostly. I think.”
They both give you a look and you explain, “I mean, it sucked, obviously. I hate that alphas have that kind of control over me. And I keep thinking about how much worse it could have been. But nothing too bad ended up happening. Plus, I got to meet Harry Styles so that’s a win.”
“What was he really like?” Violet questions.
“Well, he’s just as kind as everyone says. Most of the time he gave me space since he’s also an alpha, but at one point he held my hand for like, a second, and it felt like it’d been burned. I literally couldn’t believe his skin had touched mine. And the way his alpha was still on edge even when the danger was gone, I still don’t know how to explain that. Plus, his scent, God-” you cut yourself off before you can embarrass yourself about your obsession.
“Oh no, you can’t stop there!” Amelia says. “What is it like?”
For some reason you want to keep the specifics to yourself, so you reply, “I dunno, but it has this warmth to it, and like, a fresh outdoorsy smell. Anyway, uhm, I watched the concert on a TV in his dressing room. He’s giving me some tickets for any of the other New York shows, and I want you two and Rachel to come so we need to pick a date.”
You guys start to look at your calendars and write down a few of the shows that will work.
“When I see Rachel tomorrow I’ll see if any of these days work for her too,” you say once you have a short list.
“Does she know what happened?” Violet asks.
“Not yet. She doesn’t even know I’m an omega. I’m going to tell her everything tomorrow.”
“Are you comfortable with that?”
“Yea, I mean I trust her. She’s a good friend. She’s just a newer friend and it takes me awhile to open up about my, you know, status.”
“If you need us, for anything at all, you call or text and we’re there okay?”
You nod and smile, knowing that you have the two best friends in the world and that everything will be alright. You guys finish the night with some ice cream, and if your friends are curious about you picking chocolate when strawberry has always been your favorite, they don’t comment on it.
Lunch with Rachel the next day is a little more nerve wracking, but by the end you feel so much better. You explain everything about yourself and what happened at the concert the week before. She’s more knowledgeable about omegas than you expected, and she explains her favorite cousin is an omega.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I encouraged you to go alone. I know how dangerous outings like that are. Seriously I think a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders when my cousin officially bonded her alpha and had protection from him.”
“Rach, I’m a big girl, I chose to go alone. I thought my suppressants and scent blockers would have hidden my secret, but sometime alphas can still literally sniff us out.”
“Do you think the medicines are losing their effectiveness? Like you’ve built an immunity cause you’ve been on them so long?”
“They’re supposed to last a decade before that happens, I’ve only been on these eight years.”
“Probably couldn’t hurt to check though, right?”
You agree with her and make a mental note to at least put a call out to your doctor soon.
“And no concerts alone, got it?” You smile at her protectiveness and nod in agreement.
“Definitely not alone, but I am being given tickets for us to go to another show since I basically missed the first one.”
“Seriously? When?”
“I invited Violet and Amelia, and we have some dates that work for us. Can you do any of them too?”
You settle on September 10th and you text Jada later that day to let her know. She responds almost immediately which surprises you because you assume they’re getting ready for his show that night.
After talking to all your friends you’re feeling much better than you have all week. Plus, knowing you get to see Harry’s show soon has you excited. You don’t think you’ll get to see him again, but maybe just being in the same room will be enough to settle your omega.  And hopefully it can show your omega how truly unattainable the alpha is, and you can stop obsessing over him.
Harry’s pacing in his dressing room. It’s Saturday, night five of his NYC residency, and exactly one week since he met Y/N. And it’s been one week since he’s seen Y/N. And his alpha is restless.
“Harry, I’m sure she’s fine,” Mitch says firmly, ever the voice of reason.
“Then why hasn’t she texted Jada back? It’s been days!”
“She probably just hasn’t been able to coordinate with her friends yet,” Sarah says as she tries to soothe him.
Harry sits on the couch and sighs. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I don’t know why I’m like this right now. Why I’m so worried about her.”
“Well, it’s probably because she’s an omega. And you are a good alpha. Your instinct is to take care of her. And she nearly got hurt. Here. At your show. And I’m thinking you feel like you are at least partially responsible, which is dumb, because you’re not. But you’re a good person, and you care deeply, which makes you maybe a bit emotional about things like this?”
Harry takes in Sarah’s words. She’s right. He didn’t want to admit it out loud, but he feels guilty. He’s devastated that this happened at his show, a place that he always thought was safe for his fans.
“What if it’s more than that?” Harry asks quietly.
“What do you mean?” Mitch questions.
“What if she’s not just an omega?”
Sarah and Mitch expect him to continue, so when he just sits there silently they share a confused look.
“Care to explain?” Mitch says, encouraging him to open up to them.
“I feel like maybe she’s special. I mean, my alpha has definitely taken a liking to her. I was ready to rip that other alphas throat out when I saw his hands on her. And the only way I was able to do the concert was because I knew she was basically locked away from everyone else with security outside the door. I had to know she was safe. And I hate not knowing if she’s okay now. Plus, there was a moment.”
“A moment?” Sarah presses.
 “Yea I uhm, we were alone in the room right before the show. And I held her hand. Just to like, reassure her I guess. It was only a second, but I swear to God there were sparks. I’ve never felt anything like it, especially not from just holding hands.”
“Do you feel connected to her, or is your alpha connected to her omega?” Sarah asks to clarify.
“I honestly don’t know. Normally I can separate the two, but the situation brought my alpha out more than usual.”
Before anyone can ask more questions there’s a knock at the door.
“Come in!” Harry calls out and Jada enters the room.
“Hey Harry. Y/N just texted, she and three friends are planning to come to the show on September 10th if that still works.”
“Yes, of course! Please send her four VIP tickets. In a box or somewhere sectioned off if possible. And passes to come backstage before the show, okay?”
“Got it, I’ll send her everything they’ll need.”
“Wonderful. Thank you, Jada.”
She smiles, waving to Mitch and Sarah as she walks out of the room.
“Well, there you go,” Sarah says. “She is obviously fine if she’s texting and making plans. And you’ll see her again on the 10th!”
“If your alpha can last three weeks,” Mitch says teasingly.
“Shut up,” Harry drawls out, smiling at his best friend.
Mitch may think it’s a joke, but Harry truly doesn’t know if he can go three more weeks without seeing Y/N. Maybe three weeks will be enough to calm down his alpha, and shake this obsession he has with the lovely omega.
AN: Thanks again for reading this story! Chapter 3 is already in the works, and I am very excited for the Harry & Y/N reunion.
Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305 @creativelyeva @daphnesutton @selluequestrian @lovingfurypanda @stardream14 @tbsloneely @eversincehs1
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gallifreyanhotfive · 3 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 61
With some Gallifrey at War content because I Make The Rules
The Fesitval of the Timewright, or Anmers-Tonastide, is a Gallifreyan holiday. (Novel: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)
When the Sixth Doctor was forced to work with Davros at a company, he quickly made a nuisance of himself by ruining hours worth of Davros's work and then made Davros his assistant, having him make tea. (Audio: Davros)
The Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith once defeated an android maker, and out of revenge, the android maker made an android identical to the Third Doctor. The android had a bomb in its head. The plan was for the android to kill the Doctor, take his place, and then detonate, but it was all for naught because when the Doctor returned, he was in his Fourth incarnation. (Short story: The Android Maker of Calderon IV)
The Sword of Never is a weapon used for execution on Gallifrey. It can completely obliterate living things, rendering all of a Time Lord's regenerations useless. (Novel: Scratchman)
The Ninth Doctor's signature outfit was made of the first clothes he saw after his regeneration, not the result of prolonged rifling through wardrobes as it had sometimes happened in the past. (Short story: A Day to Yourselves)
When time spiders created a time loop, the Eleventh Doctor was bitten, but before he could permanently die, Valarie allowed herself to he bitten instead as time rewound. The time spider would target her. This killed her, which caused the Doctor to decide to blow up both himself and the TARDIS in the resulting grief and rage. Then time rewound again, and everything was eventually resolved. (Audio: The End)
The Third Doctor once developed a time bomb to defeat the Xhinn. It had the effect of aging them past their natural life span (and thus killing them) and destroying their space ship. (Novel: Amorality Tale)
The Mimesis was a theater on Gallifrey in which people could rewrite reality as part of an act. It was created by a cult of Gallifreyans. (Novel: Managra)
During the Last Great Time War, the Time Lords developed a weapon called the Hush - a being of living sound that could steal and eat voices. Later, the Tenth Doctor trapped the Hush in an audio recording, but it eventually escaped. (Audio: Dead Air) The Hush was also voiced by David Tennant.
One time, people began receiving phone calls from lost loved ones due to time distortion. Liv spoke to her father, Helen spoke to her brother, and the Eighth Doctor spoke to someone as well. It is never clarified which lost loved one it was that he spoke to. (Audio: Absent Friends)
When asked what animals they thought they were most like, Fitz said he was probably a golden retriever. The Eighth Doctor, on the other hand, thinks of himself as a unicorn. (Novel: Fear Itself)
Leela calls Jamie "Little Knife." (Audio: Dumb Waiter)
The Brigadier was able to recognize the Sixth Doctor based only on his clothes, the unexpectedness of his arrival, and the manner in which the Doctor greeted him. (Audio: The Spectre of Lanyon Moor)
When the Third Doctor 'resigned' from UNIT after the Brigadier killed the Silurians, he left England for Peru. While running away, he stowed away on an airplane disguised as an air stewardess after placing the original stewardess in a closet. He chose that particular stewardess - Fiona - because she was the tallest and would have a dress that fit him. (Audio: AWOL)
The War Master created several War Seeds - Gallifreyan-TARDIS hybrids - using his own DNA. The Seed could see into the future, can sense their siblings, and can dematerialize on the spot, and they embed themselves into a society and turn the people there into weapons for the Time War. The Seed's face changed between the different incarnations of the Master. Missy encountered the Seed and called him her son, bargaining with the one keeping him to give him the army the Seed created in exchange for his return and then leaving him on a safe planet to rest. (Audio: War Seed)
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erwinsvow · 7 months
Sorry babe but my brain isn’t shutting off… a very original rafe and jj love triangle is plaguing my mind
I’m thinking the midsummers drama is about kook reader
Maybe she’s new to town like family moved to obx cause her dad became partners with ward which gave Rafe easier access to you than jj but how can you not immediately be charmed by him when Sarah brings you around to meet her friends??
- 💓
stop cuz this is where the real fucking tea is. it’s so obvious they both want u and they’re getting fucking jealous of the other… can easily imagine falling for rafe he’s so mean!!! sometimes barely gives u any attention and when he does he’s always like pushing you against a wall and making out with you or like honest to god fingering you in the bathroom w his family and ur family next door. then he pockets ur panties and sends you back out there without them. he’s such a menace but it’s so hard to stay away from him 😣sometimes he’s real sweet n obviously spoils you like crazy!! parades you around his friends, gives you rules to follow which you always do (like no drinking without his permission/talking to strangers etc). rafe is so territorial and possessive so to him you’re his already. however he never made anything official… which is where jj comes in.
it’s like when rafe makes you sad or ignores you for work or business or whatever you just go spend time with sarah, not knowing many people here but getting friendly with her since you’re over at tannyhill a bunch! she takes you out with her friends who are so different than what you expected! n rafe is always warning you about the wrong side of the island and those dirty pogues you need to stay away from.. but they’re not mean at all! they’re nothing like what he said, so sweet and inviting and funny. they’re all nice but jj is the nicest of course.
and jj i mean he’s a player so he can’t help his reaction to a new pretty girl hanging around his friends, getting along with everyone being awfully friendly and sweet for a kook. he thinks you must have a crush on him too, with the way you flounder around in your tiny sundresses and teeny bikinis at the beach. it’s not long before he’s taking you off on early morning surf lessons (and he loves to sleep in, so this means something), ditching smoke seshs with his friends to come sit with you on the beach or something, ignoring the fact that he has 100% seen you hanging round with rafe cameron recently when he’s making out with you and you’re crawling into his lap in the back of the Twinkie.
i so forgot about midsummers!!!!! yes it would be so juicy, seeing you all dolled up in a short dress, obviously you accompany rafe but when he stalks off to go have “serious, proactive conversations” you find jayj and get real tipsy over glasses of champagne with him. rafe sees red and jj is just screaming at him to let you make your own choice. at midsummers there was beef n tension n chasing but they wouldn’t start swinging just yet.
and you, i mean there’s nothing better than having the attention of a boy you really like but TWO. ur probably going crazy but you don’t realize how impacted rafe n jj are, literally butting heads and almost fist fighting everytime they see each other or see you with the other. you’ll be out at lunch with rafe playing footsie under the table, whining because he left you again to do work while he’s trying to apologize when you see jj—and start waving. jj of course comes to the table and gets comfortable, probably eats something off of rafe’s plate. you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and when you get back there’s definitely broken glasses and thrown silverware.
similarly when you’re on the beach with jj, if you see rafes truck pull up you go to say hi, and jj follows behind you, HATING the way rafe’s staring at your practically naked body in a tiny bikini because you are his girl, and he says as much.
“stop being a creep and starin’ at my girl, cameron. go find someone else to bother.” and you look back at jj, smiling all dopey because he just called you his.
“your girl? that’s real funny. she’s my girl, right babe?” and then you look at rafe, face burning with embarrassment. they start bickering back and forth while you stand there looking at both of them and feeling your head spin. this is when they finally start throwing punches, both of them rustling in the sand and ending up with bruises n black eyes.
you’d finally throw in the towel and start crying (typical shea reader insert 🙄) n of course they blame each other but then feel terrible, awkwardly scratching the back of their head while you sob about how i hate fighting!! i don’t wanna fight i love you both why can’t we just be happy together!!
jj n rafe lock eyes. they can clearlyyyyy tell what you need right now to feel better. so obviously they throw you into rafe’s truck, drive to a secluded part of the shore, and take turns fucking you on the bed of his truck <3 lol
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Tell us about sjm. Spill the tea.
oh man there really is SOOO very much of it that idk how i'll fit all into one response, but i'll do my best 🫡
so sjm or sarah j maas is a very popular fantasy writer (she is the origin of 'feminist' romantasy as a genre because her writing has just been THAT influential (in some good ways, but mostly in bad ones for reasons i'll get to in a minute). she's jewish and has white skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes (this also is relevant i promise).
anyway, despite her writing being so influential it...is really not that good (it has the potential to be tho which is one of the (many) reasons why reading her stuff is so frustrating) and she has a HUUUGE problem with putting her biases in her writing, in particular her racism, misogyny, and ableism.
her racism is at a level that i truly find unbelievable. in every book of hers, every character that is seen as good/smart/beautiful/brave, is a main character, or, at the very least, starts out that way in the story and doesn't have a redemption arc later after the narrative has already taught you to hate her (because it's always female characters this is done with too), has fair hair and light colored eyes (and almost always light skin too); on the opposite end of the spectrum, every single (female) character that either is in the story for not very long, isn't a main character, starts out a bad or undesirable person in some manner, or isn't considered good/smart/beautiful/brave has dark hair, eyes, and/or skin.
this is a tame tho in comparison to the fact that in the first two throne of glass books (one the series she's written), the only black character is considered a manipulative liar (she's even described as such on the wiki lmao) despite being the main character's best friend before she's summarily killed off in an extremely violent manner all for the development of that main character. she also has an asian character in the acotar series that is considered rude and emotionless, despite, again, being a best friend of the main characters. oh and of COURSE the asian character doesn't have dark eyes lol. because...can't have that in a sjm book!!!! no one can look like an irl person of color AT ALL!!!! g-d. and then, ofc, there's the illyrians, which are 100% coded as people of color and are a violent and misogynistic group of people lmao. as if htat weren't bad enough, she also tried to trademark illyria/illyiran even tho (and this is what made me make the post this morning) that's a REAL PLACE with REAL PEOPLE LIVING THERE.
and even THAT is tame to the fact she posted a promotion for her own book on the same day breonna taylor was killed and, not only that, but used her death to promote said book because she mentioned the murder in one (1) line of the post. to this day she has STILL NOT taken down that post.
compared to that, her misogyny in her novels (the main character constantly competing with other girls and always thinking she's better than they are and 'not like other girls teehee') and her glaring plagiarism (she uses terminology not only directly pulled from asoiaf (wolf in the north; the queen who was promised; oathbreaker; breaker of chains) but is used in exactly the same context as asoiaf too as well as some pretty significant plotlines of dany's (in particular her freeing the slaves of several cities and gathering up everyone on her continent to support her claim to the throne and unite in defense against a common foe that will turn all of them into walking zombies basically....SOUND FAMILIAR??????)) is a pretty tame offense, but imo it all adds up to just one disgusting whole of a person to me.
oh and, to top it all off, she's a zionist. there's a video essay about her i watched on youtube that explains the proof for this, but i do Not remember what it was she said now, so i'll link it here.
she's also ableist too, which expresses itself in how nesta archeron is treated throughout a court of silver flames (g-d forbid a traumatized woman be hypersexual and an addict and get sick of being treated like shit by the peope around her or she deserves to get thrown out of her home to a place her 'loved ones' know is going to be openly hostile to her lol). i don't think sjm even realizes how ableist she is throughout this book bc she claimed it's a healing journey and like...lol. lmao even.
also (i'm 100% being petty here) i hate how fake she comes across. in every time i see a picture of her, and the one interview of her i saw, she reminds me so much of my mother to the point it makes me physically ill.
i'm almost certainly forgetting something because there's just SOOO much about this woman to dislike, but this is everything that immediately came to mind.
anyway her fans are also rancid and believe she's some sort of goddess of writing when she's not even that good and is 100% a fake and shitty person that doesn't truly care about them at all whatsoever.
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sophiemaryjanes · 2 months
things i've heard during model un
*someone with their phone on speaker* "where are you?" "buying jamba juice for india. we talked about this."
"we could afford a bus last year because we did some things that were a little shaky in terms of legality"
"we used to throw tea in the ocean to protest monopolies." "sarah for the last time you can't kill mark zuckerberg"
"i have a brilliant idea." *dramatic pause* "biological warfare"
"if you'd had millions of dollars extorted from you in the eighteen whatevers, you'd want to nuke france too"
"russia's just been sitting here. drinking a coffee. plotting world domination"
"the projector isn't working right now, so if you could turn the resolution into an original song and perform it live for us that'd be great."
"would anyone like to make a speech?" *person raises hand* "besides you"
*screaming and sirens start somewhere in the distance* "me too dude. me too"
"so how are the kids?" (to britain) *sniffs* "THEY'VE ALL ABANDONED ME"
*to the tune of "the jets"* "when you're korea your life can be tough / you get split down the middle"
"i've got that middle eastern dictator rizz" *finger guns*
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wingsdippedingold · 2 months
I couldn’t reblog this normally since I have the og poster blocked, but this is a pretty common sentiment in the community that I want to put my comment on:
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Now I’m not gonna sit here and argue that there aren’t people who like Feyre more in the first book and consider her to be “better”, because people do, and I think it’s valid to think that as well as valid to not think that. To clarify I think neither, but more on that later. This is also a decently long post, I tried to make it concise but it’s anything but that 💀
I think comparing her character in the first book to her sisters (this post is specifically Nesta, but I’ve seen it done with Elain) is purely made in bad faith. Equating them in this manner blatantly ignores the obvious differences in characterization and nuance in their writing.
It is widely known that SJM has said that Elain and Nesta were just made to be caricatures and cartoon evil sisters and that she didn't initially plan for them to become anything more than background characters. They were meant to be flat and evil, because that’s all the purpose they had at the time. They were there to give Feyre a hard time and make us sympathize with her, and they did that.
No one is saying that that it’s silly to get hung up on Nesta’s actions because they “happened a long time ago and she had development”, they’re saying that because her actions were literally meant to be cartoonishly evil and not to have any actual depth or reasoning to them.
However, Feyre at the time was still a fleshed character that was supposed to be in the spotlight. Her character traits and depth were continuously shown off, whereas her sisters only existed to give her a backstory and struggle. Her character in the first book cannot be written off to the same degree as her sisters, and it’s false equivalency to think that it can be.
At the time the way Nesta and Elain was written was fine, but in deciding to change them to be actual characters with thoughts, feelings, and backstory, Sarah majorly fucked herself over. This is why she had to retcon things and add their own struggles later on and why you’ll see a lot of people defending them for their cabin actions; and as a side of the fandom who take her retcons as canon, you can’t pick and choose which ones you don’t want to take as canon solely because they change the your notion of the character. It’s a packaged deal, either you’re down with SJM’s narrative and story, or you’re not (I’m not), because guess what? The other characters around said character will also comply by these retcons.
But when you hammer it down so hard that these girls are horrible people in the first book because you couldn’t give the time of day to make sure you’re actually creating a cohesive storyline, rather than just trying to push out a character for people to immediately sympathize with, it’s hard to rectify that, and I often find it the mark of a bad writer (and poor planner) regardless if you weren’t planning on ACOTAR being a series.
I 100% understand Nesta hate, it’s hard to change your idea of a character when you’ve already been made to dislike them and like the character they initially antagonized. If she, or any other character, is not your cup of tea, that’s fine. Like what you like. Hate what you hate (assuming you stay in your lanes and tag correctly, which many of you do not do, and instead tag specifically to push your anti content into pro spaces and make people mad, but that’s a different topic) u, this circles back to my original point that you cannot equate the validity of the characters and writing of Nesta and Elain to Feyre in the first book.
Now do I agree that Feyre was her '"true self" in book 1 vs the others? No.
I think a lot of people, and a lot of antis, earlier Feyre lovers, and probably some of my mutuals, will disagree with me on this, but Feyre's character progression has always made sense to me. That's not necessarily to say that I like it, but considering her circumstances, the people around her, the environment, and her own personality and beliefs, her change and progression from ACOTAR to ACOSF makes total sense to me. I do think there's some inconsistencies, and I definitely think there’s a lot of situations where ACOTAR Feyre would react differently than later Feyre, but that’s just a product of her being a character with an arc and overall I can understand how she got from point A to point B.
I won't get into the details here, but if anyone's curious on why I think so, Imk, l'd love to talk about it
There’s also a good chance that the original poster of this will try to argue my way directly from my account, which is weird because I have you blocked, so I won’t see it, nor do I care to… so don’t? Idk man, save your energy, the stalking is crazy
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malfoyfarms · 1 year
JJ Maybank x Pogue!Fem Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Smut
A/N: Okay this may be self indulgent bc I just had my heart broken by a boy. Also i’ve never written smut before, rip. Not proofread bc i’m working
It was a warm summer evening in the Outer Banks, and Y/n walked back to the Chateau quietly. In the summer she never walked slowly, let alone quietly. She tried to pack her summers with as much adventure as she could, no matter how sleep deprived she was. Her grandfather always said that she could sleep in the winter. 
The hole in her chest was growing, she felt heavy. Her mouth was dry, nose was running, and she kept looking up at the sky trying to make the tears go away. Stopping for a moment against a tree, she took a deep breath, “You were just fine without him, you are just fine without him.” 
Her friends always used to tease her that she was too much of a “lover girl,” falling a little bit in love with anyone, everyone she met. She just felt so stupid. Kiara had warned her about the boy that had mysteriously shown up one day and gave her the world. Sure it could have been the start of something wonderful, he was the original one to show interest, so that had to have meant something. 
By the time she had actually made it to the Chateau, she had swallowed her sadness. She put that award winning smile on, and was ready to be her normal self. Walking in, the girl threw her bag into her normal spot, and made her way toward the jetty. She passed out greetings and hugs and jokes as if she wasn’t just trying to get herself to breathe a few moments ago. 
The pogues could tell something was off. They could tell she had been upset by the way her eyes were glossed over. But Y/n was closed off, no amount of prying would get her to reveal what was going on inside. That’s just how she worked. John B tried to cheer her up by throwing her in the water, Sarah just offered her a small smile and a compliment on her swimsuit. One she was now going to donate because he had told her just how gorgeous she had looked in it. 
JJ offered her a Twisted Tea blueberry, her favorite, but she only took a few sips over the entire afternoon on the boat. She knew if she became intoxicated, there was no stopping the feelings, no covering up. 
“Lover girl, you headed out tonight?” John B asked as they started collecting money to buy pizza for dinner. 
“Uh, n-no actually. Here’s $10 for dinner,” she quietly pulled a ten out of her bag, and the others watched her silently. Y/n was always peeling out around this time, ready to experience some romantic rendez-vous with her beau. 
“I’m not letting you pay $10 when you’re gonna eat maybe a piece of pizza,” John B argued back.
“JB just take my money!” all eyes were on her, “It’s less y’all have to pay anyway.” 
To avoid any confrontation, she walked up to the house to get her sweatshirt. The air hadn’t changed, still as hot and sticky as before, but the girl knew without the protection from the hood of her sweatshirt everything would be too real. 
God, while the sweatshirt provided a small amount of comfort, it brought back more painful memories than it needed to. She could smell her perfume, one that he thought was just to die for, the chewed up aglet that he would constantly take out of her mouth and say “relax.” There were still no notifications on her lock screen. She kicked her backpack with all of her might. 
“Mama,” she slowly turned around. “Why are we kicking the living fuck out of our backpack.”
The smug look on her best friend’s face made her lip shake and tears come sprinting to the front of her eyes. JJ’s expression quickly changed when she started to come towards him with open arms. 
“I knew there was a reason you didn’t chug your Twea.” 
The girl quietly shook in his arms as he guided her to his room. “You’re allowed to cry, you know, I won’t tell anyone.” 
“No.” Her voice wavered. “I-I just want a distraction. Can you give me that?” From the way she was laying next to JJ, to the doe eyes, she was achieving exactly what she wanted. JJ pushed the hair out of her eyes, lingering his fingers just long enough on her jaw to indicate he was going to falter. And falter quickly. 
Y/n closed the distance between their faces. Her lips locked intently around his, becoming the dominant mouth. JJ pulled her back just long enough to wipe the tears from her eyes before kissing her back hungerly. 
Her hands wandered under his shirt and up his back, feeling every knot in his muscles, but settling on one right below his shoulder blade. Their lips stayed latched together as she began to massage the knot. JJ’s hands similarly mimicked her motions but he settled on her hips. His first two fingers found themselves tangled in the side strings of her bikini bottom, while his thumb and last two fingers found themselves squeezing her love handles. 
Small, breathy, almost inaudible moans escaped from her mouth as JJ guided her hips against his torso. His other hand buried itself in the nape of her neck, pulling her hair to force her chin up as he nipped and kissed at her neck. Her perfume made him absolutely and unequivocally feral. He hummed against her collar bone, feeling her body snap towards him. She was dying for friction. For contact. Anything to smother the weight in her chest. 
Never had he imagined when he volunteered to go talk to the pogue, he’d be up close and personal with her. 
His fingers untangled from the strings, and pulled leg up by the thigh. He gently ghosted his fingers over her most personal spot, feeling wetness and the small whimper against his neck. 
Y/n’s dainty hand guided his hand to touch her where she needed attention the most. He followed her advances and pushed the fabric to the sides. One quick swipe of his fingers to gauge her readiness and then he pushed two fingers in. She was rolling her hips and clenching around JJ’s fingers almost rhythmically, like he wasn’t going to give her what she wanted. He pressed on her clit, adding pressure to her.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong,” he questioned, pressing down heavily as he ended his question. A hiss slipped through her lips. “If you make me cum, I won’t have any.” 
Her hand stalked down JJ’s swim trunks, trying to determine how big he was. His penis became still and hard as her fingers circled the shaft. He bucked into her palm, looking for his own friction. After a few particularly hard presses on her clit, she began to let up on her hand job. Too immersed in chasing her own high.
JJ couldn’t remember the last time he had been this turned on, this quickly. He’d only been on solo missions recently, eyes always eyeing one specific prize. 
Finally finding the courage, JJ flipped her underneath him. While placing sloppy kisses on her collar bones, he ground his hips into her. Both letting out soft gasps from the pleasure of pseudo-sex. 
“JJ, please.” she mumbled. “Put him in. I need it.” She took it upon herself to untie the bikini bottoms, trying to quickly find the friction again. JJ nearly came at the girl’s begging. 
He then found himself ripping his trunks off at lightning speed. Y/n took his cock and lined it up with her entrance, teasing JJ with her slit. He waited for her nod, and then slid himself in. He let out a small breath at the feeling of her warm insides around him.
“J, move,” she begged. He began long, slow thrusts into the girl, trying to make every second count, trying to keep from finishing in her like it was his first time. JJ could immediately tell she needed more stimulation. He pulled out, and waited for her to open her eyes. 
“Turn around mama, lay on your stomach.” Doing as she was told, she opened her legs impatiently waiting for his re-entry. 
JJ did as he promised, sliding in with a faster pace. He slowly pulled her ass towards him, up in the air. He could feel her clenching. She was so close. JJ had her body mirroring his, her back flatly against his chest. His one hand played with her front as his other held her by the neck to his. 
“I’m s-so,” she squeaked. “So, close.” As she finished her sentence, her thighs shook, her walls clenched around his dick, and nails dug into his forearms. 
This lethal combination sent JJ spiraling, releasing his load into her before he could even think of pulling out. Her body went limp as JJ rode out the rest of his orgasm. 
As their bodies separated, he then spun her around to hold her close. Even with his cum dripping out of her, he wanted to make sure she was okay. 
“Are you okay?” He looked down at her, trying to avoid looking at the trail of each other down her legs. 
“No,” he panicked. Had he crossed a boundary? Broken something good in a weak moment? “You just started an addiction.” 
Relief flooded his body. “Good, because I’m not letting go anytime soon.”
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agirlwithdemonblood · 2 months
The Celebrity Next Door: Chapter 18- Caught Off Guard
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Chapter Summary: The first day in Y/N's new house is overwhelming, in good ways & bad
Warnings: Panic attack, slight angst, SMUT!
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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Texas, here we come.
I felt a mix of nerves, anxiety, and fear about making this move, but after last night's events, my excitement skyrocketed.
When we broke the news to the kids this morning, their reactions exceeded our expectations. Katie bubbled with enthusiasm about endless sleepovers and tea parties, while Kevin, surprisingly, was genuinely happy, even hugging his dad, which caught us off guard.
We said goodbye to my family at the house; I didn't want another goodbye at the airport after the emotional night we had. Despite forgiving most of them, I was eager to start this new chapter with my new family, just us.
Later that afternoon, we arrived in Texas, dropped off the kids at their mom's, and headed to our new home together. I was thrilled, but beneath Jensen's apparent happiness, something was bothering him, I could tell.
As we unloaded our belongings and settled into our new bedroom, his smile seemed strained, his eyes filled with unspoken worry.
Giving him space, I patiently helped unpack until I couldn't ignore his unease any longer. I approached him sitting on the bed gently touching his cheek as he leaned into my hand. "Are you okay?" I asked softly.
He sighed, his expression conflicted. "Sort of."
"What's bothering you?" I pressed gently.
He stood, running a hand through his hair. "I don't want to ruin today with my issues, honey. It's okay, really."
Shaking my head, I stood beside him, taking his hand in mine. "You're not ruining anything. Please, tell me what's on your mind."
Avoiding my gaze, he grasped my arms. "It's just... Fuck, it's so stupid." he paused, before chuckling at himself in embarrassment. "I thought i'd come home with you and the house would feel fresh, but I can't shake it."
Understanding dawned on me, "You mean what happened with Sarah?"
He nodded sadly in response, avoiding my eyes like he was ashamed.
I hugged him tightly to me, my heart aching for his struggle. "I understand, triggers and anxiety is tough, I don't blame you."
He lifted his head to meet my eyes, remorse clouding his face. "I'm sorry. It's not fair. This should be our happy day and I'm ruining with my own shit."
"No, Jensen," I insisted, sitting beside him. "Your feelings are valid. The chaos you went through here before-of course it's hard to forget, and of course that would bring up anxious feelings."
He sighed heavily, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I don't get it. I've moved on, but being here... my chest is tight, and I feel like i'm going to have a panic attack."
Squeezing his hand, I offered comfort. "It's normal to have these reactions. This place holds memories, good and bad. What your dealing with now is a trigger. You might have forgiven and moved on, but this place holds memories, good and bad, and it's normal to have these reactions especially when you return to the place where the pain originated in the first place."
His hand ran through his hair, his fingers trembling. His chest rose and fell unevenly, each breath coming quicker than the last. I moved in close, feeling the tension radiating off him, and placed my hand firmly against his back, my lips brushing against his ear.
"Hey, Jensen, you're okay." I whispered urgently. "Just take a deep breath."
He nodded frantically, but his breaths came in short gasps, his chest heaving with each inhale. I could feel the shudders running through him as he struggled to regain control. Gripping his shoulders, I urged him softly, "Deep breaths, Jensen. In… and out."
He attempted to follow my lead, but his breath hitched painfully, his body betraying his efforts. Tears welled up in his eyes, his whole frame shaking uncontrollably. With each passing moment, his panic seemed to escalate, his grip on reality slipping.
But I was patient, and determined to see him through this, constantly whispering reassurances in his ear, making sure he knew that he wasn't alone.
Finally, he managed a breath, holding it desperately before letting it out in a shuddering exhale. His shoulders relaxed slightly, but the panic still lingered in his eyes. When he turned his head towards me, his face was pale, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead. A weak grin tugged at his lips as he whispered thickly, "Thank you, honey."
I brushed his cheek gently, trying to calm the storm raging inside him. "You don't have to thank me," I murmured softly. "I'm right here with you."
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Several hours later, Jensen's mood had improved.
We continued unpacking; it didn't take much since I didn't have many belongings. Jensen took the initiative to order new bed sheets, blankets, and anything else that had been shared with Sarah.
While I appreciated the gesture, I knew it was more for Jensen's benefit-a fresh start. It was something that that we both needed.
And that's when a thought crossed my mind. A dirty, hot and exciting thought. Maybe we needed to replace the feelings here, give each other a memory that we could hold onto forever.
Jensen was in the kitchen putting away the dishes when I escaped to the bedroom, changing into the only piece of lingerie I owned, and internally thanking myself for buying it even when I thought I'd never use it.
I have never worn something like this before, there was never a chance and my body confidence wasn't strong enough to show it off, but tonight, I was determined to give Jensen an image he wouldn't soon forget.
I pulled on the black and pink laced bra and tightened it before sliding on the matching pink panties. I stood in the mirror as I pulled on the fishnets that went with it, blowing a breath at the image staring back at me in the mirror.
Even without the full confidence, I knew Jensen was going to be blown away by my outfit choice.
As I came back into the kitchen, Jensen's back was turned towards me, and I smiled nervously. I cleared my throat and Jensen turned his head slightly but not enough to see me. "Doing good, honey?" He questioned.
I laughed lightly and leaned against the counter to give him a nice view if he would ever turn around. "Yeah, I'm good. I'll be better in a few minutes."
He chuckled deeply, "Oh yeah? Why's that?"
This time, I laughed loudly and shook my head. "Well, if you'd ever turn around you'd know."
He tossed the towel down and finally turned towards me, his eyes locking in on my body, a deep blush spread from his ears to his cheeks. His mouth gaped open as he sucked in a breath.
"Oh.. wow. Holy shit, Y/N... you look.... Wow."
I smiled shly, my cheeks burning red at his compliments. With a sudden urge of confidence, I walked around the counter, standing in front of him to show it off. My fingers traced up and down his chest, eyes trailing with it. I smirked and leaned to his ear. "Wait till you see the back."
He swallowed hard as I turned around, giving him a nice clear view. He groaned underneath his breath and I could feel him watching me, staring at every piece of skin he could see. "My god, you are just... gorgeous. I'm a lucky man."
I giggled and turned back towards him, "Well, I was thinking maybe we both could be lucky. Maybe we could christen every room in this house, start our new life with some good memories."
He nodded frantically and pulled me close, nails digging into my hips tightly. "I'm game."
I smirked and moved to the counter, my back against him. "Well, I was thinking maybe here first... you could fuck me against our new kitchen island..."
His breathing hitched and before I could say anything, his hands moved to my ass, pulling me towards him. He leaned closer to my ear, his voice going raspy and deep. "You want me to bend you over and fuck you right here, dirty girl?"
I bit my lip to stifle the moan and nodded, before his fingers laced in my hair, pulling me back until my back was flush against his chest. "Words honey."
"Yes... Yes I want you to fuck me right here."
He stayed silent, but the sound of his belt sliding out of the loops sent shivers down my spine. Jensen usually wasn't dominating in bed, but it was certainly a nice change of events.
His hand moved to the back of my neck as he pushed me down on the counter, a gasp leaving my lips as the cold tile pressed against my skin and cheek. "Put your hands on the sides of the counter, and hold on." he demanded.
I quickly did as he said, waiting in anticipation for him to give me what I so desperately needed, but he was taking his time.
His fingers traced lower, gently pressing over top my panties causing me to squirm in my spot. He groaned in his throat and leaned over me, kissing my back gently. "You're already soaked, you really like this eh?"
I nodded and breathed deep, trying to hold back, begging him to fuck me, but I was ready to. He chuckled under his throat as he watched me squirm, his hands moving back to my hips as he moved my panties to the side. "Ready?"
I just started to nod my head when his cock slammed deep inside of me, causing my body to shoot forward against the counter, and a loud moan to escape my throat. He groaned loudly, gripping me impossibly tight. "Fuck, you feel good."
He panted against me as he thrusted harder, desperate to fill me as much as he possibly could. He was relentless and rough in such a good way, pounding me over and over again, hips slamming against mine, pushing and pressing and fucking me so hard.
It felt like we was punishing me, like he hated me and I loved it. I knew he loved me, I knew that he wasn't taking anything out on me, but it felt freeing to have him completely in control, demanding my body, taking what was his.
My hands were going white against the counter, every slam was starting to ache on my stomach to the point where pain was radiating through me. I lifted my head dizzily, and turned towards him, "Jensen..."
He slowed his movements and leaned over me, brushing the hair from my face, "You okay?"
I nodded and rested my head back down, "Just... the counter."
He slowly pulled out of me as his hand came to my arms, spinning me around gently. He smiled and bent lower, grabbing my thighs to lift me up.
As gently as possible, he picked me up and brought me to the ktichen table before laying me down on my back. I sighed contently, and he smirked, hand moving down to stroke his hard cock before he slid back inside me in one quick motion.
I leaned my head back and whimpered as he filled me up to the point where I didn't think he could reach any further, but every thrust, every movement felt like he was hitting spots I didn't realize were there.
He leaned over me, hands grabbing mine to hold them in place against the table. "This is better anyways, I like seeing your gorgeous face as I fuck you."
My eyes slammed shut as his words brought me closer to the edge, every word that rolled off his tongue pushed me further and further. "Oh fuck, Jensen please more."
His hands pulled down on my hips, forcing me closer and himself deeper inside me, causing my eyes to roll back and my hands to grip his tightly. He groaned loudly as he watched me fall apart, desperate to get me there.
"Oh fuck, you're so fucking sexy sweetheart." he spoke hungrily. I nodded and opened my eyes, my hand reaching for the back of his head to pull him lower. He smirked as his eyes glanced on my lips, kissing me passionatly.
I could feel the pleasure crashing through my entire body, legs shaking with pleasure and hot white lights exploding before my eyes, I was almost there and I just needed a push. He groaned as his forehead dropped against mine. "Fuck, I love fucking you like this."
"Please Jensen.." I choked out, barely audible.
He lifted his head as his hand came to my cheek, "What do you need baby?"
"I'm so close.."
He nodded in understanding as he sat up gently, pulling my legs over his shoulders to get as deep as he could. His other hand moved down to my clit, rubbing so roughly that I saw stars.
"I'm right behind you baby, cum for me."
I closed my eyes tight as I felt the coil start to snap, my vision went dark and the entire world around me was spinning, rotating like I was about to fall off but Jensen's grip tightened, he wasn't going to let go.
His groans grew louder as he thrusted deep inside of me, pushing me to the edge completely. We fell apart together, and when he stilled the room was filled with breathy gasps for air, and love and passion coating us.
He gently pulled out before grabbing a towel to clean me up, grabbing my hands to sit me up from my spot. He leaned closer, bright lust blown eyes staring back at me. "Are you okay?"
I nodded lazily as my eyes fluttered. "Yeah, I'm good just.. exhausted."
He smirked and helped me to my feet, holding me tightly against him.
"Well, why don't we go take a nap, and than we can see how many other rooms we can have fun in."
I giggled playfully and nodded, "I'm game."
He laughed loudly and walked us towards the bedroom. "That's my line."
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 19 coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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pico-digital-studios · 10 months
Into, Across and Beyond!: Character Charts
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Today, I'd like to introduce you all to most of the major cast line-up for Into, Across and Beyond!.
The Blur Gang is a bunch of multidimensional heroes from many universes all ganged together with the equal purpose of keeping things safe. The members of this team include:
OMT!Tails (the Tails of the Sonic.exe One More Time games by Mr. Pixel Productions)
CR!Sonic (an alternate version of the blue blur by @becdoesthings)
OMT!Mina (an alternate version of Mina from a parallel timeline to Tails)
Mini Sonic (from the Sonic the Hedgehog Parts 1 & 2 game)
Mr. Needlemouse (a cartoon-like Sonic made by @mcgamejolter)
EX!Alice (an alternate version of Xenophanes' right-hand girl by AetherAsterisk) and her robot mech, E4-R6:3
D-Sides Mighty (from the FNF D-Sides mod)
BK!Amy Rose (an alternate role swap version of Amy for Sonic and the Black Knight, conceptualised by @sstorminghearts)
CU!Sonic and CU!Sonia (a father and daughter from the ChaosIIUniverse by ToonsiteComics)
Nine (from Sonic Prime)
Nitro (my own original character)
Antho (from SFG1235's Mobiverse AU)
Ex-Prince Brian (from the Mobius' Freedom Fighters AU by jordangaming101 and @becdoesthings)
Hog the Tenrec (a bootleg Sonic character by Jack Gore on Twitter)
Wacky the Hedgehog (another bootleg Sonic character by danicorelove on Twitter)
Devy the Rabbit (character and sprite by NotSoDevy)
Trip the Sungazer Lizard
The Quill Society are a group of multiversal characters responsible for protecting the very fabric of the Sonic and SEGA multiverse. Note in advance that only five of its members are on a bad side, and most of them are solely good. Their members include:
Lost Memory Sonic (from What if Sonic Lost his Memory? by The Sega Scourge)
Amy Rouge (from that Sonic Adventure 2 mod with everyone wearing Rouge's outfit)
Turbo the Alien Hedgehog (that one alien rival from the Fleetway comics)
Fiona Fox
Tekno the Canary (from the Fleetway comics)
Zonic the Zone Cop (from the Archie universe)
CD Alt Ending Sonic (from Sonic CD: Alternative Ending by Lucsan 2015)
Underground Sonic
Emperor Metallix
Errorverse Sonic (from the same AU Nitro originates from)
LEGO Sonic
Sunky and Tlels
Carol Tea (from Freedom Planet)
Sarah Henderson (from the Needlem0use series by ShutUpJojo)
Barry the Quokka (from The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog)
E-21 (a modified robot from the Movie universe)
Milly Prower (by SallyAc63038470 on Twitter; SFW in this AU)
Blitz!Tails (from the Sonic/Avalice Blitz AU by BobTheGUYYYYY on Twitter)
Sonic.RAW (a Sonic.exe character made by randidesu)
Superstars / Discovery Omega Amy
OVA Knuckles
Rob o' the Hedge
Water Sonic (from that one Sonamy fanart based on Elemental; designed by @xblueshin)
Fleetway Amy
Stella Hoshine the Cat
Pana Der Hejhog
Bunnie Rabbot
Nicky Parlouzer
Warrior Feline Honey
These are the various villains present throughout the stories. These include, in the Spider-Verse set:
Eggman Nega
Shadow Emerl / Uma Arachnis
Zeera the Zeti
Surge the Tenrec
Johnny the Shark Robot
Crimtake (the EXE from NotSoDevy's SONIC Lost Drive trilogy)
Gemerl / Anti-Miles
Dr. Beeman (Mr. Needlemouse's arch-nemesis)
The More than One Universe set includes:
Shalian (an alternate version of Toxinfect)
Crossover Realm Corrupt
Animator vs. Animation Corrupt
Richard Ambersilve
Curse (my version of the character)
The Into the Sonic-verse villains include, from this list:
Dr. Finitevus
The Super Special Sonic Search and Smash Squad (Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts)
Scourge the Hedgehog
Rosy the Rascal
Walter Naugus
And finally, we've some members of the AU's supporting cast, those being the OMT versions of Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, Sally, Cream and Robotnik, alongside three other OCs of mine, Lucia, Karilvatch and Amelia, and the Mobiverse version of Tails.
Other supporting characters include:
The Errorverse counterparts of Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Eggman
Exeller (from the Spirits of Hell duology)
Team Lilac
Extraterrestrial Encounter Sonic / XE!Sonic and Xenomorphic (this AU's version of Eddie Brock and Venom)
The FNF trio from the Errorverse (alongside Bentonly/Bently Forceloyed and Isabella Fondsmith from New Identity, New Life)
The Prower Kids (Melody and Skye Prower)
The Errorverse's version of Benjamin Fairest/Softie Benji
Fellow SEGA and Capcom characters include:
Alex Kidd
Arle Nadja
Billy Hatcher
Mega Man / Rock Light
Over the next days, I'll drop some bios to explain who all these people are and their role in this AU. Do note that NONE of this is canon to the pre-existing AUs or official universes unless their creators deem it as such.
I apologise in advance if your favourite AU or a favourite OC didn't get in, but do know that this is only the surface level of how massive the multiverse can be. And just remember the one golden rule of the multiverse:
In the multiverse, everything is canon!
Yeah, we don't talk about THAT stuff, though.
Sprite credits:
CartoonsAnimate22 (OMT!Tails, OMT!Sonic, OMT!Knux, OMT!Amy and OMT!Robotnik)
Nebula / Cylent Nite (CR!Sonic and Lost Memory Sonic)
Cylent Nite (OMT!Mina, Tekno and Warrior Feline Honey)
jrm10071322 (Mini Sonic)
Octluigi (Mr. Needlemouse base; edit by Pico231)
deltaConduit (EX!Alice and CD!Sonic; edits by Pico231)
Sergey E.S.N. (front-facing Big Arms sprite)
Dolphman (S2 Mighty sprite; edit by Pico231)
Mod.Gen (BK!Amy, Nitro (edit and design by KoolTimYT, BroadwayBash123 and Pico231), Wacky (edits by Pico231), Fiona, EV!Sonic/Tails/Amy/Eggman/Knuckles, Bunnie, Snively, Scourge, Rosy, Naugus and the Prower Kids)
paveldechev0604 (CU!Sonic; edits by Pico231)
SEGA (CU!Sonia, Crimtake and Shalian bases; edits by Pico231) (SS!Amy)
Deebs and Xeric (Alt Mod.Gen Tails sprite; edit by Pico231)
@mcgamejolter (Custom Nitro, Amelia and Bently sprites, alongside original sprites for AVA!Corrupt and Richard)
Antho and BECDoesDA/JordanGaming101 (sprites for Antho and Brian)
Gavin’s Golden Entertainment (Hog sprite; tweaks and edits by Pico231)
NotSoDevy (his character’s sprite)
miniluv73 (Trip sprite)
SuperGoku809 (Amy Rouge sprite)
RatherNoiceSprites (Turbo, Somari and XE!Sonic sprites)
khalifax10 and Xeric (Zonic sprite)
Deebs (UG!Sonic and OMT!Sally sprites)
DerZocker (Emperor Metallix sprite)
LegoLoco7 (LEGO Sonic sprite; recreation by Pico231)
Miles The Duck (Sunky and Tlels sprites)
GalaxyTrail (Carol and Lilac sprites)
SFG1235 (Antho, Barry and MV!Tails sprites)
KostyaGame the Fox (E-21 sprite)
JunkeyBot (Milly sprite; edits by Pico231)
Nebula (Super Tails sprite; edits by Pico231)
randidesu (RAW sprite)
Gardow and Overbound (OVA!Knux sprite)
Gabriel_aka_Frag (Rob o’ and OMT!Cheese sprites)
FlewayAmysprite (Fleetway Amy sprite)
TheCrushedJoycon (TTS sprite; edit by Pico231)
MarkeyJester (Pana sprite)
NickyFan7 (Nicky sprite)
Shinbaloonba (Eggman Nega sprite)
Xeric (Uma sprite)
Willosonic (Zeena sprite; disguised form in one mockup based on a sprite by Teh2Chao2)
ManiaMadness91 (Surge sprite)
Lone Devil (Johnny sprite)
mtallic (Sonic.OMT sprite)
Rosabelle (S1 Extended sprite; edits by BECDoesDA and PrimalKoopaPictures)
NotSoDevy and NightAkio (Talrareth sprites)
paveldechev0604 (Original Sonic 1-based sprite; edits by Pico231)
Louplayer (Ohshima Eggman sprite; edits by Pico231)
Tonberry2k (S.S.S.S.S. Squad sprites)
Smoke-the-Pyroling (OMT!Cream sprite)
KoolTimYT (Dr. Beeman and Exeller sprites)
LiefBnuy (SMA Milla sprite)
HyperTails12 and LillyDragon (Carrie sprite)
NICKtendo DS (Time Eater sprite; edit by Pico231)
RaulHedgeBomber (FNF trio sprites’ palettes)
Hyperknux6 (custom NiGHTS sprite)
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celestialcrowley · 10 months
Good morning! Good whatever-time-this-post-finds-you!
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My phone updated. Thanks, I hate it. Anyway, I had a bio pinned, but I took it down because I wanted my 6,000 years meta to be pinned. I’m currently on the side of procrastination — I should be working on my GO fiction, someone shout at me to write — so here is a little bit more in depth bio about the ghost behind this tumblr.
Real Name: Sarah.
Nickname(s): There’s a list. Caps, Ghost, Khas, Khasper, Khasper the Spicy Ghost, Pippin, Haands, Crowley, Ginger and Tapeworm.
Nickname Origin(s): Buckle up. Caps is an age old nickname that was given to me because I wear hats all the time. Ghost began with a chat group I used to be in eons ago. The different variants of Khasper were given to me at my very first job, but we collectively agreed to change things up a bit, and Khasper the Spicy Ghost was born. Pippin was given to me when the Lord of the Rings trilogy was first released. Haands was given to me by former coworkers. Their reasoning behind that is I’ve got big hands. Crowley was given to me by my work bestie, and Ginger was given to me by the rest of my coworkers for my only slightly red hair. Or maybe it’s for my fiery personality. Tapeworm is something my uncle calls me presumably because I’m always hungry, but isn’t that the nature of an actual hobbit?
Preferred Name(s): Ghost, Khasper, Crowley, Ginger or Pippin.
Ao3: Beyond_Ineffable.
Social Media(s): I have Facebook and TikTok. My TikTok is actuallyahobbit89 if anyone is curious. I’m hardly on it though. I’ll pop in to post a video and then disappear like a ghost.
State: Born in raised in Floriduha. It’s a state of chaos.
Birthdate: July 25.
Pet(s): I’ve got two dogs. Mycroft is a probably Dutch shepherd Australian cattle dog mix. I’ve never had him DNA tested, but his mother is an Australian cattle dog. Patch is a portly pitbull mix.
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Hobbies: Writing, reading, listening to music and true crime podcasts and stand up paddle boarding.
Personality: Here’s the best way I can describe this. I’m a permanently exhausted pigeon who functions on caffeine, anxiety and not enough sleep. I’m shy and socially awkward, but once I’m comfortable with someone and know that I can completely be myself around them, the anxiety disappears.
Favorite Holiday(s): Big spooky fan, me.
Favorite Drink(s): Coffee, Ice sparkling water + caffeine, London fog tea and cranberry juice.
Favorite Food(s): Sushi, tacos, salmon, crepes, lasagna, sweet potatoes and chicken teriyaki.
Favorite Dessert(s): Pumpkin pie.
Favorite Color(s): Turquoise, but any shade of blue, really. It’s pretty.
Favorite Quote(s): “She walks in starlight in another world.” “The world is not in your books and maps. It’s out there.” “Why do we fall, sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.” “A witch ought never to be frightened in the darkest forest because she should be sure that the most terrifying thing in the forest was her.” “I know of witches who whistle at different pitches, calling things that don’t have names.”
Favorite Book(s): The Inheritance Collection and Neverwhere, which I still need to finish reading.
Favorite TV Show(s): Good Omens, Sherlock, Lucifer, The Exorcist and Hannibal.
Favorite Movie(s): Bad Samaritan, The Hobbit trilogy, The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Favorite Character(s): Crowley, Aziraphale, Furfur, Hastur, Pippin, Bilbo Baggins, Sherlock, John Watson, Father Marcus and Will Graham.
Favorite Actor(s): David Tennant, Michael Sheen, Martin Freeman, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins, Jason Statham, Keanu Reeves and Mads Mikkelsen. It’s an accent thing and a hair thing.
Favorite Song(s): There’s too many. I’ll just drop this here. Whiplash Radio.
Favorite Music Genre(s): Mostly everything under the sun.
Favorite Podcast(s): Small Town Murder.
Have You Ever Met A Celebrity: Yes. Jimmie Johnson, a NASCAR driver, visited the very first job I had. He brought his daughter. Story time! My former coworkers were being a bit too extra around him — personal space, what personal space? — and he didn’t like it. I had not yet had a chance to speak to him, and I was told not to because he’s rude. I didn’t believe that, so later, I saw Jimmie was standing at the fence with his daughter. I walked over, said hello and asked him if his daughter would like to pet the dog. He said yes, so I moved the dog closer so she could pet him through the fence. She did, he thanked me, and that was our interaction. He was very pleasant.
Have You Ever Been To A Concert: I have not, unfortunately.
Do You Collect Anything: Yes. Coffee cups, gnomes and pocket knives. That’s a weird combination.
Do You Have Any Idols: Yes! Neil Gaiman. He’s a legend and someone I admire, especially when the writer’s block is slaying me.
Is There A Real Life Friend You Can Completely Be Yourself With: Yes! I made a tumblr post about him! We’ve known each other a long time.
What Are Your Interests: All things spooky. Ghosts. Graveyards. Stars. Galaxies. Planets. Everything about the solar system. True crime. History. Metaphysical things.
Where Would You Love To Travel To: Ireland. New Zealand. Scotland.
Is There A Random Fact About Yourself That You’d Like To Share: I like flamingos.
No pressure tags: @phoen1xr0se @ineffabildaddy @peregrintook @sad-chaos-goblin @spot-o-bodysnatchin @apocalypticginger-blog @crowleyscleaninglady @missdeliadilisblog @ritz-writes @ineffablemoist @turquoisedata @azirapalalalala @peachworthy @pretendygood @belladonna413 @jackinistafflower @aziraphalalala @scarecrowcloud @tragic-cosmic-magic @musingsofmaisie
It’s open to everyone, but here is an apology dance in case I missed anyone! 💚
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roisy · 6 months
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Stoner Tea (1/3) 2.6k
The one where Rebekah’s solution to Bonnie’s panic attack is serving stoner tea at her anti-curfew party. 4x03
TW:  dissociation/panic attacks.
If you asked Bonnie how she got to history class—well—she’d struggle to answer. Her morning blended into one big blur. Someone else must’ve woken up, drove to school, and walked into first period because she didn’t remember a thing. It was like the times she sleepwalked, but worse because an invisible barrier separated her from the world. It left her trapped in a fuzzy haze, while everyone else buzzed in the background at their desks. Was she even there? Awake? In a weird lucid-magical-dream? Who-freaking-knew?
A yelp across the classroom tore down the mist. Bonnie’s head snapped toward Elena, who yanked a bloody pencil out of her shoulder. The black veins under Elena’s eyes made Bonnie’s chest tighten. Elena was one of them now. A vampire. All because Bonnie failed to bring Elena’s humanity back from the Other Side before she transitioned. 
Grams had warned Bonnie against dark magic, had tried protecting her from the spirits’ wrath. Then, Klaus kept pushing and pushing her to put him back in his original body and Gram’s grip on her hands had gotten tighter and tighter—no—she couldn’t think of that right now.
Bonnie shifted her focus to the smug thousand-year-old vampire instead. Rebekah. She looked how Bonnie wanted to feel: like she didn’t have a care in the world. Rebekah offered a faux-sweet smile to Elena and slipped into a chair at the front of the class.
The bell rang before it could escalate further. Good. Bonnie’s temple already throbbed enough without a vampire fight breaking out at eight-thirty. She needed one day where everyone got along. No neck snaps or death threats—just one normal day of senior year. Was that too much to ask? 
Speaking of normal; a new history teacher offered a standard introduction. Ms. Hawthorne: a newbie right out of college. She wrote her name on the blackboard and shared her philosophy about her approach to teaching, which centered on collaborative learning. “Teamwork among students fosters an environment where you can learn from each other, share ideas, and work together to solve problems.” It sounded like a literal nightmare. 
Bonnie rested her cheek on her palm and doodled during Ms. Hawthorne’s ten-minute rant about the importance of “peer learning.” But then came the big guns: middle school styled ice-breaker activities that required everyone’s participation.
Ms. Hawthorne got everyone to write their name on a scrap of paper and collected them into the round whisker basket. The idea was to pair random kids together to interview each other so they could share interesting facts about their partner to the class. Students went up to the desk one-by-one and plucked a random name out of the basket hung at the end of her desk.
The exercise sounded simple, right? Except for Rebekah’s turn. The blonde’s reception in class was hard to ignore. First, came the bad. Stefan tapped his daylight ring against his desk, obviously paranoid she’d provoke Elena into snapping.
Everyone else had more positive reactions. Jeff Gillies, David Bance and John Albrecht sat side-by-side in the center row, wiggling their eyebrows behind Rebekah’s back as she stood up. Sarah Beasley’s desk screeched as she twisted it to face the Original vampire, and Savannah Davis drooled in the row beside Bonnie.
Rebekah’s popularity had been pretty obvious since the day she stole the cheerleading squad right out from Caroline. But there was a difference between everyone smiling at you in the hallway and people gaping at you like you owned the world. They either wanted to be her or be with her. It made sense, really. A pretty girl with a pretty accent who made hearts stop when she walked into a room. She possessed this mysterious magnetism, that certain ‘je ne sais quoi,’ which all her family had in one way or another.
Maybe humans subconsciously sensed Rebekah's power and their blatant admiration and flattery for her was their way to submit to the predator.
Or maybe they just wanted to kiss a pretty girl. 
Well, that was Bonnie’s theory, anyway.
The one thing for sure? Everyone wanted the chance to be her partner—even Elena—who sat up a little straighter with a sharp pencil poised for attack. And Rebekah? She flipped her hair over her shoulder, graced the room with a knowing hiked eyebrow, and went to dip her hand in the basket. 
Stefan shot across the room a little too fast to be normal and swiped the paper out of Rebekah’s hand. He didn’t even bother unfolding it before he declared, “Bonnie’s your partner.”
“Liar,” Rebekah accused. “It says Elena, doesn’t it?”
He leaned against the desk in a pretty bad attempt to look casual and said, “Nope.”
“Hand it here, then,” she said. 
“Do you have something against Bonnie?” he asked.
“Nope,” she mocked him, halfheartedly trying to grab the paper. 
“Sounds like you do,” he insisted. 
“I do not.”
He shrugged and asked, “Then what’s your problem?”
“I’m not the one who has an issue. What’s the matter, Stefan? Afraid to let fate decide? I wonder why that is? Hmm?” Rebekah asked, waving her index finger toward Elena. Rebekah’s smug smile radiated superiority. “Oh—Elena—there’s a splotch of blood on your shirt. Wonder how that got there? You should really be more careful. I see why Stefan’s up here and not you. Wouldn’t want you to get a papercut, would we?”
“I’ll show you a papercut,” Elena said, standing up. 
Bonnie tried to defuse the situation by ‘spontaneously combusting’ the remaining paper inside the whisker basket. Grams’ pained face flashing behind her eyes stopped her in her tracks. A sharp jolt rippled through her skull when she tried again, making her grip her pencil so tight that the tip snapped against her notebook. 
The crack caught the vampires’ attention.
“You okay, Bon?” Elena asked, eyebrows drawn together, 
“Peachy,” Bonnie replied, grabbing one half of the pencil and placing it over her heart. She asked under her breath, “Do I need to snap it into thirds?” 
Rebekah snorted. 
Stefan sighed.
And Elena flopped back into her chair.
Tension successfully cut.
“Okay, kids, obviously there’s history here,” Ms. Hawthorne said. “As much as I love teen drama, let’s all take a deep breath. It’s the luck of the draw, okay? No special treatment here. It’s designed this way, so no one feels left out. Now, Stefan, Rebekah, how do you think this bickering makes Bonnie feel?”
Bonnie almost laughed at the concern and offered, “Oh, I’m totally fine going partnerless. Thanks.”
“I don’t condone exclusion in my classroom,” Ms. Hawthorne said. Did she blink back tears? Great. Someone clearly bullied this woman in high school and now she projected her issues onto the nearest tangible target. Bonnie. “Now one of you two will be her partner, and that’s final. But the choice won’t be down to either of you. Bonnie? What do you say? Who do you want to be your partner?”
“Why do I always get caught in the middle?” Bonnie muttered. 
“My bad,” Stefan said, not-so-subtly nodding in Rebekah’s direction as he dropped the name-slip he stole at her desk.
Bonnie unfolded the scrap of paper and revealed a name scrawled in a familiar handwriting. Elena. Ugh. Stefan might’ve been dramatic about it but he was right. Elena and Rebekah? Talk about the worst possible scenario. 
“Well?” Rebekah said, sauntering over and placing her palms on Bonnie’s desk. “Who shall it be? Saint Stefan or little old me?”
“Guess we’re partners, Mikaelson,” Bonnie said. 
“Goodie,” Rebekah said, sliding the nearest combo desk close to Bonnie. “I’m so over their drama.”
Like she didn’t impale Elena with a pencil. “Uh-huh.”
“I know that look,” Rebekah said, narrowing her eyes. “You think I’m a wretched, heartless bitch. Join the club.”
“I don’t think anything,” Bonnie denied, doodling in her notebook with an ink pen. Black overshadowed the page. Creepy, wispy shadows that looked like they belonged at a death ritual. Yet she kept sketching, letting her subconscious throw up on the page. “Besides, I don’t have time for extracurriculars.”
“The point in this exercise is to speak freely,” Rebekah said, swiping the pen away. 
Bonnie rolled her shoulders back, watched the pen spinning between Rebekah’s fingers, and said, “Right.”
“I won’t bury a pen in your chest if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Bonnie scoffed. “I’m not scared.”
“So, I’m not even a blip on your radar? Is that what you’re saying?” Rebekah asked, leaning in close and bopping Bonnie’s nose with the blunt end of the pen. “That may be even more offensive, Bonnie.”
“You like cheerleading, you’re average at physics, and you’re a big on family,” Bonnie listed. “What else is there to know?”
“A lot of things.”
“Like your crush on Matt?”
Rebekah’s nose scrunched. “I think that died the moment I sent him off that bridge, don’t you? I realized I didn’t like him much, anyhow.”
“Spend nearly a century in a box and your judgment on romantic prospects may suffer temporarily. No matter. My taste is back and better than ever.”
“Do I want to know?”
“That’s the point of this exercise, is it not?” Rebekah asked, tilting her head to the side. “To get to know one another better?”
“I guess?”
 “Your enthusiasm is infectious.” Rebekah’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “I’ll start. First, my physics is flawless, thank you very much. I’ve recently taken up baking in my new state-of-the-art kitchen. I notice you clench your jaw quite a lot. Baking a great stress reliever. You should try it sometime.”
“You’re lecturing me on my stress levels? Seriously?”
“Don’t think of it as a lecture and more as sound advice,” she said, actually sounding kind of genuine? Rebekah’s eyes locked onto Bonnie’s, and Bonnie couldn’t help but be struck by how pretty they were—how blue— how sincere. “You’re having heart palpitations even now with zero stressors. That can’t be healthy.”
“Zero stressors?” Bonnie repeated, scoffing at the thudding of her heart. She motioned toward the blonde. “Hello?”
“I am a sight to behold, I give you that.”
“I can’t with you,” Bonnie said, laughing at the girl’s ego. 
“Oh, speaking of stressors, my brother “died” at the hands of your teacher. Mr. Saltzman was a threat to the rest of my family. There was only one way to take him out. Tell me you wouldn’t have done the same.”
“Can we not?” Bonnie asked, rubbing her temple. “I’ve got a raging headache. I don’t feel like being collateral damage when you and Elena brawl it out again.”
“I’ll have you know I tried burying the hatchet with her. I even invited her to—” she grabbed a flier and planted it on Bonnie’s desk, “—my anti-curfew party, which you are more than welcome to attend. Think of it as a clean slate. Let bygones be bygones. What do you say?”
Parties in this town never played out well. Not for Bonnie, anyway. Everyone thought they could kick back and destress and then someone’s body got drained of blood or a poor sucker got compelled to jump off a balcony. She got swept away to perform some emergent spell most of the time and didn’t even get to have one drink. What was the point? 
Just when Bonnie was about to say no, she caught Rebekah’s fingers crossed. And Rebekah remained motionless too, as if her breath were trapped in her chest. 
What was that about?
“Okay, time’s up, everyone!” Ms. Hawthorne said, clapping her hands together before Bonnie could give Rebekah an answer. “I want you to tell me three things about your partner. First, their name, and two interesting facts about them. It’ll make it easier for me to humanize you when I’m grading your papers. Let’s start with Rebekah and Bonnie. Hopefully, it was worth the drama?”
“Ladies first,” Bonnie said. 
“Well, if you insist . . .” Rebekah agreed. 
Bonnie crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat. What could Rebekah say about her, anyway? That Bonnie successfully transferred her brother’s soul to another body—not once—twice? Or Bonnie had a habit of napping during physics class and Rebekah liked to throw balled up papers at the back of Bonnie’s sleeping head? 
“This is Bonnie Bennett,” Rebekah said, starting off strong. “Aquarius. Some might say martyr. And she’s in desperate need of a stress detox. So, in the spirit of “teamwork,” I’m assigning myself the duty of making sure she has fun today. What say you, Bonnie?”
Bonnie did a double take and said, “Say what now?”
“Wow! Hold that thought, Bonnie. I need to capture this for my records. I can’t believe I hooked up a bullied student a new friend on my first day,” Ms. Hawthorne said, taking out her phone and pointing it in their direction. “Smile!”
Bonnie’s mouth dropped open and asked, “What is even happening?”
Rebekah smushed their cheeks together and posed for the photo. “So, that’s a, ‘yes?’”
“You’re not going to stop, are you?” 
“Nope,” Rebekah confirmed 
“You won’t regret it.”
“Now, Bonnie, it’s your turn. Two facts about your new friend,” Ms. Hawthorne said.
“Stress bakes. Awful at physics,” Bonnie deadpanned.
An awkward silence stretched out, followed by Ms. Hawthorne’s cheery, “I’ll take it.”
Ms. Hawthorne moved onto the next pair. The next half hour went in the same vein. Except no one else got roped into being a pet project. Bonnie resumed doodling and occasionally peeked at Rebekah, who leaned back in her seat, humming low under her breath. The bell shocked Bonnie out of her spell. No one wasted time and rushed off to their next class. Rebekah stuck around, though, dragging the strap of her handbag over her shoulder. 
“Unclench your jaw,” Rebekah said, tapping the side of Bonnie’s face. “Your car is a white prius, right?”
“We’re leaving after gym class. You’re driving.”
With that, Rebekah left the classroom, not giving Bonnie a chance to argue. Bonnie didn’t have time to process because Stefan came over with an apologetic smile. 
“Hey, Bon,” Stefan said, patting her shoulder awkwardly. “Sorry for throwing you to the wolves. I figured staying by Elena’s side was my best option today. Speaking of, uh, Elena’s emotions are heightened right now. She’s clinging onto anger, anger that’s honed in on–”
“Rebekah,” Bonnie finished for him. 
“Exactly. You have gym together and I was hoping you’d keep an eye on them. You know, give them a little headache if things get out of hand.”
Gram’s pained face flashed in Bonnie’s mind. “The last time I did magic, my Grams, she . . . I got out of control.”
“I understand, but—”
“She got hurt.”
“Elena might get hurt—”
“You don’t understand,” Bonnie cut him off. “The spirits hurt Grams to punish me. I can’t let that happen again. So, no, Stefan. I can’t risk it.”
“Is there a problem here?” Ms. Hawthorne asked from across the room.
Stefan shook his head, headed for the exit, and said, “No. No problem.”
Bonnie packed up the rest of her stuff and came across the doodle she drew. She inhaled. Grams. A distorted version of Grams who pried apart two halves of a shadowy curtain. Black veins traveled all the way from her neck to the tips of her fingers. And her eyes. Her eyes were like shattered mirrors reflecting the pain of a thousand cuts. The dim glow from Grams’ eyes flickered a beacon in the darkness that was a silent cry for help, a plea for Bonnie to end her suffering.  The violent imagery grounded Bonnie for a solid ten seconds before the familiar sights and sounds of the busy hallways distorted. An almost familiar warped lens settled in front of her eyes again.
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