#sansa hates joffrey
regaliasonata · 2 years
Sansa: They say when two siblings stick together against all odds something evil and vicious will sprout from it.
Joffrey: I don't get it.
Sansa: Exactly.
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azulolivart · 3 months
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An unequal marriage in Westeros.
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catofoldstones · 7 months
Sansa didn’t feel horrified at Joffrey’s death and Arya didn’t in her grief still say that a dead Joffrey won’t bring her brother Robb back for y’all to revel in violence and miss the point of the books that badly.
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fromtheseventhhell · 10 months
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Not Arya, Robb, and Jon catching strays for not "warning" Sansa about Joffrey?? As though they didn't all meet him at the same time and have equal opportunity to understand what he was like?? It just blows my mind that somehow everybody can be blamed for her actions regarding Joffrey but Sansa herself. Apparently, she can't be expected to understand anything because nobody sat down and slowly explained everything to her using small words (not even when Ned does just that lol). And then they just ignore the fact that Sansa had a crush on Joffery and actively wanted to marry him? To the point of excusing his behavior when she witnessed his cruelty first-hand? Then they pretend that she was just "coping" with her engagement when she actively argued against Ned breaking it and went to Cersei because she thought she could stop him from doing so. There's no way they like her actual character if this is what they have to come up with to cope with her writing.
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horizon-verizon · 2 months
I can't wait to see rheenyra get eaten by the beautiful golden dragon 🥰🥰, not before she's crowned the worst shit to ever happen to the Targeryan dynasty, of course. Unless, obviously, they change that shit too because that's the only way to make her anything above a turd and her retarded ass kissers feel anything but worthless in their lives, for once.
Thank you for your support, anon! I congratulate you for Aegon's grand prize of being listed amongst one of the worst monarchs Westeros has ever seen, part of a grand line up!
(AWoIaF -- Targayren Kings -- "Aegon IV")
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btw, Grandmaester Keath wrote that for his book, Lives of Four Kings. A very well loved and admired piece of history for several years and several characters.
Wow, Aegon was "grasping"? Never would have known this was his legacy! How glorious. So accomplished & glorious, in fact, that the series have already made a point to mark his similarity to Joffrey Baratheon!
(A Storm of Swords -- Sansa IV):
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Especially this:
(A Storm of Swords -- Tyrion VIII):
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That is an accolade only a man as exceptional as Aegon could ever achieve. 💞💖 It's also good, since he has no heirs or lineage to carry on his legacy, either and the best Targ does not come from his loins but Rhaenyra's. But at least he was a man, right?
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texas-bbq-pringles · 8 months
SEAN BEAN DIED (in game of thrones not irl)
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althaeaofficinalis · 2 years
got to Sansa II in AGOT and one of the noticeable themes here isn't just sansa determined to see the beautiful song that she was promised and deliberately trying her hardest not to see the monstrous reality she glimpsed on the kingsroad - there's also the theme that every male presence that directly interacts with sansa in this chapter isn't really interacting with her herself. they're projecting their own internal images on her.
joffrey is treating her with courtesy and impressing her, but it's clear after his parents' public fight that he's doing this because he's supposed to. sansa is even afraid of him at first, and the fear comes back after that. joffrey will treat His Betrothed well, but when he's reminded that it's sansa, it sours.
petyr is thrown right back into his childhood, his humbert-esque excuse of his lost annabelle catelyn, and he's clearly projecting that all over sansa.
loras is overcompensating heterosexuality so hard, he names a twelve year old girl the most beautiful maiden!! and this is a lie, it's a performance, and sansa doesn't know this yet.
and sandor clegane is projecting his anger, his hurt, his trauma, all over a twelve year old girl who is scared and nervous, because she won't look at his face. he's determined to make her hurt for the way she reminded him of his own reality.
all four of these figures have power over sansa. they have the ability to make her hurt if they want to or to be benevolent kind figures, but that's just it - the choice isn't sansa's, it's theirs. sansa's safety is in jeyne and septa mordane, and it's only upon losing them that she is terrorized fully. two of the figures are grown ass men just having a blast creeping out a twelve year old girl (extra props to clegane for intentionally making her cry, what a good person)!!
sansa is already tangled up in this web and she's barely arrived. it isn't her fault, and no twelve year old on the planet could have capably extricated themselves from this (I'm not entirely sure I could have when I was twenty-two), but it's so heartbreaking to watch.
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emprcaesar · 9 months
no way sansa’s opp was a fucking 30 old women and a 13 year old boy. this bitch had the whole roster praying for her downfall.
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asoiafreadthru · 29 days
A Game of Thrones, Arya II
Sansa’s eyes had grown wide as the plates. “A tourney,” she breathed. “Will we be permitted to go, Father?”
“You know my feelings, Sansa. It seems I must arrange Robert’s games and pretend to be honored for his sake. That does not mean I must subject my daughters to this folly.”
“Oh, please,” Sansa said. “I want to see.”
Septa Mordane spoke up. “Princess Myrcella will be there, my lord, and her younger than Lady Sansa. All the ladies of the court will be expected at a grand event like this, and as the tourney is in your honor, it would look queer if your family did not attend.”
Father looked pained. “I suppose so. Very well, I shall arrange a place for you Sansa.” He saw Arya. “For both of you.”
“I don’t care about their stupid tourney,” Arya said. She knew Prince Joffrey would be there, and she hated Prince Joffrey.
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mormontdacey · 2 months
i think sansa should start killing people
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Defending Sansa online to dumbass and misogynistic TikTokers is not enough, I need a gun. I swear, this entire series has exposed how stupid this fandom actually is.
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atopvisenyashill · 11 months
that post about asoiaf artwork and dark skin makes me think about those ar/ya stans on here that threw a bitch fit in the last few days over some artists drawing her with 'darker' skin while drawing Sansa with lighter skin. so they accused the artists of racism while simultaneously implying that ar/ya looks worse in the artwork as opposed to Sansa because the artist gave her darker skin......which is literally racist and colorist as shit? honestly can't imagine stanning a 10 year and being this weird and bitter on tumblr dot com but anyway
that is INSANE OMG i’m glad i missed that completely
It’s like yeah sure, i think when george was coming up with the “northern look” that northern “coloring” he was thinking of was more similar to the way that like, a lot of welsh people have dark hair and a sort of, olive-tan coloring to their skin (think catherine zeta jones or ioan gruffudd) that makes them look darker than your average brit but usually in a “maybe they’re spanish?” kind of way rather than a “that’s a person of color” kind of way.
but death of the author, first of all, and second of all, depending on what your baseline is, “darker” coloring can look way darker in my imagination than in yours! and that “northern” coloring is vague enough that like, there’s a lot of poc who see parts of themselves in northern culture and explore that, and the Joy Of Reading is that we all see these characters differently!! me going “the starks are indigenous it’s the law” has no actual consequences for the series, someone else’s reading experience, or the fandom at large!! you can literally just block and move on if you’re that dedicated to being a loser weirdo?!?
also it’s funny that her fandom, specifically, is a breeding ground for the worst, most blatantly bigoted takes in the fandom aksjd like people will be like “oh arya is better than the other girls” arya actually loves and supports other women in canon “arya is the prettiest actually” arya herself doesn’t care about being pretty in canon “arya is gonna be a princess in a pretty castle and marry a lord” arya in canon explicitly says she doesn’t want to do that tho “arya is my lily white fave” one of arya’s besties is dornish icon edric dayne be SILENT ON WHAT ARYA IS BC U JUST WANT HER TO BE EXACTLY WHAT SHE HATES.
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allovesthings · 2 years
“That would be like blaming her for something Arya has done”
On one hand, this is what she think happened at the Trident (it wasn’t, the person fully responsible for the trident was Joffrey) but also it’s kinda funny that it really doesn’t occur to her that she is doing the exact same thing to Arya since the trident. Blaming her for something the Lannisters did.
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fromtheseventhhell · 11 months
“the same ones who say this come up with THE most misogynistic takes in this fandom and I'm supposed to be taking them seriously” they’re also the ones who blabber about people ‘hating’ s*nsa when the story has war criminals and rapists and then you go to their profiles and they’re… stanning the war criminals and rapists!? these people adore characters like st*nnis and j*ime but they’ll bring up the geneva convention when it comes to dany & arya.
Literally...Jaime, Theon, The Hound, Stannis etc. get so much more grace and kindness than Dany and Arya. Everyone roots for their redemptions and wants happy endings for them but when it comes to these two young female characters suddenly they're "too far gone" and have no chance of a good ending. People literally fantasize about them getting narratively punished. Male characters always get to be flawed, but good in a way female characters are never allowed to be. Meanwhile, if a female character isn't 100% pure and docile then people don't think they deserve anything.
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steggr · 2 years
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𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  :  the  workspace  of  the  royal  seamstress,  the  red  keep,  king’s  landing,  the  crownlands. 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞  :  tenth  day,  mid  year,  300  a.c. 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡  :  sansa  stark  (  @gentlewlf​​  ).
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though  the  similarities  between  the  cousins  began  and  ended  with  their  shared  name,  there  was  still  an  element  of  reverence  that  was  owed  to  house  baratheon  of  dragonstone  due  to  their  close  relationship  to  the  crown  ─  it  was  a  relationship  that  could  only  grow  more  distant  with  time  as  the  shared  blood  between  the  brothers  would  be  stretched  with  the  addition  of  new  families  to  the  royal  family  but  knowing  the  truth  behind  their  ❛  cousins  ❜  parentage,  shireen  understood  that  the  continuation  of  the  legitimate  line  of  house  baratheon  depended  on  them  and  their  uncle  renly,  if  he  ever  married.  their  mother  had  insisted  on  digging  out  an  old  dress  from  her  time  in  highgarden  for  them  to  wear  in  the  hopes  that  a  bejeweled  frock  might  distract  a  man  from  their  unsightly  scarring  but  all  that  the  dress  had  succeeded  in  doing  was  making  them  look  like  a  child  in  their  mother’s  clothing  and  they  found  that  they  could  do  without  the  additional  scrutiny  that  the  dress  brought  them.
(  the  dress  had  since  been  kept  in  their  trunk  but  the  queen  mother  had  sent  one  of  her  maids  to  look  through  their  things  that  morning  and  the  woman  had  tsk’ed  loudly,  decreeing  that  one  dress  was  simply  not  enough  to  last  through  the  entire  week  of  festivities  and  that  the  one  that  they  had  already  worn  was  considered  obsolete  in  fashion,  too  outdated  for  a  cousin  of  the  king.  )
with  only  ten  days  left  to  the  start  of  the  celebrations,  they  had  been  dragged  into  the  makeshift  workspace  of  the  royal  seamstress,  stepping  over  rolls  of  fabric  to  get  to  the  small  dais  where  they  now  stood.  the  woman,  after  she  had  gotten  over  her  fear  of  accidentally  brushing  against  their  scarred  neck,  had  been  relentless  with  her  measuring  tapes  and  pins  and  color  charts  ─  she  was  currently  holding  up  a  mustard  yellow  against  their  face,  squinting  to  decipher  if  the  color  was  complimentary  or  not,  when  shireen  had  grunted  in  protest,  shifting  slightly  as  a  pinned  poked  their  side.  ❝  good  woman,  i’d  rather  not  look  like  a  trussed  up  pig,  if  you  please  !  it’s  not  like  i  need  any  more  reason  for  someone  to  stare.  ❞  the  seamstress  turned  away  with  a  loud  huff,  stomping  rather  impolitely  to  the  back  rooms  to,  hopefully,  find  a  better  fabric  when  the  shuffling  of  feet  met  their  ears.  awkwardly  hobbling  on  the  dais  until  they  could  turn  to  face  the  entrance,  they  made  a  small  noise  of  surprise  at  the  person  who  stood  behind  them,  cheeks  coloring  slightly  in  embarrassment.
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❝  lady  sansa  !  are  you  here  to  check  on  your  wedding  dress  ?  i  fear  i  may  have  frustrated  the  seamstress  by  being  a  wiggling,  impertinent  child,  as  she  called  me.  ❞  they  had  been  successful,  thus  far,  in  avoiding  the  unfortunate  bride - to - be,  though  their  reluctance  to  hold  a  polite  conversation  with  sansa  stark  had  nothing  to  do  with  the  woman  herself  but  rather  with  joffrey,  who  they  were  determined  to  evade  for  as  long  as  possible.  he  had  never  been  kind  to  them,  even  as  children,  and  while  they  did  not  believe  that  the  lady  sansa  could  be  as  depraved  as  their  not - cousin,  shireen  did  not  want  a  repeat  of  what  had  happened  the  last  time  joffrey  had  cornered  them,  a  knife  pressed  against  their  scarred  cheek  in  morbid  curiosity.  ❝  ...  apologies  if  i  am  cutting  into  your  time  with  the  seamstress.  the  queen  mother  does  not  think  my  dress  is  suitable  enough  for  the  wedding.  ❞  it  was  more  like  shireen,  themself,  was  not  suitable  for  the  image  that  needed  to  be  presented  to  the  rest  of  westeros  ─  dark  haired  and  solemn  beside  a  line  of  glittering,  golden  lannisters.
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catofoldstones · 1 year
I actually found it funny that in your last post you tagged it as anti tyrion and anti hound but cersei just had her regular cersei lannister tag. Queen shit. But i just wanted to slide into your ask box to remind you and everyone that joffery lannister was the one that killed ned stark
Oh! You’re right, my bad :/
Also, YES! Queen shit!! Like yes we’re here with you bb, burn the Sept of Baelor next bestie, go fully insane!!!
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