#sanremo tag
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limbel · 1 month ago
switching back from sanremo mode has to be one of the most traumatic and humbling things an italian can do
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7i74 · 1 year ago
the italian urge to watch sanremo and chi l'ha visto at the same time
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7i74 · 1 year ago
@bonojour @background--noise for you
I'm doing a summary for a friend anyway so, here it is: THE John Travolta vs Amadeus vs Russell Crowe GATE The whole thing starts a while back, when Amadeus (the lying liar who lied) had said he wouldn't have guests because Rai is broke and then announcing John Travolta and Russell Crowe as super guests. They both asked to be involved themselves, they weren't contacted by Rai and they will get very little money for their trouble (Travolta got a costs refund, Crowe not even that and came basically for free). Their reasons for joining the party (aside from a momentarily lack in judgment I guess): Travolta was doing something in France anyway, so it's close by and he saw that Fiorello was there and he remembers Fiorello from a while back, when he was a guest in one of his shows and apparently finds (found) him hilarious. Russell Crowe is the Gladiator. He's just here for the vibes (and to promote his tour), he's getting here straight from Australia. Travolta gets in Italy; he's super itchy with fans and the press. Doesn't even have the decency of being at TG1 (does he know that's also Amadeus realm? probably not). He signs a fucking contract, he knows what he'll be subjected to, he decides to be a menace anyway. He gets on Ariston stage and does a little of his iconic dance moves. Disaster is looming. He and Amadeus get outside where Fiorello is waiting for them with duck hats, that Travolta refuses to wear (who do you think you are? you think yourself better than Fiorello and Amadeus, the italian royal couple?????). They do this. Fiorello and Ama are vibing. Travolta is seeing his entire life and career end there. He does the whole thing with death in his eyes. And it's a fucking disaster. So much so that the next day it's all Italy can talk about (despite great things happening on that night). Apparently no one covered Travolta's shoes logo and it's a big problem from Rai. Amadeus snapped at journalists. Travolta cannot get a foot in Italy anymore because IT'S ON SIGHT. And here he comes, Russell Crowe as an avenging Gladiator in all his glory. He's truly here for the vibes and the vibes only. He's doing more interviews than the Sanremo Contestants. He's at TG1 despite not understanding a single word, as if he's one of Amadeus infinite list of co-hosts. He's answering over and over and over again "what is your favorite italian song?", he's singing Ricchi e Poveri like the entire Country did when that devil, Amadeus, reunited them a couple of years ago. He gets on Ariston stage, he sings, he recites his infamous line from The Gladiator, in italian (!), he says "Teresa, Teresa, TERESA", just because the co-host likes how he says her name. Then the dissing happens. Teresa Mannino is telling how they found out Russell Crowe like many other celebrities has italian roots, despite not having an italian surname "like, Di Caprio or Coppola or De Niro". Russell Crowe isn't here to play and he goes "or Travolta." Mocks him with the duck dance moves and mouths "wtf, wtf". Amadeus is crackling in the background, he has a new bestie. Italy as a whole has a new bestie, because the pettiness of it all was the most italian thing ever.
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bandaalarga · 1 month ago
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Non sono altro che Lucio.
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camilleisback · 1 month ago
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l'Italia è il paese che amo.
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the-tenth-arcanum · 2 months ago
sanremo is near... very soon you will remember that some of your mutuals are italians if you had forgotten
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daily-dubois · 1 month ago
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Day 42
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italofobia · 1 month ago
now that you're here, please take a look at @jaafar-gaza09 's campaign:
Jaafar is only 24 years old and yet he has had to face the horrors of a genocide; his family has been left without a home for months and his first gfm campaign has been deleted, forcing him to start all over on another site 😞
as of now (22/02/2025) his new campaign has luckily reached more than half of its goal and while that is comforting, Jafaar and his family still need some help to reach 100%.
Please donate what you can, even a small donation can make a difference, and remember to share the campaign, which costs you no money or effort on your part.
(campaign verified by @gazavetters at number #299)
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gaysessuale · 1 month ago
(FAQ sotto il Read More per comodità)
Eccoci qui, un nuovo anno, un nuovo Sanremo da archiviare, creato apposta per evitare di perdere tutto quando la Rai deciderà di cancellare i materiali da Raiplay.
Qui il masterpost di Sanremo 2024, qui il masterpost di Sanremo 2023, qui invece tutti i Sanremo passati dal 2022 al 2012 (con delle clip del 2001 e del 1987).
Il post rimarrà in aggiornamento fino a che ci sarà materiale disponibile. Il post è aggiornato e l'archivio del 2025 si può ritenere concluso. Se qualcuno nota che mi sono scordato di scaricare qualcosa mi contatti pure, così come se qualcuno nota che qualche link non funziona!
Carlo Conti annuncia i cantanti al TG
Conferenza Stampa (puntate intere, clip)
Sanremo Giovani 2024 (puntate intere, presentazioni, esibizioni e verdetti, videoclip)
Prima Serata (clip, esibizioni)
Seconda Serata (clip, esibizioni)
Terza Serata (clip, esibizioni)
Quarta Serata (clip, esibizioni)
Quinta Serata (clip, esibizioni)
Radio2 a Sanremo con Ema Stoccolma e Gino Castaldi (puntate intere, interviste)
DopoFestival (puntate intere, clip)
DomenicaIn (esibizioni, clip)
Extra (Le interviste; Indovina il Big; Conversazioni Sanremo Edition; Il libro delle domande di Sanremo; Sintesi della serata)
Q: Perché manca [inserire un file mancante]? A: Ci sono diversi motivi: potrebbe non essere ancora stato postato su RaiPlay, potrei aver sbagliato a linkare la cartella (avvisami!) o potrei non aver avuto tempo di scaricarlo / caricarlo su Terabox. Per quanto riguarda le serate complete, essendo file molto pesanti, dovrei farmi l'account Premium, cosa che di solito faccio per un mese quando il Festival è finito, a cinque euro (comodo comodo). Q: Che programmi usi? A: JDownloader per scaricare in bulk, PastryLink per scaricare clip sparse, TeraBox per caricare i files da condividere Q: Perché lo fai? A: Ritengo che l'impossibilità di rivedere gli scorsi Festival rappresenti una grande perdita culturale. Ogni edizione è uno spaccato della società dell'epoca, capace di raccontare tendenze, gusti e cambiamenti che meritano di essere preservati come parte della nostra memoria collettiva. Sono contrario all'operato della Rai e il mio modo di protestare è rendere pubblico un lavoro che tento di fare da oltre dieci anni. Q: Ci guadagni? A: No, tutto gratis, ma se hai voglia di sostenere l'archivio puoi farlo qui.
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forsapphics · 1 month ago
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via Instagram
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dittaturamonegasca · 1 month ago
alessandro: resto umile
sempre alessandro mezz'ora fa:
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limbel · 1 month ago
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gone but never forgotten
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7i74 · 1 year ago
mahmood cos'è. cos'è. cos'è!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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unwinthehart · 1 month ago
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Damiano David canta "La Felicità", tributo a Lucio Dalla - Sanremo (12.02.2025)
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bandaalarga · 1 month ago
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Le lune senza buche sono fregature.
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clonekiss · 24 days ago
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grazie per esistere lucio<3
te e il tuo migliore amico slash collega slash catboy sasuke impersonator slash silvestro slash talentuoso tommaso ottomano
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