#sanemi also killed their father FUCK WITH ME
tanjir0se · 1 month
Is the world ready for my Sanemi conspiracy theory? Should I include it in Love Me Mercilessly? Is it time for me to speak my truth?
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imkazz · 11 months
au where (most of) the kamaboko squad is significantly aged down and giyuu is the one to find them all.
giyuu on a mission stumbling across a boy, aged fourteen, taking out all his anger on demons with no uniform in sight, leading him to remember the anger that sabito held in his heart towards demons.
giyuu goes on a winter mission to find a family slaughtered with the two eldest, aged five and six, huddled together in a closet forcing him to remember what tsutako did for him.
giyuu heading through some mountains on his way to a mission only to be attacked by a feral six year old child, who he painfully realises was left all alone in the world, like when tsutako died for him.
giyuu investigating a town for demons only to find a group kicking around a six year old child for fun, forcing flashbacks of when the townsfolk didn't believe that a demon killed tsutako.
giyuu limping back to the butterfly mansion when he spots a girl, no older than five, being tugged around on a rope like some sort of animal, and gets the instinct that sabito would've stepped in.
so then, he has five kindergarden aged children who call him 'chichi' and a traumatized teenager who is morally inclined towards kindness and is trying to heal by helping to raise the kids.
ensue giyuu struggling with what all the kids personally need, from tanjiro wanting to be the eldest even if he isn't, to nezuko also trying to prove she's useful only making things harder, to inosuke showing off how he's the best by making things worse, to zenitsu and kanao's flinching and abusive pasts making genya himself struggle with remembering his own younger siblings and a still-fresh trauma of calling his brother a murderer.
they would all just bring back memories giyuu repressed as well. he would just be reminded of himself or people he knew basically all the time.
but imagine the hashira's reaction. kagaya's reaction. urokodaki's reaction. the uppermoon's reactions. muzan's reaction to priceless beings held in the palm of a hashira's hand.
a child who knows the sun breathing technique. a girl who knows the exact location of the blue spider lily. a teenager who could eat demons and gain their traits. and as the others grew, starting from water breathing but eventually branching to their own, suited breathing- muzan would know he's in trouble, especially as his kizuki get baked.
shinobu poking fun at giyuu: ne ne, why wont you hang out with us?
giyuu, an exhausted single father of six who works a night job and barely even sleeps during the day due to his kids: just kill me already.
but then when they actually ask, he would say he'd have to watch his kids and explain that he has six- holy fuck how does that loser have six whole children with a woman -children they dont yet realise all were adopted, so they go over with giyuu to the water estate to see if it's true.
so, we've got genya. the reason he's only been aged down a couple years is sanemi. que their absolutely shellshocked reunion. giyuu didn't get the chance to send a crow beforehand that they were arriving, and sanemi had absolutely no idea that his brother had become one of his work rival's children.
but, they can't really tell anybody, with the other hashira being overwhelmed by the five kids. giyuu knew bits and pieces but genya begged not to tell sanemi yet so he complied until that visit.
they both just awkwardly stare at each other the whole time the other hashira are there and everyone notices but just doesn't say anything out of politeness.
then giyuu asks how the kids like his coworkers. they all go around saying how much they liked the hashira then it gets to tanjiro. you can tell he's sort of upset from his facial expression, and dead set on sanemi.
genya and giyuu are horrified as tanjiro says he dislikes them because genya smells nervous and terrified. he then runs off, and the other kids immediately agree with tanjiro before following, so everything just spirals.
genya just dashes after them and tries to make them apologize, but it's just awkward silence all around for the hashira as they just sorta look at each other. it is very tense as giyuu leads them out, and genya finally rallies the children into apologizing. anyone could tell how much they were lying through that entire thing.
then genya also apologizes and bows really deep, and none of them really know how to react until sanemi steps forward to pat genya's head, saying it's not his fault and that kids will be kids. a reference to when genya called sanemi a murderer.
canonically, sanemi immediately forgave genya for that all after it happened, and he only acted hostile after genya joined the corps. so they could have a good sibling relationship build when genya's not a part of the corps.
the hashira then depart, and genya bursts into tears. the children rush to comfort him as they're all overwhelmed with how much relief is steaming off of genya at that moment.
giyuu looks back towards the hashira, where sanemi is looking back. giyuu waves, and from the shadows given by sunset, he can see sanemi did the same.
...and the end, this is all i can think about for a scene. might write this out sometime but feel free to see it. it spiralled once i started.
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kozmicmizuu · 11 months
oh my god, this stupid headcanon WILL NOT LEAVE ME ALONE (medium/psychic giyuu)
so here’s some silly/not so silly things with this headcanon
Sanemi, venting to the worst person possible (iguro): I’m sure my mother and siblings are resting in the afterlife, and hopefully my father is in hell
Iguro: real, anyways- me and Mitsuri had the best time-
Meanwhile, with Giyuu: Awwwh thank you Ms. Shinazugawa, no need for the compliments, i just gave you some lilies..
Giyuu: also please leave Mr. Shinazugawa, you are really not making anyone here comfortable- don’t start yelling at me motherfu-
Some random ass ghost, basically bothering Giyuu: You’re family’s in hell lol
Giyuu: i would say kill yourself but you already did that so….
random ghost: FUCK YOU
Giyuu: you wish you could tap this ass bitch, now leave me alone
Giyuu: Sabito- leave the hashiras alone! i can feel how damn nervous they are from like 2 miles away
Sabito: nah- it’s funny! seeing japans best defense against demons so scared and nervous is hilarious!
Giyuu: oh my gods…. just- tone it down, okay? like don’t be so tough on em
Sabito: aughhhh fine, only cause you said so… but- how do you explain what i just did to the Wind Hashira’s estate..?
Giyuu: what the fuck did you do
Sabito: uuhhh… i might’ve like, trashed the place, leave his stove on, let his dogs out and may or may not have broken a window or two…?
Giyuu: … if the demons or this damn job don’t kill me, it’s going to be you that kills me
this was some tiny content of this AU??? headcanon?? idk but i’d consider this an AU then but i did have fun writing this fr fr
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holychocopie · 3 years
Bodyguard!Sanemi x Reader - Part 1
Going shopping with Bodyguard!Sanemi
Author’s notes : Sorry it’s been a wee while. I have been working on other projects at the same time (a multichapter fanfic, a couple of collabs, etc. All the good stuff!). Anywho… I already published the intro to this Bodyguard!Sanemi x F!Reader HCs series, and now here is part 1. Thank you to all of you who liked it, this is pure motivation for me. If you enjoy this series, please like and reblog, that will help a lot giving this series more visibility on the platform. Also go check @mari-the-bimbo 's amazing Bodyguard!Megumi series, it's absolutely amazing! Warnings: F!Reader, swearing because it’s Sanemi, Minors DNI (just to be safe) Word count: 2390
Intro - Part 2 - Masterlist
Going shopping for the first time with Bodyguard!Sanemi
🤍 It has been a few days since Bodyguard!Sanemi had started working for your family as your personal security detail and things haven’t been easy. This guy was absolutely everywhere, following you like a damn shadow: he had your detailed schedule from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep, which made it pretty much impossible for you to even just take a stroll in the garden on your own.
🤍 You had texted your other rich friends who you knew also had been assigned a 24/7 surveillance, to complain about it. Some had taken the opportunity to vent as well – « so invasive, so overwhelming, so unfair, etc. » - but others had a more chilled approach. They had told you’d get used to it and that, at some point, your bodyguard would become a part of your decor, like a piece of furniture or a silent and well-trained little watchdog. You just had to be a bit patient at the beginning. While you appreciated that they tried to lift your spirit, you didn’t like the idea that, like them, you would end up losing your empathy to the point of considering another human being as nothing more than a chair or a clothes rack.
🤍 Still, you didn’t like having Bodyguard!Sanemi around. He was definitely not as bad as you had imagined a bodyguard would be, because as long as you were responsible and did not put yourself in a situation of danger, he mostly let you be. But the dude was killing your vibe!
🤍 It was like Bodyguard!Sanemi had two moods only and randomly switched from one to the other: the ‘can’t be fucked with life right now’ mood, and the ‘don’t even look in my general direction or I’ll kill you’ mood. Not that you would want to engage into a conversation with him anyway.
🤍 You also couldn’t help but remember how poorly he treated you on the day you two were formally introduced. Damn jerk!!
🤍 So, you had decided to go ahead with Plan B: getting Bodyguard!Sanemi fired asap. And for that, there was only one way! You had to show to your father how unreliable and useless Sanemi was, and that you could be trusted because you were a mature young woman who was always careful and responsible. And today would be the perfect opportunity! A full day of shopping at the mall and shops in Shibuya.
🤍 Plan B, step 1: Act as usual! You started off with a casual visit to a few of your favourite shops, the sales assistants rushing to help you since they knew you were likely to spend a lot. You made sure to behave as usual, keeping up with your bitchiness, so nothing would give you away and you could easily shift the blame on Bodyguard!Sanemi later on. You had be above any suspicion.
🤍 Step 2: Get Bodyguard!Sanemi to relax! At first, he chose to stay standing in a corner of the shop from where he could both keep an eye on you and have a good view over the area: he would always find the perfect spot to be able to intervene quickly in case anything happened. He was good at his job, that you couldn’t deny, so you had to set things in motion in order to make him fault – or at least make it look like he did. You had to make him feel at ease, even just a tad bit, so eventually he wouldn’t be so alert.
🤍 Acting as ‘friendly’ as possible without being too obvious, you suggested he sat by the changing room instead. “Since I’m gonna be spending most my time in there anyway,” you had argued.
🤍 It must have made sense to him in a way, because when you opened the curtain to ask for a different size, you found him manspreading on the small couch by the huge mirror. He did seem a bit more relaxed already.
🤍 Step 3: Get Bodyguard!Sanemi distracted! You were no cat-walk model, but you were proud of your womanly attributes and charms. And he was in for a show! Outfit after outfit – from the cute bustier dress that showed off your curves, to the mini skirt and crop top combo that didn’t leave much room to imagination, the tight skinny jeans and sheer white shirt, to the deep red bikini with push-up bra… The idea was to overwhelm his brain with crazy-hot images of you. If you managed to catch most of his attention, he’d likely try to compensate by forcing himself to look around more often to keep track of everything and everyone in the shop. You wanted to wear him out.
🤍 Eventually, after five long hours of intense shopping, you could feel that his attention was starting to spread thin. He had done great at pretending to not watch you model for him, but you knew when you has a man's attention. And you had his for sure.
🤍 Between you, the many bags of stuff you had bought so far, the other patrons coming in and out of the shops, the passers-by when you walked from one place to another, Bodyguard!Sanemi was getting more irritable and less patient.
🤍 Step 4: Slip away! It only lasted a few seconds… But eventually the perfect opportunity rose, in the shape of a random customer at Sephora who approached Bodyguard!Sanemi, thinking he was working there as a security guard. You didn’t stick around to see or hear him kindly tell the lady to fuck off – you simply knew he did. And by the time she was gone, so were you. You had conveniently ‘forgotten’ your phone on the Anastasia Beverly Hills shelf – a meager sacrifice that you were willing to make, most of your stuff was saved on your cloud anyway – then you had quickly escaped.
🤍 You could see him from your hiding spot about 50 metres away, searching for you in the thick weekend crowd, a pissed off scowl on his face.
🤍 To stay coherent with Step 1, you decided to stay close by, yet out of his sight. It had to look like he had lost you, and not the other way around. You had it all well planned: you went into a shop that you were very unlikely to buy from, so Sanemi wouldn’t think of looking for you in there at first. Then when – or if – he’d find you, you’d pull your Get-Out-Off-Jail-Free card by pretending you were looking for a gift or something. The closest boutique that matched the description was... a sex-shop. Urgh. Typically your luck.
🤍 You really didn’t feel comfortable in there at all, not because it was a sex-shop – after all, you had visited a couple in Paris and London when hanging out with European influencers. This one, though located in Shibuya, was nothing like that; in Europe they had felt more chic and glamourous, compared to this shabby rat hole. The atmosphere here felt cheap, and the clientele seemed unsavoury. Yet, you had to go along with your plan, so you started to stroll from one aisle to the other, browsing random items with faked interest.
🤍 Naturally, you caught the attention of a few people, with your tailored outfit, Louboutin shoes, and shopping bags branded Louis Vuitton and Prada. You definitely stuck out like a sore thumb.
🤍 “Hey, has anyone ever told you that you are absolutely beautiful?” It was a very creepy looking 40-or-so year-old guy wearing a cheap suit. As he was approaching you, he added: “You have a very well proportionated silhouette and very glowy, healthy skin. I’m actually a casting director and we’re looking for young women like you for our next movie…”
🤍 You quickly stopped paying attention to his bla-bla. You knew he wasn’t really a casting director, but more likely just a recruiter for some dodgy modelling agency, or a random hentai dude hiring for porn movies. And you were not interested in starting an Idol career or featuring in a sex tape, like the infamous Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian. “Thanks for your offer, but I'll pass,” you answered as politely as you felt inclined to.
🤍 Alas, the guy wasn’t letting go that easily. “It’s the kind of career that brings instant fame, you know. With a body like yours, I’m positive that you wouldn’t have trouble signing more contracts after that!” “Cool story, but like I said, I’m good,” you said as you started to walk away to a different part of the shop.
🤍 He must have not appreciated that you tried to shrug him off and felt offended by your lack of manners, because he grabbed your arm and held you back forcefully. “You know, it’s not very polite to turn your back to an elder when they’re talking to you, young lady! I wasn’t finished—”
🤍 “I think you were.” You nearly didn’t recognise Bodyguard!Sanemi’s voice when he talked, his tone low and menacing as he dropped a very heavy hand on the so-called director’s shoulder.
🤍 If he could shoot lasers from his eyes, his glare would have set the other guy on fire. The two men were about the same height, but Sanemi’s aura was so imposing, it felt like he was towering him. He wasn’t directing his cold angered stare at you, but you still shivered in fear, as if your survival instinct had suddenly kicked in.
🤍 Of course, the ‘director’ didn’t even try to argue and took off immediately.
🤍 And now, Sanemi’s glare was on you. You gulped.
🤍 “You slippery little shit,” he growled as he grabbed you by the arm to lead you out of the sex-shop.
🤍 “Hey!” you tried to argue. “I was shopping here!” He stopped as you were about to pass the doors and looked at you defiantly. “Oh yeah? My bad! What were you about to buy?” Unfortunately, that’s the moment your brain decided to go blue screen/boot in safe mode. You were struggling to come up with an excuse, that stupid hentai guy had completely ruined your flow! So out of panic, you grabbed the first item you could reach for.
🤍 Handcuffs. Fuck!
🤍 Sanemi snickered evilly. “Well, well, how kind! Exactly what I needed!”
🤍 Half an hour later… You were still shopping. Sanemi had insisted you visited all the shops you wanted to see because he “won’t put up with another day of this shit anytime soon.” So here you were, struggling to try on stuff with your right hand cuffed to your bodyguard’s left hand. He was standing by the changing room, his arm through the curtain up to the elbow to give your movements some slack.
🤍 But because he was a real douche, he would randomly pull, making you stumble on your feet or miss a button… And every time you’d glance out of the changing room to give him a nasty look, he’d smirk at you provocatively. The nerve of this guy, challenging you! Mocking you! Aaaargh!
🤍 Eventually, once you were done spending money, he texted the chauffeur and you went back to the car. Still attached.
🤍 Walking through the mall like that attracted curious glances and murmurs. You felt the red creep up to your cheeks and ears – from both embarrassment and anger – while he walked casually through the crowd like he owned the damn place.
🤍 Even in the car he refused to remove the cuffs. He was gonna make your humiliation total!
🤍 Of course, needless to say that Plan B had backfired horribly! Most of the house staff witnessed the walk of shame that Bodyguard!Sanemi made you take through the estate as he led you to your father’s office. He didn’t give a single fuck that he might be interrupting some important meeting when he barged in, without knocking, pulling you behind. But surprisingly, your father didn’t tell him off.
🤍 “As expected, you tried to lose your security detail,” your dad said disappointedly after Sanemi had summed up what had happened and why the two of you were cuffed. “You know it’s for your protection and my peace of mind, but you still stubbornly try to defy me.” You tried to defend yourself with your well-prepared arguments: “I thought he was still following me when I left,” “I didn’t do anything wrong, I was just browsing in a nearby shop,” “I misplaced my phone by mistake while swatching some makeup, that’s all,” and so on… But he didn’t believe any of your bullshit and even gave a friendly tap on Sanemi’s shoulder, silently praising him for doing a great job today.
🤍 No matter the humiliation Sanemi put you through! Nor his poor behaviour after that, bordering harassment! Argh, you were so angry!
🤍 Now not only Sanemi had proved himself worthy of your father’s trust and demonstrated just how good he was at his job, but you also somehow convinced your dad that you couldn’t be trusted, and that the around-the-clock bodyguard was an absolute necessity! Guess I’ll need a Plan C, now…
🤍 Sanemi walked you to your room, your wrists still linked by the metallic bracelets. Only once in front of your door did he uncuff you.
🤍 “How did you find me without my phone to track me?” you eventually asked as curiosity took over. He smirked, then brought a steady hand to your chest. The tip of his finger barely brushed against the side of your breast as he pointed at the metal wire of your bra just by your armpit. You blushed furiously, half freaking out – half only (!). What the fuck is he trying to do????
🤍 “I bugged your undies.”
🤍 WHAT!!??
🤍 Before he left you so you could get ready for dinner, he handed you your phone. Not without a mocking grin.
🤍 Now lying on your bed, finally alone, you sighed. Sanemi was a cunning adversary, and you had made the mistake to underestimate how resourceful he was. Time for Plan C!
BONUS: Can you imagine Sanemi asking the maid on laundry duty to bring your underwears to his bedroom before she folds them and put them back in your drawers... Holding onto them while sewing the tracking devices at night, with an evil grin as he just know that his hard work will definitely pay one day 😅
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
(also, just to be safe cause i don't want anyone to @ me, tw: pregnancy/breeding talk!)
and a big thing for me is how, despite loving in their dofferent ways, both Rengoku and Sanemi love just as earnestly and strongly. and if you're pregnant, it manifests in different ways.
Rengoku, when he's not out on a mission, waits on you hand and foot. he's the first to make sure you're eating well and taking care of yourself. he rubs your feet if they're swollen and sore. he massages your back. he's with you during the later parts of your pregnancy, when the contractions you get are bad and you're not sure if it means your labor has started or not. it's in the way he enthusiastically gets his brother involved and tells him that he'll be a young uncle soon. it's in how he tries to do the same with his father, even when he's brushed off. his family - you - mean the world to him, and the way he expresses it is in those moments.
for Sanemi, it's different. he's a bit more aloof by nature, but he's of a mind to take care of things before it becomes a problem. it's a mix between him being away for extended periods of time and him being glued to your side. he's like a shadow, he follows you around - whether he realizes it or not - he seeks you out whenever he has even a minute of free time. his hands are rough and made for killing, so while he's hesitant to touch you, with your guidance he handles you as if you're spun glass. he's constantly asking questions - "are you alright? you're making a face, what's the matter?" he has a more hands-off approach to his family than Rengoku, but his was a life of loss and pain (the scars are proof of that), and at times when he's most vulnerable with you, he confides his worries of making sure his presence as a Hashira doesn't put you or the baby in danger. it's a thin line, but he's fine with walking it.
also i want both of them to break me like a glow stick. i can also see Rengoku being a fan of morning sex - just before he has to leave! or maybe a quickie in the bath? 🥺 and Sanemi loves loves loves to fuck you against the wall. it's quick and rough and dirty, but he'll hold you close. no matter what.
SCREAAAAMMMMS YOURE SO RIGHT!!! (thanks for putting the tw before the thirst!!)
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voidmitsuki · 3 years
in my perfect au where nothing goes wrong, iguro obanai gets an arc after the swordsmith village.
idk what they do in it yet, maybe they kill akaza. but, i'd like akaza do be killed by shinjuro and tanjiro — but it wouldn't suit my au, because kyojuro doesn't die, and the whole point of shinjuro fighting akaza is avenging his son — because not only shinjuro would show his strength, since he's a former hashira, probably middle-aged so he still can fight and is maybe stronger than kyojuro, since it's stated that he had more books about the fire breathing AND he was probably trained by his father, while he himself didn't finish kyojuro's training, BUT ALSO, he'd have a proper arc of redemption.
i really like shinjuro despite the way he treated his children. i think he's human. he's a character full of defects, but he turned into this after his wife's death. that makes me think that he was just like kyojuro when he was young. a good, fair and noble man with a heart of gold, looking for justice and honoring the name of the rengoku clan. it makes me depressed to see how he is now. after seeing the way he cried over kyojuro's death, my heart broke. he changed after that. he recognized he was wrong. he deserved an arc of redemption.
but, back to obanai.
his backstory was shown only in the last chapters of the story. such a depressing story that tells us who's obanai and why he is who he is, but it's shown IN THE END (it also shows shinjuro and a little bit of how he was and the way he worked, since he saved obanai).
if he had his own arc, with more details on his backstory, a fight with an upper moon before the sunrise countdown, more people would like him, he would be more understandable, and it would be nice to see more of him and make him like tanjiro like giyu, shinobu, kyojuro, uzui, mitsuri and muichiro, the ones he had already befriended.
maybe he could be with mitsuri in an arc instead of muichiro? because, like, muichiro's fight with gyokko and his moments with kotetsu were fundamental to his character development, so i can't see how to change or replace that, actually everything in that arc requires muichiro's presence.
but i wish obanai and mitsuri were put in a almost death situation before the final battle. because that was the trigger for them to confess. so i can see a thing where they're severely injured and confess, thinking they'll die, but tanjiro and friends can finally kill the enemy and the two of them are rescued. then they survive and fight the final battle too, already as a couple.
i think maybe they fight akaza and tanjiro and his gang fight that upper moon 5 replacement we were robbed? because,,, mrs. gotouge,,, daki and gyutaro were replaced by kaigaku, then he plays a major role in zenitsu's development. hantengu was replaced by nakime and she is the pillar of the infinity castle.
gyokko was replaced by WHO? y'all forgot my boy??? we. deserve. upper moon 5 replacement. even if they're not at the final battle. just a "oh shit another upper moon 5, aND THEY'RE WITH UPPER MOON 3 NOW THE MFS WORK IN DUO" is ok for me.
ok, new upper moon 5 being super strong doesn't work, so maybe hantengu's clones are stronger and obanai and mitsuri are the first ones to be knocked out. mitsuri's backstory plays. more hantengu fight, gyokko vs muichiro, etc. later on the fight, they're fucked up, everything is going south, and then obanai and mitsuri show up and obanai's backstory plays.
i think that's ok, finally.
upper moon 6 > uzui
upper moon 5 > muichiro
upper moon 4 > mitsuri and obanai
upper moon 3 > shinjuro, giyuu can show up to help and steal the spotlight since he also needs some fights for such an important character
upper moon 2 > shinobu
upper moon 1 > muichiro, gyomei, sanemi
then hashira training arc is longer and gives more depth to gyomei, sanemi and giyuu. it's already pretty focused on them but it would be nice to see even more.
giyuu. needs. content.
kny wouldn't happen if it wasn't for him, he saved tanjiro and nezuko. he's their big brother, he deserves moments with them. could you imagine? tanjiro comparing his two brothers, kyojuro and giyuu. his sun and his moon.
maybe kyojuro loses an eye and retires like uzui. so shinjuro avenges the fact that his son can't fight anymore or whatever. or just decides to show up in his son's place to help them (and. redemption arc.) and to show tanjiro that he changed after thinking that his boy died.
but that's for another post.
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
Pick any characters you want. Now imagine them fucking there s/o doggy style and out of nowhere she said "daddy". The boys think she’s being kinky- nope. They look up and, turns out, her parents came to visit their lil angel (s/o). Bonus: the bois never met her parents before. Hc on how do they behave and please- PLEASE, put tengen as one of the character XD
Oooh, hope you like it, bby. Ahaha. :D
I’ll (most likely) be posting angst for the rest of the day, bbys. Not too sure???
Kyōjurō, Sanemi, and Tengen: Meet the Parents (NSFW HCs):
Warnings: Spanking, Smut (Turn away if you don’t want to sin). 
Rengoku Kyōjurō:
He’d be thrusting all up in his lover; holding on to either side of her hips and slamming his cock deep inside her.
His eyes would be closed as well— reveling in the salacious moans pouring from her lips.
And he, in turn, would be unabashed with letting his own moans and groans fill the room.
He would be so into it that he wouldn’t hear the shoji open.
But he would hear his lover squeak out, “Daddy!”
And that would make him so hot, that his pace would increase.
“Yeah, baby. Let daddy hear you.”
“Kyō! Kyōjurō! S-stop! Stop!” She would yell out in a frantic tone, which would cause his eyes to fly open.
Only to land on two figures that he had only seen on their family portrait.
Immediately, he would dive down and cover (Y/n)’s body with his.
All while grinning sheepishly at her parents.
“Hello, oba-san, oji-san. Great day we’re having, right?” Kyōjurō would push past his lips, even though his face felt like it was going to burn off due to so much embarrassment.
And when that doesn’t work, he’ll move on to a different approach.
“Your daughter... I love your daughter very much. Please let me marry her!”
Muscle spasms? That’s what he’s experiencing, only with his mouth.
For the life of him, he could NOT shut the hell up.
“I promise I’ll treat her right. And this... well, we’re just... practicing! Yes, yes, practicing.”
While (Y/n) would just close her eyes and thunk her head against the futon below her.
Because what better way for her lover to meet her parents, than with his dick still inside her, as he talked of marriage and their future plans together.
Yes, they did eventually end up getting married.
And (Y/n)’s parents gave them a couple of door locks for their wedding.
Shinazugawa Sanemi:
Like Kyōjurō, he would be very into it.
He would be moaning, and groaning, and even growling at times.
One hand would be on (Y/n)’s hip, while the other would stay on her right ass cheek and spank her from time to time.
Both of them would be loud in their lovemaking, uncaring of their surroundings.
As they always were.
But then Sanemi felt (Y/n)’s walls tighten around him, just as she cried out breathless cries of his name.
“Sanemi! Sanemi!”
She had been trying to get him to stop, bc she’d heard footsteps coming towards her room.
But he didn’t know that.
He was too absorbed in his own pleasure to pay attention.
“Fuck, (Y/n). Let everyone know who’s fucking that tight cunt of yours.”
“Fuck. Yeah. Kinky little slut,” Sanemi would growl, before landing another smack to her ass cheek.
While (Y/n), full of shame and regret, would hide her face in her arms as she came all over her lover’s cock.
But then Sanemi would notice how unresponsive she suddenly was, and he would only realize what had actually transpired at that point.
So, with a furious blush on his cheeks, he would lift a hand up— the same one that just smacked his lover’s ass— and wave awkwardly.
shinazugawasanemi.exe has stopped working.
His brain just... stops working.
He doesn’t even try to cover himself or (Y/n).
But he does have the decency to hang his head in shame.
He wanted to get mad at himself for forgetting to lock the shoji, but he couldn’t do that at the moment.
So, he just settled for remaining quiet.
And also, a very soft, “I’m very sorry” which would have melted his lover’s heart— had they been in any other situation.
But they weren’t.
So she was just mad at him.
They didn’t have sex for a week after that, bc either of them always killed the mood by constantly checking to see if they locked the door.
Uzui Tengen:
Since it’s (Y/n)’s week with hers and Makio’s, Suma’s, and Hinatsuru’s husband, they try to make the most of it.
So, sex every moment they could.
Bc sooner or later, Tengen would be summoned for an emergency or a mission briefing at the Demon Slayer headquarters.
Their lovemaking was wild and with abandon; which meant that both of them were solely focused on each other.
So they didn’t hear the shoji open.
Just. NOPE.
(Y/n) wouldn’t have even noticed her parents’ presence, had Tengen not pulled her up to his chest.
Which prompted her mother and father a good view of hers and her husband’s side profile.
Her eyes, which were previously screwed shut, briefly opened.
And she felt like her heart had stopped in her chest.
“Oh yeah, you want it like that, huh?” Tengen would ask her.
All while he kept thrusting his hips.
But then he would notice her tense posture and would immediately switch to defensive mode.
Unabashed with his nakedness, he would pull out of her and turn her around in his arms.
Before enveloping her in his embrace.
And only then would he look up and see his in-laws staring at them with abject horror on their faces.
Despite the inappropriateness of it, a laugh would bubble from his lips.
“I... well... hello, okaa-san? Otou-san? What a nice surprise.”
He would try to act like he wasn’t just fucking their daughter a few minutes ago, what with all the charm he poured into his words.
And eventually, he would coax them into closing the door so he and (Y/n) could get dressed.
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tanjir0se · 1 year
Hello!! I saw in the tags of a post that youd like more asks, which made me brave enough to send one
Would u mind rambling a bit about your rengiyuu fic(s)? I get excited when I hear that you're working on them but I don't know if you've published any/ any chapters yet?
I hope you're having a nice day!! 🌻
So it AAALLL started with my overlong post-Entertainment District Coping fic I wrote the majority of between episodes 10 and 11 of Entertainment District, trying to find a way for Tanj and the bois to survive the. yknow. Gigantic Poison Explosion.
I wrote Giyuu and Shinobu heading there with an antidote, and Giyuu having to dig around through the rubble to find Tanjiro, half dead. In that I draw comparisons between his relationship with Tanjiro and his relationship with the now-deceased Kyojuro, very different but all leading into the same conclusion: He can't stand to lose anyone else who is as special and just sunshine incarnate as Kyo was. It's told interspersed between Giyuu trying to find/save Tanjiro and my headcanon for Giyuu and Kyo's first meeting, in which Giyuu became a Hashira AFTER Kyo and Kyo was his mentor throughout. Never finished or published it because most of it didn't make sense in canon after Ep 11 came out.
Then I moved onto my Demon!Rengoku bullshit. In this fic that takes place any time post Entertainment District, Rengoku has been posthumously turned into a demon by Douma in an attempt to get close to/kill Tanjiro. Waking up with no memory, no awareness that he's a demon, and nowhere else to go, Kyo wanders to Giyuu's house. Giyuu tries to just end him right then and there but can't work up the nerve, even when Kyo attacks him. Haven't gotten too far, but the gist is that he and Kyo have to team up (with Akaza?? [obviously he'd be fucking PISSED that Douma managed to turn Kyo when he couldn't, so maybe some enemy of my enemy is my friend?]) to figure out who turned him and how to turn him back. Probably my spiciest fic? Demons sexy what can I say. I think I'm pretty good at writing smut but I can literally never work up the nerve so. yknow.
I ALSO have a much more fluffy fic based on the idea of Giyuu being injured in battle, waking up in the butterfly mansion with Kyo having thought he died. Kyo tries to confess that he's realized his love for him but panics last minute and ends up saying he's realized Giyuu never met his brother. Giyuu accepts and they end up on a date that neither really realizes is a date except poor Senjuro, who now kind of has to play matchmaker! Very fluffy and silly and a good break from the darker fics I had been working on.
Annnnd another less overtly Rengiyuu fic as part of my Modern AU in which Giyuu (Kyo's roommate[and they were ROOMMATES]) and Sanemi (over at their apartment because he was bored) find themselves embroiled in the Rengoku family drama after Senjuro and Kyo appear at their apartment, Kyo with a black eye from their father. Explores Giyuu and Sanemi's shared past (dead siblings), Sanemi's relationship with his own father, and my personal thoughts for how Shinjuro and Kyojuro's relationship would have played out A.) If Kyo never died and B.) in a modern setting.
That was interrupted by As the World Caves In (read it here!) and will likely be interrupted by some Everybody Lives AU Secret Relationship bullshit in the future.
*Takes a huge deep breath*
So yeah anyway i loooove being Normal! For real though thank you for asking, I will die on this Ship and will always welcome the opportunity to ramble incoherently about it !!
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
Hi! I'm gonna ask for something weird, but can I have Time travel AU with Sanemi and his S/O meeting his mom? I just want her to know that her little boy will find happiness. Hope it's alright? Thank you!
Hello, bby! It’s not weird at all, and it’s quite alright. I hope you like it! I’m so torn between leaving this as it is, and making a second part to finish the story. Oof. D:
My most favorite part while writing this has to be the paradox wherein Sanemi kills his own father. That brain fart of mine actually made me giddy. Ahaha.
Sanemi x F!S/O: Time Traveling AU (SFW Scenario):
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Abuse, Minor Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Manga Spoilers, Angst
Sanemi felt like cursing, but he couldn’t exactly let the string of curses fly at that moment, as he was too busy gritting his teeth together to keep himself from screaming in pain.
The demon he and (Y/n) had been fighting had such a strange blood art that had landed them back to the past. He didn’t know at what point in time they were at, but it was evident that it was the past, judging by all of the buildings surrounding them.
And the blasted abomination hadn’t bothered to blab about anything except the bare necessities of his blood art: that he had the capability to send them back in time, they would be trapped there forever, and that both of them might die of insanity.
The area was really familiar to him, and a longer look at his surroundings— with added effort of going through his memories— told him that he was back in his old, shitty hometown.
“Fuck,” He finally managed to say through his teeth, just as his arms wrapped themselves tighter around (Y/n)— as if that would protect her from the horrors that she was about to see.
If memory served him right, and if they were in the exact time he thought they were at, then they would be able to encounter Sanemi’s family…
Maybe even a younger Sanemi himself.
“Oh good, you’re alive,” (Y/n) blurted out in relief, as she sagged against her lover’s body completely.
The Wind Hashira grunted and rolled his eyes. “What kind of fucking greeting is that? You want me to die so badly, so you can replace me with some other bastard? Fat chance.”
His pain grew with every word that passed from his lips, but he couldn’t seem to hold back his barbed reply; as it was something that was a minuscule resemblance of normalcy in the clusterfuck that they had been thrown into.
“As if I would even dream of that, Sanemi,” The young woman answered with a light laugh, before pushing herself up onto her hands and knees.
And with a pained grunt, she staggered up onto her feet, before offering her hand to her downed lover.
Sanemi accepted her proffered hand, and pulled himself up, despite the stabbing pain he felt in his right leg. It felt like he had broken something, but there was no time to lament on that; they had to get out of there.
And he was about to grab (Y/n)’s hand, when he heard the loud cries of ‘stop’, ‘mom’, and ‘please’ pierce the calm morning air. They sounded so familiar to him, that he couldn’t bear to ignore the frantic pleas.
He was about to set off towards the sounds of the crying, when (Y/n) grabbed him by the back of his jacket.
“Sanemi…” She began with a frown.
“It’s them, (Y/n). I have to… do something.” The couple stood there for a short while, contemplating whether to push through with their plan to help the ailing family. But when (Y/n) still looked unsure, the Wind Hashira explained further, “We’re here… in my old village. And I just know that it’s them— me— crying out for it to stop.”
(Y/n) knew what had happened during Sanemi’s childhood, and she didn’t know how much she had cried for the child that her lover used to be, but it was against their code of conduct to harm other humans. And she was sure that he was bound to end up doing something to harm his abusive father— one way or another.
He might even end up killing the damn bastard.
And, as the two of them had a silent conversation, the doors to one of the houses slammed open, and a tall, robust man walked out— dragging a frail-looking woman by her hair.
“Stay inside! Close the door! Don’t let anyone inside!” The woman yelled, all while tears ran down her cheeks. She gripped the man’s hands for dear life, yet he showed her no mercy as he dragged her towards the edge of the river.
That caused Sanemi to spring into action. (Y/n) wouldn’t have been able to stop him, even if she tried; not that she would have.
Because, for Sanemi to see his mother suffering under his father’s hand once more triggered something untethered inside him. It made him feel unhinged; not completely in control of himself.
He could feel his rage consuming him entirely, and he made no point to reign his temper in as he drew his sword and took off running towards his bastard of a father.
In one swift movement, he had already run his blade through the imposing man a multitude of times. He wouldn’t have even stopped, had the bastard not fallen into the river that he was initially going to throw his wife in.
“Sanemi?” The delicate woman whispered— almost as if she were in awe— which was understandable. Because right in front of her stood the older version of her son; one that still looked like the child she had left inside the house, yet very different.
The Hashira couldn’t hold back his tears, no matter how hard he tried. He simply got down on his knees— unmindful of the pain lancing through his leg— as he gathered his mother into his arms.
The mother and son pair sat there for the gods knew how long, with both of them clutching tightly to each other while they cried their hearts out.
“I’m so sorry, okaa-san,” Sanemi whispered over and over. “I’m so sorry.”
There was no context in what the Hashira’s apology was about, yet his mother simply petted his hair and murmured reassuring words to him; words saying that it was alright, that there was nothing to be sorry for, and that there was nothing to forgive— because Sanemi could do no wrong.
She simply accepted him as he was— with no need for any explanation as to why he was there and how he came to be in that timeline.
The exchange between the pair in front of her brought tears to (Y/n)’s eyes; and before long, she realized that she was also swiping frantically at the onslaught of her own tears.
However, she froze when two pairs of eyes turned towards her. She hadn’t even realized that they were talking about her— until Sanemi gave her a watery smile, before holding his hand out. And she, in turn, placed her hand in his and squeezed it tightly.
“Okaa-san, I’d like you to meet my wife.”
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