#sandy morro
c-c-v · 1 year
I dunno if this meme/ref was ever made yet, but if not imma do it now >:3 If it has I am so sorry-
Morro(possessing/formed out of sand): "I am the ghostly Sand and wind Guardian, Guardian of the wind and sand."
Bansha/SoulArcher: "The sea trembles before him."
Sandy Morro off the edge or hugging a pier poll to the ocean: "Fuck off!!"
I intent to draw this some time :3
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obsessedwithtodoroki · 2 months
What happens when Mei, Monty, Komo, Greaser, and Grunge get together?
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kjtoons · 2 years
AU CONCEPT TIME- (Ninjago Crystallised and LMK Season 3 Spoilers Below the Cut)
Okay so I had this idea for a sort of fix-it AU for Crystallized that also involves a Lego Monkie Kid Crossover as well as a Morro redemption arch, bear with me here- So basically when Lloyd goes golden Oni in the battle for the first time, instead of getting scared and shaking it off, he gets scared and the overlord takes advantage of this and decides to possess him. Meanwhile, the four ninja aren’t able to free their creation elements in time and end up getting corrupted in their dragon forms. Basically everything that can go wrong goes wrong, and Ninjago falls and is basically decimated by these five- Anyways you can tell this is me really wanting complicated character development through a villain arch, continuing- Now I’m not sure how this happens yet (I have a vague idea that MK’s world is the departed realm but I’m not sure how to explain that yet) but I’m thinking when Morro dies in the water that second time he’s reincarnated in the world of LMK as Mei’s older brother. They’re practically glued to the hip until Mei meets MK and the gang and they start growing apart. Morro doesn’t really show signs of having dragon powers and is struggling with feeling useless since his sister’s out here being a badass while he’s stuck with just doing nothing but skateboarding and gaming. He does end up going with the gang to help find the Samadhi fire, but is in Tang’s position where he can’t contribute much but helps where he can. At the end of this during that scene where they’re all eating on top of that cliff (Mountain? can’t remember exactly) he corners Monkey King and asks what he’s supposed to be. The Monkey King simply says his destiny lies elsewhere and doesn’t elaborate- Anyways because Morro was constantly feeling useless after Mei started growing distant with him he start practicing martial arts to fight the feeling, and he’s gotten pretty good at it. He’s out on his family’s mansion’s big porch one day, practicing, when he accidentally discovers that he can control the wind. He’s shocked, thinking this is some kind of dragon power, and tells his parents. His parents are confused since this isn’t a power you can get from being descended from dragons. Now Morro’s confused as well, wondering where the heck this came from. Then all hell breaks loose with the arrival of a new golden demon and his four winged servants. Outside of the idea of MK’s realm being the departed realm, I don’t really have much a reason for why they end up here, but my current reasoning is that the overlord is basically fostering Lloyd’s anger to keep his form up by sending them to the departed realm to basically torture his enemies. Mei, MK, Red Son, and the rest of the crew are struggling to get a leg up on fighting him, since he’s proving to have an otherworldly power to spread darkness that they can’t combat. Then golden guy spots Morro randomly during the battle and goes ballistic, hellbent on killing him. MK, Red Son, Mei and the rest of the gang come to his rescue and get the hell out of there since they’re not winning this one. That’s all I really have figured out right now for this AU, but I do plan on them finding a way for MK and co to get to Ninjago at one point and meet those that are still alive that weren’t decimated by golden dude, as well as Morro gradually gaining his memories from his past life back throughout the story. Also saving the four core ninja from their corruption somehow. I still have the idea to separate these into seperate AUs since I seriously think Lloyd and the other four ninja could’ve been absolutely freaking amazing villains for Ninjago: United and provided such interesting character archs because they’re corrupted and such. I also would just want to write my own version of a Morro redemption somehow because I love this angsty ghost boy so much and thrown it in there with this whole thing. Also, just a seperate AU where oni lloyd attacks MK’s realm somehow. Idk if they’ll stay together, idk it they’ll be seperate, we’ll see- Anyways thanks for reading my word vomit hopefully it wasn’t too indecipherable. I just wanted to get it down somewhere.
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cats-inthe-cradle · 2 years
Okay now I kinda wanna give Morro his own cat in my au
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revlischarm · 1 year
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The other various outfits of Morro in Noodle Shop Ghost. Took me ages to finish this, but I’m happy with how it turned out!!
More info on the specific outfit details under the cut!
- This outfit is Morro’s pajamas from the start of the series to current.
- The moons are both to represent y’know, nighttime, but also as a way of foreshadowing the Macaque connection in the later seasons.
- Morro let’s their hair down when they sleep
- The shirt text says “Great Sage Equal to Heaven” I think I hope I’m not fluent in other languages so I really pray that I got that correct. The shirt references Morro’s love of JTTW, and the character of Wukong within the book
- Morro uses face masks when he sleeps. Hey, if they have to have skin again, they wanna take care of it. Ish.
Work Uniform
- The outfit changes between seasons since Morro gets new looks, but the constants of it are the jacket and the gloves.
- Morro swaps out the hand wraps because he feels more sanitary wearing gloves. And because I feel like it would make people unsure about him handling food.
- Occasionally Morro will throw on other pants? But idk I wasn’t sure what to go with so I just did their final design clothing.
“Take Responsibility” episode
- Finally have a name for that fan episode I mentioned where Morro has a crisis!! Takes place in season 1. Thank you @randomcrapstories !!!!
- The only thing that’s different about the outfit here is the addition of the jacket, which I still haven’t decided if I want it to be a gift from MK and Mei, or Morro just straight up stole it. Still, it shows us the base design for the jacket as it appears later in the series!!
Theatre Outfit
- During the in-between point of season 3 and 4, Morro actually starts helping out Macaque with his theatre! Morro’s a stagehand; they do a lot of the special effects and such.
- This outfit is mainly just me putting Morro in cool looking clothes hehe
- It’s identical to Mac’s outfit in most ways! I changed the shoes tho, and the colors. And the patterns on the robe and sleeves are different too!
- Eyeliner because it’s fancy
Shadow Travel
- I’ve mentioned before how Morro is learning shadow magic from Macaque; the basics that Morro knows are kinda just like. Being able to hide inside of shadows, manipulating them on walls and stuff, and also those shadow portals.
- Macaque has a shadow form, and so does Morro. But this isn’t a clone form or anything, that will be its own design. This is just for like…idk. Shrouded in shadows and whatnot.
- I highlighted the two most important features of Morro in this au: the eyelashes and the scar. The scar is its own important thing; the eyelashes are just a style choice on my end.
Season 3 Lantern City Outfit
- This outfit is for that episode in season 3 with the third ring!!
- The jacket makes an appearance once again! Except now Morro has personalized it much more. Patches and pins and stuff.
- The gloves Morro has on were made by Sandy; Sandy didn’t want Morro to get cold lol.
- And ofc Morro’s markings on full display since they weren’t able to cover them in season 3
Uhhh I think that’s everything. I’m gonna do another one of these for Morro’s scrapped/bonus designs at some point too. So look forward to that!
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153 for ➰:
It’s the perfect way to spend a morning. 
His arms are pleasantly sore from a new sort of motion by the time they make it back to shore. He thinks he likes kayaking. 
He and Eddie help Brittany load the kayaks from the beach onto a rack. 
“Thank you!” She exclaims as they’re halting them. “Most visitors don’t stick around to help.”
“Ah, we don’t mind,” Buck says. 
“They’re firefighters,” Chris says. “They lift heavy stuff all the time.”
“It’s true,” Eddie says, sliding a kayak onto the rack. 
They’re at the top of a sandy slope, in front of a little shed that belongs to the tour company. It has a gorgeous view of the waterfront. Standing right in front of the kayak rack on that slope, Buck turns to admire the view for another minute.
“You really get to do this every day, huh?” He asks Brittany. 
“I do!” She grins. “I had a co-op here during my undergrad and decided to come back full time.”
“Super cool,” Buck says. “I wish I’d done something cool like this when I was working odd jobs in my twenties.”
Brittany opens her mouth to respond but is cut off by a strange metallic creaking sound, followed by a loud crack. Buck hardly has time to react before something hard and fast hits him in the back of the skull. It’s so hard he sees white, vision momentarily glitches. He trips forward, onto his hands and knees in the rocky sand.
“Oh my god!” He hears Brittany shout through his ringing ears. There’s the sound of something slapping against a hard surface. 
“Buck, are you okay?” Chris calls. 
He feels Eddie’s arms loop around him, pulling him sideways. 
“Out of the way, come on,” Eddie says. 
Buck’s vision clears as Eddie moves him from the direct path of what he can now see is a collapsed kayak rack. One leg broke, sending the top kayak careening out, smack into Buck’s head. Brittany is currently scrambling to steady it. 
Eddie helps Buck to his feet, one arm looped around his waist for support. 
“Are you okay?” He asks. He’s using his steadiest paramedic voice, inspecting Buck’s eyes for signs of concussion.
Buck presses a hand to the tender back of his head. It’s not bleeding. There will be a hell of a goose egg, he bets. 
“I think so?” Buck offers weakly. His head is throbbing and he feels very dizzy. 
“Let’s sit down,” Eddie suggests.
Buck nods. He allows himself to be guided to where Chris is standing and is helped gently into a sitting position. 
“Stay tight,” Eddie says. He jogs back over to help Brittany secure the kayak rack. 
“Does your head hurt?” Chris asks.
“Yep,” Buck winces.
“Do you need to go to the hospital?” 
“I don’t know, buddy. I can’t really think right now.”
“Oh,” Chris says in a tiny voice.
Buck squeezes his eyes shut and breathes through the pain. 
A few moments later, Eddie and Brittany return. 
“Should we call an ambulance?” Brittany asks.
“No,” Eddie says. “I don’t think so. I can drive him to the ER if it comes to that. Do you have ice?”
“Yes, in the main building. I can go grab it. My god, I am so sorry this happened.”
“Not your fault,” Buck manages to grit out. 
“I’ll be right back!” She promises. “With ice!”
Brittany runs off and Eddie crouches in front of Buck. 
“How are you holding up?” He asks. 
“Fricking kills,” Buck replies honestly. “I never thought kayak related deaths would happen on dry land.”
“That’s not funny,” Eddie grumbles. 
“It’s a little funny,” Buck says. “And you have to say so because I’m hurt.”
“Do you want to go to the ER?” Eddie asks. 
“Nah,” Buck waves the thought off. “It’s 2024. We’re in Morro Bay. Biden is president. We’re all good.”
“Buck, it’s 2031,” Chris says. 
“Chris, that’s not funny!” Eddie scolds. 
Buck barks with laughter. “Sort of is, though.”
Eddie sighs. “You’re both terrible.”
“You love us,” Buck says. 
Eddie’s lips quirk. “I sure do.”
After icing his head for twenty minutes, Buck feels considerably better.
“We can go back to the hotel and take it easy,” Eddie suggests as they pack into the Jeep. Eddie drives this time. 
“No,” Buck shakes his head. “It’s our last day here. We wanted to go swimming.”
“There’s a pool at the hotel,” Eddie reminds him. “We can swim there.”
“I want to go to the beach,” Buck doubles down. “I’ll be okay. If I feel off, I’ll tell you.”
“Okay,” Eddie says. He takes less convincing than Buck might have expected. “But I’m not letting you swim alone.”
“Darn,” Buck groans with mock annoyance. “You’ll just have to hold onto me.”
Eddie smirks. 
“Gross,” Chris complains. 
They swim and enjoy the beach and Buck doesn’t drown terribly from whatever concussion Eddie worries he might have. He takes a Tylenol, goes easy on himself, and basks in the beauty of the remainder of their afternoon. 
Buck will admit, towards the end, he’s getting a little sleepy. Despite the later-than-usual wake-up call. Maybe it’s a symptom of the energy expended kayaking. Maybe it’s all the sun. He lays on his chest on a beach towel and closes his eyes, listening to the sound of the waves. Chris buries his feet in wet sand. 
Eddie squeezes a dollop of sunscreen onto his back without warning and begins rubbing it into his skin. Buck’s spine shivers at the cold goop. 
“Hey!” He complains. 
“You’re the whitest person I know. You’re going to burn.” Eddie replies.
“The sun is getting lower!” Buck protests. 
“Mmm, you’ll thank me when the shower doesn’t hurt tonight,” Eddie says. 
Buck complains, but he feels very loved. Very cared for. Eddie is always thinking about him. In a way no other partner really has before. It makes sense. They knew each other forwards and backwards, even before they ever admitted to loving one another. 
“I love you,” Buck murmurs into the curve of his own elbow, where he’s resting his head. 
Eddie rubs a sunscreen-slicked finger in gentle little circles over Buck’s shoulder blade. 
“I love you, too.” Eddie whispers. “You getting tired?”
“Just a little.” Buck admits. 
“We can go back?” Eddie offers. “Grab dinner?” 
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starsburst · 6 months
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so I drew this little scene with my sisters Ninjago oc(Sora and Sandy are from the same universe) Sora's not there because of some reason maybe see can't seem to be bet Morro because of there past together or somethin' but Sandy is there(she comes in at TOE but I just didn't want to draw her in TOE)
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nic-liveblogs · 9 months
those mk & lloyd parallels got HANDS, any new thoughts on that or their interactions? (maybe save this ask till after the special, cuz uh... something occurs)
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i hear you and i see you ok 😭😭 its just that these past 2 weeks have been incredibly busy for me and also lack of motivation 🫠
but i just got covid so perfect excuse to finally think about this 😭 problem is that i mightve forgotten alot about lmk at this point so bear with me 💀
i think this mightve been mentioned in like previous posts but lloyd and mk just training and like talking about life would be very special to meeeee!! id love to see how our 2 protags of east asian inspired lego shows would interact!! idk they could go get therapy together because they are both very messed up theyd ask each other to seek help and then say nooo im fiiinee, bonding over secretive mentors me thinks like why do they do they keep secrets all the time!!! like idk id love a swap au between these 2 they r very interesting to me.. also both of them getting betrayed suckss. they could learn somthing from each other like lloyd is more wise in like the master wu sorta way and i think mk could teach him to let loose a little.. also they can both go apeshit mode hehehehehe i think ive already mentioned this in like another ask
i think red son would remind lloyd alot of him when he was younger like idk they try so hard to be evil but they got that goodness in them yk 😔😔
i think that applies to kai in the hotheaded sense like hes grown so much since he was 15 and i think hed want to help red son in the way he helped wyldfyre as well
lloyd: so yeah my great grandma is like a dragon..??
nya: and i turned into a dragon once!!
mei: thats sooooo cool my great great great great great great thousand times great grandpa was a dragon too!! do you guys wanna see my dragon!!!!
*lloyd and nya expecting some tiny dragon like riyu or chompy*
and then mei whips out her totally cool kickass dragon and they are both in awe like teach me how to do that!!!!
im pretty sure sandy is the builder of the time right?? there are so many builder characters in ninjago like pixal, jay, nya, sora, zane and i think they could probably geek out about it hehe
zane probably also knows about jttw since he knows like everything about everything yk i think he would listen to tang talk about it zane's sweet like thattt and tang can finally talk to someone who knows the full story 😭
one time someone asked about morro and macaque and like i still dont really know how to answer that like theyve both died ig thats cool 😭 shared trauma on dying lol, and also they were both like evil at one point and i guess reflecting back on it theyve both been like what was it all really for
ive said this before and ill say it again jay, mk, mei and maybe wyldfyre would totally go do some dumb shit together and get in trouble together 😭
and thats all i have maybe i'll think up something in the future? who knows!
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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Morro Rock Ecological Preserve, CA (No. 8)
With an oceanfront parking lot located directly under the shadow of awe-inspiring Morro Rock, this popular surf spot is as close to the rock as it gets. Although technically part of Morro Strand, this beach is often referred to as Morro Rock Beach by locals and travelers alike, for reasons that will become obvious the moment you arrive. Easily stroll the base of Morro Rock, keeping an eye out for seabirds (fun fact: the rock is the last of “the nine sisters,” or volcanic mountains that run from the Central Coast to Southern California). Today, Morro Rock is a historic landmark and bird sanctuary home to Peregrine Falcons, Seagulls and all manner of waterfowl which thrive along the rocky landscape. Surfers, picnickers, kite-flyers and sunbathers flock to the beach located just north of the rock, while the south side—protected by the harbor—is popular among kayakers and fishing enthusiasts. Planning on staying in San Simeon or Cambria, two popular Central Coast kayaking destinations in their own right? We encourage you to bring your kayak south to Morro Bay for a unique experience unlike what you’ve already enjoyed. While you might see whales and elephant seals to the north on Highway 1, Morro Bay features its own menagerie of critters, including friendly harbor seals and a year-round otter population that can be observed regularly snacking, napping, and communing among Morro Bay’s plentiful kelp beds.
Similarly, surfers staying in Cayucos love the close proximity to Morro Rock—known as one of the most popular surf spots on the Central Coast. Why not rent a board and catch a few iconic waves for yourself? Depending on the swell, you can also paddle across the harbor side to Sand Spit beach (also accessible from the Los Osos side). Large waves are common here, so it’s important to watch kids while they play in the water (lifeguards are staffed from Memorial Day Labor Day from 10am-6pm). Please note that dogs must be on-leash in this area, but they are welcome to roam freely at the Morro Bay Dog Beach, which stretches six miles north to dog-friendly town Cayucos. With its vast, sandy beach and views of Morro Rock in the distance, you’ll enjoy the walk just as much as your pup. Lastly, parking at Morro Rock Beach is a breeze: just take your pick of spots in this massive parking lot with bathrooms and outdoor showers to clean off sandy toes. Plus, parking wraps south of the rock, providing even more convenience for busy days (you’ll enjoy even greater views of the rock, local wildlife, and glittering back bay as you park the car). That’s a true win-win!
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moonydasaltychild · 2 years
The end of the green ninja
Chapter 10 Raising an army
The sons of Garmadon were on their way to the real location on bike while Lloyd flew above them on his dragon having to share with Harumi “Mr E reported that not all of them were there, isn’t that worrying you?” She asked he could be seen rolling his eyes “You worry too much. If they try to do anything it’ll be too late.” On the ground was a disguised Morro and Garmadon looking up at the dragon “I don’t like where this is going.” Garmadon mumbled as they neared an open land with ruins became closer “I wonder how the others are doing.” Morro thought about it. As for the others Jay was banging on the door repeatedly letting out cries of 'let us out!' which did annoy everyone since they knew no one was on the other side “Would you knock it off?! No one is behind that door!” Cole shouted at Jay finally breaking under the constant yelling “Well we wouldn’t be here if Kai listened to Morro!” Jay pointed at Kai bringing him into the arguing “Me? You all agreed it was serpentine!” He snapped in response and the three started bickering with each other “Would you all stop it!” Nya shouted getting their attention and ending the arguing “We all were wrong, we should’ve listened to Morro when he said that it wasn’t it. It’s what...Lloyd would’ve done...” She trailed off thinking to how whenever they would be in a predicament that lead to arguing Lloyd would say it’s all their fault and how they should’ve trusted each other beforehand, now they didn’t have that anymore.
Something had cut through the door of the cave where it broke apart there stood Samurai X with Echo in the passenger seat “Pixel!” All of them shouted in relief “But how?” Nya asked and Zane chimed in “While you were all arguing I was sending an SOS to Pixel so she can get us out.” The ninja all thanked Zane for doing so “You all must hurry now. Morro and Garmadon are on Lloyd’s trail as we speak.” She flew off in the suit with the ninja following behind on their dragons. Back at the site all the bikers were to stay behind as Lloyd and Harumi were the only ones allowed near the ruins “We need a distraction to get near them.” Garmadon whispered and just after he said that down came the ninja, Echo started to increase the wind speeds with Morro joining to create a sandstorm “Damnit they got out.” Lloyd covered his eyes and mouth to not get any sand in them “I’ve spotted them over there.” Echo pointed to where they saw Lloyd and Harumi offering to lead the way, Mr E then appeared blocking them from getting close and faint speaking can be heard through the strong sandy winds Lloyd was trying to read the summoning on the scroll he was having a hard time to read it because of the sand so he was able to easily create a blast to get Morro and Echo to stop the storm.
With the two of them getting hit Lloyd was now able to focus on reading the scroll having Mr E and Harumi deal with the ninja “Don’t let him finish reading that scroll!” Garmadon instructed trying to get past the two to reach him “How exactly do you want us to do that?” The question came from Jay of course “Like this!” Morro manipulated the wind again to increase the speed the intention was to blow the scroll away from his hands and it also worked as a distraction for Garmadon at least to get past the two reaching Lloyd “I’m starting to understand the frustration every other villain felt whenever I used to do this.” He chuckled on how the roles in the situation were now reversed, gripping onto the scroll as tightly as possible “Do you know what kind of evil your going to bring if you finish that?!” Garmadon said in response as Lloyd looked to the side with a scoff “I’m doing more evil than you have ever done.” He drew the sword from the sheath attached to his hip, ready to fight but Garmadon showed no intention of fighting.
“I am not going to fight you.” He stated as Lloyd rolled his eyes “We both know that’s a lie. It’s always been destined for us to fight on opposite sides.” He stores the scroll safely away getting into a fighting stance Garmadon has no choice but to do the same from there the two fought. “We need to get that scroll off of him.” Kai suggested since Lloyd was busy fighting at the moment “That scroll is in his shirt right now, I don’t want to reach my hand in there.” Cole said regarding where the scroll was but that didn’t seem to be that much of a concern to anyone else agreeing first things first was to get rid of Harumi and Mr E to get to Lloyd the only downside to the plan was that Garmadon was losing the fight while Lloyd still had plenty of stamina to keep going as they wanted Lloyd to be weak enough for their plan “I have an idea.” Zane froze the two in their place which finally gave them an opening to Lloyd, they ran up to him before Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane were levitated off the ground paralyzed as their elemental powers were faintly surrounding them.
“You do know that I can remove your elemental powers, right?” Lloyd’s stance was a foot on Garmadon who laid on the ground defeated with a sword pointing down at him while a hand was held out to hold the four ninja in place “The four of you should at least be grateful that I haven’t removed them.” Nya, Morro, Pixel, and Echo were on their way for an attack though the two broke free from the ice and held them down now Lloyd can finally finish reading the scroll. Three portals opened behind the group and out came marching Oni from the three stopping half away where the portal in the middle out came the commander approaching Lloyd looking him over there was silence “Yes! We did it! All of Ninjago will now bow to the sons of Garma-“ Harumi was cut off and a collective gasp from everyone came, a sword was impaled through her chest and Lloyd just looked at her with a dead gaze “Why the shocked face?” He questioned twisting the blade keeping his impassive face “Doesn’t it hurt? Helping someone you care about to then get betrayed? It’s only fair I return the favor to you.” The Oni commander watched with interest as the event unfolded, Harumi stuttered out 'I' 'you' 'we' trying to form a sentence “You are below me. Did you really think I’d forgive you for what you’ve done? To let you rule beside me?” Lloyd dropped the ninja, leaning in with daggers in his gaze whispering “I don’t need you anymore.” He removed the sword from her and to seal her death, a swift cut to the head.
Harumi’s decapitated head hits the ground followed by the limp body.
Everyone looks on mortified.
The Oni commander looks pleased by this action, they grab Lloyd’s hand and raises it. Shouting out for everyone to hear “This world belongs to the Oni!”
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firesofdainix · 2 years
October 6: Skeleton | Death | "It hurts too much."
mwahahaha... mwahahaha... MWAHAHAHAHAHA *evil laughter continues* i was speedrunning to get to this day.
AO3 Version
Graphic depiction of violence and death
It was an honest mistake.
Before he leaves in the blanket of night, the stars and the moon, the only ones in the sky to have seen him leave the monastery, he finds sets of scrolls detailing ancient, historical sites of Ninjago. They were old, and yellowing, but most importantly, they carry bits of information that only those who can understand Old Ninjargon can decipher correctly. Feeling a little prideful over his literacy, he takes them on his journey, using them as ways to traverse the harsher sides of the continent. The unpredictable rainforests, the sweltering desserts, the torrential rainstorm, and the dangerous mountain ranges, he has dodged them all, with the help of the maps and the wind.
Morro was a careful, cautious young man; even if in the life he's lived, he'd acted impulsive and stubborn, he practices an amount of carefulness that was something Wu admires about him. Like the wind that blows so securely on his face, he can glide through obstacles with precision. He was able to calculate the most plausible ways out of the list of choices he has been given and the safest or shortest paths to traverse to completely defy the destiny given to him.
So, when it turns out that, according to the rumors and people seeking some thrill in their life that the Caves of Despair, lying in the Sea of Sand house sand dunes and caverns created after a quake resonated through the entire cave, he has deemed to check it out, with the hope that somewhere inside, there may be the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master. Sometimes, according to the locals, they would hear the screams of what resembles to be a dragon, bearing its wings as it prepares to fight something quite valuable inside of the caves. Hearing those rumors and the potential that, maybe, deep in those depressing caves, were the bones of the First Spinjitzu Master. He thinks to himself, It must be the work of the Element of Earth! And there is only one person who can create strong earthquakes such as this.
Like a ghost, he lets the wind guide him into the sweltering hot climate of the Sea of Sand. His feet are buried within the Sandy shoals of the desert, almost like the waters waving at him through gliding themselves into the currents. However, the grains of sand were a nuisance to him, unlike the soft water of the seafoam. It is currently reminding him of a situation he wasn't particularly fond of. He and Wu always avoided having to journey through the Sea of Sand, simply because the atmosphere and environment were harsher and hotter than that of their village and the others, and, well, Morro was a picky child.
He just needed to find what was in the Caves of Despair; whether it was the bones of the First Spinjitzu Master or nothing at all. If there is nothing, he would simply sigh and leave the way he had gone in the first place.
It wasn’t—
Inside the caves, a rumble sounds, as if there was a sleeping giant at the bottom of this tunnel.
Much to Morro’s horror, he finds the rocks that were supposed to be above the cave entrance starting to move an inch. “No, wait!” He runs towards the only exit in this cave to no avail, as the rumbling becomes more intense as if the cave hungers for the loss of life.
The rocks fall onto the only exit, blocking him out of salvation, out of the easy life.
It wasn’t meant to be like this.
One of the rocks — the bigger ones too, of course — that had initially been piling on the opening, as if to mock his current predicament, then lands on his right leg.
It should not be this painful; getting his leg crushed by a rock was not the part of the list in which he must prevail in hiding the pain.
There was a sickening crunch at the resounding impact, and he feels all of the bones in that part of his body crack and break as if it were the barks of trees unable to withstand the strong winds.
With a howl, he curses all of the swears that remain in his vocabulary, balling his hands in fists as the cave continues to quake as if it has not done enough by locking him inside of a volatile cavern.
There was a geyser in the middle of the cavern he is now trapped in, he knows.
Beads of sweat form on his face, as he cradles his right leg, feebly trying to get the rock to move from its place. It was like the old training equipment back at the monastery; too hard to move with his hands and feet, having to rely on his wit and smarts to outsmart a non-living object.
But there is no rod or ditch to attach this rock onto.
There was only him.
Small, frail, and definitely not in the best conditions to lift up the rock currently crushing his leg, but also, hiding the gruesome sight from Morro himself.
He tries to summon the wind through grunts and inner commands; however, even with his best skills at exertion, barely a breeze managed to pass by.
Oh, right, he was stuck in the Caves of Despair.
Even the Wind did not accompany him to the darkest depths of the caverns. What a coward.
Morro was no coward— he will prevail in his task to find the tomb, to spit on Destiny’s face, swearing at Her face and gloating about how he is worthy to become the Green Ninja.
Was becoming the Green Ninja really worth it to die here? A timid, shier part of his mind speaks, for the first time since the years have passed. A time period in which he never listened to his mind anymore, a time where he only listened to the flummoxing emotions stirring in his heart, whispering to him of the rewards and the life he may earn if he ever achieves the feat of finding this sacred, mythical tomb. The scrolls of old have deceived him so many times; old men whispering with his dreams and desires in his sleep, whilst he tosses and turns, the visage of the Golden Weapons and Wu himself roaming further away from his mind. All he could see what his hand; dirtied from the sand, grime, and muck that he had accumulated over the years.
Dirty hands over the polished golden blades.
His breathing quickens, feeling his own element slowly, but surely, fading out.
The pain still stings, and, with the inclusion of his sudden predicament over the shortness of his breathing, he is currently in the worst pain imaginable.
This was worse than any of the burning fevers back in the monastery; it was — his hands find his throat as more choking breaths spill out, sweat dribbling from his forehead and back — it was agony.
At least Wu was around him, always giving him medicine, herbs, tea, or whatever healing miracle he has bestowed upon Morro.
He was not here.
He was at the monastery.
He was—
Something escapes his eyes. He thinks it was sweat.
(Those were tears.)
Gasping for breath, he starts to speak, as if it will be his saving grace for whatever torment he is currently in.
“It—” He shudders, feeling the heat around the cave rise, his entire vision wavy and shaky, sweltering with a temperature that can rival a thousand suns.
Wu’s sun was not like that.
“It hurts so much.” He lets out something that is, practically, an uncontrollable sob, as tears flow freely from his eyes.
He starts to cry.
Everything was going so wrong.
What did he even want?
Someone finally told him that he was, for once in his life, worth something.
The rock had not budged at all, and, even when he subtly attempts to nudge it into one place, he could feel his senses of pain kick in. so, much to his discontent and dread, he could not move before this entire cave explodes.
Oh yes, that is the other problem.
Because his life seems to be filled with unfortunate happenstances stacking up against one another; not only is his leg crushed by something he was not strong enough to lift, his wind is currently working against him as every second feels like his last breath, and, last, of all, there is a simpering heat waiting to boil over, to burn him alive.
Those gasps turn into pants, as he attempts to breathe himself back to life with the barely-supple oxygen that is contained within this closed area, his eyes going blood-shot, chest rising and falling as his hands endeavor in summoning the winds to lift the rock, to blow away the rocks sealing the cave.
Nothing works in his favor, however.
He clutches at his throat, coughing as he feels his lungs give away. With no more air to breathe, he could feel his time nearing.
Just as he could feel himself burning, his body awaited the stench of gas and the burning flames.
He looks up at the cave’s ceiling, filled with stalactites. He hopes one would fall and pierce his heart.
Morro opens his mouth as he feels his vision blur, the cave shaking as another explosion threatens to spill.
It was as if he was muttering a prayer, to whatever God of Afterlife there is, to come and collect his soul from his incoming death.
He was praying to a god, alright.
“Wu,” Morro dislikes how his voice is shaky, unsure. Wu will always come and save him, no matter what. Even in the deafening silence of this cavern, only being filled by his breaths and statements, he swears he could almost hear the tapping of zori on the ground. “I am sorry— sorry you have a failure like me as your student. I—I only wish to make you proud. I want to… to become the…” He lets out another breath, panting so hard he thinks he could break his ribcage. “Green Ninja so I can protect you and make you love me unconditionally.”
The entire world starts to set itself on fire, but he is not done yet.
“Save me, Wu. Save me… save me from my cursed existence.”
 His face flushed with warmth, but it was not the kind of tepidness he would love to feel.
It was hot; like the irori when something is cooking. When the candles burn his fingers.
Imagine it tenfold.
That is now how he feels.
The last thing he thinks about when he closes his eyes, feeling his body scorch into the unattainable flames, was how he curses himself forever for coming into this journey in the first place.
(In the light of the evening, when Morro’s skin was nothing but burned like the many cities that fall, there was a monastery with open doors, waiting for a man’s return.
The wind, like a compass that directs a spirit to its destination, whizzes towards it, screaming thousands of vengeance toward the man that started it all.
The doors slam shut, with the whisper of Morro’s name prevalent in the air.)
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A peek into a Ninjago, and someone being forced to join the others in the world of demons and immortals.
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rinconprrentals · 11 months
Family Vacation Home in Bioluminescent Bay in Puerto Rico   
Calm Caribbean water tapping the golden sand beaches provide the best vacation surrounding in Rincon, Puerto Rico. Popular as surfing destination in the Caribbean, Rincon is best place to stay in to explore what Puerto Rico offers to its visitors. Rincon also known as Pueblo del Surfing - the surfing town is world famous for its picture perfect sunset and spectacular beaches. Puerto Rican seafood, underground caves, amazing landscape, mountains, zip line tour, waterfalls, El Morro fort and the tropical rain forest of El Yunque attract tourists from different part of world. To unwind this fascinating tourist vacation destination Rincon PR Rentals facilitate luxury vacation homes Puerto Rico. The vacation homes are equipped with all amenities, upgraded kitchen, & beautifully nestled in private & spacious space with magnificent view of the sea & beach. The ocean view vacation homes are affordable and safe to stay with all facilities & top tourist attractions at your disposal in Puerto Rico.
South Vieques beach is another popular and favorite destination of tourists. During the day Bioluminescent Mosquito Bay is like any other beautiful beach, but at night, due to din flagellates water appears to emit blue color which is a spectacular and amazing show of 600,000 bioluminescent din flagellates each gallon of bay water. These microorganisms emit blue light at night which is worth a trip to PR. Enjoy this wonderful phenomenon while renting kids friendly vacation homes Rincon, ideal for family looking to maximize their trip experience with luxury, style, and class. These family friendly vacation accommodations are equipped with all amenities & services, nestled close to top recreational sites, shops, and restaurants. It is a large beachside furnished and theme decorated vacation villa providing great opportunities to explore the stunning outdoor & adventure activities for eventful vacationing in Puerto Rico. 
Beautiful beaches in Rincon are among the top tourist attraction in Puerto Rico. Rincon Beaches are considered as the best surfing beach destination in the Caribbean. Top surfing beaches include the Marina beach, Little Malibu beach, Domes beach, Marias beach, Sandy Beach, Tres Palmas, Pool beach, Steps beach, and Lala beach. The plentiful of water sports activities & extreme sports attracts tourist from different parts of the world to come and explore the adventure vacation in Rincon. There are many light houses nestled in the picturesque surroundings here which are included in the travel itinerary of every visitor. Whether, its party vibes or rainforest adventure sites or beautiful surfing beaches, Rincon enchants visitors with diverse and eventful surroundings. Surfing waves in Rincon attract surfers around the globe to ride the incredible waves, especially during the first quarter of the year.
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travels11 · 1 year
Best beaches in porto Alegre
When one thinks of Brazil, pristine beaches often come to mind, and while Porto Alegre may not be directly on the coast, it is surrounded by some of the country's most breathtaking beach destinations. Located in the southernmost part of Brazil, Porto Alegre serves as an excellent gateway to the beautiful beaches of the Rio Grande do Sul state. In this article, we will explore the best beaches in the Porto Alegre region, offering you a guide to soak in the sun, splash in the waves, and immerse yourself in the coastal beauty of this unique corner of Brazil.
Hence, to enjoy a classic holiday, book your cheap flights to  Porto Alegre, and make sure eot carry your beach wardrobe.
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Praia de Belas
While not a traditional ocean beach, Praia de Belas is a delightful urban beach located along the Guaíba River. Here, you can relax by the water, enjoy the sunset, or take a leisurely stroll along the boardwalk. The beach also hosts cultural events and outdoor activities, making it a popular spot for locals and tourists alike.
Tramandaí is a popular coastal town located just a couple of hours' drive from Porto Alegre. It's known for its wide, sandy beaches and a relaxed, family-friendly atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and beach sports. The town itself offers various dining options and shops for beachgoers.
Cassino Beach
Cassino Beach, located in the city of Rio Grande, is famous for its immense length, making it the longest beach in the world, stretching over 157 miles. This beach offers a unique coastal experience, where you can drive on the sand, go kite surfing, or explore the Lighthouse of Albardão. Its endless expanse provides a sense of tranquility and escape from the bustling city life.
Explore the incredible attractions of Porto Alegre, and make your trip worthwhile. Also, book your flights from Chicago to Porto Alegre, with Lowest Flight Fares to avail impressive deals.
Laranjal Beach
Laranjal Beach, situated in the town of Pelotas, is known for its tranquil waters and extensive sand dunes. The beach is ideal for families, as the calm waves create a safe environment for swimming and playing. In the evenings, you can witness the mesmerizing sunset over the Guaíba River, casting a warm and golden hue over the landscape.
Mostardas Beach
Mostardas Beach, found in the town of Mostardas, is part of the Taim Ecological Reserve, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts. This pristine beach is home to diverse flora and fauna, and it's an excellent spot for birdwatching. Mostardas Beach provides a unique experience, offering a glimpse into the untamed beauty of Brazil's coastline.
Capão da Canoa
Capão da Canoa is another popular beach town, known for its bustling atmosphere and vibrant nightlife. The beach itself is well-maintained and perfect for swimming and sunbathing. It's a fantastic place for socializing, with many beachfront bars, restaurants, and shops to explore.
Torres Beach
Torres is a picturesque beach town characterized by its unique rock formations, including the famous Morro das Furnas. The beach is a favorite among surfers and paragliders due to its ideal wind and wave conditions. If you're looking for outdoor adventure along with beach relaxation, Torres is a must-visit destination.
Cidreira Beach
Cidreira Beach is a tranquil and less crowded option compared to some of the more popular beaches in the region. This serene coastal gem offers a peaceful environment, making it perfect for those seeking relaxation and solitude.
Hermenegildo Beach
Hermenegildo Beach is known for its rugged beauty and remote location. It's a haven for surfers, offering some of the best waves in the area. The untouched natural surroundings and sense of isolation make it a unique destination for those who crave a quieter, more wild beach experience.
Patos Lagoon Beaches
The Patos Lagoon is a massive coastal lagoon that stretches along the coastline of Rio Grande do Sul. It is surrounded by several smaller towns and beaches. The lagoon's calm waters are perfect for water sports like windsurfing and kayaking. Some popular beach towns along the lagoon include Tavares, São Lourenço do Sul, and Palmares do Sul.
While Porto Alegre itself may not be on the coast, its proximity to some of the most beautiful beaches in the Rio Grande do Sul state offers travelers an incredible opportunity to experience the diverse coastal beauty of Brazil. From bustling beach towns with lively atmospheres to remote, unspoiled stretches of sand, there's a beach for every type of traveler in this region. So, whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or a bit of both, pack your sunscreen, beach towels, and sense of exploration and head to the stunning beaches around Porto Alegre for a beach vacation like no other.
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revlischarm · 1 year
[NSG au] What if Morro had ended up with someone else in the Monkie kid universe tho? Basically what if instead of that portal dropping him near Pigsy’s shop, it instead appeared like, in the celestial realm with Nezha, or with Red So n’s family? How would that have changed the au?
I hope you know you caused @randomcrapstories and I to just. Create three whole new AU’s. I blame you for this, anon, I feel like you just dropped some random babies in my lap and walked away.
Either way, now presenting the side AU’s of the Noodle Shop Ghost au…
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Demon Bull Morro, aka DB Morro, aka Fan au. Or DB au.
Basically Morro but the Rift dropped them near the Demon Bull Palace instead of in the city. So they end up with PIF and Red Son!! The timing for this changes to before the first movie, like a year or so, so DBK isn’t out yet. Morro is a lot less focused on redemption in this version and is just trying their best. Dude got adopted into the DB family. They don’t view what he’s doing as like…villain behavior? It’s all very familiar and normal to him. Doesn’t view himself or the Demon Bull family as the bad guys in the situation. Uhhh more details I guess if y’all ask.
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The most angsty Morro of the four AU’s. Hyacinth Sentinel Morro, or the Morro that ended up in the Celestial Realm and henceforth hangs out with Nezha. The au name is Lotus Morro.
This Morro is…extremely depressed. Like, super fucking depressed. They’re not in the Celestial Realm of their own free will, Morro’s control over the wind is seen as a potential threat and so Morro’s kinda regulated to Heaven. You know how in JTTW Heaven tried to placate/contain Wukong by making him a member of the Celestial Realm and put him in charge of horses?? Yeah like that sorta but Morro is not consenting here. The only real bright spot in their life is big bro Ne Zha.
Fucker got goddamn. Sent some immortal peaches during a festival and ate them without realizing what they were and is now immortal without their consent it sucks Morro is very upset. Man is in a gilded cage.
The last Morro I don’t have a ref for yet, but it’s the most wholesome Morro and not part of the prompts given, Noddle and I just came up with it on a whim. It’s Therapy Morro, or Morro if they ended up with Sandy first and just vibe with them offscreen most of the time. That Morro is very fun and the least traumatized of the gang.
So uh. Yeah. Thanks for the new AU’s, anon, and I expect you to pay child support fucker.
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faburzashot · 1 year
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Morro Bay in California boasts stunning coastal views, serene sandy beaches, and unparalleled seafood cuisine. Whether you're looking for a peaceful escape to reconnect with nature or an adventure-filled day on the water, this charming seaside town offers something for everyone. With its iconic Morro Rock jutting out of the sparkling blue sea, it's easy to see why Morro Bay is a beloved destination for locals and visitors alike.⁠ •⁠ Morro Bay, CA, USA (2017)⁠ Leica M10⁠ Summicron-M 35mm f/2.0 ASPH⁠ •⁠ #leica #leica_camera #leica_fotografie_international #leica_photos #leica_world #leicacamera #leicacameraswitzerland #leicacamerausa #leicaclub #leicacommunity #leicagram #leicaimages #leicainternational #leicalens #leicalove #leicam #leicam10 #leicam6 #leicam3 #leicam9 #leicamag #leicamonochrom #leicaphoto #leicaphotographer #leicaphotography #leicaphotographycollective #leicaq #leicasociety #leicastreet #leicaworld⁠ •⁠ @leica_camera @leica_camera_austria @leica_camera_deutschland @leica_camera_italia @leica_camera_japan @leica_fotografie_international @leica_salzburg @leicaakademieusa @leicacamerafrance @leicacamerausa @leicagalleryfrankfurt @leicamag @leicamaniatic @leicaphotos @leicaphotographycollective @leicasociety @leicastoreboston @leicastoremiami @leicastorenewyorksoho @the_leica_club⁠ — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/G1xBqTv
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