#sanctifying hygiene
cesarecitypilgrim · 3 months
Osservare gli animali/Allenare lo spirito 7 Observe Animals/Spiritual Training 7
L’arrivo della primavera dovrebbe portare un risveglio delle nostre energie vitali assopite dalla stagione invernale. Scrivo “dovrebbe” perché ormai nulla è certo e la costante ricerca di un modus vivendi basato sul concetto di “confort zone”, unitamente al mutamento climatico, ha portato a una omologazione dei ritmi di vita che non tiene più in alcun conto della natura. Siamo uomini che devono…
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artfortheartgod · 7 months
"I need to take a shower." - tired - implies a lack of hygiene - probable depression "I must perform the ritual." - compelling - sanctifies self-care - takes back the Pavlovian power that religion co-opted in our dumb monkey brains. - Bubbles likely
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kamreadsandrecs · 2 months
Seen from the twenty-first century—a century terrified by the finitude of the body—a temple like this is first and foremost an affront. For a sixteenth-century Spaniard, who had witnessed wars and autos-da-fé and seen the rebels of his time die, rot, and wither in cages hanging at the gates of cities, it would also have been astonishingly hygienic in its presentation of the macabre realities of life. The white floors; the skulls, bleached and bare. All sanctified by a tidy geometry. It wasn’t an edifying display of the suffering to which errors in conduct would lead, but a representation of things as they are: inside each of us is a skull, and that’s all that will be left of us when we’re gone; thanks for your participation.
from You Dreamed of Empires, by Álvaro Enrigue, trans. Natasha Wimmer
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rottingsam · 2 years
He can tell his brother is tired too, but maybe Dean’s feeling a different type of tired than he himself is experiencing. He’s quiet, which is unusual for his older sibling. He watches as Dean shucks off his jacket, listening to the thud of his boots being kicked off. Then comes the sound of metal against wood as he turns away to get his clean clothes from his bag. Dean’s undressing as well, shedding himself of all the weapons he has tucked away into articles of clothing.
His skin itches, his body aches and he feels like his body is getting consumed by the dirt. Personal hygiene was important to Sam, that’s all. He can’t stand the way the filth clings to his skin, he’s ready for the off white walls of the shower to sanctify his body.
With his clean pajamas rumpled in his fist, he turns to his brother, who's currently stripped down to his boxers and undershirt. He’s got the remote in his hand, pressing on the buttons but nothing is happening on the screen. He must feel Sam's stare because he turns his attention on his little brother, tired eyes, dark circles underneath them focus on his form. The room is only lit by a soft yellow light and Dean looks like something soft, something broken. He wants to kiss Dean when he looks like this.
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littleobelia · 8 months
editing of nurserry2
He walks in the direction of his bus stop. There is a bus approaching, but he can’t make out the numbers. Too late he realises that it’s his bus. There’s no-one at the stop, so it blasts ahead and passes Harry, blowing black exhaust into his face. There won’t be another one for an hour. The Sunday timetable is the bane of his existence.
Someone he knows could drive past and see him near to crying. As soon as he thinks it he sees Martin Lee gunning past and hooking into the parking lot. Tardy Marty. He waves feebly in the direction of his colleague’s pale gold Astra, but he doesn't see him. Harry is invisible in his plain clothes. Out of scrubs he could be anyone. He walks on. He wants to see something extra-ordinary, an antidote to the misery, something to reinvigorate his faltering conviction that life is worth the pain. A man died in the night; had a fall at his council flat, brought it by ambulance, quickly acquired a UTI that wrought havoc to his kidneys, then whoopsy-daisy he was dead. Bed four, Mr Solomon Yeameni. His name was like a cryptic crossword clue. Solo – many. Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. 
Maybe religion is the answer? Our Lady of Sorrows. Her doors are open to the street. He steps into the dim vestibule and already the traffic is muffled by an invisible membrane of solace. In the vestibule there is an automatic hand sanitiser dispenser on a purpose-built plinth. Out of habit he cups his palm underneath it. The machine senses his hand; he is not invisible. The machine knows he is there, he machine knows he is doing the right thing. The machine seeks to reward him, whirrs, purrs, deposits a dollop of alcohol mixed with glycerin on his hand. 
Harry rubs it in and feels sanctified. When their ward was audited two years ago he received a special commendation for his outstanding adherence to the hand hygiene protocol. He remembers with crystal clarity the euphoria of being singled out for doing something right, for a change. Praise is thin on the ground.
On the other side of a trestle table covered in pamphlets, there is an identical automatic dispenser on an identical plinth. Tacked on its face is a hand written label, which says “HOLY WATER”. 
It’s the first thing to make Harry genuinely smile in at least the past week. It’s a sardonic smile, but a smile none-the-less. He offers his hand to the sensor. The machine senses him, but it seems to hesitate, sizing him up. After a judgemental pause, it grinds and sputters disdainfully. Nothing comes out. 
Harry shrugs. He has satisfied his desire to see something novel. It’s extraordinary that such a thing even exists, such a wretched example of modern faith. It was probably full of pathogens; consecrated amoebae floating around in their stagnant bath. 
Through the creaking door into the cavernous interior of the church. The first thing he does is look up at the ceiling. When ceilings are tall you must look up and appreciate how tall they are. He learnt that from Grand Designs. 
The great oaken beams arch over him, protecting. There are six of them, like a giant rib cage. The emaciated body of Christ looms over the altar, his eyes downcast. Regarding him, Harry feels a faint impression of suffering, and then he feels merely faint. He has not eaten since yesterday evening. Portions of the host are stacked on the paten like so many poker chips and a silver platter holds dozens of little sips of wine in plastic thimble-sized cups, like raspberry jelly shots. His stomach growls miserably. He didn’t eat during his shift. The upside of this is that his bowels are minimally occupied, available to be filled from the other end. He’s a pragmatic self-harmer. 
He treads silently down the outer edge of the room between the pews and the rendered walls, past the Stations of the Cross in their gaudy frames, then he sits in one of the centre pews and closes his eyes, swaying slightly in his seat. Harry is early, the first one here. A man in white glides in unhurriedly and genuflects, then across the floor and out the opposite door, his feet nearly silent and invisible beneath his robe; it gives the impression that he is a prop on track, or perhaps something like a dalek. 
Hushed footsteps echo as the pews fill. The sound accumulates, proliferates, like incense smoke filling a shrine. His ears are suffused with whispers. He begins to fall asleep and his heavy head rolls to one side, pinching some nerve or other. He starts and winces, rubbing the affected part. 
He is not alone on his pew any more. He stands when his pewmates stand, and he sits when they sit, but he is too heavy and weary to bother with communion. The priest at the lectern has a prominent black beard, reflecting tiny filaments of light from the candles on the altar. It covers half his face, framing his moist little mouth in neatly combed and parted whiskers. He looks more like a lumberjack than a priest. Harry is so absorbed in the observation of this glossy, oily facial hair, that it takes him a while to realise the mass is not in English. 
He understands nothing. He thinks it might be Polish. Sibilant, slithering words, they trickle into his ears and fizz like vichy water, cleansing and soothing. When it's over an hour later he is catatonic. 
The sunlight greets him in the street, meek and docile. “You ought to be in bed, lad,” the sun murmurs, slipping behind a cloud. He wanders down the road to a bus stop, then pulls out his phone and books an uber to his address, 14-18 Hartwell Street. The screen goes black, and he is faced with his own decrepit reflection. He jostles the screen back to life. These days the phones wake up when they are jostled. The phone analyses his features, his puffy eyes, his swollen nose and his chapped lips. “You look worse for wear,” thinks the phone, unlocking.
Lent 2022 Harry types into the safari search bar. Google informs him that lent started a few weeks ago. That’s a shame; he was tempted to give something up. Meph. Or booze. Or porn. He opens a bookmarked site and looks at gifs of small, hairless men being fucked by larger, hairier ones. He pretends he’s small and hairless and unwrinkled. A spring chicken. Lately the follicles on his temples have packed up and migrated to his lower back. He’s sprouting little short and curlies right there at the top of his arse-crack. If his lumbar spine weren’t so stiff he’d be able to twist his torso to shave them off. 
He can’t do what this spring chicken in the gif is doing, arching his back like a cobra. He dims the screen to minimum brightness, though there is no one else around. The trembling, grainy moving images occupy his over-tired brain. He understands human mating, finds it comforting, though he doesn’t do it as often as one would like. He scarcely has the energy to masturbate. He’ll go home and have a long nap, and then maybe he’ll try. And if he can’t, he’ll get on the apps and find someone who can get it up and enjoy the vicarious sexual gratification. 
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#Czech ineffable playlist ♪ 2
So… I enjoy looking up Czech songs about ineffable husbands. Or wives or whatever … And this song - it literally sings about a "BURNED CAR" !!!
So here it is, also for you, with English translation below.
Wanastowy Vjeci - Otevřená zlomenina srdečního svalu (Open heart muscle fracture)
I'm like the wind that blows a feather from your hand the dirt of one night, like the morning hygiene, a great water of tears that washes away the night's sins, tambourines ringing for spinal cord surgery. I'll straighten your spine, scratch your back, I'll blow on your heart, the betrayal of a friend. Love's purpose sanctifies resources and trash, the dirt of a one night you can't fly away. Open heart muscle fracture, torment and hangover, the smell of your grief. You'll release your sinful soul into the salty sea. Don't die, my baby, I want to tell you that… In a burned buggy, I'd like to ride to the stars, that shone from your eyes, before the woodworms get into your heart. Mmmm. In a burned car, I doesn't breath in two months. Alone with my guilt, I never want another, I don't think I hope anymore. Mmmm. Open wounds that heal, you're salting with tears. Your blood and flesh, I accept under both /the term of Utraquist Churches/. Same people in twilight have the same shadows. You disappeared like a phantom, I fall into the deep. Your lock of hair, I'll pour beeswax on it, I look at this beauty and I don't understand it with my brain. What you've given me, I'll give to no one, so tell me, my monkey, why I seek you in vain. Open heart muscle fracture, torment and hangover, the smell of your grief. You'll release your sinful soul into the salty sea. Don't die, my baby, I want to tell you that… In a burned buggy, I'd like to ride to the stars, that shone from your eyes, before the woodworms get into your heart. Mmmm. In a burned car, I haven't breathed in two months. Alone with my guilt, I never want another, I don't think I hope anymore.
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kammartinez · 3 months
Seen from the twenty-first century—a century terrified by the finitude of the body—a temple like this is first and foremost an affront. For a sixteenth-century Spaniard, who had witnessed wars and autos-da-fé and seen the rebels of his time die, rot, and wither in cages hanging at the gates of cities, it would also have been astonishingly hygienic in its presentation of the macabre realities of life. The white floors; the skulls, bleached and bare. All sanctified by a tidy geometry. It wasn’t an edifying display of the suffering to which errors in conduct would lead, but a representation of things as they are: inside each of us is a skull, and that’s all that will be left of us when we’re gone; thanks for your participation.
from You Dreamed of Empires, by Álvaro Enrigue, trans. Natasha Wimmer
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cowdungcakesforhomas · 5 months
Harnessing Tradition: Cow Dung Cakes for Soma Yagna
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Introduction: Soma Yagna, an ancient Vedic ritual, holds profound significance in Hindu culture. It's a sacred ceremony where offerings are made to Agni, the god of fire, invoking divine blessings for prosperity and well-being. Among the essential elements of this ritual are the cow dung cakes, which play a pivotal role in the fire sacrifices. In this article, we delve into the significance, preparation, and cultural relevance of cow dung cakes in the Soma Yagna.
Significance of Cow Dung Cakes in Soma Yagna: Cow dung has been revered in Indian culture for centuries, known for its purifying properties and symbolic significance. In the context of Soma Yagna, cow dung cakes serve multiple purposes:
Fuel for the Sacred Fire: The sacred fire, Agni, is central to the Soma Yagna ritual. Cow dung cakes serve as an ideal fuel for the fire due to their slow-burning nature and ability to produce a steady flame. This ensures the continuity and stability of the sacrificial fire throughout the ceremony.
Purification and Sanctification: Cow dung is believed to possess purifying properties according to Ayurveda and Vedic traditions. Burning cow dung cakes during the Soma Yagna is symbolic of purifying the environment and sanctifying the ritual space, creating an atmosphere conducive to spiritual elevation.
Environmental Sustainability: Using cow dung cakes as fuel aligns with the principles of environmental sustainability and reverence for nature. Unlike synthetic fuels, cow dung is a renewable resource that minimizes carbon emissions and promotes ecological balance. Thus, incorporating cow dung cakes in Soma Yagna reflects a harmonious relationship between humans, animals, and the environment.
Preparation of Cow Dung Cakes: The preparation of cow dung cakes involves a meticulous process to ensure their efficacy and suitability for the ritual. Here's a brief overview of the preparation steps:
Collection of Cow Dung: Fresh cow dung is collected from indigenous cattle breeds known for their high-quality dung, such as Gir, Sahiwal, or Tharparkar cows. The dung is typically sourced from cows that are fed a natural diet and raised in a clean, hygienic environment.
Drying and Shaping: The collected cow dung is then dried thoroughly under the sun to remove excess moisture and enhance combustibility. Once dried, it is shaped into uniform patties or cakes using traditional molds or by hand. The cakes are typically small to medium-sized, allowing for easy handling and stacking.
Sun-drying and Storage: After shaping, the cow dung cakes are left to sun-dry for a few days to ensure complete dehydration and firmness. Once dried, they are stacked and stored in a dry, well-ventilated area, ready to be used for the Soma Yagna ceremony.
Cultural Relevance and Symbolism: The use of cow dung cakes in Soma Yagna extends beyond practical considerations; it embodies deep-rooted cultural symbolism and spiritual significance. In Hindu mythology and symbolism:
The cow is revered as a symbol of fertility, abundance, and nurturing energy.
Cow dung represents the Earth element and is associated with sustenance and regeneration.
Burning cow dung in the sacred fire symbolizes the transformation of impurities into purity, mirroring the spiritual journey of self-purification and enlightenment.
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blissed-pissed-miss · 3 years
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We observe 28 May as Menstrual hygiene day every day, but just sanctifying a day to menstrual hygiene is not sufficient.
Thousands of women every year die due to lack of menstrual hygiene and it is SHAMEFUL. it will astound you to know that lack of menstrual hygiene is the 5th biggest butcher of women. Most women don't die because of Alzheimer's, most women die due to lack of menstrual hygiene. Only 36% of women in India have the "gratification" to use menstrual pads. 28 million girls drop out of school because of a lack of sanitary pads.
Sanitary pads are fairly a luxury than a requirement universally in the world. I feel there is no need to allude to that there are so many taboos and voodoo related to menstruations.
We expect a woman to not enter the house during menstruation, she can't go to the temple, may not cook, she can't eat certain food. but why? Why do we still follow this silly voodoo in 2021? it is not 1921? is it?
These voodoos or to say "rules" for women were made in ages where people weren't aware of menstruation. Women weren't allowed in the kitchen? Because we expected them to rest, not be segregated against. These "rules" were made so that women can rest more as there were no such things as pads, tampons, or menstrual cups. but now times have changed. I need to, you need to, we all need to strengthen with time.
a packet of milk costs around 30 rupees for 500 ml, whereas a packet of sanitary pad cost 42 rupees. I'm not saying that milk is not a necessary item, it is very necessary but so are sanitary pads. Then why are we not treating it like one? When will we treat it like one? In India, only 36% of women have the luxury to use sanitary pads, but what about the rest? Because 36 is not a big number, but 64 is a big number.
Why can't a woman afford a sanitary pad, you may think? Let's look at ourselves.
On average, a casual women's labour earns around 2 dollars or 120 rupees. She is a mother, a sister, daughter, she has a family to feed. Will she spend 42 rupees on herself? Will she even spend a single penny on herself? she won't.
There is no GST on sanitary pads in India still they are very expensive. I feel there is a need to make sanitary pads free of cost. It won't be of any benefit for me or you or for the women living next door because we can afford it but it will be very much beneficial for a woman who is using dirty cloth during her periods right now.
It may seem ambitious, but if going to mars is possible, it is also possible. Let's get together to at least try to make this utopian dream possible. So that a woman doesn't teach her daughter how to use a dirty cloth during her first menstrual cycle or how to hide the stains but how to explore herself, her stains. They are beautiful, not embarrassing.
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jewish-privilege · 4 years
Among the Jewish tradition’s most cherished values is the sanctity of human life. With a few notable exceptions, one must not endanger their life in order to fulfill a religious obligation. And one must violate even the most significant commandments in order to save another person’s life. Saving one life is regarded as the equivalent of saving an entire world, and consequently, taking a life is seen as tantamount to destroying an entire world.
It’s not just about saving people who are in mortal danger (known as pikuah ha-nefesh). Jewish tradition also expresses its commitment to the supreme importance of human life through laws related to the preservation and protection of life. This class of commandments is known as shmirat ha-nefesh; literally, protecting life. It is derived from a biblical verse which teaches, “Be cautious with yourself and seriously guard your life” (Deuteronomy 4:9).
Rabbinic tradition understood this verse to mean that we are not allowed to knowingly endanger our lives or engage in behaviors that would likely result in disease or death. And we are similarly obligated to take steps to protect others’ lives, like building a parapet around the roofs of our houses to minimize the risk of someone accidentally falling.
Seen from this perspective, Jews ought to regard actions which help prevent us and others from contracting or communicating the novel coronavirus, like thoroughly washing our hands, wearing face masks, and remaining at home, as mitzvot, sacred obligations...
And if behaviors like thoroughly washing our hands, wearing face masks, and remaining at home are mitzvot, then they should be preceded by blessings. Relevant blessings accompany the performance of most other mitzvot...
We recite a blessing before fulfilling a commandment to indicate that the deed we are about to perform is thoughtful and deliberate. We affirm that we are doing the action intentionally, and for the sake of fulfilling a religious obligation. In this way, we affirm the spiritual significance of the behavior, turning the thoughtless and the mundane into the intentional and the sacred, and helping us live with more meaning and purpose...
And yet, for some unknown or inscrutable reason, there are not traditional blessings over each and every act that could be considered shmirat ha-nefesh. There is a blessing for constructing a parapet: “You are bountiful, Infinite our God, majesty of space and time, who has sanctified us with divine commandments and has commanded us to make a parapet.” But by tradition, building a parapet is the only act of protecting life that has an associated blessing.
Since there is a traditional blessing over erecting a parapet, it is tempting to simply apply that blessing to actions like hygienic hand-washing, wearing face masks, and staying at home. There are undoubtedly parallels between putting a fence on one’s roof for others’ safety and, say, putting a mask on one’s face for others’ safety. Still, it feels odd to use the same blessing for both acts. While analogous, they aren’t identical. Putting on a mask while reciting “to make a parapet” could diminish, rather than enhance, the intentionality of the act.
Instead, I propose creating a new blessing for the actions we take to keep ourselves and each other safe and healthy during a pandemic: “You are bountiful, Infinite our God, majesty of space and time, who has sanctified us with divine commandments and has commanded us about protecting life.” Or, in Hebrew: Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha-olam, Asher keed’shanu b’mitzvotav, v’tzeevanu al sh’mirat ha-nefesh.
...More importantly, a blessing will remind us that these actions are not just good but godly, not just for safety but for sanctity, not just required but righteous.
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amuseoffyre · 4 years
Crossing Paths - 928AD - Rila
Notes: I love stumbling on random saints.
928AD – Rila
“Oh, for Heaven’s sake!”
Crowley grinned up at the angel in the entrance to the cave. “Surprise!”
Aziraphale made a moue, stepping down into the cave, a chest cradled in his arms. “What on earth are you doing here?”
“Same old, same old,” Crowley replied, sprawling back against the cave wall. “What about you? Last I heard, you were holding court in Great Preslav?”
“Ah.” Aziraphale winced. “Well, you see, there’s a chap hereabouts that my fellow wants to meet. He’s been earning quite the reputation for miracles.”
It took a lot of effort to keep his face straight. “Miracles, eh? How about that?”
The angel’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Crowley…”
“Imagine! Miracles! All the way up here!”
“Crowley, what have you done?”
“Nothing!” He paused, considered. “Weeeeeeell, maybe 25 percent of nothing. 40 at a push.”
Aziraphale groaned. “You’re behind this? All of the…” He tried to flap his very full hand and resorted to flapping an elbow instead. “What the Hell are you doing? You can’t do miracles!”
“Ah, but I’m not.” Crowley couldn’t stop the grin from spreading. “The magical miracle hermit does. You know? Bit hairy? Not keen on hygiene or people? Occasionally beats himself up a bit?” He waved grandly around the cavern they were in. “Lives in a cave that is exactly 100 percent this one?”
The angel’s face fell. “Oh no.”
Crowley beamed at him. “Oh yes. You know I get assigned the holy ones. He’s getting really ratty with me. Turns out he doesn’t like the extra attention.”
“And you can… tolerate being in here?”
Crowley shrugged cheerfully. “S’a cave, angel. Not exactly sanctified, is it?” He got to his feet, dusting flecks of stone from his robes. “Oi, Ivan! You going to be less of a grumpy bugger today? You’ve got a visitor.”
Something moved in the gloomier crevice at the back of the cave.
“I told you to get out.”
“And I told you I’m not listening,” Crowley called back. “Anyway, didn’t your good Lord say you should welcome people into your home?” He winked at the angel. “Something about blessing the people who seek comfort and knowledge, yeah? Be nice and sociable and interact with everyone? Blah blah blah?”
The hermit stamped out from the smaller cavern. “You keep your blasphemy to yourself, demon. I–” He paused at the sight of Aziraphale. “Who are you?”
The angel pinked and opened up the chest. It was packed with gold and trinkets and all the kind of things an ascetic shunned. “I bring you a gift from–” He backed up a step at the dangerous gleam in the human’s eye and Crowley snickered. “I mean… er…”
“Another one!” Ivan grabbed a rock and hurled it at Aziraphale. “Out, demon! Out! I don’t want your temptations!”
“I beg your pardon!” Aziraphale yelped in indignation. “I’m not a demon!”
“Ha!” Ivan advanced on him, waving his well-worn crucifix. “You come here – here – bringing the trappings of wealth and greed and luxury, all dressed in silks and velvets!” He jabbed Aziraphale in the chest and Crowley had to smash his hands over his mouth to keep from laughing out loud at the absolute outrage on the angel’s face. “Take your wealth and money to someone who might succumb to your wiles!”
“I’m here, bringing you a gift from your Tsar!”
Ivan blinked owlishly at him. “My Tsar?”
“Yes!” Aziraphale was red in the face. “Tsar Peter! He’s come to seek your spiritual guidance! We heard about your miracles in the city! He wanted to come and pay his respects to you!”
Crowley rolled onto his feet and sauntered over, peering over Ivan’s skinny shoulder. “They did mention the ‘giving up all worldly possessions’ part of being a hermit, didn’t they?” he inquired. “Or did Pete miss the memo?” He reached for a jewel-crusted goblet. “Mind you, the place could do with a little brightening up.”
Ivan flapped a hand at him. “Off, demon!”
Crowley crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue. “Hasn’t worked for the past three months. Isn’t about to work now.” He plopped himself back down on one of the boulders by the cavern wall and stretched out his legs. “So you going to take his shiny presents, then?”
Ivan glowered at him. Crowley had to admit he liked the stubborn old coot. Reminded him of a certain spell spent in the desert, centuries back.
“He means it as a token of respect,” Aziraphale put in with a quick smile. “He would be honoured to meet you.”
“Ooooh,” Crowley snickered. “Get him. He’d be honoured. Makes you special, doesn’t it? Boss of the country comes all this way from the big city just for an audience with you.” Ivan’s lips compressed to a thin line. “Oh, go on,” Crowley goaded, grinning at the matching expressions on both angel and saint’s faces. “Doesn’t it make you the teensiest bit proud? Bet he’ll fawn on you and dote and everything.”
The thin line turned hard and Ivan slammed the lid of the chest so hard that Aziraphale staggered.
“You may tell his Majesty,” he said without taking his eyes off Crowley’s face, “I cannot accept his gifts. When a man has so much and has so many who look to him for protection and care, that is where he must lay his fortunes. He cannot buy his way into Heaven with trinkets.”
Crowley gave him a grudging nod.
“You… could tell him so yourself,” Aziraphale said hopefully. “We came a long way. You’re a source of great inspiration to him.”
Ivan turned his full attention to Aziraphale and his sour expression changed, a small smile hidden in his tangled beard. “Come,” he said, leading the angel back out of the cavern.
“Going to go and show off your knowledge?” Crowley called after him, scrambling to his feet.
Outside on the track, Ivan turned to face him. “Not going anywhere, demon,” he said. He returned his smile to Aziraphale. “Your man – your Tsar – may see me, but what he seeks from me, I cannot give him. I am only a man. All that he seeks can only come from one greater by far than men and Kings.”
And, of course, Aziraphale positively beamed at him. He set down the chest, opening it and rummaging through it and Crowley rolled his eyes at the hint of a miracle.
“I know you can’t accept the money and gold,” the angel said, producing a miraculously intact bundle of fruits, breads and cheeses that could never have fit inside the chest, “but accept these small tokens. Please.”
Ivan nodded, covering one of the angel’s hands with his own. “Thank you.” He hesitated, glancing down the rocky hillside. “Your Tsar is below?”
Yes, Crowley thought eagerly, give in to the pride.
“He is,” Aziraphale said eagerly. “Will you come?”
The hermit stared pensively down the hillside, then smiled at the angel. “I will offer him my respects, but only from a distance,” he said. “I am not to be revered or treated as some great source of blessing or knowledge. Such things come from God alone. I will see him and he will see me as men. Nothing more.”
“Oh for Satan’s sake,” Crowley groaned. “Come on!”
Ivan smiled serenely at him. “Your work is done here, demon.”
Crowley made a face and threw a pebble at him.
Ivan chuckled. “Go and tell your Tsar to wait at the edge of his encampment,” he said. “I will come down soon.” He disappeared back into the crack in the cliff face, his bundle of food cradled in his arms.
“Ugh,” Crowley grumbled.
“He seems a very bright fellow,” Aziraphale offered sympathetically.
“Mm.” Crowley stooped and peered into Aziraphale’s chest. “Always have to watch out for the smart ones.” He poked through the bottles and cups. “Wine? They sent wine for a hermit?”
The angel sighed. “I know, but he was quite determined.”
“Well…” Crowley plucked the bottle out of the chest. “More for us, eh?”
The angel’s lips twitched. “Really, Crowley…”
For good measure, Crowley picked out two of the goblets and waggled them. “Meet you outside the camp in an hour, eh?” He closed the lid. “Off you trot, then. Got your Tsar to disappoint.”
“Honestly…” Aziraphale sighed fondly, picking up the chest. “Sometimes, I don’t know why I bother with you.”
“Wine!” Crowley called after him, waving the bottle over his head. “Wine and wit!”
“Something,” Aziraphale yelled back, “you frequently lack in equal measures.”
Crowley grinned in the afternoon sunlight.
Always a bit of a bastard, that angel.
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Easy Ways to Facilitate Sanitizes and Organizes Dunnellon Fl
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A clean house is mandatory for a healthy ground. The home is where humans gather their studies and analogous high conditions for non-public and environmental hygiene are to be observed. Whether in a home or in a eatery, it's continually important to maintain exaggerated house cleanliness orders. The home, lower than any other place, is the room most vulnerable to the increase and development of complaint-causing microorganisms and spongers.
Smooth House thresholds have evolved with disproportionate orders of particular hygiene. Whether or not you're a mate, caregiver, or restaurateur, know that you're a provider of bacteria and could pass affections on to others without being hysterical. You no longer have to deal with food with cowardly hands as you directly hook the bacteria that transmit to the food you're handling. However, always take a shower before going to the canvases, if you work in a eatery.
The cleanliness of the house grounds is also essential before you start cooking, smooth countertops, tables and other seashells inside the house. It isn't always enough to wipe down the shells; it's also about disinfecting the shellfish to discourage the growth of bacteria. Reach for the bottoms and wipe the walls smooth day or further constantly if vital. Consumer particulars revealed on the bottom and other shells should be treated with applicable cleansers. Also, throw out any cobwebs hanging around the house. A clean cesspool is the loftiest indicator of aseptic standing for your home. Still, each peculiarity of the different house tools, if you register your own Gomorrah.
Throw away any food that spills over or falls on the shells of the house now. Remember, bacteria thrive in places with dust and food. Wash and dry all ménage tools after washing, always before putting them down. Every step is vital and dust junking ensures your home is safe for guiding food fated for murderous consumption.
The home system, furnishings and electronic outfit should also be voided before use. As an illustration, automatically clean the refrigerator, riding visage, cook stove, range, freezer and other ménage appliances. Sanctifying the law also can also involve designing the interior particulars of the housekeeping, especially the refrigerator.
Waste control is essential to the overall cleanliness of the home. Sprinkle all ménage scrap with phenyl and wrap it up. Dispose of waste as snappily as possible to discourage infestation by pests, including mice.
Sanitizes and organizes Dunnellon fl has sources available to carry out expert House sanctification. On every occasion, you substantiation beaten via drawing arrears, call a sanctification association. Its team of professionals and outfit will give janitorial offerings at your comfort.
How do Sanitizes and organizes Dunnellon fl do deep cleaning of a Commercial House?
This is because although adulterants harmonious with dirt, grease and microorganisms accumulate over time in delicate day access areas, behind or between work contraptions, or on partitions and ceilings.. The exceptional way to handle the day with this necessary figure is to completely clean the ordinary backrest using specialists who know, manage and prepare to effectively clean the hallway that can not be easily gutted on a foundation.
A Sanitizes and organizes Dunnellon fl will cross about the cleaning system logically and completely. By manner of an illustration, the contractor might act out with a fashion alongside the following traces;
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. �� First, multicolored ménage appliances need to be taken piecemeal every day so that their factors can be assembled for immersion in an “absorption tank”. that can be removed for soaking correspond to contaminating grease, roaster chopstick, ranges, ranges and rings, cook stove sleeves, coffee waiters, disassembled medicine dependence units, as well as the colorful rudiments nearly bemired. a lapse of time in harmony with the allusions of the directors.
• Next, to clean walls and areas where the house may be exposed to water, every electrical object should be isolated and all exposed switches should be covered with a water-resistant polyethylene cover.
• To reduce the mess and disturbance of the housekeeping sanctifying grease with mist cleanser, some details of the house are regularly wiped down on the surface. Still, these are also assembled and removed from the house, if applicable. Whenever possible, the outfit is removed from the nearest wall each day. Make sure that a deep cleaning can be done under and upside- down of the appliance.
Sanitizes and organizes Dunnellon fl are generally flexible in listing a deep- sanctification discussion that can take some hours daily, so maybe fairly organized everyday work at a time that avoids dismembering the House's everyday operating hours. Hire Tranquil Cleaners for perfect bathroom cleaning services Dunnellon fl in your House.
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frederickwiddowson · 4 years
Leviticus 21:16-24 comments: restrictions on priests
Leviticus 21:16 ¶  And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 17  Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God. 18  For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous, 19 Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded, 20  Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken; 21  No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God. 22  He shall eat the bread of his God, both of the most holy, and of the holy. 23  Only he shall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, because he hath a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries: for I the LORD do sanctify them. 24  And Moses told it unto Aaron, and to his sons, and unto all the children of Israel.
 So, let’s suppose that one of Aaron’s descendants is born with a handicap. That man is not to offer sacrifices past the vail or at the altar. This is a very important statement about reality in my estimation. Human beings were made in the image of God, His appearance. Then, with each generation we developed deleterious mutations that impacted our bodies. People were born in the image of Adam, fallen man.
Genesis 1:27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
 Genesis 5:3  And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:
 The unfortunate person of Aaron’s priestly line that had a handicap represented the consequences of that fall which included not only death but decay and degeneration and even injury and temporary disease in a visible sense. Superfluous is defined as unnecessary as you can see by reading 2Corinthians 9:1 so think of an extra finger or toe. Although Hippocrates identified scurvy as a disease in the 4th century BC, scurvy was first demonstrated scientifically, although it was understood anecdotally before by sailors, to be the result of a lack of citrus fruit in 1747 by experiments conducted by James Lind, a Scottish doctor who was a pioneer for hygiene in the Royal Navy. Scurvy meant at the time of the translation simply covered with scabs or diseased as an adjective, so it was not necessarily a reference to the Vitamin C deficiency we think of today.
Mankind’s first employment under God’s authority was as a caretaker of God’s garden and man’s diet included fruit so scurvy is definitely representative of man’s fallen condition. It’s symptoms would include bleeding from gums and skin.
 Genesis 1:29 ¶  And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
 We all have deleterious mutations and every person, even with a fully functioning body but the handicapped have been chosen to reveal our reality. In one way they are blessed as signs for all of us to see the evidence of the truth of the Bible sort of like how we can’t get away from fossil fuels because we will always run the bulk of our machines on the remains of the pre-Flood world.
So far, that which is forbidden is representative of the sinful heathen world or a picture of the Fall of man. God’s Law is most certainly a teaching law.
Galatians 3:24  Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25  But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
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theanxietyclinic · 4 years
The Tsunami COVID-19, Beware the Undertow
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The crushing power of a tsunami can destroy almost anything we can build, including entire communities. And as the wave of destruction retreats, as it must always do, the undertow can drag what is left of our world out to sea, forever lost to the eternal black deep. As these waves of COVID-19 surge around the globe, we need to take heed of the ensuing undertow. It holds the power to strip us of a core evolutionary need that has allowed us to thrive on this planet. Our need to connect, bond and care for each other.
From our caveman days we were more successful in cooperative packs. Families and allies, banded together were more effective in hunting, breeding and protecting themselves against danger.
Millenniums of this success is bred into our genes. Most recent generations have created powerful social structures predicated on this need, we marry, have kids together, reside in purpose-built towns and cities, encourage our children to develop socially and send them off to schools where they learn to cooperate and operate as a team. We rely on connection to be successful and to thrive.
And along comes COVID-19, a tsunami that threatens to tear apart our communities.
The only tools we have in our arsenal right now to prevent our world from being swept away by this virus are hygiene and distancing. We are being told, lectured and even threatened to accept that to get close is dangerous, even deadly. Gatherings are being quickly outlawed, whether to march for social justice, get married or bury our dead. The language of our offense, distancing, isolation, quarantine seem to tell us and our young and most formative generation — getting close and connecting is a dangerous thing. This is the undertow. And it is a current that can drag us away from the very essence of what makes us successful as humans.
At the same time, there are beautiful and powerful signs of hope. Forced to remain physically distant people and communities are finding unique, creative and fun ways to come together. We can give thanks for the digital age that has provided the tools to be able to have a heart to heart, face-to-face conversation with a loved one on the other side of the planet. We are discovering and promoting virtual dinner parties, online communities, and the capacity to set-up offices and workgroups from home. Yet these digital connections cannot fully replace what we get from the in-person, face-to-face experience. We rely deeply on non-verbal communication including body language and micro-expressions. But still, there are reasons for hope as these tools, our creativity and our biological/psychological imperative to come together empowers us dig in, and hold fast against the undertow.
It’s not just you, it’s us…
The effects of long-term social isolating are not known. But we do know it is contrary to our very nature. This need is encoded in our DNA and is linked to a vast array of physical and mental health problems: depression, dementia, heart disease and even death. A 2018 Danish study concluded that objective social isolation was associated with a 60–70% increased all-cause mortality. Before the recent dictums to distance and isolate to ‘level the curve’ (minimizing the spread of the virus), Statistics Canada reported over one in five Canadians reported feeling lonely, and this number skyrockets when we poll seniors. The epidemic is so bad the UK government appointed a new minister for loneliness!
Connection not only cures loneliness but it buffers the effect of stress. Stress well-modulated provides us with temporary motivation and strength. However unchecked, stress like loneliness has long been known to impact both mental and physical health.
Conserved Transcriptional Response to Adversity or CTRA, is a gene expression we find in human immune cells which responds to chronic stress by increasing the production of inflammatory proteins — it is intended as a short-lived acute inflammation to adapt and increase the immune response to fight an injury or infection. Long-lived it becomes a threat and meanwhile, CTRA is downregulating (slowing down) our anti-body genes that decrease our ability to fight a virus. Loneliness, fed by a lack of connection only worsens this response, which in turn harms health and furthers isolation. It’s a system that can weaken our ability to resist the undertow and being swept into the dark abyss.
All of this adds up to just case for a dire warning. We need to be vigilant about what we are learning, or not, from this necessary loss of connection. History has taught us the nefarious power of capitalizing on individual and communal weaknesses, utilizing them to further our disconnection and thus divide and conquer.
Globalism breaks down borders and allows trade and life to move freely across borders. Anti-globalism existed before Covid-19 and is a tried and powerful tool of governments seeking to gain and hold power. The politics of fear and blame have levelled democracies and birthed holocausts. Shut down borders. Build walls. The call to fear, isolate, disconnect from our neighbours and blame the other are the makers of despots and dictators. It frees the individual and their community of responsibility for the inherent challenges of community. What is wrong is ‘their fault’ not ours, and governments and leaders can rise to power on the backs of their chosen targets — usually the weak and most vulnerable.
The dangerous irony is that to beat COVID-19 we must shut down borders and build walls.
Left unnoticed and unchecked the undertow can and will destroy our communities and nations.
There is a solution…
Our well-being and survival are intrinsically linked to our connections with others. Our biology mandates connection…stress, well-managed, boosts our immune systems. It can encourage us to seek and provide support. CTRA is downregulated by positive altruistic connections — the happiness found in caring for others. (Fascinatingly, a study in 2013 at the University of Florida found in hedonistic happiness has the opposite, negative, impact on this gene expression.) In short caring for others improves out health.
Anyone who has flown knows the well-rehearsed safety briefing that tells you, “In an emergency, put your own oxygen mask on first.” It is not an act of selfishness — you need to be conscious to help others.
I live a life walking the fine lines between being a psychotherapist, deeply rooted in the science of neuropsychology, and a spiritual director, who is deeply rooted in academic Christian theology and very wary of organized religion.
I believe in hope, and I know grace. I’m fascinated by the intersections of science, theology and the creation of reality.
I know each of us has a history, and very few of us escape burdens of trauma and oppression. We are all wounded and suffer in some way. Isolation and distancing are a potential mental health crisis in the making and can serve to further our trauma. Some of us suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Our life history seems to be a life-sentence, not a life-lesson. We struggle to shift this paradigm. Communally we may be moving towards a new systemic PTSO, (Post-traumatic Stress Order).
The crisis starts with the individual and like this virus, it can spread through our communities and infect us globally. No community or leader is immune. Without great intention by each of us this virus will win. The tsunami will crush us, and the undertow will drag what is left out to sea.
But there is hope. And it is harder to access for some than others. We must come together. We must find connections in the isolation and build walls that break the tsunami, stop the virus, and still let our compassion flow freely.
It is too easy for me to tell you to wash your hands, stay home, breathe deep, meditate, eat well, get your sleep, and use technology to build connection — good advice, yet these are only options for those of us who have enough privilege to do so.
So many won’t because they can’t. It’s simply not in reach. They don’t have freshwater, a home, a bed to sleep in, or technology. Their trauma runs deep, and should they close their eyes for but a moment they see flashes of terror, not moments of peace. In varying degrees, we are all weak, vulnerable and incapable.
But there is grace. Grace is our ability to regenerate and sanctify, to inspire virtuous impulses, and to impart strength to endure and press past temptation. For some grace is of divine inspiration, for others is simply an inherent pillar of humanity. Through grace, we access the biology of connection and the power stress gives us to put on our own oxygen mask first, giving us the strength to care for others. Through grace we find the compassion to carry those who can’t carry themselves.
We can do this. We have the capacity to survive. It is found in connection. It is in both heeding the wisdom of experts and those who have walked the walk. It is being the hands and feet of those who can’t, and when we can’t be those hands and feet, allowing grace to flow as others put on our oxygen mask for us.
So yes, if you can, wash your hands, stay home, breathe deep, meditate, eat well, get your sleep, and use technology to build connection. And if you can’t know through grace you can find connection and community that will bring the compassion that heals.
Todd Kaufman, MDiv, BFA, BA, RP
Toronto, CANADA
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itamarbdor · 5 years
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In Hebrew, Netilat Yadayim means washing of hands. This is the practice of washing a person’s hand before eating Challah. The Challah is the fundamental human food and also one of the reasons for being special commandment of doing it.
If you think that hand washing is just a mere hygienic practice, think again. In Jewish custom, this is not the case. This practice is required before taking a meal wherein bread is usually served. Hand washing practice is the mainstay in the religious Jewish world and more than beyond the usual dining table.
The Netilat Yadayim is a hand washing ritual done upon waking up in the morning and before eating bread. Mayim Achronim and Netilat Yadayim are similar rituals in the Judaism of hand-washing. However, there is a minor difference between these two, and these include action and time of fulfilling and after which, Mayim Achronim is performed.  
The custom of hand-washing in the Yiddish speaking communities is widely known “negel Vasser” , which signifies "nail water." Washing subsequently after eating bread and also before Birkat Hamazon is called Mayim achronim, which signifies "after waters," to be blessed and holy.
In Judaism, the root of hand washing can be found in the book of Exodus 17-21, Temple sacrifices and services:
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Netilat Yadayim
“And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "You shall also make a basin of bronze, and its pedestal also of bronze, to wash with; and you shall put it between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and you shall put water in it. For Aaron and his sons shall wash there their hands and their feet. When they go into the Tent of Meeting, they shall wash with water, that they die not; or when they come near to the altar to minister, to burn offering made by fire to the Lord. So they shall wash their hands and their feet, that they die not; and it shall be a statute forever to them, to him and to his seed throughout their generations."
The directions for the basin that need to be set up for the ritual washing of the hands and the feet of the priest is the first one mentioned in practice. In the above verses, failure to hand wash is linked with the possibility of death.  This is the reason behind some individuals believing that the son of Aaron died in Leviticus 10.
Upon destroying the Temple, there is somewhat a change in the vital focus of hand washing. Without ritual objects as well as processes of sacrifices and these sacrifices,  the priest was no longer able to wash his hands.
It is gotten from this segment that hand washing is a means of purifying ourselves and expelling detestable evil spirits from our fingers before petition or prayer and then lifting our hands 'Netilat Yadayim' profoundly, as what the High priests did in Jerusalem Temple.
There are a many different ways where the Jewish law requires hand washing. These ways might include:
after napping or sleeping
upon leaving the cemetery
after going into the bathroom
before a meal, when bread are involved
after a meal when Salt of Sodum was used
Steps to Properly Washing Hands
Do this just before eating meal with bread or matzah (the Halachah likewise requires washing before cake, if it is eaten as a full meal). Bread is viewed as staple food among all foods. Potatoes simply missed the boat.
This might sound strange, however, before washing the hands, make certain that they’re perfectly clean and are free of whatever will block the water from reaching your hands’ entire surface. It’s a profound ordeal or an essential spiritual experience, you will recall beyond Pasteur.
Remove your ring unless you’ve never removed them and in which case they’re considered part of your hands.
Fill a glass with water and then pour twice in your right hand. You will then need to repeat this in your left hand. The Chabad custom often includes pouring multiple times on every hand. Ensure that the water will cover your whole hand until your wrist bone with every pour. Separate your fingers
Allow the water slightly in the middle of them.  Upon washing, lift your hands in chest-high and recite the following blessings:
Favored are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has blessed us with His decrees, and told us concerning the washing of the hands.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the washing of the hands.
(Baruch atah A-donay, Elo-heinu Melech Ha'Olam, asher kideshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu al netilat yadayim.)
You can only say this if you plan to eat 1.3 ounce of bread.
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Rub your hands and afterward dry them. Be mindful so as not to talk or get associated with anything else until you have recited the blessings in your bread and you swallowed some as well.
In case you plan to take some washroom break during a meal or soil your hands, you have to wash once more and this time, without a gift or blessing.
Mayim achronim includes its very own "how to," which is less required than the regular hand-washing. For most kinds of hand washing, including hand-washing before a meal where you will be eating bread, you will need to follow these steps:
Ensure that your hands are perfectly clean. This appears to be counterproductive, however, recall that netilyat yadayim(hand- washing) isn't about neatness, yet about custom and ritual.
Fill the washing container with enough water for both of your hands. In case you are a left-handed, start with your left hand. If right-handed, begin with the right hand.
Pour water twice into your dominant hand and after that twice on the other hand. Some pour multiple times. Ensure the water will cover your whole hand to the wrist with every pour and then separate your fingers, so water touches your hand entirely.
Upon washing, you better grab a clean towel and as you tend to keep your hands dry, recite the bracha or the blessing) “Baruch atah Adonai, Elohenu Melech Ha'Olam, asher kideshanu b'mitzvotav, vetzivanu al netilat yadayim.”   In English, this is translated as: “Blessed are you Lord, our God, King of the universe, who has purified us with His precepts and told us in regards to the washing of the hands.”
Hand-Washing ceremonies and rituals don't concentrate on being clean, but rather making a person more purified and holy. These distinctive and meaningful rituals should be performed several times per day and are proven to be intrinsic parts of the Jewish tradition separating the earthly from sacred through washing.  It’s your choice as to how many and the events you wish to perform the Netilat Yadayim and the Mayim Achronim.
Your table is considered your altar and you’re the High Priest. Those plates of delightful morsels before you, this is called sacrifice. You will do the hand-washing rituals, utter a blessing on the foods and dig in to heighten all those proteins and carbs and turn them into a divine spiritual experience.
With all these pieces of information given, you probably understand better what Netilat Yadayim is all about.
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priyastandon · 7 years
June 21, 2017-3rd International Day of Yoga
Stand up Mr Prime Minister, take a bow, Yoga is going places and how! Wow!
'Yoga' is a term that has moved beyond the precincts of India to become a global phenomenon. The word brings with it feelings of good health, wellness and calmness of mind. It makes one picture an individual who has attained balance between the body, mind and soul. 
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The word 'Yoga' means 'to unite'. It is a process through which we learn how to connect or unite the individual soul with the supreme soul. For some people, Yoga means only the practise of some difficult physical workouts or sitting in awkward poses. Physical exercise may be the most well-known or popular part of Yoga, but it is just the tip of the iceberg. The reason to learn yoga is ‘yog’ or union with the Almighty. 
The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, while addressing the United Nations in September 2014, dwelled on the importance of Yoga. He mooted the idea of making all of humanity aware of the benefits of yoga. Soon thereafter, it was agreed to observe June 21, the day of Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, as the International Day of Yoga. 
We are all aware that a sound mind dwells only in a sound body. The process of achieving and maintaining a sound mind and a sound body is what is elucidated and enunciated in a Yoga class. If we delve deeper into the finer aspects of Yoga, we find that it is divided into eight parts.   
These are:
-Yama - Basic moral values
-Niyama - Discipline, personal care and hygiene
-Asana - Body postures
-Pranayama - Breathing exercises to cleanse the frontal sinuses
-Pratyahara - Sense control; looking within
-Dharana - Concentration
-Dhyana - Constant integrated awareness
-Samadhi - Being one with Divinity. 
By practicing these, one can achieve harmony between thought, word and deed. Constant practise eventually leads one to finding communion with the Supreme soul. Yoga treats all facets of a person as a whole. In today’s times of specialization, where there are consultants and authorities in diverse streams of Medicine for the care and cure of the physical self, Yoga stands out as holistic. In a world where everyone is mindlessly surfing the Internet, Yoga inspires one to surf the inner-net. 
A yoga class usually starts with the chanting of the word Om, twenty one times. Om is the primeval sound; the sound caused by the vibrations of creation, by the Lord of the Universe. It is both primordial as well as contemporary. It commenced with the beginning of time and never ever ceased. 
The word Om, is made up of three syllables- A, U, M.
A         Stands for Creation.
U         Stands for Preservation.
M        Stands for Dissolution of everything into the Absolute. 
Research has proved that the vibrations produced by the chanting of Om, purify the atmosphere and bring balance within ourselves too. Let me also share why, we chant Om 21 times … 
Sri Sathya Sai Baba says,
The first five Om’s are chanted to purify the organs of action: These are the vocal chords, hands, feet, organs of elimination and organs of reproduction.
The next five chants are for the purification of the organs of perception: The eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin.
The following five are for the cleansing of the five vital airs of the body. The English language doesn't seem to have names for these vital airs, so I am listing them in Sanskrit. They are: Prana (located in lungs), Apana (flatus, which moves downward), Vyana (diffused throughout the body), Samana (the balancing air located around the navel, being essential to digestion and governing the gastric fire), and Udana (rises through the heart to the head; awakened through Yogic practices).
The last set of Penta-Om is chanted for sanctifying the five sheaths or encasings of the body: the Annamaya Kosha (sheath of food), the Pranamaya kosha (sheath of vital air), the Manomaya Kosha (mental-emotional sheath), the Vigyanmaya kosha (sheath of intellect), and the Aanandamaya kosha (sheath of bliss).
Having thus chanted Om twenty times, we chant it one last time for the elevation of our soul; for the purpose of self-realisation. 
Lastly we chant Shanti! Shanti! Shanti! This means Peace! Peace! Peace! We pray for peace at the physical plane - for the body, at the mental plane - for the mind, and at the spiritual plane - for the soul. 
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If we chant Om in the awareness of all these, and are able to purify all the twenty one entities mentioned above, consider how much bliss and well being we shall experience, both at the physical and mental planes! 
In case of paucity of time we chant Om thrice only. 
What follows after chanting thus, is a series of Pranayams (breathing exercises) and physical Asanas (exercises). The stretching of limbs in a systematic way, is aimed at bringing into use all the joints and muscles of the body and keeping them in good health. The asanas are modified for people having particular health issues and should be learnt from a qualified instructor.  A diseased body is essentially a dis-eased body. Most of us value the value of good health only after having lost it. The practice of yoga makes us ponder over the question - Are we really healthy? Are we laying the foundation of a healthy old age? 
Mental stress and tensions are more rampant and worrisome than physical ailments today. Perhaps the only solution for that is Meditation, which is essentially a part of Yoga.   
When the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, chose to speak about Yoga at the United Nations, a lot of people wondered, if it was really a topic for a Prime Minister to speak on. But come to think of it, for a nation to prosper, isn't the health of its people of paramount importance? Here, we have a man who is concerned about the health of each and every citizen of not only his country, but of the world at large! What a noble thought … and what an amazing endeavour for contributing to the betterment of humanity! He passionately expounded the idea of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family), from the United Nations global platform! 
There are MNC's that pay huge sums of money to buy health insurance for their employees. But has anyone ever mooted the practise of something that makes people aware of the value of good health and the ways and means of doing it in the simplest manner? Taking a membership at a gym may not be possible for many, it being an expensive proposition. But the practise of Yoga requires only two things – your time and your commitment. Once you learn Yoga, you can do it at home, in a park or in your backyard too. It was never as easy to learn Yoga as it is today. There are endless websites, where you can learn the basics. In India, Yoga is taught for free in most of the community centres that are located in the residential areas. 
The 2nd International Day of Yoga last June, saw thousands of people across 192 countries participate in the event that gained humongous dimensions. What started as a small aspiration in the mind of the Indian Prime Minister, has become a global phenomenon now. And the world is standing up and taking notice. Here is a man who is a true Yogi. A Yogi is one who has attained harmony in the trinity of the body-mind-soul. 
And now, as the world gears up for the 3rd International Day of Yoga on the 21st of June 2017 … stand up Mr. Prime Minister, take a bow! Yoga is going places and how! Wow!
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