#same with matt and archie
jadeazora · 24 days
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Mentally, where is Courtney right now because it sure as hell ain't here. Not that I blame her with the other three 😂
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fukutomichi · 2 months
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Game of Thrones / S06.Ep07 - The Broken Man House of the Dragon / S02.Ep07 - The Red Sowing "Other houses chose dragons, krakens and lions for their for their sigils. We Tullys took the trout, that most terrifying of fish, especially when it leaps out of the water. I suppose you don't have many options when you live in the Riverlands."
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pigeon-wizard · 5 months
Pokemon RSE/ORAS AU where Archie x Maxie, Shelly x Courtney, and Matt x Tabitha, are all happening at the same time and everyone is constantly working under the pressure of everyone else finding out their Romeo-and-Juliet-esque romantic situation
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fractalunicore · 7 months
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Some head canon stuff below…
Maxie doesn’t get any chocolates on valentines, but it’s fine because he’s not really a fan of them. If you were to buy him some though, caramel or other rich chocolates would be fine and if you’re feeling particularly generous Liquor chocolate would also be greatly appreciated. Sniff… Only hypothetically though… sniff…
Tabitha is well liked and gets chocolates from everyone in the office. He’s not super picky but has a soft spot for anything coffee flavored and quite likes dark chocolate. Tabitha finds himself sharing most of his chocolate with Maxie during meetings.
Courtney gets the same packet of white chocolate on valentines every year from one of the lower ranking grunts, but prefers sweets. She really likes anything strawberry flavored, but gets really picky with the brands.
Archie doesn’t really like chocolate but appreciates the gift anyway and will happily share it with his crew, especially if some people didn’t get any valentines at all.
Shelly loves chocolate. If you give chocolate to Matt or Archie, chances are most of it will end up with her. She doesn’t eat it very often though, so she’s got a massive stash hidden somewhere. I’m sure no one will notice if a couple of boxes were to go missing, just don’t let her catch you, I’ve heard she gets pretty vicious.
Matt likes chocolate. He mostly ends up with protein bars though from well meaning grunts . If Shelly were more intent with stealing those than his occasional sweet treats he wouldn’t be searching so desperately for that stash of hers… His attempts are often fruitless.
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official-team-aqua · 5 months
Welcome to the official Team Aqua blog!
Feel free to address your questions to any member of our leadership!
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OOC: howdy. this blog is very headcanon heavy, and operates within the continuity of the emerald fic i'm working on. feel free to ask questions or dm me on @leavingautumn13 if you'd like more info.
open to rp and multiverse shenanigans. i'm just here to have fun. feel free to direct asks to archie, shelly, or matt. if not otherwise specified, assume it's shelly doing the blogging.
if you see me and @team-magma-official beefing, please feel free to jump in. that's also my blog.
also catch me over on @may-maple-blog, which exists within the same fic continuity.
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kurtbusiek · 1 year
What are some good PI/mystery novels you enjoy that you can recommend?
When I felt in the mood for a comfort read, I’d often turn to Lawrence Block’s Matt Scudder novels or his Bernie Rhodenbarr series -- the Scudders are dark, the Bernies are funny, but a stack of those would keep me reading not just for the plots but to see the leads and the ongoing supporting characters interact and develop over time. Others that work well for me: John Sandford’s Lucas Davenport novels (and his Virgil Flowers novels, which are sort of a second-track for the Davenports, interacting often) have a very satisfying sense of work-related bullshitting -- the mystery always gets addressed, but the crime-solvers have a great sense of co-workers who’ve been together for long enough to comfortably banter back and forth. Michael Connelly’s Harry Bosch and Mickey Haller novels work very well as series reads too -- it’s actually worth reading Connelly in publication order, because even when he starts a different series or does a standalone novel, characters from those books wind up showing up in other series books, so it’s rewarding to take in the whole universe of Connelly crime. [Sandford does this too -- there are a few novels that focus on other characters and then they show up in the Lucasverse, which is enjoyable.] Robert Crais’s Elvis Cole mysteries are not only enjoyable reads, but the characters and mood develop a lot over the series, so they make good multi-book reads, too -- and again, there are characters who start out in their own novels and then feed into the Elvisverse. The standalones that don’t connect tend to be extremely good, as well.
Donald E. Westlake’s Dortmunder series and his Parker series (under the name Richard Stark) are very much not PI novels -- both characters are professional thieves, though Dortmunder’s world is one of comedic disaster and Parker’s is tough and spare and mean, and both are great. There’s even one book (JIMMY THE KID) where the Dortmunder gang decides to follow a crime plan from a Parker novel and the chapters alternate between the tough-guy procedural and the comic everything-goes-wrong. Dick Francis’s racing mysteries rarely have series leads (there are a couple of leads that recur here and there), but the novels all take place in the horseracing world and the leads tend to be similar, so reading through a stack of them can be a lot of fun too. I’m sure there are plenty I’m leaving out -- I like the first 13 or so Spenser novels by Robert B. Parker, but think that after that they largely get less and less interesting, though the banter is always readable. Laura Lippmann’s Tess Monaghan novels have a lot of engaging growth and change to them, too. Chelsea Cain’s Archie Sheridan/Gretchenn Lowell serial-killer novels are unsettling but, again, have change and growth over the series. When I was younger I loved John D. MacDonald’s Travis McGee, but I fear those haven’t aged well. Hammett and Chandler are the classics of the form, but the Continental Op doesn’t change or grow, and I never read Chandler’s novels in chronological order. I also remember scarfing down Leslie Charteris’s Saint novels and Manning Coles’s Tommy Hambledon, but haven’t read either for years. I’m still sure I’m forgetting series I love, but that ought to be a respectable list. As for where to start in all these series, I’d say start at the beginning for most of them. Maybe start four or five books in with Lucas Davenport, because he got more interesting as he went. The same might be true for Elvis Cole, and with Robert B. Parker I’d say start with MORTAL STAKES. If you like them you’ll eventually want to read the early ones, and they’re not bad, it’s just that the series kinda rev up a few novels in as the writers find their footing.
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archiemorgan · 6 months
Who: @mattswheeler and Archie Where: Matt's apartment When: Some evening, March 2024 Growing up in Kismet Harbor, Archie had a big group of school friends. However, until adulthood, he only maintained a few of those friendships, ones that meant the most to him. Matt Wheeler, being his childhood best friend was still someone he truly cared about. Plus both being adults and living in the same town and both enjoying video games, was something they were able to hold onto for the years to come.
Having a guy's night filled with pizza, video games, and maybe some booze or some weed, was just what Archie needed after a long day of phone calls and zoom meetings. Bringing a six pack of beer with him, he knocked on his friend's front door, whistling to himself, the song that had been playing on the radio of his car when he parked it near by.
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glapplebloom · 1 month
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My thoughts as to why... ((Sadly at the worst time considering Gaiman's allegations...))
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So I just discovered this youtube channel known as Mattt and they do history about comic creators. The first video I see is of Ken Penders and it shows a lot of things in it, even as someone who has followed the Penders situation found new information (Archie may have forged his name). So I went to see another one and it is of Todd McFarlane. Honestly, he tells it like a great story and if you were to take anything from this, watch his videos.
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But during that time I found out about Neil Gaiman’s lawsuit against Todd and it sounded familiar. A creator who didn’t sign a contract finds out characters he created are being used for a company’s benefit and believes he should be compensated for it. And when said companies refuse to settle things, go to court to gain ownership. That’s exactly what happens with Penders. Yet while I was rooting against Penders, I was rooting for Gaiman. Why is that?
So for this research bin, I’m going to base it off those two videos and figure out why I was rooting for one but not the other.
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1 - Situation
Ken Penders was a writer for a spinoff comic book. When he got control, he took it to directions he wanted, but others did not. So he left to pursue his own things. While having jobs, he did not have a lot of money to his name so when he saw an opportunity to copyright his characters, he took it and plans on using them for his own work.
Niel Gaiman has been a successful writer for a good while. He was promised that things would be different when working with McFarlane and Image Comics. So he wrote an issue that introduced characters that would be used in the future. But as their use was used more and more while he was receiving no compensation, he tried to fix it with McFarlane. But when he refused and said he would bury Gaiman, Niel decided to write something for Marvel as long as they pay for his lawsuit.
Comparing the two, one felt like it was more done out of desperation than it was for rights. While it may have been for the same reasons, Penders lack of anything beyond the Sonic comics made people believe he only wanted them to make money. Meanwhile regardless if Gaiman won or not, he would be remembered for many classical stories that he owns. Heck, he made Coraline. This felt like it was more for respect than for money.
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2 - What happened after...
Ken Penders got his rights and took 14 years to release a reprint of his Mobius 25 Years Later storyline plus additional stories to lead to his supposed book. In the meanwhile, he threatened to sue Sega numerous times, threatened to release NFTs, and continues to sound bitter even in an email reply to Matt giving more side to his story. And despite 14 years has yet to release a full book of his original work only.
Niel Gaiman basically won full ownership for Angela and sold her to Marvel. He would go on to do many things, including being a producer on the Sandman TV Series. We don’t know much about Pender’s non-public life, but considering it took him 14 years to bring us almost nothing while Niel Gaiman has brought us books, TV Series and more, it makes you think someone only did these things because that’s all they had. 
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3 - Casualties
Ken Pender’s lawsuit basically led to them rebooting the Archie Comics line. Regardless if Archie was innocent or guilty, they just didn’t want to follow his demands to use characters that ultimately are replaceable. This upset the fans because they’ve been following it for years and now it's all gone. And eventually, this led to Archie Sonic ending all together, upsetting the remaining Archie Sonic fans. 
Meanwhile, regardless of Gaiman’s Victory, Spawn was still here. McFarlane Toys was still here. Nothing changed except the removal of Angela. Again, this makes Gaiman’s thing feel more just than how Penders’ did it. Gaiman wanted recognition, Penders wanted control. And while he is free to do what he wants with his characters, its success mostly depends on his fan’s continued interest in his work (and according to Thanks Ken Penders, 166 people pre-ordered the book).
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4 - Legacy
Niel Gaiman has a legacy in comics and beyond. Caroline. The Sandman. He wrote a book about Norse Mythology in 2022. He wrote a children’s book called Pirate Stew in 2020. He got 12 books (and I mean actual books) out during the time Penders released one Reprint Series. Nobody will mistake Niel Gaiman for being part of Spawn.
Ken Penders, honestly, has nothing of note outside Sonic. He wrote for Star Trek, Disney Adventures, Conan, Captain Atom and even Green Hornet, but trying to find specific ones he wrote are difficult. Star Trek wiki highlights all he worked on and one of the only stories he wrote for it was about a father and son. Comicvine shows every comic he worked on. 26 non-Sonic comics, including reprints. Compared to 32 Knuckles comics alone...
He tried to start his own original story, even using a Super Sonic Special to be a launching point for it. It failed. He tried pitching a movie. That failed. He worked as a storyboard artist and numerous other projects. None of them gives him the recognition Sonic did. And now he’s trying to use that to give him the success he tried to do on his own and failed. And honestly, I don’t think he could succeed.
If his Lara-Su Chronicles: The Beginning Book sells, it won’t be because of his writing but in fact it is reprinting old Sonic comics. He plans on releasing more reprints of old Sonic Comics while trying to make it associated with Mobian Line, a name derived from Mobius used in the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. He calls his production company Floating Island Productions, based on Sega’s own Floating Island. He thinks he is winning but all he is showing he is desperate to have that continued connection to Sonic.
He is confident the worst would happen is a settlement, but I’ve seen Sega send Cease and Desist Letters to Fan Games like Streets of Rage Remake. To a book about the Mega Drive by Grayfox Books. Another book about the Dreamcast. And they did go to court towards someone harassing them. And they won. He’s basing it all on how he took on Archie Comics in court but a C&D will be all that is needed to prevent these reprints. And unless he can prove he can re-release them on the concept that the people buying it aren’t doing it for Sonic, I don’t see him winning.
Niel Gaiman doesn’t need Spawn. He didn’t need Angela. He sold her to Marvel. Niel Gaiman can be successful on his own. Ken Penders can not. And that’s why it is easy to root for Gaiman and not Penders. One showed this was a case about rights. The other feels like a case of desperation. 
8/12 Addition - I will say, despite not liking Ken Penders as a creator, I will say he at least doesn't have the allegations Niel Gaiman has. Hopefully the truth will come out.
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whumpbug · 2 months
Hi Whumpbug I'm the same anon who asked the question about Sylvia and Clint, and I'm only disclosing that because I wanted to say that when I said "I'm sure I don't speak for everyone," what I meant was "I'm sure I speak for everyone"
so. oops
Out of curiosity, how does Archie feel about superheroes? Partially as a vigilante (like, does he think their portrayal in media is realistic to the superpowered crimefighting experience) and partially as a fan (is the genre super cool)
Also, does he take inspiration from any of them? You've mentioned that he banters with his enemies while fighting and smiles at the people he saves, which is very reminiscent of Spider-Man to me (one of my very very favorites) so I'm wondering if he does that on purpose or if he's just a sweetheart who wants to dissolve the tension for the people in danger and it leads to him acting like that
HI YES OKAY. i was hoping someone would ask this because archie is based off of so many different superheroes... i am a dc nerd and also a mild marvel fan so. YIPPEE!!
(also youre totally good anon i didn't even notice the typo!)
so i want to start by saying that archie is like. well he's kind of meant to replace spiderman and/or daredevil in this universe. its hard to explain. like i'd like to think he lives in a universe where no other well-known comic book superheros actually exist and they are all fictional in his universe.
if that makes sense.
i feel like im getting really into the meta here but to put it simply, archie's story takes place in new york (which means archie has a new york accent btw). he's like an alternative universe spider-man/daredevil combo (if you look at his powers specifically) so those characters no longer exist but every other comic book character exists as fictional characters. especially dc because the cities in dc are mostly made up.
SO back to the question at hand.
i think archie sees their portrayal in comics as a bit dramatic. like batman is always brooding in his little cave and archie is like "yeah right." i feel like he's amused at when superheros get injured in comics because hes like "that guy would NOT be doing those flips after breaking three ribs and getting a severe concussion. i'd know."
BUT he does enjoy the comics anyways. he thinks they're very entertaining and hes just a Nerd so he looks past all the inaccuracies for a good story!
i feel like the character he identifies the most with is nightwing (my beloved) because hes a vigilante working on a small scale and he likes how silly he is. he looks to him for the most inspiration because he loves how down to earth he is with civilians. he also related to having his World Rocked at a very young age
and as for who my (author) inspirations for him were, it's a combonation of 3 main ones that i've already mentioned but i'm going to briefly explain why/how:
peter parker/spider man - this one is kind of obvious. archie is this sunny, quippy, young guy from new york who goes around at night beating up bad guys and buying hotdogs from the hotdog vendors.
matt murdock/daredevil - i took this man more for the concept of having an accident happen to you as a kid and gaining enhanced abilities from it. obviously archie is not blind, but he does have heightened senses and operates in kind of the same location and on the same small scale as daredevil!
dick grayson/nightwing - tbh i included him because i love him and i modeled archie's sass on him. he's different from peter parker becasue he's older and so is archie, but the similarities also come in their humor and quips! the vigil suit is also vaguely inspired by nightwing's suit
all three - all of these guys have a (sort of strict) No Killing Rule and i'd like to think archie does. he'd never killed anyone, ony beat them up quite badly, and he wants to keep it that way
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chaoticsoulsword · 2 years
I love both versions of the headcanons behind Maxie and Archie's former team.
On the one hand, to picture them as part of an existing previous team is nice because no one would know why they broke up and became rivals since the team didn't need them to function. So now they're just all over the place, starting their own organization, spreading chaos and using the environment to justify their extreme actions while their followers are like: Yeah, I don’t know why we hate the other organization so much but if boss told us to hate them, we'll do it!
On the other hand, to picture them as leaders of the same team is basically two parents going through a divorce and admittedly picking their favorite children/forcing them to pick a favorite parent. Courtney and Tabitha? It's Maxie. He has a sense of order and structure they crave. Shelly and Matt? They just like Archie better because he lets them eat ice cream for dinner. Consequences? That's for our future selves to worry about!
Both versions are ridiculous and hilarious because they're still divorced and making it about everybody else on the planet. I love these two chaotic dads.
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The pairings have been made and are as follows (Dominant listed first):
Jughead Jones - Delilah Jones Gwen Morgan Daniels - Marcia Fogarty Nate Mantle - Jamie Prescott Oz Chang - Stacey Evans Ivan Carvahlo - Ross Berry Robin Gardner - Kyla Clarington Sebastian Smythe - Dallas Evans-Gardner Kurt Hummel - Austin Fabray Honeysuckle Rosewood - Daisy Blossom Danny Andrews - Joe Berry Veronica Lodge - Matt Fabray JB Jones - Teddy Cohen-Chang Sawyer Evans - Archie Andrews Kyle Keller - Owen Evans
Reminder - The theme is Greek Mythology and all scenes should some how involve a Greek god/goddess, or Greek myth to count. 100 points for every completed scene, plus standard guidance points. Scenes must either be recorded or in public to be counted. Let's make it a great start to a new year!
This list was (almost) completely randomized. For transparency - one pair was originally the same writer, and that was the only change needed to be made. All scenes must be posted by September 30th. Remember ALL PLOT POINTS must be approved through the admins. Anything out of the realm of "normal" needs to be run by us. Once the scene is completed, please paste the link, along with the form for Guidance Submissions into the Back to School channel in Discord. Let us know if you have any questions.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
According to a royal expert Harry got agitated over a Heat magazine story and very worried about reader comments on a newspaper website. by u/media_lush
According to a royal expert, Harry got “agitated” over a Heat magazine story and “very worried” about reader comments on a newspaper website. It's good to know he reads what people think about him, especially comments:HEY HARRY, YOU MARRIED A WITCH WHO TURNED YOU INTO A TRAITOROUS SNITCH!https://preview.redd.it/t8spsu93s9xc1.jpg?width=1385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c043bce33259a620280c24e54de5a950e888bb64​PRINCE Harry got “agitated” over a Heat magazine story and “very worried” about reader comments on a newspaper website, according to a royal expert. Speaking on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show, Richard Palmer shared PrinceHarry was trying to “micromanage things” even back when he launched the Invictus Games in 2014.Prince Harry launched the Invictus Games in 2014 and was 'agitated' about coverageCredit: Paul Edwards - The SunHe said to The Sun’s Royal Editor Matt Wilkinson: “Of course the British press did give a lot of support to that [the games].“I got a letter from the sort of organiser of the first Invictus Games thanking me personally for my support.“And at the same time, I can remember him [Harry] getting really quite agitated on that trip about something he'd read in Heat Magazine.“And we were sort of ‘why are you worrying about Heat Magazine, they haven’t got a royal correspondent’, but he sort of saw the media just as one thing and to him there wasn't that much difference between a royal correspondent and somebody who never reported on him before.”Richard added: “He was also very worried about the readers’ comments underneath a news website, not my at that point website but another newspaper company's website. “And I don't think anybody could really understand why he was micromanaging things and why he was so agitated about things because clearly there was a lot of nonsense said and written about him at times.”According to royal author Omid Scobie’s Finding Freedom, Prince Harry frequently reads the comments on articles about him and Meghan.The book claims: “Scrolling on his iPhone, he sometimes couldn’t stop himself from reading the comments on the articles.”Prince Harry has 'burnt bridges' once & for all with US residency stunt - he trashes his family, says Sun’s royal photographer“'It’s a sick part of the society we live in today, and no one is doing anything about it,' he continued. “'Where’s the positivity? Why is everyone so miserable and angry?'"I can remember him [Harry] getting really quite agitated on that trip about something he'd read in Heat Magazine.Richard PalmerDaily Mail’s Rebecca English claims that Harry once peered over her shoulder at her computer during a visit to Lesotho in 2006 and said: "Just wanted to see what you were saying about me."I always want to know what people are saying about me."Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped down as senior working royals in 2020 and now live in California with their two children, Prince Archie, four, and Princess Lilibet, two.https://ift.tt/GulM0F1 post link: https://ift.tt/AoaV521 author: media_lush submitted: April 28, 2024 at 09:14PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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citadelofswords · 2 years
i’ve started my annual relisten of interstitial season one and i feel like i have been neglecting my duties as your dashboard’s resident actual play podcast liker so here. have a recommendation post.
Why You Should Listen To Interstitial: A Crossover Driven Actual Play Podcast
first of all: what am i talking about? well, interstitial is a tabletop game written by riley hopkins inspired by kingdom hearts. in riley’s own words, it is “a tabletop RPG about our connections with other people, the power we draw from those connections, and traveling to different worlds.” it’s a powered by the apocalypse game so if you’re familiar with dungeon world, monster of the week, or masks, you’ll pick it up pretty quickly. (you can get it on riley’s website or on itch.io!)
but this post is not about the game. this is about interstitial the crossover driven actual play podcast, which began as a patreon reward for the got it memorized? kingdom hearts recap podcast.
interstitial has three seasons and several bonus arcs to its name. you don’t need to listen to all the seasons in order for the others to make sense, but i still recommend you do. here is what the seasons are like:
season one, the original patreon reward season, is directly inspired by and linked to kingdom hearts, featuring keyblades, nobodies, and the funniest version of organization xiii you’ve ever heard. i will not spoil you for the characters or worlds visited in this season; i will simply tell you to listen to the first ten minutes of character creation and say that that just about sets the standard for the rest of the show. (all properties contained in this season are specifically disney owned which, as we know, is a very VERY wide umbrella.) by the way i listened to season one the first time while knowing nothing about kingdom hearts and i still understood most of it so don’t worry about that.
the door to darkness specials are one-shot specials released between seasons one and two. here are some things that happen in them: shego from kim possible norts archie andrews (touch of evil), riley fails so many rolls that tony hawk fades from existence completely (reality and other falsehoods), wheels plays bright eyes from the total eclipse of the heart music video (lonely souls), and in the 2 fast 2 furious special the party has to prevent matt hardy and problem sleuth from being norted.
season two, subtitled authority, breaks away from the disney property mantle. the protagonists are rescued fragments of destroyed worlds who are being shuffled from world to world while their worlds are being rebuilt. well, that’s the original conceit, anyway. i want you to also listen to this season’s character creation episode, if nothing else, because it is the PERFECT example of how to do character introductions through a framing device. also, there is a cyborg version of john cena being chased down by his version of vince mcmahon who has transcended this mortal coil and is now a gas cloud.
season three, subtitled proximity, was a surprise release at the beginning of 2022. it’s the heist season; the characters are part of a crew set up to just rob some motherfuckers blind. that’s an oversimplification. i cannot stress enough that season three is perfect in every fucking way. if you thought pidge voltron should have been canonically nonbinary, if you like john wick, if you like having two characters both named miles in the same room, if you like the abba song “the winner takes it all” you will love this season. it is only BARELY edged out by season one in my personal rankings because season one is my comfort show but who knows. i might revisit my rankings on my next relisten.
if you think the things i vaguely alluded to were buckwild, all i can say is, you’ve got a big storm coming.
each season is about sixteen episodes a piece, and each episode is about an hour long, so it’s very easily digestible. the episodes are absolutely hilarious and poignant in turn, everyone is a joy to listen to both in and out of character, and you can tell they’re all just having an absolute blast.
you can find interstitial on your podcast app of choice: spotify, apple podcasts, etcetera. please listen to it. and maybe if you like it post about it a little bit!
(please note this post is not sponsored by or endorsed by interstitial or riley themself i just love this show and want to share it with people so here i am)
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Mathias’s blood roared in his ears. Usually he wasn’t bothered hearing Robbo’s voice greeting him when he called Phia; she was useless with tech and often just abandoned her phone. But the crack in the youngest Laverna’s voice had completely undone him. Even if it hadn’t, Gabriel’s cool following voice giving him an address would have tipped him over the edge.
He knocked on the door desperately, not bothering to take in the sprawling splendour of the house. None of it mattered. Part of him, the part he knew he inherited from his mother, screamed for action. It demanded payment even though he didn’t yet know exactly what had happened.
A mountain of a man opened the door. He towered over even Mathias who was momentarily disarmed, his thoughts stalled as the truth of Sophia’s life came crashing back down around him. The people she ran with, she called kin.
‘Mathias?’ the man asked, a kindness in his voice that reminded Matt how wrong appearances could make assumptions. Reminded him that this was still Phia’s family even if their business wasn’t necessarily kosher.
‘Yeah, Gabriel –’
‘Had a fleeting moment of compassion.’ There was almost a hint of awe in the man’s voice as he stepped aside to usher Mathias in. ‘Let’s not waste it. Archie, by the way.’
‘Nice to meet you,’ Mathias offered, though his thoughts were far from the corridor. From the sheer amount of locks and bolts Archie put back in place once the door was closed.
A soft chuckle, the barest hint of a tense smile, was all he caught on Archie’s face before he was ushered further into the house.
‘Robbo is being driven home by Gabe,’ Archie said, and Mathias tapped a nervous beat against his leg as they walked. He didn’t, in the nicest possible way, really care. But he dare not admit to that. ‘Kallie is dotting on the parents – though she’ll never admit to it. Harry is…’ Archie huffed out a breath and shrugged as they stopped outside a door. ‘And I am about to decide if Mitch needs a sedative. So, you should have at least half an hour before someone comes barrelling through the door.’
‘Thank you,’ Matt breathed, because he didn’t know what else to say.
Archie offered him a small smile, knocked on the door and then opened it a crack. He called something in French that Matt couldn’t currently translate.
Sophia snapped a reply, and Mathias saw her spin to face them both.
Except he already knew the hulking figure of Archie was gone.
‘Sophia,’ he said softly.
It was all he could manage before she flew at him. He crouched to catch her, lifted her as she clung desperately to him. But he could still see the mottled bruise around her eye; the cut of a ring far too close to her actual eye. He could still see the angry red marks around her throat that looked too much like hands.
‘You’re here,’ she whispered, voice far more brittle than he’d ever heard before.
‘Of course I am,’ he assured her gently, even with the storm raging inside his chest. Because even if one day the dam broke, he knew not a single drop of that flood would touch her.
The same could not be said for whichever particular scumbag had done this. Perhaps there was a time to talk to his mother. Just as soon as he knew Phia really was all right.
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invcntions · 1 year
it's new test muse time ! i'm going to throw a starter call or something for these guys into the tags soon but in the meantime consider this a psa/excuse to come @ me if you want to plot with any of my new sons.
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archie - college football dropout turned environmental activist. wants to save the planet but has a habit of getting lead astray in the process, has a good heart but doesn't always think through his actions. would personally free every whale from captivity if he could. no long term plan and a hand full of braincells. pansexual. fc: rudy pankow
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joni - small town baker, owns a little bakery/cafe that feels like it mainly sells strong coffee to people traveling through the town on long journeys. he tends to be rather cynical, attempted to move to the city when he was in his early 20s but came home quickly to look after his brother when he started acting up, now feels like he's going to be trapped there his whole life. pansexual. fc: rahul kohli
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caleb - vampire. was a priest back in the 1800s, got turned in his attempt to help people who thought their souls were damned only to realise his then certainly was. has slowly lost his religion and just general faith in the world since, normally keeps to himself since he doesn't have the energy for what are undoubtedly short-term attachments. works as a private investigator since it fits his particular skill set and keeps him moving. used to be painfully good and optimistic and now is mainly grumpy and tired. pansexual. fc: adam brody
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zane - vance's cousin. father is the leader of a crime family, he's hoping to take over one day but is largely thought too impulsive and lacking the foresight to be in charge. tends to make a mess and get other people to clean it up. little bit of a psychopath, has no problem with violence. not really sure why i've included him other than it's fun to have a bad guy sometimes. bisexual. fc: matt smith
fc change:
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changing charlie's fc to matt bomer and keeping henry cavill as an alt because matt has basically the same face but 300x the resources and it's sparked my muse back for my commitment issue facing cocky detective.
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lacrimosathedark · 7 months
I know I'm probably a weirdo for this, but one day I got to thinking, what if Pokemon was lingually accurate? Like, if characters were named appropriately based on their region? So I actually went through Bulbapedia and compiled a list of every major character's names in other languages. And just in case anyone else was curious, I thought I'd share it.
I'm going from the English base, so I'm majorly not including Unova, Galar, and most of Alola. Ones that are weird or are migrants I give explanations for.
Kanto: Japanese
Red: Same in English and Japanese
Leaf: Same in English and Japanese
Blue: Technically referred to as Green in Japanese since the original games were Red and Green (hence remakes being FireRed and LeafGreen), but is considered Blue internationally and it makes more sense to me (Red picks Charmander, rival picks Squirtle to be better, thus Blue).
Kakeru (Chase)
Ayumi (Elaine)
Shin (Trace)
Takeshi (Brock)
Kasumi (Misty)
Lt. Surge: His original title is "The Lightning American" and there's a whole tribute gym to his in Alola, so it's very likely he's from an America-inspired region, thus English name.
Erika: Same in English and Japanese
Kyou (Koga)
Anzu (Janine)
Natsume (Sabrina)
Katsura (Blaine)
Kanna (Lorelei)
Siba (Bruno)
Kikuko (Agatha)
Wataru (Lance)
Rocket-dan (Team Rocket): Literally written in katakana "ro-ke-t(su)-to"
Sakaki (Giovanni)
Ohkido Yukinari-hakase (Professor Samuel Oak)
Johto: Japanese
Hibiki (Ethan)
Kris: Same in English and Japanese
Kotone (Lyra)
Silver: Same in English and Japanese
Hayato (Falkner)
Tsukushi (Bugsy)
Akane (Whitney)
Matsuba (Morty)
Shijima (Chuck)
Mikan (Jasmine)
Yanagi (Pryce)
Ibuki (Clair)
Itsuki (Will)
Karin (Karen)
Minaki (Eusine)
Apollo (Archer)
Athena (Arianna)
Lambda (Petrel)
Lance (Proton): Yes, this is confusing with the Indigo Champion's English name being Lance.
Utsugi-hakase (Professor Elm)
Hoenn: Japanese
Yuuki (Brendan)
Haruka (May)
Mitsuru (Wally)
Tsutsuji (Roxanne)
Touki (Brawly)
Tessen (Wattson)
Asuna (Flannery)
Senri (Norman)
Nagi (Winona)
Fū (Tate)
Lan (Liza)
Juan: His Japanese name is Adan, but he uses different foreign words by localization (English in Japanese, Spanish in Viz's anime dub, and French in the Adventures manga's translation) so is likely foreign. Juan is his name in English, German, and French.
Mikuri (Wallace) Rune no Tami (Sootopolitan)
Kagetsu (Sidney)
Fuyou (Phoebe)
Glacia: Her name in Japanese is Prim, but she's implied to be from a more Western-based region. Glacia is her name in both English and French.
Genji (Drake)
Tsuwabuki Daigo (Steven Stone)
Datsura (Noland) Factory Head: Same in English and Japanese
Kogomi (Greta) Arena Captain (Arena Tycoon)
Tucker: Implied to be foreign, especially as his Japanese name is Heath. Tucker is his English name, and most other Romantic translations are loosely similar and come from the respective languages' word for "tactics". Dome Superstar (Dome Ace)
Azami (Lucy) Tube Queen (Pike Queen)
Ukon (Spenser) Palace Guardian (Palace Maven)
Jindai (Brandon) Pyramid King: Same in English and Japanese
Lila (Anabel) Tower Tycoon (Salon Maiden)
Higana (Zinnia) Denshousha (Lorekeeper)
Lutia (Lisia) Lutti (Lissi)
Tylulu (Ali): Lisia's Altaria
Magma-dan (Team Magma): Literally written in katakana "ma-gu-ma"
Matsubusa (Maxie)
Kagari (Courtney)
Homura (Tabitha)
Aqua-dan (Team Aqua): Literally written in katakana "a-ku-a"
Aogiri (Archie)
Ushio (Matt)
Izumi (Shelly)
Odomaki-hakase (Professor Birch)
Sinnoh: Japanese
Kouki (Lucas)
Hikari (Dawn)
Jun (Barry)
Hyouta (Roark)
Natane (Gardenia)
Sumomo (Maylene)
Maximum Mask (Crasher Wake): Maybe a little more clearly than the English name, it's a stage name and his real name is unknown. He's called "Maxi" for short, so it could just be that.
Fantina or Kiméra: Her name in Japanese is Melissa, which is a clearly Western name along with using foreign phrases. The difficulty here is in original Japanese (as well as French, logically) she speaks English, while most other localizations she speaks French. Fantina is her name in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Kiméra is her name in French.
Suzuna (Candice)
Denzi (Volkner)
Ryou (Aaron)
Kikuno (Bertha)
Ōba (Flint)
Goyou (Lucian)
Shirona (Cynthia)
Kurotsugu (Palmer) Tower Tycoon: Same in English and Japanese
Neziki (Thorton) Factory Head: Same in English and Japanese
Dahlia: Same in English and Japanese Roulette Goddess (Arcade Star)
Kokuran (Darach): His Lady may be likely Unovan, but his lineage is never specified and he seems to have a Hisuian ancestor, so him being from Sinnoh is likely, hence Japanese name. Castle Butler (Castle Valet)
Argenta or Kate: Kate is her name in Japanese and is clearly Western. Argenta is her name in English, German, and Spanish. Stage Madonna (Hall Matron)
Momi (Cheryl)
Gen (Riley)
Baku (Buck)
Miru (Mira)
Mai (Marley)
Looker: Honestly, I just prefer Looker because it seems smoother to say as a codename than his Japanese codename which is Handsome. Looker also has the double meaning that Handsome doesn't, like he's looking/watching, because he's a detective. Looker is also his name in Portuguese, and sometimes in German, Spanish, and Italian. Every one of his codenames is a reference to his appearance ex. LeBelle in German and Beladonis in French.
Ginga-dan (Team Galaxy)
Akagi (Cyrus)
Mars: Same in English and Japanese
Jupiter: Same in English and Japanese
Saturn: Same in English and Japanese
Pluto (Charon)
Nanakamado-hakase (Professor Rowan)
Hisui: Japanese
Teru (Rei) Chō satai (Survey Corps' (Trainer class))
Shō (Akari) Chō satai (Survey Corps' (Trainer class))
Ginga-dan (Galaxy Expedition Team): Shares it's name with the modern Team Galaxy in Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, and Italian.
Kamado or Denboku: His original home region is unknown and he bears Galarian armor that looks strikingly similar to Kalosian Wikstrom. Denboku is from raidenboku, an alternate reading of the Japanese rowan, nanakamado, which is Rowan's Japanese name. Kamado also comes from nanakamado.
Shimaboshi (Cyllene): She is originally from Hoenn, but Hoenn is also Japanese so that means nothing for her name.
Perilla (Zisu) Keibi-tai (Security Corps)
Kine (Pesselle) Iryō-tai (Medical Corps)
Tao Hua: Same in English and Japanese Seizō-tai (Supply Corps)
Sazanka (Sanqua) Kenchiku-tai (Construction Corps)
Nabana (Colza): His original region is apparently unknown, but Japanese is still a safe bet. Also most other localizations stem from Nabana rather than Colza. Hatasaku-tai (Agriculture Corps)
Haku (Rye) Hatasaku-tai (Agriculture Corps)
Mube (Beni): His home region is apparently unknown, but Japanese is a safe bet. Imozuru-tei (The Wallflower): [directly from Bulbapedia] From imozuru (vines of Japanese mountain yam or sweet potato), Mitsuru (Wally), and tei (common suffix in restaurant names)
Taisai (Choy)
Sharon (Anthe): Oddly, Sharon is her Japanese name.
Kongō-dan (Diamond Clan)
Seki (Adaman) Osa (Clan Leader)
Yone (Mai) Captain (Warden)
Hinatsu (Arezu) Captain (Warden)
Susuki (Iscan) Captain (Warden)
Tsubaki (Melli) Captain (Warden)
Wasabi (Sabi) Captain (Warden)
Shinju-dan (Pearl Clan)
Kai (Irida) Osa (Clan Leader)
Kikui (Lian) Captain (Warden)
Yūgao (Calaba) Captain (Warden)
Garana (Palina) Captain (Warden)
Hamarenge (Gaeric) Captain (Warden)
Shō-Chiku-Ba (Miss Fortunes)
Omatsu (Charm) Yatō (Bandit)
Otake (Clover) Yatō (Bandit)
Oume (Coin) Yatō (Bandit)
Ichō Shōkai (Ginkgo Guild)
Ginnan (Ginter)
Tsuiri (Tuli)
Volo: Same in English and Japanese Pokemon Tsukai (Pokemon Wielder)
Cogito (Cogita): She is a whole ass mystery, but Cogita (her name in English and German) is just a (non-existent) feminine form of Cogito, her Japanese name, which comes from Latin and basically means "I think", as in Decaretes' "cogito, ergo sum" or "I think, therefore I am". French and Chinese use the respective language's variation of the phrase as a base for her name, while Spanish and Italian use Greek words, for "wisdom" and "intelligence" respectively.
Professor Laventon: He's Galarian, so his name is English.
Unova: English The only ones I'm doing here are ones that AREN'T necessarily the English version.
Clay or Yakon: I've heard Clay may play on Japanese businessman tropes, and he has an ancestor in Hisui, so his name could be either of these.
Lacey or Taro: As Clay's daughter, her situation is the same as his.
Cyrano or Mirtilo: English and Spanish names respectively. Lives in Unova, but as Clavel's classmate could be from Paldea maybe? Saffron or Milo: As above
Kalos: French
Kalem (Calem)
Serena: Same in English and French
Sannah (Shauna)
Trevor: Same in English and French
Tierno: Same in English and French
Violette (Viola)
Lino (Grant)
Cornélia (Korrina) Héritière (Successor)
Amaro (Ramos)
Lem (Clemont)
Mache (Valerie): Mache is actually originally from Johto, hence her Japanese name.
Astera (Olympia)
Urup (Wulfric): Given he likely has a Hisuian ancestor, it wouldn't be unlikely for his name to be Japanese. Luckily, his Japanese and French names are the same!
Malva: Same in English and French
Narcisse (Siebold)
Wikstrom or Thyméo: Since we know his armor is likely Galarian his English name isn't out of place, but his French name is Thyméo.
Dracéna (Drasna)
Dianthéa (Diantha) Grande-Duchesse (Grand Duchess)
Aurore (Morgan)
Méridia (Dana)
Vesper (Evelyn)
Nix (Nita)
Millie (Emma) Elili (Essentia) Femme Louche (Suspicious Woman) Enfant Louche (Suspicious Child) Jeune Femme Louche (Suspicious Lady)
Gribouille (Mimi): Millie's Espurr friend
Team Flare: Apparently the same in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
Lysandre: Same in English and French
Ancolie (Aliana)
Brasénie (Bryony)
Cyane (Celosia)
Myosotis (Mable)
Xanthin (Xerosic)
Professeur Platane (Professor Sycamore): Somewhat surprisingly, his Japanese and French names are the same, though they do both originate from the French word platane.
Alola: English Hawaii is an American state, and there isn't a Native Hawaiian translation of the games, so English is the default language here. But Hawaii does have ties to the East, so I will use some of the Japanese names if they make more sense to me. Most are just slight spelling changes anyhow.
Yo (Elio): Moved from Kanto to Alola, so Japanese name.
Mizuki (Selene): Moved from Kanto to Alola, so Japanese name.
Ma'o (Mallow): Technically her Japanese name is just Mao, but ma'o is the Hawaiian word for Hawaiian cotton and I feel spelling it that way feels better.
Sophocles or Māmane: Both names after the same plant, the Sophora chrysophylla, it's common and local Hawaiian name being māmane.
Hapu'u (Hapu): Hapu'u is her name in Japanese and comes from hāpuʻu, the Hawaaian tree fern.
Molayne or Mullein: Molayne is just a different spelling tbh and I kinda think it looks better.
Skipping Galar; there aren't really a lot of clear foreigners besides Kabu whose name is the same.
Paldea: Spanish and Portuguese I look at both languages because Paldea is based on the Iberian Peninsula and not just Spain. However, with Portuguese, I'm having to look at Brazilian Portuguese, which is not quite the same as European Portuguese, because that's almost all that's on Bulbapedia. I generally choose whether to use Spanish or Portuguese based on if said name is also the same as the English and/or Japanese name. Or default if only one is available. Also uhh my order might be a bit weird here because I didn't get to actually play these games. I kinda assumed you go through the teachers before Gym Leaders, so...yeah. I can re-order it later if that's wrong or confusing.
Florian: From an unknown region, but the same in English, German, Spanish, French, and Italian.
Juliana: From an unknown region, but the same in English, German, Spanish, French, and Italian.
Nemo(?): She is noted to not be from Paldea but her home isn't specified so it could be anything. Nemona is her name in English and E. Portuguese, Nemo in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, and Thai, Noêmia in B. Portuguese, Nemila in German, Nemola in Indonesian, and Nemi in Italian. The odd ones out are Mencía in Spanish and Menzi in French.
Arven: Same in English and B. Portuguese
Academia Naranja (Naranja Academy)
Academia Uva (Uva Academy)
Miriam: Same in English and B. Portuguese
Saguaro: Same in English, Japanese, and B. Portuguese (as well as German and French)
Dendra: Same in English and B. Portuguese
Cloe or Mora (Raifort): Cloe is her name in Spanish, and Mora is her name in French, which I only include because her English/Japanese name Raifort is from the French word for horseradish apparently, so maybe she's Kalosian.
Silvio (Salvatore)
Mila (Tyme)
Jacques (Jacq): The B. Portuguese name as it's closer to his English name. His Spanish name is Cinio, which is Spanish for his Japanese name, Zinnia, which could be confusing considering Higana.
Clavel: Same in Japanese, Spanish, German, French, and Italian. English and B. Portuguese just adds another L. Clive: Same in English and B. Portuguese Director Escolar (Director)
Catarina (Katy): Her B. Portuguese name, which is closer to her name in English (Katy) and Japanese (Kaede).
Brais or Brás (Brassius): His Spanish and B. Portuguese names respectively, as both are very close to his English name.
Kissera (Iono): Her B. Portuguese name, comes from "O que será?" apparently meaning "what will it be?", which is closer to the intent behind her name in Japanese (Nanjyamo, name given to an unusually large tree that grows in a particular place; literally meaning "What is it?") and English (Iono, as in "I don't know") than her Spanish name, e-Nigma. Which makes me think of the Riddler.
Fuco (Kufo)
Laureano or Lauro (Larry): His Spanish and B. Portuguese names respectively. Larry could be a nickname for either though.
Lima or Citrina (Ryme): Her Spanish and B. Portuguese names respectively. Lima has the same puns on lime and rhyme that English and Japanese does, but tbh makes me think more of lima beans. Citrina is from citrino (citrus).
Tuli or Tulipa (Tulip): Her Spanish and B. Portuguese names respectively.
Grusha: Actually may be from an unrevealed Russian region as his name is Russian. It's also the same in most languages.
Cayena or Kaya (Rika): Her Spanish and B. Portuguese names respectively. Both come from cayenne, which isn't in her Japanese or English names. Her Japanese name is Chili, and Rika comes from paprika.
Poppy: Her name in English, Japanese, and B. Portuguese as well as German and Indonesian.
Hassel?: From and unknown region so could literally be anything, and all his names are very different.
Ságita or Guita (Geeta): Her Spanish and B. Portuguese names respectively. Supercampeona (Top Champion)
Team Star: Same in English and Spanish as well as German, French, and Italian
Penny: Actually from Galar, so her English name. Cassiopeia or Casiopea: English and Spanish forms respectively, referencing the constellation.
Giacomo: Same in English and B. Portuguese DJ Vil (DJ Vice)
Melo or Mélia (Mela): Spanish and B. Portuguese respectively.
Henzo (Atticus): Spanish name. Not like English or Japanese name, but his whole ninja theming makes Henzo fit better than the B. Portuguese Érico.
Ortega: Same in English and B. Portuguese, similar to Japanese, French, and Korean Ortiga.
Erin or Êri (Eri): Spanish and B. Portuguese respectively.
Profesor Sada: Same in English and EUROPEAN Portuguese, listed for once.
Profesor Turo: Same in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Kitakami: Japanese Not a region itself I don't think, but it's not connected to a specific region I don't think, so.
Zeiyu (Carmine)
Suguri (Kieran) Sugu (Kiki)
Sazare (Perrin): Actually from Sinnoh, but this is where you meet her so here she is. Shashinka (Photographer)
What do you think? Did I forget anyone important?
Okay this took way too long for something probably no one will see okaybaiiiiii
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