#team magma courtney
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denphobia · 2 days ago
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his face remains still😂​😂​🤣​🤣​🤣​but his body language betrays him!😂​🤣​🤣​😂​🤣​​😂​😂​😂​ROFL!😂​🤣​🤣​😂​🤣​🤣​
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grey822aaa · 8 months ago
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spaceyselfships · 2 months ago
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idk <3
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plutonious · 2 months ago
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archie and maxie’s horrible pokemon, everyone.
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pigeon-wizard · 11 months ago
Pokemon RSE/ORAS AU where Archie x Maxie, Shelly x Courtney, and Matt x Tabitha, are all happening at the same time and everyone is constantly working under the pressure of everyone else finding out their Romeo-and-Juliet-esque romantic situation
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sylkiescoat · 5 months ago
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Caitlin and Courtney to get me out of an artistic slump
Caitlin’s bulbapedia page says she dresses in hime gyaru, so I was working off of that. The way I drew Courtney is inspired by Shiwasu Hoshikawa’s style
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reduceshipping · 2 months ago
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after six trillion years and one night, i've finally done it. not only have i built a team that i am very much satisfied with, but i drew them alongside my courtney design. shocking! below, i talk about these pokemon + small bits about courtney and this specific continuity (cw for pokemon neglect, pokemon injury, and just a warning that it's. long. very very long):
kept in a luxury ball
male, bold nature, likes to fight
ability is magic guard, held item is the heat rock
stealth rock, sunny day, flamethrower, moonblast
initially a gift to another trainer as a clefairy, said trainer was not at all prepared to take care of a pokemon nor were they ready to try to. not only that, but the trainer in question seemed as if they didn't quite see clefairy as a pokémon at all.
although mostly healthy, as a result of these factors, he was aggressive and poorly socialized. at first, these behaviors were ignored but they grew to a point where he was given away.
at some point in time, he ended up in the possession of courtney, who, unlike his trainer, had the will to try to work with him in spite of everything known about him. although he hasn't quite warmed up to the admin, he trusts her enough to have stayed with courtney ever since.
an antagonistic sort who doesn't mind fighting dirty, he enjoys battling as an outlet of some kind. maybe he enjoys it a little too much for a team's stealth rock/weather setter. but at least he has an outlet ♡
EXTRA FACT: courtney and fabriel collectively agree that "fabriel" is a stupid nickname (in their own opinion!) and wish that it could be changed.
kept in a team magma issued ball
female, modest nature, mischievous
ability is solid rock, held item is the focus sash
overheat, earth power, flash cannon, ancient power
one of few offspring of maxie's camerupt and tabitha's mamoswine and one of the first camerupts born and bred for team magma's use.
probably the most friendly and well socialized of courtney's party along with the youngest overall. there isn't anything else much to note other than a very playful and mischief making kind of ungulate who loves her trainer bunches.
kept in a heal ball
male, hasty nature, likes to run
ability is regenerator, held item is life orb
high jump kick, stone edge, u-turn, sunny day
(WIP. MAY CHANGE IN THE FUTURE. I AM LITERALLY COMING UP WITH THIS ON THE SPOT.) a recurring encounter, courtney first met him as a mienfoo outside rummaging in a dumpster near the pokemon center courtney interned at. these run ins were always quick and over with in seconds. but one day, mienfoo wandered in injured and had to be taken into the pokemon center.
at first, even as worrying as it was, it was just another day at the pokemon center. but as mienfoo healed, he and zarathustra grew very close. because of this development, courtney decided to adopt mienfoo.
very aloof and therefore, unpredictable in demeanor. absolutely zoomie prone and will run around for long periods of time. and even more hilariously, despite being reserved, he is not at all quiet and is quite vocal with a resounding wail to match.
EXTRA FACT: to this very day, courtney still thinks mienfoo is blue and has yet to be informed that mienshao is shiny.
kept in a team magma issued ball
male, adamant nature, highly persistent
ability is rock head, held item is muscle band
stone edge, earthquake, pursuit, double edge
revived from an old amber by courtney's own hand; revived by means unknown and viewed as a sort of magnum opus by courtney. because of this, however, aerodactyl's physical and mental stability comes to question, along with the ethics and legality of his revival.
aerodactyl is a brutish, brawny sort, eager to rush into the heat of battle like the relentless forces of nature themselves. it seems as if nothing gets in the way of this living-dead flying arrow of dread. interestingly enough, he's trained enough to be a ride pokémon, though.
kept in a heal ball
male, quiet nature, strong willed
ability is flash fire, held item is the houndoominite
fire blast, dark pulse, solar beam, sludge bomb
met as a stray houndour during courtney's nursing internship and quickly grew a bond with the little canine. later on, despite never having a pokemon ever in life nor having the finances to spare, courtney took in zarathustra. even i'm shocked that courtney raised him well enough too, man.
despite his large, intimidating and intense appearance, zarathustra is probably one of the more mellowed out and definitely the most discplined of courtney's party. if anything, the most concerning thing about this canine is how absurdly stoic he is for a dog. like dude. wow.
another notable feature of zarathustra's is his intelligence. houndoom are naturally intelligent creatures to the point where they can be somewhat difficult to work with if not prepared. but zarathustra is almost as sapient in the way a human is sapient. if you were to see this dog doing courtney's taxes, i would not blame you.
EXTRA FACT: courtney was the one who suggested that the houndoom line was to be used in team magma's operations as opposed to other canine pokemon lines like the mightyena line because the intelligence and tenacity they possessed appealed to the admin greatly.
kept in a poke ball
genderless, relaxed nature, takes plenty of siestas
ability is imposter, held item is the choice scarf
transform and quite literally nothing else
has four other ditto who do not battle and are all also named john galt for some godforsaken reason. nerd. all have the ability limber and have the following natures: brave, quiet, sassy, serious.
all five ditto were met during courtney's teenage years. although not able to own any pokémon at that time, courtney grew a strong bond with these ditto and brought them along to university.
john galt #1 is, for a lack of a better word, a chill dude and very humanlike in terms of how it conducts itself. it isn't clear to what extent their relationship has gone to, but all five ditto are very, very close.
EXTRA FACT: ditto are solitary creatures and are not usually found in groups as seen with the john galt collective. no one, not even courtney, is quite sure why this is the case for these five ditto, but it is very interesting.
before i go on about courtney, i'd like to quickly applaud and thank you for making it this far because good god is that a lot of text to read. i'm grateful that i've gotten you hooked on my headcanons and things about my little continuity.
with this out of the way, without saying too much because i love to make you all speculate and guess about things on your own terms (i'm sure the information given beforehand might be making you guys think stuff already nehe), here are some things about courtney as a person:
this courtney is me taking oras courtney and pokespe courtney, shoving them both into a blender, and praying to god that it's a damn good pokeblock. i even based courtney a bit off of brodie from the anime because i love role compression!
a lesbian somewhere in the aromantic spectrum and the aromantic spectrum only. this does not mean courtney's relationship with sexuality is cleanly cut either, though! catholic loss!
really into philosophical fiction and into the study of philosophy in general. it's a shame that courtney's taste in philosophers sucks though!
courtney's favorite type is the fairy type! alolan ninetales is courtney's favorite fairy, and whimiscott is courtney's least favorite.
isn't fond of fighting and dragon types and does not like bird pokemon at all. courtney sees any member of the kommo-o line and collapses right then and there. courtney is also very squeamish and fearful of pyukumuku.
eats a hard-boiled egg every single day.
courtney's favorite tm is sunny day.
very toxic.
i'll end everything here for now, but you're free to inquire, of course. i really love talking about courtney. so much. thanks for listening!
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lorekeeper-backset · 1 year ago
Watching H Bomberguy's video about Climate Change Denial and there's the line "If everything's proceeding as normal where did all this fucking water come from, Courtney!?"
I assume that the person who wrote the article he's talking about is named Courtney, I don't know I put this one on as background noise while I play Zelda so I wasn't really paying attention, but I'm so infected by Pokemon brainrot that my immediate first thought was
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9823678 · 5 months ago
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denphobia · 23 days ago
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guy who turned the thermostat up
+ silly persona doodle
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grey822aaa · 6 months ago
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Hoenn lesbians are here
Shelly, Courtney, Zinnia and we didn't call the other
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spaceyselfships · 2 months ago
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Team Magma Stimboard
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
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breadhoundpng · 1 year ago
Just finished this,alr goodnight guys 😔
(She’s such an icon tho)
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pigeon-wizard · 2 months ago
Villaintines, day 8, Delicious
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get it? it's lava cake!... heh.... i thought it was funny.
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eeonic · 10 months ago
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He’s legit just making some mac n cheese
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