#same old same old U_U
berryblu-soda · 6 months
also having an absolutely horrendous time focusing :D!!!
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 10 months
omg how does your shattered's design look !!?? have you posted her before??? ^_^
i did! kinda sorta hhh the design is not that complicated but it never stays consistent so I never made a ref (I also never found the time or energy xd) but I have a doodle of what she should look like!
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the brown in her color palette is leather so it's all shiny and darker once you shade it >:Dc
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miodiodavinci · 3 months
my earbuds just died :')
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jdzone · 1 year
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fantomette22 · 1 year
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15 & 16. Father Gascoigne and old hunter Henryk
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sucktacular · 9 months
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Friends please witness these lil naked idiots that need a bath
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xagave · 4 months
One of the things I really miss about old fandom homestuck was how tumblr used to be THE PLACE to post your cosplay pics and people made so many gorgeous cosplays and had beautiful photos taken. People moved to posting cosplay to instagram but man it just wasn't the same u_u
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prodigaldaughteralice · 7 months
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So, I was tipped off a while ago by a post that’s probably still in my queue (I have a long reblog queue u_u;; ) that a few words were changed in the US edition of Monstrous Regiment. As it’s my favourite Discworld book, and I’d only ever read the US edition, I tracked down a second-hand UK first edition online and had a re-read as soon as it came, with my battered old US edition next to me so I could check when anything pinged me as ‘off’. Here’s what I found, not counting minor UK->US spelling changes like turning “girlie” into “girly”.
(There may be more that I missed, I didn’t have both copies open the whole time, but I’m pretty familiar with this book. As my sister teased me about when I mentioned I’d done this comparison, I did have it in my bed for several years as a teenager so I could reread it whenever my insomnia was hitting particularly hard.)
Spoilers from here on out, of course.
The first two are just kind of pointless? Changing “coprolite” to “coprolith”, which is just a less common word for the exact same thing, and changing “riff-riff-raff” to “riffraff” feels like they forgot Jackrum was playing drunk in that scene. Whatever. These don’t bother me.
There are a few UK->US type changes in the next one (“wooly vest” to “woolen undershirt”) which similarly feel pointless to me, but what really gets my goat is the last word. “The man’s bare chests,” plural, being changed to “the man’s bare chest”. Because that’s foreshadowing, but it’s not a giveaway, because on a heavier (cis) guy they do hang separate. It’s a nice little touch, and they took it out.
The next one is the one I’d been tipped off to, and it’s the change I’m the most annoyed about. “Turned her chair to the fire/around him the kitchen worked” -> “turned her chair to the fire/around her the kitchen worked.” I’m sure whatever editor changed it didn’t do so with any kind of malice or agenda, they just weren’t paying enough attention and thought they were fixing a continuity mistake, but it’s just such beautiful writing that they removed.
Because they’ve just had this incredible, delicate, vulnerable conversation about the girl Jackrum left behind him, and that that girl was him, and that he has a son out in Scratz and he doesn’t know what to do now that he’s leaving the army. Polly cries. And it’s Polly who suggests that he really can remain Jack Jackrum, he can go back to his son in medals and braid and be his father, and Jack gets to really settle in to the idea that he can be happy that way. Both those pronouns being “her” doesn’t feel wrong, necessarily; I always read it as Polly processing. But the switch between the two sentences is so beautiful. It’s a gentle closing of the conversation, it’s that girl being fully put behind him, and Sergeant Major Jack Jackrum (retired) getting to go on with his life.
The last one is just… odd. Inexplicable, and it’s the hardest to explain as just an editorial accident. They added a word that specifies something that was not previously specified. “One of them was Maladicta, in full uniform” becomes “one of them was Maladicta, in full female uniform.” I was thinking about it on this reread, and Mal is the only member of the squad who wasn’t publically outed at the Keep. Mal wasn’t involved in the actual raid— too busy gibbering and sucking on a sack of coffee beans— and at the trial Mal kind of stood in the back vibrating from caffeine overdose. Even Jackrum said “with vampires, who cares”. Only Polly knows about Maladicta.
And what that means is that Mal is the only member of the squad who could reasonably remain presenting as male in the army. Polly encourages a couple of young recruits in the very end that it’s their choice to enlist as men or as women, with Mal right beside her, and I think the original ambiguity there is really lovely— it doesn’t matter if Mal has an ‘a’ on the end at the moment, because Mal is there to help Polly fuck shit up, and that’s what matters. By adding the specificity, they just… took away a really nice bit of subtext, a really nice effect.
So yeah, I’m ticked off as a queer person about the (minor) subversion of the book’s general gender fuckery, but I’m almost more ticked off as a writer. Pratchett was so talented, and we talk about it a lot on a large scale of themes and motifs and characters, but he was also just so fantastic on a sentence to sentence level. This is craft! This is really beautiful, delicate writing, elegantly put together and perfected, and some US editors just. Took out some of it. And it’s still an incredible book! As I mentioned, I had it in my bed for years as a teenager so I could reread it over and over, it means a ton to me, it’s my favourite of his work and I love his work! But it hurts to see these little places where it was originally even better.
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sarkyfancypants · 1 month
Fascinating observations upon the release of the Borderlands movie
I've been digging a lot through video reviews about the games and the movie and I've caught a few things:
-Non-gaming people were all on the same page about how it's terrible from the outside perspective that the movie is just bad and convoluted and tragically butchered through constant script rewrites to get that PG 13 rating when it originally had the R rating so it is unbiased from the game lore
-However gamers who do know the lore and gameplay were all on the same page about how it is terrible because it does nothing with its source material and only made whatever the hell they wanted and being like a decade late to deliver it
-Borderlands games had a sudden increase of players upon the movie's release very likely because fans wanted to wash out the horrible stench while non-fans probably wanted to actually give it a try, this one is hilariously shocking almost like it was Gearbox/2K's plan all along (it wasn't)
-Everyone who has played the Borderlands game either old fans or new, EVERYONE and their dog are saying Borderlands 2 is the best out of all of the games if we focus on the story, while some comment that Borderlands 3 is pretty fun only gameplay-wise
-There has been a sudden rise in Borderlands gaming/lore video reviews and analysis by people who finally gave the franchise a chance after twelve or so years or people who were already familiar with the game and wanted to revisit the franchise
-The Pre-Sequel is suddenly getting the recognition it deserved u_u
-A lot of people are saying the franchise is dying but idk, it's pretty bad yeah but saying that "it's all over" might be a bit too overdramatic. We'll live (I hope)
And that's it so far I guess. Nothing too special, just something I started noticing and I'm quite amused by it.
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murfpersonalblog · 6 months
IWTV Trailer (me losing my freaking marbles - YOLO) Pt2
I'm just going frame by frame thru AMC'S BEAUTIFUL new IWTV trailer. But I had to split this into 2 parts cuz Tumblr won't let me post 30+ pics. 🙄
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They transition from Louis telling Claudia "It's you and me," to BB!Dan being "disrespectful"--yelling at Louis wanting him to make him a vamp, like we heard in S01E01.
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And they immediately cut to the clip we've seen before of Louis crying & being dragged off by some old dude (if that's a vampire I feel bad for him, LOL). This might be Claudia/Madeleine's execution, rather than the Trial itself, cuz Louis was wearing a different outfit. (And Claudia's wearing the YELLOW DRESS! Imma be sick! 😭)
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So I wonder when the "best outfit" Jam Reiderson said Claudia wears is gonna take place--which I'm assuming is the red Flamenco dress from the posters.
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It is SO incredible that we're actually gonna see The Trial, and LESTAT BEING THERE, and seeing Madeleine & Armand & Santiago.
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It's interesting that they cut from Armand saying it wasn't SanFran where he failed Louis but Paris, and jump to hallucination!Lestat mocking Armand, yelling "HA!" Is Louis' outfit the same as the one where the old dude dragged him out crying? It kinda looks the same. So is Louis imagining Lestat being FURIOUS with Armand for what's about to happen to Claudia? I wonder why Les is in THAT suit, cuz it looks like the same one he wore in S1E03 the night he kicked Jelly Roll Morton out of town & ragged on Louis about not wanting to kill humans.
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Good lord, here we go. #GoneTooSoonMadeleine. U_U And I LIKE THE IMAGERY of the joint/shared transformation, nodding to Claudia desperately wanting Louis to be her (blood) spouse, as they make Madeleine together.
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Jfc Louis really did almost kill BB!Daniel. O_O He shattered all that plaster--that's brain damage for sure--no wonder he can't remember the interview, LOL. (I still think Armand used the Mind Gift to make him forget everything.)
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A lot of paintings and canvases--art heist Armand?! Are we finally gonna see how he made all that money, going around stealing priceless treasures!? (You can see Armand's feet floating, LOL.) Or is the inside of that chateau his coven raided, "we own dominion!"?
Daniel asking Louis: "YOU BUY THAT?"
AMC thinks they're FUNNY! Cuz they cut right from Armand stealing art he didn't BUY, to lovebomber!Lestat laughing in the townhouse and Louis yelling in what looks like a train station? So he's freaking TF out in public (just like Paul).
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Ooooo--then they have Lelio!WolfKiller!Lestat about to attack someone (Magnus? Nope, I double-checked it's Armand cuz ofc it is), looking like the freaking BEAST in his red cape--
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--right before we get Lestat's POV of Louis and him fighting in Ep5.
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Cuz yeah, Lestat had snapped, and was beating Louis like he was a DOG, like he wasn't even seeing a PERSON, let alone someone he was supposed to be protecting from vampires/monsters LIKE HIM--and OMFG Louis was in blue just like Belle was during the wolf attack--I hate this show.
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And they immediately jump from Louis getting beat by Lestat to what I assume is Louis getting jumped by the Theatre--trapped in the coffin they were gonna bury him alive in.
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What on earth is Claudia throwing? I swear I think these are bombed/blown-up body parts--pieces of someone's life gone cuz of the WAR. (And immediately cut to Loustat fighting.)
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"Who are you, Louis? If there was no ME, if there was no HIM." So yes, the fan theory that Louis WANTS those pieces gone are correct. Or rather--Louis THOUGHT that having those pieces removed would help him. He thought he could recover the lost parts of himself if he wiped his mind of the painful memories. But something must've triggered him--likely finding Claudia's diaries after the 1970s--we are SOOOOO deep in Merrick territory. Cuz Louis wants those memories BACK now--with a vengeance.
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*squints* Are they really GOING THERE with Lesmand!? O_O That's not Nickistat, right? Cuz the very next clip is Armand--using telekinesis on Louis (or Daniel?) WTF?!
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And then we see the familiar clip of Armand using the Fire Gift when he first meets Louis. Just paralleling how much Armand openly flaunts his many gifts in front of Louis, while Lestat tried to hide everything he could do to not scare Louis away--until Ep5 ofc.
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Doomed "happy" "family." YELLOW DRESS ALERT ☝️. The calm b4 ish hits the fan. They immediately cut to Claudia being "welcomed" by the Theatre and Santiago zooming thru the tunnel--
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--DEATH to all of them! "F**k these vampires"--Claudia never lied!
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Louis, you are just too dang pretty--GTFO off my dang screen. 😍
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Another YELLOW dress--these images are cursed.
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Loustat reunion at the Trial, if that's the same outfit Lestat wore here.
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Give him hell, Armand! 😈 He wanted to be the Devil's Minion so bad--here you go! Look at all that glass shattering around him; no wonder Daniel's scared for his life, LOL! (If this is actually Louis throwing a fit I will DIE.)
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Louis finna GO OFF on this BUFFOON! So THAT'S why Armand was mad! XD Louis (or Claudia?) was about to rip Santiago's whole jaw off! XDDDD
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The sound of Louis just crying has me in a STATE. AMC is doing something SO freaking different from the film & the books. Louis is actively trying to make sense of things, as we see this poor man just suffering with PTSD and mental illness; with no one to HELP him but some crotchety old man who borderline hates him, and an old AF vampire who'd loves him so much that he'd rather have Louis forget everything cuz ignorance is bliss. 😩
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Louis WANTS to remember everything. Armand does NOT want the interview. And Daniel is scared.
Holy freaking goodness, what an incredible trailer. 👏 May 12th can't get here fast enough!
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kottkrig · 25 days
For anyone who wanted to know: I'm migrating my twitter art account to a fresh page with the same username (KottkrigArt), the old one will be deactivated within the week
It was a disorganized mess bloated with bots n questionable followers and it was driving me nuts, and also some people handle having a lot of followers well but I don't think I am one of those people u_u so I'm happy to start over!
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creaturefeaster · 2 months
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is Hannah crying in this frame? the thing on the table looks like a picture (and plus gary looks like he feels bad or something)
Oh okay so what's happening in this scene is that Hannah is trying to get in touch with her step brother. That is her phone. She is in Tim's kitchen away from Tim and Brook while they ready for rest for the night. She's been keeping a lot of her emotions in between the start of the Fault and this moment and so yeah, she's crying u_u. Fernando hadn't responded to any of her texts for hours since the Fault opened.
Gary in this animation, was keeping an eye on the household shortly after they got there. He'd already been snooping around the lot before they got to Tim's home, and having spotted someone he knew (Hannah), he naturally stuck around. Without alerting them to his presence just yet of course.* He does feel bad in a way here, but he doesn't know what's going on with her aside from seeing her cry like this. That's not a side of Hannah he had ever seen, so he's perturbed.
This is a pretty old animation and I don't remember a lot of what I was doing in it, but I do remember he was being influenced via persuasion here. He was being persuaded to consider revealing himself, so that he could reconnect with Hannah, rather than running off like he'd originally considered. He's got a good heart in there, he just needs to be influenced mentally by the gods of future split timeline a little bit in order for him to show it 🖤.
*His actual introduction around this point in the story I've always juggled around, him stumbling upon them first vs. them stumbling upon him-- that's why it may seem like confusing timing for them to be in the same scene so early on! ^^; --
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bug66 · 6 months
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O'Keeffe and 621 because... I’m really holding myself back by only drawing two ac6 characters as trans guys u_u also bonus Rusty with his face in 621's titties
I thought the androgynous look fitted 621 since they’re never directly gendered (I use he/they pronouns for him because… same bestie), but O’Keeffe old tired fucked up trans man is just for me… I’m allowed to draw two of the Vespers as dilfs ok
(Also edited the image bc there was an error whoops- enjoy it in high res now)
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willowve01 · 4 months
~Raine Fellowes~
ART AND INSPIRED BY @rozeliyawashereyall!!
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For thy character reference U_U @aspenm00n.
Raine Storm Fellowes 
Southern American
19 y/o 
Height: 5’6
Gender: Female  
INTP personality
Explanation: INTPs tend to seek harmony in groups. While they are introverted they can be quite outgoing when they are around people with whom they are familiar and comfortable. In situations where they feel stress, however, INTPs shut down their feelings and struggle to connect with others. Under stress, they tend to rely on logic rather than feelings.
Raine was born into a modest, loving family; throughout her early childhood at least.
She only has one sibling: Everlynn, currently 14 years old.
Raine had always been a sweet and extremely gentle soul seemingly since birth. After her abnormal strength first manifested and personally having little control over it, she’d never hurt a fly. 
Before her birth, both parents–Lily and David–had settled into Aakhan to raise a family. 
Lily became a highly-skilled tailor. She taught Raine a few tricks at an early age, a skill she still holds onto. David became a bartender; favored for his straight-up and comedic attitude. Also known to quite literally throw out any unpleasant drunkard. 
Sometime after Raine turned twelve, she had watched her mother pass to the illness that had been steadily killing her for the past month.
She had sat there and watched as Lily finally succumbed to the illness sћЭ ћӓd ѣГѳЧgћҭ ӓgӓїђsҭ ћЭГsЭlf. In her final moments, Lily tried her best to comfort her distraught daughter, giving her the necklace before taking her final breaths. Making a promise to wait for her in the afterlife so she wasn’t alone.
Raine couldn’t bring herself to cry in those moments or the years after. Although, with her mothers absence and sudden shift in her father’s demeanor, Raine had fallen into a state of depression; developing a bit of an eating disorder.
After The Incident at sixteen, both her aunt and uncle worked together to nurse her back to stable health and got her to gain some muscle with the (somewhat harsh) year-long training to become a hunter. 
She had also met Wybie after The Incident.
From that point, she had temporarily moved down to Biloway and applied for a spot in the hunters guild. Both guardians received word of this but haven’t heard of her since she had entered Silverben. 
Raine feels indifferent about the existence of halfbloods. As long as they don’t go out of their way to hurt anyone, the same goes for fellow humans as well. 
Raine had become a hunter for the money. The plan was to get the money and dip, moving herself and her sister out of Aakhan and away from the family drama. 
Everlynn still remains under the care of her god-parents (aunt and uncle) while Raine fights for her new found family in Montell.
Before Silverben:
Strength: 7/5
Speed: 6/5
Attack: 6/5
Agility: 5/5 
Reflex: 5/5
Cooperativeness: 5/5
Intelligence: 4/5 
Defense: 4/5 
Durability: 3/5 
Stamina: 3/5 
During Silverben: 
Cooperativeness: 5/5
Intelligence: 4/5 
Strength: 4/5
Attack: 3/5
Agility: 3/5 
Reflex: 4/5
Durability: 3/5 
Defense: 2/5 
Speed: 2/5 
Stamina: 2/5 
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thekrows-nest · 1 month
How does the crew react to a dove that can repurpose old furniture into new and comfortable items? Eco dove 🕊
I think all would find it cool in varying degrees, particularly Krow since he has... essentially repurposed much of a house nzsdjfvfd
I wouldn't be surprised if Gabby has some piece from Dove. Perhaps even asked them to fix up a beloved chair or something from the family (we all have that one piece of furniture we all adore don't tell me otherwise). If Dove makes any... odd pieces, LT would want them.
Eliyah... wouldn't be AS excited as the others, but still find it neat. He'd be more interested in seeing a step by step process with pictures.
Luke is all for it, and if Dove takes commissions he'd love to take them up on it.
Mary loves the idea of reusing and recycling, and tries to be conscious of it. Camilla is much the same.
Naila may ask Dove if they can fix cat scratches on a chair or couch. u_u
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vtforpedro · 4 months
life update - long
It took me a hot minute to find the last update. December, I guess? I'm so tired I never stop being tired and time is not real anymore. Anyway. Disability Stuff: I won my case in federal court in February. They said it'd take a year so I was a little hm. Found out the SSA voluntarily asked the judge for the remand because the written decision was indefensible and they were gonna take another look. Pros: Hey, I won! I get a second hearing! Cons: I didn't get a brief written by the federal law firm because there was no time. This is actually a tactic used by the SSA. I have no doubt they're fine tuning another denial. I also have to wait for the lower level court to figure out what was so bad about it (that they'd already ruled was perfect) to give to the judge I will have another hearing with. The same judge. Who said I was a liar multiple times and omitted eight months of medical evidence and said mental health issues are subjective hahaha. I hate this country. Health: Boy howdy it's been better and worse. I had the tilt table test in late December, went... ok enough, but my neuro didn't like how ambiguous the report was and sent me back to them to speak to an autonomic disorder specialist. Scheduled in Jan, just had my appt with her this month lol she is busy. She ordered: genetics test, labs, and skin biopsy. I've done the first two, third is scheduled in July and I'm gonna be a mess because needles u_u Brain stuff is much of the same. Episodic. Manageable times are a godsend, bad times are really bad. My heart started to do some funky ass shit a few months ago. My mom kept writing it off as anxiety no matter how much I explained that it felt like my heart was pounding after exercise. My BP and pulse shot up high for a while and b/c my pulse never came back down and it was interfering with, you know, living, my PCP sent me to cardiology. :') Cause I wanted my heart involved in this mess One 24hr holter monitor, echo, and heart ultrasound later, and I have a new heart condition. He said 'your heart is beating so fast you would normally see it with exercise' bada boom baby and has nothing to do with fucking ANXIETY >:[ I'm on heart medication. 10 meds. I need to start another med for my psych but that's 11 and I'm honestly getting upset because it's so fucking much medication in one day but every single one of them is necessary so what can really I do? Personal: Relationship with my mom is at an all time low. This is extremely unfortunate because a few weeks ago, my mom told me she is basically being 'laid off' (she's not losing her job for a while, just retiring earlier than expected) and I have to leave my home of 10 years by mid-August. Got no sympathy from her about it *finger guns* I've gone through the devastation of that and am kind of just stuck in how is any of that gonna work. My brother and I can't live together, so he's gonna move into a family friend's rental. Except he has no job and hasn't been able to get one in months. He started one on Monday, is gonna leave by Friday because it's horrific ig. Anyway my mom promises he won't be there. We have to move based on my disabilities and my mom's house is gonna have to reflect what we have here. I'll see it when I believe it. I don't trust her anymore. Extra unfortunate that I'm gonna be living 24/7 with my mother who has been an abusive person in my life the past two years. The short break thru the day that my apartment is just mine, quiet and gentle, is gonna be gone. I'll be introducing my solitary 11 year old cat Lilly into a house with 3 other cats. She only knew Isis her entire life. She was just diagnosed with neuro issues this year after going through an MRI. We don't know if she has seizure activity or if it's movement disorder, but the med she's on treats both and she has gotten better. Same process Isis went through. Cannot believe I have two cats with neuro issues and likely the same one. May 18th was one year since Isis passed. Rough, tiring day.
I don't know how it has been that long. Feels like it just happened. I can still see her and feel her through my apartment and losing it in August will probably shatter me most because of losing the last place she existed in. I miss her more than I can say.
She was my little soulmate and her absence is felt in every corner here. Writing/Fandom:
I went through a whole fucking situation over in the Stranger Things fandom that has left me not wanting to post anymore. Idk if neuro shit has destroyed my ability to write but it's humiliating and painful every time I post a fic.
I posted stucky (1 out of 2 fics this year) on my main acct and lost 8 fuckin user subs? Like goddamn. What'd stucky do 😭 anyway it was even more devastating and kinda like 'here's your big ass sign to keep your writing to yourself.'
Between the god awful shit that happened in the ST fandom and my inability to put together even a good one shot, I'm feeling really down about one of two creative things I can do in my life. I used to love sharing my stuff. I want to write and share but it feels like it's harming my MH. I can't draw or paint right now, either. And I can barely move around my apartment without pain. I can't even leave it except for doctor appointments.
Idk. Very walls are closing in type of feeling and I hate it. In short: I'm tired, struggling, and too many things are happening at once. I love you all 😩💜 thank you for your patience and love and kind words. Your support is felt through one update to the next. I hope you're all well and I'm sending all my love and hugs to you.
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