#samantha does things
glittercake · 2 years
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Uhm...this Sam with this Bucky?
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 5 months
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Bouncy Walker
Almost Paradise S01E05/S02E03
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carefulfears · 8 months
so ... demons coming right after elegy, in the middle of the cancer arc is a crazy choice and i know it means something. please share all your big brain thoughts on mulder & demons?
well...it's kind of like...in elegy, they're being haunted by the future (omens of scully's impending death), in demons, they're haunted by the past (visions from before samantha disappeared). both are highly metaphorical, and both are intrusive, even though he sought out the second. the first is too much. the second isn't enough. and after elegy it's becoming clear that...nothing will be enough. she is so close to death that she can see it. she can't...hide it from him, anymore. she's been dying for a long time. and she doesn't make him face it. she never has that moment where she tells him to just get over it. she never has that moment where she tells him to just accept it, stop avoiding it. she goes to all of her appointments alone. she bleeds alone. even in elegy when they almost argue over it, she tells him that she is fine, and then she goes outside and cries in her car.
but she's not fine, she's so close to death that she can see it, and he knows that. he's so eternally aware. mulder's fatal flaw is that he can see the world, he understands every underlying system, he knows people and how they think. and when he says "i refuse to believe that," he knows that doesn't make it go away. in elegy, he tells her that he's afraid, and she tells him that she's fine. it is a system established long before this particular death sentence.
in the script notes for the last scene of never again, it is remarked that: “if it were ever going to happen, it would be now. as they maintain the silence.”
the way i see it, never again is when they knew. they are not escaping each other. they are dying together. you are coming down with me. (hand in unlovable hand). and then, in the very next episode, comes a diagnosis. they are dying together. and they are dying now. silence is maintained.
so what does she do, after her diagnosis? she buys a journal, and she writes. she writes him letter after letter after letter. begging forgiveness. begging grace. begging courage.
the page that he found, that he read, this is what it said:
“mulder, i feel you close, though i know that you are now pursuing your own path. for that i am grateful- more than i could ever express. i need to know you’re out there if i am ever to see through this.”
i need to know you’re out there. a few months later, in demons, a gun to his chin on the floor of his childhood home, does she feel that he’ll be “out there”? she finds out she doesn’t have much longer to live, maybe weeks, in the next episode, and she doesn’t tell him. she maintains silence.
there’s so much discourse over the choices that mulder makes in demons…it was selfish, it was stupid, it was confusing…i see people ask all the time why he would willingly do something that causes everyone to kill themselves. the answer, of course, is that mulder wants to kill himself. that’s not new, we all watched pusher. (scully watched too). in redux it’s revealed that the “gethsemane” of the episode directly following demons is not scully’s inevitable and closely impending death, it’s mulder alone in his apartment with a gun.
i’m really uninterested in attempting to moralize these decisions…what’s “selfish” at the end of the world? i think demons makes people uncomfortable. to watch a dying woman care for her reckless partner. i also think that’s…the point.
demons is desperate. there’s an obvious desperation in mulder, of course, but also in scully.
throughout season four, we’re watching scully die. she’s getting smaller. she’s getting weaker. she’s getting sicker. but as it progresses, scully is realizing that mulder is dying too. and it all culminates in demons. and what can she do but be afraid? what can she do but get down on the ground and hold him? what can she do but write about what she fears will happen to him? she won’t be there.
nothing will ever be enough after elegy. and there’s nothing that he can do that’s enough. he can’t save her (so he thinks). and…he can’t solve the quest before she dies. he can’t give her the answers that she’s dying for. demons to me is such a last ditch effort. such a hail mary. she deserved to know the capital t Truth, before she’s gone. and i think they both know that maybe, when she is gone, it will never be found.
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lucy-moderatz · 11 months
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samsuncasmoon · 2 months
theres is a sex and the city nightmare destiel au kicking around in my head. cas is mr big because he is avoidant, mysterious and u kinda have to explain social and emotional things to him. dean is carrie because he is controlling, deeply neurotic and loves the sound of his own voice
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samanthaswishes · 2 years
What do you mean aos season 7 will be 3 YEARS OLD THIS YEAR?!
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california-112 · 6 days
First of all this intro is insane. Second of all Samantha is marked as not deceased 👀
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naturalbornlosers · 7 months
HELLO!!! Time to return the favor: Codz ask game 6, 8, 17, 18! ^^
6) Favorite COD Zombies quartet/squad in general, and why?
ooooh!! the ultimis crew, definitely <3 part of it is nostalgia and part of it is the fact that nothing after moon really caught my attention. i guess i'm an old man about this game lmao, but they hold such a special place in my heart
8) Favorite individual CODZ character(s), and why?
i will never be normal about dr schuster cod zombies that is a promise . he and dr groph have lived rent free in my brain since the rezurrection map pack dropped and i cannot be normal abt them + the storyline surrounding the betrayal of dr maxis
17) If you could change anything about the lore in a CODZ game of your choice, how would you change it?
the apothicons and that whole lore element. i'm sorry </3 but i dont think that level of the supernatural had to come into this story and fuck around the timelines so much, i think it would have been easier if the teleporters really were just a fucking weird device and the ultimis crew had to go back in time or forward or etc to fix the mistakes they made on moon
18) Do you have any headcanons? Could be of anyone.
idk why but for years i've had the headcanon that dr schuster knows how to read tarot cards. whether he picked it up during university or even earlier i'm not sure, but i just think this man could read tarot, as a fun little hobby!
thank you for sending these!!
CoD Zombies asks
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miwtual · 1 year
hi! least favorite m/m, f/m and f/f ship? 👀
m/m ship: h*rr*ngr*ve
f/m ship: st*ncy
f/f ship: the way i cant think of a single one..... idk i think samantha stone and eden bingham
ask about my least favorite ____
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
Sam stans stay in denial that she's a disgusting mary sue that gets away with never suffering consequences for treating others bad and being a selfish bitch that everybody forgives anyway!!
...anon, why would you tell me, a primarily Sam blog, this.
Ohh wait I get it, you're trying to change my mind, right? Or insult me? Wow. You know, for someone who seems to believe what they're saying so much, you sure seem comfortable behind your anon mask :) but I'll answer you to the best of my ability anyway.
First of all, Mary Sue as a term is outdated and misused! Here's an article that talks about it. And a forum thread. Even the creator of the Mary Sue Litmus Test has expressed that they're not proud of it anymore (read the very top of the page)! So frankly, the term is way too subjective to count for much.
(For anyone who's wondering, Mary Sue in its original conception referred to an intentionally-satirical fanfic. So Ebony Darkness Way would be a Mary Sue by that definition, but Sam? Absolutely not, especially since she does have flaws. Plus, since everyone has different lines for what qualifies as "Mary Sue," the term is no longer an objective standard of measurement. So if you call a character a Mary Sue to me? Sorry, you're shooting your credibility in the foot)
Sam isn't selfish actually! I know it might seem that way for someone who watches the show on mute with your eyes closed, but really, if you actually watch the show properly, you'd see that she in fact tries to help everyone! And make everyone happy! That's one of her flaws: she's a people-pleaser to such a degree that a lot of her arcs revolve around her self-image and who she is! No clue how you managed to call her selfish when her character arcs are the exact opposite. (Notice how I mentioned she has flaws? That repeatedly get in her own way during the course of her arcs? Yeah. All definitions of Mary Sue describe her as "flawless," so even if the term had any merit, you'd be wrong, anon)
Now, does she do some selfish things? Sure, she's a teenage girl. And I don't excuse her for everything. She still holds some blame for 2x9, just not as much as Miguel since she's blackout drunk (but she still bears some blame for it). You'll never hear me call her innocent for that. However, she's not the only one who does selfish things.
Tory (and mind you, I say this as someone who likes her) also does some selfish things - and in fact, she's hurt Sam pretty badly and hasn't expressed remorse to Sam for it! She doesn't have to say "I'm sorry" outright, that doesn't really seem like her, but there's no expression of remorse whatsoever. And if you're referring to Sam's s4 arc...then you ought to take her PTSD into account. Sam wasn't right to harass Tory at work, but everything else? I defy you to be any less hostile towards someone who a) hospitalized you and b) broke into your house to hurt you again :) But I still like Tory because...guess what? She's a teenager with flaws, and she makes mistakes!
Miguel also did some selfish things - for the 2x9 kiss, he was sober, yet he never seemed sorry for it (he never really apologized to Tory for kissing Sam iirc, or if he did, it didn't really seem sincere. His talk with Tory was him guilting Tory even though Miguel was the one in the wrong during that relationship). But I still like him because...guess what? He's a teenager with flaws, and he makes mistakes!
And Robby...what he did to Hawk was certainly a mistake. And to Miguel. But I still like him because...guess what? He's a teenager with flaws, and he makes mistakes!
(And I should point out, anon, that Sam's mistakes aren't as scarring as Miguel's, Robby's, and Tory's. Funny how that works, huh?)
Long story short: this was amusing, really, but in the future, I'd advise not going into the inbox of someone who likes a character and calling them delusional :) I promise, you won't change their mind! I dislike plenty of characters in the media I consume, but part of Tumblr etiquette (or just netiquette in general) is having a heart and/or learning to just take a breath and keep scrolling.
Or, at least, have the decency to get off anon so we can block you for being rude :) have the day you deserve!
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i love infinity train because these are the literal bad guys and somehow theyre actually really evil
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nectarine-neuroticism · 4 months
saw something insane at my local schnucks (grocery store) today.
there was a group of 20+ or so people (range of ages, race, gender, etc.; but at least 50% were white) lined up outside the schnucks in the spot where girl scouts usually stand.
i was really tempted to record them, but i was worried somehow things would be flipped on me and i would be pinned as harassing them. (i was also really tempted to swipe the shit off their stools they had set up, but then they could have reason to call the ops and press for assault charges or some shit; i kept my cool).
i was leaving w/ my groceries and this one girl called me out, "ma'am? would you like a starbucks giftcard?" and i stopped pushing my cart to turn around and see if i was the person being talked to. i was like "what's the catch lol... for free?" to which she agreed and handed me the card. i spotted BUNCHES of giftcards on the stool and that's what the other people were handing out too.
mind you, i have been boycotting starbucks since... september, i think? idk, it was whenever i found out the ceo was planning on suing their WORKERS UNION for freedom of speech (which i later learned was speaking about palestine on their social media page); and regardless of what the cause was even about, once i heard about a corpco suing their fucking workers union, i was like i'm out this bitch. so, i was like... cool, starbucks that's not on my dollar? i'll take it.
right as i was about to, dumbly, say thanks and ask what they're doing it for, this girl was like (idr if it was 1 or 2) (1) "it's the cost of the life of a palestinian child" or (2) "it's at the cost of the death of a palestinian child." it was something along those lines, but it was loud around me and i was in shock lmao. i just stood there and blinked for a moment, and she leaned back/crossed her arms like she was expecting some kind of argument, but i don't think she was expecting me to be "on their side." i just kind of stupidly said "this isn't even real, this is just... fake." i was meaning fake activisim, but my brain was fucking short circuiting.
i was like "this isn't on my dollar... it's on yours. starbucks already already has this money, if you don't use the card it is just plain waste."
because... if you buy a giftcard and don't put it towards the company that you paid, you are just saving them cups, ingredients, etc. they are SAVING money off you if you don't spend it. it is literally already paid for, so put it to use.
and she just stared at me dumbfounded, mouth open/close kind of thing, and the people next to her were not eager to intervene. so, i was like "this is on you. if this funds the war, you already funded it." and i just grabbed another off the stool and was like, "thanks for the free starbucks."
idk why, but i was jittering out of my skin. the adrenaline was high and i was pissed OFF. like... are you stupid? jesus christ, read a book and touch grass before you do some shit like this. there is a whole wide world of resources available to learn about how you can make a difference rather than give hundreds of dollars worth of revenue to a company you are boycotting. make it make sense??? idk, there was definitely some kind of disconnect there. i almost wished they would have said something back rather than me just awkwardly stutter at them, but maybe i just gave them food for thought and they were chewing?
i KNOW schnucks is damn well NOT letting y'all sit outside on their time for free lmao. once they see you, they will get you. someone is bound to complain.
<tl;dr> very misguided "pro-palestine" demonstration: a bunch of ppl bought out a starbucks of their giftcards and were handing them out for free*, then a very one-sided argument ensues. *free, meaning "at the cost of the life of a palestinian child," their words.
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carefulfears · 1 year
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thinking about tena taking the photos of her children out of the frames and burning them before she died and mulder’s first reaction being “this is all she had left of us”
and how he could’ve said “this is all she had left of her,” but he didn’t, and he’s right. it is all there was left of them. all there was left of two kids playing baseball and arguing over a board game. all there was left of him before he was walking into the same room every day, before he was chasing ghosts, before no one talked about it.
all there was left of there being nothing to chase, of being still, of being a whole person to someone, knowing where you stand in the world.
it’s all she had left of her children, together and complete for some of the last times, and it’s crime scene evidence to cover up.
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primatechnosynthpop · 5 months
Since we started rewatching the x files I've been kinda thinking about combining it with dungeon meshi what with the missing sisters of it all but we just got to the episode "paper hearts" and now I'm REALLY thinking about it. The question is would the scully analogue be marcille (her line of study kind of lines up with scully's background in medicine) or kabru (this would moreso fit the initial dynamic of scully being assigned to keep an eye on mulder) or a secret third option
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fxirytxlcfxtc · 7 months
Tag Dump, 7/??
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spent a little over two weeks leading up to black friday telling my boss repeatedly "hey we have like. 100+ boxes of accessories in the back of house that haven't been put out yet and space hasn't been made for them and with how few people and how little time you're giving us to work on them, we won't get the accessories out in time for black friday" and she kept being like "don't worry about it, we'll get it done, it'll be fine"
and low and behold. wednesday before the black friday, last day to prep stuff beforehand, and we still have 25-30 boxes of stuff in the back that we didn't get to. and I'm not gonna say I told you so, but. I fucking told her so.
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