#samani kills
bar00knee · 6 months
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i miss her
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loverdude · 6 months
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Some favs heheheheee
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vanillabeenflower · 2 years
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have a nurse kills :]
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Former brigadier general Mohammed Hamo, 65, who lives in Sweden, is accused of "aiding and abetting" war crimes and could get a life jail sentence. 
The war between President Bashar al-Assad's regime and armed opposition groups, including Islamic State, erupted after the government repressed peaceful pro-democracy protests in 2011.
It has killed more than half a million people, displaced millions, and ravaged Syria's economy and infrastructure. 
Wearing a dark blue shirt, jeans and sneakers, Hamo listened carefully and took notes as prosecutor Karolina Wieslander read out the charges.
Wieslander said Hamo had contributed -- through "advice and action" -- to the Syrian army's warfare, which "systematically included attacks carried out in violation of the principles of distinction, caution and proportionality." 
"The warfare was thus indiscriminate," Wieslander told the court.
The charges concern the period of January 1 to July 20, 2012. The trial is expected to last until late May.
The prosecutor said the Syrian army's "widespread air and ground attacks"  caused damage "at a scale that was disproportionate in view of the concrete and immediate general military advantages that could be expected to be achieved." 
In his role as brigadier general and head of an armament division, Hamo allegedly helped coordinate and supply arms to units.
Hamo's lawyer, Mari Kilman, told the court her client denied criminal responsibility.
"In any case he has not had the intent towards the main charge, that indiscriminate warfare would be carried out by others," Kilman said.
Kilman said the officer could not be held liable for the actions "as he had acted in a military context and had to follow orders."
Hamo also denied all individual charges and argued that Syrian law should be applied.
Several plaintiffs are to testify at the trial, including Syrians from cities that were attacked and a British photographer who was injured during one strike.
'Complete impunity'
"The attacks in and around Homs and Hama in 2012 resulted in widespread civilian harm and an immense destruction of civilian properties," Aida Samani, senior legal advisor at rights group Civil Rights Defenders, told AFP.
"The same conduct has been repeated systematically by the Syrian army in other cities across Syria with complete impunity."
This trial will be the first in Europe "to address these types of indiscriminate attacks by the Syrian army", according to Samani, who added that it "will be the first opportunity for victims of the attacks to have their voices heard in an independent court".
Hamo is the highest-ranking military official to go on trial in Europe, though other countries have tried to bring charges against more senior members.
In March, Swiss prosecutors charged Rifaat al-Assad, an uncle of President Bashar al-Assad, with war crimes and crimes against humanity.
However, it remains unlikely Rifaat al-Assad – who recently returned to Syria after 37 years in exile – will show up for the trial, for which a date has yet to be set.
Swiss law allows for trials in absentia under certain conditions.
In November, France issued an international arrest warrant for Bashar al-Assad, accusing him of complicity in crimes against humanity and war crimes over chemical attacks in 2013.
Three other international warrants were also issued for the arrests of Bashar al-Assad's brother Maher, the de-facto chief of the army's elite Fourth Division and two generals.
In January 2022, a German court sentenced former colonel Anwar Raslan to life jail for crimes against humanity. This was the first international trial over state-sponsored torture in Syria and was hailed by victims as a victory for justice.
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uraharafiles · 3 months
file : interesting creatures (#1): spinosaurus !
info requested by anon! rhykar copypasted the ENTIRE spinosaurus fun facts post in our drafts onto this post; therefore, thank us both for this one!
the spinosaurus aegyptiacus was a spinosaurid dinosaur that lived in what is now north africa, its reign taking place in the mid and late cretaceous period around 93.5 to 110 million years ago, in the cenomanian and albain ages. it went extinct near the end f the cretaceous period.
the spinosaurus aegyptiacus' habitat consisted mostly of mangrove forests and tidal flats (muddy, marshy areas of mostly flat land that tend to be covered in sea or delta water). most of the area it lived in included the land that now harbors egypt and morocco.
spinosaurus fossils have been found in egypt, morocco, tunisia, libya, kenya and algeria, in the bahariya formation (egypt)*, aoufous and tegana formations [kem kem beds] (morocco), chenini formation (tunisia), cabao formation (libya), turkana grits formation (kenya), and gara samani, algeria, as well as the ain el guettar formation, also in tunisia. (fossils of similar spinosaurid have been found in thailand, southern england, brazil, niger, laos, and the isle of wight, among others. pelvic bones and vertebrae found to belong to the spinosaurus aegyptiacus have also been found on the isle of wight.)
the first spinosaurus aegyptiacus fossils were found in the bahariya oasis, in the western egypt desert! these fossils were discovered in 1912, and the spinosaurus was named by paleontologist ernst stromer. the original remains were destroyed in world war 2, on april 24th, 1944.
"spinosaurus" translates from latin. it literally just means "spined lizard."
as is generally obvious knowledge, jurassic park was ridiculously inaccurate. there's a lot, but here's a few!
1: the spinosaurus in the movie had inaccurate jaw strength; a real spinosaurus, who would probably have never even encountered a tyrannosaurus rex, would never have had to adapt to develop a bite force strong enough to break a nearly fully-grown tyrannosaur's neck. (probably not any tyrannosaur- not just the rex.)
2: the nasal horn on the spinosaurus in the movie was unrealistically sharp; paleontology has generally shown that it was probably more blunt.
3: the lacrimal ridges on the spinosaurus in the movie were too small for a spinosaurus the age of the one in the movie. a scientific accuracy would have shown a spinosaurus with a much bigger and more developed set of lacrimal ridges.
4: it is trivial knowledge that the spinosaurus aegyptiacus was bigger than the tyrannosaurus rex; the one in the movie was barely a handful of inches taller than the tyrannosaurus rex it killed; that tyrannosaurus rex was also a juvenile.
we used to nearly collectively think that the spinosaurus hunted in deep rivers and on ocean shores, but recent studies have shown substantial evidence that the spinosaurus was more like a gigantic, evil, probably very smart reptilian heron from hell.
spinosaurus most likely spent more time on the river shores of their north african habitats than inland. evidence of this conclusion includes: a) its nostrils are positioned toward the middle of its snout, suggesting it could mostly submerge itself in order to hide from territorial rivals. b) its pelvis was smaller than most other large carniverous theropods, which suggests that it used the things attached to said pelvis, the tail and hind legs, to chase after quick-moving small riverside creatures and assist itself in submerging into rivers when it had to hide. c) the vertebrae of its tail was also oddly loosely connected, which suggests it used it as a sort of balance to swim or run after riverside prey rather than using it as an aid in deep-sea plunder.
recently discovered evidence suggests that the spinosaurus may have been covered in a skin membrane that could change color, which would have assisted in temperature regulation in cold rivers and potentially have aided in attracting mates and intimidating other dinosaurs. the membrane may have also enabled the spinosaurus to act something like the indominus rex, changing its color to camoflauge itself with its surroundings to hunt, or to hide if a water source was not available or safe to hide in.
we used to think the spinosaurus's sail was used solely for swimming and temperature regulation. but recent discoveries seem to suggest otherwise- the sail may have been used for social displays or species recognition. some also believe the sail was used to store water and lipids in case a river any individual spinosaurus lived near began to dry up.
*1: the particular location mentioned, in more specifics, would be the bahariya oasis in the western desert of egypt.
sources : the dominating source i'd like to give credit to for the information in this post is rhykar, my lovely nerdy professional ghost hunting boyfriend, fellow owner and creator and primary organization person of this account!
send an ask if you want more info, or if you've got more to share! please use this post as a source if you post or use information you found on it!
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ladyinsertnamehere · 2 years
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Sparkletober day 8: humanization
Samani Kills
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frierenscript · 2 months
Episode 10 : A Powerful Mage / 第10話『強い魔法使い(Tsuyoi Mahotsukai)』
*Green colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them "ani-ori(anime-original)".
Furīren “Furanme.”
Frieren “Flamme.”
Furanme “…‘Sensei’.”
Flamme “You mean ‘Master’.”
Furanme “Nanda?”
Flamme “What is it?”
Furīren “Senseiwa hontoni hikyo-dato omotteruno?”
Frieren “Do you really think it’s unfair?”
Furanme “Furīren. Bazarutono saigono kotobawa oboeteruka?”
Flamme “Frieren, do you remember Basalt’s last words?”
Furīren “Oboete-nai. Aitsurawa, kotobade ningen’o taburakasun-dayo.”
Frieren “No. Their kind uses words only to deceive humans.”
Furanme “Soda. Yatsurawa kotobao hanasu-dakeno mamononi suginai. Sorega, watashiga mazokuto yobu mono-tachino shotaida. Yatsurawa hikyoda. Naraba watashi-tachiwa soreijono hikyo-mononi nareba ii. Sorede mazokuo nedayashini dekiruno-nara, watashiwa yorokonde sono omeio kiyo.”
Flamme “That’s right. They’re nothing more than monsters capable of speech. That’s the true nature of the creatures I call demons. They don’t play fair, so we must be even more unfair. If it allows me to exterminate demonkind, then I will gladly embrace this dishonor.”
リュグナー「……出血が止まらん… …ここまでか…」
Ryugunā “……Shukketsuga tomaran… …Kokomadeka…”
Lügner “The bleeding won’t stop. This is the end.”
Ferun “Korede anata-tachino keikakuwa shippai desu.”
Fern “Your plan has failed.”
リュグナー「…そうだな… …だが、フリーレンは無事では済むまい… 奴は今頃、アウラ様と戦っているはずだ…
前回は勇者一行のせいで撤退を余儀なくされたが… …今はもう彼女を守る勇者たちは存在しない。
…確かにフリーレンは我らの脅威だ… …だが魔力はアウラ様に遠く及ばず… 
Ryugunā “…Sodana… …Daga, Furīrenwa buji-dewa sumu-mai… Yatsu wa imagoro, Aura-samato tatakatte-iru hazuda… Zenkaiwa yusha-ikkono seide tettaio yogi-naku saretaga, imawa mo kanojo’o mamoru yusha-tachiwa sonzai shinai. …Tashikani Furīrenwa warerano kyoida. Daga maryokuwa Aura-samani tooku oyobazu… …Shomen-kara tatakaeba, Furīrenwa kanarazu makeru…”
Lügner “You’re right. But Frieren won’t escape unscathed. She must be fighting Lady Aura by now. Previously, we were forced to retreat by the party of heroes. But this time, there are no heroes to protect her. It’s true that Frieren is a threat to us, but she has far less mana than Lady Aura. If she engages her directly, Frieren will lose.”
Ferun “Nara, Furīren-samaga kachimasune. Ano hitowa, mazokuto shomen-kara tatakau-yona manewa zettaini shimasen. Kanarazu Aurao azamuite koroshi-masu.”
Fern “Then Ms.Frieren will win. She’d never directly engage a demon. I know she’ll trick Aura and kill her.”
Ryugunā “…Bakana. Itsu-datte, yatsu… Sosono Furīrenwa, warerao shomen-kara…”
Lügner “Nonsense. Frieren the Slayer has always engaged us directly.”
リュグナー(…なんだこの違和感は… ……小娘の脆弱な魔力… …私は確かにこいつの迅速な魔法の物量に押し切られた… …だが何故魔力切れを起こさずそんな芸当ができた…?)
Ryugunā (…Nanda, kono iwakanwa… ……Komusumeno zeijakuna maryoku… …Watashiwa tashikani koitsuno jinsokuna mahono butsuryoni oshi-kirareta… …Daga naze maryoku-gireo okosazu, sonna geitoga dekita…?)
Lügner (Why do I feel like something is wrong? This girl’s mana is weak, and yet I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of her rapid attacks. But how was she able to do that without exhausting her mana?)
リュグナー「…そうか… …まさか、そんなことが… …フリーレンも同じなんだな… …卑怯者め… お前達は魔法使いの風上にも置けない…」
Ryugunā “…Soka… …Masaka, sonna kotoga… …Furīrenmo onaji nandana… …Hikyomonome… Omae-tachiwa mahotsukaino kazakami-nimo okenai…”
Lügner “I understand now. Is that even possible? So Frieren does the same. What you’ve done isn’t fair. You’re a disgrace to all mages.”
Ferun “Sorewa Furīren-samaga ichiban yoku wakatte-irukoto desu.”
Fern “Ms.Frieren knows that better than anyone.”
Furanme “Hidee arisama dana. Erufuno shurakuka.”
Flamme “What a dreadful sight. Looks like an elf village.”
Furanme “Gyokuzano Bazaruto. Mao-gunno shougunno hitori dana. Gunzeio hikiite, shurakuo tsubushini kitatte tokoroka.”
Flamme “Basalt the Throne, a general of the Demon King’s army. He must’ve led his forces here to destroy this village.”
Furanme “Koitsuo koroshita-nowa omaeka? Sokono shini-kake.”
Flamme “Are you the one who killed him? You seem nearly dead yourself.”
Furanme “Sugoi maryokuda. Omae tsuyoi-daro? Mazokuto shomen-kara tatakatta-noka.”
Flamme “That’s a lot of mana. You must be powerful. Did you engage the demons directly?”
Furanme “Kudaranee. Tonda baka dana. Doshite shomen-kara tatakai-tagaru kane? Nigeru, kakureru, fui-uchi suru. Ikura-demo sentakushiwa aru-daroga. Tsuyoi mahotsukaino kimochiwa wakaranee.”
Flamme “What a fool you are. Why do people always engage their enemies directly? Run, hide, take your enemies by surprise…There are plenty of other options. I’ll never understand strong mages.”
Furīren “Wakaru-hazuda…”
Frieren “But you do.”
Furanme “Ha?”
Flamme “What?”
フリーレン「…あなたには私の気持ちがわかるはずだ… …あなたのほうが遥かに強い魔法使いだから…」
Furīren “…Anataniwa watashino kimochiga wakaru-hazuda. Anatano hoga, harukani tsuyoi mahotsukai dakara…”
Frieren “You should understand how I feel… because you’re a far more powerful mage.”
Furanme “Doshite so omotta?”
Flamme “What makes you say that?”
Furīren “Nantonaku.”
Frieren “Just a feeling.”
Furanme “Omae, namaewa?”
Flamme “What’s your name?”
Furīren “Shurakuwa donattano?”
Frieren “What happened to the village?”
Furanme “Zenmetsuda. Onna-kodomomo mina-goroshi.”
Flamme “Its people are dead, down to the last woman and child.”
Furīren “…Mamore-nakatta. …Watashiga ichiban tsuyokatta-noni.”
Frieren “I was the strongest, but I still couldn’t protect them.”
Furanme “Hontoni baka dana. Watashiga omaeno tachiba-nara, mayowazu nigete-ita.”
Flamme “You really are a fool. If I’d been in your shoes, I wouldn’t have hesitated to run.”
Furīren “Oroshite.”
Frieren “Put me down.”
Furanme “Orosanai. Omae-niwa sainoga aru. Watashino deshini suru. Soreni, wakatte-iru hazuda. Watashiga toori-kakarana-kereba, Omaewa shindeita. Omaewa shurakumo mamore-nakatta-ueni, shinu-tokoro dattanda. Mojidoori, muda-jinida.
Flamme “No. You have potential. You’re going to be my apprentice. And you know you wouldn’t have survived if I hadn’t happened upon you. On top of failing to protect the village, you nearly died yourself. Your death truly would’ve been in vain.”
Franme “Otte dana. Omaega koroshita shogun-yori tsuyoizo.”
Flamme “We’re being pursued. They’re stronger than the general you killed.”
Furanme “Omoshiroi-yona, koitsura. Chokuzen-made maryokuo kanzenni keshite, yamiuchi-suruki manman-datta kuseni, kocchiga mahotsukaito wakaruya-inaya, dodoto sugatao arawashi-yagatta. Koitsurawa hikyode kokatsu daga, dojini doitsumo koitsumo, kudaranee maho-eno hokorio motte-iyagaru.”
Flamme “Interesting creatures, aren’t they? They had every intention of catching us off guard by concealing their mana until just before they struck, but the moment they realized we were mages, they stepped out into the open. They’re cunning and they don’t play fair, but every last one of them has a ridiculous sense of pride when it comes to magic.”
Mazoku “Ningenno mahotsukai. Sono erufuno onnao oite-ike.”
Demon “Human mage, leave the elf girl and go.”
Furanme “So-shitara minogashite-kuren-noka?”
Flamme “Will you let me go if I do?”
Mazoku “Erufuo mina-goroshini shiro. Sorega Mao-samano meireida. Omaeno inochi-nado, do-demo-ii.”
Demon “’Kill all the elves.’ Those were the Demon King’s orders. Your life matters not to me.”
Furanme “Sokai. Furīren, tashikani watashiwa, tsuyoi mahotsukaino kimochiga itai-hodo yoku wakaru. Koitsurano kimochimo, teni toru-yoni wakarusa. Ima-made kensan shitekita, mizukarano mahoni taisuru jishin to shinrai. Yosuruni, kuso-mitaina ogorito yudanda.”
Flamme “I see. Frieren, it’s true that I’m painfully aware of what it’s like to be a powerful mage. I know exactly how these creatures feel, too. I know the absolute confidence they have in the magics they’ve studied. In other words, they’re stupidly proud and overconfident.”
Furanme “Furīren, omaeto chigatte koitsurawa, watashio zakoto handan-shita-rashii. Koitsurawa kaku-ueno, takuetsu-shita mahotsukai dattaga, sasaina yudande inochio otoshita.”
Flamme “Frieren, unlike you, they judged me a weakling. Though they were exceptional mages, their overconfidence cost them their lives.”
Furīren “……Taigaini hoshutsu-suru maryokuo seigen-shite, tsuyosao gonin saseta…”
Frieren “You hid your strength by controlling how much mana you release.”
Furanme “Soda. Aitega gonin-shita maryokuno gosade azamuite korosu. Hokori-takaki maho’o guro-shita, hikyode saiteina tatakai-katada.”
Flamme “That’s right. Deceive and kill your enemies by allowing them to miscalculate your strength. It’s a cowardly and unfair way to fight that makes a mockery of magic.”
Furanme “Kizumo daibu yoku-natte-kitana. Soro-soro shugyo‘o hajimeruka.”
Flamme “Your injuries are looking a lot better. Shall we begin your training?”
Furīren “Furanme.”
Frieren “Flamme.”
Furanme “’Sensei’ da.”
Flamme “You mean ‘Master’.”
Furīren “Watashiwa mazokuni subeteo ubawareta.”
Frieren “Demons took everything from me.”
Furanme “Watashimoda.”
Flamme “Me, too.”
Furīren “Mazokuo nedayashini shitai-hodo nikui.”
Frieren “I hate them so much that I wish I could exterminate every last one.”
Furanme “Watashimoda.”
Flamme “Me, too.”
Furīren “Keredomo, watashiwa mahoga sukide…”
Frieren “But I love magic.”
Furanme “Watashimo sukida.”
Flamme “So do I.”
Furanme “Dakara maho’o gurosuru-yona hikyo-monowa, watashi-tachi dakede ii.”
Flamme “Which is why only you and I should become cowards who make a mockery of magic.”
Furīren “Shugyotte nanio sureba iino?”
Frieren “What should I do to train?”
Furanme “Taigaini hoshutsu-suru maryokuo ju-bunno-ichi ikani osaete-miro.”
Flamme “Try limiting the mana you release to one-tenth of its normal volume.”
Furanme “Sasuga dana. Yoku seigyo dekite-iru.”
Flamme “Impressive. You’re controlling it well.”
Furīren “Kono-teido, erufu-nara dare-demo dekiruyo.”
Frieren “Any elf can do this.”
Furanme “Atowa heiko-shite kihon-kunrenda. Kiso-tekina maryokuo agete-iku.”
Flamme “While you do that, we’ll work on your fundamentals and raise your base mana level.”
Furīren “Sore-dakede iino?”
Frieren “That’s all?”
Furanme “Kantan daro?”
Flamme “Simple, right?”
Furīren “Tokorode kono maryokuno seigenwa, dono-kurai tsuzuke-reba iino? Amari nagaito, tsukarerun-dakedo.”
Frieren “By the way, how long should I keep suppressing my mana? It starts to get tiring if I do it for too long.”
Furanme “Watashito onaji-kurai. Isshoda. Omaewa issho’o kakete, mazokuo azamukunda.”
Flamme “As long as I do. For life. You’ll spend your entire life fooling demons.”
Aura “Ryugunāga shinda-wane.”
Aura “Lügner is dead.”
Furīren “Korede, kubikiri-yakuninwa zenmetsuda. Shippai shitane. Aura.”
Frieren “Now all your executioners have been eliminated. You’ve failed, Aura.”
Aura “Sone. Zannen dawa. Demo, kokode anatao shitome-rarereba, senkato shitewa jubun.”
Aura “You’re right. It’s a shame. But if I can defeat you here, then it won’t have been for nothing.”
Aura “Anatawa kono tatakaide, takusanno fushino gunzeio watashino shihaika-kara kaihou shita-wane. Kono watashino maede, sonnani ookuno maryokuo shohi-shite daijobu nano-kashira?”
Aura “In this battle, you’ve released numerous immortal soldiers from my control. Was it wise to expend so much mana against me?”
Furīren (Fukujuno Tenbin. Tenbinni tagaino tamashiio nose, yori maryokuno ookii-hoga aiteo fukuju-saseru. Konna risukuno takai maho’o atsukaeru-nowa, Aurano zetsudaina maryokuga atte-no koto. Maryokuwa kihon-tekini, tanren’o tsumi-kasaneta nengetsuni hirei-shite zoka shite-iku. Afure-dasu Aurano maryoku-kara tsutawatte-kuru. Auraga gohyaku-nen-ijo ikita dai-mazokude arukoto. Sono shogaino hotondo’o, tanrenni tsuiyashita koto. …Gohyaku-nenka. Mazokuno nakademo kanarino chojuda. Ima-made teki-nashi dattano-daro. Taigaino maryokuno ryo-dakedemo, koredakeno johoga teni hairu. Soredemo mazokuwa maryokuo tsutsumi-kakusa-naishi, tsutsumi-kakuse-nai.)
Frieren (The Scales of Obedience. When two souls are placed on the scale, Aura can only use such a risky spell because of her tremendous amount of mana. Generally speaking, a person’s mana increases in proportion with the time spent training. I can feel it in the mana pouring off Aura. She’s a great demon who has lived for over five hundred years, and she’s spent most of her life training. Five hundred years, huh? That’s fairly long-lived for a demon. I doubt she’s been challenged before. I can learn so much just from the mana flowing off her. Regardless, demos don’t conceal their mana- nor can they.)
Furīren “Aware da.”
Frieren “A pity.”
Aura “Azeryūze.”
Aura “Auserlese.”
Furīren “Sensei.”
Frieren “Master.”
Furīren “Mazokutte zuru-gashikoin-dayone. Nande sensei-mitaini, tsuneni maryokuo seigen shitari shinain-daro.”
Frieren “Demons are cunning, aren’t they? Why don’t they constantly suppress their mana like you do?”
Furanme “Dekinee-nosa. Mazokuwa kojin-shugino sekaito ittemo, jinruito tatakau tame-no saiteigenno soshiki-tekina tsunagario motte-iru. Soshikini hitsuyo-na monotte nandato omou?”
Flamme “They can’t. Demons are individualists, but they form the barest connections needed to fight against humankind. What do you think an organization needs to function?”
Furīren “Chitsujo kana.”
Frieren “Order?”
Furanme “Soda. Yowa, soshikio matomeru erai yatsuga hitsuyotte kotoda. Hitono baai wa, tatoeba kono kuni-no renchuwa, chiiya zaisande erai-yatsuga kimaru. Ano kyuden-kara dete-kita, minarino-iinoga erai-yatsuda. Hitono erasawa wakari-zurai. Dakara aa-yatte kikazatte, mitamede wakaru-yoni surunda.”
Flamme “That’s right. In other words, you need someone important to lead an organization. In the case of humans, importance is determined by status and wealth, like they do in this nation. That well-dressed man exiting that palace is a man of importance. It’s hard to tell which humans are important, so they dress themselves up to make it obvious.”
Furīren “Mazokuwa chigauno?”
Frieren “Demons are different?”
Furanme “Yatsura wa jibun-tachiga mamono-datta koroto nanimo kawatte-inai. Tsuyoi-yatsuga erainda. Hito yori zutto wakari-yasui. Tsuyosatte-nowa, mireba wakaru.”
Flamme “They haven’t changed a bit since they were monsters. Might makes right. It’s far easier to understand than humans. You can tell who’s strong just by looking at them.”
Furīren “Maryoku-dane.”
Frieren “You mean mana.”
Furanme “Yatsurani totteno maryokuwa, hitoni totteno chiiya zaisanda. Songen sonomonoto ittemo-ii. Onmitsuno shudanto-shite, ichiji-tekini maryokuo seigen-surukotowa attemo, tsune-higoro-kara maryokuo seigen-suru baka-nante sonzai-shinai. Dokozono kizokuga oshinobide joka-machini orite-kuru-noto, chiimo zaisanmo sutete mio otosu-notoja, mattaku chigau hanashi daro? Soshite, maryokuno hikui renchuni songenga atae-rareru-hodo, mazokuno Sekaiwa amaku-nai. Dakara chikarano tsuyoi mazoku-hodo, hisshini maryokuo koji-surunda. Yatsurani tottewa, tsuneni maryokuo seigen-suru meritto nante kaimu dashi, somo-somo sonna hasso sura-nai.”
Flamme “Mana is to them what status and wealth are for humans. It’s dignity itself. They may temporarily suppress their mana for the sake of stealth, but none are foolish enough to suppress their mana all the time. It’s the difference between a noble sneaking out into town incognito and that same noble debasing themselves by abandoning their status and wealth entirely. The world of demons is cruel. They’d never grant any dignity to those with little mana. So the stronger they are, the more desperate they are to show off their mana. For them, there’s no benefit to constantly suppressing their mana. It doesn’t even occur to them to do it.”
Furanme “Aware dayona. Hitoga chiiya zaisanni shibarareru-yoni, mazokuwa maryokuni shibararete-iru. Yatsurawa maho’o hokorini omoi, dare-yorimo mahoga suki-nanoni, onoreno maryoku-sura, jiyuni dekinai.”
Flamme “It’s a pity, isn’t it? Just as humans are bound by status and wealth, demons are bound by mana. Despite their pride in and unparalleled love for magic, they can’t control their own mana.”
Franme “Furīren, mazokuja nakute yokattana.”
Flamme “Frieren, you’re lucky you’re not a demon.”
Furīren “Sodane. Okagede mazokuo azamukeru.”
Frieren “You’re right. I wouldn’t be able to deceive them if I were.”
フランメ「魔力の制限を始めてから3年か… 私の見込みは間違っていなかったな。」
Furanme “Maryokuno seigen’o hajimete-kara san-nenka… Watashino mikomiwa machigatte-inakattana.”
Flamme “It’s been three years since you started suppressing your mana. Looks like I was right about you.”
Furanme “Daibu samani natte-kitana. Furīren, mada mahowa sukika?”
Flamme “You’ve grown much better at that. Frieren, do you still love magic?”
Furīren “Totsuzen doshitano Sensei? Hodo-hodo kana.”
Frieren “Where did that come from, Master? Somewhat, I suppose.”
Furanme “Omaewa zutto mukashi, mahoga suki-dato hakkiri kotaeta.”
Flamme “Long ago, you once confidently answered that you loved magic.”
Furīren “Tatta goju-nenmae desho.”
Frieren “That was only fifty years ago.”
Furanme “Sodana. Kekkyoku, watashiwa omaeni tatakaino koto-shika oshie-nakatta. Fukushuno tameno mahoda.”
Flamme “You’re right. In the end, all I could do was teach you to fight. Magic for revenge.”
Furīren “Kokai shite-iruno?”
Frieren “Do you regret it?”
Furanme “Iiya. Omaeni watashino maho’o takushite yokattato omotte-iru. Omaeno nagai jumyo-nara, itsuka Mao’o taoseru-hodono takamini tadori-tsukeru.”
Flamme “No. I’m glad I taught my magic to you. Given how long you’ll live, you might eventually become strong enough to defeat the Demon King.”
Furanme “Furīren, hitotsu tanomiga aru.”
Flamme “Frieren, I have one request.”
Furīren “Nani?”
Frieren “What is it?”
Furanme “Watashino hakano mawariwa hana-batakeni shite-kure.”
Flamme “Plant flowers around my grave.”
Furīren “Niawa-naine.”
Frieren “That doesn’t seem like you.”
Furanme “Sodana.”
Flamme “I know.”
Furanme “Furīren. Watashino ichiban sukina mahowa, kireina hana-batakeo dasu mahoda. Chiisai-koro, ryoshinga oshiete-kuretena. Mahoga sukini-natta kikkakeda.”
Flamme “Frieren, my favorite spell creates a field of beautiful flowers. My parents taught it to me when I was little. It’s what made me love magic.”
Furīren “Fūn.”
Frieren “Huh.”
Furīren “Sono maho, oshieteyo.”
Frieren “Teach me that spell.”
Furanme “Iika, Furīren. Rekishini nao nokoso-nante kangaeru-nayo. Medatazu ikiro. Omaega rekishini nao nokosu-nowa, Mao’o bukkorosu-tokida.”
Flamme “Listen to me, Frieren. You must never seek to leave your name in history. Live in obscurity. You won’t leave your name in history until you defeat the Demon King.”
Hinmeru “Kono morini nagaku ikita mahotsukaiga iruto kiita. Sorewa kimika?
Himmel “I’ve heard there’s a long-lived mage in these woods. Are you her?”
Furīren “Nagaku ikitato ittemo, dara-dara ikiteita-dake dayo. Yushuna wakeja nai.”
Frieren “I’ve lived a long time, but I haven’t done much with my life. I’m not exceptional.”
Aizen “Do omou, Haitā?”
Eisen “What do you think, Heiter?”
Haitā “Maryokuwa watashino go-bunno-ichi kurai desune. Maa-maa to itta-tokoro desu.”
Heiter “She has roughly one-fifth of my mana. It’s not bad.”
Furīren “Nanda koitsu, muka-tsukuna. Kaerinayo. Maa-maano mahotsukaini yowa naidesho?”
Frieren “Who’s this irritating guy? Leave. You don’t have business with a mediocre mage, do you?”
Hinmeru “Iya, kimiwa bokuga deatte-kita dono mahotsukai-yorimo tsuyoi.”
Himmel “No, you’re stronger than any mage I’ve ever met.”
Furīren “Doshite so omouno?”
Frieren “What makes you say that?”
Hinmeru “Nanto-nakuda.”
Himmel “Just a feeling.”
Aura “Azeryūze.”
Aura “Auserlese.”
Furīren “Ureshi-sodane, Aura. Shorio kakushin shite-iruno?”
Frieren “You seem happy, Aura. Are you certain you’ll win?”
Aura “Imani wakaruwa.”
Aura “You’ll see.”
Aura (Sosono Furīren. Hachiju-nen-hodo-maeni hajimete omote-butaini sugatao arawashi, yusha-ikkoto tomoni Mao-samao taoshita, nazoni michita nenrei-fushono erufuno mahotsukai. Demo, anataga dore-dake nagaku ikita mahotsukaika-nante, do-demo ii. Anatano maryokuga subeteo mono-gatatte-iru. Teni-toru-yoni wakaru. Anatawa yushuna mahotsukai dakeredomo, maryoku-jitaiwa sorehodo-demo nai. Tanren’o tsunda-nowa, sei-zei awasete hyakunen-teido. Shikamo, hachiju-nen-maeto taishite kawatte-inai. Maryoku igaino gijutsuo migaite-itanoka, soretomo dara-darato ikiteita-noka, dochirani-seyo watashi-niwa tooku oyoba-nai.)
Aura (Frieren the Slayer. You made your first major appearance eighty years ago. With the party of heroes, you defeated the Demon King. You’re a mysterious elven mage whose age is unknown. But it doesn’t matter how long-lived a mage you are. Your mana tells me everything I need to know. I can see it quite clearly. You’re an exceptional mage, but your mana itself is unimpressive. You can’t have had more than a hundred years or so of training. Not only that, but you’ve barely changed since eighty years ago. Were you honing other skills instead of working on your mana? Or were you simply wasting your life away? Either way, you are no match for me.)
Aura “Watashino kachiyo. Atowa kono watashi jiki-jikini, anatano kubio otoshite-ageru.”
Aura “I win. All that’s left is to sever your head myself.”
Aura (Kore-nara, Furīren-no maryokuo shomo-saseru mademo nakattawa. Sukoshi keikai-shisugita. Fush-no gunzeimo daibu yarare-chattashi, atode hoju-shinaito…)
Aura (It wasn’t necessary to exhaust Frieren’s mana. I needn’t have been so cautious. She defeated many of my immortal soldiers, too. I’ll have to replenish their numbers later.)
Aura (……Nanda? Tenbinga Furīrenno honi katamuite-iku…)
Aura (What’s this? The scales are starting to tip toward Frieren.)
Furīren “Watashino tamashiio tenbinni nosetana, Aura. Shojiki kono-mama gunzeino butsuryode osarete-itara abunakatta-keredomo, omaega jibunno maryokuni jishin’o motte-ite yokatta. Yatto omaeo taoseru.”
Frieren “You placed my soul on the scales, Aura. Honestly, I would’ve been in trouble if you’d tried to overwhelm me with numbers. I’m glad you’re so confident in your own mana. Now I can finally defeat you.”
Aura “Do-iu-koto?”
Aura “What do you mean?”
Furīren “Mo kiga tsuite-iru hazuda. Watashiwa maryokuo seigen-shiteita. Omaewa miayamattanda, Aura.”
Frieren “You should’ve figured it out by now. I’ve been suppressing my mana. You misjudged the situation, Aura.”
Aura “Sonna hazuwa naiwa. Sore-nara, kono watashiga minogasu hazuga nai. Anatano maryoku-niwa, seigen-tokuyuno fuanteisamo, wazukana buremo nakatta.”
Aura “That’s impossible. That wouldn’t have escaped my notice. There was no hint of the instability or variation in mana output that comes with suppression.”
Furīren “Odoroita. Mazokuwa soko-made seikakuni maryokuo kansoku dekiru-noka. Senseino yarikatawa tadashikatta-mitaida. Watashiwa ikite-kita jikanno hotondo’o, maryokuo seigen-shite sugoshita. Kono jotaiga shizenni naru-hodoni…”
Frieren “I’m surprised. Demons are capable of observing mana that precisely? Sounds like my master made the right call with her methods. I’ve spent most of my life suppressing my mana. This state has become natural for me.”
Aura “Bakaja naino? Nande sonna wakeno wakaranai koto…”
Aura “Are you stupid? Why would you do something so pointless?”
Furīren “Sodane. Baka-mitaida. Demo, omae-tachini kateru.”
Frieren “You’re right. It’s stupid. But it lets me beat your kind.”
Aura “…Fuzakeruna. Watashiwa gohyaku-nen-ijo ikita daimazokuda.”
Aura “This is absurd. I’m a great demon who’s lived for over five hundred years.”
Furīren “Aura, omaeno maeni iru-nowa, sen-nen-ijo ikita mahotsukaida.”
Frieren “Aura, the person standing before you… is a mage who’s lived for over a thousand years.”
Furanme “Furīren, mazokuga kotobade hito’o azamuku-yoni, omaewa maryokude mazokuo azamukunda.”
Flamme “Frieren. Just as demons deceive humankind with words, you must use your mana to deceive demons.”
Furīren “Aura, jigai shiro.”
Frieren “Aura, kill yourself.”
アウラ「…ありえない… この私が…」
Aura “Arienai… Kono watashiga…”
Aura “Impossible. H-How could I…?”
(Continue to Episode 11)
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arkad322 · 3 months
for your a mangled faith do the Hashira ever come across the group or do they meet them during the events of the show like the kids are on their own at first but then meet the Hashira after the final selection? and if they did meet, how will it go will Shinobu, aoi and Kanoe form a bond, would Samani and genya relationship be better or like the original, would tanjiro and nezuko bond with giyuu?
Well the au is still kinda in the making I was thinking that they kinda meet the hashira after some important moments like Idk how to explain it but in my au they meet them during the event of the show but one hashira at a time except for shinobu and giyuu who meet them at the same time .
They meet Giyuu and shinobu first and later uzui ( for comedy reasons) . But i think I mentioned before but Muzan needs the kamaboko squad to create the perfect body , and the hashira knows that but don’t know who they are , they kinda call them by body parts like tanjiro is the nose , zenitsu the ears, inosuke the touch or the body , kanao the eyes , genya the mouth and nezuko is the blood . So the hashira doesn’t knows them by name but by the role they have to play for muzan perfect body
And the hashira were kinda divided in two some of them tought it be best to protect the kamaboko squad well others thought they couldn’t take the risk and that it be better to kill them , add the fact that they think they allied themselves to demons ( tamayo , yuchiro, nezuko and they also think genya a demon) doesn’t help. Ubuyashi told them they can choose if they want to kill them or not . It doesn’t help that the hashira the kamaboko squad do meet don’t call the other hashira by name but by their breathing style.
I think the kamaboko squad would go to the final selection but I’m not so sure. And yes giyuu , tanjiro and nezuko would form a bound almost instantly it would take a while for genya but he does get super close after , shinobu would also form a bound with kanao ,aoi and inosuke , uzui form some kind love hate relationship with zenitsu and kaigaku similar to a sibiling relationship, you love them but you sure do want to kick their ass . As for sanemi and genya relationship it isn’t better in fact it’s WORST
That all thanks for the ask , and English isn’t my first language so sorry if I did mistake , again this au is still in the making so I might change some stuff
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solanachain · 2 years
Multicoin Expects FTX Contagion To Hold Industry In Its Grips For Weeks To Come
Multicoin Expects FTX Contagion To Hold Industry In Its Grips For Weeks To Come
In a letter to its investors, one of the industry’s most notable crypto venture firms, Multcoin Capital, has revealed its thesis for the coming weeks.Managing partners Kyle Samani and Tushar Jain write in a 3,400-word letter that the FTX fiasco does not spell doom for the crypto industry, as critics like Peter Schiff and Nassim Taleb recently did.“Just as Lehman Brothers didn’t kill banking and…
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hbclife · 2 years
Multicoin Expects FTX Contagion To Hold Industry In Its Grips For Weeks To Come
Multicoin Expects FTX Contagion To Hold Industry In Its Grips For Weeks To Come
In a letter to its investors, one of the industry’s most notable crypto venture firms, Multcoin Capital, has revealed its thesis for the coming weeks. Managing partners Kyle Samani and Tushar Jain write in a 3,400-word letter that the FTX fiasco does not spell doom for the crypto industry, as critics like Peter Schiff and Nassim Taleb recently did. “Just as Lehman Brothers didn’t kill banking and…
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recentlyheardcom · 2 years
Multicoin Expects FTX Contagion Dangers For Weeks To Come
Multicoin Expects FTX Contagion Dangers For Weeks To Come
In a letter to its investors, one of the industry’s most notable crypto venture firms, Multcoin Capital, has revealed its thesis for the coming weeks. Managing partners Kyle Samani and Tushar Jain write in a 3,400-word letter that the FTX fiasco does not spell doom for the crypto industry, as critics like Peter Schiff and Nassim Taleb recently did. “Just as Lehman Brothers didn’t kill banking and…
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cryptrending · 2 years
Multicoin Expects FTX Contagion Dangers For Weeks To Come
Multicoin Expects FTX Contagion Dangers For Weeks To Come
In a letter to its investors, one of the industry’s most notable crypto venture firms, Multcoin Capital, has revealed its thesis for the coming weeks. Managing partners Kyle Samani and Tushar Jain write in a 3,400-word letter that the FTX fiasco does not spell doom for the crypto industry, as critics like Peter Schiff and Nassim Taleb recently did. “Just as Lehman Brothers didn’t kill banking and…
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thegeekx · 2 years
Multicoin Expects FTX Contagion Dangers For Weeks To Come
Multicoin Expects FTX Contagion Dangers For Weeks To Come
In a letter to its investors, one of the industry’s most notable crypto venture firms, Multcoin Capital, has revealed its thesis for the coming weeks. Managing partners Kyle Samani and Tushar Jain write in a 3,400-word letter that the FTX fiasco does not spell doom for the crypto industry, as critics like Peter Schiff and Nassim Taleb recently did. “Just as Lehman Brothers didn’t kill banking and…
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loverdudearchive · 6 years
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Liddol pixel of Sammy :}
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zooterchet · 2 years
My Four Grandparents
Charlebois, Ray, MI-6 Hollywood, through his father, "Evil" Ernest Charlebois.  Responsible for murder of Haganah operative, “Lazlo”, the basis of Bruce Wayne, in Batman #1, the comic print issue.  Sent to guarantee Hiroshima’s fruition, responsible for the Rabaul firebombing of the airbase, to infiltrate the Marines, through the US Navy.
Strauss, Samany, Racicot Hollywood, through Zotique Racicot, the abductor, "Pantsy".  Shoshone and Lienz Cossack, created the Straussberg Method, to kill Iranian-Jews with films and movies, through trichinosis, which Racicots are very susceptible to, among other Iranians and Persians, and the Populaires of the Senate, the Lienz lines, are nearly immune to, passing pork through the bowels rapidly at any age.
Logan, Hewlett Townsend O'Neill, Korean Army UN Mission, through Union National Bussing, Minnesota, originally a Dick Tracy Sooner writer.  Employed by Ace Comics.  Court martialed and executed after sperm was stolen, for getting UN doctors killed with Wagner reference written on the backs of their helmets.  Refused to eat beans and brown gravy, to prove he was “jewish”, an old Korean veteran slang term by now, meaning he refuted Nietzsche for being miswritten by the Brandenberg scholars of the German Wehrmacht, prior to the 20th century.  Lynched in front of Korean soldiers.
Pucinelli, Marie Paradis, Little Italy NYC, through a sperm thief prostitute, relative of Pacino, Combat! research theorist, field hunts, New England Bristol and Cape Cod, "Missie Zsissie".  Multiple homicides as a prostitute and back alley abortionist before arrest in Boston, paradoned to work as research writer, due to reputation as enforcer in women’s psychiatric asylum.  Held under autolepsy ward (restraint chair with breathing gear), for nine years, one year after incarceration, life sentence.  Personally signed, Vice President Harold Truman.
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upwiththegood · 3 years
Gene tests identify risks associated with silent strokes.
Gene tests could one day be used to spot patients at risk of silent' strokes that cause dementia scientists believe. Researchers studied genetic samples of thousands of people who'd suffered a lacunar stroke – caused by weakening of the blood vessels deep within the brain and compared them to those who hadn't. Twelve similarities were found in the stroke victims' DNA. As the blood vessels affected by a lacunar stroke are small, it can strike without the person knowing. High blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and a history of smoking are causally associated with an increased risk of lacunar stroke. British Heart Foundation medical director professor Sir Nilesh Samani said: This research provides real hope that we can prevent and treat this devastating type of stroke much better in the future.
Calm secret in a mug of coca.
Few things are as comforting as a mug of hot chocolate and scientists now have an intriguing theary why-the effect of compounds called flavanols found in cocoa. University of Biringham researchers gave a group of healthy men a high – flavanol cocoa drink who then completed a mental stress task. Another group were given a non – flavanol drink before doing the same task. Sensors measured their heart rate and blood pressure. The stress response was smaller in those who had consumed the cocoa drink. A flavanols – rich diet has been linked to lower risk of stroke and heart disease, but this study they said may help cells lining blood vessel walls respond better when the body is under stress. People who eat quickly are more likely to be overweight, research suggests. Scientists asked more than 800 adults and children to rate their eating speed from very slow to very fast, and recorded the participants' height, weight, waist circumference and BMI. A faster eating rate was significantly associated with a higher BMI and larger waist circumference in both children and adults. Previous studies looking into the association between consuming foods at a fast pace and increased energy intake focused solely on children. The University of Roehampton and Bristol University research adds to growing evidence of a clear relationship between body mass and eating rate in adults too. We have put drinking hot chocolate in newsletter before as it seems to be good for you and tastes nice, I and Wendy have one most nights and will continue to do so.
Could a pill prevent covid – 19.
Dr Patrick Soon-Shiong, part owner of the Los Angeles Lakers, is working to develop an oral Covid-19 vaccine. Researchers of the Chan Soon-Shiong research Institute say all three vaccines target the spike protein the virus uses to enter cells. The new vaccine targets the globe-like shape in the middle of the virus, which the team says is not prone to mutation. Additionally, the pill would not just generate neutralizing antibodies but also T cells, which are white blood cells that bind to and kill viruses. Soon-Shiong's team says the oral vaccine would be faster, cheaper and easier to distribute, as well as provide more long lasting protection. All three vaccines autherized for emergency use in the US-from pfizer-Bio N Tech, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson-work by creating antibodies that neutralize the spike protein that the coronavirus uses to enter and infect human cells, but the teams new vaccine targets the globe-shaped centre of the virus, which does not often mutate. In addition, the team says that the vaccine would be faster, cheaper and easier to administer because it wouldn't have to be stored at refrigerator or freezing temperatures. Tests are ongoing so time will tell, lets hope so.
Articles by Peter Fenton Excerpts from daily papers.
Tovil Working Mens Club.
For those interested in seeing what refurbishment Tovil Club has done since we were last there go to www.tovilclub.co.uk or www.facebook.com/tovilclub you can see some photos and see before we are able to attend in person which we hope is very soon, John is going to make contact with Jane as soon as he can so will keep you up to date via Johns Notice Board.
Scanning tech that allows doctors to diagnose deadly Heart disease in 20 minutes is being rolled out by the N.H.S. The software called HeartFlow, creates a 3D digital model of the organ from which medics can identify any issues. NHS medical director Stephan Powis said: “By rapidly improving the rate we diagnose and treat those with heart conditions, we will save thousands of lives”. It will tackle strokes, heart attacks and other major killers. It seems since this pandemic a lot of new NHS services to better treat varies disease's have come to light and if this one comes to our hospitals it will be excellent.
Article by Peter Fenton Excerpts from Daily Paper.
Dear peter I was pleased to receive my stroke club may newsletter and as you asked anything of interest to be sent to you, I don't know if you have heard of 100 challenge, and this gentleman learning to speak again! ( it was in my newspaper ). Fred had to regain his memory again through the club.
This is the article Hilary sent.
A man has counted to 100 for the first time since he suffered a major stroke, as part of the Captain Tom 100 challenge. The campaign asks people to create their own charity challenge with the theme of 100, to mark what would have been the 101st birthday of the fundraiser Captain Sir Tom Moore. Gary Yates, who is originally from leicester but now lives in St Gallen, Switzerland, achieved the target after weeks of practice and numerous failed attempts. The 58- year-old lost his ability to speak after he had a severe ischemic stroke two and a half years ago. He is cared for by his wife, Pauline, 66”I can't tell you how proud I am,” she said.”There is only me who knows what he had to put into that every single day – he's been practising for weeks. Gary's the sort of person who has always taken life in his stride. I'm very lucky. He's one of the calmest people, he never complains, he never blames life.”She encouraged her husband to take on the challenge as an added motivation to improve his speech, which is hampered by his short-term memory loss.”When we first saw Captain Tom on television I looked at it and I said to Gary, 'if that guy at nearly 100 years of age can even think of doing something like this then there is no
bounds for what you can do.” Yates' efforts have raised more than £1,000 for the Stroke Association in the hope that the money will go “to help other people”, his wife said.
Article sent by Hilary. Excerpts from daily paper.
1. Tovil club is now open to our members for meetings, mask required, and table service. For the moment it is only available weds lunchtimes only from 12 to 2 pm. On weds 26thmay, myself, richard, mick barham, sue and mick, lee, and newcomer graham, went along for a recce. Regards to parking, at the moment there are the usual disabled bays available outside the club, and the lower car park only, as the building work is still in progress in the old car park. When this is completed ( allegedly about 6 weeks ), you will be able to park as usual in the car park. When our numbers return to near normal, we will reinstate our subs, raffle and bingo.
2. A few members have started venturing back to the coffee morning at the brenchley on Thursdat mornings at 11 am, namely myself ( occasionly ), ann judge, sonia, gerry & christine, june & diane, sandy, and barry & val.
3. The Dog and Duck is booked for weds 18th august to inc the usual 3 course dining and entertainment by yours truly Geoff Stephens, and we will be traveling by brookline coaches to this event, we do have some lottery funding to cover most of this, but we are asking everyone to pay just £20 p.p. To boost funds, now you can pay this at your convenience. I have about 19 names so far for this, so if you want to go MAKE SURE you have booked.
4. Likewise brick lane panto is block booked for 50 people for weds 23rd feb 2022 at a cost of £50 p.p. To inc a 3-course meal, entertainment and brookline coach travel. Again pay as and when or you might want to pay all of it.
5. I believe that asda kings hill has our name down for a chosen charity to collect for ( I am not sure what month that might be ).
6. I have made some enquiries re:group travel next year, and have contacted daish's group holidays. Who have offered us some availability at their hotel, THE BOURNEMOUTH SANDS for a 4 NIGHT break from friday 27th may to tuesday 31st 2022 ( half board with entertainment ) which when calculated out and add on supplements and coach, will work out approx £285 p.p. ( that is 4 nights not the usual 3 ). They have based that on 25 people with 7xsingles, 5xdoubles, 4xtwins, they have not got a abundance of singles which would mean a few may have to share twin rooms. I did enquire re disabled friendly, and they tell me all rooms have walk in showers. NEED SOME FEEDBACK ON THAT ASAP IF WE THINK THAT'S VIABLE.
June 6th ------- Kathy Ritchie
June 14th ------- Barry Walker
June 22nd ------- George Bowie ( 90 years young )
Newsletter compilled by Peter Fenton and John Ward.
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