#dinosaur facts
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derpdino34 · 2 months ago
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Dinosaur facts 🦖🦕 day# 77
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scrollwyrm · 7 months ago
Anyone notice RainWings seem to be based on an untrue factoid popularised by Jurassic Park?
I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this. The dilophosaurus was a dinosaur living in the early Jurassic epoch. They were about seven meters long.
Here’s the thing. They SUPPOSEDLY had frills/ruffs on the sides of their faces, and are RUMOURED to have been able to spit corrosive acid. Sound familiar yet? The problem is, there is NO EVIDENCE for either of these. In fact, there is evidence against the whole ‘acid’ thing.
These non-facts were just made up by Jurassic Park for the coolness factor. None of that stuff was true.
Anyway, just thought it would be fun to point out (and kind of annoying) because I’m a massive dinosaur nerd.
Who wants to see a dilophosaur-based redesign though?
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year ago
So in the spirit of the season what are some good creepy/scary dinosaur facts?
I mean, I'm Jewish, so for me its still Shake a Citrus Fruit at G-d and Live in a Tent Season, *however*
Have you met the Vampire Finch?
How about Shrikes, which impale their victims?
Then there's the fact that Ducks have Corkscrew Penises
As we all know, members of the genus Corvus can remember humans and will hunt you tf down if you cross them
And who can forget the Bearded Vulture, which just straight up eats bones!
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chibichibsterss · 3 months ago
I lied, put your clothes back on, I'm going to do a depth explanation of dinosaur facts
Did you know that like to know how a dinosaur sounded like, NOT ACCURATELY OF COURSE, but at least close to it, they use the bones of where the vocal cords were to create sound patterns. It's really cool.
Did you know that the Spinosaurus had a more tadpole-like tail? They mainly roamed in water and lived off of fish and other things that were around the waters.
Most dinosaurs most likely had feathers! Especially some species of raptors! Even the Tyrannosaurus Rex probably had feathers too!
The Therizinosaurus' claws wasn't use for fighting, but it was used to scrape and dig at the ground for food! It's said that they were previously carnivores but moved to he herbivores for some reasons.
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clobertina · 9 months ago
Fellow Dino Nerd ruining y'all's prehistoric childhoods lol
-its not scientifically backed up that raptors hunted in coronated packs. They most likely hunted in an unorganized mob behavior and likely even killed eachother over carcasses.
-Group hunting is not the norm.
-Ceratopcid dinos could not ram into things like rhinos, otherwise it would have shattered their skulls.
-Dinosaurs could not roar, but can make bellowing sounds etc. Roaring is a mammalian thing.
-The raptor's sickle claw was not used for disembowelment, it was only sharp enough to puncture the skin but not slice it. It's been theorized that it was used to pinning it's prey down as the creature ate it's prey alive as well as for helping them climb.
-Most dinos didn't have protruding teeth like you always see in media, they had lip coverings, otherwise their teeth would dry out. One of the few creatures like Crocodilians who do have their teeth protruding out; their skulls and teeth do not match with those of dinosaurs. In fact, most skulls of carnivorous dinos have these little holes above their teeth, something found in animals that have lip coverings.
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-Troodon is a Nomen dubium, meaning that it is not a valid genus. Sorry to all the Troodon fans. This is because Troodon was made from a single tooth, causing many scientists to lump in all things with similar teeth into that genus, causing major problems in the long run. It is now refered to "an Arctic Troodontid" instead of just "Troodon".
-The Brachiosaurus you see in most dino movies, (mainly Jurassic Park/World) is NOT ACTUALLY A BRACHIOSAURUS. The dino you keep seeing is ACTUALLY a Giraffatitan!
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-It is unclear if Triceratops (and I mean Triceratops specifically) lived in large herds. It is more believed that they lived in smaller groups.
- "Pterodactyl" is not a real word, dinosaur, or a real genus. The real classification is called "Pterosaur". In fact, Pterosaurs are not even dinosaurs lol. Pterosaurs are actually reptiles and it's even been found from fossilized eggs that they layed soft-shelled eggs like snakes!
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-Spinosaurus looked like this (at least as of now, this Dino keeps changing fr lol)
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To make up for that, here's cool prehistoric facts.
-feathers make dinosaurs more dangerous believe it or not. Feathers can break their fall, make them more silent, protect them from the cold, and more.
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-Mosasaurs are not dinosaurs and are, interestingly, a distant relative to Monitor Lizards, they even have a forked tongue!
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-T-Rex was pretty intelligent, had incredible vision, incredible since of smell, and can run as fast (or slightly faster) than the average human. They where the irl Mary Sue fr lol. That said, they weren't unstoppable and just an animal. (I'm side eyeing the T-Rex fan boys so hard rn lol).
-Fossilized chemicals give us an idea of some dinosaur's actual colors! Sinosauropteryx is the most common example!
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-T-Rex was an ambush predator and would be much scarier than the Hollywood counterpart. This is because they would be much more silent and would stalk their prey instead of immediately making it's presence known.
-Tyrannosaurids start out leaner, faster, and weaker than their adult counterparts when a juvenile or adolescent. This is because they filled a different niche. Once they age, they grow chunkier, slower, and stronger to fill in their new niche of hunting bigger creatures like Triceratops.
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-Even though it is not supported that raptors hunted in packs. It IS actually supported that Albertosaurus did! While with raptors, their group remains are mostly found near other fossilized animals, Albertosaurus Fossils have been found in LARGE groups of numbers of other Albertosauruses.
-Smilodons actually had smaller brains compared to modern cats
-Dimetrodon was related to mammals
-Irrirator (a relative to Spinosaurus) had a split jaw to swallow bigger prey whole.
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DISCLAIMER: Science is ALWAYS progressing, so some of these could be disproven in the future. It is always important to make your own conclusions.
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dandysworldhcs · 2 months ago
Like learning about Dinosaurs, you say?
Here's a list:
Aardonyx (Afrikaans aard, "earth" + Greek onux, "nail, claw") is a genus of basal sauropodomorph dinosaur. It is known from the type species Aardonyx celestae found from the Early Jurassic Elliot Formation of South Africa. A. celestae was named after Celeste Yates, who prepared much of the first known fossil material of the species. It has arm features that are intermediate between basal sauropodomorphs and more derived sauropods.[1]
Based on the structure of the hind limbs and pelvic girdle of Aardonyx, the dinosaur normally moved bipedally but could drop to quadrupedal movement similar to Iguanodon. It shares some attributes with giant quadrupedal sauropods like Apatosaurus.[2] Australian[3][4] paleontologist Adam Yates and his team's discovery of the genus was published online before print in Proceedings of the Royal Society B in November 2009, and was scheduled to appear in the March 2010 issue.[2] British paleontologist Paul Barrett of the Natural History Museum, London, who was not involved in the research, commented that the discovery of Aardonyx "helps to fill a marked gap in our knowledge of sauropod evolution, showing how a primarily two-legged animal could start to acquire the specific features necessary for a life spent on all-fours".[2]
According to Matthew Bonnan, a co-author of the study, "We already knew that the earliest sauropods and near-sauropods would be bipeds. What Aardonyx shows us, however, is that walking quadrupedally and bearing weight on the inside of the foot is a trend that started very early in these dinosaurs, much earlier than previously hypothesized." Bonnan adds, "On a scientific level, it's really fulfilling to have a hypothesis on how you think dinosaurs got large, then to test that in the field and get back these kind of data — a new dinosaur — that really does start to fill in some of those anatomical gaps." ------
Giraffatitan [Synonym of Abdallahsaurus]
Giraffatitan (name meaning "titanic giraffe") is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived during the late Jurassic Period (Kimmeridgian–Tithonian stages) in what is now Lindi Region, Tanzania. Only one species is known, G. brancai, named in honor of German paleontologist Wilhelm von Branca, who was a driving force behind the expedition that discovered it in the Tendaguru Formation. Giraffatitan brancai was originally described by German paleontologist Werner Janensch as a species of the North American sauropod Brachiosaurus from the Morrison Formation, as Brachiosaurus brancai. Recent research shows that the differences between the type species of Brachiosaurus and the Tendaguru material are so large that the African material should be placed in a separate genus.
Giraffatitan was for many decades known as the largest dinosaur but recent discoveries of several larger dinosaurs prove otherwise; giant titanosaurians appear to have surpassed Giraffatitan in terms of sheer mass. Also, the sauropod dinosaur Sauroposeidon is estimated to be taller and possibly heavier than Giraffatitan. Most size estimates for Giraffatitan are based on the specimen HMN SII, a subadult individual, but there is evidence supporting that these animals could grow larger; specimen HMN XV2, represented by a fibula 13% larger than the corresponding material on HMN SII, would have measured around 23–26 metres (75–85 ft) long and weighed about 40–48 metric tons (44–53 short tons). ------
Adamantisaurus (/ˌædəˌmæntɪˈsɔːrəs/ AD-ə-MAN-tiss-OR-əs) is a poorly-known genus of titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Period of what is now South America. It is only known from six tail vertebrae but, as a sauropod, it can be assumed that this dinosaur was a very large animal with a long neck and tail.Sculpture of Adamantisaurus
Like many titanosaurians, Adamantisaurus is incompletely known, making its exact relationships difficult to establish. However, similarities have been noted with Aeolosaurus and the Bauru Group titanosaurian formerly known as the "Peiropolis titanosaur", now called Trigonosaurus. ------
Agustinia (/ɑːɡəˈstɪniə/) is a genus of sauropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of South America. The genus contains a single species, A. ligabuei, known from a single specimen that was recovered from the Lohan Cura Formation of Neuquén Province in Argentina. It lived about 116–108 million years ago, in the Aptian–Albian stages of the Early Cretaceous Period.
-Dinosaur over-sharer.
these are very cool :) /srs
(i wish i had more to say sorry!!)
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8bit-tincan · 3 months ago
Dinosaur fact
Utahraptor and Montanoceratops would be best friends.
ignore that they likely would have never interacted theY'RE BEST FRIENDS.
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amphiptere-art · 4 months ago
Hi yah.
Did you know that T-Rexes have crowns?
T-Rex and many other theropods appear to have hardened keratin crests around their eyes and ridges of their nose. Depending on how exaggerated you make these traits. T-Rexes can look like they have crowns. Brightly colored crests right on their eyebrow ridge. Almost looking like a T-Rex with a very squished tiara.
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infodumpingaboutnature · 1 year ago
So a new species of dinosaur was just discovered and uh……. They named it Gremlin. Gremlin slobodorum…….
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So Gremilin slobodorum is a species of leptoceratopsid ceratopsian dinosaur that lived during the Campanian stage of the Cretaceous period around 77 million years ago. Its fragmentary remains were first found in the Oldman Formation in Alberta, Canada and were originally thought to have belonged to a different genus of small ceratopsian called Cerasinops since their remains have been found in rock layers around that same age.
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(Cerasinops compared to a modern house cat. Art by cisiopurple on Deviantart)
However, it was just recently discovered to be a completely new genus and so it was given the name: Gremlin slobodorum. The genus name “Gremlin” obviously refers to the mischievous mythical creature while the species name “slobodorum” is in honor of Ed and Wendy Sloboda who were both involved in the discovery of the holotype specimen.
If I’m being honest I don’t really like the genus name of this dinosaur. Like I’m all for extinct creatures having names inspired by mythology but just calling it Gremlin feels lazy in my opinion. Like it does look like a Gremlin but maybe Gremlinsaurus or Gremlinceratops would’ve been better names. But despite its uncreative (in my opinion) name I still think it’s a pretty cool dinosaur and can’t wait for more paleo art of this guy to start popping up. Also, no hate to the people who named this genus or if you like the name. I just wish it wasn’t just called Gremlin. Who knows maybe the name will grow on me.
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uraharafiles · 1 month ago
file : interesting creatures (#3): tameryraptor markgrafi
lowercase intended
the tameryraptor markgrafi is a predatory dinosaur species that was discovered in early April of 1914, but was utterly, entirely misclassified as a previously discovered member of the carcharodontisauridae family, discovered in 1756, for just shy of 111 years. (discovered in 1756, the carcha family was originally named the megalosaurus saharicus, and the name was changed in 1831 by a man named ernst stromer.)
what was thought to be the carcharodontosaur specimen was discovered in 1914, in the bahariya formation from a locality found in the northern section of egypt's bahariya oasis. the specimen took many years to arrive in germany, where it was placed on display in a museum. due to political tension during world war ii between the german empire and egypt, which was then owned by britain, the specimen was destroyed.
on january 14th, 2025, it was released that this specimen had actually come from the tameryraptor markgrafi, essentially a different family of dinosaurs. before the specimen was destroyed it contained skull fragments, three cervical and one caudal vertebrae, a manual ungual, the left fibula, both of the dinosaur's femora, teeth, and pieces of ischium and pubis bones. an endocast of the braincase, which reportedly survived can also be located in berlin.
images taken of the fossils before they were destroyed showed that there was a significant difference between what we recently found to be the tameryraptor and more recent carcharodontosaurus specimens found in morocco, for example. this means that stromer's classification was incorrect, and has now been reclassified as a predatory raptor species, although this may change as studies continue. dr. oliver rauhut, senior author of the study, stated that the tameryraptor markgrafi was close to 33 feet long, had a prominent nasal horn similar to the ceratosaurus, and had nearly perfectly symmetrical teeth, unlike most carcharodontosauridae discovered. the tameryraptor has been foted to north african and south americasian group of dinosaurs called the metriocanthosaurs.
the dinosaur family's generic name, tameryraptor, combines an informal name meaning "beloved land" that the ancient egyptians gave their country (ta-mery), and the latin word "raptor," which means thief. the specific name, markgrafi, is simply an instance of humankind so commonly naming shit after themselves. the tameryraptor markgrafi is currently classified as a smaller, more recently discovered member of the carcharodontosaurid family.
(researcher rhykar asked me to include this screenshot in this particular file.)
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the dominating source i'd like to give credit to for the information in this post is rhykar, my lovely nerdy professional ghost hunting boyfriend, fellow owner and creator and primary organization person of this account!
author's note: since this dinosaur family has only recently become its own species, there isn't a lot of information available about it. this file will be updated as more information comes out/is verified.
send an ask if you want more info, or if you've got more to share! please use this post as a source if you post or use information you found on it!
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devilish-parrot · 11 months ago
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of reptiles[note 1] of the clade Dinosauria. They first appeared during the Triassic period, between 243 and 233.23 million years ago (mya), although the exact origin and timing of the evolution of dinosaurs is a subject of active research. They became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates after the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event 201.3 mya and their dominance continued throughout the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. The fossil record shows that birds are feathered dinosaurs, having evolved from earlier theropods during the Late Jurassic epoch, and are the only dinosaur lineage known to have survived the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event. Are these words in Tally Hall?
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of reptiles[note 1] of the clade Dinosauria. They first appeared during the Triassic period, between 243 and 233.23 million years ago (mya), although the exact origin and timing of the evolution of dinosaurs is a subject of active research. They became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates after the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event 201.3 mya and their dominance continued throughout the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. The fossil record shows that birds are feathered dinosaurs, having evolved from earlier theropods during the Late Jurassic epoch, and are the only dinosaur lineage known to have survived the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.
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derpdino34 · 1 month ago
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Dinosaurs facts 🦕🦖day:79
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eclecticfacts · 3 months ago
The first dinosaur to be named* was the Megalosaur in 1824. After massive jaw and limb bones were discovered in a quarry in Stonesfield (near Oxford), England, William Buckland recognised these fossils belonged to a huge reptile that was not a known living species.
"On 20 February 1824, he addressed the Geological Society of London, and gave the reptile a formal scientific name: Megalosaurus, meaning 'great lizard'."
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[Source: BBC]
*The first dinosaur to be named in Europe, at least.
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factoidfactory · 2 years ago
Random Fact #6,463
Spinosaurus is the only known semi-aquatic dinosaur.
Part of the reason we know it was semi-aquatic is the shape of its head, which looks very similar to a croc’s or a hippo's (with the eyes at the top of its head and the nose further up its muzzle so that they can remain mostly submerged).
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silly-baba · 10 months ago
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Here ya go, baba :3
I think the paint is watercolor?
Oh, that's so fun, Bubs!!
Yes, that definitely looks like watercolor.
Oh and I have the same dinosaur species in my toy collection, I think! :D
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This is the dino species called Ankylosaurus, they where armored tanks of a dinosaurs!!
This impressive herbivore defended itself against predators, with its clubbed tail and spike-studded body.
They lived in the late Cretaceous period.
・.*.゚☆❗please only interact if your blog is SFW❗☆ ゚.*.・
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corrocheeto95 · 21 days ago
I am bored so here's a fun dinosaur fact that no one asked for:
A pterodactyl isn't a dinosaur, a duck is.
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