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Sommar är den perfekta tiden att äta hälsosamt och njuta av fräscha sallader. Oavsett om du vill gå ner i vikt eller bara hålla dig frisk, kan dessa sallader vara en fantastisk tillägg till din kostplan.
Grön Bönsallad med Citrus Dressing
Denna gröna bönsallad är fullpackad med näring och smak. Den innehåller massor av protein från bönorna och en uppfriskande citrusdressing för extra smak.
Gröna bönor
Salt och peppar efter smak
Mixa alla ingredienser i en stor skål och servera kyld.
Kycklingsallad med Avokado Salsa
Denna kycklingsallad är fylld med nyttiga fetter från avokado samt protein från kycklingen. Den kommer definitivt bli din nya favoritsallad!
Kycklingbröstfiléer, grillade och skivade
Avokado, mosad
Tomat, tärnad
Rödlök, finhackad
Koriander, hackad
Blanda alla ingredienser i en skål och toppa med avokadosalsa. Servera genast.
Vattenmelon- och Fetaostsallad med Basilika-dressing
Denna svalkande vattenmelonsallad är perfekt för varma sommardagar. Den kombinerar den söta smaken av vattenmelon med salt fetaost och fräsch basilikasås. Ingredienser:
Vattenmelon, tärnad eller utskuren i kulor
Fetaost, smulad
Färsk basilika, hackad
Mixa olivolja och balsamvinäger i en skål. Lägg vattenmelonbitarna på ett fat och strö över fetaosten. Ringla dressingen över salladen och toppa med hackad basilika. Så där har du det – tre läckra sommarsallader som inte bara hjälper dig att gå ned i vikt utan också håller dig nöjd under de varma månaderna. Varför inte prova en av dem idag?
Med vänlig hälsning,
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Sej inte nej sej kanske kanske kanske 🎶 Denna veckas fredagsfirre blev sej... Sej som fick sällskap av morötter och svartkål som stekts i sjöpungsfond och soja och serverades med pärstomp (potatismos) och en sallad 😋 Till efterrätt blev det äpplen som stektes i airfryern tillsammans med kesella, vanilj, glass, kex, citronmeliss och ätbara blommor 🤩 🛒 Ingredienser Sej (eller annan fisk) Potatis Shalottenlök, finhackad Morötter, slantade Svartkål, repad Sjöpungsfond Japansk soja Vitt torrt vin Timjan Salt Svartpeppar Vitpeppar Smör Rapsolja Grädde Sallad + Vårlök Krasse 🔪 Tillagning Fräs löken i rapsolja tills den blir glansig ⏲ Tillsätt morötter samt timjan och fräs vidare några minuter ⏲ Lägg i svartkålen och en klick smör och fräs runt en stund till ⏲ Tillsätt vin, soja och sjöpungsfond och låt koka in i grönsakerna något ⏲ Koka potatisen till den mjuknat ⏲ Tillsätt smör, grädde & vitpeppar och pressa med en potatisstomp ⏲ Krydda fisken med salt och valfria kryddor (jag använde en kryddblandning jag köpt i danmark) ⏲ Stek fisken ca 2 minuter på varje sida ⏲ Gör i ordning sallad och blanda dressing med olivolja, sjöpungsfond och vinäger 🛎 Servera fisken med grönsaksfräset, potatismos och sallad och toppa med krasse 🍽️ Missa inte något inlägg eller recept genom att Följa 👉 @the.real.cg.lagar.mat ✨ Lägga till @the.real.cg.lagar.mat som favorit 🌟 Sen skulle jag bli superglad om du Gillar 👍 Sparar recept 🍝 Kommenterar 💬 Delar inlägg 🤩 #sej #morötter #svartkål #morot #sjöpungsfond #soja #potatismos #sallad #smör #rapsolja #krasse #dressing #vinäger #matobak_se
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dallas <—> salad
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im gonna kms i love them too much
#let me breathe#like theyre acting like this infront of all of our sallads#😭😭😭#williamest#william jakrapatr#est supha#thamepo#gmmtv
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had broccoli for dinner today. i miss vegetables
#that was the best broccoli ive had in so long#it was steamed#and i got some parmassan from the sallad bar#and i ate it with rice#mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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@countgrof immortalizes my silly goosery

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Man people were not kidding eating food you cooked completely on your own fucking Slaps
#THE ugliest but very tasty pasta sallad#Hell ye#I also made So Much so trust I don't have to cook for like a Week damn
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every millennial who was online from 2000-2008 has a specific phrase from a YTP that will activate them like a "manchurian candidate" sleeper agent, causing them to spout gibberish for 40 straight seconds
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This is a terrrible meme, but it cracked me up when I thought of it while eating my over-vegetabled pasta salad in a nature reserve sheep pen surrounded by massive stores
#this is really bad which is why im posting it on tumblr#anyways. you knowe those self-serve pasta sallad buffets that grocery stores often have? they have too many tasty vegetable types#everytime i buy it im like 'oh i should get some of this' and in the end ive bought 2x as much as i planned for and its 90% veggies#but honestly im so happy i got pasta sallad on my 3h walk today. so much better than restaurant food#at least i you eat them in the weird sheep pen nature reserve spots in the middle of the most late stage capitalism core part of the city
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Now that Christmas is ending it's time to buy pomegranates and the new year's eve panty and think about my resolutions for 2025
#oh and I think I'm gonna make the salad for dinner this time#I'm not good at cooking like I unfortunately cook like my father I see what's in the fridge and make a stew most of the time is witch#cooking though less messy but I mean I can try making this sallad as long as it tastes good and doesn't look gross 🥲 god help me
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Angel Sallade, Angel Sallade Sighthound Project
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Bergtunga med hasselbackare och avokadokräm [Recept 📋] Vem älskar inte hasselbackspotatis? Här har jag gjort det på riktigt fina sötpotatis från @fresh.land.sverige Jag får erkänna att det inte blev lika snyggt som när @stefanekengren gör det men dra mig baklänges vad gott det blev 😋 Speciellt i kombination med fisken och avokadokrämen... Och till det en fräsch sallad som jag lade i lite vårlök och en enkel dressing på olivolja och sjöpungsfond 👌 Testa vettja! Du kommer gilla det 😊 Men innan bergtungan blev det Toast Skagen 🤩 Och i glasen var det fisk och skaldjursvinet Feskekôrka på druvan Alvarinho (Nr 56681) 🛒 Ingredienser Bergtunga (eller annan plattfisk) Sötpotatis Lite flytande honung 0,5 Citron, saften En skvätt sjöpungsfond 0,5 tsk chiliblandning med rostad vitlök 2 avokado Smör Olivolja Sallad 🔪 Tillagning Sätt ugnen på 225 grader ⏲ Skär potatisen i tunna skivor, men inte helt igenom. Lägg potatisen mellan benen på en pincett i trä så ligger den stadigt och du skär inte itu den av misstag ⏲ Ställ potatisen i en ugnsfast form och toppa med smör, lite honung och salt. Baka i ugnen ca 30-40 minuter ⏲ Mosa avokado och blanda ner sjöpungsfond, citronsaft, olivolja och chiliblandning ⏲ Krydda fisken och stek i olivolja 🛎 Servera fisken med hasselbackspotatis, avokadokräm och sallad 🍽 Om du uppskattar detta inlägget skulle jag bli väldigt glad om du; Följer 👉 @the.real.cg.lagar.mat på Instagram ✨ Gillar 👍 Kommenterar 💬 Delar inlägg 🕊 Sparar recept 💌 #avokado @kockumsjernverk #bergtunga @hisingensfisk #smakboxrecept #fisk @cosorisverige #matobak_se #rostadvitlök #citron @conantswe #fredagsfeeling #smakboxstund #smakbox @smakbox #sötpotatis #fisktillmiddag #alvarinho @audgeirrknives #feskekörka @kullagourmet #smakboxfavoriter #sjöpungsfond @marinetaste #chiliblandning @fredchill.ax #sallad @fransverige.se #smakboxtips #chili #kockyoga @koketcetera #toastskagen #honung #smakboxinspiratör
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I actually wanted a sallad but I thought I might as well have both pizza and sallad 😆
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I see your pineapple on pizza, fruit-is-sweet-not-savoury discourse and raise you
Mimosa Salad!

At first glance it’s nothing to write home about. It’s fruit salad, okay. Peach, pear, apple and pineapple… so the production team has never had a mimosa, okay, stupid, but not an arrestable offence. (Firable, sure, but not criminal.)
An unusual choice of fruit perhaps, but fruit salad nonetheless. Maybe they have a variety of salads, and the more obvious combinations of fruit/names have already been done.
Okay, all reasonably above board. Until you glance over and see the identical packages with pictures of cabbage and carrot, proudly declaring Coleslaw. And you begin to wonder…
You flip it over to the ingredients list, hoping against hope that it isn’t dressed in mayonnaise.
Oh you naive fool. Have you forgotten what culinary hellscape you inhabit? The tastebud wasteland you were foolish enough to abide?

It’s mayonnaise.
And not just mayonnaise.
A terrifying mustard/vinegar/cayenne/turmeric mayonnaise fruit salad nightmare. With bubbles.
Is it also fizzy? Is it just whipped? Is it yet another example of poor food handling and this particular item has been left on the sun and is starting to ferment?
(That happens a lot here. [fun fact, when you complain that the cream you bought is expired because it’s solid and has a bad smell the shop assistant may tell you that’s what cream is always like. They’re not just trying to save the company money. At that shop cream is always like that. The refrigerators are always at about 7 or 8 degrees.] A lot of stuff is just expired all the time.)
I ask a passing shop assistant what manner of beast this is. Is it sweet? Savoury? What’s it for? What possible dish could this accompany, i hesitantly enquire, already dreading the answer, but not quite knowing why.
And she answers brightly, with no apparent understanding of the horrors they have wrought, “It’s kind of sweet, kind of savoury. People buy it for barbecues, picnics, since it’s pre-made.
“It’s also good on pizza.”
Welcome to Sweden.
#pineapple#fruit#mimosa#mimosas#cocktails#confusing names for things#sweden#sverige#food#horrors#pizza#salad#pizza salad#pizza sallad#pizzasallad#cuisine#international cuisine#travel diary#travel
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“ You flatter me, ” Sebastian said - while his own words were uttered almost purely by instinct, he could not deny the fact that a certain weight of sincerity laid behind his own words. While he didn't enjoy mingling with his own kind, and yes, for sure, while Sebastian himself was a kind of a devil, he couldn't deny the fact that a compliment from The Devil himself was something one simply shouldn't ignore.
“ But really - I am merely trying to get by, ” That is... attempting to achieve what he is longing for - a meal. And every single thing he does is in favour of just that. “ I do whatever it takes to sate my ever-lasting hunger... ��
Was it manipulation and desires from the great sin that drew the butler closer? Absolutely not, it was his very own hands that almost stroked back the other's jet black hair. While the king himself held onto deep admiration for his unlucky partner, he could sense when someone was needing distance. That's why his hands released as his wings fluttered in to close.
"Disappointed in you? Oh come on now, Sebby! You and I both know what you're capable of! In fact, I haven't stopped hearing about those frivolous escapades you've had on the surface!" He waved his hand, trying to give the poor demon some reassurance in his skills. With a wide enough grin, he would tap both of his boots against the floor as he raised his apple cane. "I know that you've got it in you to give anyone the most memorable time of their lives!"
"Besides, just look at you! No one's managed to get their own king right up in their space like that! Not even Ozzie!"
#redemonarc#ic. interaction#ic. / crack#v: au. / 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥 * rainbowsouled#// really? RIGHT in front of my sallad???
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Really feeling both the joy of cooking your own food and cooking your own food and it being Really Really good
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