#salem scribbles
problemstarchild · 1 month
The pottery in the beginning <33333
kabru gladly wanting to tell stories to thistle to Understand him more
When laios basically tells kabru "not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined you"
Big BIG fan of the way kabru just drops trying to read laios for a second and he just Asks him outright how he feels
The feeelsss awwww the build up to this was insanely amazing ‼️‼️
One of my favorite Laiosms that I'm sooooo happy is pretty common in Labru fic is when Laios just says something utterly sincere and from the heart and like, somebody else would have thought really hard about how to word it in a way that delivers maximum impact, but he kind of just... says exactly what he thinks or how he's feeling? And how Kabru, who's always trying to run datasets to understand what Laios is thinking about, is just blindsided by it every single time.
One of my top Dungeon Meshi moments has to be this one.
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He just looooooves His People so so much, so unabashedly and honestly. He admires them, he loves lifting them up and acknowledging their strengths. (I wish they weren't all chewing at the same time here, because this is another of those times where I feel like Laios is intensely complimentary of his party and very grateful for them, and doesn't get to experience any sort of reciprocity. He's not expecting it, obviously, but I want to see him loved and appreciated...)
I feel like Kabru gets a lot of platitudes, and kind of has his whole life -- Milsiril certainly loves him, but she also definitely treated him like an idealized, babified version of himself. Kabru's party trust him and think he's extremely capable -- but even Kabru acknowledges, indirectly, that their faith in his skill is misplaced because he simply doesn't have the skill or experience to do the thing he set out to do.
I have a lot of fun with the Laios and Kabru dynamic because Kabru is so used to hearing and reflecting bullshit all of the time. He's very capable of wielding the truth as a weapon -- I love how he reshapes his backstory to make certain features more prominent depending on who he's talking to, for example -- but given his ties with the Shadow Governor and his very... espionage/assassination-type skillset, I love the idea of him just getting blindsided by Laios being genuine.
I think it's great when they are just upfront with each other. I had a moment like that in Ch.15 Karkadann, as well, though reversed...
“No, I…” Laios tilts his head a little, he looks like he’s really thinking. “You don’t always tell me when something is wrong, and I don’t always notice on my own. I thought maybe… they noticed something I didn’t? Or maybe you aren’t feeling well. I thought maybe if I asked you, you would tell me.”
Clear and intentional communication, my beloved...
Anyway SORRY for the babbling, thank you so much for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed!
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acatpiestuff · 1 year
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DOODLED A SCENE FROM @apatheticrobots FIC "time has changed the metaphor" because WHOOPS I've added pokemon and submas to the list of hyperfixations
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anatomical-puppet · 28 days
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dmc refs i made for artfight and then was too lazy to post lmao 💪💪
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cakesdown · 7 months
56 for your oc doodle thing!!!!
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Coincidentally you have picked the protagonist of the OTHER book I'm writing! This is Salem! He's a goth trans dude who wants to summon a vampire to get the hell out of his crummy midwestern town before graduation to go live in a fancy gothic castle. With the vampire. That will be his boyfriend. Unfortunately for him the vampire he summons is a confused himbo greaser boy from the 50s who does Not like the whole vampire thing going on. Antics ensue! Salems a certified weirdboy who works at one of the only video stores still around and spends his spare time listening to 80s goth classics and bothering his cat suzie. He's eighteen and uses he/him pronouns!
send me a number between 1-74 and I'll doodle+infodump about the corresponding oc!
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Happy 1 year anniversary to these gay dorks!! Happily married with their little creature of chaos!!
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charm-u-laterarchive · 7 months
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Dexven Fankid Doodles!! ɞ˚‧。⋆𓍢ִ໋🎶
Take A Look At My Carrd For More Info About Me!! Find It In My Pinned ♡
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occatorcreator · 1 year
How have Scribbles, Salem and Vix been doing?
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They’re doing alright. Vix and Scribbles are very sleep deprived, but they’re getting the hang of raising Salem.
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Salem isn’t quiet at walking age, but with some help from his dads he can toddle a bit
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phantom-tiger · 1 year
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fuck it, *cookie-doughs ur werewolf*
(vvv alt. clean and "vhs" version vvv)
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cizzle-freezy · 1 year
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I've never really done anything anthro/furry before, but my friends are doing a Wanderhome mini campaign for autumn, so I wanted to make a kitty vagabond based on one of my previous cats, Raven (+ some of Beatrix's kittens that we raised)
She fell in love with a witch, stole her spellbook to kill a god, had a terrible breakup, got her shadow stolen by said witch, got declawed by her home kingdom, and now just tries to keep moving forward with her life despite the losses
(backstory not 100% but that's the plan so far given what I've read of the prompts shown on the vagabond rulebook)
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sodascribbles · 4 months
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So, that stray dog that's been terrorizing dumpsters across the neighborhood? Yeah, it's not a dog.
content: young (teenageish) whumpee. abandoned pet whumpee. reluctant caretaker. past starvation. no beta we die like salem's sanity. swearing.
notes: FINALLY STARTING ON THIS BINGO CARD LOL. i mean actually i have several drafts. but actually POSTING something !! also gestures wildly to Moony!! yayy whump series time!!
"Of course," Salem grumbles, her umbrella springing to life above her. Thunder rumbles off in the distance, lightning skittering across the streets. "Of fucking course."
On the one day Asher couldn't give her a ride, she has to walk in the rain. Story of her life.
She spends most of the walk grumbling to herself, stomping through puddles. The chill in the air seeps straight into her bones, even though her hoodie; she scowls, jaw tight to keep her teeth from chattering.
A block from her apartment, she passes by the infamous Creepy Guy Alley— at least, infamous to her and her friends. Salem herself had nearly gotten stabbed here. When a dumpster topples over as she passes, she assumes it's just another titular Creepy Guy, and lays a hand on the pepper spray in her pocket.
There's no creepy guy. Just frantic scuffling. Maybe that dumb stray dog that Asher had been complaining about.
Salem stands there for a few seconds longer than she should, letting the cold sink into her bones. A stray out here in the rain... poor thing was probably starving...
She sighs through her nose and ruffles through her bag. "Hey, little guy," she coos, fishing out her half-finished lunch. The sounds stop short. "Hungry, little buddy?"
Salem scoots forward, carefully waving the sandwich. "Please don't be a raccoon," she says, in that same bright puppy-dog tone.
She reaches the edge of the dumpster, and holds the sandwich out a little further. She clicks her tongue a few times, shuffling forward just a little further—
Oh fuck.
A pair of mismatched eyes stare up at her from a dirty, shivering lump of torn fabric. That's a person. He looks younger than her. Oh fuck, she echoes internally.
"You're not a dog," she whispers. Her arm is still outstretched, steadily soaking. "Oh, God." The 'stray dog' has been terrorizing their trash for weeks. This kid's been out here for weeks? She stammers for a few dumb moments, but eventually manages; "Where the hell are your parents?"
The kid blinks at her, wide-eyed, terrified. He's shivering head to toe. Slowly, his eyes unfocusing as he thinks, he shakes his head. Salem's brows furrow.
"O-kay," she mumbles, finally lowering her arm. "No shit. You've been out here for ages." She chews on her bottom lip. "Let's get you out of the trash. Come here, buddy, let's—"
Salem hardly sees him move, but suddenly he's standing in front of her. He's five foot even, maybe, hunched over like some kind of animal. He kinda smells like an animal. Everybody thought he was an animal.
Oh God, the animal in their trash was actually a kid. Fuck.
She shifts the umbrella to cover them both. "Here," she says, handing him the sandwich. "Let's, uh, let's start with that."
He stares at her expectantly. There are bags under his mismatched eyes so dark they look like bruises. His cheeks are sunken. He looks like somebody hollowed him out and filled the empty space with nothing but terror. His teeth are chattering so hard she's certain Asher can hear it from here.
He doesn't eat.
Stammering uselessly for a few moments, Salem nudges his hand again. "That's— that's food, buddy. I'm sorry I tried to give it to you like a dog, but— it's, uh, fair game." He scarves it down like he hasn't eaten in weeks. She tries not to be too freaked out. "Okay," she whispers again.
"My— my apartment is, like, a block that way," she explains, shrugging her jacket from her shoulders. When she reaches to wrap it around him, he flinches so hard he nearly topples over. "Shit— fuck. Sorry. You're shaking like a leaf. This is— well, okay, it's kinda damp. But it'll probably be warmer than—" she gestures to his scrappy sweater, hanging off of him— "that."
He carefully pulls it on. She takes his hand— carefully, trying not to startle him again— and the two of them start off.
. . .
She half-carries him up the stairs, both of them dripping wet. He shakes against her; she rattles from the force of it.
"Stay here for a second," Salem mumbles, sliding her shoes off at the door. "I'm gonna get you something nice and warm to change into. You got a color preference?"
He stares at her like she's grown an extra head.
"I'll take that as a no."
She gets halfway down the hall and stops, turning right back around. The poor kid looks at her like a deer in headlights. He hadn't moved a muscle.
"You..." Salem pauses. He smells like a wet garbage rat, because that's effectively what he was. "You should probably take a shower."
He inches forward. There's something wrong about the way he moves, but Salem can't figure out what exactly it is. She holds out her hand, and he shakily takes it. (It's like holding an ice cube.)
"I'll get the water started and then pop out to get you some clothes. Okay?"
He nods slowly, spacily. "Yes ma'am," he whispers. So he could talk. That would make things easier.
She doesn't make the shower as hot as she normally would. Salem's no medical expert, but she's pretty sure she's read somewhere that putting a cold person into hot water did more harm than good— why was eluding her, but...
"My name is Salem," she says, waiting for the water to warm. "You got a name, kid?"
His arms waver awkwardly and finally settle wrapped around himself. For a long moment, he doesn't respond.
"Moony, ma'am," he manages, finally. Salem decides not to judge.
"Okay, Moony." She very firmly decides not to judge, even though it sounds like something a ten year old would name a dog. Living on the streets had made him physically animalistic, sure, but the name?
She keeps her face carefully neutral. "That warm enough, bud?"
Moony sticks his arm out and tests the water, nodding slowly. "Yes'm."
Salem stands, sighing through her nose. "Alright. I'm gonna go get you some clothes. You can use whatever you want in there, towels are—" She opens a cupboard, only to find it empty. "I'll bring you a towel."
She leaves him to it, clicking the door shut behind her, and sighs. "Fuck," she whispers.
The front door unlocks and swings open. Asher drops his backpack off without even glancing up.
Salem groans. "Double fuck."
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problemstarchild · 4 days
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Working on a design for a tiefling for my next DnD game. He goes by Kai. One of his ancestors made a deal with a rakshasa, so he’s got some white tiger bullshit going on. (He doesn’t know that though, just that he’s a tiefling.) I’m a sucker for hooves though…
He’s a paladin and works with a circus. He usually wears a split-face makeup design — partially to have an excuse to cover up the stripes.
I really want his horns to mimic a halo and glow brightly when he uses pally spells…
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zappkisser-remade · 1 year
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So what if, just throwing the idea out there, I went and proposed to a certain dingbat? We’ve been together for a while, he makes me happy, and I’m sure he’d love having his own personal trophy wife (/j)
Still thinking about it just a bit, but I’ll be sure to update whenever anything happens :]
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anatomical-puppet · 28 days
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happy big and sexually normal :)
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cakesdown · 3 months
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hello valem nation
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I'm a day late but shush
Happy 1st Birthday to Salem!!
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occatorcreator · 1 year
Why does Scribbles have a bandage of some kind around his leg?
Salem is a biter. And also has very sharp teeth.
His favorite target is Scribbles as it is fun for the tot to sneak up after his dad
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That’s why Scribbles has the bandage 🩹
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