#and i dont want anyone gettin get confused
anatomical-puppet · 28 days
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happy big and sexually normal :)
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kadwrites · 1 year
office scandal | T.S
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summary ; polly takes you with her to run an errand.
warnings ; arranged marriage trope, bad writing?!! , typos maybe (english isn't my first language)
a/n ; i almost lost my mind writing this. hopefully the accents are better and polly is well portrayed? lmk what you think <3
you're still on your bed, your friends are on it too this time. madeline and fiona , are on either side of you, kneeling on your mattress.
"what do ya mean y're gettin' married ?" madeline looks at you with a crooked smile, she thinks you're messing with her.
fiona is just staring at you with her head tilted
"i mean i am to be wed, betrothed, spoken for,"
"okay stop." fiona puts a hand up , "when did ya decide to do that? i thought ya were waitin' to get swept off yer feet"
you sigh, leaning back and letting the back of your head hit the bed frame "it just ... 'appened..."
madeline and fiona look at eachother before looking at you
"what are ya not tellin' us?"
"yeah , what are ya hidin' ?"
you look at them both, you contemplate telling them. you haven't really spoken about this whole ordeal to anyone , not really. and its been a week and a half already
"i um" your eyes drop to your hands "my parents chose 'im for me"
"yer parents?" fiona asks with a raised brow "and how exactly did they convince ya to do that?"
"its a long story" you wave a dismissive hand
"so ya know who he is?" madeline copies fiona, tilting her head too "do we know 'im as well?"
"i think everyone in birmingham knows 'im" you mutter under your breath
"who the fuck are ya marryin'?the king of england?"
you just stare at them, you lick your lips "ya got to keep yer knickers intact."
they both nod,
"its thomas shelby"
"what?" fiona's face drops , her voice does too.
madeline just snorts a laugh and then then goes quiet and just looks at you, "y're jokin' right?"
you take a deep breath "no , i am not jokin' "
"what do ya mean y're marryin' thomas shelby?" madeline gets closer to you "how?"
"i don't know..." just look back at them, your voice soft too.
"do ya want this?" madeline asks again
"it's complicated really..."
"no its not, ya either do or ya don't" fiona's hands grab yours "do ya not want this?"
you lick your lips, you take a moment to think , howare you going to even phrase this "i do,"
"ya do know who he is right?" madeline stares at you with a confused look "he isn't just any man"
"i know who he is..." you sigh
"then how are ya willing to marry 'im?" fiona never spoke so seriously before
"i 'ave my reasons"
"i hope that they're good enough for ya to put yourself through this" madeline chimes in again
you just close your eyes and let yourself plop back against the mattress, fiona and madeline share another look.
" 'ave you seen 'im?" madeline laid next to you
"yeah" you say with a chuckle , your mind flashing images of him on the sofa.
"is he really a dish?"
madeline smacks fiona on her arm and fiona rubs it with a frown "what! ya were thinkin' that too!"
you roll your eyes, but a small smile plays at your lips "he isn't bad lookin' i suppose."
madeline looks at you with a raised brow
"fine, he's a dish, happy?" you mumble , as if it pained you to admit it
"at least one of us will be fuckin' someone attractive"
"i thought ya liked callum" madeline frowns
"i love ya madeline i do, but callum isn't exactly a sight for the sore eyes"
"when's the weddin'?"
you look at madeline "i dont know , we 'ave yet to speak about that"
"i bet it's gonna be grand , ey?" fiona wiggles her brows
"well if i'm marryin' one of the wealthiest man in birmingham i might as well make at an occasion"
"wait , did you 'ave an engagement party already?" madeline asks, with a gasp and a hand on her chest
"if i did, ya would've been there."
"he has a son , ya know" fiona's voice goes back to its soft tone
you hum and nod "he told me about 'im"
"he did?" madeline asks with a smile
"what did he say?"
"that he wants a wife that can take care of 'im,"
"won't be long till you start poppin' out babies too" fiona mumbles
"whats that supposed to mean?" you ask with a chuckle
"with a husband this good lookin'? i give ya three months, and ya'll have a little one in that belly"
"don't speak that into existence!"
"i mean..." madeline says with a smirk "look at celest, she got pregnant with sarah , what? 4 or 5 months after she got married?"
"please don't open this topic of conversation" you beg as you rub your hand over your face "im stressed as it is."
all the of you turn to look at the door when you hear is open and celest's head peaks in "polly gray is here"
madeline and fiona turn to look at eachother then at you
"i don't know but she's waitin' for ya" celest shrugs
"i'll be right there" you get off the bed and open the doors to your closet, looking for something to wear
"polly gray ? she's the shelbys aunt isnt she?"
"what does she want with ya?"
you change your clothes in a hurry, mind racing with possibilities "im not sure" you just mumble as you put on your blouse.
they watch you as you fix your hair and then go downstairs.
"mrs gray" you say with a polite smile as you walk into the living room "to what do i owe the pleasure"
she looks at you with a look thats eerily similar to her nephew's,and you try to not turn and walk back up the stairs
"we 'ave some business to attend to"
"we do?" your brows furrow "at this time?" it was 6 in the evening after all.
"okay." you try not to snap your own neck at that response.
you get into her car as she drives, you two sitting in awkward silence "where are we goin' ?"
she glances at you before glancing back at the road and you just don't ask again but then you see your destination, shelby company limited and you think you might just not get out of that car but you do. your heels click against the floor when you walk through the dark halls.
there aren't many people there considering the work day has already ended, but you see a woman. she's young, around your age maybe. and she greets polly, completely ignoring you but you chalk it up to maybe the fact that it's polly gray is standing next to you.
"good evenin' , mrs gray" her voice is almost sickly sweet
"do you know who this is?" she asks her, nodding at you.
she looks you up and down and then shakes her head "nah, i can't say i do."
"she's tommy shelby's fiancé."
"i didn't know he was engaged" her lashes flutter and her lips twitch as she tries to maintain her smile.
"ya do now , don't ya?" polly stares that woman down "an' i hope it doesn't escape yer mind"
you just watch as the color drains out of her face as she excuses herself and scurries back to her work.
"what the fuck was that about?" it escapes your mouth before you even think, polly turns to you "that poor girl"
"in a place like this , ya either put yer fucking foot down and let everyone know what yer place is before they decide for themselves." her voice is stern, its firm and it makes you stand straighter "an' that poor girl wants to fuck yer fiancée"
"what?" your voice is squeaky, its high pitched. "how could you possibly know that?"
"anyone with eyes can fuckin' see that."
"i.." your words die when you look at her and you realize, she's helping you. "why are ya doin' this for me?"
"i know ya might not had the control that ya wanted over who yer husband is" her tone doesn't change when she speaks "so i'll give ya one piece of advice, ya can't marry tommy if ya don't 'ave a backbone. it'll be easier for ya to kill yerself than to live with 'im."
you know polly, but not well. she and your father knew eachother as children , your father is part gypsy himself. you remember meeting her a handful of times as a child but you were always too scared to talk to her for very long.
ironically, your mother didn't like the lifestyle her nephews led, she didn't want her children to be involved in it so you didn't get to see polly much throughout your life.
but you do remember one thing vividly and its her telling you to bite your brother back whenever he bothered you "or ya'll just show 'im that he can treat ya like that for the rest of yer life, ya dont want that now do ya?" . and you did do just that when abraham tugged on your braids a mere 10 minutes later, and polly winked at you , as she sipped her tea and you just stood there smiling proudly even though your mother was yelling at you for making your brother cry.
when you hear another pair of steps walking towards you, you both turn to see tommy. he's in his usual getup sans the jacket, a cigarette hanging from his lip and his glasses are on , his hands in his pocket.
"are ya done terrorizin' my secretary?"
polly just looks at him and walks past him "i'll leave ya two to it then."
and you were left there with him, blinking at that interaction.
"terrorizin' ? thats a bit of an exaggeration"
@tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator
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mystar-girl57 · 2 years
𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐦
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
Paring: Widowed!Jake Sully x Fem!Reader
Warnings: reader has Thalassophobia (phobia of oceans/deep and large bodies of water), mentions of alcohol, reader gets drunk (they dont hurt anyone or get physically hurt themself, they do sober up pretty quick)
Comments: things are gettin’ good now >:))
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Things had slowly begun to change the days leading up to the feast of the Tuklun arriving. They were small changes but they were there.
You began to see Kaiman more when working with Ronal and while walking around the village on your lonesome. You shared polite hellos while passing by but nothing too eventful. Though there were a few times when you shared glances across the way. Ronal seemed to notice this and each time he came into view she had you being pulled the opposite direction.
Jake had also started to act differently. He would sit by you now in meals rather than across on the other side of the family circle. Come time to sleep Jake would tuck the kids in after you giving you time to get settled into your space in the pallet before getting in. The two of you started to stick closer together when you were on an outing with family. He would always keep to the side of you that had water on it and if you were going through a crowded space he would keep his hand on your back to gently guide you through.
All of his actions confused you. You had no idea why he had started doing this, even when you would be pretending to be a couple he never did this. It felt so genuine and intimate. It just confused you.
The feast came quicker than you expected and before you realized it, you, Ronal, Tuk, Tsireya and Kiri were all in the tsahìk’s marui getting ready. Well more of you were trying to get Tuk ready.
“Two seconds Tuk I am almost done,” you sighed, working quickly to finish up her braids, the amber bead now resting in her hair. “You said that a hundred minutes ago!” She whined, “I wanna go to the party!” “Tuk. Manners.” Kiri hissed while Tsireya finished up her hair. Tuk huffed, crossing her arms. You rolled your eyes softly fixing her top, you couldn’t blame her, you and Neytiri were the same way with your mothers, you’d rather go out and play then spend the time getting ready.
“And done!” You announced pulling back. Tuk twirled around a grin finding her lips. She instantly went and hugged you tightly. “Thank you Mama,” she whispered into your abdomen. That was another thing that had changed, your relationship with the children. Since calling Tuk your own, versus calling her Jake’s daughter to the woman in the shop all those weeks back you found yourself more comfortable around them. No longer did you feel like such an outsider and the kids noticed it. Lo’ak and Neteyam still called you by your name but Lo’ak had a few “slip ups” where he called you mom.
Tsireya was quick to finish up Kiri and turned to you. “Are you ready to get ready?” She asked with a kind smile. You hesitated and looked yourself up and down. You had yet to change anything about the loincloth and top that you wore since coming to Awa’altu. “I figured I would just wear this. That is all I have.” You explained. Ronal and Tsireya swapped glances, a smile coming to the daughter’s lips. “You can go get it now daughter,” Ronal nodded and her youngest was quick to disappear into the back of the pod while you and your daughters stood confused.
“Come, let us get your hair done then get you dressed.” Ronal instructed, leading you to the stool that Trisreya used for Kiri. “Kiri, come help.” She called your eldest daughter and she was quick to come over. Ronal seperated your hair into sections, the ends curling in different directions, it was not much different from Kiri’s.
The two took their time putting little braids and pearls into your hair not wanting to make a drastic change to your looks and it was not long before Ronal was helping Tuk put the amber bead into your hair.
“I am sorry it took me so long.” Tsireya’s voice rang out announcing her presence as she came back to the marui. “Aonung decided to move it.” She huffed. Coming over to you all she had in her hands two articles of clothing. Crouching down she laid out the top and loincloth in front of you and your ears perked up while you looked at it. It was truly a work of art. The way Tsireya had it was woven with bits of coral and shiny rocks she had found during her swims, the brown and cream colorings reminding you of the sand of the beach.
“I hope it is okay,” she spoke with shyness as you stared. “I was not sure what you would like so I took some advice from your kids and Toruk gave me some of the stones.” At the mention of Jake’s name you grimaced slightly. The more kind gestures he presented you the more confused you got. “Come,” Ronal gently shook you out of your thoughts, “Eclipse is falling and I know your family is waiting.”
It did not take you long to swap out your clothes for the ones Tsireya made and you Tuk and Kiri to leave. Tuk skipped ahead of you two and Kiri walked close beside you. “Is everything alright Sa’nok?” Kiri suddenly asked, looking up at you. “You seem tense.” You glanced at her, your ears flicking down in response. “There is no need to worry Kiri,” you put your arm around her shoulder and she put her arm around you in response. “I am just thinking over things.” She looked at you with an unsure countenance but didn’t press.
When your Marui came into view Jake stood there watching his sons roughhouse while waiting for you. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of him, seeing the paint on his body that the men helped him with, the way it danced along his body, defining his muscles and scars. It told a story that you yearned to know. But no, no. You could not do this to yourself, not after three years of nothing but hatred between the two of you, you could not let yourself fall for him after a few simple touches and smiles.
“Dad!” Tuk grinned, getting his attention. When he saw her running to him he crouched down catching her into his hands and pulling her up into the air. “Well don’t you look pretty.” He chuckled as she hugged his neck. “Mama helped me! She got us matching beads from an elder in the shops!” “Did she?” Jake smiled, turning to look at you. You did not meet his eyes, looking at some random object behind him. Jake’s smile faltered slightly before he picked it back up and bent down to set Tuk on the ground. “Are we ready to go Sully family?” His question was followed by cheers from the kids and the four of them were quick to take off by the beach leaving you and Jake following behind side by side.
“It was nice of Rona and Tonowari allowing us to come.” Jake said as you walked, “It’s good for the kids to get out and be kids.” You nodded slightly, trying to ignore the way your hands were brushing and you brought your hands up crossing them over your chest. “I cannot remember the last time I saw Neteyam genuinely laugh. I forget sometimes that he is only fifteen.” Jake sighed, “He comes by it naturally unfortunately.” This got you to chance up at him with a soft frown wondering what he meant by that.
The music grew louder as you drew closer and you could see the fire glowing, its orange tongues reaching up and licking the skies trying to eat the stars. Everyone was dancing and singing, drums pounding in your ears setting the tone for the evening. Tonight was a night of celebration, the Tulkun were home and everything was well. “Well, I shall see you later I suppose.” You muttered once you made it to the clearing knowing that the crowd would be too drunk to notice that the two of you were not together. Not waiting for a response from Jake you slipped into the crowd leaving him confused.
Your brain was fuzzy and confused as thoughts of Jake swirled in your mind. It bothered you, angered you even that he was suddenly acting so nice as if nothing had happened and you could not help but wonder if it was because of you meeting Kaiman. How did he find out? And why were you so worried nothing had happened between the two of you and you were not sure if you really wanted anything to happen to the two of you, Kaiman was just a distraction. “Just a distraction.” You muttered coming up to the table that continued shell cups full of drinks meant for the adults.
The man sitting there handing you a tiny shot glass which you downed instantly and set the cup back down. “Want something to sip on?” He offered and you croaked out a “please” as the alcohol burned in your throat. When you had a bigger glass in your hand you muttered a “thanks” and went back out into the crowd sipping on the drink.
It did not take long for your cup to be empty and the drink started to take its toll. Your senses were nulled and it felt like your pain was gone. You started to laugh, why were you mad in the first place you wondered you could not seem to remember. Soon you bumped into someone’s shoulder and you stumbled back. “Sorry,” you mumbled looking up to the victim of your attack and your eyes lit up when you saw Kaiman. “Kai!” You cheered and instantly hugged his arm. The man (who was also a bit tippsy) let out a nervous chuckle. “Hello to you too,” he gently lifted your head up with his fingers under your chin. You looked up at him with droopy eyes and a dopey grin and he understood instantly, this must have been your first time drinking Metkayinan alcohol which was known for its powerful taste and its quick affects to the body in comparison to the alcohol the clans in the forest made. “Drank a little too much?” He asked and you grinned rolling your eyes. “Just a cup or three, and a few shots.” Kaiman sighed, shaking his head. You pulled away from his arm and grabbed his hands, “Come let us go dance!” Your voice grew loud and giddy but Kaiman did not move. “I need to get you to your husband.” He said holding onto you so you would not leave as he looked around for Jake hoping it would be easy to spot his blue body over a sea of green.
You groaned at the mention of Jake. “Why does everyone keep speaking of him!” You spat, “He does not love me! I have never been touched by anyone and I am certainly not mated in front Ewya to him. His kids are not even mine! They are my best friend's!” With every proclamation your voice grew louder and Kaiman was thankful that everyone was too drunk to hear you and if they did they would not remember it by morning.
As Jake walked by Kaiman waved his hand getting the man’s attention and pointed to you now pissed standing there. Jake upon seeing you was quick to make his way through the crowd. “Our alcohol is much different from yours,” Kaiman explained, taking his hands off you so Jake could look you over. “Stronger.” “Yeah I figured,” Jake nodded having only had half a glass. “Plus she’s a lightweight.” He put your arm over his shoulder and bent down, getting your legs standing up with you in his arms. “Thank you.” He said to Kaiman and the man nodded, “Take care of her.” Kaiman responded looking at you worriedly.
Jake carried you through the crowd as you squirmed, he managed to find Tonowari and Ronal and explained that you were not feeling well and if they could let the kids stay with them for the evening, which they agreed.
“Why do you have to ruin everything?” You growled looking at your knees. Jake looked down at you as you continued. “You take my best friend from me, have her killed, then you take my freedom away and force me out of my home! I hate you.” You hit his chest. “Ewya I hate you!” Your feeble attempts did not hurt Jake in the slightest but your words did. He knew that you were drunk but drunk words were just sober thoughts that you were too scared to say. He knew you right though, he had taken so much from you and it took him too long to realize it.
You continued to struggle as he walked into the marui and he gently set you down on your pallet. In an instant you curled up your tail wrapped around you as you hugged yourself. Soft sobs began to rack out of your throat as the alcohol continued to work on you, giving you a flood of emotions. “I just wanted her to be safe.” You sniffled, “she loved you so much.” Jake sighed softly coming over to you with a shell glass filled with water and he sat down on his knees by you. A low growl rumbled from your throat and your tail flicked in warning. “I am not going to hurt you,” he whispered, “or I will try to not hurt you any more at least.” Jake knew his words were worthless compared to all that he had done to you over the years, even now when he dragged you to the one place that you feared.
“Can you take a few sips of this and then I’ll leave you be?” He coaxed. It took a few moments of you angrily eyeing him before you weakly sat up and took the cup from him. The cool water was an instant relief to your throat and you chugged it. “Easy, easy,” Jake whispered, not wanting you to choke and when the cup was empty you pulled it away from your lips with a gap, wiping the water off your lips.
You were not completely sober but the buzz had started to slowly wear off. You wiped your nose with a sniffle. You refused to cry in front of him. He hated you and you hated him, that was how it was always going to be. But you started to find yourself not wanting that any more. You wanted to be able to wake up in his arms to see him smile, go on date nights every once in a while, look at him and be happy. You hated yourself for that.
But you didn’t know that he wanted it too. Jake was mad at himself for how much pain he had caused, he knew that if Neytiri was here she would hit him on the head and call him a Skxawng. He deserved it, that and more, for hurting you, for lying to his kids.
Jake watched as you glared at him one last time before rolling over and curling up. He pulled the blanket up over you, your body tensing as he did and he could not help but wonder, was there any way to fix what he did?
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© 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫-𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝟓𝟕 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬
🏷: @fanboyluvr @mashiromochi @newjeansbonnie @cleverzonkwombatsludge @atxara @jakesully-sbabygirl @ducks118 @ssc7514 @squidalapobre @anxietydrogz @myheartfollower @misscaller06 @itzyahgirllkita1 @saltedcoffeescotch @eskamybeloved @agustdeeyaa @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @julijal @supercoolusernamesblog @iamparou @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @idcalol
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is-this-plural · 8 months
gettin kinda scared how much i relate to some of the posts on here considering certain factors i know about myself
factors facets alters headmates. if you relate, you should probably look into it. theres no way to know without taking the time to understand yourself better.
i also want to put it out there that if you're wrong, theres nothing wrong with that. sometimes you get confused and thats fine! you dont hurt anyone by exploring your identity(ies).
wishing you luck on your journey.
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nightowlspawn · 1 year
"You come up here often?" I hear his voice followed by the door closing.
"Ehhh, depends." I swig the bottle between my fingers careful not to let it drop because fuck, this shit is good. I fell in love with it tonight. Id probably fall in love with any motherfucker that handed me some cherry wine, but the person who gave me cherry wine was him and im already in love sooo. Dont count. "It's really pretty tonight soo." He nods beside me and rests his arms on the edge. Him? Why he do that?
I steal a look and take another sip. Why he look so focused? With his- damn, his eyes. How the hell he get them pretty bitches? Gyatdamn his face his beautiful. And those lips? Mannn. Don’t even get me started. Holy shit look at his arms. Hes buff. how'd he get that kind of muscle anyway? Bro your hands! I bet they'd look better wrapped around my waist you know what 'm sayin? What? That did not come out of my mouth. Mmm yeah it did. Yeah you flex them muscles. Why is that so hot when you mess with your hair? The urge to put my hands through it. Stop looking like that or im going to kiss you. Then im gonna regret it.
I dont realize I'm still staring until he exhales and steps back. I continue staring at the sunset as he reads the label on the bottle i had next to me. "You really like this?" It's more of an observation than a question, but I respond anyway.
"It's only perfection in a bottle. Would you like a taste sir?" I smile and motion to the wine in my hand.
"I've had a few already." "Sips?" I scoff. I wouldn't take him as someone who drinks at parties. At least not like i do.
"Glasses. The champagne is really good." I nod hum in shock. Classy man he his, and still, dumb as fuck.
"You take the alcohol well."
"Not my first round." He smiles. "You'd be surprised. What about you?" He gestures at the bottle in my hand and the one dangerously close to the edge.
"Oh this?" I scoff amused. "I had a glass and i hate drinking off people, and this shit is divine. i wanted to enjoy it peacefully, without anyone gettin me to try other shit. That one is for later." I point to it with my almost empty bottle.
"Shit." He laughs. "You're don't seem as drunk."
"Ain't my first rodeo either." I chug the last sip and set the bottle down. "Shouldn't you be downstairs? This is a party for you, after all."
"As a joke. I can't stand them." He shakes his head, which makes his hair fall in his face and he moves to fix it. If this motherfucker does that one more time-  "And its tiring being this likeable. I can't move two steps without someone eyeing me or flirting." Aint that the mother fucking truth.
"Damn, you make it sound terrible."
"It's not always. There's just someone that has more of my," I push off the ledge and look him in his eyes. He follows my movement and gives me a once over. "Attention."
"Is there now?" I mock question. I already know the answer as i walk closer to him. Now im looking down at his eyes, which still make my heart stop its normal rhythm to make sure it only beats when he blinks.
"Yeah." He stands up. "And she's fucking gorgeous."
"Why don't you just kiss me already?"
"Because god, you're fucking confusing."
"I'm confusing?"
"Yes, you confuse me!"
"Alright whatever."
"Well whats that supposed to mean?"
"Doesn't matter." I wrap my arms around his neck and smile like an idiot. "You sure we can do this? They're not gonna come around in a helicopter and broadcast it to the world are they?" He smiled back into her lips.
"Let em look."
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arcadequeerz · 4 years
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#||Dnt Reb/og plz||#Legit tired of tht same discourse with the ace flag being bad being tossed up again n again. like. i swear i hav seen this#exact Shit be thrown around in the past n it be disproven- i dont hasv the posts on hand atm buit????#please takle in consideration the source this info is Coming From. if its coming from aphobes people who will take any excuse#to attack acespec people- i REEEAAAALLY dont think you should take their words for fact.#tho i guess if u wanna redesign the flag- and use a redesign theres nothin stopping u go ahead if u want!- not gonna tell people they should#nt-?? just u kno take into consideration where the info is coming from ig. use whatever flag u want in the end- whichever ur more comfortabl#with but. yeah thjts my twocents on this.#making redesigns r p tough cus its hard to get a community as a whole to settle on a flag design/use one. whn it comes#down to it jus?? use whatever flag ur more comfortable in using.#idk man im just sort of confused on this. i hope i dont sound Mean or Pissy bout this cus im not mad at anyone#more of just frustrated tht its still something being tossed around-#ples no one send me discourse bout this d:') im just talkin bout this. thts all. i'll delete this in a Bit just sorta gettin my thoughts on#it out.#-again sorry if it seems like im Mad- im not jus sorta?? frustrated tht i see this kinda stuff get stirred up again every once n a while.#like thought we Dealt with this once why r people starting it again JGJDG
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quackspot · 5 years
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im   looking at psychology today for posibl therapists mayb  and     i   have decided t omake a pun with the folder name of bookmark haho
#ha hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo#me: suffering but listening to mr saxobeat so its all ok#ive been thinking ''god DAMN i really need therapy'' recently so  thats why im looking up possible therapists#i hope theres also trans + nonbinary ones because i  feel like those people would be best for questions and concerns about my relationship#with my body since its a lot of confusion#i would vent to my family and friends but i   believe i have trust issues#im pretty sure i know why i dont want to make friends its a mix of being online all the time and a fear of losing said friends due to that#being a common pattern in my life#the first move made me lose an important friend-- well it decreased the bond greatly for a while and its basically gone now#then the 2nd move in like 7th grade ruined my entire fucking social life  i had 2 close friends !!! i want to go back to those days sometime#s#sittin on the bus. . . . reading warrior cats... me reading ravenpaw with some voice cracky wimp voice....#my friend ava made up a warrior cat name ! treeleaf ! for some reason she associates me with leaves i guess bc a nice gift she made for me#included me gettin distracted by a lea#f*#and then theres my school situation  which is horrid since i hardly have anyone to consider a friend other than MAYBE my brohter and thats#just considering our strong sibling bond#he seems to be ok with moving and is great with making friends#in school i do great but it might just be because i have nothing to distract me but myself and since ive nothing to distract myself from my#schoolwork i always get it done which is great and cool but i have#way too much fucking free time and i spend it all online .#i need to go outside ! i want to hang out! im trapped in my room by social anxiety of  false situations and my brain#only provides horrific situations that would never happen like earlier on the bus i was thinking about using my bi pride pin as a weapon and#my brain was like ''well if i put it on the edge of the sleeve of my jacket it would be easy to cut myself out if i were to get my hands#tied up'' like when the fuck would that happen?????? jesus  brain  calm down  its just a 15 year old#i really wish pride palace was selling nonbinary pride pins  idk if they were during the sale so i m waiting on the pride flag#today was my first day with the pin ! nobody noticed it which is great#i know how conversations work and the basics but like driving it would take practice to improve#but unlike driving im less able due to anxieties and such#and im also pretty sure i have some acute form of depression as well so thats just dandy !   my head hurts .
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [final part] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
Let's end this with a bang, shall we? Also, let's not cry too much, okay? [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai]
4,004 words
warning: SMUT, double vaginal penetration, oral [M], face fucking, slight degradation, passing out, emotions in the end
note:  we're finally done! thanks to everyone who took the time to read my silly story! I truly hope this brought you some type of joy and entertainment! I would appreciate some final feedback now that we are finished. Please dont be shy 🥺❤
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || Masterlist
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I couldn't help the deep sigh that left from behind my lips as strong hands massaged my back, my body relaxing on the comfortable massage bed. A floral, relaxing scent wafted through my nose, further relaxing me.
"Your body is so tense," a soft, feminine voice said and I hummed in response, eyes closing as the person's hands continued to massage me. "Don't worry, I'll have you all better by the end."
I just hummed again, letting my mind wander as the masseuse massaged my muscles. If she noticed the bruises and bite marks left on my skin, she didn't say anything, just massaging them a little more carefully.
The night before... just thinking back to it made me chew on my bottom lip, remembering how both Chuuya and Dazai thoroughly fucked me deep into the night. They basically turned me inside out, pulling orgasm after orgasm from my body, using me in any which way to please them until I was a fucked out, shaking mess, lying on my back staring blankly at the ceiling.
I can hear their laughter still in my head, the dirty words they whispered still fresh in my mind. Can still feel their rough fingers digging into my flesh, in my mouth, inside me, pulling me into new heights over and over again until I was basically brain dead.
Last night was the first night in days that I had actually gotten some sleep, having woken up refreshed, yet still sore just this morning. It took a bit to get up and walk around, searching for clothes only to remember that I didn't even pack a bag when Chuuya brought me to the penthouse.
"You won't need it," Chuuya told me, sitting at the bar and sipping some tea. He only wore his pants, his shirtless form making me flustered a bit.
"I can't walk around naked, you know. What if I need to leave the penthouse?" I huffed, earning a laugh from Dazai, who was still cuddled up in the blankets.
"You're not leaving, bella~"
I scoffed. "Shouldn't you be at work?"
"I took vacation time."
Dazai just grinned at me and I rolled my eyes. I can just hear Kunikida bursting a blood vessel at this very moment. I shook my head, feeling Chuuya come up and hug me from behind, kissing on my neck softly.
"You won't be leaving," he confirmed Dazai's statement and I shivered slightly. "The masseuse will be here in an hour, so eat breakfast. I felt just how tight and tense your body was last night."
"We need you to be nice and pliable~" Dazai sang and I scoffed, my face heating up.
"Horn dogs..." I grumbled, Chuuya letting me go. After a much needed shower and breakfast, there was a knock on the door and now here I was, the very skilled masseuse kneading out every tight knot in my body.
"Thank you," Chuuya told the masseuse after finishing the session with me. He handed her a fat wad of cash and as she headed out the penthouse, more than pleased with the large tip.
"... and you really think you don't scream 'sugar daddy'?" I asked him, earning a huff and a glare from the red head. Dazai snickered, arm wrapping around my loose body. He led me over to the bar to join Chuuya and I sat on the stool. There was a bit of a silence and I took a look at the two of them before I set my hands on the bar.
"Okay," I started. "Let's talk."
"Ohhh, exciting," Dazai hummed, grabbing the whiskey and pouring himself a glass. "Now that things have finally settled down, I guess it's finally time to have this conversation."
Chuuya was confused. "What conversation?"
"What else? This," I gestured between the three of us. "Us."
"... aren't we just what, fuck buddies? Hell, we were only supposed to have a one night stand!"
"Yet, here we are, Chuuya."
"That's what happens when you have good pussy," Dazai remarked and I gasped, completely scandalized as my face heated up.
"What, it's true!"
"Ugh, even if we are just fuck buddies, we have to set boundaries! Expectations!" I exclaimed. "We haven't used condoms, we know Dazai is a little thot-" 
"Don't laugh, Chuuya, you are way too pretty to not be gettin' some."
"Well, if it makes you feel better, you're the only one I've been sleeping with," Dazai admitted and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I don't know if I believe you."
"But it's true! Whose bed have I been in the most recently?"
"I... well, you have a point."
"And you're the first I've had in a while," Chuuya admitted himself. "I had a lot of things going on."
I nodded my head in understanding, fiddling with my thumbs a bit. "Well... I just want us to be safe. And well, you know, happy so... I don't mind... keeping things how they are now. You know, casual..." I was getting a bit flustered.
"I don't have a problem with it," Dazai said with a shrug.
"Of course you don't," Chuuya huffed. "But fine. It'll be better if feelings don't get involved anyway."
"Oh, most definitely," I agreed with a nod of my head. "And if anyone wants out, then that's okay."
"Oh bella, I don't think that's happening anytime soon," Dazai hummed, finishing his whiskey. He set the glass down, capturing my gaze with his heated eyes and I gasped softly. I then felt my hair being pushed to the side and I bit my lip as Chuuya pressed up against me, kissing on my neck.
"Wait-" I gasped, watching as Dazai stood up from his stool, already pulling off his shirt. "We need to-"
"Talking is over," Chuuya whispered, easily pulling me off the stool. We followed Dazai back towards the bed, it was made with fresh, clean sheets. My mind immediately wandered back to the night before and a chill went down my spine.
It didn't take long for things to get heated, me now sandwiched between them standing at the foot of the bed. My hands were in Chuuya's hair as we kissed, his hands going to undo the robe I was in. The soft material fell to the ground and from behind, Dazai cupped my breasts in his hands, leaving hot, open mouth kisses on my neck.
Dazai's fingers pinched and pulled at my nipples, while Chuuya pushed his hand between my legs, fingers finding my clit. I gasped when he started to rub circles on it, his free arm wrapping around my waist to keep me still.
"You're so wet already," Chuuya whispered against my lips and I whined softly.
"Are you surprised?" Dazai asked, his voice dark yet teasing. "Our dirty little girl is always ready for us to just... take her. Is that right?"
He had asked me and I whimpered softly, nodding my head as I bit my lip to keep me from moaning loudly as Chuuya pushed two fingers inside my wet pussy. Dazai tutted, Chuuya snickering a bit as Dazai grabbed me by my hair, yanking my head back. I cried out, Dazai hissing in my ear.
"I thought we taught you yesterday. Use your fucking words."
"Yes!" I cried out, Chuuya slowly fucking his fingers into me, making it harder for me to talk. I knew I had to answer, but the way that his fingers curled into me made it oh so difficult. No fair. "Yes... 'm so wet for you... I always want you..."
"And why is that?" Chuuya asked, curling his fingers again, Dazai reaching around to rub on my clit as he mouthed along my neck.
"Cause!" I squealed. "I'm- I'm a whore... your whore... your subordinate..."
The men cursed and I found myself thrown onto the bed, only getting a quick second to gather my thoughts before they were on me, Dazai now kissing me deeply while Chuuya kissed along on my chest, taking one of my nipples into his mouth. I moaned in pleasure, squeezing my thighs together, only for both men to reach and spread my legs open.
"Don't fucking hide your pussy from me," Chuuya growled and I whimpered and nodded, crying out when Dazai pushed two of his long fingers into me.
It wasn't long until I found myself on my hands and knees, Chuuya fucking me from behind while Dazai held a tight grip on my head, fucking my mouth. My moans were muffled, the two men moaning, hissing and cursing from their own pleasure.
"I don't know which I like better, your pussy or this hot fucking mouth," Dazai hissed down at me, thrusting his cock deep into my throat then going still, almost making me gag as he made my mouth cockwarm him. "That's right, savor it..."
"Definitely love this pussy, so fucking tight..." Chuuya grunted, hands digging into my hips as he continued to fuck me, the feeling of my walls convulsing around him bringing him near his orgasm. "Fuck, dollface... it's like you were made for us, made for me." He moved his hand around to start rubbing at my clit, my moans and screams muffled by Dazai's cock.
Tears were already running down my face, the vibration from my moans making Dazai tilt his head back as he groaned deeply. Chuuya only had to fuck into me a bit longer before my orgasm rushed through me, my eyes rolling back and my toes curling as I tightened impossibly hard around him. Dazai quickly pushed my head away from him, and I knew it was because I was so close to unconsciously biting him.
"Fuck!" Chuuya quickly pulled out, beginning to stroke his cock himself, when I suddenly shouted.
"Inside! Please!"
Not even thinking about it, Chuuya plunged right back inside of me, pressing me down onto the bed with his hands on my back. His thrusts were almost wild, rough with reckless abandon and I sobbed, clawing into the bed sheets until I found what felt like someone's thigh, clinging onto it.
Feeling Chuuya cum deep inside of me triggered yet another orgasm for me and my mouth was wide open in a silent scream. I barely registered Dazai's hand cupping my jaw, his other stroking his cock until he came right into my gaping mouth.
"Oh fuck, bella... c'mon, swallow it all..." Dazai cooed, closing my mouth for me, wiping my tears away as I did as he told me. I opened my mouth to show him and he smiled slightly. "That's a good girl..."
"Fuck... that was intense..." Chuuya breathed out, lying on his back as I slowly sat up on the bed, catching my breath. My body shook, my mind still hazing as I looked over the two of them. At the sight of blood on Dazai's thigh, my jaw dropped.
"Oh no, I'm sorry..." I whispered, seeing just how hard I dug my nails into his skin.
Dazai just chuckled, waving his hand dismissively as he made himself comfortable against the headboard. "Don't worry about it, bella."
"If you're that worried, then come make it up to me. Come sit on this cock."
A chill goes down my spine, but I was already moving to crawl over to him, straddling him and sinking down right on his cock. I gasped sharply, still feeling a bit sensitive but I took it like a champ, trembling on Dazai's lap. Immediately I start to slowly ride him, hands on his shoulders. My head tilted back, eyes closed as I moaned softly.
Dazai just gazed at me, a fond look on his face. The look went away as he looked over at Chuuya, his lips curling up just a bit. "Hey Chuuya..."
"Ugh, what, you bastard?" Chuuya grunted, lifting his head up to look over at us. He watched as Dazai stopped me, squeezing on my ass before he spread my cheeks apart, exposing more of how my pussy swallowed his cock. "Why don't you join us?"
I immediately tense up in his lap, Chuuya's jaw dropping just a bit at the suggestion. He listened to Dazai coo in my ear, hands now rubbing on my back.
"Wouldn't you like two cocks stuffing that pussy, bella?" he hummed, squeezing on my ass again. "Mm, even Chuuya likes that idea, he's hard again."
Chuuya blushed. "Well, who wouldn't be after hearing that?" he scoffed, noticing me looking over my shoulder to look at him, and his cock.
I bit my lip, my mind running at forty thousand miles an hour. The thought of both Dazai and Chuuya stuffing my pussy full of their cock honestly made my heart race, my body shaking as I got so aroused. There was no other answer to be said, and I slowly nodded my head.
A tut. "Words, bella."
"Yes... Yes please. I want you both to fuck me at the same time... I want you to ruin me..."
"Fuck," Chuuya cursed. "You're gonna be the fucking death of me, I hope you know that, dollface."
Dazai laughed, watching Chuuya rummage in the bedside drawer and producing a bottle of lubricant. "Our Chuuya, always so prepared!"
"Oh, shut up, bastard!" Chuuya shouted, climbing back onto my bed and positioning himself behind me. I tensed up again and he huffed, gently kissing on my neck. "You need to relax, dollface. We'll take care of you."
"Hmm," Dazai hummed in agreement, giving me a sweet kiss as Chuuya started to coat his cock with the lubricant. "Relax, it will feel good."
I nodded again, kissing Dazai as a way to distract myself as Chuuya started to rub some extra lube on my pussy. Dazai deepened the kiss, making me moan lightly as I felt Chuuya finally press the head of his cock against my entrance. I took a deep breath, Dazai kissing down on my neck as Chuuya slowly pushed inside of me.
"Fuck..." Chuuya gasped out breathlessly, shuddering deeply as he continued to push in slowly. My head was tilted back, a far away look in my eyes as my mouth hung open. It was like nothing I've ever felt before, so full, so fucking tight and intense. Chuuya pressed his forehead against my shoulder, breathing heavily as he finally bottomed out.
Dazai was just as affected, his eyes glazed over, his bottom lip caught in his teeth as he breathed heavily. "Shit... I could die like this," he whispered. "H-how are you, bella..."
"I..." I stumbled, whimpering when Chuuya shifted just a bit, all three of us hissing as he did so. "Fuck, it feels so good..."
Chuuya was the first to move, slowly pulling himself out before pushing back in. My walls around him, his cock rubbing against Dazai's, it was all too much and Chuuya found him struggling to keep himself in check.
Dazai slowly started to thrust on his own, our breaths coming out strained and haggard as they started to figure out a rhythm to keep. Soon, our moans and grunts sounded about the room, my whines and high pitched squeals ripping from my mouth while they both fucked me so deep, their mouths on any part of my body they can reach.
The headboard thudded against the wall with each thrust, sweat dripping down our bodies. No surprise that tears start to flow down my face, their hands squeezing my body. A hand grabs my face and Chuuya turns my head to kiss me deeply, our tongues swirling around each other as another tongue laps at my nipples.
"Fuck, bella, do you know how fucking beautiful you are," Dazai gasped out against my chest. I only whined, their thrusts becoming a bit more rough, the sounds of skin slapping against skin getting louder, as well as our moans and cries.
"Please... please, it feels so good!" I cried out, tossing my head against Chuuya's head, my hands gripping Dazai's shoulders tightly. "I feel so full..."
"Full of our cocks, huh?" Chuuya groaned. "Fucking you so good... you look so fucking pretty right now, so fucking dirty..."
"Like the whore you are," Dazai continued, smirking.
"Y-your whore..." I mumbled, biting on my lip. "Oh... God... I'm gonna come..."
That only seemed to spur them on, as their thrusts became rougher, their breaths labored as they squeezed my body tight as they fucked me nice and deep. My eyes screwed shut, another cry leaving my lips as the dam finally broke, orgasm tearing through me as my whole body just went rigid, walls convulsing and tightening around them as my vision went white. I just barely registered them cumming inside me when suddenly, my vision went dark.
I was on my back when I suddenly came to and I stared up at the ceiling in confusion, trying to remember what the fuck happened.
"Hey, are you okay?" A gentle finger along my cheek made me jolt and I looked over to find Chuuya lying beside me on the bed, worried look on his face. "You passed out on us."
I was stunned. "I did? For how long?"
"Just a few minutes," Dazai answered, still naked as he walked over to the bed, handing me a bottle of water before climbing into the bed on the other side of me. "Drink that. We're gonna order room service soon."
"I..." I was still stunned, even as I downed half of the bottle of water. "That has never happened before..."
"It was just a bit too intense," Chuuya said, still keeping a gentle hand on me. "Scared the crap out of us."
I frowned. "Sorry..."
Chuuya chuckled softly, kissing my cheek. "Don't be. Somehow, I feel quite smug about this."
I snorted, Dazai just laughing as he shot Chuuya a look.
"Better to make them pass out than to put them to sleep?" he taunted and Chuuya immediately reacted, vein popping on his forehead.
"I have never put anyone to sleep! At least not in the bad way!"
"Yeah, Chuuya is no way boring in bed," you interjected and Dazai whined.
"Bella, I was just having fun!"
I stuck out my tongue at him, Chuuya grumbling in annoyance. He glared at Dazai, scoffing again before he reached over to the nightstand for the room service menu. Chuuya soon made the order for us, and we still lazed around in the bed, honestly not willing to move.
Then a thought came into my head and I groaned. "Fuck. We still have five more days." I slapped my forehead, making the two men burst out laughing.
"Don't think you passing out will stop our plans, dollface," Chuuya teased, kissing my neck and I shied away from him, only to find myself in Dazai's arms as he kissed all over my face.
"This is just a much needed break," he hummed happily, making me roll my eyes. Even if I didn't admit it, I was looking forward to what was next for us, and my poor body.
"Does this place have a hot tub?" I asked and Chuuya nodded.
"They do. And they are private." The implications in his tone made my face get hot and I coughed. They laughed and I just couldn't believe how high of a sex drive they had. Even so, I had no room to talk, considering I was probably no better. And that was okay.
"Can we break for the rest of today?" I then asked them and they shrugged.
"All you have to do is ask," Dazai replied, sending a teasing grin Chuuya's way. "Besides, now I can finally hang with my best bud."
"Oh cut the crap, Dazai," Chuuya growled in response. "As if I'll be friends with a bastard like you."
"Yeah... being friends with someone with horrible shoe taste totally isn't cool. Especially if he wears a stupid hat."
"My hat is not stupid!"
The two continued to argue, their clear dislike for each other making me sigh. I just ignored them, pulling on my robe and getting ready to receive the room service for when it arrives.
Could I survive five more days of...this?
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"I'm gonna miss you so much," I whispered as I hugged my best friend tightly, feeling my eyes start to sting. The loud, busy bustle of the airport continued around us, folks from all walks of life coming and going. I pulled back from the hug, giving Keiko a wide, watery smile.
She wiped my tears away, her own tears threatening to fall. "Don't cry, honey. I'll be back before you know it."
As Keiko told me before, she was going away on an extended trip, and will be gone for six months, even longer. She needed to get out of Japan and go to a place where she could heal and find herself again, and Japan was not the place for that.
Just the thought of not having my best friend with me brought fresh tears to my eyes and I hugged her again. Keiko hugged me back just as tightly, the dam finally breaking and tears falling down her beautiful face.
"Thank you so much. For everything," she whispered, her voice trembling. "You saved my life. I will forever be indebted to you."
"No, Keiko," I pulled back again, shaking my head. "You are not. You will not be tied down to someone again, not even me."
Keiko frowned. "But-"
"Just get better," I told her firmly. "Heal. Become a better Keiko. Come back bigger and better than ever. That is how you can repay me." I smiled at her, reaching up to wipe her tears away. Her big eyes shone with tears and emotions, her lips quivering as she cupped my face.
"I'm gonna miss you so much," she said softly. "I love you."
I laughed softly, putting my hand over hers. "I love you too, Keiko. I am just a phone call away and I'll be here whenever you need me."
Keiko smiled wide, still cupping my face and I was surprised when she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss right on my lips. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as Keiko pulled away, giggling behind her hand.
"What was-"
"I'll be back in a blink of an eye," Keiko said, picking up her carry on bag. "And we're gonna have sooooo much catching up to do, so you better be ready! And please, don't get pregnant."
I gaped at her and Keiko laughed loudly. It made my heart race, that small glimpse of the old Keiko making me even more emotional. She waved at me one last time before turning and walking towards security. I watched as she went through, holding back my tears until she finally disappeared.
I took a deep breath, wiping the tears off my face before I turned to finally make my way out of the airport. I had come alone, just wanting to have this moment alone with Keiko. I didn't like the thought of being alone, but I knew that Keiko needed this more than anything, and I was proud of her for making such a huge decision. Besides, we could always facetime, so it's not like I'll be truly alone.
Getting into the taxi I had flagged down, I reached into my purse to grab my phone, gaping when my one messaging app showed over 100+ notifications. Opening it, I snorted a laugh when I realized it was because of Dazai and Chuuya fighting in the group chat I forced them to join. I sent in a short message before putting my phone away, shaking my head.
Yeah, with those two, I truly wouldn't be alone. I did worry for my sanity though, but that was something I worried about before I even moved to Japan. I took a glance into the rearview mirror of the taxi, not surprised to see in my reflection angry tears going down my face, even though my face was completely dry.
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->The End
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heyitsjay03 · 3 years
Fighting For Tomorrow: Chapter Six
Disclaimer: Still haven’t bought AOT but I’m working on it! 
AN: this. is a doozy of a chapter- i know. lots. and lots. and lots of words. but DAMN if i didnt love every part of it. however! if you guys prefer smaller chapters please please please dont hesitate to say something. seriously. id love to write you guys more frequent, smaller chapters but if you guys like the longass, slightly infrequent chapters then they shall continue. just say the word bby. also i felt kinda poetic in some of these sections so if you see reader gettin fancy with her verbage, don’t trip. that was my bad. 
Reiner x Fem!Reader, eventual Captain Levi x Fem!Reader, Sasha x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 10k (i finished this at 2 am today before class and nearly passed out at the sight ‘10,008 words’ when i pulled up my word counter. CH-YOW this a big boy)
TW: gore/blood/violence/death, adult language/swearing, slight PTSD, mental anguish, self-harm, grief, nightmares, insomnia, hysterics, horse accident
You can read parts one, two, three, four, and five just by tapping the lovely numbers!
   The flames crackle and rage before us, engulfing our comrades’ bodies in scarlet and gold waves. 
   Engulfing Marco’s body. 
   Jean had found him. Just… laying there. Up against a building. No one had seen him die, no one knew how he died, just that he did. Marco- our comrade, our friend... my friend- just gone. Taken from us. There was no valiant deed. There was no heroism. There was no triumphant story. Nothing. He just… died. 
   And that’s the worst part. 
   He was taken from us and no one knows how. No one knows why. 
   Marco was one of the first comrades I got close to. We were competitive- always fighting to outdo each other. I’d train two hours, he’d train three. He’d pass the ODM test after four tries, I’d pass it in three. Back and forth, back and forth. 
   But if we faced something bigger than us- if there was an exercise we couldn’t quite pin down, if there was another Cadet giving us problems, if one of our squad members were injured- we’d always come together to beat it. It was always like that. 
   He was like my little brother. 
   I scoff at myself. They all are like my younger siblings. Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Connie, even Annie and Bertholdt. They’re all family and losing Marco… it was like losing a brother. 
   I did lose a brother. 
   My brother is among the flames- being turned to ash before my eyes. Marco is gone. Taken from me. Robbed from me. From everyone. His intellect, his kindness, his leadership. All of it gone. Taken from humanity. 
   We’re just kids. 
   Marco was just a kid. 
   All of us- bright-eyed kids wanting to do our best for humanity. To take back what was stolen from us. To serve humanity. We didn’t know how much hate, how much horror was waiting for us. To watch our comrades- our family and friends- be torn apart in front of us. To lose the ones closest to us in unspeakable carnage. 
   All we wanted was to do something for humanity. 
   All Marco wanted was to do something for humanity.
   He was just a kid.
   Tears are streaming down my face as we all watch the flames consume the bodies of fallen soldiers. I can hear the crackling of wood, feel the heat on my skin. But the crackling is distant and the heat is faint. My chest feels empty and cold. 
   I lost Marco. I lost Hannah. I lost Franz. 
   And I’ll never get them back.
   But I’ll be damned if I allow anyone else to be taken from me. 
   The Commander roars and rages before us, engulfing us in his words. They burn and singe like fire as they cross the Cadets’ ears. I can hear them whispering among themselves- asking if he’s serious or if he’s crazy or already resigning themselves to the Garrison. 
   It doesn’t matter what they say. 
   I’m joining the Scouts. Commander Erwin’s words are a comfort, a pleasant yet caveat warmth. Like a candle sitting beside a curtain. I know what I’m signing up for. I’ve always known. But it doesn’t mean I’ll be giving it all up now. 
   “I’ve made my decision.”
   My eyes turn away from the Commander, landing on Reiner’s form beside me. His gaze is still stuck on the Commander, back straight and shoulders squared. I turn my gaze back to the Commander- not wanting to be chewed out by a commanding officer for not paying attention. “...really?” I ask quietly, “Where are you-?”
   “The Scouts.”
   My eyes are back on him. “What?” I hiss, “Reiner, you can’t... throw away your shot at the Military Police- you worked so hard, why would you-?”
   “Eren was right,” he says quietly. I can feel his chest fill with breath before he chuckles. “They don’t need our skills so far away from the walls. They need us where we’re at use- where the people are.”
   “Rei, please, please,” I whisper, “Please don’t do this.”
   “Why not?” Reiner chuckles again, “You want me gone?”
   “It’s not like that,” I shoot back, “I just…”
   “You just what?”
   “...I don’t wanna lose anyone else.”
   “...you won’t.”
   “You can’t know that… I’m already worried about Eren and Armin and Mikasa- if I have to worry about anyone else-”
   “You don’t need to worry about me, darling… Because we’re going to get through this,” I can feel his finger graze the side of my hand before his hand takes mine. “Together.”
   A shaky exhale leaves my mouth as I close my eyes. “...together,” I whisper as shivers run down my spine.
   “That’s right, darling.”
   “...those who wish to join other divisions are dismissed.”
   Shuffles of feet scurry past me as I remain. I can feel their gazes, their judging glares and confused looks. They mumble to themselves. ‘Insane’, ‘crackpots’, ‘suicidal’, ‘deathwish’. Nervously, I swallow and grip Reiner’s hand tighter. 
   I can feel his smile. Proud and bright like the sun. Warming like the sun. Relaxation smoothes out over my skin as I soak it in. 
   I’ve done it. Finally. After years of fighting and hoping and wishing and dreaming about this very moment, I’m here. 
   The crowd clears out and a scattering of us remains. My eyes dart to each of the figures in the hopes of identifying my fellow crackpots.
   Reiner. Armin. Mikasa. Bertholdt. Ymir. Christa. Sas-
   My heart stops. 
   Sasha. Connie. Jean. 
   What the Hell are they doing here?! They were supposed to join the Military Police. They were going to, weren’t they?! Why are they still here?! Why aren’t they walking away? 
   At the very base of my stomach, something churns. Quickly and violently. 
   I think I’m gonna be sick. 
   I’m already going to be looking out for Armin, Eren, and Mikasa- I came to accept that long ago- but now Sasha? And Reiner? Connie and Jean, too?
   Most of everyone I’ve ever loved has just signed their hearts and bodies away to the Scouts- to nearly certain death. 
   There has to be a way to change their minds, right? There has to be. 
   ...but there isn’t, is there?
   They heard the statistics. They know how many have died in the Scouts. They know all the facts, all the dirtiest of details. 
   And they stayed.
   Gods, why did they stay?
   I’ll drag each of them out of here by their ears, kicking and screaming, if I have to. I already lost Marco and Hanna and Franz. I don’t think I could take losing them, too. 
   But if they truly want to- if they know the risk and want to dedicate their hearts just like I am… why would I stop them?
   I should be proud. 
   They’re- we all are- dedicating ourselves to the better future humanity deserves. To the eradication of Titans. To the freedom we all hunger for. 
   “Very well!” Commander Erwin’s voice booms out over us. “I welcome you- the newest recruits of the Scout Regiment!” His fist slams against his chest in a tight salute, “This is my real salute! Dedicate your hearts to the cause!”
   The group moves as one as we all strike our fists to our chests. 
   My eyes glide from the Commander to Sasha once more. 
   She’s shaking. I can hear her stifled sobs from here. 
   But she remains firm in her spot. 
   She’s made her decision. 
   And I can accept that. 
   I lay awake. Moonlight flickers through the window- inching towards the other side of the room. It’s late and I’m exhausted but even when I am, I can’t sleep. There’s too much screaming in my head. Too much gore. Too much carnage that I can only barely remember. The only things that do remember are my heart and lungs- hammering and pounding and stretching to the fullest in the wake of whatever nightmare slinked back into the recesses of my mind. 
   Reiner stirs in his sleep and wraps his arms around my waist. Tucking me into him, he sighs and buries his head into my neck. “...can’t sleep?” he mumbles. His voice is deep. Deeper than usual, with a gentle rumble to it. 
   “No,” I whisper back, shrinking into him.
   “Wanna talk about it?”
   I stay silent. No. No, I really, really, really, really don’t want to. Talking about whatever bothers me is like pulling teeth. It feels like a burden that I’m casting onto someone else. And with Reiner… he’s burdened enough already. He’s everyone’s big brother. Everyone’s confidant. He shoulders responsibilities and punishments for others- never once thinking about himself. 
   But he’s exhausted. All the time, exhausted. And he’s so good at hiding it. Even around me. But I can see it. The way his golden eyes go hazy at times, the way his shoulders sag and the way things slip his mind. The way he can become an entirely different person with terrifying speed. 
   It scares me how much I think he carries. Because when he breaks… it’ll be cataclysmic. 
   Reiner’s lips slide up my shoulder and neck, pressing gentle kisses against my skin. “...well?”
   But maybe he’ll open up to me if I take the step first. Maybe I’ll show him that there’s nothing to worry about- that I’m not going anywhere and that he can talk to me about anything. Everything. 
   “...I’ve… I’ve been having nightmares.” 
   His kisses stop where they are, lips still pressed to my skin for a moment before pulling away. His grip on me gets tighter as he pulls me closer. Reiner lets his head rest in the crook of my neck and sighs. “...what about?”
   I laugh quietly, letting my fingers trail against his forearm. “...I don’t remember most of them but… there is one that comes back… every now and then.”
   “I’m listening, darling.”
  Slowly, I take a breath. My eyes close as I remember the details of the dream. “...it always starts off the same… I’m in a throne room and there’s a person at my feet. Sometimes… it’s a woman and other times it’s a man and other times, I can’t tell which, but… there’s always someone at my feet,”
   “And they’re always crying,” I whisper, eyebrows drawing together and I grip his forearm. “Sobbing and pleading for mercy. A-...And I…” My voice quivers as tears start to flow from my eyes. “I… just… I don’t even know, I just… I see this… light- red light- come from their eyes and they just… they convulse and thrash around for a moment- screaming and crying and begging- before… before they…,”
   “...before they die at my feet,” I whisper brokenly, eyes open and staring out into the distance as the scene replays. “And when they finally die… I look up… and there’s… corpses. Thousands upon thousands of corpses, Rei… All piled up on top of each other and in writhing rigidity. As far as I could see- there were bodies- and… and somehow I know that… that I… I had… somehow I know that I was the one that killed them all.”
   “I’m your squad leader, Ness,” the man before us states before clapping a hand onto the horse towering beside him. “And this! Is my horse, Chalet…” 
   My eyes drift away from him, blankly settling on the various horses in their stalls behind me. I’ve tuned him out… I should probably listen to whatever he has to say. But… I’m so tired. Another night of staring at the ceiling while listening to Reiner snore and watching Bertholdt contort himself into a coil across the room. 
   I don’t know how many sleepless nights I have left. 
   My body lurches forward slightly as someone nudges me from behind. I turn to face whoever it was. Jean is towering over me with a smirk on his face as he pretends to be watching Squad Leader Ness. “...what the hell was that for?” I mutter, facing forward.
   “You were falling asleep again,” he chuckles quietly, “Another… late night?”
   I scoff and shake my head, “You’re a child.”
   “You didn’t say ‘no’.”
   “No, Jean,” I hiss, “I just… couldn’t sleep.”
   I can feel him deflate slightly behind me. “...oh…”
   “...I get them, too.”
   “I really hope you don’t.”
   Connie, standing beside me, scoots closer. “What’re we talkin’ about?”
   Jean answers at the same time as I do. “Sex.”
   Connie’s eyebrows furrow slightly as he risks a glance at me. “...huh?”
   I sigh and roll my eyes, “We were talking about-”
   “Did someone say ‘food’?” Sasha whispers excitedly behind me. 
   I sigh and roll my eyes again. “You three are-”
   “Your favorites.”
   “Really hungry.”
   Groaning softly, I shake my head at their responses. “Gods… I thought Armin, Eren, and Mikasa were a lot… then I had to get you knuckleheads thrown in, too.”
   “Now!” Ness states, looking significantly more disheveled than he did a few minutes ago. Adjusting the bandana around his head, he huffs and stands up straight. “Follow me and I’ll show you to your dorms- and then you’ll be introduced to your horses.”
   He walks off, leading us between the stables and the looming walls of the castle. My eyes trail up the crumbling stone- plants and vines and flowers managing their way through the cracks- and over the rolling hills dotted with trees. Sunlight floods the stone courtyard, basking us all in its warmth.
   It reminds me of home. 
   Not Shiganshina- but of the modest cottage in the forest. I smile to myself, watching Sasha bother Jean with Connie’s help just in front of me. I remember playing with her in the trees. We made and marked that forest. There isn’t a tree in that entire forest we haven’t carved up with arrows and knives or with the undersides of our shoes as we climbed their roots and limbs. Sasha would be afraid at first- of foxes or wolves or falling or tripping. But as soon as I took her hand and led her to the sunlight, to the tops of the trees, to the very breath of the sky… she’d always hunger for more. To go to the brightest spot in the forest, to climb the highest tree, to scale the steepest cliff. 
   My smile starts to fade slightly. 
   She’s even more afraid than she used to be… did I cause that? Does she even remember? She was young when I left… Does she remember when she scraped her knee and told her that she was now one with the forest- that its blood was in her and her blood in it? Does she remember that first tree we climbed together? Does she remember the nights we would run barefoot around the dew-covered clearings in the heart of the woods with no light to guide us except that of the moon? Does she remember what it was like to not be afraid?
   Will we ever get to go back…?
   The group stops. Ness smiles at us and points down the hallway to our left. “Down this hallway are the boys’ rooms,” he points to the hallway to our right. “And down this one is the girls’.” He chuckles and turns back to us. “There is… one other thing.”
   Uh oh. 
   “There’s only one bathroom.”
   I stifle a groan. It’s a goddamn castle. How in the walls is that even possible- one bathroom, my ass.
   “Well… only one that’s in good enough shape to be used, anyway. ‘sides the officers’ bathroom...” Ness admits, a sheepish smile growing on his lips as he rubs the back of his head. “You’re welcome to fix up the other ones, though! ...although, I think you’d need help…” Ness continues muttering more to himself than anyone else. 
   One bathroom. Unbelievable. I growl under my breath as Ness marches us back out into the courtyard. You’d think Captain Shortstack would be all over the renovations of this place- bathrooms included. 
   Whatever. It’s not like I shower when everyone else does, anyway. There’s always a possibility I could sneak into the officers’ bathroom like when we were in training… And there was that river...
   “I can see you already coming up with a plan,” Sasha appears next to me, lowering her voice. “What’re ya thinkin’?”
   I laugh softly, nudging her arm with my elbow. “Nothing regarding food.”
   Sasha pouts slightly, “Fine… then what’re ya thinkin’ about?”
   “Just plannin’ my way into the officers’ bathroom.”
   “Oooh,” Sasha laughs maliciously. “Do you think they’ll have hot water?”
   I sigh, closing my eyes and imagining the steam and feel of hot water cascading down my body. Hot water was a privilege in the Cadet Corps. ...one that was constantly being robbed from me. I’d mostly show up after everyone had already showered, praying that maybe I’d have even a moment to myself to unwind- and to not be stared at. And nearly every time, I bathed in freezing cold water. But there were a few times where I’d be wrapped in steam, delicate streams of hot water warming my frigid body. 
   ...now that I think about it, those ‘few times’ were whenever Reiner would wake me up early to get in the shower before everyone else.
   “Gods,” I mumble, looking at Reiner as he walks with Bertholdt and Annie. “I really hope so, ‘tato-muncher.”
   As if he felt my gaze on him, Reiner turns around and smiles. I return the smile with a scrunch of my nose. Reiner’s eyes glide behind me for a second, returning to me before darting back behind me. I turn around to follow his gaze. 
   Eren runs straight for us, green cape flaring out behind him as he charges towards the group. Our eyes meet and his pace increases. My hand latches onto Sasha’s sleeve and tugs, “‘Tato! ‘Tato, look!” I laugh, slapping Connie’s shoulder. “Look who it is!”
   Connie and Sasha turn around and I can hear the others turn along with them. Armin and Mikasa greet him first, taking him into their arms and speaking quietly amongst themselves for a moment. When they break away, Eren’s smile widens as he looks over us. 
   “...you’re all here?” he asks quietly, smile slightly fading. “You all joined the Scouts?”
   “Well, yeah,” I laugh, “Why else would we be here- shits ‘nd giggles?”
   Eren rolls his eyes before scanning over us again. “Wait… if you’re all here… That means Jean, Marco, and Annie all joined the Military Police.”
   My heart plummets like a rock into my stomach. That’s right. He wasn’t there for the funeral. He doesn’t know. 
   The remaining section of our group walks up behind Eren- Jean leading them all. Eren turns around and groans. “Not you, too.”
   Jean doesn’t react. His face unreadable and voice flat, he rips the bandage off. “Marco’s dead.”
   “...what?” Eren mumbles, “What did you just… What’d you just say? Did you say Marco died?”
   Jean’s voice stays still as he continues.
   “Seems like not everyone can die a dramatic death.”
   “You don’t think it’s weird?” I laugh, picking up a section of hay and starting back towards the stable. “We know everyone, every thing’s position in the formation except Eren’s- arguably the most volatile and important piece of information to have. That isn’t the least bit confusing to you?”
   Reiner shrugs, taking the hay from my hands. “Dunno… I haven’t really thought about it.”
   I huff and shake my head, stepping in front of him and taking the hay back. “I can carry it,” I mutter, looking at the ridges growing in his face. “And by the look on your face, you have been thinking about it.” I turn around, lifting the hay over the stable door and onto the growing pile just beside my horse. 
   My horse nudges me with his nose, huffing. I smile and rub my hand up and down his nose, “...needy, aren’t we?” I whisper softly. 
   “Ya gonna give him a name?” Reiner asks, patting his hand against the horse’s neck. 
   Peeking down under the horse’s neck, I squint up at him. “You didn’t answer me.”
   Reiner rolls his eyes and walks away, sighing. “You didn’t ask anything.”
   “I asked if you were thinking about why we weren’t being filled in on Eren’s location in the formation.”
   “Technically, you didn’t ask,” he shoots back. 
   My eyes lock with his in an intense stare. “...we really gonna do this right now?” I ask quietly, still petting my horse.
   Reiner sighs and looks away, running a hand through his hair. I turn back to my horse, letting my forehead rest against his cheek. Reiner sighs again. The three of us stand in silence- only my horse breaking the silence with occasional huffs and flicks of his tail.
   “...I have been thinking about it,” Reiner finally mumbles. “But… not like you have.”
   Here we go again with him being all cryptic and skittish and avoidant. I am so sick of this game. 
   “Then how have you been thinking about it, Reiner?” I hiss, lifting my head off my horse and looking into his large grey eye. “All the time- just when I think you’re gonna open up to me about what’s going on in that…” I sigh frustratedly, “That… that… stupid, thick, adorable, blond head’a yours you just… you shut me back out again. And it’s so goddamn irritating, Rei,” I admit with a slight squeak in my voice. 
   Slowly, I turn to face him, gaze dropping down to the ground. “...I’ve been… I’ve been so open with you. More open than I have with anyone in my whole life- except, I dunno... Sasha- but I just… It’d be nice to have some’a that returned.”
   I can hear him get closer to me. Gently, his arms wrap around me and tuck me into his chest. I’m swallowed in his embrace as he runs his fingers up and down my back. “...okay,” he whispers, “okay, darling… I’ll… I’ll try and open up to you, okay? I’ll…” he trails off and sighs, tightening his hold on me as he places his chin on the top of my head. 
   “I know how hard it is, and… I… I’m not trying to force it out of you or anything… I just… I want to help you,” I whisper quietly. “And I promise you, Rei...I’m not going anywhere.”
   There’s a coldness in his laugh. It leaves his lips like ice and falls to the floor like daggers. “Thank you, darling. Just…,” Reiner takes my shoulders, pushing us apart. His gold eyes have slightly lost their luster as they peer deep into me. I squirm slightly in his stare, eyebrows furrowing. “You have to understand that there is a lot happening- something... bigger, darling.”
   I blink and tilt my head slightly to the side.  “Did you… did you get another assignment?” I ask quietly, “Something under the table?”
   Reiner is quiet for a moment, eyes flicking between mine. “...yes. Something under the table- from people higher than the Captain.”
   My eyes widen slightly. Is this what’s been weighing on him for so long? That’s why he’s been missing at times? What he’s been trying to tell me? Another assignment that he can’t talk about, even with me-
   Oh gods. 
   I feel like a total ass.
   “Who…?” I ask quietly, taking note of the way he straightens up to scan around us before shrinking back down. 
   Reiner scoots us back, tucking me up against the stable door. “I… I can’t tell you but… you understand that, right, darling?” He asks hopefully, a small lilt to his voice. Gently, his fingers trail my face and a small smile crosses my face. His lips mirror mine. 
   “I understand that, love,” I hum, leaning into his touch. “I do… I do have another question.”
   Reiner smiles wider, lovingly staring down at me. “What is it, darling?”
   Nervous claws at my stomach. 
   I shouldn’t ask this.
   Why? He’s finally being open with me- willing to at least tell me what’s wrong. Shouldn’t I-
   No. There’s something bigger here. Don’t. Ask. 
   I swallow my fear and meet his gaze. “...I heard you the night after the first clean-up operation,” I admit quietly, “with Annie and Bertholdt.”
   Reiner’s eyes darken, dropping down and avoiding my gaze. “...how much did you...?”
   “Not much,” I laugh nervously, “Just you guys arguing about telling me… and Annie saying to only tell me when you’re sure of how I’d feel.”
   With a sigh of relief, he closes his eyes and smiles. He quickly presses his lips to my forehead. “Okay, okay… Okay… Sorry, I just… I don’t need t’get... chewed out for that.”   I chuckle softly, “So… that big’a deal, huh?”
   Reiner laughs, “Yes. That big of’a deal.”
   “...so… it’s you, Annie, and Bertholdt,” I mumble, picking at the leather strap running down his chest. “Anyone else that I know?”
   “No, just us three.”
   “Am… am I in danger?” I ask jokingly, “All this secrecy- it makes me wonder.”
   Reiner doesn’t laugh with me. 
   “Rei?” I call, looking up at him. “...am I?”
   His eyes slide down to me, a small smile on his lips. “...stick with me, darling- I’ll keep ya safe.”
   “There’s a lot at work here, __________,” Reiner sighs, his eyes going hazy for a second as he relives whatever is ‘at work’. Blinking, he focuses back on me. “But I can keep you safe. I’ve been keeping you safe.”
   What does this even mean? Are there people I can’t trust? If that’s true, then what? What am I supposed to do? Be some tiny little doll cowering in fear behind him? I hate being treated like some weak, fragile, defenseless thing. And what if he gets hurt protecting me? What then? What if something goes wrong and he ends up being blamed for something he didn’t do? 
   And what about Sasha? 
   “...what about my sister? What about her? Who’s gonna keep her safe?” I ask, clutching the fabric covering his chest, “If anything happens to Sasha, I…”
   “Nothing’s gonna happen to Sasha,” Reiner hums quietly, “We’re gonna keep her safe.”
   “And Eren? Mikasa? Armin? What about the boys? If any of them get hurt, Rei, I just… I don’t think I could…”
   “__________,” he says firmly, catching my attention. Slowly, my eyes slide up to meet his again. They’re gentle and glowing in the fading sunlight. His hand trails down my face again, leaving a buzzing wake behind it. 
   “You need to trust me.”
   I swallow and nod quickly. “Okay, yes, okay… Okay, you’re right. We… We are all gonna be okay.”
   Reiner chuckles and lets his chin rest on the top of my head as he tucks me into his chest again. 
   “That’s my girl.”
   “Oiii!” I yell, waving a hand over my head. “Ponytail!”
   Eld’s head starts swiveling around, looking for whoever called him. With a gentle kick of my horse, he trots closer. “Eld!” I call again, sliding off the side of my horse. My feet hit the dirt just in front of him as I straighten up, shaking a few stray hairs out of my eyes. “It’s good to see ya again.”
   Eld smiles and chuckles, gesturing down to the emerald green cape around my shoulders. “So you made it.”
  I look down and rub the fabric between my fingers. A smile crosses my face as I look back up to him. “Just like I dreamed I would.”
   “You’re in pretty high spirits,” Oluo scoffs as he walks by with a supply box. Setting it down into a wagon, he huffs and turns to face us. “Considering we’ll all be facing death in a few hours.”
   “Always the charmer, huh?” I mutter quietly, earning a small laugh from Eld. “And if you have t’know, I’m just happy we’re one step closer to going outside the walls…” I smile to myself, imagining the places Armin used to talk about. Fire water, ice hills, saltwater that goes on for so long even the merchants couldn’t drain all the salt from it. 
   I think that’ll be my favorite. ‘Sea’.
   Oluo scoffs again. “Bright-eyed, suicidal recruit… Just don’t get someone else killed, will ya?”
   “What the hell’s that supposed t’mean?” I snap back. 
   Oluo smiles crookedly, realisation splitting his face like a piece of china. “Struck a nerve, huh?,” he laughs, “Better get rid of those if you wanna make it.”
   “Bold talk for someone that’s too insecure to keep his own personality,” I mutter, rolling my eyes. I turn my attention back to Eld- who’s gone awfully quiet as the two of us went at it. A blush is back on his cheeks and I can see him fidgeting with his gaze in an effort to mind his own business. 
   “...uhm…” He mumbles as his eyes catch someone walking behind me. “This is Petra!” Eld blurts, tugging a woman by the arm. “The one that checked on you when you were, uh… asleep.”
   “In a coma, more like,” I laugh, dipping my head to the woman. She has ginger hair cut just above her shoulders and soft, kind eyes. There’s something about her that reminds me so much of a deer for some reason. 
   Petra’s eyes suddenly light up as she looks over me again. “I remember you- you’re __________! I didn’t know you had your heart set on the Scouts. Which is surprising… considering how much Eld talks about you.”
   Eld’s face goes even redder. He stands rigidly, eyes fixated on the horizon. 
   ...I think he just went into shock. 
   “Well, thank you,” I hum, giving Petra another smile. “For checking in on me.”
   Petra shakes her head, “It wasn’t any issue at all.”
   I dip my head again and lightly punch Eld’s shoulder. “Hopefully you told her the story of how I kicked your and Oluo’s asses.”
   Petra tilts her head slightly to the side before a wicked smile crosses her lips. “...I don’t think I’ve heard that one, __________. Please, tell me.”
   “Well, I was walking down an alleyway when-”
  “That’s good!” Eld suddenly yelps, “Thank you so much, __________, for stopping by, but the Captain’s calling us!”
   Petra giggles as Eld walks behind her, pushing her by the shoulders. Captain Shortstack Jackass is watching them with his arms crossed over his chest, eyebrows furrowed. He very obviously didn’t call either of them. “You’ll have to tell me when we get back!” Petra calls. 
   “Of course!” I laugh, watching as Eld goes even redder. Petra waves over his shoulder and I do the same before mounting my horse. I give his neck a gentle pat and urge him forward- back towards the stable. 
  “You... need a name, Horse,” I mutter as we trot past the various wagons and other Scouts getting their horses and gear ready. “All horses have names… I guess.”
   Horse huffs at me. 
   “Well… you’re…” I look down at his coat as we start to pick up speed. It shimmers in the sunlight, revealing the faint speckles of black and grey under his cream-colored coat. “You’re cream and you’ve got freckles. And last I checked, you have grey-” Horse looks over slightly at me, light-brown eyes glistening. “Sorry… brown eyes. And black mane and tail.”
   My eyes flick up, locking onto the figure standing just a few feet in front of my horse. Gripping the reins, I tug back to stop Horse from trampling whoever is in front of me. Instead, I feel myself being shot forward and colliding with the ground. Pain shoots out from my arm, branching out in heated flashes. 
   I roll onto my back and stare up at the clouds as they lazily float by. “Gods…” I mutter to myself, “That sucked.”
   “Told you I’m better at handling horses than you.”
   I sit straight up. My head on a swivel, I look around for the voice. It sounded just like… It couldn’t have been- no. No, I’m just-
   My eyes land on him. Standing just a couple feet away, with a green Scouts cape on over his shoulders and ODM gear strapped on. He laughs, walking closer and shaking his head. “Jeez, __________, you’ll really get yourself killed if you keep trying to keep up with me.”
   “Freckles?” I whisper.
   Marco smiles and laughs again, “Really hit your head hard, didn’t you?”
   “Freckles?” I whisper again, reaching out to touch him.
   This isn’t real. It can’t be real. He’s dead. Bit in half. Died alone. Left in the sun to rot for days. He’s dead. 
   “Ah, jeez, you really did hit your head hard,” Marco mumbles, crouching down beside me. “We gotta get you to Sasha. She’s got some experience with injuries, doesn’t she…? And I won’t even tell Reiner! It’ll just be between us, okay?” He asks, worriedly scanning my face. 
   “Freckles, you… You… You aren’t here.”
   “What are ya talkin’ about? I’m right here, remember? We were practicing horseback riding and maneuvering. Don’t you remember the bet we had?”
   Wait a moment.
   This was real.
   This… this happened already, why am I…?
   “...it was my haul from the Commandant’s office,” I whisper, “The… the fountain pen. You’d… you’d take it if I couldn’t pull off a sharp turn and activate my ODM gear while jumping off my horse.”
   Tears start to cloud my vision as I stare up at him. “You aren’t really here,” I croak, “Are you?”
   Marco shakes his head.
   “...I miss you, Freckles,” I smile, tears slipping down my face as I look up at him. My hand brushes through his cheek- like he was a colored mist- but his smile remains. “Gods, I miss you.”
   “You’ll see us again.”
   I nod, feeling my tears start down the sides of my face. “...tell Franz and Hanna I said ‘hi’.”
  “I will.”
   “And you… you stay outta trouble, you hear me?” I laugh, tears choking me at the base of my chest. 
   “You’re the one that needs to stay outta trouble.”
   I nod and laugh again, shaking my head.
   “...take… take care’a the others for me, will you?” I nod silently. Marco looks up as Horse trots closer. “It’s time for me to go. Just… close your eyes, okay?”
   My eyes slide closed before voices start to swarm around me. Bleeding into one another, it makes it so damned hard to hear what anyone is actually saying. All I can do is feel. 
   And someone’s got me by the shoulders, shaking me pretty damned hard. 
   I open my eyes to see familiar faces. “...I’ve got to stop waking up to you guys looking down at me like I’ve died.”
   The four of them sigh. 
   “If you die because of a stupid horse incident, I’ll never forgive you,” Jean mutters, getting to his feet and walking away. I can hear him muttering about ‘how stupid’ of a funeral that would be. 
   “What?” I laugh, wincing at the pain shooting from above my left eye. My fingers graze the spot- only to pull away with a scarlet coloring. 
   Ah, shit. 
   “So,” Reiner grumbles, scooping me off the ground effortlessly. “You and your horse have a bit of an issue?”
   I scoff, curling into myself as my head starts to pound. 
   “No?” He asks as we walk towards the castle. “Then what the Hell kind of stunt were you tryin’a pull?”
   “I-,” I stop and groan, clutching my temples as they begin to sear. “I… I thought… I thought I saw someone.”
   Reiner looks down at me as he pushes the castle door open with his back. Eyebrows furrowed, eyes flicking over every inch of me. It’s the same damn look as every other time I’ve gotten hurt. Which… arguably… is a lot of times. 
   The ODM incident where I almost cracked my skull open on a tree branch. 
   The time I slipped and fell in the bathroom. 
   The sparring training where I cracked three of my ribs. And my arm. And dislocated my shoulder. All because I wouldn’t yield.
   The rooftop. 
   The grocery store. 
   Various little minor accidents scattered throughout.  
   And now this.
   We round the corner and he places me onto a bed. I watch as he runs a hand down my face and sticks his head out the hallway to look around before returning to my side. Reiner sighs. “What am I gonna do with you?”
   “Love me,” I hum, closing my eyes slightly as the pain throbs and squirms beneath my skin. “Unconditionally.”
   “Gods,” he mutters, scooting closer. “I probably will.”
  “Probably?” I ask quietly. “Not ‘most definitely’?”
   A deep sigh passes his lips. It rumbles in his chest like thunder. Calming, soothing, gentle thunder. Memories of the forest running to find shelter as another storm took us by surprise. Bare feet padding the grass. Clothes sticking to our skins. Hair plastered to our faces- much like our smiles. Wiping her face as she ducks behind my arm. Telling her that the forest was telling the sky a joke, that the thunder was the sky’s laughter. Watching her peek out to watch the forest and sky talk, laughing as she swears she heard the punchline. 
   Does she remember what it was like to not be afraid?
   “Hey,” Rei mutters, shaking my arm slightly. “Don’t go to sleep on me yet.”
   “...sorry,” I mumble, opening my eyes and letting them glide to his spot beside me. “Where is she-”
  The door slams open. Sasha- with eyes wide and clutching medical supplies to her chest- pants in the doorway. “Did I make it?” She asks wearily. 
   “Did…,” I trail off, sitting up to look at her. “Did you think I died?”
   Sasha shakes her head, kicking the door closed just as Connie and Jean try to walk in behind her. “No,” she mutters. Plopping down beside me, she looks over me. “Just thought maybe you’d passed out.”
   “Check my eyes,” I remind her. Sasha nods and leans in, forcing open my eyes with her fingers. 
   “...your eye-holes seem to be fine.”
   “...my pupils?”
   “Eye-holes. Same thing.”
   I know Sasha’s joking but by the look on Reiner’s face, he does not.
   “She’s only kidding, love,” I whisper as I take his hand. “She knows the basics.”
   “Yep,” Sasha agrees, digging through the pile of medical supplies she brought in. “And you don’t have a concussion- and that thing on your head doesn’t need stitches- it should heal in a week or so... so you’re good to go after I clean it… ha!” She snatches a bottle of saline and a bandage. “You’ll be all good in no time, __________. Trust me.”
   I’m the one that taught her. Why don’t I trust her?
   “You awake?”
   I focus back in on the now. The present. My surroundings. 
   Scattered trees and hills to the right. Denser trees on my left. Two horses trailing behind me. No flares from either direction. Reiner just in front of me. 
   “Always am.”
   “Good.” He starts to pull back on his horse, levelling off with me. “How’s your head?”
   Instinctively, I reach up and graze the bandage. “I don’t feel anything.”
   “...are you okay?” I ask, looking over at him. His skin is pale and flushed pink with a slight tinge to his ears. “Here. Drink some.” Unbuckling my flask, I hand it to him. 
   ...and he downs the entire thing before handing it back to me. 
   “Rei, are you sick?”
   “No, I just-”
   “Well, love, you look like you’re either about to shit yourself or vomit,” I laugh worriedly, “Are you sure?”
   “__________, listen, I…,” he sighs and looks away. He’s even more red now. 
   I nudge him with my elbow. “I’m listening.” I smirk, stirrupping Horse again. My eyes turn to the horizon, scanning for any flares or anything that approaches us.
   Reiner returns my smile and sighs shakily. “I wanna-”
   Something appears in the distance. “What is that?” I mumble, staring at the thing. “Do you see it?” I point. “That.”
    Reiner looks at the thing, squinting. “I… I can’t tell.”
   “Should we fire a flare off?” I ask, reaching to my saddlebag. “Just in case?”
   “Just… hang on-”
   He stops just as the thing changes form, moving closer towards us and faster. 
   It takes shape as it grows. Fourteen meters, blonde hair. 
   Female body type.
   My hands move on their own- throwing the canister into the gun, lifting it straight up, and firing. Red smoke fires out from the gun into the clouds. “Rei, we have to move!” I yell, turning the horses in towards the center of the formation. 
   I look over my shoulder, watching the two horses trail after Reiner. He stays going forward, heading right for it with glazed eyes. “Reiner!”
   My eyes follow his gaze as I bring Horse to a stop. They land on the Female Titan, who snatches something from mid-air and dropkicks it. Blood trails after the broken body and I watch ODM wires disconnect from the Female Titan’s body- following the body. 
   It’s… is it like Eren? A person inside it?
   “Reiner!” I scream again. 
   It gets his attention. Snapping out of his daze, Reiner makes a sharp turn. 
   As he gets closer, I press my heels into Horse’s sides. “Ha!”
   Footsteps follow after us, thundering and quivering the very organs inside of me. My breath catches in my lungs as I feel it- her- getting closer. Gods. Gods, please. Not like this. Not like this. Not like this. Not like this.
   Something flashes at my side. With trembling force, a foot lands beside me- crushing one of the horses before it could even make a sound. 
   We’re going to die. Right now, we are going to die. 
   I wince, waiting for her to reach down and crush me in her hand. Reiner yells something but it’s lost in the frantic whinnies of our horses, the pounding of my heart, the panting of my lungs. When it reaches me, it’s blurred together like the colors in my eyes.
   ‘I’ve gotten hurt’ is what it sounds like. 
   Gods, please. Spare us.
   My fists clutch the reins as I look up. Blonde hair, blue eyes, fourteen meters. This is what will kill me. 
   The Female Titan’s other foot collides with the earth beside me. All at once, sounds and colors and shapes retract into their determined forms. Everything flushes back into focus as the Female Titan takes another step away from us. I watch as she continues sprinting towards the center- leaving us in her wake. Her head turns to look over her shoulder before she presses forward. 
   Right to Armin.
   “Rei!” I yell, sticking Horse again. “She’s gonna hit Armin! She’s headed right for him!” 
   “C’mon!” He yells back, appearing at my side.
   “This is the job we chose, right?” Jean snaps, “So lend me a hand!” 
   The rest of us are silent. Only hoofbeats and footsteps resound around us. Silently, Armin pulls his hood up over his head. “...pull your hoods up. Over your heads- far down enough so she can’t see your face.”
   “You’re thinking she won’t kill anyone that could be Eren,” Reiner mutters, tugging his hood up over his head. “...that’s a nice, but small, consolation… Let’s hope she has bad eyes, too.”
   Jean shakes his head, laughing. “I was always creeped out the way you used to hang around Eren so much,” he mutters as he pulls his hood up. “But I always knew you were capable.”
  “...‘creeped out’ is a little harsh but thanks,” Armin mumbles.
   Feeling the three pairs of eyes on me, I tug my hood up as well. “...I always knew I’d die next to you three bastards.”
  “Well. If we don’t,” Reiner chuckles, “We’ll throw a big party ‘nd get married.”
  “Oh yeah,” I scoff, pulling my swords out from their holsters. “We’ll have a big ol’ buffet ‘nd everything. I’ll even have a live band play for us.”
   “You two lovebirds over there still squawking?” Jean barks, leaning forward to glare at us. 
   “Will you shut up for a minute?” Reiner shoots back, “I’m… Kinda doin’ something.”
   “You can ‘kinda do something’ after this!” Jean yells, “We’re not dying today.”
   “Fine!” I snap, “I’m not spending my last moments fighting with you two morons! Let’s just do this. Delay her as long as we can- by any means necessary. Got it?!”
   The three grunt in agreement. “Jean, go to her left,” Reiner starts, “Armin, you go to her right. __________, you-”
   “I’m going with Armin!” I whip my reins and follow after Armin as he heads to the Female Titan’s right hand side. 
   We level off just behind her. “She’s much slower than when she attacked me!” Armin comments, “If we’re going to do this, it has to be now!”
   “Wait for Jean!” I yell, “He’s the best out of us with ODM gear. If he can get a good angle on her, it’ll be us being his support!” 
   A flash shoots out, launching into the Female Titan’s leg. Jean flies in behind it with his swords readied. The Titan crouches down and spins- flinging Jean. Armin and I get to our feet and stand on our horses’ backs. As my wires stick into the Female Titan’s leg, I give Horse a tap of my heel that sends him running away from the Titan. 
   Something swipes just under my legs. Everything around me slows as I watch the Titan’s hand bat Armin’s horse out from underneath him. His name leaves my lips the same way it did when Shiganshina fell. Breathless. Screeching. Desperate. “Armin!”
   “__________!” Reiner’s voice carries out over my own. 
   Before I can do anything, I feel something crack against my back. I’m pushed forward- colliding with the earth and rolling for a few feet. Landing on my back, I stare up in a daze at the clouds. 
   Aching pain crawls through my veins- igniting my muscles in throbbing, squeezing pain. My back arches as I take long, hard breaths to stop my heart from pounding in my ears. It does nothing but amplify the sound as I feel my lungs burn and the cages around them scream in agony. 
   Broken ribs. At least a few on each side. 
   Certain slices and patches of my skin burn from the contact with the ground. Minor scratches, bruises, friction burns.
   I’ll live. If she doesn’t finish me off. 
   Time begins to speed up again- her footsteps not taking so long to hit the ground as they get closer. Clouds seem to flurry past and my heartbeat begins to race once more. 
   The fight isn’t done yet. 
   I push myself to my feet, feeling every ache, every pain, every burn a million times over. 
   The fight isn’t done yet. 
   I’m not done yet. 
   The Female Titan tightens her fist, preparing to swing backwards at Jean. Breaking out into a sprint, I click my triggers and shoot my wires into the ground, allowing me to run faster. A blur of gold and green starts towards the Titan as I do- catching me attention so I stutter and stop. 
   Teeth gritted, eyes blazing, blades glinting.   He’s going for her nape.
   Armin’s yelling something. The Titan stays completely still as he continues screaming. 
   And then she snaps. 
   She catches Reiner’s body in her hand. 
   My heart stops. Blood stops. Lungs stop. 
   Chills run down my spine- dull and weak. Nothing like adrenaline. 
   “No… no.”
   I shake my head, watching as Reiner’s body disappears in her grasp. 
   Someone grabs my waist, tugs me away. “No!” I scream, thrashing around as everything starts to move again. “No!” 
   “__________!” Jean yells, pulling me away. “We have to go!” 
   A blur of metal spins out from her grip, severing her fingers off from the base of her palm. Reiner pushes out and around her back. Grabbing Armin, he sprints away from her and towards us. 
   The four of us break out into a sprint as she stares down at her palm. She gets to her feet and runs away from us- her hand still steaming. 
   Something breaks inside of me. Tears start running down my face as Reiner sidles up next to me. Armin- bleeding from his forehead- is in his arms. Titan blood evaporates off of Reiner’s hair and shoulders as he looks down at me. “We’ll be okay! She won’t eat us unless she’s a cannibal! We-”
   I cut him off, punching his shoulder as hard as I can. “Don’t you ever pull that shit again, Reiner Braun!” I snap, furiously wiping the tears rolling down my face. “I swear on the walls, I… I will kill you myself if you do, do you hear me?! You scared the shit outta me! I… I thought I lost you.”
   Reiner laughs breathlessly. “I told you, darling. We haven’t gotten married, yet. I can’t die until that happens.”
   “We aren’t leaving anyone behind,” I snap, tightening Armin’s bandages. “None of that, you hear me?”
   “We might not have a choice,” Armin mutters, “If we all stay behind, we might all-”
   “I said no!” 
   The three of us go silent as Jean continues whistling for his horse. 
   But the question still hangs in the air. 
   Who’s going to stay behind?
   There’s only one horse- there’s four of us. If somehow one of us gets our horse back, we’ll be able to get out of here but until then… We’re stranded in Titan country without a means of escape. 
   “We have to talk about it,” Reiner says quietly. 
   “No,” I get to my feet and shake my head. “No. We don’t.”
  I hold up a hand to stop him, “Don’t.” Turning to Jean, I gesture to his bag. “You have an emergency flare, yeah?”
   Jean nods and gets it out, loading it into his gun. Shooting it into the sky, purple smoke trails up from our location. 
   It’s a long shot, but they might get the message. 
   “We can wait three more minutes,” Reiner says firmly. “During then, we’ll decide who’s gonna-”
  “I’ll stay.” My head snaps to Armin. “Just get a message to the command section- to Commander Erwin, if you can.”
   “I’m staying, too, then.”
   “__________, no-” Reiner starts. 
   “I don’t want to hear it, Rei,” I mumble, “Please. I don’t… I don’t want to hear it but look. We’re both injured. Armin’s got a possible concussion and he’s bleeding. I’ve broken half a dozen ribs and I’ve got more bruises than I know what to do with. If anyone’s staying it’s-”
   “Neither of you,” Jean laughs, “Someone’s coming this way with three horses.” The three of us look over to him as he shades his face from the sun. “I think it’s… It looks like… Christa!”
   “Guys!” Christa’s dainty voice rings out as she approaches, “Are you okay?!”
   I huff a laugh, “Define ‘okay’, blondie!” 
   “If __________’s still cracking jokes, she’s still alive, right?” Christa laughs, coming to a stop just in front of us. The three horses surrounding her skid to a stop. 
   Horse trots up to me, nudging me with his nose. “Hey there, Horse,” I mutter, pressing my head against his. “Ya miss me?”
   “What happened to you guys?” Christa asks as she looks over me. “You look awful.”
  “Aw, gee, thanks, blondie,” I giggle, “I feel awful.”
   Christa’s soft face tightens slightly in concern. “...you’re sure you’ll be okay riding alone? Your horse… I dunno his name… but he seems to run alongside me pretty well- even without a harness.”
   “Yeah, that’s him, alright,” I mumble, rubbing Horse’s nose. “But I think I’ll be alright.”
   “...I’m with Christa,” Jean says warily, “You broke six ribs.”
   “What?!” Christa screeches. “Six?! No, ma’am! You’re riding with me or with Jean! Six ribs- what were you thinking?!”
   I shrug. “I’ve done worse.”
   Oops. Shouldn’t have said that.
   Christa sighs, pinching her eyes closed. “Fine. The past is the past. I can’t change it. But you- right now- are going to ride with Jean or me. Pick one.”
   “Yes, Your Majesty,” I mumble with a smirk. “I’ll ride with you. Give the boys a little show, how ‘bout that?”
   Christa turns a light shade of pink as Reiner helps me sit on top of Christa’s horse. “You behave,” Reiner mutters with a stern look. 
   But I can see it. 
   A little mischievous smirk plays his lips as he pulls away. 
   “Yes sir,” I coo, “I’ll be on my best behaviour.”
   The four of us start off towards the center. “What’s your horse’s name?” Christa asks. “He really seems to like you. Before, I couldn’t get him to hold still- then, when I said your name, he calmed down and followed us perfectly fine.”
   “...I just call him Horse.”
   I sigh and turn around to watch as Horse gallops. Cream-colored coat hiding thick muscles that twitch and writhe. Dots- freckles- that spatter his coat. His black mane whips about in the wind. 
   “Freckles,” I say quietly. 
   “Freckles. That’s his name.”
   I groan, letting my head fall back as my legs swing off the tree branch. “Rei, we’ve been sitting here for hours and you haven’t said a word to me,” my lip juts out in a pout, “Please talk to me.”
   Reiner grumbles under his breath. His arms cross over his chest as he sits on the farest end of the tree branch away from me. 
   “Baby,” I whine, “you aren’t still mad at me for-”
   “Yes, I’m still mad at you for being a tease. And we’ve been out here an hour. Hour and a half, tops.”
   “Tch,” I groan again, “Baby, it was just a joke. I didn’t mean to drop my ring.” I hold my hand out in the sun to look at my moonstone ring as it glistens. “It wasn’t on purpose.”
   “...you dropped it three times before we got up here.”
  “I would never do anything to tease you.” Reiner raises an eyebrow and I roll my eyes. “On a mission.”
   Rei’s shoulders lose some of their tension. “...you really didn’t mean to?”
   “Of course not, baby,” I coo softly. “Not on a mission.”
   Reiner sighs and rolls his eyes before getting to his feet. Wordlessly, he plops down beside me and lays his hand over mine on the branch. “You only call me ‘baby’ when you’re guilty,” he murmurs into the shell of my ear. “...so I forgive you.”
   “Oh good, you caught on,” I tease, nudging him with my elbow.
   “Easy, there, girl,” he huffs, “you’re still on thin ice.”
  “You can’t stay mad at me,” I turn to face him and flash him a face-splitting smile. “I’m your darling.”
   “...you’re right,” Rei laughs softly. “I could never.”
   The two of us fall into a comfortable- buzzing with adrenaline but still comfortable- silence. I lean forward to look at the Titans gathered at the base of our tree, clawing and gripping the bark in an attempt to get to us. Hungrily, they salivate and stare up at us with glazed eyes.
   The Female Titan. Why is she doing what she was? If she’s human, wouldn’t she want the walls to remain? They keep us safe for the time being. The outside world isn’t ready for us to break down our walls. And if she does want the walls gone, why? 
   And who is she?
   “...are you listening?”
   “Hm?” I ask, leaning back. “No, I’m sorry, I was just…,” my eyes flick down to the Titans, “...lost in thought.”
   “I was just asking how your sides are.”
   My fingers rub against my sides. They aren’t sore, they don’t hurt. I’ve always healed fast but knowing how long it’s supposed to take to heal sometimes, it’s… a little disconcerting. “I don’t feel anything.”
   “...you’re better already?”
   I shrug, “It could just be adrenaline. Or maybe they weren’t as badly broken as we thought they were. Bruising and breaks are really similar…”
   Reiner hums in acknowledgment. “As long as you feel okay. When we get back, I’m still getting you checked out.”
   “Yes sir.”
   I lean over the side of the branch to see the Titans again. “It’s strange that we weren’t directed around the forest.” I comment quietly, leaning over more before my ODM wire locks into place.
   “...Iyeah,” Reiner mutters, “Why wouldn’t we just go around?”
   “I dunno,” I strain, slightly jiggling the wire a bit. “But do you think it was on purpose?”
   “It’s Commander Erwin,” Rei chuckles, “Of course it was.”
   “That’s true… I just… It’s so hard for us to see threats coming in,” I grip the wire and tug harder. “So why send them in?”
   “Assuming he knows of the right flank casualties, we should’ve retreated a long time ago,” he mutters, “But we’re here and the center flank is somewhere in the trees.”
   “Which is also weird, right?” I ask, yanking on the wire even harder. “I mean, if we are gonna go in, why not-”
   The wire snaps out of the branch. The force of me pulling sends me over the edge of the branch. I watch as the wire extends rapidly- reeling me down towards the Titans’ grasps. Reiner runs to the end, reaching out to grab my hand. 
   But it’s too late. 
   A hand wraps around my body and pulls, unlatching my ODM wire from the tree. It starts to tighten as it turns me around to face it. My eyes lock onto it and I scream, thrashing around wildly. My arms are pinned in its hold- trapped against the steel of my ODM blade holsters and the clammy flesh wrapped around me. 
   Another Titan stares at me hungrily. As I look at it, red light starts to pour from its eyes like fog. Without warning, it lunges. I wince and duck away- waiting to be engulfed in moist darkness. 
   It doesn’t come. It’s replaced with an unearthly howl of pain and the sound of tearing flesh. 
   The grip around me falls away and as I’m spun in a free-fall, I catch glimpses of the scene above me. Red fog pours from the Titans’ eyes as they all latch onto the Titan that grabbed me. Bite by bite, they tear into the searing flesh of the Titan and devour the steaming chunks of bleeding meat. 
   They’re… eating it. 
   The red fog. 
   It was real. 
   My body stops, swinging up before I hit the forest floor. As we land on another branch, Reiner hugs me to his body tightly. “You scared the shit out of me,” he says raggedly. I feel tears drip onto my shoulder. But I don’t look at him- even as he pulls away, gripping my shoulders. 
   My eyes are focused on the fog swirling through the bodies of the Titans.
   What the Hell is it? 
   Why does it keep following me?
   Why does it keep saving me?
   I’m pulled back into my body- away from the grasping hands of the Titans that force muscles and tendons and organs down their throats. Blankly, I stare at Reiner. “What happened?” he asks quietly, looking over his shoulder at the Titans. “Are you-”
   A scream rips out of my throat as I look down at my hands. My fingers start to rake through my skin, clawing for the source of the red fog. 
   Get it out. 
   Get it out. 
   Get it out. 
   Get it out. 
   Get it out. 
   Get it out. 
   Get it out. 
   Get it out. 
   Get it out. 
   Get it out. 
   Get. It. Out. 
   Reiner’s hands fumble with mine as they try to stop me from continuing the hurried slicing of my skin. “Darling, darling,” he says calmly as he grabs my wrists, “Darling, hey, look at me. Look at me.”
   Wildly, my eyes fly around my surroundings. 
   Get it out. Red fog. Red fog. I have to get it out. I have to find it.
   Red fog. I have to get it out. 
   Red fog. 
   “__________!” Reiner snaps, shaking me by my wrists, “Look at me!”
   My gaze settles on him but I can feel myself twitching and writhing in place. 
   Red fog. 
   Get it out. I have to get it out. 
   “...you’re okay,” he mumurs, “You’re okay now, okay, darling? You’re safe.”
   Tears burst from my eyes, leaking down my face as I roll my hands around from my wrists. Trembling violently, my body falls to the floor. Reiner catches me before I fall, scooping me up under my arms and holding me to him. 
   “There’s something... inside of me,” I strain, keeping down the screams wanting to claw their way out. My nails rake his back- threatening to rip through the fabric. “There is... something inside of me, Rei. I don’t know what it is. And I’m so scared, Rei. I just… I don’t… I don’t understand it. I… I don’t know... what it is. There’s… There’s something inside of me, Reiner, please! Please, Rei! Take it out! Get it out of me!”
a doozy like i said. if you made it this far, i am so proud of you. my short attention span could literally never. as always thank you so much for reading and i hope to hear your thoughts and comments! 
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pumpkin-pi-e · 3 years
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This, but it's Aizawa and Hizashi has to explain that the hero isn't upset with you after he suddenly starts distancing himself.
"Shouta isn't upset with you. He loves his kitten very much!" The DJ manages to get a reluctant giggle from you after his fingers run up your stomach, drumming a melody. You're rocked by the quick smooch he lands on your cheek.
"He uh-" Hizashi tries to explain in a way you'd understand. "he gets like that sometimes. We'll just give 'im some space and let 'im bounce back on his own." He's aware of Shouta's behavioral habits. He needed time alone to decompress. He understood how dejected you felt, but he also recognized his husband's need for personal time.
"We'll let him know he's loved and give the space he needs."
But he had you now when the erasure hero couldn't be available to him. You nod slowly, the sadness in your gaze hurting his heart, reminding him of the lonely days and even lonelier nights when his partner was within arms reach yet lightyears away.
He puts on a smile.
"Why dont we play a game and check in on him later? See if he wants some dinner?"
It's authentic when you agree, popping the apples of his cheeks.
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Aizawa is an introvert. As such, he likes to take time for himself. He doesn’t allow darling the same luxury. Privacy? You don’t need that. *Aizawa who just emerged from a cocoon in his room where he recuperates* He understood the importance of personal time, but introverted darling isn’t getting any of that. If he isn’t with you then Hizashi is. The DJ is less inclined to give you space. It’s easily given to his husband. They were friends before they were partners, and he respected his need for ‘Aizawa’ times. Y’know, go off and do his own thing. Whatever introverts do. But like Shouta, he won’t extend the same courtesy for you.
What if they give the illusion of private time, like they have cameras and stuff?
Darling is super sus, but relieved when her clingy captors suddenly gave her breathing room. They were suffocating her.
Without their prying eyes, she feels comfortable doing things and being herself. EM just watch her from the kitchen through a baby monitor while they make dinner.
“She’s so cute when she’s invested in her games.”
Aizawa can’t help but agree. “Mm. I’ve never seen her so relaxed.”
Her mood is improving, and the couple is glad their darling is in such high spirits. Win, win situation.
Bored darling is about to end up strapped to Shota's back for a day or two.
Darling one day just whines in a room level voice not even yelling. "Zashi, I want attention."
With his capture weapon? 😂
They saw her do it.
*Hizashi kicking the door down* “Hey-! Hey! What’s going on in here?!”
No more closed doors in their house.
Hizashi trips over himself in his speed. His glasses skewed as he hangs off the doorframe. “Baby, you got it.”
They feel guilty now. Maybe they aren’t giving you enough attention? But you’d complained about them hovering, said you wanted ‘space’. You’re a confusing darling. You confound them so. They love you though. ❤️
“Sweetie? Are you not gettin’ enough interaction?”
yes, his capture weapon is very versitle
the kids don't know how to react to their teacher carrying a mummified person on his back
All of 1-A just too stunned and afraid to say what they’re all thinking.
Except Mineta.
“Are we all just going to pretend Mr. Aizawa isn’t carrying an uber hottie on his back? Like??? She’s a solid ten out of ten. Man, teachers get all the perks. Forget superhero, maybe teaching’s where it’s at.”
Aizawa: What did you say about my wife?
RIP mineta
The rest of the class are a bit disturbed except for those who are yanderes themselves, they're taking notes
Darling starts playing with their emotions ‘cause what else are they to do?
Aizawa puts a hard stop to it
Imagine Darling adopting class 1-A, baggering Aizawa and Hizashi to bring them over to dinner, mostly Shoto and anyone else they think is being abused.
That loyal boy comes when you call him. No matter what he’s doing.
Aww! They have to host all them. Hizashi’s scrambling for numbers trying to calculate how much food they’d need.
Aizawa interrupts his frantic mathematics. “Simple. We order pizza.”
Darling who grows fond of children and hassles EM for children.
That was an eventful breakfast to say the least. They hadn’t expected it. Hizashi choked on his cereal and Aizawa didn’t handle it any better as he spewed coffee all over the place. “…You want what?”
Honestly, they hadn’t considered it.
Darling who hassles them to kidnap all thekids of 1-A
"We can't do that they have parents."
"So do I, what’s your point?"
"That's too many people looking."
"Kidnap the parents too."
— — —
Had to take a break from writing the angst I’m working on. Hurt my own feelings. 😭
As always, green is @writerandstudent. (Her additions were berry comical. ☺️| Lol, not they wouldn’t commit crimes for darling, just that it’d be a hassle with so many eyes.)
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shotokimchi · 4 years
Promise (Dad!Kirishima x Fem!Reader)
A/N: Kirishima was your first love and when you had to leave, he fucked up but he is going to win you back!
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"Daddy, wake up!" when he opened his eyes, Mizuki was sitting on top of him, squeezing his cheeks. "Daddy come on! You are gonna be late for work!" Kirishima finally managed to open his eyes and looked at his daughter, she was already in her white dress that had daisies on it. He smiled at his daughter and looked at her beautiful crimson eyes. Her hair color was pink just like her mothers, her teeth werent like his but her eyes were just like his. "Im up, sunshine." He smiled and Mizuki gave him a kiss on the cheek "Im waiting for you in the kitchen, daddy." then she left, she was just 7 but she was acting like an adult, she was always so mature but kind and loving at the same time. Kirishima looked at the door that her daughter closed and sighed he quickly took a shower and got dressed. Then he looked at the time and gasped 7.45 am ?! he had 15 minutes then his phone rang and he looked at the contact info "Y/N" his heart started to beat faster. You were his one and only L/N Y/N, his highschool crush... His dream was becoming a hero and having you by his side, now he was a hero and you were always by his side but thats not how he wanted to and he was going to change that.
Everything happened in your second year in U.A, your father was running a business in America and you were staying with your mother in Japan but your father wanted his family next to him. You got in an argument with him, your mother knew how hard you worked , you were a successful student, Mr.Aizawa was hopeful about your future, life was perfect with your loving friends, your high grades but he was the main reason why you worked so hard. His name was Kirishima Eijiro, you had a crush on him since the first year of U.A high. Your sunshine... Everyone knew what was happening between you two and your friends supported you till the end. One day when you were listening to Present Mic's lecture the door of your classroom suddenly opened and Principal Nezu called you, you could feel the confused looks your classmates gave you. You quietly stood up and followed him, Kirishima was worried. When Principal Nezu opened the door of his office you saw your father sitting there with your mother, at first you were so happy to see them "Father! You came back from America?!" He smiled, but then he got serious, Principal told you to sit down and started to tell you that your parents were going to move to America and they wanted you to come with them. You were furious you talked about this before and told them that you wanted to stay at U.A but now Principal Nezu was trying to explain that people need to make hard decisions sometimes. You started to cry... You were going to leave everything behind, what about him? Your sunshine? Then the door opened and Mr.Aizawa appeared, he wasnt pleased by the information of you leaving, he tried to convince your parents but it didnt work. When you heard the bell rang you got up, bowed to Principal Nezu and started to walk towards your classroom then you heard All Might, he was jogging towards you, he gave you a hug and told you to work harder. He knew how determined and strong you were "Young L/N, never give up, we trust you especially Mr.Aizawa." you gave a weak smile and started to walk again, he sighed and tought *You are strong L/N.* when you arrived your classmates immediately walked towards you, you tried to explain that you needed to leave for your fathers job and all of a sudden you broke down... You were crying while Momo was patting your back and Uraraka was hugging you. Thats when Kirishima stepped in the classroom. He saw you and his eyes widened, your red eyes bc of crying, shiny tears... He tought that you got hurt, he ran towards you and kneeled in front of you. Your body acted on its own, you wrapped your arms around his neck and cried. "E-eijiro..." This was the first time that you called him by his first name, his eyes met yours "I dont w-wanna..." you were trying to speak between your loud sobs, everyone got more worried. "Hey... Its okay Y/N, take your time." He smiled and squeezed you. "I dont wanna leave..." He leaned back and looked at your eyes "You dont wanna leave?" he asked, you started to explain everything that happened, when you finished his brows were furrowed, he clenched his teeth, the love of his life were... Leaving? "W-what? You are going to live there?" You nodded and looked at the floor. No one wanted you to leave. After packing your things in your dorm, everyone was gathered in the common room to give you warm hugs, even Bakugou was there. When you hugged everyone, you looked at your sunshine... His eyes were glued to the floor you knew he was trying so hard to not to cry, you walked towards him and took his hands, he didnt wanted to cry while you were leaving "My sunshine..." his eyes widened, you never called him that. Yes, he knew that both of you were crushing on eachother but it was just flirting, shy smiles and gettin protective. Tears started fall from his eyes "How can you look so manly and beautiful while crying?" You smiled and his cheeks were getting warmer. "I promise you, i will work hard for you then im going to come back." He looked at you, you were tearing up too... "Y/N..." his voice was trembling, "Im going to work hard too... Im going to be the strongest so please count on me!" his tears were falling to his shirt, you smiled between your tears and hugged him. Everyone was silent it was like a scene from a sad movie. Kirishima closed his eyes, then he felt something soft on his cheek, when he realized that you pecked his cheek, his eyes started to shine and a small smile appeared on his lips. "Thats better." you said and smiled back. "Keep texting me ok?" he asked and you nodded then you took your suitcase and left the building. Ofc he cried...
Then everything started to get complicated, you were attending to a prestigious school in America but it wasnt lively like U.A everyone looked so cold and fake. You finished highschool with high grades and the texts you sent to Kirishima started to get shorter and shorter. He understood that you were having a hard time with college and stuff so he respected you but being so far away from you was hard for him. When you felt like you were going to give up you always remembered the promise that you made *Im going to work hard then come back.* that promise always boosted your energy. It was the same for Kirishima, he always tought about the promise he made and worked harder to become a strong hero.
One day, when you were taking a walk with your mother at a park, you accidentally dropped your phone in the lake and bought a new phone, your contact list was gone but luckily the girls wanted your number by messaging your social media accounts. The texts that you send to Kirishima were pretty short and propably once a month, it was the same for him. When you were talking with Uraraka on the phone she accidentally let something slip from her mouth and that crashed you. "Y/N look, you know having a long distance crush is very difficult and since both of you have goals you cant start a relationship but Kirishima has female friends and they are kinda affecting him..." You were broken, Uraraka panicked bc of the silence and you asked "Who?" she gulped and said "Mina..."  you froze, Uraraka explained that theres nothing going on between them but she had some suspicions about Mina having a crush on him and she told you that Mina loved you but feelings couldnt be controlled. Their relationship was affecting him bc they were close but you were so far away... Your college was in America and your father didnt let you leave, you really needed to see your friends, ask about Mina and Kirishima's relationship, Kiri was your sunshine and you trusted him. After gathering your courage you decided to call Mina...
Kirishima was sitting on the couch with Kaminari and Bakugou, Mina was in the kitchen and Sero was sitting on the floor. "Come on Mina, we already chose the movie!" Kaminari yelled. Mina came with a bowl of popcorn and looked at the guys. "Umm where am i gonna sit?" she asked, Kirishima was sandwiched between his friends. "Tch, on the floor." Bakugou replied with a cold tone. When you left, Bakugou made a silent promise to himself to support his buddy but Kiri being close with Mina was pissing him off because he knew you were working hard for him, Bakugou didnt told anyone but he was texting you sometimes and you always told him that you were working hard and trying to come back, he felt so mad. While you were working your ass off, Kiri was having fun with Mina and making things complicated for both of them. Bakugou once said "What are you trying to do, shitty hair? Dont you love L/N or somethin' why are you letting Racoon eyes flirt with you? If you want to be a hero keep your promises first." He didnt mean to be harsh but someone needed to warn Kiri. Kirishima sighed and said "Dont be rude bakubro!" and smiled. Mina started to push Kaminari and he sat on the floor then she sat next to Kiri and put her legs on his lap, Bakugou made an unpleased noise. Just then, Mina's phone rang and it was on the floor, Kaminari quickly looked at the contact info and said "It's Y/N!" the blood drained from her face and Kirishima's heart stopped. Mina quickly grabbed the phone and excused herself. Kirishima was frozen on the couch, Bakugou looked at his friend and sighed... Mina quickly closed the door and answered "Hello Y/N?" when you heard her voice your heart started to beat faster, you didnt wanted to accept the fact that she was gettin intimate with him. "Mina, i need to ask you something." Mina gulped normally your voice was always energetic but now it was irritated and cold. "Are you dating with Kirishima?" her heart stopped the next question only made her panic more "Do you like him?" her throat was dry, hands were cold and mind was spinning. Kaminari got up and started bite his nails he looked at Kirishima, his eyes were on the floor, his was avoiding eye contact. Bakugou smirked, he was proud of you but he was mad at the same time how could something like this happen? You guys made a promise and Kiri didnt even bother to tell you that he was flirting with Mina. "Uh... Should i go and check on her?" Sero asked. "Shut up and sit." Bakugou replied then they heard Mina scream and she got louder, they all panicked except Bakugou. On the other hand your voice was trembling with anger "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THAT YOU WERE FLIRTING WITH HIM?!" you were yelling at this point "WHILE YOU GUYS WERE GETTING LOVEY DOVEY, I WAS TRICKING MYSELF WITH STUPID ASS FAKE PROMISES THAT WE MADE!" you started to cry... Mina was only gettin louder cuz she didnt had the right to defend herself then she hung up on you. You broke down and started to cry, on the other line Mina started to tear up too. 10 minutes later Mina came out of the room 4 pair of eyes were looking at her with curiousity. She didnt said anything and started the movie then Bakugous phone got a notification and he got up. It was from you, he sighed and started to head towards the kitchen but Kirishima stopped him, Kiri had an anxious look in his eyes but it looked like regret too. "Watch the god damn movie im coming shitty hair." then he left, Kiri was looking at the TV but his mind was a complete mess he was making theories. Bakugou opened his phone and saw your name on it, he sighed and looked at the message that you sent to him.
You: Bakugou, i called Mina, i know i promised you that i was going to be strong and work hard but i cant take it anymore. Mina confirmed the fact that she was having some sort of thing with Kiri and i dont know,i feel so weak. 
Bakugou: Dont feel weak bc of people, never. If you wanna make them regret it, stay strong.Dont forget that. Shitty Hair is the one who broke the promise isnt he? Why do you feel weak, he should be the one who's feeling weak. Stupid y/n what am i gonna do with you huh?
You: Bakugou, thank you. Im gonna get stronger and when i come back, lets eat some spicy food, ok?
A small smile appeared on his face and he sighed.
Bakugou: You better get stronger, its a promise now. Dont chicken out cuz when you say spicy i expect something spicy. 
You looked at your phone and smiled, having someone strong like Bakugou as a friend was such a blessing. Bakugou on the other hand sat on the couch and he had a genuine smile on his face. His friends started to look at him with surprised eyes and he gave them a 'the fuck you want?' look then continued to watch the movie.
One year later...
You opened your mail box and saw an invitation, you looked at it, it was written 'Midoriya x Uraraka Wedding Invitation' on it, “THEY ARE GETTING MARRIED?!” You screamed and called Uraraka, she said that she really wanted to see you on her wedding with Deku. Everyone missed you so much and since it was an important event your father would porpably let you go. You quickly asked for permission and he said yes. You quickly looked for a dress then found a gorgeous royal blue dress and silver earings with a necklace. Your father quickly booked you a room from a luxurious hotel and you packed your things. Your flight was comfortable, when you came to the airport you saw Momo and Shoto, Momo ran towards you with teary eyes and hugged you, Shoto gave you a warm hug and took your suitcase. Your friends knew about the fight with Mina so they made a plan to keep you away from eachother. You were going to be with Momo, Jiro and Uraraka while she was going to be with Tsuyu and Hagakure for the most of the time. Shoto and Momo dropped you at your hotel and gave you some time to relax. You quickly took a shower and layed on the queen sized bed. The wedding was at 7.00 pm so you set an alarm to 5.00 pm and decided to take a nap. A phone call woke you up, it was from Jiro she asked you if were ready or not and you quickly started to dress up then you got a call from the front desk saying that you have a visitor. It was Momo, when she saw you she let out a gasp "Y/N, you are beautiful!" you smiled and she started to design your hair. Then you helped Momo wih her make up and quickly left the hotel, Shoto was waiting outside. When you got in the car, your stomach started to burn Kirishima was going to be there... After the fight you didnt had a conversation with him and blocked him. Momo sensed your anxiety and held your hand.
Kirishima didnt had a clue, he didnt know that y/n was coming, so many things happened in a year. He asked Mina if she wanted to be his partner for the rest of his life but he didnt proposed, he tought it was too early and he couldnt get someone out of his mind 'y/n'. Whenever he tought about her, his heart started to beat faster and faster. His mind was a mess, he was trying so hard to move on with Mina but his heart was always telling him the opposite. He wore a tuxedo and put a crimson rose on his suit. Bakugou was gettin ready at the bathroom. Then he saw his bro's phone on the bed, a notification popped up, he quickly grabbed the phone, then he saw it. 'Message from y/n: Baku im on my way with Mo and Sho!" He stopped breathing and threw the phone to the bed. Just then Bakugou came out and when he saw a pale Kiri, he got worried. "The hell Shitty Hair? You saw a murder or somethin?" Kiri gulped and shook his head. "Hahaha, you are funny bro, come on lets go!" he started to make new theories his best friend and y/n were... talking? Were they...? No. Bakugou wouldnt do that to him. Bakugou grabbed his phone and looked at the message, he smiled to himself and left the house with Kiri.
"Y/N!" Ojiro walked towards you, "Ojiro-san! Oh, its been so long how are you?" you started to chat and he showed you the table that reserved for class A. When you walked towards the table you saw your friends Kaminari, Tokoyami, Hagakure, the others and... Mina. You made eye contact for a second then she averted her eyes. "Y/N, you look amazing!" Hagakure said. You thanked then had a little chit-chat with her and Tsuyu. "Uh, Kaminari? Where is Bakugou?" You asked and some of your friends looked at you. Kaminari knew that you were close with Bakugou in some way bc he accidentally saw some of your texts and he didnt know that Bakugou could be soft. He was relieved that someone was supporting you. "Dont worry, he is on his way!" he said. Then Momo came and took a seat next to you, all of a sudden she took your hands in hers and you looked at her. "Y/N, calm down and slowly stand up okay?Bakugou is here... with Kirishima." Your eyes widened, Momo saw your expression and squeezed your hand. You stood up turned around and your eyes immediately met with crimson ones but luckily it was Bakugou's and you gave a sigh of relief. He smirked and walked towards you, you smiled. "Hey, how are you Bakugou?" he snorted "I should be the one asking you that." oh Bakugou and his attitude. Then your eyes drifted to his left and you stopped breathing, Bakugou quickly saw the change on your face and turned around, Kirishima was standing behind him with wide shiny eyes. You quickly averted your eyes and sat down. Bakugou grabbed Kiri's wrist and they sat down. Your friends were chatting to ease the tension but you were looking at your hands in your lap a waiter came and offered you some wine, when you started to sip it Mina started to tell Tsuyu about her wedding plans and you stopped on your tracks. Bakugou was watching you carefully. "Kiri and i are thinking of something simple, he still thinks its early but we have plans for our future." what... future...? Everyone went silent and Tsuyu nodded at Mina, then she turned at you and asked "By the way Y/N how was America? Are you seeing someone at the moment, you are pretty succesful and beautiful." Your father introduced you to his business partners sons but you always tought about Kirishima. *Ok then lets play dirty Kiri.* you tought and started to talk "Well, America is good but Japan has a special place in my heart, also yeah there are some guys that my father introduced me to and im not so sure yet but there is one..." you trailed of and gave a side glance to Kirishima, he was directly looking at you. Well you lied, you refused all of those guys but you wanted Kirishima to get hurt (emotionally ofc) "Oh my, foreign guys are interesting arent they?" Hagakure giggled and you decided to go with the flow so you nodded and giggled back. Kirishima was squeezing his fists, he hid them under the fancy table and clenched his teeth. He had a big ache in his heart. Then all of a sudden someone touched your shoulder and you turned "Hey, hey, hey Y/N!" your eyes widened "Fatgum!" you stood up and hugged him, he patted your shoulder. "How's your father doing huh? When are you going to move here?" he asked, you smiled and huffed "Well he wants me to work at his hero agency." Fatgum furrowed his brows and opened his mouth "You know Y/N, the crime rate in America is higher than Japan, you have a strong quirk and i really need someone like you in my agency, why dont you work with me?" Kirishima's breath hitched in his throat and quickly looked at you "Oh, well if my father lets me then why not?" Kiri's eyes shined so Fatgum's "He is my old friend dont worry i will convince him!" he laughed and left than you sat down and met with Momo's confused face. She whispered in your ear "Y/N, Kirishima is going to work at his agency..." Your eyes widened then you started to think, you were going to accept his offer and took revenge from Kirishima, he was going to see your face everyday and you were going to do everything you could to make him suffer.  "Its okay Momo, i got this." You winked at her and she gave a worried smile. Then the lights go off and you saw Uraraka and Midoriya, they danced and started to talk with the guests, Uraraka quickly saw the table for Class A and ran towards you, you stood up and hugged her "Y/N, you came!" she was getting emotional so do you, "I cant miss this now, can i?" you both giggled and Midoriya appeared "Welcome back Y/N!" you smiled and said "I'm home..." then everyone at your table looked at you with wide eyes, you just made your decision in 5 minutes, you were going to stay at Japan. "Y-you are staying here?!" Uraraka almost shouted and you nodded. "Well, i saw Fatgum and he made an offer so... Guess im movin here!" Uraraka started to tear up and you hugged her "Hey! No crying, beautiful lady!" she laughed and squeezed you tighter. They continued to talk with other guests and Jiro turned at you "We should celebrate this Y/N!" Tsuyu and Momo nodded. "Hey, what about us?" Kaminari whined. "No boys allowed!" Jiro frowned at him. After the wedding Shoto dropped you at your hotel and you quickly made a phone call, your father answered the phone and you started to tell him about the wedding and Fatgum, when he heard his close friends name he laughed and started to listen carefully, you told him about his offer and he went silent, he told you that he needed to talk with Fatgum and hung up. You sighed and layed on your bed.
Two years later...
You woke up and took a quicky shower, it has been two years and you started to work at Fatgums' agency, he always supported you and told you to do your best. Magically, he managed to convince your father telling him the rising crime rate at America and how Japan is safer. So many things happened in two years Kirishima and Mina got married, Uraraka was pregnant and you were pretty popular in the agency, everyone was talking about how strong you were but it didnt matter because it has been 5 months... Kirishima and Mina were married for 5 months and it hurted like hell ofc you didnt showed up at their wedding and Uraraka told you that the tension at the wedding was pretty thick but that was none of your business. You quickly got in your car and drove towards the agency, you only talked with Kirishima during the missions and it was obvious that he wanted to talk to you but you always took a step back and ignored him, whenever you called his name bc of paperwork, his eyes shined like a little boys. It was weird, he was married so why was he making things complicated for you?
Kirishima was getting ready for work but he didnt wanted to go, yesterday was terrible. He was having problems with Mina since the day they got married. Mina was always attacking him with "You dont love me Eijiro!" and "Do you still love her?!" or "If you are confused why did you wanted to marry me?!". But yesterday was terrible. When he came home from work, Mina was sitting at their couch with a plastic thing in her hand, she told Kiri to sit and started to explain that she got... pregnant. Kirishima loved kids but they didnt had a healthy relationship, he was still questioning himself about his feelings and you were working at his agency. He got up and washed his face and Mina started to cry. Ofc they were going to have the child but Kiri was sure now. He never loved Mina, he always wanted a child from you but that was not going to change the fact that the baby in Mina was his and he promised himself to love the baby no matter what. He quickly grabbed his keys and left the apartment. When he arrived at the gate of his agency and parked his car, he saw you. He was trying so hard to melt the ice wall that you created. He quickly jogged towards you "G-good morning!" you looked at him and nodded when you started to walk he followed you and when he opened his mouth to start a conversation his stomach growled loudly. You quickly raised an eyebrow and his face turned red he quickly chuckled and scratched his head you looked at the paper bag in your hand and opened it, he curiously looked at you and you handed him a muffin and a cookie. "F-for me?" he asked, you replied "What do you think?" he smiled and took it "Thank you..."
You quickly sat at your desk and started to write some stuff then a woman came "Lady Magma, the interns are waiting for you." that was your hero name 'Lady Magma' Your quirk was Lava, if you touch an object you can melt it or if you stare at something and activate your quirk it starts to melt and turns to lava. "Im coming." you stood up and left. Kiri looked at your desk and an idea popped in his head. When lunch time came you noticed that you forgot your phone on your desk. When you approached your desk you saw a paper bag and opened it, there was some muffins and donuts in the bag. You raised your eyebrow and noticed the little note 'Enjoy the muffins -Kirishima' You gulped and took a donut, when you had a bite you noticed the falling tears from your eyes. Kiri left early from work and started to head towards Bakugou's house, he sent him a quick text and Bakugou told him that he was on his way. His hands started to tremble just when he was trying to make it up to you, Mina was telling him that she was pregnant. He needed Bakugou's advice. When Bakugou came he saw Kiri sitting on a chair, his hands were pulling his hair. "What happened again, Shitty hair?" he asked but when he saw his friends eyes filled with tears he quickly took of his coat. "Oi Kirishima, why are you crying?" he sat down and Kiri opened his mouth "Mina is pregnant." Katsuki's eyes widened, he didnt know what to say bc Kiri didnt looked happy. "Just when im trying to fix things with Y/N..." the tears continued to fall and thats when Bakugou snapped, Kirishima was his best friend but he needed to be realistic. "How are you trying to fix things with her? Kirishima you broke your promise, you know that right? She trusted you and you wounded her! Then you got married with racoon eyes and you expect your marriage to be good, you dont even love her! Stop living in a dreamland and be realistic for a second, Y/N moved on, even if she still loves you, she managed to move on. You made a mistake so stop playing with her mind and feelings. She is trying to forget you and since your 'WIFE' is pregnant she is going to get sad again, thats enough let Y/N breathe." Then he got up and poured a glass of water. "I dont know what to do..." he looked at Bakugou and sighed. "What do you feel? If you dont love racoon eyes why are you sticking with her? Think carefully Kirishima, im going to take a shower." Then he left. Kirishima closed his eyes and started to think "What do i feel...?" He knew everything, he knew that he was still in love with you but it was too late, he didnt even explained himself in the past but he wasnt happy and he wanted to be happy so he was going to listen to Bakugou.
When he got home Mina was eating cookies and watching a movie. He sat down and closed the TV, Mina looked at her "Mina, we need to talk." her eyes widened bc of Kiri's serious tone. "What are we gonna talk about?" she asked, her stomach started to turn. "I want a divorce." he looked at her and waited for a response then Mina started to shout "Are you going to leave me alone with our child?! I knew it, you never loved me!" Kiri grabbed her arms and pulled her in a hug "Im not going to leave you with our child, im going to love our child no matter what but we cant stay married Mina and you know it. Im tired, i dont wanna lie to myself anymore." her sobs got louder "B-but Eiji, i loved you!" Kirishima took a step back to meet her eyes and said "Mina, lets be honest to ourselves from now on."
You were drinking some coffee with Momo and Uraraka, it was a quiet evening and your friends brought some cakes to eat. When Momo took a sip from her cup she started to speak "Y/N, we heard that Mina is pregnant." You stopped chewing your cake and looked at her, they got married and it was natural that they were having a child but it still hurted. You wanted to built a family... With him... "Oh, congrats." Uraraka and Momo shared a nervous look then Uraraka continued "But... They are getting a divorce." You started to cough and choke on your cake. "Oh god!" Momo quickly patted your back and you chugged down a whole glass of water. "Why?" you asked them with wide eyes. "They had problems from the start, Mina always told us that she was suspicious about Kiri having feelings for you." you stopped breathing. "They are getting a divorce bc of... me?" you asked, you tried to move on but it was your fault??? “No Y/N, ofc not!" Momo interrupted and continued "Mina called me and told me that Kiri was struggling with a problematic marriage and she told me that Kirishima said something like 'I cant lie to myself anymore." or something similar to that, so its Kirishimas fault not yours." You were furious, you were going to give him a piece of his mind, you waited for the girls to left your house.
After an hour of talking, Mina kicked Kirishima out and he was going to stay at Bakugous place. He was thinking about her, the love of his life, Y/N. Everything could be perfect but he ruined it. Then Bakugou came with two cans of beer and sat beside him. When he brought the can to his mouth his phone rang and both men saw the name on Katsuki's phone. "Y/N?" Kirishima looked at his friend and Katsuki shrugged, he pressed 'answer'. "Hey, Katsuki." he heard your voice from the other line "What up?" he replied. "Where the hell is Kirishima?" Kirishima heard his name on the phone and quickly looked at his friend "What is she saying?!" he asked, Katsuki gave him a 'shut up' look and asked "Why? Is it about work?" you started to get more irritated "WHY DO I NEED TO GIVE YOU A REASON WHERE IS HE!" Katsuki's eyes widened and he looked at Kirishima, even he heard her shout. Then Kirishima nodded and Katsuki continued "Hes at my place." then you replied "Ok, im already on my way tell him to come out." Katsuki was dumbfounded what the fuck was happening? "What?! Why are you coming here-" then you hung up "Damn it !" Kirishimas eyes were wide open "Y/N is coming here?!" Katsuki grabbed his shoulders and looked at him in the eyes "She is coming for you and she is furious! You got this!" then he started to shake him "Ya hear me?!" Kirishima was trying to understand the situation but both of them were confused as heck. "W-wait bro, what am i supposed to do?!" he panicked and Katsuki replied "The hell, i dont know?! Just go there and listen to her! She is almost here!" Kirishima quickly brushed his teeth and used one of his bros perfume. He was trying to do some breathing exercises then both of them heard your cars horn. "Ok, go there and stay strong!" Katsuki opened his apartments door and Kirishima nodded.
You leaned onto your car and crossed your arms in front of your chest. Then you saw a stupid redhead walking towards you with a nervous face, your heart clenched in your chest. "H-hey Y/N, how can i help you?" oh his stupid voice, his stupid eyes. You hated him, how he made your heart stop, how he made your cheeks flush, how he made your body shake. Then his eyes widened and you asked "What are you looking at?!" and he slowly gulped "Y/N, you are crying..." Then your eyes widened and you touched your cheeks, why were you crying? He should be the one who was crying! "I-i.... You-!" You started to sob, he didnt know what do all he wanted to do was hug you but he knew that you didnt wanted him to touch you. "Y/N-" , "Stop! Dont even open your mouth and listen to me!" he stopped and waited for you to calm down. "I heard that you are getting a divorce, is that true?" you asked and tried to stay calm "Yes..." he answered "Why?" you asked another question without waiting. "Why are you gettin a divorce it has only been 5 months ?" you even knew how long. "Isnt she pregnant? Shouldnt you be supportive?" Kirishima's heart stopped, you knew that Mina was pregnant? "I cant do it, it doesnt feel right. Im going to be a dad for our child but...", "But what, Kirishima?" he was gettin more nervous "We just cant get along." he gave a short answer. You took a deep breath "Uraraka told me that she was accusing you for having feelings for me." His cheeks started to burn and he saw the sad look in your eyes "I tried to move on, Kirishima i tried... I didnt do anything to you both and you are getting a divorce BECAUSE OF ME?" you started to raise your voice "No! Its not because of you, i cant take it thats why we are getting a divorce!" he raised his voice, he wanted you to listen. "I want answers! WHY DID YOU LEFT ME ?!" your legs started to shake and you were having a hard time trying to stand straight, he immediately tried to hold you but you pushed him "KIRISHIMA TELL ME! WHY DID YOU STOPPED LOVING ME?!I WORKED SO HARD JUST FOR YOU! YOU WERE MY EVERYTHING!" you were crying on the floor, he started to cry and kneeled in front of you, he pulled you into a tight hug, first you struggled and begged him to let you go but he was too strong for you. He waited for you to calm down and started to stroke your hair. When he felt your hands clutching onto his shirt he didnt wanted to let you go and inhaled your scent. "I dont have any excuse, i ruined our future, you were so far away yet worked so hard just for me, Mina and i had a friendship and we just lied to ourselves, i was such a stupid teenager and im still so stupid, on the wedding i kept imagining you walking beside me... I never loved anyone else but you..." he waited for you to say something but when you stayed silent he continued "We started to have fights on the first day of our marriage and she always brought you up saying that i was still in love with you, i never denied it because it was true and she knew that." he sighed "Bakugou always warned me about my desicions but i was keep following my stupid thoughts, even all of our friends were against the idea of us getting married but they stayed silent because they didnt wanted us to think that they are bad." you raised your head and looked at him in the eyes, his eyes were begging for you, it's been so long... you were finally touching him. "Y/N, i want you, i want you to be my partner, i want you to be the mother of our kids, even if you hate me... I love you, you are the only one im thinking about since highschool." you touched his cheek and his eyes started to shine with tears again, he quickly covered your hand with his "I dont hate you Kirishima, you... yes you are stupid!" he laughed and you joined him. "Y/N, please give me a chance and lets build our future." he looked at you with sincere eyes and rested his forehead on yours. "Kiri... Promise me, you are going to do your best." he grabbed your waist and pulled you onto his lap, you let out a yelp and turned red "I promise, sunshine." your heart started to beat faster, you used to call him that. He leaned closer and closer... Then after all these years both of you shared your first kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he squeezed your waist, he didnt wanted to let you go, he finally had you by his side and he promised himself to make you the happiest woman in the world. When you exchanged numbers you gave him a goodnight kiss and left, Bakugou was waiting for him in his living room, he expected to see a sad and broken Kiri but when he returned he had the biggest smile on his face. "Did she hit your head with a metal stick, why you smiling?" Bakugou asked, this dude was crying 45 minutes ago but now he was jumping around like a little boy. Kiri told him everything that happened and Bakugou was happy for his best friend "You better not ruin it this time that stupid Y/N is my friend too, or something like that." Bakugou never admitted loudly but he cared about you he was the one who supported you all this time.
After all this events, Kirishima finally managed to separate his ways with Mina and took Y/N on several dates, the girls were so happy for Y/N and the boys supported their relationship then congratulated Y/N for her patience and keeping up with Kirishima's stupid actions. After some months Mina gave birth to a little baby girl. Kirishima promised to be a caring dad and he rented an apartment for himself. His daughter was really fond of him and he was the sweetest dad ever but sometimes you got jelaous bc you wanted him to be the father of your kids. One day when you were watching an animation with Mizuki, Kirishima suddenly grabbed your hand and dragged you to his kitchen, he wrapped his arms around you and peppered your cheeks with kisses then things started to get intimate and you stopped him "Kiri, Mizuki is here remember?" he smiled, how could you be so thoughtful? You were such an angel, he lifted you and made you sit on the kitchen island, he layed his head on your chest and you started to stroke his hair. Then suddenly Mizuki appeared and you quickly pushed Kirishima, she came with an empty bowl that used to be filled with cookies "Can i have more cookies?" she asked and Kirishima sighed "But didnt Y/N filled that bowl with cookies, dont eat too much." she made puppy dog eyes and you giggled "But i love eating Y/N's cookies!" she whined then looked at you with confused eyes "Why are you sitting up there Y/N?" you quickly remembered what you were doing a minute ago and your cheeks started to burn from embarrasment, Kirishima started to laugh "Why dont you come up and sit on my lap Princess Mizuki?" you smiled and she ran towards the island, Kirishima lifted her and gave her to you "Now you are tall just like your daddy!" You poked her cheek and she laughed "Im the princess bow down daddy bow down! You are the knight, you are going to marry me!" all of you started to laugh "Ok then who am i, your fairy?" you asked. "No! Im the princess so you are the queen!" you smiled and Kiri looked at the both of you with loving eyes "Yeah, she is our queen." you blushed, all of you started to play a kingdom game. Then Mizuki got tired and fell asleep, Kiri carried her to his own bed and you waited for him on his couch. He appeared with two cups of coffee in his hands and sat next to you, "Thank you for spending your day off with us, baby." he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and you replied "Anything for both of you." He kissed the tip of your nose and sighed. "Im so grateful Y/N, you dont need to support me you know? Mizuki is not tiring you is she?" you took his hand and gave it a squeeze, "I love her, Kirishima." he put his mug on the table in front of you and pulled you to a tight hug "I dont deserve you, angel." you giggled and replied "I know." he laughed. "Mizuki loves you so much, Y/N. First she was confused about us being a family or not but she knows that i love her no matter what." you nodded and started to talk "Kirishima you are her dad and Mina is her mother, i cant change that but i love her with all my heart." Kiri grabbed your chin and planted a kiss on your lips. "I love you so much Y/N."
You just came home back from work and saw a missed call when you looked at the contact info you saw her name. "Mina" its been so long since both of you had a conversation but you decided to call back. She quickly answered "Oh uh um, hey Y/N." she was nervous and it was obvious. "Do you need something from me?" you asked and she was silent for a moment then started to speak "Listen Y/N, you are always taking care of Mizuki and she always talks about you, im so grateful for that... I just wanted to... Apologise to you. Y/N i had a crush on Kirishima but it was temporary and i lied to myself. I got married with him, we tought that our friendship was something else and its hard to accept it but he always tried to pretend that i was you, he failed. Because you are the one he loves, i cant be you and we had a strong friendship with you Y/N. I made a mistake and i want you back." your mouth was opening and closing like a fish, you didnt know what to say. You had a beautiful frienship with Mina when you were in U.A so ofc it wounded you when you guys had an argument. "Mina, i forgave Kirishima for his mistakes and i cant ignore you bc it wouldnt be fair to you so... Its okay." you heard sobs and hiccups. "Y-Y/N thank you, everything was so hard and a big mistake! I love you so much and i dont want our friendship to fully end..." The coldness you felt towards her vanished, she realized her mistake and was apologising for it, that was the important thing so you took a deep breath and continued. "Im not cruel Mina, we lost so many years so lets make good memories, okay?" she sniffed and replied enthusiastically "Yes! Lets make good memories and rebuild or friendship!" then you chatted a little and hung up.
Kirishima quickly answered his phone and heard your beautiful voice. "Kirishima you are running late for work!" he could see your face through the phone "Baby, do you have a frown on your face right now?" he asked "Omg are you here?" he started to laugh "No baby, its obvious from the tone of your voice." you sighed and laughed. "Hurry up stupid redhead! We have so much work to do!" he chuckled "Ok baby im coming, dont worry, love you." you replied "Ofc you love me, im the one who has to deal with you everyday so you better love me more!" both of you were laughing like stupid highschool kids. "Im coming, angel." then he hung up and head towards the kitchen, Mizuki was walking back and forth. "Daddy hurry up, lets go!" Kirishima quickly dropped her to Mina's place and drove towards Fatgum's agency. He quickly checked his pocket and grabbed the velvet box. He opened it and eyed the ring one more time "You can do this Eijiro, you better do it!" He quickly gave Bakugou a call and he answered "Im working shitty hair." he sighed and started to talk "I know dude but, im going to propose to Y/N today." Bakugou snorted "Finally. Then what are you waiting for huh? Go." Kirishima smiled to himself "Thanks for everything bro." "Yeah yeah i know, dont keep that dumbass waiting if she gets mad shes going to kick your ass and you are already late arent you?" Kirishima chuckled nervously and Bakugou sighed "Later, Eiji." he hung up and Kiri quickly got out of his car. He saw you in the lobby, you were tapping your foot on the floor impatiently. He laughed at the sight and approached you "Hey baby." you gave a sigh of relief and punched his arm "Come on! We have a mission to go!" The mission went smoothly it wasnt that dangerous, some low level criminals. When you came back to the agency you quickly head towards the showers. The girls in the changing room greeted you and one of them asked "L/N-senpai when are you going to get married with Kirishima-senpai?” Your cheeks flushed and you coughed. "Um... We are gonna get married but i cant give you a specific time." some of them gave 'oohs' and 'awwwws', you quickly took a shower and opened your phone, you got a message from Kirishima.
Sunshine: Hey baby, why dont you come over tonight?
You: Sure! I have some paperwork to do, its not gonna take long.
Sunshine: Ok, im going to leave early today and i will be waiting for you in my place, love you!
You: Got it, love you too. <3
You smiled at your phone then started to head towards your desk, it took 30 minutes to finish the damn work and you quickly sent him a text saying that you were coming then you started to drove, it took 15 minutes to get in front of his apartment, you climbed the stairs and opened the door with the key in your pocket, you had his apartments key bc you can? "Kiri, im home." You looked around but the living room was dark, you started to head towards the kitchen and the lights were off "Kiri?" you called but there was no answer then you felt strong arms wrapping around your waist from behind, you jumped and turned to see Kiri with a smile on his face "Welcome home, baby." your cheeks got red 'Home...' "What were you doing in the dark Kiri?" he laughed and took your hand in his. "Lets go to the balcony shall we?" He dragged you towards the balcony and slided the door open. Then you saw a blanket fort with yellow lights and fluffy pillows in it, you giggled. When you were a student in U.A, you loved making blanket forts with your friends, especially with Kirishima. "Surprise!" he laughed and you started to jump "Awww Kiri, this brings back memories!" he quickly crouched down and layed on the soft sheets it was a high and big blanket fort so it was comfortable. You quickly layed next to him on your stomach and supported yourself with your elbows, you looked at his cute face and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. Then he handed you a bowl of popcorn "I chose an action movie from my pc, come on lets watch it!" you nodded and both of you got comfortable in eachothers arms. When the movie ended, Kirishima pulled you onto his chest and started to stroke your cheek, you guys started to chat about random things and stupid stuff that you did in U.A, he slowly got up and you followed his action. "Y/N... I love you so much." he smiled but his aura was different so you started to get nervous, was there a problem? "I love you too, Kiri." you smiled back then he grabbed something from his pocket and you stopped breathing, there was a velvet box in his hand, you quickly looked at his eyes and he was smiling so sincerely. "My angel, will you marry me?" your eyes started to water, you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him. "Yes, yes, yes! A million times, yes!" He started to cry and hugged you with full force. Then he put the ring on your finger and looked into your eyes, "I promise you, i will make you the happiest woman in the world my angel." You kissed him and replied "Oh my sunshine... Lets build our future together."
A/N: This was my first one shot! I hope you liked it!<3
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arce-elliot · 3 years
Magnus Archives - First Impressions (101-125)
Back on my bullshit. Starting to get into the nitty-gritty of it now. Had 75% of the series spilled blah blah blah you know the drill!
EP 101 (Another Twist): - oh thank GOD some normalcy, hello Nikola - Nikola: Elias ur son is annoying - Michael: i'm going to kill you Jon: get in line lmao - poor little michael shelley he never stood a chance - bye bye michael EP 102 (Nesting Instinct): - BEETLE WIFE BEETLE WIFE - HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT BEETLE WIFE - also the boys are communicating kind of a bit maybe EP 103 (Cruelty Free): - this dude is so strange i love it - m o n s t e r  p i g - awwww rest in peace toby - LMAOOOOO JON finally using his powers for evil EP 104 (Sneak Preview): - hoo boy time to cry it's Timothy Time - my baby Tim :c EP 105 (Total War): - wheeee another war one - I feel like this woman knows more than she's saying - "i'm lucky i suppose" are u sure buddy - "how long would it be that i would have to wait for death" dude just die sounds like it'd be easy in this hellscape - "gerard keay after he faked his death?" nah u wish it were that simple jonny boy EP 106 (A Matter of Perspective): - M E L A N I E - yo space boy does not shut the FUCK up - AYYYY THERE'S MY ACE REP - Elias: I'm gonna have to dock points for the murder attempts - lmao Elias is gettin' tired of his employees asking him to kill them EP 107 (Third Degree): - time for the American leg of the tour - Gertrude what the actual fuck ma'am - Elias said "here's some eldritch tylenol" - ah yes, back to your regularly scheduled kidnapping - TREVOR'S JUST IN THE T R U N K EP 108 (Monologue): - as a theatre person this person sounds D R E A D F U L - this was an odd one but i like it EP 109 (Nightfall): - i love these two so much holy shit - listen I KNOW i’m gay but like,,,,,found family makes brain go brrrr EP 110 (Creature Feature): - TRANS STATEMENT GIVER AYYYY - lmao spider time EP 111 (Family Business): - GERARD TIME GERARD TIME - my poor darling boy - Mary Keay’s A+ Parenting way to go lady EP 112 (Thrill of the Chase): - "welcome to buzzfeed unsolved today we're going to kill a man" - JON'S BACK THANK FUCK - a w w daisy misses basira :C EP 113 (Breathing Room): - Jon's trying to stop the apocalypse but Martin just wants a travel diary - MARTIN STOP TOUCHING IT - oh ew wtf brain kebab - jon: wow. interesting. what the fuck did i just read. EP 114 (Cracked Foundation): - If y'all don't leave Hill Top Road ALONE - poor lady she's just trying to do her job right - oh wait she's not...real? the web confuses me but i guess that's kinda the point - Tim ouchie my feelings - What a right little investigator, you go Timmy EP 115 (Taking Stock): - FINALLY a Salesa statement it's about time - m e a t g r i n d e r - HELEN!!! - aww poor Helen :c she's being nice Jon don't be rude EP 116 (The Show Must Go On): - lmao love this Archival Staff Meeting - Elias trauma bonding is not the same as team building - GERTRUDE VOICE HELL YES - Chess Robot - what in the Spiral statement EP 117 (Testament): - aw hell yeah mini doomsday diaries - okay martin is actually really funny lmao - JON BURN THE FUCKING PAGE YOU SHITLORD - oh okay thank u EP 118 (The Masquerade): - SHOWTIME MOTHERFUCKERS - Martin deserves a little light arson - Elias can't you just behold the door opening what an eldritch loser - oooooh i love this Martin and Elias face-off this dialogue is superb - Tim: Jon needs to learn how to sacrifice people also Jon we have to save all these randos EP 119 (Stranger and Stranger): - I'm two minutes in and I'm already stressed - Daisy: level up - Gertrude and Leitner yelling at Jon is just a Sims Family Discussion - aaaand there goes my boy :C EP 120 (Eye Contact): - Again, I lose another precious character and I gotta listen to ELIAS - Time for the Season 1-3 recap - Peter said "lmao nice" - "be seeing you" okay elias that was funny - "i'll do my best to keep the place afloat" okay peter that was also funny EP 121 (Far Away): - season 4 baybeeee here we go - Oliver Banks Time - me, eatin my chef boyardee: alright Oliver gimme a good monologue - "i've learned to live with it" i dont think you LIVE with anything mr. banks - i love his voice it's nice - did he just...manifest a gun - A FUCKING SATELLITE LMAOOOOOOO - georgie: sir your vibes are rancid I'm going to have to ask you to leave - wakey wakey jonny boy! EP 122 (Zombie): - Basira Georgie no don't fight - poor Jon y'all lay off the poor man - this statement is too relatable bye - JON'S SO WORRIED ABOUT MARTIN PFFFF EP 123 (Web Development): - CAN'T ANYONE BE HAPPY FOR JON LMAOOO - Basira: "wehhh you're not human also Melanie being a whirlwind with a knife is 100% normal" - GOD imagine if Peter never existed and it had just been Martin lying his ass off trying to save face - wooooosh - Jon: at least Tim and Daisy have the good sense to be dead damn - "play dead" G O D - spoooooooky website EP 124 (Left Hanging): - oh what's good sky grandpa - MARTIN WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOUUUU EP 125 (Civilian Casualities): - baaaah - the 16th fear is Scotland - we love a good DIY surgery - god Melanie's VA is brilliant
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baphometed · 3 years
She just stares at him for a good solid minute. Was he serious right now? Holy shit he was being serious.
"YOU TELL ME??? Aren't you the one who told me not to wait on you??? Isn't that like...the same as breaking up??? I mean....were we even dating in the first place??? I don't know...we never really put a label on it. At some point I couldn’t even tell you if we were friends or not cause you liked to be Mr. Ambiguous. It was like ‘hey are you friends with that dude?’, and I was like ‘....I’m familiar with him, yes.’ "
She’s trying to be funny, but man talk about confusing. She doesn’t know if she’s glad or embarrassed that he’s the one that brought up the exact question that’s been on her mind for a while. Honestly she’s been too afraid to ask just in case it jeopardized...well...everything. Not just between the two of them, but with whatever he had going for him. She wanted him to be safe and happy no matter what.
“....Do you want us to be? Because I...” The words get caught in her throat for a moment, but she takes a deep breath and forces herself to let them out. “ I know you said I could do better or deserve better or whatever. But honestly?? I’m happy with you. Always was. We had our rough moments, sure, but I at least understood WHY they happened. And if you think....I can make you happy. If you think I can be enough for you....then I’d be glad to be. I miss you, Abel. If I can be with you...then I want to.”    /    @cosmicstardreamer​   
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❝      my  stance  on  things  still  hasn’  changed  neff.  I’m  askin’  because  i  keep  gettin’  asked  if  were  datin’.....  An’  i  honestly  don’t  know.            ❞          the  witch  tucks  himself  into  his  hoodie,  looking  genuinely  confused  for  the  first  real  time  with  the  other.  Neff  was  one  of  the  few  people  who  had  seen  him  at  his  worst.  Between  her,  clover  and  joshua;  there  had  been  no  one  else  in  the  living  world  who  had  seen  him  the  way  he  had  been.  
❝        i  would  be  the  literal  worst  person  for  you.            ❞                  the  words  are  effortless  out  his  mouth.  Something  that  had  been  practiced  over  time  because  he  knew  at  some  point  this  conversation  was    going  to  have  to  happen.              ❝        i  jus…..  You  really  could  do  so  much  better  than  me.  You  know  i  have  a  lot  of  issues,  neff.  An’  i  like  you--            ❞          he  paused  surprised  at  hearing  himself  get  those  words  out.  Hearing  them  out  loud.  It  was  something  that  abel  hadn’t  expected  to  hear  out  of  himself.  
❝        i  …..  Really  like  you,  neff.  I  jus’  don’t  want  to  hurt  you…  an’  i  know  I  will.  I  hurt  clover  too.  Regularly.  Not  always  because  i  want  to….        ❞          he  decides  hes  going  to  focus  on  the  ground  now.  Being  candid  was  hard  but  he  owed  it  to  her.  Neff  deserved  to  finally  get  some  answers.      ❝        i  miss  you  a  lot…  an’  that  scares  th’  shit  outta  me.  I  get  attached  to  someone  an’  they  vanish  in  one  way  or  another.  I  think  about  you  all  the  fuckin’  time  and  it  drives  me  crazy!  I  jus’  can’t  always  be  with  you  because  in  my  own  way  i’m  tryin’  to  protect  you--  an’  i  know  yer  whole  ‘you  dont  need  to  protect  me’  thing,  but  i  never  feel  this  way  about  anyone.  It’s  always  been  about  me.  And  now  it’s  about  protectin’  Joshua.  But  you….  You  were  someone  outside  of  all  of  this  and  I  don’t  want  to  see  you  end    up  like  everyone  else.            ❞         
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hey if ur taking requests for writing...., what abt angsty among us idea- reports a body and like.. engie attends and it turns out medic was killed? and then hes heartbroken and really sad and angry at spy for killing medic? obviously u dont have to do this but the among au had me thinking about a ton of angsty scenarios lol. have a good day!!
i'm always takin requests! it may take me a while to get there but i will try my damndest to get it done at some point!
i actually had part of this in my drafts when you originally sent this ask but it's been reason enough to finish it, i think. i hope you like it, even if it's a bit messy :>
Per Aspera Ad Astra
In which an imposter experiences the loss of someone he loved and wasn't supposed to.
As Dell heard the emergency meeting alarm blare over the intercom and red lights flashed overhead, he looked up from the mass of wires he'd agreed to rearrange for Medic, furrowing his brow.
Odd. Spy hadn't made it clear to him that he was going to attempt anything that day and he knew for a fact that he himself hadn't made any sabotages since last week.
Then again, he'd noticed that this crew in particular had no qualms against using the emergency meeting button for more trivial things. Someone probably just wanted to get everyone's attention to look at some weird space bug that hitchhiked from their last stop on Pollus a few weeks ago or something along those lines. Standard procedure at that point.
He packed up the wires he'd been holding back into their panel before making his way out of electrical and towards the cafeteria, readjusting his goggles over his eyes to make sure nobody would find him out.
When he'd arrived, he could practically physically feel the shift in attitude of the rest of the crew since that morning, mentally noting that Medic was currently the only one of them missing.
"Tex, there you are. You uh. Might want to sit down for this one, lad," Demo said gravely, all the other crewmates' mumbling amongst each other dying down instantly as Spy stood to the side of the table, having said nothing ever since he himeself had arrived.
"Uhm. Sure, ok. Shouldn't we wait for Doc first, though? If it's actually important he should probably be here," He said, a confused smile coming to his face. Demo physcially winced.
"See, that's the thing, it's. It's Doc, he's..." Demo trailed off, Sniper moving to put a hand on his shoulder.
"He's?..." Engie frowned, having to take a moment before he realized what he'd meant.
It took another moment for the dread to set in.
"No. No, that- that's impossible, I- I just saw him like 30 minutes ago. I agreed to do one of his tasks for him while he finished cleaning the medbay so we could finish up for the day," He stuttered, looking anxiously between all the other faces at the table. None of them could meet his gaze even through his goggles, Spy in particular insisting on staring out the large window that peered into the vastness of space around them instead.
Spy said he wouldn't touch him- said he'd let him find a way to deal with all of this effectively and without having to kill this particular crew. Especially Medic. He said- no, he promised he wouldn't.
Engie's anger soon started bubbling inside of him, tightly clenching his fists that he oh so desperately wanted to sucker punch a certain other imposter in the face with. But then came the second realization of what he'd done and he felt his arms go slack again.
Medic was dead.
"...Where is he?" He finally whispered out, somewhere between heartbroken and seething.
"Medbay. Demo, Sniper, and I called for the meeting as quick as we could and did not get the chance to move his. Corpse," Soldier said, standing up straight and visibly uneasy at the mentioning of Medic's dead body.
Engie slowly nodded.
"Ok. Did you fellas, uh. Did- did you contact Pollus yet?"
"Not yet. I was gonna after the meetin's over. 's gonna take us a while to get there tho, at least 2 weeks," Scout said.
"I see. Did you three uh. Did you see anything?" Engie asked Demo, Sniper, and Soldier, all of them shaking their heads.
"Pyro, Heavy, 'n Scout were on comms because they were finished with tasks already and all three of 'em say they didn't see anyone go into Medbay after you left."
"...what about you, Spy? Been awfully quiet the entire time. And you don't have an alibi," Scout squinted. Spy scoffed.
"I was also finished with tasks, I've been in my quarters for at least 2 hours. You can even roll back footage on the cameras."
Pyro pressed a button on their suit, the small speaker on their chest panel letting out a soft 'kshh'.
"...he does have a point. Cams don't lie."
"What if he used the vents, though?"
"You really think this pansy's gettin' in any vents?"
"...Aight, fair point."
"I do not think we have enough information to make decision," Heavy sighed, every looking to each other in a vague sense of agreement.
"Skip vote, then?"
"Yeah, I think that's for the best."
"Alright lads, be on alert, then. If you see anythin' suspicious, y' know where the button is," Demo sighed, patting the plastic cover that protected the emergency meeting button.
Everyone mumbled out affirmations before getting up to head out, Pyro staying behind to raise their hand.
"Ay, what is it, Py?"
Kshh. "...who's taking care of uh. Y'know. The body."
Engie squeezed his eyes shut briefly.
"I'll do it."
"Tex, no, we couldn't ask you t-"
"Demo, it's fine. I'm not a child, you don't need to baby me. I can deal with it."
"If you're so sure..."
"It's fine. Really. You go make sure everyone else is doin' ok, lord knows they'd need it," Engie smiled softly, giving Demo a pat on the arm.
Demo's eyes still showed worry but he nodded, reciprocating the gesture before hurrying into the direction of nav where everyone else went.
Spy turned to leave but Engie stopped him, shifting his goggles back to his forehead.
"...Why did you do it?" He asked softly. He could've sworn that he saw the slightest break of stoicism on Spy's face but perhaps it was just the awful fluorescent lighting of the cafeteria playing tricks on him.
"You were taking too long. It was getting risky for us to be here. I thought it better to end it sooner rather than later," He said, any trace of emotion leaving as quickly as it came as he turned his head. Engie had no response.
"Remember what they did to us. To you. Just because one treated you kindly does not mean others will."
"...Don't sabotage anything tonight. They'll get suspicious. Be prepared to leave this ship in a week's time, without the Medic they'll fall apart. Do I make myself clear?"
Still nothing. Spy frowned.
"I said, do I make myself clear, Dell?" He asked again, not even bothering to mask the threatening tone in his voice this time.
Engie squeezed his eyes shut again.
"...Yes. Yes, you do."
"Very well. I will see you in the morning," He said, moving so that Engie's hand no longer rested on his shoulder and starting to make his way to hallway that led to crew's personal quarters.
Spy paused to look back, a feeling that could almost be described as pity overcoming him. He sighed.
"...Get over it. You only knew him for less than 8 months, anyways," He said softly before leaving Engie alone, footsteps echoing against the metal floors of the ship.
When he felt he was ready, Engie made his way to the Medbay with full expectations of what he would find there.
He just. Didn't expect it to hurt so much.
Medic's body lay on the floor in between the scanner and the large computer it was attached to, his normally bright cyan suit soaked in red and a sizable gash made into his back. There was a broken test tube that had fallen out of his hand a little ways away and one of the lensed of his glasses had been cracked, most likely from the impact of falling onto the floor.
Engie took in a deep breath before carefully sitting him up against the nearest wall, preparing himself to find something to clean up the blood that hadn't managed to be absorbed into his space suit.
He wasn't used to Medic being so.. quiet. Lifeless, if you would. He couldn't remember a single time he'd felt a pain in his chest as intense as this.
It was then that his anger suddenly came back, barely being able to contain himself before he turned around and ended up making a decently large crack in the monitor.
He tried to control the emotions that came flooding after, tried to keep himself from feeling this way over this one human when he'd aided the destruction of countless others, but when he felt himself shaking, he fell to his knees, a sob escaping him.
He shouldn't have gotten attached. He shouldn't have, it wasn't like him- like an imposter to get attached, and yet here he was, crying on the Medbay floor as blood soaked into his already red suit and glass shards clinked against the desk as they fell off piece by piece.
Serves him right for believing in humans, he guesses. Serves him right for having the audacity to care.
...what a stupid decision, that was.
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magicflowershop · 4 years
one day kitty; Yamaguchi version
《inspired by movie A Whisker Away》
✿✿ you wished to be with the person you like and wish granted. whiskers, button nose, tail, four legs and ears on top of the head; you turned into a cat. with this, you are given the opportunity to be with the person you want to express your affections to. but as a cat. and only in one day.
― haikyuu characters x cat!reader imagines!
❀ masterlist ❀
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the wheel of names have spoken.
long story short, you knew Yamaguchi and liked him for the longest time,,, not to mention it kinda annoyed you that Tsukishima was there by his side too and kinda knows you have a crush on Yams but we’ll get to that 
you’ve been living in the same neighborhood as Yams and you just liked how he’s such a sweet guy and smiles as if everything was alright
he made you feel like you wanted to protect him kinda guy yk
so,,, uh did i mention you’re a cat now? no?
nyways you’re a cat now 
for some damn reason
the last thing you remember the previous night there’s this fortune teller you went to and that you mentioned to said fortune teller you wanted to get even closer to your crush on some way possible
and you remember clearly how the fortune teller grinned at you and say
“i can make that thing some way possible”
creepy ass-
and then you woke up as a cat right next to Yamaguchi’s house
talk about convenience
you were right by their gate when Yamaguchi walked out the door, ready for school,,, instinctively you pretended to sleep out there like a lonely cold cat that’s been abandoned yk just to get his attention like that
“why is there a cat here?”
said in a very disgusted voice by Yamaguchi’s childhood friend, Tchkishima ‘Kay
Yamaguchi was just as confused bc there’s never been a cat that looked like you in their neighborhood before and he wondered if you were somebody’s pet that ran off
so Yams bein the sweetheart he is,, picked you up,, took you in his arms
and placed you in a nearby bush with all the other cats
because the cat were on the streets all defenseless like that, he was worried that it might get hit by a car or sumthin ykyk aw
so the boys left you there
gettin screeched at by the cats
bc you werent a normal cat lmao
and so you went on to your journey of ✨ stalking Yams ✨
and Tsukki gettin weirded at by you bc you were stalkin em ✨ but Yams is the star here ignore Tsukki :>
stalkin ain’t an easy job honey baby no sir no ma’am,, especially since you literally have to climb a tree just to see through the window of his classroom since animals aren’t allowed inside the school premises
you cant even sneak past the hall monitors
but thank goodness they had breaks and the boys go outside to go to the gym and practice
nyways knowin full well that you are a cat and that cats are created cute
sis mhmm did you use that advantage
except Yams is just
not noticing you
and to add to your dismay, Tsukishima’s even laughin at you 
a monster
see, Yams is just too tall and kinda too absorbed on his jump float serves that he barely turns elsewhere,, you kinda wished you were the ball
but what can you do when your crush was as much as a volleyball addict as the rest of his team,, so you try and get his attention with a different approach ;)
you annoy the hell outta Tsukishima
and when i say the hell outta him i meant the hell outta him
bc what you’ve gathered from earlier, it seemed that you were pretty blatant about your affections towards Yamaguchi that he caught onto it and even had the audacity of laughing at you :>
so you’re beautiful big brain plan was to make Tsukishima notice you, make him annoyed by you that’ll make Yams worry what’s wrong
it was a stupid yet effective idea
so literally you stared at Tsukishima all through practice, and he just tried to ignore whatever it was you were doing and you heard him whisper to Yams 
“that cat kinda reminds me of someone”
“gasp y/n isn’t annoying”
so yes your heart was leAPING IN JOY just from knowin Yams standing up for you from Tsukki of all people and dont find you annoying in human form,,, after all those times you insisted to go home with them lmao 
he doesnt find you annoying
like wow
well anywho
your craziness dont end there bc you havent had Yams to notice you yet, and after classes practice have already ended
so you let Tsukishima free from his sins and decided to proceed thy actions in,,,,, wait for it
Yamaguchi’s home
bc you nasty
bc you wanted to spend the rest of the night wif him and staying in home would be boring ykyk
but you did know you should be careful of not accidentally transforming back to human in front of him
so you took the time and waited until you thought he was already in his sleeping clothes bc common you aren’t a perv right? right
until you peeked through his window all shy and whatnot,,, to see him passed out on his bed
you waited more than an hour for this
your simpin ass was disappointed
but you ofc was never runnin out of bogus ideas, so you tried to act like a regular stupid cat and started tapping your lil paw beans on his window as loudly as you could,,, you could’ve started clawing his window cause thats louder but you wouldn’t damage his property common
Yamaguchi’s sensitive ass heard this and was snapped awake, a drool wavin to say hello, to see a little damn cat making a ruckus 
he opened the window and let you in 
and you gave the littlest softest meow you could manifest from ur being
Yams lit thought you were purring from the cold lmao but that doesn’t matter bc he let you in his room thank god we have progress now
he wrapped you around with a towel to keep you warm and held you close, askin you where your family was or if you were abandoned,,, yes heaven never felt this good
he was about to fall asleep when you notice it was already 11.45pm oh no
15 mins left you turn back to normal
you checked up on him to see if he asleep so you could leave his room without saying anything,, ofc you didn’t want him to see you in your sorry state as a whole simp ofc not
good thing his window stayed open,, you left without saying a word as if what you did was a one night stand and ran away 
you ran all the way back to your house as fast as you could with your tiny stealthy body but you didn’t even realize you were running mindlessly and that you got lost
oh no what the hell are you doing you’re wasting time dude
less than 8 minutes you’re turning back and somebody might see you
you retraced your steps, trying to go somewhere you recognize and spend the night there hiding from anyone’s sight,,, it was okay to spend the night somewhere bc you’ll wake up back in your house in your body as if nothing happened
yes as if nothing happened
“watch out!”
you were yanked and dragged out of the way by a person’s body,, a boy’s body to be exact and when you looked up, a pair of green and stunned eyes met yours
“… y/n?”
you were done for
it seemed that you almost got hit by a car mid-transformation and Tadashi was in time to save you as he found you idling about in front of his house
so you got back in time
you stared at him completely in shock as he was talking to the person who drove the car and apologizing,, while still holding you close you thanked every god you were still wearin clothes
“well take care that fella over there”
the driver went back inside his car after checking if you both were alright
“i will!”
sis i-
Yamaguchi then turned to you this time and with a stern expression says
“i’ll ask mom to let you spend the night, but other than that you have some explaining to do ma’am”
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stay tuned for more! :>
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axemetaphor · 4 years
o hey ive jsut noticed my old sam n max posts are 1) still gettin traction and 2) apparently now pullin in new followers which is Dope but i wanna let everyone know that as of right now im not Fixated on sam n max anymore so liek. beyond maybe drawin my fancharacters again (maybe????) i dont rly plan on makin more content for it atm ! right now im very Fixated on john dies at the end instead ! just dont want anyone followin me to get Confused as to what the hell’s happenin here. also considering jdate deals with some ... heavier and certainly less-sfw material, lmao .. yeah! wanna give a warning of some kind ig
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