#sakura kyoko (doppel ver.)
muffinrecord · 1 year
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Some new CG art!
Folks on discord are saying that the Kyoko one at the end made an appearance in her 2022 event. That’s very interesting! I think it’d be pretty neat if events got updates like this when they’re rerun.
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homuraakumaakemi · 2 years
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Emiri likes me, for some reason. I already had her slots maxed out a while ago.
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I guess Doppel Kyouko appeared…
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megabondlocalfan · 2 years
Day 33 of saying random stuff until a new Kid Icarus
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And Aimi Eri
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5th Anniversary Full Haul!!!
all the new stuff I got this anniversary!
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11 New Megucas!
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Mikage Yakumo
Mito Aino (x2)
Lil’ Kyubey
Alina Gray
Ao Kasane
Shizuka Tokime
Himena Aika
Kushu Irina
Kyoko Sakura (Doppel Ver.)
Yachiyo Nanami (Tanabata Ver.)
Karin-Alina (Halloween Ver.)
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4 New Slots for Characters!
Karin Misono (x1)
Rena Minami (x1)
Asahi Miura (x1)
Hikaru Kirari (x1)
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6 New Memoria!
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Melancholy with Daybreak (x3)
The Usual Special Seat (x1)
Vivid Emotions (x1)
She has a Heart (x3)
Budding Sweetness (x1)
Greetings from the Tokime Clan (x2)
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xxxdoppel · 2 years
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Kyoko Sakura (Doppel ver.)
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raposarealm · 2 years
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Here are the quest victory quotes for Sakura Kyoko (Doppel ver.)! Credit to @muffinrecord for the screenshots.
Top: Heh, not bad, yeah?
Middle: Nice move! How 'bout it, wanna eat this one?
Bottom: That's enough, I don't have more time to care.
(Note: I have no idea what Kyoko’s planning to eat in the second quote, but that’s how the verb translates.)
As always, friendly disclaimer that my Japanese isn’t the best, as I’m still learning. If you spot a mistake, please let me know, and I’ll fix it!
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saltylords · 2 years
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Y’all really gonna make me go to pity huh?
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Amazing! I missed the shot where she reaches out for her burning sister’s hand, but that was a solid transformation! And I got the event memoria too hehe!
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magiamemoriareview · 2 years
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I Am Me!
MLB Effect: Attack Up [15%] & Critical Hit [20%] & Defense Up [22.5%] (Self / 3 Turns)
Effect Definitions:
Attack Up increases the equipped character’s base stats, meaning that its effect is calculated before buffs/debuffs are considered. The effect caps at 100%.
Critical Hit is a granted effect that will make an attack do double damage. Critical Hit does not stack and if there are two sources of it, the highest percentage will be used.
Defense Up increases the target’s base defense stats.
TLDR: “I Am Me” is a subpar, generic memoria. It can provide a small offensive boost and a small defensive boost, but it doesn’t excel at either. For most players, it will see most usage in acting as a Stat Stick due to its excellent DEF stats. This memoria is exclusive to completing the “Homecoming” event.
Review: “I Am Me” is a fairly generic memoria. It offers both an offensive and defensive effect, making it useful for almost every situation. Essentially, it’s not specialized for anything particular thing and can be thrown onto a character if you’re unsure of what you’ll face (or if you’re feeling lazy).
“I Am Me” is similar to several memoria including:
(Limited 4*) “The Wind Rising Before The Resolve” Attack Up [30%] & Critical Hit [30%] & Defense Up [37.5%] (Self / 3 Turns)
(4*) “Survival Date on a Deserted Island” Attack Up [30%] & Defense Up [37.5%] & Anti-Debuff [2 Debuffs] (Self / 3 Turns)
(4*) “I Won't Stray From This Path” Attack Up [30%] & Defense Up [37.5%] (Self / 3 Turns)
(4*) “Formally Deciding” Attack Up [30%] & Status Ailment Resistance Up [50%] (Self / 3 Turns)
The first thing to note is that “I Am Me” is much worse than all of these. 15% Attack Up for an active memoria is pretty poor. Even a single copy of “I Won't Stray From This Path” will offer more Attack Up than “I Am Me” could. However, this is forgivable given that “I Am Me” is free. The low Attack Up and Defense Up stats are probably compensating for its third effect in Critical Hit, but the Critical Hit on this memoria has issues.
This is because of how low the Critical Hit is. Critical Hit does not stack, and most Attack-type characters will have passive 15% Critical Hit from their Spirit Enhancement. If you use this memoria on one of them, “I Am Me” will give them a measly 5% increase to their Critical Hit chance, which is poor. You’d be better off probably using single copies of the listed above Four-Star memoria instead.
However, not every unit has Critical Hit chance baked into their Spirit Enhancement, and one could use save their other Actives for the ones who have it, and use “I Am Me” on the one who doesn’t. Additionally, this is a decent memoria for new and Free-to-Play players. After all, it’s free and extra Attack Up is always nice to have on hand, even if it’s low.
But for most players the most useful thing for “I Am Me” are going to be it’s passive DEF stats. At 2240, this memoria qualifies as a Stat Stick. Stat Sticks are Active memoria that beef up a character’s passive DEF through its stats and not through its effects. These kind of memoria are helpful in Mirrors, where some Active Memoria only exist to beef up a character’s stats.
So overall, not that impressive of a memoria-- but it’s not the complete worst, and it might serve you well in Mirrors.
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sayakube · 2 years
Sakura Kyoko Doppel Ver. Transformation animation
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muffinrecord · 1 year
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Here is the card art for Kyoko Sakura (Doppel ver.)!
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muffinrecord · 10 months
Quotes: Kyoko Sakura (Doppel ver.)
Translation Credits: LeGe
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muffinrecord · 2 years
Anniversary: Who to spend rolls on?
Someone asked what characters would be best to focus on for anniversary on reddit a couple days ago. I decided to include my response here too. I’m only talking about characters that I have some familiarity with-- I know that First Sunrise Shizuka is good but since I haven’t used her very much, I can’t give a detailed opinion.
Who you roll for depends on what your priorities are. I'll try to cover all the bases here from Casual play to Ranked to Kimochi. These aren't presented in any kind of order besides unlimiteds being at the bottom and limiteds being at the top. Also, this isn't an exhaustive list; I'm leaving off a few like Tsubaki and Final Tart because you'll need to spend money to get them.
If you want someone for casual gameplay, Ashley Taylor or Yachiyo Nanami (Anime ver.) are incredible. You really only need one or the other-- Ashley is better for more long-term generic farming since she has four blasts disks (less likely to pull an unwanted disc), but Anime Yachiyo is probably the best solo casual mirrors unit in the game right now (note: this doesn't apply for ranked). If you want to get one, you only need two slots because that's enough for them to murder everything with blasts. Personally, I think Anime Yachiyo is stronger than Ashley now but both are very good.
Kanagi Izumi (Vampire ver.) is very good as a solo magia unit and will make some challenges a breeze. She combines constant magia use with evade spam, meaning that she'll deal out lots of damage while taking very little of it. She's been outclassed by other units for things like Ranked and Kimochi, but she's still extremely solid and one of the best magia solo'rs in the game.
Madoka & Iroha are one of the best units in the game and can turn a bad team into a good one. They have Accele draw on their SE active and have incredible sustain. You'll see them used in all sorts of gameplay from casual, to high-level Kimochi and Ranked. They're just... They're just always good. If you had to choose from anyone on this list, I'd pick them.
Kuroe is shaping up to be a very powerful MP battery for Kimochi. It's arguable who is better at mp generation: Kuroe or Madoka & Iroha? We saw more Kuroes than Madoka & Irohas in the last (Aqua) Kimochi for the top players so factor that in. She also can get rid of Status Ailments on her Magia/Doppel which is something MadoIro can’t do.
Kyoko Sakura (Doppel ver.) is another EXTREMELY good unit. She's great for casual gameplay, Kimochi and for Ranked. She can easily get to Magia on turn one (some ranked strats have her there just because she can get there without needing to spend a disc) and she has blast draw. She's probably the best choice for Flame units right now if you don't know what to get.
Ultimate Madoka-Senpai is necessary for high-level charge strategies. There's honestly not more to say than that; in fact I'd go as far to say that she's 100% required if you want to do well in some of the Kimochi fights. Last year I remember Raz saying that she's the best unit to go for during Anniversary and it wouldn't surprise me if that was still the case.
Yachiyo Nanami (Tanabata ver.) is a very powerful charge unit. She has Charge draw and she has the highest +charge bonus right now. She's very popular in Ranking and Kimochi.
Holy Mami (Anime ver.) is a great forest choice. She's one of the best damage units for Kimochi (for forest) and she can generate MP like crazy. Despite her ugly sprite, I find her gameplay to be really fun and she's made a lot of challenges into a breeze. However, I would say she isn't as necessary to have as other units on this list... But you'll be really happy if you do have her.
Nayuta & Mikage (Christmas ver.)-- I'm a little more hesitant to recommend this pairing, but they're a very powerful support. However, if you have regular unlimited Mikage, you can probably skip getting them. Still, they're extremely good and worth mentioning all the same. *Note, I don’t have as much experience using them as some of the others on this list.
Akuma Homura-chan is the best Ranked unit in the game right now-- she's basically designed to be a monster for Ranking. Her SE active fucks up the enemy from using magia (and will destroy any anti-debuffs the team has), she herself gives 2 anti-status ailments to the entire party, she has 3 accele and 2 blast disks meaning you can use Tanabata Yachiyo with her without worrying about drawing charge disks (easier to get a puella combo that way), she can get to Magia easily and her magia is based around making the enemy deal less damage and get less MP, aka fucking up any possible good Ranking score for the enemy. However, she's not as good for casual use imo. Making the enemy deal less damage is important in Ranking but why do that when you can just kill the enemy faster for casual stuff?
Mikage Yakumo is the best unlimited support in the game. She has it all-- Attack Up and Damage Up on her Doppel/Magia, she has accele draw and mp on her connect, and she's adorable. She's a must-have and I always see her in Kimochi due to how damn good she is. Even one-slot is good enough for a lot of content.
Madoka Kaname might be a day one character but she is still a solid choice. I think she's overshadowed by Madoka & Iroha a bit, but she also excels at things they don't too. She's a great mp battery-- but if you intend to use her for Kimochi, make sure you don't unlock her doppel.
Mayu Kozue is insane for Kimochi and another practical must-have. Her Magia gives mp regen and can allow for some players to constantly be using Magia and Doppels EVERY TURN in Kimochi. Outside of Kimochi she is not as critical to have on your team, but she’s still very powerful.
Kushu Irina is an extremely powerful dark magia user. She has three accele disks and is great for Kimochi strats (for her respective element). Her personal and magia/doppel give Magia Damage Up to all allies, which is crucial for dealing more damage in Kimochi.
Sudachi Sawa is practically a necessity for Ranking. She's the best tank in the game (though that doesn't actually mean very much since tanking sucks in this game). The reason she's the best tank in the game is from a number of factors, but basically she gets to Magia really quickly (REALLY QUICKLY) and can provoke on her active SE. You can also arrange her SE so that she can grab aggro without even needing to use provoke, which is kind of crazy for a tank with so much bulk? However, she's not going to be as great for casual gameplay because tanks just aren't good for casual gameplay.
Sae Kirino is extremely good thanks to her charge draw and her charge conservation on connect. She's not as necessary as some units on this list (Kaoru can be used for charge draw instead if you're struggling) but she's still really great and perfect for casual gameplay + some kimochi.
Shizuka Tokime is a good generic flame unit. She isn’t as necessary as some on this list but I’ve found her extremely useful for almost any situation when it comes to needing a flame girl, and she gives some decent buffs to her whole team for five rounds (attack up/defense up), which makes her useful for difficult content like witches’ paradox. Also, imo she doesn’t need a ton of slots to be excellent; I def used her with two and gotten shit done. She gains mp really quickly which is a bonus too.
Little Kyubey is cool but has been completely powercrept. There are a few things Little Kyubey can do that no one else can, but I haven't touched mine since I got Ashley a year ago and Anime Yachiyo has stolen its job for casual mirrors gameplay.
Ultimate Madoka is nice but not a must-have and she's suffered from power creep. She's not going to be helpful for Kimochi or Ranked, but she might be alright for casual play + lower levels of hundred evils, but she's kind of... eh I guess? I dunno.
I'd stay away from any defense-types/tanks unless you're going for specific mirrors ranking strategies.
Ao Kasane is a really good support unit but Mikage outclasses her in some places-- however she was crucial in the latest aqua kimochi thanks to her ability to remove Granted Effects and Buffs from the enemy, so make of that what you will.
Rena & Kaede (Swimsuit ver.) are probably the best Aqua magia unit in the game, but that REALLY isn’t saying much. Their gameplay feels outdated in comparison to newer units. Still, if you need a magia-focused aqua unit who does aoe damage and not single target, this is the best one to focus on probably.
Kyoko Sakura (Swimsuit ver.) is a very good flame blaster, but she’s fallen more by the wayside thanks to units like Ashley and Anime Yachiyo.
Holy Alina is the only forest blast unit in the game, but she too is powercrept by Ashley and Anime Yachiyo. 
Mami Tomoe (Swimsuit ver.) is powercrept by Holy Mami (anime ver.). She’s good but she earns mp so much more slowly in comparison. 
Yozuru Sasame basically fills the same niche that Ashley Taylor/Anime Yachiyo fill, but worse. She’s not a bad unit by any means though; she’s just been powercrept. Basically you can say that she’s the unlimited version of Ashley and AniYachiyo. The biggest drawback on her is that she lacks a 100% Anti-Evade like those two have, but that can be fixed with the right memoria. Her best asset is her personal memoria, so make sure you get that max-awakened!
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xxxdoppel · 2 years
Kyoko Sakura(Doppel ver.)
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Kanoko Yayoi(5* Uncap)
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muffinrecord · 2 years
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Since I managed to get Doppel Kyoko, I thought I’d show all of the Kyokos and her variants/costumes
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muffinrecord · 2 years
“Doppel” versions of characters is a really cool concept and I actually really love this as an idea for variants/alts towards the future.
I really hope that the Doppel version isn’t just an outfit change, but also has some personality changes too. Like a true merge-- a fusion of sorts.
Also, that gives us some interesting meguca tiers:
Magical Girl 
Magical Girl (Doppel ver.) (?) 
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muffinrecord · 2 years
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this is so dumb lol.
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