#sakura edelfelt
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marathehomosexual · 1 year ago
Here some art of the contestants in order in case you don't recognize their names
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All art coming from official sources
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gabbyp09 · 8 months ago
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starrystep · 7 months ago
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#453 - Luviagelita Edelfelt from Fate/hollow ataraxia
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pyropsychiccollector · 1 year ago
Harem Poll 2/3 (do-over)
Since I've been doing content for Natsu's harem... I feel I should be equal opportunity here. (人◕ω◕) I'll pick... 3 smaller harems to do a similar infodump kind of thing. A way to get to know the characters better, and how the harems tick. And even better, for the time being I'll focus on harems I haven't brought up too much. ... So no Makoto or Hajime yet... But they get their day in the sun a lot. At least on my blog. XD
I'm gonna run some polls here. We will get to hear about all these lovely girls and how they get along with their man. (人◕ω◕) However, as I am in a generous mood, I will let fans elect who I focus on first. ... This may backfire, but I will attempt a democracy. The gist is, the winner will get a post where I elaborate on the ship, throw in some headcanons, and how they get along with the other members of the harem. All I'm doing is showing love for harems here; if you're a fan and want to support your fav characters, go on and vote. I'll keep polls open... for a week, cuz there's only the two options. If I only did a day, I'd imagine there wouldn't be many participating... So I'll leave the window open for a week. See who bites. (人◕ω◕)
Just speak up if you love a character and want to see them first. (人◕ω◕) I'll be getting to all of them regardless, there are no losers here~...
Author's Note: I messed up in the initial posting, didn't make it go for a week. :P I'm fixing it now. So, if you guys want to take another crack at this, go ahead. Apologies for the screw up. ... And ignore that first choice of a Lenny face. I don't know how that got there. Tumblr glitched up. @___@
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roninkairi · 10 months ago
Meanwhile, over in the Fate Universe...
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Ok, which one of you has the Monkey Paw?!
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Me: Ok this is funny, but poor Loid. Also Me, After Reading The Caption Boxes:
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typellblog · 8 months ago
Top 10 Illya ships (serious and/or silly)
10. Illya X Akemi Homura
9. Illya X Yukine Chris
8. Illya X Himemiya Anthy
7. Illya X Fate Testarossa
6. Illya X Miyu Edelfelt
(okay those were the silly ones)
5. Taiga X Illya . . .
4. Polycule combination of the above 3
3. Saber X Illya
2. Rin X Illya
1. Sakura X Illya
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studentofetherium · 2 years ago
one of my favorite Nasuverse deep lore facts is that in Fate/Apocrypha, in lieu of participating in the grail war, Sakura instead was adopted by her cousins the Edelfelts and formed a wrestling tag team with Luvia
i want a spinoff focusing on this
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godtiertalk · 2 years ago
Remember at midnight when I was like "Mmmhmm yes magical girls very good then"?
Well, strap in we're doing more of that shit.
I apologize to anyone who has a massive fight or flight reaction to the Fate franchise, but they have a magical girl spinoff and I am in love with it SO!!!!
Illya von Einzbern (Child): Page of Blood
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You know, it occurs to me that Homestuck is a creation myth about gods who give birth to themselves, and Illya is the ONLY one of there grail children that can't be said to have done so. Amazing. What a terrible little creature she is. I adore her endlessly.
Anyway, Illya has many charming character traits, but her absolute adoration for her friends and family are top of the list, right next to her immense cowardice. The self-conflicted Page of Blood title is a natural fit not only for her immense, world shaking love of Miyu, Chloe and Shiro, nor her literally being a source of life fuel for Chloe, both of which are very Blood behaviours.
She's also just pitiful, absolutely the saddest baby, until she busts out these insane growth curves. Classic pagery.
Chloe von Einzbern: Prince of Rage
Speaking of Gods Who Give Birth To Themselves...
This is a really basic read that I don't think needs much justifications. Chloe appears during impossible situations to break barriers and let Illya achieve her goals.
Mostly by way of overwhelming destructive force.
Miyu Edelfelt: Bard of Light.
Miyu is also a self manifested god, amazing, what is even happening with these magic cups?? Why do they want so badly to be Real Girls??
Anyway, Miyu is a Bard of Light because she is a channel for ultimate destruction forced into an inconsolately passive role, and worst of all the force is literally just "other people getting constantly really lucky." I mean, damn, girl lost the lottery at birth. Oof.
Bonus the main timeline: adult!Illya is a Bard of Light too; I think being a grail kinda does that to you. Shiro is the Heir of Space because literally there were 3 anime about him inheriting othes people's space powers come on. Rin is a Thief of Heart and a damned good one at that. Sakura simply deserves not to have to play SGAME let the poor child have a break mein Gott (Witch of Void). Saber is a fucking sprite obviously.
These are my opinions not statements of fact. I am always interested in hearing your opinions too.
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valkylander · 3 years ago
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megashadowdragon · 4 years ago
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found the link on reddit though the    post only showed a shortened version of it 
so I put full one here
for what the moms saw  that were blurred out it was nsfw so I am not putting the link here but for those who want to see it here is a link to reddit post the OP put a comment containing a link to shirous other dreams that were nsfw 
www . reddit . com/r/grandorder/comments/pdyi0j/dreaming_shirou/
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unitedmusekingdom · 5 years ago
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Cage adopting some tragic Fate characters
Art done by the brave and the bold: @dailyarturiartfgo
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call-me-noa · 5 years ago
This is your friendly reminder that in the Fate/Apocrypha universe:
-Shirou still lives with his original family and no PTSD since there was no Fuyuki Fire. -Rin focuses on kung-fu magecraft instead of jewels. -Sakura was adopted by the Edelfelts instead of the Matou, she does the ojousama ‘ohohoho’ laugh, and she’s in a tagteam wrestling duo with Luvia. -The three of them are living in a love triangle rom-com.
(source: Fate/Apocrypha Material book)
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mthkera · 5 years ago
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pyropsychiccollector · 1 year ago
Harem Poll 2/3
Since I've been doing content for Natsu's harem... I feel I should be equal opportunity here. (人◕ω◕) I'll pick... 3 smaller harems to do a similar infodump kind of thing. A way to get to know the characters better, and how the harems tick. And even better, for the time being I'll focus on harems I haven't brought up too much. ... So no Makoto or Hajime yet... But they get their day in the sun a lot. At least on my blog. XD
I'm gonna run some polls here. We will get to hear about all these lovely girls and how they get along with their man. (人◕ω◕) However, as I am in a generous mood, I will let fans elect who I focus on first. ... This may backfire, but I will attempt a democracy. The gist is, the winner will get a post where I elaborate on the ship, throw in some headcanons, and how they get along with the other members of the harem. All I'm doing is showing love for harems here; if you're a fan and want to support your fav characters, go on and vote. I'll keep polls open... for a week, cuz there's only the two options. If I only did a day, I'd imagine there wouldn't be many participating... So I'll leave the window open for a week. See who bites. (人◕ω◕)
Just speak up if you love a character and want to see them first. (人◕ω◕) I'll be getting to all of them regardless, there are no losers here~...
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nasuversekinkmeme · 2 years ago
Strange Bedfellows by Venom Sakura (orangejuicenova)
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Fate/ hollow ataraxia
Relationship: Luvia Edelfelt/Tohsaka Rin
Characters: , Tohsaka Rin, Luvia Edelfelt
Additional Tags: Awkward aftermath of sex, Aftermath of Fuck or Die, Sex Pollen, Tsundere for Tsundere, Debatable as to whether or not the sex is implied so rated explicit just in case
Summary: Rin and Luvia lay in Bed after a certain magical pollen has put them in a compromising position. One that each is working their hardest to lord over the other.
[original prompt]
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thepurpleblossom · 8 years ago
That Sakura Edelfelt exists in one of the Fate universes makes me happy too! :D Have you thought of the possibility of Sakura Edelfelt in the Fate timeline that we're all more familiar with (Zero, Stay Night) instead of Apocrypha? Like instead of Zouken approaching Tokiomi for Sakura, the Edelfelts somehow do it before he does? (Also imagine Sakura with slightly curly hair? Like Luvia's :'DD)
Firstly, I want to apologise because according to the timestamp, this was sent two months ago and holy molly tumblr did not notify me of this thing in my inbox.
Disregarding the fact that Edelfelts do have a heir of their own (and Luvia has a sister too I think…? Someone confirm this with me because i havent finished FHA yet…), I love the idea that Tokiomi might accept to give Sakura to the the Edelfelts before the Matous ever came to ask for her. Maybe the Head is super persuasive, and promises that Sakura will flourish with Edelfelt magic. Tokiomi probably doesn’t care as long as Sakura’s talent isn’t wasted.
What’s interesting is that, that would mean that Luvia and Sakura would both participate in the war, probably. I can’t recall if the one the Edelfelt sisters summoned back in the third war is counted as one (1) servant since i believe they summon two different aspects of the same servant. But if it’s counted as two servants, wouldn’t it be interesting since that means that Shirou, the last one to summon a servant, wouldn’t have summoned one because all 7 slots are taken and he would have been killed by Lancer? RIP harem protag.
But even going further, would Sakura even be a student in the Homurahara academy?  Perhaps they have overseas education and only came back to Fuyuki under the pretense of “vacation”. And Sakura would have never met Shirou! And even if Sakura is a student, I don’t think that Shirou would have that profound an impact on Sakura and Rin wouldn’t have thought of Sakura when she saw his dying body. An interesting question to ponder would be: would Rin still sacrifice her pendent to save him? RIP Emiya Shirou.
Coughs. Anyway, I have thought of a Sakura with a slightly more curly hair. I actually imagine that Luvia might show Sakura how she curls her hair. Sakura might not choose to have drill hair like Luvia but she might still curl her hair near the ends and!! Can you imagine how beautiful she’ll be?? Imagine if Sakura dyes her hair blond like Luvia (because she got sick of people saying that they look nothing alike and she loves Luvia okay). Imagine blonde!Sakura!!
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