#sakura chiru
the-stray-liger · 4 months
Yami ni Chiru Sakura is another good name for an AC
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animemusicbrackets · 9 months
Anime OP Tourney Playlist Release!
sorry for the wait u_u i have 2 versions of the playlist:
This is a playlist of the FULL VERSIONS. I couldnt find some of the og full songs tho. in their place there are:
Sakura Kiss - TV size
Kibou no Uta - cover
Sono Saki e - a remix (? sorry)
R★O★C★K★S - cover
Bara wa Utsukushiku Chiru - cover
Gun's & Roses - cover
This is a playlist of the TV SIZE VERSIONS WITH ANIMATION. I.. also couldnt find some of them. these are:
Bye Bye - TV size but it doesnt include the animated video
Eternal Blaze - full version
Moonlight Densetsu - this one actually is the TV size but i just wanna say,,,,,, sorry for the AI upscale it was the only tv version i could find
please let me know if you find any correct/better versions of the listed openings and ill switch them out thank uuu!!!!!
despite previous promises, the ending playlists will probably not be up this month. bc i am a pile of goo. but! it will be posted sometime in january. in addition..
❗submissions for the vocaloid song tourney will open on January 1st!!❗
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^ they are telling you to submit songs
happy holidays!
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So you want to listen to Alice Nine? (prt. 1)
...and you don't know where to start? I feel you. I was overwhelmed when I started with them too. There's a lot to try but, I got you.
So like my previous post on this series, I won't go into details about the band, you can look that part up. All you need to know, imo is that it's they are currently on hiatus. Another thing you might wonder is if the members are still active. Tora, Saga and Nao are mostly active behind the scenes. Tora is making music videos for other creators and helps Shou out too (Diawolf are still active too, their duet band) and Nao has been doing live performances with Hiroto recently and supporting his solo project. As for Saga, I don't remember if it was Nao who said it but someone from them, on Saga's birthday said Saga is preparing a project so, I guess he will go solo as well, soon. As for Shou and Hiroto, they both have solo projects, now, Verde and well, simply Hiroto, accordingly. To the music now.
[side note: Some fans might disagree with my choices or think I should add 1-2 more songs, but this is just an opinion. If you wish to make a list of your own go ahead, every person has different criteria on what feels easier to listen to first, or showcases a band's colors best. Oh and btw, the era separation I've used is my personal take, not a commonly accepted categorization in the fandom so, don't get it twisted, I just thought it'd be easier to explain stuff like that.]
Alice Nine is a band with a huge discography and quite a big history, so I think that, suggestions should be separated in eras. Maybe early Alice Nine might not be your thing, or the opposite, their final version might not be your thing. I will distribute them accordingly though, no worries. And because tumblr limits videos to 10 per post, each era will have its own post. Let's start:
Early Alice Nine years (2004-2007 From "Gradation" to "Alpha")
During this era, Shou's singing style had a characteristic turn to a deeper side, like, I dunno how to describe it but it sounds like making a "belly" to me, a curve inwards and some people liked it, others didn't. Take me and my sister for example. I loved it, she hates it. If you are into more early 00s visual kei sounds, you will probably like this one. There is a certain allure to that era for me, stronger visual, more dramatic melodies, it was fun. :3
I mean Gradation is good and all, but the earliest release of theirs that was grasping enough for my liking was this one. No I didn't meet them with this one, I just think this is one of their strongest songs of that era. It has an anime feeling, a late 90s feeling even, for me. Not 90s visual kei. 90s Japan in general. Even though I became a fan in 2012, this one made me feel like a little girl again, watching anime in my room. Maybe it's just me. But yeah there is something about it. Something from another time. And Tora's solo ugh <3.
Arguably their most chaotic clip ever but ok xD. That aside, the single of Yami ni Chiru Sakura is amazing as a whole, so you can try Byakuya ni Kuroneko as well. But yeah this is a heavier goodie from their early days and one I would definitely recommend from this era.
Ok if you're new to Alice Nine, this song might not mean much to you, but it is easy to listen to and easily one of their best from that era. Jdoramas were peaking and the stories of vkei bands claiming they started either together from school or meeting after school and practised were many so, Alice Nine combined both and the rest is history.
Another harder songs for those of you who like a bit of wildness in your music.
Oh this? This is bias. This is one of my top 10 Alice Nine songs that's why it's here xD. And this is exactly the type of singing my sister hates from Shou, but I love. :D In this song it's clearer than other songs, to me. Maybe it's just me. Maybe my ears are weird. But in my defence, I've had both a professional musician/vocal instructor and a music producer say good things about my ear for music before. =3=
I have this thing that, when in a favorite band of mine, a member who happens not to be the singer tries out singing for the first time and does it well, my heart flatters like a little butterfly. xD This was the first time Saga ever sang with Shou like this and I'm glad that years later this became a more frequent thing. I think it's a very lovely song and easy to hear if you're starting up.
This used to be very popular among foreign fans once, I like it very much too, however I will say this; It took me a while to like it personally. I give it a 50-50 as to whether you will like it now or later. If you don't like it now but you eventually get into Alice Nine, I'd suggest you come back after a few years, cause it's actually very good.
The Alpha album for me was the transitional point from their baby era to PSC's princes era, again if I am to take this vocally and thematicaly. The band had already changed to a less costumy and over the top outfits to just really fashionable or elegant mixes of clothes, and Shou's characteristic vocal curve I mentioned, earlier, turnt from his main style to just one of the many hues in his voice. Why I focus so much on his vocals? Because a) some people might enjoy the following era more than this one I've been showing you thus far cause of it and b) cause if you choose to stay in the fandom, sooner or later you might come across the bullshit from "fans" who kept barking he can't sing. Shou has had some pitfalls in his career but if we are talking skill, he does have it, but some voices just aren't for everyone. Don't confuse personal preference with someone's skill. But we'll talk specifically about that in a specific song of the next era. About 9th revolver now, it is soft, easy to the ear and something that perhaps most people starting out won't find easily, as it has no mv, it's not talked about a lot, you get it. Very much worth a listen imo.
That's all about this post, guys. I'd have loved to do it all in one go, but tumblr limits me. Next era in part 2.
I hope you find sth you like, if not, it's ok, you might enjoy sth from other eras. But well, if you still don't find sth, we all like different things, it's alright, but yeah, this was an attempt to entice more people listen to one of my favorite bands, Alice Nine (their earliest releases at least).
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straycalamities · 9 months
dont feel obligated to do this, buuuuut
🎶✨when you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to whoever u want 🎶
right now i'm pretty obsessed with
internet yamero - aiobahn ft. kotoko
yami ni chiru sakura (闇ニ散ル桜) - alice nine
whisper - burn the ballroom
roman hikou (浪漫飛行) - psycho le cemu
you know me too well - nothing but thieves
nothing but thieves, dir en grey, royal blood, my chemical romance, i don't know how but they found me, and hozier are constant frequent flyers on my spotify in general tho
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fantasy-alice9 · 2 years
ALICE NINE. - 闇ニ散ル桜 (Yami ni chiru sakura) (Live 2020.01.05) (Sub Español, English, Romaji, Kanji) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUJjlSr3uoM
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honyakusho · 2 months
7月30日(火)には14点の翻訳書が発売予定です。 なお、日英表記の展覧会カタログが含まれています。
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マリオ・プラーツ/著 伊藤博明/翻訳 金山弘昌/翻訳・責任編集 新保淳乃/翻訳 石井朗/企画構成
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ワシーリー・グロスマン/著 園部哲/翻訳 ロバート・チャンドラー/著 エリザベス・チャンドラー/著
ウクライナ大飢饉 : スターリンとホロドモール
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アン・アプルボーム/著 三浦元博/監修・翻訳 真壁広道/翻訳
有害な男性のふるまい : 進化で読み解くハラスメントの起源
デヴィッド・M・バス/著 加藤智子/翻訳
Chiru Sakura 日系カナダ人母と娘の旅路 : 人種差別と強制収容を越えて
グレイス・エイコ・トムソン/著 杉万俊夫/翻訳
バイリンガル・ブレイン : 二言語使用からみる言語の科学
アルバート・コスタ/著 森島泰則/翻訳
L・M・モンゴメリ/著 松本侑子/翻訳・写真・解説
コンピューター誕生の歴史に隠れた6人の女性プログラマー : 彼女たちは当時なにを思い、どんな未来を想像したのか
キャシー・クレイマン/著 羽田昭裕/翻訳
韓国の人気ウェブトゥーン作家が徹底解説 縦スクロール漫画制作の基礎がわかる本
パク・ヨンジョ/著 金智恵/翻訳
涙を呑む鳥1 ナガの心臓 上
イ・ヨンド/著 小西直子/翻訳
涙を呑む鳥1 ナガの心臓 下
イ・ヨンド/著 小西直子/翻訳
Enrico Isamu Oyama | VIRAL
大山エンリコイサム/著 梁瀬薫/著・監修 櫻林恵美理/著・編集 林道郎/著 飯塚珠実/編集 田中今子/編集 Hiraku/編集 小野冬黄/編集 ほか
賀耀敏/著 甄峰/著 生田貴穗/監修 楊建敏/翻訳
ネコの哲学 : Feline Philosophy
ピーター・ミルワード/著 金子一雄/翻訳
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princessvoid78 · 5 months
New gacha style and design
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I almost renamed Kari, Megami, but it could be problematic for the lore, since the second main vilain is nammed megami (Pinku’s best step mom), but it can be funny XDDD, so Em would call Megami (Kari), Megi/Mega
Fun facts abt them + Danganronpa:
When Kari joined the Hope peak as a student, she was the ultimate info-chan, since she planned/knew everything.
Kari’s boots are Em’s old boots from 6th grade
Sexuality of everyone (+ Danganronpa):
☆ [Straight ally: Fuyuhiko, Junko, Maki, Kaito, Junko] ☆
☆ [Cisgender: Kaede, Kirumi, Shuichi, Kaito, Aoi, Himiko, Tenko, Mikan, Hernos, Exemino, Sayaka, Leon, Natsumy, Chris, and the rest who hasn’t been mentioned in any of the gender] ☆
☆ [Lesbian: Mahiru, Hiyoko, Celestia, Sakura, Miu, Toko, Tenko, Sonia, Akane, Mukuro] ☆
☆ [Gay: Kiyotaka, Shuichi, Leon, Nagito, Rantaro, Chris] ☆
☆ [Bisexual: Mondo, Saiko, Chiru, Yasuhiro, Mikan, Kokichi, Kaede, Tsumigi, Kiibo, Gonta, Sayaka] ☆
☆ [Transgender (Male To Female): Angie, Chiaki, Fiby, Kazuichi] ☆
☆ [Transgender (Female to Male): None yet] ☆
☆ [Pansexual: Ibuki, Gundham, Exemino, Izuru, Chiaki, Chihiro, Ryota, Anonymous (Ultimate imposter), Kazuichi, Toko, Komaru, Hifumi] ☆
☆ [Non-binnary: Chihiro, Toko, Izuru, Nagito, Kokichi, Yasuhiro] ☆
☆ [Bigender: Kira] ☆
☆ [Genderfluid: Gundham, Ibuki, Em?, Hifumi] ☆
☆ [Demi-Girl: Kirumi, Saiko, Kyoko, Mahiru, Maki, Miu, Tsumigi, Mukuro, Junko] ☆
☆ [Demi-boy: Chiru, Ryoma, Kiibo, Gonta, Ryota] ☆
☆ [Angender: Anonymous] ☆
☆ [Asexual (I love romance, not sex): Kari, Em?, Kirumi, Ryoma, Anonymous] ☆
☆ [Aromantic (No romance, im just horny): Exemino] ☆
☆ [Aroace: Natsumy Kuzuryu, Kira?, Agent.P, Kimy] ☆
☆ [Homophobes: Pinku, Megami?] ☆
* I have forgot some at first place (21st April)*
Chiaki uses melon and some bra for her chest (Ya know what i mean-)
Chihiro almost became transgender as well, but they hesitated too long...
Angie always closes her jacket, since she does the same thing as Chiaki does...
Kari and her siblings got brain damage sibce they got hit by a meteorite
It doesn’t seem, but Fiby is blind, she watched the eclipse, and she thought it wouldn’t affect her (it did)
Saiko mets her siblings before the first killing game, while going to buy things
Natsumy had a trauma from betryal from her ex-boyfriznd and became aroace
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concupiscience · 7 months
kobayashi issa
風雲ややけ野の火より日の暮るる kazagumo ya yakeno no hi yori hi no kururu
windblown clouds-- the fires of burning fields bring sunset
蛍こよ蛍こよとよひとり酒 hotaru ko yo hotaru ko yo to yo hitori-zake
come, firefly! firefly, come! drinking alone
我好て我する旅の寒さ哉 ware sukite ware suru tabi no samusa kana
though I'm loving these travels of mine... it's cold!
秋の夜や旅の男の針仕事 aki no yo ya tabi no otoko no harishigoto
autumn evening-- a traveling man busy stitching
君が世や茂りの下の那蘇仏 kimi ga yo ya shigeri no shita no yaso-botoke
Great Japan-- buried in lush leaves a Jesus-Buddha
鰯焼片山畠や薄がすみ iwashi yaku kata yama hata ya usu-gasumi
grilling sardines in a mountain field... thin mist
大寺のたばこ法度や春の雨 ôtera no tabako hatto ya haru no ame
the great temple's smoking ban... spring rain
蠅の身も希ありてや灰浴る hae no mi mo negai arite hai abiru
even a fly has hopes and dreams... bathing in ashes
ろくろくに赤くもならでちる木の葉 roku-roku ni akaku mo narade chiru ko no ha
hardly any red ones at all... falling leaves
夜々は貧乏づるも涼哉 yoru yoru wa bimbô-zuru mo suzumi kana
night after night-- even the beggarly vine enjoys the cool air
上人は菩薩と見たる桜哉 shônin wa bosatsu to mitaru sakura kana
to saintly eyes they are bodhisattvas... cherry blossoms
晴天のとっぱづれ也汐干がた seiten no toppazure nari shiohi-gata
all the way to the blue sky's edge... low tide
神風や畠の稲の五六尺 kamikaze ya hatake no ine no go roku shaku
divine wind-- the rice in the field five, six feet tall
むだ草は露もむだ置したりけり muda kusa wa tsuyu mo muda oku shitari keri
in vain grass dewdrops forming in vain
独り焚く木の葉をつひに夜の雨 hitori taku konoha wo tsui ni yoru no ame
falling on my lone bonfire of leaves... evening rain
徳利の土間に転げてけさの雪 tokkuri no doman ni korogete kesa no yuki
a sake bottle rolling on the dirt floor... morning snow
夕立やたたいて諷ふ貧乏樽 yûdachi ya tataite utau bimbô-daru
rainstorm-- beating a song on the old keg
こほろぎや江戸の人にも住馴るる kôrogi ya edo no hito ni mo sumi naruru
cricket-- you too have adapted to life in Edo
焼杭を伸して見たり秋の風 yake-gui wo nobashite mitari aki no kaze
burnt wooden posts stretching upward... autumn wind
稲妻や三人一度に顔と顔 inazuma ya sannin ichi do ni kao to kao
lightning flash-- suddenly three people face to face
浅ぢふは昼も寝よげよ土火鉢 asajiu wa hiru mo ne yoge yo tsuchi hibachi
among tufted grasses a good midday nap... ceramic brazier
行春の空はくらがり峠哉 yuku haru no sora wa kuragari tôge kana
departing spring's sky turns dark... mountain pass
大酒の諫言するか閑古鳥 ôzake no kangen suru ka kankodori
are you lecturing me about my heavy drinking? mountain cuckoo
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pearlpugly · 4 years
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Don't you just sometimes think about how Prompto must have felt after it was all over and Insomnia was being rebuilt and...Noctis just wasn't there anymore...? ...Yeah, me neither, anyway, have a comic (to gackt’s lyrics xD)! 🙃
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gacktitalia · 7 years
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GACKT gif set -  サクラ、散ル... (Sakura, Chiru...) [Part 1]
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shihlun · 3 years
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Kaneto Shindo
- Sakura-tai Chiru
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07th-info · 6 years
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Album covers for Umineko’s, “Dear Golden Witch,” and “Golden Syndrome,” composed by Luck Ganriki. 
Tracks from both of these albums have been used in both the visual novels and the fighting game, “Ougon Musou Kyoku.”
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offtlme · 6 years
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almost but never reaching
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princessvoid78 · 7 months
I kinda modified my danganronpa AU:
I changed the mastermind in THH (Trigger Happy Havoc):
Old mastermind: Makoto Naegi
New and current mastermind: Kiyotaka Ishimaru
And also the traitor:
Old traitor: Sakura Ôgami
New and current traitor: Chihiro Fujisaki (Since Kiyotaka and Chihiro are step bro in my AU)
And i modifier the sceanrios:
Kiyotaka still made the trap for kill Junko and Mukuro, Mondo still entered in...
So, since Saiko became Kiyotaka’s assistant because she needs money and mainly because she got caught spying him on a meeting with Monokuma, she saw Mondo enter in the trap ans she ran to tell Kiyotaka about it.
He ran to the trap to save mondo, Mondo was about to get attacked by multiples knives and die, but Kiyotaka pushed him away and got attacked and killed instead. Actually, the one who killed Kiyotaka is Junko since she stabbed him, Mondo ran out of the trap and went to Kiyotaka, lucky Junko could get out before Mondo arrives.
When Junko was discovered as the culprit, Mukuro decided to get executed instead, she was about to be executed, but Sayaka pushed Mukuro and got executed instead.
Chihiro had to take Kiyotaka’s place as the mastermind, when he was found out as the mastermind, Chihiro reveals thta Kiyotaka is the real mastermind and then got executed
Survivors: Mondo Oowada, Makoto Naegi, Komaru Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Aoi Asahina, Mukuro Ikusaba, Junko Enoshima, Chiru Yazui
DrV3 modification:
Saiko got a request from Shuichi to kidnap one of the student and o e of the future fondation member, which ended up by kidnapping Tsumigi Shirogane and Junko Enoshima.
Tsumigi had to stay with Saiko while Junko had yo be in disguise as Tsumigi.
Saiko killed the real Tsumigi like she menaced her before the V3 started:
(T: Tsumigi ; S: Saiko)
S: So, Shirogane... How it’s going on ?
T: Not okay since i’m here, but i will try to find a way to get out-
S: I swear if you do it, i will make sure that you rot here like your entire family
T: you mean ?
S: i will kill you...
T: so, try me...
Saiko helped Kokichi to keep his mentality at night, like a therapist would do.
Shuichi tried to avoid the desire to kill Kaito for what he does to Kokichi, even if it was a BIG fail... He got Saiko’s help to kill him
Kaito died at Chapter 6 :D
If Saiko showed up at the chapter 6 trial, she could have died instead of the fake Tsumigi since she knew that the real Tsumigi had to kill Saiko in first place
Saiko and Chiru made sure that Kaede stays alive since they considered her as their triplet
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pleoros · 3 years
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Exilio - Sakura Chiru, 2018
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citybops · 2 years
Chiqui, I’ve decided to dip my toes into visual kei…what should I know and who should I listen to first?
omg omg what should u know ummm they're all old... and all the info we have abt these men are mostly lies and rumors.. and that vkei isn't a genre per se but more so an aesthetic so the music varies a lot !!! for a first listen i think that dress by buck-tick is a must! and if u like it then move onto kiss me goodbye and romance.. it's a classic early 80's rock sound but they have fun and experiment with it a lot; in this same style of music we have luna sea (a personal favorite) and der'langer. if you prefer quicker drums and ska influences you can listen to janne da arc's sakura and siam shade's 1/3 no junjo na kanjo. if u like punk influences and bad vocalists <3 there's rouage and my favorite song by them is kai neko, penicillin's make love, dir en grey's yokan and lacryma christi's in forest. now if ur into metal I'd recommend dir en grey, but their post-2002 stuff, like their songs fukai, ranunculus and oboro, lynch's entire discography, but especially their song killing cult, and also any song by arlequin and the gazette ! now if ur looking for the true vkei experience aka the victorian looks and sound there's gekka no yakusoku by malice mizer, bara wa utsukushiku chiru by lareine, freya by femme fatale and sanasaku inochi aru kagiri by raphael ... OH and there's this band called kagrra (one of my faves again) for japanese folk metal and to support the feminist movement we have exist'trance <3333
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