#sakumo: *dies*
oh-no-its-bird · 1 month
I kind of ended up w a small pile of Hatake ocs and lore to fill the early konoha timeline void, and a big thing is like. They all die to preserve the narrative. A lot of them very young bc again, made to fill the time line, so logically, there had to be some Hatake kids/teenagers who met an unfortunate end.
So I'm kinda sitting here considering a 4 part fic where each chapter revolves around a specific Hatake and their inevitable death, w maybe a bonus chapter at the end being about Sakumo
"Death of the Wolves," the unfortunate end of the Hatake's, told in 4 parts
The Hatake's helped set the Konoha standard rule of "a team can only be made up of so many % of one clan" (with special exceptions) after a large chunk of them got sent on a mission together bc of their specializations and all wound up dead, wiping out a solid 90% of the clan in one night.
Actually, expanding on that bc the tragedy is so good -> I already established that in my time line, the Hatake head, Haruka (Sakumo's mother, Tobirama and Hashirama's aunt) died under a week after Tobirama's death, and she would have lead that failed mission. Does that mean one of Hiruzen's first acts as war time Hokage resulted in the accidental slaughter of his beloved dead Sensei's mother's clan? That's amazing actually, so much drama there. I bet him Danzo and Kagami argued like crazy after that monumental fuck up, probably went on to define how he feels ab being Hokage / what that entails. Fun times!
Anyways, I'd also be very interested in exploring early konoha politics n stuff. Especially from the multiple views of not the people in charge of making the village but the ones who are living in it. The view from the ground up, instead of looking down from the tower. The younger generations being brought to this new village, going from their isolated clan lands to suddenly being surrounded by others their age from different clans, possible for the first time ever depending on their age and their clans level of secrecy.
Also, I really wanna poke at the outsider pov of Madara and other founders— but mostly Madara bc I find his downfall very fun to think about, especially from the POV of someone not in his clan.
I'm so in love w the take of the Hatake's being fond of Madara bc "he'd make a very good Hatake." Something about the two tropes of the Uchiha being a clan that loves love and the Hatake being a clan w similar values when it comes to family and loyalty just meshes so well.
Comedy moment where Haruka is weirdly insistent on Madara potentially marrying into the clan, not even for the politics or anything but specifically bc she NEEDS a cute squishy Hatake baby with his massive hair. She NEEDS IT, MADARA.
Anyways also just the early konoha inter clan drama but like. From the eyes of the clan kids. The Uchiha kids seem to be having some sort of terf war with the Senju— but it was interrupted by the Hyuuga, and now the Senju and Uchiha kids are somehow banding together against the Hyuuga? But oh no now the Nara kids are teaming up w the Hyuuga, and the Hatake kid (singular bc there's literally only like 1) seems to have an actual blood feud going on with the Hyuuga clan heir— but the older Hatake teenagers are fond of the Hyuuga's baby clan heir so it's just a mess. All the clan drama but with none of the tragedy bc everyone involved is a child.
Meanwhile the older clan members are somehow bonding over their children's fights bc they're all struggling to pull them away, or going "what the fuck do you mean you teamed up with the SENJU??" Then sharing a disbelieving Look(tm) w the opposing Senju's parents before realizing what they just did and having a crisis of faith ab it
Meanwhile the teenagers are having a wonderful time, especially those from smaller more isolated clans like the Hatake. There's so much romantic drama, there's probably a whole shinobi soap opera happening in that direction. Hormonal shinobi teenagers from opposing clans just got dropped into the same dating pool it's gonna be a MESSSS.
Even funnier if you take crumbs from my senju weed empire au and like. Some of these clans regularly smoke n stuff. Meanwhile other clans have never touched a psychedelic in their life. Some are especially vulnerable to drugs due to heightened senses (Orochi, Inuzuka, Hatake) while others have been smoking since they were younger and have an insane tolerance and very much distorted views of a reasonable amount of weed to smoke (Senju, Nara, Shiranui) There is no way in hell that goes well. Someone is going to get fucked up in a MAJOR way.
Well-intentioned Nara accidentally gets a bunch of dog wired guys and one snake high out of their fucking minds, the high lasts a full week for some of them and one sometimes wonders if they ever really came down from it
Anyways I got a bit off track but yeah! Early Konoha fic that revolves around the daily lives of differently aged Hatake ocs, taking a look from different angles of Konoha and all the silly clan drama and daily lives of an early Konoha shinobi— each chapter being different degrees of generally lighthearted, but ending in the Hatake's death. The fact that each Hatake is in with a different crowd and is a different age would make it even more fun and easier to explore the different layers Konoha has to offer! It's for sure on my list of things I wanna write
(Also I'd really love to have it just so I can point to it as a good introduction for my Hatake ocs. I love tricking people into learning ab my ocs it's great)
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raikirikiri · 2 months
since the naruto timeline is so… you know… inconsistent, for a word, i think it’s really funny if obito and rin are older than kakashi by some years. because then obito is really just having beef with a toddler like kakashi is 6 and obito is 9 or 10 and he finds this little feral dog child to be a major threat to his psyche. meanwhile rin has to be his voice of reason, saying no you can not hurt our 6 year old teammate, look at him he’s just a baby. and kakashi is snarling, on his hands and knees, barking like a chihuahua at them. and minato who’s a very busy jounin asks rin and obito to look after kakashi because he’s very messed up and could use a friend or two. but obito takes it as minato wants him to babysit his ankle biter teammate whom he loathes. but of course rin agrees and obito begrudgingly goes with her. and he doesn’t know how to deal with kids, being one himself, so he tries to boss kakashi around but little selectively mute kakashi glares at him and snaps his teeth at him any time obito so much as breathes air wrong. rin who understood minato’s assignment and asks if kakashi needs help cooking dinner or washing the dishes and is just generally friendly rather than bossy. obito still not understanding and trying to inflict bath time on a dog boy who viciously does not like water and the only people who can actually get him to take a bath are his dead father, minato, and pakkun. kakashi who likes rin enough and lets her sit on his furniture and kakashi who does not trust obito as far as he can throw him and growls at him when he so much as walks into the room. obito who’s had enough and decides to teach the baby a lesson. kakashi and obito who end up having a brawl in the living room while rin watches cartoons because hagoromo otsutsuki she’s just a girl! and she does not have the patience to deal with her asshole baby teammate and her stupid best friend teammate. minato who shows as up eventually and separates kakashi and obito and thinks they’re finally getting along until kakashi lifts his leg and pisses on the ground to mark his territory. the rest of team minato who finally realize that kakashi is actually just a puppy in human form and he is not housebroken…
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mediumsizedpidegon · 4 months
The Naruto timeline is killing me. I know the general idea is that it’s been ~60 years since Konoha formed but everyone’s talking like Konoha has existed for forever.
It doesn't make sense! Tsunade is in her 50s in canon! she shouldn't talk about Konoha like it was well established when she was a child! By saying Tsunade is Hashirama's granddaughter instead of his daughter, we must interpret that Hashirama had a child like. a decade before Konoha formed, so that when Konoha is 10, Tsunade is born. But that's BATSHIT. that means anyone older than sixty– an age even front line shinobi can reach as evidenced by Hiruzen, and surely an age shinobi that specialize in skills that are less directly combative/take them out of the village often, MUCH LESS CIVILIANS!! You cannot make propaganda good enough to make an entire generation of senior citizens forget that your honorable village hasn't even hit a century.
There is such a big deal made of Hiruzen remembering a time before Konoha and so you expect him to be like. late 80s or 90s. old enough to makes him recalling that time suitably rare. old enough that every shinobi is like. wow. you're hot shit and also God Of Shinobi. But he's SIXTY EIGHT. Sakura's civilian grandparents probably remember a time before Konoha. This is not that big of a accomplishment. I don't care if Kishimoto thinks 60 years is a long ass time to a shinobi. It just doesn't work for the sort of worldbuilding he's trying to sell.
My only options are to either stretch the timeline to fit the vibes of "Konoha has been around soooooo long (while still be relatively new in the grand scheme of things)" or scrap all that "Konoha is ancient" shit.
......So. I’ve stretched it to Konoha being formed 100 years ago when canon starts (the year Naruto graduates the Academy). This is more reasonable, making it so that no one alive really Remembers A Time Before, making Konoha's propaganda much more effective.
This, however, has had some significant impact on Hiruzen's generation because even though I have made them significantly older when canon starts (like. mid 80s) they were still born about ~20 years after Konoha was founded. Early enough that some instability was around and Hiruzen's generation could personally know Hashirama and Tobirama, but they don't actually have any experience living through the Warring Clans Era. This has likewise made the Sannin much much older– around the same age as Hiruzen actually is in canon.
But Tsunade's age actually makes sense for her being Hashirama's granddaughter now! So there's that!
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evilkitten3 · 11 months
the concept of orochimaru and sakumo having been a thing is so funny to me, especially from kakashi's perspective. imagine your government-assigned babysitting charge runs away to go live with an evil scientist war criminal. who is also your stepmom. you speak of this to no one
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soaringpigeonshovel · 9 months
Look. There is absolutely no reason Gai *must* know how Sakumo died. Neither Maito was at the funeral. The genin in Naruto's time somehow missed that the entire police force had been ctrl-alt-deleted. In fact given that Kakashi had clearly not heard 'your dad didn't do anything wrong' from anyone before Obito said it, even though the topic of fathers had come up between Gai and Kakashi before, i'd say that it might even be more likely that Gai didn't know when they were kids.
Which leaves the whole rest of the timeline for Gai to find out! And while the possibilities are endless, may I humbly suggest
Kakashi: "You know, when I died, I got to speak to my dad. It was... it was really great. We spoke about everything. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, you know? I got the chance to tell my dad that I forgive him for killing himself."
Gai: "Your dad fucking w h a t"
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sannin-three · 5 months
So between Naruto and Sasuke's living arrangements, I get the impression Konoha has a whole orphan housing market. Your parents died? Well that sucks, but now you get to experience the joys of RENTING!!!
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Working on Venomous Naruto again and my heart is telling me to write a heart wrenching oneshot of all the people Orochimaru has actually opened himself up to over the years and how all of them die or leave except for his kids. But like … I don’t have the full idea of it just bits and pieces and ughhhh
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saradrak-blog · 6 months
About the fanfic, I was originally gonna have Sakumo die like in the canon, but then... what if? It's Everybody Lives AU overall right? What do we think? We want him to live? 😆
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xhatake · 2 years
ok so hear me out. fried dandelions? a delicious snack. thinking about Kakashi looking at sakumo like he grew an extra head when he makes them one day but then kakashi steals one & they become an eternal comfort snack.
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dark-konohagakure2 · 1 month
Sakumo Hatake getting rejected from his crush but he doesn't take no for an answer
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tw: noncon, stalking, yandere, breeding, age difference, power imbalance, domestication, semi-public sex
All characters depicted are 18+
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Sakumo Hatake has had some especially bad luck as of late. His wife had died very recently, leaving him to raise their two year old son alone, his missions have been getting more stressful too, but luckily the White Fang has found a silver lining to all of this; a cute civilian girl that has caught his eye.
She's a cute little thing, much younger than him and his late wife, but still old enough. Sakumo has made a habit out of watching her from afar around the village, for her own safety of course, and he's reached the conclusion that she's perfect for him, she's young, innocent, kind, just the perfect wife and mother for his needs.
Being a revered shinobi among the people of the Hidden Leaf Village, Sakumo feels rather confident in his ability to woo her, so he'll ask her out directly, letting it slip that he's been watching her for quite some time without her knowing. She is very unnerved by the revelation from the man old enough to be her father, so she understandably rejects him, and Sakumo doesn't like that one bit.
He tries to convince her that being with an acclaimed ninja like himself would be good for her, but no dice. Never being one to let things go easily, Sakumo decides that now he has no choice left but to take matters into his own hands.
"Don't move... This will feel good for both of us. Maybe you'll finally stop being shy and realize your feelings for me after I fill you up..."
He'll clamp a gloved hand over her mouth in the alleyway, telling her to be quiet lest someone hear them. He's one of the most respected ninja in the village, so nobody would believe her if she claimed he assaulted her, if anyone saw what was happening, they'd assume she was just being a needy slut for the White Fang.
Sakumo isn't too rough with his delicate little housewife to be, buy he's certainly forceful, bullying his cock inside of her until it's hitting her perfectly fertile womb with every thrust, the sensation making her whine and whimper into his hand as he claims what's rightfully his.
His thrusts will speed up slightly when he imagines knocking her up, making her round with his second child and giving Kakashi a sibling, the mere thought triggers the wolfish primal instinct to breed deep within him, and she is the perfect receptacle for these dark urges of his.
He'll be sure to fill her up thoroughly before he's done with her, gently pulling out of her while informing her of some great news; she's the newest member of his family and clan, whether she likes it or not.
"Atta girl, that wasn't so bad was it? You're just perfect for me, and I know you'll be the perfect mother that my little son needs..."
Sakumo is finally content now, he has a much cuter and much younger wife to replace his dearly departed one, Kakashi has a much needed mother figure, and the Hatake clan is about to gain a new member in just nine short months.
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Jokingly thought to myself "Kakashi got a sharingan pass bc the Uchiha like him" which turned into "dumb au where the Uchiha just really like Kakashi for some reason (clan stuff??)"
Which then turned into two separate fic ideas where either Obito survives and Kakashi is a hot commodity for the Uchiha (much to Obito's displeasure, he has dibs you guys go away what the fuck!!); or a kid era fic where the Uchiha take one look at Obito's eye in his head and go "DIBS!! DIBS!!! THIS MEANS WE HAVE DIBS!!!!" and just violently adopt him
Really stupid 'Madara adopts Kakashi after Sakumo's death' AU where Madara never left the village and continues to live as a very grumpy old man.
He adopts Kakashi partially out of spite for half-Hatake!Tobirama + the Hatake were very old Senju allies so spite for that too. Plus a little bit of "damn, another once strong clan wittled down to nothing"
(The fact he never left means Tobirama died at a much later date and also made Kagami hokage)
Madara is visiting Tobirama's grave just to go "get fucked bastard, I stole your nephew, he's mine now." (Ignoring the fact Tobirama probably would have quietly approved anyways)
Obito is around and hates Madara with an inexplicable burning rage and the feeling is mutual. Madara has beef with this literal 11 year old and it's embaressing for both of them.
Obito just has another reason to be mad about Kakashi's general existence (why does the old man seem to like HIM???? What the FUCK????) Obito doesn't know whether he should be telling Kakashi to stay away from Madara or Madara from Kakashi. He does both.
Also Madara and Tobirama were like DEFINATLEY gay together but it was kept behind closed doors and also they continued to hate on eachother in and out of the bedroom. They had the energy of a married couple who regularly gets divorced and remarried like 3 times a month. Everyone hates them.
Madara regularly goes to cuss out Tobirama's grave when mad ab something, then ends his rant with a quiet, begrudging, "miss you, bastard."
Just in general mad bitter old guy Madara harassing the general Konoha population as equally grumpy, 9 years old and almost as bitter as he is Kakashi watches
Kakashi is going to grow up to be an even bigger bastard than canon, thanks Madara!
Eventual obkk where Obito realizes if he marries Kakashi one day Madara will be his dad and he almost seriously considers just. Not.
Is it really worth it. Is it REALLY worth it. Before he sees Kakashi smile or smthn and goes FUCK ok maybe it's worth it.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
What if Pakkun somehow time-travelled back to after he contracted with bb!Kakashi but before Sakumo died? What would Puppy!Pakkun do to make sure his human didn't have to suffer as much, while also still becoming The Most Awesome Shinobi?
Sakumo wakes up in the dead of night with his little Kashi-chan's adorable pup Pakkun sitting on his chest staring him dead in the eyes with this thousand-yard stare like "if you bitch out and leave me to raise this fucking pup alone again I will find a way to turn your soul into an eternal chew toy so help me"
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kakashi-miso · 3 months
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Tobirama: “Do you know where these walkers are going, grandson?... You little bastard.”
Kakashi: "Grandfather, the doctor prescribed them..."
*Kakashi's thoughts*: "Stubborn as a donkey"
Today posts in the AU where Tobirama lived until the period when Tsunade became Hokage. In this universe, Tobirama has two sons: the Younger is Jiraiya, the Elder is Sakumo. Tobirama gave up his post at the age of 35-40, and disappeared in search of information and wisdom scattered throughout the shinobi world. At the moment, he lives in Konoha as an honorable old man (85 years old). Kakashi, not knowing anything about his family, finds evidence that his grandfather is the second Hokage. After they met as relatives, the copy ninja couple took care of Tobirama, helping the old man around the house and with his health.
Detail: Tobirama was lied to that Sakumo died a hero in battle, and he was not told the truth about suicide. Here I sketched answers to questions and some points
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Jiraiya: *Quietly rejoices that he didn’t get it from his father*
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Tobirama: “And you, Jiraiya, you look absolutely terrible. What kind of hairstyle is that? You look like one Uchiha.”
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Question: How did Tobirama react when he found out that Sakumo actually committed suicide?
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Tobirama: *Trembling voice* "How did he commit suicide?... Were those words a lie?..."
His heart hurt badly after that. It’s not every day that you learn that your firstborn, your pride, could not cope with mental pain and committed suicide rather than proudly give his life in battle
Question: How did Tobirama react to the Sharingan in Kakashi's eye?
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Tobirama: *Rough voice* The Uchihas managed to annoy us here too. This devilish thing is draining him." *Grunts*
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Kakashi: "Caring about me, right? Worried?"
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Tobirama: "get out of my sight, little bastard "
Question: Tobirama, are you proud of your grandson?
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Tobirama: *Nods*
Tobirama will never say it out loud, but he loves his family very much
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fustilarian1031 · 13 days
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what do u mean kakashi didn’t adopt and raise naruto as his younger brother?? smh did u even watch the show 🙄
fr tho i just like the concept of kakashi losing himself in anbu after minato died and the only thing that brings him back is the fact that he can’t let naruto grow up alone and shunned like he was after sakumo (and unintentionally mirroring the relationship that he had with minato)
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Companion piece to the kakashi comic, this one’s gai’s reaction to kakashi’s death then revival. Set after the pain invasion. tw for death mention, blood, and self harm
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Kakashi: Oi, Gai, Mind if I join you? Gai: I would love nothing more than my rival accompanying me!! Kakashi: What’s wrong? Your sparkle looks dull today. Gai: Ah. Get it together, guys
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Kakashi: You’ve never been a great liar. Baby kakashi: Are you ok? You’re acting weird. Baby gai: I’m fine, rival! Papa wouldn’t want me to be sad, so I’m not! Kakashi: I know that you heard.
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Gai: Where’s Kakashi? Katsuyu: Kakashi Hatake has died.  I’m so sorry. Gai: I did Kakashi: You were avoiding me
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Kakashi: You’re not even going to rib me a little? [gai crying] Gai: I’m glad you’re still here Kakashi: I know
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Kakashi: I talked to my father. I told him everything. Gai: Sakumo!? Kakashi: Mm. He asked about you.
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Gai: Me!? Kakashi: Of course. Dad saw you’d be an important part of my life. Even when I didn’t. He really liked you. I- [GARGLE] Cry this way please. ....I never understood why, but.... I know you care for me as a person outside our rivalry, so I’m sorry you had to hear that, Gai. I know I’d be devastated, If it were reversed.
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Gai: Dying made you sentimental I see. You’re here now! You got to see your papa! That’s a beautiful thing! I’m glad everything worked out! Kakashi: Good. Maa, let’s go. Ah! Almost forgot. [gai bumps into kakashi]
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Kakashi: [COUGH] Race you. Gai: I ACCEPT
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
You hurt me terribly with Sakumo’s “one more mission.” I can’t even. Just ejajsbabjsnsbdb whyyyyyy man whyyyy?!?!?!
Also it was so fun seeing bits of the au eluded to in the first chapter but not fully expanded on. Like Manda holding a grudge for having to babysit Anko. So cool!!!!!!!!!!!
I also hurt my own feelings with Sakumo’s “one more mission” promise if it helps. I definitely typed it out and had to lay there with my thoughts for a second because I accidentally stumbled across so much more of Orochimaru’s character than I had ever anticipated.
Oh yeah there will be bits like that everywhere while we get rolling. But first: fun with a feral baby naru
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