#saint maul of the pit
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"Maul should have been at the club" You put Maul in the club and he runs away like a startled deer
#got overstimulated.#star wars#saint maul of the pit#maul opress#darth maul#the phantom menace#the clone wars#tcw#sw tcw
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my own personal Slugcat designs
Survivor (top to bottom) - They fell into a pit during what appeared to be a migration. This white slugcat is very average. They appear to be searching for something.
Monk (Left to right) - A small and chubby scug. They appear to hang out with other creatures. Adorable. They followed the white slugcat down the pit.
Hunter (top to bottom) - Appears to be a green neuron fly? What the hell? This slugcat is a purposed organism. It appears to have fallen ill with the rot somehow.
Gourmand - Why are they chonky? I saw them last leading a group of slugcats through a storm.
Artificer (top to bottom) - For mauling? Decorated mask? Where did they get it? How did they obtain a citizen ID drone? This slugcat always appears to be angry. The first time I saw it, they had pups. One of my overseers watched the pups die.
Rivulet (top to bottom) - This thing is literally a wet rat with gills. It has a mark of communication, from an iterator I would presume. I saw it carry a rarefaction cell once, where did they get it? They appear to have adapted to the harsh rain or they are a purposed organism.
Spearmaster (top to bottom) - Uses for sustenance? Appeared to have a pearl and injured the last time I saw them. This slugcat is all skin and bones. It is definitely a purposed organism.
Saint (right to left) - Super fluffy. This creature acts as if they’ve experienced this over and over again. Triple affirmative! Triple affirmative!
The Watcher/Nightcat (left to right) - Can camouflage. I’ve heard others say this slugcat is a celestial being. They appear to just being a scug with different abilities. Pretty tail.
Inv (top to bottom) - What is this? Is it an egg? I saw them once during a precycle with three pups. That’s more than a Slugcat usually has. They looked like a strange scribble.
#rain world#artists on tumblr#digital art#scug#slugcat#rainworld slugcat#rw scug#concept art#idk man
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Le Belle Alliance
Frances King
My name is Gaston and I am the Garcon de chambre at La Belle Alliance, a fine Auberge and Farmhouse opposite the ridge of Mont Saint Jean above the site of what is now known as the Battle of Waterloo. Had General Blucher had his way, it would have been called the Battle of "La Belle Alliance", which would have been good adverting for us, just one day's ride out of Bruxelles and a better description of what happened in the battle, because if Blucher had not kept to his word and marched to support Wellington after being mauled at Ligny, the Emperor would have won and the world would now be speaking French, instead of English. The Emperor spent the night before Waterloo at La Belle Alliance and surveyed the field from its grounds which commanded a fine view of the valley from the Hougoumont chateau which anchored Wellington's right wing accross to the village of Papelotte on the Allied left where Blucher's army, bloodied but unbowed by their defeat at Ligny, joined up with the forces of Wellingon and sealed the Emperor's fate. It was here at La Belle Alliance, after the Emperor and his entourage had hurriedly decamped and retreated back towards Paris that the Allied Generals, Wellington, Blucher and their support staff, were reunited to celebrate their narrow but bloody victory.
La Belle Alliance has one grande chambre and it was my job to take the occupant's intestinal offerings from the commode to the cess pit. Perhaps not the most prestigious of jobs but over the years I have met many great men (yes it's true, with their trousers round their ankles, they are all the same, and I'll be dammed if the turds of the Emperor were any different from those of Wellington's, Blucher's (or mine for that matter) but the job pays the bills, gives me board and lodge and I can buy the occasional half litre of good Dutch Old Geneva to keep the chill of this damp corner of Europe out of my bones. I didn't witness the reunion between Blucher and Wellington, which is a pity as despite being part French (through my mother) I had a sneaking regard for the bluff old Prussian general, certainly more than I had for that parvenu Wellington, but I had been dispatched to the battlefield before first light with some other lads. Battles are incredibly wasteful but provide useful income for those willing to grasp opportunity. It didn't take me long to round up half a dozen fine looking horses, complete with saddle and bridles. One came complete with the corpse of its rider, from which he was soon unceremoniously parted. Unwounded horses are more valuable than wounded, but wounded ones if they can still walk, can be rounded up later, butchered and eaten. People who have qualms at eating horse flesh deserve to starve. I doubt if any of these could tell the difference between beef and horse anyway, if served in a rich sauce with champignons. The horses I tethered round the back of my uncle's place, to be taken to Bruxelles in a few days for sale to some aristocratic twit with more money than brains. Because of the wars in Europe these last few decades, a good cavalry horse sold in the capital fetches a king's ransom. And these English horses were very fine beasts indeed. There were so many, I thought to myself that another trip later on armed with a pocket full of apples might be equally profitable. What is even more lucrative than horses after a battle, is drink for the wounded and dying, but the women had this sewn up. Before the last cannon had been fired, they were climbing over the corpses round the battlefield with flasks of water and bottles of brandy, for those that could pay, either in bullion or gold rings with precious stones. Indeed those too weak to resist even had their fingers cut off so these vicious harpies could take their rings anyway. This scavenging by the women was not without risk as there were competing bands of women working the field, made merciless by the horrors through which they walked. There would be bears and foxes from the surrounding woods and dogs from the villages and towns to eat the dead and half killed meat, horse or human. They do us all a favour as unburied bodies stink pretty badly within a day or two.
When I got back to the auberge, there was panic, as all sign of the Emperor's presence had to be erased lest it offend the eyes of Wellington, the next occupant of the grande chambre. The commode had to be scrubbed, rescrubbed and soaked in lavender water, and only by me it seems. I cleansed myself from the smell of horse and went about my business (so as to speak) and soon the commode was clean enough to become the repository of the turds of Wellington, whose offerings in due course I deposited in the same cess pit as the Emperor's. There let them lie, side by side for the rest of eternity, fertilising the same earth as the decomposing bodies of the soldiers they led to their deaths.
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Star Wars asks-- H. I. R.?
Good choices, anon!
H. A Character You Used To Love But Don’t Care For Now?
Good question!! I don’t think I can go as extreme as saying that there’s a character that has totally betrayed me in such a fashion, but I will say that when I first got back into the Prequels and TCW, I spent a good, hot half-minute being very much enthralled with Anakin. And then Season 4 of TCW happened and I forever fell down the Obi-wan Kenobi Pit of Doom and it became more and more difficult for me to sympathize with Anakin as he had been written.
I still struggle with this - he is, by far, the hardest character for me to write, as a) it’s way too easy to portray him as “Hulking Out” with his Dark Side issues and b) I have a real, personal ax to grind vis-a-vis his relationship with Padmé. And the thing is, he has such a complicated backstory with the slavery, with his mother (who I still contend was a fucking saint), with Qui-gon just whooshing in and proclaiming him the Chosen One out of nowhere (have you not read a single psychology book, Jinn, I mean, REALLY did you HONESTLY think that was going to end well *damnit Qui-gon*), with the contentious relationship with Obi-wan and the Council, etc etc etc
And yet he makes So. Many. Horrible. decisions to a point where I find it difficult to empathize with him. So it’s less that I don’t care for Anakin than that I just can’t wrap my head around his thought process, which is mired in shame and that same shame reaction drives so much of his behavior, to a cataclysmic extreme.
To put it succinctly: I find writing Anakin difficult and therefore he has risen on my wholly illogical, subjective shitlist :D
I. Best Clone?
Overall, I am very partial to Cody just because the man needs a damned pay raise, but Jesse and Fives are also fabulous.
(And, if I may add an OC clone, my personal creation of Tuppet from Hung is one of my favorite clones ever. Oh, Tuppet. You absolute disaster. Ha!)
R. Saddest Death?
There are...a lot, right? Hahahaa, Star Wars, such a kids’ piece of media oh wait a minute.... And unfortunately, I feel the saddest deaths in Star Wars are the ones directly related to Obi-wan.
Qui-gon. Satine. Maul.
Frankly, of all of these, I think Maul’s death might win the prize, I will never be over Twin Suns in a million years. At least Qui-gon died trying to protect the Republic, Anakin, and Obi-wan. Satine died trying to protect Mandalore and more so, Obi-wan from the Dark Side.
Maul died, forgotten, always out of reach of what should have been his, on an almost-suicide mission to come full circle with the man who set him on his path to vengeance, his last words still seasoned with that same hope of bloody justice as he lay in Obi-wan’s arms.
Twin Suns, I mean...ugh. I won’t be over that. Like, ever.
(Ask me things about Star Wars!)
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Session 1- 07/13/20
Introduction to each character in the morning:
She is sleeping over at Late’s house. As Late comes out of the shower she approaches Deb still toweling off her hair. Asks her if she’s going to smoke if she could keep it off the patio. When Deb replies that she doesn’t smoke she gets pale and says that that’s what she was afraid of. She found a cigarette butt on the back patio by the door.
Emilia seems even more spaced out than normal and Late is stressed trying to convince her to get dressed to go to church since she can’t leave her alone.
Clover wakes him up to piss super early in the morning to pee and when charlie is out there he gets a call and it’s his dad. His dad tells him that there was a mauling in the woods and that while Charlie doesn’t have to come since he just got into town, he’s going to need his help with the investigation later on. He asks him to go to church just to put up a united front in front of the own. He also asks him not to tell anyone since they don’t want anyone to panic.
She wakes up and her father has her and her seven siblings line up against the wall and pray. She’s a little store from having to scale the back of the church to sneak in through her window after her rendezvous with her boyfriend the night before. He walks behind them as they kneel before a stained glass window of Saint Thomas and he recites the prayer:
Dearest gods, from the highest peak to the lowest in the pit, give us the strength to stand against those who stand against us, to vanquish those who seek to vanquish us, and to crush those who wish to crush us. Eldest Gods who preside over us, you have our souls to claim and our blood to purify the world in your sacred names. Use us to accomplish you will on this world of dirt and sin. We are your servants and as we ingest your sacred essence, let us be in service to your design.
He then passes around a chalice of dark red wine, for each child to drink. He then instructs them to get dressed for the first service.
The birds chirping outside wake you up. You had a horrible nightmare, rivers of blood, a sky on fire, a figure wreathed in flame...
The cabin is small, with vintage floral wallpaper, a high ceiling with two skylights and dozens of charms hanging from the ceiling. She lives in a loft and when she comes down the the main floor, the area of her shop, everything is in place as it should be.
Going out side [if she passes a 6 mind check she can see Hazel at the edge of the woods staring at her. if she notices her Hazel disappears back into the trees] If she fails the check she feels eyes on her back.
He wakes up at his desk to his phone ringing, his typewriter mid line. Seems he fell asleep in the middle of a report again. It’s difficult working such late nights at the bar. Phin was a fair boss, but he seems to get distracted when he has visitors and doesn’t close the bar on time. He always compensates Pierce fairly for his work, and between this and his actual job, he’s making a pretty penny here.
If he fails to pick it up, it starts ringing again. It’s the police chief. Pierce should really get down there. Chuck isn’t happy to ask for his help, but this is serious.
Events in session:
Hazel tries to get in touch with Lilith to give her the part of the prophecy.
Vincent glances at Deborah and with a mind of 6 she catches him.
>Town hall
Mayor Abbadon discusses some matters of business.
Pollen count is very high in the forests, steer clear for the foreseeable future. [With a mind check of 8 or higher the player will notice Bobbi Hillman tense up and stare at the floor] [With a 10 or higher they will notice Hank squeeze her hand comfortingly]
The election for the fifth member of the council is next month, those candidates should announce their candidacy next month.
The introduction of Charlie as the newest member of the police force.
The movie theater is hosting another $5 drive up movie this Friday, please either bring $5 or 3 cans of food for the food drive
>Meet up in the diner
Hazel presses the note into Pierce’s hand when she bumps into him.
Phin is going to try to see Lilith and ask her to run away with him.
The Hillmans are very quietly speaking in a booth in the corner
Late is doing her best to keep an eye on Emilia. If needed, Emilia escapes and heads off into the woods.
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Patron Saint of Determination (and NOT dying in a Pit)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZIqn22
by PrettyBiForAJedi
If all the Sith are in the stands, and all the Jedi are talking to Rey, then who is left to help Ben Solo? Aka the one shot where Mauls ghost gives a "pep talk" to Ben Solo at the bottom of the pit.
Words: 1390, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Darth Maul, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rey (Star Wars)
Relationships: Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Crack, Fix-It of Sorts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZIqn22
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space_hamlet on twitter said: "all the jedi were busy giving rey a pep talk and all the sith were in the stands so down at the bottom of the pit, ben just heard the voice of maul, patron saint of determination and not dying in a pit" sksksksks
*chef kiss*That would be a Maul thing to do alright. But honestly that same thing is what made me cry for both of them. It’s the same pain all over again. I can’t take it.
#Maul#Ben Solo#TROS#so right now i'm in a hover car#with these two boys in the back seat#sipping on margaritas#i'm going to fix this#or is it fic this
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Maul: patron saint of relentless determination and not dying in pits

rise of the last skywalker

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via AO3 works tagged 'Star Wars - All Media Types' read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZIqn22 PrettyBiForAJedi
by PrettyBiForAJedi
If all the Sith are in the stands, and all the Jedi are talking to Rey, then who is left to help Ben Solo? Aka the one shot where Mauls ghost gives a "pep talk" to Ben Solo at the bottom of the pit.
Words: 1390, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Darth Maul, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rey (Star Wars)
Relationships: Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Crack, Fix-It of Sorts
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZIqn22
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We never had Maul and Vader actually meet beyond Maul trying to run him over with a bike but can you imagine if they did. Like. You are everything I was supposed to be. You are not me and I am not you but you and I are the same. You stole my place. You are what was expected of me. You are what I failed at.
#im sick in the head#star wars#maul opress#saint maul of the pit#darth maul#anakin skywalker#darth vader#sw
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I hate to be “that guy” and I think pit bulls and other bully breeds can be great dogs with the right handler, but pitbulls are in fact disproportionately aggressive compared to other dog breeds and their attacks are usually more serious than most other dog breeds.
The thing with pitbulls is they are bred to attack, and keep attacking, and not stop attacking. Rottweilers are up there too but not even close to as much as Pitbulls are (Pitbull or Pitbull-like attacks account for something like 69% of fatal dog attacks, Rottweilers, the 2nd “most dangerous” breed, are at 9%), and your chances of a fatal dog attack with a pitbull are much higher than other breeds. The U.S. military has even openly acknowledged that Pitbulls are a high-risk breed and are outright prohibited in many U.S. military facilities.
There are other dogs that regularly attack, bite, and kill people, such as german Shepherds, huskies, wolf hybrids, malamutes, dobermans, chow-chows, saint bernards, great danes, akitas, and others, however Pits or other Bully Breed dogs labeled as Pits hold the overwhelming majority on that. No other breed exceeds 10%, much less close to 70%.
The only real large discrepancy in data is which dogs "bite" the most, but you're not going to hear a lot of reports about people getting mauled by small breeds like chihuahuas or pomeramians since they can only do so much damage to people.
It's worth noting that no matter how these data are arranged — mixed breeds versus pure breeds, injuries versus fatalities — pit bulls consistently rank at the top of the list for attacks, and by a wide margin. (Rottweilers generally rank a distant second.)
The term "pit bull" is a general term encompassing three distinct, though related, breeds: the American pit bull terrier, the American Staffordshire terrier, and the Staffordshire bull terrier.
They were originally bred as "catch dogs" for hunting and attacking large animals like wild boar, for herding livestock and for pit fighting.
In the 15-year period of 2005 through 2019, canines killed 521 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 66% (346) of these deaths. Combined, pit bulls and rottweilers contributed to 76% of the total recorded deaths.
Unlike all other breeds, pit bull terriers were relatively more likely to attack an unknown individual (+31%), and without provocation (+48%).
This doesn't mean we should go around and "euthanize all the pitbulls" or whatever bullshit, and it doesn't mean all pitbulls or "bully breed" dogs are inherently dangerous all the time. But they are generally more likely to be dangerous than other breeds, yeah.
And considering 48% of all Pit attacks are unprovoked, and a lot of cases involve pitbulls that were “sweet family animals”, not thug-raised fighting dogs, you can’t say its “just the owners” all the time.
As it happens, most dogs and breeds won’t attack a target with the same aggression a pit bull will, where they just keep attacking even if their target is a good 1,400 lbs or more bigger than them.
Like in this video, where you can literally see ripped out chunks of the horse on the pavement, after biting this horse at least 15 separate times on the face, throat, and legs, and the only reason it stopped is 3 fully grown people literally piled on top of the dog and pinned it down.
That’s exactly what they were bred to do. Take on something way bigger than them and not stop going after it no matter how many times it takes, and hold on when they bite down. That’s an essential part of breeding an animal meant to go after something like a wild boar.
This youtuber did a great and informative video about the subject.
Most other dog breeds? They won’t do that unless they’re specifically trained in Bite and Protection work, as this video both explains and demonstrates.
Will your dog protect you naturally?
And if you want well-trained protection dog that holds on like that and doesn’t stop or let go for nothin’, you’re going to be expected to pay at least $25k and 2 years on the cheap side, and for the not-so-cheap side with a dog that’s properly trained and has the right genetics (the training is close to useless in a dog without the genetic predisposition for bite work, and its also how you end up with dangerous dogs with no bite discrimination) ... good luck affording one. Most people don’t even spend that much on a car.
Pro pitties like you accept every other trait from other dogs:
-Retriever to retrieve
-Sherpherd to shepherd
-Greyhound to run fast
Yet when it comes to pitbull breeds, you completely deny it's intended purpose.
This somewhat reminds of flat earthers: they acknowledge that every other planet in our solar system is round, yet the earth is flat...
“deny it’s intended purpose” the dog doesn’t have an intended purpose to kill and maul children and animals because they’re just bloodthirsty monsters who wake up and crave violence and can’t wait to get a taste of sweet human blood.
Of course, pit bulls were bred to fight other animals... but so were other dog breeds yet no one is trying to put a ban on them. Bulldogs were literally bred to fight bulls but no one is trying to get them banned or portray them as highly dangerous, unstable creatures that are more like wild and undomesticated animals than they are a god damn dog
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September 8

Lord, I thank you that I am filled with the knowledge of your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that I may walk in a manner worthy of you, fully pleasing you and bearing fruit in every good work. I am increasing in the knowledge of God. I am being strengthened with all power according to your glorious might. I am full of patience, endurance and joy. I give thanks to you, Father, for qualifying me to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. You have delivered me from the power of darkness and transferred me into the kingdom of your beloved Son. I am redeemed and forgiven.
Colossians 1:9-14
Psalms 7 A psalm of David, which he sang to the Lord concerning Cush of the tribe of Benjamin. I come to you for protection, O Lord my God. Save me from my persecutors—rescue me! If you don’t, they will maul me like a lion, tearing me to pieces with no one to rescue me. O Lord my God, if I have done wrong or am guilty of injustice, if I have betrayed a friend or plundered my enemy without cause, then let my enemies capture me. Let them trample me into the ground and drag my honor in the dust. Interlude Arise, O Lord, in anger! Stand up against the fury of my enemies! Wake up, my God, and bring justice! Gather the nations before you. Rule over them from on high. The Lord judges the nations. Declare me righteous, O Lord, for I am innocent, O Most High! End the evil of those who are wicked, and defend the righteous. For you look deep within the mind and heart, O righteous God. God is my shield, saving those whose hearts are true and right. God is an honest judge. He is angry with the wicked every day. If a person does not repent, God will sharpen his sword; he will bend and string his bow. He will prepare his deadly weapons and shoot his flaming arrows. The wicked conceive evil; they are pregnant with trouble and give birth to lies. They dig a deep pit to trap others, then fall into it themselves. The trouble they make for others backfires on them. The violence they plan falls on their own heads. I will thank the Lord because he is just; I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.
Mark 7:24-30 The Faith of a Gentile Woman Then Jesus left Galilee and went north to the region of Tyre. He didn’t want anyone to know which house he was staying in, but he couldn’t keep it a secret. Right away a woman who had heard about him came and fell at his feet. Her little girl was possessed by an evil spirit, and she begged him to cast out the demon from her daughter. Since she was a Gentile, born in Syrian Phoenicia, Jesus told her, “First I should feed the children—my own family, the Jews. It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs.” She replied, “That’s true, Lord, but even the dogs under the table are allowed to eat the scraps from the children’s plates.” “Good answer!” he said. “Now go home, for the demon has left your daughter.” And when she arrived home, she found her little girl lying quietly in bed, and the demon was gone.
Prayer for Others
Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven. Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For your’s is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen
Lord Jesus Christ, send us out with confidence in your word, to tell the world of your saving acts, and bring glory to your name. Amen.
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The Cliche List of Players I Like In Fantasy Football
August symbolizes a few things: going back to school, the cooling of weather, etc. But few as important as the return of fantasy football, getting back together with your league, talking shit and navigating through the maze that is the NFL season together. After getting through a couple of drafts this weekend, it is now ok for me to share a couple secrets of guys I’ve been targeting in drafts. Enjoy!
Aaron Rodgers QB GB - This is all about price. With how deep the quarterback position is, it makes little sense to draft Aaron Rodgers inside the top 4 rounds due to how little the drop off in points per game there are between the top tier of quarterbacks and others capable of cracking the top 10. However, if your league is set on waiting on quarterbacks and Aaron Rodgers is still available in the 6th round? Then I, as someone who tends to wait on my QB as long as I can, do think he becomes a value at that point of the draft and think zagging while everyone else in your league is zigging is not the worst move. Rodgers is the only QB I would recommend this strategy for as the best quarterback in fantasy who routinely averages over 21 points per game on a yearly basis.
Drew Brees QB NO - No, there’s nothing wrong with Drew Brees. If you want evidence, read this article by the Ringer’s Robert Mays that shows not only is Drew Brees just as good as he’s been his career, he may be getting better, as evidenced by posting an NFL record 72% completion percentage. With Alvin Kamara’s emergence and Mark Ingram stepping up to dominate defenses on the ground, Brees’ touchdown numbers and overall volume dropped. With Ingram’s suspension and Alvin Kamara’s efficiency due to drop due to how crazy efficient he was last year, Brees will be the beneficiary. He’s my favorite QB to take in the double digit rounds.The Sleepers: Late Round QBs - With how many good quarterbacks there are this season, there are a more multitude of good ones available that can be had and put up more than adequate seasons. Some include (in no particular order): Jimmy Garoppolo, Jared Goff, Phillip Rivers, Matt Ryan, Patrick Mahomes, Alex Smith, Marcus Mariota, Tyrod Taylor (when starting), Nick Foles (if Wentz misses time). Wait on QBs as long as you can.August symbolizes a few things: going back to school, the cooling of weather, etc. But none more important than the restart of your fantasy football league, getting back together with your league, talking shit and drafting your team to help navigate the maze that is the NFL season. After getting through a couple drafts this past weekend, I’m free to give out my secrets to the rest of the world, so here are guys I like for this upcoming season and targeting in drafts.
Running Backs
Jay Ajayi RB PHI - Sure the Eagles rode a running back by committee approach to a Super Bowl, but this year could be a bit different for Jay Ajayi. With LeGarrette Blount off to Detroit, Ajayi should usurp and take a stronghold on the carries for the Super Bowl champs. His usage gradually increased (with Blount on the team last season) after being traded midseason, has more time to grasp the playbook and has likely the best offensive line in football to run behind. Sure Corey Clement and Darren Sproles will get their touches too (mostly in the receiving game, though Clement has been rumored to be used in the red zone fairly prominently), but that may end up not mattering. Ajayi is going to get his regardless and his efficiency should be through the roof. He’s a bargain anywhere from the 4th to 6th round, pending on if he stays healthy.
Lamar Miller RB HOU - Miller has disappointed in his time as Houston’s lead back, but there are reasons for optimism. Deshaun Watson should be healthy and ready to go by the time the season kicks off, and his running prowess serves as an extra blocker of sorts, occupying extra attention from defenders due to the threat of Watson busting a big run. Miller averaged 12.73 points per game in non-PPR formats in Watson’s 6 games he started and finished and averaged 8.1 in his other 10 games. Lamar Miller dropped a few pounds and has already started to pay dividends. D’Onta Foreman still hasn’’t cleared the PUP list and may start the season there, missing at least the first 6 games coming off his Achilles tear. He’s missed just 5 games in his 6 year NFL career. Houston’s defense should be better after being banged up last year, prompting the offense to churn the clock out rather than engage in shootouts as often as they did last year. Miller is a fine RB2 with upside for more that can be had in the 5th round.
Jerick McKinnon & Matt Breida RBs SF - Yeah, give me both of them. Kyle Shanahan goes through more productive fantasy running backs the way Jerry Seinfeld goes through girlfriends. San Francisco paid McKinnon to be their version of Devonta Freeman. Matt Breida will be his version of Tevin Coleman and get his weekly 8-12 touches, but McKinnon will still get the bulk of the work. He’s worth a 3rd round price to me.
The Sleepers: Jordan Wilkins is my favorite sleeper. Marlon Mack and Robert Turbin are both hurt and the Nyheim Hines hype seems to be slowing down a little. Wilkins is already a more superb runner in between the tackles than Hines, who projects to be a Chris Thompson-esque player who makes his hay as a receiving back on the perimeter. Wilkins has a more than plausible at heeding the starting/finishing gig as Indy’s primary ball carrier on what looks to be a revived offense with Andrew Luck back. He’s well worth the late round dart throw. Others to take a look at: Aaron Jones RB GB, Chris Carson RB SEA, Kerryon Johnson RB DET, Corey Clement RB PHI, Austin Ekeler RB LAC, Kalen Ballage RB MIA, Spencer Ware RB KC, Doug Martin RB OAK
Wide Receivers
Julio Jones WR ATL - For some God foresaken reason, Julio ranked in the top 10 in seemingly every pass catching statistic outside of touchdowns, despite garnering over 15 red zone targets. He only corralled 3 touchdowns all season. He’s as immune to catching touchdowns as the Raptors are at beating LeBron in the playoffs. However, if you took his seasonal touchdown per reception average over his career, while excluding last season and 2013 when he missed time due to injury, and multiplied it by the 88 receptions he had last year, he should’ve had 7.3 touchdowns… at least. The regression is coming for Julio.
Michael Thomas WR NO - Similar to Julio, Michael Thomas ranked in the top 10 in receiving yards, targets and receptions. However, he only scored a measly 5 touchdowns. Similar to above with Brees, the Saints are expected to throw more prominently than they did last season when they mauled everybody with the ground game. He should’ve had more touchdowns last year, and it is fair to expect Michael Thomas will keep up his workload (or add onto it) and score more. Anywhere in the 2nd order is fair game for Mike Thomas to go.
Doug Baldwin WR SEA - Paul Richardson and Jimmy Graham leave a combined 177 targets behind in Seattle as they eloped to greener pastures in Washington and Wisconsin, respectively. Seattle did little to replace that production, signing the perhaps washed Brandon Marshall and blocker Ed Dickson. Doug Baldwin already had 117 targets, and should approach about 125-150 targets, even as Seattle desires to go back to becoming a run heavy offense under Brian Schottenheimer. A knee injury flared late in July, prompting Head Coach Pete Carroll to sit him out for the preseason, but be back in time for the regular season coming off a 5+ week layaway. Anywhere from the 3rd to the 4th round is a bargain for Baldwin, who has consistently been a solid WR2 and has upside for more.
The Sleepers: Corey Davis is healthy and should be the number one option in an actual 2018 offense, unlike whatever the hell Mike Mularkey ran last season. He was taken in the top 5 of the actual NFL Draft last year for a reason. Other late round fliers: Nelson Agholor WR PHI, Kenny Golladay WR DET, Marquise Goodwin WR SF, Cameron Meredith WR NO, John Ross WR CIN, Anthony Miller WR CHI, Taywan Taylor WR TEN, Mike Williams WR LAC, Chris Godwin WR TB, Keelan Cole WR JAX, John Brown WR BAL
Tight Ends
Delanie Walker TE TEN - I’m not one to take a tight end early, but if I were to take one before the double digit rounds, I’ll take Delanie Walker. He is the most proven pass-catcher in Tennessee, gets targeted in the redzone, is a prominent blocker which allows him to stay on the field all downs. He hasn’t missed more than 3 games in a season since 2006 and should improve on his meager 3 touchdowns from last season.
George Kittle TE SF - While Marquise Goodwin and Pierre Garcon are excellent pass catchers, neither project to be major players in the red zone. Kittle ranked first on the team in red zone targets and is the primary pass catching tight end in a system that feeds the position and projects to be a good overall offense with plenty of opportunities to score. For a guy who isn’t getting drafted until the 14th round, you could do worse than Kittle.
Eric Ebron TE IND - Ebron, like me and perhaps anyone who’s wasting their time reading this, has teased fans and underperformed to his talent. It is hard to believe, but he is still just 25 years old and was drafted in the top ten for a reason. He is shining again in camp with the Colts, where there is room for possibly both he and Doyle to eat with little weapons outside of T.Y. Hilton and surging rookie Deon Cain’s ACL tear. If you punt the position, there are worse fliers.
The Sleepers: Tyler Eifert and Jordan Reed are top 5 tight ends when they’re healthy. If you want to ride the roller coaster with them, they can be had for cheap. Other late round fliers: Vance McDonald TE PIT, David Njoku TE CLE, Vernon Davis TE WSH, Antonio Gates TE LAC once he finally signs there, Benjamin Watson TE NO, OJ Howard TE TB, Charles Clay TE BUF
#ESPN#Fantasy Football#Aaron Rodgers#Drew Brees#Jay Ajayi#Lamar Miller#Jerick McKinnon#Matt Breida#Julio Jones#Michael Thomas#Doug Baldwin#delanie walker#George Kittle#Eric Ebron
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Significant Rings Of The Olympics
Though aye haint no athlete, nor a cosmopolitan mwm, this bloke dislikes capricious adrenaline rush to prove without a doubt at least to whomever announced to display eye popping, mouth watering,
nose twitching a notch above chattering class, I could never be find klieg lights shone one me, cuz this baby boomer favor modesty, and allow, enable and provide unconditional acceptance and/or sir render if a verbal tete a tete sparring rapport, quintessentially predicating,
predicting, presaging petsmart outstanding native manhood lesson kooky, jousting insignificant, harmony, gaiety, favorability, earnestly draws character, basically badass and altruistic anatomical acer.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ah, I mean to narrow scope of poetic theme so pardon ma roundabout circular modus operandi shifting intent to discuss five overlapping rings
specifically, yet fern hoe part tickler rhyme nor reason those trademark circular strunk and white elements of harried styled, swiftly tailored symbols decreeing a fresh batch of Olympiads, ought to be preceded via a topnotch Gumby like rubbery sprite, who gets trotted out as a nimble
acrobat (gender impossible to determine based upon Pygmy size physique performing her/his balancing act (while avast crowd peers thru binoculars) atop an equestrian (coincidentally enough named Pokey), kooly juggling,
illustionistically hefty, generally fiery essentially discobulous, cyclical, basically sans, non verbal body language announcing human fetes defying the laws of physics, which global contest occurs every two years i.e. biennial versus biannual, which means twice a year.
The rings are five interlocking rings, colored blue, yellow, black, green and red on white field, known as the "Olympic rings". The symbol originally designed in 1912 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, co-founder of modern Olympic Games. Between subsequent meet-ups
held at metropolis when elected doth fast-track this mission (rendering impossible much needed infrastructure repairs, but vying to beautify a city based on bids, or maybe drawing straws) exerts priority, thus every laborer recruited
to emulsify, fortify, glorify... whatever sainted urban jungle testing physical mettle asper whatever sport competitors vie to pit their burnished brawn, deft flourish heaving jellied jambalaya limber muscles opportunistically quite supremely ultimately
winning hearts and minds of spectators until next candidate performs his/her slack jaw jack draw, jumbo popcorn filled bowl dropping, nonpareil, eye popping, routine, and so on...an attempt for a ticket holder
to merely stand upright gets tripped with mindscape filled to the point of saturation with supra hue man dare devilish performances.
Not one of these contenders for top prizes can be modest, yet here such narcissism expected, when the crème de la crème of a well synchronized machine of finely tuned glass shattering aria re: symphony for skeletal system, musculature, and love of fitness
presents such a supremely sumptuously striated squared specimen on the world wide webbed stage. Aside from vicariously exalting in the trials and errors of first one, then the retinue of absolute breathtaking delight, the ordinary conflicts (between
one warring internecine faction and another mortal enemy) get suspended for duration of these celebrations. A fanatic, generic, heuristic, intrinsic kinetic potential un leashed from a select body of youths, young fluid adults athwart cusp and prime of life who spent majority of their brief lives
(since most entrants seem to retain a faint residue of childhood). How ever many weeks encompasses the planet agog with exemplars
pushing thee enveloped limitations built or evolved (whatever your belief) within Homo Sapiens, a collective unified adulation, vocalization wows loudly, thence echoing like an Earthly explosive shot fired across beaming berth divine expression qua visual fancyfeast.
That infinitesimal fragment of time (when laying down of a bomb bin nub bull arms occurs) proves smarmy, snooty, smutty abuse, brutality, cruelty...heaped upon innocent creatures great lumbering sized or microscopically small magically able to mastering purposefulness,
analogous like idealistic storybook fable diversity tis viable to adopt care and concern for others. No matter this blatant claim defies everyday gruesome, horrible, intolerable jawboning,
knifing, mauling, naysaying, overtly punishing, quivering raping, sodomizing, terrorizing, undertaking vile waterboarding, yielding zero, zilch, zip lossening restraint despite the agonizingly beseeching,
cloyingly desperate, emphatically feeble, gasping helplessly, indignantly jeered, kicked, lambasted, molested, needled, paddled, quickened recipe per phlegm manic spewing, tasering, ultimately violently whipped, which contrary behavior vis a vis survival
of baseless, damndest, foremost, hated jackal lashing, narcissistically, polluting re: slaughtering until vilest wickedest ignoble yearning zero sum throw win game crowned most nasty beast that ever walking this terra firmae.
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NFL Week 3
Takes on this week's games, including my thoughts on players and game lines.
LAR (-2.5) @ SF
- Sean McVay has this offense looking miles ahead of what they looked like last year. Todd Gurley has been more involved in the passing game which has helped his poor run game efficiency, I think he will have another solid game, Chris Carson just went for almost 100yds on 20 carries. Kyle Shannahan has rejuvenated and worked wonders on this run game, and Carlos Hyde has been a man reborn. They kept it extremely close with Seattle and I see it being close against the Rams too, but I think the Rams take it.
BAL (-3.5) @ JAX
- The Ravens defense has looked like the real deal. I know they played the Bengals and Browns, 2 suspect offenses, but they looked stout. When Jaguars offense has to put the ball in the air I don’t like their chances... Blake Bortles is terrible. Javorius Allen is a safe play, he is playing a lot of snaps and getting used in both the passing and running game. If you have Leonard Fournette you are playing him, but I wouldn’t feel good about it. I expect the Ravens to take this game by stacking the box to limit Fournette and making Bortles beat them which I doubt happens.
ATL (-3.0) @ DET
- This matchup has me very interested. You have both teams coming in at 2-0, one being a preseason Super Bowl Contender, and one not being taken very seriously. The Big 3 from Atlanta all should be safe bets to produce, but I like Austin Hooper in this matchup a lot if you have to stream a TE in fantasy. Stafford looked very good on Monday against the Giants and now he faces the Falcons D who will be missing Vic Beasley (their best player). I think he has another big game and that Golden Tate will be the main beneficiary of it. I think the Lions surprise a lot of people and take this game at home.
CLE (-1.5) @ IND
- I can’t remember the last time the Browns were a road favorite but that is what the Colts roster is without Andrew Luck. The Colts have been surprisingly good vs the run this year but that might be because everyone is exposing their pass D. Crowell is more of a floor play, Kizer should bounce back from his tough matchup vs the Ravens. I wouldn't feel good playing anyone on the Colts roster except Jack Doyle, but again I’d avoid the entire offense without luck. That being said... I like the colts here. This is going to be the 3rd week without Luck, they looked a lot better last week vs Arizona, and they are at home.
DEN (-3.0) @ BUF
- Denver absolutely destroyed my Cowboys last week. That defense is as good as its ever been and look for them to expose this struggling Bills O. Siemian has been on fire, and while I don’t think it will continue for the whole year I think he can keep it up for one more week. I like CJ Anderson again this week, and I prefer Sanders to DT. I expect the BIlls to come out and try to run the ball to try and bleed the clock and keep it close, meaning Mccoy might be the only player you can play. I like Denver to take it, I don’t think the Bills score more than 13 points against this D.
HOU (+13.5) @ NE
- The line is heavily in the Pats favor and for good reason, Belichick just doesn’t lose to rookie Qb’s very often. Lamar Miller is splitting time with Foreman, Watson doesn’t look very good and will be in tough this week, Hopkins is getting peppered with targets and is the only player I’d feel decent about playing. I know the Texans have an elite D but Tom Brady is a start against anyone, Gilislee is looking good for a TD any time inside the 5 and the Pats may be running out the clock early this game. Gronk, Hogan, Amendola all look like decent options given their health status, Cooks might be the only healthy WR on the team, start him. 13.5 is a lot to cover, but I’ll take the Pats at home against the rookie QB.
MIA (-6.5) @ NYJ
- The Jets don’t look very good, as expected. Miami looked like a run-heavy team in the one game we’ve seen, Ajayi is going to have another big game, and Landry should eat in the short passing game. Kearse is perhaps the only player on the Jets to put up decent stats just because he will get targets. The Dolphins do not have an elite D so this game could be closer than people expect. They want to run A LOT, and that means clock will disappear quick, keeping the game low scoring. I think the Dolphins win, but Jets cover.
NO (+5.5) @ CAR
- The Saints defense is terrible, what else is new. Start Cam Newton, Kelvin Benjamin is always a boom or bust type WR but Cam has to throw to someone. I think this is the game we see McCaffery have a big stat line too. Brees has never been a great road Qb, but this is a warm-weather game, and I think he will be fine. Ingram is the RB I’d want out of the Saints backfield. This is the first real test for this Panthers D, and the Saints can’t afford to go 0-3, I think they come out playing fast and pull off the upset in a tight divisional game.
NYG (+6.0) @ PHI
- After seeing this Giants team the last two weeks I have been so happy as a Cowboys fan. The offense is garbage without a healthy OBJ. Eli looks washed, there is no run game, and that Oline... With all that, I didn’t think they’d be +6 in this divisional game. Carson Wentz has looked good but also has thrown a lot of risky balls. if Janoris Jenkins plays and this D is healthy I think they get 2 INT’s. The Philly Dline will eat up this Giants O if Odell isn’t his other-worldly self. I think this game will be low scoring and a lot closer than other people expect. Giants to cover.
PIT (-7.0) @ CHI
- Pit has looked good, the Bears have not. People saw them get smoked by the Bucs but forget they were a Jordan Howard dropped pass away from beating the Falcons at home. Start Antonio if you have him, but I wouldn't expect a huge stat line. Bell will have a big game, he will get his 1st Td of the year. Sometime soon we will see Trubisky because Glennon does not look like a starting NFL Qb, Jordan Howard is banged up but he already was splitting snaps with Tarik Cohen, who I think has another decent day. Both teams will want to run the ball and I think that helps the Bears keep it close. Ben has had issues on the road and I think that trend continues, with the Bears covering.
- There is no line for this game yet due to the questions around Sam Bradford. Him playing changes this whole offense, so I don’t know how to feel about this game yet. Mike Evans will draw Rhodes all game long, if you have another decent option it wouldn’t be crazy to not start him.
SEA (+2.5) @ TEN
- A lot of people are writing off the hawks, I’m not. This team always starts slow, they lost to the lowly Rams last year (9-6). I don’t expect them to be a whole lot better than they were last week, but they have kept games close and kept them competitive. The Titans most likely won’t have Demarco or rookie Corey Davis, and I am a fan of Mariota, but Earl Thomas plays like no other safety in the league. Derrick Henry would be a must-start if Murray doesn’t play, as the Hawks have been a bit suspect against the run so far. Chris Carson looks like the guy in that run game, and Doug Baldwin is Wilson’s go-to WR. The Titans O should reel back from the 37pts they scored last week against this top tier D. I like the Hawks to win.
CIN (+8.5) @ GB
- Alright so Aaron Rodgers is the best Qb in the league, and Andy Dalton... is not. That Bengals offense has looked horrid, the only player I would start is AJ Green. The Packers secondary is not good and I think the Bengals trail a lot in this game = passing attempts. The Bengals pass D is good but they also haven’t played an offense of GB’s caliber so far. Jordy Nelson looks like he will play and TyMont should have another good week. I don’t see the Bengals scoring at a pace near what the Packers are capable of scoring at, Packers cover.
KC (-3.0) @ LAC
- Kareen Hunt looks unreal and I think he keeps it up. Andy Reid has a good track record RB’s (Westbrook, Mccoy, Charles) and Hunt was a hand-picked player. I think he will be in a lot of top-5 RB rankings for the rest of the year. Tyreek Hill looks like a more polished WR than we saw last year and Kelce is a start every week. The Chargers seem to always seem to find a way to lose. Rivers will be in tough this week as Marcus Peters will take away one-half of the field and with the run game not being very efficient, the KC pass rush will be flying. Keenan Allen looks healthy and is playing well, he should get moved around a lot and avoid Peters quite a bit. Melvin Gordon looks like the same player as last year, lots of touches, not very efficient, but consistent in fantasy. If Verrett doesn't play in this matchup I like the Chiefs, even more, Gimme KC.
OAK (-3.0) @ WAS
- Washington has not looked as good as the team last year. Maybe that’s due to Sean McVay leaving but this offense gives me pause. If Jordan Reed plays I think he is the best pass catcher in that offense this week. The run game is up in the air with the Rob Kelly injury. Oakland struggled a little bit with the Jets and that could carry over on the road vs Washington. Carr is a good Qb, I’m not as enamored with him as most people, but I think he will have another solid outing. This Washington team struggled against Todd Gurley last week and now face a top end Oline and a young looking Marshawn Lynch. I think Lynch and the duo of Richard & Washington have a solid performance. I’d expect to see Norman play on Cooper but it’ll be worth monitoring who he covers. Under the radar play is Jared Cook, he should expose a weak LB core. I think this game is close, not confident but I think the Raiders take it by 4.
DAL (-3.0) @ ARZ
- The Cowboys got beat from start to finish by the Broncos. On Offense, Defense, Coaching, in every aspect of the game they looked overmatched. Zeke had his worst statistical game ever as a pro and I do not think that will happen again. That Oline will look to maul everyone and Zeke should bounce back after being scrutinized for “quitting on the team”. There is always that Angry Brady narrative, I like this week as an Angry Zeke week. Witten looks like Dak’s safety blanket on third down and in the red zone, that could be big this week because.... Dez gets Patrick Peterson. Dez has struggled against Elite CB’s and in my opinion, Patrick Peterson is the toughest corner Dez will have to go up against all year. He is big, super fast, has long arms, and plays physical. He is a physical corner that I don’t see getting bullied by Dez. Dak needs to bounce back from the poor showing last week and I think he will. Carson Palmer needs a clean pocket and if he gets it he will dissect this defense. The issue is I’m not sure he will consistently get it. Demarcus Lawrence is tied for the NFL lead in sacks right now and I see him being disruptive again. JJ Nelson could have a big game, again, against this shaky secondary. Fitz working out of the slot against rookie Jourdan Lewis will be interesting. I like Lewis but he has missed almost all of training camp and just saw his first action last week. Don’t expect too much from the run game but I prefer Chris Johnson. I think Dallas takes this 24-20 in a back and forth game, where the winner is decided late.
Side note - If you haven’t yet watched a CBS game where Tony Romo is commentating, I highly recommend you tune in this weekend. As a huge Romo fan I was hoping he’d do well as a broadcaster, but I had no idea he would be this good. He gives insight to a degree nobody else has even come close (youtube him predicting plays in TENvsOAK, or breaking down why Bill Belichick ran a certain defensive play). He has been getting a lot of love by NFL watchers on twitter and I expect it to continue.
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Always reblog the patron saint of pits and determination Darth Maul

rise of the last skywalker

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