#saint dragon vanilla cookie
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Old ancient magics, spells or skills are useful. Powerful even. But expectantly, as the time grows it become advances, same with magics that grow powerful and advanced with time.
The beasts may be powerful but oh they have so little idea how much more powerful their current soul jam holder also had become. Not only more power hungry then the beasts but still using them in the good ways as well. They just so good at hiding it :)
And here, Spoiled milk learned the strong lesson not to mess with Saint dragon vanilla. He barely survived and he considered lucky to survived his encounter with someone who's far more insane then him. Even so, after that, Spoiled milk become more insane and losing his mind. Not only because his past make him unable to sleep, but now he know to tone down his ego and step down. Waiting for a perfect chance when ever he got and try to become powerful while stay away from saint dragon vanilla.
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cuppajj · 4 months
All I've Ever Wanted - Beast Ancients AU
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varlime · 3 months
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Shit drawing, but it displays their dynamic well
Basically it's like a big sister, little brother troupe. Vanilla Dragon Cookie (or Pure Knowledge Cookie) is the big sister, and Saint Vanilla Cookie is the little brother.
why? Have no clue, but mainly because she actually can't die to him due to how her power and strength work.
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So the reason EBG! Is so tall is because she is the daughter of millennial tree and longan dragon, she is more mean, and bashful, she is the first empress to her empire called the saint lily empire, it has many different kingdoms and it has pieces of dark cacao, hollyberry and pure vanilla cookies kingdom with all of the refugees and she has the all the cookies that are in the golden cheese king as refugees, she is very kind but just like her daddy she has eyes everywhere, across every piece of earthbread has a child of white lily living there
(EBG! Lily has too many baby daddy's and momma's)
With MIS! Lily or dove lily is the daughter of nobody
(You can take your guess and think on how her friends act to her and about how her son [gingerbrave] is doing with a Succubus as a mom)
I say it's cute, because technically dragon Lily is bigger than EA! Lily too!
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Dragon Lily's wings are inspired by Dragontail butterfly.
And yes, there is such a butterfly.
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crkstuffidk · 4 months
So in my boredom I could've been building more Lore for my current au, or even atleast thinking of Redesign ideas for Fire Spirit, but did I do either of those things? Not at all, infact I made another au where a what if the beasts and ancients swapped, in this the Ancients corrupted soul jams are the opposite of the beasts original virtues. Anyways here their new names and info I guess about them.
Pure Vanilla and the Light Of Truth became Immoral Saint Vanilla or just Immoral Vanilla and Force of Ignorance. He literally just doesn't do anything to help cookies anymore or just chooses to be unaware, and usually is laughing as he watches his friends torture innocents. He's a 'great' guy though.
Dark Cacao and the Light Of Resolution became Berserker of the North or The North Berserker and Force of Prohibition/Restraint I cant decide which one sounds better. He is probably the one that tortures the innocents the most, and he relishes in it, usually killing them slow and painfully.
Hollyberry and the Light Of Passion became Toxic Yewberry and Force of Misery. She's often called insane by cookies, she does end up 'befriending' Pitaya Dragon but instead of them becoming nicer and more tolerant to cookies, together they cause misery to not only her Kingdom, but also any cookies that try to stand in her way. She has no clue what to do about her son, daughter-in-law, and grandkids though, currently she keeps them alive just to have them watch the misery she causes.
Golden Cheese and the Light Of Abundance become Dreadful cheese and the Force of Constance. Her Kingdom is set in the old times just like the others rather than having technology and that stuff, she also tends to keep everything the same, and if one of her residents die, thats the only time she'd allow change to happen but she's certainly annoyed by it. Like Pure Vanilla she doesn't do anything but dare someone question her role, they don't die but are instead thrown into a dungeon, unless of course the person questioning her is one of her very important staff members then they just get turned into a golden statue where they remain for who knows how long, usually until Dreadful Gold needs them specifically for something.
White Lily and the Light Of Freedom become Wilted Faerie and Force of Dissension. She refuses to see any of her 'friends' If she even dare call them that, and instead stays in the Faerie Kingdom where the remaining faeries that haven't died from questioning her abide every word she says, which usually means no having conversations with the other faeries unless it's needed for one of their assigned jobs, if they talk about anything else she would usually cause flowers to bloom in their mouths muting them entirely only able to be removed if they are plucked out, but the flowers don't let anyone besides her touch them, so if they are plucked out its if she wants them to and only if she wants them to. Yes they can breath and eat with the flowers, as it's only in their mouths and there's gaps within the flowers that allows them too, Wilted Faerie hates seeing bodies of cookies in her kingdom as it ruins the appeal of the Silver kingdom, so she is extremely strategic with the punishments of the faeries, if too many bloom causing restriction of airflow or being able to eat she'll pluck some out. Side note: I got a bit disturbed writing this but I think it makes sense with her in-game powers.
Yes the Corrupted ancients get sealed in the silver tree just like the beasts did, and also the ancients lived in beast-yeast just like the beasts did, the beasts or now called Divine Saviors live in Crispia. Wilted Faerie is now being kept in imprisonment by her citizens and probably can still see or atleast hear when Elder Faerie gets named the title of king now.
Now onto the beasts who are called the Divine Saviors. Side note: I came up with the other beasts Pre Corruption names today which is why I didn't use them in my last post with pre corruption beasts. But Shadowmilks I made a post of earlier, anyways let's get started on them.
Shadow Milk and the Power Of Deceit went back to being Myrtille Milk and the Virtue Of Knowledge. He lives where the Dark Cacao Kingdom is in the game, He's generally a great leader, sometimes has his nose in books to much but generally he's a great guy. On occasion he does put on shows for the youth of the Berrymilk kingdom. side note: I was almost tempted to name it the berries and cream Kingdom, or the Milky Kingdom. Anyways he's pretty great, and quite protective of his friends. meaning the crap Clotted Cream pulled on the ancients in game ain't going to go well if he pulls that crap with the Divine Saviors as they all are extremely protective of eachother. Yes he fought the two dragons and also the prowler, well he more of tamed the prowler.
Burning Spice and the Power Of Destruction went back to being Calming Spice and the Virtue Of Change, He lives where Golden Cheese used to, and like in GCs kingdom in game it has technology the other kingdoms don't have yet. He's a very relaxed ruler, his name is literally Calming Spice what would you expect. Again he's protective of his friends and would lose his cool if Clotted Cream pulled the crap he did in Cookie Odyssey. The Golden Kingdom is called The Kingdom Of Spice in this AU
Eternal Sugar and the Power Of Sloth go back to being Ethereal Sugar and the Virtue Of Happiness. Her Kingdom is where Hollyberrys is in game but now it's called The Ethereal Kingdom of Paradise(long names for the kingdoms is common in this AU) She's an amazing leader and almost everyday will visit the orphanages I'm her kingdom and sing the orphans lullabies while she flies just slightly above the ground with them in her arms, side note: the orphanages are pretty great in her kingdom and take amazing care of the orphans. The same as the others she protective of her friends and would be the one to probably throw herself at Clotted Cream just like Dark Cacao.
Mystic Flour and the Power Of Apathy went back to being Serene Flour and the Virtue Of Volition. She'd be in the same place as Hollyberry in Cookie Odyssey, meaning she holds Ethereal Sugar back from attacking Clotted cream, although she feels the same way she just doesn't want violence. Her Kingdom is where the Vanilla Kingdom is, its called The Kingdom of Flowing Flour. She is notorious for healing in her kingdom and is known to be an extremely doting queen.
Silent Salt and the Power Of Silence went back to being Noble Salt and the Virtue Of Solidarity. He lives nowhere in particular, he usually travels around a lot, but usually stays around where Blueberry Yogurt Academy is in game, it isn't named anything different because in this AU it was created after Myrtille Milk became king, and MM actually Created it with Blueberry Yogurt for the future Healers/Magic users Noble Salt also occasionally lives with MM usually only during Winter until spring comes along and he can continue exploring.
Other honorable mentions for this AU: 1st of all, since Creme Republic isn't necessarily tied to any Kingdom it and the residents of it stayed the same hence why Clotted Cream is still an annoying cookie. 2ndly, so far I haven't yet made the decision if Noble Salt becomes whatever this AUs Dark Enchantress will be called, so currently every things very sunshine and rainbows. 3rd of all, Parfaedia is a college in this au, and BYA is like an Elementary/Middle school, maybe even High School(don't ask how Cream Puff is in Parfaedia then in this au, I haven't thought about that much). And lastly(for now) Burning Spice x Shadowmilk and Eternal Sugar x Mystic Flour are generally Canon in this AU so are Golden cheese x Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla x Dark Cacao, White Lily is a grumpy women that hates literally everyone so she aint going to be in a relationship in this Au, and Silent Salt is too busy exploring to feel the loneliness of not having a partner plus hes got friends that are in relationships and hes perfectly happy with being their third wheels on occasion, but I probably won't mention the relationships much because this AU is still very much a rough draft or whatever you want to call it. Anyways I'll probably work on the other AU or Fire Spirits redesign later.
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aoife2official · 3 months
Beast Ancient AU!
This AU belongs to @cuppajj
Caciocavallo Podolico Cookie and Vanilla Orchid Cookie belongs to @aoife2official
Part 2 with the gentleman this time!
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Caciocavallo Podolico Cookie!
The adopted nephew of the new and improved Celestial Cheese Cookie and one of the living survivors who lives the prosperity of the avaricious Golden Cheese Kingdom.
Now that Caciocavallo Podolico is older, Auntie Celestial Cheese is a prideful and definitely greedy cookie who wants everything valuable that caught her eyes, he mostly fends for himself-having fun in the streets while being able to go home and live in luxury.
He's a little dense but not enough to get his identity known. For his second identity, he's known as Pule Cheese Cookie for strangers.
While Celestial Cheese is the sun that shines the brightest, Caciocavallo Podolico is the star that sparkles. ✨
Perhaps the reason she caught her eyes on her nephew because in reality, he's unaware that he's actually ⅓ dragon in his dough.
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Vanilla Orchid Cookie
The exact opposite of his father, Saint Vanilla Cookie.
A stone cold wall of a cookie with very little empathy for any cookie outside his flower garden of his very existence and a few creatures who Vanilla Orchid became accustomed to. Maybe or maybe not the followers he has to interact..or his other half siblings..rather what he calls them 'half spawns". He couldn't care what happens to them as long as they leave him alone.
He was born between Saint Vanilla Cookie, the Beast of Penance, and a faerie cookie who resides in the Silver Kingdom, Sweet Galium Cookie, out of wedlock, deeming him to be the illegitimate offspring. However, despite being a bastard mixed with the two different cookies, Vanilla Orchid is quite the intellectual with a special interesting in how the world works. He wants to know why the clouds move, why the trees are were they are, how the entire universe was created.
History's walking and talking mistake, doomed to follow a path taken once before.
Because he's a half faerie, he has semi-immortality and the knowledge of magic, he's exceptionally talented with the wand that transform into a sword.
I am aware that there are plenty of Vanilla Orchid Cookie, but please...bear with me.
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sleepyqweeb189 · 3 months
Trigger warning: Drugging, blood, drowning, body horror(both in writing and picture).
Alexa body acke so much her right . Saint Vanilla magic was really powerful, but whatever magic he was using... it's not the same as Pure Vanilla she knew from the game...
Alexa has been walking for a while, not knowing where to go. Her feet hurt, she's hungry, only eating one bite of poptart she had, she didn't have much to sense of direction and only kept going. She wanted to cry. Tears fell down her face as she cried. Alexa got tired of walking and decided to take a small nap... she hopes that this is all just a dream...
The next morning...
Alexa felt the sun on her face. She weakly got up and noticed that she was still in the forest. Alexa sighed and got back to wandering somewhere... After a while, Alexa stumbled across a pink fabric near a river. She wonders where the fabric came from, but it might help with her burn on get right wrist. Alexa tied the ribbon around her wrist in hopes it would help. Alexa got back on her journey, and she didn't notice her clothes slowly changed on its own. By the time Alexa got to a boat, she slowly got in before noticing that her clothes changed into a dress or what locals wear in the hollyberry kingdom. Then, she remembered that she might be near the Hollybarry kingdom! Maybe Hollybarry will help! Alexa remembered how to paddle a boat and strear it, but she was scared of falling in as she doesnt know how to swim. Alexa slowly paddles her way to the Kingdom and feels so happy. But when she got close and was busy trying to get out without messing or ripping the dress, she felt herself being grabbed and thrown onto the deck. She didn't have time to process what was happening before she was picked up by the shoulder and forced to stand up.
"STATE NAME AND YOUR BUSINESS IN THE HOLLYBERRY KINGDOM?!" The guard holding her yelled and demanded.
"U-um im... Blue Cherry...? A-and I'm just visiting a f-friend..?" Alexa was scared and tried to lie about her name.
The guards put her down and allowed her in. Alexa eyes widen in shock from how beautiful the kingdom looks from the game. She looked around and talked to some nice ladies and men. Alexa can feel her bisexuality showing a bit whenever she sees a beautiful lady and man. Alexa explores a bit more, but she is hungry... she was surviving on a poptart with a small bite each day. Alexa saw a really good treat through a window and couldn't help but stare at it. Alexa kept staring at the window and didn't notice someone coming behind her.
"I can buy for you if you want. Hollybarry wouldn't want to see anyone to starve." A male voice spoke.
Alexa turned around and saw Wildberry! Alexa wanted to decline, but she nodded. She was too hungry. Wildberry and Alexa ate together, well, mostly Alexa. Alexa had 3 slices of cake, more than Alexa ate in her life when it comes to cake. Alexa didn't notice Wildberry holding his gomlet like he was ready to use it. Alexa ate with glee and finished her plate.
"Thank you so much, sir. I should be going soon." Alexa got up and continued walking.
Alexa was able to find an inn for a day free. Alexa was super happy when she lay down in bed and fell asleep almost instantly. Alexa woke up in the middle of the night to loud banging. Alexa was scared and ran to open the door, thinking it was an emergency. But Alexa was pushed back and picked up by the neck.
"H-help! Someone help!" Alexa screamed in fear as she begged for help.
"Quiet. Her majesty will be here soon..." Wildberry said.
Alexa has kept struggling and was able to see Wildberry. His look changed... to her, Wildberry looks like a bad guy. I saw what looks like Hollybarry, but... different. She looked scary, and Alexa wondered if that's a real dragon skull. Hollybarry walks towards alexa and Wildberry.
"Ah~ you're the girl Saint Vanilla was talking about. You do look rather odd for a cookie. I suggest you calm with us calmly..." Dragonberry suggested calmy.
Alexa didn't want to listen. Why should she listen? Her room was barged in. Wildberry is close to choking her. But... what choice does she have? She is not very athletic or strong... she is just average. Alexa nodded at Dragonberry command.
"Oh good! What a good child you are! But just to make sure... Guard, inject her." Dragonberry command.
Alexa saw the needle and started to freak out. Alexa started beg and beg to be good, beg to not run. But they guard holding the needle didn't listen. Alexa doesn't like needles but hates needles that have a substance that she doesn't know about...
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Wildberry holds Alexa still while the other guard injects the needle in her thoat. Alexa screamed and cried in pain. Alexa tried to calm down cause she knew her freaking out wouldn't help. The needle existed her neck. Alexa slowly felt her body grow tired. The last thing she saw was Dragonberry smiling.
Alexa groaned. Alexa slowly picked herself up but immediately stumbled and fell back down. Alexa probably thinks that she just disoriented.
"Welcome dearie, nice to see you awake! Her majesty asked me for some blood samples! Now i may ask for you to come with me?" A nice cookie lady asked.
Alexa did her best to stand up and follow the nice cookie lady. Alexa had to sit down as the lady cookie took some of her blood. The lady cookie looked surprised that Alexa's blood wasn't Jam. The cookie lady walked Alexa back into her cell. Alexa was scared. She wants to go home... why can't this just be a dream-
"Being all sssssad won't help." A rough voice spoke.
Alexa looked over and saw Pitaya cookie. Alexa was surprised to see him there. Alexa looked over and tried to talk to him, but he didn't say anything else. Alexa gave up after a bit. A couple of days went by. Alexa would be taken to a room, her blood would be taken, then back into her cell. Alexa was given twice as much food as Pitaya cookie. Alexa probably thought that since Wildberry did report how much she ate. Alexa saves her food and makes sure to hide it. Late at night, Alexa does give her leftovers to Pitaya. He doesn't take it, but he takes it when Alexa is sleeping. Alexa was slowly planning an escape. She has to get to her own home. Alexa would do this late at nignt whem they took Pitaya for questioning. Alexa sucked in her gut and squeezed out of the bars. Once Alexa got out, Alexa took a second to stop feeling dizzy. Getting her head out the bars were the hardest and hurt the most. Once alexa felt better, she got up and started to look her way out. Alexa looked through some empty room to find anything useful. All that Alexa could find was some band-aid and a scalpel. Alexa was able to find the main room to see Pitaya and Dragonberry talking, well mostly Dragonberry talking and Pitaya ignoring her. Alexa stayed in the shadows. Alexa stays quiet and slowly walks towards Dragonberry. Alexa took a second before sprinting toward Dragonberry and attempted to take her Soul Jam. If Alexa noticed anything from the Beast Yeast play through of Cookie run, then she knew that the Soul Jam might stop or delay the destruction. But... Alexa only heard Dragonberry laugh. Dragonberry grabbed Alexa from her back and threw her hard against some table where they had some harsh and some unknown chemicals. Alexa screamed and cried loudly in pain. Alexa head hit harshly against the wall. It will make others wonder why Alexa hasn't fainted instantly. The broken glass that holds some of the chemicals has stabbed through one of her hands, parts of her back, some in her feet, and the biggest ones were in her both her arm. Alexa felt the effects of being thrown to the wall. Alexa attempted to get up, but it was hard.
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Alexa can feel her head bleeding and felt her tears start streaming down. Alexa could taste some of the unknown chemicals that entered her mouth but only a little bit.
"Geez... you ruined our stuff. You know that took a very long time, you little brat." Dragonberry spoke with such venom.
Alexa kept trying to get up, but she was in too much pain. Alexa can see Dragonberry get closer. Suddenly, Dragonberry was pushed to the wall. Dragonberry looks over to see steam coming out of Pitaya mouth. Alexa noticed Pitaya nodding at Alexa. Alexa didn't waste time when Dragonberry was distracted. The guards only focused on Dragonberry and Pitaya. When Dragonberry quickly got up and turned to face Alexa, she found her gone. Dragonberry looked up and saw the door opened.
"Oh... she wants to play Cat and Mouse..? That adorable... After her..." Dragonberry command.
A lot of guards ran out of the room and chacing after Alexa. Alexa hid in a small spot. She hears them run past her. Alexa sighed and waited a bit after they left. Alexa got up after the cost was clear. Alexa whines in pain as her feet are still in pain, if not more. The glass dug itself deeper into her feet. Alexa was able to get outside in the back. Not noticing someone watching her... following her bloodly steps... Alexa was able to get to a boat and climb in, but before she even grabbed the paddle, she was suddenly lifted up by the back of her outfit.
"Well, well, looks like this Cat and Mouse Chase has to come to an end-" Dragonberry didn't finish her sentence when she felt sudden pain in her head.
Alexa started pulling on Dragonberry hair.
Alexa wasn't athletic, but she did have a good grip. Dragonberry groaned in pain when she felt Alexa's tight grip on her hair. After a bit of Dragonberry trying to pull Alexa off, Alexa suddenly let go and kicked Dragonberry under the chin, hoping she would be let go. Dragonberry only laughed at Alexa. Dragonberry didn't need Alexa anymore since she had enough blood from Alexa. Alexa was thrown far and deep into the water.
Alexa tried to swim to the surface but couldn't. Alexa didn't want to die. She tried to gasp for air but the water... tasted like soda. Alexa unknowingly started to try and drink the water, not noticing she was drowning herself. The chemicals. Alexa didn't feel herself slowly sinking into the water. Until something grabbed her and made her sink deeper...
Creator of this au: @cuppajj
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karol-chan-art · 3 months
I saw some people I follow do this "What if" thing where their OCs/fankids are in @cuppajj 's Beast Ancients AU and I decided to join in the fun!
I think I'm gonna just do my fankids who are related to the ancients though because HAHA I have WAYYY too many-
Vanilla Roguefort Cookie
Status- Deceased
She and her siblings were in the Vanilla Kingdom when Saint Vanilla happened, unfortunately she couldn't run fast enough to escape from being "purified"..
Langsat Dragon Cookie
Status- Deceased
After Vanilla Roguefort's "purification", he decided to confront Saint Vanilla alone to buy some time for his remaining sibling to escape. He sadly didn't make it out alive and in the end was "purified" aswell..
Pure Passionfruit Cookie
Status- Alive
If watching their younger sister be "purified" wasn't enough, their own older brother sacrificed himself for them to escape, now they're all alone and wandering Earthbread to look for a safe place to take refuge.
Red Pear Dragon Cookie
Status- Alive
Since Red Pear is quite easily influenced, they never questioned why the Red Dragon, Pitaya, had been shackled and studied underneath the castle. They just believe whatever is happening will be over soon and does everything Dragonberry tells them to without a single question or hesitation.
Acerola Dragon Cookie
Status- Alive
Unlike his younger sibling, he's not as easily influenced, but still does everything Dragonberry tells him to. He often sneaks to the castle underground to talk to Pitaya whenever there aren't many cookies around, he firmly believes he won't be caught anytime soon.
Tarte Choco Cookie
Status- Deceased
She was peacefully asleep when the entire kingdom started freezing, she was unnaware and froze without even having time to wake up..
Zuccotto Cookie
Status- Deceased
He tried to rebel against Celestial Cheese, which in the end resulted in him being turned into a golden statue right in front of his younger sisters as an example to them..
Golden Pearl Cookie
Status- Alive
Seeing her older brother being turned into gold, she made sure to give all her devotion. She never once made a mistake or went against Celestial Cheese since then, living in fear of being turned into gold if she did.
Charcoal Cheese Cookie
Status- Alive
She visits her brother daily, never missing a single day. The day her brother was turned into a golden statue was extremely traumatizing for her, she rarely talks, eats, or sleeps.
Night Sky Petunia Cookie
Status- Alive
Very loyal to Midnight Lily, never once even questioned her leadership, though she misses her old self very much.
Moonflower Cookie
Status- Alive
She misses Midnight Lily's old self as much as her sister does, yet she faithfully stands at her side due to fearing whatever would she do if she stepped out of it. She has no clue what the Beast of Sovereignty can do..
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dragons-bones · 4 years
FFXIV Write Entry #1: The Bluebird of Ishgard
Prompt: crux | Master Post | On AO3
This fill is a combination of both the FFXIV Write prompt, and a prompt from the Book Club server as posited by @pudgy-puk: “aymeric takes his date to The Fanciest ishgardian patisserie and drops an ABSURD amount of money.“
We are starting off FFXIV Write with EXACTLY MY BRAND! This takes place post 3.1 and references the events of my FFXIV Write 2019 fill, “Finally.”
Please enjoy!
Synnove hummed quietly to herself as she walked with Aymeric through the streets of Ishgard, her right hand tucked into the crook of his elbow. His own right hand gently covered hers, and every few moments he softly rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. A silly grin tugged at her lips every time he did, a flush of pleasure rising on her cheeks.
Aymeric had arrived at Fortemps Manor shortly after lunch, dressed down in simple leathers and that fur-lined leather coat he had worn that day not-so-long ago when she and Galette had run into him shopping along the Jeweled Crozier. He had asked for the pleasure of her company on a leisurely walk through the city—“I am not yet allowed the more strenuous exercise of the sparring ring,” he had said ruefully, a twinkle in his ice blue eyes, “but I am, thankfully, allowed to stretch my legs on daily walks.”—and after being subjected to a frantic wardrobe change by Rere (“We’re in a relationship! I don’t need to impress him! And why is this skirt in my size?” “Shush, be glad I’m always prepared on your behalf, and wear this sweater with it! Oooooh and the green shawl Heron made for you, I have the perfect pin to go with it.” “Rereha!”), she had been out the door with him, hand in hand.
Their leisurely ramble had taken them through parts of the city Synnove hadn’t visited, or had only walked through or by once or twice. Neighborhoods of the minor or vassel houses; the district where the merchants and burgeoning nouveau riche dwelled. Small parks carefully tended to preserve some green within the limits of the city; statues of minor saints and folk heroes of the Dragonsong War; a street lined on either side by greenhouses, the area bristling with dragonkillers. Aymeric had a story for each place: here was where a childhood friend had lived, before his family had moved out of the city; that was the house of his mother’s least favorite cousin, whom social propriety had declared Mama still had to entertain; there was he played at knights and dragons most often; that was the saint for whom his father—“The one who raised me.”—had been named.
She had enjoyed listening to him speak, his tone shading equally with fondness or wistfulness or, in the case of his mother’s least favorite cousin, palpable disdain. They so rarely had moments of quiet, never mind such moments together, and the opportunity to learn more about his home through his eyes had been an honor. She was sorry for the outing to end.
Except, instead of taking the turn that would lead them back the Fortemps Manor, Aymeric began to lead them in the direction of the Jeweled Crozier and all its myriad shops. Synnove made a questioning sound, looking up at him.
Aymeric grinned at her and kissed her forehead. “My lady was kind enough to accompany me about Ishgard in the cold, without complaint,” he said cheerfully, “and listen to me ramble besides. The least I can do is provide her some refreshment and something hot to drink in return.”
She laughed in delight, and pushed herself to her toes to kiss his cheek. “It was my pleasure to walk with you today,” she said, “but I’ll not refuse the offer of a treat. Lead on, my knight.”
The main thoroughfares were busier than the side streets, and the pair garnered some attention as the Lord Commander and a Warrior of Light, though blessedly no one approached them. Aymeric turned them down onto the lane that housed most of the Pillars’ cafes and bakeries, and Synnove’s stomach rumbled at the enticing aromas of coffee and bread and sugar that perfumed the air here.
He took them past the places where she and her friends often supped, past even the cafes about which Emmanellain waxed poetic. The traffic thinned as they walked, the businesses becoming more exclusive, the displays of pastries and menus becoming more elaborate and frankly obscene. Synnove looked around in growing surprise, her eyebrows rising, even as Aymeric continued to smile, secretive and mischievous.
Finally, they stopped in front of a patisserie in whose window was a display of éclairs so decadent that Synnove reflexively swallowed the saliva suddenly flooding her mouth. The choux was so fluffy it looked as if it was about to float, the chocolate icing thick and so dark is seemed to gleam black in the shop’s light. Some were left plain, but others hinted at the flavor of the cream or custard within each: candied orange peels; coffee beans; halved strawberries; roasted chestnuts. She swallowed again and glanced up at the placard over the shop’s door.
A simple bluebird in flight, holding a sprig of mint, was the only hint at the patisserie’s identity.
Synnove felt the color drain from her face. “Aymeric…”
Aymeric raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles and she turned to look at him. He was smiling, the rogue, as brilliant and joyous as when they had first kissed after retaking the Vault mere weeks ago. “Let me spoil you,” he purred.
For a few heartbeats she was absolutely torn: the tiny five-year old watching her parents and aunt count every gil to make the week’s earnings feed six people, along with the frugal adult who owned her own home, at war with the same tiny five-year old who loved sweets of all sorts and the hopeless romantic who secretly wished to have someone dote on her without reservation. “Refreshments and something hot to drink” at the most exclusive, most expensive patisserie in Ishgard. Not even Rereha, with her near bottomless trust fund interest, had wandered this far down the lane…though in fairness to Rere, that more due to being perfectly content with a coffee and croissant at the first shop that caught her eye.
Synnove chewed on her bottom lip, glancing back and forth between Aymeric and the Bluebird. Finally, sugar and romance won out. “All right,” she said, only a little bit weakly.
Her knight kissed her knuckles once more, and without further ado, led her inside.
The scent of cooking sugar sent her stomach growling again and as Aymeric helped her shrug out of her heavy winter coat, she looked around with wide eyes. Éclairs, macarons, petit fours, madeleines, opera cakes, mille-feuille, bavarois of all sorts—there were more types of cakes and cookies and tarts on display then she could name. She let Aymeric lead her to her a table—the only one in the shop—and as she took her seat, she saw one of the staff quickly dart over to the door and flip the sign from ‘open’ to ‘closed.’ She whipped her head around to stare at Aymeric as he sat.
He reached for her hands and she let him take them, her knuckles going white as she squeezed. Raising her hands, he kissed the back of her right, and then her left, quietly murmuring, “It’s all right, my love,” he said with a wry grin. “Anyone who wants to enjoy the Bluebird’s delights on premise must make a reservation ahead of time to ensure the table will be free.”
Synnove narrowed her eyes and hissed, “How long have you been planning this?”
“Not that long,” he said cheerfully. “A fortnight, perhaps.”
They let go of one another as a server brought them cups of coffee in surprisingly plain white mugs, heavy and thick to keep the liquid hot for as long as possible. As the server stepped away to flit back behind the counter, Synnove stretched her leg beneath the table and hooked her ankle around Aymeric’s. He beamed and raised his coffee to take a sip, and she followed suit.
She purred at the first taste. It was a dark roast, rich and flavorful, and roasted so carefully there was no hint of bitterness. While she would always love the coffeehouses of Limsa Lominsa best, there were more than a few cafes in her seaside home that could stand to take a lesson from the Bluebird in coffee brewing. Without cream or sugar, it would be the perfect compliment to the sugary delights of the pastries.
Aymeric smiled at her over his mug, and that was when the first of the treats arrived.
Éclairs, four of them, cut in to make for easier sharing, and to show off the flavored fillings within: one vanilla, one chocolate, one coffee, and one strawberry.
Synnove’s eyes went wider. She had never seen a pastry so generously filled before; the sight was actually borderline obscene, and the part of her mind where a facsimile of Rereha lived was dying to make a crude joke. She raised her eyes to meet Aymeric’s and he actually waggled his eyebrows at her.
She burst out laughing, covering her mouth with her hands to try and stifle the sound, shoulders shaking. Aymeric joined her, his own laugh slightly softer, though it came from deep in his belly.
“You took that far better than Mama ever did,” he said as they calmed. “I hadn’t the faintest idea of just what Da meant by it until I was fourteen, but Mama slapped his arm every time and turned red as a tomato.”
Synnove smiled and warmth suffused her, as it did whenever Aymeric offhandedly spoke of Rolandoix and Gwenaëlle de Borel. It was such a joy and honor to have these pieces of his past shared with her. “Did they come here often?” she said, eyes on Aymeric as she reached for a half of the vanilla éclair.
“Four times a year,” he said, eyes going distant as he reminisced. “Our birthdays, and their wedding anniversary. It was one of the few frivolities they allowed themselves, and one of the few times of year they would spoil me rotten!” He grinned, a touch sad recalling his parents, before he shook his head and gestured to her. “And here I am on the cusp of becoming maudlin, and when I wish to be spoiling you. Eat!”
She laughed, and raising the éclair to her mouth, took a bite.
Almost immediately she moaned in rapture. Oh, but the choux was as wonderfully fluffy and cloudlike as it had appeared, practically melting on her tongue. The icing was a truly sinfully dark chocolate, bittersweet and more like a ganache than she had anticipated. And the crème, oh sweet gods, the crème. She was used to vanilla being a light flavor, delicate and easily overwhelmed, but this was so intensely concentrated it was more than a match for the chocolate icing.
She opened her eyes—when had she closed them?—and stared at Aymeric with wonder. His smile was equal parts delight and lasciviousness as he took a bite of the chocolate éclair. He chewed, swallowed, and drawled out, “Now, aren’t you glad you let me treat you?”
Synnove nodded frantically, finishing her bite with a swallow, and the popped remainder of her vanilla éclair into her mouth, another happy moan escaping her as she did. The chocolate, coffee, and strawberry éclairs were just as intensely flavored, exploding on her tongue in a riot of sensation, but the vanilla remained her favorite of the set.
From there they were served an entire tasting menu of the Bluebird’s finest treats. Palmiers were next, crispy and light and absolutely decadent when dipped into her coffee. Opera cake followed, the layers of buttercream, almond sponge cake soaked in coffee liqueur, and coffee ganache melding together that her toes curled in her boots and Aymeric had to laughingly fend off her fork with his own when she tried to steal a piece of his opera cake when hers was gone. Meringues were fourth, lighter than air, and slices of traditional fig bavarois fifth, the jelly bright and smooth. Then an assortment of flavored macarons, then mille-feuile, then buttery madeleines, and on and on and on, with heavy, rich desserts alternated with light, simpler fare.
Each pastry was exquisitely made, the quality of ingredients and care of the craftsmanship shining through. She didn’t bother to hide any of her appreciative hums or groans, and while Aymeric’s eyes flashed every time she did, the staff of the Bluebird, when she caught sight of them, wore large, delighted smiles of their own, rightfully proud to have a new customer so enjoy their hard work. Even better than the wonderful desserts, though, was the knowledge that it was Aymeric who had wanted to share something he considered special with her, and continue following the traditions of his family.
After all, she thought, pleasure suffusing her at the thought: it was exactly a moon today since the attack on the Vault, and the night they had confessed their feelings for one another.
The servers cleared away the last plates and refilled their coffee mugs, and Synnove sat back with a content sigh, cradling her mug in her hands. “Thank you for this, Aymeric,” she said, beaming at him. “I am well and truly spoiled.”
Aymeric smiled at her and hooked their other ankles together so that they were a tangle of limbs beneath the table. “I’m glad,” he said, voice soft. And then his smile turned cheeky. “But we’re not done quite yet…”
His gaze was somewhere behind her shoulder, and she turned to follow it. Approaching them with a tray in hand was a plump, stately elezen matron wearing the traditional garb of a culinarian, a bluebird embroidered over her heart. Synnove guessed she must be Madame Iriene, the owner and chief pastry chef of the Bluebird.
Madame Iriene stopped next to their little table and gave a half bow. “By request,” she said, a sly look in her eye, “a special finale in honor of the Lord Commander’s lady.”
Synnove blinked in shock, glancing askance at Aymeric. His smile widened.
Madame Iriene set the tray between them, revealing its contents: two plates, each with three pastries arranged in a neat row.
The first was small pudding pie, topped with a dollop of fresh whipped cream. The second was a soft bun, golden brown and delicious, smelling ever so faintly of apples. The third was a trio of three caramels, unusually darkened, and sprinkled with red flakes on top.
Synnove stared at them, mouth going dry. These—these were—
“A chocolate pudding pie, its crust made of crushed chocolate cookies,” Madame Iriene began to list, “topped with mint-infused whipped cream. A soft bread bun, stuffed with apples spiced with cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and star anise. Caramels, infused with coffee and dragon pepper.”
Tears pricked at her eyes and Synnove set her coffee down so she could once more bring her hands to her mouth.
Galette. Tyr. Ivar.
Representations of exactly how the aether around each of their summoning foci tasted to her senses.
Aymeric made a concerned noise and Synnove looked up at him as her tears overflowed. “Synnove, are you all right?” he said gently, reaching for her. “My apologies, I overstepped—”
She lunged forward (Madame Iriene darted out of the way with the dexterity of a woman thirty years younger), grabbing Aymeric’s face between her hands, and kissed him for all she was worth. He grunted in surprise, frozen for a moment, before he brought his hands up to cup her shoulders and return her kiss with a relieved laugh.
“Thank you,” she said in between kisses and the occasional teary hiccup. “Thank you, thank you, I can’t believe you remembered, I babbled about it moons ago, I didn’t even know anyone was paying attention—”
“How could I not pay attention?” her knight said, drawing back to look at her with pure adoration. “It’s you, and something important to you.”
Synnove sniffled, overwhelmed. She had already made a claim on him, and he on her, a moon ago, but this? As far as she was concerned, he was hers, and she was his.
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kardowolf · 7 years
hi! 🐹 ☀️ 🌟 🎵🌺 🐬 🍰 ?
Thank you! 🐹 : what are some of your favorite Pokémon and why?
So, I never really played Pokémon as a child. Luckily, I watched some of the movies and have enough friends that love Pokémon that I have some basic knowledge. I really love Lucario (I saw his movie and adored it), Xerneas (I adore deer), Rapidash (its a badass fire unicorn), and my favorite eveelution is Espeon (for purely aesthetic reasons)
☀️: what do you like the most about your best friend? I have multiple best friends!@guineapigposse is literally the best person to meme around with. They have a great sense of humor. Do you need a video of the dog version of Linkin Park’s Numb? @guineapigposse will find it. @mintytimes can be depended on for anything. Are you in the middle of an earthquake and you need to find an escape route? Chances are that @mintytimes will come kick down the door and find you. She’s awesome.@katsintriis is very patient. She’s got the patience of a saint. Are you losing your cool in the middle of an argument? Look to @katsintriis to draw some patience from. @labonvoightski is amazing. We’ve been friends since third grade. There is literally nothing bad I can say about her. She makes every moment fun even if its just standing in the grocery store at 11:30 p.m.@geekyanglophile has great music sense. Are you looking for good music? Hunt her down.@marrakech-fathom well, he never checks his tumblr so he’ll never see this so I can say whatever I want (haha). In all seriousness, he’s the real definition of a sweetheart. He is very selfless and gives good hugs. @transientfashion my internet best friend!! Has the neatest handwriting ever!! Is super fun to talk to. Need to have a great conversation? Find her. 
🌟 : what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least three things)1) my sense of humor 2) my loyalty 3) my dedication 🎵 : name five songs you love at the momentHills to Climb by Tim MyersBreak the Ice by Britney SpearsWildcard (feat. Feli Ferraro) by Mickey Valen On Our Own (feat. Natalie Major) by Showtek & BrooksLet’s Face It I’m Cute by 11 Acorn Lane🌺 : which languages do you know? Which do you want to learn? I really only know English well. I can speak a small small amount of German and Spanish. I would really like to know German, Portuguese, and Japanese 🐬 : if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?I would want to transform into a dog or a dragon. Dog because everyone loves dogs and they’re really good at helping to keep people calm. Dragon because dragons are really badass. 🍰 : what are some of your favorite sugary foods? Apple pie, custard filled donuts, jelly donuts, homemade vanilla cake, carrot cake, and chocolate chip cookies 
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Saint Dragon Vanilla Cookie
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So in my au, haven't got a name yet Where there are Carnaval style on Shadow milk cookie, his name is Spoiled milk cookie. And a Chimera Golden cheese cookie who I had idea where she still living in both digital world and kingdom. But mostly stay in both side that she manage grow enough power to have the digital power in the real world but not enough to revive her citizens yet. But still, even in the digital world, she still using the power to control everybody in the world. Not many cookie is free to do so much, all devoted and do what ever Goldie said. But still, all devoted and do what ever she said, unknowingly she been controlling their mind. And if someone rebel against her, she can just full on mind control them so they couldn't do what they wish but still aware that their body is being controlled. credit that this idea begin with @roseofdarkness0
Meanwhile Pure vanilla here have been a saint to everybody that he become part swan and mostly dragon. Growing his power and become stronger each days to help cookies and show them the way of being good and kind. Even with all of the goods, he also very amazing at keeping secrets and manipulate everybody to think he some sort of saint or angel. But when ever someone rebel or know the way what he does is manipulation to have cookies devoted to him to gain more power. Well... The rumors said that that cookie is never to be seen again. (Some cookies said that the cookies who are very devoted and do what ever saint vanilla said kidnap and killed them but for now NO ONE know that the one behind this is Saint dragon vanilla himself who took them, tortured to his sadistic joy and many more worst.) Spoiled milk learned that day. He thought he can destroy and took the soul jam from Saint dragon vanilla but oh boy he was wrong... It true that the past, ancient magics and everything is powerful and strong. But as the time goes, so does the magic grow stronger and everything evolves. Spoiled milk cookie not only a little lost in the new world with many thing changed but also learn that he is so very weaker when fighting alone against Saint dragon vanilla. Learning that Saint dragon vanilla using the power of healing to manipulate cookie bodies to make them weak or in pain. But also learn that Saint dragon vanilla is fucking sadistic. Spoiled milk considered himself lucky to survived and escape... Other beast left him alone and don't talk to him (probably thinking that he's too weak to defeat the healer.) But Spoiled milk know, so now he set back and find a chance to destroy or get his revenge. Showing the beast that he still strong. But the more day pass, His sanity is down rock bottom. He losing his mind, he become more crazed then before. And with the lack of sleep that he had for a long time. The rest of the beasts know that Spoiled milk is weaker and not fitting to be part of their group anymore. He is the one who made medicines for other cookies to be cured too so they don't need to rely on his power all the time as well.
the credit for giving me inspirations goes to @veresrhap and @ask-churro-cookie seriously, without their suggestion, he would look more boring then this
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cuppajj · 4 months
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What if the ancients also corrupted and became beasts, and it's one great cycle of futility?
some info on the beast ancients:
Saint Vanilla Cookie, after deducing that the horrors and cruelty of the world are caused by the darkness in cookies' dough, formed a messiah complex. Believing he is the only one who can save Earthbread, his extreme compassion for the happiness of cookies has made him an angel of death; though he believes he is purifying those he touches, he believes their cries of pain from their disintegrating bodies are simply a part of the healing process. He has brought his willing followers to salvation, and seeks to do the same for all of cookiekind.
Midnight Lily Cookie became the new monarch of the Faerie Kingdom after the death of Elder Faerie Cookie. When she turned to the path of darkness, her fiercely loyal subjects followed with her, sworn to protect her at all costs. While she holds no ambitions for conquest, she has vowed to assert the influence of her kingdom across Beast Yeast on her own terms, and to put an end to the false enchantress who shares her being.
Dragonberry Cookie reinstated herself as the monarch of her kingdom, keeping the royal family under her thumb and influence. Her passion for strength and combat drew her attention to the Red Dragon, whose power became her obsession. Now, she seeks to know how to become a great beast herself, and will do anything to achieve it; even keeping the Red Dragon shackled underneath the castle as it’s studied day in and day out.
Frigid Cacao Cookie learned to tame the Licorice Sea that had threatened his kingdom for eons; however, something of either his design or an external force led to the entire Cacao Kingdom freezing over. Cacao sat idly by as this happened, unmoving from his great throne with his head slouched and eyes unreadable. He has resigned himself to extreme solitude, but the swirling black ocean does his bidding in his favor.
Celestial Cheese Cookie never moved on from the truth. In fact, she chose to build everything from the ground up. How wonderful! She can bring her grand design to Earthbread itself, sharing her brilliance with all of cookiekind. Of course forging a new empire will come with resistance, but she is well prepared. For the devout, they will be graciously rewarded; the dissenters will become decorations. With the ability to summon as many arms as she needs, she can turn anything to gold with a simple touch.
With five new Beasts loose on earthbread, the fight to save it has become much, much harder…
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cosplaysoulbackups · 8 years
10 Count
19 Days
101 Dalmations
[ A ]
A Certain Magical Index
A Foreign Love Affair
Ace of Diamond
Adventure Time
Air Gear
Akame ga Kill!
Alice in the Country of Hearts
Alice in Wonderland
Alice: Madness Returns
Amagi Brilliant Park
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Angel Beats!
Angel Sanctuary
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Anthropomorphic Animal
Ao no Exorcist
Assassination Classroom
Atelier Escha & Logy: The Alchemists of Dusk
Atelier Meruru
Attack on Titan
Axis Powers Hetalia
[ B ]
Bad Medicine: Infectious Teachers
Batman Returns
Battle Royale
Beatmania IIDX
Beauty and the Beast
Beyond the Boundary
Big Hero 6
Biohazard 4
Bioshock Infinite
Black Bullet
Black Butler
Black Butler: Book of Circus
Black Butler 2
Black Lagoon
Black Rock Shooter Animation
Blade and Soul
Blast of Tempest
Blue Exorcist
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Bokura no Hikari Club
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Brothers Conflict
Brynhildr in the Darkness
[ C ]
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Cardcaptor Sakura
Case Closed
Chaos Online
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chinese Paladin 3
Choco Strawberry Vanilla
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Clannad: After Story
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion
Code Geass Side Story: Akito of the Ruined Land
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Cookie Run
Corpse Bride
Crest of the Royal Family
[ D ]
D Gray Man
Danball Senki W
Danganronpa: Another Episode
Danganronpa Kirigiri
Danganronpa: Kibo no Gakuen to Zetsubo no Kokosei
Darker Than Black
Darkstalkers 3
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors
Date A Live
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Death Note
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Diabolik Lovers
Divine Gate
Dota 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Drakengard 3
DRAMAtical Murder
Dream of Doll
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
Dynamic Chord
Dynasty Warriors 8
[ E ]
Elfen Lied
Ensemble Stars
Eureka Seven
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
[ F ]
Fafner of the Blue Sky
Fairy Tail
Fancy Lala
Fantasy Frontier Online
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Fate Extra
Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
Fate Stay Night
Fate Zero
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children
Final fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 15
Final Fantasy Type-0
Finder Series
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fisheye Placebo
Five Star Stories
Freddy vs. Jason
Fruits Basket
Fushigi Yugi
[ G ]
Game of Thrones
Gatchaman Crowds
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun
Girl Friend Beta
Girls Und Panzer
Go! Princess Precure
Guardians of the Galaxy
Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Guilty Crown
Guilty Gear
Guilty Gear XX
Gurren Lagann
[ H ]
Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan
Hanafuriro Series
Hanasaku Iroha
Happy Tree Friends
Harry Potter Series
Hell Girl
Helter Skelter
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
Hero Warz
Highschool of the Dead
Highschool DxD
Hiiro no Kakera
Hoozuki no Reitetsu
How To Train Your Dragon
Howls Moving Castle
Hunter x Hunter
Hybrid Child
Hyperdimension Neptunia
[ I ]
IB Games
Inu x Boku SS
IS: Infinite Stratos
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
[ J ]
Jian Xia Qing Yuan Online 3
Jianxiaqingyuan Online 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Battle Tendency
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Jojolion
JoJos Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean
Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance
Junketsu no Maria
[ K ]
K Project
Kagerou Project
Kamigami no Asobi
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Kantai Collection
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Ken ga Kimi
Kigurumi Guardians
Kikis Delivery Service
Kimi ni Todoke
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kiniro Mosaic
Kiniro no Corda: Blue Sky
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo
Kirby's Dream Land
Kotonoha Project
Kuroko no Basuke
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus
Kuroshitsuji 2
Kyou Kara Maou!
Kyoukai no Kanata
Kyousou Giga
[ L ]
Laichi Hikari Club
League of Legends
Leon: The Professional
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII
Line Characters
Litchee Hikari Club
Little Busters!
Living Dead Dolls
Lollipop Chainsaw
Love Live! School Idol Project
Love Stage!!
Lucky Dog 1
Ludwig Revolution
Lychee Hikari Club
[ M ]
Macross Frontier
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Magic Kaito
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magical Angel Creamy Mami
Mahou Sensei Negima!
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Makai Ouji Devils and Realist
Malice Mizer
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
Marvel vs Capcom
Mass Effect
Meet the Robinsons
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Million Arthur
Mirai Nikki
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
Monster Hunter
Mujihi na Otoko
[ N ]
Nagi no Asukara
Nanatsu no Taizai
Naruto: Shippuden
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neuro: Supernatural Detective
Nico Nico Douga Jikkyou Play
Nintama Rantarou
Nitro Super Sonic
No Game No Life
Nurarihyon no Mago
[ O ]
Odin Sphere
One Piece
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Original Character
Oumagatoki Kaidan Romance
Ouran High School Host Club
Owari no Seraph
Pandora Hearts
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
[ P ]
Pandora Hearts
Paradise Kiss
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 4: Dancing All Night
Petshop of Horrors
Pokemon Black Version 2 and White Version 2
Pop n Music
Pop n music 16 PARTY
Princess Monoke
Prison School
Prunus Girl
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Puri Para
Puzzle & Dragons
[ Q ]
Quan Zhi Gao Shou
Queen's Blade
[ R ]
Rage of Bahamut
Ranma 1/2
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Reiko the Zombie Shop
Reines des Fleurs
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Resident Evil: Revelations
RG Veda
Riddle Story of Devil
Rise of the Guardians
Rozen Maiden
Rozen Maiden: Traumend
RPG Maid Lounge Bar
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
[ S ]
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata
Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend
Saga Frontier
Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon S
Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Saiyuki Reload
Sakizo's Illustration Artwork
Samurai Warriors 4
Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal
Scissors Crown
Scrapped Princess
Searching for the Full Moon
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Sengoku Basara
Sengoku Basara 4
Seraph of the End
Shaman King
Sheep Farm in Sugarland
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Shingeki no Bahamut
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shining Blade
Shining Hearts
Shining Tears X Wind
Show By Rock!!
Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Sky Doll
Sleeping Beauty
Sora no Otoshimono
Soul Eater
Sound Horizon
Space Battleship Yamato 2199
Spice and Wolf
Spirited Away
Starry Sky
Suicide Squad
Super Danganronpa 2
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Galaxy
Sweet Pool
Sword Art Online
Syokugeki no Soma
Syunya Yamashita’s Figurine
[ T ]
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Zestiria
Tamako Market
Tamen de Gushi
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Ten Count
Their Story
The Cain Saga
The Chiral Night
The Devil Is A Part-Timer!
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Exiled Realm of Arborea
The Familiar of Zero
The Flower We Saw That Day
The Idolm@ster
The Idolm@ster 2
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
The Irregular at Magic High School
The King of Fighters
The Last Story
The Legend of Zelda
The Little Mermaid
The Maid Fuku to Kikanjuu
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Pale Horse
The Prince of Tennis
The Riddle Story of Devil
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants
The Touhou Project
The Tyrant Falls in Love
Tiger & Bunny
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
To Love Ru
To Love Ru Darkness
Togainu no Chi
Tokimeki Restaurant: Koi no Recipe de Tsukamaete
Tokyo Ghoul
Touhou Fuujinroku Mountain of Faith
Touhou Niji Sousaku Doujin
Touken Ranbu
Tower of Saviors
Trinity Blood
Tsubasa Chronicle
Tunshicangqiong On Line
[ U ]
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Unbreakable Machine-Doll
Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger
Urusei Yatsura
Uta no Prince-sama
[ V ]
Vampire Knight
[ W ]
Wand of Fortune
Warm Bodies
When They Cry 3
White Album 2
Wolf Girl and Black Prince
World of Warcraft
[ X ]
[ Y ]
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Yosuga no Sora
Your Lie in April
Yowamushi Pedal
Yumeiro Patissiere
Yuri Kuma Arashi
Yuri!! On Ice
[ Z ]
Zankyou no Terror
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storyofadventures · 8 years
10 Count
19 Days
101 Dalmations
[ A ]
A Certain Magical Index
A Foreign Love Affair
Ace of Diamond
Adventure Time
Air Gear
Akame ga Kill!
Alice in the Country of Hearts
Alice in Wonderland
Alice: Madness Returns
Amagi Brilliant Park
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Angel Beats!
Angel Sanctuary
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Anthropomorphic Animal
Ao no Exorcist
Assassination Classroom
Atelier Escha & Logy: The Alchemists of Dusk
Atelier Meruru
Attack on Titan
Axis Powers Hetalia
[ B ]
Bad Medicine: Infectious Teachers
Batman Returns
Battle Royale
Beatmania IIDX
Beauty and the Beast
Beyond the Boundary
Big Hero 6
Biohazard 4
Bioshock Infinite
Black Bullet
Black Butler
Black Butler: Book of Circus
Black Butler 2
Black Lagoon
Black Rock Shooter Animation
Blade and Soul
Blast of Tempest
Blue Exorcist
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Bokura no Hikari Club
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Brothers Conflict
Brynhildr in the Darkness
[ C ]
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Cardcaptor Sakura
Case Closed
Chaos Online
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chinese Paladin 3
Choco Strawberry Vanilla
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Clannad: After Story
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion
Code Geass Side Story: Akito of the Ruined Land
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Cookie Run
Corpse Bride
Crest of the Royal Family
[ D ]
D Gray Man
Danball Senki W
Danganronpa: Another Episode
Danganronpa Kirigiri
Danganronpa: Kibo no Gakuen to Zetsubo no Kokosei
Darker Than Black
Darkstalkers 3
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors
Date A Live
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Death Note
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Diabolik Lovers
Divine Gate
Dota 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Drakengard 3
DRAMAtical Murder
Dream of Doll
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
Dynamic Chord
Dynasty Warriors 8
[ E ]
Elfen Lied
Ensemble Stars
Eureka Seven
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
[ F ]
Fafner of the Blue Sky
Fairy Tail
Fancy Lala
Fantasy Frontier Online
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Fate Extra
Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
Fate Stay Night
Fate Zero
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children
Final fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 15
Final Fantasy Type-0
Finder Series
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Five Star Stories
Freddy vs. Jason
Fruits Basket
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[ G ]
Game of Thrones
Gatchaman Crowds
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun
Girl Friend Beta
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Go! Princess Precure
Guardians of the Galaxy
Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Guilty Crown
Guilty Gear
Guilty Gear XX
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[ H ]
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Hanafuriro Series
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Harry Potter Series
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Highschool DxD
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How To Train Your Dragon
Howls Moving Castle
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Hybrid Child
Hyperdimension Neptunia
[ I ]
IB Games
Inu x Boku SS
IS: Infinite Stratos
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
[ J ]
Jian Xia Qing Yuan Online 3
Jianxiaqingyuan Online 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Battle Tendency
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Jojolion
JoJos Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean
Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance
Junketsu no Maria
[ K ]
K Project
Kagerou Project
Kamigami no Asobi
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Kantai Collection
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Ken ga Kimi
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Kikis Delivery Service
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Kingdom Hearts 2
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Kiniro no Corda: Blue Sky
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo
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Kotonoha Project
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Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus
Kuroshitsuji 2
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[ L ]
Laichi Hikari Club
League of Legends
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Line Characters
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Little Busters!
Living Dead Dolls
Lollipop Chainsaw
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Love Stage!!
Lucky Dog 1
Ludwig Revolution
Lychee Hikari Club
[ M ]
Macross Frontier
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Magic Kaito
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magical Angel Creamy Mami
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[ N ]
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[ O ]
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Original Character
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Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
[ P ]
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Paradise Kiss
Persona 3
Persona 4
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Puri Para
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[ Q ]
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Queen's Blade
[ R ]
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Ranma 1/2
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Rozen Maiden: Traumend
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[ S ]
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Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend
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Sailor Moon S
Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars
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[ T ]
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Tales of Xillia
Tales of Zestiria
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Ten Count
Their Story
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The Chiral Night
The Devil Is A Part-Timer!
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Exiled Realm of Arborea
The Familiar of Zero
The Flower We Saw That Day
The Idolm@ster
The Idolm@ster 2
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
The Irregular at Magic High School
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The Riddle Story of Devil
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants
The Touhou Project
The Tyrant Falls in Love
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To Love Ru
To Love Ru Darkness
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[ U ]
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Unbreakable Machine-Doll
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Uta no Prince-sama
[ V ]
Vampire Knight
[ W ]
Wand of Fortune
Warm Bodies
When They Cry 3
White Album 2
Wolf Girl and Black Prince
World of Warcraft
[ X ]
[ Y ]
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Yosuga no Sora
Your Lie in April
Yowamushi Pedal
Yumeiro Patissiere
Yuri Kuma Arashi
Yuri!! On Ice
[ Z ]
Zankyou no Terror
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I read one of your posts and I'm curious.
Was Royal Margarine part of the ones Lily cared for?
And was Clotted Cream also a descendant of Lily's kingdom?
Well here are the answers.
First, yep, the tribe Royal Margarine belongs to was born in the Saint Kingdom, that's why they don't hunt dragons and are more flexible with dragons, because Saint Lily Dragon Cookie taught their ancestors how to do it and they unknowingly follow her example to this day.
And for the second one.
Clotted Cream was born in the Saint Kingdom and was blessed by the queen as a gift, Clotted Cream was still a baby to remember that he was in that kingdom and thinks that he was born in the Vanilla Kingdom.
Light Cream wished so much that his son had grown up in the Saint Kingdom, under the queen's guidance, he could have been so happy.
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maryisdank · 8 years
ask thing
@peridot2016 tagged me and pretty much everyone else in the entire world so im going to do the thing
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
coke or pepsi: pepsi disney or dreamworks: dreamworks coffee or tea: don’t disrespect the tea books or movies: well considering im not some idiot nerd who can “”“"read”“”“” or “”“”“”“”“spell”“”“”“”“”“ im guna say movies windows or mac: windows because i don’t hate myself dc or marvel: neither x-box or playstation: xbox dragon age or mass effect: im going to assume you mean that dragon pokémon ripoff game that always pops up as an ad everywhere night owl or early riser: its 1am cards or chess: Cards chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate vans or converse: i only have converse and they’re muddy and have holes in them Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: yes fluff or angst: an impure mix of the two beach or forest: fuck the mosquitos dude give me that sand in my asscheeks dogs or cats: Cats clear skies or rain: Rain (gotta love spring) cooking or eating out: eating out spicy food or mild food: SPICY halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: my immediate family celebrates halloween and christmas though my grandparents on my moms side celebrate hannukah and also ride motorcycles a lot would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: gotta love the heat if you could have a superpower, what would it be: the ability to cure any sickness for anyone animation or live action: animated 
paragon or renegade: yes 
baths or showers: Showers 
team cap or team ironman: ironman 
fantasy or sci-fi: both 
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they:
" " -me 
harry potter or percy jackson: yes 
when you feel accomplished: when i finish a goddamn art project 
star wars or star trek: stars 
paperback books or hardback books: hardcover always seems more authentic to me 
horror or rom-com: horror 
tv shows or movies: tv shows 
favorite animal: jellyfish 
favorite genre of music: alt rock 
least favorite book: every book 
favourite season: spring 
sparkly or shiny: Shiny 
favorite character in a tv series: well right now samurai jack 
do you have/want any tattoos and if you do, what are they: im letting @itsvore do my first tattoo so its p much whatever they want lmao 
youtube or netflix: youtube 
If you could go to school for completely free what would you study?: i don't want to go to college 
what’s your aesthetic?: old beat up cars cool bomber jackets and yellow sunglasses gotta love that shit 
top five albums: broken bells, after the disco, saint motels vayuer, red hot chili peppers' getaway, raconteurs' councilors of the lonely favorite item of clothing: sick shades 
What is your favorite quality about yourself: my curly short fro hair gotta love it 
Favorite flavor of ice cream? cookie dough (heavy on the dough) My question: what's your favorite cartoon? for me right now its samurai jack im super hyped 
i tag literally anyone who wants to have a go
0 notes