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saffronwholesaler · 1 year
Buy 100% Pure Premium Saffron Powder Online @Yaqoot.silkroad
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kashmirisaffron · 7 months
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Saffron Risotto Recipe: A Luxurious Italian Dish
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luckyroll3 · 5 days
Chef's Kiss: Part 1
Masterlist and Summary
Story inspired by this TikTok.
The Job
Your phone buzzes, a jarring vibration against the calm of your sunlit office. You glance at the caller ID—Marcus Williams. One of your richest, but most demanding clients. You straighten in your chair, already tensing at his potential request.
"Good morning, Marcus," you answer with a practiced calm.
"Morning," he replies curtly. "I need you to organize a dinner event. It's crucial. Sixty high-profile guests. Can I count on you?"
His voice is all clipped edges and impatience. You open your notebook app on your ipad, scribbling details as he rattles them off—a date less than a month out, a list of VIPs, his expectations clear and, as usual, excessive.
"Is that all? I thought you’d want me to host your next event on the moon this time,” you say cheekily, hoping to soften him a bit.
“Ha! Maybe for the next one,” he says with a chuckle. “Your sense of humor is only one of the reasons I rehire you. But it’s mostly your ability to pull off miracles. Can you take care of this one for me?”
“Absolutely. I'm on it," you assure him. He hangs up without a goodbye; the typical Marcus efficiency that you have learned to accept. “Bye to you too,” you say to the dead line.
You exhale, then hit the speed dial for Natalie. She answers on the second ring, her voice bright and expectant.
"Nat, we've got a big one," you say, leaning back into the comforting embrace of your leather chair.
"Spill it," she urges, eagerness threading through her words.
"Marcus just tasked us with a high-stakes dinner event." You feel the weight of responsibility settle on your shoulders.
"Oof, when's the event?" Natalie's question is a soft tap on the drum of your anxiety.
"In about a month," you reply, eyeing the calendar. The days look too few, the timeframe mocking you.
"Yikes. But hey, we've got this," she says, confidence buoying her tone.
"Right." You smile despite yourself. "You know how Marcus is. We'll need to be meticulous. No room for error."
"Story of our lives," she chuckles. "I'll start prepping a timeline. We can tackle it first thing tomorrow."
"Thanks, Nat," you say, grateful for her unfailing support. "You're a lifesaver."
"Anytime," she replies, and you can almost hear her grin.
"Okay, let's circle back in an hour and set our game plan," you suggest.
"Will do, boss lady," Natalie sings out before hanging up.
You drop your phone on the desk and stare at the notes on the tablet. You take a deep breath, readying your nerves to turn chaos into a masterpiece once again.
You fire off an email to Daniella at Saffron & Thyme, fingers flying over the keys. Your mind thinks back to her restaurant's capabilities, the way they've never let you down. The cursor blinks back at you as you hit send.
"Done," you murmur, leaning back. "Dani should be getting back to us soon."
"Great! Their wild mushroom risotto is to die for," Natalie chimes in from across the desk, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Think it'll make the cut for the menu?"
"Let's hope." you grin, imagining the savory flavors, the impeccable plating.
The ping of your inbox pulls you back. A swift reply from Dani; she's always on the ball. You schedule a call with her for later in the day.
"Phone meeting's set," you announce, catching Natalie's gaze.
"Sweet," she replies, popping a bubblegum bubble. "We're on track."
Hours slip by, a blur of preparation and checklists, until the appointed time arrives. You press the speaker button, and Natalie leans in, pen poised.
"Hey, Dani," you greet as her voice fills the room, all business and warmth.
"Good to hear from you two," Daniella responds, her tone laced with a smile. "Let's talk about this dinner event of yours."
Natalie and you exchange a glance – it's go-time. You dive into the details, outlining Marcus' vision, the high-profile guest list, the atmosphere he’s aiming for.
"Got it," Dani interrupts, brisk yet excited. "I'm thinking something seasonal, maybe add a twist of elegance to each dish?"
"Exactly," you affirm, relief flooding through you. Dani gets it, like always.
"Count us in," she declares. "I'll clear the date. Chef Jax will be thrilled to brainstorm some ideas with you."
"Perfect," you say, and your pulse steadies. One major task checked off the list.
"Can't wait to work with you again, ladies," Dani adds, and you can almost see her managerial nod through the phone.
"Likewise," Natalie pipes up. "This one's going to be epic."
"Definitely." you echo, and after a few more confirmations and well-wishes, you end the call.
You flip open your laptop. Natalie perches on the edge of the glass desk, her fingers drumming a staccato rhythm.
"Timeline," you say, your voice slicing through the silence. "We need precision."
"Got it." She leans in, her curls bouncing with each nod. "Let's break it down, hour by hour."
You dive into the heart of logistics, crafting a timeline that reads like a symphony score—every note, every beat mapped out to the second. Your fingers dance over the keyboard as we assign tasks and set deadlines, our words weaving together until a coherent plan emerges from the chaos.
"Florist," you mutter, scanning the list. "Linens, A/V setup..."
"Who do you want for florals? The usual?" Natalie asks, chewing on her pen.
"Rosa's Garden. They've never let us down."
"True. Their orchids are art." Her eyes glint with approval.
You pick up the phone, dialing the familiar number. Rosa answers with her husky, laughter-lined voice, and you pitch our vision—a cascade of white blooms, elegance in every petal.
"Darling, for you, anything," Rosa purrs after a brief haggle over price. "I'll make sure it’s all there, fresh and fragrant."
Relief washes over you. "This is shaping up."
"Like we'd let it do anything else." Natalie grins.
You both sit back, your gazes meeting in quiet triumph. The foundation is laid, the groundwork solid. It's a waiting game now, the calm before the storm of execution.
You move on, the guest list sprawling before you like a challenge. Names, titles, companies – they blur together, a sea of significance.
"Adams needs to be near the bar," you say, remembering his penchant for networking with a drink in hand.
"Far from Johnson though." Natalie taps her lip. "Their last merger talk didn't go well."
"Right." you circle their names, drawing a line between them. It feels like defusing a bomb, a delicate operation where one wrong move could spell disaster.
"Helena will want a view of the stage." you envisage Helena's keen eyes, missing nothing.” Natalie nods, scribbling away. "And check dietary restrictions again," you remind her. "Last thing we need is an allergic reaction."
"Already on it." She grins, confidence a bright spark in her gaze.
"Good." Your shoulders ease a fraction. The details matter. They always do.
"Think he'll be happy?" she asks, a lilt of mischief in her voice.
"Marcus? He doesn't do happy," you smirk. "But satisfied? Maybe."
"Then we're golden." Natalie winks.
You see an email come through from Dani. She’s arranged a date and time for you and Chef Jax to meet and you add it to the calendar.
"We’re the best damn event planners in the city. We’re always golden." Your confidence surges as you send the confirmation reply. You shut down the computers, the screens' glow fading into darkness. “Let’s call it a night.” 
The Meeting
The crisp air of the early evening bites at your skin as you approach Saffron & Thyme, the five-star restaurant nestled in the heart of the city. Leaves rustle underfoot, a whispering prelude to the bustle inside. You're here to discuss Marcus’ event.
A sudden rush of wind signals an intrusion into your thoughts. A man on a bike, all athletic build and tousled hair under a baseball cap, clips your shoulder as he whizzes by. "Sorry, mate!" he calls out, his voice tinged with an Australian accent that curls around the words like smoke. He swings back around and heads towards you.
“You okay?” His warm brown eyes meet yours, before performing a silent appraisal of your body. “I underestimated the distance between us. But you’re good, yeah?”
“I’m good,” you respond. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Okay!” He grins broadly, two dimples appearing. It’s one of the most gorgeous smiles you’ve ever seen. “Sorry again.” He winks, then starts pedaling and disappears down the alley. Your heart skips a beat, but you brush it off. Time is ticking.
Inside, the familiar scent of herbs and freshly baked bread welcomes you. It's comforting. You smooth down your blouse and ask the hostess for Dani and Chef Jax.
Dani emerges a few seconds later, her face both apologetic and reassuring. “Hey!” She greets you with a quick kiss on both cheeks. “So good to see you.”
“Nice to see you again Dani. Thanks so much for taking on this event with such short notice.”
“Of course. So I have some bad news. Chef Jax left a week ago to become the private chef for a big celebrity.” Her tone suggests this is more gossip than disaster. She sees concern cross your face and quickly adds, "But don't worry, we've got someone even better."
That's when he steps into view. You blink quickly as Dani ushers forward the new chef. It’s the biker from the sidewalk. His entrance is nothing short of magnetic; the kitchen's heat seems to have followed him out, adding a shimmer to his tanned skin. Chris' smile, complete with its playful dimples, radiates confidence. He strides towards you, the embodiment of every culinary fantasy you didn't know you had. You wonder if you’re developing a chef kink. You feel warmth flooding your cheeks.
"Chris has taken over the kitchen," Dani says, proudly introducing the man whose hands, strong and skilled, once deftly navigated a bike handle, now destined to craft your event's menu.
Chris steps forwards, a grin tugging at his full pink lips. "Sorry again for bumping into you. Nice to properly meet you," he says, his grin spreading wider and his rich brown eyes crinkling at the corners. “Seems I’ve made quite the first impression, huh?”
You swallow, forcing a smile. “It was quite the entrance. Would have been more impressive if you were doing some tricks,” you quip, aiming for light-heartedness. “But water under the bridge.”
Chris chuckles as he extends a hand, his large palm enveloping yours in a firm handshake. His skin is warm, the touch sending an unexpected jolt of electricity sparking up your arm. You stare at your joined hands, acutely aware of his lingering gaze.
“Christopher Bahng, but everyone calls me Chris.” You introduce yourself. “An absolute pleasure.” Chris lifts your hand, brushing his lips over your knuckles.
A shiver dances down your spine at the sensation. You're drawn to him, undeniably so. But this is work. You nod, your mind stamping down the attraction, forcing professionalism to the forefront. You clear your throat, slipping free of his grasp, but the tingling remains. “Shall we discuss the event?” you ask, looking between Chris and Dani.
Chris chuckles again, the sound warm and throaty. "Straight to business. I like that."
The three of you sit at an empty table near the back, Dani taking her place at the head while you and Chris flank her sides, sitting across from each other. Every inch of air between the two of you is charged with unspoken tension.
"So, let's talk about the dinner," you start, opening your folder. Your voice is steady, all business now. "We're looking for something that makes a statement."
"Ah, I love a good challenge." Chris leans in, his forearms on the table, and you're acutely aware of the muscles beneath his rolled-up sleeves. The scent of spice and citrus wafts off him towards you, clean and intoxicating. "Tell me more. What do you have in mind?" His gaze on you is intense.
You glance away, heart pounding. Get a grip, you chastise yourself. You smooth a stray curl behind your ear, summoning your most confident tone.
"An upscale six-course tasting menu to impress our guests." You outline the specifics, including the ambiance you're aiming for. Chris nods along, his eyes never leaving yours, as if every word you say is vital. It's flattering and a little unnerving. You find yourself leaning in too, drawn into his orbit.
"Ambitious. I like it. Sounds like we've got some exciting work ahead of us," he says once you finish, his dimpled smile returning full force. You can't help but return it, despite the warning bells in your mind.
You clear your throat again. “Will the kitchen be able to handle this? Given the sudden changes in staff?”
“My team can handle anything.” Chris smiles, sending a thrill through you. "I'll make it an evening you won’t forget."
You swallow hard, tearing your gaze from his. This chemistry is dangerous. Off limits. You straighten, smoothing your expression into cool professionalism.
"Wonderful. Shall we finalize the details then?" You flip open your ipad, poising the stylus over the screen.
Chris leans back in his chair, regarding you through half-lidded eyes, studying your face. You raise a brow.
After a long moment, Chris chuckles again, content with whatever it is he’s discovered. "Details it is." He folds his hands on the table, giving you his full attention. "What do you need from me?"
You go back and forth discussing the details. Dani chimes in as necessary, but the conversation is mainly between you and Chris. Dani excuses herself to deal with something in the back.
"Imagine this," he starts, "a deconstructed bouillabaisse, each element a surprise on the palate."
You nod, intrigued. The idea is bold, inventive. It's exactly what Marcus loves.
"Seafood sourced locally?" you ask, thinking of freshness, sustainability—the buzzwords that please your clients.
"Of course." Chris' smile is confident. "Nothing but the best."
You move on to presentation, discussing plating styles. Rustic elegance versus modern chic. He sketches shapes on a napkin—curves, lines, a swoop here for sauce, a stack there for texture. You watch him work. The way his brow furrows in concentration, the occasional bite of his lip.
"Guests eat with their eyes first," he says, locking eyes with you. His enthusiasm is infectious.
"Absolutely," you agree, feeling the pull of his passion. You turn back to your notes. “Marcus also has a love for theatrics, so keep that in mind too.”
Chris nods, and makes a few additional suggestions.
You glance up from your notes, meeting Chris's gaze. His eyes are warm, crinkling at the corners as he smiles. Your heart stutters at the sight.
"I think we have everything covered." You pretend to scan your notes and hope your voice sounds normal. "Unless there's anything else you want to discuss?"
“Dietary restrictions?”
“I’ll have my assistant Nat send you notes on that once we finalize the guest list by the end of the week.”
“Just be prepared. The requests from these rich folks tend to border on ridiculous. We’ll need to figure out how to incorporate them without sacrificing the menu's integrity. It might be a bit much given our timeline. Given the potential complications, does the end of the week still work?”
“I’ll make it work,” he says confidently.
"Great. Thank you." You breathe easier. Your eyes connect with his and neither of you look away.
"All set?" Dani asks, seemingly appearing out of nowhere and breaking the spell.
"Yup! All set," you confirm, finally looking away and standing as you slip the tablet into your bag. You feel lighter, energized by the collaboration, by Chris' fervor. The event looms large, but so does the excitement. And maybe something more. “Thanks for meeting with me today.”
Your gaze drifts again to Chris, as he rises as well. You watch the way his hair curls just slightly under the edge of his baseball cap, how his eyes glint with life and laughter. Your heart thuds harder. You're not supposed to notice these things. He rounds the table to stand next to you.
“The pleasure was all mine.” His voice is low and husky, catching you mid-stare. A knowing smile plays on his lips—the dimples teasing you. "Got your phone?" he asks.
"Uh, yeah." You fumble in your bag, your cheeks warm. You trade phones, fingers brushing, lingering. Numbers are exchanged, a necessity cloaked in possibility.
"Call me if anything changes," he says, handing back your device. His eyes hold yours, a silent conversation you're both too aware of. Time stretches until you come to your senses.
"Will do," you manage, voice steady despite the fluttering in your chest. "Thank you, Chef," you say, turning to leave.
Chris grins. “Until next time.”
Out on the sidewalk, the city buzzes around you. You tuck into the stream of people, lost in thought. The quickening pulse at the base of your neck is hard to ignore. Chris. His talent, his charisma, his looks —dangerously magnetic.
You're drawn to him, undeniably so. But this is about work. You’re wondering how you will resist him. The questions loop in your mind, chasing each other like shadows as you navigate back to the office.
Still, his smile lingers. The plump lips. The twinkle in his eye. The fucking dimples. There's no denying the chemistry between you, a dangerous attraction that threatens to derail the event if you're not careful. Still, you can't ignore the thrill his heated looks ignite within you or how his passion for cooking sparks your own enthusiasm.
You take a deep breath.
Back at your computer, you find several emails from Marcus, each terser than the last, demanding updates. You don’t have time for fucking romance. With a sigh, you settle in to respond, pushing all thoughts of Chris from your mind.
The Recipe Tasting
The brass handle is cold under your touch as you push open the door to the restaurant, a sanctuary of calm in the early hours of Saturday morning. Chris’ message said to just come on in when you arrived. A thrill dances up your spine, mingling with the anticipation that's been simmering since you set this meeting with him. The moment you step inside, the rich tapestry of scents wraps around you—garlic, fresh herbs, a hint of citrus.
"Good morning," Chris greets. There’s a hint of fatigue in his eyes, but his dimpled smile radiates warmth against the cool backdrop of the quiet dining room. His chef's whites hug his athletic frame, a stark contrast to the dark, tousled curls peeking out from beneath the gray beanie he's donned today. You follow behind him, and can’t help it when your eyes drop to take in how well the pants highlight his perfectly round ass. You glance around the pristine kitchen, noticing the organized chaos of ingredients and tools laid out for the tasting.
“How long have you been here?” you ask.
"Since four this morning," he says over his shoulder, with a shrug. The motion accentuating the breadth of shoulders beneath the crisp white shirt. “There’s a lot to prepare, but I wanted everything to be perfect for you.” His tone is laced with pride.
"It’s just a tasting. No need for perfection. Yet," you respond, admiring the dedication.
"Wouldn't have it any other way," he replies.
In the kitchen, stainless steel surfaces gleam under the fluorescent lights. A pan sizzles on one of the stoves, punctuating the symphony of aromas. Chris removes the pan from the heat before leading you to a prep table, ingredients arrayed like paint on an artist's palette. He pulls out the stool for you. As you sit, you feel his thumb graze lightly across your side. You’re unsure whether it was intentional or accidental. You don’t react outwardly, but inside, you start to feel fluttering in your belly.
"Let me show you what I've got planned," he says, gesturing towards the display with his broad, strong and veiny hand.
"Surprise me," you challenge, your voice steadier than your racing heart.
One by one, he lifts lids from pots, unveiling the dishes. Each carries a story, a piece of his soul: braised short ribs that hint at his Korean heritage, vibrant vegetables speaking to his Australian upbringing. He talks, hands painting the air with his passion, eyes alight with creativity.
"Each dish is a chapter," he explains. "A narrative in flavor."
You nod, captivated not just by the food but by him—by the fervor in his voice, the spark in his gaze. Today, Chris isn't just a chef; he's a storyteller, and you hang on every word.
Chris approaches with the first dish, his stride confident. The steam curls upward as he sets it down before you, the aroma a prelude to the flavors awaiting discovery.
"Try this," he urges, the dimples in his cheek deepening with his encouraging smile.
The fork feels cool against your fingertips. You spear a tender morsel, and it succumbs to the gentle pressure. Brought to your lips, the flavor blooms across your tongue—earthy, rich, with a whisper of spice that tickles your palate.
"Wow," escapes from you. It's more than taste; it's emotion, memory, a dance of textures and aromas that resonate with something primal within you.
Chris leans on the stainless steel table, eyes locked on yours, searching for more than approval. "What does it remind you of?" His voice is low, inviting.
"A bonfire during sunset on a secluded beach. That moment when the sky's ablaze and you're caught between day and night," you say, the image so clear you can almost hear the waves lapping at the shore.
"Perfect," he breathes out, satisfaction lighting up his face. "That balance is exactly what I was aiming for."
"Chris, this is... incredible." Your words are honest, stripped of pretense by the genuineness of the experience.
"Good, because there's more to come." He stands straight, the professional veil slipping back into place, but the lingering look he gives you is all warmth and shared secrets.
"Bring it on," you reply, the challenge in your tone softened by a playful smile, eager for the next act in this delicious play.
You watch as he plates the next dish and walks back to you. He slides the plate in front of you, the vibrant colors of the dish popping against the stark white. Your nostrils flare slightly, taking in the aromatic fusion wafting from the arrangement.
"Try this," he encourages. "A little adventure on a plate. Octopus carpaccio with chorizo crumble and saffron aioli."
You lift your fork to your lips. The first bite is a revelation as the medley of bold, yet harmonious flavors explodes on your tongue. A soft moan escapes you before you catch yourself.
Chris smirks at the sound, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction at you’re reaction. “Glad you like it.” He slides a glass towards you. You take a sip, surprised to find that it is white wine, but it’s perfect as it accentuates the flavors. “The saffron provides an interesting contrast to the the brininess of the octopus.” He picks the glass up and brings it to his own lips.
"It's amazing." You gesture at the dish with your fork. "The blend of textures and flavors is incredible." You place another forkful into your mouth, closing your lips around the silverware before pulling it out slowly to get as much as the flavor off as possible. You notice his eyes focused on your lips. "Your skill... it's exceptional." You speak between bites, each word sincere.
"Cooking is an art form. The ability to blend flavors and culinary traditions from different cultures is fascinating to me." He leans forward, his gaze snapping back up to your eyes. "But the real joy is in sharing the experience with someone who appreciates it."
"I love cooking too, but it’s more of a hobby for me. There's so much joy in exploring new tastes, new techniques."
"Exactly! For me, it began with my grandmother's recipes. She brought Korea to our Australian kitchen." His hands animate his words, the story bringing a dance to his fingers as they mimic chopping and stirring.
"Family recipes are treasures." You pause, the memory of your dad's jerk chicken seasoning your words with nostalgia. "My dad's Caribbean roots spice up our meals. It's like every dinner tells a part of our story."
"Food is our connection to heritage, to family." Chris nods, a grin spreading across his face, softened by the dimples that carve into his cheeks. "It's amazing how it brings people together, isn't it?"
"Absolutely." You smile, lost momentarily in the shared understanding, the common ground blooming like the herbs in a well-tended garden. With each shared anecdote, the connection deepens, roots twisting around a budding possibility.
You reach for the next plate, not sure what it is, but eager to taste anyway. Chris reaches for the plate at the same time, his intention to guide you through the flavors of his latest creation. Your fingers graze his, light as whispers, as you simultaneously grab the plate and a shock of warmth surges up your arm. You freeze, caught in the unexpected intimacy of skin against skin.
His gaze locks with yours. It's a silent conversation, a question posed in the depths of his brown eyes that beg for an answer. Your heart beats a staccato rhythm, betraying the calm façade you struggle to maintain. The air crackles with the energy shared in that fleeting touch, the undercurrents of attraction swirling like steam from the hot dishes scattered across the counter.
The moment stretches, awareness growing between you both. You want nothing more than to close the distance between your bodies, to discover the taste of the full, sensual mouth that has been tempting you all morning. His gaze dips to your mouth then returns to your eyes, and you wonder if he's imagining the same thing. You wonder if he'll act on the desire simmering in the air. But after a long moment, he straightens and clears his throat, looking away.
"Sorry," he murmurs, but there's no real apology in his voice, only a low timbre that resonates somewhere deep within you. His smile is a half-formed thing, laden with meanings you're not sure you should decipher.
“It’s fine," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper. "What is this?" you ask, referring to the plate still held by both of you. You release it, allowing him to set it down in front of you. You sit back in the stool, trying to calm yourself.
“Taste it.” He picks up your fork and scoops up the perfect bite before guiding it to your mouth. You open wide, your eyes locked on his as the fork enters your mouth.
Rich flavors explode on your tongue—spicy chili, fresh lime, and tangy fish sauce with coconut milk, redolent of Chris's Korean-Australian heritage.
"My halmeoni—my grandmother—taught me this recipe." His eyes soften with affection. "It's one of my favorites. A fusion of Korean and Australian flavors."
"It's incredible." He fills up another forkful and offers it to you. You close your eyes as you accept it, savoring another bite. "The blend of spices is perfect."
"I'm glad you appreciate it." His smile is warm and genuine. He uses the same fork to take his own bite. You bring the glass of wine to your lips for another sip and watch as he chews, then swallows slowly. When his tongue darts out to lick his lips you feel your vagina clench. His eyes haven’t left you either.
The air seems to vibrate between the two of you. His eyes drop to your lips again, you start to lean forward, closing the gap between you as if drawn by an invisible force. Chris mirrors you, his breath beginning to mingle with yours as you both move closer to each other. In this charged space, time seems suspended, waiting for one of you to shatter the delicate balance with a single, reckless act.
As you start to close your eyes, the kitchen door bangs open, shattering the moment. You and Chris spring apart as Dani strides in, her confident steps resonating on the tiled floor. She pauses, taking in the scene with a knowing tilt of her head. "Morning, you two," she says, a hint of amusement coloring her words. "How’s the tasting going."
You sit back in the stool, the bubble of tension popping in the wake of her arrival. Chris clears his throat, a flush creeping up his neck and the tips of ears turning bright red as he busies himself with adjusting the placement of the dishes. "Good, good," he says, the casualness of his tone not quite reaching his eyes. “We’re almost done here.”
“Cool.” Dani raises an eyebrow but doesn't comment further. She moves past the two of you to the office in the back of the kitchen, her motion sweeping away the remnants of the moment you and Chris almost shared.
You swallow hard, your pulse racing as Dani delves into her pre-opening routine.
You catch Chris' eye once more. He smiles warmly and begins to explain the last few dishes he’s prepared, sharing them out on small plates. He lets you feed yourself this time. The two of you easily slip back into your roles as you discuss how the dishes fit together and what makes the most sense for the event. You both busy yourselves with taking notes as you work together to finalize the menu. Although tension still lingers in the air, thick and heady as the aromas wafting through the kitchen, neither of you acknowledge it.
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foundtherightwords · 2 years
The Road Forgotten - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Arthur Havisham (Dickensian) x OFC
A/N: I made Arthur bisexual and paired him with a female character in this. I know some writers have gotten flack for pairing Arthur with a female character (or reader), so if it's not your cup of tea, please walk away.
This is mostly based on the events of "Dickensian", but I've also incorporated some elements and characters from "Great Expectations". Most notably, Satis House is in Kent (as in the book) instead of in London. I kept the setting "vaguely Victorian", the same as the show though (if I go with the book, it would have to be the early 1800s, since this takes place about 10 years before the start of "Great Expectations", which is in 1812. I've just finished one Regency series and didn't feel like staying there.)
Summary: A few years after his plan to swindle his sister ended in tragedy, Arthur Havisham is a shadow of a man, living in guilt and fear. When Elsie Bradford, a young woman also wronged by Compeyson, enlists Arthur's help to hunt down his former partner-in-crime, Arthur must face his demons and other strange, new feelings, to redeem himself.
Warnings: slow burn, angst (this is standard for me now), revenge, guilt, psychological trauma, mention of prostitution, mention of suicide, some violence, a bit of smut
Chapter word count: 3.2k
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Saffron Hill was a wretched place to be even in the best of times, but on that miserable night in March, it was a place none but the most desperate would brave. It had been a late, cold spring, and that night was as cold as the middle of winter. Rain fell steadily on the muddy, narrow street, the kind of rain that soaked through waterproofs and chilled a person to the bones, while a merciless wind howled through the alleys filled with refuse. Even the children, who could often be seen crawling in and out of the dark shops at all hours, were rendered invisible. Only the occasional whimpers from behind the termite-infested doors were proof that they hadn't been spirited away by some evil fairy. The sole business that showed some light and life was the Three Cripples. The noises coming from its gas-lit interior were more boisterous than usual, as the inhabitants of Saffron Hill flocked there for some warmth, either in fire, drinks, or company.
However, not everybody was seeking shelter. Opposite the Three Cripples, a figure stood with arms crossed and head bent, heedless of the rain and the wind. From afar, the figure looked to be that of a young man or a boy, broad-shouldered and flat-chested, clad in the usual clothes of a common laborer - trousers and jacket of rough brown corduroy, a black handkerchief wrapped around the collar of an off-white linen shirt in place of a cravat, and a slouch-brimmed hat, which covered the head and most of the face. Only the small, slender hands, sheathed in leather gloves, constantly twitching and plucking at some unseen thread on the jacket sleeves, struck a discordant note.
This person stood leaning against the wall in a pool of shadow between the blinking streetlamps, almost blending in with the murky brickworks, unmoving save for the hands, but the whole body seemed on alert. From under the brim of the hat, a pair of light green eyes looked out, fixed on the bright square of the public house's entrance. Those eyes noticed that a man was also loitering near the door of the Three Cripples, as if waiting for someone. He was a stout, hulking shape, and unlike the figure at the wall, made no effort to conceal his presence. A shaggy, dirty white dog whined at his feet, obviously wanting to go inside where it was warm and agreeable. The whine was answered by a kick from its master, and the dog tugged its tail between its legs, shaking.
Another figure appeared at the mouth of the street, a taller man wearing a frock coat and a top hat. He was dragging his feet and his walking stick on the cobbles, a desolate hunch about his shoulders.
At the sight of this figure, the man outside the Three Cripples sprang into action. He crossed the street with just a stride of his bulky legs, seized the other man's arm, and dragged him into a covered way between two houses. "I hope you're coming to settle your debt, Mr. Havisham," the stout man said.
"Sikes!" the victim yelped. "You frightened me."
The stout man, Sikes, held his hand out, palm up. "Your debt. Sir." This last word was uttered almost as an afterthought.
The other man reluctantly drew a pouch out of his coat and dropped some meager coins in it. Sikes narrowed his eyes. "Is that it?"
"That's... that's all I have."
"Mr. Fagin would not be pleased."
"I will have the rest soon, but..."
"Soon's not good enough. Perhaps I should give you a bit of shaking, just to be sure you're not hiding anything in that fancy coat, eh?" Sikes said, pulling a cudgel out of his velveteen jacket. Havisham cowered on the ground. He could have run, but he seemed frozen in fear. Before Sikes could bring the cudgel down, however, his eyes suddenly went wide, and the hand holding the cudgel was frozen in place.
"Let him go," a quiet voice said out of the darkness.
Havisham blinked up in surprise. Sikes moved stiffly forward, just enough for the flickering light of the lamps to flash on a blade, held in a leather-gloved hand, pressed to his throat. "Who're ye?" he asked.
"Someone that can move faster than you," the voice answered.
"You're bluffing," Sikes said, but he sounded uncertain.
"Try it, and you'll bleed out before you can catch me."
Sikes' lips curled in anger. His small eyes scowled at the victim on the ground. The blade pressed down a little harder, and a drop of blood squeezed out. Sikes spat and dropped the cudgel. At that moment, the blade also left his throat.
"You'll see me again," Sikes growled to both of them, then picked up the cudgel and vanished into the night, the dog following closely on his heels.
Havisham sat still in the puddle of black slush he had collapsed into, seemingly too stunned to move. His savior bent down and extended a hand. "Arthur Havisham?"
Havisham could only nod.
"You're a hard man to find, Mr. Havisham," the other person said. The melodious voice seemed to lift Havisham out of his daze.
"Who are you?" he asked, taking the helping hand and struggling to his feet.
The other person stepped forward and took off the hat, revealing two wings of black hair framing a face that even the uncertain light of the streetlamps showed to be striking, and definitely female. "Elsie Bradford," the young woman said. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Chapter 1
Elsie led Havisham into the Three Cripples, though he kept looking behind his back as if afraid that Sikes would return. She picked a table in a corner, away from the fire and the piano, where most of the patrons converged. None of them gave the pair a glance, even though one of them was a woman dressed in man's clothing. The Three Cripples had seen odder characters than that. Only a furtive-looking man, sitting by the window, turned to stare at them briefly, before burying his head in his pint again.
Elsie called for the barmaid and ordered two ales. "Or do you prefer brandy?" she asked Havisham. "I'm buying."
"Brandy, please," he said in a small voice, and Elsie nodded to the barmaid.
While waiting for their drinks, she took a closer look at the man she'd just rescued, the man she'd watched the Three Cripples for a whole week to meet. He was younger than she thought, probably just a little more than five-and-twenty, around her own age, though his face was sadly ravaged, whether by excessive vices or personal misery or both, she did not know. He must have been handsome once, and there were still traces of his former good looks in his high, white forehead, his finely shaped nose, full lips, and long lashes that veiled over his large brown eyes. But the forehead was now plastered with limp, sweaty dark blond curls, the nose was red from cold or drinks, the lips were slack and surrounded by stubble, and the eyes were puffy, red-rimmed, and kept darting around the room like those of a cornered animal. She also took in his frayed velvet coat, splattered with dirty water from his fall, and faded silk hat. All spoke of a man not so much down on his luck as scraping the bottom of the barrel of his luck and still coming up empty.
The drinks arrived. Havisham gulped his down like a man dying of thirst. Elsie indicated for the barmaid to leave the bottle and took a sip of her ale. The brandy seemed to revive Havisham a little. He sat up straighter and eyed Elsie curiously.
"You said I was a hard man to find," he began. "May I ask why you were trying to find me?"
"I need your help," Elsie said.
Havisham slumped down again. "I'm of help to no one," he said. "Not even myself."
Elsie raised an eyebrow at that. "Most people would ask 'help with what' first."
"I know my limits," Havisham muttered into his drink.
"How much do you owe Fagin?" Elsie asked, changing tactics.
"What business is it of yours?"
"Perhaps we could help each other."
"I doubt that," Havisham said bleakly.
Elsie sighed, frustrated. They were going to be here all night at this rate.
"All right, Mr. Havisham," she said, putting her pint down. "I'm here because I know you used to be friends with a man called Meriwether Compeyson. And I need your help to find him."
The changes that came over Havisham were shocking. If he had looked like a cornered animal before, now he was like an animal looking down the barrel of the hunter's gun. His face was deathly white, his hand around the glass of brandy trembled so much that Elsie was afraid he would drop it, and he wasn't looking at her, but at a spot over her shoulder, at something that wasn't there. She waited. The piano jingled a tune, and some woman led the whole room in song. With a herculean effort, Havisham took another drink and pulled himself together.
"He's no friend of mine," he said, his voice shaking. "I haven't seen him in five years, and I do not wish to ever see him again."
"I know that," Elsie said. "But you must know something about where he can be found, where he used to frequent."
"Why do you want to find him?"
"To kill him."
Havisham stared at her. She returned his look evenly. Then he started laughing, a horrible, mirthless laugh that sent chills up her spine. "Oh, Miss Bradford, you are quite the comedienne," finally he said.
"He took something from me," Elsie said, stone-faced. "I consider it a fair compensation."
Havisham shook his head. "Nobody gets anything back once Compeyson decides to take it."
Elsie studied him. She had only heard that Compeyson had swindled Havisham out of his inheritance, but what had the villain done that rendered this young man a shadow like this? But look at yourself, she thought bitterly. You may not be a drunken mess like this poor sod, but who from your old life would've recognized you now? And poor Marianne... Compeyson had a talent for damaging people even without touching them.
"I don't intend to take it back," she said. "It cannot be. But perhaps I could stop him from claiming more victims."
"It's a noble pursuit, I'm sure," Havisham said. "But for your own well-being, Miss Bradford, I suggest you forget the whole thing. Compeyson is not a man to be reckoned with. I am living proof of that." A bitter smile, filled with self-hatred, briefly crossed his face. He downed the rest of his drink, stood up, and put on his hat. "Thank you for your hospitality," he said and walked away. At the door, however, he seemed to have second thoughts, turned back, and pocketed the bottle of brandy. "And thank you for saving me from Sikes," he added and left, for good this time.
Elsie bit back a curse. Money wasted, and she was no closer to her mark. Then his parting words struck her, and an idea formed. If Havisham couldn't be bought by brandy, she would have another way to ensure he was in her debt.
It wasn't difficult to send a message to Havisham's creditor - every child in Saffron Hill seemed to be in his employment. The old Jew showed up at the Three Cripples promptly enough, though with understandable skepticism. It was only when Elsie pushed the money across the table that his shriveled face relaxed, like a crumpled handkerchief being smoothed out. "Well, my dear, far be it from me to tell a young lady what to do with her own money," he said in his oily voice, as the bills disappeared into the depths of his overcoat. "It appears young Havisham was fortunate in his acquaintances." Elsie asked if Fagin himself had had any dealings with Compeyson at all, but in this he had nothing for her - he, like most people, only knew of Compeyson's general involvement with Havisham. Of course. Compeyson was a gentleman. He wouldn't deal with common criminals like Fagin.
Fagin did give Elsie the address of Havisham's lodgings in St. Giles. Early the next morning, wearing her plainest, most practical wool dress and with her face hidden behind a poke bonnet, she set out for it, the promissory note in her reticule and the blade concealed in her sleeve as usual. She took the long way, avoiding the familiar streets of Covent Garden, though at this time of the day, her old friends were most likely still abed and there would be none to recognize her. Still, she tightened her hand around the blade as she neared the Rookery. Its sharpness felt reassuring in her palm.
Havisham's lodgings were on the second storey of one of the many tall, narrow houses that crowded a side street. This wasn't the heart of the Rookery, so it was slightly quieter, but the level of squalor was no less appalling. Silent, ill-humored men slumped in doorways, filthy children sat amongst the rubbish and mangy dogs, too listless to even play. A woman with a swollen, stony face emptied a chamber pot out of a window, and it was by pure luck that Elsie didn't get splashed by it. She thought of the faded finery of Havisham's clothes and wondered how far down the social ladder he had fallen. Reaching the house, she climbed the slimy staircase and knocked on the door. There was some muttering from inside, but nobody came. She knocked again. "Mr. Havisham?" she called. "It's Elsie Bradford." More mutterings, louder now, but the door remained closed. Impatient, Elsie tried the knob. It turned in her hand. She pushed the door open and walked in.
Havisham was sprawled on a chair in the corner of the sparsely furnished room, but he wasn't alone. Another man was kneeling on the floor in front of him, his head buried in Havisham's lap. At her entrance, both men looked up, and Havisham's face went purple with shock. "Get out!" he screamed, grabbing a glass by his side and throwing it at her. Elsie withdrew just as the glass shattered on the wall next to her head.
She waited on the landing while the voices inside rose in contention. Then the door burst open and the other man ran out, fixing his clothes as he went. She never got a good look at his face, only a glimpse of a rich velvet coat and a silk cravat flapping around his neck. Just another young scion of some rich family who fancied himself a libertine, searching for debauchery amongst the great unwashed before slinking home to his doting parents and fawning servants. She had seen too many of them.
Havisham stumbled out the door but appeared to have no intention of following the other man—he was still in his shirtsleeves and barefoot. He stopped upon seeing Elsie. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he hissed, his face twisted in anger.
"I came here to tell you that I've settled your debt with Mr. Fagin," Elsie said.
Havisham seemed to have trouble understanding her.
"I paid it off," Elsie repeated. "But that means you owe me twenty pounds now. So perhaps you should be nicer to me, starting by inviting me into your room."
Havisham, still looking nonplussed, stepped inside, and Elsie followed him.
The room was as miserable a place as she'd ever seen. It was steeped in a gray murkiness. Situated at the back of the house, the only light it received came through a window overlooking a courtyard surrounded by yet more houses, which did very little in ways of illumination. That might be a blessing, though, for more light would only accentuate the dreariness of the room. Other than a chair, a table, a bed, and a cupboard, there was no other furniture in the room, no rug to cover the scratched wooden floor, no picture to liven up the peeling plastered walls, no curtain to brighten up the grimy windowpanes. Elsie suddenly felt quite sorry for Havisham.
"Mr. Havisham," she said, her voice softening. "My apologies for barging in like that."
"I suppose you have another debt to hold over my head now, even more valuable than the twenty pounds," he said sullenly.
It took a moment for her to catch his meaning. "No!" she said. "I would never—please, Mr. Havisham. You and your friend can rest assured. Your secret is quite safe."
"He's not my friend," Havisham replied, looking pained. The look lasted only for a few seconds, but Elsie saw it, and somehow it went straight to her heart.
"I—I'm not... It doesn't matter to me," she said, trying to explain. She hadn't been flustered before when she walked in on them, but she found it offensive that Havisham thought she would use this to blackmail him. It was something the likes of Compeyson would do. "I used to... I used to work at a bawdyhouse. There is very little that I haven't seen."
Slowly, Havisham's scowl disappeared, to be replaced by his usual default expression of despondency. "My debt?" he prompted her.
Remembering her business, Elsie showed him the promissory note. "I shall cancel it if you help me find Compeyson."
Havisham glanced at the note. "If you could pay off my debt that easily, you can't be wanting for money," he said. "Why do you want to kill Compeyson?"
"I told you, I'm not looking to get my money back. I just want him to pay for his crimes."
"But he didn't hurt you that badly, by the look of it."
"You have no idea how he's hurt me, Mr. Havisham."
Havisham looked at her more closely. "Did he... jilt you? Break your heart?"
Elsie smiled grimly. "Ha! He never had the chance."
"Then what?" he insisted. "Look around you. Did you want to end up like this, like me? Because that is what would happen if you chose to go against Compeyson. I'm trying to warn you here, Miss Bradford. You were lucky. Forget him and live your life."
Lucky? If he'd only known... Elsie looked down at her gloves, feeling the blade hidden there. To Hell with it, she thought. She had gone this far; she might as well tell him the truth.
"Yes, I suppose I was lucky," she said, still fingering the shape of the blade under her glove. "Do you want to meet someone who wasn't so lucky?"
Havisham frowned, not understanding.
"Get dressed, and I'll take you to her."
"Do not order me about," Havisham snapped at her with a trace of haughtiness that must have been insufferable when he was in his prime.
"I'm sorry," Elsie said, unable to suppress the mocking in her voice. "Get dressed, please."
Chapter 2
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zerogate · 1 year
A far more extensive report, and the one that influenced Freud most powerfully, was that of the Italian neurologist Paolo Mantegazza, who practised as a doctor in Argentina and Paraguay in the 1850s and self-experimented with the local plant stimulants, guarana and coca. Unlike von Bibra, Mantegazza appreciated coca’s stimulant effects immediately and pursued them vigorously. ‘As soon as one chews one or two drachms’, he wrote in his 1859 monograph ‘On the Hygienic and Medical Values of Coca’,
the nervous excitement is always followed by movements that are exaggerated or violent, and always irregular; there is a general confusion of thoughts and muscular activity, while in the inebriety produced by coca it seems that the new strength gradually drenches one’s organism in every sense, as a sponge soaks itself with water. Thus the delight of the period consists almost completely in an increased consciousness of being alive.
Mantegazza found in coca not a productive stimulant for the sober self, but a radically altered state of consciousness. Unlike caffeine, higher doses brought not overstimulation but ever more pleasurable and remarkable effects. By chewing 8 drachms in a day and a further 10 the same evening, about the most he could physically manage, he attained what he called ‘the delirium of coca intoxication, and I must confess that I found this pleasure by far superior to all other physical sensations previously known to me’.
He recorded his pulse before the evening dose at 83 per minute; half an hour later it had risen to 120. He felt supremely happy, and on closing his eyes was presented with ‘the most splendid and unexpected phantasmagoria’, kaleidoscopic images succeeding each other too fast to record, or even to communicate by announcing them in rapid fire to the colleague beside him. He attempted to transcribe them, missing ten for every one he managed to capture:
A cave of lace through the entrance to which can be seen, toward the back, a golden tortoise seated on a throne made of soap . . . A battalion of steel pens fighting against an army of corkscrews . . . Lightning, consisting of glass threads, piercing a whole Parmesan cheese crowned with ivy and berries . . . A saffron inkwell from which is born an emerald mushroom studded with rose fruits . . . A ladder made of blotting paper lined with rattlesnakes from which several red rabbits with green ears come jumping down . . .
Mantegazza embraced coca’s euphoric and visionary properties, which convinced him that ‘all this will be great science in the near future’. The desire and capacity for ecstasy was a constant throughout human history, but he believed that its limits were still unexplored. On his return to Italy he became a medical professor in Pavia, founded the Italian Anthropological Society and began work on a massive survey of inebriation and human nature, which ran to 1,200 pages when it was eventually published in 1871.
But cocaine had yet another quality: as well as an anti-depressant and an energy booster, it was a powerful euphoriant. Freud quoted Mantegazza’s claim that it produced a ‘state of greatly increased happiness’: during the peak of his coca intoxication he had scribbled, ‘God is unjust because he made man incapable of sustaining the effects of coca all life long. I would rather have a lifespan of ten years with coca than one of 1000000000 centuries without!’
-- Mike Jay, Psychonauts
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essentialoilbulk1 · 1 month
The Specialty of Saffron Wholesale Suppliers: A Comprehensive Guide
Saffron, often referred to as "red gold," is one of the most precious spices in the world, valued for its unique flavor, vibrant color, and medicinal properties. Derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, saffron has a rich history that spans thousands of years, being used in culinary, medicinal, and even religious practices across various cultures. The demand for high-quality saffron continues to grow globally, making the role of a saffron wholesale supplier crucial in the supply chain.
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The Importance of Choosing a Reputable Saffron Wholesale Supplier:
When it comes to purchasing saffron in bulk, selecting a reputable wholesale supplier is essential. The quality of saffron can vary significantly, and a trusted saffron wholesale supplier ensures that you receive pure, authentic saffron that meets the highest standards. This is particularly important for businesses in the food, health, and beauty industries where the quality of saffron can directly impact the final product.
A reputable saffron wholesale supplier not only guarantees quality but also offers competitive pricing, ensuring that businesses can maintain profitability while providing their customers with top-tier products. Moreover, these suppliers often have the necessary certifications and adhere to strict quality control processes, further ensuring the authenticity and purity of the saffron they offer.
Specialties of a Leading Saffron Wholesale Supplier:
1. Quality Assurance and Certification
One of the primary specialties of a leading saffron wholesale supplier is their commitment to quality assurance. They typically source saffron directly from farms that adhere to organic farming practices, ensuring that the saffron is free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals.
2. Sourcing from Renowned Regions
A specialty of top saffron wholesale supplier is their ability to source saffron from the most renowned saffron-producing regions in the world. Regions like Iran, Spain, and Kashmir are known for producing saffron with unique characteristics due to their specific climates and soil conditions. By sourcing from these regions, suppliers can offer a variety of saffron that caters to different customer preferences.
3. Customization and Packaging Options
Understanding that different businesses have different requirements, a specialized saffron wholesale supplier often offers customization in terms of packaging and saffron forms. Whether a business needs saffron threads, powder, or extract, a top supplier can provide it in the desired form. Additionally, they offer various packaging options, ranging from small retail packs to bulk packaging, ensuring that businesses can receive their saffron in a format that best suits their operations.
Choosing the right saffron wholesale supplier is critical for businesses that rely on this precious spice. By selecting a supplier with a strong commitment to quality, a reliable supply chain, and a diverse range of saffron products, businesses can ensure that they are providing their customers with the best possible saffron. The specialties of a leading saffron wholesale supplier —such as quality assurance, regional sourcing, customization options, reliable delivery, and competitive pricing—make them an invaluable partner in the saffron supply chain.
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makoonsplayschool · 2 months
Creative Independence Day Ideas for Preschool: Fun, Learning, and Patriotism
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Independence Day is a significant event in India, marking the celebration of freedom and unity. For young children in preschool, it’s an opportunity to introduce them to the concept of patriotism, the country’s history, and the importance of this day in a fun and engaging manner. As educators and parents, our role is to provide them with activities that are not only enjoyable but also educational, helping them develop a sense of national pride from an early age. This blog will explore various Independence Day ideas for preschool that combine creativity, learning, and celebration.
1. Flag Bookmark Craft One of the most effective ways to teach preschoolers about the Indian flag is through art and craft. Creating a flag bookmark is a simple yet meaningful activity that allows children to learn about the colors and significance of the national flag.
Materials Needed:
White cardstock paper
Saffron, white, and green crayons or markers
Blue thread or paper for the Ashoka Chakra
Cut the cardstock into rectangular shapes for bookmarks.
Have the children color the top section saffron, the middle section white, and the bottom section green.
Help them create a small Ashoka Chakra using blue thread or paper and glue it in the center of the white section.
Once completed, children can use their bookmarks in their storybooks, serving as a daily reminder of the Indian flag.
This activity not only improves their motor skills but also ingrains the symbolism of the national flag in their young minds.
2. Map of India Puzzle Geography can be introduced to preschoolers in a fun and interactive way through puzzles. A Map of India puzzle helps them recognize the shape of their country and understand its vastness.
Materials Needed:
A large printout of India’s map
Glue the map onto the cardboard and let it dry.
Carefully cut out the map into several pieces to create a puzzle.
Have the children piece the map together, discussing different states and regions as they do so.
This activity fosters problem-solving skills and introduces them to the concept of India's diverse regions.
3. National Anthem Sing-Along Music is a powerful medium for learning, and singing the national anthem is a beautiful way to instill patriotism in young hearts. Organize a sing-along session where children can learn the words and tune of the national anthem, "Jana Gana Mana."
Play a recording of the national anthem and sing along with the children.
Discuss the meaning of the anthem and why it is important to sing it with respect.
Encourage the children to stand with pride as they sing, understanding the significance of the anthem in national events.
This activity helps children appreciate the anthem's importance and builds a sense of respect for national symbols.
4. Tricolour Fruit Salad Incorporating food into the celebration is always a hit with children. A tricolour fruit salad is not only a healthy snack but also a delicious way to teach children about the colors of the Indian flag.
Saffron: Papaya or orange slices
White: Banana or apple slices
Green: Kiwi or green grapes
Arrange the fruits in the shape of the Indian flag on a plate.
Discuss the significance of each color while arranging the fruits.
Let the children enjoy the salad after the activity.
This activity combines nutrition with learning, making it a perfect Independence Day treat.
5. DIY National Symbols Teaching preschoolers about the national symbols of India—such as the tiger, lotus, and peacock—can be an enriching experience. A DIY project where children create these symbols using craft materials helps solidify their understanding.
Materials Needed:
Construction paper
Crayons, markers, or paint
Images of national symbols for reference
Show the children pictures of the national symbols and discuss what each one represents.
Provide them with materials to create their own versions of these symbols.
Display their creations around the classroom as a part of the Independence Day decorations.
This activity encourages creativity while teaching children about the rich heritage of India.
Conclusion Celebrating Independence Day in preschool is not just about fun and games; it’s about laying the foundation for a deep love and respect for the country. These Independence Day ideas for preschool are designed to engage young minds while educating them about the significance of the day. Through crafts, puzzles, music, and food, children can enjoy the celebration while learning about their nation’s history and values. As we guide these young leaders of tomorrow, let’s ensure that their introduction to patriotism is filled with joy, creativity, and a deep sense of belonging to this great nation.
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pranalip · 2 months
Saffron Market – Exclusive Report Study on the Current Trends And Forecast 2024-2033 | Global Insight Services
“Global Insight Services offers unparalleled market intelligence and strategic consulting services to businesses worldwide. Our expertise spans across various industries, including healthcare, technology, and consumer goods, providing comprehensive analysis and actionable insights. By leveraging advanced data analytics and in-depth market research, we empower our clients to make informed decisions, identify growth opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition”.
The global saffron market was valued at USD 374.6 million in 2022 and it is anticipated to grow further to USD 804.4 million by 2032, at a CAGR of 7.9% during the forecast period.
Saffron is a spice that is derived from the Crocus sativus flower. The flower is native to Greece and Asia Minor. Saffron is used in many different cuisines around the world, including Indian, Persian, and Spanish dishes. It is also used as a dye and in perfumes.
View The Full Report Here –https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/saffron-market
Saffron consists of stigmas, which are the female reproductive organs of the flower. The stigmas are dried and then used either whole or ground. Saffron has a pungent, bitter taste and an intense aroma. It is used to flavor and color dishes such as risotto, paella, and bouillabaisse. It can also be used to make saffron tea.
Saffron is very expensive, due to the fact that it takes approximately 75,000 stigmas to make just one ounce of the spice. The stigmas must be carefully hand-picked, which makes the process very labor-intensive. Saffron is considered to be the most expensive spice in the world.
Market Drivers and Trends
The key drivers of the saffron market are quality, price, and availability. Saffron is a highly prized spice, and as such, its price is reflective of its quality. The best saffron is typically sourced from Iran, and as a result, Iranian saffron is often the most expensive. However, saffron from other origins can be just as good in quality, and as a result, its price is more reflective of its availability. Saffron is also a relatively rare spice, and as a result, its price is also reflective of its availability. When demand is high and supplies are low, the price of saffron will increase.
Market Restraints and Challenges
The key restraints and challenges in Saffron market include:
1. Saffron is a very delicate and perishable spice, and thus has a very short shelf life.
2. Saffron is a very expensive spice, and thus is not affordable for many people.
3. Saffron is a very strong spice, and thus can be easily overdone, which can make dishes unpalatable.
4. Saffron is a very potent spice, and thus can cause allergic reactions in some people.
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Market Segments
By Form
By Application
Food and Beverage
By Distribution Channel
Online Stores
Offline Stores
Major Players in the Global Saffron Market
The key players studied in the report are JMD Agro Foods, Taj Agro Products, Good Life Global, Saffron Tech, Royal Saffron, Shahri Food Products, Gohar Nab Sara, Pharmacive Biotech Products, Rowhani Saffron Co., and Gohar Saffron among others.
COVID-19 Impact
Nearly every business has been impacted by the unmatched worldwide public health emergency known as COVID-19, and the long-term impacts are expected to have an influence on industry growth throughout the course of the forecast period. In order to assure the inclusion of underlying COVID-19 concerns and potential future directions, our continuous study expands upon our research approach. The paper provides information on COVID-19 taking into account changes in consumer demand and behaviour, buying habits, supply chain rerouting, dynamics of contemporary market forces, and significant government initiatives. Insights, analyses, projections, and forecasts are provided in the updated study, which takes the market impact of COVID-19 into account.
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Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis.
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themanginteam · 2 months
Organic Kashmiri Saffron: It is More Than Just a Spice.Doc
The gorgeous carmine threads of Kashmiri saffron are indeed the most expensive spice in the world! With its rich aroma and color, it is used for culinary purposes across the globe. From Indian, Afghanistan and Iranian to Spanish cuisines, you can spot a lot of use of this golden spice! Read More
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pranalipawarshinde · 3 months
Saffron Market – Latest Scenario Report And Forecast 2024-2033
“Global Insight Services offers unparalleled market intelligence and strategic consulting services to businesses worldwide. Our expertise spans across various industries, including healthcare, technology, and consumer goods, providing comprehensive analysis and actionable insights. By leveraging advanced data analytics and in-depth market research, we empower our clients to make informed decisions, identify growth opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition”.
The global saffron market was valued at USD 374.6 million in 2022 and it is anticipated to grow further to USD 804.4 million by 2032, at a CAGR of 7.9% during the forecast period.
Saffron is a spice that is derived from the Crocus sativus flower. The flower is native to Greece and Asia Minor. Saffron is used in many different cuisines around the world, including Indian, Persian, and Spanish dishes. It is also used as a dye and in perfumes.
View The Full Report Here –https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/saffron-market
Saffron consists of stigmas, which are the female reproductive organs of the flower. The stigmas are dried and then used either whole or ground. Saffron has a pungent, bitter taste and an intense aroma. It is used to flavor and color dishes such as risotto, paella, and bouillabaisse. It can also be used to make saffron tea.
Saffron is very expensive, due to the fact that it takes approximately 75,000 stigmas to make just one ounce of the spice. The stigmas must be carefully hand-picked, which makes the process very labor-intensive. Saffron is considered to be the most expensive spice in the world.
Market Drivers and Trends
The key drivers of the saffron market are quality, price, and availability. Saffron is a highly prized spice, and as such, its price is reflective of its quality. The best saffron is typically sourced from Iran, and as a result, Iranian saffron is often the most expensive. However, saffron from other origins can be just as good in quality, and as a result, its price is more reflective of its availability. Saffron is also a relatively rare spice, and as a result, its price is also reflective of its availability. When demand is high and supplies are low, the price of saffron will increase.
Market Restraints and Challenges
The key restraints and challenges in Saffron market include:
1. Saffron is a very delicate and perishable spice, and thus has a very short shelf life.
2. Saffron is a very expensive spice, and thus is not affordable for many people.
3. Saffron is a very strong spice, and thus can be easily overdone, which can make dishes unpalatable.
4. Saffron is a very potent spice, and thus can cause allergic reactions in some people.
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Market Segments
By Form
By Application
Food and Beverage
By Distribution Channel
Online Stores
Offline Stores
Major Players in the Global Saffron Market
The key players studied in the report are JMD Agro Foods, Taj Agro Products, Good Life Global, Saffron Tech, Royal Saffron, Shahri Food Products, Gohar Nab Sara, Pharmacive Biotech Products, Rowhani Saffron Co., and Gohar Saffron among others.
COVID-19 Impact
Nearly every business has been impacted by the unmatched worldwide public health emergency known as COVID-19, and the long-term impacts are expected to have an influence on industry growth throughout the course of the forecast period. In order to assure the inclusion of underlying COVID-19 concerns and potential future directions, our continuous study expands upon our research approach. The paper provides information on COVID-19 taking into account changes in consumer demand and behaviour, buying habits, supply chain rerouting, dynamics of contemporary market forces, and significant government initiatives. Insights, analyses, projections, and forecasts are provided in the updated study, which takes the market impact of COVID-19 into account.
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Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis.
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saffronwholesaler · 1 year
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kashmirisaffron · 1 year
Saffron risotto is a luxurious and aromatic Italian dish that combines the creamy goodness of risotto with the delicate flavor and vibrant color of saffron. This recipe will guide you through the process of creating a flavorful and satisfying saffron risotto that can be enjoyed as a main course or served as a side dish.
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todaysfreshpm · 5 months
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Coconut Ladoo | Nariyal Ladoo | coconut laddu | Traditional Coconut Laddu | Coconut Laddu Box (1000 g)
Coconut laddu, also known as Nariyal laddu in Hindi, is a popular Indian sweet made with grated coconut, sugar, and cardamom. It is a delicious dish often prepared on festivals, special occasions or as a sweet offering to the gods. This traditional coconut laddu is delicious and healthy. It is enriched with the goodness of fresh coconut and organic jaggery, which adds nutrients, spices and fibre to each piece. Coconut laddus mixed with jaggery and pure ghee are rich in taste, texture and aroma. Contains: grated coconut (fresh or dry), condensed milk, Sugar (adjust to taste), cardamom powder, Ghee (clarified butter), saffron threads (optional), Chopped nuts (eg almonds, pistachios).
Flavour: Coconut Brand: Todays fresh Net Weight : 1000 Grams Speciality: Gluten Free Delivery time: 5–7 working days Shelf life: 2 month
To buy online or more details https://todaysfresh.net/product/coconut-ladoo-nariyal-ladoo/
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naturesindesiz · 6 months
Living the Nature Way with Nature’s Indesiz
Nature’s Indesiz is a pioneering destination for holistic, health and beauty care with an artisanal range of products where customer needs come first. We are known to serve the best in terms of quality, flavor, authenticity, and flavor. We have harnessed the best resources and nurtured our brand in a special way to bring products like the Kashmir Saffron, Shilajit products, and Palm leaf plates. We aim to bring the most health alternatives that come with a range of benefits too. The distinct offering is sourced from Mother Nature in its purest form.
The Foremost Destination for Comprehensive Wellness
All the products are environmentally friendly and are manufactured to retain the natural goodness and nutritional value. The price range is also designed to ensure everyone can reap the benefits of the premium, good-quality products and make the experience a memorable one. The products are categorically verified and quality controlled and there are no artificial additives that are added. The all-in-one platform has products that can avoid lifestyle diseases and even benefit the aesthetics of the body. The vigor, vitality, and enhancement of the mind and the body are immense with the use of the product range. All of them are backed by tradition, science, and thorough research delivering holistic benefits.
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Led by Nature Power
They are curated with a lot of emphasis, care, and attention to the right ingredients sourced and with a lot of gratitude to Mother Nature. The shipping of all our products is done free worldwide and is swift enough. The customer service is available 24/7 and one can get access to the most unique products which are crafted with due research.
Stepping into the World of Goodness- Emanating from pristine sources, the exquisite range at Nature’s Indesiz guarantees purity and efficacy at every step! Discover the beautiful journey with us.
Our product range includes –
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Premium Quality Kashmir Organic Saffron Threads- Saffron has always been recognized for its qualities whether used in food for flavoring or as a spice or whether used in beauty and medicines. It is packed with powerful antioxidants which are great for the skin and act as an environmental de-stressor. It is rich in minerals and helps in aiding weight loss and treating Alzheimer’s disease. A small manual on how to use is provided for convenience. This spice is grown in India, Iran, Greece, and Morocco and excellent for repairing and anti-inflammation qualities.
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Pure Himalayan Shilajit Resin- The Shilajit Resin is a semisolid paste that has an array of benefits and lasts for a long time. It improves cognitive function and fights bone loss. It has anti-inflammatory properties too and this Shilajit resin by Nature’s Indesiz is procured right from the Himalayas. It is easy to dissolve and leaves no particles behind.  It is also available in the form of powder and capsules and since it is difficult to find the purest Himalayan Shilajit resin, we take pride in bringing you the finest one right at your door step.
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Palm Leaf Plates with Cutlery- This is made from areca palm trees found in forests and without any kind of deforestation. It is made from the fallen leaves of the tree which makes it a very eco-friendly product. Zero chemicals go into the processing of these and they are finally turned into beautiful palm leaf plates that are used in weddings and functions. The finish it offers goes well with any table and gives the most sophisticated look. They are durable, easy to use and the most affordable option.
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mybeautifulchair · 7 months
Spiders are not beloved like the bees
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At Dia Beacon, Meg Webster’s pieces marry geometry and organic materials. Cones of salt, cubes of forest earth, nests of branches, and a large curving wall of beeswax.
The wall wrapped itself around me from meters away, reaching out and holding me in its thick, warm scent. An olfactory embrace.
Bees are mythical creatures. It’s hard to get away from all that they represent – their longstanding metaphorical connections to ideas like industry and community; they make stuff, they move together. Right now, it’s early March on the east coast of North America, they are harbingers of warmth––signals that life is returning after winter. Some part of me, every year, fails to believe in spring. When the bees arrive, something in me matches the tempo of their wings. The scale of this wall amazes me, because of its debt to tiny insects. Madison comments on how many bees must have contributed to this human-scaled architecture.
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And it makes me think about the garment made of spider silk that I have just been reading about, which is in the collection of the Victoria & Albert Museum. Millions of golden orb spiders unrolling filaments from their spinnerets, which are bundled and twined together, then woven and embroidered into a garment that looks like it has been died with turmeric or saffron. This rich yellow gold is the colour of the thread itself.
There were golden orb weaving spiders in my grandmother’s garden (perhaps not the same kind as the Madagascan spiders that wove this silk). Their glittering webs would appear overnight and tremble in the morning dew, the coolest part of the day before the summer heat would bleach the sky. She was careful not to break them, even when they’d make the web like a gate across the garden path: we’d need to go off the path, through the shrubs, find a way around.
The spiders resist industrialization, so they are not beloved like bees.
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