#safe furr work
arikot27 · 1 year
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a horrible selection of furry boyfriends
people seemed to like the skunkboy sebby so i drew rest of the bachelors <3 will do bacheloretts as well once i assigne the animals to all of them, heh
also bonus sillies
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villainsimpqueen · 6 months
Echos in Paradise Lost
Adam X reader X Eve.
Reader is intersex.
(My fics are 18+)
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Chapter 8
By the birth of their second son Abel, Adam had made sure he did not leave Eve's side not wanting to leave her and give birth alone like she had for their first son Cain.
He had made changes in the cave with her, no longer did their bed of furrs lay on the ground of the cave floor but he had raised it up by building earth's first bed.
Cain was not able to get in the way because Adam with Eve's input had built the first kids pen to place his young adventurous son into.
Building had become a new discovery that Adam found himself enjoying, one that Eve liked to challenge seeing as the longer she kept Adam busy the better his moods became. He was eager to be of use to their small family and was even more so to provide so when she made a comment about wishing to stop beating the furrs of their bed out before they lay down to get any insects that found way into their cave home, he built it off the ground. When she commented about Cain being too quick for her to stop her wifely tasks to catch him each time, Adam provided an area of the Cain that had small fences made of cut logs and vines keeping their son safe in an area while Eve did her work.
She never commented on how he made the bed big, bigger than two full grown adults.
Now she was grateful for that space as she screamed, able to clutch the beds sides anywhere she needed to as she stood, labor pains ripping through her as she tried birthing their second son.
Cain had come out with ease, so why was her second child so difficult?
Hard labor breaths left her as pain wracked her body. She could feel cold presses of a damp cloth pressed to her temple, Her hair being pulled from sticking to her back and hips. Adam retwisting it and tying it back above her shoulders.
There wasn't much he could do but feeling him wipe her clean of sweat, keeping her hair from being covered in blood that pushed out between her thighs while going to tend to their already wailing toddler, that was all she could ever ask of him, He tended to her and their son making sure both were fed and while he neglected cain of his comfort and time they could forgive him as he focused all of it on her. Helping her up and down the bed, cleaning her skin from sweat and rubbing up and down her back providing her soft praises.Ones she did not know of how highly he saw of her.
"Thou art more splendid than thy maker, for they know not the toil to bestow true life.” He had softly whispered in her ear before placing a kiss on her temple.
She had felt strength fill her as she screamed out another contraction.
It had taken a full day and half a night before she finally was able to rest upon in their bed, small wails cried and she opened her tired eyes to see Adam standing at the end of the bed, a fur blanket wrapped around the small bundle that she did not feel was small minutes ago.
She took in how soft his golden eyes were as he stared down to the bundle with adoration.
His eyes moved to look at her in pride and adoration.
"His eyes bear thine own reflection.” He tells her a gentle smile on his face as he nears her side of the bed carefully placing their second son in her arms, Eve looked at their son's gentle features, his hair dark like Adams, his skin tone a mix of them both but bright honey eyes looked up at her. She cooed at their little one moving her lips to his crying head kissing his little temple.
"He doth embody perfection.” She softly mummed as she held their second son closely. Adam had smiled but it fell when he heard the wails of his first son, he scrambled from the bed heading back to Cain.
Picking up his first son holding him tightly, he whispered soft apologies for his attention not being provided as he carried his son to where his mother and brother rested, sitting beside Eve he held Cain in his lap to see his brother.
"This, thy brother Cain, anon shalt thou findeth a companion for mirth.” He softly told his young son as he looked towards his second born in Eve's arms. Cain let out soft small words as he was just starting to learn them as he reached his small hands out towards his brother too quickly.
Eve had jerked her arms away from Cain holding their second son closely to her chest.
"He shall inflict harm upon him.” She had protested and Adam frowned, shaking his head as he moved Cain to settle on his lap before moving an arm to take his second son from her, bringing him carefully to his chest.
“He shall not. He's only eager.” He said sternly as he let Cain look at his younger brother, his other hand stopping his first born from snatching ahold of his second born with gentle scolding, taking Cains hand with his own and carefully placing it on his second son.
"gentle son, he is but small as thou once wert, thou must handle him tenderly.” Adam softly whispered, allowing his sons to meet each other under his supervision.
Eve had watched, watched her boys together with a smile before she allowed sleep to fill her, exhausted from the long hours of labor.
Her eyes opened to a familiar place, one she hadn't been in for so long. Sweet smells of flora hitting her nose as the bright perfect sun landed on fields of flowers.
The meadows she adored.
Soft squeals of children echoing in the field and she felt a hand squeeze her own making her turn to see you. You were staring out to the fields where she followed your gaze to see Adam playing with her sons. Cain chased his legs in the flowers with their little son tied to his back in leather swaddling softly cooing and letting kut shrills of his own.
"Fair wife, they are exquisite to behold.” Your voice softly hit her ears making her heart swell as she looked at you squeezing your hand.
"I do yearn for thy presence amongst us.” Eve spoke, watching how your face frowned and turned to look at her squeezing her hand so tightly. Grasping as if she would disappear, as the world around the both of you started to go quiet.
"In thy presence I stand, by thy side... behold?” Your words spoke quickly, almost pleading.
a sense of panic filled her and she quickly spoke
“Of course!” The drumming sounds of Cains and Adams laughter and the gentle wind with the tall grass of wildflowers grew once more. You haven't smiled at her simply squeezing her hand as you turn to watch them, she did not miss how your eyes looked dewy.
She thought of her words carefully.
"Art thou secure? As the fields doth oft wither come season's end.” She speaks while watching her children and shared husband play.
A soft squeeze on her hand, the feeling of trembling fingers.
"I am no flower, but a bear in slumber 'near the first snow. Yet vigilant as a rabbit, shedding its coat, and in some way, my mind doth soar through thine like an owl in the night.” You softly whispered turning to her showing tears leaving the wondrous eyes Cain's mimicked.
Eve went to say something to comfort you, her hands finding a way to your face to wipe away tears but your hands cupped her own.
"I am burdened with the task of never unveiling my eyes, my mind tethered to two yet distant as the mist. And when one of these two minds doth find its way back to me, it must deem it as the capricious winds. And when they depart from me once more, 'tis as if the moments together were of fleeting snow.”
your tears warm under her fingertips as she stared at you, your warm hands squeezing her own.
She wished she could say more,
but all she could do was stare into your E/c eyes as everything faded away.
As did her memory of the spoken words between you two.
The boys grew up quickly, Eve could not believe how fast the years went by. She remembers Cain's first steps so clearly then his first words, Abels first little walks with shrills of delight as he learned to chase his older brother.
She smiled as grabbed a clay pot down from a ledge Adam built in their cave, bringing it down to a table. She moved her hand inside pulling out strips of dried dehydrated meat from a sandy powdery substance.
Salt. Adam had so cleverly named it.
She moved a blade through it cutting through the toughen meat into shorter chunks before placing them into a clean clay bowl, reaching up to the ledge she grabbed another clay pot she brought down pouring water into the meat chunks, she then gathered smaller clay pots to drop in plants and herbs she had collected, allowing the mixture to sit she washed her hands and moved out of the cave that was her and her families home.
The bright sun greeted her and so did the laughter of her boys as she focused her honey eyes to the side of the clearance of the cave house. Cain and Abel ran around chasing each other, both their hands digging into woven bags she had made to throw handfuls of seeds at each other, squealing as the seeds would hit them.
Her husband not far from them, his spear long changed into a hoe, rising above his head to be plunged into the ground, ripping away weeds and roots out of the soil he churned. Sweat moving down from her husband's temple and neck, his robes lower to his hips leaving his skin exposed to the sun to burn and darken as he created row after row of piled fresh exposed soil and tumbled seeds thrown around by their sons.
She neared his starting cropping area watching how he turned his head to her, a smile forming on his face as he leaned into his new tool, the sweat coating him shining.
“My sun.” He greeted her with a pull of his lips growing. “Come to bless me?” a light tease coming from him causing her to smile, his eyes moving from her to their sons a sigh leaving him knowing he would have to go find more seeds from the meadows making her giggle.
"I have arrived to witness what new endeavor thou art embarking upon, my dear husband.” She tells him as she turns to watch their sons play in their glee.
"To summon the Gathering to our humble abode, wherein thou mayst cultivate thy desires, my dearest... That is, if any seeds doth take root and flourish.” Adam explained as he watched their sons, shaking his head as he watched Abel chunk a handful of seeds at Cain's face making his first born sputter before lurching at Abel tackling his younger brother into the soil where both boys laughed at each other and tumbled each other through the soil not at all caring if they ruined their fathers straight rows.
"Aye, cease thy antics, ye mischievous scoundrels! The garden does not serve as thy playground. Take thy frolics to the creek or the meadows, anywhere but amongst the sacred blooms!” Adam scolded their sons, his words being met with their childish laughter being utterly ignored making his brows furrow before he looked at eve.
“Verily, 'tis as if their birth hath forsaken them the gift of hearing.” Her husband huffs, making Eve's shoulders shake as she covers her lips with her hand, not so silent giggles leaving her as she moves her other hand to his arm.
"Observe and glean wisdom, my dearest husband.” She softly tells him before she moves her hands on her hips letting a noise leave her lips that caused both boys to freeze at their mothers scolding noise.
"Begone, depart, leave thy father's labor untouched, for thou shalt return ere the sun fades to night.” She scolded them moving a hand to shoo the boys away, and to Adams squinting eyes at how fast both boys scrambled up seeming intentional kicking more of his straight tilled lines apart as they took off giggling down the trails to the creek where they would play in for hours until dinner was served by their mothers hand.
His wife had only laughed at his temporary misfortune before kissing the bittersweetness away and headed back to the cave, with a glance back eyes slanted in a tease as she vanished behind the door into the cave.
Making him freeze side eyeing his new made tool before back to the door of the cave before he headed to the cave leaving the Hoe laid against a tree trunk.
A hard working man deserved a break, after all.
By the time the boys were young teens, their home was transfixed and they were given work by their father to help around the house.
Cain was entrusted with a portion of his fathers fields, which had grown far larger than the gardens when he and Abel were in boyhood.
Cain had enjoyed the work, he liked tending to the plants and keeping pests away from the crop that would feed his family. He believed he had the most important task, tending to the crops with his Father and helping his Mother harvest only the best and ripe to be served on their clay dinner plates.
What was work in the sun surrounded by the freshest air compared to working at cleaning animal dung like his younger brother?
Cain grinned with pride as he filled two baskets of only the best fruits and vegetables. One to bring to their home for his mother to use for supper and the morrows break fast. The other he would take to the place his father would provide sacrifices to the heavens in good faith and hopes that their family would continue to be good.
He headed to the sacrificial stone, first setting the basket on it. He got to his knees holding his hands together to pray the words his father had taught him, but the words did not come from his lips.
His Mother Eve had told him that the heavens do not always listen.
And he sometimes wondered if that was true because he never felt like his Fathers words that he was taught to say ever felt true. They did not fill him like it seems to with his Father and Brother. Cain opened his eyes to the basket on the stone before at the bright sunny and cloudy skies.
The young teen thought for a moment before tipping his head back down in respect, his eyes closing.
He would not praise the heavens in his prayer.
Instead he would pray for a new meaning, a request that he hoped for his hard working Father and gentle ever loving mother would come true.
Perhaps it was selfish to request heavens instead of praising it like his Father Adam had always done.
"Oh, merciful heavens, I offer not this humble basket in mere praise of thy blessings. Today, I beseech thee to return unto my father and mother, my missing parent. If thy love, as my father still fervently believes, be as boundless as the sea, then I implore thee, release my parents Y/n back into their loving embrace... May our family be whole once more.” The words fell from his lips and once they finished leaving him he opened his eyes looking up at the fluffy clouded sky in hope before crossing his hands against his chest and head like Adam had shown him and Abel in their boyhood before he pushed himself up from his knees bowing his head once more before turning carrying the second basket back home eager to give his mother the basket.
Surely the heavens would be touched by his humble request for his parents to be reunited that it couldn't be ignored.
Abel groaned as he dug his shovel into piles of sheep dung, moving it to an area where he would later cover with the sheeps leftover uneaten straw, where it would all break down for Cain to use on his crops.
Abel had been tasked with aid in tending to his Fathers flock, mostly in feeding them, and cleaning up after them and carrying their waste to the pit where it will break down into a rich soil folder to be used on Cains and Fathers fields.
He huffed as he dragged a basket of freshly cut meadow grass his father had harvested in the early morning and spread it around the pin that held the flock. His work was filthy work and it always sent him to the creek to deeply clean himself and scrub away at the robes he wore now coated in straw bits and what he liked to think was mud and not the other brown substances he moved back and forth with the shovel crafted by his fathers hand.
"Thou dost appear most unsightly.” a teasing tone called from the pin making Abel snap his head to meet the e/c eyes of his older brother with his own honey ones. A huff left him too quickly as he stared at Cain.
"Thou art most gracious in thy compliments, elder sibling.” Abel answered back, his eyes rolling as he shoved the shovel back into the piles grunting as he lifted and carried it to the pit just outside the fence to drop the load into.
He heard the creaking of the wooden pen first making him turn his head watching with honey eyes as his eldest brother climbed into the pen moving towards him rolling his sleeves up his arms as he held a hand out for the shovel.
"Relinquish it swiftly, for thou tarriest overlong, and I have no desire to sup late due to thy tardiness.” Cain spoke with a tease in his tone but also with a firmness that made Abel most eager to hand the shovel to his older brother who took it and began to carry out his given task.
Abel let out a sigh as he leaned against the fence watching his older brother work.
"Pray, why dost thou always conclude with such haste?”Abel asks his brother, making Cain chuckle as he carries a loaded shovel to the pit.
"I doth awaken with father were the dawn's first light, unlike thee, who rouses with mother mere hours before noon's zenith.” his older brother tells him before tilting the shovel letting the flocks dung fall into the pit and he turns to look at him.
"Hadst thou risen earlier, brother, thou wouldst find thy tasks completed ere the sun's descent, thy ablutions done ere the sky's first blush, and thy supplications to the heavens concluded ere mother's call to supper.” Cain tells him, before moving back to shovel more of the flock's waste.
Abel had fallen silent before he moved forwards to take his shovel from his older brother, a determined look on his face.
"I shall strive to prove my worthiness, to demonstrate that I am indeed capable.” Abel said strongly, earning his brother chuckles and hand ruffling his hair.
"Thou art already capable, dear sibling, merely lacking in swiftness.” Cain teased instead before taking his leave to go to the creek to wash himself and the harvest clean before returning to the cave where he helped his mother with the cooking.
Abel had approached the offering area covered in mess but he looked at the heavens painted skies with gentle loving eyes as he got down his eyes, holding his hands over the stone and tipping his head.
"I may not have earned the honor of presenting thee a lamb, as father does, yet I humbly offer my praises and gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon my family. May thy divine light illuminate the morrow's sun.” Able softly whispers to the great heavens before looking up at the gorgeous painted skies of the sun set and moves his hands across his chest and head before rising from his knees and head to the creek to wash himself before heading home in time for supper before his mother calls.
Time moved fast and the young boys had gone from boys to young teens and from young teens to merely the starts of men.
Both brothers worked hard on their given jobs, providing for their family in different ways, and while Cain did aid in providing the family with the bests harvests, his work began to be overshadowed by his youngers brothers brilliance of tending to the Flocks and having them produce many lambs in the fresh spring, which meat was able to butchered and salted stored away for the upcoming winters. The fresh sweet milk from the sheep collected and turned into a new delicious treat that was thicken cream on their tongues.
His younger brothers praise clearly being more thickly than the praise he got on his own.
Cain tried to feel pride for his younger brother Abel, but what could he create that was new with simple plants when his brother could do so much with the flock?
And while his own work did not go unnoticed by his Father Adam, as his father would always place a hand on his shoulder or ruffle his hair speaking highly of him, and how his Mother Eve always seemed delighted in using his harvests for their nightly and daily meals.
It was the heavens that made him feel so inadequate, unworthy. For his request to have all his parents to be in each other's arms did not seem like it would ever be granted. He had been begging the heavens for such an event for so long.
Why was it so unattainable to have all of his parents?
Cain wanted to meet the parent his mother and father said that would and had been loving him for so long. He did not understand why they all could not be a family.
It also strung a ravenous sting when he had sat in the meadows one day with his younger son talking of their prayers and hearing of what his younger brother had prayed for and had it granted.
"The heavens have ever bestowed their blessings upon me and heeded my prayers.” Abel told his brother as he rose to his feet to gather at some of the tall grass wispy grains playing with them, it made Cain feel a bitterness in his chest.
"It appears the heavens turn a deaf ear to my entreaties.” Cain let out a huff, Perhaps his mother was true in her words.
Heaven ignores them, it's merely luck when one's prayer is answered.
Yet it still stung him so deeply.
"Perchance they find favor in me more than in thee, simple though it may be.” His brother's teasing words hit his ears hard.
And Cain felt something scorching burn through him as his eyes darted to the back of his youngest brother's head harshly. Moving to his feet the feeling grew heavily, as he hissed a noise he had never made before causing his brother's head to turn to look at him with wide honeyed eyes.
Blacken claws gripping his younger brother's robes as he yanked him towards the slitted yellow eyes that burned out from his head as he snarled at his younger brother.
"Who thou art to presume to speak on behalf of the heavens?!” Cain hissed at his brother, two fanged teeth enlarged from his jaw as they bared at his brother in that scorching feeling of his chest.
“Cain- '' Abel sputtered his tone wavering as a fear blossomed in his eyes as he took in his brother's sudden appearance, his chest shook with the urge to flee and he struggled in his brother's grasp to get away from the thing that had taken his brother's voice.
"Why do thy foolish desires find favor in their sight, whilst mine pleas for our family's wholeness are disregarded and callously cast aside?” Cain yelled at his brother, his hands shaking in his brother's robes before he shoved him backwards watching Abel fall to the ground, a small cry leaving his brother as Cain snarled glaring to the sky.
Abel fell his body colliding to the meadows ground harshly his back eating the dirt and his head coming down upon rocks hidden by the tall grass, his vision blurred from the awful thing that had took his brothers place from.the blurring of the sky before it spiked with n arrangement of colors as his head bounced from the rocks to land back down on a sharp edge.
A sickening cracking echoed.
Cain found himself freezing as he heard a shuttering gasp leave Abels lips before his slitted eyes moved from the heavens to the ground where his brother had landed, Ables neck snapped at an angle and golden blood seeped from his head, Abels honey eyes still wide open as his body shook.
Cain let a breathless strangled noise from his throat as he rushed to his brother's side grabbing at Abel a surge of panic coming from him.
"Brother, Brother, forgive me! I shall mend this rift... I shall bring healing unto thee.” Cain sputtered as he pressed a hand to his bleeding head. Watching how Abels eyes were unmoving, Cain moved his brother's neck back from a strange angle; another sickening cracking noise that made his stomach sink came from doing such action.
Cain ripped at his own robes tying the long strips around his brother's head before pulling away with trembling hands.
"There, there, all is restored, brother…” Cain spoke to the limp body of his brother, his body shaking with each second Abels unblinking eyes stared through him, to the sky above, the gloss in them fading.
“Brother, thou art healed now... Abel... Abel, speak to me!”
Cain shook his brother, his eyes burning with tears as he did not understand why Abel was unmoving. They both had been hurt before and had healed quickly. Surely his brother was playing a nasty trick on him and Cain shook at him.
"You win, thou cursed trickster of thine! I yield, but prithee, speak to me!” Cain begged a wail leaving him as the tears began to fall as his brother did not move an inch. Worry Settler in his stomach as well as something else he did not know off, Cain had risen to his feet and ran through the tall wisps of grass into the overgrowth of trees until rocks ate at his feet and larger ones slicked with green that nearly made him fall.
The soft serine trickle so rushing water hitting his ears as his cupped hands dipped harshly into cool waters scaring away the aquatic life there before his rose them, droplets dripping as he ran back through the rocky trails until soft grassed and dirt kicked from his pace, until tall wispy grasses slapped against the hips of his robes as he found his brother still unmoving. Cain wheezed and heaved as he moved his trembling cupped hands to give the little water that managed to stay in them to his brother's lips, filling his mouth full of the cold refreshing water of the small stream.
Cain could only watch helplessly as his brother's lips were filled to the top with water and it dribbled out from the corners of Abels mouth and a choking sob left Cain as he threw himself onto his brother's chest clinging to the fabrics of his younger brother's robes sobbing.
“ABEL!” his screaming voice echoed through the silent meadows.
When the sun had begun to reach its setting peak and A few yells from Eve outside the cave, It was only a worried look his wife gave him before Adam was on his feet, grabbing a spear and heading out to find his sons.
"Bringeth them back to me safely.” Eve had called to him softly by the door as he exited, Adam did not reply but he did spare his wife a gentle gaze before he left.
He did not tell her that he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
He started on the field's, and the pens, seeing if his sons had merely gotten busy in helping each other with their workload, but he found them empty as he headed towards the creek.
Perhaps he would find them wrestling each other in the cool waters, he had hoped so, but when he came upon the cool peaceful scene of an untouched creek the pit of dread started to consume him more as he rushed towards the meadows that lead to the beaches.
He called for his sons by name, waiting to hear them call back or their laughter.
He only heard his eldest screams of panic from his brother's name.
Worry and relief filled him as he rushed through the tall wispy grass not caring if they hit and stained his robing as he neared his eldest screaming.
“CAIN! ABEL!” he called out for them both, hearing a silent form before his eldest screamed a retching while calling him.
“FATHER! "FATHER! FATHER, COME NEAR! FAST!” Cain had wailed, hope filled him immediately when he heard his father, Adam's voice. His dad could fix anything, he's seen him fix and build so much in his whole lifetime. Cain just knew that his father could fix Abel and that they could all go home and eat the supper his mother made them and tomorrow will be a new dawn. He had expected to be comforted by his father, then to be teasingly ridiculed for playing too rough and he fixed his little brother as if none had ever happened.
He had only felt the harsh shove from his fathers hands and watched as his father grabbed Abel's head watching how it rolled back to the harsh angle with a much more dull sickening sound. His fathers chest moved quickly as he moved his hand from Abels locs to be coated in gold.
"What hast thou wrought?!” His fathers voice had trembled with fear, rage, and agony.
"I... He... He mocked me, and I nudged him; 'twas not with much force! He fell to the earth and hath not stirred since... Yet, thou canst mend him, father... Thou canst mend him... Canst thou not?” Cain explained himself, tried justifying his actions, his voice had been stronger but it began to waver and leave him as he saw the haunting face of his father who stared at his unmoving little brother.
"Mend him...?... How can I mend one who is DECEASED! He's DEAD, Cain!” Adam screamed, pulling his dead boy's face to his chest, his hand gathering into his dead second born's hair, the other gathering the robes on his back that his mother mended him. His scorching eyes raging as he stared at his first born with scorn and pain.
Watching how yellow and red eyes watered, no longer playing into the lies of mimicking a false sire. No longer the wondrous E/c that you and only you possessed.
No because one that committed such a thing could never have your eyes.
Nor could bare any reflecting light of your image.
So here he kneeled holding the dead corpse of his second born, whose body had grown cold and starting to stiffen in his arms, whose golden blood seeped into his robes staring into the eyes of his wifes bastard who killed his real first born.
Listening to how the snake bastard cried and pleaded for forgiveness, to Him, to the heavens even to his dead Abel's body to come back.
But Adam did not blame Cain.
For Cain was simply a byproduct of his true sires darkness.
No, Adam blamed himself for ever believing a deceiver, a sinner, could be trusted with the safety of his family.
His eyes unmoving from him, kneeled down weeping, his once child, the spear across his back heavy as he laid Abels body down and grabbed it standing to his feet.
Cain reached for his fathers feet, his anguished wails increasing as a small terror formed from the silence his father permitted, his head not moving from facing the ground where his tears fell nourishing the greedy weeds that had already spoken in the gold from his brother's veins.
Adam felt the spear heavy in his hold, his hand trembling as he stared down at the one he raised.
And when the deceiver he raised looked back at him with his yellow and red eyes swirling into the false dull, no longer as bright and vibrant e/c. A choke swelled in his throat as he lowered the spear with shaking hands.
Because how could he strike his boy?
The little boy he held and cried for the day of his birth?
The little lad who squealed in delight and took his first steps to follow him.
Like a true father?
How could he bring pain to his son?
But what of his other boy?
The one he failed to protect because he took a sinner under his arms.
Killed by the one Adam had told him was his brother.
Murdered by one Adam said he could trust and love as kin, regardless if it was an accident or not.
How could he trust a deceivers words when his first act from birth was to trick one's mind?
How could he ignore such an atrocious act?
When the cold body of his only blooded son slowly rots behind his feet?
“Father-” Cain's words were cut short as Adam brought down the spear, strong as his own will, but true to his heart as it plunged into the ground beside Cain's frame.
"Thou shalt depart. Take this spear for thy protection and one of the laden baskets at the altar, then depart.” Adam words shaken with his emotions but he steeled his eyes to not give such as he glared down at Cain. Ignoring how the tears stained his once son's face or how his eyes trembled with emotions.
"Thou shalt depart, and returneth not. Go far, yea, farther still, for thou canst not flee far enough. Thou art no more my son, and should I chance upon thee again, thou shalt not be the lad I raised, but the demon that slew my sons.” Adam growled slowly watching how the other flinched backwards and stumbled.
But Adam did not give the sinner any more attention than that, he turned on his heels to gather his dead boy in his arms and carry him past the one who cried meaningless words of forgiveness.
Words could not bring back his son.
Words that could not bring back both his sons nor the illusion he allowed to trick him.
Adam left the meadow, tears falling down his cheek.
For he had lost two sons this day.
chp 9
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mathmusicninja · 1 year
TMNT Fic and Comic Recs
An ongoing list. Feel free to drop more in the notes!
(tw: strong language for the majority of these. Mind the tags and be safe!)
AO3 Authors:
T33la, (mostly ’03 with a heavy IDW influence), anything they write is great—a little spooky at times, but always with lots of comfort in the end. Personal favorite at the moment: “The Gauntlet” (but all of their stuff is seriously so good)
Flynne, (mostly ’03), I’m still reading all of their stuff (lots of one-shots with a few longer fics), but liking what I see so far, lots of really good hurt/comfort. Personal favorite fic at the moment: “Collector”
Halogalopaghost (halogalopaghost), (’03), mostly one-shots to fill in between the lines of canon. Personal favorite fic at the moment: “Doctor On Call”
AO3 Fics:
"Pretend that I Never Left" by redstringraven (sirimiri), ('03 x HZD), tw violence, during the Ultimate Drako fiasco, Mikey is taken to a different reality where animal-like machines roam the land and people live in tribes. Technically a crossover with Horizon Zero Dawn but no prior knowledge of the game is necessary! Mikey-centric long fic
"How to accidentally kidnap yourself several times over" by Camildeni, (Rise x '03 x '12 x Bayverse), instead of getting himself out of a sticky situation, Rise!Mikey accidentally brings more of himself into it. Very fun and creative
"Looking for a Furr-Ever Home" by The67ImpalaDragonChild, ('03), each of the boys gains a new companion through various means. Adorable, also has hurt/comfort and holiday feels
"Little Kid with a Big Death Wish" by remrose, (Rise), tw dissociation and suicide attempt, Leo-centric recovery fic after the movie, very well written and focuses on non-linear (but upward!) healing. Can be intense at some parts. Excellent hurt/comfort
“I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good” by Dandy (@dandylovesturtles), (Rise), Leo gets mystically separated from his body and his brothers go through a lot to get him back. Dandy also has other Rise one-shots that I enjoyed (especially “Tapping Out”)
"Underdark" by Nekotsuki, '03, Mikey-centric, a bit of a whump fic but with a happy ending, very well written and one I go back to a lot
“A Tale of Spirits” by unorthodoxx (@\unorthodoxx-page), (Rise x atla), I don’t usually do cross-fandom fics like this, but this one works for me. The Rise boys end up in the atla universe because of mystic stuff and no one believes them when they say they aren’t magic spirits.
“Ghost in the Shell” (’03 x Rise), “Fusions” (’12), “The Great Skittle Heist of 2105” (’03 au), and the “Please Just Let Them Hug” series (’03 canon compliant one-shots) by AmevelloBlue (@\amevello-blue). Good hurt/comfort
“Carapace” by SkeletalConstellation (@\kettle-bird), a Rise fic based on some events in the IDW comics
“Picking up the Pieces” by Andromedabrown, GalacticDreamer, ParvumAutomaton, (Rise) pretty long but has very intricate plot. Leo accidentally ends up mystically connected to his shattered sword and his brothers go on a wild adventure to get him back
“The Last Ronin Becomes a Discord Admin” by MelonPalooza (@\melonpalooza), (’03 x ’12 x Rise), a classic in the fandom. Has some great humor and drama. Also has a one-off crossover with “Ghost in the Shell” that was a wild ride.
“Sanctuary” by RealityBreakGirl, (’03), just a nice and fluffy one-shot, Donnie and Raph centric
“A truly French experience” by Get_dunked_off, (Rise), one-shot of Leo defending Hueso’s honor from rude customers
"Ice Cream Makes Everything Better" by mathmusic8 (yours truly :D), ('03), a series of canon compliant one shots to fill in some comfort gaps for the '03 show
"Wow, What a Coincidence" by mathmusic8 (me again ^.^), ('03 x '12 x Rise), a separated AU where the '03 boys get lost and each raise one of the Rise kids and then the kids all end up in the same summer camp. The '12 boys are camp councilors. Rise-centric. Crack fic treated seriously
Tumblr Comics:
“Cass Apocalyptic Series” by @\somerandomdudelmao, (Rise), fandom classic, bad future timeline comic, this series (the “Can you carry your uncles” episode in particular) got me interested in tmnt in the first place, canon compliant
“Aftermath” (also on AO3) by @\happyfoxx-art, (Rise), aftermath of the Rise movie, very good hurt comfort (no language!)
“Replica” by @\kathaynesart, (Rise), fandom classic, bad future timeline comic, canon compliant
“2 Arms Left” by @\intotheelliwoods, (Rise), the softest peepaw au in existence (until it isn't--mind the tags for later comics)
Tblsomedoodles (@\tblsomedoodles) does a combo of comics and fics, mostly Rise but also ’03. Has some adorable Rise x ’03 AUs
"Swantello" by @\tangledinink, (Rise), a rottmnt x swan lake crossover we didn't know we wanted
"Krang Infection" by @\abbeyofcyn, (Rise), set a year after the movie. Donnie gets a krang parasite that makes him go feral turtle for a while
"Unmutated Donnie" by @\onejellyfishplease, (Rise), Donnie ends up as an unmutated softshell turtle but keeps his brain. Very cute, fun, and Donnie's snoot is the best thing on the planet XD
"Kid Leo Au" by @\angelpuns, (Rise), when Leo came out of the prison dimension he accidentally turns himself into a kid, very cute and has good hurt/comfort feels
@\heckitall has a bunch of mini comics (mostly Rise, some '03): Masterpost. Also check out "What will it be" by clandestineclairvoyant for a fanfic of heckitall's "Same as it Never Will Be" comic!
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f1-disaster-bi · 5 months
Okay.....I want
1. Seb reading the worst werewolf erotica to annoy Michael.
2. Simi in which Kimi shifts to wolf form to cope with sensory overload and Sebastian sits besides him with his hand in his fur to ground him.
3. Simi with Sebastian falling asleep in bed cuddled in against wolf Kimi.
4. Vampire Lando and his warm fluffy werewolf boyfriend Daniel.
Oh Em, I love all of these omg 👀
1. Seb/Michael
Michael never once regretted being honest with Sebastian about him being a werewolf.....until the day he comes home to find Sebastian looking so damn pleased with himself. He's curled up on the sofa, looking all cozy and comfortable and he has a book in his hands.
When Michael asks him about it, Sebastian asks him to sit and he'll read it to him. Something that they've done before but then Sebastian starts reading the most horrendously written werewolf smut until Mcihael is wrestling the book out of his hands and pressing him down onto the couch with a hand over his mouth to shut him up.
2. Simi
A soft hand ran through his furr.
"It's okay", Sebastian kept his voice low. It was barely a mumble but Kimi could still hear it as he rested his head in Sebastian's lap while the other massaged behind one of his ears softly, "I've got you, love"
Kimi huffed a response but licked at Sebastian's hand that rested in his lap before he closed his eyes.
He was safe here with Sebastian.
3. Simi cuddles
It was a cold night. The type of night that Sebastian had used to hate because he spend all night swaddled in blankets waiting to be warm enough to fall asleep.
Yet now, now he had a way to keep warm as he heard Kimi’s paws padding down the hallway towards their bedroom.
It only took a few moments for the familiar dark grey wolf to make its way onto the bed with a huff. His tongue briefly making an appearance to lick at Sebastian's chin before he snuggled down into the bed.
Sebastian grinned, hiding his face half in the pillow and half against Kimi’s shoulder as he tried to cuddle as close as possible to his wolfy hot water bottle.
4. Daniel and Lando
Everyone assumed that Daniel and Lando would hate each other because of the age old "fued" between vampires and werewolves but the moment Lando is introduced to Daniel, he's smitten for the big goofy wolf who makes Lando laugh in a way he hasn't in decades.
Daniel is pretty much gone for him too. He thinks Lando is cute and he thinks he laughs like a bullhorn and that it's endearing. He can't help but be drawn to him, especially when Lando makes jokes about Daniel liking football because its essentially a big game of fetch.
No one ever expected them to fall in love or even stay in love, but they do and it works somehow
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bionicle-ramblings · 11 months
Some more cat!bionicle thoughts:
Onewa and Matau are total tornados in your home. You wake up to the two of them playing and Matau makes not-a-cat sounds to confuse Onewa
Having Vakama, Takua, and Jaller is so cute because Vakama honks while carrying one of the kittens to you and is so protective of them both. He'll even growl at you if they're laying by him and you try to move them out pet them. He pants a lot more when he can't find Takua and when Jaller is meow shouting for Takua. They calmed down once he was found
Nokama is happy to have brothers, but having one the judges people, one that goes outside all the time, one that hisses and hits people, one that BARKS, and one that is an anxious mess makes her stare at you like she's asking, "What the hell werenyou thinking?"
While less than favorable family was visiting, Whenua brought some shed snake skin to you. EVERYONE screamed and the less than favorable relative told you to give Whenua back IMMEDIATELY, but you didn't need to because they didn't visit again when you told them he brings A LOT of stuff to you so you can tell him what it is
Matau doesn't mind chilling in your car, but he figured out how to honk the car horn, and now you know you have a time cinstraint whenever you go out because you CANNOT get yelled at for having a mischievous cat that doesn't want to be forgotten
You once woke up to see Onewa staring at you. No purring, no real reaction, just staring. You helped him lay down and promised you weren't going anywhere. Next time you woke up, he was still in your arms, and he was purring
Nuju will steal people's hats right from on their heads. Even yours. He HATES hats. One of your friends tricked him by wearing two hats and once and he was hecking bamboozled. And mad for an hour
Nokama will catch you dozing off when staying up late to study and will "encourage" you to go to bed, but put a bookmark in the textbook you're studying in so you can pick it back up the next day. She helps you take breaks too and will be telling you to do your best and that you've got your test/exam in the bag. She's there for you regardless of how you did. If you pass, thanks to your hard work, or if you didn't do as well as you wanted to, despite all your studying, she's proud of you, and she lets you know she is
Owning Matau and Vakama is so funny to watch sometimes because Matau keeps trying to get his brother to play with him, but Vakama only stares at him like an anomaly. Matau imitated Vakama's panting and honking right in front of Vakama, and Vakama smacked him for it. When you had to leave, Vakama was a little panicky, but you came home to see Vakama napping with Matau laying on him and grooming his furr, particularly his head and under his chin. In another instance, you "lost" Vakama and Matau found him and brought him to you by his scruff, with Vakama growling as he was dragged around
Owning Takua, Jaller, and Nixe is adorable, but also something else entirely. For one, you have three tiny cats running around, one that hides everywhere, one that guards the place, and one that can legitimately read and watch movies. Takua loves following Nixie around the house. Jaller keeps an eye on them both
Bathing the main six cats goes like this: Nokama has an absolute spa day, Nuju only bathes with the water as cold as you can safely get it and still glares at you for bathing him, Matau keeps trying to escape and you learn more than once that he can imitate a car alarm pretty well, Onewa tries to kill you, Whenua growls the entire time, and Vakama screams bloody murder and literally hisses at you the entire time
Bathing the littles goes similarly: Takua doesn't chill out until he's got Jaller with him, and Jaller keeps meowing at you, and Nixie almost falls asleep
If you're dating someone: Nuju judges them even after they've gained his trust even to pet him, Nokama isn't trusting them for a while until she's heard and learned enough about them, Matau is going to try driving the poor soul crazy and ultimately befriend them to the point they do that "Machine Gun Cat" thing, Onewa will attack them even after they befriend each other, your partner is Whenua's original owner so you two are cat parents, Vakama is hiding enough that they think you were lying about having a cat, but then they wake up to see him standing on their chest and staring at them; it took a while for him to warm up to them, but it was so worth it when he ultimately did, Takua steals their stuff and brings it to you, Jaller guards you from them for a while, and Nixie uses her galaxy sized brain to get them to give her books to read and, in rare occasions, treats to nom on
You made a little cart/train to pull Matau in and he DOES NOT leave you alone until you cart him around. In actually, you made a train for all 9 cats. Nuju and Whenua were indifferent, Nokama was fine, Matau and Onewa love it, Vakama doesn't stop panting, Takua sits up and enjoys the ride, Jaller really only enjoys the ride when he sees where they're going, and Nixie falls asleep
Vakama has saved you from some toxic "friends." You were getting ready for a meet up and he made you chase him around the house until you got a text from an actual friend saying the toxic "friend" started talking shit and was very catty despite being an adult. Your friend decided to come hang out with you at your place and Vakama stayed out of hiding because he feels safe with you and your friend
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letsbenditlikebennett · 11 months
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TIMING: After this PARTIES: @chasseurdeloup @kadavernagh @magmahearts & @letsbenditlikebennett LOCATION: Office of the Medical Examiner SUMMARY: After Rhett attacks Cass and leaves her in a bad state, Alex gets her out of the woods and calls Kaden for a ride to the morgue as soon as she has cell reception. Or Regan, again, receives unexpected live patients at the morgue and Marcy needs a raise.
The time between when she hung up the phone with Kaden and when he actually arrived had felt like an eternity. Alex was certain that the warden wouldn't be moving again, at least for a little while, but the blood that clung to her wasn't just Rhett's. As if instinctively, it she gripped onto Cass tighter, desperately trying to keep them both upright until her cousin got there which was a far too grim reminder that too much of the blood that caked her skin was Cass's. She had to actively fight the sick feeling growing in her stomach. Even on a good day, she wasn't good with blood and now she was covered in it. Not even the spare giant t-shirt that went down to her knees was safe from it as her girlfriend continued to bleed and Alex tried to try pressure to the myriad of different wounds that covered the oread. 
“I just need you to stay with me a little longer, ok,” Alex practically pleaded though she tried to give her a voice a reassuring tone. She wasn't sure how much it covered up her own fear. She doubted it did at all. “Kaden'll be here any minute, it's going to be okay.”
She wasn't sure who she was reassuring, but when she saw headlights coming up the road and the familiar sound of Kaden's engine. Alex had never been so relieved to hear him approaching. She was pretty sure she could actually cry, but she wouldn't. Cass was hurt and she needed to be brave for Cass. Or at least try. 
When the car rolled to a stop, she waited for Kaden to rush to her side. “Thank you,” she huffed, “She's heavier than she looks... rock and all. I think I've been applying pressure to the worst of it. I can sit in the back with her on the way to the morgue.”
She had her suspicions about Regan being a nymph herself, but they were just that. Suspicions. Alex had no actual clue if the medical examiner would be able to work with... well, a girl made of rocks. “Dr. Kavanagh should be able to help her, right?“ Regan had to be able to help her because the alternative was too difficult to stomach. 
The keys were in Kaden’s hand and he was hopping into his truck before he’d even hung up with Alex. He didn’t know exactly what was going on, just that it was an emergency, in the woods, hurt. Cass. He considered using the work truck and flipping on the lights to get there even faster but he figured, whatever it was that had actually happened, he would want the space of his normal truck. He dared someone to pull him over on the way there. He’d run them over.
He saw their small figures across the way long before he was close enough to stop the car. It was hard to resist the temptation to throw it in park and sprint to them the second his eyes were on Alex and her girlfriend but he managed and pulled up as close as he possibly could, tires skidding into place.
“Putain,” he said, throwing himself out of the car. His eyes swept over Alex, trying to assess her wounds. She was roughed up but alright. His eyes fell over Cass and it was clear that she was far from okay. “Alex what the hell happened to her?” He knew she mentioned a hunter but he hadn’t assumed Cass was this injured. Crouching down beside her, it was hard to believe this was the same kid who had no trouble facing off with a pinball whirling towards her. She was beaten down, broken. The sparks of life she was filled to the brim with before were fading away. 
Kaden nodded at Alex’s words and reached under the nymph to carefully scoop her up. He didn’t have any plan on how to help her but he knew they had to do something. Fast. First step was to get her into the truck and away from here. 
Kavanagh? His brow furrowed at the mention of the medical examiner. Made sense. Was as good a plan as any. “Maybe. I think so.” He couldn’t think about anything beyond the immediate. “Fae. She knows about fae. And she’s a doctor.” He wasn’t sure if he was telling Alex or reminding himself. “We’ll get her there. Keep pressure and support her while I lift her. On three.” 
There was no room to do anything but push forward. It brought a certain sense of clarity with it. There wasn't room for panic or acknowledging the multitude of sensations that would make Alex sick to her stomach under less dire circumstances. If her head had been more clear maybe she would have thought of the miracle that was adrenaline, but all she could think of was making sure Cass was okay. So when she answered Kaden, the weight of her answer didn't fully register. 
“A warden... We met him before but didn't know he was— I heard her scream when I was hiking toward the cave and he had already grabbed her. He was going to kill her so I stopped him,” Alex said flatly, ”If he didn't bleed out already, he knows what I am.“ Whether or not Rhett was dead wasn't something she could think about when Cass was barely hanging on. Hell, she was barely hanging on in the strength department which became harder to ignore when Kaden lifted Cass into the truck and she realized her own legs were shaking.  
The weight Kaden lifted was more than a physical one as Alex felt some hint of relief once Cass was being lifted into the truck. Her left arm carefully kept the oread's neck upright as the other hand kept pressure against the wound on her shoulder. She was quick to follow into the truck once they got Cass inside; she knew she'd have to keep applying pressure to the wound in Cass's shoulder which looked so much worse than it ought to, even for an iron blade. Her already blood-caked hand found the wound and pressed down on it. ”I think she is fae,“ she added, ”But that's... She can help. She'll be able to make sure Cass is okay.“ 
There was an unspoken desperation in her words. Alex wasn't sure if that was part of what pushed Kaden to drive at such a rapid pace, but she found she didn't care even if the way the trees whipped by them was dizzying. ”It's going to be okay,“ she reassured quietly as she looked down at Cass. She wasn't sure entirely who she was trying to convince, but Cass being okay felt like the only option. ”I've got you,“ she whispered. She'd promise as much if Cass would let her. 
Trees kept zipping by through the window as Alex remained still as could be. She was afraid to move, to shift Cass in a way that might make things worse, but the stillness of it all let the events catch up to her a bit. ”We'll need to go back and check that he's,“ she trailed off, unable to fully let herself acknowledge that she very well may have killed Rhett— or worse, that some small part of her hoped he was dead.
A warden. Knew what Alex was. Nearly killed Cass. Was probably bleeding out. Kaden tried to process the information but there was too much happening all at once. He had to focus on the task at hand: save the nymph in the back of the truck. The rest he would file away for later, figure it out then. Like if there was a dead body they had to worry about. And if they should inform the medical examiner during this visit. 
None of that mattered as much as driving as fast and as carefully as he could directly to the morgue. As soon as he closed the door on Alex, he rushed to the driver’s seat and tore out of there and back onto the road. Hopefully he wasn’t bringing Regan another dead body. A pit dropped in his stomach at the thought. No. His grip tightened on the wheel. He wasn’t going to let that happen.
“Worry about that later,” he said to her, eyes pinned forward, not even allowing himself to look back at her through the rearview mirror. If he looked back, he’d lose focus, start worrying about what else they could do. He had to stay single minded, focus on the mission. It wasn’t a hunt but for once his training might save someone instead of hurting them. 
Kaden wove his truck through traffic, barely stopped at any signs or lights, and raced through town to get them to the morgue. He didn’t bother finding a spot, instead throwing the truck into park right along the curb outside the glass doors. It briefly occurred to him that it would be hard enough to explain why they were carrying someone alive into the morgue to see the medical examiner and even harder to explain what Cass was to the front desk. Putain de merde. 
He hadn’t come up with any sort of plan or anything at all by the time he was helping pull the fae out of the truck. “I’ve got her,” he told Alex. “Get the door, call for Regan. Maybe, I don’t know, tell the front desk to leave.” He winced once the full weight of Cass’s rock covered body was in his arms. It was strange that someone so small and who looked so fragile just then could be so heavy. It wouldn’t slow him down, he wouldn’t falter, he wouldn’t let himself. 
It was a small kindness that Kaden was willing to talk about the warden aspect of things later. Alex wasn’t sure she could rely on herself to really recount the details when Cass felt so cold in her arms. The blood was pooling in the hands that were desperately pressing down on the wound in her shoulder. It took a concentrated effort to keep her hands from shaking, surprisingly not because of the slick feeling of blood against her skin, but because she was terrified. Even when that ranger had a gun pointed in her direction, she couldn’t remember feeling this frightened. Cass was too quiet in her arms, her features too pained and contorted. All she could think of was how much the oread meant to her and the fact it felt like she was slipping away right there in her arms. 
The fact Kaden hadn’t bothered with parking etiquette was more than a relief to Alex. Every second between them and getting Cass proper help felt like an eternity. The truck was practically pulled up to the glass doors and Kaden was carefully extracting Cass from the truck. She hopped out following and nodded diligently as Kaden spoke. “Ok,” she answered, “I’ll get Marcy… to not be there. And get Dr. Kavanagh. Just… I’ll be quick.” Her eyes fell to Cass, “Hang in there, okay?” 
She wasn’t sure the oread could hear her so Alex simply ran off and into the fluorescent lighting of the morgue. She remembered Marcy from before and she seemed to be typing away on her computer. What was the best way to ensure Marcy didn’t follow Regan back to her desk? “Hi, Marcy,” she greeted more frantically than she would have liked, “I need to see Dr. Kavanagh… it’s important medical examiner business. Tell her it’s Alex Bennett. I… uh I have Animal Control Officer Langley outside, too. You should probably… I think you look like you totally deserve to take your lunch break like right after grabbing Dr. Kavanagh.” 
“Fiddlesticks, fudge, no, figh can’t be right…” Marcy glanced up from her phone as the doors opened and… oh, this had Dr. Kavanagh all over it. She remembered Alex Bennett, one of the doc’s oddball visitors, and apparently she brought company. Another person. No, wait, two other – oh. Oh, fiddlesticks. This seemed urgent enough to call the doctor instead of shooting her a text. She did so immediately. “Regan, we have a code ‘what the fuck’ up here.” Marcy looked nervously at the three mostly-strangers who had interrupted her game of Connections (today’s theme of f-expletives seemed appropriate, suddenly), her eyes wide with confusion and perhaps some degree of understanding. Her fingers danced across the tabletop and finally Regan picked up. 
“Can this wait?” the doctor asked, sounding exasperated, “I’m in the middle of a–” 
Marcy cut her off. “Please don’t tell me what body part your hand is in. This is, like, really ‘what the fuck’. Come now, okay?” 
Regan simply hung up, and Marcy stared blankly at Alex, trying not to look at the company she’d walked in with. Marcy usually lived for gossip (and both Regan and Morty were the perfect fodder) but this was something else. Regan couldn’t come fast enough.
The last time they’d had a code ‘what the fuck,’ it had been because a horde of crabs came scuttling in and nearly carried Marcy away with them. The crabs seemed to be gone, but Regan reasonably expected something else quite serious. She rushed out and up, barreling through the doors. Oh, how she wished it were crabs.
Kaden. Alex. Some lump in his arms. This cinniúint-amú family. Treating her morgue like a – She halted, midstep, feeling the presence of something, someone else. The lump was more than a lump. More than human, even. Regan raced to get closer, immediately setting her hands on the fae’s strange skin (was it part of what was wrong?). A girl, barely more than a child. Unconscious, or near it. 
Regan’s first instinct was to shout, break some lights, remind Kaden that this was not the emergency department and serious injuries needed to be attended to elsewhere. But the injured being fae changed the equation significantly. She could not go to a hospital, and especially not looking like this. And where better was there, really? Before Regan had arrived in Saol Eile, they had relied upon inexperienced hands and anecdotes reeking of homeopathy. Regan understood the lack of options. She just didn’t like it. “Langley. Why are you always involved in these things?” She narrowed her eyes at Kaden, who was too easy to blame, but really, Alex had been equally involved in her own injury and possibly what was happening right now. Kaden was older, though, and his shoulders were adequately-muscled for carrying blame.
Right now she needed him to carry their injured. “Hurry it up,” she said, carding the doors open and pointing; Kaden probably remembered where her office was, but they might need the space and tools the autopsy suite would afford them today. What a screaming mess this was. She wasn’t even sure the two of them knew the girl was fae. Regan waved a curt but grateful goodbye to Marcy, who needed no instruction on what to do next (stall Rickers). “Continue past my office and into the autopsy room. Give me as much medical history as you have and tell me what happened. And tell me what’s wrong with her skin.” Regan paused, feeling confident in her words, which seemed worth delivering. “She will not die here.”
In the autopsy suite, she did not waste a second. There were rarely emergencies here; the dead did not mind waiting for their procedures. But now she was filled with an energy and urgency she hadn’t felt in a long time. “On the table. Now.” There was a decedent lying on the adjacent autopsy table. Regan had just managed to stuff his organs back into him and stitch him up, but he needed to be put back in the fridge. She did not like the idea of anyone else touching her patients. She was even stingy when it came to Rickers and the techs. But… her eyes flicked between the dead and the living, and with a defeated sigh, she then looked over at Kaden. “He goes in 8F. If you drop him I will place you in there instead.” She turned to the girl, pulled open her eyelids. The pupils responded automatically to the harsh overhead light. Good. “Round, equal, and reactive.”
Her skin was hard, craggy like stone, and it defied anything Regan had ever seen before. Had the circumstances been different, she could have spent hours looking at it under a microscope and her scalpel. But the circumstances were what they were, and what could have been exciting and full of wonder was currently a hindrance, obscuring what she needed to see. She decided to take a gamble with their knowledge. “You need to get her to glamour.” Regan said, meeting Alex’s eyes with a deadly serious intensity. “She may not be able to hold it in place, but she must, even if it’s only around her injuries. I cannot see what’s going on under this… material. And would not know how to treat it like this.” There was one thing she could see plainly, though: a deep, smoking wound across her left shoulder, like a flaming blade had been plunged through muscle. It was open, exposing something underneath that glowed with orange, pulsing energy, but no blood. “I believe this is from cold iron. Quickly. If you cannot wake her, I can, but it will hurt.”
Kaden didn’t know Cass as well as he’d like but he knew enough. He knew was going to do every goddamn thing he could to keep her alive. He knew he was going to find that warden and— He didn’t know what came after that. Because first thing was carrying Cass into the morgue and forgetting that this building housed dead bodies. She wasn’t going to be one of them. “I’ve got you,” he said as his arms cradled her rock covered body. The edges and rough surface dug and pinched into his skin, likely leaving marks and bruises. If there was pain, he didn’t notice, just held on tighter. “Stay with me. Alex is inside.” His words came out like gasps and he couldn’t be sure if that was due to the adrenaline coursing through his veins or the fact that she was heavy in his arms. He was shuffling to the door as fast as he could, very aware of the fact that with Alex going ahead, no one was able to put pressure on the wounds. “Magma’s not going to go down like this, alright?” 
If there was anyone working the front desk, Kaden didn’t notice her. His eyes were searching for one person and one person only. He was already headed directly to her office when his eyes locked on hers, a tiny flick of hope lighting up in him. Apparently she wasn’t as thankful to see him. Right now, he didn’t give a shit if she wanted him there or not, she was going to help with the kid. “You can scream at me later, Kavanagh. Help her.” He barely had to pause as the doors slid open. Relief was a second away when she said to go to the autopsy suite instead. His head shot around to face her, his brows knit together and worry written across his face. She will not die here. He didn’t know if that was a wish or a fact, but Regan’s tone seemed to write it in stone. He was going to cling to them as tightly as he held Cass. 
Once they were inside the suite, Kaden did his best to set her down gently on the table, but it was difficult to rest rock on metal without any clashing. He winced at the sounds, hoping he hadn’t made anything worse, silently apologizing to her as he laid her down. Kaden backed away and thought that, for the time being, the extent of his ability to help was spent. He was shocked to hear that wasn’t the case. His eyes fell on the dead body next to Cass, sutures laced all the way down from his chest. He wasn’t a stranger to dead bodies, but he never saw them like this. His stomach churned and he could feel bile churning up to his throat. “He goes in… 8F?” he repeated, hoping that it might buy him the time to steady himself as he went pale. 
Putain de merde. This was stupid, he had dealt with much worse, scenes that were far more gruesome and had caused worse than that. In here, in this setting, surrounded by the cold and sterile medical supplies, it felt completely different. He took a deep breath before he nodded, grit his teeth, and decided to rip off the metaphorical band aid. Just pretend they’re alive, he thought as he rolled the body towards the right drawer. Fucking hell, he was putting a body in a drawer. Right. Easier said than done. Just had to make sure he didn’t vomit or pass out in the process. 
She will not die here.
There was no way those words could be spoken with absolute certainty, but Alex clung onto them like they were a liferaft. Her mind sunk its claws into them as if they were some tangible string she could tangle and keep in her grip. The alternative wasn’t something she could consider. The alternative terrified her. 
Though a small part of her felt guilty that Regan seemed to think Kaden was somehow involved in what happened to Cass or could have been the cause. Alex shook her head. “It’s not Kaden’s fault,” she explained, “I couldn’t carry her all the way– I needed a ride.” Given the bone nymph was straight on to business, which wasn’t at all surprising, she stopped herself from overexplaining because the truth of it was simple, wasn’t it? No matter how good Cass was, no matter how many people she helped during her patrols as Magma, there would always be a warden out there like Rhett who didn’t care and wanted her dead anyway. 
“This is my girlfriend, Cass,” Alex explained, looking at the oread in Kaden’s arms somewhat helplessly, “I was meeting her for a picnic and I found her being attacked by a warden. She probably… we met him before but didn’t know he was a warden. She probably…” The words caught in her throat. “He didn’t follow us, I promise,” she quickly added, hoping it answered enough that Regan and let her know there wasn’t an immediate threat following. 
Whatever Dr. Kavanagh asked of her, Alex would do it happily. Already, the medical examiner was taking control of the situation in a way that seemed practiced. It probably was practiced. Even if most of Regan’s patients were already dead, she was still a medical doctor. Emergency training was part of the education and well, Regan also seemed inclined to let the stray non-dead patient into her morgue too. If she wasn’t so damn scared that her girlfriend was about to be knocking death’s door, she may have watched Regan work with more admiration. As it was, she was quick to follow instructions. Any directive the doctor gave her was meant to help Cass, so aptly paid attention and followed into the autopsy room. 
The dead body on the table next to Cass hadn’t even fully registered until Regan was directing Kaden to put it in… a drawer. Alex knew how morgues worked in theory, but the normally unsettling idea was completely overlooked as she carefully looked over Cass. Regan mentioned a glamour and it made Alex positive that coming to the bone nymph was the right call… even if the doctor wouldn’t call herself a bone nymph. There was a weight in Regan’s gaze that made Alex immediately nod dutifully. 
“I’ll do what I can,” Alex agreed, “I don’t… she’s already in enough pain.” 
Her attention shifted to Cass and Alex leaned closer to the table as she looked the oread over. Neither arm looked too good, so she wasn’t sure hand was the right way to get Cass’s attention. Instead, her hand found Cass’s cheek and softly cupped it in her hand. “Cass,” she breathed out. No, she had to speak up. Her voice couldn’t be as small and scared as she felt. “Cass,” she spoke louder, “Babe, I need you to concentrate for a little while. I know it hurts… but we have help, ok? Dr. Kavanagh just needs you to put up your glamour, at least around your injuries so she can start taking care of them.” 
Cass stirred under her touch and Alex let out a breath she hadn’t realized she held in. “You can hold my hand as tight as you need, if it helps,” she added, “But you got this, ok? You’re like the bravest and strongest person I know… if anyone can throw on the ‘ol razzle dazzle in a time like this, it’s you. I think… focus on getting it on for your shoulder first?” She gave Regan an inquisitive look, hoping that she gave the right directive there. 
There were flashes, after the woods. She remembered walking with Alex, her feet so much heavier than they usually felt. Alex’s voice, talking first to her and then to someone else, their responses tinny and far away as they came through the speaker of a phone. Then Kaden was there, too, in the blink-of-an-eye kind of way that meant she was definitely losing time. Another blink, and she was laying across Alex’s lap in the backseat of an unfamiliar car. Another, and they were somewhere else. She heard Alex and Kaden talking, but she couldn’t track the conversation. Alex vanished for a moment, and Cass let out a low whine, feeling more like a child than she had in such a long time.
Another flash. Someone was holding her. They were moving, and she felt the vibrations but they were stilted, dull. Everything was, the world narrowed to the pain in her shoulder where Rhett’s knife had gone in. That hurt more than the broken arm, and there was something almost funny about that, wasn’t there? You’d think the broken thing would hurt more. You’d think. 
Kaden said something to her, and it took longer than it should have for it to register. Called her Magma, and she let out a quiet sound that was almost a laugh. Had she told him? She didn’t remember. Maybe he’d known all the while, the whole time. Or maybe she was Magma not Cass to him at the moment. Did Spider-Man have this problem? She swore she knew, but she couldn’t remember.
Another flash, and there was something solid under her back. It was cold; everything was cold. There was a flutter in her gut that was familiar, but felt as far away as the rest of it. Another fae? For a moment, some childish, outlandish part of her wondered if it was her father or someone from that long-forgotten aos si in Hawai’i. If one of them cared enough, somehow, to know she was in trouble and just… appear. But when her eyes were forced open and a flash of light shone into them, she caught a glimpse of white hair and pale skin that couldn’t belong to anyone with family ties with her. Her eyes fluttered shut again. Alone. She was alone.
But… that wasn’t true, was it? There was a presence at her side, worried and hovering. Alex’s voice cut through the haze, and it sounded like music. Concentrate. Glamour. “Anything for you, babe,” she murmured, and it came out more slurred than she’d wanted it to be. It was supposed to be smooth. Impressive. But she wasn’t either of those right now, was she?
Her eyes squeezed shut tightly, glamour flickering. It was hard to concentrate through the pain, but Alex asked her to do it so she would. The glamour was visibly unsteady, flickering on and off like a faulty lightbulb. Skin one moment, stone the next. She concentrated hard on her injured shoulder, letting out a low groan. “It hurts,” she whispered. “Is it — Am I doing it?”
As Kaden struggled with the decedent (but, fine, ultimately did an acceptable job stowing him away), Regan dedicated herself fully to her new patient as information poured out. Girlfriend. Alex had mentioned dating a fae. The pieces snapped together like dislocated bones popping into place. And a warden did this. Her teeth clenched as her jaw tightened around them. “I am not concerned about you being followed.” Normally she would have chastised the promise, but it was not the time. Nor was it the time to mention involving the authorities. Sure, they could not know what Cass was, but this was an unprovoked attack on a near-child. How could someone get away with such a thing, without an effort even being made to stop them? She thought of Teagan, whose assailant was still out there, as far as anyone knew. It could have been the same individual behind both attacks, but they had distinctly different flavors. Discussion for later.
Alex did an admirable job keeping herself together for Cass’s sake. When this was through, she would tell the child that. For now, though, Regan did not want to distract her – especially when her words of encouragement to her girlfriend seemed to be working to stir the patient. “Shoulder first. That is the most pressing concern.” If Regan was correct. It would be the most painful, too. The other incised wounds surely hurt, but they weren’t as deep or putrid. Alex was succeeding – and for that matter, so was Cass. Mostly. The tough material flickered away, replaced by skin, only to transform itself back again. “Keep it steady,” Regan said, “I can only be as steady as you are.” She left providing any comfort to Alex and dove right in, her hands carefully navigating the margins of the wound now that she could see clearly; they were semi-cauterized but still smoldered, and seemed to be almost expanding. If Regan was capable of paling, she might have.
Seeing the injury seared through Cass’s flesh only confirmed Regan’s suspicions. “This is a cold iron injury. Do you know what that is?” She truly did not know the knowledge base of her audience anymore. “It won’t heal by itself. And I cannot improve it. But I can stop it from getting worse, and permit it to heal on its own, given time.” Her palms stung with their own reminder. She had one cold iron blade, and even Cliodhna did not permit its use under typical circumstances. “Kaden,” she turned to him and was pleased to find her own seriousness reflected back at her. “Here is my ID. Card into my office and go into the bottom right drawer of my desk. There is a jar – small, plastic, red top. Bring it here.”
Instructions. Those were good. Kaden could follow those. It was better, even. Otherwise the best he could do was pace and wonder if he was in anyone’s way or distracting Regan. He took the ID card and ran off. Once he was out of the door, he hesitated, trying to remember the direction they came in. It was all a blur since they got there and he’d been carrying Cass, he hadn’t paid attention. 
Deep breath. He was pretty sure it was that way and soon enough he was sure once he saw the familiar door to Regan’s office. He fumbled with the card and slammed it against the reader a few different ways, but he didn’t need to put in all the effort, one tap was enough. He nearly pulled the door off its hinges and dove into the office.
Putain, what was it she said? Drawer, something about a drawer. He glanced around and saw a lot of those. Which fucking one? Desk, right, she’d mentioned that, too. Desk drawer. Narrowed it down but not completely. Kaden shut his eyes and tried to repeat the words over in his mind. Bottom drawer. Desk. Red top. That’s what he got. Yanking open the left drawer, all he saw were skulls. That was actually a pretty nice raccoon one but– Right. Task at hand. Better try the drawer on the right before digging around the bones. Sure enough, in the second drawer there was a flash of red. He leaned over and pulled a book out of the way. “How to Flirt Without Sounding like a Serial Killer.” Right. Good luck to her on that one. He set it aside and saw a jar, but reaching for it, it was clear it was just mayonnaise. Which brought some more questions. Either way, next to it was a second jar and there it was, just like she said: red lid, plastic jar. Kaden didn’t know what was in it, all he knew was they needed it and so he grabbed it, sprinting out of the office as fast as he’d gotten there.
“Here,” he said, practically shoving the jar into Regan’s hands. He was out of breath from running but hadn’t noticed until he’d had to speak. Lungs heaving, he backed away and watched. That was all that was left for him to do, wasn’t it? Just watch, hope, and try not to get in the way, wait for any more instructions, but otherwise watch and wonder.
Kaden made haste and Regan was left with the two children. Something squirmed inside of her, seeing their pain. Fortunately for all of them, he wasn’t gone long. There it was: the red jar. She accepted it with a nod of approval, and hovered over Cass’s injury as she uncapped it. “This is for… these kinds of injuries. It is likely to work, but I can’t say for certain. It might not be to her specifications, though.” Regan opened the small jar and breathed in the scent of old bone marrow mixed with something floral. It was the last of what she’d brought from Saol Eile. If this happened again, she would need to figure something else out. Somewhere in her cabin was a book with instructions on making more of the salve, and though the ingredient list made a strange kind of sense, it filled her with unease. Still, she did know it worked… on banshees. She had seen it. “I’m going to put this in her wounds. It might sting a little at first, but it will function as an analgesic when it sets in. Most importantly, it will prevent the necrosis of her… flesh.” If it could be called flesh. “Know that there may be other effects. If you have objections, voice them now.”
Somewhere in the background, Kaden had returned to her side after getting the descendent where Regan had directed. A distant part of Alex knew that it couldn’t have been an easy task for him, but everything else seemed like a blur as she focused on Cass. It needed to be a blur. If she let her mind drift to the feeling of blood caked to her skin or linger on the fact she was absolutely terrified, there’s no way she’d be able to keep helping. Cass needed her to be strong right now, so she had to be strong. She gently held the oread’s hand and smiled down at her. “You’re doing so good, babe,” she reassured, her voice coming out much more gravelly than she would have liked, “Just keep it up and steady around your shoulder, ok? You got this.” 
She stayed close to Cass as Dr. Kavanagh looked over her shoulder. Every so often, Alex offered whispered reassurances to the oread. Her shoulder looked so much worse with the glamour up. It was so easy to see where the iron had seared her skin and how it seemed to be worse than when they’d first left the forest. Given, the lighting now was much clearer and the werewolf knew she should look away. Her stomach practically begged her to, but she couldn’t scare Cass more. It was her turn to be the brave one and she gripped onto Cass’s hand enough to mask the tremor in her own fingers. 
Her attention turned to Dr. Kavanagh as she spoke of cold iron. None of it made any sense to Alex. How was cold iron any different from regular iron? She didn’t think werewolves were more sensitive to cold silver. That would have been somewhere in the ranger family playbook. She shook her head. “I know iron hurts her. Most of what I know about fae… she didn’t grow up with other fae. I told her that iron hurts her. Is cold iron worse,” she asked though she was fairly certain she already knew the answer. 
It wasn’t something that could heal on its own. Alex wasn’t sure if that made her more angry or afraid. There was some strange haze of both that hung over her as she practically squeaked out, “Please.” Cass was already in terrible shape. She wasn’t sure how much worse the oread could handle before she— She quickly shook her head. She couldn’t think like that. Regan said Cass wouldn’t die here and she wouldn’t. She offered Kaden a quick grateful look as he made off to fetch what Regan needed. 
By the sound of his footsteps, Alex could tell he was moving quickly, but time still seemed to move too slowly. Somewhere she could hear a wall clock and the detail seemed deafening, more so than her own heart hammering away so erratically she swore she could feel it in her throat. Kaden was back and she tuned into Dr. Kavanagh’s instructions. It was likely to work and the emphasis on specifications wasn’t lost on Alex. “So it was made with a different type of fae in mind,” she said lowly, not really speaking to anyone so much as thinking aloud. It was a sure deal, but it was their only chance. While medicine was hardly something she knew about, she sure as hell knew enough that necrosis of the flesh was not good. And since it wasn’t made for Cass, she was fairly certain that meant it was hard to know what the other effects would be. 
“Use it,” Alex decided quickly as she glanced down the wound that already looked worse, “Whatever the effects are can’t be worse than the pacman of stab wounds over here.” If Cass was listening, she’d appreciate the arcade game reference. Alex smiled weakly as she remembered Cass showing her how to play the game and she knelt back down by Cass. “Hey, rockstar,” she grinned weakly, “You’re doing great. I just need you to hold out a little longer. Dr. Kavanagh is going to put something that’ll help on your wounds, but it might sting first… There may be some side effects, but I got you, ok? I’ll be right here.” 
She was out of it. It was difficult to follow the conversation, so she stopped trying. Alex would pick up on the important parts and tell her later… if there was a later. The thought rose up without her permission, inky black and heavy. Cass wasn’t a pessimist. Quite the opposite, in fact. She’d been called naive in her optimism, but she clung to it all the same because what was the alternative? The world fucking sucked. If you didn’t hold on to the bright side, you’d lose yourself to the darkness. 
But Cass couldn’t find the bright side here. She couldn’t work out the positives of the situation, couldn’t unpack the good. Everything hurt, and she’d never died before but she was pretty sure this was what it felt like. The way her shoulder seemed to be spreading pain to the rest of her, the shivers she couldn’t stop from wracking her frame, the way Alex and Dr. Kavanagh spoke about her like she wasn’t there and the way she might as well have not been there for how well she could listen to them. Alex was saying things to her occasionally, and Cass clung to her voice like a lifeline even if she couldn’t make out the words.
Alex was beside her, then, and Cass tried with everything she had to listen. Her glamour flickered as he concentration shifted, but she understood what Alex was saying. The doctor was going to do something. It was going to hurt. But it would help her, too. She closed her eyes, nodding her head. “Do it,” she agreed. “Do whatever. I don’t — I don’t want to die.” She looked to Dr. Kavanagh as she said it, eyes feeling wet. “I don’t want to die, okay? Do what you need to do, but don’t let me die.”
Cass’s informed consent was, Regan thought, as good as it would get. “No questions or concerns, then. We proceed.” There was something almost familiar about Cass’s voice when she spoke, and as the glamour flickered off her face for a moment, Regan recognized her. Oh, that was too strange to even think of right now. She focused instead on the weak, unevenness of Cass’s plea, the mortal fear, and was determined to be the unmoving force she was required to be. Regan’s voice had an edge of authority and certainty. “You’re not going to die here, today.” 
She was in the rhythm of urgency now, and Alex and Kaden cleared the way for what needed to be done. Cass was still having trouble with her glamour, but she seemed to be able to muster enough resolve to hold it steady now. Whatever that strange, tough material Cass’s skin truly consisted of, it would have been impossible for Regan to access for application. “Good work.” She offered the rare praise, a reminder to hang on as long as she could. With careful hands, Regan dabbed the cream around the wound. What remained went into the other injuries, just in case those were from the same blade, though they didn’t look so malignant. It would help either way. And then that was it. The last of what she had brought from Saol Eile, exhausted. Traded for Cass. Please let it work. 
The wound pulsed with a strange darkness for a moment like the salve had stained it, then sizzled, the searing heat of the iron abating. It still gaped with toothy, jagged edges but now, given the time and proper care, Regan was confident that it would heal. At least until it happened again. These people… this town…  it was at times more rotten than anything in her morgue, and she ought to be grateful she would soon be leaving it. Her eyes ticked from Alex to Kaden, who were probably full of complicated emotions right now. Hope. Fear. Confusion. Her own concern gnawed at her but she set it on ice like her cadavers. Regan watched as the wound seemed to soak up the remaining darkness and waited. For what, she did not know.
Good work. It was stupid, she knew. The way those two words somehow meant more than the promise that she wouldn’t die here today, the way they sent a thrill of newfound energy surging through her veins that allowed her the concentration she needed to hold that glamour in place. The doctor, the fae doctor said good work, and Cass was eleven years old again, trying with everything she had to win the approval of nymphs who saw her as more of a bother than a person. Back then, she’d never earned anything resembling praise. But now? She was doing good work. Her smile was small and pained and tight, but it was still there. It was still real.
The doctor’s hands were at the injury on her shoulder, the one that burned and ached and felt hot and cold at the same time. She touched it with something cool, and it was like someone had injected darkness into her veins. The effect felt so instantaneous. The room dimmed. The temperature dropped. Cass blinked, and when she dragged her eyes back open, the morgue was full of strangers. A man with his chest hanging open, staples ripped out. A woman with goat’s legs and a darkening bruise around her throat. A teenager with a crown of blood encircling their head, eyes curious and sad. In the middle of them all, partially blocked off by their bodies, stood Rhett. Staring down at her with an expression of mild curiosity, like she was an animal in the zoo. The scratches Alex’s claws had left in his face were there, blood dry now. 
Were these ghosts, she wondered? A sea of the dead, beckoning for Cass to join them? Her eyes darted to Alex and Kaden and the doctor. There was a wound in Kaden’s side, freely bleeding. His shirt was so covered in blood that the fabric was hard to make out beneath it — had he been wearing red flannel, or did it just look that way now? Alex’s hair was the wrong shade of red, shining dully in the overhead lights of the morgue. It was wet. Not water. It wasn’t water soaking her head. The doctor was in black and white (was that why she looked familiar?), but there were spots of red slowly staining through, swirls of color that didn’t belong. Cass’s breath hitched, eyes darting between them all until something behind them caught her attention.
Kuma stood a few feet from Rhett, arms crossed over her chest. Debbie was beside her, the injuries that led to her death prevalent and obvious in the morgue. They both looked rotted. Everything ached.
And then, Cass blinked again, and it was all gone. It was just as it had been before. There was no blood in Alex’s hair. Kaden’s shirt was clean. The doctor wasn’t exactly colorful, still, white coat and all, but there was no red to be seen. And her shoulder didn’t burn, and she didn’t feel quite as cold, but the exhaustion that clung to her was hard to fight.
“Thank you,” she whispered to the doctor, squeezing her eyes shut. When she opened them again, they darted around for a moment before meeting Alex’s. Clear and blue and alive, like they were supposed to be. She offered the werewolf a small smile and let her consciousness flee. Safe. She was safe now.
Desperation had a way of making time seem slower. Alex knew the clock ticked at the same rhythm somewhere off in the distance, but it felt distorted as she gave the doctor room to take care of Cass’s wounds. It wasn’t the first time that Regan assured the oread wouldn’t die here. Fae couldn’t lie. Cass had told her that. Sure, the truth was subjective, but Dr. Kavanagh was a bone nymph. If she said Cass wasn’t going to die here that had to be the truth. At least, it alleviated some of her own fear so she could be the steady presence her girlfriend needed. Not that she would consider herself steady. The only thing that felt steady was the gaze she kept trained on Cass. Even blinking felt like a gamble that she only took when her eyes felt like they were burning. 
The salve seemed to create a cloud of darkness around it and Alex found herself having to cover her mouth and nose as the wound seared. It was strange. The autopsy suite didn’t smell like burning. The bite of medical grade cleaners was the predominant scent in the air, but underneath she could smell him. His blood still coated her body and she didn’t dare look down to find it drying on her skin. Just focus on Cass. 
It seemed like the remedy Dr. Kavanagh had given her was working though Alex couldn’t explain how. There had to be some supernatural fae aspect to it. She could hear the rapid pounding of Cass’s heart, but it was hard to discern anything wrong besides the obvious. Her eyes were darting around the morgue and the werewolf wasn’t sure what she was seeing. She could only hope it wasn’t anything too bad, but if it meant Cass would live, she guessed whatever it was had to be worth it. 
After what felt like an eternity, Cass thanked the doctor and locked eyes with Alex. It was the briefest glance before she watched the oread fully slump onto the table. The breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding came out as a small gasp and she felt everything she’d been compartmentalizing threatening to spill over with it. She took in a slow breath before looking up to Regan. “Dr. Kavanagh,” she started hesitantly. She wasn’t sure where to begin or what to say. All she could think was to express her gratitude, even if Regan would tell her it was foolish. “Thank you,” she said finally, “Really. You saved her. I–”
The words ‘almost lost her’ found themselves trapped in her throat and came out as a strangled sound. It was a floodgate that Alex couldn’t allow herself to open just yet so she shook her head. “I just appreciate it and I’m glad you’re still here.” Aside from the fact Cass would have likely literally died in her arms, she did like Regan. “Anything I need to do for her as far as healing and taking care of her goes, I’m all ears.” 
There wasn’t anything left for Kaden to do to help Cass. He was just as helpless as she was to fix her at that moment. He stood back and tried not to be in the way. Alex was there to comfort her girlfriend, Regan was there to heal her, and as much as he wanted to peer over her shoulder and see what was going on, check if it was working, he knew better. Hovering could only make it worse if anything at all. 
Now that his part was done, his mind drifted to the cause of her wounds, the blood covering Alex’s clothes. A warden. Another hunter. Kaden had to wonder if it was someone he knew. His stomach dropped as the face of the hunter dying at Andy’s hand flashed into his memory. Would he see that same look all over again? Would it be at his hands this time? Or Alex’s? Had she already killed him? He didn’t know. He didn’t want this to keep happening. Death. Over and over again. A snake eating its tail. And Kaden didn’t know how to stop it when all he knew how to do was how to slice it in half. 
The gasp from the fae on the table pulled his focus back to the present. His own breath stopped as he waited to see what would happen next – would she pull through or would she pass out again? He reached out and put a hand on Alex’s shoulder, hoping to give some comfort to her while she was giving all hers away to Cass. 
The words ‘thank you’ felt like a sigh of relief, a sign that the course had corrected itself. For now. “Good work,” he said to Regan. “See, way better than a hospital.” He had no idea what it was she did, but he knew it worked. That was enough for him. But now that they were in the clear, thoughts of the hunter and the potentially dead body in the woods lingered. Putain. His eyes darted to Alex, then back to the medical examiner. He opened his mouth to speak. “I, uh, when you have a second I need to talk to–” He knew what he should do, he should report the potential dead body. Alex wouldn’t be implicated. She couldn’t. Right? It’s not like she was human when she did it. Actually, he didn’t know. He just assumed. 
He owed it to the hunter to say something, owed it to his family, but he owed Alex more. He couldn’t risk it. “Nevermind,” he said, waving it off. “Thanks again. Hopefully you won’t see me here again anytime soon.” He glanced back to Alex and gave her a nod. “Come on, let’s get her back home so she can rest.” 
Something was happening to Cass – her eyes went wide and scanned the room as if she was looking for something or seeing something, and Regan watched in silence for a moment. Whatever it was seemed to pass, but that didn’t mean it was the last of it. She glanced down to the empty jar, the remnants of the cream clinging to the neck of it. Do not let it be a mistake. The child was increasingly lucid, though, which had to be a good sign. Her other injuries were minor in comparison, and Regan bandaged them up, confident they needed no further attention from her. Cass was certainly benefiting from the diligent attention of her girlfriend, though. Probably an ill-advised relationship, if Cass’s lifespan was anything like that of a banshee’s. But happiness was a rare and often hard-won thing, and she would not spoil theirs, however useless she felt the emotion to be. Yes. Useless. Of course it was. She suppressed the trickle of doubt.
As Cass roused herself up and the two of them thanked her, Regan shook her head. Their gratitude was less than ideal – or at least the language used to express it, was. She let the thank yous linger, not accepting them nor chastising right now. “It’s not over yet. You have a lot of healing to do, and there may be lingering effects from the wound and what I applied to it. Monitor it closely and come to me if anything unexpected occurs.” Her voice lowered, something soft squirming through her that she barely recognized and did not particularly like. “I didn’t save her. I think you did that. Or perhaps she saved herself.”
And then there was Kaden. “I do not need your ‘good job’.” She narrowed her eyes at him. Demeaning. And what followed pulled at her temper, however much she tried to deny it. “Or your jokes. You come here instead of the hospital and you tell me good job.” Regan wrinkled her nose at him, but Cass was too much a priority for her aggravation at the remark to persist. Did Kaden have something to tell her? Or was he trying to tell something to Alex or Cass? She wasn’t going to figure it out now, apparently, as he seemed to cut himself off. Later, then. Maybe he was trying to tell her there was something to discuss later. She turned to address all three of them. “Not that you chose poorly, in this very specific instance. But we are not done here. Today, right now, we are, because… well, she is asleep.” Regan motioned toward Cass, whose eyes were shut and who looked entirely like a rock again. “But we will need to discuss this attempted murder. I don’t need another victim in here.”
Adrenaline was a funny thing. In the absence of an immediate threat and the knowledge Cass would be okay, the rush that had been pushing her forward had melted into lead. Or maybe peridotite would be more accurate. The metaphorical density of her bones was hardly the point, but Alex knew they felt heavy. So did the blood and flakes of rock on her skin. And her chest. She wasn’t sure if it was the firm kick from Rhett or the weight of what had just happened catching up to her somehow, but now it was sinking. 
Then the hand on her shoulder reminded Alex she didn’t have to carry this alone. Even as Kaden spoke again, there was something decisive in his tone. He knew as well as she did that Regan would have questions. She didn’t mind that so much. Even if Regan seemed to follow the letter of the law, she knew about this stuff. She was part of this stuff. She’d seen firsthand what Rhett had done to Cass. Even if the medical examiner did insist on going the official route, she doubted claw marks could truly be traced back to her. Plus, she was pretty sure some logic or law of self defense was on her side. There was a chance she killed him, but he’d been the one to lift the knife. She’s given him every chance. Her gaze drifted to her sleeping girlfriend and she couldn’t help but think maybe she’d given him too many chances. 
That thought hurt to linger on so Alex instead aptly listened to the doctor’s instructions. She’d need to monitor Cass closely. She could do that. Hell, she wasn’t sure it’d be so much a choice on her part. As tired as she was, she didn’t think she’d find sleep in the coming hours. She’d nodded diligently and had been prepared to accept the instructions as they were, but then there was something there again. It was the tiniest glimpse of something less cold in her eyes. It was brief and if the doctor’s words hadn’t matched that slight etch of something warmer in her features, she would have doubted she saw it all. “Oh,” she uttered with wide eyes. She hadn’t expected that. Dr. Kavanagh had called her a good child once, but this held something more. She saved someone. She saved Cass. She wasn’t too soft. She was soft and she’d protected those parts of herself by protecting the person who brought them out the most. And Cass saved herself too. She was proud of her for pushing through that pain so Dr. Kavanagh could treat her wounds even if the oread never should have experienced that pain in the first place.
If the creeping exhaustion hadn’t fully made itself at home in her body, Alex would have nudged her cousin. It wasn’t lost on her that jokes in the face of traumatic incidents was a shared family trait. Pointing it now wouldn’t hold the same satisfaction, especially not when there was something so comfortable in it for her. Dr. Kavanagh didn’t seem to appreciate it though. That wasn’t entirely surprising and if she wasn’t so tired, she’d feel bad that Kaden seemed to be taking the brunt of her frustration when all he did was drive the car. “We’ll get her home,” she assured, “Once she’s settled, I’ll answer anything you want to know. He won’t do this again.”
Alex didn’t know if he was dead, but some part of her knew he probably should be. That spark of hatred in his eyes was too familiar. She knew the only thing that put it out was blood. Or at least, if there had been some other answer, she wasn’t privy to it. If love had been enough, she had to think it would have made a difference with her parents. It didn’t matter anyway. She gave Cass’s hand one final squeeze before she moved aside to let Kaden pick her back up so they could go home. “You’re gonna be okay,” she whispered to the oread she knew couldn’t hear her, “I got you. We got you.” 
Because even if she couldn’t hear it, Alex still felt it was important to remind Cass she wasn’t alone in the world. Not anymore. 
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neverchecking · 1 year
Just image sage and wild seeing there tolder baby reader going to there frist day of school
You know the reader going to be like there dad's also don't help that fluffy buns aka her support bluepee is like back back away from my child/friend/sister . She making her art and trying not to make fire
The others see the school on fire and everyone in ice and sliding out and the reader Aggy as the fully buns groom himself really quickly from the paint and finished fix his furr that is cut a little but
Warrior shuges: knew it was going to happen
Time just sweating and looking at the baby reader: she really is just like her dad's and us
Four packing on what he should do as all the colors are like wtf but red like hell yeah again
Two is just looks at the blupees and put two and two together: they devris it
Legend just stares at wild and safe ; what have you been teaching her
Wild crying happy proud mama tears and holds his arms out for the reader as she nuzz him as she holds fluffy buns falling asleep
Sage just smirk and look up at the sky : SEE THAT ZELDA FUCK YOUR SCHOOL. IT WASN'T WORTH IT I DID MORE THAN THAT AND. I TOKD YOU MY DAUGHTER WOULD GET YOU KARMA!! He says filping off the light Dragon as she flys by like bitch I work hard on that.
All the links and the one teachers look at him like wtf man
nonforn Reader causing chaos is perfect especially burning down Zelda's school and SAGE FLIPPING HER OFF SIFBFIOF
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ask-radi-and-lofi · 2 years
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Name: radi
Gender: male
Bio: at a young age,his and lofies parents were murdered by a group called the deadly musiz. The two siblings were held in a facility for a long time and experimented on,this resulted in their hair blending in with their skin,turning it into furr,luckily,the two siblings cells were next to each other,giving each other company through the years,years later,when radi was 18,he finally came up with the perfect escape plan,using lofies pin,he broke himself out and his sister to. However,the deadly musix quickly spotted them,a blast of magic nearly knocking radi out,when he finally gained full composure,Lori told him she had carried them through a portal to a new place called radio city. Where a famous rapper roamed. For two years the two siblings lived peacefully,but then something bad happened,radi had always loved to make graffiti,but then he created graffiti on a stage. That’s when he was confronted by a ex demon rockstar,daddy dearest,enraged,he cursed radi by giving him a scar on his eye,radi realized as he grabbed daddy dearests sleeve as it instantly evaporated that he was cursed with radiation. Realizing that,he swore he would make the demon pay before fleeing. It has been two months since the siblings last spoke,radi now only hangs around in radiated places,to stay away from everyone. Although his curse only works when all his fingers touch something,he’s not willing to even attempt to hurt his sister,especially since the curse can get worse if he gets very angry. His internal body has sense been turned radioactive,making him even bleeding a big hazard. Ever since the demon rockstar disappeared and the the deadly musix were rumured to be in town,his hope vanished and his anxiety grew,now relying on a small rapper and a half demon to keep his sister safe. Radi is actually normally very calm and VERY loyal,he is also very athletic,but that dosent mean he can’t be a jokester or troll at times,though if you threaten his sister and push him enough,he can get VERY angry.
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Name: lofie
Age: 17
Gender: female
Bio: lofie never knew her parents,for they died when she was just a baby,as far as she could remember,her brother,radi,was her only family,she can’t even remember a time where she looked “normal” having grown up in the facility. Luckily,her brother was always there to support her,he made her laugh,helped her through the tough times,and so much more. Lofie always dreamed of seeing the outside world,but every escape plan failed,until one fateful day,she recommended that radi use her hairpin as a lock pick. He did so and he escaped,freeing lofie as well,as the two were escaping,a magic blast from lofies captures blasted radi in the back nearly knocking him out,she did her best to run while carrying him and she saw a teleported,not thinking twice,she jumped into it,and her and radi were transported to a place called radio city. For the next two years,radi helped lofie travel this newfound world,her lifelong dream..but then her brother went missing..after two weeks,lofie knew something was up so she printed a bunch of missing posters for her brothers,but nobody even knew who he was..she kept on looking and looking and looking and as if it was a miracle..she found a young rapper who gave her a clue. Lofie is a very sweet girl who is very kind to people,with a very strong determination,when overcome with stress or any strong emotion,she tends to cry,she has never been seen actually angry.
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Remnants of a Family - "High School/Normal lives" AU
The Hamato Family.
Leo, Mikey, Raph, Donnie, sons of the notorious olympic champion and renowed martial artist Hamato Yoshi.
Mikey is into music, art, and everything colors and emotions involved. Aspires to become an actor and a teacher. He is a social butterfly and is widely popular because he never seems to judge anyone for anything.
Donnie is the math-science-tech genius, straight A's, but allergic to sports and crowds - even though he is good at martial arts because of his father. Aspires to create his own tech empire and leave his mark with his revolutionary ideas. Is driven by passion and spite.
Raph likes fighting. Box, street fighting, roughousing. Doesn't care about school as much, but keeps his grades afloat to avoid Yoshi's nagging. Doesn't always work. Secretly very much into gardening. Wants to open his own flowershop.
Leo is a martial arts prodigy, perfectionist, focused on following Yoshi's footsteps. Popularly reffered to as Yoshi Jr.
Yoshi strives for perfection and expects nothing less from his sons. He became bitter after the divorce (but was he even that different before it happened?) and distanced himself from his younger sons after a fight between him and Raphael when he became 16.
They live in New York. Their mother, Tang Shen, divorced Yoshi and went back to Japan. She didn't keep contact with the boys. Yoshi is the owner of a multinational dojo, with branches in many places, which he wishes to pass on to one of his children. Donnie doesn't care because he doesn't even like fighting that much and has plans of his own, Mikey kinda feels hurt because it's not really fair to expect so much of them, but Raph is very vocal about his opinions on Yoshi pushing that bs on them to justify his favoritism towards Leo, which earns them both some very crazy training sessions. Until he stops training him alltogether.
Yoshi hired an old friend to mentor/babysit his sons when he was busy (which is most of the time), a pilot veteran who learned martial arts with Yoshi after leaving the military. He leaves the boys' training on his hands after that, but tests them from time to time. Leo is still required at the official dojo for one on ones with Yoshi, though. Raph scoffs every time their training is as much as mentioned. The veteran allows them to call him by his old nickname in the forces, Splinter. 'Cause he was small but a pain to get rid of.
Fun facts:
Raph's best friend, Casey, let's him grow plants on his yard. To keep them safe from Yoshi and his brothers (Raph doesn't need anymore teasing, thank you very much). Casey does complain about his little sister's crush on Raph though. They usually play videogames, complain about life, roughouse/fight and garden when Raph comes around, and Lisa is often around when they do so.
Donnie has his whole life planned and tunes out most of the things he doesn't care to keep around for the future. He loves animals but couldn't have any because Yoshi hates furr - especially from cats. His best friend is Timothy, who is a few years older but shares his interest for machinery. They are in the same university, which Donnie got in ahead of his time.
Mikey is in almost every club possible in his school, but his favorites are the theatre and cooking clubs. Sometimes after his actvities he hangs out with his best friends: Armando Guillermo, known as Mondo, and a school dropout called James Peterson, who they call Leatherhead because of his pointy teeth and taste for tight clothing. He soon introduces René Tabitha to the group. (He'd had been calling her Renet for 6 months when she explained that René T. was just her signature. Everyone mocked him but the nickname sticked).
Leo has a pet turtle called Spiky, and is gifted an unnamed mouse later on, he just calls it little bud or baby friend. His closest friend is his rival Oroku Karai from the martial arts competitions. He likes to make up stories and doodle but doesn't do it much (not Yoshi approved).
The boys are close, but some relationships are a bit more closed off than one would expect. Raph doesn't talk to Leo in private except arguments (which usually become non private after the first few yells); Donnie isn't close to Mikey because he envies how almost scot-free his brother's childhood was when compared to his own, but they aren't bitter towards each other; Mikey holds a grudge towards Raph for all the jabs he takes on Leo, but still has a nice relationship with him - even though he takes Leo's side almost every time. Donnie is mostly indifderent and thinks their fights are a waste of time since father would agree with whatever Leo said and Raph would always disagree with whatever was decided.
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(Request) Werewolves
Request: Can you do Panprice request? If so I have one with Halloween coming up and everything. Human!Dave x Werewolf! Rupert romance
Heya, hope you all are doing wonderfully well. Originally I wanted to post this on Halloween y'know for the theme purposes but well, I got busy with stuff like work among other things, and I procrastinated heavily so I apologize for that one. 
"... R-Rupy…?" 
As a measly human man who always seems to be racked in illness, no meat to his brittle bones with only the worn clothes on his back, Dave knew he wasn't a threat in any means. On the other hand what's a true danger is the bulky werewolf with untamed black fur, and piercing yellow eyes staring him down. Unadulterated terror glues him to his spot, although there's another reason why his body refused to leave, and his mind to be consumed completely. 
"Hey… Good doggie…" He stutters, voice weak when hesitantly dragging his fingers through the tangled fluff. "... You're so big… A-and strong" 
Slitted pupils thins, sharp canines on full display where hot, heavy breaths quickly dampens Dave's thin neck, making him stumble forward, hands shakily gripping onto the wolf's shoulders. Gravely growls echoed in the area, bouncing off the trees as he gulped the vomit down his tensing throat. 
"Y-you. You've been in so many fights, haven't you?" Tilting his head, curiosity won him over for just a moment, Dave noticed the faded scars littered across the irritated flesh, patchy fluff did nothing to cover anything up. 
Werewolves and the supernatural are dangerous beings 
"Many thanks to me. You always promised to protect me. Now you're like this and I can't do a thing about it" 
Terribly worried to the point of sickness, Dave anxiously steps back, keeping a safe, well respected distance between them. Once seeking knowledge to fulfill morbid curiosity turned to fear, the beast, once his best friend, was a good seven and a half feet tall aligned with sharper features. An odd combination of what it was like to be human and animal. From the head to the torso, tapering off at the forearms and thighs was covered with an overabundance in choppy fur where the rest remained starkly human. Returning his startled gaze to the face, it's uncanny, eerily, how his friend's facial features are greatly stretched, similar to moldable putty, to resemble a mutt's own. Yet somehow he knew humanity is intact, maybe a bit lost.  
"I don't know what to say here? Or do. I never thought I'd see something like this in person. Other then the warning tales my parents used to tell me as a child" 
His parents would be having a horrible fit if they saw him even interacting with such a deadly creature, one that could shred him into thin confetti and likely eat his bloody remains. Though this is a friend, genuinely the only person he considers himself close to, he wasn't going to put the other's life in possible jeopardy for what people may try to say. So gathering up the strength Dave stiffly makes his way over again. Deep in the creature's garbled mind, under all the furr, has to be his best friend fighting to return. No longer afraid, at least shoving the feelings in his gut he forces himself into looking up, what he saw back is comforting familiarity. 
"You're in there, aren't you, Rupert? I. I don't know how to handle this… How to get you back to me" Once more, he leans towards the beast, his partner held in this rugged wild appearance, "There's got to be a way I can help you? I hate feeling useless where I can't help you" 
Finally the beast, his dear Rupert, decided to take the initiative this time, and buried their snout into his neck. Carefully clawed hands held his hips, soft enough as to not hurt him. Teeth grazing across his cold skin, not daring to bite him, only marked as a silent warning. Dave didn't resist instead leaned into the touch, succumbing to the fur and the musky scent. Exhaling, he felt a bit better, safe, and oblivious in the wolf's constant shifting. Then Dave felt a different form limply pressed against him, smaller, more human than beast, and a smoother voice gently reassures him. 
"... You've done plenty. You here with me helps wonders…" Dave is relieved, seeing his partner returned back to normal albeit tired, he immediately hugs his partner.
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burpenterprisejournal · 11 months
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Sunday October 29 PAS Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 101, Berlin, Germany
Hard to Talk! October Edition Das Klacken der Krallen. Küken, Küken, Küken, Küken....
idil - "on times I have forced myself to contain" participatory performance installation
Max Eastley - The Arc, objects David Rothenberg - clarinets, electronics Axel Dörner - trumpet, electronics Nicola L. Hein - guitar, electronics
Gio - electronics, voice Kaz - electronics, voice JD Zazie - turntables, CDjs Mat Pogo - electronics, voice
Bmccrat emo folk, folk punk
joji - movement performance
nystagmus x furrr electronic set
Entrance in the courtyard, Aufgang II, 1OG Doors 18:30, performance and installation starts at 19:00
More info: on times I have forced myself to contain participatory performance installation Artist: idil (idilatasoy_ on instagram) Text: zeynep yılmaz (@zeeynepyilmaz on instagram)
idil presents an interactive installation in the form of a tent that allows for the visitors to engage with it as they desire. Departing from the understanding of a carrier bag when it comes to narrative structures and storytelling (Le Guin), the artist invites you to take part in a collective effort to unpack individual experiences upon the tent, whether by adding new elements or subtracting existing parts throughout the exhibition.
This tent, the support for which is assembled using emptied food containers from Turkish restaurants, represents a safe haven in times of life’s uncertainties, heavy storms, and especially in regards to migratory movements. While acknowledging a sacred space for our true selves with all that they carry within, it simultaneously unravels safety’s ever-changing, non-static, multifaceted, temporal nature.
The act of constructing and modifying the tent together is a testament to the power of communities, personal journeys, diverse narratives and of the resilience needed in a world that often pushes us to move on. Conversely, in also inviting to deconstruct the tent spread over time, idil underlines the impermanence of stories and places, as a way to hold agency upon transforming and letting go structures that no longer serve us. As a way to reach what holds a chance at being ephemeral.
The tent bears an embodiment for our intimate narratives, as much as for the collective wisdom joining us in our endeavor, where and however it may be.
Bmccrat Bailey McCarty Hello, I am bailey! My music is generally emo folk, folk punk and anything that a sweet mandolin lick might accompany.
Vera Vishnevaya aka furrr is a Yerevan-based experimental musician, filmmaker, media and sound artist, curator, and a video stream host at s0r. In her solo musical output and dj-selections, Vera combines dense soundscaping with offbeat rhythms. As an artist, her work deals with collective memory and trauma, taking the form of minimalistic yet elaborate sound installations. Lately, Vera’s been actively researching local underground scenes, putting out impressive line-ups for events and festivals, as well as showcasing the talents via the video platform s0r.
Kay Khachatryan aka n y s t a g m u s is a sound artist, relentless experimenter, and an explorer of obscure sonic phenomena from Yerevan, known for using field recordings and self-built devices to capture and manipulate sounds. His work focuses on preserving the authenticity of street and acoustic noises, while exploring the timbre and psychological aspects of sound. A veteran of Yerevan's underground, Kay has been prolific in a wide range of underground genres — from raw punk-rock and metal to futuristic deconstruction of club music.
When working together, Vera and Kay deliver intuitive original performances using both acoustic and electronic instruments, showcasing their atmosphere- and rhythm-building skills. Always mindful of the space and occasion, the duo’s set can change from a deep drone session to a barrage of experimental bangers — and everything in between.
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arikot27 · 1 year
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Average Solarion Chronicles: The Game enjoyer
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pawlane · 1 year
Improve Your Dog's Look with These Fashionable Collars
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Are you sick and weary of your dog's boring, outdated collar? With these stylish collars, they may upgrade their look! Dog collars are a must-have item for your four-legged pet in addition to being a statement piece. But choosing the ideal one for your dog can be difficult given the abundance of possibilities. We've got you covered, so don't worry!
The Top Dog Collars for Every Fashion
There are a number of things to think about while selecting a dog collar. You should first consider the breed and size of your pet. A smaller dog, for instance, could need a thinner collar than a larger one. Additionally, some breeds may need particular materials since they have bigger necks or more delicate skin.
In addition to practical factors, the collar's design should be carefully considered. Leather collars are always in style if you're seeking for something timeless and sophisticated. They come in a variety of colors and designs, from straightforward ones with brass buckles to more elaborate ones with dexterous stitching or decorations.
Fabric collars, on the other hand, might be a great option if you want something fun and playful for your pet. Numerous designs, such polka dots, flower prints, or stripes, can bring personality while still being comfortable for your dog.
Metal chain collars could be a good option for people who value durability over appearances alone. These robust alternatives provide you more control during training sessions, but they should only be used under close supervision because they can be dangerous if not used properly.
The best dog collars in Australia are ultimately determined by personal preference and lifestyle requirements. By taking into account all of the aforementioned variables as well as your furry friend's special characteristics, you can make sure you find the right match for them.
How to Choose the Correct Collar Size for Your Dog
To ensure your dog's comfort and safety, select the proper size collar for them. A collar that is too loose could come off, while one that is too tight could hurt you. Here are some pointers for choosing the proper collar size for your pet.
First, measure the length of your dog's neck against a ruler using a tape measure or a piece of twine. For the collar's proper length, add two inches to this measurement.
Next, think about the collar's width. Narrower collars work well on smaller dogs while wider collars provide greater support for larger breeds.
When trying on new collars, make sure that there is room for two fingers to pass without difficulty between the collar and your dog's neck.
It's crucial to keep in mind that puppies grow quickly, so their collars may need to be adjusted frequently as they get bigger.
By selecting the proper collar size for your dog, you'll not only keep them cozy and fashionable with a chic piece from the cool dog collar collection.
The Advantages of Wearing a Collar
For your dog's safety and well-being as well as identification purposes, wearing a collar is crucial. The advantages of utilizing a collar are as follows:
Identification: If your dog ever gets lost or separated from you, a well-fitted collar with an ID tag will help. It makes it simpler for someone to return them to you if their name and contact details are on the tag.
Safety: Leashes can be attached to collars so you can manage your dog's movements while taking walks or engaging in other outdoor activities. By preventing children from stumbling into traffic or putting them in perilous circumstances, it also helps to keep them safe.
Collars can be used in training activities to teach commands like "heel" or "stay." It will be simpler to effectively train particular habits if you use the right kind of collar.
Heart rate monitors and GPS trackers are two features that some collars include for keeping an eye on your dog's health. With the knowledge that they are constantly informed of any changes in the health state of their furry buddy, these features can provide pet owners peace of mind.
Purchasing a high-quality dog collar is essential for all pet owners, regardless of whether their dog has particular requirements. These kinds of dog accessories are wise purchases that enhance both function and style while assuring dogs' safety, health, and security.
The Best Way to Collar a Dog
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Although attaching a collar to your dog may seem simple, it's crucial to do it correctly for both their comfort and safety. Here are some pointers on how to correctly collar your pet.
Make sure the collar is first fitted to your dog's exact size. A collar that is too loose or too tight can be uncomfortable or even harmful. Two fingers should fit between the collar and your dog's neck.
Next, carefully approach your dog and hold out the collar so they can smell it. Before you put it on their neck, this will allow them to become accustomed to the item.
Lift their chin gently while holding onto the buckle with one hand after they are at ease with the look and smell of the collar. They should put on the collar and tighten it around their neck.
Avoid overtightening the clasp to avoid putting your dog at danger of choking or discomfort. To prevent tangling or falling off while playing, make sure that all tags and accessories are securely fastened.
You can make putting on a brand-new, stylish dog collar fun for you and your pet by following these easy instructions!
Advice for Picking a Fashionable Collar
There are certain considerations to make while picking a fashionable collar for your pet.
First, think about the collar's material. Fabric collars come in a range of designs and colors, while leather dog collars are robust and traditional. Second, take your dog's size and breed into consideration while choosing the collar's breadth. On larger dogs, a wider collar might look nicer, while on smaller dogs, a thinner collar might work better.
The type of closure mechanism, such as a buckle or clip-on design, is another crucial element. Make sure the one you select is simple for you to use but secure enough to remain in place when out for walks or playing.
Don't be afraid to add some unique flair with name tags or charms that are personalized and capture the essence of your dog! It's never been simpler to update your dog's appearance with these pointers in mind.
So go ahead and spoil your pet with one (or more!) stylish dog collars; they'll not only look great but also feel great.
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Honestly how do you think the sexually active characters like Angel Dust, Verosika, Valentino, Stolas would react to their lover not really caring about the sex they have but rather their relationship as lovers (Also I love your work and im not saying that to be nice your work speaks for itself, good job you earned those thousand followers)
Their reaction to an S/O that cares more about romance then Sex
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Angel Dust
He was... kind of unnerved.
The idea of you wanting to be with him just for him, was kinda terrifying.
What If you got past all the glitz and glamour, All the manicured furr and fluff, and sex appeal and found... someone you didn't love.
And took a long, long time to get through that insecurity. Angel taking a lot of comforting and assurance that you, in fact, loved him for him. Not just for what he could do in the bedroom.
Honestly, when he realised as much. That you truly loved him for him and not his sexual prowess. He'd Probably break down crying.
I imagine the spider clinging to you, just bawling his eyes out. The spider clinging to you, desperately not wanting you to leave him.
He would become very protective of you, the spider finally finding someone who genuinely loved him, and was determined to keep you.
So if another bitch so much as looked at you, hed be in there face. Making sure everyone in a three block radius knows you belong to him.
Angel would tell he could be honest with you. The spider exposing his more sensitive side, allowing himself to be vulnerable with you.
The spider confided in you, able to trust you with his secrets and traumas, and there were many.
And while your relationship was not based around sex, something that made Angel smile every time he thought about it. Angel still very much enjoyed Sex.
He was a very physical person, and knowing that you didn't just love his physicality, well, that only made him more physical, specifically with you.
And every time you asked if he really wanted to do it, or if he was enjoying it, it only made him live you more, the spider feeling safe when with you.
Verosika was, well, she is, A sex demon.
The woman was a Succubus. The most lustful, lewd and perverted beings in hell, only rivalled by Incubus and Asmodeus, obviously.
So being in a relationship with someone who wasn't really interested in sex, it was strange.
Alien really. At least for her.
She'd never met anyone who wasn't interested in her for her body. I mean, sure she'd met a lot of gay dudes and straight women, although women were a lot like spaghetti around her.
Straight until wet.
She loved that joke, and initially, when you'd asked her out, taking her to a fairly nice restaurant, she was expecting more of the same.
But out on the date and well, you spoke.
Not chit-chat, or make small talk, you actually spoke to one and other.
You told stories, spoke about your week and had a genuine conversation. It was odd for her, as the most sophisticated conversation she'd usually have was with her entourage, either about her latest escapade, or her next performance.
But she found herself actually speaking to you, telling you about things shed never really told anyone about, mostly because no one had ever asked.
Youd have a lovely meal, still chatting, before you'd walk her home. And well, you just give her a kiss, promising to do it again some time.
That had left a weird feeling in her gut, as on one hand she had really wanted to sleep with you. But on the other, she really loved that you didn't just fuck on the first date.
And you would go on another date, the two of you seeing a movie.
It was a simple rom-com, the theatre practically empty, the two of you quickly getting bored, and when Verosika asked if maybe, you'd like to "have a little fun" *Wink Wink*
Youd just politely refused, instead asking about her week. The girl once again, was taken off guard, but happily ranted about her week, the two of you having another lovely conversation.
Youd again walked her home, but this time she'd invite you in for coffee.
She had intended on seducing you, but ended up just spending your time talking again, it getting so late, she offered for you to stay over.
And while she had slunk into bed, intent on doing dirty things, she would end up dozing off curled into your side.
Youd continue on a very romantic relationship, the woman pleasantly surprised by your rather seamless relationship, the woman feeling like what you had was real.
It wasn't just a sex filled fling. It was a tender, loving and intimate romance something she admittedly took some time to get used to, but it wasn't long until she loved you as much as she knew you loved her, the woman surprisingly happy not having to have sex to keep your relationship alive.
Thats not to say you didn't have sex, because you absolutely did.
Youd meet in a club, the two of you striking up a conversation.
He was honestly caught up by your rather charming conversational skills. You were quite the conversationalist, the Overlord quite intrigued by you, finding himself wanting to speak to you further.
Eventually he'd invite you up to his place, you happily joining him.
Youd go up to his penthouse, the Overlord proudly giving you a tour of his fancy penthouse.
You'd end up in the kitchen, the Overlord genuinely stumped at how he ended up with a cup of coffee in his hand, the two of you talking at his table.
He was surprised at how comfortable he was with you. The Overlord telling you about his day to day, ranting about all the shit he has to deal with on a daily bases with surprising ease, the man finding himself very comfortable with you.
He'd eventually ask you out, you happily accepting.
He'd take you out to a fine meal at only the finest of restaurants, the two of you having a wonderful night out.
You would talk, eat delicious food and drink even finer spirits. Afterwards you would go back to his place, and well, you'd make sweet, sweet love.
You continue seeing each other for the next few months, going out on several more dates, your relationship getting closer and closer, the man amazed at how little sex you had.
It wasn't so much the absence of sex, hed dated flinty of fridget bitched, but his reaction. He didn't mind it. Not one bit.
The man found himself loving your relationship, even though he usually despised serious relationship, instead preferring it loose and fast, bit with you, he loved your relationship.
The man felt as though your relationship actually meant something, you never all to Interested in his glamorous lifestyle.
In fact, you spent almost all time together... he dare say, being traditionally romantic and shit.
Youd go on simple, but romantic dates, and you spent great lengths just speaking, the man shocked to find how much he just needed to say shit, venting about his day.
And of course, he'd spoil you, treating you to every luxury at his disposal.
But he didn't need to. And that's what he loved about you. You enjoyed your time together just... by being together.
Stolas was the apology of a lovable owl.
Your first meeting was very fumbly. You'd be at a royal gathering, you managing to stumble your way in, ending up at a table enjoying the free wine.
That's when you'd see the owl, the man just sitting there, staring at his drink.
Seeing him like that, you'd strike up a conversation. And while initially taken aback, the man would quickly engage in conversation, the man happily chatting with you, especially when you seemed to genuinely engage with him.
Youd talk, laugh, exchange stories and just generally enjoyed the conversation. The owl finding himself genuinely caught up in your conversation, greatly enjoying your company.
But, as they tend to do, all good things come to an end. The two of you prepared to go your separate ways as the party began to disperse.
But on an impulse decision, Stolas would ask if he could see you again. You, a little caught off guard, agreed, telling him a time and place, the owl eagerly agreeing.
It'd be a few days later when you had your first 'date', the two of you meeting up at a coffee shop, the two of you finding a booth and before chatting.
Youd had a very genuine back and forth, you asking about life as an Goetia. And of course he put up a brave face, you could tell he was putting up a brave face, it not taking a lot of pushing before he broke down a little, telling you how difficult and stressful his life was.
All the petty BS he went through every day before lunch. It could get so bad, he felt like tearing his hair out.
Hearing this, and wanting to help the poor man, you'd decide he needed to unwind.
And you would unwind by taking him out clubbing. Now your first step was a change of clothes, you getting a mismatch of what he so humbly called "peasant garb", the owl almost unrecognisable in a mismatch outfit.
Youd go to a club. You'd drink, you'd dance, Stolas being absolutely free to be himself. And he would go ape.
By the end of the night, the Owl would be totally exhausted, and loved it. The owl grabbing you and giving you a big kiss, the man thanking you.
Youd welcome the man, before kissing him back, the two of you spending the night together.
That would mark the beginning of your relationship. And a romantic relationship it was.
Your relationship was very much based on romance, you and your owl absolutely loving each other.
Youd meet up a few times a week, usually at a bar or Cafe, the two of you spending hours upon hours just speaking.
Youd listen as he ranted about his day, or lamented on an aspect of his life. You happy to listen or give advice, explaining it from your perspective.
And while these conversations were all good, your bonding time really came when you went out.
Now granted, you had to be subtle about it, but you'd often go out together, usually with Stolas in more "peasant garb". Not wanting to get attention in his royal garb.
You went to parks, to movies, Stolas especially like bargain shopping. Going through used and obviously stolen goods, you'd often have contests on who could find the weirdest things, Stolas somehow winning most of the time. The man usually keeping the strange item as a memento.
You had such a romantic relationship, the two of you opening up on a very intimate level.
The man found a confidant in you, the man venting, opening up to you about his deepest darkest secrets.
The man confiding in you about his forced marriage, or his abysmal relationship with his father, big shocker from a noble I know. Or how Octavia was the only truly good thing in his life.
If Stolas prayed to anyone, you'd be the answer to those prays.
Youd be exactly what the man needed, allowing him some much needed intimacy, the man absolutely adoring his time with you.
And of course, you'd have sex. But your sex was always tender, loving and deeply intimate.
Youd truly, make love.
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railingsofsorrow · 2 years
Right Where You Left Me
[Emily Prentiss x Reader]
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A/N: here is my entry for @foxy-eva's Milestone Writing Challenge! congrats, love! the chosen prompt was the following angst one: “who are we even kidding? we were always a losing game.” besides this prompt, this was also heavily inspired by right where you left me by taylor swift, so you can see some hints of the song throughout the oneshot.
summary: how do you stop mourning someone that came back to life? reader doesn't know.
pairing: emily prentiss x fem!reader
word count: 1.2K
warnings/content: break-up argument; crying; really angst are you ready?; mentions of emily faking her death (but this is mostly an au because I haven't reached that arc in the show yet); mentions of marriage; not a happy ending.
part of “the taylor swift anthology”
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Sergio reminded Y/N of the moon. Its jet-black furr was much like the night sky and its incredibly soft padding around the apartment recalled her of the secrets wishes she used to tell the stars.
❝[...] everybody moved on, I stayed there. [...] right where you left me.❞
Her fiancée's cat wasn't very fond of her at the beginning of their relationship. He'd jumped away every time Y/N simply gesture towards him. This changed after Y/N spent the first night at Emily's place. It was as if Sergio had understood “this one right here is safe.”
But it wasn't just that.
Y/N had been the first person that slept over the night at Emily Prentiss apartment. First partner that stayed over. She hadn't know it back then, of course. Emily told her a bit after they had officialised their relationship.
The next morning Y/N slept over, when they were having breakfast, she offered a piece of her toast to the pet and he slowly walked over, analysing her actions. He accepted it. Staying by her side the rest of the day. And for the rest of the years she spent there too.
Sergio wasn't the first to trust her. But he was going to be one of the hardest goodbye she would ever give that night.
“Y/N?” Emily called out as she arrived home. Y/N could hear the clicking of the keys and steps approaching. “I made a reservation at your favourite restaurant, for tomorrow. Luckily they weren't all booked out-”
The cat left her arms as soon as his owner arrived. Fair enough, buddy.
“What is all this?” Asked Emily upon arriving at the living room and seeing the suitcase and a duffle bag by the coffee table.
“I'm leaving.” Y/N replied, not facing her quiet yet. She didn't get up from the couch either. They would have to talk before she left. They would have to have a confrontation. She knew. But that didn't mean she wanted it to happen.
A moment of silence was all it took for Emily to react. “No, you're not.” She dropped her work bag on the ground, moving to sit by her partner's side. Her fiancée. The one she was supposed to get married to. Her other half. “Whatever it is, we can figure it out, Y/N.”
If there was something Y/N hated on Emily was the calmness the woman was covered with at every moment. Someone could be dying and she would speak with the most serene tone to deal with the situation. Y/N didn't want calmness now. She wanted to hear her scream. Throw things. Get angry that she was leaving.
She pulled her hand away when the brunette tried to grasp it. Something broke inside Emily; but she could fix this.
“I can't do this anymore.” Y/N muttered, swallowing the lump on her throat.
“What happened?” Emily inquired, praying that the woman would at least look at her. “Please, sweetheart. We can talk about this. Was it something I did? I can fix this, Y/N.”
Y/N scoffed, sparing her a scowl, “You can fix everything, right, Emily?” She stood up, craving space. She needed space from her. When had Y/N ever needed space from the woman she loved more than anything in this world? Perhaps, that also changed. “I'm not one of those… things. I'm not someone you can simply leave one day and expect to go back to whenever you feel like it.”
Emily finally understood what this was about. In the end, all of their arguments ended up being about that.
“You know I didn't just leave. I'd never leave you willingly,” Emily protested while silently watching her fiancée nervous moving around the living room.
“Right.” Y/N said, crossing her arms. Attention drifting to her packed bags as an excuse to not glance at Emily. “You were protecting me and the ones you loved."
Emily's eyes snapped at her. God, why can't she look at me?
"-That I love." She corrected firmly, standing up to reach towards Y/N. Who, this time, let her touch her. Good, she could still fix this. “I love you. You know that, don't you?” And I know you love me too. Don't you? Was what was implicit in her question.
She didn't receive an answer. Her fingers pushed a strand of Y/N's hair behind her ear softly. “I did what I did because I couldn't lose you. I had to go.”
“I know.” Y/N said with furrowed brows, voice shaking slightly. “I know that, Em.” Once the tears came, they couldn't be stopped. It was like a storm. Unstoppable when the sky has been grey all day. “But- you died.” Y/N choked out, retracting a hand but still let Emily hold the other. Even letting her touch me feels foreign now. Y/N thought. “You died. I went to your funeral, Emily. I-” She tried to hold back a sob. “I mourned you for months.”
Emily was crying now, too. Could she still fix this?
“Y/N-” She tried reasoning, but was interrupted.
“Did you know that I was at that restaurant? When I received the news?” Y/N let out a shaky breath, looking for something in Emily's eyes. Something she couldn't find anymore. She took a step away. “... the one you still say is my favourite. I was sitting at the table on that corner where we would always sit, and then I received the call. Some days, I still feel as if I'm there. Waiting for a call to tell me you're gone again.”
“I'm here, Y/N.” Emily begged, hand numbing at the feeling of being rejected once again. “I'm right here. I promise you I won't go anywhere this time.”
This time. But I needed you before.
“But I am not here. Not anymore, Em.” Shaking her head with tear stained cheeks, she turned towards the door, facing it instead of her lost lover. “As long as I'm with you, I will still be at that restaurant, at that corner.” And who are we kidding? Even after countless tries, we were always a losing game. Y/N didn't say it out loud. There had been enough words said to end them both.
“I'm sorry, I can't get past this." Y/N glanced at Emily, feeling a heaviness inside her chest over the outcome of that night. It couldn't have gone any better. “I love you, Emily Prentiss. I- I just can't stay by your side anymore.”
Sobs racked through Emily's body as the door closed. She felt lost. She felt helpless. She didn't want to lose her, but there was nothing else she could do. It was inevitable.
Emily wished she had followed Y/N to the door, stopping her from leaving. But when she saw the ring laying at the coffee table, the diamond reflecting against the glass, she knew she couldn't fix anything anymore. It was too late. That night, her heart left through that door. She wasn't sure if it would ever come back again. As her body stayed there, on the cold floor of her apartment, loneliness slowly crept in inside her bones and mind. It was not a strange feeling for she had felt it her whole life. She just never thought she would have to feel it once more.
Now, loneliness was just greeting her again.
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shepard-ram · 3 years
Sleepy Hermit Headcanons
Fluff, No one asked for this but I will still present my daydreaming, no I'm not touch starved what are y'all talking about also thank you to the discord when I asked who to add, only to name like half of the whitelist. There are many more I want to be soft with in the hopefully near future so this is probably just a part one
Includes: Grian, Bdubs, Doc, Ren, Xisuma (Seprate)
Aprently macaws sleep for 12 hours so yeah, goodluck waking up early with a bird boy resting after a day filled with heavy lifting
Will lay on top of you solely to make you completely disappear under his wings like a gaint colorful blanket
You can tell when he's finally waking up because he'll start nuzzling into you while making a bunch of chirping noises
It's adorable but dammit you woke up like three hours ago can you please move-
You've gotten into the habit of smoothing over his hair and feathers while waiting
Which, you can guess from the louder chirping that he enjoys it
Goodluck having any sort of inconsistent sleep schedule, it might as well be a competitive sport with him
No matter what you're doing the minute the sun's touches the horizon you're gonna get dragged to the softest bed ever rather you want it or not
Uses you as pillow, it's impossible to get up without waking him up. Wake him up and you're being clung to and begged to go back to sleep
In the morning he's almost always awake before you. So you wake up with the positions switched, your head on his chest
He's still trying to keep you asleep as long as possible, at least you've gotten a proper night's rest
It was a little awkward at first, metal arm, centaur body and all. But you found out how to make things work
Loves curling around you, crushing you into his chest, pressing your face into his furr, the whole thing
He's always making sure the blanket keeps the cold metal off your skin. You don't really mind it but he keeps doing it anyways
He hisses alot in his sleep, and if your crash course in creeper behavior served you right it's his equivalent of purring. It's sweet to think he feels that safe and relaxed with you
Being squished against his chest also means you can hear the soft tick of cybernetics alongside his heartbeat
Part two of how in the world is it this comfort to cuddle with you you're like half metal-
You've woken up in some really weird positions to avoid the ol' steel pillow his chest and arm are
He's on the colder side, loves to bury his face in your neck. Not ideal (for you lol) during the winter, but at least he likes using you as a hot water bottle
Okay this was inevitable, ear scratches the puppy loves them. Will fight sleep just to keep enjoying the sritches
Talks in his sleep alot, the amount of storylines you've pieced together from his broken dialog is incredible
Very half and half with who drags who away for some well deserved rest. At this point you might as well start keeping score
If you're the one getting him to bed then you often have to remind him that armor probably isn't the most comfortable pajamas for either of you-
If he's the one to get you in bed then he likes to mess with your hair as you drift off. That and little kisses. You of course return the gesture when it's you putting him to sleep
Has tried to get you to sleep with a group of axolotls. It was an... interesting experience. Napping in a pond isn't exactly your speed
Mornings are really sweet though, you'll both spend a while together chatting about the upcoming day while dozing off, the colder it is the longer it takes for either of you to get up
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