mialeanz · 1 year
What if lo’ak and Tsireya moved to the forest and had kids and Kiri,Rotxo,Tuk,Aonung wanted to see then 
Kiri 27
Aonung 28
Rotxo 28 
Tuk 20
Lo’ak 28
Tsireya 27
La’reya 7
Nete 8
Zel 5
Kiri, Tuk, Rotxo and Aonung where at some rocks talking and everything 
“ I miss lo’ak and Tsireya” said Tuk 
“ We all do Tuk” said Kirr
“Then let’s go see them they have kids you know I want to meet my niece and nephews”
“Tuk you know we can’t “
“Why we have ikans Roxto can fly with you and Ao’nung with me and we leave a note for mom and dad see how easy and we are all adults so they can’t do anything about it so who’s in “ said Tuk 
“You know what I’m with Tuk I want to see my niece and nephew let’s do “ said Rotxo 
“I agree with Rotxo “ said Ao’nung 
“ Uhh fine but if something happens I blame all of y’all “ said Kiri 
“Yay so to night to we get their in 1day” said Tuk 
They all agreed they all did miss lo’ak and Tsireya they hadn’t been their sent well sent Tuk was 13 and got an ikan to it was a long time I guess they all got busy with their lives Tuk how to start think about getting a mate Kiri and Roxto mated and wanted to start a family and Ao’nung had to start getting ready to be come chef’ lo’ak was now chef as the old chef had pass when they moved their and thought and the clan would be in good hands with lo’ak Mo’at what happy to have some of her family back as they all had left and now she had great grandchildren so she was ok with the forest had changed a lot the humans given up and when back to earth to try to fix it as they learned that the Na’vi won’t give up so their was no more war and they had found a new tree and thing we’re like how they use to be before the sky people came. 
“Ok can you guys hurry up move your asses” said Tuk
“Ok alright damn Tuk when do you get all mean” said Rotxo 
“Sorry Ro I’m just really excited “said Tuk 
“Yea we can tell “ said Ao’nung 
“Shut up before I drop you when we are on my ikan “said Tuk 
“Ahh very funny”
“Let’s go their they are the ikans hurry before someone sees us “said Kiri 
They all got on the ikans and started to fly away it would take them a day or more depending on how many stop they take that all had been flying for more the 7 hr so they need a break they found a little spot to rest it would do for them and the ikan were really tied and need rest.
“Guys how do u think the forest look last time they where  fixing the tree I think it looks beautiful think it’s just like when mom was growing up and all the story she would tell us”said Tuk 
As they all started to put their sleeping mats
“ Yea it must be nice with all the sky people gone “ said Ao’nung 
“Well we only got 3 more hours to do before we get their “said Rotxo 
“ So let’s all get some sleep “ said Kiri 
They had all said good night to each other and everyone was asleep. 
The next morning 
Rotxo was the first to wake up he started to take out the pre-packed meals they had packed for the trip after he took all of them out and feed the ikans the other had begin waking up.
“Good morning “ said Kiri and then walked to Rotxo to give him a kiss 
“Well good morning to you”as Rotxo gave her another kiss 
“Ok ok we get it you found a mate”said Tuk in a annoyed voice 
“Yea get a room lovebirds “said Ao’nung 
“Whatever can y’all eat so we can get going and see and niece and nephews “ said Kiri
They all started to eat as they sat in a small circle they had finished their meal and they had to leave they all got on the to ikans and began to fly they new they got there when they began to see trees in trees Tuk screamed we’re here we’re here as the others looked around as the memories had came back of the time they came for Tuk to get an ikan but they had landed on a stop were their ikans fit as they got off they ikans  left to do their own welcome home 
Yes finally home look I think that’s the tree come on guys we’re home Ahahaha said Tuk laughing so happy 
Kiri felt so connected to the forest and eway Rotxo and Aonung just looked and were amazed of how perfect the forest is they stared to walk to the big tree house they saw and new that’s were the clan was and the new tree for the clan as the began to hear noises around them as looked around to see what it was. 
“Guys you heard that right “ said Kiri 
“It was probably an animal or some thing Don’t worry about it “ said Roxto 
“Chill out guys. We’re in the forest there’s animals everywhere said Ao’nung 
Before Aonung could finish that sentence a medium size animal jump out of the nowhere with claws and sharp teeth spikes around its spine that all started to circle around it
“What do we do “said Tuk
“Well we kill it “ Kiri 
“With what  our hands “said Aonung 
“Well no find something “ Rotxo hissed at the animal 
“Ma Rotxo ur going to get it more pissed off “ said Kiri 
They all heard a scream and came out to little kids both with an arrow before like new it the two little children had killed the animal they both began to laugh 
“Good shot sis look u shot it in the eye “ said the little boy 
“You to bro you shot it in the lungs “ said the little girl
They began to say something’s to it in na’vi after that they looked and the Navi’s standing right in front of them the girl began to look and them pointing her arrow at them 
“Who are you guys we have never seen you before.”
“Sis calm down look to of them are not from here they are teal” said the boy 
“We do not mean any harm we come in peace we are looking for the chef and the tree house”
Said Tuk 
“What is you want with the chef “said the girl
“Look kid we really want to see the chef we are family of the chef “ said Aonung 
“Mm we’ll come with us then “said the boy 
“So what are y’all names “ said Kiri try to start conversation 
“I’m la’reya and this it my big bro Nete “said la’reya 
“So how old are you guys “said Rotxo 
“Im 7 said” la’reya 
“And I’m 8 we have a little brother zel who five you guys will meet him “said Nete 
“Thank you for saving us back there you guys are good with arrows “said Aonung 
Thanks they both la’reya and Nete say
“So where do you come from? “Said Nete
“Yea you two don’t look from around here the other two girls maybe but you too you look like from somewhere else in the ocean I’m guessing “ said la’reya
“Yes we are from there how did you know “ said Rotxo 
“Are mothers is from the sea and you guys look like her especially you “ pointing and Ao’nung said la’reya 
“Really you two don’t look a lot like her “said Ao’nung 
“No we take after our father he’s from here but he lived with the sea people that’s for he meet our mom but then him and our mother moved here and never mind “said la’reya 
La’reya was her fathers daughter she looked just like him except her eyes were blue like her mother. She had the same body and color as the forest people she like to keep her hair in some few braids and the rest, let down her hair, was straight with some beads in it around the braids. Her brother had a curly hair like their mother and put into braids and let it down how his father used to have it in his body was like the forest, but his tail was a little bit more thicker. He had yellow eyes a dark yellow like his fathers.
“so I’m guessing you get your eyes from your mother looking and la’reya and  You get you think tail from your mother as well look at Nete” said Kiri 
Yep they both say
Ok so who are you parents? Said Tuk think that this may be their niece and nephew as they all were thinking that same and the children were to 
Umm we didn’t get your names did can u tell us said nete 
Yea we didn’t said la’reya 
Im Tuk 
Im Ao’nung 
Im Rotxo 
Im Kiri 
“Ah and Kiri Roxto is your mate”
“What how can you telll “ said Kiri 
“It was obvious how when the animal came to attack you guys you were in back of him and he was in front of you. He put his hand around you and helped you when we were passing that log, so I kind of got the hint that you guys were mates, and you kept looking at him “said la’reya 
“Aww Ma Kiri you look at me “said Roxto 
“And you two are sisters before you ask me how I know you kept look to see where she was “ said la’reya 
“Sis calm down “said Nete 
“What do I do this time it’s isn’t like I’m burning them with fire that was one time and those people deserved it” said la’reya 
“I swear u always get me in trouble “said Nete 
“Well stop be such a wuss your no fun “said la’reya 
“And you a troublemaker “ said Nete 
“And your a rule follower “ said la’reya
“Yeh we’re the chefs kids we have to “ said Nete
“Well like to have fun stop being suck a wuss big bro” said la’reya 
“Wait you guys are the chefs kids “ said Rotxo 
“Surprise “Said la’reya 
“And you guys are our aunties and uncles 
Yes how do you know we have never meet
Do you have the same amount of fingers as my father and you Ao’nung look like my mother and Tuk looks like my great grandmother”saidla’reya 
“Yay family reunion “said Nete 
“Oh my Ewya I’m so happy to see you guys you guys are so beautiful “said Tuk hugging them 
“Yeh nice to meet all of you so you would want to meet our parents “ the both said 
“Yes of course they “all said
“We’ll we’re here “said Nete 
“You guys have to be quite “ said la’reya 
“Why “ said Aonung 
“That’s a good question la’reya why do they “ said Nete 
“Shut up bro look I got in trouble for getting into a fight and” said la’reya 
“Ahah you are our brothers daughter” said Kiri 
Yea so just stay quiet come on nete oh before I forget get the animal as they had made Rotxo and Ao’nung carry it
Look there’s mother and father let’s go talk to them 
As they began to walk up to their parents 
“ Oh my beautiful babies is where have you been?” said Tsireya 
“Hi baby kiss each of their heads yeah where have you guys been? “Said their father 
“Umm look what we caught I shot in the eye and nete in the lungs” said la’reya 
“Good job I’m proud of you guys “ said lo’ak 
“Good jod babies I hope you guys did the goodbyes” said Tsireya 
“yes mom we both did “ said Nete 
“Well sit we have fruit for you guys zel you want some baby “ said Tsireya 
“Yes mommy “ said Zel
And Tuk Kiri Roxto and Aonung watched them 
“Wow are brother is a really good dad “ said Tuk 
“Yea “ said Kiri 
“Hey should we go up to them “ said Rotxo 
“No wait “ la’reya said she will take us 
Ok they all said 
“So la’reya I talk to the parents of the child you got in to a fight with “said lo’ak 
“Dad I have something for you “ said la’reya 
“Don’t change the subject la’reya why did you fight the girl have you seen her face it is all bruised up “ said lo’ak 
“I mean at least I won she’s older then me yay 
La’reya” said Tsireya in a laughing voice 
“Look me and you mother are happy that you know how to defend yourself but why “ said lo’ak 
La’reya looked and nete as he nod 
“Look she was make fun of Nete for his tail and me for my eyes so I beat her up and look now she’s not talking anything, so I guess at work you can’t solve every situation with talking mother sometimes punching is better and I chose punching and I won and now she won’t tell us anything” la’reya said proud
“Ok they good honey I know why can’t slove everything with talk but it took you brother and two of his friends to get you off her “ said Tsireya 
“Ahah wait really “ said la’reya 
“That’s not something to be proud of “ said lo’ak 
“ It really is dad “ said la’reya 
“Anyways sis I found out she liked me and that’s why she made fun of me “ said lo’ak 
“Well she should learn a new way to show affection she hissed “ said la’reya 
“Anyways what did you guys have to show me and good job baby girl on winning I’m proud of you for standing but for your brother he’s all you have“ said lo’ak 
“Lo’ak don’t tell her good job she should be fight “ said Tsireya 
“but it was to protect her brother and did you see the girls face and look at our daughters not a scratch on her face? I’m just saying, I’m a proud dad and you son pulling a girl he will you do take after your father “said lo’ak 
“Everyone started laughing “
Kiri Tuk Roxto had heard everything 
“Wow our brother is a really good an funny  dad and Tsireya is so loving they make good parents “ said Tuk 
Yes the do they all agreeed
“Well good on your guys kill and for getting a girl and for winning a fight “said Tsireya 
Thank you mom they both said 
“So what do you have show us “ said Tsireya 
“Well “ said Nete 
“Umm more then one we be right back” they both said 
Ok the both nod 
“What do you think they want to show us“ said lo’ak 
“Depending on what they say last time, it’s probably a lot of dead animals flowers one of them got into a fight or another boy that likes la’reya “ said Tsireya 
“Eww “ said lo’ak 
“What boys like why she’s to young for that“ said lo’ak 
“Weren’t you just praising your son for getting a girl? “ said Tsireya 
“That’s different “ said lo’ak 
“Mm “ says d Tsireya 
“She’s a baby “said lo’ak 
“Well she growing up we both have to except it” said Tsireya 
“No” said lo’ak 
“Lo’ak “ said Tsireya 
“Tsireya “ said lo’ak 
“Mom dad close your eyes “said nete 
“What why “said lo’ak
“Just close them “ scream la’reya 
As they both went to go get Tuk Kiri Roxto and Ao’nung 
“Come on sorry to keep you guys waiting “ said nete 
“it’s ok heard everything “said Tuk 
“Ah good so all can praise me on winning my fight “said la’reya jokingly as they all laughed 
Mom dad surprise said everyone 
Lo’ak and Tsireya both open their eye 
“Oh my eway is you guys how I’ve missed you”said Tsireya happy 
“Sisters is that you guys “ said lo’ak 
“Hi brother “ said Kiri and Tuk 
“Tuk you have grown so much and Kiri ah I’m so happy” said lo’ak 
“Wait how did you guys get here “said Tsireya 
“We all wanted to see you guys and are niece and nephew “ said Aounung
“Ah yes uh how did you meet them “said lo’ak 
“Well we saved them that how we got the animal we were walking and then we hear the screaming and an animal hissing and then somebody else hissing so then we go and we see them right there we jump out we scream I shut them and I my brother shoots them in the long we save them we say hi how are you and then at first we both knew that they were family because they looks like mom and they look like you dad and they kind of look like us but they didn’t recognize but never met us we’ve seen pictures of them they’ve never met us, so yeah, we basically save them “ said la’reya 
“ Thank my beautiful niece “said Kiri 
“Lo’ak your kid take after you a lot” said Tuk 
“I know it great sometimes “ said lo’ak 
“Hey”said la’reya 
“Hey” said Nete 
“So sit how have y’all been “ said Tsireya 
As they all began to catch up with one another
“So how long are y’all staying “said nete
“We don’t know yet until we feel like it “said Kiri 
“That’s good “said nete 
“Ur children are very beautiful “said Aonung
“Thank you brother “ said Tsireya 
“So your chef”said Rotxo
“Yea “said lo’ak
“I never thought in my whole life in my whole life that you will be chief, like who will make you chief “Kiri said joking 
“Haha very funny well some people think I’m very responsible”said lo’ak
“Yeh sure didn’t give dad a hart attack every time you went out “ said Tuk 
Everyone laughed 
“Bro looked “ said la’reya 
“What”said Nete 
“ Dad “said Nete 
“What happened might little Warrior “said lo’ak to his son 
“Their more people coming in ikans but that look from here but coming from the same direction as they did pointing at his uncles and aunties “ said Nete 
“Ahh it’s grandma and grandpa jack come bro let’s go never mind they are coming here Wait, there’s with sea people with them. “ said la’reya 
“What are you talking about honey “said Tsireya 
“Mom I think it’s your parent” said la’reya 
“They must have followed us “said Rotxo 
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mialeanz · 1 year
What if lo’ak and Tsireya had kids
P.S this is my first time writing so it may not be the best btw 
After the war with the sky people they never came back it had been 20 years sent  then now lo’ak and Tsireya have mated and have become parents to three kids a boy named 17 years old Nete  after neteyam and then a girl named la’reya 16 years old and another boy named Zel 12 almost 13 and with all of these kids u would think they had very different personalities well they did you see Nete with being the oldest was the leader in a way protecting his younger siblings from whatever trouble his sister made with is parents being two different kinds of Na’vi he took more after his mother his body was like the sea people he had 3 fingers but his color was a mix of his dad and mom like a dark teal his sister was different she was just like her father had a body of the forests people and the hair like the forests people and had yhe same color she had 3 fingers as now only being 25% not true Na’vi  it was going to be harder for her because they lived with the sea people now the baby of the family Zel was full sea people he had the same color and body but had 5 fingers and his hair was of the forests people but from a distance he looked like the sea people that’s the family  Nete was a good boy like neteyam really he was the perfect child the golden child now la’reya was her fathers daughter she was the troublemaker of the family and was the fighter too and a good one she had never lost a fight and had a mouth when it came to fighting and talking to anyone who disrespected her of her family she was a badass like her grandma Neytiri but she had her moments when she was her mother daughter and was kind and sweet she was beautiful they most beautiful Na’vi in the clan even if she didn’t look like them all the guys wanted her which made all the girls jealous of her now for the baby of the family Zel he was only 12 so people would call him cute he was his mothers son he was sweet and nice always helping people which made it hard to believe that his older sister was la’reya but her would get bully wilhich made la’reya get in too fights with people who bullied him it was always older kids never kids his age he was popular and was know as oh that kid he’s the nicest guy I’ve ever met which he loved to be know as . So now to the story 
It was a normal day they had breakfast
And they the left kids where are you going? Said Tsireya just to the reef said la’reya ok now at the reef la’reya saw the bullies of Zel they were older girls, so she knew she  would beat their asses I mean how dumb do they look bullying a 12 year old Zel looked do
Down and just started talking to Nete “ hey bro what up with la’reya and that guy who keeps looking over here, trying to change the subject from the girls walking by said Zel shut upbaby bro said la’reya yea listen to your sister, Zel one of the girls said  bitch what did you say my brother? Said la’reya said I can say that but you can’t you got that. La’reya leave it said Nete.Nah it ok bro let me get this la’reya plz sis  leave them said Zel No Zel said la’reya what you told your brother yeah, my brother you can say that as la’reya came up from the water girl chill why he’s a freak you guys are all freaks. He may look like us, but he still has five fingers and look at you you’re full on forest. How are you go over there? Oh really bitch now I know why your boyfriends always trying to get with me and trying to get me how about you control your boyfriend before you come over you’re talking shit to my brother yeah Cuz girl I don’t think you’ll like it to see what the things he says to me but he prefers me than you, so bitch stay in your fucking place before I take your man like I fucking wanna be that way with that ugly ass haircut he has all right bitch I got it pussy ass whatever fake Navi what the fuck you just call me bitch la’reya said la’reya come on said Nete and then she punched the girlface. That’s how you throw  a punch bitch. She got in top of the girl and started to punch Nete had to pick up his sis sis stop leave her befor u kill her please ewya help me I can’t with her and then the guy who keep looking over to see la’reya the guy picked up la’reya and Nete pick the other girl and throw the girl and said leave my brother before a let me sister beat you ass more then she has we good u got it the girl left  up who got me said la’reya let me go u punk ass bitch wtf ohh my bad umm you are a good fighter thx I guess thanks bro for getting my sister let’s go sis said Zel and nete just put his hand over his sister they said bye to they guy yo that was they guy I was saying was looking at la’reya what the fuck does he want who you know him sis said Nete well yeah I see him at the reef some time with his friends but I don’t know him like that. I don’t even know his name I mean he keeps looking at me all my friends that he likes me back I don’t know I don’t even know his name and then he comes here picking me up and like what the fuck you know.  
Let me know if u liked it and if you want a part 2
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