#saeyoung looks really cute ahhhh
q1ngqve · 6 months
seeing all this talk about love and deepspace, makes me wonder... did you ever have a mystic messenger phase? you seem like maybe,.. a jumin or saeyoung girlie? teehee — 🍓
omg no i didn’t 😭 i used to play voltage inc’s otome games tho
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Okay so few days ago I have chopped off my own hair, from mid length (a few inches below shoulders) to a chin length bob. I am wondering how would RFA react to MC chopping off her long hair and that too on her OWN
oH my lawd those are amazing skills (and please ignore this is like almost a year late I uh- there was a lot going on aHHHH)
Rfa reacting to an MC that can cut their hair
When he came home and saw you he stopped in the middle of the door, and then gave you the brightest smile in the world, and said, “you look beautiful” while giving you a small nose kiss
He was absolutely BAFFLED once he found out you had done it yourself.
He thinks you did a good job tho- and then asks you to please start cutting his hair too (get rid of the rat tail) a few inches.
Boy is so stressed he doesn’t notice-
But you did make a bet with Saeyoung to see how long it’d take for him to notice (dONT JUDGE HIM HE HAS A SHORT ATTENTION SPAN AND USUALLY DOESNT NOTICE THINGS LIKE THIS STRAIGHT AWAY -the same thing happened to me once too lmao-)
He does know you look different he just cANT PUT HIS FINGER ON IT
Nah but once he does figure it out, he thinks you look adorable.
He is even more surprised once he finds out you did it yourself! And asks to see you work your magic next time you do it (so he can learn too- last time he tried it didn’t go so well)
She isn’t really shocked, but she thinks you look really cute with your hair like that.
You both still brush each other’s hair- even if you can’t really try as many hairstyles or put on a ponytail (the sTrUgGlE istg) you have fun playing with Jaehee’s hair!
She asks you to trim her hair a bit too once you tell her you did it yourself!
One day while he was home he found you cutting your own hair yourself
He didn’t want you to accidentally hurt yourself and offered his own hairstylist-you told him it was fine.
He stays there checking for a bit though- he really doesn’t want you to nick your finger with the scissors or something.
One you finish he hugs you from behind and places his head on your shoulder, kissing you.
“You look absolutely stunning, my love.
“Woah! Who are you and what did you do to the love of my life?!” He’ll joke around when he first sees you.
Will literally not stop for like a week, every time he enters a room with you or sees you he’ll play up the “I’m sorry but who are you again?” Or “Have we met before?”
“Saeran who is this very attractive person that just came out of my room?”
“That’s your partner you dumb fu-” (yes Saeran is so done with it lmao)
But in truth he thinks you look really cute and kisses you on the cheek once he tells you.
And when you tell them that you were the one who cut off your own hair -Saeyoung is very surprised- Vanderwood immediately grabs a pair of scissors and Saeyoung and tells you to please cut his hair (Vanderwood ain’t messing around he just needs Saeyoung to have one tidy thing in his life.)
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gureishi · 3 years
Everyone else: Saeyoung’s v-line
Me: Saeran’s butt
Saeran's BUTT, though.
To be honest I never really gave Saeran's butt that much thought before the CG, except in the general sense of assuming it was probably a fairly small butt, since he's such a skinny boy.
But that is a nice butt.
It's just the right amount of round and also very toned. How is it so toned?! Has our boy started doing squats in his post-cult life? Is it just from getting up and down so much while he's gardening? It's good to see him looking healthier: he's got rounder cheeks and there are no more circles under his eyes. He's eating meals (meals!) for the first time—he's even sleeping (he's napping in the CG, of course, but he's also sleeping at night).
Ahhhh, to see the Choi boys healthy. They're not working themselves to the bone; they're eating full meals; they're getting sun and exercise. It's thrilling; it's sweet enough to make me cry.
And also man do they have some cute butts.
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mysticthot · 6 years
“anyone wants to see him in these let me know and i’ll give it a shot!” Yes please do Vanderwood with a crush! The ones you already did were so cute ☺️☺️
ahhhh thank you so much!!! 
i’ve never written for my maid daddy so i hope i got his character alright lol
(also i wrote this in like an au of sevens route where him and mc become besties rather than lovers)
Vanderwood With a Crush
Vanderwood was not a very expressive man
His primary mood was annoyed, and that was usually aimed at Saeyoung
But around you he seemed to feel a whole bunch of emotions he hadn’t had the privilege of feeling in years
You made him feel things he never thought he would feel again and he couldn’t seem to escape it
Something as little as the way you looked at him, with those beautiful kind eyes, had him having to leave the room to compose himself
You made him so flustered so easily
And you were always hanging around at the bunker with the twins, so it was inescapable
The way you smiled, the way you laughed
Boi just dies
He gets so awkward around you cause he just doesn’t know how to act
This dude has been trained in the art of seduction
He’s been cool and collected under life threatening pressure
But he can hardly say two words to you without clamming up
Jesus Christ
How could this normal girl completely erase a lifetime of secret agent training with just one look
Oh ya, cause you were cute
And you help him clean up after Seven
And you invite him to hang out with you guys cause you worry he’ll get lonely
Boi is head over heels
So he’s distant, no more distant than he usually is, but he makes sure he doesn’t let himself get too close to you
But everytime you come over and force him to watch tv with you or go out to dinner with the group, he feels that resolve slipping bit by bit
He doesn’t want anyone knowing about his feelings, but he made one crucial mistake
It was at one of the rfa parties, you had invited him and he could never say no to you
He was standing by the wall watching as you chatted with the guests and you just looked to lovely, all dressed up and smiling and laughing
He couldn’t take his eyes off you
And that fact did not go unnoticed by the magnificent God 707
“Oh ho, Madame Vanderwood, do my eyes deceive me or have your eyes not left MC all night?”
He was grateful for Saeyoung, he really was
It was because of him that he was able to live a normal life rather than one of a secret agent
But in this moment he had never wanted to tase him so bad
This was it, he was finally gonna have to kill agent 707
He knew too much
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Saeyoung. Leave me alone.”
“The blush on your cheeks says otherwise~ I’ve suspected this for sometime but there is no denying it now, you have a crush on MC-”
Vanderwood slapped a hand over his mouth, shutting him up
He pulled him close, voice low and threatening, “If you say one more word, I will make you disappear.”
That seemed to stop Seven for the night, but Vanderwood knew now that his secret was out, it wouldn’t be long until the whole world knew
He had two options.
1- Confess to you before you found out on your own
2- Leave without a trace and start a new life somewhere far far away
Ok, maybe that was a little dramatic, but he really didn’t know what to do
It had been a while since the party and Seven had managed to keep his mouth shut
Other than a few winks and suggestive jokes, but that was normal
You continue to be a constant in his life and his crush only grows bigger
One night you had stayed later than you’d meant to, you and Saeran had started binge watching a tv show, so Vanderwood offered to drive you home
He lectured you so many times on how you shouldn’t take rides from strangers, who knows who these “Uber” drives actually were
But the ride was comfortably quite, he watched you out of the corner of his eye, the city lights reflecting onto you in the darkness
God you were beautiful
Pulling up outside your apartment, he was grateful for the darkness so you couldn’t see his blush
But he knew that not even the night could hide his red face after you leaned over and pressed a small kiss to his cheek, barely brushing the side of his lips
“Thanks for the ride Vanderwood. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You smiled then got out of the car and disappearing into your building
He was stunned, his head resting on the steering wheel as he tried to gather his thoughts
God he was so fucked
here’s the rest of the rfa if u didn’t see that one!
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jafndaegur · 6 years
Witch!MC Headcanon - the RFA
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I hope you like this Nonnie! I had a lot of fun with this since Halloween is coming up, i felt in the spoopy sort of spirit! Thanks for requesting it!
This cinnamon roll would never have expected anything if you hadn’t told him.
Like, you were so sweet, and pleasant, and pretty
Not to mention affectionate
There was no way you could be a witch!
But you sat him down, gave him a cup of warm cider, and explained to him that you were indeed a witch
“My MC? A witch? Like with a cauldron and broom stick?”
He was honestly so cute about it
“Do you cast magic spells? Make potions? Do you cast magic spells and make potions?”
You giggled and explained briefly what you did.
You were born into a coven but left at a young age—so you didn’t really know much past herbalism.
You made a lot of restoration poultices and medicinals to alleviate pains and ailments
When you would work in the kitchen, Yoosung would always come in and watch you make potions
He would always pay as much attention as possible, even going so far as to bring a journal to take down notes for the recipes
“I want to know how to make these, so I can use the recipes in-game for my characters! I never have a healer in my group!”
He thought you were playing around at first—especially since the werewolf-themed play he was in was coming up
But you stared at him with a faint smile and a lifted brow
“Oh, jagi, you were serious.”
You told him about how you’d been a witch for centuries, having trained long ago on the western side of the continent
“looking good, you cougar”
In all fairness, he took the news in good stride, curious about what you did as a real-live witch.
You took your time explaining to him that you were extremely knowledgeable at casting spells.
“That explains why you’re so magical in bed, jagi” Zen winks.
You blushed and forced yourself to continue, noting how your specialty was undoing and re-doing hexes for clients
Often people would come visit you or you had to go visit them.
You’ve been all over the world
Sheepishly you acknowledge that you’re one of the best in your field—not many witches know how to undo hexes
You had a natural talent for it, however, and that made your field of expertise nearly monopolized
He smirked and kissed your hands, gushing about how he knew from the start you had a magic touch
Could you honestly love this man anymore? Your poor heart, ahhhh.
“Wait MC, when Echo Girl’s career tanked after the party fiasco…was that you?”
You pressed your finger to his lips, shoulders shaking as you laughed.
Jaehee looked at you incredulously when you stated that you were a witch.
She set the pumpkin muffins that you both had made for your fall-themed menu.
“MC, witches aren’t real. They’re just part of fairy tales.”
You’d expected this answer, so you pulled out the bar stool and sat down.
Tapping across from you, you began to talk about your profession as a witch.
You were relatively experienced
You loved working with potions the best, whispering gentle incantations into elixirs
All sorts of things graced your tinctures, anything from simple luck to overwhelming pleasure—you made enchantments of every kind.
She listened to everything with care, her face revealing no other emotion than hesitancy.
Seeing that she was still dubious, you brewed the maple walnut coffee for the day and poured out a small cup
You asked her to take a small drink
She did, telling you it was a good and normal batch
Nodding you took it back before grabbing proper ingredients:
A sprig of thyme, an orange peel, an edible flower, and a strand of your hair
“summer must end, but fall closely follows—still we all wish for the sun’s unending tryst in the sky.”
The objects glowed a faint warm yellow, to which you placed them in the drink—handing the beverage again to Jaehee
She took a suspicious sip before gasping in shock, a faint blush blooming over her cheeks
“It tastes like a summer picnic!”
You’d been worried about telling him, so you finally confessed that you were a witch the day before your wedding.
The hem of your sleeve twisted in-between your hands, and you bit your lip nervously
You were so anxious that you missed the endearing smile that he sent you
“Well darling, that explains why you get along so well with Elizabeth the Third”
A gentle flush of red dusted your skin and you nodded eagerly, grateful he understood—telling him that he wasn’t so far off from the truth
You’d studied as a witch all your life to be a tamer:
Working with animals and their spirits was ally you’d ever wanted to use your magic for
“Did you and Elizabeth help me chase away the Choi sisters with magic, my dearest?”
There was a bit of disappointment in your voice when you told him that you’d been searching for a familiar when you’d bumped into the RFA
And thus you’d been unable to continue your search
Jumin insists that you immediately restart your quest to finding an animal familiar
You tell him that you’d have to travel
He grabs your hands gently within his, and kisses your lips lightly, telling you that he wants you to be able to do what you wish—as you have allowed him to do likewise…
It took you three months to return to his side
He had missed you so much and was so happy to see you…
A small smile graced his lips followed by an almost invisible panicked quirk of his eyebrow
A bear, a bird, a dog, several cats, and a wolf followed you—their bodies glowing gently with the light of your magic.
“I couldn’t pick just one, Juju…”
We’re going to need a bigger home, my love
Honestly he wasn’t surprised at all
“Oh, my baby 606 is a witch? Why, didn’t you know that your own handsome 707 was a wizard?”
Crossing your arms, you smirked
Should you have genuinely expected any other reaction
With the jokes aside though, he sobered a bit and asked what you did as a witch
You hesitated a bit, and admitted that you had left your mentor when you were very young, and you didn’t know much past minor incantations
Many times you’d wanted to go back, wanted to learn more
But as time passed, and you became older, it became harder and harder to try and take yourself back to where you could learn the art of magic
“you’re the opposite of Larry Popper!”
Shaking your head, you told him that in order to finish your training, you’d need years more of intensive work under your mentor
And now that you had a life together with him, you couldn’t go back to that one
For once Saeyoung quieted before sifting his fingers tenderly through your hair
“Go. I’ll wait for you here. Every hacking wizard needs his witch.”
A sob broke from your chest, and you embraced him tightly—you didn’t want to leave him, and he didn’t want you to leave either
But he could tell that this was something you wanted to do
How could he hold you back after everything you’d already sacrifice just for him?
Three years later, he welcomed you home with open arms and excited words, eager to see what his wayfaring MC learned.
please consider buying me a ko-fi if you liked this work or my other works! If not, thanks for reading <3 I hope you enjoyed it!
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cafe-rfa · 7 years
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Thank you so much anon!! I decided to go with a gif-based reply to this ask, I hope it’s okay! Thanks for the request, have a great day!
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oh my gOSH
when he sees you wearing his hoodie he blushes so hard. He wants to seem cool, of course, so he tries hard to calm down
even so he’s really excited! “MC, is that... my sweater?” he asks (even though he knows yes, it is) and walks up to you.
“Yeah! I hope you don’t mind I borrowed it, I was a little cold...” You reply and his heart jumps out of his chest
“O-Of course not!!! It looks good on you...” 
You are so cute and he knows he’s cute too, so nothing makes him happier than the fact that you two are the perfect cute couple ~
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release the bEAST
Well, how can he not think of that when you’re wearing his oversized shirt and shorts? You’re just so cute-!!
Zen has to take a few deep breaths to uh soothe the beast, but once he’s calm he can really appreciate the aesthetic value of the sight before him!
He runs over to you, pulls out his phone, and insists on taking half a hundred cute selfies together~
And of course he spams the chatroom with his favourite pictures!
Well... he keeps his most favourite pictures of you to himself ;)
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“MC, is that my sweater?” She asks, “No, don’t take it off! It looks really good on you, love.”
She can’t help but blush! It looks great on you, but mostly she’s thinking about how nice it is to be so close that you can wear each other’s clothes... it feels so intimate!
From then on, the two of you start wearing each other’s clothes more often, from time to time, especially on dates!
Jaehee loves wearing one of your scarves during winter on her way to work, it makes her feel like you’re always there with her...
She hopes you feel the same when you wear her clothes!
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“MC, why are you wearing my shirt? It’s too big for you.” Jumin doesn’t really get it, at least not at first, he’s thinking about how it must get in the way of you doing things since it’s too big for you.
“But I like it!” you insist, and of course Jumin has an idea for that as well since he’ll do anything for you! “Then I’ll call the tailor in tomorrow, he’ll make you an identical shirt in your size.”
You explain to him that you like wearing his shirt because it’s his and that it smells nice and makes you feel like he’s always with you, even when he’s at work.
Now, that makes him blush a little, and now the sight of you in his shirt always ends up in him initiating cuddles
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You’re wearing his hoodie? Wow!! You look so cute ahhhh his heart could melt!
Saeyoung loves that hoodie a lot, and he loves you even more, so when he sees you cuddled up in his hoodie he couldn’t be happier!
He rushes over to huggle you because you’re just too cute~
“MC~~ So you’re the one who stole my sweater! Aww, I guess I’ll let you off easy this time, though~”
In that moment he starts to low-key freak out because he’s trying to remember the last time he washed that hoodie - omg it’s been forever, it’s better not to tell you how long it’s been since then ehehehehe
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You fell asleep wearing one of V’s shirts, cuddled up against it since your boyfriend wasn’t there before. When he sees you...
Wow... V can only stare at you for a moment, he’s so in love!!
There’s so much adoration in his eyes. He’s looking at you like at a piece of art, trying to memorise every aspect of you and of this beautiful moment, and so many emotions are flowing through him...
He grabs his sketchbook and channels everything he’s feeling into his art, sketching you.
And when he’s done, he lies down besides you, just cuddled up together until you wake up.
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“That’s my sweater.” Saeran comments when he sees you wearing it, sitting on the couch in front of the TV.
“I know, but it’s so nice! So warm and cuddly.” You have no intention of taking it off right now (though of course you would if he asked you to!), and Saeran has nothing against it either...
He’s still not really used to these kinds of gestures, so it really makes his heart beat faster. He joins you on the couch, but Saeran can’t stop sneaking glances at you, you’re so cute!
When Saeran gets his sweater back later that day, he decides to wear it, and he’s trying not to freak out about how nice it smells after you wore it! It feels like you’re so close...
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Could I request headcanons for how Saeran, Jumin and Saeyoung would react/feel to meeting their S/O's mom and having her just be so accepting, warm and welcoming them into the family.
This is such a cute ask ahhhh. I’m gonna make these as emotional because like yeah I just can’t control myself :’) Hope you have a good day~ ♡
🔶Saeran Choi
🔹He was abused by his mother. And when he finally got away from that wretched woman who wanted him dead, he thought he will finally feel the love from a parental figure. But nope. Instead his lie turned for the worse. And the concept of love never even crossed his mind for the past couple of years while he was at Mint Eye. But when he was finally rescued by his lover, he honestly thought they would turn away or he had the fear of being abused again. But when his lover showed nothing but kindness and love, it was like his heart was slowly beginning to heal. All he cared about at that point was his lover and no one else. And he was totally ok if his lover was the only one in the whole world who loved him.
🔹When his lover suggested that they visit their mother, he was extremely against the idea. He would argue with them constantly that is a bad idea and his excuse was ‘Well your mom wouldn’t love me anyway. If my own mother didn’t then how will it be any different?’ This felt like a challenge, and his lover totally accepted that challenge. So one day out of the weekend, the lover decided to invite the boy to their house. Outside the door the boy just rolled his eyes, already expecting for the worse. But, the worse never came. Instead when he opened that door he was met with a smiling older woman. Smiling? Why would anyone smile at him? Being invited in she took his coat off and hung it in the closet, inviting him into the living room which snacks are presented on the coffee table. Ok now he feels suspicious. So for now he was on guard, sitting near his lover. But over time talking with the lady, he started to feel at ease. But when the subject came up about what his family was like, he refused to answer. Smiling warmly, she went to him and gave him a soft hug, leaving a kiss to his temple and telling him that he is always welcome into their household and will always be seen as a family member. Boy was shook. He then hugged back and started to cry. This is what having a real mother is like.
🔹He absolutely loves his lovers mothers cooking. She would always make him something and then deliver it to him herself so he could eat it for lunch or dinner on that day. Whenever he had a problem, he now feels like he can go to someone else for guidance and advice. Even though he does not like being touched most of the time, but being hugged by his lovers mother is one of his favorite things in the world. His mother from the past would just hit or slap him. So at first he flinched whenever his lovers mother would hug him. But over time he stopped feeling defensive but melted into the warm hugs. Who knew mothers could really be like this.
🔶Jumin Han 
🔹His father would marry a woman, then divorce, then marry, and it would just be a repeating cycle to him. And he has gotten used to that. So if he ever meets anyone’s mother, he wouldn’t be surprised if they just ignored him or just outright hate him. He was used to not really being loved in the first place anyway so there would be no hard feelings. But when he met his love, he was honestly thinking he was just dreaming or something. I mean, he accepted his fate that no one would love him, but boy was he wrong. He never felt any more grateful for his lover to be by his side, and love him for who he is.
🔹But when it came time to visit their mother; he was a bit nervous. Now you might be thinking: Mr. Jumin Han nervous? Preposterous! But he really wanted to impress his lover, and her family. So he planned to wear his best suit, and his best tie which was a dark rich purple color. He even styled his hair nicely just for the occasion. A bouquet in hand and holding his lovers hand in the other, he took a deep breath and entered the home. To his own surprise, he was met by welcoming and warm arms. The smell of perfume was very strong, much to his disliking, but if felt so… comforting. Their mother was so excited to finally meet him. Taking the bouquet, she put them in a vase at the dinner table for all to see. He spoke in such a formal way to her, but she waved her hand and told him no need for this formal stuff when around her. A small smile formed on the man’s lips as he began to feel more comfortable around her. He has never ever felt so much love from a mother. He honestly loves it. Even though he doesn’t show it, but he is truly grateful to finally have a motherly figure around him.
🔹Whenever a holiday comes around, his lover can bet that he will make time out of his schedule to go spend time with his lover’s family. Christmas time is his most favorite. Because his lovers mother would make a grand meal that even he can’t compare it to his personal chefs. This is what a mothers cooking tastes like? Now he could eat this everyday. He would buy the whole family extravagant gifts to which the mother would cry out of happiness. But when he gets a present from his lovers family, like a new collar for Elizabeth the 3rd, a wave of pure and genuine love washes over him, and he can’t help but let some tears roll down his cheeks. He got pretty much whatever he wanted in life, but getting a present from someone who loves him for who he is just makes his heart flutter.
🔶Saeyoung Choi
🔹Along with his brother, he was also abused. Being locked in a dark room for who knows how long with just only one other person is terrifying. And when his mother does approach him, it wasn’t with love or happiness. It was with disgust and violence. So when he finally got away, he felt freedom right at his fingertips. He was then given a job which pays good money and that was it. Even though he is able to cosplay and buy all these fancy cars, he still has not truly felt love. And he doubted he ever will. But when his lover came around, that was when his whole world was turned upside down. He didn’t like that, so he pushed his lover away to protect himself from getting hurt again. But when his lover proved that he loved him for who he is, after  rescuing his brother and the whole chaos has ended, he felt like he could actually love someone without having any consequences for doing so. 
🔹His lover invited the whole family to come over to their apartment to meet the redhead for the first time. And oh boy did he not like that idea whatsoever. He could feel the painful memories of his own mother flashing before his eyes, and he felt physical pain in his heart. But his lover reassured him that they are not like his mother at all. He was skeptical, but decided to drop the argument and just see what happens. And he was in for a surprise. When the doorbell rang, he was greeted by some chips and a kitten plushie. Wide eyes in shock, he looked up to see that it was his lovers mother holding the gifts with a big smile on her face. After inviting her in they began to have conversations. His lovers mother could tell he was putting up a mask to hide his true feelings. So his mother with a gentle smile on her face began to tell him that there is no need for him to act around them; they are more than happy to know the real him, and love him as apart of the family. This completely broke the boy. Feeling warm and comforting arms wrapped around his shoulders, he hugged back with all of his might. For once in his life he felt love from a mother, a mother who accepted him for who he is.
🔹He would sneak out of his little bunker of a room he works to go visit his lovers family. He would slowly start to show his real colors to his lovers mother to which she approved and accepted him even more. Since he is so much closer to his lovers mother, he would sometimes call her ‘mom’ or ‘mama’ to which the mother does not mind at all. She finds it extremely cute to be honest. She would sometimes nag him to take more breaks from work and would even bribe him with chips for him to get away from the computer. He would act so much more cheerful and playful around the family like it was his own, because it is. He is apart of the family and he was for sure certain he would be lonely forever. But not anymore, he will never be lonely again by hi lovers and their family’s side.
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reifromrfa · 7 years
Hi! I’m so happy I found your blog! I was wondering if I could request the RFA + minor trio reacting to MC that had long hair getting it cut into a pixie cut! Thank you so much!
Hello! I’m so happy you like my blog! ^u^ I hope you like this! :)
Actually goes with you to the salon but when he sees your pixie cut, he gets worried
You look so beautiful and edgy and mature
People might think he’s too childish for you ;;;
He tells you you’re beautiful though and he takes a selfie of you two and makes it his profile pic
He’ll try to dress more mature in the following days and you ask him why the sudden change in wardrobe and he confesses that he feels so childish
And you reassure him that he’s not childish
To make him feel better, you put a ribbon clip in your hair to match his clips
Cannot stop staring at you and complimenting you
Is a blushing stuttering mess
Thinks you’re gorgeous
He liked you with long hair but when you wear his leather jackets, you totally look more badass and edgy and he likes it
Of course his leather jackets are way too big for you ;;;
So he buys you your own jacket
When you visit him during rehearsals he notices his male co-workers glancing your way and they would compliment your new hair
Not so subtly slides between you and his co-workers and throws an arm around you
“Babe, relax, I’m with you ^^”
“Yeah but I think your new look is unleashing the beast inside some men, babe ;;;”
Makes sure to keep an eye on you and step in whenever a guy makes the moves on you
Oh…you cut your hair?
He actually preferred it long but your hair suits you
As long as you’re happy, he’s happy
You feel conscious when people keep staring at you during one of the company events you had to attend with Jumin
But he kisses you and reassures you that they’re staring because his wife is breathtakingly beautiful
Until someone makes a rude comment about your hair because they didn’t recognize you
But when Jumin turns around and shoots them an icy look they immediately apologize
You have to tell Jumin it’s okay, that he doesn’t need to kick the rude guests out of the party ;;;
He’s pissed that anyone would dare say you’re not beautiful but he calms down
He secretly wishes you’d grow your hair out again but he would never tell you because he wants you to be able to do whatever you wish
You’re also not allowed to wear any tube tops or off-shoulder outfits because without your hair, you’ll show off too much skin ;;;
“MC, welcome home~”
Sees your hair and turns as red as his hair
CRITICAL HIT to his heart
“What do you think?”
I can’t let other guys see her
They’ll think she’s a boy
Except you know, she has a body of a hot girl
Zen is right, all men are wolves
Oh dear God how is she still so cute???
Ahhhh I’m dying!!! I wanna dress her up!!!! SO CUTE
He squishes your cheeks together and fawns all over you telling you how cute and beautiful you are
He’ll post a photo of him in women’s clothes and you in men’s clothes in the chatroom and it’ll take Zen a while to figure out it’s you two ;;;
Absolutely loves your new hair
You love your new hair but you’re not sure how Saeran would react to it
So when you get home and he stares at you without saying anything, you sort of panic
“You don’t like it?”
He’s quiet, but then he runs his hand through your hair
“I love it.”
Face is red and he’s avoiding your eyes
But then you’re red too
He doesn’t shower you in compliments like the other guys but he’ll keep touching your hair and you know he loves it
He loves your new hair!
You can make your hair glow in the dark and this man will still love you and tell you you’re beautiful
He’s super excited to take photos of you because it’s his first time seeing you with short hair
Will post a photo of you in the chatroom and everyone will gush over your new haircut
You’ll blush when you see everyone’s response and V would just smile proudly
He loves showing off his wonderful girlfriend to the world and you bet he’ll have a really nice photo of you for the auction at the next RFA party
Of course I think V would be a little selfish too and keep your photo to himself
Stares at you with his arms crossed and a bored expression
“You cut your hair.”
“Do you like it?”
He would just shrug and say he doesn’t really care what you do to your hair
But when he turns around his eyes go wide and he’s panicking internally
“Fuck she’s too beautiful!!! How do I keep other guys off her???”
Actually loves your hair
He thinks your long hair would get caught easily on things or get pulled easily by bad guys so your long hair made him anxious
But now, you’d attract more attention because you still look so beautiful with that pixie cut
Has no intentions of letting you go out of the house alone ever
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
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I took “spider” and “trick or treating” out of these two requests and combined into one scenario.  I’m sorry if it isn’t exactly what you wanted, I just thought it would be easier like this. Hope you like this^^
RFA + Saeran dealing with a spider on Trick or Treat
 His costume was making him completely unrecognizable, so you guys were able to wander around a lot of streets
He’s not much into candy. So all he got, he got it for you.
You guys stopped walking so he would pour the candy from his bag on yours
That’s when you saw it, a dark spider crawling over the candy
You jumped and dropped your bag on the floor, hugging him and screaming
He gladly took the hug, but what’s with the scream? “AHHHHH ZEN! GET RID OF IT! AHHHHH!”
Oh… it’s a spider… he chuckled and unwrapped one of the candy, using it to grab the spider and throw it on a bush. “There’s no need to get scared, babe… it’ just a tiny harmless spider, don’t worry.”
You guys picked the candy on the floor, you were trying to ignore him teasing you for being so cute when you’re scared.But as soon as you guys got up, he saw it… a cat jumping out of the bush.
Zen clung onto you for dear life. “AHHHHH BABE! GET RID OF IT! AHHHH!”
You guys were already home and he was taking his costume off while you were pouring the candy in a bowl
 He was going to the bathroom to fix his hair and meet you in the living room so you guys would eat some of what you collected
But then he heard your scream and ran to you, you just point to the counter with a horrified expression
Oh… it’s a big one… he just saw one of these in his books
Okay, he’s having a few chills, but it’s nothing compared to you, so he’ll fight the spider if he has o, anything for you.
Nah, he won’t really fight. “I’m pretty sure it’ one of those species without venom, MC.”
He grabs a glass and traps the animal, feeling so cool at your thankful look. You’re looking at him like a hero.
“I don’t care, they are creepy to look at, Yoosung.” “Ah, yes… they really are, but don’t worry, it’s harmless.”
 “Oh yeah? So how did it get out of the glass?” he freezes with widen eyes, then slowly turns his head to see it… nope, it’s still there, you were just messing with him.
You laugh and pull him for a hug. He’s relieved you’re smiling again and guides you to the living room… before giving a quick glance towards the spider to make sure it’s still there.
She saw when the spider crawled to your bag of candy
Internally panicking, she’s not really scared, but she thinks you will be terrified if you see it.
 “Hey, MC… your bag looks heavy, do you want me to hold it for you?” “Thanks, honey, I’m fine…”
 S H I T
“MC, please give me your bag…” “Wha…? Why? Hey… are you trying to steal my candy?” you ask her teasingly… jfc
“MC, this isn’t a joke, give me your bag!” she says seriously, and you freeze in surprise. Oh no… she didn’t mean to sound harsh…
“I’m… I’m sorry, I’m not…” HOLY FUCK, it’s climbing towards your hand!
Using her judo quick reflexes, she manages to shoo the spider away.
“Okay, maybe I was trying to steal your candy…” she giggles before coming closer, you blush and she ends up taking the bag from your hands.
She runs, but not that fast so you’ll manage to catch her, she just wanted to drag you away from where the spider fell.
You guys earned some candy at a fancy Halloween party
You were putting it on a bowl in the kitchen when you saw Elizabeth playing with something in the counter
“Hey, what you have there, young la… ? AHHHHHH!”
Jumin ran to the kitchen, only to face the two most precious creatures of his life with the tensest expression he’s ever seen.
“What is going on in here?” he asks, but not in a confusing tone.
He sounds… mad. No, he is mad as he is looking around to see who caused this distress over you and Elizabeth.
 “Oh, it’s just… there’s a spider in here… and Elizabeth was playing with it…”
He walks towards the counter with such a serious expression you almost fear for the spider’s life…
“Pack a few clothes, we’re going to a hotel. I’ll call someone to fumigate this house.” “Jesus, Jumin, it’s just a spider, calm down.”
 “So why were you so frightened?” he looks genuinely confused, and since you’re not able to answer, you just let it go. And that’s how the spider got to live another day.
You guys went to your place after trick or treating
He was seeing the profit of the night while you were showering
Then he saw it… and boy was relieved you weren’t there to see him yelping
Yep, this guys has faced the most dangerous criminals inside and outside Korea, no one of them was more intimidating then this eight legged fella here…
But he’s worried you’ll freak out even more than him, so he gathers all the courage he has and manages to grab the spider and throw it away through the window.
You get out of the shower and he walks towards you. “Don’t you think I deserve a kiss?”
“Why?” “Well, milady, I faced my fears tonight for you… I, Saeyoung Choi, saw a spider and handled it like the hero I am for you.”
“You… handled?” you ask. Oh… are you going to panic thinking the spider might come back? Quick! He needs to lie! “Y-yeah! I killed it, don’t worry, my princess!”
“Do you mean… you killed my dear Daisy?” Uh oh… he had no idea it was your pet… he widens his eyes and inhales sharply seeing your shocked expression. “MC, I…”
“Just kidding. Spiders freak me out. Thanks, honey.” You give him a quick peck, he doesn’t know if he’s melting more due to your kiss or due to your little prank.
 He was putting the candy you guys collected in a jar
He heard you screaming in the bathroom and bolted to there, worried you fell or something
 “MC, what’s wrong?” you were petrified, just pointing to the spider descending from the ceiling.
“Oh… yes, amazing, isn’t it?” he smiles. What the fuck?
“What? N-no, it’s not! It’s terrifying! This thing could bite me!” you step back, covering yourself with the towel as if the spider is some kind of pervert
“This one? Ah yes, Argiope bruennichii can bite, but their venom is harmless to humans.”  You look at him in puzzlement.
“I… got the chance to learn a lot about all kinds of animals in my trips around the world… do you know that spiders are essential to maintain control of the insects’ population, MC?”
“That’s really interesting, Jihyun…” you sigh
You really love when he show his passion over the most trivial things, you really do.
 However… you are naked in the bathroom staring at a goddamn spider. “Please… just take it somewhere else so I can finish my shower.” You were kinda feeling like a third wheel between him and the spider, anyway…
You were getting ready to eat the candy you collected it. What’s taking you so long in the kitchen?
Then he finds you trembling and staring at the spider. And now you’re like that for… 6  minutes?
He’s going from annoyed to actually terrified, what was he supposed to do?
“Hey… calm down… it’s just a spider… it’s… more afraid of you than you are of it…”
“I doubt it! Ahhh, Saeran, it’s moving! It’s moving again!” you cling on him.
Okay, that does it!
He takes off his shoe and SLAMS it against the wall. Then he looks at you, and you’re staring at him in shock.
“You… you’ve killed it?” “Yep!” “Why… why did you kill it? Ahhhh the poor thing, Saeran!”  WHAT???
“What the hell? Weren’t you terrified of it a minute ago? I  took care of it for you!” “There are other ways of taking care of it! You didn’t have to kill it!” you glare at him and takes all the candy with you.
You mad at him? Meh, he can fix this later. Right now he just wants his candy back.
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Mystic messenger characters as slbp character please
~W E L P …..THIS IS MY JAM   O K ??? I don’t think it’s a secret I have fallen HARD for this game…Ahhhh I mean these characters have so many different facets…I don’t see a ton of real similarities but I will try to do my best!!! I will match them as closely as possible 
◉ Yoosung 
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Pretty damn innocent 
Gets pretty infatuated with things, such as MC 
Desperate to break free from his family and experience things for himself
Cinnamon rolls tbh 
Look a bit deeper inside and you find the ……
◉ Jumin 
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What are emotions??
If it’s not written down in a book or like…on paper -
They don’t get it 
Dry sense of humor 
Will do anything in their power to put themselves on the line for the people the trust 
Mom issues..sorta 
Distant and rude but just needs love tbh 
◉ Zen 
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Hideyoshi Toyotomi
He’s had more than 1,000 lovers I mean…wjfhbjkrbf
OK he’s cute
BUT when that right girl comes along…no one else will catch his glance for more than a second 
Only has eyes for you 
Really looking for that one true love to hold his heart 
‘Started from the bottom now we here’ boy
Hideyoshi was a nobody farmers son, Zen was a nobody 
Both strived and worked their butts off to get where they are !!! 
◉ Jaehee 
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Mitsuhide Akechi
Rules, structure, work
They both enjoy things in their respective places 
Heart of damn gold 
They know how to follow orders but when push comes to shove 
If someone is compromising their ideals and beliefs they have no problem speaking out 
◉ Saeyoung 
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Genya Fujibayashi
This was a bit of a tough one for me tbh……..but I think this is a good fit….
Has a twin brother 
They do not see eye-to-eye and have kinda distanced themselves from one another 
Both a bit lazy 
Push themselves away from MC thinking they will not be right for them 
Sometimes won’t admit it or be real with their feelings but they will risk their lives for their S/O no matter what  
Love their family 
Mostly just want to lounge about and nap or mess around hahahah 
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mysplaced-pen · 7 years
How would the RFA react to a super famous K-pop idol MC? (If you aren't really familar with K-pop then just a really famous pop idol MC) ^-^ thanks!
ah thanks for reminding me I need to listen to that k-pop song my friend told me to listen to;;;; also that i need to listen to k-pop in general i’m so bad at catching up to things lol 
but thank you for the request! I hope you like it~ (´∀`) 
i know i usually put V in for everything that says ‘rfa’ but ahhhh i might put him in another post. someone tell me they want v for this too and i’ll do it lol 
[ route spoilers! ] 
when she came over to his apartment, he automatically knew her
and he was shocked! this whole time he’s been flirting with an idol??
he was a big fan of her work! and she was a big fan of his!!
this was actually amazing…except for one thing
now they have to really be secret because they both have sensitive publicity stuff
or do they?
well, they do, but not for long 
both of their fans get the news and are so surprised!!
they all ship it though and he and mc are living
jaehee is the head of their ship, she provides fans with pictures 
but anyways, at home, they both are just so comfortable
they forget about the stress of being famous and just be with each other
zen especially finds comfort in the fact that he and mc don’t love each other for their fame, but for what happens when they get home 
which is literally sit and cuddle on the couch and sing silly songs together 
they have messy hair days and don’t wear pants and go out to the roof to stargaze
and im rambling but im in love with him so oh well
so he kisses her as soon as he comes up to her at the party
but why did she look so familiar?? o  hhhh 
“oh my god” yoosung pls don’t faint bby please
he’s a fan!!
wants her autograph lol 
when she first introduces him to her fans, yoosung is a bit scared
but they like him!! they think he’s cute and that they’re cute together 
he’s so thankful
thinks mc has a beautiful voice and always buys her merch
not stuff with her face on it, but stuff with lyrics or her label
mc asked him to do a duet with him once
he was so nervous, so they just uploaded it on youtube
and the fans liked him more!!
he can sing well!!! 
they ask to see more. so they go out more often
of course she knows mc! she’s a big fan!
already has some of her merch and now she’s her best friend??
and now they’re dating????
mc never hid her sexuality and she’s had past girlfriends before
but now she’s dating jaehee!!
mc does little shows at the cafe sometimes
business really booms on those nights
also guess who helps mc in their songwriting process?
jaehee does!!!
the songs they work on together are so cute
jaehee also shows up in a few of mc’s music videos when she’s not too shy
some fans ask why they never kiss in said videos
mc tells them jaehee’s not a fan of pda
but once, jaehee kissed mc in front of the paps
the fans went Wild
pop isn’t his type of music, but he knows mc
he listens to her music again. really listens to it 
and he kind of likes it
of course, he helps spread mc’s popularity
and helps comes up with merch ideas
he’s also so supportive! 
mc is doing something that makes her happy and inspires other people to do the same, it’s great
the paps have a field day at the party, however, when he proposes 
side note i have alternate proposal hcs for him and the others but that’s not this request lol
because no one knew they were dating in the first place!! 
and neither of them answer that question!!! 
they’re both just like “oh, i’ve been married to my wife/husband for ‘x’ amount of time”
yes, but how long have you two been dating
they just don’t want to tell everyone that they only knew each other for 11 days lmao
they do have a healthy, supportive relationship, though
and a cat. sorry, an Elizabeth the Third
707 / luciel / saeyoung
he knows, of course he knows
he’s also a fan
when he finds out, he buys a ton of merch
and when they meet, he gets to hear her sing live 
he loves it more than the recorded versions
while they’re on the run and stuff, trying to figure things out, saeyoung has nightmares sometimes
mc sings to him when they happen and it helps him calm down
they can’t be too public with their relationship
her fans know she’s dating him, but they know him as luciel 
and they’ve seen maybe two pictures
sometimes, they ask, but mc explained it as best she could
he’s still super supportive, though! 
goes to every event, helps spread new singles that she releases 
gave the fans an audio of him covering one of her songs
by playing it on stage as her birthday present whaaattt 
mc starts crying on stage, but happy tears awww
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elvendara · 7 years
YOORAN Week Day 7
It’s over? It’s really over????
So, this was  written for the sleepover prompt, but, ended up being a good Master and Slave....soooo.....NSFW
@yooranweek thank you and bless you for this week. It has been amazing and inspirational!
Yoosung sat on Saeran’s lap, having just finished an epic LOLOL battle in which Saeran had been the MVP. Watching his boyfriend play LOLOL and dominate had turned him on. Had it been anyone else, he would have been frustrated and angry. But with every incredible move, strategic decision, impossible kill, Yoosung’s cock had grown. He’d been uncomfortable towards the end, miscalculating the timing of his spells so much so that his guild had begun to yell at him. Saeran only smirked, eyeing Yoosung’s tenting.
When the main boss was down and the sorting of the loot had begun, Yoosung had jumped on Saeran and devoured him. His kiss was rough and greedy, his fingers dug into Saeran’s thick curly red hair.
“Yoosung, you know I have to leave soon.” Saeran teased him.
“You’re not going anywhere!” Yoosung bit his neck and sucked the area.
“Ahhh, I…uh….Yoo…Saeyoung will kill me if I don’t get home soon.” Saeran still bristled at the short leash Saeyoung still had him on, but he had to agree, that it was probably a good idea.
Yoosung sat up and leaned backwards towards his desk and grabbed his phone. He tapped on it and held it to his ear. Saeran arched his eyebrows questioningly.
“Saeyoung? Hi, Listen, Saeran is spending the night with me ok? Good, thank you, bye.” Saeran had heard Saeyoung’s sputtering, but Yoosung had given him no time to argue. Saeran shook his head, but snickered. He wondered if Saeyoung would show up, banging on the door.
“Babe, I don’t know if this is a …” the rest of his sentence was swallowed up by Yoosung’s mouth over his, and his insistent tugging of his shirt. Yoosung yanked it up and over his head in one smooth move. He bit Saeran’s lower lip and sucked it, their teeth clinking against each other.
Saeran could barely breath and he felt heady from the onslaught of his boyfriend. Yoosung pulled away from Saeran, his eyes glittering.
“I want you to mark me!” he commanded, his chest rising and falling rapidly, panting with desire.
“How rough do you want me to be?” Saeran asked his boyfriend, knowing there were degrees to his cravings.
“Full throttle!” Yoosung hissed and smashed their lips together again. Saeran bit Yoosung’s tongue until he tasted blood, Yoosung’s moan slithering down his throat. He grabbed the tongue and sucked it, his nails digging into Yoosung’s hips. He ripped Yoosung’s shirt right off him and picked him up, tossing him on the bed. He walked around it as Yoosung pushed himself further to the middle.
Saeran opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out a leather coil and a silk ribbon, he grinned at Yoosung when he saw him biting his lips and palming himself as he stared at the leather in his hands. He dropped the silk back into the drawer with a smirk. Full throttle it was.
Saeran snapped the leather together and Yoosung jumped, his eyes quickly running up Saeran’s chest and locking onto his eyes. A deep whine escaped his throat, and his hand now stroked himself more forcefully. Saeran stared at his hand, licking his lips.
“Stop!” he commanded Yoosung and Yoosung immediately stopped moving his hand. “Let it go, and get naked. Saeran watched as Yoosung slithered out of his pants, tossing his underwear to the side. He sat in the center of the bed and waited for Saeran’s next command.
Saeran knelt on the bed and ran the back of his fingers across Yoosung’s cheek and crooned, “Good boy Yoosung.” Yoosung’s eyes lit up and his smile was ear to ear at the praise. “Give me your hands.” Yoosung placed his hands in front of him, wrists together, his eyes were round and pleading. Saeran wrapped the leather around his wrists, making it as tight as he could. It would be up to Yoosung how painful he wanted it as he stretched his arms apart, straining against the bonds.
Saeran could feel Yoosung’s hot breath on his face with how close they were. He stayed close to him as he finished with the knot, leaving enough free to be able to yank on it if he wanted to. Saeran could see Yoosung’s tongue darting this way and that inside his half-opened mouth. Saeran pulled on the strap and yanked Yoosung’s body nearer. He could tell that Yoosung desperately wanted to kiss him, but he didn’t let him, making him wait. He whimpered, but didn’t move. Saeran licked Yoosung’s lips and felt him shiver underneath him. Yoosung’s panting was so heavy Saeran was afraid he might hyperventilate.
He pulled himself up, kneeling in front of Yoosung, looking down at the boy as he sat, his bound hands on the bed, holding him up. Saeran took his shirt off, slowly, keeping his gaze locked onto Yoosung’s purple eyes. He tossed it aside and ran his hands down his chest, Yoosung followed his progress greedily, his tongue flicking in and out, his teeth alternating biting his top and lower lip. Saeran reached out to his chin and roughly tilted his head back up. “Eyes on mine! Don’t look away.” Yoosung nodded, Saeran’s thumb and forefinger pinching his chin. He could hardly breathe, Saeran was so beautiful, his eyes intense and captivating. He glued his eyes to the mint green orbs, desperately trying to see what his hands were doing next peripherally. He could see Saeran’s hand slide into his pants and saw Saeran’s mouth open slightly as he touched himself, his eyes lidding slightly. Yoosung whined, he was desperate to touch him. He clawed at the sheets, snagging them with his nails.
Saeran smirked at the distress he was causing his lover. He unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down, over his ass, along with his underwear. He could see how much Yoosung wanted to look, especially when he stroked himself. He reached out and caressed Yoosung’s cheek. “What a good boy Yoosung.” He breathed. Yoosung pressed his face against Saeran’s hand, keeping his eyes focused on Saeran’s. Saeran ran his fingers through Yoosung’s hair and pulled him up for a long, soft, passionate kiss. His tongue lingered around Yoosung’s lips, but didn’t slip into his mouth. He kept Yoosung’s tongue out of his mouth as well. It served to create more desire in Yoosung and he made small cute disappointed sounds.
Saeran let him go, rubbing their cheeks together, feeling the hunger Yoosung had for him. He whispered in his ear, “Such a good boy. Such a good listener.” Yoosung’s body thrummed with the adulation. “I’m going to give you a reward, Sunshine, would you like that?” Saeran punctuated the question with his tongue in Yoosung’s ear.
Yoosung shivered and nodded aggressively. He pulled back and pushed Yoosung down on his elbows, holding his cock in his hand. “Open up for me.” He said as he pet Yoosung’s head like a puppy. Like a good and obedient puppy.
Yoosung opened his mouth and Saeran rammed his cock inside, all the way to the base. Yoosung gagged, spit dribbling from the corners of his mouth. His eyes began to tear, but he didn’t ask Saeran to stop. The pain was part of his pleasure, the more Saeran denigrated him, the more he liked it. Praise and punishment, the constant back and forth enhanced his enjoyment. It was difficult holding himself up with his hands bound, but the constriction sent shivers down his spine. Soon enough Saeran pushed Yoosung off and onto his back. He took his pants all the way off and grabbed the strap, forcing Yoosung’s hands over his head painfully.
“Ahh.” Yoosung gasped, the pain making his body break out in a sweat. Saeran’s eyes bored into him and Yoosung gulped. Saeran ran his tongue down his chest, biting at his nipples, making Yoosung arch his back and scream with unrepressed desire.
Saeran hummed with pride as he electrified Yoosung’s body. He flicked his tongue at Yoosung’s tip, licking up his precum. Yoosung undulated his hips, trying to connect with Saeran’s mouth. Saeran growled and pushed Yoosung’s hips down. Yoosung mewled. “Don’t move!” Saeran scowled, his grip digging into Yoosung’s soft flesh.
“I…I’m sorry Saeran.” Yoosung groveled.
“And you were doing so well Sunshine, I’m going to have to punish you now. Ok?”
Yoosung whimpered but nodded.
Saeran flipped Yoosung on his stomach and pulled his ass up, he held himself on his elbows. Saeran reached into the drawer and pulled out a padded paddle. He brushed it across Yoosung’s ass and Yoosung gasped, jumping almost out of his skin. “Remember the safe word?” Yoosung nodded. The paddle was soft and smooth against Yoosung’s skin, he was tensed, ready for his punishment.
Saeran pulled the paddle back and smacked Yoosung’s butt cheek, leaving a very satisfying red mark. Yoosung yelped, tears falling, but his heart raced and his cock pulsed, the hot burning coil deep in his belly heating up. The second hit was on his other butt cheek and Yoosung screamed, panting intensely. He desperately wanted to touch himself, his cock twitched, needing attention urgently. Saeran set the paddle down and ran his hands over the red marks he’d left, kissing Yoosung’s bruised skin gently. “Did you like that?” he asked, as he tasted Yoosung’s ass.
“Yy…yes…” Yoosung nodded, barely able to speak.
Saeran spread Yoosung’s ass wide and licked his opening. Yoosung hissed and fought the urge to press back into Saeran’s face. He held himself steady, but he mewled and whined.
“Like that?”
“Do you want more?”
“YES!” Yoosung hissed between clenched teeth, his head spinning. Saeran pushed his tongue into him and Yoosung’s groan was deep and guttural.
“Mmm, good boy Yoosung.” Yoosung’s body flushed with heat and his whimper was low and satisfied. Saeran grabbed the lube and began to work on loosening up Yoosung.
“Hhhngghhh…hahh, Saeran…please…please, can…can I…Ahhhh.”
“Not yet Sunshine, be a good boy a little longer.”
Saeran smirked, then reached around to grab Yoosung’s cock.
“FUCK!” Yoosung screeched, lifting to his hands, the leather biting into his flesh. He was so close to cuming. But Saeran let him go and Yoosung collapsed, Saeran often did this to him. Keeping him on the edge, but not letting him cum. He hated it, he loved it, it drove him crazy, his body convulsed with how badly he wanted release!
Saeran stroked him, bringing him to the edge two more times, leaving Yoosung a mewling, desperate mess.
“Saeran! Please! Please!” he pleaded.
Saeran pulled his fingers out and lubed his cock, pressing against Yoosung. He pressed it, Yoosung humming with need.
“Ok Sunshine, you’ve been so good, so good babe. I’m so proud of you. Come on.”
Yoosung grabbed a hold of the headboard and pushed back on Saeran’s cock. The joy was immense, it ran through his body like high voltage. Saeran grunted at the onslaught, holding on to his hips, ramming his cock into Yoosung. Saeran grabbed Yoosung’s cock and squeezed. Yoosung’s mouth fell open and, the heated coil in his belly tightening and exploding, his ears ringing with the volatility of it.
Yoosung’s cum covered Saeran’s hand and he kept thrusting until his own cum shot out in a heavy, hot, sticky, stream, filling Yoosung.
“Ahhh….Yoo…Y…Yoosung!” Saeran breathed, his body exhausted. They fell onto the bed, Saeran’s cheek on Yoosung’s ass, stroking it lazily.
Saeran rose and went to grab a damp towel to clean them up with. He helped Yoosung to sit up and untied his hands. He put everything back in the drawer and used massage oil on Yoosung’s wrists.
“That better?” Saeran asked.
“Yes, thank you.” Yoosung leaned over and kissed Saeran’s cheek.
They changed the sheets and scooted under them. Saeran pulled Yoosung into his arms and they snuggled together.
“That was amazing.” Yoosung whispered.
“Yeah, we should play LOLOL more often together.” Saeran smirked.
And I can’t believe I forgot to add my Yooran Fanfic List during this week. I’ll add these later to it....ahhh....I’ll be out all day :(
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
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Oh! I actually went to one of these, when I was at school. We have this here! ^^ Hope you like this!
Horror Night with RFA + Saeran
At first, he’s all like: “Don’t worry, babe. Remember this is all acting and they aren’t allowed to touch you for real.”
 But then the axe man starts running after you and Zen is not having it, who does he think he is to scare his babe?
He keeps glaring at all the scary creatures, only to realize he knows most of these people
Yeah, the guy with nails all over his face worked with him on a musical a few years ago, oh… and the lady in a clown mask auditioned for the same commercial he did!
It ends up on catching up about work when nobody is watching.
But just so you won’t get bored, he requests his buddies to scare you good.
Just… not too good…
He actually went to one of these when he was in high school.
It brings him good memories, and now they get to be even better because he has you to hold hands with and comfort…
He just holds your hand and R U N S.
 You’re like: “It’s worse if we run from them, Yoosung…” and he’s like: “Well, I’m not staying either!”
And then you’ll run so much you guys will end outside the park, just the two of you in the silence, the stars and moon above you…
You’ll tease him about pretending to be scared on purpose just so you guys will run and end alone like this. Yes, on purpose, right…
At first, she doesn’t see the appeal
Like, they can’t do anything for ral, so what’s the point in running around and screaming?
Then this guy with a chainsaw shows up… holy shit, the chainsaw looks so real!
She grabs your hand and just runs.
And it’s hard to keep up. Miss Blackbelt in Judo has a lot of stamina…
“Jesus Christ, MC… that was scary for real…” she’ll say panting, and for a second you might think she’s mad at you for dragging her to this…
 Only until she starts laughing, which makes you laugh. Not even the chainsaw guy knows what’s going on…
Is this a regular thing for commoners in Halloween?
He’s intrigued.
No, not scared, just intrigued.
The makeup on these people looks amazingly realistic, the park must make some good profit being open until late at night… interesting.
 That’s his business man brain speaking… only until you jump and hug him, telling him to run.
“MC, I don’t think there’s a need to…“ “JUST RUN, JUMIN!” you’ll grab his hand tightly and make him race!
He had no idea you both could run this fast… everything is really intriguing for him. He can’t wait to know what other commoner traditions you have in mind to show him…
This is the third night in a row you’ve been coming to the park for Horror Night
It’s fun having that adrenaline rush and not being in real danger
Plus, your yelps are cute and he gets to cling on you when he gets scared
Sometimes, it gets almost boring. You’ve seen basically all the scary characters in here.
So you guys get really excited when you spot one you haven’t seen yet
 “Ahhhh, don’t leave me behind, MC!“ he’ll scream dramatically while he slows his pace
Only for you to come back and grab his hand, rolling your eyes. If he wanted to hold hands, he just needed to tell you…
He’s no fun
Because he doesn’t get scared at all, ll he does is jump a little and immediately look at you to see if you’re too startled
Then he’ll comfort you and say: “Uh… that was a big one, huh?”
It wasn’t, or else he would be scared too!
Even the creatures seem to be pulling more effort when they go after you two.
So he plays along and runs, smiling sweetly as he pants.
 “Oh, I’m sorry… did I make you run too much?” you’ll pat his shoulder and clean the sweat off his forehead. Oh… you being so close tenses him up more than any scary creature.
He just agreed on going because he knew his brother would go with you if he weren’t
So he’s not having much fun running around, but as long as you’re happy, he is happy
Okay, but you don’t look happy. You’re scared of these.
So why would you still want to be here? Can’t you two ditch this and hang out somewhere else? The night is still young…
He’s gathering courage to tell you this… until your hand holds his firmly. Oh…
 “Are you bored?” “N-no… why do you ask?” “Well, you don’t seem to be scared at all and AHHHH!” a girl covered in blood jumps from behind, making you scream and hug him, hiding your face in his chest.
“Oh… are you scared too? Your heart is beating so fast, Saeran…”
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
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MC with some background is my aesthetics. Let’s do this!
Shy MC gets loud next to her friends
You invited him to join you in a little get together with some friends from high school
 He was so curious about meeting your friends that declining never felt like an option
In the first minutes, okay, you’re still speaking quietly and laughing in the same shy way you do to him all the time, it is so cute he’s trying hard not to squeal and kiss you whole face
They start talking and asking more about him, only to find he used to be in a gang.
 “Ohhhh, you’re such a match made in heaven!” one friend shrieks, which is… confusing.
“Or in hell…” your tone is dark and mischievous. WHOA! What is going on here?
You look at his lost expression and explain: “We used to be in a gang too.”
 “You… YOU WHAT?” “It was a girl’s gang. Nothing too crazy, we just used to skip school to smoke and drink, get piercings and fight some bitches.”
Well, he used to do worse on his gang days, what shocks him is your stoic way of listing the things you’ve done.
“Don’t forget making out with gangsta boys. What was that gang we used to meet at the bikers bar?” Bikers bar…? IT WAS HIS GANG!
Okay, his first thought was punching all his old pals, what if one of them made out with you? But then… what if he made out with you? Oh… this could only be fate, you truly are a match made in heaven…
His romantic side sometimes gets the best of him.
He really tried, but it was so hard to stay cool after he found out you used to hang out mostly with guys
So when you invited him to meet them, he did his best to play nonchalant and just go like: ” Yeah, sure, if you want me to go, I’ll go…”
Only thing in his mind is how all of these guys must be in love with someone so cute and precious like you.
 But in the minute he sees the guys, buddy… it’s like looking to his photos when he was in high school.
They’re nerds!
It makes sense, someone so introvert like you would be comfortable around people like this, who are shy and speak softly
Until someone mentions that they didn’t see each other ever since that day everybody got together to watch one of the season finales of Doctor Who.
“We would meet more if someone didn’t decide to say David Tennant was overrated.” You mutter, shooting glances to one of the guys. Oh… Yoosung is scared to shit, he would run for dear life if you ever looked like that at him.
“It’s not my problem if y’all can handle the facts. Tenth doctor is overrated, deal with that!”  “Said nobody, ever! BECAUSE YOU ARE A FUCKING NOBODY!”Yoosung is shocked (and lowkey turned on) by all the heated up arguments being brought up. Best doctor, Star Trek vs Star Wars, Marvel vs DC, you better not get in the games field.
Because that’s Yoosung expertise, and he’s ready to fight too.  Not with you, though, because you’re cute and hot when you get angry
She’s so excited to meet your girlfriends
You showed her some texts you exchanged with them, and she’s dying from cuteness
Like… okay that you write with the CAPS LOCK ON ALL THE TIME
And uses way more emojis than she’s used to.
But your interaction with them is cute. You’re cute, and this will turn out great if they are half the cutie you are.
“AHHHHH YOU’RE HERE, BITCH! AND YOU LOOK SO GOOD!” one friend shouts at you. Jaehee jumped in surprise, she was so ready to get in judo position
“AHHHH! WHAT ABOUT YOU? YOU LOOK HOT!” you shout back. What… what is happening?
“I mean, bitch. When I heard you got a girlfriend, I was all ‘YAAAASSSS QUEEN YAAAAASSS’, because, come on it was so… predictable.”
“Bitch, no.” “Bitch, yes.” Why are you talking like this? Did you forget each other’s names? And... weren’t you friends?Why are you calling ach other bitches?
 She’s so confused, but yet fascinated. She giggles to herself imagining if you two start calling each other ‘bitch’ in that sassy yet friendly tone.
“Yes, bitch. I knew it ever since that day you said you were at that apartment talking with some stranger people, and I asked if there were any hot guys. You said…” “Four, and a super cute girl.” You finish the sentence, looking at Jaehee and blushing.
She widens her eyes and laughs. “Ahh come here, bitch.” And she hugs you.
He was very impressed when you told him about how active you were in sports clubs when you were in high school
So of course he would be delighted to meet your teammates.
Oh… not exactly teammates, you were  the coach’s assistant, in the male teams.
Hum…  now he’s not that delighted.
Seeing all those gigantic buff men and such a pure small creature like you gives him… the creeps.
“Oh! Hey! Looks who’s here!” one of the guys quickly evolves hi arms around your head and mess your hair.
Jumin is ready to send a sign for his security to take some action, but he freezes when you… do the exactly same thing with the guy seconds later.
“You’re still too weak, bro. Try harder!” “Hah! You’re all talk, bro! As usual!” “Oh, was it all talk when I won the bet in the KBO League results?” the guy gets all flustered while all the others laugh.
Good lord, his fiancée is a bro!
He’s shocked! Who is this woman threatening to give a wedge to a guy is twice her size?
“What about you, bro? Are you into some sports?” one of the bros asks him “I play golf, and used to play lacrosse when I was in high school.” “You now, things I can beat him easily.” You scoff and wink playfully at him.
“You know I’m all for a challenge, my love.” Now he’s the one feeling smug with all the guys doing “uhhhh” and laughing at your flushed face.
·         He couldn’t stop laughing when doing the background check on you.
You and your friends exchanging texts about idols and squealing was HILARIOUS!
Then you and them would trade links for fanfics, some of them being smut, and…. LOLOL the comments, he can’t  even.
So after you got together, he couldn’t wait to meet the girls who make you loosen up in a way he’s still not able to do.
He’s living for the way you girls are trying not to get carried away in a simple conversation about what kind of music have you been listening to it lately.
“Actually, MC is very hooked in that boyband. What’s the name? Uhm…” he says a wrong name on purpose, earning glares from all the ladies.
 “No, that’s not the name, and they a very famous group with more than 500k copies sold for all his three albums.”
 “Four” you correct her. “Don’t forget their first EP.”
“Oh yeah, the EP! Remember we camped in front of the store for almost two days?” “And then the guy who worked there said he would give us a hand if I gave him a…hand?” you laugh mischievously. Oh…
THERE WAS NOTHING ABOUT THIS IN THE BACKGROUND CHECK! Why such a cute smile when you’re saying something so… dirty?
“But don’t worry, honey!  I refused!” “Ah yes… guess you’re not that much of a fan of them, MC, you poser!” 
He teases as if he’s not relieved your fangirling has a limit
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
Oh my Goooood your blushing hc was so cuuute!! Can you do it with saeran and v too please??
Ahhhh, I was hoping somebody would request Baeran in addition to that post 
Saeran and V making MC blush
Heblushes at almost everything you say and do to him
Andhe hates it, so he’s blushing with a grumpy expression on his face and you’rejust like… nnnnnng so cute
Oneof these days, MC, one of these days…he’ll get his payback
Thetwo of you were hanging, watching TV and fighting for the remote in the sofa.
Hegrabbed the remote and stretched his arm the most that he could while using hisfree arm to stop you from trying to climb over him and reach his arm.
Saeyoungwalks in to the living room in the exact moment you manage to get on top of Saeran
“Ohohoho,having fun with you friend, brother?” Saeyoung wiggles his eyebrows teasingly
“She’smy girlfriend, you idiot.” You stop reaching for the remote and look straightat him with widen eyes. That’s when he realizes he just called you hisgirlfriend out loud for the very first time.
Andhe wishes he could tease you for getting all red and flushed, but he just wrapshis arm around you, making you lay on his chest, which only makes you blushmore.
Hedoesn’t really blush, but it’s easily noticeable when he gets flustered
Becausehe starts stuttering a little and clearing his throat a lot
Andhe makes you blush a lot, but it’s not intentional, he’s just always sayingromantic poetic things that make you cringe.
Thetwo of you were at this art gallery during his new exhibition
Youwere wandering around with him while he talked to his artist fellas andpotential buyers for his pictures
Avery renowned art critic, who you already knew to be very flirty, told him: “Youportray great views and landscapes, my friend, how come you keep the greatestview of them all away from the cameras?”  he motions his glass of champagne in tourdirection, makin sure V understood he was talking about you.
“I’mafraid that,  if he decides to take pictures of me, the exhibition would be banned forbeing too outrageous.” You speak, trying not to blush at your own words, but it’sso worth it how the guy feels embarrassed on the way you spoke for yourself.
 Heleaves, and you two look at each other, chuckling. V leans to you like he’sgoing for a kiss, but he reaches his ear. “Let’s make this happen, my love.”
“What?”“Your pictures, this would be a great project, and I love when you getoutrageous.” Oh god… the shade of pink across your cheeks is so lovely, hewould love to  take hundreds of picturesof it and hang around this gallery.
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
Hello!! w
Your english isn’t bad, love. (who am I to judge, anyways?) 
Here it is! Hope you enjoy it! ^^
RFA with a drunk MC who can’t recognize them
Youtold him you were gonna be at this club and he should join you after work
Socrowded! It would take so long to find you… oh, not really, there you are! Youlook so sexy dancing like no one is watching
Butthe thing is a lot of people, guys mostly, are watching. OH HELL NO!
“Hey,babe! I missed you!” he comes behind you holding your waist gently, and feelslegitimately hurt when you pull away and nod negatively.
“Nahnah ni nah no, buddy! Not happening!” and you just… walk away! Why? IS he that late? He goes after you,noticing how much you’re bumping into other people…
“B-Babe?I’m sorry, I…” “I won’t say it twice, dude! I’m taken and you’ll back away ifyou know what’s good for you!” what? You’re not recognizing him? Maybe it’s thelights or the loud music?
Ohno, it’s not! He watches as you go the bar and look around squinting your eyesand frowning your nose, it’s so cuuuuttte! Also, it’s a very familiar sign thatyou’re very drunk, he knows that by now.
“Ohno… not you again!” “Hey, calm down! I’m… I won’t make any move, I’m justworried about you! Are you ok?” “I’m g-reat! Just waiting for MY REALLY STRONG,HOT AND FAMOUS BOYFRIEND THAT I LOOOVVVEE!” oh god… is it bad he thinks this istoo charming?
“Oh…tell me more about him, then.” He manages to get close enough so nobody willtry to approach you. “I’ll show you!” you pick your phone and scroll throughall the pictures you’ve taken together.
“Thisis him during one of his musicals! This is him on his bike! This is him onpiggy tails I did when he was sleeping! Isn’t he adorable?” he gags a little“Oh… I think… I think this wouldn’t be good for my… for HIS image, don’t youthink?” “Nhaaa, this is just for fun! I won’t even show him! I care a lot abouthis image too, since I’mma be his manager one day, just you wait! “Oh,is thatso?”
Heconvinces you to text your boyfriend, so he could answer he would be waitingyou outside so you could take a cab. He doesn’t even mind your text makes nosense!
 “ZeeeNnNY!I missed you so much, you… should be proud of me! I acted all scary and made thisguy back away! Are you proud, Zenny? Are you proud?” you shake him as you hughim when you go to him outside. “You have no idea how much, my princess.” Hehugs you back
Hehopes your hangover is not that bad tomorrow, as he really has some businessmatters to go over with you…
Althoughhe’s the college student, you’re the one having the time of your life at thisfrat party.
Hewasn’t that comfortable at first, but seeing you having so much fun made himloose it up a little
He’swondering if the guys feel jealous when they see this goddess moving her hipsso seductively and stopping all of a sudden to give him a little peck on thelips and a ‘boop’ to his nose…
Butit’s been a while you’re not doing this anymore, you’re not even looking athim… you’re looking all around the place, except for him.
Sohe goes to you and touches your shoulder: “Are you okay, honey?” you look athim from head to toes and… turn your back on him. What?
“H-Honey!Did I do something wrong?” “Yeah, dude, you’re making a move on a girl who havea boyfriend!” “Well, yes… I’m the boyfriend!”
“Yeah,you wish, but sorry… it ain’t happening!” You scoff. He’s so shocked! Are youbreaking up with him like this?
Oh,wait! He’d  seen your eyes like thisbefore, you’re… drunk! Very drunk! Yes, your half-lidded tipsy eyes…  and you still manage to be beautiful…
“Hey,so uhm… are you Yoosung Kim’s girlfriend, by any chance?” “Yeah, why do youask?” “Nothing, I recognized you from all the photos of you he shows, it’s…it’s nice to meet you in person! He talks a lot about you!” he tries to befriendly so you don’t run away.
“Pffffff,he showed photos of me? So embarrassiIIiiIng! I’ll tell him to stahp when I seehim!” “Oh… Please don’t get mad! It’s just… just… he thinks you’re the mostbeautiful lady in the world, he… really really loves you… at least that’s whatI heard from him.”
“Ahhhh,I can’t be mad at him!” you sigh dramatically. “He’s sOoOOOOOo amazing! Andcool… and his hair is so badass, and we’re here just because I dragged him… andthose cheeks nnnnnng” What about his cheeks? “I’ve gotta find my man!”
 “I..I… s-saw him outside, next to the door, y-yes! Over there!” he needs to runbefore you get there, but he’s so flustered… well, that can wait!
“Yoosungiiiie!I’ve been looking all around for you!” you jump on him, wrapping your armsaround his neck. “I’m sooooo sorry for dragging you here, next time we’ll stayat home and play LOLOL, pinky promise!” you tangle your pinky at his,seriously… how can you be so adorable? “Nah, I’m… I’m really having fun, MC!”
Youtwo go home by foot and you keep snuggling at his arm the whole way. “Hey, MC?”“Hmmm?” “Do you… do you like my cheeks?” “Yep, especially on those jeans.”
It takes a while for him to get it, but whenhe does… he’s dead! Why would you talk about his butt to a stranger? I mean… itwas him, but you didn’t know, yet it was him… should he get mad? Orembarrassed? Or…? Or…? ERROR
Shemeets you at the bar you two usually go together.
Itisn’t that crowded but it is a little noisy, she’ll have to talk loud to getyour attention.
“Hey,MC!” she greets. You look around frightened and look back to your drink… weird!
“MC?”she gets closer and touches your arm softly. “How… how do you know my name?” What?She looks at you, puzzled. “Anyway, I’m waiting for my girlfriend, don’t wasteyour time, lady!”
“Hum…MC, I’m…” “Stop stalking me, seriously, my girlfriend warned me about yourtype!” she’s still confused, but your face looks so funny, you are trying tolook mad, but you can’t frown your eyebrows without blinking… so cute!
Andby that she gets what’s  going on, thatand the three martini glasses next to you…
“I’msorry, I didn’t mean to offend you, I was just curious… where did you buy thatdress?” “My girlfriend got me, it’s her favorite color in the whole wideworrlllld!” “I see…” she wants to laugh so much.
“Well,she must have a good taste!” “Yep, she used to walk around only on a dull suitbecause of her asshole former boss! He’s my friend, so I’m allowed to tell himhe’s an asshole… actually, I… I should tell him right now!” you pick yourphone.
“I…I don’t think that’s a good idea, miss…” “Shhh, he needs to know he can’t be anasshole to my cookie! She’s  a-ma-ZING!!!That potato needs to know that!” Cookie? Potato? You’re killing her with yourdrunk cuteness, but she can’t let you do something stupid!
“I… I’m sure your girlfriend already knows howamazing you think she is, you don’t really need to… tell other people!” “Ugh,that’s right! Why she doesn’t let everybody know how great she is? I shoudn’tbe the only one to see it, y’ know? I’m… I’m a potato just like Jumin Han… Ialready told him that twice this week!” Forget that you’ve been drinking twicethis week and calling Jumin to cuss him, what matters now is… YOU’RE POUTING!Oh my god, so adorable…
Shecan’t keep up with this anymore, she needs you to recognize her right now! Soshe walks away and calls you, telling she’s waiting for you outside to comehome.
“Yay,Baehee is here!” you run to her and give her a sweet peck on the lips, shegrabs your hand and leads you to the cab.
“So…MC, have you been talking to Jumin lately?” “Wh-Who? Me? Noooo, noe, maam’!” you are aterrible liar when you’re sober, just imagine when you’re drunk. She’ll makeyou apologize for being such a potato, but that can wait…
“Jumyinh,I amm at this gui haus, but he is coooooooooooolll, don’t worry!” he tries todecode your text. Why are you texting him when you are under the same roof?
“Whereare you, MC?” “@ his bathroom, it’s bigr than my house” what kind of joke isthat? You were drinking wine with him a couple of minutes ago and excusedyourself to go to the bathroom…
“look@ this soap! So funny!” you send him a blurred picture, oh… so that’s how itfeels to get one of these! He gets it now!
Hegoes to the bathroom and knocks at the door. “I’m not opening! My boyfriendwon’t like it!” and then his phone buzzes. “looks I been caught” and you send aselfie, it’s not blurred and he can see the huge blush on your cheeks, oh…you’re so drunk right now, aren’t you?
Youcall him, he answers a little reluctantly. “Yes, kitten?” you giggle “Jumin,this guy called me kitten too, but don’t worry! I told him to back off!”
“Whatcould you possibly be talking about, MC?” “I don’t remember coming to thisparty, so I won’t let the bathroom until you come to pick me up! You… you cantrack me by… GP and S, right?” not even him believe he’s really laughing atthis. “Yes, I’ll come to you, my love, just wait!”
Heknocks at the door. “Are you okay… miss?” “Bro, I already told you! I have aboyfriend and we gonna marry soon!” “Oh, I see… did he propose to you?” “Notyet, but I found the ring on his closet!” uh oh… surprise ruined for both ofyou. “But I’ll look very surprised, cause I know the proposal is going to besuuuper special, like on a colorful hot air balloon or something like this…”
Heopens the bathroom door and almost falls due to the way you jump at him,wrapping your legs around his waist. “I missed you so much! Is the party over?”“Yes, it is. Shall we go home so you can rest, my angel? Tomorrow will be avery busy day…” “Really? Why?” “Just wait and see.”
Assoon as you doze off, he calls Jaehee telling there will be a change of plans,he needs to rent a hot air balloon asap!
“Ohmy God, Saeran! Don’t you have any respect for your brother’s girlfriend?”yougot out for a couple of drinks with your friends and got back swearing the onestanding in front of you is your brother-in-law, not your boyfriend!
“MC,it’s me! Look at my glasses!” “No! You two are not pulling this prank on meagain! It didn’t work last time and it won’t work again now!” when you’resober, you can tell who is who very easily, even when they change theiroutfits. But right now…
“MC,Saeran is sleeping right now!” “Well, MC thinks talking in the 3rdperson is ridiculous!” Oh lord…shouldn’t he be recording this?
“Please,come with me, I’ll help you take a shower and put you to bed…” “Saeran! Wouldyou really do that with your brother? No… no… you’re so nice, and he’s so nice!He doesn’t deserve this!” you look so shocked and disappointed, he’s feelingbad for you as if this was true.
“Saeyoungloves us both very much, Saeran. We can’t hurt him, NEVER! He deserves onlyhappiness from now on! Seriously, I… I was going to say yes to moving intogether,  but I won’t do it if this ishow you’re gonna act around me!” wait! Are you serious?
“Oh…so you actually considered it?” “Yes… but I can’t do this if you keep hittingon me!” okay, joke’s over!
“I’msorry, MC. Saeyoung told me if I acted like this, you would buy it, that idiot!But it’s impossible to trick you! I’ll… I’ll call him back, okay?” you sigh inrelief, and it’s so cute!
Hegoes to the hallway yelling to Saeyoung to come out, turns around and goes back to you with a big smile, yousmile back and open your arms, waiting for a hug. “Stop doing these sillypranks, what if one day I really mistake you two?” you ask over his shoulder
“Yes,I should start being more mature if you’re going to move in with us.” “Ihaven’t said ‘yes�� yet, Saeyoung!”
Butyou said yes during the shower you shared the next morning
You can see Saeran and V here ~
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