#saerom x reader fluff
strawberryya · 2 years
can i do anything for you?
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saerom x reader
synopsis: reader has a cold and saerom is there to care for them.
word count: 0,8k
genre/contains: fluff, established relationship, comfort by physical touch, reader has a cold, mentions of food
a/n: some saerom fluff, as requested. also yes I am sick and this is definitely a way to make myself feel better :)
“I got some popsicles, and then also some more honey, just in case we run out,” she said, holding the wrapped-up ice cream bar in her hand. you reached out for it and tried to heave yourself off of the couch. the small excursion making your lungs let out a loud cough that you tried to cover with your arm.
you squeezed out a low “thank you,” in between your coughs. saerom looked at you with pain in her eyes. she knew it was a simple cold, of course she knew that, and there was really no need to worry. but she couldn’t help it. you looked so helpless, laying on the couch, with tired eyes and lips that had become slightly chapped as you were now on your second day of getting through this goddamn cold.
usually, you weren’t the one catching the really bad colds. most of the time they just passed you by like a small inconvenience. saerom, on the other hand, was the opposite. colds hit her every few months, and they hit her hard. as in bedridden for at least five entire days, with shivers and throats so sore she could barely swallow. this time it was your turn.
“do you need anything else? are you warm enough? do you think the fever has gone down? are you too hot? how are you feeling?” she was frantic as she scanned your body language for any hint of how you might be feeling.
you had begun unwrapping the popsicle and was much more focused on soothing your sore throat, and didn’t even register her myriad of questions.
saerom knew how you were feeling, she had been through bad colds herself enough times to know that you had other things to deal with just within your own body. what she didn’t know was what she was supposed to do when you were the one looking close to death, sniffling on the couch, and burning up from within.
you had learned how to make sure she got enough fluids and food in her, even when she could barely sit upright without feeling dizzy enough that you could see her head spinning from the way she grabbed at her surroundings to somehow stabilize her brain. you knew what flavor of cough medicine she liked the best. you had figured out the best way to make sure her fever never stayed for too long, and that it went down properly so that she could sleep through the nights (and days). to sum it up, you had received your fair share of nurse practice. saerom however, had no idea what she was doing. you were never sick, so why would she have had to learn to do any of the things one does when their partner is sick? needless to say, she was freaking out.
with a trembling voice, she asked “can I do anything for you?”
the fever had risen so much that your entire brain felt like mush, and all you could think of asking for was “just… hold me,” it came out as a pleading and strained whisper but she understood the feeling.
she tried to remember what you had done for her last time she was sick like this. once she remembered, she moved further into the couch, sitting just beside the pillow propping your head up. slowly removing the pillows from underneath you, while shushing you as calmly as she could muster without letting the way your whimpers got to her show through her own voice.
after placing a smaller pillow on her lap to make sure you wouldn’t get hotter from her own body heat, she hoisted you up a bit, laying your head in her lap. you couldn’t open your eyes because of the spinning and when you felt her hand touch down on the side of your face, your breath hitched in surprise.
her hand was cold and soft. it was exactly what you needed. feeling her slowly letting her hand rest on your forehead, only to move down the side of your face and cup your cheek and then down your neck. her hand cooling you down felt so incredibly good.
when she for a second lifted her hand from your burning skin you couldn’t help but shuffle and whisper a low “no”.
flipping and switching hands once the one she was using got too warm, she stayed there, caressing your face until she could feel the tense muscles in your forehead relax from the soothing feeling of her chilly hands.
all she wanted was for you to feel better, for her to be able to help, and when you finally felt some relief she was over the moon. you eventually fell asleep, with your head resting on her lap and her hand letting you let go of the spinning motions that occupied your head.
[navigation post!]
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021894s · 2 months
— 04 rules and regulations
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PAIRING: brothers bsf!sunghoon x f!reader
WARNINGS: cussing, mentions of pda
AUTHORS NOTE: hi babies here’s chapter 4! also happy may??? the year is going by so fast i can’t. hope you enjoy <3
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tag list: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @luminouskalopsia @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog @ihrtgyuuu @purennn @hoonharem @g0niki @hearts4itoshi @yongbokified @shuichi-sama @xiaoderrrr @hongshuaknow @skylaly @yzzyhee @jwnghyuns @seokseokjinkim @syzavxy @xrvrqs @soulvrs @velvetkisscs @ak-aa-li @eneiyri @starlvcieszsq @meowmeowjang @hanhaeji @moonlighthoon @gaylilseokie @seunghancore @heelovesmeknot @nyfwyeonjun
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pinkicyheart · 1 month
give me saerom as your gf PLEASE, i just recently got into fromis n i am in love with her<3
saerom as your gf ˖ ࣪⭑
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a/n: thanks for requesting dear! you're actually my first request so this is exciting. thanks for being patient ^^
how did you meet?
picture this. you're knee deep into midterms, and you decide to go to a cafe nearby for some much needed motivation. you make yourself comfortable, and after setting up your little corner, you go to order a warm latte.
you love this cafe since it's nearby and know the staff like your own family. so it's that much more surprising when an unfamiliar face is the one to take your order today.
you're worried she might not be able to get your usual order right, but she prepares it perfectly, maybe just a little bit sweeter.
her soft voice and gentle gaze puts you at ease, and you smile knowing that you'll be seeing more of her this week.
you try and ask one of your friends, jiwon, who works at that cafe who the new girl is but she won't budge, "i want you two to fall in love naturally." "i can't love her if i don't know anything besides her name!" "here's her number. i'll tell her it's for school." "THANK YOU SO MUCH JIWON YOURE THE BEST."
you two end up speaking more over text, and the rest is history!
how does she love?
saerom is the type to quietly look over your shoulder; carefully scanning your face for any signs of discomfort or anything you might need. you sometimes joke that she's a mind reader, she'll give you what you need before you even realize you need it.
she's very touchy but you would never know that. she'd find ways to get you to initiate you touching her without having to deal with your teasing.
come night time however and she's entirely different. the haze settling over her mind allows her to forget her self proclaimed shy girl status. she'll snuggle into your arms to warm herself up and get herself comfy in bed. she loves cuddling into your side while you tell her about your day. she'll occasionally chime in with her own little quips which make you giggle.
saerom won't tell you but feeling your belly rise and fall in response to her joke is one of the best feelings in the world to her.
if you go to school or work, saerom will be up early to pack you a home-made lunch. she loves seeing you smile in response to her food, and even if she's not there to see it, the thought is enough for her.
she'd also write a little joke on a sticky note for you to read later from time to time. her sense of humor is one of your favorite things about her.
both you and saerom generally aren't argumentative people, but every once in a while you'll have a fight.
it's usually because of a mistake done, and it wasn't followed up with an apology or an unwillingness to change.
saerom is a patient person and sometimes a lot of people (unknowingly) take that for granted. she won't let things slide the first time, and will let you know she doesn't appreciate that behavior, but having that same argument every time would tire her.
say you can't stop using her beauty products. her stuff are your stuff, and saerom generally doesn't have a problem with that because she uses your stuff too, but she explicitly told you to not touch her medicated facial wash.
it's expensive, and she doesn't want you to use medicinal stuff unless it was prescribed to you too; you don't need it after all, and she needs it more than you.
saerom notices her bottle getting lighter and lighter by the day, and regardless of every time she lectures you, and every apology you issue, the behavior isn't changing.
eventually her face wash is down to the last couple pumps, and she's at the end of her rope. she calls you over to the bathroom in tears and begs and pleads with you to stop using her facewash.
she's tired of having this conversation with you and feeling taken advantage of. she feels unheard.
you pull her into a hug, sad that you made her feel this way. you've been waking up early to work, and in your sleepiness you grab her face wash instead of yours. it's all excuses of course, but you swear to her that this will never happen again (and it didn't!) and that you'll be compensating her for the money lost.
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jaeyunverse · 2 months
the fake dating pact
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pairing(s): park sunghoon x fem!reader
genre(s): fluff, suggestive, fake dating, enemies to lovers, rich kid au, cruise au
wc: 1.6k
warning(s): profanity, making out, implications to sex (no smut)
inspired by: dil dhadakne do
summary: in which ridiculous circumstances lead to a fake dating contract pact being struck between park sunghoon and you.
note: i’m ngl i thought i’d reposted this fic but i’m not able to find it so here we go LOL the sunghoon brainrot’s been hitting real hard lately
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There was a slight chance Sunghoon and you had crossed the boundaries you’d set when you first drew up your fake dating contract.
Okay, agreement would be a more accurate word choice since the document wasn’t legally binding, but the two of you took its contents very seriously. Together, you’d come up with a few mutually acceptable ground rules:
no kissing unless absolutely necessary
non-sexual acts of intimacy are acceptable in order to maintain the facade
keep arguments to a minimum no matter how insufferable the other person is being
no bed-sharing under any circumstances
no falling for park sunghoon even though he is the epitome of sexiness
The last condition was total bullshit, but you didn’t have it in you to make him get rid of it. Your mom had already done an excellent job at pissing you off; the last thing you wanted to do was get into it with Sunghoon.
One may wonder what caused the two of you to make this pact. Simply put, both your families desperately wanted to set you up with people you had no interest in dating.
(Not that you wanted to seek a romantic relationship with Sunghoon either, but we’ll get into that later.)
Lee Saerom had organised a cruise across the Mediterranean Sea on the occasion of her parents’ 30th wedding anniversary. Normally, your family wouldn’t have come within 10 feet of the Park family, but you were both good friends of the Lees and neither of you wanted to give the other the satisfaction of avoiding the trip.
Now that all the powerful and influential families of Seoul were gathered in the same place for a celebration spanning over a few weeks, your parents thought it would be a good idea to find you an ideal suitor who would help their company expand.
Word spread that you were seeing Lee Heeseung, the younger son of the Lees and heir apparent to their empire. The rumour was entirely false, but you had to admit it was a genius move on your parents’ part. Not only did it become harder for Heeseung and you to deny the allegations, but it made the Lees consider a future with your family’s business.
As if you weren’t in a shitload of mess already, the entire thing had somehow turned into a competition with the Parks beginning their own efforts to set Sunghoon up with Ning Yizhou.
The minor problem was that Heeseung and Yizhou were in love with each other, and neither of them had the courage to tell everyone the truth. They were both too afraid of disappointing their parents and bringing disgrace to their families.
You supposed it was a good thing Sunghoon and you had no such qualms. So, before things could escalate any further, the four of you got together and decided to put an end to this idiocy.
On the third night of the cruise, Sunghoon and you announced your relationship. Holding his hand and giving him lovey-dovey eyes felt ridiculous, but you would rather stomach fake dating him than see a wedge form between Heeseung and Yizhou.
Needless to say, everyone was shocked.
Yizhou even pretended to faint while Heeseung started sobbing hysterically. You couldn’t believe he actually pulled out a tear stick and applied it to the underside of his eyes when no one was looking. You wondered if he’d purchased it for this specific reason when you’d explored Turkey earlier that day.
Overall, it was a pretty convincing act.
The Lees and Nings were furious, but you weren’t particularly worried. In fact, you didn’t even care. Your parents had it coming their way the moment they dragged you into their scheming and plotting.
It took a few days for everyone to calm down and for the festivities to resume, but things pretty much went back to normal. Sunghoon and you both got tongue-lashings from your families, but they didn’t make you two break up.
Your reputations were already in the gutter; forcing you to end your relationship after all that had conspired would have been the cherry on top of your disaster of a cake.
The pre-decided course of action was to fake date Sunghoon till the cruise ended. Once you returned to your daily lives and enough time had passed, you would cook up a reason to break up.
It didn’t take long for your original plan to go to shit. As it turned out, spending a week pretending to love the bane of your existence had proved to be quite the opportunity to really get to know him.
Ever since you were a kid, you’d heard your parents say a lot of terrible things about the Parks. You’d been instructed to stay far away from Sunghoon. An impressionable and susceptible child such as yourself had obeyed every order they gave you.
You’d literally been hard-wired to despise and assume the worst of Sunghoon.
The wall of hatred you’d built between the two of you began coming down brick by brick once you learnt the kind of man he was. He was honourable and good and down-to-earth.
Of course, he was a dickhead to you for the same reason you were a bitch to him, but the asshole side of him was more endearing than annoying now.
His snarky replies no longer seemed to bite, and there was always an underlying film of adoration accompanying them.
Perhaps, he’d grown to care for you just as you had for him.
You certainly hoped that was the case, since regularly making out with someone who couldn’t be bothered with you wasn’t exactly your dream.
To this day, you had no idea how you’d ended up grabbing the collar of his shirt and crashing your mouth against his.
Maybe it was because he kept reminding you that you’d lost a bet to him and you wanted to shut him up, or maybe it was because he hadn’t bothered to button up his shirt and his abs were on full display, the ocean wind ruffling his messy hair.
Nonetheless, something seemed to snap in him when you made the move. He responded to your kiss immediately and pinned you against a wall. Thankfully, it was almost midnight and there was no one to witness your less than decent makeout session on the deck.
The next ten minutes consisted of his hands travelling under your loose shirt, fingers grazing the cold skin of your abdomen. Soon, your shirt was discarded, and your legs were wrapped around his waist.
Sunghoon hadn’t bothered stopping even when you ran out of breath. Instead, he’d taken the opportunity to leave bruises on your jaw and neck. The warm feeling of his tongue soothing the spots where he’d nipped at your skin with his teeth had caused you to experience a burning need for desire that went further than the second base.
The amount of reaction he’d gotten out of you was embarrassing. Never had you been unraveled by anyone so effortlessly. He had to muffle the whimpers that slipped past your lips as a result of his ministrations.
If it weren’t for the fact that you were making out in the open and were at the risk of being walked in on, things would have escalated. By the time you parted, Sunghoon’s lips were swollen, his face was flushed and he was breathing hard.
His eyes were hooded and dark, and he was gazing at you with an intensity that made you shiver.
Taking that as your cue to leave, you pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek, fetched your shirt from the ground and hurried away.
You didn’t even know why you thought things would go back to normal the next day.
One look at him, and your legs turned to jelly. You happily obliged when he wrapped his fingers around your wrist and whisked you away from everyone else.
Soon enough, you’d breached almost all the conditions in your fake dating pact.
You spent most of your nights together—be it hooking up, lying in the comfort of each other’s arms or just talking till slumber claimed you. Never in your life had you imagined being at ease around Sunghoon.
Everything else faded away when you were with him. He made you feel yourself. He made you feel whole.
“Hey,” you murmured while you were both swimming in the pool one night, the stars shining brightly in the sky. His eyes were closed and his neck was tilted up, the back of his head resting on the decking behind. “Can I ask you something?”
Sunghoon hummed and opened his eyes, turning his attention to you. “Yeah.”
“I know we have a plan,” you continued, doing your best to ignore the droplets clinging to his skin, “and I know that we’re supposed to stop pretending after this cruise ends tomorrow, but have you ever thought about making this—” you pointed at him, and then at yourself— “real.”
He laughed softly and shook his head in amusement. Your brows furrowed in confusion. “I’m not joking—”
“Every single day,” he interrupted you. Wading his way through the water to close the distance between your bodies, he repeated, “I have thought about making you mine every goddamn day.”
He cupped your cheeks and rested his forehead against yours. “I think I’ve fallen in love with you, Y/N,” he whispered.
Taking a shuddering breath, you closed your eyes and felt him press his lips to yours.
The kiss was slow and passionate, as if the two of you had all the time in the world. It expressed what couldn’t be said using words, and you realised just how much you’d grown to admire and care for this man.
It physically pained you to consider the possibility of a life without him.
“Sunghoon,” you mumbled against his mouth. “I would say I love you too but I don’t wanna breach the contract.”
He chuckled and ran his tongue along your bottom lip, even going as far as to suck on it. “I thought you broke the last rule days ago.”
You couldn’t stop the smile that stretched across your face. You opened your lids and shifted to get a better look at his expression.
Sunghoon’s eyes were shining with happiness, and you thought you could gaze into them forever. You thought you could witness the grin on his face and hear his honeyed laugh without ever getting tired. You thought you could stand ground against anything life threw at you if you had him by your side.
You knew you could love him and be loved by him for as long as your soul wandered through the worlds.
“I love you too.”
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sserajeans · 1 year
new year superstitions
ahn yujin x fem! reader
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synopsis: yujin is tired and homesick on new year's eve, being the leader of one of kpop's most successful groups isn't an easy job. good thing y/n is, well, a simp.
others + genre: fluff, y/n is in fromis and an '03 liner, closest to jiheon, established relationship, THEY'RE SO CU-
notes: THIS WAS NOT PROOFREAD, i finished this at 3am in the morning with school the next day forgive me
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you were met with the bright flash of a hundred cameras the moment your manager opened the doors to the company cars. it was finally time for the biggest year-end award show of the year and the event started with the red carpet as usual.
"jesus it's so fucking cold." you muttered as you kept up a straight smile while waving at cameras with the rest of your group. "why do men get to wear 3 layers of suits..."
jiheon and chaeyoung who stood beside you did their best to hide their laughter, looking down briefly before putting back the camera-ready expression. with the off-shoulders and the short skirts, they couldn't agree more.
nagyung and jiwon who stood a bit farther looked at the three of you with questioning looks, not letting the confusion get to the best of them in public.
just as you were directed to leave the red carpet, you caught a glimpse of ive leaving their own car led by their one and only leader, ahn yujin.
and for a moment you swore you almost tripped on your feet on the way down the stairs.
luckily chaeyoung had spiderman reflexes and gripped your forearm asap. yujin from a few meters behind briefly exhaled a sigh of relief before proceeding to pose with her groupmates as well.
hours felt like years. by this time, everyone had performed their equally jaw-dropping stages, and all the artists were on their way their dorms to celebrate the birth of another year.
as soon as you removed your shoes, you collapsed on the couch, exhaustion taking over your body.
"hey, don't forget your plan, simp." jiheon whispered straight into your ear, causing you to look up almost immediately.
she started laughing uncontrollably which brought chaeyoung and seoyeon (who had thankfully already showered into pajamas) to the couch, joining them.
"what's up?" chaeyoung huffed as she plopped down on your ass, a loud grunt exiting your mouth from the sudden weight.
"y/n-ie needs to be a good girlf–"
you sat up almost immediately and made a beeline for your shared room with jiheon, removing your makeup and changing into more comfortable clothes.
you left as soon as you finished what you had to do, leaving no time for your older members to question your plans.
"where's she off to? seriously." seoyeon asked with a hint of concern laced in her words.
"simp duties! she'll be back, don't worry." jiheon stood up and made her way to the bathroom. she looked back to add on to her words, "and if saerom-unnie asks just say she went for a grocery run."
after a while, you stood outside the door, ringing the doorbell twice. in your hands you had bags of chips, drinks, and a fleece blanket.
"y/n! yujin i guess?" you nodded as wonyoung held the door open for you to enter. "she's in her room. been a bit down since we arrived though, gotta warn you."
"thanks, won." you exchanged smiles before making your way to your girlfriend's room. you greeted the other members as well who seemed busy preparing for a little new years celebration.
you knocked three times to signal your presence.
"come in." a monotonous muffled voice you knew too well came from the room. you smiled to yourself, already bursting with excitement at the thought of spending time with yujin for the first time in a while.
you opened the door, greeted by the back of your lover's head. she was on her phone, scrolling through some social media before realizing it was you who entered.
you jumped straight for her back, arms immediately wrapping around her waist. she had initial thoughts of panic at first, but eventually relaxed the second the scent of your perfume hit.
the tickle war (mostly you keeping her from escaping) lasted a couple minutes before you let go; your energy had already been used for the slightly dangerous dance break your agency made you do for the award show.
"hi." you giggled as she rolled around and rested her face on your chest.
"hi." her voice slightly muffled, "you seriously came?"
"i stick to my word!" you kissed the top of her head before grabbing your phone to look at the time.
11:55 p.m.
"hey, i brought a blanket and snacks. lets crash the rooftop?" she looked up, a wide smile on her face as she nodded in agreement. "fireworks are always the best from up there."
she jumped up almost immediately and grabbed a folding mattress for the sake of comfort.
you took a few seconds, smiling at the sight of yujin being the happy puppy her fans always described her to be. she was running around to make sure everything was complete before you finally stood up to take the stairs.
"we're going to the roof!" you announced, items in one hand, the other wrapped around your girlfriend's shoulders.
"stay warm!" you heard gaeul reply back right before you closed the door that led to the topmost level of the building.
it wasn't the best, but it was large space with a couple of outlets, so anyone could make do with it when needed.
you set down the mattress and arranged the snacks before sitting down, a sigh making itself heard once more.
yujin followed, her head finding its way to rest on your shoulder. she hummed in relaxation as she took in the sight of the city lights.
"thank you."
you leaned your head on hers, looking up at the sky. it was so empty that night, usually there'd be a couple stars to spot.
"i'm stopping myself from saying an incredibly cheesy line."
11:58 pm
"you know, there's actually this belief where whatever you do on new year's is what you'll be doing for the rest of that year."
you chuckled, looking back at a memory from when you were younger. your mother had told you to jump multiple times, saying something about how it would help your height.
you definitely owe her one.
11:59 pm
"yeah! so my mom would always make sure we all slept in the same house for that specific night."
yujin smiled at the thought of a younger you, or maybe just the thought of you in general. she was just so relaxed and happy after such a long month of endless schedules, she finally found her place to rest for a while.
and that was you.
10.... 9....
"well if that's the case..."
8... 7...
"i'd never say no to another year with you."
6... 5...
the two of you looked at each other, small but warm smiles worn on both of your faces. you took one final look in her eyes, your faces drawing nearer as you heard the countdown being yelled from the rest of your neighbors.
4... 3...
"i never understood what people meant when they saw stars in someone's eyes."
2... 1...
"but i guess i got it figured out when i met you."
countless fireworks bursted into the sky, painting the plain darkness with color. yet you swore nothing would shine brighter than the look in her eyes as your lips met the moment everyone yelled out a "happy new year!"
a kiss, one so long and sweet, that told the both of you everything that the other had to say. you both pulled away eventually, and after minutes of admiring the way the multiple colors of fireworks lit up the face of your lover, you gave another kiss to her forehead.
"happy new year."
yujin giggled at the touch of your lips on her skin and gave a kiss on the cheek before resting her forehead on your shoulder, the position forcing her to look at the floor where your hands laid intertwined.
"happy new year... i love you, you know?"
"yup, and i love you more."
"seo y/n, do you want to argue for the rest of the year?"
"no ma'am..."
you both sat to admire the last of the fireworks, multiple bursting throughout the city. some even accompanied by horns and joyful cheers.
yujin covered her eyes at the camera flashing behind the two of you, prompting you to quickly look back in panic.
"who is tha-"
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gangplanksorenji · 2 years
Pairing: fromis_9 Hayoung x Male Reader
Word Count: 1932
A/N 1: Hello Orenjideul! I'm back with another fluff featuring our birthday girl, Hayoung! I just made this quick and it is unedited, so I hope this turns out well. Stay safe everyone and enjoy this piece! <3
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Series of boisterous chatterings can be heard from their set as the members and the staff celebrated Hayoung’s birthday which Hayoung certainly enjoys. 
Blowing the candle as the members cheer for her, Hayoung never felt delighted in her entire life as a precious smile prints her face, knowing how much they treasure Hayoung’s birthday and that almost made her tear up by just thinking of it.
It was too much for her heart to handle: the balloons, the mini tiara on the top of Hayoung’s head, the cake and the positivity that envelops each person on the set says enough. With that being said, the members then took pictures of Hayoung to gather a memory that she’ll forever cherish.
“Happy birthday Unnie!” A radiating sunshine comes near Hayoung as the rest of the members are preparing to leave the set as the shoot has been over.
“Thank you Jiheon…” Hayoung responded with a deep sigh right after, making Jiheon concerned as her eyebrows furrowed.
“Oh, what’s the matter Unnie? Is there something wrong?”
“Nothing much, Jiheon-ah. It’s just…”
Like the smart and clever girl she is, Jiheon got a grasp on why Hayoung is feeling off suddenly. She then reassures her with some encouraging words as well as a few pats on her back as Hayoung faintly smiles with her actions yet she can’t help but still feel the hint of disgruntled despite the day being complete.
“He’ll come Unnie, you just need to wait…”
“I hope so, Jiheon.”
After a couple of seconds of Hayoung contemplating, Jiheon then invites her to join the group as they’re going to go home to their dorm. Hayoung insists as she wants to be alone but she’s later convinced by Saerom and Seoyeon. 
“I’ll just go and sleep alright? Good night and also, Happy birthday again Unnie!” Nagyung cheerfully bid ‘goodnights’ to Hayoung and Saerom as the rest of the members are preparing themselves to sleep in their own designated, shared rooms.
It has been another exhilarating day for the group and Hayoung is definitely tired yet her heart still shouts for that one thing that she’s wanting before the day ends is that you, here on her 25th birthday. 
It has been almost 11 pm, just an hour left before the day is over and you never showed up even in a single second. Hayoung is frustrated upon your absence despite all of the memories she made today. 
“Hey Hayoung-ah, I’m sure that he’ll come here… he’s just maybe rushing just to get you as he’s busy. There’s still hope…”
Saerom’s reassuring tone enlightens Hayoung to still fall on the positive side rather than thinking on the opposite. Maybe, in reality, you may not come but there’s still a fire igniting in Hayoung's heart that you’ll celebrate her birthday with open arms.
“He promised to come here… B-But, I’ll still wait…”
Saerom smiles as she’s enlightened about her thinking. After a few more talks with Hayoung, Saerom then gestured to Hayoung that she’ll go to her room to sleep as a nod from Hayoung is the response. As she’s the only one who’s ‘awake’, she then wanders her eyes from the vast night sky, reminiscing the fun moments with you and the other members. She smiles and giggles with those thoughts, knowing how much all of you mean to her yet she can’t escape the fact that you’re still not here, and brings back the frown on her face.
*doorbell rings*
Jisun then hurriedly walks to the stairs as Hayoung stops her, hoping that it’s you as dopamine starts boosting Hayoung, making her squeal in delight.
“I’ll open the door Jisun-ah, maybe it’s him…”
“Okay Unnie, have fun… The both of you! Ehe…”
Within Hayoung’s actions, Jisun went back to her room as Hayoung opened the door—she didn’t even bother peeking as excitement ran down her veins—and to her surprise, an angel appeared as she was stunned, her joy above the limits, higher than the roof. 
“Oppa! I missed yo-ou…” Hayoung hugs you tightly as her head snuggle on your chest, making you hug her in response without even being able to muster a single word.
It has been months since you last saw her personally after her promotions and the both of you treasured that moment. You felt bad for her because you know that she’s been waiting for you all throughout the day and that hurts you. The both of you knows how busy both your schedules are as you barely got any time to meet her personally, so the both of you depended on the Internet to still manage a healthy relationship but it feels off, it feels like something is missing with that but you never complained any further. You even rushed to their set only to know that they’ve finished shooting, making you anxious as the day’s going to end and you haven’t seen her yet here you are, just inches away from Hayoung, enveloped in a embrace.
“I’m sorry Hayoung-ah. I’m sorry that I’m late. I’m sorry that I’m-”
“Sh-shhh… It’s alright Oppa.” Hayoung puts a finger on your mouth and shushes you. She knows why you’re late and it’s for your benefit, not hers. Hayoung also knows all the things you’ve done just to get here and with that effort, she appreciates it wholeheartedly. Hayoung then kisses you on your right cheek as a giggle comes out of her mouth, her cheeks flushed a tint of red and so are yours, but it’s your ears.
“Oh, how rude am I, come on in!”
You stepped up on their doorstep as you took a look around the dorm, looking different on what you saw last time. 
“Wow, pretty much a lot has changed, eh?”
“Yeah, we arranged a lot of things here and cleaned too. Also… when was the last time you went here, Oppa?”
“About your ‘DM’ promotions, I guess… So??”
“Oh wow, that was a long time ago… I mean not that much but still, yeah.”
As she’s telling a series of stories to you, from the memories she made today up to the simple things she made, you can’t help but be stunned by her beauty, her side profile, which never fails to make you mesmerize. You’re in awe as time feels slower, her voice echoing as she snapped her fingers, realizing that you’re daydreaming about her.
“Yah! Were you even listening, Oppa??”
“Uh-uhh-UH! I’m sorry Hayoung-ah, continue…”
She sighed as she clicked her tongue, continuing what she’s saying as you looked at her in awe, again, her visuals being the epitome of being impeccable and you’re not surprised. You listened to her stories as a series of laughs and teases reverberated around the area. Hayoung smiles are really contagious as it shows everytime you’re together as dopamine runs down your veins. Between her words, you involuntarily said something that shocked Hayoung.
“You’re so beautiful Hayoung-ah…”
“T-Thank you, Oppa…”
Hayoung was stopped between her sentences as her cheeks flushed red from your compliment and her tone went shy. She gets a lot of compliments regarding her beauty but it just hits different when you say it, especially with the sincerity in your tone. 
“Hayoung-ah, you may not know this but, I’m really thankful about everything that we’ve been through. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for the things you’ve done for me. The times when you comforted me, I’m so grateful for all of that. I’m glad to meet you Hayoung, so glad to be with you…”
A sudden silence was broken with your hug as you embraced her tightly, showing your affection towards her as those words made her frozen on the spot. The both aren't used to opening up to each other whenever you’re together as it explains how much courage you gathered to say it and how shocked Hayoung is.
You stroked her hair as you wanted to make Hayoung feel comfortable. Her blossom perfume brushes your nostrils as you smile, knowing that she used the perfume you gave her months ago. Not so long after, the two of them enveloped each other in an embrace as you kissed her forehead, making her squeal in delight as the both of you exchanged smiles. 
“I love you Hayoung.”
“I love you too, Oppa.”
Tears began flowing her cheeks without you noticing. You then wiped it out as the both of you exchanged smiles again, making you adore her pristine features.
“Gosh, she’s just too adorable…” You muttered under your breath as you’re in awe. 
Not so long after, you invited her to watch a movie as she eagerly agreed. She jumped out of the couch as she got you some water because she knows how tiring your schedules were and how tiring it is to get to their dorm.
She then held your hand as she rested her head on your chest, making you smell a familiar scent from the fragrant shampoo that she used—it was also your gift months ago alongside the perfume you gave.
“This will be fun, Oppa!”
“It will be…”
The breeze outside sets up the mood for everything that can be sentimental, yet it’s the opposite to you as it’s just full of ecstasy. She’s your happiness and you’re treasured to have her and vice versa. You never have such joy being with her even though it’s just for a little amount of time. You never complained but rather cherished this moment, this moment enough to be reminisced about in the future.
The movie started rolling the credits as you’re thrilled and intrigued about the story to the point that you didn’t realize that Hayoung was up to something.
“Hayoung-ah… Hayo-”
Before you could continue your second call, you noticed that Hayoung was sleeping soundly and peacefully, so you turned off the television with the remote. You could just adore her flawless features as you’re in awe again. 
“I guess this is where I go… Happy birthday, my sunshine.”
You smiled as you tuck her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead, gesturing a ‘goodnight’ signal to her. As you’re getting ready and facing the opposite to hers, to your surprise, a hand stops you from going as you can see a drowsy Hayoung pleading with you to not go.
“Please stay, Oppa…” her saccharine tone is soft, so soft that it tempts you to not go and just to be by her side until the morning.
“I may disturb all of you and we can meet tom-”
You were shushed by her sudden kiss on the cheeks as her eyes pleaded you to not go, for the second time.
How can you not resist her? With all of the doubts, you stayed and Hayoung regained some energy, just enough to squeal in delight, again.
“Should we sleep somewhere else?”
“Let’s just sleep here, Oppa. I have a blanket by my side.”
“Okay then. Happy Birthday again, Hayoung-ah…”
“Thank you Oppa. Good night.”
“Good night sunshine…”
As your sunshine closed her eyes, magically your eyes closed too as you felt drowsy on how tired you are. This may not be the best of all bonds you’ve been with Hayoung but it’s always special whenever you’re with her, and that’s what matters. 
Twenty-five. A number signifying a quarter of a hundred yet there’s no measurement on how much you love her. Another year was added as there’s more to count, to bond with her and to make limitless memories with her. She’s your everything and you’re happy to be with her, until the end.
A/N 2: Happy 25th birthday again to the most adorable raccoon, Hayoung! Also, if you're reading this, thank you for the 800-follower milestone! I appreciate everyone of you and love y'all! <3
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romsae-writings · 5 years
rainy days w saerom
saerom x female reader
fluffy times with your gf saerom, enjoy!
[4:35 pm]
‘it’s raining again,’ you call from your apartment window, staring at the downpour outside,’ and it doesn’t look like it’ll stop anytime soon.’
you turn to look at your girlfriend who is staring adoringly at you from the couch. you pretend not to see the look on her face and glance down, too shy to meet her soft but intense gaze. ‘it’s okay,’ saerom says, and even though you’re looking down you know she’s smiling at you,’ i’d rather stay inside and cuddle with you anyway.’
you make your way over to her, half pretending to be shy, half dying on the inside because maybe she’s the sweetest thing that’s ever happened to you, and maybe you’re too shy to let her know it. she pulls at your waist, hands curling around your figure as she props her head on your stomach so she can look at you. her pretty brown eyes making contact with yours, she whispers your name gently. willing yourself to not be so shy, you push her back gently onto the couch and straddle her, her arms immediately coming up to circle your back. you cup her face, taking in all of her, her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, her lips. even with the cloudy, moody weather saerom radiates sunshine and warmth. she’s home away from home, she’s kindness and safety. she’s a new discovery under a blanket and she’s soft promises of love no matter the next obstacle.
she smiles. ‘baby, what’s going on in your head? what are you thinking?’ your heart flutters at the pet name even though she’s called you it dozens of times before, and suddenly you’re unable to verbally express the adoration you hold for her and you’re pressing your lips to hers. saerom reciprocates the kiss eagerly, her soft lips moving against hers as she begins to take your breath away. saerom is softness and stability. she’s the cure to winter blues and the life of a summer party. she’s the innocent schoolgirl crush and the love of your life. the kiss deepens as she pulls you closer, her hands threading through your long hair and as you feel her tongue against yours, and your ability to consciously think begins to slip away, you can only think one thing. she’s yours.
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iyeonjuni · 3 years
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pairing: choi yeonjun x gn!reader
genre: social media au, highschool!au, s2l(?)
synopsis: yeonjun dyes his hair almost every week and y/n is just curious as to how he keeps his hair so fresh
y/n is a music major well known for their bad hair days and talent music production. one day taehyun and hueningkai signs y/n up for HYBE FEST and is then asked to create a performance track for HYBE Arts well known performance group ‘txt’ - which means talking to the leader of the group yeonjun, someone who they may have a crush on and may i add - has beautiful hair.
contains: fluff and profanity! that’s it really.
featuring: saerom from fromis_9
start date: september 30th, 2021.
status: completed (october 20th, 2021).
updates: monday to friday
notes: this is a slightly revamped au idea i had posted a long time ago (now deleted). i am very excited to be back and start making smaus again! i wanted to start my first txt with either soobin or beomgyu but this idea fits yeonjun a bit too well with the amount of hair colors he had so i've decided to post this first!! send me an ask if you would like to be on the tag list. i hope everyone is having a lovely day and enjoys 'bad hair day'.
profiles / chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 7 / chapter 8 / chapter 9 / chapter 10 / chapter 11 / chapter 12 / chapter 13 / chapter 14 / chapter 15 / chapter 16
© iyeonjuni all rights reserved. - do not translate, take it as your own and repost on tumblr or any other platforms.
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strawberryya · 2 years
.°❀ fromis9’s rosebush ❀°.
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I will say it again: if you are a minor do not read what you are not supposed to read here. anything labeled as smut or 18+ means mdni no matter what.
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🌱 saerom
◆ can I do anything for you? ➺ 0.8k ➺ fluff, established relationship ➺ synopsis: reader has a cold and saerom is there to care for them.
◆ all night parking ➺ 5k ➺ smut, college au, threesome: svt seungcheol x reader x fromis saerom ➺ synopsis: You and your girlfriend invite one of your college coursemates along for the night, and my god, he was a good choice.
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🌱 hayoung
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🌱 jiwon
◆ co-parenting ➺ 3.8k ➺ fluff, strangerst to lovers ➺ synopsis: You adopt a fish, but you do so with a stranger that you just met and will now co-parent said fish with. It goes pretty well, especially since your co-parent is gorgeous and hilarious...
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🌱 jisun
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🌱 seoyeon
◆ five more minutes ➺ 1k ➺ fluff, established relationship ➺ synopsis: it’s a rainy Wednesday, and you must go to work. your girlfriend seoyeon disagrees. work will not be happening on this day.
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🌱 chaeyoung
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🌱 nagyung
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🌱 jiheon
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can't find what you're searching for in the garden? plant a seed in my letterbox! both requests and little thoughts are more than welcome ofc.
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021894s · 2 months
Twisted Ties - psh smau
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PAIRING: brothers bsf!sunghoon x f!reader
GENRE: childhood friends to loves, forbidden love, fake dating
SUMMARY: In the midst of her chaotic college life, Y/N is blindsided by an invitation to her ex's wedding. With no date in sight and the event looming, her brother throws a lifeline by suggesting she bring his best friend. the mix of nostalgia and free-flowing champagne leads to an unexpected night of passion. Now, Y/N must navigate through a storm of emotions and the potential drama within her tight-knit circle, all while juggling her academic responsibilities. Will this one night stand alter their friendship forever, or could it be the beginning of something new?
WARNINGS: smut, angst, fluff, language
FEATURING: enhypen hyung + makenae line, fromis9 saerom, nct jeno, occasionally other idols
STARTED: april 26 2024
STATUS: ongoing
join taglist (CLOSED)
- profiles: scholars ksana
- 01 life of the party
- 02 the invite [1.5k w]
- 03 just don’t fuck him
- 04 rules and regulations
- 05 night out
- 06 shopping spree
- 07 stress reliever
- 08 exam day
- 09 japan
- 10 the wedding [4.9k w]
- 11 I fucked up. [1.6k w]
- 12 liquid courage
- 13 jealousy
- 14 unbothered, always
- 15 unexpected guest
- 16 petty [1.3k w]
- 17 longing [3.5k w]
- 18 I wish it was easier…
- 19 pretty
- 20 complicated [0.7k w]
- 21 my girl
- 22 idiot
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a/n: AHHH i’m so excited to introduce my first full length smau!! i really hope you guys enjoy it, it’s been stuck in the back of my head for a while now. more updates to come!!
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @luminouskalopsia @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog
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strawberryya · 2 years
.°❀ seventeen’s orchard ❀°.
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I will say it again: if you are a minor do not read what you are not supposed to read here. anything labeled as smut or 18+ means mdni no matter what.
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🌱 seungcheol
◆ fancy you ➺ 4.8k ➺ smut, friends to lovers, 18+ ➺ synopsis: you don’t like losing, but you do like to tease your best friend. you also like your best friend, in a “more than friends” way. so what are you supposed to do when he starts asking you about how you feel?
◆ all night parking ➺ 5k ➺ smut, college au, threesome: svt seungcheol x reader x fromis saerom ➺ synopsis: You and your girlfriend invite one of your college coursemates along for the night, and my god, he was a good choice.
◆ ghost in the machine ➺ 20k ➺ smut, angst, sci-fi au, AI-idol au ➺ synopsis: Secrets can only be kept as secrets for so long, everyone knows this. Yet when 5.C0UP5 came in contact with someone he never should have even known existed this notion seemed as foreign as his own name. Perhaps there exists another way of life even for him, or maybe it was all a dream too big to dream of. 
◆ I have this friend ➺ 2.5k ➺ smut, threesome w Cheol and Hoshi, fwb and also strangers to lovers ➺ synopsis: Your regular hookup with Seungcheol took an interesting turn when he brought a friend along, one that was more than willing to help you two try out something new.
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🌱 jeonghan
◆ 3, 2, 1... and we're live ➺ 1.7k ➺ smut, coworkers with benefits, dom!idol, 18+ ➺ synopsis: Jeonghan, your co-news anchor, and the biggest flirt in the office has it out for you, and luckily you couldn’t help but give in to your desires last night.
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🌱 joshua
◆ eager angel ➺ 3.5k ➺ smut, established relationship, pegging, 18+ ➺ synopsis: after a long, hard day, sometimes pegging your lovely boyfriend is the perfect way to escape reality and have some horny fun.
◆ whichever blooms first ➺ 2.0k ➺ fluff, hints of angst, established relationship ➺ synopsis:  A dandelion is resilient, it can weather any storm, and at the end of its life it will even grant wishes to whoever sees its worth as something more than a simple garden weed. Your relationship with Joshua is the same, you hope, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to make a wish that your love will last a lifetime anyways.
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🌱 jun
◆ I want it all (and more) ➺ 2.2k ➺ smut, established relationship, supernatural au - demon au, dom!idol 18+ ➺ synopsis: You love teasing your boyfriend by turning him on whenever you can, however, what you love even more is what he does to you after you’ve riled him up enough. He is the devil after all.
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🌱 soonyoung
◆ claws ➺ 3k ➺ smut, established relationship, 18+ ➺ synopsis: reader got their nails done and hoshi loves them, but he loves them, even more, when they’re clawing at his bare skin while he fucks you senseless
◆ I have this friend ➺ 2.5k ➺ smut, threesome w Cheol and Hoshi, fwb and also strangers to lovers ➺ synopsis: Your regular hookup with Seungcheol took an interesting turn when he brought a friend along, one that was more than willing to help you two try out something new.
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🌱 wonwoo
◆ aquarium date ➺ 0.6k ➺ fluff, headcanon ➺ synopsis: when you visit the aquarium with wonwoo.
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🌱 jihoon
◆ notice me! ➺ 2.1k ➺ smut, established relationship ➺ synopsis: Your boyfriend has a hectic life, but he usually has at least a little time to spare for his girlfriend. Now it has been two months since he last spent some alone time with you and you're losing your mind just a little over it... luckily, angry make-up sex can solve any problem!
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🌱 seokmin
◆ love to keep me warm ➺ 5.2k ➺ fluff, established relationship, Christmas themed ➺ synopsis: The holiday season is approaching, and you and your boyfriend decide to spend Christmas together for the first time since you began seeing each other. Trees must be chosen, sweets must be made, and gifts must be wrapped and placed just in time for the day. And nothing makes it better than doing it together with Seokmin.
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🌱 mingyu
◆ a midsummer night's dream ➺ 4k ➺ fluff, established relationship, Midsummer themed ➺ synopsis: you know the legend about putting flowers beneath your pillow on the night before midsummer, and how it will predict who you will spend the rest of your life with? well, that’s the idea that this story revolves around. we have boyfriend mingyu, flowers, and strawberry shortcake.
◆ king of hearts and nerdy love ➺ 5.6k ➺ fluff, smut, established relationship, 18+ ➺ synopsis: How can valentines at the library be romantic? Was what you asked, stupidly enough, not knowing this would become the ultimate challenge for the hopeless romantic that is your boyfriend. 
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🌱 minghao
◆ heat wave ➺ 1.9k ➺ fluff, established relationship ➺ synopsis: request: Hii! Could I request a Minghao fic? Fluff and comfort where the reader gets sick in the middle of the summer 💀(pretty specific but istg having fever when it’s so hot outside it’s killing me)
◆ loving you is so easy ➺ 2.9k ➺ fluff, established relationship ➺ synopsis: a simple art museum date with your boyfriend along with a very serious arts-and-crafts competition can be exactly what one needs every once in a while. request: 13, 14, 28 with Minghao ? I think it would be so cute and funny I can’t
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🌱 seungkwan
◆ lover // over the moon ➺ 2.1k ➺ fluff, established relationship ➺ synopsis: late-night-date-night for you and your boyfriend Seungkwan ended up as people-watching and karaoke… and maybe some kisses?
◆ rainy nights ➺ 4.6k ➺ angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, established relationship ➺ synopsis: Is your fiancé ready to weather the storm if your worst nightmares were to be revealed? Maybe it's just the frigid weather seeping inside, unfurling all the anxieties you've locked away, or perhaps there's more to it.
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🌱 vernon
◆ greenland sharks ➺ 1.8k ➺ fluff, established relationship, comfort, sharks and soup ➺ synopsis: you’re tired and sad about not having been able to spend the day with your boyfriend vernon. but it’s all good once you get to spend some time together, just existing, crying about sharks, and eating soup.
◆ haunted house ➺ 1.2k ➺ fluff, Halloween themed ➺ synopsis: haunted houses freak you out, but Vernon is there to hold out a comforting hand when you need him. Request: Prompt: “Here, hold my hand.”
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🌱 chan
◆ ghost pipe ➺ 1.2k ➺ angst, established relationship ➺ synopsis: He’s a reckless driver, you’re not. If only there could have been some balance - maybe it could have all worked out in the end…?
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can’t find what you’re searching for in the garden? plant a seed in my letterbox! both requests and little thoughts are more than welcome ofc.
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