#saerom x reader
pinkicyheart · 1 month
give me saerom as your gf PLEASE, i just recently got into fromis n i am in love with her<3
saerom as your gf ˖ ࣪⭑
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a/n: thanks for requesting dear! you're actually my first request so this is exciting. thanks for being patient ^^
how did you meet?
picture this. you're knee deep into midterms, and you decide to go to a cafe nearby for some much needed motivation. you make yourself comfortable, and after setting up your little corner, you go to order a warm latte.
you love this cafe since it's nearby and know the staff like your own family. so it's that much more surprising when an unfamiliar face is the one to take your order today.
you're worried she might not be able to get your usual order right, but she prepares it perfectly, maybe just a little bit sweeter.
her soft voice and gentle gaze puts you at ease, and you smile knowing that you'll be seeing more of her this week.
you try and ask one of your friends, jiwon, who works at that cafe who the new girl is but she won't budge, "i want you two to fall in love naturally." "i can't love her if i don't know anything besides her name!" "here's her number. i'll tell her it's for school." "THANK YOU SO MUCH JIWON YOURE THE BEST."
you two end up speaking more over text, and the rest is history!
how does she love?
saerom is the type to quietly look over your shoulder; carefully scanning your face for any signs of discomfort or anything you might need. you sometimes joke that she's a mind reader, she'll give you what you need before you even realize you need it.
she's very touchy but you would never know that. she'd find ways to get you to initiate you touching her without having to deal with your teasing.
come night time however and she's entirely different. the haze settling over her mind allows her to forget her self proclaimed shy girl status. she'll snuggle into your arms to warm herself up and get herself comfy in bed. she loves cuddling into your side while you tell her about your day. she'll occasionally chime in with her own little quips which make you giggle.
saerom won't tell you but feeling your belly rise and fall in response to her joke is one of the best feelings in the world to her.
if you go to school or work, saerom will be up early to pack you a home-made lunch. she loves seeing you smile in response to her food, and even if she's not there to see it, the thought is enough for her.
she'd also write a little joke on a sticky note for you to read later from time to time. her sense of humor is one of your favorite things about her.
both you and saerom generally aren't argumentative people, but every once in a while you'll have a fight.
it's usually because of a mistake done, and it wasn't followed up with an apology or an unwillingness to change.
saerom is a patient person and sometimes a lot of people (unknowingly) take that for granted. she won't let things slide the first time, and will let you know she doesn't appreciate that behavior, but having that same argument every time would tire her.
say you can't stop using her beauty products. her stuff are your stuff, and saerom generally doesn't have a problem with that because she uses your stuff too, but she explicitly told you to not touch her medicated facial wash.
it's expensive, and she doesn't want you to use medicinal stuff unless it was prescribed to you too; you don't need it after all, and she needs it more than you.
saerom notices her bottle getting lighter and lighter by the day, and regardless of every time she lectures you, and every apology you issue, the behavior isn't changing.
eventually her face wash is down to the last couple pumps, and she's at the end of her rope. she calls you over to the bathroom in tears and begs and pleads with you to stop using her facewash.
she's tired of having this conversation with you and feeling taken advantage of. she feels unheard.
you pull her into a hug, sad that you made her feel this way. you've been waking up early to work, and in your sleepiness you grab her face wash instead of yours. it's all excuses of course, but you swear to her that this will never happen again (and it didn't!) and that you'll be compensating her for the money lost.
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strawberryya · 2 years
can i do anything for you?
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saerom x reader
synopsis: reader has a cold and saerom is there to care for them.
word count: 0,8k
genre/contains: fluff, established relationship, comfort by physical touch, reader has a cold, mentions of food
a/n: some saerom fluff, as requested. also yes I am sick and this is definitely a way to make myself feel better :)
“I got some popsicles, and then also some more honey, just in case we run out,” she said, holding the wrapped-up ice cream bar in her hand. you reached out for it and tried to heave yourself off of the couch. the small excursion making your lungs let out a loud cough that you tried to cover with your arm.
you squeezed out a low “thank you,” in between your coughs. saerom looked at you with pain in her eyes. she knew it was a simple cold, of course she knew that, and there was really no need to worry. but she couldn’t help it. you looked so helpless, laying on the couch, with tired eyes and lips that had become slightly chapped as you were now on your second day of getting through this goddamn cold.
usually, you weren’t the one catching the really bad colds. most of the time they just passed you by like a small inconvenience. saerom, on the other hand, was the opposite. colds hit her every few months, and they hit her hard. as in bedridden for at least five entire days, with shivers and throats so sore she could barely swallow. this time it was your turn.
“do you need anything else? are you warm enough? do you think the fever has gone down? are you too hot? how are you feeling?” she was frantic as she scanned your body language for any hint of how you might be feeling.
you had begun unwrapping the popsicle and was much more focused on soothing your sore throat, and didn’t even register her myriad of questions.
saerom knew how you were feeling, she had been through bad colds herself enough times to know that you had other things to deal with just within your own body. what she didn’t know was what she was supposed to do when you were the one looking close to death, sniffling on the couch, and burning up from within.
you had learned how to make sure she got enough fluids and food in her, even when she could barely sit upright without feeling dizzy enough that you could see her head spinning from the way she grabbed at her surroundings to somehow stabilize her brain. you knew what flavor of cough medicine she liked the best. you had figured out the best way to make sure her fever never stayed for too long, and that it went down properly so that she could sleep through the nights (and days). to sum it up, you had received your fair share of nurse practice. saerom however, had no idea what she was doing. you were never sick, so why would she have had to learn to do any of the things one does when their partner is sick? needless to say, she was freaking out.
with a trembling voice, she asked “can I do anything for you?”
the fever had risen so much that your entire brain felt like mush, and all you could think of asking for was “just… hold me,” it came out as a pleading and strained whisper but she understood the feeling.
she tried to remember what you had done for her last time she was sick like this. once she remembered, she moved further into the couch, sitting just beside the pillow propping your head up. slowly removing the pillows from underneath you, while shushing you as calmly as she could muster without letting the way your whimpers got to her show through her own voice.
after placing a smaller pillow on her lap to make sure you wouldn’t get hotter from her own body heat, she hoisted you up a bit, laying your head in her lap. you couldn’t open your eyes because of the spinning and when you felt her hand touch down on the side of your face, your breath hitched in surprise.
her hand was cold and soft. it was exactly what you needed. feeling her slowly letting her hand rest on your forehead, only to move down the side of your face and cup your cheek and then down your neck. her hand cooling you down felt so incredibly good.
when she for a second lifted her hand from your burning skin you couldn’t help but shuffle and whisper a low “no”.
flipping and switching hands once the one she was using got too warm, she stayed there, caressing your face until she could feel the tense muscles in your forehead relax from the soothing feeling of her chilly hands.
all she wanted was for you to feel better, for her to be able to help, and when you finally felt some relief she was over the moon. you eventually fell asleep, with your head resting on her lap and her hand letting you let go of the spinning motions that occupied your head.
[navigation post!]
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gangplanksorenji · 6 months
Kinknuary Day 4: Rimming
Pairing: fromis_9 Saerom x Male Reader
Word Count: 3,284
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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“Is it too early? Is this maybe too fast?” 
“Maybe, no one cares about it, anyway.”
Saerom is a deceptive one, truly an audacious individual to look upon as she’s not afraid of anything that’s even a threat. Maybe that’s too much exaggeration but you get it, she’s really brave. 
Well, there’s always a story before such a captivating foreplay—all things have their own beginnings and you know not all of them are worth sharing but this was an interesting approach…
“So, you were dumped?”
“Yeah, girls are sometimes unfathomable, honestly…”
“Hey!” Saerom lightly slaps your shoulder as she feels a little offended with your remarks, and you, absolutely not directing it to her. “Not all girls are like that, she’s just probably a douchebag.”
“Eh, not really. She’s just too sensitive and wild to the point that everything just went downhill…” You gulp a shot of whiskey and end up with a groan, the bitterness and burning sensation in your throat is the reason but you love it. “You?”
“Eh, nothing much, honestly.” Saerom scoffs, then sheepishly blows some air as she feels uninterested in bringing anything up. “Maybe cutting some slack from the draining times days ago.”
“So it’s a tedious one—a job I assume?”
“Pft—hm, yeah, but apart from that, I feel a bit lonely too at home so that’s why I just wanna go here.” Saerom then sips a shot of tequila as she averted her eyes towards you, looking deeply into your soul as she smirks in satisfaction and sudden delight. 
“Don’t you have a boyfriend? Or someone to lay onto—”
“Nah, I would want to date someone if given the chance…”
You eagerly fixed your sitting position, your focus all towards her as you plant an expression of shock, wondering how a beautiful girl like Saerom could sit here with no one to lean on.
“Tch, can’t believe a beautiful girl like you doesn’t have a boyfriend or mutuals with…”
Saerom lightly giggles from your teasing as she finds it wholesome, and now is maybe the time to plant the strike that she’s been longing for the start.
“You’re cute, you know that?”
You scoff as your face immediately averted against her slowly, feeling shy and flustered with her compliments directed to you. It wasn’t really that much on your own perspective but you appreciate her compliments. It’s not like you don’t want any but you weren’t expecting them to be like this straightforward and immediate.
“And you’re very pretty, Saerom…”
Saerom covers her face with her hands as she gets shy from your retaliating compliment. It struck better than hers as you can see the blush on cheeks, getting flustered with own flowering compliments as she tries to brush it off.
“Yah, you’re getting drunk now—I’d love to be your company for today, if you want it though. I’d like to get to know you more… ”
“I mean, I meant it—you’re goddamn pretty and why not? I’m just going to be alone after this…”
Saerom inches closer towards you as she stares at you endearingly as you were captivated with it, her hands palming onto yours as she wants you to fulfill her proposal.
“Well, you’ve made yourself lucky—consider this as a date, in all terms.”
Saerom immediately latched her lips onto your cheek, parting a kiss onto the soft, porcelain skin as your ears got red, flustered with her fervorous actions of affection. You then cup her cheeks and pull her for a kiss as she eagerly reciprocates but for not too long, she pulls from your soft flesh as she wants something that will make the both of you even more comfortable with each other.
“Let’s take this somewhere we can only see, shall we?” Saerom proposes as you eagerly responded in an unhesitant agreement to it.
“Yeah, I’d love to, Saerom…”
Such events came out and happened in a flash—within a blink of an eye, you’re now sharing a beautiful, torrid kiss with this gorgeous woman that even goddesses can be in shambles. 
You can defend that truthfully, her curves and her perfectly-sculpted ass was enough as an evidence as you laid your eyes onto those, Saerom giggling as she’s seeing you in awe just by looking at her body.
“God is a fucking woman, and that’s you, Saerom—fuck, you’re hot—”
“And you can ruin the goddess, baby—do you know how I’ve been deprived of this?”
You continue kissing her neck and caressing her waist as you come up onto an estimated conclusion, “I don’t know—weeks? Months?”
Saerom moans as you avert your lips onto peppering her skin with kisses as she faintly responds, “It’s rhetorical, baby, but, you’re right—I’ve been longing for this—god, you’re a gifted kisser.”
“She made me like this—”
“Hey—” Saerom held your chin with her hand, then glaring at you because of your reminiscent remarks about your ex, and she didn’t like it. “—I know you still want her but please, let me be the only one that will cloud your mind and I don’t want you to be hurt just by thinking about her, okay?”
You frantically nod with her reassurance, and then exchanging grins as the both of you felt butterflies immediately and without wasting any second, you latch onto each other’s lips again, fighting and dominating for affection. After a hot minute of kissing, you soon pull out as you keep your hands on her waist, admiring the epitome of beauty as your eyes lit in awe.
“God, Saerom—your body is perfect…”
“Oh, baby, stop it, but—” Saerom then held your hands as she took control with it, making it caress her smooth skin and then roaming around her beautifully-sculpted body leisurely. “—what part of my body do you love?”
“Ah!” Saerom yelps as got caught off-guard with your sudden spank on her backside, herself smiling with the fact that you genuinely appreciate that part of her body. 
“It’s your ass, Saerom—it’s just perfect and thick.”
“Then what do you want to do with it, hm?”
She got you. She reads you like a book and because everything’s just too obvious to lie, you let everything out as your primal desires are slowly taking over. With both of your faces just inches closer towards each other, the atmosphere heated up way too fast as everything seems to be going as you like.
“I wanna spank it until it’s red, Saerom.”
“Yes, baby—more—” Saerom moans as you tease her with your words and your wants, and not going to lie, it’s turning you on so fucking much.
“After that, I wanna slowly tease your puckered hole with my fingers as I hear and watch you let out a series of whimpers.”
“God—fuck, yes baby—more!”
“After that, I’ll lower my head and fucking tease my tongue onto your snug hole as spank your bubble butt again and again—”
“Yes, baby—fuck, this is turning me on—fuck—more!”
You can’t really contain it anymore. The way you’re talking so dirty to her is making the feral beast inside you impossible to be shackled anymore yet the teasing makes everything exciting as ever, and with Saerom’s moans in response with your talks, it just fuels the fire of lust inside you.
“I’ll eat your ass out like I was starving for days and let you cum with my fingers—I’ll fuck my tongue against your hole and taste your scrumptious butt while you can’t help but moan in need—”
“Enough, baby—fuck…”
You immediately paused the lustful profanities spilling out of your mouth as your eyebrow furrowed, feeling the hint of fear as her commanding voice is the reason behind it.
“I want it now, baby… No more teasing~”
Her saccharine tone lures you into falling under her lustful spell, a forbidden technique that captivates the weaker ones like you. It’s her voice that enamored you as your hands coursed its way to the hem of her leather jacket, caressing it and then slowly undress it to ignite the fuel of foreplay.
“Your outfit really looks good on you, by the way.”
“Thanks… Love to experiment fashion sometimes, y’know?”
“Relatable, but it’s better when those are on the floor—”
“Relax your horny ass, pervert~” Saerom teases with a mischievous and sarcastic tone as she tops it off with a hint of a giggle. She isn’t mad at anything but rather appreciates it and it’s even turning her on and you can say it’s evident with the blush on her cheeks. Saerom then had her face inches against you again, lifting your chin as you took the time to worship her god-like figure.
“Is it too early though?”
“What do you mean?” You shake your head a little, confused on what Saerom’s trying to implicate.
“Like—is it too early? Is this maybe too fast?” 
You scoff as you caress her cheeks, assuring her that everything’s on a great pace and all are on the right track of events. You even doubt someone may barge into the restroom or come in as all you can hear are the ebullient sounds off in the distance, far from where the both of you are.
“Maybe, no one cares about it, anyway.”
One by one, you strip the clothing that’s been concealing the true beauty that she's been hiding. With yourself being unstoppable, you didn’t mind anything as your eyes are only locked in her scrumptious backside as the curves defining the perfectly-sculpted art of her body never fails to amaze you as it’s mouthwatering—
“Wait until you see the rest of me, baby~”
“Yeah, I can’t wait, Saerom.”
With the dexterity of your fingers, you deftly undress her pants, starting from unbuckling her belt and now, meeting the sight of her milky, thick thighs that can probably suffocate anyone that lays an attempt to it—and you’ll be glad to volunteer on that. With only her white thong left to undress, you take a look to admire her figure as her spankable ass is now within your grasp’s reach yet you refrain from doing it, wanting to eye on it as you build up the tension between the both of you.
“God, Saerom—this ass is incredibly perfect—you’re such a perfect one… The curves—everything, fuck…”
“Oh, baby, you’re so generous~ What are you waiting for—ahh! Ooh!”
A harsh spank reverberates around the tiny room as the jiggling of the smooth skin of her butt hypnotizes you, Saerom then moaning as a response from your harsh actions. You then tease her backside with the dexterity of your fingers, drawing a line towards her snug hole as you circle it, adding the fire onto lust she’s been feeling as she whines audibly as a voice of her rising satisfaction.
“Baby, please—let my hole be used—I’ve been dying to feel something up my ass…”
“Come on, Saerom—you just need to be patient…”
She begged you for something to be provoked but rather became defeated as the feral beast inside you becomes contained, waiting for the right opportunity as the reward is no longer too far to be in your reach, and hers. You work onto teasing her puckered hole as the juices of her wet cunt streams down it and to her thighs, making things hard for her as her arousal is unmatched, her needs wanting to be attended as soon as possible but you have the upper hand and you’ll do everything on your own accord.
With the temptation being held back running low, you can’t really contain it anymore as you bring yourself onto your knees, opting for the climax of the anticipatingly stupendous show. With her face leveled down her scrumptious butt, you slowly tease your tongue onto her snug entrance as the wetness and the cold sensation of your tongues makes Saerom yelp in shock as pleasure runs down her veins with your masterclass. You draw circles down her clit, lapping every delicious nectar you can catch running down towards her puckered hole as the taste of it makes you incredibly addicted, drawing more attention onto eating her ass out than everything else. Of course, Saerom couldn’t contain the satisfaction she’s been experiencing as her lustfully-angelic moans bless your ears, further making everything worth her while—and the fact that she isn't really that loud enough for others to probably barge in to know what’s happening is the cherry on top.
With the skillful talent of your tongue stimulating her asshole, Saerom can’t help but shower you with compliments which further ignites you to give it all.
“God, baby—I’ve never felt, fuck—s-so good with someone eating m-my—gah—ass! Keep doing that b-baby! Please don’t fucking s-stop—oh god!”
And you wouldn’t dare disappoint her even on the lowest extent possible.
You grab her hips as the leverage for more grip to skillfully eat her ass out. You devour her hole like it’s hunnid-Michelin-star meal that no one can top off as every second upon eating her luscious hole is cherished and treasured. You raise the pace of the dance of your tongue as your fingers then go to her succulent pussy again, fingering it as her moans increase in volume, forming an orchestra with broken melodies and imperfectly-perfect music to be in the works thanks to her. Wanting such diversity, you alternate between inserting your fingers, knuckle-deep, up in her ass and fucking it slowly—and god, the clenching of her tight walls in every thrust you do is insane—and the lustful acts of your tongue doing such a great work onto stimulating her onto madness.
“You like it, Saerom?”
“I’m not gonna moan this much if I didn’t like you eating me out—fuck, I’m close, make me cum please…”
Such desperation is laced in every word she says as she’s chasing her own orgasm. Fulfilling her request and wanting yourself a treat of a lifetime, you doubled your efforts on eating her ass with all your heart’s desire as she fingers herself onto her peak. With her puckered hole continuously clenching and relaxing, you know that her orgasmic end is coming soon as within your skillful advances towards her hole, it’s just going to get more euphoric than that.
“Fuck, baby—I’m going to c-cum, all over your face!”
“Then do it for me, Saerom.” She’s unable to contain it all and with your given green light, there wasn’t much of a choice to really prevent her from that desired high. “Cum for me.”
A deafening scream has been unshackled as her knees become weak, her grip onto the sink tightening as she sprays her nectar all over your face and neck. As she erupts with a high magnitude, her juices coats every inch of your face as it tasted succulent, humming in satisfaction as the vibration sends herself into overdrive, further pleasuring her. Her hole constricts around your tongue as she rides out her high, teasing it for now as you give her some time to breathe. Now with herself recovered from her earlier orgasm, she commanded you to continue eating her ass out as she isn’t falling deaf to your ears.
There was no more foreplay—there never was, to begin with—-anymore as you started with such an incredible skill that made her yelp in pleasure as your tongues danced around her snug hole like you have something to prove to her. The painful tent in your pants is now growing inevitably hard to the point that you couldn’t contain to suppress your carnal needs anymore, so with still your mouth lathering her scrumptious holes with saliva and eating it with all your heart’s desire, you quickly unbuckle your belt and undress your pants and boxers as your cock is now freed from it’s frustrating clothed prison. She noticed it as it amazes her, being in awe with still her sinful mouth letting out the lustful profanities and moans that blesses your ears. You then stop yourself from eating her out as you spit onto your cock, aiding some lubrication as you want to stroke yourself in tandem with the thrust you make onto her asshole.
“Don’t you wanna fuck my p-pussy—oh god—or my a-ass, hm, baby? Fuck, t-that feels so good…”
“We’ll save that for later, Saerom.”
As you maintain the pace of your tongue, you then start touching yourself as the sight of her constant clenching and her pussy dripping with her juices is such an arousing sight to the point that your cock is now rock-hard and twitching in every stroke you do. After a hot minute of tongue-fucking her asshole and stroking yourself onto your desired promised land, you offered yourself onto the primal abyss of lust, further igniting your wants on coating her dumptruck of an ass full of your thick, white seed as that though really turns you the fuck on. Without anymore time to spare, you double the efforts onto tongue-fucking her as you stimulate her hole with your fingers too, Saerom then letting out series of needy cries of sensitivity and pleasure as you stroke yourself in a lightning-fast pace, wanting to catch your own orgasm too.
“Fuck, Saerom—I’ll gonna cum so fucking soon. You won’t mind coating your fat ass full of cum, don’t you?”
“Fuck—I d-don’t really mind it—here—” Saerom then quickly gets her phone onto her purse, giving it you immediately as she proposes something that piqued your interest. “Take a picture of my ass full of your cum, okay?”
“Got it, baby.”
Now getting up, you point your throbbing member onto the porcelain skin of her ass, making it a canvas as you want to paint every inch white. Without anyone stopping you, you stroke yourself within a pace unimaginable, chasing your long-awaited orgasm as the familiar knot on your loins is now within a hand’s reach, aiming your length now at her ass. There’s no turning back anymore as you let out an unholy moan, thick shots of semen erupting out of your slit as her ass becomes painted white with your treasure seed, Saerom then moaning on tandem with you, aiming to extend your orgasm with her further arousing act. The warmth of your seed satisfies Saerom as she wiggles her ass for you, the remnants of your cum dripping down her thighs and some onto her puckered hole. You then grab your phone onto the sink as you hurriedly take a picture of her cum-coated ass, wanting to make a memory that you’ll savor as Saerom giggles from the thought, finding it rather fluttering that you followed what she suggested.
“So sad I didn’t get to see you cum, baby—but that won’t be unattended for too long now…” Saerom teases you with her mischievous tone as her fingers trace a sample of your cum, tasting it as you anticipate her judgment. To your surprise, she hummed soundly, satisfied with the delicious taste of your load that she'll treasure later.
“Now clean me up—you’ll be in my place tonight…” She hands you some napkins from her purse as you immediately wipe her soft skin, cleaning up the mess you’ve made as a gift from her.
“Your place?”
You know you were rewarded once she came that hard earlier, and with her further confirmation, who are you to decline?
“Yes, and maybe we’ll get to know more about each other…”
“Hah, Saerom—can’t waste this one, so, I’ll be your guest.”
This was unprecedented and unanticipated by you but leaving her needs hanging off a cliff is the last thing you’d want to see. Without any time to waste, the both of you dressed and fixed yourselves up as the day is long enough for more things to happen, and you can’t wait for what she can showcase to you more than what you could possibly imagine…
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021894s · 2 months
— 04 rules and regulations
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PAIRING: brothers bsf!sunghoon x f!reader
WARNINGS: cussing, mentions of pda
AUTHORS NOTE: hi babies here’s chapter 4! also happy may??? the year is going by so fast i can’t. hope you enjoy <3
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tag list: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @luminouskalopsia @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog @ihrtgyuuu @purennn @hoonharem @g0niki @hearts4itoshi @yongbokified @shuichi-sama @xiaoderrrr @hongshuaknow @skylaly @yzzyhee @jwnghyuns @seokseokjinkim @syzavxy @xrvrqs @soulvrs @velvetkisscs @ak-aa-li @eneiyri @starlvcieszsq @meowmeowjang @hanhaeji @moonlighthoon @gaylilseokie @seunghancore @heelovesmeknot @nyfwyeonjun
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808airsoftbros · 3 months
Fromis_9 As Your Vampire Mothers
Lee Saerom (Alpha Vampire)
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Ah, Saerom the Alpha of the clan and known to be one of the most ruthless in the sister clan
You'd think being the husband under her wing would be rather unpleasant but it's the exact opposite under her care
Saerom is literally amazing as she can juggle her responsibilities of being your wife, mother, and the Alpha of the clan
Literal softie for children such as yourself but when someone dares challenge her demeanor changes 360 degrees
Very... Very... Very... Patient, you could break a vase but if she sees it's nothing but an accident she'll forgive you
But don't let her soft and caring side fool you... If you dare misbehave she will not hesitate to correct that
Besides who are you to complain? You are married to one of the strongest and most powerful Vampire in the clan and she chose you
Privileges: She'd let you lay on her chest and lap, play with her hair, hug her almost whenever (If she's not too busy), give you all the breast milk you want, and most importantly, be under her adoration
Song Hayoung (1st Enforcer)
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Being the number one enforcer besides Jiwon can be quite challenging but not to her
She'd go through the entire world just for you and that's how much you mean to her
At the beginning, you were neglected, abused, starved, shivered, you name it
When she came into your life and took you under her care, that all changed instantly
Hayoung would swear to herself that she'll protect you no matter what happens and obligated to care and nurture you for life
She'd be the wife and mother you'd never had growing up and she fits perfectly in the role
But at the same time just like Saerom, she won't hesitate to discipline you if you act up and establish rules to keep you safe and in order
Privileges: Lots of cuddles, play with her hair, sings you soft lullabies, having warm cooked meals from her, and lay on her lap
Park Jiwon (2nd Enforcer)
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Although she is the second Enforcer, she is a video game addict but cannot play as much but it's a perfect excuse to spend more time with you
Loves to go out on shopping sprees with you and spoils the daylights out of you
But do not fear, her bank account is quite big and none of the bills hardly put a dent in it
Would take out to ice skate rings, she would always be attentive and hold your hand while teaching you how to skate on the ice to ensure you won't trip and injure yourself
Despite being a horror film addict throughout her entire life, she'd sadly could not watch as much as you were too young to watch such movies
That was until you were in your teenage years and that's when she began regularly watching horror movies with you and it's another excuse for her to cuddle you
Most importantly, she be a strong figure for you to look up to when growing up and would always teach you to be respectful and kind torwards others
Except that would be easier said than done as Jiwon is afraid of pigeons and despite being over 100s of years old she never got over that fear but you'd find it funny which is a win for her
Privliges: Lots and lots of cuddles, spoils you with gifts, being able to laugh at her when she gets frightened from pigeons, and always making free time just for you even if she's busy
Roh Jisun (Blood Sister)
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Jisun would lowkey be the chillest and laid back mother and wife you'd come across in the Vampire Sisterhood
But she's hard working and would often be the one leading the kitchen, she plans on the menus and what the kids will be eating on certain days and ensure it's all balanced and nutritious
Growing up under her care, you'd find her quite strange at how "indefinite" she can be at times
One time, you'd accidentally dropped a plate because it slipped out of your hands and Jisun would calmly told you to sweep it up
Jisun never once yelled at you nor has she lashed out her anger once from what you can tell
Regardless, Jisun knows she has a duty to tend to and that includes taking care of you, she changed your diaper, gave you baths, feed you, and breastfeed you
But she prefers for you to start learning how to solve problems on your own with little or no help from her unlike her sisters and it's her way of indirectly teaching you problem solving skills but if it's a major issue then that's when she steps in
"M-mommy, I-uhm... Broke a vase... I'm sorry..." You confessed and she intently stared at you... "Well, what are you suppoesd to do?" She asked you. "Uhm, sweep it?" You guessed and she chuckled. "Then why are you telling me this? You know what to do!" She pointed out.
Privileges: Despite her hard demeanor she'd always be there to give you all the hugs and kisses you need, she'd read bedtime stories, let's you watch cartoons, and go outside playing
Lee Seoyeon (Blood Sister)
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Seoyeon would be quite blunt and straightforward with no time to be wasted and she is a proud mother and wife
Because of this, Seoyeon would always be the mother and wife to support you on your goals and dreams and will provide you anything that you need
Seoyeon would often be given the task of babysitting whenever her sisters are away from home but boy she can manage her clan's children including her own
You'd see her left and right cleaning the house and always tending to her husband to make sure he's happy and healthy
But at times when she is relaxing, she is having a movie marathon with you in her room, and takes naps with you
Beware though she is possessive and strict with you... She'd always be holding hands and walking with you wherever you may go ensuring nobody takes her baby away from her
Sometimes be overprotective but that's because you are her world and life. She sworn to protect you no matter the cost
Has a strong and sensible taste in fashion that you would pick up after her, you two would often go clothes shopping picking out outfits when she was free
Privileges: Gifts you plushies, having a mentor in fashion, sneaks you gummy bears and milk tea, and maybe lets you oversleep if she is staying in bed with you
Lee Chaeyoung (Blood Sister)
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Chaeyoung just like Seoyeon can be quite blunt but is more teasing and loves to have power over you
Your relationship dynamic between you and her is unique, Chaeyoung would be happy to teach you how to be a gentlemen and how you should properly treat a lady
As your mother and wife, it's also her duty to make sure that all adult topics are held off until you are of age so she has to be becareful on what she says and do though she likes to throw some hints there and then
Regardless, she absolutely adores you, she hardly ever leaves your side and always there to comfort and nurse you whenever you cry for her attention
But she also shares the duty of babysitting with Seoyeon and would switch shifts. But Chaeyoung can handle all of her sister's and her own children all on her own
She is not afraid to show any or shower you with her motherly affection towards you in public or in private as she is one poud momma
Loves to have your head on her chest and lap giving her the oppurtunity to stroke your hair and take sleepy pictures of you
But as you grow older, Chaeyoung's expectations get higher and would expect you to cater to her sexual desires and not be afraid to speak of your needs to her
Privliges: Being able to speak freely, would feed you delicious homemade food and snacks, give backhugs, lay on her nude chest, and would give you photos to keep on you so you can think about her when she's not around you
Lee Nagyung (Scout Vampire)
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Nagyung can be seriously chaotic due to her hyper energy and even at times acts like a kid herself despite her old age
But Nagyung knows how to control that energy and is very aware how much damage she can do to you as you are a human and can easily be broken with a Vampire's brute super strength
You would often find yourself playing with Nagyung either in the park or in the playroom
Sometimes she may or may not forget to follow the naptime scheldules and would be scolded many times from Hayoung and Jiwon
Nagyung would love to cuddle and snuggle you and prefers you to be on top of her so she can hug you tightly
When you are at a legal age, Nagyung would barely wear any pants or shorts and would only wear her panties at home which you didn't mind
Not only it's more comfortable for Nagyung but it's a way for her to get your attention and she'd giggle and tease you whenever she catches you staring
Nagyung doesn't mind showing off a bit to you or her sisters but she had to be mindful that she cannot show in front of their husbands
Privileges: Again lots of cuddles, lots of playtime inside and outside, seeing her cute and energetic side, will do aegyo for you, and lets you watch her change
Baek Jiheon (Youngest Blood)
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Although this sunshine Vampire is the youngest of her sisters, that doesn't make her any less mature and knows what's best for her husband
Absolutely smart, she graduated the top of her class in the academy and will help you any way if you get stuck on a question
It warms her sister's hearts seeing how well you two bond despite Jiheon adopting you at an early age as Vampires her age don't adopt their husband until they are around 250 years old and Jiheon is only 75 years old
Jiheon will be willing to do anything to help contribute to the clan along with her sisters and will often times juggle her responsibilities between being your wife/mother and her duties in the clan
At nights, Jiheon would be reading you bedtime stories and singing lullabies until you fall asleep in her arms
Movie nights are a must for her because that's a special tradition in your guy's relationship even if you are fully grown adult you've never grown tired of it and that makes Jiheon happy
But there are times when you may act up and boy, she would not tolerate bad behavior and I gurantee she will deliver a reasonable punishment
Jiheon would often be the one running her sister's errands being the youngest so she brings you along as an excuse to spend more time with you
Privileges: Seeing her adorable smile, lots of cuddles and snuggles, lets you choose the movies, let's you play outside, and having a tutor
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midastouch-zaza · 1 month
A sequel from this piece
where the other members of Fromis 9 call the MR to use him as their stress reliever. If you can, how would each member use the MR to relieve their stress?
[Hello anon, I actually didn't expect for someone to request a second part of this work, so I had to think about it quite a lot. It's tough to manage 8 girls(yes, of course, I'm including Gyuri) in a single pièce but let's give a try to this. Also, if anybody needs it you can find here the first part]
After the night when the members discovered how you really treated their maknae, the 8 girls decided that they wanted their revenge. Jiheon actually tried to reassure them, saying that it was normal to be that wild during sex, but her unnies already took their decision.
Surely the youngest didn't expect the punishment to involve sex, trusting the affection and the worries of her members. But I guess the memory of you destroying the poor girl was now impressed in their mind and, even if nobody wanted to admit that, they also wanted a piece of you.
They all decided to spend some time with you to use you as stress reliever; they all planned different things, someone acting alone, others in small group, but all of them with the same aim: fuck or be fucked by you as that night.
Saerom, being the leader, decided to work alone. She went for the simplest plan: come to your house and confront you. It was fun to see how quickly she switched from being all angry to begging you to not stop, while you were fucking her on your sofà. The fit girl was bouncing wildly on your cock, she really needed a good fuck and you were glad to take away all her worries, and you were even more glad to do her your bitch. When you finished with her, she just accepted her new role, sucking your cock clean;
Jisun, on the contrary, was the most tough to manage. From the first moment, she was really honest with you. "I want you to fuck me like you did with Jiheon, but if you fail, I will tell her that you cheated on her", now you were the one stressed. You really gave your everything with her, thrusting into her holes with all your might but she seemed to be insatiable. In the end after half day spent between bed and shower, you were sure that her sex hungry was satisfied, at least for the moment;
Jiwon really thought of being smart: taking you for a date and trying to get you drunk. Too bad that her plan badly failed when she got drunk first. At the end of the night she was slurring and begging you so much to give her a good fuck, so you just brought her in a filthy alley and fucked her like the cheapest whore of the town, filling her ass with your sticky cum while pressing her body against the wall of a building and then making her return to their durm while your seed was still leaking from her slutty shorts;
Hayoung and Gyuri tried to pull a 2vs1, acting all bossy and rude, cursing at you but without stopping for a second to glance at your bulge. Now, they kinda succeeded with their plan, using you as their sexual toy for an entire night. First they edged you for hours, bringing you so close the climax everytime but without never letting you reach it and then doing the opposite, overstimulating you until your body was twitching: their mouths didn't let your cock alone for a second, keeping to stimulate it even when you were sure about not having more cum;
The 2000 line went even rougher with you, having to satisfy Chaeyoung, Nagyung and Seoyeon alone was such an hard task; they were way more soft as characters but they were still 3 and they didn't have a particular plan: they just wanted to follow their own pleasure, using every part of your body they could think of: your cock, your mouth, your finger, your ass, your legs... every centimeters of your skin was covered with their juices.
In a week circa you fucked all the members of your girlfriend and now you were exhausted, but now all of them, for different reason, seemed to be satisfied and in peace with you. Now they had no problems with you fucking their maknae dumb or being at their dorm.
You were glad that things, on that side, were better than before; on the other side tho you had to satisfy nine women alone, eight of them without being discovered by the ninth. Rough yet interesting and full of pleasure days were expecting you.
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girlgroupshots · 1 year
Manager Oppa - Fromis_9
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As a manager, your roles were simple enough. At least on paper. But aside from making sure everything was taken care of and schedules were followed; whether it was individually or as a group it was your job to be there for them. At least that was how you approached the job. And sometimes that meant in unconventional ways as well. Like  sneaking into dorms in the middle of the night so other members didn’t see you.
“Is everyone sleeping?” you whispered as you followed your partner in crime back to her room. Your gaze briefly glanced down to the ass walking in front of you. Even in a pair of pajama shorts, the shape of Lee Saerom’s ass was pronounced.
“I think Hayoung is still up and her room. And Chaeyoung too,” Saerom answered, “But it should be fine.
She waited until you were in the room, quietly closing the door behind you before reaching up on her tip-toes to wrap her arms around you and press a deep kiss to your lips. You had questions about what ‘should be fine’ meant and how it made you slightly uneasy but you didn’t press the issue further. Instead your hands found their way to her hips, squeezing gently as you eagerly returned the kiss.
“I missed you,” the captain sighed as she pressed her forehead to your cheek.
“You were with me all day,” you reminded her, more than a bit of cheek on your words.
“You know what I mean,” Saerom punched your shoulder lightly, her pout fighting a smile as she looked up at you. “Besides, Jiwon hogs your attention any chance she can get…”
She wasn’t wrong there. Jiwon could be especially clingy at the worst of times. Though you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it. The truth was, Saerom wasn’t the only member of the group that you had a special relationship; but she was the one you had the closest thing to an actual dating relationship with. A tricky topic that made it necessary to sneak around at times like this. Not to mention there were some members who had no idea about any of the relationships, special or otherwise.
“My poor Captain,” you soothed, your hands moving to massage her ass with large hands, “And you have to stay strong and not get jealous all day.” You leaned down, pressing a kiss to her neck and earning a soft moan in response. “Let me make it up to you.”
From the way Saerom bit her bottom lip and slowly nodded her head it was clear that she wasn’t upset enough to play hard to get. In fact, you theorized that her role as leader had created a dynamic where in her most intimate moments Saerom liked to be taken care of. Which was a role that suited you just fine. Any excuse to worship her body was one you would happily take.
Your hands slipped from her waist, sliding into her pajama pants and pleased to feel that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. You gave her ass a brief squeeze before giving Saerom a simple instruction, “Take these off.”
Almost reluctantly she pulled away from your grasp, stepping back so she could put on a show for you as she stripped down. Her fingers dig into the waistband of her bottoms, pulling them up teasingly before sliding them down her thighs and letting them pool at her feet. You took a moment to admire her nude body in the dim light, your heart already racing and cock growing at the sight. It was a sight that you’d never get tired of. Saerom stepped out of them, looking at you with a practiced sultry look that only made you more eager to act.
“Oppa, is that better?”
Your cock twitched when she addressed you but you had to remain in control. Her pleasure was going to come first tonight before anything else, you would make sure of that.
“Very good,” you praised, “Now get on the bed and spread your legs for me.”
Saerom didn’t hesitate to follow through with her command. When the girls had been in smaller dorms this had been a far tricker arrangement to maintain. Then again, you weren’t nearly as bold then as you were now. You watched as she turned to walk and climb onto her bed, briefly presenting her ass to you. You resisted the temptation, instead watching as she turned over and spread her thighs apart, opening herself to your gaze. It was a sight you would never get tired of: Saerom naked and waiting for you to make your move.
“Seriously, how do you get jealous of anyone else when you look like that?”
Saerom was quiet and looked away but you could make out a faint blush to her cheeks in the dim light. Smirking you made your way towards her. When you reached the bed you let your hand trail over her abdomen, rising up towards her perky tits and briefly giving each a squeeze; feeling her aroused nipples beneath your touch. Fuck. Every girl in the group was different but something about Saerom – every inch of her was a turn on for you. You just had to remind her of that from time to time.
As you sank to your knees you began placing kisses along her inner thigh, caressing her skin with your touch. You made sure to take your time, making sure that she was able to feel every sensation you were causing her. A few times her thighs closed impatiently only to open back up for you as you continued towards her core. Already you could see the signs of her arousal and couldn’t help but look up at her accusingly.
“Were you getting impatient waiting for me?”
“You said you would be here an hour ago,” Saerom replied.
“Ah, so I did,” you had but as was often the case, work got in the way. The moment you began neglecting your actual job was the moment all of this blew up in your face. Rather than explain that, you leaned in close, “Let me make it up to you then.”
You fingers trailed over her folds, her pussy quivering in anticpation as a soft moan left her lips. Normally you might tell her to keep quiet but this time you’d leave it up to her. What would she do if left to her own devices? You tentatively slipped a digit inside of her, teasing the captain to start. “One? Two? Or do you want three?”
You leaned down, your tongue flicking out over her most sensitive nub and causing a cry to fall from her lips. “Or would you prefer something else?”
“What was that?”
“More!” Saerom said a little louder this time.
You couldn’t help but chuckle. Apparently picking an option was above her ability right now. With that in mind you slid two fingers, knuckle deep inside of her. A moan sounded through clenched teeth as her thighs briefly closed around your hand at the welcome invasion. You knew from experience that she could take more. Much more. But for now you settled for two fingers fucking her diligently. This was just the warm up after all.
Saerom bit down on her bottom lip, fingers clutching at the bed sheets as her chest arched into the sky. It was a vision of beauty that made enduring the ache in your own pants worth it. Each curl of your finger, each time you went to the second knuckle; every action seemed to dry a reaction out of her and made it harder for her to keep her volume down. Which was exactly why you held a particularly wicked grin on your features as you planned your next move. While keeping your fingers preoccupied, you lowered your head between her thighs again, kissing a trail along her inner thigh until you reached your destination.
“Are you ready for more?”
Saerom didn’t answer verbally but the way that she shook her head was enough of a response.
“Good,” you said, taking a moment to look up at her before plunging back in, your tongue curling around her clit.
The sound that came from Saerom was muffled by the pillow she had pressed against her mouth.
“How does that feel?”
“Amazing,” Saerom answered in a breathy voice that only served to arouse you further.
“I can tell.”
With that you resumed licking at her cunt, lapping at her wetness in a slow, steady pace. Saerom had always been vocal during sex. You had to give credit to Jiwon, she was the only one who could match her in that regard; and even she didn’t have such a high-pitched voice to begin with. The fact that you were having to talk down Saerom was only adding to your enjoyment. It made it all the sweeter to hear her begging you to continue; to taste her arousal and use it to fuel your own desire. Your hands were free so they drifted down to her ass, squeezing and massaging her cheeks.
“Please, oppa, don't stop" she moaned.
You weren’t going to, not as long as she kept being so vocal and responsive.
It was no secret that you loved teasing Saerom. In the past she'd gotten so worked up that she had cum just from teasing alone. She had been a lot less vocal then, but still, there had been plenty of times when she had gone too far to recover before you had taken advantage.
Your tongue dipped in, circling her clit and drawing a gasp from Saerom. Her hips bucked into yours mouth, pressing your face closer into her pussy.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she gasped, pushing into your face.
Your hands moved to her ass once more, holding her in place as you continued to lap at her cunt, your tongue moving with a rhythm of its own. You had to admit, you were enjoying yourself immensely. Bringing the captain pleasure like this only served to heighten your own arousal. But taking care of that would come later, first you wanted to make her cum. With that in mind, you decided to try something unexpected. You flipped Saerom around, a surprised whine leaving her lips at the brief removal of your tongue. It only lasted a second though as you pushed your face into her well-rounded ass, your tongue flicking against her asshole.
Saerom cried out in surprise, a sharp intake of breath accompanying her sudden mewl.
“Was that better or worse?”
“Better, definitely better,” Saerom panted.
“That's what I thought,” you murmured, shifting her position slightly so that you had better access to her ass.
She didn’t need to give you any further encouragement, you had all you needed. When you started to lick at her puckered hole, her back arching and her head falling forward, you knew you were doing something right.
“Ah! Oppa!”
A moment later a scream fell from her lips, her legs clenching tightly around your neck. Her body shuddered as she came undone under your ministrations.
Unbeknownst to you, as you were lapping at Saerom’s juices, a voyeur peered through the door behind you.
From the moment your head had gone between Saerom’s legs, the third party had been watching silently. It wasn’t shock that possessed her, but curiosity and then arousal. Her nipples still hard against her tank top was evidence of such. That and the glistening fingers Baek Jiheon pulled out of her pajama bottoms, coated with her own silent orgasm. Her cheeks were flushed as she tried to keep her breathing in tact.
She had heard rumors of this happening before but now she knew it was true. The real question running through her mind was how she was going to get herself into a Saerom’s position.
A/N: another thing i’ve had sitting in the drafts forever and never posted whoops. since f9 is FINALLY getting a comeback (and a full album!) it seemed fitting to drop this. hope everyone’s 2023 has been going decent and if not hopefully this little fic gave a little respite. at some point i’m going to be posting my stories over on @minarisplaything as the current blog is a sideblog which makes likes/follows/etc a bit of a hassle. i guess i coulda started with this story but i figured i’d post a notice first!
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
Imagine Beomgyu teasing you constantly and you assume it’s because he doesn’t like you when actually it’s just the opposite...
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You were a member of fromis_9 and of course knew some of your fellow label mates. You were friends with Yeonjun and through him had gotten to know his members but one in particular stood out.
You weren't sure why but ever since Beomgyu had first met you he had an obsession with teasing you. Sometimes it'd be over small things like making fun of your song or mimicking your line over and over again. Other times it would be more embarrassing like the time you mispronounced a word during a promotion circuit interview and he laughed hysterically about it for five minutes and wouldn't stop bringing it up. Yeonjun had told you that was how Beomgyu was. That he was just very playful and loved to tease but it honestly felt like he just had it out for you, like he actually disliked you and was trying to upset you. You kept wondering what you'd done to make him hate you so much. Had you offended him? Was he upset you were over at his dorm so much and he wanted you to stop coming around? You wondered it every time he was around but got nowhere. It had gotten to the stage where you were now nervous around Beomgyu because you expected him to make fun of you at any moment. Your members were aware of this and so were constantly on the look out at work or at award shows.
You were heading back to your dressing room with your members when your leader Saerom paused. "Erm not to worry you but Beomgyu is up ahead". "What!" you cried "I can't deal with him right now I really can't". "Well he's right by our dressing room door leaning on the wall so we could pretend we've forgotten something and go walk around for a bit?". You knew your members were tired because you'd just performed but they were all so nice they would walk around with you. You couldn't do that to them so shook your head "no come on...maybe he won't say anything". Of course he did. "Hey y/n that was a great performance" he called. "Thanks" you replied but he wasn't done. "I especially like that move at the end, what do you call it?" and he began imitating when you almost fell over laughing his head off. "Ha ha" you replied and rushed into your dressing room slamming the door. TxT won an award and Yeonjun texted you saying they were having a celebration at their place. You and the girls went but the minute you walked in you saw Beomgyu and regretted your decision. Yeonjun came to greet you but Beomgyu beat him to it. "Welcome ladies" he smiled "drinks are in the kitchen, snacks are on the tables and ow y/n be careful there are lots of potentially slippery places" before laughing. You sighed and Yeonjun shot you an apologetic look. "I'll do my best" you replied and walked away. Yeonjun came over with you and patted your arm "y/n just ignore him, he likes getting a reaction" and you nodded "I know but it's hard". Yeonjun had noticed your reaction to Beomgyu's teasing and tried to help, distracting Beomgyu or ensuring you were never left alone with Beomgyu and tried giving his member subtle signs to back off but it didn't work. You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself and smiled. "Better?" Yeonjun asked. You nodded and went to speak when you were cut off by a change in music. Beomgyu had put your latest song on and was mocking it in front of a crowd of people who laughed. He was singing your parts and you sighed "you know I don't think this was a good idea, I'm going to hear off". Yeonjun frowned "no! Y/n you deserve to let some steam off and party". "Yeah but I don't think that's what I'd be doing tonight but thank you for inviting me. I'm just going to go home and sleep" and you discreetly exited through the back door so Beomgyu wouldn't see. Yeonjun was upset all night about you leaving early and he couldn't stop thinking about it even hours later. Once the party had ended the members all happened to be sat together in different stages of drunkenness. Beomgyu was pretty drunk but Yeonjun was almost sober. They were discussing everyone who came tonight and Soobin frowned "I never got to say hi to Y/n". "Y/n was here?" Kai asked "I didn't even see her". "She left early because she's so borrrring" Beomgyu called loudly and the members chuckled slightly but Yeonjun didn't find it so funny. "Why are you so hard on her?" he asked and Beomgyu paused "I'm not hard on her". "Yes you are, you're actually really horrible and mean to her". Beomgyu laughed "no I'm not, you need to learn to take a joke". "It's not a joke if it upsets someone!" Yeonjun said getting angry and sensing this Soobin sat up "why don't we wind down for the night?" but Beomgyu was also aggravated. "I'm not upsetting anyone I'm joking! If y/n didn't like it she'd tell me". "Would she?" Yeonjun asked "because you're such good friends? You've been nothing but horrible to her since you first met her, do you really think she'd confide in you?". "Oh and she confides in you all the time right?" Beomgyu retorted "because you're so close, are you two together or something?". Yeonjun frowned confused where this was coming from and why Beomgyu said that with such malice. "What no but even if we were why would you be so upset..." when he realised. It all made sense! Beomgyu always teased people for some sort of reaction but mainly attention and so he teased you because he wanted you to interact with him. Beomgyu liked you! Yeonjun realised his theory was right because after his last question the room went silent awkwardly. The members all looked to Beomgyu who had gone very pale and didn't know what to say. "You like Y/n" Yeonjun said and Beomgyu glared "you'd love that wouldn't but no I couldn't care less about her" and he stormed from the room. The members all turned to Yeonjun and he frowned unsure what on earth he'd just discovered. After that Beomgyu wouldn't speak to Yeonjun and his behaviour to both of you changed completely. With Yeonjun he acted like that conversation never happened and there was a cold wall between them. With you, Beomgyu simply left you alone. He didn't comment or initiate any conversation with you and you quickly realised because of how frequently he used to do it. You asked Yeonjun if something had happened but he said nothing was wrong. Yeonjun couldn't explain you without telling you how Beomgyu felt so he decided to just not say anything. He was going to try and repair things with Beomgyu but things were too tense right now and they needed time to settle. So he played dumb telling you he didn't know and you believed him. However it wasn't just Beomgyu's behaviour towards you that had changed, his whole personality had. He was quieter as a whole and instead of being at the centre of the party he could now be found on the outskirts avoiding the whole thing, if he was even there. He'd been less social lately and this had been the first party you'd seen him at in months. It was odd but you thought Beomgyu disappearing would've brought you solace but it didn't. You cared quite a lot about your fellow idols and knew something was wrong with Beomgyu. Plus you believed he wasn't a bad person really and didn't like seeing him sad even after your conflicting past with him. You were sure it was just a rough patch that every idol went through and that Beomgyu would bounce back. You kept eagerly watching to see him smiling and bounding around like he usually did but nothing. You watched him at your current party. A girl came up and asked him to dance but he shook his head and went to sit in the corner with his drink. You knew he'd only come tonight because Taehyun had asked him to and it was clear he was uncomfortable here. "Is he okay?" you asked Soobin who nodded "Beomgyu?" he asked after a pause “yeah he's fine, why?". "He just seems quieter than usual" you replied and Huening Kai nodded "yeah that's probably because Yeonjun killed his confidence". Soobin shot Huening a look but he didn't see it. "What?" you asked and Huening frowned "didn't Yeonjun mention they had a huge argument about you?". "Kai!" Soobin called and he froze "he didn't...". "Nope" you said "what was it about?". Soobin sighed "sorry Y/n but you need to ask Yeonjun" and so you nodded and went to find your friend. Yeonjun could tell from your face something was wrong and the second you asked about the argument he frowned and explained. "I had no idea that was why Beomgyu was acting that way and I've tried reconnecting with him but he doesn't want to know. He's hurt and thinks I was telling him you weren't interested in him but I thought he was bullying you!". It was a lot to process but one main thing stood out "Beomgyu likes me?". Yeonjun nodded "yeah and I totally should've seen it earlier, he only teases people who he wants attention from. I thought he only did that with members but apparently it extends to crushes too". You shook your head still in disbelief but the more you thought about it the more it made sense. Beomgyu had a cheeky personality and he would be the type to poke at someone he liked. Then when it sunk in Beomgyu did like you, you felt...good. Beomgyu was such a unique and lively person you were surprised he liked you of all people and wondered why. What about you had attracted such a confident fun person's feelings? You felt quite flattered and also a little excited? Now you knew where Beomgyu's behaviour towards you came from it changed your perspective and allowed you to admit why it had hurt so much thinking Beomgyu hated you...because you liked him. Before you met them, Beomgyu had been your favourite in TxT and not just for his personality. Yes he was funny and confident but you also thought he was incredibly beautiful and loved his looks. You'd been really nervous to meet him in particular when you joined the company and that’s why his apparent dislike of you stung even more. It hurts when someone you don't like dislikes you but hurts way more when it’s someone you do like. However now you knew the truth it got your brain spinning and Yeonjun noticed. "Y/n? I know that expression, what's going on?". You paused "I...I like that Beomgyu likes me" and blushed. Yeonjun froze "wait Y/n do you like him too? I thought you hated him". "I hated him because I thought he hated me but now I know he doesn't...I never disliked him when I joined the company. I actually thought he was really cute". Yeonjun's jaw dropped and he grinned "omg this is like some K-drama shit and I'm going to have so much fun with it". You shook your head "no way you've caused enough drama, this is between me and Beomgyu" and Yeonjun smirked "go get him y/n" making you blush. Beomgyu was still sat on his own across the room when you re-joined the party and after taking a breath you walked over to him. "Hi, can I sit?" you called when Beomgyu didn't see you approach. When he did look up he jumped "y/n?". You nodded "I've got some things I'd like to talk to you about" and Beomgyu nodded "okay" and moved over so you could sit at the table with him. He put his phone away but wouldn't meet your eye and you hated how upset and shaken he was. It's horrible to see a confident happy person lose their spark so you decided to get right to it. "I like you" you said and that made Beomgyu look at you. His eyes shot up to you and he blinked "what?". "I like you" you repeated "before I joined the company I of course knew TxT and you were my favourite". Beomgyu's eyes widened "you’re being serious?". You nodded "yes but there's been some misunderstandings, I realise by how I've acted towards you that might not have come across". Beomgyu shook his head "yeah not really" and you nodded" that's because I thought you hated me". "What!" Beomgyu cried "y/n that's crazy I..." then he blushed "I like you too" and you smiled. "That’s the misunderstanding. I never realised you were teasing me so much to flirt with me, I thought you were doing it to make fun of me and that's why I never responded". Beomgyu shook his head "yeah Yeonjun made me aware my jokes weren't as light as I planned and y/n I'm so sorry. I'd never tease someone to hurt them but I know I didn't make that clear enough. I feel horrible for any pain or upset I’ve caused". You shook your head "it's okay...I just felt uncomfortable to have all your attention solely on me. I'm quite introverted even if I don't appear that way and so I overthink everything someone says to me and how I appear to other people. I can be oversensitive sometimes". Beomgyu shook his head "no this wasn’t you being oversensitive. Since Yeonjun said it I’ve been thinking over my action and I think anyone would interpret them how you did. I totally didn’t think how they'd appear and I’m truly really sorry y/n". You smiled "it's okay, I was pretty happy when I found out the real reason why you were acting like that" and Beomgyu blushed "yeah I've liked you since your group first debuted". "Really?" you asked "why!" and Beomgyu smiled "well the first thing we saw of your group was those profiles you filled out. I remember thinking you looked really pretty and intimidating but then I read your profile and realised you were actually really nice and pretty cool. You mentioned how you're nerdy and like cartoons which I liked, I also like your taste in music. You admitted you know nothing about cool stuff like fashion or cars and I loved how proudly you said that. Then when they asked what you do on a day off all your members said really extroverted things and you said stay home without any hesitation. Since that interview I was hooked and I don't get crushes easily but when I do they don't go away". You blushed and Beomgyu smiled which was such a beautiful sight it made you smile. "I like you y/n and if I haven't ruined everything would you maybe like to leave here and go and get a coffee with me?" Beomgyu asked. You blushed once again and nodded "I'd love to".
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unique-high · 7 months
How would it be to be Saerom's girlfriend.
requested @iamflawless303
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these are things I think being saerom's girlfriend would include.
How would it be to be Saerom's girlfriend would included...
🦊 listening to jazz music with her on lazy rainy Saturday afternoons while cuddled up in bed together.
🦊 she spoils you a lot then complains about you being a spoiled brat.
🦊 she'll cook for you. because seeing you eat makes her happy. she's the type of girlfriend that'll get upset if you told her the only thing you had today was an Ice coffee.
🦊 your her baby. saerom loves loving on you. she enjoys touching you a lot. whenever given the chance she would touch you.
🦊 lots of kissing. she loves kissing you. when she comes back after a long tour she kisses you in the places she misses you most telling you how much she misses you.
🦊 saerom loves dancing for you. even sexy dancing she likes when you get flustered when she teases you with a little strip tease.
🦊 saerom always sings hoody songs to you. she just really likes singing to you in general. she will even sing you to sleep.
🦊 lot's of late night drives together and finding hidden little hole in the wall restaurants and bars.
🦊 though saerom may not get overly jealous. she DOES get jealous. She's the quiet type of jealous that lets you feel how jealous she was once you are in the bedroom.
🦊 she loves to adore you. when she gets the chance to talk about you, it's like bright sunshine on a winter's day.
🦊 saerom has playlist of songs that remind her of you.
🦊 she loves doing your hair and makeup.
🦊 if you're anxious about something she'll calm you down the way you like.
🦊 honey, babe, and baby girl is what she likes to call you.
🦊 she paints her nails your favorite color.
🦊 matching couple rings. That would later turn into wedding rings.
🦊she loves leaving hickies on your neck and breast.
🦊 she watches your favorite movie/tv shows with you.
a/n: gosh I hope you liked it. I had to do some research on saerom to get a feel of her. 🥺
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kkulgings · 1 year
❈° ≫ fromis_9 masterlist
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❀ fluff | ✿ angst | ❁ suggestive | ❃ crack
─▸ ❝ ot9
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee saerom 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ song hayoung 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ jang gyuri 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ park jiwon
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ roh jisun
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee seoyeon
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee chaeyoung 
none yet. 
─▸ ❝ lee nagyung 
11:59 p.m. ❀
─▸ ❝ baek jiheon 
‎‏‏sweet ❀
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vex91 · 3 days
Fromis_9 Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff, (s) - smut
Lee Saerom:
Nothing yet...
Song Hayoung:
Nothing yet...
Jang Gyuri:
Nothing yet...
Park Jiwon:
Nothing yet...
Roh Jisun:
Nothing yet...
Lee Seoyeon:
Nothing yet...
Lee Chaeyoung:
Nothing yet...
Lee Nagyung:
Nothing yet...
Baek Jiheon:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
0 notes
lcvclywon · 1 month
back to masterlist
synopsis: when you have a massive crush on ur TA lee heeseung
warnings: cursing, mentions of drinking, alcohol, heeseung lwk being a player, uhhh, saerom has yns face claim lols, PLZZZZ IGNORE TJMRSTAMPS
pairings: TA!heeseung x female reader
thoughts frm yuya 💭 GUESS WHOS ON A ROLLLLL WITH THE POSTS!!! this actually came to me so randomly help…i’ve also never been to uni so i’m a big liar i have no idea what the rs between TA and student is but who cares i’m in love with heeseunf 🤷😂❤️
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permanent taglist (send an ask to be added!) @floweryang @cupidhoons @msauthor @dimplewonie @cholexc @i2ycat @bunnbam
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strawberryya · 2 years
.°❀ fromis9’s rosebush ❀°.
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I will say it again: if you are a minor do not read what you are not supposed to read here. anything labeled as smut or 18+ means mdni no matter what.
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🌱 saerom
◆ can I do anything for you? ➺ 0.8k ➺ fluff, established relationship ➺ synopsis: reader has a cold and saerom is there to care for them.
◆ all night parking ➺ 5k ➺ smut, college au, threesome: svt seungcheol x reader x fromis saerom ➺ synopsis: You and your girlfriend invite one of your college coursemates along for the night, and my god, he was a good choice.
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🌱 hayoung
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🌱 jiwon
◆ co-parenting ➺ 3.8k ➺ fluff, strangerst to lovers ➺ synopsis: You adopt a fish, but you do so with a stranger that you just met and will now co-parent said fish with. It goes pretty well, especially since your co-parent is gorgeous and hilarious...
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🌱 jisun
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🌱 seoyeon
◆ five more minutes ➺ 1k ➺ fluff, established relationship ➺ synopsis: it’s a rainy Wednesday, and you must go to work. your girlfriend seoyeon disagrees. work will not be happening on this day.
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🌱 chaeyoung
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🌱 nagyung
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🌱 jiheon
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can't find what you're searching for in the garden? plant a seed in my letterbox! both requests and little thoughts are more than welcome ofc.
[navigation post!]
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021894s · 2 months
Twisted Ties - psh smau
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PAIRING: brothers bsf!sunghoon x f!reader
GENRE: childhood friends to loves, forbidden love, fake dating
SUMMARY: In the midst of her chaotic college life, Y/N is blindsided by an invitation to her ex's wedding. With no date in sight and the event looming, her brother throws a lifeline by suggesting she bring his best friend. the mix of nostalgia and free-flowing champagne leads to an unexpected night of passion. Now, Y/N must navigate through a storm of emotions and the potential drama within her tight-knit circle, all while juggling her academic responsibilities. Will this one night stand alter their friendship forever, or could it be the beginning of something new?
WARNINGS: smut, angst, fluff, language
FEATURING: enhypen hyung + makenae line, fromis9 saerom, nct jeno, occasionally other idols
STARTED: april 26 2024
STATUS: ongoing
join taglist (CLOSED)
- profiles: scholars ksana
- 01 life of the party
- 02 the invite [1.5k w]
- 03 just don’t fuck him
- 04 rules and regulations
- 05 night out
- 06 shopping spree
- 07 stress reliever
- 08 exam day
- 09 japan
- 10 the wedding [4.9k w]
- 11 I fucked up. [1.6k w]
- 12 liquid courage
- 13 jealousy
- 14 unbothered, always
- 15 unexpected guest
- 16 petty [1.3k w]
- 17 longing [3.5k w]
- 18 I wish it was easier…
- 19 pretty
- 20 complicated [0.7k w]
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a/n: AHHH i’m so excited to introduce my first full length smau!! i really hope you guys enjoy it, it’s been stuck in the back of my head for a while now. more updates to come!!
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @luminouskalopsia @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog
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jaeyunverse · 2 months
the fake dating pact
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pairing(s): park sunghoon x fem!reader
genre(s): fluff, suggestive, fake dating, enemies to lovers, rich kid au, cruise au
wc: 1.6k
warning(s): profanity, making out, implications to sex (no smut)
inspired by: dil dhadakne do
summary: in which ridiculous circumstances lead to a fake dating contract pact being struck between park sunghoon and you.
note: i’m ngl i thought i’d reposted this fic but i’m not able to find it so here we go LOL the sunghoon brainrot’s been hitting real hard lately
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There was a slight chance Sunghoon and you had crossed the boundaries you’d set when you first drew up your fake dating contract.
Okay, agreement would be a more accurate word choice since the document wasn’t legally binding, but the two of you took its contents very seriously. Together, you’d come up with a few mutually acceptable ground rules:
no kissing unless absolutely necessary
non-sexual acts of intimacy are acceptable in order to maintain the facade
keep arguments to a minimum no matter how insufferable the other person is being
no bed-sharing under any circumstances
no falling for park sunghoon even though he is the epitome of sexiness
The last condition was total bullshit, but you didn’t have it in you to make him get rid of it. Your mom had already done an excellent job at pissing you off; the last thing you wanted to do was get into it with Sunghoon.
One may wonder what caused the two of you to make this pact. Simply put, both your families desperately wanted to set you up with people you had no interest in dating.
(Not that you wanted to seek a romantic relationship with Sunghoon either, but we’ll get into that later.)
Lee Saerom had organised a cruise across the Mediterranean Sea on the occasion of her parents’ 30th wedding anniversary. Normally, your family wouldn’t have come within 10 feet of the Park family, but you were both good friends of the Lees and neither of you wanted to give the other the satisfaction of avoiding the trip.
Now that all the powerful and influential families of Seoul were gathered in the same place for a celebration spanning over a few weeks, your parents thought it would be a good idea to find you an ideal suitor who would help their company expand.
Word spread that you were seeing Lee Heeseung, the younger son of the Lees and heir apparent to their empire. The rumour was entirely false, but you had to admit it was a genius move on your parents’ part. Not only did it become harder for Heeseung and you to deny the allegations, but it made the Lees consider a future with your family’s business.
As if you weren’t in a shitload of mess already, the entire thing had somehow turned into a competition with the Parks beginning their own efforts to set Sunghoon up with Ning Yizhou.
The minor problem was that Heeseung and Yizhou were in love with each other, and neither of them had the courage to tell everyone the truth. They were both too afraid of disappointing their parents and bringing disgrace to their families.
You supposed it was a good thing Sunghoon and you had no such qualms. So, before things could escalate any further, the four of you got together and decided to put an end to this idiocy.
On the third night of the cruise, Sunghoon and you announced your relationship. Holding his hand and giving him lovey-dovey eyes felt ridiculous, but you would rather stomach fake dating him than see a wedge form between Heeseung and Yizhou.
Needless to say, everyone was shocked.
Yizhou even pretended to faint while Heeseung started sobbing hysterically. You couldn’t believe he actually pulled out a tear stick and applied it to the underside of his eyes when no one was looking. You wondered if he’d purchased it for this specific reason when you’d explored Turkey earlier that day.
Overall, it was a pretty convincing act.
The Lees and Nings were furious, but you weren’t particularly worried. In fact, you didn’t even care. Your parents had it coming their way the moment they dragged you into their scheming and plotting.
It took a few days for everyone to calm down and for the festivities to resume, but things pretty much went back to normal. Sunghoon and you both got tongue-lashings from your families, but they didn’t make you two break up.
Your reputations were already in the gutter; forcing you to end your relationship after all that had conspired would have been the cherry on top of your disaster of a cake.
The pre-decided course of action was to fake date Sunghoon till the cruise ended. Once you returned to your daily lives and enough time had passed, you would cook up a reason to break up.
It didn’t take long for your original plan to go to shit. As it turned out, spending a week pretending to love the bane of your existence had proved to be quite the opportunity to really get to know him.
Ever since you were a kid, you’d heard your parents say a lot of terrible things about the Parks. You’d been instructed to stay far away from Sunghoon. An impressionable and susceptible child such as yourself had obeyed every order they gave you.
You’d literally been hard-wired to despise and assume the worst of Sunghoon.
The wall of hatred you’d built between the two of you began coming down brick by brick once you learnt the kind of man he was. He was honourable and good and down-to-earth.
Of course, he was a dickhead to you for the same reason you were a bitch to him, but the asshole side of him was more endearing than annoying now.
His snarky replies no longer seemed to bite, and there was always an underlying film of adoration accompanying them.
Perhaps, he’d grown to care for you just as you had for him.
You certainly hoped that was the case, since regularly making out with someone who couldn’t be bothered with you wasn’t exactly your dream.
To this day, you had no idea how you’d ended up grabbing the collar of his shirt and crashing your mouth against his.
Maybe it was because he kept reminding you that you’d lost a bet to him and you wanted to shut him up, or maybe it was because he hadn’t bothered to button up his shirt and his abs were on full display, the ocean wind ruffling his messy hair.
Nonetheless, something seemed to snap in him when you made the move. He responded to your kiss immediately and pinned you against a wall. Thankfully, it was almost midnight and there was no one to witness your less than decent makeout session on the deck.
The next ten minutes consisted of his hands travelling under your loose shirt, fingers grazing the cold skin of your abdomen. Soon, your shirt was discarded, and your legs were wrapped around his waist.
Sunghoon hadn’t bothered stopping even when you ran out of breath. Instead, he’d taken the opportunity to leave bruises on your jaw and neck. The warm feeling of his tongue soothing the spots where he’d nipped at your skin with his teeth had caused you to experience a burning need for desire that went further than the second base.
The amount of reaction he’d gotten out of you was embarrassing. Never had you been unraveled by anyone so effortlessly. He had to muffle the whimpers that slipped past your lips as a result of his ministrations.
If it weren’t for the fact that you were making out in the open and were at the risk of being walked in on, things would have escalated. By the time you parted, Sunghoon’s lips were swollen, his face was flushed and he was breathing hard.
His eyes were hooded and dark, and he was gazing at you with an intensity that made you shiver.
Taking that as your cue to leave, you pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek, fetched your shirt from the ground and hurried away.
You didn’t even know why you thought things would go back to normal the next day.
One look at him, and your legs turned to jelly. You happily obliged when he wrapped his fingers around your wrist and whisked you away from everyone else.
Soon enough, you’d breached almost all the conditions in your fake dating pact.
You spent most of your nights together—be it hooking up, lying in the comfort of each other’s arms or just talking till slumber claimed you. Never in your life had you imagined being at ease around Sunghoon.
Everything else faded away when you were with him. He made you feel yourself. He made you feel whole.
“Hey,” you murmured while you were both swimming in the pool one night, the stars shining brightly in the sky. His eyes were closed and his neck was tilted up, the back of his head resting on the decking behind. “Can I ask you something?”
Sunghoon hummed and opened his eyes, turning his attention to you. “Yeah.”
“I know we have a plan,” you continued, doing your best to ignore the droplets clinging to his skin, “and I know that we’re supposed to stop pretending after this cruise ends tomorrow, but have you ever thought about making this—” you pointed at him, and then at yourself— “real.”
He laughed softly and shook his head in amusement. Your brows furrowed in confusion. “I’m not joking—”
“Every single day,” he interrupted you. Wading his way through the water to close the distance between your bodies, he repeated, “I have thought about making you mine every goddamn day.”
He cupped your cheeks and rested his forehead against yours. “I think I’ve fallen in love with you, Y/N,” he whispered.
Taking a shuddering breath, you closed your eyes and felt him press his lips to yours.
The kiss was slow and passionate, as if the two of you had all the time in the world. It expressed what couldn’t be said using words, and you realised just how much you’d grown to admire and care for this man.
It physically pained you to consider the possibility of a life without him.
“Sunghoon,” you mumbled against his mouth. “I would say I love you too but I don’t wanna breach the contract.”
He chuckled and ran his tongue along your bottom lip, even going as far as to suck on it. “I thought you broke the last rule days ago.”
You couldn’t stop the smile that stretched across your face. You opened your lids and shifted to get a better look at his expression.
Sunghoon’s eyes were shining with happiness, and you thought you could gaze into them forever. You thought you could witness the grin on his face and hear his honeyed laugh without ever getting tired. You thought you could stand ground against anything life threw at you if you had him by your side.
You knew you could love him and be loved by him for as long as your soul wandered through the worlds.
“I love you too.”
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midastouch-zaza · 2 months
Who would you play strip poker with?
Oh, this is an interesting question. This would be my choices to play with:
Chaehyun of Kep1er
She would not only a fun opponent, but also very good at accepting defeat, I mean, she would love to strip in order to show your her huge boobs and her fat ass. I can definitely see her getting on her knees once she's completely naked and give you an incredible titjob while you keep playing your game.
Easy choice? Maybe. Do I care? Not at all. Another gorgeous lady with a beautiful couple of tits. She would complain playfully before showing the entire table her slutty body and behaviour. She would piss all the partecipants because once she has lost, she would let you fuck on the table, interrupting the table.
Saerom of Fromis
You would play like a freaking professionist to get her naked, everything to see her abs, thighs and booty. She would be so embarassed but after she succeded to make you reveal your cock, all the embarassment would vanish away, offering you her ass and you better fill it with your cum.
Heejin of Loona/ARTMS
Definitely the last one to lose and get naked, because she would play mind games with you, bluff and tease you: a real pain in the ass. But when in the end you finally beat her, she would be so salty about it, so the better thing you can do is face fucking away that attitude of her.
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