#sad beast i cry about and then make fun of in the same sentence
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crimson-nail · 1 year ago
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razlo dragon and thee man himself…
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hunterofthemist · 3 years ago
Spirit of the damned
I lie there in pain after the barrage of explosives from cannons of otherworldly power and the smell of a toxic substance lingering in the air.
“That finished them off, pitiful creatures these humans.”
I move my head slightly to the left and see my friends lying there, dead. I move to stand, as long as I live I must fight. I get to my knees and I hear the words from the beasts that slaughtered us
“oh, you're alive? That is impressive, not much can survive our ion cannons. It does seem you’re close to death, It makes sense you disgusting creatures can’t take much damage.”
My head falls and I laugh. The monsters that call themselves the Dex assume I’m crying and make fun of me, “ It seems we’ve broken it, that’s sad I’d hoped we could’ve toyed with it more.”
The one next to it began speaking as well, “ such a pathetic creature, It's the only survivor.”
I grin and spit on the nearest one and curse, “fuck you, you piece of shit.”
What I assume the leader of the group snarls and punches me in the face but I do not fall. “ your friends are dead, obliterated and your people are enslaved”
I look up and stare at it in what I assume are its eyes and say “as long as one is left we won’t back down, It’s not in our nature.”
It laughs at me and retorts cockily “You really are a pathetic species, a level one on the aggressiveness scale and a two and a two on the strength scale, you can’t do shit kid”
I grit my teeth, it seems my injuries are worse than I thought. “ We’ll stop you, we’ll stop you all.”
They laugh and ask “we? Kid your the last one left. You’ve lost, face it.”
I chuckle to myself and start speaking “ August 6th, 1915. Eight thousand soldiers try to enter a fortress after bombing it with artillery and gas assuming the enemies inside were dead.” I stare a piercing gaze into their eyes and continue “little did they know one hundred of the nine hundred soldiers lived and created a counter-attack and drove them off.”
they look around and one of them starts talking “ what are you babbling about?”
As they finish that sentence the bodies shake and start to stand and as they all stand I do the same and I yell "Charge!"
With only knives or bare hands, the broken and bloody soldiers charged and attacked the enemy, Obliterating them.
After the battle, I look over it and see bodies on both sides and destroyed land. I hear coughing to the right of me, I look over and it's their general.
"How? You were all dead, we were sure of it."
I stand in front of him and crouch, "You didn't even study our history, did you? If you did you'd know we don't care about thoughts like death or torture when we have something worth fighting for." I say with pride.
"But it just doesn't make sense, when we observed you people you were at each other's throats, ready to kill each other. Why would you all work together now?" He says with obvious pain in his voice.
I laugh and speak. " White, black, man, woman, capitalist, and communist. We all hate each other if we see someone different or we see someone we don't understand we assume they're a threat and that drives us apart. Your mistake? You assumed it would stay that way, But instead, we looked at each other, the people we hated and loved, and realized one thing. You're worse."
I unholster my pistol and aim it between his eyes and shoot.
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conaionaru · 4 years ago
Woman’s game (Ivar the Boneless + Hvitserk)
Who is in control?
Synopsis: Skuld’s family leaves for the Mediterenean so she spends some more time with Ivar before he leaves as well.
Warnings: toxic relationship, casual sex, little bit of smut, talk of personality disorder, hints of sub and mommy kink, attempted good girl kink
I don’t own the gifs.
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Today would be the day Bjorn set out on his journey, bringing everyone willing with him. Ylva sharpened her weapons peacefully, praying to the gods to keep her sons and daughter safe. The girl, of course, spends the day with Ivar once again. Loving the way the boy hangs onto her every word and challenges her right back.
So it was obvious that she slept with Ivar again. Out of all the men in Kattegat right now, her youngest had to choose Ragnar's son. Once upon a time, even Ylva found Ragnar worthy of her bed. But she was married and had too many children. All Ragnar ever wanted were sons to carry on his legacy; what a joke it would be if Skuld would be the one to carry on Ivar's?
What felt like a thousand years ago, she lest her beloved husband to Ragnar's whims. And so all her attraction to the handsome king faded as well. Now, whenever she drank, she dreamt of all the ways of paying him back.
But the great Ragnar Lothbrok was very capable of destroying himself on his own. Taking a second wife, not raising his son, nearly killing his youngest, and abandoning them all. Now he was just a shell, while she has everything: children, loyal followers and allies, riches, and a throne.
All her children made her proud, and the older they got, the prouder she became.
Egil was their first child and looked like his father with his fair hair. Very responsible, but he had her anger and temper. How proud she was when he presented Liv to her. His lovely wife gave him a daughter soon enough. And the glory of battle overshadowed the need for an heir. Liv was, of course, too content to tell him she wanted more children. So Egil sailed to possibly imaginary lands and left Liv and Kara to watch after the earldom.
Gunne was a troublemaker since birth, so keen to annoy people. He had no problem with women or battle. So when he settled down with Hjordis, Ylva believed her a witch. But he grew calmer and boasted about his pretty wife that could dance the whole night away and never tire. Out of all her good daughters, Ylva liked the cheeky Hjordis the most.
Another favorite was Þórfríðr, Stigandr's wife. The third born was everything Ylva hated. Silent, shy, and unsure. Þórfríðr charmed him because she knew what she wanted and told him to do the same. The only place he was sure and precise was the battlefield. People may underestimate him, but in battle, he would always win.
Despite being the fourth son, Brandr worried about his siblings the most. He had a pure heart and will of steel. No luck with finding a wife and giving Ylva more grandchildren, but that's not everything in life. What matters is that he survives and lives on.
Haldor may not give her any grandchildren, but that doesn't matter. His curly hair and adorable smile warmed her heart the first time she saw him. He didn't scream like the others, only whined and snuggled closer. That attitude never really left him.
Skuld was the youngest. A little bit spoiled, but she was where Ylva bet her money on. She was wicked, intelligent, and brave, so much like her mother. Sometimes, Ylva worried for Skuld's mind. The girl didn't cry either when she was born. There had only been silence. But the babe wasn't dead; it just looked around with tired eyes, silently judging everyone. The more Skuld grew, the stranger she seemed.
She didn't follow cry when she fell; friends always surrounded her that she didn't care about and had no problem with violence. At first, Ylva thought it was her brothers' fault, but when she found her eight-year-old cutting herself, she knew it wasn't the truth. Apparently, she wanted to see how blood looked like up close, and Brandr ran away before she could find out.
Over time, her behavior lessened, and all that was left behind was charm and cunning. But sometimes, Ylva saw the same dangerous glint in her eyes as that day. And yet, she thought of Skuld as her best child. Her youngest had the best chance of moving up in the world and becoming successful.
That's why she allowed this charade with the Ragnarsson. As long as Skuld was enjoying herself, the danger of her violent side was low. And a Prince was better than the usual company she kept.
"Aren't you a confident virgin?"
"I am not a virgin anymore; you know that," Ivar growled into her ear, flipping under him and changing the slow teasing pace that she set. "Are you not enjoying yourself?"
"I had worse." Skuld teased, wrapping her legs around his waist so he can go deeper, and scratched her nails down his nacked back. "But I also had better. So speed up, Ivar."
The Ragnarsson growled like a feral beast and bit into her collar bone to ground himself. With rougher trusts, he made the headboard bang against the wall so even his brothers will hear. He wanted them to remember the sounds and prove he was a man, and Margrethe just wasn't worthy of his cock.
Not like Skuld, who took his dick like she was born to do it. When she wasn't naked around him, she joked with him and smirked like a sly fox. To think that he didn't want her anywhere near him not even two days ago. And now, after round four, he felt like he found himself the perfect match.
"How about now?" He whispered into her ear; she didn't answer, probably didn't even hear him with how loud she was moaning. With one last high pitched moan, she shuddered under him and came. He followed five trusts later and collapsed next to her.
"A shame you will leave soon. Your mother will probably give me the cold shoulder the moment you sail off."
Skuld chuckled and rolled over to drape over his sweaty torso. "Her darling boy is leaving on a dangerous journey. And he chooses to spend his last moments home, fucking the guest." 
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"Mother had me my whole life. It's only fair you had me for a little bit. I am doing what she asked of me before you came here." Ivar chuckled and pulled her closer, careful not to touch her back. She had limits just like him, he never showed his legs, and she never turned her back to him or let him touch it. Whatever the reason, he didn't really care as long as he got laid. "I am being a good host and paying you attention."
"How nice of you." She teased back, sitting up and leaving his bed again. This time not only to drink something like before. She picked up her discarded orange dress and put it on.
"You leaving already?"
"I have places to be. They are sailing away today, remember? I can't warm your bed for the whole day. I need breaks too."
"Not necessarily. You can still walk. That means you can come a few more times."
Skuld smirked at him and brushed his hair away from his face. "I created an insatiable monster."
"You could sate the beast like a good girl." Ivar tried the words, waiting for any indication that she liked the new kink. But Skuld chuckled and trailed her hands down his chest to paw at his cock.
"Or you could take what is offered and stop complaining like a spoiled brat. Be a good boy and get dressed." She drew her hand away from his lap and left him alone, looking dazed from her words. With a chuckled, he threw the furs off and left his bed.
Skuld walked to the shore where everyone was already present. Haldor was chatting with another man who enjoyed the attention. Her brother had some fun before he was supposed to leave as well. Good for him.
"I was worried you wouldn't see me off, Sweetheart." She turned on her heel to see the Ragnarssons standing there, waiting for their mother to stop talking to Harald and say her goodbyes.
"Maybe I came to take you to Valhalla before you could slay any enemies. Who are you to know?" Hvitserk grinned at her bold joke and moved closer to her.
He leaned to her ear and whispered softly. His breath lightly teasing her skin. "A shame I didn't have as much fun as you did. You are rather loud, you know?"
"I am aware, thank you. Thank the gods your brother will leave soon. Otherwise, I will die of exhaustion."
"I could talk to him if you want," Ubbe suggested only for her to shake her head.
"Let him. I am sure you were all the same. I still see the insatiable spark in your eyes as well." With the last sentence, she turned her eyes to Hvitserk, who was not hiding the fact that he ogled her chest. The second oldest smirked at her, no hints of shame, watching her as her oldest brother whisked her away.
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"Another Ragnarsson, really? Isn't one enough?"
"If I were you, I would worry more about my survival than my sister's bed friends."
Egil rolled his eyes at her attitude and led her to the rest of their family, waiting for her. "Why, you think I won't make it? Do you truly have so little faith in me? Who do you think I am?"
"I think you are an idiot and annoying. Now leave me be, Egil." She seethed back at him and strode over to the rest of their family.
Ylva smiled a sad smile at her and drew her youngest to her. With uncharacteristically soft hands, she took her face in her palms and stroked her cheeks. "Stay close to Aslaug. She won't let anything happen to you."
"How can you be so certain? She has no place in her heart for anything other than her sons and wine." Skuld rolled her eyes at her mother's advice. She still saw the plan to leave her behind as a stupid decision.
It would have been better for Skuld to stay in Yugar and rule in her mother's place, instead of the three good-daughters that had the duty now. Placing her in Aslaug's household was a strategic move, a sign of trust and peace. If the Queen were to break it, she would face the rage of the Lioness and her five ferocious cubs.
"Maybe not, but she is clever and knows how to avoid war. Our relationships have strained enough thanks to her husband. The very one she despises as well. So going against him and entrusting you into her hands..."
"Is the perfect way to give her a sense of power with her hands still tied." Ylva nodded and kissed Skuld's hair as one last goodbye before departing for her journey. She hugged all her brothers as well. No matter how annoying they would get, they were family. And family always supports each other, especially if possible death looms over them. And with their tendency to get hurt in battle, this may be the last time they see each other.
"Keep your wits sharp, Skuld. May Freya protect you." Gunne whispered into her ear and passed her something wrapped in a cloth. He winked at her as he departed and sailed away.
Skuld's face was devoid of all emotion as her family grew smaller and smaller. In Kattegat, she was a stranger and probably rumored a whore. How much easier it would be for her to leave in the black of the night and return home—seeing Kara running around covered in mud while Liv scolded her halfheartedly. Hjordis stitching on the loom while Þórfríðr mocked her shaking fingers alongside Skuld.
But Ylva made a choice and gave her an order, if Skuld were to disobey, she would be punished. The last time she did it, her mother placed guards outside her door that chased away any lovers. Not even the thralls were allowed to be by her side. And that was only for being late to a meeting with another Earl.
When the small dots on the sea were gone, Skuld retreated to her family's hut. She sat down near the gone out fire and unwrapped the gift from her brother. Inside the cloth was a simple dagger with a wooden handle. It was light and easy to manipulate.
"Keep your wits sharp, huh?" She held the blade up for closer inspection and smirked in delight. It was a truly perfect gift. Skuld settled the dagger in her lap and teased her fingertips over the edge.
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Skuld tucked the weapon away in her corset and left the silent hut. First, she must gather allies. And the best way to do that is to mingle with the common folk. Finding sympathies in Aslaug's court would be impossible; right now, the only trump card she holds over the Queen is that she saw her son naked.
The people in the market watched her walk by; she sent them smiles, playing the brave, lonely Lady. Slave traders, slaves, merchants, farmers - all useless to her right now. A merchant's ship would be a good escape in case of need. But they move on too fast, and she can't strike a deal with every boat that comes here. What she needs are whisperers. Little unseen things that will tell her all they know. And won't tell a soul they tattled to her.
"Margrethe! I would say it's fate that we meet, but that would be a lie. After all, I live where you work." The blonde slave smiled at her and shifted her hands in unease. "Would you like to walk with me?"
Of course, the girl had no other choice but to do as told. And so, Skuld led her away from the crowd by the arm. Smiling the whole time innocently. "Say, Margrethe... Does Ivar still bother you?"
Margrethe shook her head but still looked uneasy. She looked up at the taller female and leaned closer as if to tell a secret. "Did he...Did he hurt you?"
Skuld chuckled and pulled the scared girl closer to whisper into her ear. "In a way. But nothing I didn't like. Did he hurt you?"
Skuld frowned at the revelation. "Since the feast?"
"No... I only see him during meals. He doesn't even look at me." Margrethe confessed and looked at Skuld in confusion. It was weird of a foreigner to question thralls like this. The only one who ever asked her if she was okay was Sigurd, and he fucked her right after.
"That is good. I saw how uncomfortable you were that night. And I felt sorry. I also wanted to apologize for my flirting. I was drunk and wanted to lighten the mood. But I think I just made you more uncomfortable."
"It is alright."
Skuld shook her head and let Margrethe into an empty alley away from prying eyes. "Ivar is a cruel person, as we both know. And it would be better for everyone if they didn't know what we know. Or he might become even worse."
"I don't know what you are talking about." Margrethe denied, fully well knowing what the Earl's daughter was talking about. There was only one thing connecting them, and that was that they both slept with Ivar. Or attempted to in the thralls case.
"He told me, Margrethe. There is no need to deny it. And we don't have to talk about it. I know that night must have been scary. I just want you to know not to tell anyone."
"I told." The blonde whispered, scared, her eyes terrified. Skuld wondered what the cripple Prince did to her after he failed to get hard. A simple failed fuck would scare her so much. "I told Sigurd."
Skuld bit her lip at the dumb girl's actions. Scared or not, seeking refuge by the brother that spat venom at Ivar was stupid. One argument, and he might use it against Ivar, leaving Margrethe as the only possible source, especially when Skuld told the brothers that she and Ivar had no such problems.
"Don't worry. If Sigurd thinks you a liar, he won't spread the news. All I must do is prove them wrong. I did most of the job already. Just a few more things, and he will think Ivar more than capable."
"And how will you do that?" The wide eyes blonde stepped closer to Skuld. Trying to hear what plan the young female hatched.
Skuld leaned into her ear and whispered slowly, watching for any possible interruptions or witnesses. "Go to a healer and ask for Moon tea. Mention my name as often as possible. Ask for some herbs against pains as well. Say he left marks, and I ordered you to go there. Say anything that might sell the story, bruises, bite marks, even blood."
"Tell some slaves as well - the ones that spread the most rumors. I will walk with a slight limp and wince when I sit down. Moan and scream louder than before so everyone will hear. If they ask you what happened that night, you tell them naught. Deny any accusation and seem shifty. As if you lied about the whole thing."
Skuld pulled away after she was done whispering and watched the thrall try to remember the plan. "That will work. Thank you."
"No need to thank me. We, strong women, should work together. That's the only way we might survive men like Ivar. Always one step ahead. If there is anything you know that could help us..."
"The Queen..." Margrethe trailed off, not sure if she should tell or not.
She swallowed and looked around as if the woman would jump out at any moment. "She isn't fond of you. This morning she ordered Ivar to stop seeing you, but he protested and said he wouldn't. She thinks you a spy or that you have ulterior motives. Hvitserk just thinks you horny."
"That's more or less it. I am also bored and want Aslaug to regret her choice of taking me in. I could be at home annoying my good-sisters and niece instead of diddling her darling son. But thank you for the information anyway. I will remember your words well. Now go before someone finds us."
Margrethe ran off as Skuld watched her go, a deep sense of satisfaction sets in. Playing kind and concerned was as easy as breathing by now. Faking what people want to see or hear is easier than others think. Soon enough, they turn into little birds, fluttering around and gathering whispers and rumors—easy pray and yet useful. The more they believe you protect them and care for them, the more loyal they become.
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During the night, Ivar sat next to her, propped on one arm. He was leaning over her with a frown on his face and kept pestering her. "Then why did you come to my bed if you don't want to sleep with me?!"
"I was lonely." Skuld shrugged her shoulders and looked at him with a teasing smirk. She was not hiding the fact that she is lying right into his eyes. "And maybe I wanted to be toughed kindly instead of being mauled by a beast."
Ivar looked away from her and laid back down. Refusing to even look at her as a spoiled child would. "Oooh. Don't be like that, Ivar. I want affection, give me some, and we can play." The young Prince continued to look away, pretending that he didn't hear her.
Skuld pulled a face at his stubbornness and rolled onto her side to catch his gaze. "Don't make me beg..."
"If you keep being difficult, I won't get in the mood at all..."
Skuld rolled her eyes, and forcefully turned his head to her. She held his cheeks in a tight grip, digging her thumb into his jaw in a warning. "I don't like being ignored, boy. So either you pay attention, or I will leave you to play all by your lonesome. How embarrassing would that be, huh?"
Ivar watched her with nearly black eyes, charmed by her rough treatment, and hissed words in a fake sweet tone. "What do you want?"
Skuld smirked and loosened her grip a little, caressing the tender spots with her thumb instead. "Hold me for a bit, and you can do what you want later on."
"Anything I want?" Ivar rasped out, looking like an addict with his drug right in front of him but still out of reach. She smirked in victory and patted his cheek mockingly.
"Within reason and boundaries. You do anything I don't like, and you will be punished. I am not a slave; remember that." The Ragnarsson nodded and pulled her against his chest, stroking her auburn hair with uncharacteristic gentleness. Maybe he wasn't a lost cause after all and just needed a firm hand.
After the cuddles, Skuld kept her promise and let him fuck her how he wanted. The boy saw some positions that he wanted to try, so they had a few rounds before they were both spent. As Skuld laid on her back with Ivar sleeping with his head on her chest, she watched the shadows on the ceiling.
Her dagger was on the floor, buried under her dress. For whatever reason other than brotherly worry, Gunne thought she needed a weapon. What he knew, he didn't tell. But there was something big coming if he was worried for her safety enough to arm her.
Ivar whined on her chest and buried his head deeper between her breasts. One of them hidden under his calloused hand, sleepily squeezing the boob. She sighed and scratched her nails over his scalp to lull him back to sleep, choosing to rest as well.
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docholligay · 4 years ago
Beast of Burden
Just me on my shit, noodling as I wait for Jewlet. This takes place after Pigeons and Park and the Weight of Love, like, immediately after. 1600 words. 
The day was grey and cloudy, but it didn’t seem dreary to Tracer. She loved the grey of London, as she often observed that one never could appreciate the sunshine properly if they saw it every day, and what’s more, it made the bright colors she favored stand out all the more. In fact, the world had never seemed more wonderful to her, as she sat across from her best friend of many years, the two of them going back and forth over the menu as the day went on around them. 
Winston had been reticent, at first, to come. He was always a bit nervous, going anywhere he hadn’t been several times before, and sometimes even places he had been. It was understandable, Tracer supposed, given how many people were silly enough to be afraid of him, but the only way to show them what a gentle soul he was, was to show them what a gentle soul he was. She was very keen on this now, on having the entire world see him as she did. 
They never really understood him, and she always wished she could make them see all the kindnesses he had done for her, how loving he was with children, how incredibly loyal he was. He would always be a protector of London, even if it was not natural in him to fight. 
And all this might have overwhelmed anyone else, but Lena Oxton, aviatrix and Overwatch commander, was determined to enjoy the day. The grey day was her beloved London at its most London, the Royal Inn was lovely, even if the menu was a bit fussy for Tracer’s personal tastes, and if people could not see the wonder, warmth, and goodness of her best friend, it only gave her the opportunity to make them see. 
“Do you want to just get the cheese board, and maybe the vegetable one, too?” Winston took a delicate sip of his beer and looked over the menu. 
Tracer turned from her thoughts and looked over and Winston, placing a hand under her chin. “Bit rich, calling themselves a pub with a roasted vegetable board.” 
Winston chuckled. “You can always get the fish and chips, Lena.” 
“Don’t tempt me!” She grinned brightly and tossed back a drink of her own, but then shook her head. “Let’s us share, just as you said.” 
Tracer looked out from the tiny table, tucked beneath the awning. The patio was mostly empty today, owing to the weather, but that was all the better for Winston, who always worried about bumping people, or feeling that he was crowding them. Yes, it was a lovely day, and nothing--
“What made you want to finally get into this place today? Thinking about the wedding?”
It was a simple sentence, and one that Tracer should have been well prepared for, and yet it struck her as neatly as that romantic horse drawn cab nearly had only an hour ago. She had run to Winston first, because Winston would tell her how to tell Emily, but oh, how could she tell Emily? To tell her, and ask what of her next? A future with Tracer had always been a bit of a daring thing, but it was one thing to ask her to dare, and another to ask her to set herself up for a fall. 
There was a deep longing within her to throw herself across the table into his arms, to bury her head in his shoulder and cry and cry and just let it wash out of her. 
Oh Win, I’m dying, Win. Ang’s done so much and she’s tried so ‘ard and even she brought someone in from America, supposed to be the best, but Moira broke me so well, Win. She broke me so well. I’m so frightened, Win, not even of being dead--but also I don’t want to be dead, I love being alive, love me life, love London and Emily and you and Overwatch and the fat little pigeons on the street in the morning and the fog and damp--but Win, I don’t know what it’ll be like to die. Sounds as if there’s a long road ahead, and I’m so frightened. Sounds as if no one knows. Sounds as if it’ll take me piece by piece. It’ll just keep taking, and we don’t what next. Win, I’m dying. I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to be taken bite by bite.  
She wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him so badly. To tell someone about the thing that lay in her heart.  It was what she had brought him here to do. She wanted to tell him, and go back to his house, and snuggle on his couch, and be afraid together. 
“Lena?” He called her name softly and she looked up from the menu, tears in her eyes, “Lena, what’s wrong?” 
Tracer opened her mouth, taking in all of him. How concerned he looked, how carefully he studied her. Everything would be different, once she told him the truth. He would cry. He’d be so sad. And there was nothing he could do, except be scared and upset right along with her. Winston would never look at her the same, after. He would never treat her the same. She had brought him here to tell him, and she could not possibly tell him. Not if she wanted to still be Lena. 
She shook her head. ‘Nothing. Trapped in a memory is all, you know ‘ow I get sometimes.” 
He looked at her carefully, finger pinched around his glass of water. “When you...you don’t really act like...you just seem different.” 
Tracer shook her head again, and gave a big grin. “Only that. Under a bit of pressure with Fareeha, is all, and she doesn’t mean it, mind, just quite a bit going on with her, as well. The both of us ‘aving so much to plan for, and all. Bit ‘arder to close the door against those little gusts of wind, right?” 
Winston studied her for a moment, and then seemed to decide that she had to be telling the truth. Of course he would think that. He trusted her, and he loved her, and he believed that she would tell him anything. She didn’t prefer to lie to him. Only to protect him, right?
Besides, Mercy hadn’t completely given up yet, hadn’t she? She was only telling Tracer what she thought would be true, because Mercy was so honest, and didn’t want to mislead her. So she was being a bit grim, and that was her right, Tracer supposed, but it didn’t mean that the game was fully over, not quite yet. Still a few moments on the clock, right? Of course right. 
She bounced along quickly. “Been meaning to ask what it is you have planned for me hen do.” 
Winston’s eyes flashed with excitement. “I’ve been thinking, now, I know it’s not very fun, the idea of staying in at my house, but I could clear everything out, and get a DJ or something, and of course I would have us go out for dinner first, well, if you don’t like it…” 
“Oh no, Win, I love it already.” Her voice, she knew, was soft and faraway. Drifting. 
It sounded wonderful. It sounded like a night with all her favorite people, laughing and dancing and carrying on, celebrating everything that had come before, and all the wonderful things that were to come. It sounded like being alive and happy and hopeful and all the things that she had taken for herself, every day of her life. She had lived so hard and so full, knowing that someday she’d likely be caught. 
“Fareeha has already said she’ll come, but I think Angela would like to go with Emily..”
“Of course. I love that they’re friends.” 
She did. She knowing that Emily would have someone in their little group when she was gone, have someone who could bear any of the questions or medical talk that might come up. She loved knowing there would be something for Emily, the same way she loved that Winston had her last name and her family, the same way she loved knowing that London would always stand, and she would always be a part of London., the same way she loved the pigeons that cooed outside her window and the drizzle that fell in the fall without stopping. She loved it all, loved her entire world with abandon. 
Which was why she had to protect it. 
Put it away, Lena. The day will come regardless, and you don’t have to ruin the loveliness of the day, the loveliness of this life, for Winston, for Emily, for anyone. There’s always time to tell them later, right? Just wait. Maybe Ang will find something. Maybe you’ll drop dead, and there’ll be no need to have caused them to dwell on this. Close the door on it and make it force its way in. Don’t ever welcome it. The moment you tell them is the moment everything changes. The moment you become sick. Remember Mum. Remember how people looked at her, when they knew. 
You’re strong, Lena, and you can carry this alone. It’ll be so much harder for them than it is for you. 
Tracer grinned brightly up at Winston. 
“You’ve thought ever so much about this, ‘aven’t you then? Never could ‘ave come up with ‘alf these ideas, me! Knew you’d be the right pick.” 
He smiled modestly, but from the way his chest stuck out, he was obvious pleased at her approval. 
Today was the day she had learned. Today was the day she had to know what Mercy knew. But no one else had to know it, not to so long as she could walk that tightrope and keep it from them. Let them enjoy the flowers and forget the frost. Can’t change it anyhow. May as well soak in every beautiful moment, as it comes. She certainly intended to. 
I don’t want to die. 
Well, she may have to die. Moira might have seen to to that. But Moira could not take her life. She would live just the same as she always had, the only revenge she could offer a dead woman. Tracer would live in the sun, and never acknowledge the storm. Her family would never know the weight of it, the weight of loving someone bound to die, who was not yet done living. 
She and Mercy would hold it between themselves, like a pact. 
Tracer would see to that. 
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itsthegameilike · 4 years ago
Just some fic recs (part 2)...
It’s been a while since I’ve made a rec list and that seemed tragic to me as I’ve spent most of my quarantine surviving off fic. So here we go! The popular fics are hidden away for today and there is more Wangxian on here than I’d care to admit, but I Hyperfixated. Still, the ships are numerous and various.
Promises We Make -- Mayarene Rose; Wangxian Lan Zhan has taken to visiting the Yiling as often as he can, bringing as many rabbits as he can carry. It is not against the sect rules so there's no reason for him to feel guilty about it. And after all, he made a promise. Or the one where Lan Zhan sneakily moves into the Burial Mounds and this may or may not have helped stop a lot of bad things from happening. **If you’re feeling sad, this is the fic for you. It can take any bad day and make it better. Lan Zhan brings every goddamn rabbit in Cloud Recesses to the Burial Mounds a few rabbits at a time just as an excuse to visit Wei Ying. Then he kind of just stays? And everyone loves him? And Wei Ying is an absolute dumbass about the whole thing? Which tracks.
Screw Poetry, It’s You I Want -- intertwiningsouls; Pynch Adam tries to navigate a crush on his best friend, his first time having a group of friends during the holidays, and the mysterious notes that keep showing up in his locker. **Fair warning this fic is not finished and on hiatus, but I still think it is absolutely worth reading anyway. I reread it often and then get sad it’s not updated, but, you know, fic writer’s lives are hard. I know this deeply. Anyway, it’s soft, it’s cute, and Ronan is perfect.
apastron -- kissmesexybatman; Shatt "This was the mission: three people were set to travel half a year out to the edge of the solar system, traversing space no human eyes had ever seen, to explore the possibility of life in the most extreme of conditions." The first six months of the Kerberos Mission. **This fic is quiet and meditative and a little lonely, but it is so, so beautiful. I loved it the first time I read it and I love it now. There’s some very good ace representation and love just pours from this fic. Love for people and love for space.
How Fragile We Are, Between the Few Good Moments -- nineandthreequarterrs; Wolfstar By the time it’s dark, there’s a fire crackling before them. The tent is set up. There are two chairs propped up by the fire. They have cooked and eaten dinner, and they are sitting in silence. It reminds Sirius of the dinners at home after he got sorted into Gryffindor, or after his mother found the letters from his friends, or lately, whenever he dares to show his face around the house at all. What lives in that space isn’t actually silence. Silence is absence. This thing that hangs between him and his mother, now between him and Remus, is the presence of something suffocating and cutting. It doesn’t serve as a placeholder for noise, it serves as a punishment. It cleaves him to the bone, flays him until he wants to cry. The soft, knotting feeling in his chest he feels when he wants to let tears out but can’t is rising in him. Sirius doesn’t know how to kill except to hiss, “Well if you’re mad at me just fucking say so.” **This takes the moment where Sirius lures Snape to the Shrieking Shack and nearly gets him killed by Remus in his werewolf form-a scene that should be utilized like this more frequently-and creates something absolutely lovely with it. The fic is quiet and subtle and deals with the abuse Sirius suffers and Remus’ rightful anger in a delicate and true way. I adore it.
Likewise Variable -- ssstrychnine; Wolfstar James has plans, Peter is the nurse, Sirius keeps fake blood up his sleeves, and Remus just tries to stay alive. **One of those classic Marauders fics where everyone is batshit crazy except Remus, who ends up doing batshit crazy things because he loves his friends. And Sirius. Especially Sirius. He ends up playing Romeo and Sirius plays Juliet and the pining and angst is unreal. A trope I’m trash for and very well executed.
flowers boldly blossoming over withered grass -- LilyMaxwell; Wangxian It’s in the dawning years after Jin Guangyao’s death that Wei Wuxian learns what it’s like to live and love without a second thought. **The first fic I found in my endless search through pages and pages on ao3 where I saw a characterization of Lan Zhan that resonated with me in the same way he did in the show. I have a thing for soft and quiet fics and this one is no exception. Lovely and beautifully written. 
Like Knives -- All_My_Characters_Are_Dead; Bakushima Bakugou was disappointed in him. Bakugou thought he was weak, thought he was useless. Bakugou knew he’d broken, and Bakugou was mad at him for it. **I love this fic a lot. It takes Bakugou’s anger and uses it to full angst advantage. Kirishima overhears Bakugou and misinterprets Bakugou’s intense worry for anger. And then emotions happen.
Garden War -- Cibee; Drarry Harry and Draco are quarantined in their houses, a lake across from one another. What better ways to spend this time than to annoy each other with letters and attempts to prove that their garden is better? **I did my best to avoid quarantine fics, but you know, easier said than done. This one is super cute. Mostly epistolary, Harry and Draco just make fun of each other and garden and then get together. Like, what the hell else do you want?
light fires at night (to push back the void) -- inthesea; Andreil The first time Andrew realizes he wants to hear the words, Neil isn’t even doing anything. He’s just sitting there, staring at the horizon with that stupidly dramatic faraway expression of his, and letting the cigarette burn down between his fingers all the way to the filter — an outrageous waste of good nicotine, if you asked Andrew. (Or: 20+ times Andrew and Neil say I love you, and one time they say it out loud.) **One of the two truly popular fics that shows up on here. This fic changed my life. It killed me and then brought me back to life. It’s essentially a series of vignettes starring Andrew and Neil and like...it hurts and it heals and it loves. I would die for this fic to continue existing even when I don’t.
the hidden source is the watchful heart -- sombregods; Wangxian Wei Wuxian comes back to the Cloud Recesses for the winter months. He and Lan Wangji learn that emotional intimacy and physical intimacy are not (yet) quite synonymous.They have time to figure it out. **I have the biggest soft spot for relationships where sex and romance aren’t intrinsically intertwined and take some time to navigate. And in my mind, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying have exactly that kind of relationship, so this fic was all I ever needed. If that’s your thing, this is a must read.
A Heart’s a Heavy Burden -- idratherhaveyou; Wangxian There was fire and magic and death, screams and blood, but rage was Wei Ying's song at night, the beast he became taking control, protecting what it could and destroying those that did harm.Years ago, when Wei Ying had newly discovered this particular power of his, when he’d picked his side—to simply fight everyone who didn’t fight for those weaker than themselves—he’d remembered more.To him, this was better. Better to forget things best forgot. **A Howl’s Moving Castle AU **A shameless self-promotion, but I love this fic to pieces, so I thought it seemed fit to add. Not quite finished, but I promise it will be. I just take two of my favorite pieces of media and have a real good time. There’s magic, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying love each other a lot, and A-Yuan does god’s work.
Siren Song -- Becky_J_1022 When Damen is cursed by a Siren in exchange for the revenge his heart desperately desires, his life is thrown into chaos, and betrayal lurks around every corner. Despite his better judgment, he allows a beautiful young man to seek berth on his ship, not knowing that he has granted refuge to the one man who has every reason to want him dead. Laurent may be the key to breaking Damen's curse, and Damen could help restore Laurent to his throne—but if they have any hope of helping each other, they will have to untangle their bitter pasts first. **Listen, man, this fic is balls to the walls fun and also everyone should read Becky’s fics. Not enough people do. She makes sentences beautiful. Just so beautiful. And she loves to and you can tell.
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makeste · 5 years ago
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor, Mic, and Aizawa finally caught up with Crust and Miruko after 19 years to help deal with the High End Noumus. Aizawa used his quirk on them, but Girl Noumu was able to get away and shoot acid at them all, and that one bone-tentacle-y Noumu was also able to attack Mirko with his quirk. Speaking of Mirko, she spent most of the chapter kicking away at Tomura’s Noumutank like those guys with the battering ram in Beauty and the Beast. Or maybe just kicking it one time very, very slowly while we cut back and forth from the scene. It was hard to tell. But either way, she didn’t quite manage to shatter it and instead just left it all cracked and leaking. Anyway so everyone keeps saying that if Tomura escapes that would be Very Bad, and I’m inclined to agree, especially since Aizawa and Mic are looking all serious and vengeful, and I’m really going to need them to not die, ever.
Today on BnHA: Endeavor helpfully and terrifyingly cauterizes Mirko’s wounds while Aizawa holds off the Noumu with his quirk and buys time for Mic to go after Ujiko and Tomura. Mic and our new optician friend Exress race down the corridor and Mic immediately uses his quirk to shatter Noumuraki’s tank, which is the fastest and most efficient action we have seen in this entire arc so far. Mic then CORDIALLY INTRODUCES UJIKO’S FACE TO HIS FIST, which caused me to have an awakening, but unfortunately the same can’t be said for Tomura, who’s now lying on the ground very much not awake and seemingly dead. So I guess that’s it, guys. Looks like Dabi is the main villain now. Good for you Dabi, those are some pretty big britches to fill. No that wasn’t a crack about your height. God you’re sensitive. And so now we get to wait another two weeks! You know what, let’s just focus on the part where Ujiko got flattened like a paper bag.
so this is the chapter that was originally scheduled to be released on Kacchan’s birthday, but what are the odds he’s not even in it. how do you all think the traffic light trio is doing. this has been the world’s longest evacuation. or do you think they already finished a long time ago and are just hanging out now and being all “can’t wait to hear back from everyone else, I’m sure they’re all fine and dandy.” which would be funny, you see, because everyone else actually isn’t fine and dandy at all! do you get it. ahaha jokes
anyway so this chapter is titled “the three of us”, so I’m guessing there’s more Aizawa/Mic/Shirakumo angst on the horizon! so you’re just going to keep on assaulting my battered heart then, Horikoshi. cool. coolcoolcoolcoolcool
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fffff -- okay well whatever!! it’s a manga!! she’ll be fine! they have manga science! Recovery Girl can heal her legs and her side and everything else, and get her a nice new robot arm, and she’ll have a cool scar on her ear. happy thoughts happy thoughts
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IS HE TALKING TO ME OR HER. I FEEL LIKE HE’S TALKING TO ME. don’t worry Endeavor I will look away for this part
lol excuse me what now
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5 minutes?? by whose reckoning, exactly?? jesus christ. I bet if he turned his flames off we’d learn that he has grown a whole new actual beard. Endeavor. civilizations have risen and fallen. okay you know what, new theory, Ujiko’s basement lair is somehow running on Narnia time
OH MY FEELS HE SAYS HE OWES HER A DEBT AFTER KYUSHU. referring of course to when she showed up out of the blue to save his ass from Dabi. anyways though how nice of him to express his gratitude by setting all of her wounds on fire
I guess we can stand down from red alert now though since Mirko is clearly going to be just fine
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somehow she has more calm while getting her horrific injuries cauterized than I do when trying to decide whether or not to sell electronic turnips in a video game
wuh oh
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WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT HE’S A BARREL OF LAUGHS. actually no that’s a lie, you definitely would have had and did have more fun while fighting Mirko
also, this angle of Endeavor’s face, though
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god damn it as per usual I have no idea what is going on in action panels even when I stare at them intensely for a full minute or more
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I don’t even remember how many Noumus are left at this point now. who’s that sunfish-looking one on the right near Mic?? is he a new one?? is that Crust jumping around in the middle, or is he the one standing near the sunfish Noumu? who is it that’s firing that laser or whatnot in the middle?? did this big Noumu in the foreground on the left just get decapitated??
honestly it seems like they almost have things under control at long last. Aizawa and Mic should just head after Ujiko is already and leave the rest of them to it
so Mirko is now giving them all the details about Tomura and how he’s currently chilling out floating in his sensory deprivation tank
and she’s all DON’T LET SHIGARAKI WAKE UP as if she wasn’t the one trying to smash the capsule open in the previous chapter?? or did she assume he would just sleep through all that lol
also the High Ends have apparently still not completely woken up themselves yet. guess we should be grateful
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if Aizawa Shouta ever cuts his hair I will declare a national day of mourning
anyways though, reinforcements! about fucking time
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did anyone else immediately blink right after reading that last sentence, and then feel a profound gratitude for being able to blink freely at will. holy shit. blinking is so great
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what happens if he has to sneeze?? oh my god. and what the fuck why is this a one-man show anyway, where the hell is your husband
okay there he is
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“I’m here, too,” says Vision Hero: Exress. and so he is. so what kind of quirk do you have, then, x-ray vision? really hope not, no offense. just don’t see how that would exactly be useful right now. or maybe it’s laser vision, in which case yeah okay we can work with that. you heard the man, go on ahead then
this motherfucker is still alive?!
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I really cannot express enough just how steep of a cliff Endeavor has fallen off of in this arc. he has not done a single useful thing aside from the cauterizing. so now it’s up to Eyeballs Hero: Sees Real Good to hopefully somehow oneshot this guy whom the number one hero barely managed to scratch
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CRUST ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING. took me a minute to realize he was shouting “go” in that speech bubble, as opposed to randomly screeching out his age, 60
Mic and Aizawa are so hot but I’m feeling such impending doom right now
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-- oh no. oh fuck. I just realized -- why are they splitting them up?? sir that’s his emotional support hero
ffff for reals though I feel like Mic doesn’t have the same plot protection as Shouta. and I also feel like this is a very stupid decision in general, and that the guy who can cancel out quirks should be included in the group of people rushing in to capture the scary big bad whose quirk is an insta-kill. but what do I know, I’m just a regular person who didn’t go to hero school and get their hero MBA so MAYBE I’M WRONG. but am I
oh shit oh shit oh shit
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not really clear on what Mic is doing here since he should in theory just be running like a normal person, but I can’t complain much about the dynamic pose. and meanwhile Ujiko has finally snapped to the fact that he should have woken Tomura up a good half hour ago!
and on top of all that, it sounds like they didn’t destroy all of their supervillain research data either, so if he does manage to escape we could be right back to square one before long. good thing they definitely positively won’t let him escape!!
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nghhh everything’s shattering all dramatically and in slow motion
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swear to god if this chapter ends with Tomura opening his eyes while we cut to another two week break, I will... ... ...well I guess I’m about to find out though because that’s exactly what’s going to happen isn’t it
(ETA: if you can sleep through Present Mic’s attack you can really sleep through anything huh.)
lol but first
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sploosh. down he goes. timber. still a sleepy boi. I take a nap right here
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1) the fuck is he doing, 2) is this the first time we’ve seen Aizawa call Mic by his name??, and 3) WHAT DID I TELL YOU THOUGH
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UNDONE BY AIZAWA’S SOFT EXPRESSION AND WISTFUL EYES NOOOO I lied I am not a stone at all I am a big squishy marshmallow of feels oh fuck
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he straight up ENDED HIS LIFE. holy shit. 4/24/2020. the day I was sexually attracted to Present Mic
anyways now back to your regularly scheduled sad feelings at the reminder of the fact that yep, Ujiko and all of his fucked up experimenting absolutely did make Aizawa cry. not that I’m saying that’s a crime of even greater magnitude than all his other crimes of kidnapping and torture and research using human children. I absolutely am not saying that. just implying it. in a joking manner. semi-joking. partially. kind of
(ETA: also, belated shout out to the fact that his excuse for doing it was so he could verify that it wasn’t another clone. and since it’s Present Mic, there’s a 74% chance he screamed out “CLONE CHECK!” in English too, which, bless.)
I know there’s a particular side of fandom that largely thinks that all heroes are Garbage Scum, but I mean, look at this scene though of Gazerbeam crouching down to gingerly check Tomura’s vitals. idk, I thought this was surprisingly gentle
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I should probably be more concerned about that statement, but truth be told, I’m much more anxious about Gazerbeam going the way of his namesake shortly henceforth. please be careful please I know he looks all floppy and wounded and surprisingly vulnerable --
-- okay, very surprisingly vulnerable --
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I really do have a thing for the hair covering the eyes huh. I’m learning things about myself!
but still! he could basically just blink at you at this point and you would turn to dust, Gazerbeam. DUST. ASHES. DEBRIS SCATTERED TO THE WINDS
wow apparently that space tube was doing a lot more than I thought
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mhmm. sure. Horikoshi. dude, I can see you sitting there shaking with barely suppressed laughter. did you really think this would get us to let our guards down. are we a joke to you. did you think we would just be all “oh gosh I guess he really is dead then, wow, what a twist”
oh!! the reinforcements!!
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did you hear that guys. it’s done. the heroes won and Tomura is dead and it’s really over just like that. what a positive ending for everyone. except Tomura I guess
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I’ve said before that U.A. needs to add a course about tempting fate to their curriculum, and I stand by that. this is absurd. it’s like y’all want to die
oh look at that Endeavor finally killed one
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was that really so hard. could you not have done that earlier
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“what if... I dragged it out so much that the dragging-out was the cliffhanger?” that’s some galaxy brain you got there dude. let’s just end the chapter on that WHY NOT
anyway. so there you have it guys. just look how dead he is. that’s the smile of someone who is absolutely, certainly, one hundred percent dead. look at him, all at peace. definitely not gonna finally wake up two weeks from now and properly introduce himself to our new friend Gazerbeam and my new we’re-just-trying-something-out-and-taking-it-slow-and-we’ll-see-where-it-goes boyfriend Present Mic!
lol I can’t lie, these last couple chapters have tested my patience a bit! fortunately this chapter had many saving graces in the form of Mirko, Aizawa, Mic, and for reals though Gazerbeam whom I genuinely did grow attached to almost immediately for reasons beyond my grasping. but I’m starting to get an inkling that Horikoshi is just incapable of pacing himself well whenever the story moves to a basement. or maybe I’m just cranky on account of being holed up in lockdown since time immemorial and only getting my new BnHA fix every other week! maybe, that could be it. maybe. ah well. at least Present Mic punched Ujiko in the fucking face
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occasionalmemes · 5 years ago
          cheshire kitten.
“ i grew up seeing things a little differently, appearing, disappearing, hardly innocent, nor tied down to the ground. ” “ i learned to roll and tumble with the punches.” “ heavy is the crown that's always hidden. ” “ tender is the heart you never see. ” “ hard and fast shines the grin that we flash, but there's a vulnerable stripe or two on me. ” “ maybe any place outside of _____ is not for me, my friend. ” “ if i leave my grin behind, remind me that we're all mad here and it's okay. ” “ the shadows hide me down in _____. ” “ _____, nobody knows the way.” “ if you find it in your dreams, you can find it at your dayjob somewhere south of Hell. ” “ take the path to left or right with just your gut to guide you. ” “ the story is not for anyone else to tell. ” “ go down the rabbit hole and out the other side. ” “ you can't go home in the middle of the magic carpet ride. ” “ you gotta greet the sun before his lovely daughter moon. ” “ you can't forsake the journey for the safety of your room. ” “ learn your lesson well. ” “ i have learned to see and hear everybody loud and clear. ” “ the truth comes out in riddles that are safe enough to share. ” “ that's how it is in songs, you see.” “ heavy is the burden of the wise ones when no one understands a word they say. ” “ the Jabberwock never bothered anyone, but nobody believes him to this day.” “ and why should they? ” “ is it the stripes or the spots you see? ” “ was it hearts or diamonds, baby, brought you here to me? ” “ darling, you know better than to trust a pack of cards! ” “ what have we learned? ” “ the world is never as mad as it could be. ” “ we’re all mad here, and it’s okay. ”
“ look long enough into the eyes of any creature, there's no knowing what you'll find. ” “ we all seek the light one way or another, mostly flying blind. ” “ everything flies at the mercy of the moonlight, lovers more than most at times. ” “ you've sought the light where few have ever found it. ” “ little one, seek and ye shall find. ” “ take care what you find in the tawny eyes of a hunter by night. ” “ who is it dares to find these feathers, stroke this skin? ” “ how can you dream of the night he spreads his wings to hold you, shows you all he knows and lets you in?” “ i've heard it said none but fools will ever count on shifting shapes and flying dreams. ” “ foolish the heart that lights upon a love who's never what he seems.” “ shows one face at dawn and another in the twilight. ” “ kings have worn his shape before. ” “ lord of the evening, so handsome in the sunlight, leaves you wanting so much more. ” “ child, death is a dance on the forest floor! ” “ shifting shapes and flying dreams, love is never what it seems. ” “ be his love and not his prey. ”
          love lies.
“ love lies downwind waiting patiently to be found. ” “ angel don't make a sound unless you are the one i have been waiting for. ” “ you are the one i have been waiting for. ” “ i've been downwind waiting for you to come around. ” “ there is no one soul that will swallow me whole and let me out shining and beautiful, no. ” “ in love there is loss of control, but like the rivers, i roll. are you in for the ride? ” “ where will you sleep tonight? ” “ love lies, downwind waiting, with the silence of tigers and a hunger burning bright with a heart song shining bright. ” “ desert star, shine a light. ”
          don’t get my hopes up.
“ lately I'm a little bit prickly. ” “ everything hurts when you fall in love hard enough, rock bottom doesn't feel so bad. ” “ i wouldn't quite call this bitchy. ” “ when I am on my best behavior I'll fool you like a grown-up little girl who didn't know how good she had it before. ” “ when desire walks through your door and all hell breaks loose times four, you'll understand and maybe you won't pull smooth maneuvers on your suitors anymore. ” “ when desire walks through your door and all hell breaks loose times four, you'll understand.” “ maybe you won't pull smooth maneuvers on your suitors anymore. ” “ don't you go getting my hopes up, girl. ” “ you'll be sorry and so will i. ” “ last thing either one of us needs is yet another reason to cry. ” “ i know that i'm your last in line. ” “ i oughtta know better than to call you mine. ” “ say a flat out "no" to my face, that's fine, but don't get my hopes up, girl. ” “ lately I'm a pretty good swimmer-- so far up the creek cuz I fell in love hard enough hot water doesn't seem so dire. ” “ i must've quit paying attention, baby, i have to tell you the line is blurred pretty bad between the frying pan and the fire. ” “ when love sneaks up on you and fries your circuits through and through, you'll understand and maybe forgive me my trespasses, for I know not what I do. ” “ when love sneaks up on you and fries your circuits through and through, you'll understand.” “ forgive me my trespasses, for I know not what I do. ” “ don't you go getting my hopes up, boy. ” “ i'm not one for second chances once you've made me cry. ” “ my dance card's full, my waiting list is too backed up for shit like this. ” “ go ahead and pretend that i don't exist, but don't get my hopes up, boy. ” “ when desire walks through your door and all hell breaks loose times four, you'll understand. ” “ maybe you won't demand good manners from your lovers anymore. ” “ don't you go getting my hopes up, love. ” “ you'll be sorry 'til the day you die. ” “ i see you wishing on your star and wishes cannot lie. ” “ i make 'em too, or haven't you heard? ” “ waste a few on you cuz i never did learn. ” “ i know courage is harder to show than concern. ” “ you can't steal fire and not get burned. ” “ i will try to hold out and wait my turn, but don't get my hopes up, love. ”
“ years ago i came to you, down beneath your ripples, submitting to the mystery of life beneath the waves. ” “ years i floated near you, swimming in your subterrain, rocked within the opium embrace of Triton's tomb. ” “ time i lost just fussing over every little thing you asked for. ” “ let myself keep fading, silver fishes through my skin. ” “ somewhere i stopped breathing, but i missed the kiss of air. ” “ someday in my castle keep, where rumors fly and questions creep they'll say to me, what of the lord of the deep? ” “ i'll say, i knew him once but he was asleep. ” “ there's no light where you are, my Neptune. ” “ to the mountains i will fly, away from you. ” “ free from the waves into new love's arms, back to the realm of the sky. ” “ years ago I came to you, in love and doomed to drowning, beholden to the mystery of life beneath the waves. ” “ years i floated near you, i will never see again. ” “ how i could tarry in the opium embrace of Triton's tomb. ” “ years ago i came to you, in love and doomed by what i knew. ” “ though i miss the mystery now of life beneath the waves, thin air's as sweet as water when your body begs to breathe. ” “ and so i leave when i must leave. ” “ don't weep for love i couldn't save. ” “ all of us who dare to love are brave! ”
          girl with the lion’s tail.
“ don't look for home in me between the lines of this, our fairytale. ” “ man cannot follow the monsters. ” “ it’s simple for you, love, but never for me. ” “ nothing can be as it once was. ” “ call me a beast as you've always done, but one which can no longer love you. ” “ look for me not, lover, i am long gone. how can you hope to follow? ” “ you're meant to crawl upon your knees, not steal my soul or talk to me. ” “ the last thing i would ever do. ” “ i am the place where air meets ice. ” “ i don't want to be the girl you tame, an oddity locked away somewhere safe. ” “ i don't want to be the girl you tame, your one-heart menagerie, lonely. ” “ give me back the girl i was, the beast i used to be, shedding the skin of this creature. ” “ you were never cage enough to keep the light inside. ” “ deny me the sky and i'm running. ” “ a lion must keep something back for her own if she's been let to live. ” “ i'd sooner run than waste away at home. ” " you already have all that I had to give. ” “ take away your holiness, your pleading and your crying eyes. ” “ bring me back the girl i was, untamed. ” “ cry me a river to hell. ” “ hell or home, it's all much the same. ”
          the truth about ninjas
“ paragon of dignity, untouchable and lethal. ” “ there's more to life than shuriken. ” “ sudden death comes easy when you practice every day. ” “ you'll think you're ten feet tall and bulletproof until you pass my way. ” “ you will never see it coming. ” “ no one's sad to see you go. ” “ within my eyes you'll glimpse a wisdom you were not prepared to know. ” “ in fearing what you cannot see, you fall beneath my hand. ” “ this is a ninja thing, you wouldn’t understand. ” “ you will never know i'm here until it's far too late. ” “ it is a ninja's way to pass unseen and not to storm the gate. ” “ moving quieter than kitten, circumnavigating law. ” “ you'll never hear a thing. ” “ the soul has always been corrupted, but the heart and hands are clean. ” “ the game is glory but I take my joy in leaving not a trace. ” “ my actions, quick as lightning, unintended to hurt you. ” “ i'm only doing what a ninja's gotta do. ” “ i won't say life is hard, but i must restrain my urges to run naked through my yard. ” “ my career would shrivel up and die, but damn would it be fun! ” “ i'd pirouette beneath the moonlight. ”
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dreamingwithbts · 6 years ago
New Family - Chapter 10
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Genre: Poly!AU; Hybrid!AU; Fluff; Angst
Pairing: Hybrid BTS x Female! Reader; Human!Reader, Wolf!Namjoon, Alpaca!Seokjin, Black Panther!Yoongi, Red Fox!Jhope, Corgi Dog!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Bunny!Jungkook.
Summary: After receiving a promotion at work Y/N realizes that she has more free time so she decides to use this time usefully and ends up volunteering in an organization that rescues abused hybrids. What she doesn't know is that this will completely change her life!
"We would like the organization to give us a new home." With that all three of us stared at the two  hybrids sad that they didn't feel the same as us.
When suddenly Jin and Namjoon began to laugh a lot. "We're kidding! We'd love to stay if you don't mind….." Jin says still laughing but says shyly the last sentence.
"Your f ** king kidding me ...." Yoongi begins at the same time JHope leaves the shock state and begins to scream of happiness and embrace the two hybrids. "Of course you can stay! We love having you here!" I said as well embracing both of them. The four of us look at Yoongi who sighs but also stands up to hug them. "Never make that joke again, it was not funny." "Sorry Yoongs!" Namjoon tells him laughing a little. And I watch them both knowing that they'll be great friends in the future.
After the fright that Jin gave I'm glad they decided to stay I never thought I would go alone in life to have 4 hybrids in my life.
"We should celebrate!" JHope says. "I don't want to go outside now, can we do anything in the house?" Yoongi asks lazy as usual. "We can watch a movie." Namjoon propose. Everyone agrees with the idea of ​​the wolf and begins to prepare everything. "I'll prepare the snacks!" I say "I'll help!" Jin volunteers.
And with this we are all in our little party of celebration having fun when already at the end of the movie I see Jin and Namjoon cuddling each other almost to sleep the cutest thing I ever saw while Yoongi is already sleeping in Hobi's shoulder while this one tries not to move so he won't wake up the beast and looks at me asking for help with his beautiful eyes and I help after laughing at his misfortune.
"Suga ... honey ..." I try to wake the little Lil Meow Meow gently with kisses on his nose. "Hmmmm ... hi ....." says a sleepy Yoongi. "Hi ... time to go to bed. Come on!" I tell him trying not to laugh feeling the other hybrids laughing at him and JHope helps me lift Yoongi and take him to the bedroom. "I'll catch up with you." I say to Hobi making him nod at me. "We're going to bed too. Good night, Y/N!" Namjoon says giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Good night Y/N!" Jin says also giving me a kiss on the forehead. And I turn off the lights smiling all the way to the room happy with my little family.
I enter my room seeing Yoongi in the middle being hugged by Hobi. "Looks like he wants to be the little spoon today!" I think to myself lying down hugging Yoongi too as I mentally prepare myself for tomorrow.
The next day I wake up and try to get ready to work quietly trying not to wake anyone and I leave the room with success. I go into the kitchen and I see the fluffy and big tail of Namjoon. "Namjoon is too early! What are you doing awake!" "Oh, good morning, I've come to drink a glass of water, are you going to work?" Namjoon says. "Yes and I'm almost late! Oh! Tell the others that today I'm going to leave work early and then I'll take you all to a surprise!" I tell him happy. "Surprise? Oh okay ...." Namjoon says in surprise. And I bid farewell to him quickly and left for work leaving a hybrid wolf thinking.
Arriving on time to work I start doing the things I have to do without feeling the eyes of a certain person in me all the time.
* Meanwhile in  Y/N house *
With the hybrids all awake at the table waiting for Jin's food, except Yoongi who sleeps sitting, wakes up when Namjoon says "Y/N said that she'll arrive earlier today and that we will leave because she has a surprise for us." And the hybrid panther says "Surprise?" "OH I HOPE we'll GO TO THE PARK!" JHope screams being scolded by Yoongi after making Namjoon laugh. "I hope it's food!" Jin says making Namjoon look at him not surprised at all. And the rest of the day the hybrids wondered what was going to happen in the afternoon.
 * Back to Y/N *
Already at the end of the lunch and after some work I begin to arrange to leave and go to my hybrids and when I was almost leaving Mark appears takes my hand. "Y/N hey! Do you wanna ..." "Sorry Mark I can't talk now! See you tomorrow!" I said to him and turn leaving quickly without noticing his angry face.
Arriving home I start opening the door without knowing that behind it my hybrids were ready to leave the moment they heard the key in the door and I start laughing the moment I saw them there ready and to excited.
"We're already ready Y/N! We can go now!" says Hobi making the others agree quickly and then we left because they couldn't take it anymore and I had no other choice.
"Where are we going Y/N?" asks Namjoon. "You'll see." I say smiling at him. Halfway down, Yoongi and Hobi realized where we were going and gave me a big smile knowing what I was doing, leaving the other two hybrids even more confused.
"We arrived!" I say arriving at the building and beginning to enter. "Oh, good afternoon Y/N! Adopting two more?" says the hybrid squirrel that I discovered that his name was Yugyeom "Hello Yugyeom! Yes! Two more for my little family!" And with that Yugyeom begins to prepare everything for Jackson. That's when I felt two people hugging me from the sides and starting to cry on my shoulders. "Guys .... Please don't cry!" I say. "Thank you .....thank you so much!" They both say. And we hug each other for some time until Yoongi jokes "She hasn't even signed the papers yet!" Making Hobi and Namjoon laugh as Jin looks at him indignantly and slaps his arm.
"Guys! Jackson is ready for you!" Yugyeom says and we all go to his office with Namjoon and Jin ahead almost running.
"Y/N! Why am I not surprised!" Jackson starts when he suddenly stops. "Namjoon ?!" "Jackson! It's nice to see you again!" "You guys know each other?" I ask confused. "I tried to take Namjoon off the streets many times but he never took the offers. I'm glad you found a house! Especially with Y/N." Jackson says and Namjoon thanks gladly.
After we'd handled everything with Jackson and signed the adoption papers, Namjoon and Jin wouldn't let go of my hands after we left the organization. "How about some ice cream boys? And we can go to the park a little?" I ask wanting to do the little ice cream tradition after adoption and Jin and Hobi scream with excitement making everyone laugh.
And that's how we spent the rest of the day in the park with Namjoon and Hobi exploring everything they saw, a sleeping Yoongi with his head on my lap and a very happy Jin eating his second ice cream laughing at the other two hybrids and with me smiling as if there were no tomorrow.
Note: So sorry it took so long! And I'm sorry that this chapter is crap….I'll try to be better next time! Thank you for reading and thank you for waiting!💜💜💜
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lostperle · 5 years ago
Flash Points Challenge 001: (Tuesday Oct 1st to Wednesday Oct 9th)
what are some of your favorite tropes? -  400 POINTS
I’m going to admit I’m a massive sap and that can be seen through my favorite tropes. My favorite tropes are opposites attract especially sad rainy cloud character falling for sunny optimistic character. I’m such a sucker for that trope especially if the sunny character makes the rainy character happier and they can be true with themselves like good shit right there. My other favorite trope is Found Families. Look I LOVE found families, I love weird groups of friends that grow from friend group to chosen family group and are all bound together by this unspoken familial bound. Guys I just I cry for found families tropes. They’re my favorite.
do you have a favorite character you’ve written, in or outside of shiver? if so, what makes them your fave?  -  550 POINTS
I have too many favorite omg. I think for now I’ll just talk why I love Perle. I love Perle because she’s so unique from other characters I’ve written before. Like she’s simultaneously very caring and very selfish. She’s worldly yet immature and courageous but escapist at the same time. In a whole she is a contradiction and I just love her for it. I haven’t gotten to write much for her yet but I’d love to write more soon!
do you prefer writing with small casts of characters or large ones? what are some of the pros and cons?  -  400 POINTS
I don’t think I have a real preference. I’ve written in/with both before and they both have their pros/cons! Big groups can make me anxious to talk in the group chats due to #social-anxiety but it offers more chances for open starters to respond too or threads to create. While small groups make me less anxious and offer longer threads to make along with deeper connections to create with other members. I honestly really like both and can’t decide which I prefer.
what’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done in the name of outlining/worldbuilding (timelines, research, maps, spreadsheets, etc.)? - 500 POINTS
I used to have this entire world built for two friends and I to roleplay in. We got SUPER serious about it too with self created species and self created powers. We had entire folders full of notes, maps of the city and town it was set in(we never got out of the city or town it was set in), timelines and what sorts of species had existed in this world. One of the characters had a power related to time. So to make sure our ideas for it we accurate we started studying real life physics so we could create our own physics for the universe.
share the last paragraph you wrote you’re most proud of. - 650 POINTS
This isn’t related to the RP but from a horror story I’m working on
The priest ushers the girl into the church out of the rain, promising to call the police. He takes one final look outside in hopes it will answer his questions. Another strike of lightning illuminates the woods where he sees it. The silhouette of a beast with the body of a man and the head of a bear watching the two of them. A shotgun held in brown fur covered hands, an ominous feeling of impending disaster fills the priests heart. He crosses himself as he says a quick prayer for safety before closing the door to lock the beast away.
describe your current muse’s physical appearance using only one, over the top sentence. - 400 POINTS
Local mermaid too adorable for words but with smile sharp enough to put sharks to shame.
if you had to write a novel about one of the characters in or outside of shiver, which character would you choose and why? - 600 POINTS
I think I would chosen to write a novel based on the Maiden. She reminds me a bit of Cassandra from mythology and I think it’d be really fun to write a novel based on her growing up beyond her past. I just really love writing stories about characters growing up past what has hurt them or held them back. I’d also LOVE to write her using her magick to help people along with her bettering and exploring her magic. Although this might also just be a hint to who a secondary character of mine might be down the line.
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cartoonus-maximus · 6 years ago
50 "Quick Tricks" drabbles (aka, my crackship of Tommy “Speed” Shepherd with Loki Odinson/Laufeyson)
Ideas were taken from the sentence prompts of this post -> [link]
Fandom: Marvel comics
Genre: romance, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
Disclaimer: Loki is not a villain (or not completely, anyway) in any of these stories, since I liked his characterization from “Young Avengers” and “Agent of Asgard” so much.
Tommy remains pretty much the same in each story (I couldn’t picture very many versions of him), but Loki does have six different forms; each of Loki’s faces comes with slightly different behaviors and mannerisms, which was fun to play with.
Loki's forms:
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1. hipster (the body Billy made for him) 2. god of stories (first version) 3. goddess of stories 4. god of stories (modern) 5. lady loki 6. jotun (a la "What if Thor were raised by frost giants?")
1.     “I’ll protect you.”  [6/1/2019, based during "the War of Realms"]
The words were spoken in low tones, almost too quiet, and Tommy was amazed that he'd heard them at all, surrounded as they were by screaming civilians and the booming foosteps of the Frost Giants and the wild laughter that rose from the Angels of Hevn and Demons of Muspelheim and Dark Elves of Svartalfheim; the din of war filled his ears, but he still heard Loki's whisper loud and clear.
He turned to Loki, the traitorous god looking older, so much older than he had ever looked before, and the god just looked back at him, his comforting smile betrayed by the look of fear in his eyes.
"I swear, Thomas, I will do whatever I can to end this War of Realms, and you and I and everyone you love will make it through," the god of lies promises, his voice sad and distant, and Tommy has no doubt that he means every word of it.
2.     “You always duck away when you smile.”  [6/1/2019, based during "Young Avengers"]
Loki didn't answer the unspoken question that came with Speed's comment, preferring instead to glare out the window of Noh-Varr's ship.
He couldn't very well explain why he didn't want anyone to see his smile, his genuine smile - after all, they were only supposed to see him as a villain, supposed to hate him at the end of all this, and how could that happen if they saw him smile, and saw him behave in ways they sympathized with and understood?
"You have a very handsome smile," came Speed's voice, conflicting with the way Loki saw his own reflection twist into a leer, mouthing the words back at him mockingly: 'Demons don't smile.'
3.     “Like I expected, you’re much comfier than my pillow.” [6/1/2019, featuring Loki as the Goddess of Stories]
Tommy had been surprised when the goddess -- a thin, little scrap of a girl with nothing but power and ancient knowledge and understanding of the world rolling off of her -- had suddenly leaned against his shoulder from behind, nuzzling happily against him like a sleepy kitten, fairly cuddling him.
He let out a snort of laughter at her statement, moving to brush Loki off, but then she snuggled closer, her cold chain mail shirt pressing against his back while her equally cold lips found a place against his neck.
She was hard and cold and terrifyingly powerful, with raw energy rolling off her tongue with every word, and if she wanted someone to cuddle with, well... Tommy figured she wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, or that was the excuse he told himself when he turned to pull her closer.
4.     “I’m nervous too.”  [6/1/2019, based during "Young Avengers"]
Loki was trying to be compassanate in this moment, he really was, but obviously he had failed in some way, his heart sinking when Speed spun around to glare at him, his face angry enough to make the god take a step back.
"That's easy for you to say," Tommy growled. "If this mission goes sideways, you'll only lose your ticket back to your goddamn palace in Asgard - I'll lose my brother!"
The trickster god opened and close his mouth a few times, looking for the right words to say and, for the first time in his very long life, coming up empty; he wanted to say something, anything to get Speed back on his side, but, if the look on the mutant's face was any indication, it didn't look like mere words would do the trick this time around.
5.     “Do you like it?”  [6/1/2019, featuring Lady Loki]
Tommy looked up at the question, momentarily abandoning his sandwich as he turned to look, and then completely dropping it when his eyes landed on Loki, her soft, supple body on display, wrapped only in the lingerie that was her latest shopping spree aquisition; aside from the so-very-extremely sexy garments, the only other thing Loki wore was her customary helmet, the gold horns arcing gracefully over her head and somehow directing Tommy's gaze back downward.
Tommy felt that his jaw had gone slack, and he closed his mouth on reflex, his eyes still roaming over the beautiful body in front of him.
“... I love it," he finally managed, his throat dry, and was rewarded for his efforts to speak by Loki's tittering and her soft kiss to his forehead, her body angled in a way that made parts of his body come alive in ways he didn't really want to deal with right now.
6.     “Let me hug you.”  [6/1/2019, featuring Lady Loki]
The phrase wasn't one that would normally come out of Tommy's mouth, and certainly not a phrase that was ever directly at Loki, and yet that was exactly where those words had come from and how they were being used.
Then again, it wasn't often that people caught Loki in a moment where she was broken and vulnerable, her body wracked by sobs of despair, her heart full of grief over her own actions and hatred for herself, the fear and pain and disgust and utter loathing filling her head to the point she thought it would explode, all of her lies and pretty curls of hair and golden horns erupting in one glorious, destructive end of a story.
But, Tommy had seen her, and wasn't judging her or mocking her, but was instead looking at her with earnesty and concern that didn't belong on his face, and should never have been directed at a beast such as Loki the Villain God, but there it was, and, when his arms came to rest in a warm, comforting circle around her, it made her cry anew.
7.     “Piggy back ride?”  [6/1/2019, based during the current main universe time frame]
Tommy scoffed, sneering when he turned to see Loki's arms outstretched, the god mimicking the act of a child waiting to be picked up, the quirk of his lips indicating that it was a joke, probably in reference to the way Tommy occasionally carried his brother into battle.
"You're too tall for me to carry, you stupid giant," he answered, reaching over and giving the trickster a hard shove, making the god laugh and stumble to the side; Loki's hand grasped at Tommy's, closing around his wrist and pulling the mutant down after him, the pair landing on top of each other on the ground.
"... No one's ever called me tall before - I'm considered short in Asgard, and a runt among my own species," Loki mused aloud, the fingers of his hand tracing along Tommy's face before pulling him in for a kiss that Tommy had no qualms about reciprocating.
8.     “I want to kiss all of the freckles on your cute face.” [based during the current main timeline]
Tommy rolled his eyes; he loved Loki, he really did, but sometimes the god tried too hard to be romantic --or whatever that garbage was meant to be-- and he just came off as weird.
"I don't have freckles and I'm not cute, now stop using stupid lines that you read online on me!" the mutant glared at his godly lover, reaching over and tearing Loki's smart phone out of his hands.
Loki only laughed and pulled Tommy flush against himself, pressing kisses across his face, whispering in his ear "The sentiment remains the same, dear one, now hold still."
9.     “Can you keep holding my hand, please?”  [6/1/2019, featuring Loki, Goddess of Stories]
The words were out of her mouth before she'd even realized she was thinking them, and Loki looked away in shame; she was Loki, Goddess of Stories, the Maker and Breaker of Words and Worlds and Knower of All That Ever Was And Ever Would Be, and the simple touch of a young mutant human shouldn't be something that quiets her fears and calms her concerns.
If Odin or Freyja were here, they would judge her, and call her out on her childish need for someone to support her, to push her to do the right thing and still be there when she inevitably failed.
But her parents weren't here, and Tommy was, and Tommy seemed to have no problems with taking her hand in his once more, his fingers squeezing hers and letting her know that he wasn't going to let go of her, and that knowledge alone was all it took to bring a smile back to her face.
10.     “Wait, the tears are good tears?” [6/1/2019, based shortly after "the War of the Realms"]
It had been a week since Loki had come back from the dead, like the god he was, and Tommy had found he couldn't keep the tears in, having not cried since he was in his early teens, and having gone through so many emotions in such a short span - horror, grief, hope, despair, utter sadness... only to come out the other end with shock and nothing else but sheer, utter joy.
Unable to hold them in any more, the mutant man had simply burst into tears, sobs wracking his body as Loki ran to him, clutching him and holding him and trying oh so badly to comfort him, the trickster god being beyond confused and concerned when Tommy smiled up at him through his tears.
"I saw you die, saw it on the news... but you're back, you're really here..." A smile began to quirk at the ends of Loki's lips, and he clasped Tommy to himself as the human finished speaking. "You came back from the dead, and you came back to me."
11.     “I think you look cuter with me.” [6/1/2019, featuring Loki the God of Stories as he looks in "Agent of Asgard"]
Loki grinned when he saw Tommy's eyes quirk at the statement, looking both perplexed and put out in the way that only Tommy could look, as if to ask 'what's that supposed to mean?'
"Because," the God of Stories continued, gesturing to his tired eyes and sharp nose and crooked smile and missing teeth, his hand too thin and too pale, with long, black, scraggly fingernails that he so enjoyed chewing on when he was frustrated (and he often was), his gestures inviting Tommy to take in the image of the broken little runt of Jotunheim. "So long as you're standing next to this face, your looks are bound to improve!"
Tommy made a face that may have been mistaken for a grin, and suddenly moved to stand beside Loki, parting his lips in an invitation for a kiss before whispering "I'll think you'll have to be the cute one from now on. I'm too busy being the ruggedly handsome one, obviously!"
12.     “I won’t forget this moment.” [6/1/2019, featuring Jotun Loki]
The Jotun's words were strangely sincere, Tommy thought, and they came across as too thoughtful and genuine for someone from a species of mighty warriors; but, then again, it seemed that the small Jotun known as Loki wasn't an average Frost Giant, and the way he smiled at Tommy sure was endearing.
After a second, Tommy returned the smile, pleased for some reason when the blue man's eyes lit up.
"Let's just get back to stargazing, yeah? You can show me where your planet is," Tommy answered, relieved when his new friend took the bait and began eagerly pointing to and naming stars and planets, but doing nothing to distract Tommy from the way his stomach was flipping around.
13.     “This is where we first met isn’t it?” [6/1/2019, based in the current main timeline]
Loki waved his hand, gesturing in the direction of where he and Tommy had first encountered each other, each one doing their part in that day's battle.
Tommy sighed half-heartedly, giving Loki a look that was full of both fondness and annoyance. "Does it count as meeting if we were on opposite sides and fighting each other, Mr. Once-a-Villain-and-Sometimes-Still-a-Villain?"
"Absolutely." Loki laughed and threw his arm around Tommy's shoulders, pulling the speedster to his side and kissing the top of his head. "First impressions are important, and your presence on the battlefield simply stole my breath away, dear heart."
"That's because I punched you in the trachea, Lo."
14.     “I’ve always wanted to thank you, but was never sure how.” [6/2/2019, featuring Loki, Goddess of Stories]
Tommy opened and closed his mouth, at a complete loss for words; he'd been letting Loki lie low in his apartment for awhile, sure, but he hadn't expected to come home to find Loki in female form, lying sprawled out across Tommy's bed with seemingly nothing over her body but the sheet and her horned helmet.
She looked up at him, biting her lower lip in a way that showed her crooked teeth and her missing tooth but somehow still looked incredibly sexy, and when she spoke it was with a voice full of lust and desire. "... but I was hoping this would suffice, if you were willing?"
Tommy was certain that he'd never made a decision faster in his life; anyone who looked into the bedroom later would have seen a man and a woman lying naked together, asleep and content in one another's arms, with not a single regret or care in the world for possibly the first time in either of their lives.
15.     “If you’re happy then okay.” [6/2/2019, featuring Loki, Goddess of Stories]
"Are you sure?" Loki asked, wanting to clarify with the man she had come to love that he was really alright with his partner's gender changing from time to time. "I was a man when we started dating, and I could always change back if that would please you--"
"Lo," Tommy's voice came in a warning hiss, and he grabbed her by a horn on her helmet and pulled her closer to his face, tilting her head back and forcing her to look him in the eye. "You already know I don't care about what gender my partner is, so why the insecurity?" He kissed her then, on her temple. "Besides, you know I love you, right? I just want you to be happy and comfortable."
Loki beamed up at him, reaching up to remove his hand from her helmet and raising her lips to meet his. "Thank you. I love you, too."
16.     “Let’s share.” [6/2/2019, based during "Young Avengers"]
Tommy balked at the sentence, and then again when Loki was shoving a milkshake in his face, only one straw sticking out of the frozen treat. "... No."
"Why not?" Since they'd begun dating a week ago, Loki had become a monster, always stealing or demanding direct kisses and trying to weasel indirect kisses, like some weird, attractive leech of smooching. "It's mint/chocolate/vanilla swirl, you're favorite~!"
With a sigh, Tommy gave in, wondering how and why he'd fallen for this dorky, irritating, hipster god of mischief?
17.    “It wouldn’t be the same without you.” [6/2/2019, featuring Jotun Loki]
Loki turned around at hearing those words, his feet stopping just at the edge of the Bifrost; Thor had discovered how to open the Bifrost and was summoning Loki back to Jotunheim (and what for exactly terrified him), and when his brother the king called, Loki felt compelled to answer, even if that meant leaving the man of Midgard he had become so fond of.
Hesitantly, he turned back to look at Tommy, the speedster now standing behind him with a sad smile that didn't belong on his face, and was surprised when Tommy suddenly put a hand to his neck, pulling him down far enough for the human to kiss him.
"I understand why you have to go and all, but..." Tommy whispered, pulling away enough that Loki could raise a hand to his lips in surprise, already missing the human's warmth. "... Just know I'll still be here if you ever come back."
18.    “Everything ends up being about you somehow.” [6/2/2019, featuring Lady Loki]
The goddess beside him turned to give Tommy an innocent look, as though she were also susprised at being such a publically hated figure, someone who was impossible to go anywhere with because, due to the things she/he had done in the past, she was banned from most places and blatantly ridiculed in others... and everywhere they went, it seemed that someone would always interrupt them, trying to 'save' Tommy from her, acting like she'd put him under a spell of some kind.
"I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about, Thomas," she insisted demurely, pouting at him in a manner that was too cute for a Loki, ignoring the way the restaurant owner was glaring at them as they were ushered out the door. "But it's not like you didn't know who and what I was before you agreed to go out with me."
Tommy sighed defeatedly, but then Loki took his hand in hers and smiled at him apologetically, and gods but he couldn't look at that face without forgiving her entirely. "Maybe we should just go back to my place and order takeout."
"That sounds lovely."
19.    “It tastes like…. You tried…. I’ll eat it. It’s a good attempt. Really.” [6/2/2019, based during "Young Avengers"/”Agent of Asgard”]
Tommy's disappointed scowl did not go unnoticed by Loki, but the hipster god chose to ignore it for the moment, prefering instead to fill his mouth with the frozen treat his teammate had attempted to make.
"I shouldn't be allowed to make food," the mutant muttered, putting his head on the table and covering it with his hands, clearly frustrated by his failed attempt.
Loki smiled weakly and took another mouthful of the too-cold, much-too-salted confectionary, admitting "You shouldn't feel too bad, Thomas, I am a god after all - you could probably feed me rat poison and I'd still be capable of eating it," which only served to make Tommy groan in utter defeat.
20.    “Why are you hiding against me like this?” [6/2/2019, featuring Jotun Loki]
A lot of the Jotun's actions confused Tommy, but very few things puzzled him as much as this new habit that Loki had developed, the giant hunching his tall frame over and pressing into Tommy's side any time there was a storm outside, all timid and trembling, like a child trying to hide.
Tommy coaxed Loki away from his side, carefully running his warm hands over the Frost Giant's cold face, soothing away the creases of fear that came with a clap of thunder. "What's wrong, Lo?"
"The thunder... the storm..." Loki shuddered, another clap from the sky causing him to yelp and press himself against Tommy, the mutant wrapping around him and comforting him. "My brother is near."
21.    “I heard you weren’t having that great of a day… These are your favorite candles, right?” [6/2/2019, featuring Loki as God of Stories from "Agent of Asgard"]
Loki cracked open an eye from where he was sitting in his meditation circle, finding himself facing Speed, the mutant boy carrying an armload of candles from Bath and Body works - six in total, enough to recreate his magic circle with, and each candle labeled with the name of Loki's favorite scent.
Loki was surprised by the gesture, to say the least, but slowly smiled, his chapped lips peeling back to expose the gap where a tooth should have been (freshly knocked out, thanks to a certain thunderous brother), and, with a gesture, levitated the candles out of Tommy's arms, setting them in the circle around him and lighting them all with his own green sparks of magic. "Thank you, Thomas, that was most kind of you. This scent... reminds me of home."
His smile stayed this time, and when Speed asked if he could join him in the circle for a time, the newly reborn God of Stories only nodded, happy to have the company.
* just want to put here that I misread the original prompt for #21 as ‘candles’ with an ‘L,’ when it’s actually ‘candies’ with an ‘I.’
22.    “Ah, the puppy dog face. Check mate, huh?” [6/2/2019, featuring Lady Loki]
Tommy rolled his eyes at Teddy's statement, scoffing in disdain at the question; Loki was attractive and good at making that sort of face, but that certainly wasn't the only reason Tommy went along with her whims.
He turned to look at the goddess and she gave him that look again - the look that made his knees weak and ensured that he would do anything she asked of him.
... Yeah, it was check mate, alright.
23.    “Quit poking my sides; you know I’m ticklish!” [6/4/2019, based in current main timeline]
Loki chuckled to himself as Tommy moved away a little bit, just out of range of the trickster god's reaching finger, his mutant lover casting him a half-hearted glare with something akin to a pout.
It was adorable, and Loki wanted more than anything to pull that pouting lower lip into his mouth, to tease and lick and suck until he had reduced Tommy to a moaning, whining mess beneath him.
"Of course, dear heart," he teased, stepping closer to ruffle Tommy's white hair, earning himself another glare as he continued. "That's why it's so much fun!"
24.    “Your hair is sticking out everywhere. Cute.” [6/4/2019, featuring Lady Loki]
Loki sneered in response to the comment, running her hand tiredly through her bedhead, black strands of hair pointing in every direction, beads and gold decorations clinking against each other as she shifted through the messy braids.
"... shut up."
Tommy grinned, setting down his morning coffee in favor of pulling her closer to steal a quick kiss. "I love it. You should keep it exactly like this forever."
"Hmm..." His goddess lover wrinkled her nose, kissing him on the lips before moving to kiss his cheek, then moving down to nuzzle comfortably into his neck. "Only if you never wear clothes again."
25.    “Wait, let me get a picture of you there.” [6/4/2019, based in the current main timeline]
Startled by Tommy's order, Loki pulled his head back, ponytail whipping through the air behind him as he turned to stare at his mutant lover, surprised to find Tommy was holding up Loki's own Stark phone.
Tommy smiled as he snapped the picture. "You needed a new avatar for your Twitter, right? Congratulations, now you have a brand spanking new, startled avatar."
Despite himself, Loki laughed, and soon the pair had devolved into just taking silly pictures of themselves and each other.
26.    “If you need my shoulder, or my hand, or a hug-” [6/4/2019, featuring Loki as the God of Stories from "Agent of Asgard"]
Tommy winced at how awkward he sounded, even to himself, and finally fell silent and looked away, reaching up uncomfortably to play with his hair, uncertain of what to do with himself now that he'd sounded like an idiot.
Loki was meditating --as he often did after a particularly rough day of running errands for his mother-- but he cracked open one eye when Tommy fell silent, cooly regarding the mutant who had come to check up on him.
"You're welcome to come sit beside me, Thomas," the newly reborn God of Stories finally said, patting the empty space to his right, and, almost mechanically, Tommy moved to sit beside him, wanting to be there for the man he'd come to admire so much but not truly knowing how.
27.    “Kiss me again.” [6/4/2019, featuring Lady Loki]
Loki shifted into his female form while speaking the sentence, his thin lips giving way to her plump, sexy ones, her eyes hidden beneath long lashes that curled in a way that was reminiscent of the horns on her helmet - the helmet was the only thing that didn't change in some manner with the shift, and Tommy wondered why that was.
Tommy grinned, the mortal having no qualms about kissing either (or any) of Loki's forms, and pressed a second kiss to the god's waiting mouth. "Heh, don't have to tell me twice."
Her hands were in his hair, and her soft, cool body was flush against his, and he just knew that neither of them were going to get any sleep tonight at this rate.
28.    “I’m sorry, but it was too funny for me to intervene.” [6/4/2019, featuring Jotun Loki]
Loki tried to hide his laughter behind his hand, but to no avail - Tommy's mother, Wanda, had been talking her son and babying the young adult in ways that she clearly intended to be embarrassing, if that wink she'd flashed to Loki was any indication, and Tommy had done nothing but complain.
The human glared up at him, and the Jotun floundered a bit, trying to force his mouth into a straight line.
"Shut up, Elsa," Tommy managed, and Loki chuckled and patted the human on the head in response.
29.    “It doesn’t matter what they think, I just care about what you think.” [6/4/2019, featuring Lady Loki]
Tommy swallowed and sunk deeper into the arm chair, tired from trying to explain Loki's genderfluidity to his friends, and he snapped his head up, taken aback by the god's comment. "... What?"
"I said," Loki leaned down over him, the lavishly beaded braids in her hair clinking more than her chain mail shirt did when she moved, and she pressed a strangely soft (for her) kiss to his forehead. "Yours is the only opinion I'm interested in."
"Oh--!" Tommy stuttered, staring up at the powerful creature that stood before him, wondering what he had done to get her attention. "Um, my opinion is that you're hot?"
"Hmm... I suppose that answer is satisfactory."
30.    “You can ask me as much as you want, I’ll say I love you each time.” [6/4/2019, based in the current main timeline]
Loki heard Tommy's words echo over and over in his mind, the god's frame sagging tiredly with each echo; Tommy loved him, and the God of Lies and Stories knew it to be the absolute truth, when really the mutant ought to have hated him just as much as everyone else did.
Loki was the monster, the villain, and that wasn't something to be changed over time, as that was the role he'd been given in the story he'd been placed in, the Elder Gods having written the story too long ago for there to be any revision to it, and too recent for the story to be rewritten.
The trickster god sighed and settled deeper into his bar stool, emptying another glass of beer as he listened to the words that doomed him repeating over and over in his head.
31.    “I’m glad you were here with me.” [6/4/2019, based during "Young Avengers"]
The words were out of Tommy's mouth before his realized, his mouth moving faster than his brain, and, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Loki flinch, the newly recreated god turning to stare at him.
"... Why?"
Tommy shrugged, looking away and carefully training his eyes on the ground, not wanting to admit his crush even to himself. "Your magic is helpful in a pinch. That's all. Don't read anything into it."
There was silence for a moment, then a half-hearted "Alright" from Loki, and Tommy felt like stepping outside of time to punch himself in the face.
32.    “That trip looked hilarious– but also kinda painful; you okay?” [6/4/2019, based in the current main timeline]
The speedster growled up at him from where he'd landed on the ground, but Loki only continued to smile mirthfully down at him, amused by how alarmed the mutant had looked by the sudden appearance of the god mere moments ago and even more amused by his displeasure.
"Here," the trickster god reached down, gripping the front of Speed's uniform and pulling the mutant into an upright position, ignoring the glares Speed was sending him. "Up you get~!"
The slap he received to his face was no surprise, and only served to make him laugh harder, but the sudden, impulsive kiss that drew him in took him aback, and he fell silent as Tommy pulled away again, not saying any words as the mutant paused and then swooped in for another equally impulsive kiss.
33.    “I called you because I can’t fall asleep.” [6/4/2019, based during "Young Avengers"]
Tommy frowned at the words, tempting to ask what kept gods awake at night but deciding against it, instead settling for a puzzled "Why me?"
"... I didn't want to wake Wiccan," the youthful god answered after a moment, pursing his lips before continuing. "I just need someone to sit with me for a time, and," he cast a look in Tommy's direction. "you're not known for sleeping much, yourself."
Tommy suffered nightmares and was afraid to sleep (but he wasn't going to mention that), so he figured it wouldn't be so bad spending the night with Loki, avoiding sleep and bad thoughts together for a few hours; things would different in the morning light, as they always did, but the night was long and dark and lonely enough to make people clutch at one another in ways they otherwise wouldn't.
34.    “I let you win.” [6/4/2019, featuring Loki as the God of Stories from "Agent of Asgard"]
"Of course, dear heart," Loki answered patiently, choosing to focus instead on the water he had boiling for tea instead of the nearly-naked body of the Tickle War loser behind him.
Tommy raised himself up on shaky legs behind him, and soon the tall, gangly, warm body of the human was pressed against Loki's back. "... You're a monster, you know?"
Loki grinned, aware that his mangled teeth probably made him look like a leering troll but deciding to ignore it for now. "Believe me, Thomas -- I am aware of my monstrous nature."
35.    “You look good in it.” [6/4/2019, based in the current main timeline]
The compliment seemed genuine, and, after a moment's hesitation, Tommy smiled proudly, striking a heroic pose in his new costume and putting his hands on his hips. "Yeah? You think? I'm a big fan of the new design myself - I think it makes me look pretty damn cool, right?"
The untrustworthy trickster god Loki grinned, setting down his beer bottle as his eyes shifted up and down, appraising Tommy's entire body. "But, I have to say... I think you'd look better without it. Or, without anything on, I should say!"
Tommy frowned and smacked the sometimes-villain on the arm, making Loki laugh aloud.
36.    “Don’t look away from me.” [6/4/2019, featuring Lady Loki]
A sharp bark of laughter escaped Loki's throat; that was easy for Tommy to say -- he wasn't the one surrounded by ghosts of his past selves, all standing around and taunting him, loudly reminding him of every sin he'd committed, everything he'd ever done, and how pointless it was to try not to be the villain of every story when that was the entire role she was born for--
Her inner ramblings were cut off, as Tommy grabbed her by the sides of her face, forcing her to look at him --not them-- and holding her still.
He looked at her face, and sighed. "Look, I don't care what they say or whether any of it is true -- this is here and this is now, so just look at me and listen to me and don't you dare pay attention to anyone else!"
37.    “I’m not jealous, I’m just practicing my pout.” [6/4/2019, based during "Young Avengers"]
For some reason, that statement made Tommy grin, even as he held the wriggling, angry amphibian in his hands and as he looked straight at the pouting deity in front of him.
"Yeah, clearly," Tommy answered, hoisting up the squirming teammate in his hands. "And you turned David into a frog because...?"
Loki sighed, looking not quite apologetic and not quite proud of himself as he regarded the frog, his eyes narrowing as he met eyes with David, the teammate who had been attempting to steal a kiss from Tommy. "Well... I suppose that was because I was jealous."
38.    “I just want to hug you.” [6/4/2019, based during "Young Avengers"/"Agent of Asgard"]
"Oh? Do you really?" Loki asked without looking up from the books he was scouring, each volume held aloft in the air by magic and gently spinning around him.
"Yeah," Tommy answered, and this time Loki really did look at him, and judging from the look on his face Loki would have wagered that Tommy wanted a bit more than a hug.
"Well, come here then," Loki told him, making a beckoning gesture with his hand; he wondered absently if Tommy was turned on by his magical pursuits or if Tommy knew he only pursued them after having a particularly bad day of being, well, Loki, but, as the human's warm body came to wrap around him, he decided not to bother with answering that question.
39.    “You’ve kissed me like fifty times today.” [6/4/2019, featuring Loki as the God of Stories from "Agent of Asgard"]
In all honesty, Loki wasn't keeping count, and Tommy had probably actually kissed him at least fifty times in the last second, taking his super speed into account.
Tommy smirked at the comment, knowing that the other wasn't nearly as bothered as he let on. "Oh have I? You wanna make it fifty-one?"
Loki made an affronted grunting sound, but dutifully moved his face to let Tommy get at his mouth, not putting up any sort of fight as Tommy claimed another kiss.
40.    “You love me.” [6/4/2019, featuring Loki as the God of Stories from "Agent of Asgard"]
A statement, not a question, and the words ate away at Loki's mind, making him squirm, making his body burn inside and out.
The statement came again, and this time Tommy's voice was more sure of itself, but with an underlying question beneath, as though he knew the facts but still didn't understand the reasoning why.
The god of lies felt his tongue dry up in his mouth, sticking to the roof and unable to loosen, so he nodded instead of speaking, afraid of the reaction he would get; in the end, Tommy didn't react much at all, but his hand moved a little closer, pinky brushing tentatively against Loki's own.
41.    “Can we be alone for a bit?” [6/4/2019, based during "Young Avengers"]
Tommy was impulsive as all hell, and anyone who met him knew it in a heartbeat, but he saw even Billy wince in confusion when those words were out of his mouth like a racehorse out of a gate.
Loki lifted an eyebrow as Billy left, but Tommy ignored it, letting his body control itself for a bit instead of taking orders from his mind; he slammed the mischievous god backwards into the wall, pressing against him and kissing him in ways that even Tommy didn't know he was capable of.
When he pulled away, Loki had a look on his face, like a cat preparing to play with a mouse, and Tommy felt his heart skip against his ribcage.
42.    “The stars wish they were as bright as you.” [6/5/2019, featuring Jotun Loki]
The words were out of Loki's mouth before he could stop them, and he felt the blush of darker blue that must have crept across his face as soon as he said it, almost distracting him from the surprised way Tommy turned to look at him, both of them forgetting about stargazing entirely.
Tommy opened his mouth, as if to say something, but then closed it again for a moment, growling and shifting closer. "And what exactly do you mean by that, alien?"
Loki was startled by the human's actions and their sudden closeness, and his mouth froze up, almost too scared to even answer... but, after a moment, Tommy looked away from his close scrutiny, and Loki's hand somehow found itself clasped in the much smaller hand of the human, and it seemed like everything was alright.
43.    “You make me cliche, but I love it I guess.” [6/5/2019, featuring Lady Loki]
"Do you really?" Loki teased, the gems in her hair tinkling gently as she turned her head, casting him a sexy smile over her shoulder.
Tommy crossed the room to where she was sitting on a stool, scrying bowl in her lap, grinning as he kissed that sexy smile of hers.
"Yeah," he whispered, moving up to kiss her hair, careful to avoid her horns as he listened to her sigh contentedly below him. "I really do."
44.    “I’d feel better if you kissed me.” [6/5/2019, based during the current main timeline]
That statement got him an annoyed look from the mutant speedster. "Yeah... After that little stunt you pulled, that's not gonna happen."
"Oh, come on, Thomas!" Loki responded cheerfully, ignoring the glare he received for using the hero's first name on the battlefield. "I just saved your life, didn't I? Don't I deserve a reward for my chivarly?"
Speed sighed, sounding almost amused, and, grumbling, leaned over to kiss the top of Loki's head where the god lay sprawled on the ground. "Only after you endangered my life, you jerk."
45.    “You’re overthinking– I’m yours. That’s all I want to be.” [based during "Young Avengers"]
Loki snapped his mouth shut, stunned by the declaration; he knew Billy's twin was impulsive, but to just say something like that, like it was no big deal...
But Tommy didn't take his words back, choosing instead to take a step closer, standing beside Loki with nothing but utter conviction in his eyes, and Loki didn't have to do a check to make sure that the young hero was being nothing but honest with him.
"You don't know what you're saying, Thomas," the reborn monster god said quietly, hoping to push the mutant away, and wondering when exactly it had become so hard to betray those he cared about.
46.    “You’re my favorite.” [6/5/2019, featuring Loki as the God of Stories from "Agent of Asgard"]
Loki turned to Tommy, seemingly amused by the statement. "Your favorite what, hm? God?"
"Nope!" Tommy grinned at the diety's confusion, laying his head down on Loki's shoulder and wrapping himself around the diety from behind. "Favorite demon!"
Loki's shoulders shook with dry laughter. "Well... I suppose I could be both."
47.    “You want to take another selfie?” [6/5/2019, based during the current main timeline]
If anything, Loki was amused by Tommy's inane question. "Of course I do, Thomas! This lighting is perfect, and my worshippers on Instagram demand nothing but the most quality of their god's content!"
"... They're just followers, Lo," Tommy deadpanned, and Loki didn't have to look at him to know he was rolling his eyes. "Nobody worships you in this day and age."
"You worship me," Loki answered, pulling Tommy in for a kiss before he could argue, making sure to snap a picture - oh, those silly fangirls online were going to go balistic over this one!
48.    “I’d let you if you asked.” [6/5/2019, featuring Lady Loki]
Tommy rubbed at where his hand had been slapped away, momentarily confused by the almost apologetic look Loki cast him, her own hand still raised in the air from where she'd struck him away from her horns; he didn't know what it was about her horns that she was so defensive of, exactly (it was just a stupid helmet, after all), but every time he tried to grab them while making out with her, she would react angrily like this.
But, this was the first time she had offered him an alternative, so he swallowed his pride for a moment. "... May I please touch your horns?"
She dipped her head in a strangely submissive manner, casting him a soft, trusting smile. "You may. You and no one else."
49.    “Since it’s you, I’m gonna let it go.” [6/5/2019, featuring Loki as the Goddess of Stories from "Agent of Asgard"]
Loki grinned at her lover as she carefully placed the lopsided flower crown on his head, her black lips pulling aside to show the gap between her teeth. "Oh, come now. You look adorable! Besides," she continued, ignoring the scoffing sound he made, "I saw these on Instagram and wanted to try them out."
Tommy only grunted, accepting the second crown from her and trying carefully to fit it around the horns of her royal diadem. "Couldn't you just magic one up if you wanted?"
"I could..." She smiled at his complaints, knowing that he must have loved her to put up with her peculiar whims. "But where would be the fun in that?"
50.    “My only regret is not telling you I loved you sooner.” [6/5/2019, based during the "War of the Realms"]
Those were the words that whispered through the air, entering Speed's ears from across the battlefield, echoing in his mind like a sad refrain; it filled Speed with sorrow, and made him fall to the ground, his arms mechanically catching him, ignoring the din of war that came from all sides around him.
He didn't have time for Demons or Angels or Dark Elves or Jotuns -- Loki was dead, killed at the hands of Laufey, and that was all that mattered right now.
Taking a shuddering breath, Speed raised himself back to his feet, looking around at the battle around him without really seeing it; he was an Avenger, and he would avenge the god he loved, even if he had to kill Malekith, Laufey, and Cindr by himself.
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deaegratia · 7 years ago
When he smiles
Nenela liked being a part of the Scions. They had lofty ideals, but she was certain they could be made into reality one day, as long as everyone put in their best efforts. One of them, though… Was he really a Scion at all?
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He didn’t seem to be very fond of Eorzea. In fact, when they’d met at that remembrance ceremony, all he’d done was point out every flaw he could find in Raubahn’s speech. The same happened at the ceremonies in the other city-states. The few times she’d seen him at the Waking Sands, he’d be gone again before she knew it. Minfilia had called the Scions a family, but he didn’t seem to be a part of it. Fortunately, Nenela didn’t want him to be there anyway.
Yet it was exactly because of his irregular visits that he had avoided the raid on their headquarters. When he had entered the church she had sought refuge in, all confident as if these happenings had been his plan all along, she had to restrain herself from shoving him back out of the door and telling him not to bother her ever again. All her newfound friends were dead, and he had the audacity to ask her to slay yet another primal? Couldn’t he just find another crystal bearer? She just wanted to stay in the church with Father Iliud and continue crying her eyes out. Still… She could hardly leave Marques- or was it Cid?- to deal with this stuck-up boy on his own. And if this Garuda was truly as powerful as was said… If people were going to get hurt because of her inaction… She’d have to try, at the very least. She could do as Alphinaud told her, at least for a little while. Anything was better than continuing to be alone.
The Stone Vigil was the Seventh Hell on Hydaelyn, Nenela was certain of it. Round every corner was yet another wyvern intending to turn her into a meal. By the time they spotted the Enterprise, she was exhausted, but most of all, scared out of her wits. The dragon blocking their way, as well as the surprise appearance of that Ascian only made matters worse. She was tired. She wanted to give up.
“Nenela! Nenela! Are you all right? Speak to me!”
As her vision returned to her, she realized she’d fallen backwards in the snow when that Echo had caught her unawares. Her hands were still clutching the crystal she had found. Shaking her head, she realized it had been Alphinaud who had called for her. He held out his hand to help her get back on her feet.
“Twelve be praised, I feared the beast had injured you.” He smiled down at her. “I see now why the others rated you so highly. When you were caught in the midst of that aetheric bubble with the dragon, I was all but certain my next mission would be to find a new champion.”
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She barely even comprehended the second half of that sentence. All she could see were the snowflakes that stuck to his eyelashes, and how his cheeks had turned slightly red from the cold, and that he was smiling.
Oh gods. He was cute.
Of course, that feeling quickly passed after he helped her back up and continued on about how she would have just wasted her time if she had perished. Silently, the Lalafell made her way over to the airship. Her cheeks were red-hot, but not from the cold.
As it turned out, Alphinaud wasn’t all that bad. A bit obnoxious, at times, yes, but not as terrible as she’d originally made him out to be. He was really smart, and he worked hard. When he proposed the idea of founding a Grand Company for all of Eorzea, it sounded like the best idea she’d ever heard. The thought of it being an army was a bit frightening, but Minfilia certainly seemed to be glad for the extra help. Captain Ilberd was a kind and honorable man, and so were the other Crystal Braves. Certainly, this was the best way to do as much good as they possibly could.
When he needed someone to deliver a package or take on some other minor task, Nenela would be the first to volunteer. She liked being helpful… though the thought of him smiling at her after she returned from a job well done also had something to do with it. She just really wanted to be his friend! There weren’t that many people their age around, after all. It was in everyone’s best interest that they’d get along.
(It wasn’t that she didn’t hear the whispers, though. Sellsword. Maidservant. Pushover. It wasn’t fair. She was good at doing what she was told. There wasn’t anything wrong with that, was there?)
As the lights of Ul’dah’s palace faded in the distance, Nenela was reminded of a faerie tale she had once heard. The peasant maid had been invited to a grand feast, but as soon as the clock struck twelve, she would have to flee the palace in a hurry, for that was when the magic that had made her dreams come true would wear off. Though she did not remember regicide being part of the original story, in a sad sort of way, her situation was much the same. Here she was, running from what should have been a fun party, her dress tattered and stained with blood. 
She’d thought herself a warrior. She thought she was actually helping the realm heal from the scars it suffered in the calamity. But no. This was no different from her years in servitude. She still didn’t question orders. She always obeyed. And look what had come of it. …She’d never be able to return home.
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The carriage continued to move through the desert sands. The many adventurers it carried didn’t slow it down at all. It was a bit uncomfortable, crowded as it was, but no one complained. They all had their own lingering regrets to think about. Nenela looked over to Alphinaud. He had pulled his hood over most of his face, so she couldn’t see what he was looking at. No doubt he had much to think about as well. Silently, she promised herself she’d get that smile back on his face eventually. Not by being a servant, but by being a friend.
Ishgard was cold, yet Fortemps Manor was always warm. She’d never stayed this long at the same place before, but it was comforting, in a way. Always waking up in the same bedroom. Meeting her friends at breakfast. Going out for her duties, and returning home to eat dinner together. Was this what a family was like?
Yet this peace could not last long. The Dravanians were an ever-present threat. According to Alphinaud, to preserve the light of dawn, they would have to stop running. Nenela agreed. For all the tragedy that had occurred, she hadn’t given up on her ideals. This time, neither of them would have to do it alone.
Though their journey was of grave importance, it was surprisingly enjoyable. Though there were dragons all around, not once did Nenela freeze in terror. She never knew how fun traveling with friends could be.  She admired Ysayle’s determination and Estinien’s courage. As for Alphinaud…. Somewhere along the way, that spark she felt back in Stone Vigil became a flame, and then a raging fire.
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Estinien had noticed, and would not stop teasing them about it.
“You were gone so long that Master Alphinaud here nigh lost his wits with worry. Fretting like a maid for her sweetheart, he was!” “You are unkind, Estinien. For all their experience and strength, they are but children.”
Embarrassing as it was, it did make Nenela wonder – had it always been like this? She’d heard Lucia talk of him pacing the room endlessly while she was away, but had he been worried about the cause? Or worried about her? Though she knew it was unlikely, she secretly hoped for the latter.
Their journey had been for naught, and it seemed like she and her friends would have to face Nidhogg after all. As they waited for the Ironworks to complete the manacutters necessary to gain access to the Aery, Nenela was summoned to Camp Dragonhead to speak with Lord Haurchefant. She’d expected him to request her aid, but instead, it was… a request to talk with her in private?
Apparently, someone had informed him about her troubles and he was more than willing to help. After all, he was an expert in matters of the heart, or so he claimed. For a moment Nenela had no idea what he was talking about, until she realized. Tataru. She’d told her all about her journey, and every time the conversation turned to the young arcanist, she’d started smiling like an idiot. Of course, as soon as Tataru knew of something, half of Eorzea would know of it as well the following day. She turned red as a beet and started to object, that they were only friends, but Haurchefant shook his head.
“Now you are only fooling yourself, my young friend. Do you truly think me blind? It has been clear to me since I saw the two of you sitting together in the Falling Snows. ‘Tis love, no doubt about it.”
Fortunately, the knight was nothing if not kind. According to him, she’d feel much better if she’d just tell him. True, it would be frightening, but she had already conquered her fears more times than he could count. He even helped her write a letter in case her voice refused to cooperate during said confession. Her feelings were put to paper and sealed tightly in an envelope. Letter in hand, she made her way back home. She took a deep breath, the freezing air filling her lungs. She could do this. She’d promised Haurchefant. She had to, scary as it was.
In the Pillars, she passed a group of Elezen girls who were returning home from school. Nenela couldn’t hear it very well, but apparently they were gossiping, as teenaged girls are won’t to do. Ordinarily, she wouldn’t listen in on the conversations of strangers, but a single word made her stop walking.
“Can you believe there are Lalafell staying at Fortemps Manor? I’ve never actually seen a Lalafell before!” Another girl giggled. “I know, right? I saw one the other day, and it was so silly. I mean, honestly! Who walks like that?” A third girl chimed in. “Okay, but we all know the real interesting thing at that manor is the boy who’s living there. He’s so cute! Do you think he’s some kind of distant cousin?” “Well, I know who I’m sending my gifts to next Valentiones Day!”
The girls continued chatting like that, but Nenela had heard enough. The letter she had worked so hard on was ripped apart and its pieces flew away on the wind. Why, oh why had she gotten her hopes up again? She’d thought them equals, but she’d forgotten the simplest things.
He was tall. He’d get even taller. In his eyes, she’d always remain a child. He was a prodigy. Esteemed grandson of the savior of the realm. Clever and handsome and just so wonderful. What did she even have to offer him?
She’d intended to keep her promise. To tell him eventually, if only for Haurchefant. But her duties always got in the way. She promised herself she’d tell him when she returned from the Singularity Reactor. Tell him after Nidhogg had been slain. Tell him after the liberation of Doma. Of Ala Mhigo. But it was never the right time.
Perhaps it was better this way. She’d procrastinated on it for so long, the thought of rejection became more terrifying than any dragon. So she ignored the way her heart fluttered every time he called her his friend. Forbade herself from thinking about the possibility of ever holding his hand.
She was his friend. That’s all she could give him, and by the Twelve would she try to be the best friend he’d ever had. She would continue to try to make him smile. ...Maybe she’d tell him after he’d return from Garlemald. His sudden absence was felt by everyone, but it had made her realize something.
Nenela loved the Scions. But there was one Scion whom she loved the most.
aaaaand that’s it! the final part of Tales from the Desert, for the prompt “nenela thinks about her crush.” somehow it became lot less sappy than i intended, but i guess that happens sometimes!
thank you so much for reading! :D
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hellyeahrpmemes · 7 years ago
here’s sentences from 10 more of jenna’s videos! feel free to change names/pronouns/zodiac signs/etc.! more jenna sentences
“So I had a bunch of thoughts floating around in my head and I didn’t know what to do with them, so I decided to make them all open letters.”
“Dear open letters: lighten up, man. Take it easy.”
“This is really difficult because I have my contacts in and my glasses on.”
“Why is your dog screaming? Like, literally screaming.”
“I’ve met more new people in the last week of my life than I have in the past year. I don’t know if that’s the saddest thing ever or the most awesome thing ever.”
“Good try, but it needs a little work.”
“What’s your favorite vegetable? Eggplant, said no one.”
“We know you know. You know we know.”
“Stop keeping all the cool stuff for yourselves. It’s selfish.”
“0/10 design, I am very angry.”
“Who thought of this? This is a terrible idea.”
“Dear avocados: you can still fuck yourselves, you’re getting worse.”
“Are you sure you’re supposed to be here? Because something doesn’t seem right.”
“I feel better now.”
“Dear bees: if you’re so endangered, why are there always at least 100 of you in my backyard at any given moment just waiting to give your life and hurt me?”
“You’re a do-nothing. Do you wanna be a do-nothing? Cause right now, you’re a do-nothing.”
“I sprayed hairspray directly into my ear the other day, and it was a horrible experience. I don’t wanna relive it ever again.”
“I like, really, really wanna be your friend.”
“Not everything in life requires crying.”
“We get it, you’re on an emotional roller coaster called life, but aren’t we all?”
“Can you please shut the fuck up?”
“Yes, finally, a makeup challenge that I can do.”
“I’m ready, I wanna do it, I’m so excited.”
“It feels like I dipped my face in a bowl of nacho cheese.”
“I look like the tin man, but we’re gonna fix it.”
“It’s starting to smell a little like paint thinner, but I think it’s worth it.”
“I want you to be able to see my face in the dark.”
“This is the look I’m going for.”
“I’m gonna use this mascara in the color ‘my parents are disappointed in me’.”
“I wanna be seen from space.”
“I mean, now I’m ready.”
“Get on my level, all other makeup artists.”
“This video has been the highlight of my life.”
“I need some tape to tape my eyes open.”
“I’m not secretly addicted to crack cocaine.”
“It’s more of a nervous thing.”
“I’m kinda lazy, so that’s kind hard to do.”
“I can’t help it, cause it makes me feel better.”
“Hey, you wanna stay up for another 3 hours?”
“Better go ahead and watch the entire season right now.”
“Is it rude? Yes. Is it terrible? Yes.”
“I feel like it makes every argument a little less serious.”
“Everything’s gonna be okay, it’s really not a big deal.”
“I’m helping us in the long-term.”
“Who the fuck invented contacts? Incredible invention.”
“I’m doing what they would want me to. I’m living my best life.”
“I don’t really like to throw things out, because things are so good, why would I throw this out?”
“That is not an appropriate thing to do with your belongings.”
“A little bit of chaos is good for your kitchen or your house, not a lot though.”
“I’m borderline too much.”
“I somehow refuse to charge anything ever.”
“I’m the most annoying person.”
“I have a really bad habit about being very nitpicky about not even the things that matter in life.”
“That fuckin’ pillow needs to go there.”
“Don’t fucking touch that, or I will kill you.”
“I’m very sorry. I’m working on it.”
“He knows that he owns my soul.”
“This is the reality that I’ve created for myself.”
“I get locked out all the time.”
“That’s not a habit, it’s just a thing.”
“What am I supposed to do about that?”
“Have you seen this dog yet? I found it.”
“That is the spice of life, am I right?”
“I feel vulnerable. I always do. You know that.”
“It’s just fuckin’ funny, man, okay?”
“Whose life is this?”
“Here we motherfuckin’ go.”
“This app can’t be good for anyone.”
“This is not legal. There’s no way they can do this.”
“This is disgusting, you know that?”
“I give that a get out of my ear/10.”
“I’ve never been happier to play rock paper scissors with a stranger.”
“Blink if you’re being held captive.”
“We were playing rock paper scissors and now we’re buying a bikini.”
“This got so fucking creepy!”
“This is a work environment…!”
“What the fuck is this job you got, girl, you’re better than that!”
“This is what happens if you do drugs once.”
“10/10 idea for a tattoo.”
“This is criminal.”
“I think that’s sexy Christmas, and worth a dollar.”
“That is a demon.”
“That was weird and sad.”
“That was so aggravating!”
“Can he see us?”
“That is the most legendary app of all time.”
“Don’t touch my hat, what is wrong with you?”
“I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“This doesn’t sound like the sport for me.”
“This doesn’t sound like a sport at all.”
“You can strangle someone to death.”
“Am I allowed to lick? Spit? Blow on you? Scream loudly? Sing a song?”
“It’s basically the same rules as Kindergarten; don’t be a complete asshole and spit on people.”
“Sounds like a disrespectful sport, that’s what it sounds like.”
“Is there gonna be snacks?”
“Please don’t break my arm.”
“No, you can’t sing that.”
“One, two, three, goodbye.”
“It felt wrong.”
“That’s really not allowed.”
“Don’t do that with your tongue.”
“Can’t you just kill them with your kindness?”
“Oh my fuck, you’re heavy.”
“My leg hurts, is that normal?”
“I don’t want to choke you, I love you.”
“It doesn’t look very threatening when I do it.”
“Don’t you want to choke me right now?
“I love you, but don’t do that.”
“Ow, for fuck’s sake!”
“Whose hand is that?”
“What do you call this? Is it called ‘sleepover’?”
“Why would anyone want to do this?”
“Don’t do it, I tried it, it’s a bad idea.”
“Who the fuck is that?”
“I feel like I didn’t even get a workout, I just got wet.”
“You know, I don’t eat beef, but, if I did, I would like it roasted.”
“You were cool in 2012, the end.”
“You’re actual trash.”
“You got a Masters Degree and don’t use it.”
“Not cool, man. Clarinets are easy to misplace.”
“The fuck was that, a Lion King reference?”
“Can’t even trust you to not make it weird for even one second.”
“I’m not making it weird, you’re making weird.”
“Ya nasty. Get a manicure.”
“You should grow up and get a job.”
“You have a radio show because your face is better for radio.”
“Where is your top lip?”
“I watched you bite your own toenail the other day.”
“Your hair is stupid!”
“Can someone fucking help you?”
“I hear that they have billions of dollars and lots of Mexican food.”
“I would prefer neater handwriting, but this slop-fest will have to do for now.”
“They only fill the chips up to about here.”
“These have been sitting out for a little while, so they’re kind of stale.”
“It tastes a little like the long line I waited in to get this.”
“Did you do anything fun today at school?”
“I got it at Target.”
“It smells good, but it’s a lot, you know?”
“There’s a tag that says something about getting arrested if you take it off.”
“Am I going to jail now?”
“I’ve been to that bitch’s house, and I can’t get Kylie lip kit.”
“I hope this was everything you wanted ever.”
“It’s hard to watch yourself, and it’s cringey, especially if it’s old.”
“Oh, man, this is brutal.”
“A very nice young girl with a very large chip on her shoulder.”
“I’m still incredibly embarrassed and ashamed.”
“Look at this tan, though… look at this tan.”
“There was a fire at my job, and, like a good employee, I put the fire out with a fire extinguisher.”
“I was working at a tanning salon, and I was like, this is a good look.”
“I am past this phase, thankfully.”
“It looks like it feels like Doritos because it did feel like Doritos.”
“I’ve come a long way.”
“Those things are demonic-looking.”
“The voice is very jarring.”
“It’s a lot. If you could just dial it back, like, a bunch of notches, that’d be really great.”
“I mean, I can’t say that I blame you.”
“I can’t even fully understand what I’m saying.”
“He filmed the whole thing on my laptop.”
“I’ve been the same since day one, so…”
“The worst quality, the worst audio, just terrible. Terrible all around.”
“She seems like a nice girl.”
“Jenna, I feel like you’re throwing your life away.”
“I think my entire life will be a cycle of me looking back at everything I’ve ever done and being like, ‘this is horrible. I hate it’.”
“I hate you for this.”
“This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.”
“It genuinely pissed people off.”
“People were so mad at me.”
“It felt like people hated me personally.”
“Everyone’s just thinking that I’m some alcoholic.”
“I certainly feel that I’ve changed a lot as a person.”
“I’ve said lots of things that I probably shouldn’t have said.”
“It means everything to me. I just really appreciate it more than I could ever possibly tell you.”
“I changed my life.”
“Thank you so, so, so, so much for being kind to me, and caring, and giving me a chance to learn from my mistakes.”
“This is the most fun, most cool, most amazing thing that I could ever ask for.”
“Petition to make formal bath time a thing.”
“You can’t fit a square peg in a round hole, but you can light everything on fire.”
“They already make hot sauce, but why don’t they make cold sauce for food that’s too spicy?”
“I think it should be socially acceptable to sprint anywhere you want to. It’s faster, and I’m in a hurry.”
“One time, I wished upon a cloud.”
“The word tabletop is redundant.”
“Don’t hate the player, hate the coach.”
I think alarm systems would be more effective if, instead of alarm noises, they just shouted out the entire Gettysburg Address.”
“One time, your parents had sex with each other.”
“I think a really dirty, lazy person invented Febreeze.”
“I will now perform the opening song “Bonjour” from “Beauty and the Beast”.”
“I feel vulnerable right now. I feel very vulnerable and out there.”
“I was genuinely baffled by it.”
“I am a mere mortal, not a crafting god.”
“I feel like this is the fairest way to do this, to please everyone.”
“This could get very dicey, but let’s do it, I’m ready.”
“Now you’re filled in, congratulations, you’re welcome.”
“This is really, really bad.”
“I don’t really know what my plan is.”
“I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before.”
“I hope I don’t regret this.”
“Why wait for Halloween to make your dreams come true?”
“Much to your, and my, surprise, this actually works.”
“Is it overkill? Yeah.”
“See something cool? Make a mediocre version of it.”
“Please work, please work.”
“I don’t have any other ideas, there is no Plan B, this has to work.”
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freyalor · 7 years ago
3 sentence game. Louichelieu, Shapeshifter AU. If you want to, take my shapeshifter one ;-)
Damn, you will make me do anything !
Here you go, Schmetterling. Have fun
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- « YourMajesty, I beg you to forgive my insisting, but you need to considerthe wider consequences. Showing any kind of mercy in that case wouldbe perceived as a weakness beyond borders.
The King rolled his eyes,worn-out and exasperated, no doubt for the third time in the sameevening.
-”I will not exile aMarchal of France!” He shouts, banging his fist on the thickpolished desk.
-”This is why I alsosuggest you strip him of all titles and privilege before you do so.”
With a furious roar, Louissends a pile of document flying to the ground. Richelieu flinches, apitiful look for his old crumpled map of Germany that won’t survivethe incident. But the Red Man gives no further sign of worry, keepinga blank face and a cold stare against the storm Louis’ anger.
Nothing unusual.
Nothing unusual, afterall.
Louis raises his hands inthe air, his throat crushed by too many things to say.
None of them is turnedinto sound.
He drops his arms,growling, staring at the Red brick wall in front of him. The Cardinalsubtly lifts his chin up, his jaw twitching, because he is manythings, but not stupid, and he know he spends most of his days oneword away from being executed.
But in those frozen,resolute eyes, Louis once more only reads maddening, frantic loyalty,and this is what defeats him every time. Shaking his head, he spinsaround and leaves, hissing something about adjourning the Council.
He makes sure the door isproperly slammed, because violence is all he has left.
He strides, boiling,straight to his apartments, cutting through the crowd as Moses musthave cut through the sea. Once in his bedroom, he lets out one long,strangled scream, breaking a spanish vase that was part of his wife’swedding gifts.
He collapses face-first onhis bed, gripping the sheets in sheer rage.
He remains there for awhile. How long, he doesn’t know, and cannot care.
At some point, ascratching sound makes him jump and look around. He lets out a weakrelieved gasp, because the sound came from that tall silver tabbyagain.
-”Welcome back, you.”Louis gently whispers.
The thin grey cat gentlyrubs its delicate head against the nightstand, purring in peacefulnotes. Louis likes that cat. That might be the only cat he everliked. He likes it even more because he’s obviously not one of theCardinal’s. This one has never been seen around Richelieu.
He has no idea whose catit might be. He tried to ask questions, but nobody seems to own thatthing.
He still appears aroundthe Royal apartments every now and then, tail up, eyes wide.
Often when the King’sangry. Always when he’s sad.
-” Here’s my moodlightener” Louis calls him, and the cat meows back.
Hopping on the bed,curling against the King’s stomach, the tabby offers his warm fur fordistraction, and Louis, delighted, certainly won’t decline.
-”You know what’samazing about you?” Louis ponders, stroking the animal with carefulfingers. “You are easy. You’re always satisfied. All you ask of meis to lie down in my bed and be properly petted. Dear God, I wish hecould be that painless.”
The cat raises his ears,listening intently, and gently waves his tail, showing support ascats can do.
The King has a resentfullook for his bedroom door, as if he could see the Palais Cardinalfrom there.
-”He’s insufferable.”Louis sighs. “He’s insufferable, because he’s bloody right. Everytime, every time. If only I could truly, righteously disagree,just once, one damn time! I would crush him, then. I would literallyshut him up for weeks. Months, even, hah! You have no idea howI would. But the clever beast won’tgive me that pleasure anytime soon, it seems.”
The King winces, rollingover on his back and staring at the thick canopy above his head. Thecat lets out a sharp protesting meow, and shifts closer to Louis’ribcage, purring loud enough for the soothing vibration to echothrough the man’s body in subtle tides. Silence stretches betweenthem, as it can be between old friends, comfortable and quiet as awarm summer day.
After a while, Louis’ browsoftens to a bittersweet frown, and a dreamy smile passes upon hislips.
-”You should see him,though,” he exhales, “pushed to his limits, thwarted and upset,you should see how aflame he can be. How he can swirl, how hecan sing. The way he can grab my hands to press them against hisheart, God, he has me dancing on the rope of sin.”
The King chuckles darkly,his eyes closing on their own will.
-”Can you hold a secret,furry thing?” he manages to breathe, half asleep already.“Sometimes I make him wait, sometimes I make him cry. Sometimes Iargue for one more day, even if deep inside I already agreed. Becausein darkest despair, this man is a masterpiece.”
The cat doesn’t respond,his bright yellow eyes fixed upon the King’s unmoving face.
Later on, the silver beastmight have jumped off the bed, and slid outside the window like onlycats do.
Later on, he might havetrotted to the Palais Cardinal unnoticed, slipping through closingdoors and walking men like only cats can.
Once in the Cardinal’srooms, the silver cat’s shadow on the wall might have grown high andwide, turning into the tall a silhouette of a man.
Somewhere under the quietstare of the Holy Cross, Armand de Richelieu might have smiled,licking his own hand in satisfaction, out of pure habit, no doubt.  
Nothing unusual.
Nothing unusual, afterall.
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keyakikun · 8 years ago
Long Interview Watanabe Rika Keyakizaka46 (Brody August 2017) 
Part 2: Not even one left out, Until 37 years old still Keyakizaka46
— Earlier we were talking about whether Watanabe-san is a nervous type, but have you ever felt any emotional ups and downs? Watanabe: Not so much.
— Feelings like anger, sadness, are there none of it? Watanabe: Not so much.... Yep.
— Recently, what made you angry? Watanabe: Thing that made me angry.... Recently, someone doodled a face on my earphone.....
— Ahahahahaha! Watanabe: I was jokingly angry (lol)
— How about thing that made you cry? There is not much impression that you'd cry in public, except in haunted house or something like that. Watanabe: No, I cried in front of people, too.
— Did you cry recently? Watanabe: Ummm... recently no.
— Is there any drama or movie that made you cry? Watanabe: Ah, sometimes there is.
— Is there anything in particular which you like? Watanabe: The Beauty & The Beast movie was really moving.
— That being said, who is the member that could make you comfortable to express emotions naturally? Watanabe: Naako-chan (Nagasawa Nanako).
— Location planning on your 「KeyaKake」 episode was amazing. ( 「Keyakitte, Kakenai?」 on 8 May 2017, titled 「Nagasawa-kun and Watanabe Rika's holiday」 ) Watanabe: Fufufufufu.
— it was the real thing, isn't it. Watanabe: that was honestly (done).
— Do you talk a lot when you're with Nagasawa-san? Watanabe: Yup... I think so.
— Also consulting about problems? Watanabe: consulting about problems... maybe a little.
— Is it about idol related problems? or private things, too? Watanabe: About me.....
— it might be rude to hear those things.....Do you have any problem, Watanabe-san? Watanabe: I cannot lose any weight.....
— you might go window shopping to the department store alone, right Watanabe: I felt really happy when it's time to eat.
— That being said, you also wrote in your blog that you wanted to go to buy bread in Togoshi Ginza, right? (T/N: a famous shopping street in Tokyo). Watanabe: Yes. I want to eat rice flour bread (Komeko Pan)
— Rice bread? Watanabe: But I also like Croissant.
— What are food that you're deeply addicted right now? Watanabe: I wonder what.... but I looked up a lot in the bakery.
— Can you make it by yourself? Watanabe: yeah, I want to try making it. I want the tools.
— Do you want to go to baking class? Watanabe: Aa~ That seems fun.
— I think Watanabe-san has a lot of ways to deal with differences/changes, from your point of view, who is becoming the most eccentric member (in keyaki)? Watanabe: (immediately replied) Naako-chan.
— That's somehow to be expected, no? Is Watanabe-san who comes out in the media and the real-life Watanabe-san not so different? Watanabe: Umm... in reality (I am) a bit more talkative.
— Is it because you're nervous that you talk less in interviews? Watanabe: I don't go really well with answering questions....how should I think about it, I can't make sentences in my head.
— that means you'll answer with single character words, no? Watanabe: Yes. Even when i was in conversation with my friends, speaking with a single word is pretty good (T/N: one word is understandable? as expected keyaki members are amazing lol)
— But I heare you're talking positively in the handshake event. Watanabe: Fufufufufu....but I replied with one word.
— During handshake event, what was the most often thing told to you? Watanabe: Umm....
— For example, if someone says 「I will support you!」 ? Watanabe: I'll say 「Thanks!」
— That was a sure thing, hmm, how about 「What did you have for breakfast today?」 Watanabe: 「Bread!」 . Fufufufufu.
— So it's indeed one word (lol). But there must be a time when the fan was nervous and couldn't say anything. In that case can your voice come out? Watanabe: Yes. like 「Where are you come from?」
— What do you have in mind about handshake events? Watanabe: Because (fans) have come by queuing so long, (I) want to make them feel it was exciting.
— Watanabe-san's handshake has known to have a reputation of being extraordinary and exciting, right. Watanabe: If I say I will do it, I want to do it as best as possible.
— Then, (you) have done 「REVOLUSHON!!!」 countless times? Watanabe: Yes.
— Did giving the best response/reply was something you always keep in mind since you joined the group? Watanabe: But at first I was not very good in speaking (T/N: having conversation?) so I was kind of scared.
— When you joined the group, how long do you think that you'll continue to be an idol? Watanabe: Fufufufu.... I wanna do it until 30 years old.
— so, until 30 years old. That's one of a goal, right? Watanabe: yup... until how old do you think (one) could (continue being an idol)?
— (do you) Want to keep on going until your limit? Watanabe: Yeah......
— What made you think like that? We really want to hear it. Watanabe: I hope everyone could do it until 30 years old.
— And why is that? Watanabe: I cannot imagine if we lack of even one member.
— But that one, 「I hope everyone could do it until 30 years old」, if you think about it, not all member are of the same age, no? Watanabe: Ah you're right! When the youngest member reached 30 years old, I might be 40 years old.....
— When Hirate-san were 30 years old, then Watanabe-san would be... 37, no? Watanabe: Surely.... no~ it's frightening! (T/N: she actually said kowai kowai kowai~~~)
— Then Watanabe-san would continue being an idol until 37 years old? Watanabe: Fufufufu.... I knew it was impossible, probably (lol) .
— Does wanting to continue being an idol until 30 years old comes from your affection towards members and the group? Or is it because you enjoy being an idol as a job? Watanabe: Umm, both are true.
— Do you think you're fit for this job (being an idol)? Watanabe: If I were to quit I don't know what should I do next....
— In a sense, the fittest one to be an idol in the group? Watanabe: Eeeh!!!
— Because, you can't imagine doing another job besides being an idol. Watanabe: Fufufufufu.
— I wonder what you'd be doing if you weren't an idol Watanabe: Maybe become a hikikomori....fufufufufu.
— Do you think that becoming an idol is a calling? Watanabe: I do.
— At first I don't think that there is anyone who would say that. Because many people are doing this halfheartedly, I think. Watanabe: Eee--h, I don't know......
— I think it had been heard from many people that Watanabe-san's audition episode was really liked by many people. Watanabe: Why is that?
— It is said that you hit 50 companies in job hunting. Watanabe: Ah-- (lol). I don't remember....fufufufu...
— This is never a foolish thing, for Watanabe-san 「being an idol is a calling」 is a supporting fact, I think it's a very great episode. In the first place, why did you auditioned for Keyakizaka46? Watanabe: Actually I've been interested for a long time, but I've never been called for audition even once.
— Ah-- So that was your first audition. It would be easier to enter ordinary companies....Really miracle girl, I think. Watanabe: Fufufufufu.
The last part will come.... soon, probably. I want to enjoy summer holiday~~ lol
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awkwardnessandbaseball · 8 years ago
I’m finally on AO3 and can finally post my work there!
Not Enough? You Are...Everything A look inside Jim Halpert's mind as he pines over, misses, dates, and eventually marries Pam Beesly. A mostly canon re-telling of the full series through Jim's eyes (with certain snippets through Pam's eyes as well)
Here is an updated list of links:
PLEASE read, review, comment, etc.
I’ll also post Chapter One (Season One) under the cut.
Also, please comment here or on any of the sites linked above with any additional scenes or full episodes you’d like to see done this way. I would love to do any Jim/Pam scenes from someone else’s POV, or really any scene at all from the POV of any character! This story was REALLY fun for me to do :)
Jim had never intended to fall in love with the girl who sat across from him every day. He had never intended to date anyone from work, so when he found himself with a crush on a girl he had no choice but to stare at for a good portion of the day, he was almost grateful she was engaged.
"So, are you going to Angela's cat party?" she's asking him, and he laughs because the idea of a cat party is absurd, but also because he always laughs when he talks to her. Everything seems funny when she says it, and he's fairly certain he's never laughed so much in his life as he does from that spot at reception, with his hands hanging over the desk, almost touching hers.
And when Dwight pulls out the Jell-O encased stapler and she laughs like that, it's almost more than his heart can take. If she didn't laugh like that - a hiccup-y laugh that means he knows he's caught her off guard, done something extraordinary - he might have stopped pranking Dwight ages ago. But if it makes her laugh, he'll keep doing it forever. He loves her laugh.
Shit. Jim is in trouble, because he is in deep. And he is in deep over a committed woman. And God, he'd never want her heart broken the way it would be if Roy left her, but he also knows that a jerk like Roy definitely doesn't deserve a girl like Pam. He knows it's dangerous to put a woman on a pedestal like that, but he also knows that Roy is literally The Worst ™ .
Well, except for maybe Dwight. But that's a whole different story.
But really, he knows Roy keeps her from socializing with her co-workers - and yeah, okay, maybe he's being a little selfish and obvious there, wanting her to go out for drinks and then bailing when Roy says she can't go, but he DOES like spending time with...some of the people from the office. He knows Roy doesn't appreciate her art - which is REALLY good, by the way. And if he doesn't appreciate her art, does he really appreciate her?
Okay, that's a stretch and he knows it. But he still wonders.
He tries to make conversation with Roy, tries to see what she sees in him. Maybe if he could make himself like Roy, he could make himself stop loving her. But Roy is not as chatty, not as bright and bubbly and friendly as Pam. And Roy does not want to talk to Jim. Ever.
And when Jim sees Pam leave the bathroom, clearly trying to hide the fact that she's been crying, he immediately wants to comfort her. He wants to go to her, hug her, tell her whatever happened, it's going to be okay. A tiny part of him hopes that it's about Roy, but that's stupid because he knows Roy is waiting for her outside in that dumpy old truck, that nothing between them could have possibly transpired in the last 10 minutes or so. Right?
But either way, the urge to comfort her is so strong, but he knows that's inappropriate. So instead he just casually asks her about her headache, and she awkwardly asks if he wants to walk out with her, and he's about to grab his coat and really try to savor these few moments completely alone with her…when a truck honks and suddenly she's back to reality, back to her fiance. And Jim is back to being alone, watching the girl he's in love with leave to go home with the man she's in love with - the one who isn't him.
He has learned, over time, to cherish the small moments. The moments when the office is bustling and he and Pam both have nothing to do but observe the madness. The times when he can stand at reception and laugh at Dwight's antics or Stanley's unforgiving attitude. He dangles his hands over the desk, inches away from her fingers, daring himself to grab her hand with his own. He never does, but God does he want to.
It's strange to see another face at the desk when Ryan takes over reception during the horrible, awkward Diversity Day antics. Jim walks over out of habit, feeling awkward once he arrives. He makes conversation with Ryan to ease the strange tension he's feeling. He's barely listening to what Ryan is saying, but then something grabs his attention.
"She's cute, right?"
Cute? Cute doesn't begin to cover Pam Beesly. Pam is wonderful and smart, kind, open, and friendly. Pam is talented and-
"Yeah, but, y'know, she's engaged."
He tries to play it cool, but inside he is screaming. Now the temp is interested in her, too? He knows she'd never go for Ryan, but then again, he certainly didn't see her with a guy like Roy when he found out she was-
"Oh I meant the...the girl in the sketch."
….oh. And Jim can breathe again. He mumbles something about her being hot and pretends to watch whatever Ryan has on the screen. He's already forgotten, more focused on the fact that he needs to stop being jealous over a girl that isn't even his.
Later, he sneaks back into the conference room, feeling defeated over the loss of his biggest client - to Dwight of all people - and breathes a small sigh of relief that the seat next to Pam is still open. It's a small thing, being able to sit next to her. But in another life, she'd comfort him after his rough day, tell him he could go out and get an even bigger client tomorrow. He's imagining this, not listening to a word Michael is saying, when he feels a soft pressure on his shoulder. He turns, and sees her curls very close to his face. He can smell her shampoo. She's leaning on him. She's fallen asleep on his shoulder.
And now he's seeing them curled up on the couch, watching a movie. Seeing a life where Pam falls asleep on his shoulder all the time - she seems the type to fall asleep and then wake up and ask when they're going to bed. And he's hearing her voice, sleepy and wistful, and he's carrying her upstairs-
And suddenly everyone is leaving the conference room. And he waits, cherishing this moment, trying to get back to his imagined reality before the real world comes crashing down around him. He smiles as he wakes her. He whispers softly to her, the same way he imagines he'd wake her up if she had fallen asleep on the couch. She wakes up and walks out of the room with barely a word.
It's the first time he's ever sad to see the end of a Michael Meeting.
"Uhhhhh, not a bad day," he tells the crew. The champagne celebration long forgotten, he knows he's going to remember this day for a long time.
It actually kind of amazes Jim sometimes that no one has called him out for his time at reception. He tries to do it subtly, casually, when no one is really looking that way, but then someone interrupts them and he feels caught, cornered. Even if the conversation is innocent and casual, he feels like he should be in trouble for being at reception, talking to Pam.
He also finds it hard to hide his annoyance at the constant interruptions. He knows it's wrong to be annoyed, because really, he's not supposed to be there anyway - for a multitude of reasons - but he can't help but roll his eyes when Michael interrupts a sentence with some offensive impression or random question for Pam.
But when Michael interrupts one of his favorite moments of the day to ask him to do some menial task, Jim can't help but roll his eyes. He barely listens to whatever it is Michael wants him to do and instead offers an immediate escape route for himself: "Dwight."
He does not, however, anticipate the consequences of his actions. The power that goes to Dwight's head over the smallest task is amazing. He and Pam decide to confront the beast together. They enter his lair - his workspace, if you will - and face him side-by-side. It does not go well.
The good news is that now he has another excuse to talk to Pam as they make up - er, properly notate… - diseases together.
"Don't write Ebola or Mad Cow Disease," he warns her, and he laughs at her surprised face. She thinks he doesn't want her writing anything false, making a joke out of this nonsense Dwight has presented them with? Pshaw, she should know him better. "Because I'm suffering from both," he adds, and she finally laughs, relief evident in her smile. They spend a good chunk of the day - time he should be spending making sales calls - creating fake names.
"Spontaneous Dento-Hydroplosion," he suggests, with a look of confidence. He relishes in the look she gives him in return, clearly impressed with his idea. He sticks that look into the compartment in his brain of Things He Loves About Pam.
Later, another interruption when he is just trying to spend some time with his girl- erm, best friend. This time, from Dwight. He barely listens, but one thing sticks out in the list of false diseases Dwight is reading:
"Killer nano robots?"
"It's an epidemic," Pam responds. And it's his turn to be impressed.
As payback for this interruption - and, of course, for just generally being a jerk to the whole office - he locks Dwight in his workspace. Dwight calls from inside the room and Jim is humoring him until, oh thank God, there she is. The extension number for the reception desk pops up on his phone. And with Dwight yelling in the background, they have a meaningless conversation, where he can picture her face while not even looking at her. And he know it was just a prank on Dwight, that she's just being silly, but he'll always take any excuse to talk to her that he can get his hands on.
Of course, Dwight hands him another "talk to Pam ALL DAY" gift the day he asks for an alliance. The downsizing rumors haven't really bothered Jim all this time. He does his job. He arrives on time, never leaves early. He hardly ever calls off. He tries his best to stay under the radar, not doing so well as to be named Salesman of the Month, ahem, but doing well enough to get by. And he's competent enough that Michael seems to always want to give him all of these tasks, despite the fact that he never wants to take them on.
And maybe, on the off-chance that he did get let go, he could actually move on with his life and stop thinking about the girl at reception that he had to see day in and day out for all these years.
And yet, he spends his time in this alliance with Dwight, talking with that very girl. He has an excuse, as far as Dwight is concerned anyway.
"There may be chatting and giggling and you just gotta pretend to ignore it, wipe it away," he's telling Dwight. And he buys it. So now he can just sit at reception and talk to Pam about absolutely nothing, and someone will back him up if he's ever asked why.
When Jim pranks Dwight alone, it's pretty good. He's come up with some insanely creative ideas, some more subtle than others. But when Jim and Pam combine forces and prank Dwight together, they're unstoppable. By midday, they've got Dwight in a box in the warehouse, listening to pretend phone calls that Pam is making about the downsizing.
They work so well together, and he can't help but love her even more whenever they do stuff like this together.
"She's...so...great," he hears himself tell the crew during an interview session. At this point, they've all gotta know how he's feeling. Of everyone in this office, that crew has to know. Michael is oblivious to everything, and everyone else there is so absorbed in their own stuff, there's no way they've noticed. They're also nosy - unapologetically so - so if they'd noticed his constant visits to reception, one of them would have questioned him about it ages ago.
But the camera crew, they know. They see the look on his face when she walks in, see the tension whenever Roy comes upstairs. They see everything; it's their job. And maybe it should occur to him that someday, this will all be aired for the entire world to see, but at that point, he'll hopefully be long gone, the girl at reception long forgotten.
His real fantasy, of course, isn't that she's long forgotten, but that they're together. In this imagined future, she leaves Roy, comes to her senses, and he can finally tell her how he feels. He really, truly thinks there are times when she feels something, too. He also knows that she'd never give into any of those feelings while engaged to Roy. She's definitely not that type. And her feelings for Roy are real, he knows that, too. But the feelings she would have for him, he strongly suspects, would be much stronger. He tells himself on a daily basis that it will never happen, but he still holds out just a small shred of hope. Hope that, one day, when the camera crew finishes filming, however far into the future that may be, he'll be watching the final product with Pam by his side, and maybe their kids. Maybe a dog, too.
So he doesn't care when he slips up and says things that expose how he really feels about Pam. Not really.
The excitement of the final nail in the coffin on Dwight's alliance is killed immediately when Roy comes rushing in. Jim really is innocent, just playing a prank on an annoying workmate; he just got overly excited and affectionate with Pam. He'd been grabbing her hand to tell her how excited he was when suddenly the door slammed open and Roy was asking him if he was trying to cop a feel.
He's embarrassed, caught off guard. He's never had such a close call before, in all the times he's stood at that desk, so obviously flirting with her. He tries to explain, but of course Dwight is no help. Roy seems to back off once Pam explains that it's just office pranks.
He really should have been ready for that to happen eventually. But he usually stands on the opposite side of the desk. He's never had anything to worry about before.
But when he thinks of how her shampoo smells, how soft her hands are, he doesn't regret being that close to her. He doesn't, for one moment, wish he'd said his piece from the other side of that desk. Even if she hadn't stopped Roy and he'd come right across that desk and decked him square in the face, he doesn't think he would regret it.
The only reason he thinks twice about it is because Roy practically shoves Pam out the door. He knows Roy doesn't hit her; he knows Pam well enough that he'd be able to tell if something like that was going on, or at least he hopes so. But he does get rough, and Jim doesn't like that.
But, as always, there's nothing Jim can do. He's not her protector. He's just some guy, sitting at a desk, in love with the girl who sits across from him.
The day Michael makes them all bring gym clothes to change into just might be one of the most bizarre since he's started working at Dunder Mifflin. It starts off with Pam making a phone call about a toaster she'd received at her engagement party. Three years ago.
He's not happy that she's upset. He hates that she's upset about anything at all, ever. But he's a little happy that they still haven't set a date. How committed can Roy really be if he doesn't even want to set a date? He doubts Roy will do anything else when it comes to planning, so how hard is it for him to just pick a damn day? But again, Jim is a little happy that Roy is such a flake, just this once. It's bad enough pining after a girl with an engagement ring on her finger, reflecting in the bright fluorescent lights every day, reminding him that she's taken. But adding a wedding ring to that, making her Mrs. Pamela Anderson...well, that would be too much. All jokes about the name aside, it would be too much.
If they ever do set a date, he really might lose his mind, as if he hasn't already.
So, maybe he sounds a little smug when he talks about Pam needing to return something that was an engagement gift. But that's only because he really believes they'll never get married. She'll come to her senses. Even if she doesn't end up with him, she can't end up with a guy like Roy.
She just can't.
He knows it's dumb to be so competitive against Roy in this dumb game of basketball. At least he has the excuse of not wanting to work on Saturday. And honestly, if Roy and Pam hadn't started making out right next to him, maybe he wouldn't have gotten quite so competitive on the court. He tries to get Michael to let him guard Roy, but Michael is being Michael and won't hear it. Which is a shame because he has some choice words ringing in his ears that he'd love to get back at Roy for, suddenly:
"Tip it my way or you're sleeping in the car."
Still, Jim hears Pam's tiny little "Woop!" when he scores. And he loves that she's cheering for him. He loves it more because they both know she shouldn't be. After the close call at the desk, especially. But she cheers him on anyway, and he plays all the better for it. And when Michael finally gives in, lets him guard Roy, he plays better than he has since high school. He's blocking, stealing, shooting, scoring. He knows basketball isn't the way to Pam's heart, but it sure can't hurt to show her that he's better than Roy at something.
When Roy elbows him in the face, he feels like maybe it's karma. Like he deserves it for loving Roy's fiance, for trying to impress her. He keeps playing, but it's with a little less drama, a little less flair. A little less trying to impress Pam.
And he's excited his team wins, disappointed that Michael ruins it by being his usual self and now he'll have to come in on Saturday. But he's mostly excited that he actually is better than Roy at something. He's excited that Pam cheered for him. That she was impressed with more than just his pranks on Dwight. That she smiled at him while he played.
And now he's seeing her at one of his pickup games with his buddies. There's a hoop down the street and sometimes they'll play on an odd weekday holiday when they're all off with no plans. And he's imagining Pam sitting with all of the other wives and girlfriends, rolling their eyes at this group of grown men, playing basketball on their day off. And she's smiling at him in the same way, and they're remembering this moment right now, when he's just wiped the floor with the guy she was supposed to marry. And it's like this little inside joke-
But it's not real. She's really engaged to Roy and she's really leaving with him, talking about getting him into a tub. And Jim is really, really disappointed in that reality.
When a cute girl enters the office a few days later, he shouldn't be at all surprised by the ruckus it causes. He should know by now that anything with a slim figure and nice eyes will get Michael Scott's weirdest side to come out.
Still, he doesn't really see the big deal. She's just a girl. (Of course, he guesses, to some people, Pam is probably just a girl, too).
He wonders if the irony of Roy asking him what his type is will ever be humorous. He wonders if it's a moment he'll look back on and say, "See Pam? See the way I looked at your before I answered? And you didn't even notice!" or if he'll watch that moment alone, or with some other girl, and think about how weird it was for the fiance of the girl he was in love with to ask him what kind of girls he was interested in.
He wonders if he'll ever stop feeling weird about his awkward answer: "Moms."
He doesn't have to wonder if he'll ever stop hating Roy, though. That's a definite yes. Everytime Roy opens his mouth, Jim hates him more and more.
"We're not dating, we're engaged," and she's gone. He feels awful for Pam, truly. He feels awful that she's been with this guy for so long - high school sweethearts? He feels like maybe, just maybe, if she went on just one other date with one other guy, maybe she would realize that Roy isn't normal. Roy isn't the standard for dating. Normal guys, guys who care about the women they're with, don't make comments about other girls in front of them. They set wedding dates soon after proposing and then they stick with those dates. Normal guys, guys who are really in love with the person they're with, want to get married as soon as possible so that the rest of their lives can begin.
Still, after a day of antics, a day of awkwardness, a day which included Pam being tickled by Roy on Jim's own desk, Jim is pretty frustrated. So he asks Katie out. Not because he thinks she'll be the solution to his problems. But because she is pretty, and she's nice, and she took a chance coming into this office. And she put up with a lot of crap from Jim's weird co-workers, so he's gotta give her that; she's tough.
And maybe it's wrong for him to ask someone out to distract himself from his real life, but he can't help it. And maybe he's hoping that Katie will be The One. That she'll finally get his mind off of the engaged girl at reception.
But when he sees that tiny twinge of jealousy in Pam's eyes when he tells her he's going out with Katie this weekend, he knows that will never be the case. He still hopes he'll end up wrong, but he knows that little bit of jealousy has just reignited every feeling he's ever had for Pam. That bit of jealousy has kickstarted his hope that maybe, just maybe, he's got a chance.
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spectrasydniescope · 8 years ago
answer all the even numbered q's on that post you reblogged!
Hello!Thank you so much for sending these to me! I haven’t been having the best fewweeks and this was a nice pick me up. I apologize for not answering these whenyou sent them but I was getting ready for work and didn’t have the time to answerthem fully.
2.are you artistic?
Yes!I try my best not to be a person that brags a lot, however, I satisfy myartistic soul be being a die-hard theatre kid, painting when I have the time,and writing poetry.
4.What is your life goal?
Win a Tony to spite all the peoplethat made me feel like I’m not good at acting.
6.Do you play any sports?
Onlyoccasionally. I used to bowl on leagues when I was younger and I playedBaseball for ten years.  
8.Who’s your biggest inspiration?
Iknow this is supposed to be just one singular person but I couldn’t choose sohere’s a four-way tie: Andy Mientus, John Gallager Jr, Krysta Rodriguez andRobin Wright.
10.are you a morning person?
Not in the slightest.
12.Do you like to read?
14.Do you care about your follower count?
Itry really hard not to care but I think that makes me care even more. I’m justhappy with all the people that have stuck around.
16.Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender?
18.Are you religious?
Not really.
20.Are you considered popular?
I don’t think so? Ask @scoficld fora 2nd opinion on that.
22.What’s something that makes you feel vulnerable
Panic attacks.
24.Who’s your celebrity crush?
Iget crushes a lot, like a whole bunch it’s a problem. Matthew Gray Gubler hasalways been adorable to me
26.Dogs or cats?
Both. I have five dogs and a cat andthey are all my faves.
28.best friends name
Reed. Follow them at @scoficld
30.Chocolate or sugar
32.Do you like rollercosters?
Yes, even though I am terrified ofheights.
34.What would you do in the event of an apocalypse?
Try and make sure all of my friendsand family were safe probably?
36.Are your parents together?
38.What country are you from/do you live in?
USA, Texas to be specific.
40.Do you see yourself being famous some day?
Spite will see me through.
42.Favourite song right now?
My favorite song from SpringAwakening is “Don’t Do Sadness/Blue Wind”
44.How old were you when you first got your period?
Thirteen I think? This is weirdlypersonal.
46.Have you ever done yoga?
48.Are you good at giving advice?
I don’t think that I am but peoplekeep asking me for it so maybe?
50.How are you doing today?
I could be better.
52.Can you dance?
Not very well.
54.Have you ever dyed your hair?
Yes, a whole lot actually.
56.What’s your favourite animal?
Dogs. All the dogs.
58.Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Sort of? It’s pretty good.
60.Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group?
62.List all the tv shows you are watching.
Brooklyn 99, Match Game reruns, Rick& Morty, Star vs the Forces of Evil, Sense8.
64.What was the last movie you saw? Opinion?
Thelast movie I saw in theatres was Beauty and the Beast. It was pretty good. Ihad a lot of opinions on the costume design. The last movie that I sat down andwatched was The Good Dinosaur. I thought that it was a cute movie.
68.What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness?
Anxiety and crippling self-doubt.
70.What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die?
Finally read all those books I’vebeen meaning to read.
72.If you could start over, what would you do differently?
I don’t think that I would doanything differently.
74.When was the last time you travelled somewhere new?
Summer2016 I took a trip to the Caribbean with my family. It was the first time I hadever been out of the country.
76.What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today?
I’mgoing to be studying theatre in London which has always been a dream of mine.As for today I haven’t done anything to reach my dreams other than being oneday closer to leaving for London.
78.If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking?
Not finishing the degrees that I haveput a lot of time, money and emotional stability into.
80.Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence
Do what I love and be happy.
82.If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity?
Working in theatre, whether it be onstage or backstage or writing plays.
84.If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?
The future. The past was awful andnow sucks too, hopefully the future will be better.
86.What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most?
I don’t ever remember my dreams.Unless they’re really weird.
88.Do you believe in life after death
I don’t know. I think that it isnice to not know, that way everything doesn’t seem as finite.
90.What’s your fondest childhood memory?
Making mud pies when I was younger.
92.What would you have to see to cry tears of joy?
My Grampa.
94.What do you think happens after we die?
I don’t know, I don’t really wantto.
96.What’s something you can’t do no matter how hard you try?
Snap my finger while pointing.
98.How did your first crush develop?
Iwas in kindergarten and he was cute and had glasses and was nice to me. Butthen I met him again when he was older and he was a huge dick so I dodged abullet there.
100.Do you live or do you just exist?
I like to think that I live.
Thiswas really fun! Thank you so much Anon for asking me these! Please feel free tocome by and chat whenever you want to.
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