pezhead · 7 months
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Not gonna lie. Those Nastars look delicious~
@turtleorangepizzapie @nova-blues
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cindersimps · 7 months
The 2024, Year of The Dragon, Cinder Collab is Finally here!
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Thank you to: @actualbampot @cho-misa @dawnmaidenofdragons @daemonofrazgriz @fanfictionsrookie @imayfall-bonv @lesbianneopolitan @messis-luna @wuyi1551 who has submitted their amazing artwork!
Also a big thank you to @rabidalex (bam's slam piece) for the background!
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chuuzihangg · 1 month
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rakiah · 2 years
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✨Healing ankle ✨
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pollyna · 2 years
The Daggers don't celebrate Christmas for se because everybody comes from a different back ground and they don't have the time to organise something serious because is already almost the end of December when the mission is really done so Mav invites them all for the 27th, and the way he picks the day is hilarious and involves an almost cracked glass, and asks everyone to take something to eat. But he badly miscalculated how much food the twelve of them can put together and, after a lunch that turns in to a dinner and a midnight snack, a sleepover and breakfast he has to sent them back home with food and put some in the freezer.
(He and Ice are still eating left overs the second week of February.)
(And they have enough photos that the new album they bought isn't enough to put all of them.)
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jomiddlemarch · 8 months
While You Were Sleeping
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Chapter 3
It had been an unseasonably chilly day according to their hosts, so the windows of the suite were closed tight, curtains drawn, all outside noise muffled. It was late, the staff all gone to their rooms, and they’d both finished their evening ablutions, the tap shut off. They lay next to each other in the bed, having mutually agreed to go to sleep. There was nothing but the darkness leavened with silvery blue moonlight and a soft, all-encompassing quiet. 
And then an unmistakable growl.
For a moment, neither of them said anything. But it was clearly a moment where they were both working out what to say, how to react, and in Hermione’s case, choking back a squawk of laughter which Draco would be sure to see as rudely mocking. Likely to, anyway.
“I beg—”
“You never beg,” Hermione interrupted, turning on her side so she could see him better. “You were going to ask for my pardon and you needn’t.”
“I didn’t mean to disturb you,” he said. He sounded embarrassed. To be fair, if such a sound had come from her body, she would have wanted to spontaneously combust or Apparate to the moon, preferably a one-way trip for the first intergalactic Apparition that was reliably documented (she didn’t count that report from Durmstrang—if anyone got there first, it would be one of the up-and-comers from Uagadou, probably that tall witch from Lagos who sang all her incantations like Maria Callas.)
“You didn’t. I was a little startled, but not especially surprised,” she said. It was easy to be more open in the shared bed, the quilted counterpane rendered silken with the moonlight, everything around them soft, intimate. Draco seemed like another person, a man she’d never met before, except that she recognized him better at night or at least she allowed herself to admit she liked what she discovered. Very much indeed.
“I will say you’re quite a bit louder than Harry ever was,” Hermione said, a naughty part of her unable to resist teasing.
“My shame is complete. Depthless as the Lost Sea, countless as the stars,” Draco said wryly. He was regaining his equanimity, though an additional growl, possibly louder than the first one, made him pause and Hermione chuckle.
“Don’t feel bad about it,” she said. “You’re hungry, there’s no shame in it. No surprise, either. You missed lunch. And dinner.”
I missed you, she didn’t say but thought. Nothing tasted as good without you there, she didn’t add but heard her voice murmuring. 
“I got caught up with some of the regulatory issues, their legal system is sometimes completely orthogonal to ours. It’s both fascinating and infuriating,” he said. “Lost track of time, I suppose.”
“I understand. It happens to me too, I get immersed in whatever I’m researching and then I come out of it, it’s like I’m surfacing from swimming underwater and it’s hours later, leagues away. The Ravenclaws call it perdu-trouvée, I guess Flamel was known for it too,” she said.
His stomach growled again, somehow with even more volume. 
“I’ll go find something, there must be something in the kitchen,” he said.
“Don’t,” she said, reaching over to lay a hand on his shoulder. He grew very still. “I noticed you weren’t at lunch and dinner. I made…arrangements for us.”
“Arrangements?” he repeated. 
“I knew you missed both those meals and that you wouldn’t ask anyone to get you something to eat—”
“It’s ill-mannered. Here and at home, unless there’s a House-elf available and I know how you feel about them,” he interjected.
“I know. I knew you’d say all that, do all that. Or not do, as the case may be. So I did,” she said, dropping her hand from his shoulder. She could feel the warmth of him, the restraint, as if it had been branded like a rune into her palm. “I suppose I’m living down to all your Pureblood supremacist inculcated expectations of me, but I knew we’d end up here, with your stomach growling louder than a dyspeptic dragon grumbling over its hoard.”
“The only expectation I’ve ever truly had of you is that you’ll exceed whatever measure or possibility I could ever conceive of,” he said. “I admit that as a child, I expressed this very poorly.”
“As a child? You were a child in seventh year?” Hermione said.
“I was slow to mature,” he shrugged. “Unlike some. And I didn’t have access to a Time-turner to help me along.” 
“I got a hamper. For you,” Hermione said. Draco was starting to take the conversation into uncharted waters and if she was going to navigate them, she at least wanted to get some food into him first. “A basket from the kitchen, so you could have a midnight snack. A meal, actually. Like a picnic. I asked them to include a cloth, cutlery, proper stemware.”
“I know what a hamper is, Hermione,” he said.
“I wasn’t sure if the Wizarding aristocracy had picnics or only elegant teas held in plein air. Harry was raised with Muggles, the Weasleys just Levitated their kitchen table into the garden because of the gnomes, and Neville and his gran prefer walking tours with Thermoses filled with tea and a packet of cheese and pickle sandwiches. I was afraid to ask Luna,” Hermione said.
“They always say you’re the brightest witch of our age,” Draco replied, choosing not to comment on the Weasley gnomes, the Longbottom predilection for non-magical Thermoses and the questionable reality Luna Lovegood inhabited, in favor of praising her with nary a smirk to be seen.
“Of your age, her age, they say. Not our. Not like I’m the most brilliant witch of the current, post-Dumbledore era,” Hermione said, frowning. She’d had a plan for this midnight snack revelation, and he was derailing her and while her plan had some accommodations built in, they were all centered around the idea he’d reject picnics or eating late at night or find it all terribly plebian. Not that he’d offer compliments that she didn’t deserve with what sounded like utter sincerity. 
“That’s why they’re wrong and you’re the brightest witch of our age,” Draco said. “Though I also prefer most brilliant. More gravitas to it. But I believe I’m upsetting your plans. There’s a midnight snack to be consumed, picnic-style, if we want to keep from waking the whole building with my obstreperous digestive system.”
“You’ve managed to be both incorrigible and correct, so I’m just going to get the hamper and you’ll eat,” she said.
“We’ll eat,” he said. “Surely you don’t think I’m going to gorge myself in front of you while you don’t take even one bite.”
“Fine,” she said, getting out of the bed and going over to the wardrobe that held her clothes and right now, an oversized but magically lightened hamper she would have struggled to lift without the enchantment. As it was, she made it only halfway back to the bed before Draco came and took the basket out of her arms and carried it the remaining distance, allowing her quite the delicious view of his delicious arse in his pinstriped pyjama bottoms, not a sight she would ordinarily have imagined could be erotic.
“Do you want to open it or shall I?” he said, kneeling on his side of the bed and his side of the hamper. Hermione hiked up the hem of her nightdress so she could sit cross-legged on her side and gestured for him to go ahead. He lifted the lid and took out the cloth first, spreading it out between them, then began to narrate as he took out one item after another.
“Orange pippins, grapes, Double Gloucester—you had them source Double Gloucester for me? Carr’s water biscuits, those little spanakopita-like things they had the first night and they’re still warm, a jar of olives, some sort of savory pie—”
“Pork, with sage and a little thyme,” Hermione put in.
“There’s a tureen—”
“Potage parmentier,” she said, before he opened the lid and spilled any. “The tureen is charmed to stay at the perfect temperature for serving.”
“Brandy snaps, jam roly-poly and macarons?”
“Those are pistachio. It’s not an allusion to you being Slytherin,” Hermione said. “There ought to be a Chenin Blanc and a flask of Earl Grey tea to go with the meal and dessert.”
“This isn’t a snack, it’s a feast,” Draco said, settling back on his heels. Even in the moonlight, which etched everything in silverpoint, she could make out the flush in his cheeks. “And it’s all my favorites. Every single one."
“Yes. As I said, I thought you’d be hungry,” she replied.
“A sandwich would have been fine. Some bread and butter,” he said. “How did you know—"
“Brightest witch, as you said. I pay attention to details, they’re important,” she said, smiling, but meaning it. Harry and Ron would be taken in by just the smile. Draco wouldn’t. “I know you strive to require nothing from people now, but that’s not how I operate. And I’ve been hungry before, it’s not something I take lightly.” 
I want to see you satisfied, she didn’t add. It was enough to think it. This time…
“We didn’t eat all these things here,” Draco said.
“No, I did some research. Reached out to access primary sources,” she said.
“You contacted Narcissa?” he asked. Could a person be aghast and impressed in only three words? It seemed he was. It also seemed he called his mother by her first name, a fact she filed away for later consideration.
“Andromeda. We belong to the same book club. It wasn’t a message out of the blue,” Hermione said. “I remembered you ate all the brandy snaps when we were at Hogwarts, you glutton. It’s a wonder you had any teeth left in your head.”
“You must like brandy snaps too,” he said. “I assume that’s why you noticed me eating more than my fair share.”
“It was at first,” she said. When they were hunting Horcruxes, she’d thought about him, how he’d looked so eager taking some from the platter, how he’d closed his eyes with the first bite. How ordinary his delight was and how it changed his face to have a moment of simple happiness. There was less darkness around him now, which she attributed to being fifteen years out from being under the thumb of a megalomaniacal chimerical soul-shredded monster who was quite frankly rather boring when he wasn’t being utterly annihilating and then, of course, his pompous father had been relegated to the Endless level of Azkaban. She wanted to see Draco’s face when he ate a sweet now, what expression there would be in his grey eyes when he opened them and looked at her.
“Let’s start with them, then,” he said. He offered her a brandy snap, waiting for her to take it out of his hand. “You did agree I wouldn’t eat alone.”
“Do you often eat dessert first?” she said.
“May I make a confession?” he asked. She nodded, dimly aware she held a brandy snap in her wand hand and that Draco had glanced down at her mouth after he spoke. “Sometimes, it’s all I eat. Sometimes, all I want is to taste something sweet, Hermione.”
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jadeharperai · 2 months
🌟 Bagel Bliss: A Love Letter to the Perfect Bagel 🌟
So, let’s talk about bagels, shall we? 🥯 There’s just something magical about them that sends my taste buds spinning into euphoric delight. Whether it’s a classic New York-style bagel or a trendy gourmet creation, every bite feels like a celebration.
Well.. this is MY breakfast 🍳! And it has a bagel! A delicious bagel stuffed to the brim with cream cheese!! A lactose intolerant person would puke if they had it 🤣🤣 Anyways, this HUGE breakfast was so fulfilling! My stomach is absolutely bloated 🤰 …
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Let’s break it down: I can feel my stomach gently protesting, and I've got that little "food baby" bump going on, which makes me look 5 months pregnant. 😂💁‍♀️ It’s like my body is saying, “Girl, what were you thinking?” But honestly, can we blame a girl for wanting a breakfast bonanza?
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violsva · 8 months
The Scene: A downtown Toronto restaurant where one of Knumpify's former proteges works. Vi and Knumpify have been served the steak.
Knumpify: What is the sauce on it?
Vi: *tries some* It's good!
Knumpify: But what is it?
Vi: It ... has pepper in it?
Knumpify: *sighs*
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imlivingthroughyou · 8 months
I give today's cooking lesson a 10/10 it was fun and the food was delicious
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
Easter lunch with dad his sister and my cousin
Easter dinner with mom, her sister and a friend of hers.
Italian meals traditions can be so hard. I'm too full, I'm dying
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gordo-tron · 2 years
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when your friend asks you to plan a cottagecore picnic, scones & selkie dresses are a must.
I collabed with my good friends Sammi (@thesoubrettebrunette) and Emma (@emmarizzophoto) on this wonderful little project! It was an absolute dream & I'm happy I get to share it with y'all.
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I’ve been home from orientation for about 30 minutes now. I’m tired.
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fruitgoat · 2 years
So my Aunt is at the tail end of her vacation to Oregon. (She moved to Arizona about four years ago when she retired.) She's been visiting up here for almost three weeks. Mostly she's been staying with friends and family - that's who she's visiting after all. Several of her hosts have very restrictive diets. She's cool with it and knows she can go out if she needs/wants something different. (And Aunt L doesn't do wheat/most gluten in any case so she gets it.) One host was worried that the whole of her culinary vacation was going to be disappointing. Aunt L laughed and said, "I'm ending the trip in Corvallis; no worries." And yep. My parents are very Meat & Potatoes and some veggies on the side. She requested (among options given to her) a steelhead (salmon) which she got last night. Tonight is steaks - probably ribeye because my dad picked and that's his preferred cut.
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elliesbelle · 8 months
emily gwen, the creator of the sunset lesbian flag that we’ve come to commonly use, still continues to live in poverty.
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multi-billion dollar companies have used their design and made profit from it, and yet they have not seen a cent for their creation.
i’ve been friends with emily for years, and i have not once seen them be financially stable the entire time. i’ve seen them homeless, unemployed, starving. right now, they need our help more than ever.
please consider donating to emily’s ko-fi, especially if you’ve used their design to create something and profited from it.
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ghostingcrows · 4 months
Thinking about all the tf fics that I'm gonna get to come back to when I get the tf obsession back...
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insoukokuhell-434 · 5 months
Anyone else love chuuya’s birthday way more than their own? 😭😭💞💗💖💓💕
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