#s2e2 'the clue'
ducks-love-peas · 1 year
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Crowley in the pub | [Aziraphale]
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abastardworthknowing · 5 months
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Hm… This legit makes 0 sense. I also don’t believe in the team making mistakes at all, so respectfully does anyone have any ideas on why this extra changed clothes?
More clues for something being afoot… They’re only in 2 shots as far as I can see…
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shipaholic · 1 year
I'm sorry to do this with so little time left, buuut... I just got struck by a prediction and I wanted to write it down before the whole show comes out.
Below are PROPER plot spoilers from Episodes 1 & 2, INCLUDING the last scene of Episode 2. I consider this A WHOPPER of a spoiler. Seriously, don’t read unless you’ve been to one of the screeners or you eat spoilers for breakfast.
Last chance -!
My theory is that someone has tried to erase Gabriel’s name from the Book of Life, and it went wrong. Rather than erasing him, it erased his memory, or his essential angel-ness.
Our Protagonists are going to realise this, or come partway to realising this, when they discover which book Gabriel has been reading, as of the end of Ep 2. Because... Gabriel isn’t in the Good Omens novel. From the perspective of Show Omens, in Book Omens Gabriel’s entire plotline is removed, and he is even replaced in a key scene towards the end by the Metatron. And we know Derek Jacobi is reprising his role as the Metatron in this series. 👀
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postmodern-blues · 1 year
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it was a cold, dark evening such a long time ago when by the mighty hand of Jove it was a sad story, how we became lonely two-legged creatures it's the story of the origin of love.
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mossiestpiglet · 1 year
I can’t believe my polyamorous aroallo Jim agenda is winning
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menlove · 1 year
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good omens: s2e2 the clue || s1e1 in the beginning
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youdontdance · 8 months
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Good Omens S2E2 - The Clue
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teambyler · 4 months
The most CRAFTED Byler moments were all directed by the core creators
A reminder that the most significant scenes for Bylers, where we've found clues in the actors' performances, the blocking, the deliberate parallels, all the little details -- where the DIRECTOR nailed down things beyond the written page -- are ALL in episodes directed either by Shawn Levy (THE producer who works closest with the Duffers) or the Duffers themselves:
s2e2 - "Crazy together" DUFFER BROTHERS s2e8 - Mike remembering the first time they met DUFFER BROTHERS s2e9 - Mike sad after Will dances with a girl DUFFER BROTHERS s3e3 - Rain fight, how Mike reacts to El vs. Will being upset SHAWN LEVY s3e8 - Will's "not possible," Mike's open-eyed kiss and awkwardness, Hopper's letter while Mike pines for Will DUFFER BROTHERS s4e2 - Awkward airport half-hug, Mike nervously asking about the painting, Rink-O-Mania fight DUFFER BROTHERS s4e3 - Mike deflecting in his fight with El SHAWN LEVY s4e4 - Mike and Will's two intimate heart-to-hearts, Mike nervously asking if they could be "best friends" SHAWN LEVY s4e8 - Will's van confession, Mike's loving reaction, EVERYTHING about how that scene was shot over an entire day DUFFER BROTHERS s4e9 - Mike and El's interrupted conversation about...?, Mike's monologue, El seeing MAX in danger prompting her to free herself from Vecna (which departs from the script!), El's lack of intimacy with Mike post-monologue, Mike and Will's last heart-to-heart, the LAST SCENE DUFFER BROTHERS
We're not delusional, folks. Everything we've caught on to was deliberately placed by the core creators themselves.
Byler's their BABY and our little secret!
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bettercallcohen · 4 months
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"But what am I?"
"Chapter 2: The Clue" S2E2 - Good Omens (2019 - )
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dbacklot99 · 6 months
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About The Crow Road, But Couldn't Get Through it To Find Out
Co-written by dbacklot and cheeseplants
Overall Premise: Books are clearly important to Good Omens and Neil & team have left us Clues. In S2E2, the xray trivia highlights a list of books they would like the audience to read. But even more specifically, there are names of certain books on the back of the chairs in the theater in the opening credits. Those books are: The Tale of Two Cities, Pride & Prejudice, and The Crow Road - twice!
What might this mean? One theory is that the chairs represent the seasons. The body swap in S1 is similar to how Carton, in Tale of Two Cities, takes his doppleganger's place in jail, sacrificing his life so Darnay could go free and be with his family. Pride & Prejudice is clearly referenced in S2, with Crowley's proposal as a sort of mirror to Darcy's first proposal. (There's probably a whole lot more to unpack there - and if you like Austen, here are some thoughts about Aziraphale's favorite book, Persuasion, and how it may relate to the characters.)
BACK to The Crow Road. The title is shown on two chairs in the opening sequence, suggesting that it is related to both S2 and S3. Furthermore, we see the book multiple times in the show and it's the book Muriel reads at the end. As an aside, Neil Gaiman and Iain Banks were very good friends. Iain Banks died over a decade ago, so it is also likely a bit of a tribute to his friend.
So let's dig in and see why perhaps Neil keeps holding this book up and shouting Clue!
Side note: The book is long and most of the action happens in the final third, which can make it a hard read for folks. There's also a lot of characters and it can be tricky to remember how they are all related. There is a family tree BUT it has spoilers.
The Name: The Crow Road is a phrase used by the grandmother to indicate someone has died, ie - he's gone the crow road.
The Plot: This is the story of Prentice growing up with his immediate and extended family in Scotland. His Uncle Rory disappears in his early childhood. Some family members choose to believe Rory is still alive. After a hook-up with his Uncle Rory's former girlfriend as a young adult, Prentice starts gathering journals and writings from his missing Uncle Rory, who was (for a few years) a successful writer and traveler. Prentice eventually learns that 1) another Uncle, Fergus, had murdered his own wife and covered it up as a car accident and 2) Rory had figured this out and confronted him. Fergus then murdered Rory, hid all the evidence, and hired an acquaintance (who also traveled) to send matchboxes from bars across the world to Prentice's father, Kenneth. Kenneth, believed - as Fergus intended - that these were messages from Rory, indicating he was still alive. 
Stylistically, Prentice's childhood memories and fragments from Rory's journals are interspersed throughout the book, much like the minisodes are in S2. It can take the reader a while to figure out who is telling the story or where this information is coming from. It is also unclear how reliable Rory is as narrator - perhaps this also plays into S2.
What it Might Mean: 
Fergus could represent the Metatron. He is very powerful, rich, and conservative; he lives in a castle (Heaven?) and wants authority. Fergus also murders two relatives and hides those murders; the murder of his wife may have been inspired by jealousy over her sleeping with another man, an event which may or may not have happened.
Fergus also sets up fake messages!! The matchbooks are red herrings to make it look like Rory is still alive. As the Metatron relays messages from God, I can't get over the possibilities here. We have seen God speaking directly as recently as Job, but are the other messages real?
I can't help but wonder if the matchbooks and their use as messages inspired Neil to use the matchbook in S2. The matchbook in S2, incidentally, connects to all three minisodes - the quote from Job, 41:19 (reversed 1941), and the matchbox is from the Resurrectionists pub. So the matchbook contains not only Gabriel’s memories but refers to Azi’s as well?
Much of the book is about this missing uncle. Is a character (or their memory) missing in S3? I have theories, but its too soon to tell.
There's also an interesting theme of Prentice collecting his Uncle Rory's writings and records, including sending some corrupted computer discs to an expert in America to try to restore them. Given the emphasis on records ("It contains information in a tuneful way") and journals in S2, not to mention this trivia nugget ​​ - my brain is itching that there's a connection there.
Faith & Beliefs: The book talks about Faith a lot. Prentice believes in God and his father Kenneth doesn’t. And Kenneth doesn’t just reject religion, he wants his children to reject religion too. Prentice on the other hand desperately wants something to believe in - especially after a friend's death in an accident. This leads to a huge fall out - they end up not talking over it.
"'I mean, what's the big argument? Can't you just agree to disagree?' 'No; we disagree about that,' I shook my head. 'Seriously; it doesnt' work that way; neither of us can leave it alone. There's almost nothing either of us can say that can't be taken the wrong way, with a bit of imagination. It's like being married.'" (Ch 7)
Kennth seemingly taunts God - he climbs a church during a lightning storm and is struck dead. His uncle Hamish (one of Kenneth’s brothers) also represents the extreme version of Faith and ends up running a sort of cult, at least until Kenneth’s death.
What it Might Mean: The thread they pull through a lot is about meaning, and whether you can have meaning in life without God. Prentice gains Faith because his friend died senselessly; he wonders how can you have a world be so cruel. There must be a reason for it (this is sort of Az coded), and he turns to God to create the meaning for him. 
BUT Kenneth’s argument is that you don’t need Faith for the world to have meaning (or at least that is my reading). It is wonderful because it is inherently meaningless (this is very existentialist, but I do think that’s the point). That Faith doesn’t do that, and just means you are looking outwards without looking at what is right in front of you. Which again, could be a Crowley way of looking at it, or at least where he is headed. Life is good as life, and doesn’t need God to make it so. 
Hamish represents someone putting so much meaning into Faith that they lose all sense of Joy, he becomes distant.  (One of my favorite scenes is Hamish doing a jigsaw puzzle with the pieces upside down - and cutting the pieces with scissors if they don’t fit right!)
The Romantic Relationships: Prentice is infatuated with a cousin (second cousin?), Verity. She is described as beautiful, in white/light colors, pure, lives with Uncle Fergus in the castle. There are legends around her birth -  she was conceived under a tree during a storm. She is unattainable and eventually ends up with Prentice's older brother.
Ash, on the other hand, is almost literally the girl next door and Prentice’s long-term best friend. Her family is poorer and maybe has some domestic violence issues. She's always there for Prentice - literally a shoulder to cry on, sharing a bottle of whiskey, helping him sober up after said whiskey. There's obvious romantic tension from Ash’s side but she never pushes him and instead guides him along. And the book ends with a romantic resolution that feels very much like the final fifteen - except with a happier ending.
“- and I still didn’t feel I could tell her how I felt about her because she was going away now, and how could I suddenly say I love you when I’d never said it to anybody in my life before? How could I say it now especially, the night before she was due to leave? It would look like I was trying to make her stay, or just get her into bed. It would probably wreck this one precious evening that we did have, and upset her, confuse her, even hurt her, and I didn’t want to do any of that.” (Ch 13)
They finally kiss and spend the night together, both confessing their love. Ash has to leave the next morning to pursue a career opportunity in New York; Prentice is sad that she goes but re-dedicating himself to his studies and working towards a relationship together. 
What it Might Mean: To me, Verity is very Heaven-coded and Ash is very Hell-coded. A big part of Prentice's arc (Prentice may represent Azi here) is getting over his blind infatuation with Verity and realizing the value and love he has with Ash. However, they also need to be apart and grow a bit before they can be together.
Other thoughts? Connections? Would love to hear your theories!!
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ducks-love-peas · 1 year
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Then you tell me that you want to do this. You look me in the eye and tell me.
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shipaholic · 1 year
Episode 2: “The Clue” / “A Companion To Owls”
Good Omens 2 Episode 2 liveblog! Beware spoilers!!
- Crowley is such a troll in this opening scene. I've come around on the beard/glasses combo. He looks like a wisecracking talking Disney goat.
- Jon Hamm’s impression of Buddy Holly is amazing. “Ah-hey, ah-hey-hey” yes give me those weird, grandpa-like hiccups.
- I can hear a fly during the zoom in on sleeping Crowley in the Bentley... does Beez have one spy in the bookshop and one on Crowley at all times?
- Hmmm, Shax tells Crowley right away about Heaven detecting the miracle. That could be evidence for my Beelzebub theory, I guess...? Beez wants Crowley kept informed about the danger, so that he’ll continue to keep Gabriel safe, but they get to keep up plausible deniability with Shax and the other demons that they’re only threatening Crowley.
- Poor Shax. Crowley’s bullying her.
- LOL are all the other demons afraid of driving at high speeds? (See: Hastur.) All he had to do to get rid of Shax was rev the engine.
- I like Maggie, but she’s a little clingy with Aziraphale. You’d think the euphoria of having 8 months of overdue rent forgiven would have lasted longer than 24 hours. On the other hand, her encyclopaedic knowledge of music history is really cool.
- Aziraphale conducting every time he sings Everyday is the cutest thing ever.
- Crowley orders Talisker! I assume John Finnemore insisted.
- OMG, Mr. Brown is holding a newspaper with THEE headline in it about the Nebraska woman who taught her duck to play the accordion.
- “Get humans wet, and staring into each others’ eyes. Vavoom.” I. I don’t think Crowley knows where babies come from either.
- Aziraphale is so hesitant when he says he doesn’t think God wants to kill Job’s children, and so utterly certain when he says he knows Crowley doesn’t want to. He already has more faith in Crowley’s mercy than God’s. 😭
- OK Ty Tennant is very funny
- Both the older kids treating Aziraphale like a waiter is hilarious actually, as is Jemima wanting to be a blue lizard and Crowley obliging
- I’ve been jossed a bunch already this season, but the biggest shock to my system by far is Crowley tempting Aziraphale into enjoying human food. I genuinely assumed Aziraphale has been nibbling on whatever was around to nibble on since he was first deployed on Earth. It took him a millennia and a half to try barbeque?? Poor deprived bb
- Whoever wrote that post about Aziraphale discovering honey and tearing into a beehive like an especially feral Winnie The Pooh, I hope they’re patting themself on the back right now.
- I am more into the sight of Michael Sheen falling onto an entire ox corpse like a starving werewolf than I am comfortable with, but fine, I guess this is who I am now.
- ALL I’M SAYING IS, Crowley and Aziraphale’s first kiss had better go EXACTLY like this.
- I’m here for hungover Crowley wobbling across the sand.
- I suspect this minisode is difficult to follow for any viewers who didn’t swot up on the Book of Job a fortnight or so ago, like I assume we all did.
- Michael is the only angel in this scene who possesses more than a single braincell, but they’re all clearly thick as can be. The only people thicker than them are Job and Ennon, who are somehow even worse at lying than Aziraphale and Crowley.
- Crowley has such immense fucking panache this entire episode. I do love him and his terrible beard.
- That little tongue in cheek thing Aziraphale does on “investigation” - he cannot get any cuter now. it’s literally impossible. please.
- Crowley slapped his hand omg
- Oh god, the conversation on the bench... Aziraphale is in actual tears, and Crowley is so wry and gentle and reassuring, even while delivering words that are, taken on their own, a stark form of comfort. He’s just a calm presence while Aziraphale experiences shrimp emotions on the other side of the bench. I can’t even speak about Aziraphale, honestly, but I’ll give it a shot... he is so brave and scared 😭😭😭 Hell?? He really thought he belonged in Hell? Crowley was absolutely right to gently laugh at a notion that ridiculous (and awful) (and then again, Crowley also used to be a sweet little curly-headed bunny of an angel, and look at the unspeakable thing that happened to him). There’s that little moment where Crowley says he’s not going to tell anyone, and asks Aziraphale if he’s going to tell anyone, and Aziraphale gives this little ashamed headshake, like he’s realising for the first time that he’s not, he’s willing to lie (by omission) about this too. And then he glances at the sky, as if verifying that God isn’t going to send down a thunderbolt, and realises that he’s actually safe. There aren’t going to be any consequences; he’s going to get away with it. And that’s almost worse, the idea that he doesn’t live in a world with clearly defined rules, and he truly can’t predict what God thinks, or what she is going to do. She spoke directly to Job, but she’s a closed book to Aziraphale.
- The ending credits are on fire so far this season.
Right, um, next up, an episode I haven’t already seen. asdhkagsd.
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noneorother · 1 year
The grand unified theory of Good Omens S2 hangs on - you guessed it - a double meaning (and art). *Part 2*
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l The End?
This is major spoilers for season 3 territory. You have been warned. I'm also going to split this into parts because wow, I have so many ✨Clues✨! Come with me on a long and magical journey through time, and trust that I will bring you back to the double meaning of it all very soon.
The second thing that Oofs and Ouches my Bones specifically about the art direction in S2 are the time/place cards. You know, the good old rope and stick cards we all know and love are back in S2E1! - wait a minute...
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Oh. Okay. I guess we're going with a huge organ swell happening in the music at the same time as a gothic font. Seems... awfully religious of them. Let's try again. S2E2?
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Oh shit. 1950s classic Hollywood biblical epic title cards? Really? Okay. But we've already been to London in 1941 in S1 so surely they would just use the same exact title card as last season because it's the SAME SCENE in S2E4 and-
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OH GOD it's a black and white classic horror flick! Be afraid! Cower in fear from the zombies that eat brains. So...I think we're getting a feeling this season that they massively changed up the art direction for the all the Minisode title cards. Except did they? Wait, how did the Resurectionists Minisode start?
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That seems... very normal. No crazy "Hollywood" title cards here. And they just punted all the classic rope and stick cards that tell us when and where everything takes place in the whole season?
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They did not. Y'all there are TWO competing ways of showing the audience Time/Place going on in the same episodes. One is canonically familiar, and the other is new, and very *hack-esque*. If only there was another reference to classic cinema somewhere in the title sequence of each episode to explain what was going on with these things AHHHHHHH-
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(If you haven't watched till the end of the opening credits) There's a dude with a big stick waving something in front of the projector in the booth each episode, and presumably this has an impact on what we see on the literal movie screen projecting bits of the story in front of us. So what do we see in front of us from the projector each episode, exactly?
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Well for one, we can certainly see that Neil Gaiman found a really interesting place to put his name in the openings... right over a lot of the fishy things in each minisode is a FUN WAY TO DO LAMPSHADING, NEIL. At this point you're screaming at me "But what does this have to do with the gangsters, and Maggie, and everything else?" My friend, I am here to tell you that I'm starting to get the feeling The Metatron has been adding bits and pieces (not very well, mind you, he's a hack writer) to change the outcome of season 2.
Would you like to see more clues, and the prestige reveal of what the double meaning is? Part 3 right here!
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zegredo · 1 year
This post will be constantly edited. It contains a description of the scenes and links to posts by other people who have conducted an interesting analysis or insights.
Bigger, more important things in pink.
scene description, dialogue, questions, answers, and predictions
S2E1: The Arrival
stage 1: before the beginning
stage 2: Maggie's rent
stage 3: park bench
stage 4: Maggie order
stage 5: naked march
stage 6: girls comment
stage 7: Michal announces BOL
stage 8:
stage 9:
stage 10:
stage 11:
stage 12:
stage 13:
stage 14:
stage 15:
stage 16:
stage 17:
stage 18:
stage 19:
stage 20:
stage 21:
stage 22:
stage 23:
S2E2: The Clue featuring the minisode A Companion to Owls
stage 1:
S2E3: I Know Where I'm Going featuring the minisode The Resurrectionists
stage 1:
S2E4: The Hitchhiker featuring the minisode Nazi Zombie Flesheaters
stage 1:
S2E5: The Ball
stage 1:
S2E6: Every Day
stage 1:
Events and themes (Link to bulk posts with links due to link limit per post)
Cumulative analyses and s3 predictions
Everything Is Meant cz.1
on opposite sides
meeting in the middle
Metatron as gaslighter
the ball is so dark
Crowley's feelings for himself
Aziraphale analysis s2
Crowley, memory, and identity
the necessary anguish of the Good Omens 2 finale
Aziraphale is actually the faster of the two of them
On the subject of Payment
Hunting for Clues
Elevator Smile
elevator smile 2
Book of Job 41
Matchbox Foreshadowing
impatience and despair of Crowley
notable book differences (lost link :()
more notable book differences
new promo photo poses
On Oxen and Ribs
Who is Maggie
after a miracle
Clues and forshadowing s2
Crowley has free will
A magic trick hiding in plain sight
A magic trick
Crowley and the Fall
timeline no.2
pre 2000 timeline
Matatron Manipulation
That was a Class A surreptitious half a miracle
London Date Night 1941
Metatron meta
story scheme
Aziraphale Vest
swap theory + answer
they stuck
Azirafal guilt
Azi lied theory
Azi lied theory 2
The conversation theory
The Book of Lies
Aziraphale is Lucifer
A Night to Remember
holly fool
what does Zira know
a lot of theories masterpost
An angelic meta.
Shame and guilt
Meta's proposal and Zira's emotions
Why Crowley is grumpy
The Forbidden Fruit, Choices and Fear
bizarre mirroring
risk for the sake of Job
the apocalipse is just a red herring
Wandering tattoo and photos for doctor who
A Game of Spy vs Spy
discorporation is psychosomatic-based 
Part 2 Theories
Other little things
Persons (Links to bulk posts with links due to link limit per post)
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these are my thoughts about the first episode of season two of interview with the vampire SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE
i forgot how sweet season one ended, I'm trying so hard not to make to much noise. Theyre so cute
the recasting of claudia is ok, I liked the other girl a bit more, she looked younger and more innocent. the original actor looked more like a doll than a child but I guess that was kind of the point.
My cat has been climbing on my shoulder like a parrot
Lestat's entrance was so perfect and the bird was both terrifying and... I don't know, it was just right. So was claudia smoking it really fits her character
He looks like a Robert (around 17:09) he looks really British too, like more British than a British person
I thought Morgan was John Ham for a moment 😭 (18:45)
claudia being treated as child is hilarious, I do feel bad for her sometimes, she has to live as a child her whole immortal life
I love story's with two different stories being told at the same time, the drama with lying about who Rashid is and Daniel's personality, and this sort of vampire horror story with such a different attitude
did you know, we have no fucking clue why we dream, it's mostly a mystery, I also think it's cool how they added in that vampires can dream (31:40) and then all of small things and how much he loved Claudia, it's really sweet
I really like that they didn't show the head getting chopped off, some shows do and sometimes it can be a bit much for me (35:05)
Is it thought, that thing is scary, vampires are supposed to be beautiful (36:15) 
Russia vampires are just built different  (39:00)
My first thought was, 'america, who would go to america to find happy people', but then I remembered when this takes place. I completely forgot about how much we used to love the government (41:30)
I don't think bro's ok (44:41)
What is in those pages? Why can't they look at them? (45:42) Maybe claudia caught them fucking
armand is definitely a power bottom
It took until they were going back to new orleans for me to figure out that lestat is just imaginary
Edit: i have no idea where I got new orleans from, they are going to paris which makes a lot more sense
The episode title is good, I really like the metaphorical part and the actors seem like pretty cool people
Assad Zaman is so adorable, he's just so small and I want to protect him. I think that armand looking harmless is a nice touch (I never finished the book so I have no idea what he should have looked like but I like TV show armand better that movie armand), he could probably wipe out one of the small european countries texas has swallowed if he wanted to but he really doesn't look like it
Overall, it was a pretty good episode and I'm looking forward to the next, the title looks interesting, maybe I'll finally finish the book after this season.
Thank you for reading.
links to the rest of these posts
S2E2 S2E3 S2E4 S2E5 S2E6
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drconstellation · 11 months
I've had this sitting in my drafts box going now where for a while, but thought I'd drag this pair of cheeky bastards out today and clean them up.
So I originally saw someone do a post about Aziraphale making a "tongue-in-cheek" gesture to Crowley about "the Clue" when he was asking to take the Bentley to Edinburgh in S2E2. Just "pop up there myself and investigate." This is just after he just "popped up" from behind the Bentley to investigate whether he could take it himself to Edinburgh? That's bold of you, you cheeky angel!
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He's already been teased by Crowley for calling it a Clue with a capital C, (and why we should be wary of Clues)
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but Aziraphale is pretty sure he on to something here, as shown to us by the following few seconds (see screenshots below, note there is another tongue-in-cheek moment here at the beginning), just after the archangels leave the book shop in S2E2 having questioned him over the cause of the 25 lazurii miracle. He puts on the single of "Every Day" he got from Maggie to listen to while he examines newspaper clippings from around the world in different languages, each of them reporting about this strange occurrence in Edinburgh where a jukebox "miraculously" seems to turn every record put into it into Buddy Holly's "Every Day:
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The parallel "tongue-in-cheek" moment from Crowley happens in S2E1, during the chat with Lord Beelzebub in Hell, while he is lounging across the two thrones that they have installed in their office (and if you are wondering about the thrones there is a nice little post about them here).
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Here's what Beelzebub is saying just beforehand:
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Well, that's one way of putting it...Crowley knows Gabriel has "vanished" not once, but twice! Firstly in body and secondly his memory has vanished, too. Oh boy. But Crowley is in a dangerous situation here so he's he's acting in his cool-but-alert mode.
Then Crowley uses this lovely, slightly archaic, expression:
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"It's a big universe, lots of places an archangel on the lam could have a wonderful time and never be seen again."
"On the lam" is a term that means "in flight from the authorities." In flight? Get it? Go Roger the Stunt Fly! Bwahahaha! Tongue in cheek, indeed, Crowley. *snort*
I would also hazard a guess that the second half of that sentence is a second ref to the Hunting of the Snark in S2E1 (I propose that there one to do with the Eccles cakes here). Gabriel has gone hunting his Snark and accidentally tripped up in front of a Boojum, and has "softly and suddenly vanish[ed] away, and [may] never be met with again."
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