#s1 aka the sillies
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get yourself someone who looks at you the way naty looks at ludmila
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stellarxdeath · 3 months
I've seen a handful of posts lately saying that the writers of IWTV have butchered Claudia's character and/or wrote her poorly, things of that ilk; lamenting how dirty she was done by the skill of the writers. Now that I'm all caught up and s2 is finished* [ sob ] I... Have some choice thoughts on this perspective.
Number one being that Claudia was explicitly doomed by the narrative the moment she'd been introduced to it. Her death is referenced but not outright stated initially, moreso implied, but the writing makes no mistake in telling us that Claudia, the Child Vampiress, will die. She's not potentially out there somewhere, she's not in hiding, she is dead, and she will never be able to tell us the whole of her truth beyond her diaries.
The second issue that the "IWTV Writers bad" crowd seems to forget is that, Even with the diaries, this is ultimately Louis' story, and the gaps in perspective are inevitably filled by him and eventually Armand, but never Claudia. She was disregarded because time and time again, Louis disregarded her for Lestat, and then for Armand; She was betrayed by the coven she professed her love for with a horrible, terrible, calculated eagerness because of Louis coming in and fucking with the coven dynamic; Regardless if that dynamic was healthy or not.
What Claudia and Louis had was precious, but it was also deeply, deeply flawed. He can effectively be blamed for her death, drawn all the way back to the riots incited by his choice to kill Fenwick; Was Louis justified in doing so? Yeah, abso-fucking-lutely, but this doesn't change the fact that his choices directly damned her to die.
Third is the claim that Claudia went from lethal and independent to desperate and weak? When? No?? Again I'm loosely paraphrasing some posts I've seen and attempting to take them in good faith; Claudia, from season one, was very interested in finding other Vampires, she was hellbent on it, and unfortunately it lead her to Bruce aka "The Motherfucker."
Her attempt to take Louis with her to Europe in s1 was in service of that goal. Claudia wanted to escape Lestat, she wanted to save Louis, and she wanted to find her people. She even tried to make her own Vampires despite being a fledgling! She has always wanted community, and I'd go as far as to say she was so strong because she could only rely on herself for so goddamn long, Louis being trapped under Lestat's thumb even after Lestat came crawling back in the later half of s1.
I understand that Claudia is a fan fave and people very rightly wished for her to live - the thing I have a gripe with is that some are taking this love for her and making it more important than the story itself. Interview With The Vampire is a tale of regret, trauma and abuse, a story of how memories are monsters and to be a Vampire is to be damned to the Odyssey of recollection, and if you don't survive, your memory will always inevitably be twisted over time. A life in eternity is a life full of pain.
The fact that people are so upset over the unfairness of her life is the intended effect; You are supposed to be upset that she is doomed, the writers of IWTV did a fucking fantastic job of making you feel that way - however, blaming the writers and crying "Bad writing" over the intended reaction feels just a tad silly to me.
As another post put it: Louis loved Claudia so much, but it was never enough. Everyone in Claudia's life except for Madeline betrayed her, her vampyric rebirth was the bandaid to a shitty vampyric marriage, she was denied her own life and Armand the Ancient fucking Coven Leader did nothing to save her; so much so that she was a goddamn Sacrifice so that Louis may live instead. Disregarded. Doomed. Damned. The injustice is meant to piss you off, I beg of those who think the Writers fucked up to simply sit with that feeling. Sit with the injustice. In the end, it's all any of us can do.
it was not finished oops* more opinions on the way
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ladyluscinia · 10 months
I know my last experience with a season ending on a note everyone hated and unanimously tore to fucking shreds for destroying the story on every level was... atypical. Lockdown. 6 month mass hysteria at minimum. Conspiracy theories that were, like, real things we had on camera. There was a Twitter wedding. Creative fervor that broke 100k fics on AO3.
Like. I know this is not a rational point of comparison and I'm not going to expect anything in my lifetime to match it 🤣
If that was the highest high of post-season fandom engagement built on a cocktail of tasting everything you ever wanted AND the absolutely lethal levels of spite and swearing to eat showrunners' hearts in the marketplace, then whatever the fuck is going on after OFMD S2 is the opposite of that.
OFMD S1 was a huge fandom explosion. One silly little streaming show that had a gay kiss and then it skyrocketed. Fic numbers were soaring, high activity fic and meta engagement lasted for at least four months, it was constantly trending and flooding the dash... Like, fucking hell, over a year and a half after the immediate finale fervor it beat Stucky in the top ships bracket?!? To the point I was willing to give it what felt like due credit toward its potential as a future juggernaut ship. Not guaranteed, of course, but the potential was there.
In that context, new content should be a blow out party. Which it kinda was pulling off as it was airing, but looking back now? Not even quite a month later?
The effect of S2 on the fandom is like... a blip. Possibly over already.
New fic numbers started dropping off the moment the finale aired and have returned to deep hiatus levels. It's dropped off trending and streaming leaderboards... I'm very curious to see the first tumblr Week in Review since the finale, though we're still waiting due to the holiday.
Like, I've even popped on to scroll a few Izzy hater blogs that I know loved the finale out of morbid curiosity what they were up to, and I'm telling you... if I hadn't just watched the new season I'd think they were still over a year into hiatus. Saw some standard bitching about the izcourse / Edward takes (aka the one thing that kept them going all hiatus), they're currently passing around posts mocking one specific long OFMD version of TJLC I'm just hearing of, the same BTS gifsets everyone else is thrilled by... But barely any new meta or discussions. There's like 2 people posting actual analysis of S2 that's getting reblogged and they aren't even names I recognize from the hiatus. Nor is it particularly interesting to read. 🤷‍♀️
In July of 2022 I could pop onto a random OFMD blog and scroll through a dozen enthusiastic Stede or BlackBonnet metas about jacket colors or that moth from 1x07 or lighthouse symbolism or whatever. Now the new stuff has the same energy as posts from June 2023. It's borderline dead. And this is what it's like when there's an active campaign to engage fandom and Renew as a Crew?
(I will say fanartists are bringing some energy and there's some lovely pieces being passed around, which I do think the Renew as a Crew campaign is helping to boost?)
Even the hundreds of people saying it was a beautiful season and they loved it so much don't seem to be finding it a very engaging or inspiring season.
It's such a turn, like, what the fuck.
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ohmerricat · 3 months
well that was … depressing. might go and rewatch something from s1 or s4 or s5 or s8 or s10 to remember what good doctor who feels like. or listen to some big finish.
really thought that the VHS tape would be the truman show reveal. oh well. we all thought something. silly me, expecting complex postmodernist media critique from a disneyfied children’s show. this is my cue to go back to watching things intended for adults, i guess.
i’ll delve into why sutekh is a shitty villain to revive for the new era in my next post — this one’s just for moping.
when you’re autistic, realising that your special interest media will probably never be good again is like growing apart from a childhood friend. it’s a slow, nagging sense of grief and loss, however absurd that may sound. this show saved my life in november after i’d just dropped out of uni. that’s what i’ll remember it as. not… this marvel-ised lacklustre forgettable slop.
and please, don’t you dare put false words in my mouth. you all know how big of a doctor who fan i am. despite what the bigots, racists and homophobes say, it’s not the doctor being Black or openly queer or a woman that killed earnest enjoyment of the show. the openly progressive politics are actually one of the few remaining positives about it. no — what killed it is what killed every long lasting franchise: the inevitable enshittification of all mainstream tv, brought about by unregulated capitalism, a complete disregard for artistic expression in anything but independent/diy media. anything that’s funded by corpos such as disney inevitably turns into figurative capeshit (even if it’s not literally about superheroes, you know the semantic field i’m discussing when i bring up that word). not even a formerly brilliant screenwriter like russell t davies can avoid falling into the trap of becoming complacent. “family-friendly” suddenly means “safe, dull, predictable”. as if children’s minds can’t be challenged or unsettled. as if weird and outlandish art isn’t what children remember for their entire lives, forgetting the other, trite, generic TV they were shown.
casual audiences remember Blink long after watching it as kids because it was wild and experimental on a shoestring budget. it was like nothing else on TV. same with The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. the main issue with “series 1” (14) that i’m trying to express here is that, save two or three exceptions (73 Yards + to a lesser extent Boom and D&B), it is exactly like everything else on TV.
the only way out is to write our own worlds. fund them ourselves. cardboard, clingfilm and bubblewrap. that’s how doctor who used to be when it was funded by the BBC. that’s how it survived. whatever it’s trying to be now — well, that’s none of my business.
because business is all it’s become.
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madeline-ronpa-ask · 14 days
Welcome to Madeline County!
Welcome welcome! This is a silly blog I thought about making based on a discord server RP that was based on an AU of The Mandella Catalog! If you’d like to know more on the AU, please see this link to a doc made by @/pristina29! (You’ll need it to understand most of this lmao)
We are currently on the 2nd Season of the game, so there’s that bit too. (when that doc drops I’ll link it aswell dw :3)
If you’d like to join the server, just jump on in and join the fun!
(TW: THE SERVER HAS MENTIONS OF CANIBALISM (Mentions of such topics will be avoided as much as possible on the blog))
No NSFW. I feel like this is a given but still. This blog is being run by and asks are answered by minors. Dont.
No RP/M!A asks please! The answerers would rather not RP on Tumblr due to already having the server RPs /lh
Please be sure to clearly address the chars you’re asking! Nobody likes their ask being mixed up w/ another char!
Please be patient with responses! It can be a lengthy process as we all have our personal lives/answering styles!
I’ll edit the rules as I see fit
~ Admin Cookie :3
CURRENT ASK ABLE CAST (Including Represented Deserts and Living Status):
Cesar Torres ~ Strawberry Cheesecake - Deceased
Mark Heathcliff ~ Blueberry Muffin - Deceased
Adam Murray ~ Apple Pie - Deceased
Jonah Marshal ~ Lemon Tart - Deceased
RED Spy (TF2) ~ Cherry Chocolate Bûche De Noël - Alive
SMG4 ~ Vanilla Cake - Alive
Elizabeth Afton (FNAF, Casronpa!AU (Another server lmao)) ~ Strawberry Ice Cream - Deceased
Jay Merrick (Marble Hornets) ~ Keylime Pie - Deceased
Ludwig Beilshmidt (Hetalia) ~ Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte - Alive
Daniel Mattews (Saw) ~ Forest Cake - Deceased
Hansel Strudel (OC) ~ Candied Green Apple - Deceased
Googleplier (Markiplier Ego) ~ Blue Artificial Doughnut- Deceased
Meta Knight (Kirby) ~ Custard - Deceased
Melodie (Brawl Stars) ~ Starburst Candy - Deceased
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) ~ Strawberry Shortcake - Alive
Peter Spankoffski (Hatchetfeild) ~ Hot Chocolate - Deceased
RED Scout (TF2) ~ Boston Cream Doughnut - Alive
Mario (Mario and the Music Box) ~ Spaghettiesis Ice Cream - Alive
KAITO (PJ:SK, Base Vocaloid) ~ Blueberry Ice Cream - Alive
Cielomort (Fragaria Memories) ~ Starry Toffee Cake - Alive
Abbiy (Among Us OC) ~ Pockys - Alive
The Witch (AKA Trixie) (Slay The Princess) ~ Poison Apple - Alive
Alex Evergreen (OC) ~ Chocolate Chip Cookie - Alive
HABIT (EverymanHYBRID) ~ Dark Chocolate Mousse - Alive
Robin (Teen Titans, Fears to Fathom!AU (Another Ronpa lmao)) ~ Blueberry Yogert Parfait - Alive
Feliciano Vargas (Hetalia) ~ Banana Gelato - Alive
Robin (Batman/Superman: World’s Finest) ~ Apple Crumble - Alive
Poppy Skies (OC) ~ Rose Latte - Alive
Izumi Sou (ARSMAGNA) ~ Blueberry Cheesecake - Alive
Celestine (Pokemon S/V Protag OC) ~ Blue Raspberry Snowball - Alive
Kiku (Hetalia) ~ Dango - Alive
King DeDeDe (Kirby) ~ Strawberry Blueberry Shortcake - Alive
The Tailor (Rain World HUMAN!AU) ~ Raspberry Lemonade Ice Cream Float - Alive
Magolor (Kirby) ~ Gâteau Invisible - Alive
Peri (FO:ANW) ~ Ube Cake Roll - Alive
Spectators (under cut due to lenghty list):
Scout’s Mother (TF2)
RED Heavy (TF2)
RED Medic (TF2)
BLU Scout (Jeremy) (TF2)
BLU Scout (Jenny) (TF2 OC)
Luigi (MatMB)
Marchionne (MatMB)
Mario (SMG4)
Mario (OG)
Luigi (OG)
Cassidy (FNAF Movie)
Evan (FNAF, Casronpa!AU)
Vanessa (FNAF, Mascot!AU)
El Tigre (Yes, from the Nicktoon)
Alfred F. Jones (Hetalia)
Rin Kagamine (PJ:SK, Base Vocaloid)
Len Kagamine (PJ:SK, Base Vocaloid)
Willmesh (Fragaria Memories)
Lauren (OC)
Kirby (Kirby)
Bandanna Dee (Kirby)
Sailor Dee (Kirby)
Grusha (Pokemon S/V)
Kieran (Pokemon S/V)
Tim (Marble Hornets)
Patrick (MLAndersen0)
Collector (The Owl House)
Akira Kurusu aka Joker (Persona 5)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Starfire (Teen Titans)
Lists will be edited as more chars become available to interact with.
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evelili · 1 year
I just finished your Magnum Opus, and it was super great. I especially loved the Pinkie chapter (which surprised me because she’s my least favorite character!). Anyway, do you have any mlp fic recommendations?
oh boy do i have a list for you, strap in!
if you read my magnum opus writeup, you may have seen i mentioned three authors that dragged me back into mlp. if you're interested in sciset (and what's probably the most popular eqg fic on the entire site), Long Road to Friendship by Albi is a longfic that started after the first eqg movie and is a rlly lighthearted read. i don't normally care for OCs but gosh if i dont accept Albi's version of trixie's parents as canon in my heart haha. if you're interested in pony adventure fic, i also rlly liked Sunset of Time, another rlly well done longfic ive carried in my brain since i first read it xd
the second author, Monochromatic, aka the raritwi authority aka someone who has a GREAT taste in editors, has written three of the most formative longfic ive ever read: The Enchanted Library, its sequel The Enchanted Kingdom, and Crimson Lips which i unfortunately can no longer link since she's taken it down, but i believe you can still buy physically through PFP if you wanted to take a gamble on it (it would be a very good gamble). apart from her longfic though i also adore some of her shorter works, including but not limited to The Choices We Make, a really interesting Pinkie study that's definitely shaped how i view her, Your Own Worst Enemy, which is just. peak rarity content, and Injuring Eternity, which while being one of her older works still has certain passages that wreck me emotionally on sight.
and the third author responsible for my magnum opus is the one and only Aragon, who i can not only recommend for his fics but ALSO for his blog posts and comics (see the comic index on his profile for links to all of them, as well as this amazing blogpost about his neighbour that is just peak comedy). he's also the writer responsible for the banger longfic Crime and Funishment which absolutely defined my writing aspirations for a few years and is the definition of comedy if you looked it up in my heart, as well as In Hindsight, yet another banger rarity fic, and Love Is In Doom which is just bloody, silly, stupid fun (and has sunset shimmer in it)
and then if we want to talk fics i love written by other authors, Sleepless Knights by r5h has my favourite brand of scitwi written right into the margins, Administrative Angel by horizon has one of the most amazing endings to an opening chapter ive ever read AND an amazing celestia, The Best Night Ever by Capn_Chryssalid is a fandom classic with a groundhog day twist on the gala episode from s1, Side by Side by Krickis is a feel-good rarijack oneshot w a focus on lgbt (specifically trans) themes, Wax Earplugs by Reedhoarse has a dysfunctional mess of an adagio dazzle that i adore, Merge Request by FanOfMostEverything has all the scitwi/midnight shenanigans you could ask for wrapped up in the relatable content of github hell, Guppy Love by PaulAsaran is a rarijack longfic with an incredibly realistic setting and an interpretation of mermaids that i love so much, Doused Flame by heartlessons has me handshaking on the "sopping wet pathetic relatable guy" flash sentry interpretation that won me over recently, 80 Days 'Til the World's Farthest Shore by Cynewulf feels like reading a professionally published short story (and i mean that in the best of ways, it's enthralling), and finally if you'll allow me to be self-centred a bit i also am very proud of my two oneshots Heartstrings and Something About Midnights if you wanted to check em out too xd
oops long post!! im not sorry for it, i hope you can find something in here that catches your fancy (or even all of it haha), there's soooo many incredible fics in the fandom it floors me every day that i can read all these incredible works for free!!!
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drawing requests are currently closed on this blog (with a few exceptions)
BANNER BY @corvidovis TYSM SILLY!!!!
hi, im Vanderbilt (aka Termite or Termy), formerly E.W.W. Morningstar (Eddie is now hosted solely on @e-w-w-morningstar)! i am an aspiring artist and writer who just wants to be silly goofy online. send me asks, fool around, and have fun on my blog!! i love interacting with people :3 im e_w_woodson on ao3 if you wanna check me out
yes, i am the lightning mcqueen hater (i-hate-mcqueen). please stop sending me lightning mcqueen (send him in if you want, its funny lmao)
dni (not a lot tbh)
bigots (homophobic, transphobic, aphobic, racist, TERF, mysogynist, etc)
pedophiles or zoophiles (if you support pedophilia or zoophilia i will be blocking you immediately)
if i dont like you i will block you. sometimes i do this on vibe alone
fandoms im in/shows and movies ive watched (the list is constantly growing, you can ask if ive watched/read something if you dont see it here)
night at the museum
life of luxury
star trek (tng and tos)
haunted mansion (2003 and 2023)
doctor who (just the stuff on disney+)
good omens
fnaf (the games and movies)
downton abbey
stranger things
umbrella academy
the owl house
childs play/chucky franchise
beetlejuice the musical
loki (not so much a big fan of marvel anymore tho)
warrior cats (i have all the books of the new arc i just havent read them yet lol)
wings of fire
shows/movies im planning on watching:
bbc sherlock (watched up to s3)
psych (watched eps. 1-3)
murder she wrote (yet to start)
only murders in the building (yet to start)
ted lasso (watched eps 1 and 2)
the afterparty (watched s1 a while ago, yet to watch s2)
dead end: paranormal park (watched eps 1 and 2)
bbc ghosts (yet to watch)
red dwarf (yet to watch)
and blogs im involved with/admin for under the cut
my (platonic, gender neutral, we get divorced a lot lmao) CURRENTLY ex-EX-husband, stick, is @/stickbug32
my daughter, tailz, is @/ouppypio
my other other daughter, cherry, is @/cherrysdeadd
my son, squid, is @/five-nights-at-squids
my other son, pine tree, is @/pin3-tr33
my soulsister, lee, is @/creative-soul-22
my internet sibling, toast, is @/iceeericeee
my dad, satan, is @/morningbloodystar
one of my siblings, jay, is @/helphowdoiusethis
my other siblings are echo @/echosghoast, violet @/violet-yimlat, abby @/janeway-lover, eric @/ask-eric-the-disposable-demon and probably more but im too lazy to count
my tags for rp as eddie (before i moved him to @e-w-w-morningstar) are #e.w.w. morningstar and #eddie lore, the tags for casual-wood (derry) are #casual-wood and #d.c.c. and the tags for rping as van the void dweller (the character, not me) is #van lore or #vans void
my art stuff is under #writing adventures with van and #drawing adventures with van (when i remember to tag djgk)
star trek posting is under #trek adventures with van
life of luxury posting is under #luxury adventures with van
oc posting is under #oc adventures with van
fop posting is under #fairly odd adventures with van
most of my original posts are under #random
i am the admin for:
@vans-ghost (van the void dweller)
@jessica-woodson-morningstar (jessica, eddie and vans daughter)
@e-w-w-morningstar (eddie himself)
@novaspacoz (my oc nova)
@tyler-the-destroyer (my oc tyler)
@i-hate-mcqueen (pixar cars sideblog)
@the-real-number-one-van (joke sideblog, was gonna be a personal blog but i havent really used it)
@backup-ominous-threats (but thats a secret if youve read this far shhhh)
@vanderbilt-draws (fandom art blog)
@ensign-navh (star trek oc rp blog)
@cptnjeanlucpicard (picard rp blog)
@lt-cmdr-geordilaforge (geordi rp blog, i cant tag him for some reason BUT HES THERE I SWEAR)
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lyrarizi · 5 months
After rewatching sonic prime alot of times i can finally give my honest reveal:
Season 3 really dissapointing
S1 and S2 were really great tho!
S1: "2nd fav. season" (don't got much to say abt it 🙃)
- sonic his charactertisation felt kinda weird, he ignored his friends and is impulsive to the max
- sonic realising what he has done was kinda sad
- nine was AWESOME
S2: "fav. season"
- i liked the aspect of sonic going on a chase through the shatterverse to collect the shards
- the pirates were ASSHOLES!
- forest part never got me hooked so much
- good fights not too many and the pace went well (for me)
- i wanted more chaos sonic he was a dark mirror of sonic himself and it was really intersting
- Once again nine was a fucking badass
- the betrayel was executed well ig
Sonic was really ignorant to nine but nine got his own faults too
But the line: "like the real tails would, I am REAL!" was so raw and the pain i can only imagine nine felt in that moment...
S3: "least fav. season ofcourse"
- i enjoyed evil tails very much
- episode 1 was fantastic but shadow being pulled out of the picture was bullshit
I also wanted a longer reaction to the betrayel of nine, i saw a comic dub of sonic having a panic attack. Now i know that is far too many of emotions for sonic to be allowed, but atleast they could've showed some tears and panic
- the fight episodes got bland real fast.
Just fighting the same ol' robots again, they get defeated, nine repairs them, the same again
- i did like episode 6 tbh...
The fight of the iconic duo and later the iconic trio was my favo fight in the season
Beautifully crafted
- episode 7..... where to begin?
To begin with: nine his redemption was forced and executed garBAGE
Sonic just went from, this motherfucker needs to PAY for his action to, aw im sorry i saw 1 palmtree and i understand why you wanted to murder me.
Aside from that i almost liked the rest of ep7
The race against time with sonic to save him from certain death was really wholesome
The Amy's were fucking cute and knux carried my sonknux heart ❤️
Shadow rescuing sonic was beautiful and i LOVED it very much
BUT! sonic should've had more emotion to seeing his friend again.
That cliffhanger was totally unnecessary and we know now that is just a symbol for sonic and his friends running into a brand new adventure
Couple other notes:
- voice acting was fucking awesome!
@mactheactor killed it (i want him to be the main sonic tbh
he is up there in my top 3 VA for sonic with @snapscube sonic aka penny parker and jason griffith (1st: penny sonic, 2nd: devon sonic, 3d: jason sonic)
he got the cockiness and the teenager vibe of sonic like jason and ryan have for example
he has all the talent and passion, emotion for the voice and it felt like i actually heared sonic himself)
- animation was really good!
i am not trying to bring the series down!!
i am just saying my thoughts but the series is amazing and should definitely deserve a watch if you like sonic things or if you just like action or multiverse thingies
That was my review of sonic prime i love to hear yur opinions on my review and what you agree and dont with ❤️
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cuties 🫶
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talaofthevalley · 2 months
Me: Yusaku's a very serious and no-nonsense kind of character, but he's not a stick-up-the-ass type. The only time he minds people getting silly around him (aka Ai) is when it disrupts his concentration or gets in the way of his work. Otherwise he just tunes it out. And especially with Ryoken he thinks of their relationship very seriously and wouldn't joke about it or make too many negative remarks if he didn't think they were contributing to anything. I really love his character and their dynamic, and I want to get both right in anything I write, for fun or for fic writing purposes.
Also me: Okay but it would be really funny if the inside of Yusaku's head after Ryoken skedaddles in the S1 finale as he stares after his boat basically looked like this;
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bloomeng · 7 months
my personal hot take bout izzy conversations is that you can critique his writing and his actions and i’m following but as soon as the word abuser gets thrown into the mix i’m not listening anymore
from my pov it really just sounds like ppl are mad that he threatens the sanctity of their ship which is a dumb reason to dislike a character IN MY PERSONAL OPINION and i’m not even saying that’s the reason why ppl have this opinion just that from my outside perspective it looks like ppl are reaching bc they feel like izzy threatens gb
which is a ridiculous notion considering gb is canon and was never not going to be canon and shipping izzy with either/both of them threatens nothing in canon and it’s literally just normal fandom behavior aka playing in the fanon sandbox.
it’s all so childish. the whole reason the canyon exists is childish (not the ppl who made it that’s really just curating a space online which that’s fine) like didn’t know it was ok to bully ppl who like a fictional character—who, side note, is way less problematic than most controversial characters??— you don’t like simply bc you don’t like him.
if you don’t like izzy hands. cool, i would’ve agreed with you five months ago. you’re free to enjoy gb with the majority of the fandom. shit talking a subgroup of the fandom is like the equivalent of high school mean girl behavior.
and the fact that izzy is the guy they picked to hate is so weird to me. i remember watching s1 and being like oh yah this guy is gonna be popular on the socials. he’s like the blueprint for the pathetic cringe fail moody loser older guy that fandoms eat up like hot cakes. he hasn’t even done anything egregiously wrong; fantasy violence, off screen mentions of killing peoples, saying mean things to the crew bc he was an antagonist. maybe if you were edward teach you could be personally upset that your closest… whatever they are… turned you into the british. when i tell you there are genshin impact villains more diabolical. least when ppl were arguing over hisoka from hxh i understood there were levels of nuance at play. but with izzy it makes me feel insane, like is this ppl’s first day in a fandom?
which tired argument bc liking villains doesn’t mean you condone their actions, but really what has izzy done that’s so unmoral that liking him makes you a bad person… in the eyes of the internet? it can’t be the violence bc that’s a dime a dozen literally it’s implied buttons has killed ppl with his silly teeth and no one hates him. (this is all a rhetorical question) it’s embarrassing to watch ppl make up things about him in order to justify why they hate him. like i’m telling you it’s ok to find him cringe and not like him. there doesn’t need to be a moralistic reason to dislike a character. they’re not real. well i mean in this case i guess he was real but like izzy hands from ofmd isn’t the real man who died hundreds of yrs ago.
which by the way criticism towards izzy’s actions on the show is perfectly fine it’s judging real ppl for liking him that’s the issue.
but as i’ve learned it’s too much to expect media literacy from the internet.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 6 months
MIANITE AND LIFE SERIES? oh please,,, please tell me holy shit im VERY normal abt that idea (im lying)
I'm still sorta workin on the story plot wise but basically I imagine it as like the lifers are brought into like a semi-reset realm of Mianite under the guise that it's supposed to be like a regular life series (but its not 👀!) Ianite's back to being imprisoned and maybe there's also some other underlying happenings Watcher related or not idk haha
(the god followings i mention later on were based off @ranababamboo , they made some awesome art for this crossover u should totes go check out :D)
I think it'd be funny if theyre still greeted by a version of Dec (or maybe Pix or Iskall would make a funky cool prist :Oc) and are introduced to the mechanic of the game- It works similar to Secret Life where they're all given a set of tasks; One from Mia, Dia and Ianite, and based on how they go about the tasks each session, it leads into them forming factions (aka the god teams) with Lizzie starting off with Mianite and later finding evidence of a Marthanite and BigB doin his funky backrooms things (he's set to follow the World Historian how he gets there I'm not sure but if anyone wants to add on feel free! /nf)
Tiem Reester isn't present but I think it'd be interesting if there's like traces of them (implying this takes place post-s2 but funky multiverse relative universe things hehe) I have plans for Jordan and Tom specifically in linking this to their hardcore series from last year I affectionately named Linked Life bc of the whole "if we all die the server resets" but ye. ye ;]c
I imagine tons of shenanigans ensue ofc from both just them all bein the silly goofys they are, and then as they start to form their factions (maybe both by god followings but also if the factions are mix of the different gods too would be interesting to see... Like Mounders with two dianitees (pearl n joel) a mianitee (bdubs) and an ianitee (mumbo) for example👀 As the sessions go on the tasks become more interesting/offputting or odd that are maybe more lore related, like one big one I keep coming back to is Ianite sending Mumbo to the S1 skycage via a book only given to him with a chest of redstone supplies to make a flying machine
How much the gods appear kinda varies, I've already half written this bit that Scott, Tango and Mumbo are the first to see a physical form of Ianite after a redstone-filled night of building and Pearl becoming Dianite's champion so yeyeyeeyeyeeee!!! :D
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markantonys · 11 months
A weird trend I've noticed (at least among Twitter show to book first timers) is quite a few of them hating show Rand in s1 but loving him immediately when reading Eye of the World. Which is kinda bizarre to me? Especially considering how they aged him up in the show and he's way more mature than he is the books. And I adore book Rand he's my favorite character in the entire series and glad more people are liking him. But makes me feel more protective of show Rand cause he also deserves the love!
I think the reasons though are cause showwise we can't see inside his head so people who didn't like him in s1 see where he's coming from when reading the book since they see his thoughts? Idk
that's so rude!!! i would guess it's because s1 rand expresses anger (and expresses anger towards female characters lmao) much more than eotw rand, who is just kinda quietly vibing and drinking his milk and being wholesome and keeping most of his negative emotions in his head because he's too polite to express them aloud (which obviously can't work in a visual medium). overall, according to my vague memories of eotw, i'd say that s1 rand is a much stronger personality than eotw rand, which makes him a more dynamic and interesting character but at the same time puts him at higher risk of rubbing people the wrong way than Untoasted White Bread Blank Slate Boy aka eotw rand haha
and the maturity increase is similar. in eotw, mat is immature in a way that most people find grating and unlikable, and so most people agree that he unequivocally benefits from the show's maturity increase. but rand in eotw is less "immature" and more "naive", he's immature mostly in a sweet and endearing way, and so maybe this group of readers doesn't care that he's acting more like a tween (or even a straight-up child at times) than the young adult he's supposed to be, they just find him Cute And Baby, and meanwhile they find s1 rand rude and unlikable because he has more serious problems and reacts more seriously to said problems (thinking mostly in terms of his relationship with egwene here - a certain subset of viewers hate s1 rand for having his own feelings & opinions in the relationship rather than being 100% fine with getting dumped in ep1 and then 100% happy to jump back into egwene's arms like nothing happened in ep2 when she wants to reverse her decision, so i could imagine they like him more in eotw when his problems with egwene are mostly silly and childlike and treated comedically by the narrative, as opposed to legitimate conflicts in an established long-term romantic relationship which the narrative takes seriously)
but if you don't love rand at his throwing a tantrum at moiraine in s1, then you don't deserve him at his going to get a glass of milk at midnight and spitting it out in surprise upon running into a fade! i can only imagine that these people are going to start hating book rand in later books once he stops being Untoasted White Bread Blank Slate Boy and starts developing a stronger personality and rougher edges lmao
(also, all this is not to say that rand's eotw softness doesn't come across in the show, because it absolutely does! i think s1 rand is on the one hand angrier and more volatile than eotw rand (which gets him hate in spaces like twitter and tumblr among those who deem any male character who isn't nice and agreeable 100% of the time Trash) yet simultaneously he's also more openly affectionate & tender and more of a homebody (which gets him hate in spaces like reddit among those who deem any male character who isn't a badass power fantasy 100% of the time Lame))
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coniangray · 9 months
The proud princess, the lost knight and the flowers in the cave
In s1 ep 8, the party plays DND and after they finish their campaign, Dustin, Lucas and Will respectively asked what happened to the lost knight, the proud princess and those wierd flowers in the cave.
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Now, I do believe that the order they said this and who said what is also symbolic, but first I want to start with this general symbolism:
We only see one knight in the whole show, and he was also crowned as the leader, the heart of the group, who is only mike wheeler in the painting with the whole party fighting the thessalhydra/tiamat.
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So, in those words, mike is the knight.
It doesn't take much to realize that the proud princess is El, given how she's the only one who not only turned out proud of her powers and who she is as a whole by the end of s4, but also the only one involved with flowers.
The weird flowers in the cave:
In s4 ep1, El mentions how she missed the spring flowers in Hawkins, but she finds it pretty in Lenora too
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In s4 ep2, mike, after reading the letter El sent him, collects a bouguet of purple, yellow and pink flowers to gift to El once he'd arrive in Lenora.
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(tagged from mike)
In s4 ep9, the flowers "in the cave" are rotting, as the upside down is taking over and bleeding into Hawkins, therefore destroying what they know as their reality.
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So, what about them?
The flowers in the begging of s4 are bloomed, untouched by any upside down infection, but yet had to be cut in order to be given as a gift. This mugh be me over exaggerating, but I do think that cutting the flowers (in this case having someone else to do it, since that wasn't Mike's handwriting in the card to begin with, aka he most likely told Karen to buy flowers from Hawkins/ just a hc) might be him pretending that everything is great in their relationship.
The flowers literally rot in the end of s4, and as we see, El is in front of the others while mike is standing next to will
Therefore, the proud princess has finally accepted herself and therefore is proud of that.
The lost knight is still lost, unable to figure out his unrequired love for the cleric.
And the flowers are rotting.
And the cave?
I'd like to believe that the cave is the upside down itself. This is the blind leading the blind but I'd love to think how the "cave" works as a metaphor for either the gates or the upside down to complete this sense of closeness and fear of the unknown.
Who said what, and why they said it:
This is most likely stupid, but I think that Lucas saying about the lost princess emphasizes the foreshadowing of him trying to get mike back with el in s3 and that Dustin saying the knight also respectively foreshadows him and Mike joining hellfire and coming closer by time.
To add insult to injury, I think that will said the flowers in the cave to foreshadow the love triangle between will, mike and el and the whole situation with the flowers in s4.
Now reminder that this was just a silly scene as a conclusion to s1 which can also mean nothing, but I think the duffers give a laugh about those subtle hints about this scene.
If you want more info about el's letter and how she covered her hard time in Lenora with lies targeted towards mike, you can click here
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sunn-mechanic · 6 months
Okay so i've had this Ninjago AU in the back of my mind for a while, and bc of popular demand (1 person, aka @ninja-knox-ur-sox-off) Imma talk abt it :3
The Cold Spot in the Corner, or just the Cold Spot Au for short, is a Zane au where he's kinda like a ghost and haunts the ninja, or at least that was the original idea lol. While i was thinking abt it i thought it'd be super cool if he was actually an old master of ice that merged with his element and now he just wanders around wherever winter goes. (which is important to how he and dr. julien still know eachother hehe)
so one winter he's just floating around as usual and he stumbles upon the monastery (this is in s1 btw) and for some reason when he sees these kids he just, gets attached basically lol. So he sticks around and just,, essentially haunts them by messing around with them. Like sprinkling snow on them, accidentally leaving snow in unfortunate places, making cold spots where he's lingering, etc etc.
also, wu couldn't find a master of ice in this au, but he had a feeling someone would show up anyway :)
it's just a silly lil au (maybe fic?? idk) with lots of fluff, and some angst sprinkled in there lol.
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sammysprivatecorner · 2 months
List of Fictional men I have a crush on because yes <3
#1 MEDIC - TEAM FORTRESS 2 (Lasted ever since I've known tf2 so give or take 3 years and going)
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He's German
He's insane
Villain characteristics
Tall (6'1)
He's a DOCTOR that has a morbid fascination with ANATOMY
Needs sleep
Probably a coffee Addict
AGE = EXPERIENCE Not exactly on character but I really love it when ppl draw Medic with a bit of chub, for example @/sNeighbrhood on Twitter has this Medic OC Emil, and he has chub and it's just cuddly idk bible accurate Medic has a bit of stuffing
#2 SAMMY LAWERNCE - BATIM (Has last since chapter 2 came out so around 8 years and still going!)
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(Go check out my Sammy blog @asksamuellawrence) Reasons:
Male wife material
He a strong boi
Musical man
@inkdemonapologist Human design for Sammy. (P.S. Go check out their work they do amazing stuff :0)
He's Insane <3
Tall HC (6'2)
Needs sleep
Grumpy ass man
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Masked figure
His hair is so goofy
A doctor that is probably insane
ManlyBadassHero's interp. of Dr. Smiley's voice (Idk it just gives me life)
Probably tall lmao
#4 SILCO - ARCANE (Lasted 3 years aka since the show came out and is still going quite strong)
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Visual appeal
His animation (I walked like Silco for a very long fucking time without even realizing it after first watching the show)
#5 VIKTOR - ARCANE (Lasted since I got back into the show so about 1 year)
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(I can make that exact face) Reasons:
Russian/Slavic in origin (AKA his voice)
Skinny ass dying man
Visual appeal
In need of a Divorce Arc
Will hopefully have a Villain Arc in Season 2
#6 RUVYZVAT/RUV - FNF MIDFIGHT MASSES (2ish years by now)
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Russian man
Tall as shit (8'11 and I think 9" standing fully)
Comfy ass looking clothing
A quiet boi
A total loner and Introvert
Protective of Sarv <3
#7 ADAM - HAZBIN HOTEL (Since the final episode of S1 came out so 5 or 4 months)
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Visually to me he is appealing under the mask
Alex Brightman
I wanna steal his clothes
I wanna nom his wings
His hair looks like ears in the photo and I wanna ruffle them
That thing on his chin Idk the technical term for it
Alex Brightman
Rock 'n' Roller (Introduced me to School Of Rock and Stick It To The Man)
Da Villain
#8 ORIN SCRIVELLO D.D.S - LSOH (2 years and going!)
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A greaser
Has a fucking cool ass Motorcycle
I want to steal his Gender
I want to BE him/hj
An Antagonisttt
Sick ass song (DENTIST!)
Goofy ahhh talk
Introduced me to Greasers and got me fixated on those for a while month
Silly ass death scene that made me so upset the first time I saw it
DR. MASACRIK - PSYCHO CUTIES (I do NOT support the artist but I do like the show!!!)
Anyway Yah that's it, there's more but I literally haven't slept at all. Good night!! <3
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