poznej-hudbu · 6 months
eng: What do you think about this song?
• I know it and i like it
• I don’t know it and i like it
• I know it and i don’t like it
• I don’t know it and i don’t like it
Prosím neprozrazuj píseň ostatním lidem :)
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idle-sun · 5 months
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Let go and be free. The suffering can stop, you can stop. Its nice outside sweeties.....Come join us.
HAHAH i've done it! Ive been wanting to make fanart of scp-001 'When Day Breaks' and I am soooo happy how this turned out.
Let me know if you liked it!
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crimescrimson · 1 year
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The Good Deeds Of Ada Wong: Saving Lives
Saving Leon & Claire From Being Ambushed By Zombies | Patching Leon's Bullet Wound Up | Saving Leon From Being Killed By Mr. X.
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luxerit · 1 month
Bit late again but it should be common sense why getting numbers tattooed isn't a good idea.
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linagram · 2 months
[ 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚘 𝙰𝚜𝚊𝚑𝚒'𝚜 𝚃𝟹 𝚅𝙳 ] 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙰𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝
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THE BOY!!! i wonder if he'll be able to get a full inno combo..
Warnings for Asahi's VD: toxic family dynamics, Asahi also gets to act a little homophobic, but it's played for laughs.
Warnings for Asahi's MV: the aforementioned toxic family dynamics and despite the song's title, there's not any insect/bug motifs, not counting the ending.
(sounds of footsteps)
Hinode: So.. It's time to interrogate your brother, huh?
Hinode: Are you sure you can do this? You can just let me and Eiji-san-
Miki: You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine.
Miki: Why do I even have to worry about anything? I already know I will forgive Marito. 
Miki: .. And you and Eiji-san will forgive him too, right?
Hinode: .. Y-you really love him, haha..
Miki: I've said this before: I can understand Eiji-san's case, but you, Hinode-san..
Miki: You really were okay with punishing your own brother.
Miki: And when he tried to kill himself, the one who saved him was Miyagawa-san and not you.
Miki: You weren't even that worried about him!
Hinode: ...
Miki: I can handle this. I'm still not the best older sister, but at least I actually care about my brother unlike you.
(the door opens)
Asahi: Ah, Miki-nee!
(sounds of Asahi running up to her)
Asahi: I missed you so much! 
Miki:"He's so cute.."
Miki: I'm pretty sure we have talked earlier today though..
Asahi: I don't care. I like you, Miki-nee, so of course I'd want to spend as much time with you as I can.
Hinode: Haha, you really do like her, don't you? I've never seen you act so nice to someone before-
Asahi: .. Miki-nee, do you want me to kill this guy for you?
Miki: Huh?!
Hinode: K-kill?..
Asahi: I don't know, Miki-nee, he's kind of a weirdo.. He looks like the kind of guy who claims he doesn't know anything and then he reveals that he actually knew the whole lore right when we're all about to die.
Asahi: Also he looks gay, honestly.
Miki: ...
Hinode: ...
Hinode: Heh. Miki-san, your br-
Hinode: Uh.. Ahem, I wanted to say that Asahi-san is kinda funny actually.
Asahi: Oh, so you're okay with me calling you a-
Miki: Now, now, how about we start the interrogation?
Asahi: .. Ah. Right. 
Asahi: I forgot that you didn't come here just to.. hang out.
(sound of a screen turning on)
Eiji: Okay, so are you all ready to begin? 
Miki: ".. Why is Eiji-san so.. calm?"
Miki: "He doesn't really talk to me anymore, but he doesn't seem mad about Kei-san's second trial verdict.."
Asahi: Ugh, you're here too..
Eiji: I'm glad to see you again too, Asahi.
Asahi: How can you even see us right now? Aren't all the cameras-
Asahi: !
Miki: ...
Hinode: ...
Asahi: N-never mind-
Eiji: Oh, but I do mind. Asahi, how did you know what happened to the cameras?
Eiji: And to answer your question: I can only see things from the screens in everyone's cells. I can't see anything from the other cameras.
Eiji: "Guess he wasn't able to break into everyone's cells and use the spray paint on the screens too.."
Miki: "So he DID see Yoshioka-san when we were interrogating her."
Asahi: U-uh..
Asahi: H-hey, Miki-nee said to start the interrogation! So stop asking questions that aren't related to my crime!
Asahi: Eiji-nii is such a meanie..
Miki: ...
Miki: "I want to know more about his relationship with Kei-san and possibly Himura-san, but..  Now is not the time."
Miki: Okay, Asahi-san. We know pretty much everything about how your crime went, but there's still one very important thing we have to discuss.
Asahi: .. What is it?
Hinode and Eiji: She's talking about your-
Asahi: I am not going to talk to anyone here except Miki-nee.
Eiji: What? That's just stupid, you have three guards here and you're only going to talk to-
Asahi: Eiji-nii, why don't you go and shove all your bandages in your mouth and choke on them?
Eiji: ...
Miki: .. Why did you kill that woman?
Asahi: ...
Miki: We know how she died, we know about your relationship with her, but why did you kill her?
Miki: You told us that you had to do it to her. I just want to know why.
Asahi: .. I..
Asahi: .. I-It was self-defense.
Eiji: Oh really? You know it can be counted as self-defense only if you were in immediate danger, right?
Eiji: So like.. It can be counted as self-defense only if she tried to attack you or something.
Asahi: .. She didn't attack me, but I'm sure I would've died if I didn't kill her.
Miki: Was she really that dangerous?..
Asahi: .. You know, I don't really believe in God or magic or miracles, or.. anything like that.
Asahi: Like.. Come on. That just sounds dumb.
Asahi: But.. Sometimes I can't help but feel like her not being able to have kids of her own was..
Asahi: .. Maybe her becoming a mother really wasn't meant to happen. And like, for a good reason.
Asahi: She never took me seriously. It's like, she just liked the concept of having children. She didn't actually like having a kid.
Asahi: It's like I was just this cute toy that was supposed to make her go "Awww! Look at you!" and not an actual human being.
Asahi: Yes, she bought me everything I asked for. But when it came to actually spending time with me.. 
Asahi: Seriously, she avoided me like I was the fucking plague.
Asahi: Every time I asked her to go somewhere together, she just went "Oh, sorry, mommy is feeling a little sick".
Hinode: ...
Miki: But.. If she wanted a kid so badly, why couldn't she spend at least some time with you? 
Asahi: .. No idea. Every single time I rebelled against her, every time I showed that I have emotions and I can disagree with her and even hate her, it's like..
Asahi: Her brain just turned off.
Asahi: She just stared at me. And said nothing.
Asahi: It's like she was a spoiled rich girl who said she wanted a pet and when her parents got her one, she just took some pictures with it, played with it a little bit, but when it came to actually taking care of it, she made others do all the work.
Asahi: .. Except in my case, I was alone almost the whole time.
Asahi: Like think about it. She didn't even actually adopt me, she just found me and took me in and made everyone believe it was a kid she adopted because she's so nice.
Eiji: Okay, but.. Why did you think she was going to kill you?
Asahi: I said I'm not going to talk to anyone except Miki-nee-
Eiji: You have already answered my question earlier. Why can't you do it this time too?
Asahi: ...
Hinode: Oh, right, when Eiji-san mentioned the immediate danger part-
Asahi: Fine, fine! You are so annoying..
Asahi: Um.. 
Asahi: .. I got really mad at her and she started saying shit like "Oh, I knew I will never be a good mother"  or "I can't give you what you need".
Asahi: And after that, something.. changed. 
Asahi: It's like she didn't know how to play with her cute little toy anymore.
Asahi: We haven't talked that much after that. She couldn't look me in the eyes.
Asahi: And I think the last straw was me hearing her say to her husband..
Asahi: "You were right. Adopting him was a bad idea".
Miki: ...
Hinode: .. Oh.
Asahi: Haha.. If you were me, what would you think she was going to do to you?
Miki: I-I.. I'd think she didn't actually mean it-
Eiji: I'd think she wants to get rid of me.
Asahi: .. Wow, Eiji-nii, can't believe you actually have a brain in that head of yours.
Miki: Did you think she was going to kill you?!
Asahi: Kind of. She was too weak to attack me, I knew that for sure.
Hinode:.. You thought she was going to kick you out of her house, right?
Asahi: .. Yeah.
Hinode: And for someone like you, with nowhere to go, it would be..
Hinode: Not that different from being killed.
Asahi: .. *nods*
Asahi: .. I was scared.
Miki: E-every child would be, Asahi-san, there's nothing to be ashamed of.
Eiji: Still, your whole plan doesn't make any sense.
Eiji: Like sure, you'd kill her, but what were you going to do after that? I doubt her husband was happy to see her corpse. 
Eiji: And I doubt he wanted to do anything with you after that.
Asahi: .. Eiji-nii.
Asahi: FUCK YOU!
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Asahi: .. It was him who kicked me out. Her husband.
Asahi: Haha.. He really was not happy about her murder..
Hinode: It sounds like he really loved her, but.. You can't just do something so cruel to a child.
Asahi: .. Are you going to vote me guilty this time? Because it wasn't actually self-defense and it was just me being an idiot?
Miki: I don't know about these two, but..
Miki: Please know that I forgive you, Marito.
Eiji and Hinode: Huh?..
Asahi: .. What did you just call me, Miki-nee?
Miki: O-oh, I-
Miki: .. Whatever. You have to know the truth.
Miki: The third trial is getting closer to its end and we don't have much time, so..
Miki:  Asahi-san. I know you don't remember your past that well.
Miki: You're so young, but you have already lost so many of your memories because they were too scary.
Miki: I know how much you want to see your.. "Real mother" again. 
Miki: But I..  I can't promise you that. I-in fact.. I don't think you're ever going to see her.
Miki: B-but, um.. A-at least you have me.
Miki: Asahi-san, do you remember your family well? You know, the people who you were living with before you met that woman?
Asahi: ...
Miki: You don't have to answer. From what I saw in your second video, I can tell that you do remember them, you just don't want to think about it. And that's okay.
Miki: Just.. Please know that I'm your older sister.
Miki: And the name you had before you met that woman was Andou Marito. 
Asahi: ...
Miki: S-sorry. I wish I could've revealed it in.. a different way and not like this.
Asahi: .. It's fine.
Asahi: I.. I think I actually kinda knew that you're my real family.
Miki: ...
Miki: *sobs*
Eiji: Hey, I know, this scene is supposed to be very touching, but can we extract his video already? We have three more prisoners to interrogate.
Eiji: And all of them cause way too much trouble.
Miki: A-ah, right, right.
Miki: Prisoner 007, Asa-
Asahi: Y-you can call me by my real name. It's fine.
Miki: .. Okay.
Miki: Prisoner 007, Marito, sing your sins!
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42% ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░ 100%
[ Asahi Marito's Trial 3 MV: Caterpillar's Cries ]
The video starts with showing us a dark forest. Marito comes out of it and he's not looking good: his hair is messy, his clothes are dirty and he overall looks like he's going to die very soon. He falls on the ground, not having any energy left to walk, and looks up. We see his adoptive mother, Satsuki, and her husband. 
"Hello, who are you? Ah, I see, you're my mother number two
At least that's what you claim to be
But I'm not so sure, I find it hard to believe
My mother would look at me like I was her child and not just a cute new toy"
Satsuki smiles warmly at Marito and holds out her hand to him while her husband turns away. It takes him a moment, but Marito takes her hand.
"But fine, I'll accept your help 
I'll accept your love and affection
Even if I'm not sure if that's what I need
A kid like me doesn't have much of a choice here"
We see Satsuki, her husband and Marito walking into a house that looks really fancy and it really looks like a place where a rich couple would live, but also, their house has a really dark color palette which makes the whole place look intimidating and creepy in some way. Marito looks scared and he walks over to a table. He sees a piece of cake, but just as he's about to take it, someone slaps his hand away and Marito drops the plate on the floor. 
"Hello, who are you? You're not someone I should've become
Does this happen to those who get carried away?
Or does this happen to those who got everything they wanted?
Could it be that you're just like me, except you're completely satisfied?"
The person who slapped his hand away turns out to be Marito himself, but that version of him looks different. This version wears better clothes and simply looks like what you'd expect a rich couple's kid to look like, but his eyes also look.. weird. They look too swirly and colorful. You could say that this version of him is not Andou Marito. It's Yano Asahi.
""Stop, that's enough!" But it will never be enough
Sweet or sour, I don't care, I want everything I could never have
Even if it's rotten, even if it's broken, I just want to have something
Do you understand now? I live like I can die at any moment"
Asahi makes Marito fall on the ground and Marito starts to cry because of how scared he is and because he expects Asahi to hurt him. Suddenly, Asahi stops and looks at Marito. Something about the boy's reaction makes him change his mind and he helps him get up. 
"I don't understand, why do you understand me so well?
It's like you're me, it's like we really are family
Please, please, help me stop feeling so empty
Fill this void, say I'm not alone, say I can have everything, say I can have more"
The boys are walking somewhere now. Marito starts to notice that there's a lot of food, toys and other things lying on the floor as they walk. He starts picking those things up meanwhile Asahi doesn't seem to care about this stuff at all. Marito starts seeing weird ghost-like visions of Satsuki and his other self. They all show Satsuki giving him the exact things that are lying on the floor right now. At first Asahi looks genuinely happy to receive them and thanks her. But as those visions continue to show up, Marito notices that Asahi starts to look more and more disappointed with each new gift, until eventually he rejects one of them, making Satsuki look at him with a confused expression. We don't get to see what this gift looks like exactly and it looks blurry. Marito wonders why this happened and he looks at all the things he picked up. Asahi looks at him and simply shakes his head and sighs. 
"Why would you do this? Are you this ungrateful?
Don't you remember what we had to go through?
Do you really need more? Do I really need more?
Do I need at least something? Or do I need everything?"
Finally, they walk into a room that seems to belong to Asahi. This room has so many toys everywhere that you can't even see the floor. Marito looks at all the toys and his eyes start to sparkle, but then he sees a small table in the middle of the room and three chairs. It looks like Asahi has decided to hold a tea party. 
Now we see Marito, Asahi and a plushie having a tea party together. Marito looks happy, but Asahi looks like he's thinking deeply about something. Marito notices it and takes one of the plushies and makes it kiss Asahi on the cheek and smiles. 
"Why are you so nice? It's like we really are family
Maybe kindness really was what I needed from the start
I just wanted someone to hug me and say that they love me
I was tired from all the gifts that had no love inside"
Asahi blushes and tries to act serious, but it also looks like he's.. sad for some reason. Marito continues to drink his tea..
Until he suddenly drops his cup. It looks like he's in pain. 
""Stop, that's enough!" But it will never be enough
No matter how hard anyone tries, I will never be satisfied
It's time for me to admit that I will never be truly happy
Do you understand now? Maybe death was what I wanted from the start"
Marito falls on the floor while Asahi watches him and when Marito looks at him, he sees that he's.. crying. Asahi walks over to him with that plushie in his hands and he gives it to him. Marito takes the plushie and hugs it. He closes his eyes. 
"It's fine, it's okay, as long as you love me and I love you
Maybe your love will satisfy the hunger I've felt since the day I was born
Or maybe it will do nothing but make the void consume me
Honestly, I just want to be loved, who cares about the consequences?"
He opens his eyes again. They are as weird as Asahi's. He's wearing the exact same clothes as him. Satsuki walks into his room. She's holding the same toy Asahi rejected in one of the visions.
"Please, say that I am a good kid
Say that you will take care of me, say that one day your house will feel like home
Please don't throw me away
Don't punish me for my greed, forgive me again and again and again"
It's a caterpillar plushie.
The video ends. 
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jiakim · 26 days
jia: hello! this is jia kim from blue harbor elementary. i tried to call you earlier to let you know that your son is missing his backpack. please, call me at your earliest convenience.
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dvsconocvdo · 2 months
closed starter for @kenxmatsui
The sun was low in the sky, and Haru could not fucking believe what a day they had. It felt like within the previous twelve hours, they had lived a whole century. Who knew settling in a new job would be so arduous? All the small webinars Haru completed bored them, and they were thankful tomorrow they'd start actually doing something in their job. Fidgeting with the uncomfortable bottom up shirt they wore, they rolled up their sleeves, showcasing the previously hidden tattoos, not that their shirt covered the tattoos on their hands. Still an attempt was made. Letting out possibly the biggest sigh of the day, they pulled out a small red and white box to pull out a cigarette only realizing that they didn't have a lighter. Of course, those heathens (their cats) must have taken it. Still, they checked each one of their pockets before looking around and spotting another smoker. They hated this, but they needed to smoke before driving back to the hotel or they would lose their mind. "Excuse me." They started talking not really looking at the other person in the face, just focusing on their shirt. "Do you have a light? I'll only bother you for that." (meaning don't make conversation with me) Haru prayed this wasn't a talkative person because they didn't have the energy to deal with it.
Raising their hand to ruffle their own short hair, they finally looked up at the other person. It didn't take much for Haru to immediately notice just how fucking tall this guy was, but the real shocker was when their brown eyes landed on his face. Were they hallucinating? Surely not. Was someone playing a trick on them? But who? They knew close to nobody in this small town. "Kenji?" The name fell of their lips before they could register. Surely not. They've lost their mind. Yes, that made more sense that for their brother to be here in Lunar Cove smoking outside just as Haru got off work. Brown eyes studied him like a hawk. They wanted to reach out and pinch him, to see if this was real, but instead they took a step back as if gaining some distance could clear their mind. "I must have lost my damn fucking mind." Ruffling their hair with more intensity, Haru's eyes ventured away from his face and onto his body. He was well-dressed. He was tall. He looked like Kenji except older. Part of them wanted to say their last name, to fully confirm if it was him except they didn't want to. The distaste for the name lived on fiercely inside of them and they'd rather keep staring in silence as they awaited confirmation. If this wasn't their brother, it was an awful look-a-like, and Haru should possibly move out of town to avoid any further confusion. Then it dawned on them, as they fidgeted with the unlit cigarette, what if it was him and he didn't recognize them?
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ac1numa · 8 months
hello, hello. posting a starter call for tonight. mention the muse(s) you want the starter from. i'm just going to eat right now and then post something pretty quickly.
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criticalfai1ure · 2 months
once again thinking abt red!lives amnesia au.
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whats-it-mean · 10 months
Yo bestie I feel silly asking over Tumblr instead of text but it felt right to do it here so 💀
Anyways please could you write anything for Haruka Sakurai please I'm desperate and crave content for him of course if not that's fine
A late pocky day in milgram! ☆
Haruka Sakurai x Reader
A/N - NO UR GOOD i love haruka too as you know so im happy to write for him. i decided to go for a (LATE) pocky day prompt bc i missed it lmao, but there are some mentions of my own milgram ships, so i hope thats fine?? the one mentioned is 0309 because i think theyre cute <333 also mahiru would totally play matchmaker for all the other prisoners. prove me wrong i dare you
C/W - 0309  mentioned/suggested 0309
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Upon first hearing of it from Mahiru, unsurprisingly, Haruka had no idea what pocky was. He tilted his head towards the girl, mumbling out a ‘hm?’ as she rambled on about how romantic it was. It was no surprise that even in prison Mahiru would care about such things, since on valentines she had somehow roped everyone into baking cookies, but it seemed to fly directly over Haruka’s head as he listened.
“...? I- I’m confused.. So you just.. Eat the candy…..?” He asked, gently tapping his chin. “How is that a game..?” You could hear a slight snicker come from a certain red-haired boy in the other corner of the room, followed swiftly by an elbow to his stomach coming from Yuno.
Mahiru giggled. “It’s like a challenge- two people eat it at the same time.” She pulled a piece of the candy out of the box she had been fiddling with this whole time as she spoke, twirling it between her fingers before holding it out as example. “Whoever breaks off first loses. Cute, is it not?”
Haruka glanced up at the Pocky in her hand, confusion still evident in his eyes. “But.. what if nobody breaks off…?”
You should have known it would come to this.
Mahiru grinned, and from the corner of your eye you could see Shidou shaking his head slightly as she smiled at the poor boy. “Then they kiss~!” Mahiru’s cheery voice spoke, despite the way Haruka flushed red, turning to hide his face in his hands, face practically steaming.
“O- Oh…” He mumbled, voice muffled by the way he covered it with his hands. He tried desperately to look away, his ears and neck now turning pink in addition to his entire face. Mahiru smiled at him, patting his head when he tried to curl up into a ball and chuckling at his attitude towards the topic.
“Now, since Es didn’t tell us when it was Pocky day a little bit ago-” Es scoffed from the corner, rolling his eyes at Mahiru’s accusing tone. “We’re celebrating late. But celebrating is still celebrating~!”
Fuuta rolled his eyes from the corner where he sat. “And how exactly are we planning on celebrating?”
“Well- Not everyone can really participate, since Amane is a bit too young… But you should all pair up and play at least once, right? We rarely get to do fun things like that here, and it’ll be so exciting-!”
“No way I’m playing this bullshit game.” The boy huffed, standing up without a moment to waste and turning to leave, but let out a yelp when someone grabbed his pantleg, and Mikoto dragged him right back onto the floor, and next to him.
“Sounds good, Mappi-chan!” He hummed, completely ignoring the continued protests from Fuuta who was now being forcefully held against the brown-haired individual.
Mahiru let out another one of her signature giggles before turning to you, flashing you a grin. “You should pair up with Haruka here!” She patted the boy’s head, ruffling his hair slightly as he glanced desperately upwards at you from where his head sat, currently in his arms as he huddled around his knees.
“U- Um- I’m not--”
Mahiru grinned at the both of you, giving you a slight push towards the boy before placing a box of strawberry Pocky in your hands. “Have fun!!” She bounced off in another direction, probably to tease Fuuta and Mikoto a bit, before you glanced back at Haruka, to which he let out a little squeak.
You sighed, incing a bit closer to him so that you could pat his head, to which he immediately leaned into your touch. “Sorry about her… We don’t have to--”
Haruka’s voice was impossibly quiet and timid, but he spoke so quickly you could barely finish your sentence. “....B- But-... I want to.”
You paused. “You do!?”
He nodded his head shakily, partially obstructed face glowing with a rosy blush as he let out an embarrassed breath , cheeks burning with shame. “S- Sorry- I just-” He trailed off, letting out a sound somewhere between a squeak and the sort of whine you would bear from a kicked puppy as he buried his face further into his crossed arms.
“.....Don’t be sorry, I just- Didn’t expect that. Like. At all. But- It’s fine if you want to, I guess-...?”
Haruka snapped his head upwards, hair disheveled from trying hopelessly hide himself from Mahiru as he looked at you with wide eyes. “R- Really?”
“...I’d be happy to.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── End
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12-cluh · 6 months
SCP Collection
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SCP-001 - The Gate Guardian
SCP-049 - The Plague Doctor
SCP-076 - Abel
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mini-marshmallow · 6 months
I want more people talking about the update When Day Breaks received back around 2021 because I want to know every one’s thoughts on it. It’s a prequel like story detailing the reason as to why everything happened.
If having an explanation to it takes away from the horror you initially liked about When Day Breaks, then you don’t have to read it. But there is something so horrifically tragic about it and how it ended up affecting humanity. I’m being vague about it because I don’t want to spoil anything, but I personally loved the update and everything it brought to the table. Like I said if you like the idea of no one knowing why the sun just started melting people together and you want to keep it that way, that’s fine because I also love that aspect.
But to the people that are interested in reading it (or have read it), I wanna hear your thoughts!
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woodcries · 2 months
@bauresurrected sent: i'm telling you, this is turning out to be one hell of a morning. / seaver
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the younger agent managed a tight smile, glancing towards the meeting room. there was never a slow day at the bureau, but especially not within the bau. but some days were worse than others. she offered out the second coffee cup to the other, thankful that she'd managed to squeeze in a coffee run when she had a chance.
' glad it's not just me. ' the academy could prepare you for a lot of things, but the bau's cases could be particularly odd and stomach-turning. ' it's hard to know what's a normal morning around here. '
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monogatcri · 1 year
@orecrowned replied to your post:
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ THE CORRECT ANSWER IS : 300 -- may I ask how you came to the conclusion of zero? ❞
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
powerful women who could crush him with a single ass cheek: exist
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1scp-a-day · 1 year
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