#s humph
talesof-old · 4 months
literally anything with dad!james please he would be the best dad ever
- 🦌
james potter would’ve been the best dad ever 😔
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pairing(s): dad!james potter x pregnant!reader
warning(s): reader is pregnant though it’s not the focus, james as a dad, reader is a mom, breakfast in bed, i picture harry being a very happy child okay, if you see any mistake no you didn’t
word count: 941
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“Shhh, we don’t want to wake Mummy up yet.”
You shifted in your bed, face pressed against the pillow. Faintly, you could hear the giggles of James and Harry, muffled by the closed door. You sighed. Sunlight filtered in through the gaps of the curtains, shining across your bed in brilliant beams. The clock on your bedside read: 9:28.
You rubbed your eyes, hauling yourself from the bed and shuffling into the bathroom. You were quick to finish your business, palm resting on your swollen stomach. In a few minutes, you’d managed to brush your teeth and straighten your hair, choosing to instead investigate the reasoning behind your husband and son’s laughter.
“No! Mummy…” The words were loud and petulant from your son, though James at least had the decency to wince. You frowned.
“You’re s’pposed to be in bed.” Harry was waving his arms about like you’d foiled their whole plan. You spared a glance at your husband, amusement already taking root. Both of them looked a mess, hair askew and clothes covered in flour. You crouched down, holding your arms out to your son. He humphed but complied, curling into your arms and nuzzling into your chest.
“Morning, Haz.” His response was quiet as he let you hold him. Four years old and already a carbon copy of his father, you were certain he’d give James a run for his money as he got older. Your heart pinched. Time had flown by so quickly. Your baby was already walking and talking and playing, and soon enough he’d be off to school. Tears pricked at your eyes but you willed them away, shifting your hold on Harry to pull him into your hip. Your back strained but you ignored the twinge. James pressed a kiss to your temple.
You raised a brow. “Breakfast in bed was the goal.”
Harry wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder. You rubbed his back, rocking back and forth as you smiled.
“Should Mummy go back to bed then?” You poked Harry’s side. He giggled, swatting at your hand. “Yes!” You laughed, running a hand through his messy hair and kissing his forehead.
“Help Daddy, alright?” Harry nodded solemnly as you put him down. James’ eyes were soft as he regarded you, fondness oozing off of him in waves. You leaned forward, lips locking with his for a brief moment before you heard your son making gagging noises at the two of you. You pulled away with a mock sound of offense, chasing him back to your bedroom with the threat of tickles. Harry’s screams of laughter echoed through the house as you made your way back to your bedroom.
It was only once you’d settled back into the sheets that James called him to come back to the kitchen. The soft patter of his feet leading him away from you had your heart steadying. Your boys, however wild they were, never failed to want to spoil you.
The sound of plates clinking down the hallway had you grinning. James pushed open the door, bent over Harry, hands hovering over his to make sure he didn’t drop the tray. His still chubby cheeks were red and his eyes focused as he shuffled towards you. You cooed as James helped him set the tray onto your lap.
“You helped with this?” You made your eyes comically wide as Harry climbed onto your bed, kneeling on the blankets and grinning. “Obviously.” He shrugged.
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you. Obviously. James rubbed the back of his neck and gave you a sheepish look. “He helped with the pancakes.”
And sure enough, the oddly shaped pancakes could’ve only been done by your four year old. “Are you sure? Looks like the pancakes you made me last Sunday.” James’ mouth fell open in indignation. Harry, using your distraction, took a quick bite of your muffin before shuffling to lay under your covers.
You rubbed his head. “Comfy, Haz?” He nodded, burying his face into the soft fabric of your pillow.
“I make pancakes wonderfully, thank you.” You hummed, grabbing the fork and taking a bite. James watched with bright eyes. You leaned closer to Harry, whispering, “I think you make them better than Daddy.” Harry’s giggles were muffled only by the pillow as James flopped down beside him. You kept a hand on the tray to prevent any messes.
“My own family has betrayed me.” He grabbed a hold of Haz, blowing raspberries on his stomach as he shrieked. Your cheeks began to ache from smiling, but god, did you love them. Harry wiggled from James’ grasp and jumped off the bed. You watched as he rolled and smirked at his father, goading him into a chase. James, never one to lose, not even to his son, was up in an instant. He chased him all throughout the house while you ate. While quiet mornings were few and far between, you couldn’t help the way your heart melted at the sound of your son’s laughter or the way James treated him with so much love.
The laughter dissolved and soon enough James was carrying Haz back to your bed. James’ voice grew loud as he spoke. “I’ve got my little traitor!” Your son flopped down, eyes shut as he caught his breath only to cuddle back up to you.
“I love you, even if you don’t like my pancakes.”
James kissed your forehead, cuddling up to Harry. You hummed.
“Don’t worry, honey. I love your pancakes.” James half-heartedly hit your shoulder with his pillow.
“There are children around!”
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elizabebabe · 10 days
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camp woodshine ໑᱖ matt sturniolo
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‘just broken people healing each other.’
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆ at the ripe age of 7 camp: woodshine became the center of y/n ‘s happiness, when she left and inevitably became older the bullying she endured deepened sending her back into a dark hole but what happens when she reconnects with the boy she grew close with at camp in their smaller than they thought town?
follow through the memories spiraling in y/n’s mind and back to reality: her harsh reality.
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pairing: depressedf!y/n x quiet!matt
they’re in highschool, around 17.
onlychild!matt universe.
warnings: these will update over time so keep an eye out with this list, every chapter will have it’s own warnings so it’s not too important but if you wanted to read them all at once they will be here:
use of y/n, depression, zoning-out, jumping pov’s from child!y/n to teenage!y/n.
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chapter 1 preview:
zoning out at the empty spot of your desk, tear stains and rubbed out eyeliner decorating your face.
it’s hard not to go back to the simpler times, your favorite childhood memories.
your mom, noticing your lack of friends and sudden mood changes blissfully unaware of the bullying you suffered from at only 7 years old, decided it would be best to chuck you to camp: woodshine, settled in your small town and known for helping kids with lack of social interaction.
the memories are scattered but conflictingly fresh in your mind, the mind that jumps between the peaceful thoughts taking you out of that cold classroom and to the cabin‘s tucked into a few trees.
“g’morning campers!” the usual morning call, waking all the small bodies around you, you remember the drowsy feeling in the mornings, the chills crawling your skin as soon as the cool air brushes over you...
the smell of snotty girls cozy in a cabin, as weird as it sounded you missed it.
“hey, y/n.” you felt your arm being tapped, the same sweet, calming and comforting voice edging you awake.
“it’s morning sweetheart!” the voice excited as she continued your little routine that would set a tradition with your resistance to awaken.
a ‘humph’ escaped your throat as you were never really a morning person.
‘tap’ ‘tap’
the sound of your pencil hitting at the wooden desk you sat at momentarily bringing you away from the peaceful sun-rays, you focused back on the same spot of your desk, the teacher's stern voice drowned out as you attempted to relive the distant memory.
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🏷️ @fratbrochrisgf @3lizaluvs @lily-strnlo @i-love-ptv @venusjaynie @jetaimevous @lizzysmith110 @firexovni @bagsbyclair0.
🕰️ dividers: @xxbimbobunnyxx, @saradika-graphics, @plutism.
credits: @sirenedeslily has quickly become one of my favorite blogs and she has easily inspired me to put more work into the things i post, so this post is heavily inspired by her, go check out her blog/stories and ‘YOURS TRULY’ profiles as they’re all done!!
thoughts: i haven’t forgot about love island for any of you that are wondering about it, i know it’s been longer than a month since the last installment but i genuinely lost motivation for a bit since it got repetitive, they wake up, get ready:breakfast, chill, maybe do a challenge, get ready for the evening, talk, sleep. but that doesn’t mean it’s not still being worked on just a little slower than everything else i’m doing since i have to be in a certain mood to write it, just be patient with me and maybe enjoy my other work in the time being, anyway super excited about this, love yous.
soon to be on the rack!
© elizabebabe
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 4 months
I see asks are open , I'm still kind of new to this app , hope this is within the rules ...
(is Tokyo revengers still open ? )
I want to ask if you can do a Tokyo revengers with that tiktok - you know the one where that guy comes into the kitchen and shouted at his s/o "*bitch what's for dinner*" ...
Specifically with > ran
Hope I was specific enough
: 💐
( xmreader )
Bonten Haitani Ran - Bitch What's For Dinner TikTok With Male Reader
I went with the Bonten version of Ran since you didn't specify, I hope that's okay. I couldn't decide how I wanted the reader to react to Ran's dumbassery, so I ended up making three different scenes that go three different ways. As for my reaction, if my nonexistent boyfriend were to do this, I would cry; I'm a very sensitive soul, you know. —Benny🐰 @acabis
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Ran grinned mischievously as he prepared to record; sending a glance over his shoulder to see [Name] cooking on the stovetop from the kitchen doorway. Pressing Record, he quietly cleared his throat and positioned his phone to where he and they were both in the frame.
"Hey Bitch, what's for dinner?"  
He raised his voice; calling out to them from his place on the sofa.
Scene 1: 
[Name] immediately pauses in his movements; brows raising and eyes blinking rapidly. Slowly he turns his head towards the doorway and stares into the back of Ran's head.
"We WERE having Hawaiian chicken and grilled pineapple on buttery white rice with a side of sweet potato fries and a homemade dipping sauce. And I WAS going to pack the leftovers for your lunch tomorrow."  
He softly says as he continues to stare a hole into his lover's skull.
The Bonten executive raises a brow, smirking a bit at the h/c-ette's somewhat lacking reaction.
"What's with the past tense?"  
He inquired; finally turning his head around to look at the other.
[Name] smiled softly; eyes turning up into crescents. His expression would've been gentle and inviting if it weren't for the rancid aura that seemed to hover around him. Ran let out a nervous chuckle; quickly developing a thin sheen of sweat.
"Ran. Honey. Sweetie. Darling. Do you REALLY think that I'm going to feed you after that?"  
The e/c-eyed man speaks in a honeyed voice; the underlying venom incredibly clear.
The purple-haired man lets out a scoff in exasperation; the still recording phone now limply held in his hand.
"Baby, C'mon, I wasn't being serious. It's just a TikTok trend, that's it. I swear. I can even show it to you."  
Ran explained, gesturing to the phone in his hands.
The smile previously spread on [Name]'s face immediately fades into a blank expression upon hearing his lover's words. He stares a the violet-eyed man in silence for a few seconds.
"You called me a bitch... for TikTok?" 
He pauses for a bit before continuing,
"You know, I WAS only going to make you sleep on the sofa, but now I think you should go to your brother's place instead lest you want to get smothered in your sleep tonight."  
Ran sighed in defeat; ending the recording and tossing his phone onto the cushion beside him. He stood from the sofa and made his way into the kitchen gently wrapping his arms around [Name]'s waist and pressing a sweet kiss to his shoulder. The Bonten executive swayed the two of them back and forth as his presence was ignored by the other.
"Baby... I'm sorry, I should've told you beforehand. Forgive me?"  
Ran purred into his lover's shoulder; rubbing gentle circles into their hips with his thumbs.
[Name] humphed but leaned back into the violet-eyed man's chest in silent forgiveness.
Scene 2: 
[Name] takes a deep breath in and looks into the living room from his place in front of the stove. He spots the phone in Ran's hand almost immediately and understands what's happening. The h/c-ette walks into the living room and stands behind the sofa; leaning on the back of it and resting his forearm on the top of the backrest.
"You recording a video for TikTok, Baby?"  
[Name] asks; running his fingers through the violet-eyed man's parted fringe.
Ran gives him an affirmative hum; readjusting the camera on the other's face. The h/c-ette nods and presses a kiss to his cheek before walking back into the kitchen to continue cooking.
"Oh, by the way, honey; when you're done with that, you can order yourself some take-out; I'm inviting Rindou over to eat your portion."  
[Name] absentmindedly calls from the kitchen; hands preoccupied with folding butter into a bowl of white rice.
"Wha-! Why does HE get MY portion!? That's not fair!"  
Ran whines from the sofa; turning his upper body around to look at his lover and slinging his arm over the backrest.
"Rin gets it because he's not a grown man trying to get attention from strangers by calling me a bitch and on TikTok no less."  
[Name] hums as he turns on the small countertop grill with one hand and dials Rindou's number with the other.
Ran groans and ends the recording; already knowing well that his lover is being serious about giving away his portion. He lets out a resigned sigh and sulkily dials the number for his favorite restaurant.
Scene 3: 
Ran screeches; clutching his head after a pot was hurled at him and smacked into the back of it.
His phone, which he was previously holding, was now across the room as it slid across the floor when he dropped it from the impact. The Bonten executive turns around and looks at a seething [Name] who lifted another pot, ready to beam it off his skull as he did with the first.
"WAIT! WAIT! I'm sorry! Don't throw it!"  
The purple-haired man pleads, only to quickly duck in front of the sofa to avoid the second flying pot.
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 5 months
you know what's delicious? yn who started wearing flavored lip balm/lip tint because of suguru — so that every time suguru ate a curse, he could just easily pull the man into a kiss to get rid of the disgusting taste suguru hates so much ((bonus points if yn also pops in a candy/sweet/chocolate in his mouth before feeding it to suguru through a kiss — anything to help suguru forget the taste of curses)) yeah... just... suguruyn for the win man 😋🫶
((even more bonus points when satoru finds out later and he gets all jelly because 1. he doesn't know the lip balm/lip tint can come with a flavor so he felt blindsided and of course, he humphs and puffs because of it and 2. he wanted a chocolatey sweetness kissies too!!!! and of course lastly, 3. he felt left out because he never knows that suguruyn always makes out every single time suguru ate a curse so he's all pouty about it — ask him to join in next time!!!))
❝ He's just like candy, he's so sweet ❞
polycule (Satoru x r! x Suguru)) | alternate universes (Suguru is not a cult-reader), fluff, NSFW | vers. bottom. reader (AMAB) | NOT PROOFREAD | wc: 3.6k
warnings: foodplay, threesomes, pouty satoru & smug suguru, semi-public sex, d/s dynamics
masterlist; part 1; part 2; part 3; alternate ending; playlist; au's and what if's
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author's note: in this au, they slayed the links that made me lose my mind (thank you @xuxitheii for making me squeal and kick my feet): geto suguru : gojo satoru : gojo satoru being a big baby
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Curses. Ugly as sin and tastes just as foul. Suguru remembers the first time he discovered he could devour them; how awful it felt as it went down his throat, bulging out and staying there — blocking his airway as he struggled to find it in himself to swallow.
The way his teeth ached. His throat convulsed and his instincts forced it back up but his fingers blocked it from doing so. It warbled in the back of his mouth, begging to be let out and 7-year-old Suguru just knew he couldn’t bear for it to disturb him again. He couldn’t handle it speaking nonsensically into his ear, slinking under his bed or even staring right at him as it grinned so wide Suguru swore he could see his reflection in its yellow, wicked-sharp, teeth.
The pills his parents (his poor, non-sorcerer, parents) had given him to help with his “hallucinations” made him feel as though a thick fog was obscuring his brain. His thoughts faded and his movement groggy, his emotions caged while his body still felt the anxious tremors that ran through him when he saw them.
The curses made him feel like he was constantly in a deep pit of despair. Everything wrong in the world, the depravity and impulses of humanity that manifested into these grotesque creatures in the palm of his hands made his nose sting, till this day, as an 18-year-old; it made his eyes well with tears.
Suguru can't describe it in a way people could understand. But if asked, he’d used the viscera of a vomit rag being forced down your throat.
But the strong protect the weak. While your lips protect them from his ire. This one goes down with a loud gulp, his fingers blocking his lips as he tosses his head back. The worst is almost over, the aftertaste will linger but not for long. Because then, he feels your weight on his chest and Suguru is pliant as you gently pry his fingers away.
“You did a good job, baby.” Suguru flutters his eyes open and he can’t help the way his lips twitch eagerly. Your lips are glossier than usual, he can smell the cherry flavour on them. His hands wrap themselves around your waist. It’s a firm grip.
Mine, he says without speaking, mine — all mine.
He pulls and a huff of air escapes you in a series of chuckles. “I know we haven’t been out in a while, but did you miss me that much, Su-Su?” Suguru frowns at your jest. It’s rare for him to pout. That role is often delegated to your boyfriend, Satoru. So this must truly upset him.
Because, yes, he did.
You’d been called overseas to complete a mission. It was the norm for sorcerers considering the population of sorcerers in Japan; outsourcing they called it. Your curse technique was needed for this mission and truly, it didn’t take long but Suguru had done solo missions and he missed you.
Three solo missions. Three disgusting, dog-shit, vomit-stained rags, down his throat. Three days without you by his side.
He hated it.
“Don’t ask a silly question like that ever again,” he mumbles. Silly. The way he scolds you always makes you smile. Never crass or rude — his voice reminds you of the symphony of leaves singing with the wind as they danced and speckled light onto the forest floors and cool water bubbling over rocks.
“Why? Why can’t I ask silly questions?” You tease, placing your elbows on his shoulder and hanging your hands behind him. Purposefully lax despite the coquettish smile on your face.
“You already know the answer.” He speaks with such sincerity. Every word is heavy with nothing but candour and adoration. It makes your eyes soften and Suguru squeezes you closer.
“I do?” He nods at your words, the tip of his nose brushing over yours and his tan skin so flushed on the apples of his cheeks.
“Kiss me like you miss me, baby.”
Suguru’s lips land on yours like a feather. Supple as always he begins it with a long-lasting peck. Pouty lip against pouty lip. His hands climb up your back and he presses between your shoulder blades to somehow hold you closer; his jaw opens and yours does the same. There it is — that heaven that’s your mouth. Suguru groans and you feel his tongue sneaking in, devouring you like a starved man.
The cherry flavour on your lips, the sweetness of the candy you let melt on your tongue, the way your fingers grip his hair, the way he can feel your breath on his cheek as you try to breathe. He wishes that the two of you never needed air. Suguru wants nothing more than to kiss you forever and ever and ever —
You part with a gasp, cheeks warm and lips almost bruised as the line of spit between the two of you breaks. At the mouth of the alleyway was your boyfriend; Gojo Satoru.
His arms are crossed and he taps his foot in a cartoonish fashion. Despite that, both of you know that the frown on his face is very much real. “What gives? I exorcised the other curses and I came back to the two of you making out. So unfair!”
Suguru parts with a sigh, rolling his eyes to the side and pouting his lips to the side as he muttered about Satoru having FOMO. It makes you giggle and he smiles when you lean forward to place your face right under his jaw.
“S’toru, you’re being a baby. Suguru did a lot of work and I was just thanking him.” Satoru unfolds his arms and flaps them around in protest.
“I did work too!”
And it has begun — Satoru’s famous little tantrums. Oh, he could go for a full hour if he was really worked up but there is a saving grace in him having them. He closes his eyes when he’s yappering. Suguru is listening to his huffy boyfriend but then you kiss his chin and he tilts his face down to look at you.
“Hm?” your teeth brush over his lower lips, then plant firmly on his. “Baby?” he smiles in the lip-locking and you whine about it because his lips should not stretch into that handsome smile, they should be pursed outward and part to let you in.
He tastes chocolate on your tongue. The creaminess of the chocolate makes him groan along with the citrusy notes. That combined with the fruitiness of the cherry tint on your lips makes the taste of the curses he’d ingested (exorcised) all but disappear. Your hands climb to the lobe of his ears and his breath hitches when your fingers trail the curve of it, he protests a bit as you undo his bun; then you whisper his name and Suguru tightens his grip on your waist.
Satoru is whining again but this time he’s closer. Close enough for Suguru to grab a fistful of Satoru’s white button-up and pull him in. As his face turns you giggle, wiping away some smeared gloss as you watch Satoru turn red from Suguru’s heated kiss.
Satoru groans with his eyebrows twitching. Listless in his attempt to remain angry at Suguru. He pounds his fist against Suguru’s shoulder and attempts to crane his neck away. When he turns, he gasps as you steal his breath.
Satoru’s graceful legs tumble over themselves as his boyfriends press him to the rough wall of the alleyway. There’s a constant hum of an A/C machine and the noises from the pipes keep the intimate noises between the three of you contained. Suguru’s blunt nails drag onto the faded plastered-on advertisements — yours grip onto the bars of the window that had been covered up by old newspapers.
Satoru’s grip onto the front of both of your shirts. His glasses go askew as he struggles to keep up with his boyfriends. Suguru misses Satoru so much. He’d been away too, the Higher Ups sending him overseas at the same time as you and Shoko had to deal with a depressed Suguru for those 3 days.
“Mah, Satoru,” you drag your lips to Satoru’s sensitive neck. His hands don’t seem to know what to do with themselves. It grips and pushes and stutters. “I always give Suguru special kisses after a job well done, you’ve just always been too busy to notice.”
“S’not fair,” Satoru retorts with no real venom in his words. “I deserve special kisses too, don’t I?” Suguru chuckles, forcing Satoru to look his way and shut him up. Satoru glares over the rim of his crooked glasses as Suguru’s thumb presses down on his canines.
“What a jealous brat.”
“Can’t even handle a little teasing.”
Satoru would heavily disagree with that. A little teasing? You called being pushed to a wall, groped, kissed, and bitten by your handsome and powerful boyfriends a little teasing?
Satoru was a sign of change, his birth instantly tipped the scales of the sorcerer world, but he was still human!
Suguru grins that irritatingly pleased grin when Satoru’s protests die out thanks to your hands slipping down his pants. “Oh shit,” he hisses. His speech is odd with Suguru’s thumb in his mouth, casually inspecting it. But you laugh anyway.
“You know, since he has been away too, maybe he does deserve a bit of sugar from you, (Y/N).” You glance at Suguru, your cock chubbing up in your pants as he pointedly motions his gaze to the ground. You kneel in front of Satoru and drool slips down his chin as his pupils chase after you. Suguru chuckles, wiping it away and wiping it off on Satoru’s shirt — to which he hears no complaint. Suguru stands behind you, bending at his waist to peer down. It’s unfair how pretty he is from any angle. The Gods took their time making him. Of that, you are certain.
“Ready, sweetheart?” you nod, opening your saccharine-sweet mouth; Suguru pats your cheek as praise and undoes Satoru’s pants for you. His cock springs out, nearly bumping into your nose as it strains and twitches in the open air. When Suguru holds it, Satoru grunts and raises his hips. Fucking into his fist like a dog in heat. Suguru regards this with a shake of his head and guides Satoru to your mouth. You form a fist around your thumb, looking up at Satoru through your lashes as you wrap your lips around him.
Suguru straightens his composure. He takes in the sight.
Satoru and you know better than to be handsy. The pale-haired man grabs onto the bars of the window behind him, breathing through his nose as the toe of his shoes dig into the floors. You slip your eyelids close and languish in the taste of Satoru’s cock — breathing through your nose as well as you bob your head.
Fuck, Suguru missed this. He really did. He could get off on this alone. Just watched as both of you enjoyed the other. His darling boyfriends, who so obediently listen to his whims even if he didn’t say it out loud.
Who could ask for more?
Suguru strokes over your eyebrow and barely stifles a laugh when you tilt your head so Satoru’s tip pokes your cheeks.
“Good boy. My sweet boy.”
His voice alone makes you want to give in to whatever it is he asks of you — it’s insane how much power and sway he has. Your charming Suguru.
Satoru moans, swiftly reaching out and gripping onto the collar of Suguru’s top. They kiss. Fighting for dominance because Satoru needs to be pushed into submission. He relishes being put in his place — smacked around a little.
You could pinpoint this kink originating from his frivolous childhood and naturally talented self needing some sort of edge to sink down into a more fuzzy headspace.
Or perhaps Satoru was just a brat and he trusted his lovers enough to relinquish that control. Both theories worked.
Suguru grunts as Satoru tugs at his hair, the pleasant tinge of pain making his dick strain against his loose pants. You spot it from the corner of your eyes, an obscene slurping sound coming from you as you attempt to not make this blowjob too messy. An impossible task, really. But a worthy effort.
“Your lips taste like cherry, why?” Satoru’s question catches Suguru off-guard. He expected Satoru’s usual quips and huffiness. He indulges.
“(Y/N) wore cherry-flavoured lipgloss.”
The proof is in the coloured streaks on his dick. You feel it twitch on your tongue and pull away, your hot breath on his cockhead making precum leak out of his blushing tip. You rest it on your velvet tongue, unabashedly pouting to kiss the tip and then taking him inside again. Those slightly shimmery streaks made Satoru grit his teeth.
“I didn’t know those came in flavours,” Satoru moans. “How come you don’t wear that for me too?”
“Because it’s for me, you little shithead,” Suguru growls lowly. Their foreheads touch as he tightens his grip on Satoru’s neck, the pressure making Satoru’s eyelids flutter for a second. “It’s my prize for exorcising curses.”
“You jealous?” you wonder out loud. The answer was clear but there was a rush to make Satoru admit it.
“Yes, I am!” He curses for a moment as you descend further down to lick at his balls, looking up at him still as if this conversation was taking place over a dinner table and not in an alleyway with society just a few meters away. As if his dick wasn't on your face while you feel his balls tightening up on your tongue.
Seriously, if somebody peered down long enough they would most definitely catch sight of the three of you here.
“I just – just...fuck, I missed the two of you too. It’s completely unfair you’ve been keeping this from me too! I’ll never forgive you.”
Suguru grabs the back of your neck and pulls you backward. His large hands effectively push your head down further and further until your nose is at the neat patch of pubic hair Satoru has. You relax your throat and jaw, eyes watering while you brace your hands on Satoru’s thighs.
“So why didn’t you just tell us that, darling?" Suguru purrs. "Instead, you chose to be a brat and stomp around. You’re better than that, Satoru. Aren’t you? Hm?”
You gag but Suguru holds you in place. His hand barely has any real strength behind it. If you jerked backward, he would not hold you in place. No, no. Suguru’s power comes from the lack of strength he needs to exhibit. His dominance is in the ease Suguru commands it.
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You needed him inside of you.
“Screw you, Suguru,” Satoru chokes out.
He pulls you off. You cough, spit staining your chin as you smile loosely at them. Suguru then pulls you onto your feet, pushes you to the wall, and undoes your pants. You bite down on your lower lip, staring at Satoru as you brace your hands onto the wall just next to him. Satoru watches on, trying to keep himself strong by pretending he isn’t affected by the sight before him.
Suguru gathers spit in his mouth but pauses as he feels the candy wrapper in your pockets. The chocolate brand makes his brows raise. It’s expensive. No doubt Satoru’s influence had rubbed off on you. Only one company in the world made this chocolate, its pink colour is a dead giveaway. No wonder your cherry-flavoured gloss tasted so strong, it was complimented nicely by the leftover taste of this ruby chocolate.
He lets your pants pool around your ankles while he takes a bite. It wasn’t disgustingly soft, but your body heat made it melt quickly on his tongue. He spreads your ass apart and spits a thick glob of his spit and pink chocolate. The sensation sends shivers up your back and you arch your back further, unsure about the new sensation.
“Suguru, that was expensive — ngh!”
Your eyes widen as he presses his cock inside. You were thankful for your morning romp with them. It loosened you up enough that Suguru’s impatience didn’t cause pain and only mild discomfort — he reaches forward to jerk your cock off to ebb it away and you moan out his name.
“Shh, shh, not so loud. We’re still outside, baby.”
Satoru groans, reaching to toss his glasses away as he turns his back to the entrance and gives you his full attention. He’s craving touch. To taste or to mark you up. To do anything, really. He is goddamn hypnotized by the way Suguru’s dick thrusts in and out of you. Suguru gives you a good fucking for too short of a time — pounding into you like a jackhammer and making you nearly bite your tongue off in an attempt to keep quiet before he pulls out.
Your knees buckle, thighs twitching as you try to keep yourself upright. Satoru’s knees thud onto the floor and he greedily laps at Suguru’s cock, moaning at the creamy taste. The same flavour leaks out of you while you catch your breath. The mouth of the alleyway is quiet but there are still the faint noises of the city just there. A few big strides away. But there. It excites you. You imagine it’s exciting your equally perverted boyfriends too.
"Satoru," Suguru groans at the sight of him. You peel yourself from the wall. Shoulders thudding onto the hard surface while your pants drop to your ankles. Shakily, you use your feet to push it all the way off, eyes trained on Satoru savouring the flavour of Suguru and the ruby chocolate. He pulls away with a breathy 'pwah!' and strokes Suguru's creamy dick.
You're tempted to join Satoru. Just sharing Suguru's cock, kissing Satoru with his cockhead between your lips. Fuck, just the thought has your dick slapping lightly against your navel. Suguru plants a hand near your head, turning his head to kiss you while the other is tugging on the roots of Satoru's head. a
"Both of my boys are being so obedient," he says after a deliciously deep groan of Satoru's name. "We missed you," you reply in a whiny whisper.
"Missed you so much, S'guru..."
Satoru moans, pulling away as he catches his breath and shares a heated gaze.
"Fuck, I missed you so badly. Missed this dick too," Satoru turns to your crotch and kisses the underside of your dick. It makes your breath hitch, hips jerking forward. The wetness of your precum smears on Satoru's cheek a bit but he doesn't even mind. Nor does he seem to notice.
"These cocks are the only ones that make me this hungry."
Suguru glances at the alleyway. You're not loud enough to draw attention. Still, better safe than sorry.
"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure." You throw your head back to laugh. A veil was meant to conceal, protect those outside of it, and maintain secrecy. To use it so improperly.
The three of you were truly perverted.
"What's got you all giggly?" Suguru speaks against your lips. Tilting your chin upwards then squeezing the sides of your neck just to relish in the way you bare your neck to him.
"You used a veil," Satoru speaks for you. He raises, ignoring Suguru's pointed glance in favour of unbuttoning your shirt and kissing down your chest. His lips are sticky, smears of pink tainting you but you find it hard to care. "He's laughing because he thinks we're perverts."
"What are you? A mind reader now, Satoru?" You huff.
"I might as well be, huh?" Satoru smirks. He's so handsome that it makes your chest hurt sometimes. You're against the wall, exits blocked by Suguru and Satoru and you wouldn't have it any other way. "You know, I missed you too. It's been weeks — "
"Three days," Suguru and you corrected.
"Weeks. And this morning wasn't enough. We did such a good job, those wrinkle bags can't complain if we just so happened to work overtime, right?"
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Ijichi can't stop his cheek from heating up. It's painfully, painfully, obvious why the three of you took your time for this mission. He had waited in the car for the first hour, then occupied himself with some coffee at a nearby cafe but by the third hour, Ijichi almost called Principal Yaga.
Three Special Grade Sorcerers took that long to exorcise an abandoned building. Surely, something must have happened!
Yet, seeing you sleeping on Suguru's lap with your legs across Satoru's lap confirms the real reason why it took the three of you that long.
Satoru has a weighted eye mask, head tossed back as he recuperates. This gives Ijichi a clear sight of his marked-up neck. Your shirt is wrinkled, hitched up from the bend of your waist, and giving him the whispers of handmarks. Suguru met his gaze from the rearview and Ijichi whispered out an apology.
"No, please. We're sorry for keeping you waiting." Suguru is brushing your bangs back, gently wiping down some residual stickiness on your cheeks with wet wipes (that Ijichi had made a point to stock up on in the car after earlier missions involving you three).
"No, I understand," he says with a shaky voice. Sighing a little he laughed awkwardly from the driver's seat.
"You must've been missing them a lot for those three days they've been gone, Mr Geto."
Suguru's expression softens, leaning one shoulder down when Satoru leans to place his head on his shoulders.
"It's hard not to. I love them."
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amorchai · 7 days
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old post was 408 notes.
pairing(s): young!remus lupin x reader
words: 506
warnings/tags: established relationship, one (small) sexual innuendo but completely a sfw work!
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“how about a high five every time you finish a topic?” remus had used his umpteenth suggestion, causing you to pull yet another disapproving expression while replying, “i think i’ll pass, that’s not even remotely motivating for a full topic’s worth.” 
remus sighs, moving from resting on his knees to sit down as you rest your head against the tree trunk, notes sprawled over the grass and hiding from the bright sky as you regret your decision in going outside of hogwarts in hope that a summers day might help cure your procrastination. 
it only made it worse. and now your boyfriend, remus, tried his best to motivate you into studying, knowing you would be annoyed with yourself later on if you didn’t. 
“fine, how about… i remove an article of clothing every topic you study?” you snort at his suggestion, “and you class that as a motivation?” you tease with a grin as he gazes at you with faux annoyance, “i don’t want to look over the entirety of the cruiciatus curse for one of your socks, that’s just offending my ability to learn.”
“fair enough,” replies remus as he looks down from the hill they were atop of, gazing at the water from afar and the hills of scotland covering the castle for miles before shrugging. “have you got any brilliant ideas?” he asks and you shake your head.
he lets out a humph as he moves forward to rest on top of you, head against your stomach as he lies in-between your legs. his palms slithering under you to rest flat against your back as the warm heat of the sun and each other could dangerously send you both to sleep. 
“what about a kiss every-time?” he murmurs against your shirt, head facing the side as he watches the landscape, his fingers slightly scratching the material by your back in an attempt to soothe you. “per topic?” you ask. 
he hums, “well, maybe once every ten minutes of studying?” he offers, “this reasoning you’re willing to negotiate? i wonder why.” you giggle against him as you reach over to grab a textbook, trying to not move too much with the boy resting against you. 
“yes, you’re right. ten minutes isn’t enough, maybe a kiss per sentence you write,” remus continues with a small yawn afterwards, head moving to look up to you. “remus—” you cut yourself off with a laugh.
“what?”, “we’d be here all night if it was every sentence,” you reply, one hand instinctively moving to his heavy locks of hair to thread your fingers through. he leans up to peck your lips before closing his eyes and resting against your middle. 
“fine, one kiss per word will suffice,” he murmurs, causing you to continue laughing as you nudge his shoulder. he chuckles, moving his face to press lazy kisses against your shirt as you begin to read your textbook, “as much as it would motivate me, no work would be getting done.” 
“i’m willing to take the chance, lovey.”
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amorchai masterlist . taglist form
amorchai © ─ all rights reserved. no reposting/translating/copying will be tolerated.
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vampyrris · 9 months
levi waited as he patiently watched you bargain with a vendor for a silk scarf you fancied.
“but it’s such a small scarf!”
“it’s made from the finest silk, ma’am, imported from overseas.”
a small smile made its way to levi’s lips as he watched your face turn into a red tomato from frustration. you humphed loudly as you handed the bag of coins to the vendor and snatched the scarf from the stall.
he watched you with an amused expression as you wrapped the evidently small scarf around your neck and began to knot it. he could see your lips muttering words to yourself as you proudly walked back to him.
“that was real mature.”
you narrowed your eyes at him. “don’t you patronize me, levi ackerman.”
levi huffed out a small laugh, shaking his head. “at least you entertained everyone around you including myself with your excellent bargaining skills.”
you humphed loudly again as you walked alongside him, your hand casually finding its place on the back of his chair as you moved forward. before you even got the chance to step ahead, headed to your next destination, levi maneuvered himself in front of you.
he levelled you with a calm stare.
you regarded him with a puzzled glance. “huh?”
levi moved himself closer to you, and patted his lap. “sit.”
you assessed him carefully. “i don’t want to hurt you”
he rolled his eyes. “you won’t hurt me. you’ve walked long enough, let me take us wherever it is we are going next.”
your eyes softened at his words, so you let out a small sigh before doing as he asked. you carefully put most of your weight on his good leg as you splayed your legs over the other.
levi’s hand came up to adjust your skirt that had ridden up a little, before going back to the joystick on the armrest. you looked at his solemn expression as he shuffled on the seat, making sure both of you were comfortable.
something twisted in your chest.
unable to help yourself, you leaned in, your lips brushing against the scars on his cheek as you planted a soft kiss.
“thank you. and just so you know, i never want you to feel like you somehow owe me something in exchange of me loving you.” you then kissed his lips. “i love you and i care about you so, so much.”
levi looked at you with an expression that made you want to embrace him tightly and never let him go, and never let harm come his way ever again.
he silently took your hand and brought it to his lips, his eyes falling shut as he kissed your knuckles gently.
wrapping your other arm around his shoulders, you leaned in to kiss him once more. “let’s go get those baked cinnamon thingies you love so much, and then take a stroll in the park.”
levi smiled and nodded, but not before correcting you that the baked cinnamon thingies were called cinnamon rolls.
the sky had turned into hues of lilacs, pinks and oranges by the time you and levi reached the park. in one hand you held your cinnamon roll, and with the other you fed levi his.
“mm, this is actually so good. why did i hate it again when i first tried it?” you moaned in delight through a mouthful of sweet goodness.
“because it wasn’t drowning in diabetes. you’re gonna get sick.” levi remarked, eyeing the bun in your hand as he navigated you both through the wide expanse of the green and flowery park.
your cinnamon roll was oozing with an unhealthy amount of the creamy icing, but you couldn’t care less.
levi opened his mouth for another bite. you lifted the bun to his mouth, but just as he was about to bite into it, you pulled it out of reach with a giggle.
a burst of laugh escaped you when levi shot you an annoyed look, daring you to test him again.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry. here you go,” you lifted it to his mouth—only to pull it away again, breaking into another fit of laughter.
“i’m gonna throw you off my lap.” levi muttered.
you let out a dramatic gasp as you held the roll to his mouth again. “don’t make fun of me because i like sugar, you turd.”
“you mean diabe—mmf!”
you shoved the bun into his mouth. his eyes widened in shock while you grinned foolishly at his look of despair.
he began chewing angrily, as he whipped out his white kerchief from his jacket pocket and wiped at the corners of his lips.
“i can’t believe you manage to look this adorable even when you’re mad. oh my god,” you kissed his cheek, puffed and stuffed from the big bite thanks to your assault of the cinnamon roll.
you went to kiss him again, but he dodged it, your puckered lips meeting nothing but the air.
you huffed in frustration half-heartedly. “i’m sorry, i won’t do it again. promise.”
he grumbled under his breath. only then did you notice a remaining crumb of the bun still lingering on his chin. using your finger, you caught it and put it in your mouth.
levi’s cheeks turned pink at that.
you smiled as you leaned your head against his and began finishing the rest of your rolls.
fortunately enough, you were strolling closely near the flower bushes. you seized the opportunity and plucked a handful of hydrangeas.
“relax,” levi muttered.
you pouted as you dropped the flowers on your lap. “why do you sound so mad at me.”
you picked one and placed it behind levi’s ear. “i’m sorry for making you choke on a cinnamon roll. i love you.” you pouted again, looking at him with puppy dog eyes.
levi shook his head, a faint smile playing on his lips, before absentmindedly placing something in your hair.
you scrunched your brows, immediately plucking it out.
it was a red rose. a loud gasp escaped your lips. “where did you get this?”
levi only rolled his eyes. “while you were too busy bullying me, we passed rose bushes.”
you sputtered dramatically. “excuse you, i was loving you!”
his lips quirked to one side at that. he placed another red rose in your hair.
“that one has a lot of thorns.” he warned, as he reached up and tucked a loose strand of your hair.
you brought the rose to your nose and inhaled the familiar scent. “i’m sorry for bullying you.” you said, your head falling against his chest.
his arm snaked around your waist and squeezed your side.
“you can make it up to me, when we get home.” he whispered, his warm breath fanning your temple.
you looked up at him, your hand going around his torso. “i shall, mr. ackerman.”
he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, lingering there for a while.
“i love you, mrs. ackerman, bullying and all.”
you bit your lip to contain your huge smile as you looked at him.
“take us home, please. i’ve got a little surprise for my dear husband.”
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eldritcmor · 5 months
You came back wrong.
It took a while for the team to get back into Las Almas Base. Even then it was a challenge for the Monsters and Hybrids of 141 and Mexican special forces. Gaping maws in the earth filled with drip stone like teeth would suddenly open up beneath their feet. The trees would violently sway in the thunder shrieking winds as fat Heavy rain clouds let loose on the torn soil. All the while they couldn’t get the image of your corpse leaning in the doorway of your cell turned tomb, smiling over Graves’ shoulder as the earth gave way to teeth and blood at your cry.
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The vampire had barely had enough to time to turn before concrete slicked into mud. He went tumbling with his thralls into a gaping chasm lined with obsidian fangs. Pain wracked his body as Those under his control were dashed against glass stone. He tried to pull his thralls to him. To call to The piece of his essence in each and every single one. No one came. He growled and tried again. No one. He looked up to the top of the pit only to see your dead eye’s mere inches from his, head cocked to the side as if listening.
A slow creeping smile stretched your pale blue lips, revealing rows of obsidian teeth. Graves barely had the energy to scramble back. He ignored the sting of glass piercing his palms as He pushed himself, further and further from whatever the fuck you were. A wail cried high in the pit and Graves flinched as Your head snapped to the noise. He would never forget the grinding crunch of bone if he made it out of this. Between one blink and the next, you were gone. Nothing but the clicking of volcanic glass in your wake.
Graves gathered himself, breathing harshly. The reports had said you were The 141’s weak link. A fragile human among powerful monsters. He had thought of Turning you into one of his Thralls. Making You a shadow. But, then. Well orders were orders, and Graves was nothing if not decently loyal to the people writing his check.
Shepherd wanted to rile The 141 up. Make them show their true colors. You were just the poor little human, that had wormed your way into the team’s heart.
He had drawn it out, after The transfer of the base went to shit with Ghost, Alejandro, and Soap escaping. Had taken his time with draining your life, drop by drop over the course of several days. Till your dinky little Cell became your tomb. After that it was a waiting game, and He got so tired of waiting. He decided to send a message to entice the 141. You weren’t supposed to come back.
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Gaz stared at the massive black maw in the middle of Las Almas base. The place was deadly quiet. Not even the rain seemed to make a sound in the presence of the Obsidian Mouth. This was your doing?
He landed on a crumbled building at just the edge of the pit. He peered down trying to make sense of where shadows ended and black volcanic rock began, when he saw it. Bodies. Lots of Bodies. Twisted, Broken Bodies Lined the lowest points of the pit. Spiked through with Glittering shards of obsidian.
The harpy leaned further, flexing his wings and burying his talons in the concrete of the building to keep himself stable. A little red patch caught his eyes. Graves private little army. Shadows, then. He squinted. Something was off about the bodies though. They were pale. Not lack of sunlight pale. Blood loss pale. He finally let go of his perch and smoothly dropped into a swoop, right into the pit. The temperature hit him first. One would expect a deep maw of rock and earth to be cool maybe even cold. No, it was warm like a furnace, bordering on Hot.
Gaz’s mouth tightened in concentration as he landed next to one of the Shadow bodies. The obsidian had torn the poor thing apart but that didn’t explain the complete blood loss. The harpy kicked at the body. Something was off and Gaz was lost.
The Dragon’s voice crackled through the radio clipped to his flight harness.
“Yes, Gaz?”
“Do you know any creatures that would drain a thrall dry?”
The captain humphed. “No.”
“Well something did. Every single body in this pit is completely drained.”
“Could be a ritual. We haven’t ruled out possession.”
Gaz flipped the body over. There! A thin channel formed into the glass, almost like someone was melting the glass as they dragged their finger through it.
“No we haven’t. I’ll keep poking around.”
“Be careful, Garrick.”
“Always am, sir.”
The harpy followed the trail. Meeting more and more thin little channels of dried blood. He barely noticed as the ground sloped. Pooling the channels into rivers til finally a deep pool formed at the very bottom of the pit.
Gaz stood at the edge of a massive dip, a single pillar of obsidian erected in the center. The walls of the pit were eating the sky, as Gaz peered up at the sun. The sun? Gaz had flown in under storm and wind. Is this what you saw before you left?
Gaz threw himself into the air. He knew you were long gone. The obsidian maw proved it. The maw’s spewed heat when formed. This one had long cooled. None of the bodies were burned.
taglist: @skylordgrey @bluegiragi @batw3nch @stick-the-dumbass @lilpothoscuttings @im-making-an-effort @stupidwingboy @apocalypticseagull @resident-cryptid @warenai @sleepyendymion @sellenedragon @queenofwolves210 @ummmmmbeans @makayla-666 @gogh-with-the-flow @diejager
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pedrilcvr · 10 days
Want you to want it — Pablo Gavi.
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Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your relationship was ending. You knew it was. But why couldn’t he want it—the relationship—to last?
Disclaimer/s: angst! also i lowkey gave up on the ending thats my bad
A/N: this is like the 2nd draft i ever made and i completely forgot abt it.. oopsies..
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It hadn’t always been like this. You used to be madly in love. But now you’d come home from work only to find him sleeping on the couch, leaving your once shared bedroom cold and empty.
Tonight wasn’t any different. You stood in the hallway kicking off your shoes when you noticed movement on the couch. It was the fifth time that week that you’d only spoken to him twice in a day.
Of course you knew he had a busy week with practice and getting ready for the upcoming season, but it still hurt you to go days without a loving word from your boyfriend of three years.
Setting down your purse and keys, you contemplate getting it over with and waking him up, demanding he sleeps in bed tonight.
Hesitantly, you make your way into the living room, but the soft sounds of your feet hitting the floor is not quiet enough. A tussle of light brown hair slowly makes its appearance, a guff voice following after, “hello?” He grumbles out, his voice alone lacking the love it once held.
A burst of something you couldn’t quite name, shoots directly into your heart. Anger, frustration, desperation? Who knows. All you knew was you’d do anything to make him love you again, and he seemed to be doing everything to make you hate him.
“Hey.” You finally reply, your voice soft as you inch around the couch. “Come to bed.”
Gavi glances up, sleep evident on his face as he looks at you for the first time in God knows how many days. “Too tired.” He answers, his head falling back to the pillow with a quiet humph.
Now you knew what you felt, angry. “Bullshit!” You scoff, “bull fucking shit.”
Once again, Gavi’s eyes open, this time the sleep gone from them, replaced with annoyance. “Excuse me?”
“You’ve been avoiding me all week. And now you’re ‘too tired’ to walk ten feet to our bed?” You spat, making sure he caught on to every word you said.
“Yeah? I’m tired, why would I move when i’m already perfectly comfortable?” His tone is condescending and the more he speaks, the more frustrated you become.
Swallowing a bundle of nerves that were begging you to just leave it be, that the conversation could wait. You knew it couldn’t this was a long time coming.
“What happened to you? To us?” You ask, voice hoarse as you felt every emotion rushing to your throat. You let the silence settle, watch as his expression shifts a dozen times before choosing one.
He runs a hand over his face, jaw tightening as he stumbles for words. “Can we just talk about this in the morning?” He finally sighs out.
“No!” You laugh, although it was humorless. “No. We will talk about this now. Pablo, i’ve been trying to make up excuses as to why you have been so withdrawn, but i’m so tired of it. I just want you to want it—our relationship, I want you to want it to last. But you clearly don’t!”
Gavi’s eyes soften, darting around your weary face. He loved you, he did. He knew he did because every time you were near him, his hands ached to touch you. He knew he loved you, because he couldn’t go a second without thinking of you. Until recently, his mind had been all over the place.
He was finishing his last few months of rehab, and he’d been so busy with focusing on his career, he simply lost sight of the relationship.
He couldn’t juggle the two, and at the end of the day, he would have to choose his career. He’d be miserable if he didn’t, and he’d be miserable without you. It was a lose-lose situation.
“I’m sorry.” Is all he had to say. Your lips quiver as you shake your head in disbelief.
“Oh. Wow. Okay.” You nod, placing your hands on your face as you rub your temples. “Got it.”
He calls out your name as you walk to the bedroom, but you ignore it. You ignore him, shutting the door behind you. This was how it ended, he didn’t have to explain it. You knew why it was ending, and as strongly as you wanted to hate him for it, you couldn’t.
Your love for him understood that he needed football to survive, and maybe, you figured, you’ll forgive him for it one day. But for now, you grabbed a suitcase from your closet, and began to pack.
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DTS , @halfwayhearted !
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scream-at-a-whisper · 15 days
Fun fact! Aside from angst, the number one thing that the Riptide pirates share is speech impediments.
Gillion - mixes up z's and j's; there's no distinction in primordial, so he never learned the difference
Chip - makes a whistling sound when he talks; that chipped tooth isn't doing him any favors
Jay - stutters often; Jayson would yell at her about it, but she couldn't just stop
Felipe - can't talk long without taking a breath; his lungs weren't built for the oversea
Old man Earl - Has a tic where he 'humphs'; he claims it's on purpose when questioned
Drey - mixes up t's and th's; no explanation. just vibes
Finn - mixes up l's and r's; also not a thing in the undersea
Queen - inflects irregularly; it gives him a musical cadence in every sentence
Ollie - rhotacism; he just never figured it out
Alphonze - clutters; he's taken so many hits that his speaking system will glitch and go really fast randomly
Gryffon - mixes up s's and sh's; yeah I'm just projecting on this one cause he's my favorite
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anonymousbardd · 7 months
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Character Headcanons
꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: My Man
↳ Various x FemReader
The following characters are Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo, Jake Kim, and Gongseob Ji.
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ʚɞ ┊: Gun Park
↳ When he first heard (F/n) call him "my man", because a random girl was drooling all over him, he couldn't help but think about that moment every night before sleep.
'Cause of that, he's been a bit more affectionate which isn't really his thing, this confused his lover a bit but hell she ain't complaining.
Now whenever Gun teases (F/n) he'd say something like, "Come help me out with work, after all, I'm your man, aren't I?"
And now, Gun repeatedly asks what he is to (F/n) whenever they make love in front of the mirror.
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ʚɞ ┊: Goo Kim
↳ When Gun had asked what Goo means to (F/n), the blonde man was eavesdropping and was surprised when he heard his lover response.
"Goo...? He's silly and well, goofy, but even so, he's still my man."
He got so excited and came out from his hiding place, catching the young woman off gaurd.
"Cutie piee! I'm your man?! You called me your man!" He kept repeating it over and over again.
(F/n) had been smothered in gifts and kisses the next few weeks after.
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ʚɞ ┊: Samuel Seo
↳ It was just a normal kissing session between the two in Samuel's office, it was getting spicy when someone had knocked on the door.
Samuel pulled away and cleared his throat while (F/n) fixed her blouse, Samuel then sighed and let the person who knocked in.
It was a young girl who seemed to be nervous to be there.
"Uh-uhm... Mister Goo Kim wishes to see you..." She said, (F/n) huffed and crossed her arms.
"Tell him that my man is busy and will get to him in a bit," she said in a stern voice.
The young girl nodded and left the room, Samuel turned to (F/n) and chuckled, "Your brother's going to kill me, you know."
(F/n) rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I'll take care of him, don't worry."
Samuel chuckled and kissed (F/n)'s lips, before Samuel even got the chance for his lips to reach her neck, Goo came barging in with a sword in his hand ready to remove Samuel's existence.
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ʚɞ ┊: Jake Kim
↳ It was a lovely day, Jerry and (F/n) were playfully claiming Jake for themselves.
"Sir Jake belongs to me!" Jerry said, "Nuh-uh! He's mine!" (F/n) argued, Jerry and (F/n) had a sibling like relationship.
They continued to argue like that for a while.
"Humph! Sir Jake is my boss!" He said, "Oh yeah? Well he's my man so let him go!"
Once those words left the young woman's mouth, a grin crept on Jake's lips, the other members who were in the same room stiffened as the atmosphere tensed.
Jake turned to (F/n) and leaned down, "What did you say? Could you repeat that please?" He said.
The young woman shook her head and let go of Jake, "I-it's nothing..! Forget about it!" (F/n) turned to Lua in hopes to get away.
Jake held the young woman's wrist and dragged her out the room, "Come now, I want to hear you repeat what you just called me in bed."
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ʚɞ ┊: Gongseob Ji
↳ (F/n) would rather be caught dead than to call Gongseob her man, she's still in pretty much denial phase that the young man had taken interest in her.
Though she slowly started to warm up to him, she still wanted to keep their relationship a secret.
The typical good girl x bad boy romance.
(F/n)'s friends had noticed how close Gongseob is, or rather, how close Gongseob tries to be with (F/n).
Eventually, they asked (F/n) what Gongseob is to her.
(F/n) paused and thought for a moment, then, a random girl was talking about how hot Gongseob was.
(F/n) huffed and crossed her arms, in a loud voice, she stated, "He's MY man, Gongseob Ji is MY man!"
It was loud enough for the girl to hear, and for the passing braided man to also hear.
"Oh-ho ho? You're finally admitting it?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around (F/n)'s waist.
"Humph! Shut it," she replied, still, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked him on the lips.
She then shot daggers on the girl who was overly complimenting her lover and stuck out her tongue.
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bareee · 5 months
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And the kids keep comin
And yes, Wyll fidgets with his clothes when he’s stressed in my stuff, can’t stop me humph.
Mark can’t get away from these brats collectin ‘round em, S what it felt like the whole time playin honestly XD
Sadly I can’t animate on instagram like i can on here but yal get the luxury of Lae’zel’s little happy ears I wanted to test out. I love adding little animated tidbits and wanna get back into doin it cause it fun. LITTLE HAPPY EARSSSSS AHHHHHH man I wish I had time to full animate again, God I’d die but id be happy.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years
helloo! could you write high school wandanat x reader where they’re enemies to lovers? wandanat are already a couple. wandanat and r are part of different friend groups in school, and there’s a lot of tension between the two groups, maybe because of a past event. wandanat and r have a class together and are put in a group, forcing them to work together and spend time with each other. eventually the 3 start to become friends, and end up falling for each other
Group project
Summary: Proximity warms hearts.
Pairing: WandaNat x female!reader
Warnings: everyone is a bit mean, cursing, a bit steamy in the end I suppose
Word count: 3186
a/n: I’m sorry I’m not very good at writing enemies to lovers, so I don’t really know what this is
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
All parts: part 1, part 2
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“Why are they staring at us?” Kate mumbles as she shoves food into her mouth. “They are like, obsessed or something.”
Y/N glances to the direction Kate is staring at. It’s the popular table. No one really understands what their deal is, they just don’t like people who aren’t part of their group. No one knows if they just think they’re better than everyone or if something happened. But at the end of the day, pretty much all the groups are like that.
“I don’t know.” Y/N shrugs, turning back to her lunch. “You look kinda obsessed with them right now.”
Kate looks at Y/N with her mouth open and brows raised. “I am not.”
“Okay.” Y/N mumbles with a slight smile.
“I am not!”
Taking a bite out of her food, Y/N nods slowly, not looking at Kate, but still knowing what kind of look she has in her face. “I heard you.”
Kate humphs, annoyed by the grin on Y/N’s face. She stabs her food and eats as angrily as she can, just to show Y/N the level of annoyance she is at. However, all this just amuses her even more.
“So, you’ll be doing the project with me that Ms Harkness said we’ll do, right?”
“I don’t know anymore.” Kate shrugs. “Maybe I’ll do it with Yelena.”
“Oh, come on. You hate doing school work with Yelena.”
“The only thing she does is slack off.” Dropping her fork to the empty plate, Kate turns to look at Y/N. “I’m doing it with you.”
“Listen up, students!” Ms Harkness claps her hands, quietening down the classroom. “We are trying something different today. I’m going to assign your project’s groups.�� The whole class starts groaning and whining, all of them having made plans with their friends already. “I know, I know. This is the ends of the world for you. Anyways,” she takes out a list, “I have the groups written here, so listen closely.”
As Ms Harkness lists off the groups, the students start moving into said groups. The more time goes on without her saying Y/N or Kate’s name, they get excited as the possibility of them being in the same group grows every second.
“Next group. Kate Bishop…” Kate and Y/N’s ears perk up, both waiting anxiously for the latter’s name to appear. “Yelena Belova and Gwen Stacy.”
The two deflate, sending each other disappointed looks before Kate moves from the desk next to Y/N. She looks around the classroom, trying to see which students are still without a group. When she notices everyone but two people with their own groups, her eyes widen.
“And last but not least, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff and Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Shit.” She whispers to herself. With her luck, of course she gets paired up with the couple. Y/N sees them sitting on the dow in front of her, unmoving, so she grabs her bag and makes her way over to them.
She moves a desk bit closer to them, but far enough so it doesn’t touch either of their desks, and sits down. “Now that all of you have your groups, pick a subject and start working on the project. We’ll be doing it this whole class, but after that it’s a thing you have to do on your own time.” Everyone starts groaning again. “I know, I’m horrible. Start working.”
Before Y/N can even think about saying something, Wanda opens her mouth. “We already decided the topic to be how AI was doomed from the start, because they learn from biased people.”
“Okay.” Y/N mumbles. “Uhm, what should I do?”
Natasha shrugs, opening her laptop. “Just look some info on AI. Shouldn’t be too difficult.”
Nodding silently, Y/N opens her laptop and starts searching any kind of information on AI and its future. She stays quiet the whole class, not finding any openings in Natasha and Wanda’s conversation.
When the class ends, Y/N’s mood is on the floor. She is not feeling good about the project. “We’re going to our dorm after school ends to work on the project, so see you there, I guess.” Wanda says as she puts her things in her bag.
“Where is your dorm?”
Natasha sighs. “Building B, fourth floor, dorm number 405.” She tells in a quick manner, leaving immediately after.
Y/N looks after them with a dumbfounded look until Kate comes up behind her, wrapping her arms around her neck. “How’d it go?”
Yelena walks to them, laughing mockingly at Y/N’s misfortune. “Our project is going great.”
“That’s because you didn’t do anything.” Kate frowns, letting go of Y/N’s neck only to lock their arms together. “Me and Gwen did all the work so far. Your contribution was whining.”
Yelena shrugs, following the two as they start walking to their next class. The three are tight together, though out of the two Kate and Y/N are clearly like sisters, because while Yelena has other friends, the pair have stuck together their whole life.
Y/N giggles quietly at their squabbling. They never seemed to agree on anything, but that was just their way of showing that they care about each other.
“Well, at least I don’t have Yelena on my group.”
Scoffing, Yelena punches Y/N’s side lightly.
Standing in front of the dorm room 405, Y/N takes a deep breath. She’s holding one of her fists up in the air, ready to knock. Music can be heard through the door. Wanda and Natasha are already there.
She knocks.
The music quietens down and Wanda opens the door. She says nothing when she sees Y/N, only widens the gap so she can step inside.
“Hi.” Y/N mumbles, almost too quiet for the two to hear. She looks around the room. The two single beds have been pushed together to form one big bed to the left side. There’s a bookcase on the end of it and two desks against the opposite wall.
The floor is neat, it only has a rug on it, but the walls are full of decorations. There’s pictures of people from the school and celebrities, posters of different movies and artists, even some vinyls are pinned to them.
Y/N clears her throat as Wanda goes back to sitting by the desk, right next to Natasha. “Cool room.”
Natasha nods in acknowledgment. Wanda did most of the decorating, but she likes it too. “We don’t have any more chairs, so, like sit on the floor or something.”
Too tired to fight against it, Y/N sits on the floor and takes out her things. “Me and Nat already started on our slides, we thought it’d be best to just do them individually.”
And so, they start working on the project. Like during the class, Wanda and Natasha discuss points together, while Y/N stays quiet and does her own thing. It’s uncomfortable, but she’s not about to start a conversation with the two.
It goes like this for the next three meetings.
Y/N’s head is laying on the cafeteria table. She’s not feeling too good and the loud conversation going on isn’t helping at all. “Shut up.” The words come out more quiet than she wanted to.
Someone’s hand goes to her neck. “You’re really hot.” Kate frowns.
Kate groans and Yelena laughs. With a roll of her eyes, Kate ignores the comment. “I’m serious. Should you even be in school right now?”
“I can’t miss anything, plus I have to go work on the project today.”
“Can’t you skip this one time? I’m sure they won’t mind.” Kate’s hand goes to lay on Y/N’s back, rubbing it softly to bring some comfort.
Y/N scoffs. “Have you seen how they look at me? They’d kill me if I didn’t show up.”
“Well,” Kate cringes, “yeah. Probably.”
“Why do you care?” Yelena speaks up. “You’re a hard worker. You deserve a break, especially when you’re sick.”
“I don’t have time to be sick. Gotta keep my grades high.”
Yelena shakes her head. “You’re crazy.” She mumbles, going back to her lunch.
Once again, Y/N is knocking on Wanda and Natasha’s door. Her nose is stuffed and there’s loud bounding in her head, but she tries her best to ignore it.
Natasha opens the door and lets her in before going back to her seat. It’s the same as it has always been, Natasha and Wanda sitting beside their desks, while Y/N is on the floor.
Y/N isn’t sure if time is moving fast or slow, or if it’s moving at all. She feels like she has been writing forever, but the small clock on the bottom of her laptop screen hasn’t moved in ages. The conversation going on between Natasha and Wanda is muffled. It sounds like they’re much further away than they truly are.
She has been breathing through her mouth for some time, as her nose isn’t letting any air through. Leaning her head against her open palm, Y/N closes her eyes, just for a moment.
“Y/N?” Someone is shaking her shoulder. They’re doing it gently, but to Y/N it feels like her whole body is going through turmoil. “Did you fall asleep?”
Opening her eyes, Y/N sees Wanda in front of her. “Uhm,” she looks around the surroundings, catching up her brain on what’s going on, “no?” She mumbles.
Natasha furrows her brows together. She’s still sitting on her chair, but her attention is fully on Y/N. “Are you okay?”
“I am, yes, sorry.” Lifting up her head, Y/N shakes it to wake herself up. “Sorry.”
The back of Wanda’s hand goes to lay on Y/N’s forehead. It should be surprising, but her brain is too foggy to register it. “I think she’s sick.” Wanda turns to look at Natasha, talking to her rather than half awake Y/N. “Like really sick.”
“Do we have a thermostat?” Natasha mumbles, going to look for one in their bathroom. As she finds it, she brings it to Wanda and crouches down next to her.
Wanda presses on Y/N’s jaw to open her mouth and stick the thermostat under her tongue. Y/N grumbles at the feeling of it, but lets it be there.
When the thermostat beeps, Wanda takes it out, frowning at the number on it. “She has a fever.”
“I’m fine, you guys.” Y/N rubs her forehead, hoping it’ll lessen some of the pressure. “Lets keep working on the project.”
“No.” Natasha glances at the laptop screen, it’s showing the project’s slide show. “You have spelled every other word incorrectly.”
Humming, Y/N squints her eyes to look at the small words on the screen. She frowns as the words don’t come any clearer, realizing she must be sicker than she thought.
“What are we supposed to do?”
“Where are your friends?”
“Kate and Yelena are working on their project in the library in town, I think.” Y/N starts coughing. It racks up her whole body and hurts her throat. She misses the way Natasha and Wanda look at each other.
Wanda helps Y/N up while Natasha cleans up her things. She brings her to their bed, moving the cover so she’s laying under it. “Go to sleep.” She mumbles.
Natasha and Wanda stay by the bed next to Y/N until evening, when Kate comes knocking on their door, worried when Y/N still hasn’t come back to their dorm.
Over a week goes by, during which Y/N heals properly and starts working on the project again. However, after being sick, Natasha and Wanda have started to sit on the floor with Y/N, and even engage in conversations with her.
Now that her mind wasn’t so foggy, she started to notice the little things. Sometimes the couple looked at each other with a certain look when they were with her, it wasn’t bad, so to say, but Y/N doesn’t know what it is. And sometimes their eyes linger on her just a bit too long for it to be considered normal.
Although, all these things make her wonder what it all means, she ignores it all. Or at least tries to.
“Hey, Y/N.” Wanda’s hand sets on Y/N’s shoulder
Kate’s eyes are wide as she watches Y/N turn to Wanda and Natasha. “Yup?” It feels weird to have someone like Wanda touch her, still, she puts on her best smile and tries not to reveal how tense she is.
“We though we should finish the project today, so we can have the weekend free. Is that okay?”
It’s the first time they ask her opinion on their plans.
Natasha smiles, grabbing Wanda’s hand. “Great, see you later.” The two walk away.
Kate stares at Y/N with an open mouth. She leans closer to her to whisper yell. “They totally have the hots for you!” She laughs quietly, so the other people in the library wouldn’t hear her.
“What?” Y/N’s brows scrunch together as her whole face turns into a grimace. “No they don’t! Are you crazy?”
“Oh, come on. Did you not see they way they were looking at you?” Kate gasps, looking at the book she is currently in the middle of. “This is the perfect lesbian, enemies to lovers story!”
“No, Kate, I’m not in one of your spicy sapphic books.”
Kate raises her brows, glancing at the cover of her book. “You could be.” She mumbles with a shrug. She is pretty sure Y/N looks just like one of the main characters on the book cover, but she denies it every time. Glancing at the clock, she grins. “You better go get ready to go to their dorm and have hot, hot sex with them.” Kate whispers the last part of the sentence.
Y/N stands up with a huff. “I am not going to have hot sex with them!” She says it just a bit too loudly, making someone on the next table turn to look at them. “I’m not having sex with anyone!” Grabbing her bag, Y/N walks out of the library while Kate giggles after her.
Natasha opens the door with a small grin. “Come on in.” Y/N smiles and steps in, sitting to the floor where Wanda is already. She takes out her laptop, getting it ready for working. Natasha sits right next to her, which makes Y/N freeze momentarily.
“Do you usually work even when you’re sick?” Wanda asks suddenly. They haven’t really discussed what happened that day yet, not that Y/N really wanted to talk about it. She’s still mortified that happened. She nods quietly, making Wanda frown. “You really shouldn’t.”
Y/N shrugs. “It’s fine.”
“No.” Wanda says quite assertively. “Don’t do it again.”
“Oh, okay..” Y/N doesn’t know why Wanda is being so…worried, she also doesn’t know why she is agreeing with her. She misses the shared smirk between Wanda and Natasha, turning to her work instead, so she could escape the overwhelming feeling.
They start working on the project, only having two slides left to do. They swap ideas and talk through their points. Y/N actually feels good with them. They’re nice now that they are including her.
It only takes them thirty minutes to finish the project, mostly because Natasha and Wanda hurried it for some reason.
“So,” Wanda starts as they pack away their things, “do you want to stay here for a while?”
Tilting her head, Y/N closes her bag. “Do you want me to stay?” Her question comes out very doubtful.
“Of course, детка.” Natasha’s voice is right by her ear, it makes Y/N shiver. “Why are you so nervous?” She can hear the teasing tone behind her words. Natasha’s hand goes to Y/N’s back, just staying there innocently, though it feels anything but.
Before she can answer, Wanda moves closer to put her hand on Y/N’s bare knee. “You don’t have to be nervous with us, you know that, right?” Her thumb rubs it lightly, happy that Y/N decided to wear a short skirt today.
“Right.” Mumbling, Y/N stares at the hand on her knee intensely. The touch makes her skin feel hot and tingly.
Wanda’s hand travel up to her hip, while Natasha’s goes under Y/N’s shirt. Natasha’s cold hand makes her gasp quietly.
“Can I kiss you?” Wanda’s voice is breathy and sultry.
“I guess.” Y/N’s voice is quiet and anxious, her mind is going everywhere at once and she still isn’t 100% sure if this all is actually happening.
Tutting, Wanda shakes her head. “It’s a yes or no question, sweetheart.”
Wanda grins. “Good girl.” Her hand goes to Y/N’s neck, pulling her closer to kiss her. It’s soft, but still dominant on Wanda’s side. Natasha starts nipping Y/N neck gently, now moving both of her hands up her shirt.
“Holy shit.” Y/N mumbles when Wanda’s mouth moves from her lips down to her collarbone.
Seeing the opening, Natasha combs her fingers through her hair, gripping it and pulling her head back. She smirks at Y/N’s expression before taking her turn in kissing her. Natasha’s lips are more rough, but it still feels out of this world.
When Natasha pulls away, one of her hands go to rest on Y/N’s throat, while the other wraps around her waist and pulls her close, so Y/N’s back is against her chest.
“Fuck.” Natasha grumbles. “You are so hot.”
All the attention on her is making Y/N feel extremely warm. Her breathing is ragged as Wanda’s hands go under her shirt and up her chest. “We like to be a bit rough, but you don’t mind that, do you?” Wanda looks at Y/N with a grin, holding eye contact with her.
“I don’t mind.”
“Good.” With that, Wanda rips Y/N’s shirt open.
“You had hot sex with them!” Kate squeals right as Y/N steps inside their dorm. “I knew it.” Y/N shushes her, slamming the door closed so no one in the hallway could hear her. “I can’t even be mad at them anymore. Are you like, theirs now?”
“I’m no ones.”
Kate stares at the hickeys littered all over Y/N’s neck and the hoodie, that definitely isn’t hers. “They definitely think you are.” She can’t even keep her giggles in as Y/N shuffles over to her bed, tired by what happened. “They really did a number on you.”
With a loud groan, Y/N throws her pillow blindly towards Kate, who dodges it easily.
“I can’t wait to tell Yelena.”
“Don’t you dare!” But it’s no use, Kate is already out the door.
Y/N sighs, laying her head to the, now pillow-less, mattress. Closing her eyes, she lets a giddy smile come over her face.
She’s definitely theirs now.
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Ceil cousin and her baby both now trap in England
How would other characters outside the Phantomhive reaction will be seeing the pretty widowed mother?
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Cousin Mother Reader | Yandere Black Butler
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is probably the one you have to watch out the most for 
He has the easiest access to you upon Ciel’s command
And he definitely sees you at your most vulnerable 
Feeding and raising your child, trying to somehow get comfortable in your new life
“My lady, you seem exhausted. If need be I would be more than happy to relieve some of your stress.”
“Humph! If you really wanted to help you’d let me leave.”
“You know I can’t do that.”
“Exactly so you can be of no assistance to me.”
He can outlast you 
Waiting until you either pass out from tiredness or stress
to lay your child to rest and nurse you to health
“I love how you keep me on my toes, Ms. (Y/n). But I’m persistent.”
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He doesn’t mind the sexy mama visiting him in the kitchen to compliment throwaway his awesome food
Or if you can cook alongside him he’s even more enthused
He totally agrees with the circumstances that keep you there 
But he also understands your frustration
Something he knows not many others in the home
“Well I see why yer feelin’ trapped…”
“But thats no reas’n ta hate the yung master. He’s only tryin’ to help.”
And without Ciel’s say-so you and your his kid are his priority
If your so insistent on going out you’ll go with him right?
Like on a little date
He likes his women stubborn so he’s willing to compete with Sebastian on this
“Well Missus would you rather take I you to the market or him?”
“Please Bardroy, Miss (Y/n) is meant to travel with me, as the young master intended.”
“I prefer to travel with Bard. Don’t you think so sweetie?”
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Mey-Rin is similar to Bardroy but she has loads more access to you
She handles your clothes, dirty and not 
She delivers your documents or late night meals
If she isn’t sharing the room with you she’s guarding you at night
“Ahh~Lady (Y/n)’s sleepin’ soundly, yes she is!...I’m sure she’d like it I ‘elped her massage, she would!”
She thinks your the coolest and will spend her time with you orwatchingyoufrombehindthebushes
She thinks you and your kid are so cute 
She couldn’t be happier that you can’t actually leave
Not that she’d let you
She already thinks its progessive enough that you work 
And that deserves all the praise
“Whoa mistress (Y/n) read that whole contract in such a short amount of time?! Well its just like her to be the best, yes it is!”
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Finney is happy he gets to play with your kid
Though he knows to be gentle
But he hasn’t known love until you pat him on the head,smiling “Good job, Finny.”
From then he’s like an overpowered labrador
Happily following behind you to join your kid in trying to garner your attention
When Sebastian’s not dragging him away in light of his work
He’s trying to rest his head on your lap onyourchest
Or join you in your office Bedroom
While his naivete may allow you to get away with somethings 
He always seems to recall just how sad he’d be if you tried to leave
“Miss (Y/n)....you can’t leav….no…no…I won’t let you! You have to stay with me!”
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He’s intrigued by you
For the time he’s been alive its not everyday he finds a woman so argumentative
But of course your in the company of the abnormal anyway
He’s thrilled to find that you often join in his laughter
Or your able to banter with him which Sebastian and Ciel avoid
He often is ignored by the duo which makes it easier for him to leave an impression on you
“So ‘Miss,’ is it? Is your husband truly out the picture?”
“If you count being dead out of the picture then yes.”
“Ah then would you give me *flips his bangs up* an old crone, like me a chance?”
“U-undertaker? Y-you’re eyes are–!”
“Shhh shhh. Let’s keep that as secret, for now. But do tell may I steal you away?”
He’s had time to think about what woman want to hear 
But he doubts your willing to accept normal means
So he’ll just take you for now, only to be stolen back by Sebastian when they realize you or your son is missing
“Don’t mind the lack of space in the coffin Deary, its meant for three!”
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howi99 · 7 months
At the end of the ball, after most people were already gone.
Yang: *cleaning with Weiss* I never could have guessed team JNPR's dance was improvised. Damn, vomit boy was slaying.
Weiss: *humph* Please, the dork was just good enough. I'm sure he practiced with Pyrrha or something.
Yang: ... Hey, do you hear that? It sounds like someone is playing piano or something.
Weiss: *waving her hand, dismissing the claim* It's probably one of the music i- *looking at the grand piano where she could see both Jaune and Penny sitting down at* Oh great, will he try to show how good he is to me again? Trying to woe me?
Yang: *shaking her head* Nah, didn't you see that since around a month he hasn't even talked to you? I mean except when we are all talking.
Weiss: then what does he-
Jaune: *playing on the piano, without speaking or trying to look better. Just letting his soul speak through music*
Penny: *closing her eyes, she can... Feel the music resonate with her, something she never experienced before*
Yang: *surprised* Damn, didn't know VB was this good at playing music. Anyway Weiss, we need to... Uh, are you good?
Weiss: *water falling down her eyes slowly* W-whu?
Yang: *worrying slightly* Weiss? What's wrong?
Weiss: *using her handkerchief* S-sorry, i just... I don't know, i felt like i might have made a mistake, Yang.
Jaune: *after finishing playing* So yeah, my father played this song for my mom when they first began dating. Of course, i know we aren't but i was so glad to hear you say you wanted to hear me play! I tried asking Weiss but she always refused, saying I couldn't be good enough... But what did you think?
Penny: *opening her eyes* I... I lack the word to express myself fri- i mean Jaune. It's like... Like i could feel every emotion you were trying to express more clearly than ever. *Smiling* it was beautiful.
Jaune: *blushing* W-well, thank you Penny. Coming from you, it might mean a lot more than from anyone else in the world.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
someone making a comment about prosecco h about how he should date his age and it sends yn into a spiral like "oh god this isn't a good idea"
Would love to see the first fight for Prosecco (or any one i love the first fight one shots for ur other series lol)
Prosecco angst!! Pleaseeeee
wordcount: 14k+
"(Y/N), love, c'mon." 
Harry's feigned exasperation fell short the more his smile grew. His arms were wrapped securely around her waist as she clung to him, legs hitched around his hips in her effort to not let him go. 
"I don't want you to leave." 
(Y/N)'s pout could be heard from miles away, Harry didn't even need the confirmation of her puffed lips pressed against his throat. He only sighed at her whining, the sentiment the same thing she'd been saying since he unraveled himself from the sheets of his bed and her legs. 
"We've spent the whole weekend together, haven't we?" he attempted to soothe her, running his palm along the span of her back, "And, you'll still be here when I come home, right? No reason to pout about that, is there?" 
"Yes, there is," she argued, her petulant tone making Harry's grin widen, "I don't want you to leave at all. Tell them you're sick and we'll lay in bed all day. You can go to work tomorrow instead, when I have class and can't miss you." 
"That's the same thing y'told me last week, and I really did take the day off, remember?" he told her, walking them back to the kitchen counter where his abandoned mug of coffee sat in wait after he was distracted, "Don't think I can get away with that again, sweetheart." 
A quiet humph sounded from where she was huddled in his neck as he settled her on the ledge of the kitchen counter. Despite the stable surface now under her bottom, she didn't bother to unravel herself from around Harry's form, thighs still cinched around his hips and arms looped around his neck. 
"Can you work from home, then?" 
"I wish, but I don't have any of m'things with me. And, I've got to be at a meeting today with some of our new clients." Harry dropped a kiss to her shoulder once he saw them deflate at all the reasons he couldn't stay him and lie in with her, no matter how much he wanted to. 
"Fine," she relented, peeling herself away from his neck only enough to get a look at his face. 
Just as he expected, even though she was giving up on her fight, her features were still molded into the sad puppy look she had begun to realize was something he had a hard time resisting. 
"Don't look so sad, darling," he cooed to her, ducking his head to press a kiss to the tip of he nose, "I'll be home soon, 'kay? Y'can even call me on my lunch if y'really miss me that much." 
"We just had so much fun this weekend, I don't want it to be over already," she told him, canting her head to the side as she gazed up at him. 
"We did, didn't we?" he smiled at her, thinking abut their weekend full of nothing but lounging around in bed and going out to eat when (Y/N) got too antsy in the house and wanted to dress up. "I promise we'll do it all again this weekend, pretty girl. Jus' need to get through work first, right?" 
"Okay," she sighed, "Maybe we can go to the aquarium this weekend?" 
Harry's smile winded at her words, dimples deep in his cheeks. "We can definitely do that, sweetheart. I'll buy the tickets today, alright?" 
She brightened some at his promise, giving him the smile he was missing since she decided to be his pouty girl. "Thank you, H." 
His arms around her waist tightened at her quiet gratitude. There was nothing he loved more than making her happy. With his grip, he pulled her just to the edge of the kitchen counter as her body relaxed, legs now dangling on either side of his with her arms a loose loop around his neck. 
"Now, give me a kiss before I go. 'M already going to be running late," Harry requested, dipping his head down with a nudge to her nose with his own. 
(Y/N) complied with no convincing, happily pressing her lips to his. Her kiss tasted like the fruit he cubed up for her for breakfast, warding off the bitter afternotes of the coffee he barely had time to brush from his teeth before (Y/N) pounced on him with pleas to stay home. 
"Love you," he murmured against her lips, planting a small smattering of pecks across her mouth before pulling away. 
"Love you, too," she told him, bright smile on her lips, "Text me when you're on lunch so I can call you." 
"You know I will, darling," he told her, giving her one more kiss before finally stepping out from between her legs. 
(Y/N) hopped off the counter and followed him for the send off, the length his button down swaying over her thighs as she followed him. As much as he hated to leave her, the idea of her waiting at his home for him, dressed in his clothes and full of love for him made his heart race. He'd never had someone to come home to like this, even if they weren't officially moved in together yet. That thought made the days a little easier to get through. 
With one more blown kiss in her direction and a wave before he pulled off, Harry tried his best to start his day despite the fact he was leaving his heart behind.
(Y/N) was bored. 
Harry's house wasn't that fun when he wasn't there with her, she decided. She went through and finished up the laundry they started the day before and changed the sheets out on his bed, and even made sure she had all of her toiletries packed up in her bag so she could go home after dinner tonight, but that only filled a few hours before she was lounging on his couch watching a reality dating show she couldn't believe really found love for these people. Her only saving grace was the fact that the lunch hour was approaching. 
Despite the fact she had already promised to call him during the break this morning, these lonesome hours allowed her to think up an idea that sounded much more fun the longer she laid  out on his couch. 
She was going to go see him. 
She was going to pick up some lunch on the way there, and actually go see him for the first time at his big office. Planning her outfit took all of twenty minutes as she refused to take off his shirt, deciding to pair it with a pair of jeans that Harry had told her made her butt look good and the pearled headband she wore on their first date. It was a fun distraction, getting ready, as she primped her hair and did her skincare routine—forgoing makeup for the day—before placing a pickup order at Harry's favorite little diner he takes her to when she's hungry in the middle of the night. She couldn't wait to surprise him. 
The drive to the diner was a familiar one, a quick stop that had her bubbling with excitement as she double checked the order of Harry's favorite meal and all his fixings (he loved this melt they had, the ingredients basically making up a grilled cheese until Harry added all of these bits and extras that elevated it to a 'melt' instead). As soon as she had today's lunch packed away in the passenger seat, (Y/N) put the address of Harry's office building into her GPS. A canopy of butterflies made their way through her tummy as her ETA approached with every mile she drove to his office. She'd never been before, and the fact that Harry wasn't expecting her added another layer to her bubbling nerves. Hopefully, she could find the place—and his office—easily so she couldn't have to ruin the surprise with a call asking him for directions. 
Once the towering building came into view, (Y/N) realized just how many times she'd passed it on the way to her labs for her required science class her first year of university. The glossy windows shone in the sun's rays, gleaming almost as brightly as the blocky lettering that detailed the company name over the top floor of the structure. She knew his job was important, that he made a good living and met high-profile people, but she never figured it was this important. If she was being honest, what she had pictured was a building in a business plaza with a few floors to spare for the different departments, Harry's office settled on the highest one (at max, the fifth floor). Looking at the scale of his job, she now felt a little guilty for convincing him to call in the previous week. (That didn't mean she wasn't planning on doing it again, though). 
With their lunches in hand, the plastic bag hanging off her wrist as she locked her car, (Y/N) craned her neck to gaze up the height of the building. If Harry was important as she figured he would be—should be—, he was at the top behind one of those glossy windows. He probably had a killer view. 
Going through the glass doors, (Y/N) saw a luxurious waiting room complete with a receptionist smiling behind a glass desk and a shiny set of elevators pinging behind her as people came and went. It was definitely the lunch hour if the amount of suited people sifting through the lobby with lunch pails and takeaway containers to some of the fancier restaurants nearby was anything to go by. 
"Hello," the receptionist greeted her, a bright smile on her face as that could rival the gleaming plate on her desk that detailed her name to be Seline. "Are you here to drop off a lunch delivery?" 
Glancing down at her casual look and a bag of food at her side, (Y/N) couldn't blame her for thinking she was just here to drop off some executive's food order. The one day she doesn't feel like getting all dressed up to see him.
"Oh, no," she laughed, carefully approaching the desk so she didn't make any scoffs with the worn soles of her shoes, "I'm actually here to see Harry Styles? I think he's supposed to be on his lunch break right now, so I was hoping I could eat with him if you wouldn't mind telling me where I can find his office." 
"Oh," Seline chirped with a raise of her brows, glancing down at the desktop Mac stationed on the surface of her glass desk, "I see. And may I ask for your name?" 
"Right, sorry, I'm (Y/N). His girlfriend." (Y/N) hated the way her answer felt like a question with the way her tone tilted upwards at the end. She was beginning to feel so out of place in this building, she even doubted her own name.
"His girlfriend?" Seline deadpanned, her eyes flicking from her screen to fix on (Y/N). Though she still held a pleasant expression on her face, there was something vacant entering her smile, like she wasn't entirely sure what to do about this situation. 
"Yeah," she affirmed with a jerky nod, her hair fluttering behind the hold of the headband crowing her head, "It's kind of a surprise, so..." 
(Y/N) cringed as she trailed off, wishing she had thought through her statement before she opened her mouth. 
"Oh, okay," Seline smiled, the edges turning down some as she tapped away at her keyboard. After pressing definitively on the enter key, the receptionist looked up with an apology in her eyes, "Unfortunately, I'm not able to let anyone up to see any of the executives unless I have express permission from them or an appointment on their schedule. But, I can take a message for you and let him know you stopped by?" 
A kind of anxiety (Y/N) hadn't felt since her first day of college swept through her system. She was sure Seline was doing her job, following policies in place that made the most of Harry and his colleagues' time, but (Y/N) had never felt more stupid or out of place in her life. Another set of employees dressed in suits and skirts, everything creaseless with precise pleats and expensive shoes that clacked over the tiled floor made their way out of the elevator, making (Y/N) feel that much more out of place with the holes in her jeans and the wrinkles in her borrowed shirt. She hadn't even bothered to brush her hair before she left. 
The bag of food at her side crinkled as she shifted, grabbing for her phone from her pocket. "Um, could I actually give him a call, really quick? I-I'm sure he'll let me up, I just didn't know he needed to let you know." 
"Of course, take your time," Seline offered, dropping her skeptical gaze to (Y/N)'s flowery cased phone, "As soon as I have his permission come through my system, I can buzz the elevator for you." 
Peeping out a thank you, (Y/N) scurried off to one of the white leather seats that decorated the waiting area. She was sure no one was paying her any mind as she fiddled with her phone, getting frustrated when her Face I.D. wasn't accepted with the way her hands were shaking, but she swore every person that passed through the waiting area—especially Seline—had their eyes glued to the silly girl that was trying to bypass protocol to see her 'boyfriend'. 
By the time she had the phone pressed to her ear with Harry's contact pulled up, (Y/N) worried she was going to scream if the plastic bag with their food crinkled one more time in the quiet lobby. 
"Sweetheart, I was jus' about to text you," Harry greeted her, his voice offering a flood of relief. 
"Harry, hi—uh—I'm at your office." She cringed as the words left her mouth, knowing Seline could definitely hear the way she wobbled through her words. "But—um—I'm not allowed up until you say its okay." 
"You are? Sweetheart, I'm so sorry, I didn't know y'were coming," Harry prattled off after a beat, the sound of a keyboard tapping in the background. 
"It's okay, I was trying to surprise you with lunch and everything," she murmured, feeling silly now in her plan. Of course she wasn't going to be escorted to someone's corporate office without some kind of permission or appointment. At least they were getting it figured out. 
"Oh, pretty girl," Harry cooed through the phone, his smile evident in his tone, "That's so sweet of you. I can't wait to see you." He paused for a moment before she heard a ping on the line. "Alright, I sent my access code down to Seline, she'll buzz y'right up, yeah? Once you're on m'floor, just need to take a right to Shelly's desk and you'll need to tell her your name but she'll let you in right away." 
"Thank you, H," she sighed as her shoulders sagged in relief. With a proper plan in place, (Y/N) could breathe. "Love you." 
"Love you too, gorgeous. I'll see you in a minute." 
After hanging up, Seline waved her over as soon as (Y/N) stowed her phone in her pocket. "Mr. Styles' permission just came through!" she beamed at her, "I'm so sorry about that confusion, Ms. (Y/N). Mr. Styles just didn't let me know he was expecting anyone and you look so young, I was worried a daughter of one of his clients got a little too attached over a client dinner or something." Seline laughed as if she had told (Y/N) one of her funniest jokes as she clicked away at her keyboard, the up arrow above one of the elevators lighting up as she pressed enter. Swiping a keycard from a drawer on her desk, Seline handed it out with a polite smile on her face. "Scan this at the elevator, and go to floor twenty. Have a nice lunch, Ms. (Y/N)." 
(Y/N) swallowed as she took the keycard, reciprocating the polite smile the receptionist gave her though (Y/N) could bet her own was nothing more than a shaky imitation. She worked robotically as she followed the directions she was given, the keycard taking a moment to scan as she couldn't steady her hand. 
She looked so young that Seline worried she was a daughter of one of Harry's clients coming to stalk him? Alone in the elevator with her distorted reflecting staring back at her in the mirrored panels that slated the walls, (Y/N) didn't know what to think. Of course it was never a secret that there was a lengthy gap in age between she and H—the very reason he had waited so long in becoming close to her—but never had that fact been so blatantly presented to her. 
Sure, (Y/N) didn't do herself any favors with her makeup-less face and rumpled outfit, but she didn't think she particularly looked like someone's teen daughter who sought after a man of her father's demographic. Shaking off the comment, she tried to remind herself of the relief of finally getting out of that lobby and getting closer and closer to her Harry—her comfort zone. All she had to do was talk to Shelly, and she was in. No more crinkling plastic bag or scuffs of her shoes over the expensive tile. 
Once the elevator dinged, the number twenty illuminated over the door, (Y/N) let out a breath. This floor held the same ambiance as the waiting room she'd just left—clean lines, light colors, and glass fixtures everywhere. Office doors with titles and names lined the length of the hall. Each sprawling end was serrated by the lobby area that almost perfectly emulated the one below, only smaller. 
The same glass desk as Seline's was stationed in the middle of the lobby, the main fixture in the area with the gleaming iMac and tall vase of neutral flowers on the edge. A desk plate inscribed with Shelly across the brass shone in the sunlight seeping through the windows. But, there was no Shelly to be seen. 
Peering down the hall, (Y/N) spotted what looked like it could be the office to the Chief Officer of Brand Relationships, or his better known name: Harry Styles. Without Shelly there, and her safe haven within her sights, (Y/N) figured she'd just toe her way down the hall and get to his office by herself. Just as she moved to bypass the glass desk, the sound of heels tapping over the elaborately titled floors sounded from the hall behind her. 
Looking over her shoulder, (Y/N) paused when she realized who was clicking over the floor. 
"Hello, sorry about that I was—" Shelly cut herself off, her brows furrowing once she was close enough to realize who was standing in her lobby, "(Y/N)?" 
"Hi, Shelly," (Y/N) awkwardly greeted her, taking in her classmate from the Business English course she took before (Y/N) realized she would rather die than have anything to do with writing business polices and handbook guides. She'd never seen Shelly so dressed up, used to her curls being tied into a poof on the top of her head with baggy sweatsuits covering her form. Here, she was clad in a smart skirt with the matching top tucked in, complete with the resounding heels that clacked over the floor, hair in defined and shiny ringlets. (Y/N) swallowed before she spoke again, "I didn't know you worked here." 
"Oh yeah," Shelly waved off, a pinch remaining in her brow, "this is where I do my internship hours." 
When she paused, this is what (Y/N) had been scared of. She and Shelly certainly weren't close enough to maintain a bubbling conversation with anything other than surface level small talk before settling into a static silence. 
"That's nice," (Y/N) smiled, forcing herself to keep from grabbing for her phone out of habit at the feel of the awkward air, "How do you like it?" 
Shelly gave her a generic smile, one she most likely trained herself for with this job. "It's really nice, thanks for asking. Super nice place, and the food is awesome around here so there's always fun lunch breaks to be had." They both broke out into polite laughs, (Y/N) trying to ease herself when she saw Shelly's eyes drop to the plastic bag at her side. "Are you here dropping off food for someone?" 
Round two begins. 
"Oh no," (Y/N) shook her head, schooling her features as best she could, "I'm here to see—um—Harry Styles, actually. He said he sent a permi—"
"You're Mr. Styles' girlfriend?" 
(Y/N) nervously began to pluck at the buttons of her top with her restless fingers. Though her smile was beginning to waver, she kept up her polite facade. "That's me," she chirped with a shrug, faux-nonchalance greasing her joints.
"Oh," Shelly sounded, eyes wide with brows raised as she rounded the side of her desk. In seconds her gaze was flitting over her computer screen, incredulous look still pasted to her face by the time she finally looked up at (Y/N) again. "You're the one that talked to Seline downstairs?" 
"Yeah," (Y/N) replied simply, unsure of where else to go with a question like that. 
Shelly hummed, leaning down and typing out something on the keyboard before she stood to the full of her height and gave her attention to (Y/N), though she wished she could give it back. "You're having lunch with him today?" 
"Yeah," she parroted, the bag at her side crinkling at the worst time, "I called him when I was downstairs, so he should know I'm here and everything already." 
"Right," Shelly laughed, shaking her head with a fluff to her curls as she seemingly remembered where she was, "Sorry about that. I got Seline's message that Mr. Styles' girlfriend was here to see him, you're just not what I was expecting." She rounded her desk once more with a pleasant smile, heels clacking.
Gesturing for (Y/N) to follow her with a quiet right this way, Shelly started her down the same hallway (Y/N) had seen Harry's nameplate. As much as she had wanted to scurry away and hide in Harry's office before, (Y/N) dragged her feet during the trek. Maybe she was nothing but a glutton for punishment, unable to let the draining weeds growing in her head go unfed, but she couldn't help herself before the next question left her lips. 
"What do you mean?"
"Hm?" Shelly hummed, falling back to walk in line with (Y/N). 
"Just—I mean..." (Y/N) stuttered, cringing at herself for stumbling so hard over her words in the quiet hallway. "Um, what were you expecting when you heard his girlfriend was coming?" 
"Oh," Shelly chirped, slowing even further as she directed her gaze to the ceiling with a pucker to her lips as she thought. "No one specific, really. I don't know, I figured it would be some kind of executive lady, or something. Oh, wait! Do you remember Prof Frances?" 
(Y/N) stopped herself from taking in the deep breath that ached to be a sigh at the mention of one of the teachers that was well known across campus. She was a super beautiful woman, someone that people were known to take her class for with only the intention of staring at her and trying their hand at flirting with her during office hours. She was a kind woman, reserved and quiet when not up front lecturing, but held the kind of confidence that only came with age and loving the body you were in and the person you were. She was grown. Of course, Shelly would picture someone like that for Harry. 
Cool, confident, and sure of herself. Her beauty was only a plus and her age was much more well matched for Shelly's Mr. Styles. 
"I remember her." 
"I guess I pictured someone like her then," Shelly bubbled off, shrugging her shoulders as they came to a stop by Harry's door, "All tall and dark and everything. I definitely wasn't expecting one of my classmates." 
(Y/N) gave a polite laugh to Shelly's attempt at a joke. She felt entirely too stiff in the lungs and tight in her tummy to think of anything sunny at the the moment. 
"It was really nice to see you, though," Shelly chirped, eyes bright as she turned, "Let me know when you're planning on coming by next time, and I can tell Seline so she can have the keycard and everything waiting for you." 
Getting out a weak thanks, (Y/N) watched as Shelly knocked on Harry's office door before cracking it open enough to stick her head through and let him know his guest was here. The sound of Harry's deep voice sounding through his office, though muffled by the time it reached (Y/N)'s ears, did enough to soothe her anxieties before she was ushered over the threshold with Shelly shutting the door behind her. 
"Hi, sweetheart," Harry smiled at her, rising from his spot behind his desk with open arms, "'M so happy to see you, c'mere." 
It was instinct the way she moved across the office, dropping the bag of food into one of the chairs opposing his desk with her bag and keys. (Y/N) smushed her face against his chest as soon as she was close enough, looping her arms around his middle while Harry's became a cradle around her shoulders. 
"Hi," she peeped against his chest, eyes falling closed. 
"My pretty girl," he hummed as he dropped a kiss to the top of her head. "Best surprise ever, you know that?" 
"Good," she tried to laugh, urging her lungs to relax, "I was starting to worry that I wasn't supposed to be here." 
"What do you mean?" Harry asked, unpeeling himself from around her. Shifting his grip, he laced a hand through hers while he reached for the bag of food on his desk, a smile appearing on his face when he noticed the restaurant name on the plastic. 
Flashing back to the tight air that filtered through the lobby downstairs and the unexpected run-in with a classmate, (Y/N) only shrugged. Fanning her gaze across his office, she followed after him as he took her to the comfortable pair of chairs stationed by the floor to ceiling window that plated one side of his office. The perfect spot to schmooze clients and lunch with other executives. 
"It's just really fancy here, and all," (Y/N) settled on as she sunk into the plush leather of the chair. 
A huffed laugh left Harry's lips as he doled out the contents of the bag, packets of silverware and napkins being shared on the sidetable planted between the chairs. "Yeah, a little, isn't it? Definitely not what it used to be when I started working here." 
(Y/N) only nodded as he spoke, a small smile on her face. She wanted to be here with Harry, talking about his work, seeing his excitement when he realized what she picked up for him, or just allowing the fact she was spending time with him to wash over her. She wanted all of that, but each time she felt herself relax, a moment of Seline's quickly concealed judgement or Shelly's bordering-on-disrespectful surprise flashed through her memory. 
Should she even be here right now? 
"Pretty girl, y'got me my melt!" Harry chirped with a bright smile, bringing her attention back to the moment where an unopened takeaway box sat on her lap. 
A genuine curve of her lips molded her features. This was what she had been looking forward to when she thought up her plan. "And, I even made sure they put all that gross stuff you like on there." 
Harry scoffed and made a face as he reached for a pack of cutlery. "'S not gross to have mushrooms on a melt, love. At least 'm not dipping it in ketchup or something worse." 
With a pointed glance in her direction, Harry waited for the explosion she was going to give him. 
"Harry Styles, that was one time, and I was drunk. It's not fair to keep bringing that up!" 
The bright smile on his face was reward enough for all the trouble she'd gone through to make it to his office. "'S jus' shocking, that's all," Harry pressed, his curls falling over his forehead as he shook his head, "As a self-proclaimed grilled cheese purist, I expected a little better out of you." 
Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) cracked open her own box. From the corner of her eye, she could see Harry digging into his lunch, spinach leaves and avocado smears edging out the back of the sandwich. 
"You know," he started, swallowing down his bite while (Y/N) twirled her side of macaroni on her fork, "y'should be happy that's the most embarrassing thing you've done around me while drunk. By the time I was your age, I had friends who had to babysit me at parties after this one time I tried to eat some girl's cigarette. I only have photos to prove that even happened, though because I don't remember a second of it." 
Normally, (Y/N) would have been enamored at the mention of what Harry was like when he was university aged like her. But, today the phrase of when I was your age, struck a cord in her. 
There hadn't been too much thought in her head about their age gap when she met Harry. The only time she had really thought about it was when Harry brought it up, telling her that he hadn't wanted to pursue her sooner in hopes of avoiding making her uncomfortable. When he had told her that, she remembered the way she canted her head to the side with a furrow in her brow; the fact he was thirty-five (or close to, when they met) hadn't been something that sounded all that bad to her. If he had showed her any kind of interest earlier, (Y/N) wouldn't have given it a single thought before trying to subtly flirt her way into his life. 
Today had been the first time she really had to confront their age gap in a way that didn't make her feel protected and warm. 
Sure, she could understand a moment's hesitation. They weren't a traditional coupling, and that was fine, but hearing more than once that she was not what others had expected to be Harry's girlfriend got under her skin. The mention of a previous professor just about sealed the deal for (Y/N). 
Of course, someone his age would be able to bond over the same things they grew up with, the same formative years and pop culture references. Of course, he would be better matched to someone with the same level of maturity who was on the same chapter of their life. 
"What's got y'thinking so hard over there, sweetheart? Making me nervous y'jus' remembered y'left the stove on or something." Harry's joking brought her back to the present, the bright open space of his office greeting her from where she emerged in the back of her head. 
(Y/N) shook her head, "Nothing. I was watching Love Island before I left, and those people are so weird sometimes." As expected Harry's smile turned crooked at the mention of the television show she had managed to get him sucked into on more than one occasion. 
"Yeah? What happened this time?" 
"Too much, I'll have to show you later," (Y/N) brushed off. She could barely remember half of the contestants' names right now, let alone recall any specific scene of the episode she watched today. She had much bigger things on her mind. "Can I ask you something, H?" 
The responding hum he gave her was enough to have (Y/N) pushing at the fries littering her takeaway box as she tried to construct her question. 
"Have you... You've told people about us, right?" 
Harry nodded his head as he plucked a dangling piece of spinach off his melt. "Yeah, I've mentioned y'to my colleagues and all and talked about you at a couple of events and everything. Why?" 
Urging herself to be nonchalant, (Y/N) tried her best despite the robotic motion of her shoulders as she shrugged. "Both of the people I talked to—the receptionists—seemed really surprised to see me." 
"I mean, y'surprised even me, sweetheart," Harry laughed, smiling around the French fry he tossed in his mouth. 
"I know. I guess, it was like they were surprised to see me. Like, they couldn't believe that I was your girlfriend." (Y/N) zipped her lips before she could manage to spill any more of what was running through her head while she had been pinned under the microscope of his employee's gazes. 
 A furrow pinched at his brow as he wiped at his mouth. "I don't really show pictures of you, or anything since 's no one's business," Harry paused as he spoke, "But, I can start doing that if y'want? Was thinking about putting a picture of you on m'desk anyway, so we can start there." 
While the mention of being a fixture on Harry's work desk was a sweet sentiment, that wasn't exactly what she had been shooting for. She didn't know how to tell him about what had happened out in the waiting areas, not wanting to cause any problems or drama, and Harry didn't seem to understand what she was hinting at. She could always bring it up later, once he was out of his work clothes and (Y/N) wasn't feeling so raw from the experience. 
With that thought, (Y/N) brushed off the memories and sunk herself into the leather of her chair. 
"You'd put me on your desk?" she smiled at him, trying not to picture what Seline or Shelly would do if they saw a photograph of Mr. Styles with his co-ed girlfriend in his office. 
"Course," Harry cemented, a sweet smile on his features, "It'd be a whole lot easier than unlocking m'phone every five minutes to see your picture." 
Though there was a dark corner in the back of her mind that couldn't even begin to prune the poisonous weeds growing there, (Y/N) did her best to accept Harry's sweetness as it was. 
He loved her and she loved him back just as much, that was all that mattered. 
By the time (Y/N) made it back to Harry's house, she couldn't think of another time she had been this exhausted. 
Lunch with him was perfect after she managed to banish those inflammatory feelings from her mind, but it was the trek back downstairs when his lunch hour was up that wrung her out. Shelly was behind her desk when (Y/N) left Harry's office, giving her a polite smile and see you later  pinged in (Y/N)'s head knowing that the next time she would see the receptionist would be on her college campus. Seline was just as polite, but still vacant as she flicked her gaze to (Y/N)'s shoes that squeaked over the tile on accident. 
It was nothing they said, but the way they looked at her that had (Y/N) fidgeting on the drive back. Shelly could be a bit of a gossip from what (Y/N) could remember back when they shared a class, and it wouldn't surprise her to find out that the ding she heard from Seline's computer was a message from Shelly dishing about Mr. Styles' girlfriend. 
(Y/N) was an overthinker and she knew that. The stupidest things in class could have her up at night analyzing every moment in fear she said the wrong thing or wasn't nice enough in a single moment. Everything with Andrew and Iris that happened forever ago had made her lose many weeks of sleep trying to figure out where she had gone wrong to cause either of them to treat her so poorly. When she and Harry started getting closer, she remembered the nights she would lay with her eyes on the ceiling trying to figure out if the way he said 'just friends' really meant they were only friends or if she should put more stock in the way he held her to his side and clung to her hand as he walked her home. She spun herself out on more than one occasion, and it appeared her power was needed once more. 
Stepping over the threshold to his house, (Y/N) was washed over with Harry's scent. Though the hallmarks of the typical comfort she felt walking into his space remained, she still had that lingering feeling of being out of place. Just like she had at his office. 
She kept her shoes on as she trekked through the space, forgoing the usual ritual of shucking them off before placing them beside Harry's own collection by the door. Her bag hung limply in her hand as he walked down the hall. She felt ready to bolt at a moment's notice like a spooked animal. 
Though he was partial to hanging art pieces through his home, Harry still had his fair share of personal photos pasted to the walls. A panel dedicated to his family and friends stole (Y/N)'s attention as she approached his room, eyes grazing the pictures. Many were with the friend group she was now apart of, majority with Harry's closest friends of the bunch, Mitch and Sarah. She could see holidays and getaways spent with his people; tan as he vacationed with Mitch and Tom and Jeff in Jamaica, and bundled up with a cap covering his curls while spending time in Japan. 
Trailing her eyes through the photographs, Harry's smile seemed to show the brightest in pictures with his family. More often than not, his mother and sister were tucked underneath his arms, matching smiles on their faces as they gazed into the lens. The trio of them all looked so similar; dark hair and pretty eyes, dimples and high cheekbones. 
(Y/N) wondered if his mom smiled like that when Harry told her about his girlfriend. When he told her that his girlfriend was still in university and had to have Harry order for her when they went out because she was too anxious to do it herself. Did those dimples still crater her cheeks when Harry detailed out how his girlfriend's ID was still skeptically looked at by bouncers and bartenders, a handful of them even blatantly asking if it was a fake or giving Harry a dirty look for corralling some young girl out to the bars with him. (Y/N) wondered how his sister reacted the first time she saw a photo of them on instagram, and even moreso when she had inevitably perused (Y/N)'s page after and found teenaged photos that weren't that far down the feed. 
Did either of them look the way Seline had? Did they share that same shocked surprise that Shelly had written all over her face?
Shaking her head, (Y/N) willed herself to go to his room, tearing her gaze from the wall of photos that she was only using to hurt her own feelings. Those weeds of doubt that had sprouted back at Harry's office had vined around her mind and taken her hostage with no escape route in place. 
(Y/N) knew in her heart that Harry was her perfect match; she could trust herself on that decision. No one had loved or cared for her the way he did. No one she had ever known texted her in the middle of the day just because they saw a bundle of clouds that looked like this little plush dog (Y/N) had loved as a kid. No one called her first thing in the morning with the express purpose of leaving her a voicemail to wake up to. 
She knew that Harry was her perfect match, but maybe she wasn't his. 
Was she holding him back? There could be someone out there that could actually relate to him when he brought up some toy he had as a kid that was discontinued before (Y/N) was even born. Someone who could afford to treat him to more than a cup of coffee or lunch at a greasy diner. There could be someone who could fit him better, but he was too busy entertaining her to find them.
Sinking into the edge of his mattress, (Y/N) hung her head in her hands with her elbows digging into her thighs. She knew she needed to stop herself right now, right where she was in her never-ending process of negativity. She wasn't being rational. 
Harry loved her and he wouldn't waste his time on someone the didn't believe was worth it. And, (Y/N) knew she loved him just as much, if not more than he did her. Spiraling over all of this wasn't helpful to anyone, especially when she knew there was no reason to doubt her gut or her place in Harry's life. 
But, that insecurity that rooted itself in her brain and guilt that had flooded in along with it wasn't that easy to boot. 
Pulling her head from her hands, she looked to the mess of her stuff she had made by his closet door, duffle bag left open with her clothes spilling out from all sides. (Y/N) sighed as she stood up, reaching down to clean up the mess she left on his floor after rifling through for her outfit for the day. In a pang of bitterness, she couldn't help but knock herself down with the thought that Prof Frances would never leave a mess like this at Harry's house. She was too mature, and put together to leave her charging cable laying along the floor with extra underwear hanging out of the side pocket to her bag. 
Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) shoved her things harder into her bag, wrinkling and mushing her clothes into a lump of fabric. She was mad at herself for getting so hung up over this all; it wasn't even bad what was said today! Sure it was a bit annoying to be compared to a teenager and told that her old professor would be a more predictable fit for Harry, but no one was out to hurt her feelings—it had only been herself knocking her down. Slumping back on her heels before her bag, (Y/N) wondered if she might have better luck of shaking this feeling if she just went home. 
There, she could shower using her fancy body scrub that was too hard to transport for sleepovers at Harry's, use her sweet-smelling shampoo and even do a face mask and wipe away everything that had bothered her today. At home she could lick her wounds and be a better partner to Harry when she wasn't so raw and down on herself. While she thought she hid it pretty well over lunch how upset she was, she knew it wasn't fair to Harry to wait for him to come home after a long day and pretend she was in the best of moods. 
With a sigh, brows pinched at the middle, (Y/N) hooked her overnight bag over her shoulder before reaching for her phone. She had her eyes placed on her phone as she left his room, making a point to bypass the wall of family photos without a glance. 
     hey h I think Im gonna go home:( im not feeling super good and really want to shower at my place and sleep some before class tomorrow. ill bring your shirt back after I wash it and everything. sorry :(
Her hands shook as he pressed send before locking his front door behind her. Locking her phone, (Y/N) made her way to her car with a pit in her tummy. It didn't feel good to lie to Harry, especially when it was a lie that would keep her from spending time with him. She didn't even want to see the inevitable sweet text he would send back, most likely offering to drop off soup or come by for a cuddle if she needed someone to help take care of her. In the long run, though, she knew this time apart would be good for them. 
That's why even when Harry texted her back with with a sad face and a promise that it was alright, pretty girl, she couldn't waver. Even when he sent her another message after he had assumed she'd fallen asleep while she was taking her time in the shower that he missed her and couldn't wait to see her later this week. He was here for her if she needed anything, he reminded her. 
Locking her phone without responding that night was the hardest thing she had to do. 
Harry felt his heart ache when he stepped out of the shower, looping towel around his waist as he saw (Y/N) hadn't texted him back still. Poor thing really must not be feeling well if she conked out at seven, his little night owl. 
He hadn't been too surprised when she messaged him earlier in the day to let him know she wasn't feeling well, but it still made his shoulders drop at the prospect of her not being there when he got home. She had been a bit off during lunch, lost in her head and reluctant to eat more than a few bites before she claimed she was full from breakfast still. He was worried about her when he saw that she hadn't even been enticed by the side of macaroni and cheese she ordered for herself, the diner being one of her favorite places to have it. If not for the fact she told him she wanted to get some sleep in so she could be well enough for class tomorrow, Harry would have insisted in going to her place after he got off work. But, he knew that if he stopped by, she would do what she always did and try to stay awake as long as possible with him. 
If she wasn't well enough by Wednesday when they had plans to see one another, he wouldn't take no for an answer to bring her some soup or coddle her through her bug, like she had declined tonight instead for sleep. 
Settling into bed, Harry was wrapped in (Y/N)'s scent that puffed through his comforter as he fluffed it around himself. When he closed his eyes, it was like she was still with him. 
After setting his alarm early enough he had time to call (Y/N) and leave a good morning voicemail and make his cup of coffee before heading to work, Harry filled his head with all the love and affection he wished he could be giving to (Y/N) in that moment. Hopefully she would feel some of it and know he was thinking about her, and could help her feel somewhat better.
Harry hoped she was thinking about him, too.
Though the threat of a day's worth of classes loomed over her head, (Y/N) woke on Wednesday morning feeling worlds better than she had even twenty-four hours prior. She had made the right choice in staying with herself for a couple of days, having all that time to spend with herself to get her head screwed on straight and talk herself down from the spiraling decline she had set herself up for. 
Tuesday had been a hard day to get through, especially as she started the day with a mention of her faux-illness in Harry's morning voicemail. That guilt she felt about holding him back, not being the right person to make him happy only increased ten-fold when she tacked on the fact she had lied to get away from him for a couple of nights. But, since she had all that time to herself she was allowed to wallow for a few hours before being sucked into real life and having to exit her head. 
The reality of it all was that it didn't matter what ran through Seline's head when she saw who her boss's girlfriend was. Same thing with Shelly; she had assumed Harry would be interested in someone like Prof Frances, but that wasn't true. Harry was interested in someone like (Y/N), and she loved him back just as much. That was all that mattered, and if anyone really had any issues, any quarrels about her age or whether or not she was an appropriate person for Harry to be in love with, didn't. She was happy with him, completely dedicated and willing to be in this relationship, and she knew he felt the same. That was all that mattered. 
By the time she'd gone to sleep on Tuesday night, (Y/N) was still happy to have this time to herself (especially since she was doing all kinds of body skincare that entailed her hands to be wrapped in serum soaked gloves and feet to be in the same situation), she missed Harry. At least this time she didn't pretend to be asleep while he was texting her. 
Wednesday morning was a piece of cake by then. The pit of anxiety that had weighed her down since Monday was finally gone, and (Y/N) couldn't have been more excited to see Harry that night. 
She just had to get through class first. 
By the time her final class of the day started—creative writing with Prof Daniels at two p.m every Wednesday and Friday—(Y/N) was excited. She actually really loved the current assignment for the class, and didn't feel even a tint of exhaustion at the idea of having plans after she was done for the day. If she made enough progress on her draft today, she might even be able to share what she had done with Harry and see what he thought. 
After Mr. Daniels made his introduction for the day, reminding the class of the first draft's due date and what themes are meant to be focused on for this assignment, he retired to his office for the hour leaving everyone to independently work and make progress on their drafts. A few of her classmates left once their professor went to his office, getting the attendance grade before going off to do whatever else they wanted for the day, but (Y/N) stayed planted in her spot, headphones in her ears.
Wanting to start off on the right foot when this project was announced, (Y/N) had outlined the general flow of the piece with each of the required themes weaved throughout, making this entire process much easier than she had in the past. (Y/N) had found her groove moments later, typing away at her laptop with quick glances back and forth at her handwritten outline. Much of the class had emptied out for the hour when she bothered to take a look around, but she didn't mind being one of the few that took advantage of this allotted time to finish her work. Besides, she didn't want to go home and forget what time it was while she was working only to have Harry come in to see her still in her sweats when she had something a little bit prettier planned to greet him with. 
When (Y/N) had just made it through the first section of her piece, out of the corner of her eye she noticed someone settling in the seat beside her. A quick glance showed it was one of the girls in her class that she often peer reviewed with, Isla. She was someone (Y/N) had met through Iris but wasn't all that close to either of them, which (Y/N) was thankful for after everything that had happened; she was nice during peer reviews and gave honest feedback, and (Y/N) would have hated having to find someone else in the class if she insisted on being loyal to Iris. 
Isla's body was positioned in her seat to face (Y/N), knees pointed toward her with a smile on her face. Her laptop was still stationed at the typical desk she occupied, so (Y/N) figured she wasn't switching her seating situation. Plucking a headphone out of her ear, (Y/N) paused her music. 
"Hey," she greeted Isla, voice quiet despite the fact almost all of her remaining classmates had their own headphones on and music playing, "What's up?" 
"Hey, (Y/N)," Isla smiled at her, quickly glancing at her phone that was lit up in her lap, "I'm so sorry to bother you, I know we're supposed to be working on our stories." 
"Its okay," (Y/N) brushed off, giving her attention to Isla despite the blinking cursor on her screen that urged her to keep going, "Did you need help with something?" 
Isla shook her head, red curls fluttering around her face, "Oh no, this is actually super weird. But, my roommate told me something that didn't sound right, but I wanted to ask you if it was true." 
A furrow pinched at (Y/N)'s brow as she listened. Couldn't Isla have just googled this? 
"Okay," she started, "I don't know if I'll know the answer, but I'll try." 
Releasing her bottom lip that had gone trapped between her teeth, Isla grabbed for her phone in her lap one more time. "You know Shelly Blake, right?" 
At the mention of Shelly's name, (Y/N) felt all the color drain from her face. Nonetheless, she gave Isla a small nod, rolling her lips between her teeth. She knew where this was going.
"Well, my roommate had brunch with her this morning, I guess, and Shelly said that you're dating her boss," Isla babbled, not being nearly as quiet as (Y/N) wanted, "But I told Kerry—my roommate—that I don't think that's true because I think Shelly's boss is, like, thirty or something. But, Shelly says that you, like, went to her office and went and saw him and all, but, I don't know, I don't believe it. I know you have a boyfriend and all, but it's not him, right?" 
(Y/N)'s mouth ran dry as soon as she heard the mention of Harry's age. Of course, that would be the point of contention as to why there was no way (Y/N) could be dating Shelly's boss. 
She didn't know what to say, but (Y/N)'s silence seemed to be enough for Isla to realize her own answer. (Y/N) worried her fingers in her lap as she tried to come up with something to say, the nourishing mask she had done on her hands the night before making a much harder task of picking at her cuticles. 
"Um, actually," (Y/N) started, feigning a smile on her features so she didn't make this interaction any more awkward by showing that she was hurt, "it is true. I've been dating him for a little while now, and I just went and visited him for lunch on Monday." 
"Oh," Isla sounded, glancing back at her phone before finally locking the device and turning it facedown, "I didn't know that. I guess I always figured the guy you post on instagram was from that tech university that's an hour away or something since I'd never seen him around." 
"Oh, no," (Y/N) shook her head, pleasant face still in place, "He's an executive at Shelly's company in the city. We just don't really hang out on campus and all, obviously." 
"And he's really, like, thirty?" 
That pit (Y/N) had been afraid of returning began to open up in her tummy again, working like a blackhole as it tried to suck her in from the inside out. "Yeah—um, he's thirty-five, actually. His birthday was a couple of months ago." 
"Wow," Isla said simply, brows raising over her eyes, "I had no idea. I didn't even know you liked older guys. Or, that there were any actually cute ones around here that were willing to date college girls." 
Just as (Y/N) was about to explain that while his age was something she found attractive, she wasn't necessarily into 'older guys', she was into Harry, Isla cut her off with a bubbling gasp that fed into a set of laughter. 
"You didn't meet him on one of those sugar daddy sites, did you? Because I've always wondered if they worked, and if you did meet him on one you need to tell me which one because I need to try."
While she knew Isla was only trying to play around, (Y/N) didn't know what to say and knew she wasn't hiding it that well. She was sure Shelly or Seline had the same phrase—sugar daddy—running through their head when they realized her relationship to Harry, but neither of them had said it out loud. There was nothing inherently wrong with those kinds of arrangements, especially when everyone was happy and willing, but to have her love for Harry be reduced down to a relationship based on favors and cash hurt (Y/N) more than she realized it could. She would never use Harry for his money or take advantage of the fact he had the means to take care of her in places where she couldn't. That was never something she ever considered when she met him, or that ever crossed her mind still. 
"Oh my god, (Y/N), I'm so sorry, that's not how I meant it at all," Isla rushed out as soon as she realized her mistake, her hands out between them as if she could wipe her comment out of thin air, "I just realized how that sounded, but I promise I didn't mean it like that, at all! I know he's your actual boyfriend, and its not like that at all. I was only trying to joke around, I'm sorry!" 
"It's okay, it's okay," (Y/N) said, trying to soothe the situation as best she could and hopefully get Isla's volume down before someone overheard her, "I know you were only joking, I just wasn't expecting it, that's all." 
"Are you sure?" Isla edged, features molded into an apology.
"Totally," (Y/N) pressed, "Don't worry about it, okay? It's not a big deal." The blackhole in (Y/N)'s stomach would love to beg to differ, though. 
"Okay," Isla accepted with a reluctant smile, "Its cool if I tell my roommate that its true then? About you and Shelly's boss and all?" 
In this moment, (Y/N) would rather die than have more people know about her relationship status and the opinions that went along with it, but there was no use in stopping it now. "Yeah, of course. Just let her know we didn't meet on a sugar daddy site, so I have no idea how legit those are." 
Her comment drew a laugh out of Isla's lips, finally easing her from her faux-pas. "Thanks, (Y/N). Sorry to bother you, again." 
As Isla stood from her borrowed seat, (Y/N) shook her head. "Its totally fine." 
After sharing quiet goodbyes, (Y/N) was left alone again with Isla settling in her typical post towards the front of the room. Pushing her headphones back into her ears, (Y/N) wanted to resume where she was at in her assignment, but couldn't find the spot in her brain to concentrate. Her outline no longer seemed useful with all of her previous work feeling like it was for naught now that she couldn't concentrate for the life of her. 
She knew her resolve was fragile when she made her peace with those comments she heard on Monday, but she didn't know it was this fragile. 
Not only had she been branded a teenage stalker, but she was now a sugar baby using Harry for his money—two things that had been shared with her in less than a week. The thread holding her sanity together was moments away from snapping if someone shared one more thought about her relationship. 
With another fifteen minutes left of class, (Y/N) just decided pack it up for the day. There was no way she was going to get any work done at this point, too much else on her mind to even begin to focus on her story. With her headphones in and bag slung over her shoulder, (Y/N) made her way out of the lecture hall with a wave over her shoulder to Isla. 
The cool air outside did some good for her as she tried to clear her mind, feeling a little less trapped in the pit in her stomach with so much space around her in the quad. Now that she was alone, (Y/N) felt the urge for her eyes to fill with tears she'd been holding back for days. 
She was just so frustrated, and, god, her feelings were hurt. Why she had to field questions about the validity of her relationship at all was something she didn't understand. Then to add that the three opinions she was given this week weren't the most kind of comments that have ever been shared with her, she wanted to scream with the frustration in her bones. 
Yes, Harry was older than her, and that was where she needed the conversation to stop. She didn't need to hear about how she had been mistaken for being someone's daughter that held misplaced affection for Harry. She didn't need to explain that no, they didn't meet on a dating site with the express purpose of setting up arrangements between wealthy men and girls like herself. Everything extra she had to field and explain was pushing her into that dark, weeded corner in the back of her mind. 
Making it to her car, (Y/N) didn't have the strength to hold back her tears anymore. The tint of her windows shielded the glimmer of her tears as they fell down her cheeks, tracking through the light layer of makeup she applied that morning. Her lungs squeezed as she tried to breath through her sobs the same way her fists did at her sides.
They'd only been together for a little over half a year, and just barely scratched the surface of the kind of comments (Y/N) feared they would get until she was old enough that people didn't notice the gap between them. How much longer could she do this, if she was now sobbing in her car after only a couple of days worth of off-handed comments. 
Without much forethought, (Y/N) reached for her phone and pulled up Harry's contact.  
      i think that bug i had is coming back :( I felt a little better yesterday but today's been really hard so I don't think it would be a good idea to hang out tonight h im sorry:( I don't want to get you sick:( 
She locked her phone before she could see if he was crafting his own reply back or even read the message. She needed to be alone tonight, and that was all (Y/N) let herself focus on as she drove back home.
Coming out of his meeting, Harry couldn't help but let his shoulders fall as he looked at (Y/N)'s text. She still wasn't feeling well? From what she told him yesterday, she was just about good as new. 
There was no way he was going to let her get away with a third day in a row of not feeling well without stopping by or doing his part to help her feel better. 
Typing out a quick reply, Harry told her he was sad to hear she still wasn't feeling good and that he missed her immensely as he mapped out his stop to the shops before rerouting himself to her apartment after he was done with work for the day. She didn't deserve to care for herself when he was perfectly capable of at least making her some dinner and helping her get to bed. 
And, call him selfish, but Harry couldn't wait to see her again.
Armed with a plastic bag containing the ingredients to his favorite chicken soup his mom used to make him when he was young, and a bouquet of flowers he hoped would brighten her day, Harry knocked on the door to (Y/N)'s apartment. That familiar shuffling sound on the other side of the door sounded through the wood as he awaited her, a grin poking at he edges of his lips at the idea of finally seeing her again for the first time since Monday. 
By the time she opened the door with a creak, Harry's smile dropped as soon as it formed. 
(Y/N)'s eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, lashes bundled together in the fresh wetness that had seeped form her tear ducts. She halfway hid behind the door, peering at him with a quiver in her lip as she avoided his gaze. 
"What are you doing here?" 
While that wasn't exactly the greeting he had been hoping for when he decided to come over, he figured he shouldn't have set his standards up so high knowing that she was feeling sick. He had just hoped she hadn't felt so ill she had to cry over it. 
"Oh, sweetheart," Harry crooned as he gazed at her, taking a careful step forward with the toe of his boot edging over the threshold, "How are y'feeling?" 
"I'm alright," she sniffled, running a heavy hand through her hair, "I thought I told you I couldn't see you tonight." 
"I know, I jus' couldn't live with myself if I didn't come help you even a little. I brought some soup for you." The flowers he had bundled against his chest tickled underneath his chin as he readied to take over her kitchen for the night. 
When she hesitated and dropped her gaze to the floor, Harry felt his gut drop. 
"I think you should go home, Harry." 
The nasal tone of her voice accompanied the wobble of her lower lip as she spoke, her eyes flooding with a new set of tears. 
Reaching out with a reluctant hand, Harry reached for her as he tried not to step through the door no matter how badly he wanted to hold her. He didn't want to overwhelm her. 
"Sweetheart, I don't mind that you're sick, 's alright. Jus' let me take care of you, you're worrying me," he pressed. Just as his hand grazed her cheek, (Y/N) took a step back from him, widening the gap between them that was beginning to feel like a trench. 
The way (Y/N) looked up at him afterwards told him she was just as surprised that she had distanced herself. Harry didn't know what was worse: (Y/N) deliberately taking a step away from him when he tried to touch her, or her moving out of the way on instinct, her subconscious keeping him from touching her? 
"Harry, I-I think I need to be alone tonight." 
"(Y/N), really. I don't mind taking care of you, you kno—" 
"I'm not sick, Harry! I just... Let me be alone." 
Harry stood stock-still, shocked by her outburst. The way she curled up on herself afterwards, recoiling form her own words, could have broken his heart if it wasn't already on its way to being shattered from her second request for him to leave. 
"You're—I thought," Harry floundered, his hand with his bouquet of flowers dropping limply to his side, "Y'told me y'haven't been feeling well since Monday." 
Another heavy hand moved its way through her hair, a tug being administered to her scalp. "I know I did, I'm sorry. I just didn't know if I could talk to you af—" 
(Y/N) was cut off by the sound of her neighbour's door opening, a blonde haired girl walking down the hall with an awkward smile stretched on her face as she realized what she had just walked into. (Y/N) reciprocated as much as she could until her neighbour disappeared down the length of the staircase, that was when her smile dropped again. 
He knew she was feeling embarrassed as she stepped off to the side, widening the berth of the door for Harry to fit through. She gestured for him to step inside, though it lacked every bit of enthusiasm that he had grown accustomed to when he visited her. With the plastic bag crinkling at his side and the bouquet of flowers rustling in the wax paper they were wrapped in, Harry stepped through the threshold of her door, her apartment almost completely silent. 
Standing by awkwardly, Harry waited as she locked her door after him and padded her way to her living room where he stood. Swallowing around the lump in his throat, Harry glanced down at the flowers in his grasp. 
"These are for you, by the way," he murmured, offering her the bundle of white magnolias. 
With her gaze attached to the flowers, Harry watched as (Y/N)'s eyes welled up with a new batch of tears. She peeped out a thank you as she pulled the arrangement from his hand, padding off to her kitchen while Harry stood in silence. 
He didn't know what she was about to tell when her neighbor interrupted them, but he almost didn't want to know. Knowing that she hadn't been ill and was using that as an excuse to avoid him was enough to have him on edge already, he didn't want to know why she had been avoiding him in the first place. 
Relenting himself to sit on her couch, sinking into the stuffed cushion, Harry sat with his chin in his hand and elbows digging into his thighs. It felt like hours as he listened to her pull a vase from her cabinet, followed by the running water for the flowers. Normally he would be there helping her, teasing her as she reached for the vase and helping her arrange the blossoms in the water so every stem could take a dip. Not today, Harry guessed, he wasn't needed.
When she finally joined him, (Y/N) took a spot on the opposing chair set up in her living room, the stiff decorative pillow taking up most of the cushion as she sat on the edge. Shifting his chin in his hand, he gazed at her through his lashes as he waited for her to finish what she started. 
As the silence stretched on, Harry felt more and more cracks appear in his heart. He couldn't take much more of this, especially when she couldn't even muster the courage to look at him. What did she need to tell him that was so bad she couldn't even look at him for a second? 
Dropping his face into his hands, Harry slid his fingers through his curls, a startling pinch being delivered to the roots as he tightened his grip. "Why didn't y'want to talk to me, (Y/N)? What happened?" he grumbled out. 
A sniffle sounded from the chair, but he didn't have the heart to look up. It would only make it harder to hear what she had to say if he had to watch her cry, too. 
"Harry, I—" (Y/N) cut herself off, her thought dropping from her tongue before she had even bothered to finish putting it together, "I don't know how to tell you." 
Something bubbled in his chest as he heard her hesitance to speak to hm still, even as he sat right in front of her. Frustration welled up in his system. How was he supposed to make anything better, fix his mistakes that led to her avoiding him, or make her at least stop crying when she wouldn't even tell him what was wrong?! How was he going to have a chance to save them from whatever had dug itself in her mind when he had no idea what he was up against?!
Forcing a deep breath into his lungs, Harry shuttered his eyes as he kept his head down in his hands. The heels of his palms dug into his eyes as he waited, giving her one last chance to say anything before he would take over. 
With the sound of his blood rushing through his ears, Harry unclenched his jaw, "Start with why y'wanted to avoid me so bad y'pretended to be sick for almost three days." 
"It's not that simple, H—" 
"Then, what happened?! What did I do wrong?! You jus' keep sitting there, crying, but y'wont tell me what I did wrong or how to fix it!" 
By that point, Harry was grateful for the fact his eyes were closed as he pulled his head from his hands, chancing a look up at (Y/N) though that view was quickly distorted by his own round of tears that flooded his vision. Sniffing his nose, Harry scrubbed his hands over his eyes to rid himself of the tears, still too frustrated to worry about them when (Y/N) still hadn't explained. 
With her fingers a nervous bundle in her lap, (Y/N) broke with her bottle lip wobbling and eyes closed as if to stave off another round of crying. "It was when I vi-visted you at work." 
Nodding his head, Harry took in deep breaths, already regretting the way he snapped at her. "Okay, thank you," he started, softening his tone as he gave her to the full of his attention, "What happened?" 
(Y/N) shook her head as she ran her hand through her hair, rolling her eyes at herself. "It wasn't even that big of a deal, so I don't know why it's bothering me so bad," she rushed out, voice wobbling, "It was just... Seline? That receptionist on the lobby floor?" 
Harry nodded his head, beginning to worry at the mention of Seline. She could be a bit cold, that much everyone at the office knew. 
"She—I don't know, it was just weird when I talked to her. I know I wasn't on your permission list or whatever since I was surprising you, but she said something after she figured out that I was there to see you that's just stuck with me." (Y/N) swallowed, her eyes still facing the ceiling as Harry waited on her, his fingers prattling with his rings. "She... She said she didn't want to let me up at first because she wasn't sure if I was a daughter of one of your clients, coming to visit Mr. Styles after getting too attached over a busy dinner." 
Rolling his lips between his teeth, Harry nodded his head. Sounded like Seline, that was for sure. 
(Y/N) finally chanced a glance down at him then, feeling somewhat more calm now that she was getting everything out that had been rattling her brain for almost three days now. 
"Then," she continued, surprising Harry as he had just began devising some kind of plan to keep Seline from being so rude to people in the waiting area,  "I didn't realize that the Shelly on your floor was someone I go to school with." Harry sighed as he figured out where this was going. "She was really surprised to see me," (Y/N) muttered, fluttering her lashes as she tried to keep her waterworks at bay, "As soon as I told her I was your girlfriend, she got kind of weird and told me she didn't expect your girlfriend to be someone like me. When I asked her what she meant, she brought up this professor that used to work at my school, that everyone thought was really pretty, and was around your age, obviously. It wasn't that bad but after what I heard from Seline, it didn't really help.
"And then, today, I guess Shelly got brunch with the roommate of a girl in my creative writing class, and they apparently talked about how I'm dating Shelly's thirty year old boss, and the girl in my class asked if I met you on a sugar daddy website." 
Now, that stung. The other two comments she shared with him hurt him for the fact it was hurting (Y/N), cheap shots taken at their relationship that questioned the depth of it just because of the gap between their ages. But this one—the implication that their relationship was nothing more than Harry giving out money and gifts in exchange for (Y/N)'s company—took a stab at his heart. 
Harry knew what a relationship would look like to others the second he took a liking to (Y/N). That was why, other than wanting to maintain (Y/N)'s happiness and comfort in her friend group, he didn't pursue her. He knew that someone of his age and position financially wasn't supposed to mix with a college-age girl that had piled on student loans and worked as much as she could on the side to help pay for school. He knew that those two things could invite people to make comments or pull faces, he knew that. But, maybe they had just been lucky with how well it was going beforehand; their friends didn't mind, never once making a comment or raising a brow at the idea of the two of them together, along with his family being so supportive when he divulged details about his (Y/N), and even strangers on the street didn't give them a second glance. They had been successfully missing any of these comments up until this point, and, of course, it was (Y/N) who had to endure them. 
If he hadn't already felt like shit for yelling at her earlier, now he felt like he should go sit on the curb with the rest of the trashbins. 
Rising from his position on the couch, Harry moved to crouch in front of (Y/N). Instinctively, she spread her legs wide enough to allow him access to sit between. Settling his hands on either of her thighs, he waited on her to return to her living room with him, leaving the dark space of her head behind. 
"(Y/N)?" he murmured, squeezing the full of her flesh in his palms, "Look at me, love." 
Running her fingertips under her eyes, (Y/N) cleared her tears away before she looked down at him, her bottom lip trembling though she tried to hold it all back. "I'm sorry, Harry." 
"Hey, hey," he crooned, shaking his head, "Don't need to be sorry, okay? Don't need to apologize for what they said." 
"B-But, I shouldn't have stopping seeing you or talking to you over it," she countered, dropping her gaze to her lap though she didn't dare lace her fingers between his like she usually did, "I just didn't know what to do. I started to feel guilty." 
"What do you mean, pretty girl? Guilty over what?" 
"Li-Like I was holding you back or something," she whispered, the volume of her voice being the only thing that kept it from breaking, "I-I don't want you to mi-miss out on someone who might fit you better. Or, at least be able to handle something like this without avoiding you." 
Harry shook his head as he stood to his feet, reaching for her hands that were bundled into a fumbling mess as she kept them from grabbing for his. Wrapping his fingers around her wrists, he pulled her to stand up before he replaced himself in her seat. The decorative pillow was crushed under his weight, becoming an uncomfortable lump under his bottom but Harry didn't pay it any mind as he pulled (Y/N) to sit in his lap. Her legs hung over the side of his own, her shoulder pressed against his chest as he looped his arms around her, interlocking his fingers as they rested on her hip. 
"You've got to listen to me, (Y/N), 'kay?" Harry waited until he got a small nod from her, eyes meeting his through the frame of her lashes. "There's no one out there that could fit me better than y'do, do you hear me? I had some extra time before I ever even met you to meet this better fit, and I've never found anyone that comes close to the way y'make me feel. There's no one out there that would love me better than y'can, and I know that. Don't feel guilty over something that doesn't exist." 
"No, I told y'to listen to me, didn't I?" Harry stopped her, unwilling to hear her make up fake scenarios about someone who didn't exist. "It hurts knowing that these comments made y'want to avoid me, but I understand why because I understand you. Y'weren't trying to hurt me, y'jus' wanted some time to yourself to be a little mopey and figure it all out before y'saw me again—I understand. Right?" 
"Yeah," she peeped, her cheeks heating and eyes watering as she listened to him, "I didn't mean to hurt you, Harry." 
"I know, I know," he murmured, dropping a careful kiss to her cheek, his heart eased when she didn't flinch away. "And 'm not upset now that I know, okay? Don't need to be sad over that. And, 'm sorry I yelled at you; I got scared when y'wouldn't say anything, but I shouldn't have done that. We're a team and teams don't work when one of us is being mean." The small nod and I forgive you, that (Y/N) gave him allowed for a short smile to carve into Harry's lips before he grew serious. "I jus' need y'to be honest with me for a second, then." 
A short nod came from (Y/N) as her hands unraveled, finally relieving Harry as she curled her fingers around his forearm to keep him close. 
Swallowing, Harry tried to figure the best way to phrase any of his questions. "Do you...Did any of what these people said make y'doubt being with me?"
Her answer was immediate in the shake of her head, stray strands of hair fluttering around her face, "No, no, no. I love you so much, Harry, I just want you to be happy. I don't want you to be bothered one day when you realize I'm not at the same spot as you; I don't know all of those references you make and I can't take you out for fancy dinners the way you do for me. At least not until I'm out of school." 
"I don't—... None of that matters to me, okay?" he reassured her with a squeeze of his arms around her, "I don't care about any of that. I like getting to see y'grow and learn and I never expect you to pay me back for any of the things I do for you. I don't understand all of your little jokes, either, sweetheart, and I know that doesn't bother you, because you're like me in that way. We love being with each other, and that's what makes us happiest, so that's all that matters. Right?" 
A watery smile worked its way on her lips as she nodded her head. "Right." 
"See, sweetheart," he cooed, "As long as we're on the same page about that, we can get through anything, can't we?" He was rewarded with another short nod and quiet smile. "'M sorry that y'were the one that had to hear those things, and I want y'to know that y'never have to hide that from me again. Tell me and I'll help talk y'down, okay?"
"Good girl," he praised her, even when she couldn't speak louder than a whisper and manage a smile bigger than the one on her lips if she didn't want her features to crumble. "'M always gonna help you, jus' need y'to tell me how. Can y'promise me that?" 
"I promise, Harry." 
"M'best girl, aren't you?" he crooned to her, dropping his face to nudge his nose again her own. Her smile grew as she took in his words, just as he wanted. "Can I kiss you, sweetheart?" he asked her the full of his lips brushing against her own. 
The quiet nod he gave him was all he needed before he pressing his lips in affectionate pecks all over her face, starting with her plush lips. With each dot of his lips over her skin, more and more bubbling giggles fell from (Y/N)'s smiling mouth, his grip on her tightening as she wiggled in his lap. The bridge of her nose was smothered in his love before he tapped over her cheeks with his lips. Her forehead wasn't spared in the carnage either, getting as many kisses as he could fit in the space until he had to drop his kisses to her eyelids. The salt of her tears was bittersweet as he tasted them on his kiss; sweet knowing that he was able to quell them, but the bitter taste lingered knowing that they started in sadness. By the time he made his way back down to her lips, she was smiling too big to pucker her lips against his. 
"Kiss me back, pretty girl," he murmured, his own amusement seeping into his tone no matter how hard he tried to keep it held back. 
That was all the encouragement she needed before (Y/N) was cradling his face in her hands and trying her best to kiss him through her smile. It was clumsy and off-center, not perfect by far, but it was easily one of Harry's favorite kisses he's ever shared with her. This was where all of her sweetness concentrated itself: in her kiss as she nudged her nose against his and breathed out giggles every time Harry pulled away. 
"I love you," she spoke against his kiss. 
"I love you too, sweetheart, always," he murmured, drawing away just enough to match his gaze to hers. "Me and you, remember?" 
The mantra he had repeated to her more than once brought a bright smile to (Y/N)'s face. 
"Me and you, H." 
angst is always so hard for me to write so I hope everyone enjoys this! thank u sm for reading and sorry for any mistakes! if you have any ideas or requests of your own please send them in:)
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headingalaxys-spicy · 21 days
Thinking of Ludwig slowly becoming a yandere after being in a relationship with his s/o for years and s/o just accepts it because they love him so much. They take every punishment he gives, and feel torn between wanting to escape but they love him too much to leave. They’re timid around him and he takes advantage of that, teasing them for his own pleasure- that’s what I’m thinking about 😅
Hello there you beautiful human. Thanks for waiting in purgatory for your ask to be answered. I hope it satisfies you ✨
Gonna put the warning here : Totally touches on things like toxic relationships that are abusive so if that’s triggering for you then yeaaaah skip this one.
How you first encountered Ludwig: 
You were having a blast at a small German town's annual summer festival. You’d gotten separated from your friend group as you spotted some fancy Deutsch wine crafted by a family doing it for over 200 years. You hadn’t realized that you were pretty drunk when you’d bumped into the German General & spilled your cherry red wine all over him as you took a tumble to the ground. 
“Oh Sheibe! Es tut mir leid! Ich kann diesen Kleidung sauber helfen.” Panicked, you pulled out many napkins and water bottles to assist him with removing the stain. Ludwig may have been annoyed but became relaxed & spellbound by your beautiful face, perfectly framed by your freshly trimmed hair. 
‘Humph. Well, at least they’re remorseful.’ 
“Es ist okay. I have dry cleaners I can drop this uniform off at and more to wear, but…” Ludwig reached into his back pocket to pull out his business card. 
“If you’re around in Berlin & want to get the best Wurst in all of Germany, call or text me. Ciao” 
[He learned his rizz from Italy.] 
The first date was a smooth yet fantastical affair. The two of you dawdled through the sprawling city of Berlin. From the Brandenburg gate to the TV tower, & down to the River Spree. You got to be fully immersed in the capital city of Deutschland by none other than its resolute representative, Ludwig Belischmidt. 
You were dazzled by all the history he knew of, down to tiny details you knew couldn’t be found in a surface-level history textbook. Your admiration of him, combined with your cute face & intellect, make it much easier for Ludwig to catch feelings. 
As the two of you moved past the honeymoon phase and into the waves of a long-term relationship, you began to notice subtle changes in Ludwig. 
He wouldn’t complement or encourage you as much. Instead, his adoration would be criticism or telling you whatever you accomplished wasn’t good enough / didn’t meet his skyscraper-high standards. This breaks down your self-esteem, so you’ll doubt yourself more. Ludwig will want you always to be pining for his approval. 
When you do something that significantly displeases him, he will have you do something that will physically break you down. Ludwig is like a loving but stringent drill sergeant. Here is a short list of things you’ll have to do in order to get back into his good graces: 
50 Push-Ups 
100 Jumping Jacks 
Hold the ‘T’ pose for 30 minutes to an hour 
5 to 15-mile runs (depending on how Sadistic he’s feeling, if someone tried to get close to you, and your level of non-compliance will depend on how long you’ll have to run for) 
These are all things that will exhaust you and prevent you from wanting to talk back, argue with him, etc. This rigorous training also mitigates 80%-85% of your free time to socialize with others. 
Ludwig does his best to avoid putting his hands on you because you’re a human. You’re incredibly fragile. You weren’t meant to withstand him at his maximum strength. However, when you cross him, he has a leather belt to put you back in your place. For the most part, it's not something he takes great pride in, but he needs to keep you under control. He’s realized over the years that once you’ve become emotionally attached to him, he could get away with more & more problematic behavior. All he had to do was hit you with the line: “Es tut mir leid, Liebling. I had to. It was for your own good. I’ll make it up to you.” Ludwig will give you a chastised kiss on the forehead. This gesture never failed to make you turn bright red and send butterflies pouring through your guts. Your heart would sprint due to feeling the adrenaline that comes from being in love. However, your nerves would be feeling a dry stick rubbing against them gaining friction that produced a thick smoke. 
Your typical response to his apology would be followed up by a brief: 
“Kein problem. I forgive you, Ludwig.” 
Even though Ludwigs' smile touched your skin like an early morning Fall sunray heating up your chilly skin, the glaring truth about him and his progressively toxic tendencies became far more difficult to ignore as time continued. 
You evaded his gaze this time when you accepted his apology. You wondered how many times he’s said that to you now. 
‘But all relationships are like this. I shouldn’t have upset him in the first place.’ This was one of the many rationalizations that you told yourself. 
You often wondered how many more times you’d hear him say “sorry” when you cried out for him to “stop” or say “Ludwig, please! It was just a mistake!!!” As more lashes came swinging through the air & made the all too familiar crack against your soft skin. It never failed to vivid crimson 4-inch whiplash there. 
‘Is my relationship with Ludwig actually normal, though?’ Came the uncomfortable question that came to your mind every now & again. It normally materialized after you’d faced another grueling punishment of military-style exercise, a lashing, being denied access to friends, fun, and family, a disagreement, etc. You longed not to have to walk in a minefield of broken glass, eggshells, & razors when navigating conversations with him. 
“Y/N?” Ludwig says sternly with a touch of concern. Your lack of eye contact with him when accepting his apology was a subtle signal to him that he had to go all out when he planned your latest couples' make-up trip. It had to be something spectacular. 
“Yes?” You say in an exhausted tone that was weighed down by the conflict between your heart and your head. You continued to stare at the concrete of the garage. 
“Where do you want to go for dinner?” 
Ludwig would ignore your gradually growing frigid demeanor since you’d been together for such a long time. 
‘It’s just a rough patch. They’ll get over their hesitations soon enough. A well-planned and thought-out day always wins Y/N back.’ 
This is what Ludwig tells himself in order to keep up the delusion that he’s doing nothing wrong and that your relationship is normal. It’s always been this way. 
Why would it be any different now? 
A vacation was the only thing Ludwig needed to get the two of you back on track. 
Usually, Ludwig relished in silence, but not when you refrained to talking to him at all. You would at least give a few compliments about something or try to start a conversation. Only having spoken the basic pleasantries of “Guten Morgen” or “Guten Nacht” with no attempt at speaking more did make him feel uneasy. But not enough to make him rethink where he was going next. 
“Y/N, while planning our trip, I thought we could do something far more exciting.” You stopped staring at your food to move your eyes up to meet his. “We’re going to climb up Watzmann.” Ludwig knew damn well you hated heights. 
“And …..why, for the love of God, would you think I’d enjoy that?” Not being able to hold back your disbelief and irritation. 
“Well, all that training you’ve done. It’s time to test your mettle Y/N! You can’t let all of my hard work go to waste!” Utterly oblivious to the fuse he’s just ignited. 
The tense and uncomfortable silence choked any peace out of the atmosphere. It stayed that way for 90 seconds as the sparks set off the bomb. Its flames made its way through your veins. 
This was not what real love looked like. You pushed your plate away & slammed your fork and knife onto it. Your reaction hit Ludwig like a lightning bolt. 
“I'm seriously done with you, Ludwig!” 
With that, you went back to your hotel room in a huff. Some people stared silently at Ludwig, and others watched you march away. 
You never turned back. 
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