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upmost-rylan · 4 months ago
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Author's note:
This was just supposed to be a #Rylan Rambles but u h I may have gone too far. So THIS IS MESSY SINCE I'VE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE. so please don't expect anything good, I am good at art not story things.
for Eyeless Jack's part is cannibalism ofc
Jeff the killer
Jeff's type is very motherly like he loves a partner who's sweet but will basically drag him by the ear and lecture him for being a bitch. he is loving and sweet in his own way BUT you do have to have thick skin. at least for a while. he'll be throwing every insult in the book at you trying to get you away from him. he is scared of being vulnerable. So as he figures out his emotions it'll definitely be rough for a while and if you play into the "bit" and insulting him back, HE'D BE BLUSHING thinking you know how he feels. Be prepared since that'll be you two's love language! But for anyone who wants a relationship with this man there will definitely be some obstacles with him not being able to properly communicate his emotions in a healthy manner, his anger issues, the fact that this is probably his first ever relationship so it'll be rocky no matter what you do. But when you get over those obstacles and you are still there holding his hand with a smile you'll have a boyfriend FOR LIFE. Also become a sweetheart for those who love the idea of Jeff being soft to his partner.
Eyeless jack
His type to me personally is someone who treats him like he is a normal human being. That's it that's the one thing that'll make him fall head over heels in LOVE with you. But bonus points if you like to crack jokes and puns those ALWAYS make him laugh! He is a simple demon. However, THIS relationship is very much a MESS for at least the first half of it, you're in a relationship with a giant fluffy demon who eats human flesh did you expect it to be normal? This relationship is definitely a game of tug of war of him wanting to basically make you his dinner and wanting to keep you around because he loves you. You'd have to walk a really thin line to make sure this demon doesn't take one of your kidneys. But after a LONG while he'd start to actually act normal for the MOST part. Listen, I love to imagine this guy to be VERY creaturely. you know this if you have seen my design of him after a one or two years of being around you and not eating you; he leave a corpse (whether it's human or animal up to you) at your door like it's some gift from one giant cat.
Tim Wright/Masky
Tim/Masky's type is very "wife"-like if that makes sense (I headcanon him to be Bi-romantic Ace-spec so gender doesn't matter) like Tim to me loves the idea of having the white picit fence dream! it lets him feel like he's normal even for abit. Loves the idea of coming home from work to hug his partner from behind as he watches them cook dinner. Very domestic very demure. To most he's a pretty rough guy considering Masky but to me he's definitely a softy. compliment him and he'll be putty in your hands. 10/10 would 10000% smooch. But you two definitely sometimes have some trouble especially when Masky takes over. With that one YOU WILL N O T be able to sleep. every time you try to sleep be prepared to be shaken awake because masky finds it funny to startle you awake.
Brian Thomas/Hoodie
Listen we had Tim now we gotta do Brian, THEY ARE TWO PEAS IN A BOD YALL👏. His type to me personally is just a funny good vibes person, who loves being on the go and not in one place for too long. Now, this relationship is basically MADE OUT OF POSITIVE VIBES. Brian to me is definitely the type to praise his partner AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY he is a absolute sweetheart. You'd also definitely love him if you like nature walks and hikes. You definitely had to be the first to confess though because if you didn't this situation would definitely be just mutual pining. Also definitely the type to always be following behind his partner since I like to think bro is a TALL man, he wants you to see whats Infront of you and not block the way. His nickname for his partner something nature relationship "duckling" "lil mushroom" "sunshine" or something similar!
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ghostradiodylan · 5 months ago
I really love that I've now been called misogynist AND racist for shipping Rylan, in subtweets (subtumbls?) from people I've never even interacted with. I genuinely do find it hilarious because, to paraphrase the immortal words of Fall Out Boy, I typically don't care what you think as long as it's about me. :3
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But this is getting kinda weird and personal and if you think I won't hear what you say about me just because you've blocked me specifically then you must be new.
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I'm sorry, who was unnecessarily nasty? Because I haven't seen anyone be nasty in this very oblique conversation until now.
For what it's worth, in case anyone with two braincells to rub together was confused (not that they would be), I don't 'have a fetish for gay men' (which is something I feel like only a homophobe would say, but I tend to try not to call names until someone does it to me). I just feel the chemistry between those two characters that's very clearly intended in the script and performances. The arc of their relationship is deeply wholesome and sweet, and that kiss at the campfire is one of the cutest things I've ever seen in a video game. Also Dylan and Ryan sparked something in me that I honestly thought was dead, reminded me that I was full of stories when I was in a very, very dark place in my life and I will love them for that forever. And I've already promised another 100k of fic about them so anyone who has a problem with that can die mad I guess stay tuned for that.
This is a silly thing to fight about and I should be above getting heated over internet shipping wars and responding to insults from unserious people. But when they turn into personal attacks for no good reason? I guess I'm not. I don't want anyone to change what they ship or what they write, I only want them to stop being so smug and superior while willfully misinterpreting the canon and accusing others of the same and so much worse.
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sanityssfall · 9 months ago
here’s a bunch of random The Quarry headcanons!
Dylan constantly makes jokes about his absent limb, most commonly used towards Kait and Ryan but it will usually go something like this. “Hey, lend me a hand, would ya?” Whoever he says this to usually stares at him in horror as he bursts out laughing
Ryan and Dylan watch Bojack Horseman together, Ryan's favourite character is Todd and Dylan's favourite is Mr. Peanutbutter.
Kaitlyn is the only daughter and has at least 3 brothers.
Post-canon, Max and Dylan get along really well.
Anytime Nick says something that really brings out his accent, everyone will mock him by repeating it for at least 3 minutes.
Ryan is autistic, I don't think I need to explain myself.
Ryan always has either black or cherry red nail polish on.
At a sleepover with the whole gang, Jacob tried to wear eyeliner on his waterline but poked himself in the eye and looked like he was crying (he was a little bit) for the next hour.
Emma and Dylan went to a Chappell Roan concert together.
Dylan wears glasses in his personal life, though he wore contacts for camp trying to stay in line with the whole ‘blasè’ Dylan thing.
Ryan wears converse and Dylan wears vans, they constantly argue in which is better.
Ryan is in a band, he plays guitar, and right before camp Dylan and Kait (i hc that they knew eachother from the year before) went to a gig that they opened for and they didn’t even notice until Ryan was talking about it months later.
my inbox is open if you’d like me to write a little bit going into any of these headcanons:))
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sargeantsarmy · 1 year ago
A very specific headcanon ask for the entire The Quarry gang, but what is their bedtime routine (do they even have one, or like what kind of "pyjamas set" do they like to go for) ?
Realized this is less routine and more habits but erm here you go
Abi: She does have a pj set, very princesscore, fluffy and soft, and she sleeps with a million pillows and a million plushies, and bundles up in blankets like she’s going to die from frostbite. When she’s sleeping with her bfs, she uses less blankets but thats just bc Jacob is practically a portable heater and she’s usually stuck in between them
Emma: Usually sleeps in her bra(sometimes she’ll swap it out for a tank top bc ow) and underwear bc she doesn’t care enough to have pjs, but if she has friends over, she’ll add a tank top and shorts. She sleeps either with the windows open or a fan running just to have some breeze on her
Kaitlyn: she is the biggest night owl, mostly due to her caffeine intake throughout the day. Girly is so tired, Emma needs to force to her to sleep sometimes. She wears an outfit similar to her workout outfit, just optimized for sleep so her tibbies aren’t in pain
Laura: No routine. Sometimes she just forgets to sleep until the sun comes up. Esp post-game, she’s tried medication to help her sleep, and usually just takes a couple melatonin before bed, hoping that it works. She wears nightgowns, owns dozens of them
Max: Bro cannot stay up for the life of him. Occasionally he’ll try to stay up with Laura, but she sends him off before he passes out. He sleeps with a quilt that his grandma made him, and sleeps with socks on, much to all of his friends(excluding Jacob) horror. He’s a little spoon but only because he’s already asleep when Laura lays down and is usually facing the wall
Jacob: sleeps in nothing but boxers. He doesn’t care who he has over, he’s not sleeping in a shirt(not that his partners mind). Little spoon in a big spoon’s body. Bro just wants to be held but wtf is abi supposed to do??? she can’t even get her leg over his torso. Nick will gladly spoon him tho. He is known for moving around and hitting people in his sleep. Also sleeps in socks regularly
Nick: I’m sorry but he has one of those blue and white striped pj sets with the fucking lil hat and matching slippers. He goes to bed whenever he wants, but no later than 2 am. He falls off the bed haha idiot
Dylan: He has a pj set, matches with Ryan’s, he just forgets to wear it. Sometimes he’ll go to bed in jeans bc if he’s worn them all day he doesn’t even think about it, they’re just part of him now. Is cursed with night owl and early bird tendencies, and really only goes to bed on a decent time bc of Ryan. Would rather die than go to bed without his teeth brushed, he just feels icky if he doesnt. A total little spoon
Ryan: Has an entire routine, times for everything, etc etc. If even one thing is changed he will be upset and he will probably cry a little. Goes to bed early and forces Dylan to join him bc he can’t go to sleep without cuddling him. Refuses to ever sleep in socks or anything heavy/thick. Wears his matching pjs sometimes but thinks they’re kinda goofy. Also shares a weighted blanket with Dylan
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benevolentthorn · 10 months ago
Rylan headcanons:
(This is for the anon from the last post who also requested Rylan headcanons! Here ya go!)
Their relationship is long distance post-game since Dylan stays in New York for college and Ryan goes to Boston for animation school. Once they both graduate they moved in together.
Dylan took Schrödinger with him to get an apartment with Ryan and Ryan decides to get a dog. He ends up adopting a German shepherd puppy.
Dylan sometimes lifts Ryan up to kiss him due to their height difference.
Dylan always gets the high-to-reach things for Ryan since Ryan is so short lol
Dylan is an early bird while Ryan likes to sleep in. Dylan likes to give Ryan a small kiss on the forehead before he gets up for the day 💕
Ryan is usually responsible for cooking since Dylan sucks at cooking lol. Dylan cannot even make toast without messing it up. Ryan is so much better at it and even helps Dylan cook basic things like pasta and eggs.
Ryan and Dylan love to stay up late playing video games together. Ryan likes survival horror games like dead space and silent hill while Dylan prefers more peaceful games like Minecraft and stardew valley.
Their favorite type of date to go on is coffee and thrifting dates! They both love to get iced lattes, breakfast sandwiches and check out thrift/antique stores and book stores.
Dylan likes a classic iced vanilla latte while Ryan prefers an iced hazelnut latte. They both like to get bacon egg and cheese sandwiches on everything bagels!
They also both really love to go to concerts. Dylan loves classic rock/pop and indie concerts while Ryan is more of a metalhead.
Ryan dragged Dylan with him to a metal concert one time and they both went into the mosh pit. Dylan was terrified at first but he eventually got into it!
One time Dylan got very drunk and sang “emo boy” by Ayesha erotica to Ryan. Ryan thought it was both cringeworthy and hilarious at the same time. Once Dylan was hungover the next morning he teased him relentlessly about it.
They both suffer from night terrors and insomnia as a result of the events at hackett’s quarry. If either of them are having a bad night, they’ll stay up late and hold each other until morning.
Dylan is such a sweet brother-in-law to Sarah. Whenever Dylan sleeps over at Ryan’s house, he loves to paint her nails and play dolls with her!
Dylan tends to be the big spoon most of the time, but will sometimes switch with Ryan, especially if he’s having a bad mental health day.
Dylan often suffers from phantom pain after he lost his hand :( Ryan is always there with medication, a warm drink and a hot/cold compress for him. Ryan cuddles him and puts on a movie to help him get his mind off of it
Ryan becomes deeply depressed post-game, since he lost Chris who was a father figure to him. Dylan likes to do little things for Ryan to help cheer him up, like buying him small gifts, helping him tidy up or taking him on nature walk dates. Dylan even asks Nick for tips to cook better so he can make Ryan nice meals.
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bisexualmultifandommess · 11 months ago
The Quarry Next-Gen Kids
Jacob and a One Night Stand:
Hannah Custos - 17 years old
She doesn’t have children but is very close with the others children.
I’ve put this because I couldn’t think of any tbh plus I see her wanting to be a fun auntie who likes kids but also likes that she can give them back to their parents.
Emma and Her Husband:
Benjamin Mounteback - 15 years old
Melissa Mounteback - 15 years old
Abi and Nick:
Zack Furcillo - 16 years old
Nathan Furcillo - 15 years old
Elijah Furcillo - 13 years old
Ryan and Dylan:
Thalia Lenivy-Erzahler - 13 years old
Laura and Max:
Ethan Brinly - 17 years old
Facts about the kids:
Benjamin and Melissa go by Benny and Missy.
Elijah goes by Eli or Lijah sometimes.
Ethan is very close to Thalia because Laura and Ryan are close. He’s protective of her and is like an older brother to her.
Nick and Abi’s sons and Ryan and Dylan’s daughter are also very close.
Eli and Thalia have crushes on each other and are best friends.
Hannah is the oldest of the kids and feels responsible for them. Zack and Ethan also feel responsible for them as they’re the next oldest after Hannah.
All of the parents are very protective over each other’s kids and will protect them.
The kids all call the others aunt or uncle.
Jacob raised Hannah as a single dad.
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justsierrasart · 2 years ago
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Survived-the-night-Ryan meets shut-up-Dylan. Dw he did give him his number.
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pinchcinnamon · 2 years ago
rylan in twilight au #2 where dylan — werewolf and ryan — vampire
dylan: ryan, why do you smell so weird?
ryan: how?
dylan: well, usually people smell like a perfume, powder for clothes, gel, sweat, and, most importantly, a human. at that moment, you like, well.. do you smell only cologne?
ryan: i'm just very clean. and you have too sensitive a sense of smell
dylan: ahah, yes, that's my thing... it was probably transmitted from my mother, haha..
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hedwig123 · 1 year ago
About to post part two of my Rylan/LauraMax Roleswap AU, I'm EXCITED, I think this one turned out really well!!
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jcorvins · 2 years ago
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➶ mc instagram edits - katrina trese from when twilight strikes (@evertidings) ➶
romancing: arion devereux
clothing style: casual
hunting style: charm + weaponry
personality: friendly, genuine, extrovert
reaction: flexible, pragmatic, optimistic
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maelihi · 2 years ago
Blaze - Detailed HC Guide! <3
Hello! so this is a somewhat guide to my version of blaze! mostly phoenix drop high since that’s the series that i’ve focused on a lot. not canonical at all really.
this comes from the fact that in my little universe, the werewolves tend to be a bit bigger than regular humans, aside from the runts of the werewolf population. even in this fact, blaze is quite massive, as the werewolves around this height are usually not buff, and are skinny and leanly built.
so yes, he is a rather big boy. but that’s alright cause who doesn’t like a fat man once and a while? but most of this weight consists of muscle, though he also eats quite a bit. bulks up quite a bit, and he’s happy with himself.
Confident. Supportive. Protective. Air-Headed.
he is very confident in his abilities and just generally in himself. he is very supportive of his friends and peers, no matter what they want to major on. very protective guy, and someone to take action when things are not right to him. and of course, airheaded. he’s always doing stupid things that get him in trouble, and tends to do stupidly funny things for laughs.
in canon, he has one over the bridge of his nose, which i’ve kept. he also had many on his hands, arms and chest. a few on his legs as well. just does a lot of stuff that leaves scars.
Dark Red/ Maroon Red
in his werewolf form, he had very fiery hair that is bright and and very not human-like. though in his human form, his hair isn’t as bright, though it’s still noticeably red.
Green-Blue/ Brown-Blue
in his werewolf form, he has a green eye on his right side, and a blue eye on his right. in his human form i’ve changed the blue to be duller and less mystical while i’ve changed the green one to brown, as in humans it’s much more common in heterochromatic cases for one eye to be lacking of color (i think! don’t quote me on that.)
Pacific Islander, Specifically Samoan.
i find the samoan culture very pretty, and blaze is a darker skinned character. i went with pacific islander, and while i plan to do a very diverse range of ethnicities and races, i have chosen samoan for him.
Fit, Muscular, Obese.
he is in very good shape, and tries to keep a good diet, though he finds it pretty hard. very muscular man, works out quite a bit. also obese, as he is bigger, and he is above the weight suggestion for his height/age group. but who cares. bmi doesn’t always equal health.
Clothing Style
Rusty, Manly.
in his canonical outfits, some of them are horrific. he is colorblind, so perhaps that’s why. but either way, i’d say he’s a very manly person. flannel lover, likes tighter shirts to show off his super sick abs.
Character Rating
love him. very very much <3
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maelihi · 1 year ago
hi evan! so this isn’t a drawing request of course but you’re my absolute favorite person on this app so i am basically using your excellence to explain my favorite characters descriptions (they’re werewolves ofc and ima slo high so forgive me if im rambled together lysm tyty)
tanner skin, since she is dominican and korean in my rewrite
she’s shorter for a werewolf, only at about 5’11 when most female werewolves are about 6’2-6’5
healthy weight, she’s more pear shaped, because i love her.
in my rewrite, wolves have a more human passing version, and her human version has more natural, dark blue instead of the neon ones she usually has, and her hair is a very dark brown, on the verge of black
she has many freckles on her nose, and a larger dark brown birthmark on her left cheek
she has a sternum and thigh tattoo, one of more plants (thigh) and one of more coral like shapes (sternum)— (she loves nature in its entirety).
she usually wears tshirts (she takes them from her friends) and flared jeans, or tracksuits (juicy couture vintage because she likes 2000s).
honestly she would wear platform heels- i like them, she likes them. she’s very feminine in my rewrite
usually carries around a purse, and she wears a lot of bracelets and her ears are pierced twice in the lobe (tongue piercing and belly buttonnn)
she wears hearing aids!
fair skinned, he is thai and irish
his hair is longer, and he doesn’t trim his bangs often so they kind of fall into his eyes
his human version has brown hair, though lighter- and his eyes are a more hazel color
he’s tall 7’0 (tall for even a male werewolf)
he has a bit of a tummy, and he has firm alrms and legs
covered in freckles, and missing one of his canine teeth
he has a belly button piercing, and a lip piercing
he wears mostly hoodies and baggier sweaters, and black starched slacks (his momma makes him do it)
he doesn’t shower a lot, so he wears beanies to cover his hair sometimes.
pale skinned, russian.
his hair is kind of a mullet length, but he doesn’t cut his bangs or and of his hair except for the bottoms when his grandmother makes him
he’s tall (about 6’8)
in his human form his hair is the same, yet his eyes are a dark brown.
very thin and a bit scrawny but we love him
has a his ears pierced, and his tongue is pierced
vitiligo, yet its kind of hard to see because he is much paler.
has a tattoo on his finger of his mothers name (who’s passed away)
he wears jeans constantly, and dumb sweaters that have cringe sayings (eat, sleep, game)
has the shittiest fucking blue sneakers that are torn to shit.
i hope you don’t mind me using this evan, but those are just basic stuffs <3
no spellcheck :)
I’ll be honest if people send me their fic/rewrite versions of characters I will draw them all.
Be you send me drawings, or just descriptions (pls send colour pallet tho bc idk colours dude) I will do it. Every time. Without fail.
I just love other people’s versions of characters (especially aphmau idk why) so I want to… spread some love I guess??
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ghostradiodylan · 1 year ago
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Thirst Games
Kaitlyn threw up a three-finger Mockingjay salute. “May the odds be ever in our favor, you’re the gay Peeta Mellark to my Katniss Everdeen and these are The 74th Annual Thirst Games.”
“Me as Peeta kind of ruins the whole love triangle thing though, no?”
Kaitlyn shrugged. “Love triangles are tired.”
“Yeah, agreed.” Dylan nodded. They both recognized the irony here but refused to acknowledge it. 
Ryan was dutifully rinsing down the canoes outside the boathouse when he noticed a tall figure approaching out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head to see Dylan loping toward him from the direction of the lodge.
“Ryan, hey! I brought you something for your next campfire!” Dylan reached into his pocket and produced a small zip-top bag full of white powder. He handed it over to Ryan, who eyed it suspiciously.
“Dylan… is this cocaine?”
“Yes. Definitely. I’m giving you cocaine for the campfire with your 10 year old campers. First one’s free. That’s how I get you.”
Ryan looked at him blankly. Dylan sighed.
“It’s coffee creamer, you absolute narc. If you toss just a little in the fire, it flames up and you should get some cool sparks. It’s the magic of chemistry. The kids’ll think you’re a wizard. I thought it’d enhance the vibes for your ghost stories!”
“Oh, wow, that’s… actually really cool.” Ryan’s face broke into a grin. “Thanks Dylan!”
“Don’t mention it,” he winked roguishly, “I like you Ryan, but not enough to share my cocaine with you.” 
Ryan chuckled at this but as he watched Dylan saunter away toward the radio hut, he had to admit that he really didn’t know if he was joking or not. Ryan was often sarcastic himself, but he also had a habit of taking things others said a bit too literally. He figured Dylan probably was not doing lines in the little shack where he worked over the schedules with Kaitlyn and made his announcements, although if he had been that would explain some of his more colorful broadcasting choices.
Dylan was alone in the radio hut waiting for Kaitlyn. He had his back to the door, fully absorbed in trying, unsuccessfully, to unstick a stuck button on the ancient PA system, when he heard the door open.
“Sup Kaitlyn?” He called without looking, “you won’t believe what Ryan said today!” An unexpected warm bass voice came in response.
“What did I say?”
Dylan’s head whipped toward the source of the sound so violently that he nearly toppled out of his chair.
“Uhhh something very wise and cool, obviously,” Dylan fumbled, his hand flying to the back of his head disarmingly as he took in the handsome sailing instructor he’d just been all too ready to gossip about.
“Smooth,” was Ryan’s only reply. He was wearing one of those inscrutable smiles he seemed to favor, the ones that drove Dylan crazy, for better and for worse.
“Sorry, I was expecting Kaitlyn.”
“Yeah, I gathered that. So, what were you saying about me?” Dylan could feel heat rising in his cheeks. He felt like he’d been caught in a transgression, but Ryan didn’t sound angry or even suspicious, he merely seemed interested.
“Oh, just about you mistaking the coffee creamer for cocaine. I thought that was pretty cute.”
Why the hell had he said that last part out loud? Did he forget his Adderall again today? “I mean,” he quickly continued, “I just hope you didn’t try to snort a line or whatever. Woulda' been disappointing to get a nose full of French vanilla and no head rush.”
This seemed to put Ryan at ease. He laughed softly.
“Anyway, what brings you to my humble radio station today, sailor?” Dylan put on what he hoped was a winning smile, “what can I do you for—um—do for you?”
“I was actually thinking more about what I could do for you.”
Mysterious. Cryptic. Intriguing. Why was Ryan like this? And why did Dylan like it so much?
“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow. “Do tell.”
“Birthday present for you,” said Ryan, “I talked to Mr. H and he finally agreed to let you guys take the van tonight since I’m going too.” Ryan pulled a set of keys from his pocket and twirled it on his index finger before tossing it to Dylan.
Dylan had to concentrate very hard to actually catch the keys hurtling toward his face, but he managed to do so and was incredibly thankful he hadn’t beefed it in front of Ryan.
“Hey, sweet, thanks dude!” Dylan was actually touched. Ryan hadn’t had to do that, but he was glad he did. Ryan thought the van was the present but Dylan wanted to tell him his presence was the only present he needed. Fuck, that was corny. Being in love made him so corny. He refrained. “I’m really glad you decided to go.”
“Sure thing. I could use a night away from the kids, honestly.”
Dylan and Ryan were grinning at each other when the door burst open again.
“Honey, I’m home!” Kaitlyn called to Dylan before noticing that Ryan was there. “Oh,” she raised an eyebrow at Dylan, “am I interrupting something?” Ryan answered her.
“I was just letting the birthday boy know I secured the wheels for this evening.”
“Oh, cool beans! Can’t wait for our wild night out clubbing in North Kill, the the city that never wakes, with three entire businesses that are open past 7 pm!”
“Hey, we’ll make our own fun,” Dylan promised her, “we always do.”
“Well, it’s almost time for rowing lessons,” said Ryan, by way of excusing himself, “see you guys when you get off tonight.” 
Yeah, definitely gonna see you when I get off tonight, Dylan thought lewdly, I usually do.
“Later Ry-guy,” said Kaitlyn.
Once she was sure Ryan was out of earshot she wheeled around on Dylan.
“Oh my god, your face when I came in just now,” Kaitlyn tittered as Dylan’s cheeks went slightly pink, “Dude. You’re so whipped. You look at that boy like he’s the moon. Like you’re stoned out of your mind and he’s last bag of Cheetos on earth.”
“I knowwww,” Dylan groaned dramatically, dropping his head onto the desk, “I’m so obvious, it’s painful.”
“Well, you’re obvious and he’s oblivious so that’s an interesting combination.”
“I keep flirting with him thinking he might be flirting with me too, but it’s so hard to tell.”
“I can’t get a read on him either. Of course, I haven’t tried to flirt with him. I let men come to me. Or not. It’s whatever.”
Dylan snickered lightly at this, “I don’t think either method is getting us anywhere but, hey, may the odds be ever in our favor.”
Kaitlyn threw up a three-finger Mockingjay salute. “May the odds be ever in our favor, you’re the gay Peeta Mellark to my Katniss Everdeen and these are The 74th Annual Thirst Games.”
“Me as Peeta kind of ruins the whole love triangle thing though, no?”
Kaitlyn shrugged. “Love triangles are tired.”
“Yeah, agreed.” Dylan nodded. They both recognized the irony here but refused to acknowledge it. 
“Aw, shit,” Dylan continued, “you would look hot as fuck with a bow and arrow.”
Kaitlyn gave a small bow of acknowledgement indicating that she did not disagree. “Well, if things go sideways, I’m not frosting myself like a cake,” he shot her a wicked grin, “might let Ryan do it though.”
“Oh my god!” She laughed in disbelief. “That is so wrong.”
“You’re right, if we’re sticking to the bakery metaphor, it’s really more of a glaze.” 
“EW! You repulse me, Lenivy. I’m out.” Kaitlyn waved a hand dismissively and turned to leave the radio hut.
“Shut up, you love me. Hey, wait up Short Stack!”
"Catch up, Stretch," she shouted back.
Dylan scrambled after her. He did catch up pretty easily since her little legs were like half as long as his. They were heading to the boathouse for their Monday ritual of watching Ryan row across the lake in a tank top. Their ostensible purpose was to act as lifeguards in case any of the kids fell out of the rowboats, but Ryan hadn’t lost one yet so they mostly just chatted together and ogled him shamelessly in the highly flattering golden hour light.
Dylan was gazing at Ryan through a pair of binoculars, watching Ryan’s toned arms and shoulders flexing and releasing as the propelled his boat across the lake. Happy Birthday to me, he thought smugly. Of course, it would have been sexier if Ryan hadn’t had to wear that bright yellow life jacket that obscured the rest of him, or stop to shout instructions at a bunch of middle school kids through a megaphone every few strokes as they screamed and flailed and invariably dropped their paddles into the lake, but Dylan would take what he could get. 
He heard someone approaching him from behind but couldn’t imagine that whoever it was could possibly be more interesting than Ryan’s biceps, so Dylan kept his eyes right where they were until he felt a hand firmly grasp his ass. 
“The fuck—?“ he yelped, jumping and nearly dropping his binoculars.
“Happy Birthday, babe,” said a smooth voice in his ear. It was Nick. Dylan swatted Nick’s hand away, tsking in disapproval and kicking backward, halfheartedly, at the other boy’s shin.
“I swear, Nicholas, if you don’t stop sexually harassing me you’re gonna end up sucking my dick. And that’ll be so embarrassing for you when I get drunk off my ass and tell everyone about it at your and Abi’s wedding. Which I’ll be DJing, obviously.”
“I see no reason that I should be embarrassed by any such boyish transgressions of my bachelor days.” Nick shrugged affably, taking a long drag on the joint he’d brought to the boathouse with him and slowly releasing the smoke through his nose.
“Oh my god, get a room you two.” Kaitlyn held out her hand expectantly, her binoculars still pressed to her face and trained on Ryan. She’d smelled the weed without needing to see it. Nick passed her the spliff and she took a hit.
Dylan had no interest in getting a room with Nick. The tall, wavy-haired guy was certainly attractive enough (plus, who wouldn’t go a little weak in the knees the first time they heard that accent?) and Dylan had made a few earnest passes at him before settling on Ryan as his summer crush, but he was pretty sure Nick was straight, or at least mostly straight. He flirted with Dylan in a joking way, sometimes he even crossed the line a bit, like he had just now, but the way he looked at Abi, the deference with which he treated her, the way he got all cute and fidgety when she spoke to him, that felt more like the real deal and Dylan shipped it. He was trying his best to get Nick to make a move, but thought he was pretty hopeless. Which was maybe a little hypocritical of Dylan since he couldn’t seem to make a move on his crush either. But tonight, he thought, that could very well change.
Anyway, it hadn’t taken long for Dylan to realize he only had eyes for Ryan. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. His heart and other prime real estate was reserved for Ryan alone. His eyes however were free to wander over Nick’s bare chest and abs at the pool if they so desired, and it often turned out that they did. But Nick was a follower and no amount of abdominal definition could make up for that in Dylan’s opinion. He was pretty sure the only reason Nick kept flirting with him was that he was mirroring Dylan’s playfully flirtatious energy back at him. He did the same with Jacob, becoming a meathead obsessed with ‘getting chicks’ if they hung out one-on-one for too long.
Ryan, on the other hand, was his own person through and through. He was into the niche little things he liked, black metal, ghost stories, cryptozoology; he didn’t care who knew it or what they thought. And while they generally had a friendly repartee, Ryan challenged Dylan if he thought he was wrong and, as much as Dylan hated for anyone to think he was wrong, he admired the backbone it took for Ryan to point it out, even when he disagreed.
Nick offered the joint to Dylan, who considered it for a moment and declined. “Nah man, Ryan’s coming tonight. I gotta be straight.”
“I feel like you’d want to be anything but straight in every possible way if Ryan’s coming,” Nick chuckled.
“You know what I mean,” he brought the binoculars back up to his eyes in time to see Ryan frantically fishing yet another lost oar out of the lake, “I have to focus.”
“Are you really gonna be straight edge on your own birthday?” asked Kaitlyn, still not taking her eyes off of Ryan. “BOR-ING!”
“No way, I’ll definitely be drunk later,” Dylan assured her, smiling.
“Good,” said Nick, “because I have a handle of vodka in the walk-in with our names on it.”
“Perfection. I’ll stick with that. I just don’t wanna get paranoid around Ryan. He already puts me on edge. Plus, your stash is of a questionable strain if you ask me.”
“Hey!” Nick protested, “It is not! This is perfectly good bud, just because you were convinced that your head was physically fused to the futon last time we smoked, doesn’t mean it’s a quality issue. Didn’t happen to anyone else, did it? That’s the fault of the partaker, not the product.” Kaitlyn was giggling.
“Either way, you guys better get rid of that before Ryan gets finished with the lesson because he will FUH-REAK if he catches you smoking on the property.”
“Ugh, he’s such narc,” Kaitlyn’s eyes were obscured by the binoculars, but Dylan was pretty sure she was rolling them.
“I told him the same thing earlier. I guess we are technically supposed to be ready to jump in the lake to save someone at a moment’s notice, so, maybe he’d be justified in wanting us to not be compromised. For once,” Dylan granted. 
“Yeah, well, good thing you aren’t partaking so you don’t become one with deck while one of the campers drowns.” Nick smirked. Dylan kicked him in the shin for real this time.
Happy Thirst Games Thursday, have some pre-canon Hacketteer camaraderie.
This is a WIP inspired by Dylan's birthday being right in the middle of camp and Ryan's line about vodka bringing people together. It's either going to be a one shot posted on my AO3 or it'll get folded into Particles & Waves as a flashback, I haven't yet decided which.
I love these jerks. 💕
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sargeantsarmy · 1 year ago
When someone tells Dylan ‘I love you’(platonically or romantically), he doesn’t reply with ‘I love you too’. He replies with ‘I love you more’ so he can not only show just how much he loves the person but also start an ongoing battle that he knows he’ll win because he’s stubborn and has more energy than the person he’s trying to one up.
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garussy · 1 year ago
Mystreet rewrite headcanons because I miss it
Blaze, Aaron, Dottie, Rylan, and Daniel all had a mohawks in college once Aaron was free from his dad
They looked amazing and Aaron awkwardly sat there while Blaze, Dottie, Rylan, and Daniel complimented eachother and made out
The werewolves are very into PDA they love eachother and they don’t care to hide it
Aaron is the fifth wheel until Lily starts hanging out with the pack and then again when he and Aphmau dated after college
Everyone thinks Aaron is the scary dog and Nana is the innocent sweetheart but it’s the opposite
Aaron kindly helps an elderly lady cross the street while complimenting her handbag
Nana cusses out and nearly fights every driver that dares to honk at Aaron or the elderly lady
Nana is a feral gremlin dressed up in a pretty pink outfit
Travis likes to paint Katelyn’s nails even if it’s not Katelyn’s thing
Lucinda and Travis played Gomez and Morticia in their school’s production of the Addams family
Katelyn didn’t know who she would rather be in that situation
Katelyn giggled and rambled about her first girlfriend no one could get her to shut up about it
Aaron was the same way when he started dating Lily everything she did made him blush
They both sat on their beds twirling their hair and kicking their legs
Werewolf kids get excited over everything like puppies they will scream over the garbage man collecting their trash
Nana bites to show affection and she loves biting Zane’s tummy because it’s soft and warm
She was a biscuit making kid and she hasn’t grown out of it when she is on the verge of sleep she just starts making biscuits on Zane’s stomach
Aphmau and Ein had an emo and goth phase Ein hasn’t grown out of his
Werewolves in mystreet are domesticated and only the ultima has wolf ears and tail
Dottie has Dalmatian ears and tail because it’s cute
Everyone assumes Aaron was a husky or something when they first saw his ears
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ghostradiodylan · 1 year ago
A corollary: Dylan wears Ryan’s shirts around the house sometimes when he’s not there because even though they don’t exactly fit him, they smell like Ryan. Then Ryan acts annoyed because his favorite shirts are getting all stretched out in the shoulders but he secretly finds it incredibly endearing.
reblog this post with the first dylan/ryan headcanon you can think of
i'll go first: ryan absolutely, positively steals dylan's clothes. and everyone knows it because 1) the clothing is at least a size and a half too big on him 2) dylan actually owns clothing that isn't black, gray, or dark red
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