#ryker-writes oc
axvwriter · 10 months
I Spy With My Little Eye
Bobo belongs to me, Jaxon belongs to @ryker-writes, Anan and Charin belong to @siphoklansan
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(I don't know if the ask I sent regarding Anan's eyes reached Siphok, but if tumblr didn't eat it, sorry for asking and then losing patience to wait. I feel like I probably got a few things wrong with your characters' designs anyway. If official reference sheets of them come out, I may just draw them again.)
In regards to Bobo's comment about what she's seeing definitely not being Malleus... yes Jaxon has tricked her and she's mistaken Malleus for a tree before. She's somewhat near-sighted but refuses to believe that she could benefit from glasses.
Anan and Charin may have gotten ears which my chibi style doesn't usually have, but Jaxon got eyebrows. I usually don't use eyebrows for my chibi style either unless it really helps with emoting but it just felt like I was giving Jaxon a huge forehead with all that empty space.
Also I can't decide how I want to do belts for my chibi style so Jaxon randomly sometimes has a belt. One panel doesn't really show the earrings on Anan's ear and that's because I forgot along with also not knowing what to do with that ear angle.
I thought it would also be fun to share my rough drafts. Had a really rough draft first to try to get the idea down.
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Then I polished up to a better rough draft.
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Then afterwards decided to split it into two parts considering the size of it all. I did also originally sketch Bobo's phone to be like a flip-phone. When it came to the official outlining, I looked up what phone Crowley actually gives the MC in Twst. It's a smartphone and not something super old.
Also I changed some of Anan's lines as I realized that Siphok also takes the role of the MC and I wasn't sure how to go about merging worlds. I decided to try to keep it a bit more vague by keeping Bobo saying she's from Ramshackle, but not having anyone say if she's the Prefect. So could just be a dormmate I guess? Or just something that no one acknowledges or thinks about when two different MC-inserts may cross paths.
Didn't know how to have Jaxon leave and decided to go for the awkward just go and leave thing.
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t3a-tan · 5 days
What do you say to someone who is perfectly justified in hating you?
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Probably nothing.
Also maybe you should give him his cousin back Ryker—
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grey-gravy-art · 10 months
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Nothing better than a good nap after a long hard day of fighting crime
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ryker-writes · 1 year
Ryker's 19th birthday celebration
woooo I turned 19 today! I wanted to do something fun for my birthday, so here we have a question and answer interview like the birthday interviews in TWST. If you guys have any more questions feel free to ask and I'll happily answer! If you want the link for the picrew that made that image, you can find it here
NRC School Newspaper: A Birthday Interview with Ryker Crowley
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Happy birthday!
Thank you! I gotta say that this has been one of my best birthdays so far! I love how NRC celebrates birthdays, and since we had one yesterday, it's like one very long party.
That's right, we celebrated Riddle's birthday yesterday.
Yup! Me and Riddle are pretty similar in a lot of ways. Aside from our birthday's being one day apart, we're also the same height, and even some of our personality. I'm a big rule follower and pretty strict when it comes to my school work and grades too.
Are you two close?
Well I'm a Heartslabyul student and he's my dorm leader, so we see each other often. I'd say we get along pretty well, but I wouldn't consider us close.
Who are you close with?
I get along really well with Ruggie, Silver, and Idia. I'd consider them pretty close friends. Ruggie is always fun to do practically anything with, even if it's working jobs, he can make it fun. Silver is really easy to talk to and fun to hang around with. He's the kind of friend I know I can always count on. Idia is the one that I spend most of my time with tho. It's not intentional, but when you're playing your favorite game or watching your favorite anime, you tend to lose track of time.
What are your favorite games and animes?
Some of my favorite games are Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Pokemon, and Stardew Valley. As for anime...my favorite has to be One Piece. It's a very long one, and I'm not done yet, but I love it. I also like Black Butler, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Death Note.
Do you have any dreams for the future?
I want to become an author. I love writing so much, and I'm even taking writing college classes right now. I have a bunch of short stories that I've written and debated creating a separate blog for, but I'm unsure if anyone would even care about it. But I also have an idea for a book I want to write, so completing and publishing that would be my ultimate goal.
Speaking of your writing, how is your blog doing?
It's doing great! I say it often, but I never imagined I'd get as much support as I did. I'm really grateful to all of my followers who give me feedback and requests. I really love seeing their comments and responding. Hearing their thoughts, what they want more of, and interacting with them always makes me happy!
What's your most popular series?
Definitely my broken sibling relationship series. I'm honestly surprised how much everyone loves the angst. It started with Vil after a slight mention that I had an idea for how it could go wrong, but people keep wanting more. Those take a little bit longer to write than most requests, but I always love doing it.
Considering you've written so much sibling angst, if you had to choose someone at NRC to be your sibling, who would it be?
Oh man. That's a pretty tough decision, but I think I would have to say Malleus. He's pretty lonely most of the time, but I think if he had a sibling, he would be a bit happier. I firmly believe that Malleus would treat his sibling very well. Plus, I think growing up with him would've been very fun. I would've loved to be a part of Malleus' family.
Do you consider anyone in Twisted Wonderland your family?
I've accepted Crowley as my bird dad. I know most people wouldn't, but I do.
How are you enjoying Twisted Wonderland?
I love it! I've been playing for a little over a year now. I originally came to Twisted Wonderland through Obey Me, but I play more Twisted Wonderland now. I'm a proud owner of 25 SSR cards, and love the story. My favorite characters have to be Sebek, Leona, and Silver.
What are you talking about?
Don't worry about it.
Uh, okay. Can you tell us about your clothing style?
Sure! It varies from day to day depending of if I'm feeling more feminine or masculine, but lately I've been wearing a lot of Hawaiian shirts. My friend @l1ttleclouds actually made me an aesthetic board for my normal style. Take a look!
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Nice! Are there any fun facts about you that most people don't know?
I always have trouble coming up with fun facts, especially ones that most people don't know. So I decided to come up with a few that people may or may not know; I love horror, I have a few succulents, and my eyes have two different colors. To clarify that last one, my eyes aren't two different colors, but each eye has two colors in it. Not mixed together, but separated. So about half of each iris is green, and half is brown. Fun!
Thank you so much for your time, and happy birthday again!
Of course! If anyone else has questions, don't be afraid to ask <3
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useless-moss · 2 years
My brain is a shipping mess rn.
Like. Words can not even properly articulate the dilemma I am in regarding my story and the relationships within it.
Vigcup and dagcup are so cute. They're both literally enemies to friends to lovers and they hold so much fuel for angst and hurt/comfort and fluffy cuddles by a fireplace and the trust that is built up and I-
I just-
And Viggo and Dagur fighting to win Hiccups affection is such a top tier idea and I'm surprised nobody has written about it before. Viggo giving Hiccup flowers, handmade gifts, poetry he's written for him. Dagur trying to combat all that and not really knowing how. Angst and self doubt and comfort and whatnot follows.
Then again hicstrid is amazing. They're so wholesome and, yeah, it's kinda basic, but it's still so cute. They care for each other so much and it's adorable. And their dragons are best friends which makes it even cuter.
But Heather is also so freaking gay for Astrid that it's not even funny and they would be so cute together. Friends to lovers. Warrior women who would kill and die for each other. They're such an amazing team in the show and I just.
I think about all this and think I have it figured out and then my brain just. It's just like "hey, what about Dagur being a disaster bi for both Viggo and Hiccup?" and I'm suddenly sent reeling again. Especially with with found family aspect that literally has Viggo helping Dagur raise his adopted son and being deemed the kids 'second dad'.
This has already been decided BTW. Its set in stone. Dagur and Viggo are raising a child together in my story and Ryker helps out and is that kinda aloof uncle figure.
They take turns keeping an eye on this bundle of chaos and unfathomable energy. Have to sleep in small cuddle piles because this child refuses to sleep at all if he can't use at least one of his dads as a pillow. Viggo and Dagur get to see softer sides of each other that completely contradict their usual reputations.
Then Krogan comes along and becomes another father/the mother figure of this family and my brain just.
Kroggo. Angst. Hurt/comfort. Fluff. Trauma buddies.
And it's all just a love pentagram at this point and I haven't even thought about the other riders or any other relationships because my brain just. Latches. Locks its jaws on a collection of ideas and shakes it all around like a rabid animal.
Please help I need outside opinions on all of this
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finnofamerica · 7 months
Original Characters
Aaron Jones: Blog (Faceclaim - Rahul Kohli & Raymond Ablack)
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Age: Late 30s Early 40s Birthday: September 22nd Occupation: History Professor Sexuality: N/a Cannon Ships: N/a Aaron is a History Professor at the North Beach University. He enjoys photography in his free time. Avid Coffee drinker. Has a decently-sized apartment in North Beach. Older brother to Ryker Jones. Devon Reed: Blog (Faceclaim - Froylan Gutierrez)
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Age: 22 Birthday: February 28th Occupation: Singer/songwriter for They Might Be Wolves, plays a multitude of instruments as well. Sexuality: Demisexual/Demiromantic Canon Ships: N/a
Devon Reed is quite introverted; he and his brother Everett moved into a duplex-style apartment together as soon as Everett turned 18. Everyone is quite protective of the youngest of TMBW. He is very slow to warm up to people.
Everett Reed: Blog (Faceclaim - Herman Tømmeraas)
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Age: 28 Birthday: October 28th Occupation: Bassist and Lead Singer for They Might Be Wolves. Sexuality: Straight Canon Ships: Finnlyn Alexander
As the oldest of the group, Everett had always been the protector and fighter. He and Devon started TMBW as a creative outlet to cope with the abuse of their childhoods. Now, they are a semi-successful local band. Everett has a hard time letting people take care of him since he's taking care of everyone else.
Finnlyn Alexander: Blog (Faceclaim - Millaine Friesen)
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Age: 24 Birthday: March 17th Occupation: Audio Engineer and Bookstore Cashier Sexuality: Straight Canon Ships: Everett Reed
Finnlyn spent the majority of her childhood in the foster care system until she was fostered by Venera's grandparents before Venera was taken in by them. Despite this, Venera and Finnlyn were never really close.
James "Dix" Dixion: Blog (Faceclaim - Max Barczak)
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Age: 26 Birthday: July 25th Occupation: Lead Guitarist for They Might Be Wolves, Barista at Rise & Grind Coffee Sexuality: Chaotic Bisexual Canon Ships:
James, a.k.a Dix, is best friends with Finnlyn and Everett. He and Everett have been friends since kindergarten and will always follow Ev into a fight. He is often found with bruises (from the aforementioned fights) or hickies (He just likes making out with anyone and everyone). Josh is like a brother to him and will beat the shit out of anyone who has anything to say about Josh's sexuality.
Joshua Vaughn: Blog (Faceclaim - BooBoo Stewert)
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Age: 27 Birthday: April 15th Occupation: Drummer for They Might Be Wolves, Barista at Rise & Grind Coffee Sexuality: Gay Canon Ships: N/a
Joshua Vaughn has a positive vibe bordering on the hippie of TMBW. As the second oldest, he is very protective and caring of Finnlyn and Devon. He was kicked out of his house as a teenager when his parents found out that he was gay. Dix's parents took him in, and the two have been inseparable ever since.
Leon Keane: Blog (Faceclaim - Kevin Creekman)
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Age: Late 30s, early 40s Birthday: August 5th Occupation: Private Security officer Sexuality: N/a Cannon Ships: Venera Toth
Leon Keane is ex-military turned private security. Typically assigned to high-risk cases as a personal bodyguard until the threat is eliminated. Enjoys cooking. Rides a Motorcycle and drives a truck. He is a widower - his wife was murdered in their home while he was deployed (Before moving to America). Has a Scottish accent. Kit Hargrove: Blog (Faceclaim - Luanna Perez )
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Age: 28 Birthday: June 21st Occupation: Boudoir Photographer Sexuality: Bisexual Canon Ships: N/a
Kit is a Boudoir photographer whose reputation often brings in business from out of town. She also enjoys hanging out in the North Beach University library and studying books on art and photography.
Ryker Jones: Blog (Faceclaim - ricky_aimee on insta)
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Age: 25 Birthday: December 22nd Occupation: On-air personality and Board Operator for NSRB radio station Sexuality: Bisexual Canon Ships: N/a
Rides a motorcycle. Will stab a bitch. Designated drink holder at the bar. Basically, nocturnal runs the late-night show at NSRB. Younger sister to Aaron Jones. Venera Toth: Blog (Faceclaim - Holland Roden)
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Age: 26 Birthday: January 15th Occupation: Book Store Owner Sexuality: Bisexual Canon Ships: Leon Keane
Venera is the Owner and Operator of Word to the Wise bookshop. She lives in a small apartment above the store. As an aspiring author, she spends most of her free time writing. Moved in with her grandparents (Previous owners of Word to the Wise) after her parents died in a car accident.
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theherosvillain · 8 months
5: Something that you'll never kill
Previous - Masterpost - Next
CWs: captivity, violence
After a night of restless sleep, I didn’t feel much better. My ribs ached, and I felt a sharp pain down the left side whenever I took a deep breath. I couldn’t tell whether the rib was broken or just cracked. My arms and my torso felt bruised, but I didn’t check to see how bad it looked. I didn’t want to know.
The hours of rest only made me more aware that I was running out of time. Gingerly, I sat up on the cot and assessed how I felt. Could I run in this kind of condition? Fight? I swung my legs over the edge and slumped over, then hissed at the stab of pain in my ribs. Fuck. I couldn’t handle another fight. Running would hurt like a bitch, and I’d be slower than usual, but …
My fingers tightened on the thin mattress. It was wishful thinking, but what choice did I have? I’d been missing for more than a day already. Someone must have alerted the police, but maybe they wouldn’t take the disappearance of a troubled kid like me that seriously.
The police, honestly, were the least of my concern, and I could dodge questions from my aunt and my friends, too. I was used to that. My biggest worry was not getting out of here at all.
I picked the lock again. It took longer this time—a pretty good indicator that I needed more rest, but I pushed through until it clicked open, ignoring the lingering aches as I stepped out into the hallway. Then, immediately, I heard footsteps.
I stiffened, but before I could move, Ryker turned the corner, his scowl zeroing in on me. “You just don’t fucking know when to quit, do you?”
Normally, I’d give him a witty retort that would only piss him off more. Now, I barely had time to brace myself before he threw me to the ground, and his boot met my possibly-broken ribs. He didn’t even kick that hard, but I hissed in pain as I wrapped my arms around myself. “Thought you would’ve learned your lesson last time,” he muttered.
“Ryker, that’s enough.” Vale’s voice was disapproving, but only mildly. I stiffened; I hadn’t even sensed him approaching. I really needed more sleep. “I told you not to cause any permanent damage.”
I only uncurled when I heard Ryker step back. “He’ll survive,” he said.
“You’re dismissed. He’s not going anywhere.” Vale’s shiny black shoes entered my vision, stopping far too close. “Are you, Phantom?”
“Fuck off.” The words slipped out, and my breath froze in my chest. I braced myself for more pain. I rarely swore when I was acting as Phantom—it was part of the persona, being polite, but I was in too much pain to maintain that façade. Still, I got the feeling Vale would take the disrespect a lot less kindly than Ryker had.
There was a beat of silence. I heard Ryker walking away. Vale’s shoes stayed planted on the floor. “Do not speak to me like that again,” he said, his voice low and calm. I nodded, not daring to lift my head. “Now get up.”
I painstakingly rose to my feet, suppressing the urge to swear as my injured ribs shifted. It killed me to follow orders, but I couldn’t risk another injury. Vale had barely touched me yet, but I was under no illusion that he wouldn’t. He barely made sure I was standing before he turned his back and started walking, like he was expecting me to follow.
The worst part is, I did.
“I spoke with Amoret,” he said over his shoulder. “It was … enlightening.” He paused for a brief moment before he added, “She mentioned that she’s your mother.”
I flinched. I really wasn’t in the mood to think about that. “Why did her name surprise you?” I blurted out instead. It was a blatant dodge, but as long as we were talking about Amoret …
Again, he paused. I didn’t really think he’d answer until he said, “I knew Vivienne Thorn a long time ago. I hadn’t been aware that she and Amoret were the same person.” Despite how shitty I felt, the edge in his voice made me feel a tiny bit better. I hadn’t fucked up. If Vale was angry at Amoret for lying to him all these years, then I did exactly what I meant to do. “How long have you known she was your mother?”
The question jolted me out of my short-lived satisfaction. “Since the other night,” I muttered, my arms crossed carefully above my injured ribs.
He glanced back at me. “I take it you’re unhappy with this revelation?”
Oh, he had no fucking idea. I managed to keep a straight face. “It’s not the best news I’ve ever gotten, no.”
He scrutinized me for a moment before facing forward again. I wondered why he’d even asked. Why did he care what I thought about it?
By now, I recognized the way to the office, so I wasn’t surprised when we ended up there again. The desk was scattered with papers, and as I approached, a cold feeling washed over me. Sitting on top, front and center, was my school photo from this year: my bangs swept to the side, eyelashes dark with mascara, the collar of my purple top slightly askew. Printed above the photo, in big block letters, was the word MISSING.
All I could do was stare, the blood draining from my face. No. Nononono—
“So.” Vale’s voice cut through the panic buzzing in my veins. “Wren Argent.”
I whirled to face him, gripping the back of the chair as my legs threatened to give out. “Don’t ever say that name again,” I snapped.
“This is you, isn’t it?” He inclined his head toward the newspaper, as if I hadn’t fucking seen it. All I could do was nod stiffly. That was me—my civilian self, in the paper, on Axton Vale’s desk. His hand grazed the edge of the paper, and without thinking, I snatched it away with my powers. It crumpled in my fist, and I tried to take a deep breath, but the pain shot through my ribs. I stopped.
Vale studied me like I was a puzzle, and I wanted to shrink down and disappear, away from his prying eyes, away from the realization that he knew. “There is one thing I’d like to clear up,” he said slowly, eyeing the paper in my hand. “By all accounts, your civilian identity seems to be a … girl. Are you—?”
I cut him off, mortified and furious all at once. I wasn’t out, especially not in my villain life. When I was Wren, my gender was whatever I needed it to be. When I was Phantom, though— “I’m a boy.”
The words so rushed they sounded like a lie, and I was certain he’d call my bluff. To my surprise, though, he nodded slowly, although he still looked bewildered. “But—”
My grip on the chair tightened as my powers welled up inside me, threatening to break loose. I shoved them back down, reminding myself that I couldn’t afford another fight. “Is that really the most important thing here?”
His eyes narrowed. After a brief pause, he said, “No, I suppose not.” My relief only lasted for a second before he reached for a different newspaper. “I’m assuming this is why you became a villain.”
My stomach dropped as my eyes zeroed in on the familiar headline: LOCAL PROFESSOR ARRESTED FOR VILLAINY. It wasn’t the only article written about my mom’s arrest, but this one, in particular, had framed it badly. All the evidence was circumstantial, but the tabloids acted like it was such a concrete thing, like the Hero League actually had proof that my mom committed those crimes—
I cut off the train of thought before it could go any further. Even after all these months, it made my heart pound with rage. I tried to take a deep breath, and my ribs ached in protest. “Yeah,” I said, not quite looking at Vale. “That would be why.”
“What, exactly, were you trying to accomplish here?”
Rage spiked through me, my powers threatening to burst out. I counted to ten in my head before I felt controlled enough to meet his eyes. “I don’t have to explain myself to you.”
He set the paper down, his full attention on me. “I want to understand your motives. Your mother was arrested for villainy, and you became a villain yourself because …?”
“Because she didn’t do it!” I snapped. “Amoret confessed to framing her—” I cut myself off and looked away, fists clenched. I said I wouldn’t explain myself.
“You don’t have any evidence of that, do you?” I swallowed, still not meeting his eyes. I was working on it. Vale let out a weary sigh. “Phantom, you’re clearly a very bright, driven, and powerful young man. What you lack, though, is perspective. You’re a wolf lowering yourself to the level of sheep.”
I laughed, and it came out sounding hysterical. Between the pain and the panic, my grip on the chair was the only thing keeping me standing. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you are wasting your time.” His tone was clipped, matter-of-fact. “You could be doing so much more with yourself.”
The newspaper crinkled in my fist. “Like working for you?” I asked icily. The possibility of it made me feel ill. I only had a vague sense of what Vale did for a living, but I knew it was nothing I wanted to be a part of.
“Working under my guidance would be a much more productive use of your time than the petty villainy you’ve dedicated yourself to.”
I doubted it, but I didn’t doubt that he believed it, and that part scared me the most. I had to get the fuck out of here.
I bolted for the door. Before I could get far, his hand landed on my shoulder, and I froze. “Just where do you think you’re going?” His voice was almost casual, his fingers digging into my skin. “I know where you live, Phantom. I know where your friends live.” My breath froze in my chest. The door was right in front of me, but I didn’t dare move. “Ariel Becker, Danika Cameron … you wouldn’t want anything to happen to them, would you?”
I whipped around, and my fist slammed into his jaw. He grunted, staggered back—then his hand jabbed my side, and my ribs exploded in pain. I gasped and doubled over, and he yanked me up by my hoodie. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. The neutral expression on his face had evaporated, replaced with simmering rage. “If you ever do that again,” he said in a low, calm voice, “I will kill them, very slowly, and I will make you watch. Do you understand?”
My mouth went dry. I swallowed, my eyes darting away. “Yes,” I whispered.
He grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look back at him. “Yes, what?”
It took a moment for my brain to catch up, and another moment to push past the bitter taste in my mouth. “Yes, sir.”
I stumbled when he released me, my back hitting the door. I stayed there, trying to breathe through my aching ribs, and watched him dab the blood off his mouth with a handkerchief. Then he turned back to me. “Go back to your room. Think this through. You’re a smart boy, Phantom. I’m sure you’ll reach the right conclusion.”
Mechanically, I left the office. I could run, I thought. He’s not following me. He won’t expect it. I could run.
Then Vale’s words rang in my head again, cold and clear, and I decided to stop thinking.
I shut myself inside the room and sat down on the cot, reality settling over me like a heavy weight.
Title credits: Thank You For The Venom - My Chemical Romance
Tag list: let me know if you want to be tagged in future updates!
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painful-pooch · 1 year
Medals For Scars - BTHB
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I'd like to thank @whumperofworlds for asking for this! I decided to have this be a fairly short write, but if people want to see what really happens next, just leave a comment so I know lmao. That being said, let me tag the Bru Bru/ Military Whump squad!
@badthingshappenbingo 'Scar to Remember'
Tag Squad: @actress4him, @redd956, @ocean-blue-whump, @pigeonwhumps, @technom0ose, @inscrutable-shadow, @straight-to-the-pain, @thethistlegirl, @sssunshinebreeze, @crash-bump-bring-the-whump, and @brinkofdiscovery
Continued after Tell Me When It's Over
CWs: Military Whump, Angst, PTSD, Panic Attack, Abuse from Commanding Officer, War Talk, *slightly grimdark*, and Mentions of Blood/Gore
Bruno stood in the hallway, poised and standing with a sense of purpose while his shoulders remained tense. He was dressed in full service blues, his uniform crisp, his tie straight, his shoes well polished, his ribbons positioned over his heart, his wings and occupational badges shining, and the bandages under his mangled chest concealing the damage.
He knew by now how it worked. He'd stand before a panel of both officers and enlisted, explain what had happened in excruciating detail, and then be given their decision of whether or not they would submit it for either the Air Force Cross or some other medal that signifies his honorable actions.
Bruno scoffed unknowingly, the word tasting bitter in his mouth. Honor. Such an overused word, yet people didn't comprehend what the reality of being honorable entailed, the scars it left behind, nor the painful memories that would come to haunt them during the hours of the day and night. People who say they know what war is have no fucking clue what it's like.
They aren't the ones having to put down someone else's pride and joy six feet under. They aren't the ones staying up 'round the clock, knowing that if they snooze for even a moment, their teammate could wind up dead beside them. They aren't the ones having to leave a body behind and telling the parents, spouse, or child of that soldier that their loved one is gone forever.
The taste of war was something Bruno could describe so easily depending on who asked. For the joke of it, he could just say it tastes like a fuck ton of Monster Energy, shitty MREs, and whatever random ass bug crawled in your mouth at night if you left your cot net open. For someone who wanted to really know the truth, Bruno's answer never changed.
It's something you can't stomach until you've learned to harden your heart and mind to it. Your mind can't begin to comprehend the utter chaos of the battlefield. No matter how organized it may seem, it's a cesspool of rage, unhinged emotions, death, blood, and dreams of a long life ending suddenly. When you breathe it the first time, you can't help but gag and cough because it coats your throat with what feels like knives slicing you from the inside. Once you swallow your fear and your woes, then you can taste it. It stings for a second, and then it's a fusion of melancholy and metallic aftertaste. Whether it's your own blood, someone else's, or even the residue from all the gunfire and smoke, it all ebbs into a certain tang that... if you've been around it long enough, it's sweet. If not, it is the most bitter thing you've ever tasted.
His chest began to hurt and he grimaced, a hand being brought up to grip the clothing over his sternum, as though the shrapnel from the accident were back in his chest. It grew harder to breathe, the hallway beginning to tunnel. He shut his eyes and clenched his jaw, hoping the waves of duress would pass by him, but he was met with a gentle tap to his shoulder, his head snapping towards the direction and coming face to face with her.
"Hey, are you okay? You're up next," Miranda spoke in that same voice she used on that fateful day. He wouldn't be here without her, but sometimes...
Sometimes he wished he hadn't survived.
He had to respond back before she could tell he wasn't in the greatest of moods. "Yeah. I'll be fine. It's just an award committee trying to pull every detail they can out of me. It won't be fun, but it'll get done soon enough."
"You can tell them that it's too fresh in your mind, Bruno. Why don't you let me go in-"
"Lieutenant Ryker, are you trying to talk our wonderful Captain Stenberg out of getting the Medal of Honor?" General Kane appeared around the corner, his eyebrow raised, his grey eyes ever so depressing to look into. "Well?"
Miranda straightened up and adjusted her Marine dress uniform, clearing her throat and throwing Bruno a look of displeasure. "No, of course not, General Kane. I was simply insisting that Captain Stenberg take a brief moment of leave to clear his mind of the traumatic events that occurred."
Kane barely even paid a second glance to Miranda, taking a step closer to Bruno, his hand reaching out to straighten Bruno’s tie and messing at the ribbons, wings, and the occupational badges he wore. "Captain here actually passed his baseline trauma exam. Isn't that right?"
Kane wasn't wrong. Bruno did pass the test. After 13 subsequent failures, tape scrubbing, and a few... corrective actions to fix his emotions. "Correct, General Kane. Mira- Lieutenant Ryker, I will be fine. Thank you for your worry, but this won't be long. Recounting the events will be simple enough. I'm assuming the mission has been declassified due to the circumstances of the possibility for the Medal of Honor?" It's a complete joke. He doesn't deserve the damn fucking medal. He deserves to die on the battlefield like a true warrior.
Miranda sighed and raised her hands. "Got it. I'm sorry for assuming that the incident where he almost died doesn't affect him at all. Sorry for assuming that he's just a normal man who sacrificed his damn chest and everything for-"
"That's enough!" Kane roared at her, Bruno unknowingly flinching at that. "You don't get to say whatever you want about this. Weren't you the one he took the blast for? Shouldn't you apologize to him for his fucked up chest?"
Bruno stopped listening at that point, his eyes fixated on a point in the wall, the ringing in his ears getting louder. He could hear the sound of his heart beating proudly in... in his fucked up chest; beating away without a care in the world. He didn't know why he felt really hot all of a sudden, sweat forming on his brow. He couldn't tell why it was getting harder to breathe or how the walls were closing in around him.
He just wanted to duck down.
He couldn't take another blast to his already fucked up chest. He didn't like the rain on his face. It wasn't rain though.
It was blood. Dripping, dripping, dripping down his face, hot and heavy, the screams and cries of agony an undertone of the deafening ringing in his ears.
And then the slap came out of no where, rough and stinging. Bruno registered it seconds after, his hand gently reaching up so that his fingers brushed up against the most likely reddened skin. "S-Sir?"
"Get your sorry ass together, Captain, or so help me I won't help you climb the ranks to Major. Hell, this could get you promoted. Now get your act together, stand straight, control your breathing, and get the fuck in that room. Tell them whatever they want. The mission was scrubbed as a Humanitarian effort to provide food and water to the locals when shit hit the fan for you and Lieutenant Ryker."
Miranda stared in rage and shock, standing in front of Bruno, her finger in Kane's face. "You *don't* touch him like that. I thought you knew better than to fuck over the one person on the team that half respects you."
The General stood there, his demeanor already giving Bruno a bad vibe, who was barely even there as it was. Kane and Miranda stared down one another, a silent discussion going on; one that Bruno didn't know what the contents were until Kane scoffed, pointing at Bruno. "If he fucks this up, I'll have you both on details that will make the Marines look like rocket scientists when they cut the grass in front of the their barracks with safety scissors. Understood?"
Miranda would have said something, but Bruno’s squeeze on her shoulder reminded her to choose her own battles, sighing and saluting alongside Bruno. "Copy. In that case, I'll leave Bruno to go ahead and present to the panel his recollection of events."
Kane grinned so smugly and patted Bruno’s cheek. "Atta boy, you'll be a fine officer. Now go get yourself a nice medal and a promotion. Don't let me down. You can't afford to."
The hall became so quiet, Bruno and Miranda watching as Kane disappeared, a sigh of relief coming from beside him. "I hate him so much," Miranda spoke with so much venom in her words. "I just want to... agh, forget it. He doesn't deserve another moment of my time. Bruno are you going to actually be fine?" She held his cheek, her lovely green eyes shimmering like a forest.
Bruno didn't even know what to say in return, so he took her hand off his face, whispering back, "It doesn't matter if I'm fine, Miranda. That's not something that should hold any importance." He forced a grin and smirk, winking at her with a bit of his dashing demeanor he puts up whenever he's pushing others away. "Besides... it's not something I can afford. I'm the leader of this team. I hold the line. I am the one who has to keep the rest of us up."
"And what about you? Who's holding you up? Bruno, don't walk away from this!" Miranda raised her voice to a harsh whisper, trying to stop Bruno from knocking on the door.
Bruno spun on his heels, and he stood rigid, holding back the anger that was rising in him. "When are you going to learn to just give up on me? I'm a lost cause. The sooner you accept that reality, the easier it'll be when..."
"When you die? Is that it? Do you just want to die, Bruno? Should I have let you bleed out on me back there?" Miranda was starting to tear up, making Bruno pinch the bridge of his nose tightly.
"I have to go... please, before I say anything else to make this worse than it already is." Bruno turned away again, knocking at the door and waiting to be told to enter and stand before the panel.
"You may enter, Captain Stenberg," a male called out from within the room, Bruno's hand reaching to turn the handle and pull it.
Miranda's voice was filled with sorrow and pain when she bid farewell. "Before you go in there... I'm not giving up on you. Not then, not now, and not ever. Now go get your medal that you earned."
Bruno couldn't turn to her. He didn't want her to see how much shame and pain he had within him. He heard the fading foot steps go away from him, and in order to not keep the panel waiting, he opened the door and entered the judgement chamber.
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a-crumb-of-whump · 2 years
Caretaking/fluff 17 for Carlos
~ Squish those cheeks and kiss their nose ~
Content: Touch starved whumpee, begging, vampire whumpee, human caretaker, talk of beatings/abuse.
The human glanced up from his book; a smile coming to his face the moment he saw Carlos standing beside the chair he was in with his bottom lip between his teeth. He looked nervous - more so than usual, and Ryker noticed him rocking back and forth on his feet ever so slightly as he stared down at the ground. He was about to ask for something.
“Yeah, man?”
“Can I, uhm…” He paused, swallowing anxiously as he fiddled with the hem of his hoodie. The rocking on his feet began to get worse. “I know, when you asked me about my boundaries, that I said that I didn’t want anyone to touch me. I know that.”
Ryker silently urged him to continue.
“But I, uhm- I need you to hug me or- or pet me or even hit me. Do something,” he whispered. Ryker found himself frowning at the tears prominent in his eyes, threatening to fall at any moment. He looked so desperate. “Please? Please, sir? I won’t eat tomorrow. I will do chores. I will give you whatever you want. I won’t even ask again. I know I said I didn’t w-want it but I just- I need a hug so bad. Please.”
Placing his book to the side, Ryker nodded and stood up. He knew this had been an issue for a while. Far before he’d moved out of home all those years ago. It got so bad that he remembered hearing him thanking his parents whenever they’d beat him. They never let him be in the same room whenever they did it, much to his relief, but he still heard. Every cry, every threat, every beating – he heard it all. It still made him sick even thinking about it. If they felt comfortable doing that while he was there, god only knows what they did to him when he was out of the house.
Gently, he cupped Carlos’ bony face in his hands and ran his thumbs along his cheeks; offering a smile when the vampire tearily looked up at him. “You’re allowed to ask for as many hugs as you want,” he assured him. “I ask people for hugs all the time.”  
“Really?” Carlos lit up a bit. “Can I have… lots of them, then?”
Ryker smiled. After gently squeezing his face a little tighter just to lean down and kiss the tip of his nose, he brought the vampire in closer. He could feel Carlos’ entire body slump out of sheer relief, and he let out a small noise against his shoulder. It didn’t come as a surprise when Carlos said he didn’t want anyone to touch him, but he also knew it wouldn’t last. He loved being touched. Whether it was a pet on the head or a hand on his shoulder – Ryker’s main form of affection towards him nowadays – he always seemed to react positively to it after the initial fear of being hit had subsided. It was sad to see that someone who clearly craved it so much had been deprived of it for so long.
“’course, bud. All you gotta do is ask.”
Send in a number + an OC(s)
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backburnerdio · 2 years
OC Kiss Week Day 7 Sloppy
WIP: Time Borrowed Pairing: Ives & Ryker cw: Injury Mention Words: 2033 Tag List: @irnalia, @waysofink, @ashen-crest, @spacetimewraithwrites,@dustylovelyrun, @idreamonpaper, @abalonetea, @jaimistoryteller, @kaiusvnoir, @writeouswriter, @reininginthefirewriting, @concealeddarkness13, @winterandwords (Used the Time Borrowed taglist, please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from this event or the main taglist)
I did not mean for this one to get so long! 😅 Sorry my dudes!
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“We’re not able to get a connection.”
“Use the pry bar here and get under the paneling. The port has come loose –Ives, can you hear me? Can you give me some kind of response?”
“It’s all loose in here.”
Ryker maneuvered his way through the crowd, excusing himself as he hurried over. Ives was sitting on the ground hands limp at his side with his gaze unfocused on the ground. Dust and small clumps of cement dusted his head and shoulders, hair spilling forward over his brow. Mikki crouched beside him, hand on his face trying to get his attention without any luck.
“We’ve got a system crash,” one of the techs announced, leaning down to try and see into the open port on his neck. “There’s a faulty connection around his CPU, he keeps trying to connect and crashing.” Mikki got up, hurrying around to their side, shooing them out of the way.
“Is it hurt?” someone in the crowd whispered. “Is it hurting?”
“They pushed that slab right off the seventh floor. I saw it!” someone else chimed in. “They did it on purpose. Landed right on top of him!”
“Ryker, give us some air,” Mikki spoke up, snapping his attention from the deadened look on Ives’ face.
“Alright, alright!” Ryker came to, turning to the crowd and waving his arms. “Let’s back up, give our tech room to work. I need everyone to take five giant steps back.” He helped make room, someone bringing over markers to project the lighted barriers.
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Ives was eventually loaded into a tech van to get away from the crowd and provide more tools to help his condition. It was hours later when Ryker was able to take one of his breaks and head over, hoping to get an update on Ives’ condition. He knocked on the back door and what surprised when Mikki opened it, stepping out.
“Perfect, Captain, you’re exactly who I wanted to see,” she removed the stained gloves from her hands, hooking them on her hips. “We’re having to put Ives into safe-mode. There was some damage to his hardware, loose connections and overheating after the initial point of contact. We were able to replace any damage to the chassis, and luckily there wasn’t any physical harm to his hardware. He just needs time to readjust.”
Ryker glanced behind her to where Ives was sitting on the table, taking directions from one of the techs who was having him follow their hand with his eyes.
“Safe-mode? What… what does that mean?”
“He’s not entirely up and running. He’s functioning, there are just a few scripts and functions he has to work out. That’s simply going to take time.” Mikki turned to look back at him. “Similar to a human concussion. He’s just in self-diagnostics, which has a higher recovery rate than an Auditor resetting him.”
“Shit,” Ryker sighed. “Is he going to be alright?”
“Of course,” Mikki nodded. “It could take a few hours or a few days. But it’s quicker than wiping him and having to upload from a backup. That could take weeks for his system to adjust. I don’t recommend it.”
“Yeah, I’d like to steer clear from a wipe too.” Ryker frowned.
“I was actually on my way to get a hold of you,” Mikki turned back to him, blindly reaching for the van door to pull it to. “I don’t think it would be wise to leave Ives unattended,” she spoke quietly, face impassive. “I’m reporting after hours for scheduled maintenance and won’t be back at the station until tomorrow afternoon. I could take Ives with me but I don’t know that Auditors would agree with this process.”
She tilted her head down to peer at him through her lashes.
“Oh, well, yeah. Would you like me to watch him tonight?” He guessed and she straightened back up with a smile.
“I appreciate your offer,” she nodded, opening the door back up. “Are you on your way back to the station?” She spoke a little louder than a normal volume and Ryker caught on.
“Yeah, I was just headed back that way.”
“Do you mind taking Ives with you? Dropping him off there?” She blinked a number of times.
“Sure,” he winced as she suddenly turned to lean back inside.
“Captain Ryker is going to take Ives back by the station. I can ride back with you to BloomingTek.” Mikki told the tech, waving at Ives before turning back around to whisper. "Take him home."
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There was the sway of big band music in the other room, Ives sitting up on the bed to look around. His olfactory sensors picked up the smell of braised meat, onions, and peppers, coming to the conclusion that Ryker must have been cooking in the kitchen. Feeling successful at that deduction, he smiled and pulled his feet off the side of the bed.
It took some time to get his equilibrium, still wobbly as he held his balance on the bed. And then the dresser. His HUD attempted to pull up the name of the song, trying to hum along to it as he studied the photographs pinned to the corkboard above the dresser. He recognized himself in a few of them, smiling as he leaned closer.
It wasn’t long before he was rifling through the drawers, pulling out one of the light blue shirts he recognized with a band name on it. Deciding he liked it, he stumbled against the dresser as he fought to pull his own shirt off and replace it with the band tee. He also found a small drawer of sunglasses, picking out a pair that caught his fancy to slide on.
He wandered about the room a little longer, visuals having one hell of a time recognizing anything through the sunglasses which he could only describe as hilarious –tricking and obscuring his HUD to see just how many error messages he could get. Finally, he drifted out into the hall, hand bracing along the wall as he stumbled into the kitchen.
Ryker was standing at the stove, turning at the motion to laugh. “Hey there, buddy.” He snickered, looking Ives over in the sunglasses, stolen shirt bunched up above his boxers. “Feeling pretty good?”
Ives made his way over, peering over his shoulder into the pan on the stove. The steam made the lenses of the glasses fog up instantly frustrating his HUD further. “I feel great,” Ives mumbled.
“You’re sure you don’t need a little more time?” Ryker snickered, turning to look at him.
“No, nope I just wanted to talk to you.” He smiled, the sunglasses sliding down his nose.
“Here, let me get these,” Ryker reached up, taking them off earning a pout.
“Why? I like them. Can’t I wear them?”
“Of course,” Ryker sat them aside, “but if you’re here to talk, I’d like to see those pretty blue eyes.”
“Oh,” Ives grinned, swaying closer only to catch himself on the counter. “Are you trying to flirt with me, Captain?”
“Have been for seven years, but thanks for noticing,” he stirred at the pan before cutting the heat. “Maybe we should sit down to talk about things—”
“Do you have feelings for me, Captain?” Ives blurted, turning his back to the counter to help support his unsteady weight.
“We should get you back—”
“Valetta thinks you do. They’ve got a bet going, you see.”
“Oh, they do?”
“But humans like to project romantic connections on each –on each other.” Ives urged informatively.
“They do, don’t they?”
“They do, don’t they,” Ives nodded, humming as something in his processes lagged. Everything felt warm and slow. “It makes them gentle,” he went on. “It makes them want to pack bond with us, even when they know -they know we’re not like them. We might look like them, you see, but we’re different.”
“I see,” Ryker smiled, cutting off the stove and turning with arms crossed. “And you don’t want to be packbonding with them?”
“I love to pack bond with them.” Ives slapped his knee for emphasis. “They’re so silly. Always in a hurry, trying to get ahead of one another, or look out for one another when they’re all just soft –they trip the wrong way and they could be dead.” He motioned down to the floor. “They need looking after. Someone ought to.”
“Yes, they should.”
“They’re all so different, too. But then there’s Ryker, and he’s not like any other human.” Ives prodded a finger into his shoulder. “When a human is like Hadrian they’re like an outlier, the end of the spectrum that has no comparison. He’s one in a million –no, eight billion.”
“Alright, let’s get you off your feet. Mikki said it might take you a few days to recover,” Ryker patted his shoulder, trying to urge him back to the bedroom.
“No, no, no,” Ives stood his ground, needing to finish his train of thought. It was important. As if the data hadn’t been completely clear or within sequence until now. “Hadrian isn’t like any other person. He always chooses kindness, always. And that’s what humans are about, aren’t they? Some of the oldest findings of human history are archaeological sites of humans with healed broken bones. Specifically femurs. Someone had to help them, care for them, because without that care they wouldn’t have survived. Kindness is what it means to be human. Hadrian is kindness.”
“I… well, thank you. But we really should get you back. Maybe try another reboot?”
“You’re mine,” he cleared the errors in his HUD. Ryker stared at him, dumbfounded, gaping on words he’d only half-started. Ives lurched closer, resting a hand on Ryker’s cheek.
Ives could feel the temperature shift of his blush against his palm. His second hand pressed against Ryker’s other cheek to successfully hold his face in his hands. Eyes wide. Stunned. Face squished just so causing his lips to pillow. “You’re my human,” he whispered, running fingers into his hair to guide him closer.
“Ives, I don’t think we should—!” The words were lost against Ives’ mouth, pulled into the kiss. A new slew of errors popped up, filling his visuals even as Ives closed his eyes. He kept brushing them aside, packing them into the corners of his feed to keep from distracting him. They swarmed and piled up until they had blocked every pel of space with their orange glow.
And then gone.
The last bit of script clicked into place clearing the haze. Ives felt a hand on his chest, opening his eyes as Ryker leaned back. His cheeks were flushed, one hand gripping the counter as the other rested against Ives, holding their balance as he gawked up at him. His hair was disheveled, lips red and irritated. Ives glanced around the kitchen trying to familiarize himself.
“You okay?” Ryker whispered. Ives straightened, absently wiping at his mouth when the backlog hit him. He glanced stiffly at Ryker before taking a step back. “Hey, hey, you’re okay.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“You’re okay,” Ryker followed, reaching up to hold Ives’ face. “It’s okay. Trust me, you don’t have to be sorry.”
“I-I don’t know what happened. It wasn’t professional of me. You were trying to tell me no.”
“I was trying to say to wait until you were out of safe-mode. So you’re thinking clearly. But now you’re here.” Ryker smiled, soothing thumbs across his cheeks. “It’s okay. It doesn’t have to be professional.”
It was Ives’ turn to gawk. “You’re not upset with me? For what I said?”
“Why would I be upset over the nicest thing ever said to me?” Ryker laughed softly, urging him down to rest their foreheads together. Ives released a manual sigh of warm air, leaning against him.
“I can go back to the station for the night now that I’m in order. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“You’re not going anywhere with my favorite shirt,” he snickered, leaning back and giving it a tug. “You’re welcome to stay the night. In fact, I’d like you here.”
“You would?”
“Yeah.” He was blushing again, “I kinda like pieyied Ives. A little messy and real honest.” Ives couldn’t help but smile, shyly looking at the floor. “C’mon, stay? I’ll take you back in the morning.”
“Alright, I’ll stay.”
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scattered-winter · 1 year
seven sentence sunday
tagged by @moonlightbuckleys !!!! sending u ALL the kisses and hugs in the whole world MWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is. an oc story im rotating. actually. most of u don't have context for them. but regardless <3 here <3 (also wayyyy more than 7 sentences but SHHhhshhhh)
Missy hesitates, raises a hand to stop Kit before he can leave. He pauses, turns back. Missy is fiddling with a long blonde braid, not quite meeting his eyes.
“There’s, uh. Something I’ve been working on,” she says, and then she reaches for her cluttered work desk and picks up a bracelet. It has large, round black beads, with intricate detailing carved into each one. She holds it up for him to see.
“It’s…a bracelet,” Kit deadpans, raising his eyebrows at her. He’s used to Missy tinkering with odds and ends, and even more used to her showing him her creations, but he doesn’t quite get why she’s so nervous over something so small.
Missy hesitates, rubs the back of her neck. He’s never seen her this nervous. “Look…see, the thing is…I made it for you.”
He must look confused, because she rushes to explain herself. “I’ve been studying those power suppression cuffs the humans use on us,” she says quickly. “It’s fascinating how they work, really, but I was hoping to reverse-engineer them to work for…well. What I was hoping.”
She holds up the bracelet to study it with an analytical gaze. “I…don’t know if it works. But if it does…it can neutralize your powers, Kit.”
Kit just looks at her, not quite believing what she’s saying. “You…you mean…this can…take my powers away?” It almost sounds too good to be true, but at the same time…it’s a terrifying thought.
“No, not quite,” Missy explains. “Just…turn them off for a while. You can control whenever you want them off, and disable the bracelet whenever you need to use them. But while it’s on…well, in theory, it’ll temporarily take away your powers and all the…side effects.”
Kit doesn’t know what to say. He just looks at her, mouth agape, trying to process what she’s saying. He could…he could touch her. He could hug her, like he’s always wanted to do. He ached for it always, a literal throbbing underneath his skin whenever he watched the others hug, or lean into each other, or ruffle each other’s hair. The longing for it, for physical contact, was almost more painful than anything else he’d ever experienced.
And now Missy was here, saying she could help him.
Fuck, he wanted to hug her now more than ever.
Instead, he lets out a trembling exhale and says, “Does…does it work?”
“I haven’t tested it yet,” Missy admits. “I mean…there isn’t really a safe way to do that…but. I don’t know. I just…I wanted you to know that I’m working on it. I won’t stop until I’ve figured it out, I swear.”
Gingerly, she hands him the bracelet, and Kit is careful not to let his fingers brush hers, despite the fact that he’s wearing gloves.
“I think,” he says slowly, not even daring to hope, “I can maybe figure out a way to test it. Without anyone getting hurt.”
Missy grins at him, dark skin smudged with some kind of oil from one of her gadgets. “Well, what are you waiting for?”
Kit hesitatingly smiles back and backs out of her workshop, knees wobbling. He isn’t quite sure how he makes it out into the hallway and up several flights of stairs to the very top floor, then the ladder up to the loft. To Ryker’s room.
He knocks softly on the trapdoor, and Ryker grunts an invitation. Kit sticks his head through the opening, and Ryker looks up from where he’s sunning himself on the floor, large wings spread wide to catch the sunlight streaming through the large skylight set into the roof.
“Hey, Kit. C’mon in.”
Kit climbs inside and carefully lowers the door closed behind him. Ryker shifts to a sitting position, black wings sweeping over the floor and coming to rest behind him.
Kit doesn’t know where to start. The bracelet is hanging from his grasp, cool and light, and Ryker is sitting in front of him in a beam of sunlight, so close but so incredibly far just like everyone else, and Kit doesn’t know how to cross the distance without hurting, without killing.
“Kit,” Ryker says, and it’s his soft voice, the one he uses when he’s trying to comfort one of the younger kids after a nightmare. “What’s going on?”
Kit swallows. He can do this. “Missy’s been working on a way to…to neutralize my powers,” he says, voice hitching involuntarily. “And the only way I can think of to test it without…without risking anyone getting hurt…”
Because Ryker is the only one who has touched him skin to skin and lived. Because his powers are unique, and his self-healing can keep up with Kit’s destruction, at least for a while.
It’s painful. Kit knows that. But it isn’t fatal, and that’s better than anything else.
He can see the moment Ryker understands why he’s come. “You need to test it on me,” he says.
Kit nods, barely able to draw in a full breath. He feels like he’s standing on the edge of a cliff, threatening to fall, and he can’t step back onto solid ground but he’s too afraid to take the plunge.
But Ryker just stretches out a hand, palm forward, fingers splayed, and just holds it there, in the space between them. And he just waits.
Kit draws in a shaking breath, slowly slips on the bracelet. He pinches a bead between his fingers, just as Missy had instructed, and twists it three ticks to the left. The carvings in the beads light up a cool, pale blue.
Then, with trembling fingers, Kit removes his gloves, one at a time. His fingers are pale, like the rest of his body probably is. He’s fairly sure his heart has stopped beating.
“Kit,” Ryker says, and Kit realizes he’s frozen up like a deer in headlights. “It’s okay,” Ryker continues, voice gentle. “We don’t need to—”
“No,” Kit manages to gasp. “I…I need to know.” If there’s a chance, if there’s hope, if he’ll ever find release.
Kit takes in a deep breath, squares his shoulders, and reaches forward. He’s moving in slow motion, swimming through syrup, as his hand slowly moves toward Ryker’s. Ryker doesn’t move, doesn’t try to reach for him. He just waits and lets Kit come to him.
Their fingers are a breath apart now, and Kit gathers his courage. He’s ready to pull away at the slightest sign of Ryker being hurt, at the slightest spark of his power surging into Ryker’s body. He reaches forward.
And their fingers brush against each other.
Kit pulls back immediately, in shock, in surprise, because he expected Ryker to flinch back, because that’s what always, always happened.
But there had been nothing. No spark of warmth, no crackle of fire in his veins. Kit slowly, cautiously presses the tips of his fingers to Ryker’s again, gauging his reaction for any indication that he needs to stop.
The only sign he gets is a smile, spreading slow and wide across Ryker’s face.
Kit keeps reaching, keeps moving, until their palms are flat against each other. Still, no burst of power, and Ryker is still smiling at him, so widely it must be hurting his cheeks.
Slowly, Ryker tangles their fingers, and their hands slot together like puzzle pieces.
And oh. His hands are rough, callused from battle, but they’re warm. It’s like everything Ryker had imagined, and at the same time it’s so, so much more.
He lets out a small laugh that cuts off into a hitched sob. Ryker is beaming at him, gently squeezing his hand, and Kit doesn’t know if he’s laughing more or crying as he squeezes back.
“It…it works,” he gasps through tears. “I…I didn’t think…” Then he gasps, sits up straighter as he remembers something important.
“What?” Ryker is looking at him in concern, their hands still tangled together, and Kit isn’t sure he ever wants to let go. “Are you okay?”
Kit stands, pulls Ryker up with him. “I need to go hug Missy,” he says, and Ryker grins.
“Well, what are we waiting for?”
tagging !! @soleadita and @xandromedan and @dauntingday and all my other writer friends!!!! and anyone else who wants to!!!!!!!!!!!!
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chaosduckies · 5 months
Restoration (Chapter 9)
The very, VERY long awaited chapter! Where you finally find out what happened to Ryker’s parents, and a little bit of Nathan’s past! Great, right? Hahaha- no. I was evil this time around.
Word Count: 6.7k
CW: Description of death, mentions of death, panic attacks, horror elements (They’re watching a horror movie), I think that’s it!
It was hard to breathe. My body trembling, heart racing, vision blurry. There were loud noises coming from above. The ground shook as people starting barking out orders and running all over the place. Mom had taken me under a cabinet to hide. Something was happening, my mom was badly hurt and struggled to stand on her own two feet, while people dressed up in a uniform were storming the building with weapons that looked painful. 
My mom laid down on the hard, wooden floor, catching her breath and watching with me as several shoes filed into the same room as us. I was terrified. I didn’t know if these people would hurt us like the other ones did. I heard several screams, yelling, threats, and then there were several questions being asked to the people who tortured us. 
“Where are the humans?” 
“Where is the rest of your family?” 
“Why are there cages set up in the back room?” 
I cringed, back, hugging my mom, but only earning a quiet yelp and her pushing me off of her. I apologized quietly and raspy, trying to stay quiet so those people don’t find us. I had forgotten that she didn’t like to be touched. 
After several minutes of the uniformed people asking several questions, they began searching for us. They had checked nearly everywhere. I was scared of what they were going to do if they found us. I mean, I was still in the mindset that everyone would hurt us. It’s all I’ve ever known since I was just a kid. That people would kill just because some don’t listen to them. 
“What do those people look like, Nate?” My mom had asked, trying to get a peak outside. I cringed, forcing myself to look outside. 
“B-black uniform… a gold badge on one’s. They have those… talky thingies on a belt.” I looked to her, seeing a glimmer of hope in her eyes. She smiled, softly laughing, “Nate, honey, I need you to go out there and get one’s attention. They’re going to help us.” 
My breath hitched in my throat. Go out? Help? What if they don’t? What if they don’t see us? What happens then? They’re still looking… if mom really says they’ll help us then they should find us. But I didn’t think they would. More and more of them were leaving the house. They’re not going to find us. 
“Please, Nate. We’ll die if they don’t f-“ I heard a soft thump! I looked back, seeing that my mom was passed out on the floor, her leg bent in an awkward position. I hurried to her side, tears on the side of my face. What was I supposed to do? She’s passed out from shock, people were looking for us. I was just a kid. What could I do? Even if I managed to be brave enough to go out, what were the chances that they’d even see me? What are the chances that they won’t just place us back in another cage? Well, if my mom says that they’ll help shouldn’t I believe her? She knows more than I do anyways. 
I sucked in a shaky breath, wiping away my tears and taking hesitant steps out of our hiding spot under a cabinet. My heart threatened to pound right out of my chest. I kept my arms wrapped around my chest. I flinched when people started running out. I listened to what they were saying before stepping out, cowering behind the leg of the cabinet. They were all leaving. 
Panic rose inside of me. What happens if we don’t get found? What happens if we do get found? 
“We’ve searched everywhere for thirty minutes. There’s no sign of humans except the cages.” One of them sighed, reporting back to someone with a hat and a shiny badge on it. Was that their boss? I cowered behind the leg even more. He looked scary… Like one glare from him and it would be the death of me. I was never going to get us out of here… 
One small group left, but I still heard faint footsteps. People were calling for someone, but it was a voice that sounded not much older than me honestly. Maybe three or four years older. I couldn’t tell. But it still freaked me out when he walked into our room. A flashlight in his hand. I jumped, hiding myself behind the leg even more. This was our last chance… But I don’t think I could do it. I was scared. Terrified. I held a hand up to my mouth to muffle my sobs. Why? 
“Is anyone here?” A light voice asked, the footsteps getting closer. I looked back to my mom, who was still passed out. Even if she was awake, I doubt they’d hear her yelling. Especially since she can’t walk without some kind of help. 
“We’re here to help. Could you please come out if you’re in here?” The footsteps were walking closer. On the side of the cabinet. I think there was a bookshelf there. Good thing we didn’t hide there. But was it good? I don’t think it was. If I go out will he see me? I looked out, seeing him checking through every spot in between the old books looking for us. No doubt he’d eventually find us. I just don’t think I’d be able to handle being grabbed against my will. I’m pretty sure I’d just freak out, and I don’t think he’d really appreciate it. I winced, lightly rubbing my arms and chest. Would he hurt me if I did anything wrong? 
“Hurry up Zaragoza! We’re leaving in five!” Someone had barked an order, making me wince and cover my ears. So loud. But in five minutes they’re leaving. That was bad. This guy would have to find us in that amount of time. 
“Just give me a little more time!” 
The person checking our room crouched down, checking the lower shelves before adverting his attention to another corner of the room. The opposite place where we were. I stood up on shaky legs, seeing him check underneath the chair thoroughly. So he would find us. Does he have enough time though? 
I swallowed, taking shaky steps toward him. He looked around 20. Maybe early twenties. He didn’t look like he would hurt us either, but that could easily be a trick. Still, if it meant that they can help my mom then I’d take the risk. I kind of have to anyways. 
I was getting closer and closer. My body didn’t want to. I nearly tripped a couple times because my legs didn’t want to work, but I had eventually made it close enough to where he could hear me if I slightly yelled. I sucked in a deep breath, the adrenaline getting to me, “S-Si…” I couldn’t even finish it, but I didn’t need to. In some kind of miracle, he had heard me. Despite it being a quiet whisper. 
His eyes landed on me as a walked backwards, eventually falling. Please don’t hurt us. Please don’t hurt us. Please don’t hurt us. It was all I could think about. My body was trembling a whole bunch, I’m sure he saw it too. My head was faced down in case I was about to be killed. I didn’t want the last thing I see be another sadistic face ready to kill me all over again. 
“A… kid?” Was all he said before I heard shuffling. I looked up only for a split second, seeing his hand reaching for me. I quickly stood up, running back, but tripping over my own two feet. Nonononono. Please don’t. Please don’t take me away from my mom. The thought stayed in my mind. 
“Hey now, I’m not gonna hurt you.” His voice just barely above a whisper. I looked up. His hand retracted back to his side, his full attention on me. Everything in my body told me to run, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. My chest was rising up and down fast, and I’m sure he noticed. 
“Is there… anyone else with you?” He had asked. I didn’t hear him for a second, but still nodded my head. He won’t take her away from me right? I can’t break our promise. 
“Do you mind showing me? I’m just gonna help her. I promise.” A smile appeared on his face, and I didn’t know if I could trust it. Would he really help her? Or would he just hurt her even more? I sucked in a breath, forcing myself to stand on shaky legs and showing him under the cabinet she was unconscious under. He told me to move out of the way so he didn’t accidentally hurt me while moving it effortlessly, and looking completely shocked at my mom’s limp body. Her chest rising up and down. 
The man in uniform wrapped his fingers around her weak body, and I couldn’t help the little whimper that came from me. He brought her closer to his face, making sure that she was still alive. Shocked at first, then he quickly turned to me, worried. I bit the side of my cheek, backing away. Don’t pick me up. Please. Don’t. 
I stumbled backwards, not ready for what was eventually going to happen. His thumb was pressed up against the front of my body, pressing me slightly into his pointer finger. Tear stung my eyes, thinking that I was about to die. I tried pushing away, kicking, but my body was weak. It hurt to even move at this point. The only thing that was keeping me from passing out was the adrenaline. 
“Kid, it’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you. Just going to check if you have any bad wounds.”  
Of course I was! I was covered with bruises from head to toe, I’ve broken so many bones I forgot what number I was at already, Worst of all I had cuts from being played around with like some sort of doll! Of course I was hurt! I guess the adrenaline rush was over, because the next thing I know I was passed out. 
I woke up in a cold sweat, my body sore for no apparent reason. Groaning, I turned on my light and read my clock. Ten minutes before the alarm went off for school. Might as well start getting ready. That was a weird memory though…
Lately things have been getting easier at school. Mostly because everyone was was excited for Christmas at the end of the month. I however, wasn’t too excited. I mean, I rarely had anyone to celebrate with. Last year we were still in the hospital and my mom was taken to some other building close by where I was. They said that she was really sick, so I spent it alone, and same goes for this year. She has work now. 
It was barely the first week of December. Classes were going by slow and handing out less and less work. Even the teachers want to have those two week off. I don’t blame them. Everyone around me seemed to be asking each other to go to the school dance before the break. I didn’t really understand why there was one, but I’m pretty sure most people were only going for the free food. Me? I didn’t really feel like going. Too many people. Plus, I can find something to do at home. 
I’ve actually found a job. It’s small, and doesn’t really pay much, but at least it’s something. I mean, how else was I supposed to buy Lucky and all of them Christmas gifts? It’s the only way I know how to get people to like me. It hasn’t worked yet, but I’m sure at some point it will. I just had to keep smiling and hoping. 
The entire reason I was getting the gifts was because they’ve been really nice to me (Minus Jasmine since she keeps glaring at me every time I’m with Ryker. She literally scares the life out of me but that doesn’t mean I won’t get her something). It’d feel wrong not to get them something. 
I’ve saved up a little bit of money. I already have an idea of what I can get Angela, Lucky, Jasmine and Isabelle. Dylan was still a mystery to me since we’ve only ever talked that one time, and I have a half idea for Ryker, but I doubt he’d like it. I already have a gift for my mom. Since she loves wearing necklaces and earrings I bought her a pair a couple days ago. She has no idea, but I’m sure she’ll love them. The necklace was actually a heart-shaped locket. Inside there was an old picture I found of all three of us. Before we were kidnapped of course. I just made a copy of it and cut it out to put inside. So, I’m sure she’ll love it. 
It was freezing outside. Snow covered the grass, the roads were somehow fine, and some younger kids were making their way to school like me. Something felt off about today, but I didn’t think much of it. 
School today was fast. It was last period before I even knew it. maybe because the classes didn’t feel like grading all of that work before the break. I know I wouldn’t. But still, I just wasn’t expecting Mrs. Kay to give us another project only two weeks before break. That’s not really enough time unless it was a slideshow or a short poster board presentation, which I could not do under any circumstance. 
“We’re doing Christmas presents!” She cheered at the front of the class. Some people were cheering along with her, some just smiled and laughed. I just stared at the drawing of a Christmas Tree on the board. What? I was trying not to think about how bad the gift I was getting for Ryker was going to be. I mean, I couldn’t really think of anything else. 
“Just give your partner a Christmas present. That’s all I’m asking for. Just take a picture of them with their gift and I’ll consider it as proof that you actually did it. Remember, you still need to pass this class to graduate.” Her eyes trailed off to a random girl sitting in the classroom who just rolls her eyes. What was up with this teacher and giving us the strangest projects? It was just crazy. 
I sighed, trying to figure out what else I could get for Ryker. I mean, he gave me the idea in the first place. It was during Lunch about two days ago and he mentioned something to Dylan about a band he’s been wanting to see. He’s also mentioned to them to me, and I agreed to listen to some of their songs. Surprisingly I liked it. Why do I bother mentioning this? Well, because that band is going on tour, and they were coming to our city in the last week of December (I looked it up). I just figured I would buy tickets as a gift. I just needed the money. 
The only thing I worried about was if Ryker would even like it. Did he like concerts? Would he think it was stupid? Would he think I was stupid? Probably. But at least if I buy two, he could take Jasmine with him. I didn’t want to bother him. Plus, I’ve never been to one before and I have no idea what to expect. I don’t think I’d like it with all of the loud noises. And the people… 
Anyways, that’s what I hoping to get for him unless I somehow get another better idea. So far nothing. 
Ryker tapped lightly on the desk in front of me. I shook my head, barely realizing that I was zoned out that entire time. I nervously smiled up at him, hugging my backpack close to my chest. Today was Friday, meaning my mom had work, and I didn’t have work today. I would probably just go home, sit outside and read a book or something. I didn’t feel like staying inside all that much even if it was freezing cold outside. 
“You good?” He asked, moving his hand away from me. I bit the side of my cheek. Of course I was grateful, but I hated how he always thought I was uncomfortable around him. Like he always has to be wary of everything he does around me. I don’t mind, but I kind of wish he would be comfortable around me too.
“Wanna come over after school? It’ll only be me and you for a while. Everyone else is going Christmas shopping and told me not to come sooo…” Ryker trailed off, trying to read my expression. I wound’t mind. That get’s rid off all my plans though. Not that there were any to begin with. I’m pretty sure he’ll ask if I wanted to go outside anyways. I nodded my head. 
I mean being alone with Ryker wasn’t new to me. What could go wrong? 
“Have you ever been to my side of the city? Like, to stores or anything?” He had randomly asked, a smile on his face. I shook my head. I could never dream of it. It was a crazy idea in the first place. I mean, I could get stepped on at any moment, grabbed, yelled at, worst of all I could get lost. It was a huge place for giants, so imagine what it was like for humans. I shuddered at the thought. 
“We could walk around. Y’know, for a little while,” He shrugged his shoulders, “O-of course you don’t have to though! It’s just a thought.” 
Oh. I don’t really know about that. There’s a ton of people around especially since it’s nearly Christmas. I usually buy things online like I already have with most of Ryker’s siblings, but dealing with people fifty times my height would be so much more worse. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if Ryker was there though. That way I actually have a means to escape if I needed to. Or if I just wanted to hide. I’m sure he’d figure out something. I just didn’t want to bother him. 
“S-sure.” I mumbled quietly, hoping he could hear. I was always so shocked when he could. Then again he has two human siblings. It kind of made sense. 
When the bell rang, Ryker kept his palm flat so I could climb on. I never fail to lose my footing and ended up falling over for the millionth time this school year. I’m sure Ryker was getting tired of it at this point. I would be. 
After walking for a while, we passed the extremely busy coffee shop, and I thought that’s where he was going since he walked towards it, but he didn’t. I was freaking out a little since he just walked through the crowd of people with seemingly no effort. It was a little loud, but it was over pretty soon. I still can’t believe people would wait in such a long line for a coffee. It seemed like a waste of time honestly. 
The cold air slapped me in the face for the second time today, immediately making me shudder and try to bury my face to stay warm. If I’ve learned anything from my mom it’s that the cold would end up getting me sick if I didn’t at least cover my nose. 
“If it gets too cold you can just tell me. We’re almost to the coffee shop I work at anyways.” He shrugged like the cold didn’t bother him. He was only wearing his usual jacket and some jeans. His hands were still invitingly warm. If it wasn’t rude, I probably would have just curled up in a ball and slept right in the middle of his palm. I wouldn’t though. 
I didn’t know where he worked at. I just knew that he had a weird schedule and didn’t really like working there. I wondered why. I feel like working at a coffee shop would b better than stocking shelves at a dollar store in the middle of the tiny town I live in. Then again, it must get pretty busy since where he works is in the middle of the city and its winter. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t like it? I have no idea. I don’t even know why he was taking me there. Maybe just to hang out? 
When we arrived, this place looked a lot more calm and comfortable. The line didn’t lead outside like the other one, there was a library that had a bunch of bean bags and cushioned chairs. It smelled like peppermint and somehow cinnamon at the same time, and it was decorated with a Christmas Tree in a corner with fake presents. What really caught my eye was that there were human-sized tables on top of the other ones like at school. There was also a mini library for humans, and even human workers who were handing out people’s drinks. I liked this place. It was a nice atmosphere. Plus it was amazingly warm in here. 
“Yeah… the other one is too crowded. I figured you wouldn’t like that and I think this is a calm place.” Ryker explained, taking a seat at a table in a corner where the heater was blowing. If he wasn’t here no one would be able to wake me up if I fell asleep. Still, I kept my eyes wide open, looking out for what comes next. 
A woman my height (She was actually half a foot taller than me but you get the idea) walked up onto the table from an elevator and smiled big while holding a small notebook. Oh! I don’t have any money on me. She looked over at Ryker, then gasped. 
“Ryker! I haven’t seen you since they switched our shifts!” The woman placed her hands on her hips. I’m guessing they used to work together. She looked close to her thirties. Her hair was tied back into a loose bun, sweet, hazel eyes that complemented her dark skin tone. She looked really nice. 
“Nice to see you too Nylah.” Ryker chuckled. The woman turned to me with a big smile, holding in a squeal, “Agh! Who’s this sweet little guy?” She ran up to my side, studying my looks before wrapping me in a tight hug. I wouldn’t have minded if it hadn’t hurt my back by pressing against my leftover scars. I shuddered, but kept it to myself. I mean what else was I supposed to do? I just met this woman. I can’t already have her thinking I was weird or something. If she’s close to Ryker and she thinks I’m not a good friend would she tell him something? 
Why was I worried if Ryker would stay my friend? I already knew the answer. He would leave me, and then I’d be lonely all over again. What else was there to it? I might as well make the best of it now. 
“Just a friend from school… I think you’re squeezing him too much.” Ryker’s hand reached out hesitantly, but retracted with a worried face. Was he worried about me? It seemed unreal, but I never really know with him. But to be honest, Nylah was hugging me a little too tightly. I could barely breathe and it was little uncomfortable, but I wasn’t going to say anything. It would be rude. Even if it hurts. Nylah let me go quickly.
“Oh! Sorry honey. It’s just after Ryker’s parents-“ Ryker cut her off by slightly tapping on the table and looking away. After his parents what? They weren’t even around as far as I knew. If they were on a business trip it’s been four months already. I would have thought they’d be back. I’ve actually been meaning to ask him, but it felt like overstepping into his personal life. 
“Sorry,” She whispered, “So what’s your name sweetie?” 
I blinked a couple times before opening my mouth to speak, “N-Nathan.” It came out the quietest whisper that I was so sure even Nylah couldn’t hear me, but she did. I had zero idea how, but she did. 
“Nathan! That honestly suits you,” She grinned, “Is this big teddy bear being nice to you? Oh what kind of a question is that! Of course he is!” She laughed. Ryker hid his embarrassed look, but I could tell he was smiling under the hand that was hiding his face. I laughed a little. 
“Ah, anyhow, what can I get you two?” She grabbed her pen and stared at the tiny notebook. Right, we’re at a coffee shop. But I don’t have any money. 
“I’m-“ Ryker cut me off, “Two hot chocolates?” I stared at him, shaking my head. He was trying to pay for me. I was not about to let that happen. It wasn’t right. 
“Alright, I’ll be right back.” She smiled and left. 
Ryker smirked, resting his head on his crossed arms. I wasn’t mad, more worried. I mean I did want hot chocolate, but I wanted to buy it. It wasn’t right letting Ryker pay for it. Ughhhh. 
“I get it for free I hope you know. I work here, remember?” He chuckled slightly. Right, but I thought it was only a percent off. I guess this place just works differently. Maybe I could just get a job here? It’s really peaceful and calm. I love it here. 
Nylah came back along with another worker who was a giant. She gave me a mug with gingerbread on it, along with a piece of paper. What was that even for? I thanked her, and she just giggled. I sighed, taking a sip. It was good. So good. Why don’t more people come here rather than that other place? Well… I guess that’d ruin the atmosphere. 
“We can go to my house after this. If you want to.” Ryker took a sip, biting the side of his cheek. I guess he burnt his tongue. I nodded my head, taking  another sip, eyeing the piece of paper Nylah handed me. I grabbed it, shocked at what it read. 
Make a promise to me that you won’t leave Ryker. He needs a friend. Especially now. And something tells me that you do too. 
I stuffed the paper in my pocket. It’s not like Ryker could read it, but you never knew. He kept surprising me. I took another sip, playing with my hands as Ryker stared at the window, glancing down at me every now and then. I knew he wanted to say something. The anxiety was eating at me, especially after reading that note Nylah handed to me. Who wouldn’t be? 
I waited for what seemed like hours in silence. I admit, it was awkward, but I really just wanted to know what Ryker was going to say or why he really brought me here. Why did he bring me here in the first place? Besides getting free drinks and him thinking that I’d like the place. I absolutely love it. Not too many people, it was quiet, and pretty much the opposite atmosphere compared to school. It was peaceful. Maybe I should start coming here? No, that was a terrible idea. I’d have to walk on the giants’ side of the city alone and I can barely handle it when I’m with one. Wait I’m getting off track again…  
“… athan?” Ryker whispered above me, questioningly. I shook my head out of my spiraling thoughts and diverted my attention to Ryker, who chuckle and sighed at the same time, “I just asked if it was good. I-I mean the hot chocolate.” 
I blinked a couple times before answering with excitedly nodding my head. Come to think of it, how did he know I liked hot chocolate so much? The only person I’ve told was… Lucky. Right. That makes more sense. I stared at the cup Ryker had, seemingly full. Honestly, it didn’t seem like he liked it all too much. 
“What about you?” I pointed to his cup, making him nervously laugh, “Hot chocolates not my thing.” 
Then why was he forcing himself to drink it? I mean it does explain why he didn’t seem to like it, but why fore himself? Was it because of me? Probably. He didn’t have to force himself to do something for me. Especially not something he doesn’t like. I hate this feeling growing at this knowledge.
“Th-then what is?” I asked curiously, hiding the small panic rising inside of me. 
“You’ll think I’m crazy, but I like cold things. Especially in winter. So like ice cream or a frappe.” He shrugged his shoulders. I don’t think he was crazy. I’m actually not even surprised. He doesn’t wear a thicker jacket (Neither do I but that’s because I don’t feel like interacting with people just to buy another one), he doesn’t wear gloves, no boots, and he doesn’t seem bothered by just sticking his hand in snow without anything on. This guy was some kind of superhuman, so this wasn’t really a surprise. Then again, there are beings who tower over many, many human skyscrapers by just standing up so what else is there to expect in this world? 
I shook my head, slightly smiling, “Why didn’t you g-get that then?” Ryker’s eyes were wide from shock for a split second. He just laughed, “Y’know, most people freak out when I tell them that.” 
“Why? It’s a stupid reason to be.” 
“Yeah. I guess it is.” 
After I finished with my drink, and Ryker traded his own out for a frappe, which he ended up finishing before he even reached his own house. I was safe and warm in his palm, somehow not worried about the fact I was roughly a hundred feet in the air. Or that I was completely trusting someone else with my life. Then again, it’s much easier when you’ve known the person for your entire school experience. Which was about four months. 
When we arrived at his house, the heater was already on, which I was so grateful for. I also found the house a little bit of a mess, but I already knew it was hard for Ryker to keep up with everything. I just kind of wished I could help, but alas, I was literally an inch and a half tall and couldn’t even move around his house without some kind of help. I’m sure Ryker knew that too. 
“Sorry for the mess. I’ll clean up-“ 
I shook my head instantly. He didn’t need to impress me. I’ve known him for four months, and I might still be the slightest bit scared, but I like to think I know him. I don’t even know why he thinks he needs to impress me. I’m gullible. I’ll practically believe anyone if they give me enough proof. 
Ryker sighed, grabbing a human sized blanket and handing it to me while I was still in the warmth of his hand. I mumbled a thank you, not expecting a reply. There were times where I was too quiet for anyone to hear. Including humans. It’s just a useless talent I have. Sometimes it even kicks in when I need my voice most. So a really annoying one too. 
“Wanna watch a movie then? I haven’t been able to watch a movie I actually want to watch in a while.” He chuckled, tilting his hand slightly on the arm of the couch to gently let me off. I nodded my head, wrapping myself comfortably in the blanket he so kindly handed me. 
“You’re fine with horror?” Ryker had asked before putting a disc into the dvd player. Horror? How do I tell him I might actually freak the heck out and maybe, possibly pass out? I don’t. I’ll go along with it. It’s his day, and he can do whatever he wants with me. Even if it means he’ll hear me squeak like a mouse again or scream my head off at some kind of jump scare. 
I hesitantly nodded my head as he put the disc in, turned off the lights, and left the room to go make popcorn. I hated how it was already dark outside. It made this a million times scarier for me. 
The screen showed a young woman going through her drawers, looking for something. Suddenly, there was a figure in her mirror, that disappeared just as soon as it appeared. I jumped though. I didn’t do well with horror movies, but I guess I’d just have to deal with it just for tonight. It’s not like this could happen in real life, right? 
Ryker came back with a small bowl of popcorn, offering some to me, which I declined. He sat down, his arms just a few feet away from me. It scared me a bit. What if he gets scared, and knocks me off the armrest? Was I in his way again? Should I move before something bad happens? How scary was this movie? 
It was maybe only thirty minutes into the movie where I was already shaking underneath the blanket I was given. Not just because I was cold either. It was because I was terrified. A guy earlier had died by being dragged in through a mirror and was falling in through a void only to fall into a pit of spikes. I had jumped, but Ryker had no reaction at all. Like he’d seen that before. Then again, we were practically exact opposites no matter how many people say we weren’t all that different. 
A couple of minutes later, Ryker placed his bowl on the coffee table in front of him, but stayed in the same position. I had wondered fro a split second if I should move, but then the girl had scared on tv, drawing my full attention, which was a fatal mistake because now her guts were spilling out and- 
I hid my entire body underneath the blanket this time. I’m sure if the light was on you could see me visibly shaking, but luckily it wasn’t. I just hoped I wasn’t bothering Ryker. That would be bad. If this was something he liked doing I didn’t want to-
Why was it quiet? 
Something pinched my sides, making me squirm and try to swat away whatever on the outside was trying to pick me up, but then my mind had finally solved it. Ryker was trying to pick me up. Heck. No. Never again. I rushed to get out of the blanket, pushing it off of me the second I peeked my head out. My heart was racing, my legs felt like jello, how was I going to run now? Not like I could without facing at least a fifty foot drop. 
“Woah, Nathan, little guy, I was only trying to…” Ryker’s eyes looked me over. He bit the side of his cheek, looking down then turning away and burying his head in his hands, groaning. I jumped expecting him to be mad at me, but instead he just leaned forward into the illuminating light of the tv that was paused. Oh. Oh. What do I do? How do I make it up to him? I-I can’t do anything- 
“S-sorry. I’m s-so sorry. I-I’ll just l-leave.” I covered up my mouth the second the words escaped. Why. Why couldn’t I just be normal? I can’t even get down safely without Ryker’s help, and currently I don’t think he wants to be anywhere near me. Tears stung my eyes, but I blinked them back. I backed up as far as I could with safely being on the arm of the couch. I tried my hardest to make myself seem smaller. Great. Now I’ve really messed everything up. I was just scared. That’s all. Why does fear always have to ruin everything for me? 
“No no you don’t have to. I should have known you wouldn’t have wanted to be touched. That’s on me. I’m sorry.” Ryker apologized, a struggling smile trying to meet up with his eyes. My heart fell. I should be the one apologizing. He’s obviously hurt by something, and I couldn’t get rid of the thought that I was the cause of whatever was hurting him. All because I was afraid.
I was only scared because I didn’t want to be held the way I used to be. I didn’t want to be dangled, pressed up against until all the air left my lungs and I passed out, worst of all I didn’t want to be kept in a fist. That would be the worst possible outcome. I was afraid that Ryker would do the same. But, thinking about it now, I don’t think he could ever hurt someone. Not ever. 
I stood up on my shaky legs, walking as close as I could, “I-I was j-just scared. I-I’m sorry. R-really.” I hoped he could hear me. When I heard him chuckled, I knew he did. 
“It’s fine. I get it. Why’d you say okay though if you don’t like horror movies?” He asked in his usual soft voice. I played with my hands while answering, “I u-usually go along with a-anything. I-I don’t w-want you to do s-something you d-don’t want to.” 
It was the truth. What else was I supposed to say? That I was just doing it because why not? Ryker would just ask again. I knew how he’d react. Sometimes. I wasn’t expecting the nickname in his earlier sentence. “Little guy?” I mean I like when he says it, but I don’t like the name in general. Maybe it was because I trusted Ryker and he doesn’t use it to taunt me. I just hope it doesn’t catch on. I’m sure he was just caught up in the moment too. 
“I appreciate it, but I don’t mind doing something else.” He smiled sadly. No, I was not about to be the reason he can’t have fun. I can’t. 
I shook my head, “I’ll be fine. I just get scared easily.” I rubbed my arms. Ryker was thinking for a second before offering his hand palm-up. I looked up at Ryker questionably, but didn’t question him. He kept his hand up against his jacket, “Is that comfortable?”  I nodded my head in response. 
“My parents used to do it with Lucky when something bad was happened. You-you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” 
I shook my head, but my curiosity had the best of me, “What h-happened to your parents?” 
Ryker sighed, giving a soft but sad smile, “They died in a car crash a little over a year ago.” I jumped, slapping my hands over my mouth.
“If you get scared you can turn away, and I’ll block it for you. Would that be easier for you?” I nodded my head. His parents… Did I ask a wrong question? Ryker didn’t seem bothered by it all too much, but still. Should I say something? No. I think I’ve said enough. 
The movie was getting finished up. The last person was making it out of the house. She was crying and laughing while collapsing on the concrete, right before she woke up back in her room that looked perfectly normal except for the face staring at her through the mirror. I jumped when suddenly the person stepped out, and turned around to face the jacket that was keeping me warm. I took several deep breaths before I felt something soft rub my back. Like it was trying to calm me down. Reassure me. I smiled leaning into the gentle touch. What? You would to if you were in my shoes. 
Ryker only let out a small chuckle, right before he change the tv to the news, where suddenly I was hearing raging protests. I quickly turned to the tv, seeing many, many people marching down the street holding up signs and looking like they were all about to cause chaos. There was a warning for humans living in the giant side of the city to move to the human side. 
Ryker and I looked at each other with horrified looks on our faces. This was not going to end well. 
ahhhhh. I do love a decent cliffhanger. I wonder what happens next!
Also, this was a little fast paced because holy moly school does not need to assign five projects due in one singular week. Sorry if it’s not as good as you all had hoped TwT
Thank you for reading!
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radicalhighway · 4 months
i have so much info stored in my brain abt ryker and his species and the world she’s from. i’ve had this oc since 2016 and it’s gone thru so many different iterations and oh my god i have never been more attached to an oc in my LIFE
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sk1nand-b0nes · 8 months
Dakota: Go to sleep or you'll hate yourself in the morning. Ryker: I'll hate myself in the morning regardless.
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god-mouths · 2 years
🖊 for anyone of your choosing!
I am really liking ryker right now. he's a very old oc, not the oldest but like 7th grade at the very least. his head is supposed to be a waste basket filled with paper but through years of drawing him idk it turned into hair and somewhere along the way he got a sword stuck in his face causing a face hole instead of the recycle symbol which i then turned into an eye. as for how he got the hole, he sort of used to be a vent oc? but mostly in the case that drawing him cheered me up and i was a weird, weird child. drawin him still cheers me up and i talk about how i feel about my aroaceness through him sometimes. he's overall a very fun character and i love him a lot. he has a really interesting dynamic with X in that they're not dating or qpps but they;re DEFINETLY not friends either But they wont go anywhere without each other. like they would die for each other but also ryker fucking HATES this guy and X thinks he's weird
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theherosvillain · 8 months
4: Before it's too late
Previous - Masterpost - Next
CWs: captivity, violence
The way back to the room was a dead end, so I continued past the office, keeping a quick pace through the empty hallways. They wouldn’t be empty for long; Vale said he was sending somebody to collect me. I just had to find the exit before they showed up.
But that was easier said than done. Each hallway looked the same, and some branched off in different directions with no indication of where an exit might be. There had to be a joke here about Vale’s evil lair violating fire safety protocols, with its lack of exit signs, and despite the dire situation, I almost laughed. Maybe if Vale got reported to the fire marshal, that would finally get him arrested …
My grin dropped quickly, and I shook my head. I had to get the fuck out of here.
I heard footsteps coming from the other direction. I paused in the middle of the long, empty hallway. Nowhere to hide—and nowhere to run, either.
A figure rounded the corner, and my stomach dropped as I recognized him. I’d been expecting one of Vale’s henchmen. Somehow I’d forgotten about his second in command, James Ryker. He was tall and muscled, always wearing a scowl beneath his military-style buzzcut. Maybe if he cared about the law, he could’ve been in the military. Instead, he was hired to do Vale’s dirty work—which, right now, included keeping me in check.
“Hey!” Ryker snapped, sauntering toward me. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
Immediately, I started to backpedal. I’d won fights against Ryker before, but that was when I wasn’t dead tired and aching all over. I wasn’t risking it now.
Despite the panic buzzing in my veins, a nervous grin twitched onto my face. “You wouldn’t happen to know where the exit is?” I asked innocently.
He glowered at me. “You couldn’t just stay put, could you?”
Again, I was mystified by the assumption that I’d do what I was told. What did they expect from me? “Hm. No,” I said. Then I turned and started running.
My muscles burned in protest, but I forced myself to keep moving, spurred on by Ryker’s pounding footsteps behind me. I couldn’t remember which way I came from, and I couldn’t slow down long enough to figure it out. Ryker was gaining on me, which came as a surprise—I was usually faster than him.
My sneakers skidded against the floor as Ryker snagged the back of my hoodie. He shoved me against the wall, and my face slammed into the concrete. “You’re such a pain in the ass,” he muttered to himself. “I can’t believe Vale put me on babysitting duty.”
“Well, if you don’t want to babysit,” I said, “you could just let me go.”
He snorted and pulled me up, his fist still twisted in my hoodie. “Yeah, right. Come on, brat.”
I begrudgingly stumbled along as he dragged me down the long, winding halls. Finally he paused in front of a door, keeping one hand on me as he unlocked it. I just barely managed to keep my footing as he shoved me unceremoniously inside. “Don’t fucking try to escape again,” he warned me. “I’ll beat the shit out of you.” He didn’t give me a chance to respond before he slammed the door in my face.
The new room was similar to the one I’d woken up in, except this one had a cot bolted to the floor. Still no windows, and no air vents I could fit through. The door only had one lock, and I wondered if that was on purpose. Didn’t Vale know that I could pick locks? Outside the door, Ryker’s heavy footsteps retreated. If he was confident enough to walk away from me, maybe he didn’t know I could pick locks.
For a moment, I eyed the cot, feeling exhausted. Maybe I should rest, so that I’d have a better chance of escaping … It was tempting, but I decided against it. I had to get out of here before Vale came back. I started picking the lock.
It didn’t take long to hear the telltale click, and I popped the door open and got moving again. After a tense bout of wandering, I spotted a door with a push bar instead of a knob. My heart rate sped up. Stairwell? Please? Cautiously, I pushed it open. The creak made me wince, but I didn’t hear anything else. When I opened it fully, I saw stairs leading up.
Relief flooded through me, and I had to remind myself that I wasn’t out of the woods yet. The stairs just led to the first floor; I still had to find a real way out. But this was something; it was progress.
I climbed the stairs two at a time and paused at the top. I didn’t sense anyone on the other side of the door, but I opened it slowly, poking my head out. The hallway up here was sleek and modern, with glossy floors and dark walls, but it was still empty. I slipped out of the stairwell and started walking. Maybe the first floor had exit signs …? I could hope, anyway.
It didn’t, and it was just as labyrinthine as the basement. My heart thudded as I crept through the halls, my nerves growing the longer I went without seeing any way outside.
Finally, I spotted a door with a narrow window in it, light streaming through. I didn’t even think before I ran for it. Just as my hand wrapped around the handle, two masked figures appeared down the hall. One of them shouted, and I yanked the door open, rushing through.
Fresh air filled my lungs as I stepped into the alleyway—and immediately spotted two henchmen at the end, blocking the way out. I spun on my heel and found a brick wall at the other end. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck—
Arms wrapped around me from behind, lifting me off my feet. I thrashed against them, and then a second pair of hands joined in. “No!” Dammit, I was so close—
They hauled me back through the door. I winced as my knees hit the ground, and several pairs of hands held me there. The henchmen started whispering to each other, but they cut off at a pair of heavy footsteps.
Ryker stormed towards me, looking more pissed off than usual. “How the hell did you even—?” He cut himself off and grabbed a fistful of my hair. “Why couldn’t you just stay put?!”
I gritted my teeth and angled my head to take the pressure off. “Don’t know what you expected,” I managed.
The slap caught me off guard, although maybe it shouldn’t have. “I can’t believe Vale thinks you’re smart.” He released my hair and hauled me up by my hoodie, dragging me down the hall. “If you don’t stay put this time, I’ll fucking kill you, you hear me? I don’t care what Vale says—”
I tuned out his insults and the lingering sting on my cheek, burning at the indignity of it. But there was one thought that kept me going: I was so close. I knew the way out this time—sort of. I’d find it again. I didn’t have any other choice.
Ryker dumped me in the same room as last time, and as soon as I heard him walk away, I got to work on the lock. It clicked open just as easily as before. I waited a minute, two, but I didn’t hear anything outside. I slipped out of the room, turned the corner—
And ran straight into Ryker.
His boot drove into my gut, knocking the wind out of me. “What the hell is your problem?” he demanded. I crashed to the ground and couldn’t even get a breath in before he kicked me in the ribs. I felt something crack and cried out, shielding myself with my arms. “I fucking told you to stay put, you idiot!” I managed to curl into a ball, my limbs taking the worst of the blows. Tears sprang to my eyes, and even through the haze of pain, I felt pathetic for it. I needed to get up, fight back, but all I could do was try to keep Ryker from breaking more ribs.
The kicking stopped abruptly. Ryker yanked me up, his face inches from mine. “Get your ass back in that cell and stay there,” he snapped.
My ribs throbbed, and a stray tear rolled down my cheek. I glared at him. “Fuck you.”
Apparently, that wasn’t the answer he was looking for.
Pain jolted through my bruised arms as I caught myself against the cell floor. The door slammed behind me, and Ryker’s muffled threats drifted through before I heard him storm away.
I dragged myself over to the cot and carefully laid down, wincing when I put too much weight on my ribs. Everything hurt. I found myself staring at the door. It would be so easy to pick the lock, find my way back to that exit door, get myself the fuck out of here—if I could get past Ryker and the henchmen. If I could actually stand up after that beating. I wasn’t sure if I could.
I shut my eyes, tears leaking out of the corners, and resigned myself to resting.
Title credits: Letterbomb - Green Day
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