howtowhumpyourhiccup · 18 hours
I'm not gonna lie, writing Price gave me a real weakspot for Ryker/Hiccup. Hiccup is basically Viggo if he were warm and compassionate.
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frie-ice · 2 years
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Here is a crossover ship collage I did of Hiccup x Raya. Aka, Hiccaya and Rycup.
I got inspired to ship these two after shipping Toothless with Sisu. It made sense to also ship their human friends with one another as well.
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 20 hours
Chapter 4 - Focus
Summary: Set during RttE, based on the episode "Gold Rush." The entire point was for Hiccup to get Berk's Gold back. Well, he's far from his goal now.
Warnings: Smut, Dirty talk, Slavery mention
Rating: Explicit
Dead Dove: Yes
Words: 1 008
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Ryker
Pairing: Rycup, Vigcup
Author's Notes: Fridays and Sundays, like I said!
Hiccup can’t stop thinking about the fact that it’s been three weeks since his capture. Three weeks that the Dragon Riders haven’t come for… Haven’t found him yet. Three weeks that he’s been taking the brothers who hold him captive in however way they want and however many times they want. Three weeks that he turned his mind off to cope and forgot that his people really needed him to find this map, ignored that there was a world at all beyond his cell.
Ryker has him pinned on his cot in his cell, both still fully clothed, he’s working his frustrations out on him, both their pants just low enough for access. The man has his hands on his thighs and keeps them pressed to Hiccup’s chest, his face buried in the crook of his neck, his cock inside as he pounds away. He grunts and groans, Hiccup moans into his ears, his right hand on his bald head.
With his left, he’s trying to reach for the keys jingling off the ring attached to his belt.
This is one of those opportunities he’s been waiting for. Viggo is always careful to keep any keys out of his reach, but Ryker is never that careful, that jingling of his key ring almost just as present as the sounds that they make. And today, he didn’t even bother to undress, leaving those keys right in his reach.
They have just moored at that shore Viggo mentioned a few days ago and there’s a camp here. They don’t plan on staying long and therefore won’t even bother letting him off the ship. The plan is to see how things are, load up on supplies and leave. Hiccup doubts the Hunters working here will even get to hear the news that they’re holding The Dragon Rider prisoner on this ship. But none of that matters when he can just hear the vague sounds of dragons in the distance.
Ryker is right here, being as careless as usual, Hiccup can grab the key. Both brothers will be spending at least the following night on the island as they need to feel solid ground beneath their feet, sick of living on a ship for at least one night. They’ll be giving him hours of peace and the perfect opportunity to break into Viggo’s quarters to grab the map. With dragons right within reach, he can unlock a few cages and cause enough chaos that he can slip free into the night on the back of a dragon.
Being fucked by him is so distracting, the fire burning in his loins, his pussy stretched around his cock, threatens to take every coherent thought away, which is certainly Ryker’s intention.
Sometimes, he can’t stop talking about “dumbing him down” or leaving him “cock drunk,” whatever that is supposed to mean. And apparently, his age is a big turn on for him, too. Hiccup can feel every inch of him, is being trained to love every inch, can feel him hit his cervix with every pound inside and it fills him with as much pleasure as it does pain.
That last part worries him especially after being told it’s been three weeks, almost four at this point.
Focus. He needs to focus.
Still crying out, head thrown back, he tries to reach for the keys. His fingers touch them, his pointer wraps around the ring they’re attached to. Now he just needs to unbutton the loop that keeps them secure to his pants.
Ryker’s teeth sink into the flesh of his shoulder before his tongue and lips suck a mark there. Hiccup is always especially loud when he does that and his mind blanks briefly, he’s orgasming before he realizes it.
“Fuck yeah, you Cunt,” Ryker growls when he feels the tightening around his cock. He lets go of Hiccup’s thighs and there’s brief panic in the younger man’s eyes as Ryker sits up, his finger still looped around the key ring. So far, he’s been doing a decent job staying out of trouble. If they could turn the deal he proposed for Toothless’ continued safety and freedom on its head in such a way, he can’t imagine what they’ll do to him if he causes trouble before his chance to escape has come.
But all Ryker does is push his legs out of the way, spreading them wide before lying down on top of him, face back in his favorite little crook, and hands now below Hiccup and on his rear to pull him closer as he pounds into him. Faster now, much faster, a telltale sign that his end is right around the corner as well. Hiccup’s chance to get those keys could slip away any second now.
His screams fill not just his cell, but the entire dungeon and Ryker leaves him trembling by the time he finally slows and takes a brief pause. He’s cumming and Hiccup moans, pushing his head back into his pillow. The cot hard beneath every thinly filled layer.
“Fuck, you’re so good,” Ryker gives him his favorite compliment before going back to thrusting. This time, he’s slow and he sneaks a hand between them to rub at his now overly sensitive little nub. Hiccup can’t help the whine, Ryker sits up to watch him climax a second time, needing to see him quiver and the faces he pulls when he does.
Then he leaves him, using the water and cloth meant for their thrall to clean himself with. Then Ryker straightens out his clothing and heads out of his cell. There’s a heartpounding moment in which Hiccup watches him leave and the Hunter standing guard outside locks his cell for their superior.
Dropping his head back down on his bed, Hiccup breathes a sigh of relief. He sneaks a hand underneath his mattress and feels the cool metal of the key ring.
“Thank you, Ryker,” he mutters, thanking the man for his carelessness. Outside, the Hunter snickers, believing he’s thanking him for something very different instead.
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 21 hours
Chapter 2 - Morning Greeting
Summary: Set during RttE, based on the episode "Gold Rush." The entire point was for Hiccup to get Berk's Gold back. Well, he's far from his goal now.
Warnings: Sexual Content, use of strong language and insults (the word "cunt")
Rating: Explicit
Dead Dove: Yes
Words: 821
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Ryker
Pairing: Rycup, Vigcup
Author's Notes: Officially introducing Ryker and showing some of the differences between the two brothers in their treatment of Hiccup!
And there will be smut in this fic, despite the very problematic nature of the plot. Even later, after his inevitable rescue. And it will deal with some uncomfortable stuff; like (sexual) slavery, verbal abuse, physical abuse, mental health problems, Hiccup's conflicting emotions and thought processes that he'll have throughout this entire journey, loved ones not understanding and being mean, and parts that flashback to earlier in the story. If a part needs a warning, I'll put it in a warning at the top of the author's notes like I did here.
Viggo likes to have their “guest” in the privacy of his quarters, but Ryker prefers doing him in his cell, where he thinks Hiccup belongs. And if anybody is listening in or even sneaking peeks, that isn’t his problem.
Ryker sits on Hiccup’s cot while the young Dragon Rider sits in his lap and takes his cock. Leaning back with his hands on his knees, he rolls with his hips with every thrust downwards. His head he has thrown back as he moans.
Everything about Ryker is bigger than Viggo. The cock that makes his pussy burn as he slides up and down its length, the hands pulling on his hips, the body he pins him down with. Everything is bigger and that is his main redeeming feature.
“Fuck, if I could keep you on my dick forever…” Ryker groans, thoroughly enjoying the way his cock can just be swallowed up inside.
He never thought someone so uninteresting looking as Hiccup could ever satisfy him. Sure, he has a pretty face, but that’s where it ends for him. Not enough meat on his bones, breasts too small, hips too narrow, but at least he knows how to use his pussy and Ryker considers that his one redeeming quality. Well, he knows how to use it after some proper guidance from his captors, of course.
Moaning as he quickens his own pace, Hiccup’s gaze meets his again. Apparently, that piqued his interest.
“I bet you would love that, wouldn’t you? To go to sleep with my cock in you and wake up to me fucking you raw,” he smirks and the way the other clamps down on him betrays exactly what he’s feeling.
“Oh fuck!” Hiccup cries out, throwing his head back again when his orgasm courses through him. He stops moving as his fire burns, Ryker buried up to his crotch inside. The man groans before licking his lips and rolling them over.
Hiccup gets the wind knocked out of him as he lands on the hard cot with his back, but he doesn’t make a peep. After bending his spread legs with his hands and his own legs, Ryker pins him with his weight and pounds into him until he cums.
The Dragon Rider below him is left to take it, pussy burning from overexertion and crying into the man’s ear. He holds onto him, his arms wrapped around his shoulders from under his armpits, his nails digging into his skin. Yesterday’s scratch marks are still very much there.
“Fucking Hel,” the man grumbles as he cums before resting his entire weight on the younger man. He groans and grunts, subtly rocking back and forth to gently milk himself dry.
“Tomorrow, I’m going to wake you up with my cock,” he promises him and he feels their prisoner’s pussy give him a happy squeeze. “I knew you liked that idea.”
The following morning, that is exactly what he does. While Hiccup is in a deep sleep after yesterday’s… exercises, Ryker sneaks into his cell and quietly settles on the cot. He’s in lucky, he’s sleeping on his back. Carefully, he maneuvers the other’s legs around him. It helps that his fake leg is on the floor.
Their guest only wears a thin linen tunic and something that could pass for pants made of the same material. They’re beige in color, stiff and scratchy and uncomfortable, especially on naturally sensitive parts of his body and the scars wrapped around his legs. Where his old clothes and armor went, Hiccup has no idea.
They were burned, turned into a pile of ashes. Including the pauldron with that ridiculous Night Fury insignia of his.
Ryker pushes the tunic up to his collarbone and the pants he removes. He’s being sneaky about it, can’t have him wake up too soon, after all. He’s shirtless himself and then lowers his own pants until he frees his cock. Then he pumps his shaft erect, pumps until it weeps.
He sneaks two fingers past his folds and pushes them into his opening. Grimacing, Hiccup finally begins to stir and spreads his thighs wider apart. Ryker’s other hand grabs a breast to knead. Perhaps he can encourage them to grow a little.
“What the f…” Hiccup wakes up to the feeling of fingers gently pumping in and out of him, of his breast being fondled and he opens his eyes to find Ryker right there. Of course, he would fulfill his promise, Hiccup wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Look down, Cunt,” he tells him and Hiccup does as he’s told, finding the older Grimborn brother’s cock resting on his belly. It’s erect and weeping precum, but more than that, it’s showing him exactly what he’s been taking and how deeply.
“Oh Gods,” he moans and he already can’t wait to be filled with his affection.
Hiccup is here to be used and that is what he’ll do.
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 20 hours
Chapter 5 - Learning It The Hard Way
Summary: Set during RttE, based on the episode "Gold Rush." The entire point was for Hiccup to get Berk's Gold back. Well, he's far from his goal now.
Warnings: Verbal Abuse, Blood, Injury
Rating: Explicit
Dead Dove: Yes
Words: 2 087
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Viggo, Ryker, Dragon Hunters
Pairing: Vigcup, Rycup
Author's Notes: Well! Went from having enough parts of this fic done to having a definitive chapter count AND also the sequel already in the works. Because otherwise this fic would just go on for forever, so I've decided to cut this fic at a certain point only to pick it up in the sequel.
Can't wait for Sunday's update! I hope you guys are just as excited as I am! ;)
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Chapter 1 - Forgotten
Summary: Set during RttE. The entire point was for Hiccup to get Berk's Gold back. Well, he's far from his goal now.
Warnings: Sexual content, implied mental health stuff
Rating: Explicit
Dead Dove: Yes
Words: 550
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Viggo
Pairing: Vigcup
Author's Notes: Welp, the entire basis of this fic is basically "what if Hiccup was touch-starved to an unhealthy degree?"
That's what you get when you're working on both a Kinktober-like event and a Whumptober-like event. You get dark ideas such as this. As a matter of fact, I wrote a short Rycup/Vigcup for a prompt that lead me to getting this idea.
The Dead Dove tag definitely comes into play later.
Also, there's a set storyline for this one, but these are all just one-shots that hang together by the thin thread of timeskips. Got two more parts after this one done.
They’re filling a need inside of him. Hiccup doesn’t know what exactly, but he knows that they are.
He’s on his back on Viggo’s desk, completely stripped naked while the Hunter leader thrusts into him, his hands hold a tight grip on his thighs. Though his pants hang awkwardly from his prosthesis.
“Harder… Harder, please!” Hiccup whines with tears in his eyes. It’s with the utmost pleasure that Viggo listens, pumping his cock into him as hard as he wants. There’s no reason to reject his plea, not when he broke so long ago.
And the thing is; he broke almost immediately.
Because Viggo looks at him in a way no one else does, touches him softly, speaks to him in a way that sends his heart soaring. The first time Hiccup spread his legs for him, it was out of a sense of obligation for his tribe. By the time he cummed inside of him that first night, made him cum around him, something changed.
And he cried. While Viggo was still inside of him, he cried. Not because he just slept with the enemy, but because his heart felt so full. It had taken the man completely off guard, especially when Hiccup held onto him and begged him not to leave yet.
“I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum!” Hiccup exclaims, quivering, the need to burning deep inside of him. Not that it takes a lot, even after the daily visits he gets and not just from Viggo, but also of his brother. Whatever itch they’re scratching, it almost seems to leave him more sensitive.
“Then let go, my Dear. Let go, you’re meant to,” Viggo softly advises him, his cock pulling on his walls so matter how slick his pussy is for him. The advantage of having a big cock. He lets go of one leg to bring his thumb down to his clit. He rolls the little nub around, knowing exactly which button to push to get Hiccup to orgasm quickly after.
As the wave of pleasure washes through him, Hiccup leaves clawmarks in the desk he lies on. His back arches, he throws his head back and spots the very reason why he’s in this position.
It’s a map of an island, the key to getting Berk’s gold back, Hiccup believes. The entire reason why he wanted to fuck Viggo Grimborn is to get his hands on it, but instead he got way more than he bargained for and he forgot all about it.
The Hunter leader spills his seed inside of him and he groans in his release, but Hiccup has yet to take his gaze off the map. Tears fall from his eyes and his heart aches knowing that he’s letting so many people down.
And yet, he can’t let go of this feeling. He almost wants to call it love, but whatever it is, he makes him cling to the brothers.
Taking his eyes off his original goal, he stares up at Viggo, who will soon leave him and then it’ll be Ryker’s turn. Because he enjoys competing with his younger brother when it comes to fucking the young Rider.
But until then, Hiccup places his hands on Viggo’s larger ones and hopes that he’ll stay for just a moment longer.
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Okay, I HAVE to ask.
Day 22 "Burned".
- Eretcup?
- Dagcup?
- Vigcup?
Or, yes, I'm going to include it.
- Rycup?
The Vig/Rycup will be mostly one-sided and the latter moreso slightly present then not.
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