#rwby nightmare
yukisetsura · 26 days
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Long time no Hunter Jaune
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strqyr · 6 months
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beyond you have One job ( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ
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epic-arc · 4 months
Connecticut dog but in rwby
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etinceelle · 1 year
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Neon Lights - Nuts and Dolts comic [PART 5/7]
Some comfort after this nightmare, and a game >:] Oooh we're heading toward probably two of my favorite parts ehe
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st-whalefall · 2 months
“I love you…”
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“…just the way you are.”
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fandomflotilla · 1 year
Weiss: Oh Jauneeeeeee. I need a favor…
Weiss: *runs her hand up his arm*
Jaune: *leaps out of his seat in fear*
Jaune: Oh god not this nightmare again!
Weiss: What?
Jaune: Stay back! Fuck, where’s my sword!?!?!
Weiss: Jesus Christ, calm down. I was just going to ask for key code to the leader’s locker room so I could steal Ruby’s scroll.
Jaune: Oh thank god. Yeah, I can do that.
Jaune: Phew. For a second there I thought you were trying have sex with me.
Weiss: …
Weiss: …okay, RUDE.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
Stupid Bad guys questions, that are as thought provoking as they are idiotic:
1 - Who’s the most likely to vandalize the minecraft bases of the others?
2 - Who’d be the best at Dance Dance Revolution?
3 - Who’s the most likely to accidentally start a new religion?
4 - In the case of a zombie apocalypse, who’s getting thrown to the zombies as a sacrifice?
5 - In a fight, who’d be the most easily distracted with the use of online slime scooping videos?
1. They all will. Killer does it because he’s a bitch and he thought it was funny—he comes with increasingly creative ways and even manages to mimic specific types of vandalism to pin it on Horror or Dust, thus causing arguments between the two.
Horror hates them both, but was minding his own damn business until Dust (Killer) bothered him first. He blew up Dust’s place and left a sign insulting his non existent mother.
Dust probably blew a place up accidentally and then started doing it on purpose because he likes the sound of TNT exploding. He specifically only really targets Killer but Killer never bothers to fix any vandalism, instead finds a way to memorialize all the damage.
After Horror blew up Dust’s place, Killer blew up Horror’s and somehow managed to frame it as Dust getting revenge. Horror now refuses to make another house or base and instead roams around, mining and making armor and weapons.
Killer suspects he is planning a little ambush on Dust and watches Horror skitter around the game world like a bug with increasing amusement. Dust has no idea what is going on because he is planting a garden now.
2. Probably Killer. Dust would prefer to sleep and Horror claims to have better things to do. If Horror does attempt to try a round, if only to try and push Killer down a peg, he wins just by doing the bare minimum because I think that’s funny. It doesn’t help that any time Dust sits and watches the two of them play, he always attempts to trip Killer up.
3. If we’re talking accidentally, then probably Horror. If only because he knew the exact words to say to a group of desperate, starving people to convince them to resort to eating humans.
Killer would start a religion on purpose if it serves his or Nightmare’s goals. He probably already has in a way, whispering in in-code AUs’ ears about myths and legends of the dreadful, evil, powerful God of Negativity. Wielding both fear and reverence.
And given his cryptic occasional comments about Players and no one really having free will, I’m sure if certain conditions were met, a new religion based around Players could even crop up. That one would probably be accidentally for Killer.
4. Killer is the first to ask a similar question in a zombie apocalypse. Horror and Dust answer by throwing him out to the herd.
5. Probably none of them. Dust would probably be too lazy and tired to fight anyway, not interested in anything outside his own timeline, so he’d probably just take the device the video is playing and put on whatever he wants to watch.
Horror might get momentarily distracted, if only because of the absurdity or because the light/noise coming from the screen caught him off guard.
I doubt much of anything can stop Killer from trying to fight or kill you if he’s decided he’s going to fight or kill you, especially if that’s amongst what he’s been ordered to do. Maybe if he already finds the fight to be unbelievably boring, he’d probably get distracted.
But in that case he’d probably just pull out his Gaster Blaser and end the fight quickly rather than waste his time, then he’ll pick up the device and watch some slime scooping videos while standing over someone’s corpse.
( @jay-justjay ).
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novankenn · 2 months
1... 2...
Beacon had fallen, despite the desperate actions of her defenders. The death toll was horrendous, especially among the civilian population that had been in attendance for the tournament. Many of the students and soldiers that had stepping up to do their duty had also fallen to the onslaught of grimm... Jaune was one of those number.
Pyrrha was in Ansel with Nora and Ren. They had come to Jaune's hometown to return his body and possessions. As she hobbled about on her crutches... she was wracked with guilty and sorrow. Ruby had arrived in time to save her... but no one had been able to save Jaune.
No one was sure what happened to the rocket locker she had forced him into. Either it malfunctioned or had some mid air collision with the innumerable grimm that had filled the skies. But that was a moot point at this stage. Jaune had drowned. The locker that was meant to take him to safety, becoming a death trap when it fell into the river that meandered through the City of Vale.
The Arc family was broken with grief, and the normally open and welcoming family had closed in upon itself. Even more so with the return of Jaune's remains and affects. So Pyrrha, Ren and Nora found themselves wandering the fair sized hamlet looking for accommodations.
"Anyone else noticing how creepy it is that ever kid we pass is starting at Pyrrha?" Nora asked in a low voice.
"Most likely fans." Pyrrha muttered her voice dripping with regret.
"I don't think that's the case." Ren commented as he too had noticed the apathetic, and sometimes hostile looks the children, and only the children were giving the trio.
That brought Pyrrha out of her muddled and sorrow filled thoughts, to look about. Her teammates were right. Each and every child, was giving the trio similar looks. From children that looked no older that five or six, all the way to ones pushing at the cusp of adulthood. Their dead and glazed eyes following the trio's movements.
"I think we should get out of her, and back to patch, or Argus." Nora commented as she stepped closer to her teammates and friends.
"The earliest flight is in two..." Ren started to speak only to be cut off as a pair of young girls in summer dresses that had been skipping rope towards them suddenly stopped...
"1..." the first sung out in a toneless voice.
"2..." the second added in an equally disquieting voice.
"1... 2..." came a chorus of similar voices as a small gaggle to teens slowed their passing. Each head turning towards the trio.
"Ren? Pyr?" Nora asked with an obviously shaking voice.
"1... 2..." more children repeated the set of numbers. Their voices taking on a flat sing-song quality.
"Johnny, get back here!"
"Samantha where are you going?" came the shouts of parents whose children suddenly walked off, joining the gathering mob starting to surround the remains of team JNPR.
Ren, Nora and Pyrrha closed upon each other. Seeking support by close proximity with the others.
"1... 2... Jauney's coming for you..."
That simple phrase flatly sung out by the mass of children caused Pyrrha's breath to catch in her thorught.
"3... 4... better lock your door..."
Nora was completely creeped out. The words burrowing into her mind.
"5... 6... grave a crucifix..."
Ren struggled to us his semblance. Attempting to quell the rising feelings of trepidation and dismay.
"7... and... 8... gonna stay up late..."
Pyrrha gasped, losing her balance, as she stumbled backwards. Her crutches going out from under her. The appearance behind the gathers children of what she could only describe as a soddened figure clad in a sopping Pumpkin Pete hoodie, starling her.
"9... 10... never... sleep... again."
With those final words the children disbursed as silently as they had gathered.
In EverNight Keep Cinder was wandering the halls, looking for Emerald. She had need of her subordinate, and the green haired girl was nowhere to be found... until Cinder turned down the corridor towards their lodgings and found her standing alone in the center of the hall.
"Emerald?" Cinder croaked out in a voice that was nothing but a husky whisper.
Emerald's head was tilted and her dead, glassed over eyes stared froward, but at the mention of her name, she mechanically turned her gaze upon Cinder.
"1... 2... Jauney's coming for you..."
A/N I got inspired to do this snippet because of another twisted idea that just wouldn't leave my head/ Listened to this the enture time I wrote...
Hope you enjoyed.
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temporary-tats · 3 months
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The sketch for a RWBY piece I'm workin' on
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weisscoldglare · 1 year
Blake " weiss I had a horrible nightmare"
Weiss " what happened?
Blake " your dad flirted with me
Weiss is horrifed " .....my poor waifu * cuddles her*
Blake "😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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I don't think she'd say waifu
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nobody-nexus · 10 months
Finally... The Meme I've Been Working On
I had too much time on my hands and too much determination for this one, folks
And for those who are it, here are the individual headshots for the characters (If you recognize them all, I salute you)
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This meme was lowkey an excuse for me to test out a new way of shading/line art but I don't care
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yukisetsura · 4 days
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Few seconds before that knife found itself in someone's eye
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strqyr · 5 months
Sorry for bothering you but. Shoves my posts into your face. Oz parallels Darkness; he begs for humanity not to be punished for his actions like how Darkness didn't want the Jabberwalker punished for his. Destruction is not the enemy of Creation, destruction begets life (decay is an extent form of life), it's change. Oz embodies change to the highest degree and values it highly. He is demonized time and time again and he thinks he destroys everything he touches. He freely offers knowledge and especially choice. (<- this is all also why I think an allusion of his is Lucifer) Not only that, but he freely offers magic as well.
I just. Gestures wildly. Oz parallels Darkness so heavily that I'm so willing to bet that once Oz and Salem actually Talk, and Salem says something she believes about him, that he'll say "Is that truly what you think of me?" Or some form to parallel The Two Brothers. If he doesn't I'll fucking eat my hat and I don't even have one
yeah, oz definitely has more parallels with darkness than he does with light. like, while the gods don't embody only one specific gift, darkness is still associated more with destruction, and that is where oz's curse comes to play: he lives, he dies, and he reincarnates into a body of a like-minded soul, and with each life he's changed.
and i think what makes it even more poignant is that. . . it didn't necessarily have to be that way? if ozma's first reincarnation is anything to go by, he could have just taken over and remained unchanged, but he learned to live with each of his hosts, living their lives as much as they lived his.
in general i find oz's relationship with each gift quite fascinating. he uses the sword to end the bloodiest war in the history of remnant, and in the aftermath brings change. he uses the staff to raise atlas, making using it again quite a hurdle, highlighting the stagnancy of creation without destruction. he established the academies, institutions of knowledge and learning, but keeps the same secret close to his chest that brought him despair when he got his answer from jinn. he offers choice and encourages others to think it through instead of taking the first answer (as much as the circumstances were awful, at the time), but it is slightly undermined by the knowledge he keeps to himself that may or may not influence the choices others make.
and so much of it is informed by his own past, his own experiences, his own fear of what might happen that at times "slows" him down, where he doesn't quite follow the gifts as they should, while also following them in a different manner.
and, idk, it somehow makes me think of V9 and balance that isn't two forces locked in never-ending battle, but an ecosystem, an organism, a living breathing thing, that will find its own equilibrium, only requiring love and patience to see things through to the end.
and it's just. oz. that's oz, in a way. yes he's made mistakes and missteps along the way, but especially now that he's with oscar, he's closer than ever to finding the true balance, me thinks—and that's why it worries me that they were both fighting against the merge because that's. that's two (or more) forces locked in a battle of balance. "thus, balance cannot be restored with force or calculations" y'all i am concerned.
. . .where was i. i feel i got off the track lmao but yeah. yeah, i honestly think the like. biggest turn of events or something, words escape me, comes from salem because there's something she doesn't know about oz. it's the same as with everyone else—including ozma himself—learning about salem's immortality, just this time it's time for salem to learn something that changes her view of oz and that's where, yeah, something akin to "is that truly what you think of me?" might come out.
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epic-arc · 1 year
White Knight/Nightmare Knight
Weiss and jaune were in the park eating ice cream, Jaune would notice that weiss's cheek was slightly dirty so he approached and licked the rest of ice cream that was on her face which would make weiss blush.
Weiss: J-Jaune why did you l-lick m-me?
Jaune: Oh it's because you had some ice cream on your face sorry.
Weiss was still blushing but hugs Jaune's arm and enjoys her time with him.
Nightmare Weiss was hanging out with Grimm Jaune. The same would notice that she had a little ice cream on her face and then he licked it but because he was a hybrid of grimm and human his tongue would be big leaving a lot of saliva on the face of weiss who was in shock and would look at him.
(N)Weiss: Why did you lick my face creature…?
(G)Jaune: You had ice cream on your face…
(N)Weiss: You could just let me know my face was dirty and not lick me!
(G)Jaune: Well look on the bright side you and ice cream taste alike~
Nightmare weiss heard that which would make her face turn completely red so she just hid her face from Grimm jaune who was laughing.
Jaune and weiss were sitting on the sofa at home watching a movie together until jaune would look at weiss and kiss her which would make her blush but linger the kiss and then they would stop.
Weiss: Hehe why did you kiss me you silly?
Jaune: W-well you were so happy and cute and i thought it was the right time hehe sorry if i did something wrong.
Weiss would blush slightly but with a calm smile on her face and kiss his cheek and go back to watching the movie.
Weiss: You didn't do anything wrong jaune hehe.
Jaune blushed with the kiss on the cheek and then hugged Weiss and continued to watch the movie hugging her.
Nightmare weiss and Grimm jaune was killing several grimm's even after they were all defeated Nightmare weiss would pull Grimm jaune in for a kiss and he would look at her confused and blushing.
(G)Jaune: Looks like someone got excited~
(N)Weiss: Ah my good boy you know how I love a good battle~
Grimm jaune blushed when nightmare weiss would call him ''good boy'' and she noticed that and got a sly smile approaching his face.
(N)Weiss: And of course you're a good boy, My good boy~
Grimm jaune heard that and his face turned red and hot and Nightmare weiss noticed it would pull him in for a kiss which made grimm have internal screams.
Jaune and weiss were in bed naked and slightly out of breath, hugging each other and jaune is kissing her forehead and running his hand through weiss' hair.
Jaune: Hehe you are amazing as always weiss~
Weiss: You were also amazing my noble knight~
Weiss would approach and put his face on Jaune's breastplate and hug him tight. Jaune would see this and pat her on the head.
Nightmare weiss and grimm jaune were naked on a ruined bed and looking at the ceiling with scratch marks and bites on the body and both were panting and flushed.
(N) Weiss: This was weird and amazing at the same time…
(G) Jaune: Yeah...
(N) Weiss: Wanna go again?
(G)Jaune: Hell yeah!
Nightmare weiss would pull jaune and the two would start doing ''it'' in a wild and violent way.
This short is inspired by asaden and warsaw which are chainsawman ships.
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etinceelle · 1 year
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Neon Lights - Nuts and Dolts comic [PART 4/7]
TW : Blood, horror and pain at the end
Some thoughts and fears are tenacious :(
(still, enjoy a bit of fluff ♥)
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rwac96 · 1 year
I can see nightmare Weiss being a tsundere
Weiss (Nightmare): *blushing* "Pr-proposterous! I-It's not like I love you or anything, imbecile!"
Jaune: *deadpan, holding very expensive flowers* "Yet you bought me these."
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